Actividades inglés


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Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco

Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval DíazGobernador Constitucional del Estado de Jalisco

Francisco de Jesús Ayón LópezSecretario de Educación del Estado de Jalisco

Edgar Eloy Orozco TorresDirector General de Educación Media Superior

Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Jalisco

Francisco Javier Romero MenaDirector General

Daniel Villarruel ReynosoDirector Académico

Martha Alejandra Sánchez AcuñaDirectora Administrativa

Hellen García RetamozaDirectora de Planeación y Evaluación

Marco Antonio Orozco GonzálezDirector de Extensión y Vinculación

Jaime Enrique Maldonado VélezDirector de Sistemas y Comunicación

lengua extranjera

lengua extranjera

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media6

Day 1 GreetinGs – introDuctions – classroom vocabulary

The Importance of the Greeting:

In daily life can hardly be overstated. Learning how to greet is an important part of learning how to act in a society and how to establish and maintain personal relationships.

Vocabulary knowledge is a critical contributor to reading, especially reading comprehension. A word-rich classroom environment maximizes students' opportunities to learn new words. The teacher's use of language provides an important model for children's vocabulary development. By modeling the use of sophisticated words, teachers can promote students' vocabulary grow-th and word consciousness.

Cuaderno de actividades 7

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media8

numbers 1 - 100

When learning about numbers, it's easy just to think about the number sym-bols. But numbers can be described as words as well.

1 one 21 twenty-one

2 two 22 twenty-two

3 three 23 twenty-three

4 four 24 twenty-four

5 five 25 twenty-five

6 six 26 twenty-six

7 seven 27 twenty-seven

8 eight 28 twenty-eight

9 nine 29 twenty-nine

10 ten 30 thirty

11 eleven 31 thirty-one

12 twelve 40 forty

13 thirteen 50 fifty

14 fourteen 60 sixty

15 fifteen 70 seventy

16 sixteen 80 eighty

17 seventeen 90 ninety

18 eighteen 100 a /one hundred

19 nineteen 1,000 a /one thousand

20 twenty 1,000,000 a /one million

Cuaderno de actividades 9


The 26 letters of the English alphabet make up more than 40 distinct sounds. Since there are a lot more sounds than letters, many letters have different pronunciations.

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media10

Day 2Give name & personal information

Personal information is all the recorded information about an identifiable individual that may include his or her name, address, email address, phone number, race, nationality, ethnicity, origin, color, religious or political beliefs or associations, age, sex, sexual orientation and marital status.

Suggested Activities

Ask students to find another classmate information such as name, telephone number, address, etc.

Cuaderno de actividades 11

Demonstrative aDjectivesthis, that, those, these

Demonstratives are words that show which person or thing is being referred to.

Teacher’s notes

Recognizing the connection between 'this, here' as opposed to 'that, there'

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media12

present of the verb 'to be'

The verb to be is the most irregular verb in the English language. It is nor-mally a linking verb showing existence or the condition of the subject. It can also be used as an auxiliary verb when forming the passive voice.

Cuaderno de actividades 13

basic Descriptive aDjectives

Adjectives are words that function to describe nouns. Specifically, adjectives describe the action, state, or quality that nouns refer to.

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media14

Day 3basic prepositions use

A preposition is a word which shows relationships among other words in the sentence. The relationships include direction, place, time, cause, manner and amount.

Cuaderno de actividades 15

there is, there are

There is / There are is a common phrase in English, used to indicate that so-mething "exists" or is in a certain location. The main subject follows the verb when there is / are is used.

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media16

some, any, much, many

Question WorDs

Some, any, a little, a few, much, many are used to express quantity, to say or ask if you have a quantity of something or not.

Question words are used to ask about specific qualities, times, places, people, etc.

Teacher’s notes

Practice with students the use of 'wh-' question words as well as 'how much' and 'how many'.

Cuaderno de actividades 17

Day 4aDverbs of freQuency

Adverbs of frequency change or qualify the meaning of a sentence by telling us how often or how frequently something happens.

An adverb of frequency is an adverb of time, they describe how often some-thing occurs, either in definite or indefinite terms.

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media18

subject pronouns

The subject of a sentence is a person or thing that performs the action of the verb. Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject (person or thing) of a verb.

Subject Pronoun Singular or Plural - Who? Masculine or Feminine

I Singular - first person masculine or feminine

You Singular - second person masculine or feminine

He Singular - third person only masculine

She Singular - third person only feminine

It Singular - third person object / thing / animal

We Plural - first person masculine or feminine

You Plural - second person masculine or feminine

They Plural - third person masculine or feminine object / thing / animal

Cuaderno de actividades 19

possessive aDjectives

Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of rela-tionship than ownership.

Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective

I My

You Your

He His

She Her

It Its

We Our

You Your

They Their

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media20

a, an, the


A, An and The are articles in English. A and An are indefinite articles and are used when referring to something the first time. The is the definite article and is used to refer to specific objects.

The most important thing that a person can do when trying to choose a ca-reer is to pick one that is right for them. That means it needs to fit well with the person’s interests, aptitudes, work-related values, and personality type.

Cuaderno de actividades 21

Day 5tellinG the time

Telling time can be tricky for some students so it is important that they have a very strong grasp on numbers before trying to proceed with this lesson.

Curso propedéutico de ingreso a la educación media22

time expressions

everyDay objects

present simple

Time expressions are used to indicate the time at / during which an action took place. Time expressions are extremely important when deciding which tense to use in a sentence. There are many words and expressions to refer to time. You can use them to sequence events and to make stories and anecdo-tes more interesting.

Vocabulary learning is a productive, incremental and continuous process that requires meaningful recurring encounters with a word over a long period of time.

Use the Present Simple to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or some-thing that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.
