Actividad_2 Ingles



Ingles actividad 2

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El estudio del idioma ingles es muy recomendado para el crecimiento personal y profesional, este aprendizaje abrir muchas puertas en nuestra vida y permitir estar preparados a la hora de interactuar con personas que hablen el idioma.Esta actividad de reconocimiento nos permite aprender a defendernos dentro de los entornos virtuales y sus respectivas secciones con el fin de trabajar ms rpidamente y de utilizar todos los recursos que la UNAD pone a nuestra disposicin.


1. Examinar el entorno virtual para familiarizarnos con el ambiente

2. Realizar las actividades de reconocimiento, para entrar en contacto con nuestros compaeros

3. Interactuar en el foro con el Tutor y los compaeros de curso

4. Poner en prctica los avances en el idioma.

DESARROLLO DE ACTIVIDADES 1 Part :Introduce Yourself

Dear, friends

My name is I am forty year old andI was born on 1974I live in Bogotamy nationality is Colombianmy native language is spanishbut I am student from the UNADI have eleven brothersmy mather is Mariaand my father is AristobuloMy favourite color is grayMy favourite food is the pizzaI like the cat.

Update your profile in the virtual campus and send the screen

2 Part: Answer the following questions

1. Is English important in your life? Why?

Studying English is something thats going to benefit me for the rest of my life.

There is very good information that can be found only in English. Whether books, texts Internet, podcasts, or videos, in high quality, more unbiased information that is in English is higher than in any other language.

The more we study English it is easier to learn about anything.

The better English is faster and easier to learn from all the major sources of information for the media in English.

Even if I can read faster, invest time in reading or improving listening skills in English will have a greater return of investment [more time that passes, the greater reward] over time.

After all, all the sciences and businesses around the world communicate through English. so it is important to learn English to become smarter and more successful.

The English provides a connection to all the billions native speakers of English, allowing me to know any other culture in the world.

2. Is English important in your career? Why?

Yes, I think that the language is very important, beacuse in my career contains a lot of information (books, magazines, articles, etc) written in English language and understand the texts or information in this language increase the learning in any type of content.

Many programming languages and computer programs are written in English language, which is why the English is badly needed in my career are also many software development methodologies and design patterns that are fully developed in English, that why you need as a systems Engineering student to speak fluently this.

3. Do you think the syllabus of this course is going to help you to improve your English? Why?

The syllabus of the course is in the Knowledge Environment, the syllabus has the function of presenting information to the student course, this is divided into five parts:

1 General Information course

2 Training Intentions

3 Course Content

4 Learning Activities

5 Structure Course Evaluation

And Yes, I think that the syllabus of the course is very important, because this element of the course contains all required information to planning the learning. I personally use the syllabus many times and I download this document to perform a structure of study in my place (home).

4. From the syllabus of the course, which topic is familiar for you? Have you studied it previously? If so, Where?

I studied English in an academy, but I do not remember seeing any topic from the list in the units,

Maybe I practice some conversations online or hypothetical but not on the particular subject situations, I feel that I need to strengthen language much and hope to achieve at the end of this level.

5. How has your English learning experience been?

I try to learn english in a diferent moments. In a High School, in a technical courses, in a academy, but the practice the language is very poor, I think to develop my learning in this course make the most of the contents and increase the level of reading, comprehension and writing.

3 Part: Recording

Good day,

My name is Orlando Corredor,

I belong to CEAD Jose Acevedo y Gomez.

I study Systems Engineering in Bogota city.

I am very excited about the development of the course, as it has a high level of practice of the English language and is structured to strengthen the conversational area.

I think this course will help me to strengthen my English and I will increase my knowledge of the language.

How is structured the course is focused on the most suitable level being presented topics and I think with support and our tutor pus push through this course.

Thank you very much


Se practic el diseo la presentacin personal

Se aprendi a navegar en el entorno virtual

Se desarrollaron los temas de la unidad


Gua de actividad Reconocimiento UNAD Ingles IV