˘ ˇ - WordPress.com€¦ · 5/2/2015  · Poustinia Place, House of Prayer, ˜ ˜˙ $# 7˜...


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    The tunnel of Lent ... �

    Modern tunnels are well lit and well oxygenated. And the Lent 2017 tunnel is asking for new lighting and complete oxygenation. �

    Nietzsche, the philosopher, used to accuse Christians of being sad people, maybe because they were not wholly redeemed. We Catholics celebrate Christmas and Easter deeper with pious joy and when back on the highway of life we come upon the tunnel of Lent like a bucket of cold water that brings us back to reality: seriousness, fasting, sins, date the death ... for some, every day of the year is Lent.�

    The tunnel of Lent is neither sad nor dark nor endless. Illuminated by the powerful and victorious brightness of Passover, it is cheerful and light, it is serene and firm, it is behind the insufferable burden of guilt and curse.�

    It's baptismal time. Catechumens, adults that will receive the Sacrament of Baptism that night, have revitalized and reorient this time. They, and with them the community, vibrate like a guitar played by the Holy Spirit and, without looking back, dream of the new birth and the joy of a new life given to a new Lord.�

    Baptismal time for everyone. We are not beings threatened with death, by contrary we are saved. We must show the world that we are not an abundance of somber people and, like King Midas, everything we touch turn it into joy.�

    Ash Wednesday marks kilometer 0, the entry into the tunnel. Ash and "Remember you are dust" and have a happy trip. �

    For 40 days, cheerful and optimistic Christian, travel through the tunnel of Lent with a scent of a smile, prayer of blessing, the fasting of cursing and almsgiving all the responsibility that promotes justice. Being witnesses of the newest day, Easter. We can and we must rejoice, and be happy during Lent.�

    New times, new fasts. A day without TV, no phone, no bar, no shopping, no brawls, no tacos ...�

    A day with the Bible, with a donation of our own blood, with the effort to come to Mass, listening to silence, with an e-mail to God@Heaven.com, with a letter of thanks to the bishop, to our Pastor, to our mother, to our enemy ... �

    I strongly recommend you to see our lent schedule activities, here at the Parish ... No excuses for a good Lent.��

    Fr. Andrés Arango Pastor

    A message from our Pastor

  • Calendar of Events this Week

    Monday, February 27 Tuesday, February 28 8:00am SVdP Morning of Reflection (Church & Gordon Hall) 12:00pm Free Spirits Luncheon (Convent) 5:00pm Adoration & Benediction (Church) 6:30pm RICA Class (Gordon Hall) 7:00pm SVdP Mtg. (Convent Dinning Room)

    Wednesday, March 1 8:00am Ash Wednesday School Mass (Church) 12:00pm Ash Service distribution bilingual (Church) 5:00pm Ash Wednesday English Mass (Church) 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Spanish Mass (Church) Thursday, March 2 5:00pm First Reconciliation Ceremony (Church) 5:00pm Legion of Mary (Pastoral Center) 6:30pm Sacrament Prep. Class (Cafeteria & classrooms) 6:30pm Spanish Choir (Church) Friday, March 3 9:00am School Music Class (Church) 5:00pm Flower Girl’s Club (Dinning Room) 5:00pm Lent Soup Supper (Gordon Hall) 6:00pm Stations of the Cross (Church) 7:00pm Grupo de Oración (Church, cafeteria & GH)

    For Your Informa�on��



    If you run into any delays or have any ques�ons please









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    • Tuesday, February 28

    8:00am For the Parish

    • Wednesday, March 1 8:00am For the Parish

    • Thursday, March 2 8:00am For the Parish

    • Friday, March 3 8:00am For the Parish

    • Saturday, March 4 5:00pm † Eleanor Dullas

    • Sunday, March 5 8:00am Alice Fellenz and † Arnold B. Aguirre 10:00am † John Sullivan 12:00pm For the Parish






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    The CDA plays an important role in suppor�ng

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    Diocese. The CDA is love and faith in ac�on.��

    The impact of your gi� can reach more people

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    programs and organiza�ons across the Diocese.



    many, tomorrow. More informa�on can be

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    • Felicia A. Agbobli • Marshall Baron • Margaret Bu�erly • Alice Fellenz • Shirley Giuliano • Anne Linter • Eva Lacey • Narci Ma7inez • Sister Una Murphy • Jason Riney • Beda A. Valencia

    � Mass of Healing and Reconciliation �

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    �0� �'��-� �"-� Youth Protec�on cordially

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    healing and reconcilia�on for survivors




    1) Working Sacristy

    - 3 Windows - Flooring -Painting - Lighting - Cleaning 2) Confessional

    - Windows -Lightning - Cleaning

    Thank you for your generous donations that are making it possible.

    Morning of reflec�on





    Mindfulness, Gra�tude, &��������������




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    We have a new

    Procession Cross!

    The old one is broken, so we needed to

    buy a new one.

    It cost $500

    If this is something in which you would like to contribute with any donation, please come to the Parish office or see Fr. Andres after Mass.

    God bless your generosity!

    ������������������Mini Retreat


    Poustinia Place, House of Prayer, ����������$�#��7������8��������������������4�����%����9�����$�)���(�����4���������"����


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    Partnered with St. Gregory’s Parish

    Sunday, March 19, 2017 11A.M.-4P.M.

    Food, Raffle Prizes and a Chance to Make a Difference

    Proceeds from this event will help us support local refugee families,

    that have been sponsored by Catholic Charities.

    If you would to find out how to volunteer, buy tickets or simply see what we’re about, check us out at

    www.compassion-into-action.org �

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    Date Event Time Place

    Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday

    School Mass 8am Church

    Bilingual Service 12pm Church

    English Mass 5pm Church

    Friday, March 3 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

    Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

    Tuesday, March 7 Rosary 5:30pm Church

    Mass of Healing and Recon. (biligual) 6pm Church

    Friday, March 10 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

    Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

    Monday, March 13 Lenten Mission 6:30pm Church

    Tuesday, Mach 14 Lenten Mission 6:30pm Church

    Friday, March 17 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

    Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

    Taizé Prayer 7pm Church

    Sunday, March 19 Mexican Dinner After Mass Cafeteria

    Monday, March 20 Church Lent Cleaning Service 6pm Church

    Friday, March 24 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

    Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

    Monday, March 27 Church Lent Cleaning Service 6pm Church

    Friday, March 31 Soup Supper 5pm Gordon Hall

    Stations of the Cross 6pm Church

    Tuesday, April 4 Comunal Pennance Service 6:30pm Church

    Friday, April 7 Stations of the Cross 5pm Church

    Soup Supper (Fish Fry) 6pm Cafeteria

    Sunday, April 9 Palm Sunday 8 & 10am Church

    Thursday, April 13 Holy Thrusday 5pm Church

    Friday, April 14 Stations of the Cross 12pm Church

    Passion of the Lord 3pm Church

    Saturday, April 15 Easter Vigil (bilingual) 7pm Church

    Sunday, April 16 Easter Sunday 8 & 10am Church

    “Prayer in action is love,

    love in action is service.”

    -Mother Teresa�

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    El túnel de la Cuaresma…

    Los túneles modernos están muy iluminados y bien oxigenados. Y el túnel de la Cuaresma del 2017 pide a gritos nueva iluminación y completa oxigenación. Ya el filosofo Nietzsche acusaba a los cristianos de ser gente triste tal vez, por no estar suficientemente redimida. Los católicos celebramos con alegría más piadosa que profunda la Navidad y la Pascua y cuando en la autopista de la vida aparece el túnel de la Cuaresma es como un de agua fría que nos devuelve a la realidad: seriedad, ayunos, pecados, cita con la muerte... Para algunos, peor para ellos, todos los días del año son cuaresmales

    El túnel de la Cuaresma no es ni triste ni oscuro ni interminable. Iluminado por el foco poderoso y victorioso de la Pascua es alegre y ligero, es sereno y firme, atrás queda el fardo insufrible de la culpabilidad y la maldición. Es tiempo bautismal. Los catecúmenos, adultos que se bautizarán la noche de Pascua, han revitalizado y reorientado este tiempo. Ellos, y con ellos la comunidad, vibran como guitarras tocadas por el Espíritu y, sin mirar atrás, sueñan con el nuevo nacimiento y la alegría de una vida nueva entregada a un nuevo Señor. Tiempo bautismal para todos. No somos seres amenazados de muerte sino salvados. Debemos demostrar al mundo que no somos un montón de gente triste y que, como el rey Midas, todo lo que tocamos lo convertimos en alegría. El Miércoles de Ceniza marca el kilómetro 0, la entrada en el túnel. Ceniza y "Recuerda que eres polvo" y feliz viaje. Durante 40 días los cristianos, alegres y optimistas, viajamos por el túnel de la Cuaresma con el perfume de la sonrisa, la oración de la bendición, el ayuno de toda maldición y la limosna de la responsabilidad que fomenta justicia. Y testigos del día más joven, la Pascua, podemos y debemos reír y estar alegres también en la Cuaresma. A tiempos nuevos, ayunos nuevos. Un día sin televisión, sin teléfono, sin bar, sin compras, sin riñas, sin tacos... Un día con la Biblia, con donación de sangre, con el esfuerzo de venir a la misa en semana, con la escucha del silencio, con un email a Dios@cielo.com, con una carta de gracias a su Obispo, a su párroco, a su suegra, a su enemigo... Te recomiendo ver la lista de todo lo que te ofrece la parroquia… No hay excusas para una buena cuaresma. �

    Fr. Andrés Arango Párroco

    Mensaje de nuestro Párroco

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    Fecha Evento Hora Lugar

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    Miércoles, 1 de Marzo Miércoles de Ceniza 7pm >�������

    Viernes, 3 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall

    Víacrucis 6pm Iglesia

    Lunes, 6 de Marzo Servicio de Limpieza para la Iglesia 6pm Iglesia

    Martes, 7 de Marzo Rosario 5:30pm Iglesia

    Misa Sanación Obispo Thomas Olmstead 6pm Iglesia

    Viernes, 10 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall

    Víacrucis 6pm Iglesia

    Lunes, 13 de Marzo Servicio de Limpieza para la Iglesia 10am Iglesia

    Viernes, 17 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall

    Víacrucis 6pm Iglesia

    Oración Taizé 7pm Iglesia

    Domingo, 19 de Marzo Mexican Dinner 1pm Cafeteria

    Viernes 24 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall

    Víacrucis 6pm Iglesia

    Domingo, 26 de Marzo Evangelizadores de la Misericordia 1:15pm Iglesia

    Obra de Teatro 1:20pm Iglesia

    Viernes, 31 de Marzo Cena de Cuaresma 5pm Gordon Hall

    Víacrucis 6pm Iglesia

    Martes, 4 de Abril Confesiones Comunitarias 6:30pm Iglesia

    Viernes, 7 de Abril Víacrucis 5pm Iglesia

    Cena de Cuaresma 6pm Cafeteria

    Sabado, 8 de Abril A solas con Jesús (H) y Maria (M) 5am Gordon Hall

    Domingo, 9 de Abril Domingo de Ramos 12pm Iglesia

    Jueves, 13 de Abril Jueves Santo 7pm Iglesia

    Viernes , 14 de Abril Pasion del Señor 7pm Iglesia

    Viacrucis Viviente 8pm Iglesia

    Sabado, 15 de Abril Vigilia Pascual (bilingüe) 7pm Iglesia

    Domingo, 16 de Abril Domingo de Resurrección 12pm 2pm


    Jueves, 20 de Abril Misa de la Preciosa Sangre 7pm Iglesia

    Domingo, 23 de Abril Evangelizadoresde la Misericordia 1:15 PM Iglesia

    Doming, 30 de Abril Domingón / Dia del Niño 12pm- 4pm Canchas
