Alteraciones Del Reborde Pupilar



las alteraciones del reborde pupilar y su significado inmunologico

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ALTERACIONES DEL REBORDE PUPILARComo ya hemos visto anteriormente; el reborde pupilar es una formación que se corresponde con la capa de la retina ciega, que llega al borde del iris y lo recubre moderadamente por su extremo interior, haciendo una protuberancia sobre la luz de la pupila.

Para valorar el reborde pupilar nos fijaremos en el COLOR.

Coloración ROJIZAEsta coloración frecuentemente se observa en los iris de color azul e indica hipertonía vegetativa. Es un signo característico de la tipología neurógena y se conoce con el nombre de ANILLO DE NEURASTENIA. Este anillo suele expresar un exceso de tono vagal ( X par craneal, nervio vago), presentándose en personas usualmente hipocondríacas y temerosas de padecer enfermedades, pero que en razón de su exceso de tono vegetativo se autoprovocan inconscientemente dolores de tipo espástico o síntomas similares.

El anillo de neurastenia suele acompañarse con hipertonía del anillo de estómago y de la corona nerviosa.

Coloración NEGRUZCAIndica un estado de hipotonía, esencialmente parasimpática (vagal). Este signo sería contrario al anillo de neurastenia.

Anillo de AZUCAREste signo no lo valoraremos por el color, pero he considerado que se vea en este apartado, ya que se trata de un signo importante que afecta al reborde pupilar. Este reborde, se caracteriza por presentar una forma granular, recordando a los granos de azúcar. La imagen sería la de la copa de cóctel a la cual se le pone azúcar en su reborde, siendo éste el reborde pupilar. Este signo puede indicar un problema metabólico de la glucosa, que se tendrá que comprobar con los análisis correspondientes.

DESPLAZAMIENTOS Y DEFORMACIONES PUPILARESLa pupila tiene que estar centrada, aunque esté de forma natural ligeramente desplazada hacia la parte nasal superior.

Cuando hay un desplazamiento de la pupila, se presentará una tensión de los órganos situados al lado hacia donde la pupila se ha desplazado; mientras que en el lado opuesto se presentarán dilataciones o debilidades. En la zona contraída aparecerán anillos y en la zona dilatada lagunas.Desplazamientos nasotemporales

Son desplazamientos horizontales e indicarán afecciones respiratorias, pulmonares y cardíacas.

Desplazamientos superoinferioresSon desplazamientos verticales e indicarán alteraciones genitourinarias y del sistema nervioso. Por ejemplo; el desplazamiento inferior causará debilidad del sistema nervioso y contracción en el aparato genitourinario.

Desplazamientos en diagonal

-Nasal inferior. Este desplazamiento indicará alteraciones hepáticas y de la columna vertebral.

-Temporal inferior. Indicará alteraciones de columna y bazo.

-Nasal superior o temporal superior. Indicará alteraciones de los sentidos y el cuello.

Desplazamientos pupilaresLas deformaciones las asociaremos a desequilibrios nerviosos.Las fibras que forman parte del reborde pupilar se distienden, provocando una deformación.

OvalizacionesEste signo suele afectar a los dos iris e indicará alteraciones más generales. Son alteraciones graves, relacionadas con parálisis, insuficiencia cerebral, neurosis, estados de ansiedad, alteraciones circulatorias, hemiplejías y/o congestión cardiaca.

Usando la regla básica; diremos que el eje más corto está sometido a una mayor presión, por lo tanto habrá contracción en esta zona, mientras que en el eje más largo habrá debilidad. Poniendo por ejemplo una ovalización vertical (primer dibujo del cuadro), la parte superior y inferior del iris, están contraídas (eje corto), mientras que la parte derecha e izquierda están dilatadas (eje largo).

AplanamientosEste signo hará referencia a alteraciones más localizadas. Se clasifican en aplanamiento nasal, temporal, superior e inferior, los cuales serán interpretados como los desplazamientos comentados en el apartado anterior.El aplanamiento indica debilidad de la zona donde se encuentra.

Tipos de desplazamientos

-Superior. Indicará tendencias depresivas y estados psicóticos.

-Inferior. Indicará circulación deficiente en piernas o insuficiencia renal.

-Nasal o temporal. Indicará trastornos respiratorios crónicos y problemas cardíacos e incluso problemas de la columna.

En diagonal. Indicará alteraciones hepáticas, escoliosis, alteraciones esplénicas (bazo).

Más de un aplanamientoEste signo es muy importante y se relaciona con alteraciones nerviosas psíquicas severas o incluso paranoia.

Constitución tetánica en   Iridología

Se observan anillos circulares completos o parciales extendidos por todo el iris.

También son llamados anillos nerviosos, surcos de contracción, anillos de la sensibilidad, etc. Estos anillos se forman debido a una tensión excesiva prolongada en el organismo que se refleja en las fibras del iris.

Se pueden observar en iris de cualquier color.

Predisposiciones patológicas de la constitución tetánica

Tensión neuro-muscular sobre todo de etiología psicosomática. Estos individuos a menudo crean mucho estrés en sus vidas, son víctimas de su estrés. Comportamiento a menudo muy diversificado, ambicioso. Suceden muchas cosas a su alrededor al mismo tiempo y esta tensión es por lo general de origen psicosomático.

Debido al estado de tensión son personas que necesitan mucho apoyo y consuelo. Deben tomar medidas en áreas específicas de su vida para que puedan dejarse llevar y relajarse.

A menudo se sienten atraídos hacia el uso de estimulantes sintéticos con el fin de compensar la disminución de sus energías naturales. Esto enmascara los síntomas de la necesidad de descanso. Este comportamiento los debilita todavía más.

Los signos pueden incluir depresión, cambios de humor, llanto, histeria, otras expresiones emocionales.

Trastornos gastrointestinales, como úlceras, colitis, nervios en el estómago, espasmos intestinales. Otras condiciones típicas de esta constitución son: colitis, taquicardia, angina de pecho, trastornos

circulatorios, la subluxación vertebral, trastornos de la articulación mandibular, trastorno del metabolismo de azúcar en sangre.

Posibles dolores de cabeza, estrés cardiaco, hipertiroidismo, tensión muscular. La interrupción de estos anillos nerviosos en el iris sugiere que el área donde se cortan haya dolores

y pueden aparecer por ejemplo en el útero, vejiga, etc. lo que indica una posible perturbación en el equilibrio del calcio. Si los anillos son profundos señalan a deficiencia de potasio. Los anillos de poca profundidad pueden indican deficiencia de magnesio.

Recomendaciones de medicina natural para la constitución tetánica

Eliminar todos los estimulantes artificiales como el azúcar. Descanso adecuado y relajación de 20 minutos de descanso diario. Tener un patrón de sueño

regular es muy importante para estas personas. El ejercicio es vital. Terapias anti-estrés, meditación. La terapia de masaje, esencias florales y acupuntura son muy adecuadas para esta constitución. Tienen que aprender a decir “NO”.

Predisposición emocional

Mente activa con muchos pensamientos, habilidades de organización, exigente y rápido para evaluar. Muy motivado; tendencia a hacer más. Puede equilibrar diversos factores de estrés.

Constitución poliglandular – hormonal en   Iridología

Lagunas múltiples, de forma elíptica que rodea y toca el collarete o banda del sistema nervioso autónomo. Las lagunas aparecen con diversos tamaños.

Lagunas en forma de margarita alrededor de la banda del sistema nervioso autónomo. Se pueden apreciar las fibras más apretadas debajo, en el fondo de las lagunas. Las lagunas pueden ser abiertas o cerradas, grandes o pequeñas.

Predisposiciones patológicas de la constitución poliglandular – hormonal

Lagunas más pequeñas: predisposición a la disfunción hormonal. Lagunas más grandes: predisposición a la degeneración orgánica. Insuficiencia generalizada de las funciones de las glándulas endocrinas  ya que se relacionan entre

sí como un sistema integrado. Debilidad en el sistema glandular, tiroides, principalmente, las glándulas suprarrenales, la hipófisis

y el páncreas. Disminución de la función glandular, hormonal o endocrino. Debilidad en el revestimiento endodérmico del sistema gastrointestinal que causa problemas con las

secreciones glandulares e irregularidad de los intestinos. Posibles deficiencias en el corazón, hígado, riñones.

Cuanto más grande es la laguna más grande es la degeneración orgánica y congénitas de las glándulas.

Las lagunas más pequeñas son evidencia de trastornos funcionales de las glándulas. Variaciones de azúcar en la sangre y desequilibrio de minerales, principalmente debido a

desequilibrios de la tiroides y paratiroides. En las mujeres puede haber irregularidades en la menstruación y, a menudo, problemas de

menopausia prematura o de fertilidad. En los hombres puede haber problemas de próstata y trastornos de la glándula suprarrenal. Alteraciones en el metabolismo basal. En relación con el sistema nervioso central, retención de líquidos, fluctuación de la presión arterial,

fluctuaciones en el peso corporal, baja motivación con necesidad de dormir más. Cuando el desarrollo del sistema endocrino es pobre en los niños, se puede presentar adiposidad y

se puede desarrollar retraso y estrés en menores relacionados con el asma. Los trastornos y las patologías pueden aparecer después de los 50 años de edad debido a la

debilidad genética.

Recomendaciones de medicina natural para la constitución poliglandular– hormonal

Reduzca los alimentos pesados. No coma tarde en la noche. Siempre es bueno seguir una correcta combinación de los alimentos. Los ayunos no son recomendables. Mantenga el equilibrio del azúcar en la sangre por el consumo de hidratos de carbono complejos y

proteínas. Para mantener un correcto nivel de azúcar en la sangre, incluso durante el día, se recomienda comer

cinco comidas pequeñas al día y un desayuno rico en proteínas.

Predisposición emocional:

Son personas emocionalmente cambiantes, personas sociales, espontáneas, con un entusiasmo por la vida que se puede agotar por no tener descanso suficiente. Necesitan  una buena cantidad de tiempo para su recuperación ya que necesitan reponer sus energías.Amplia gama en el estado de ánimo que lleva al agotamiento: dolor, miedo, ira, dolor, entusiasmo y comportamiento inconsciente.

Constitución reumática en   Iridología

Se observan tofos linfáticos que se sitúan cerca de la frontera ciliar (zona cutánea) y que están conectados por mechones de placa de ácido úrico desde los tofos a la zona del collarete o banda del sistema nervioso autónomo.

Predisposiciones patológicas de la constitución reumática

Tendencia reumática grave con aumento del metabolismo de los ácidos, drenaje linfático insuficiente, la desintoxicación y la excreción renal es baja, inflamación aguda en todo el sistema del tejido conectivo.

Predisposición emocional

Aumento de la rigidez mental y emocional, tendencia subconsciente a ser auto-destructivo, sentimientos de ser indigno.

Constitución de ácido úrico en   Iridología

Se observan placas o manchas de color blanco grisáceo, marrón o gris que están intercaladas en torno a la zona media del iris. Se aprecian bien en los ojos azules y azul-grisáceos.

La banda del sistema nervioso autónomo está engrosada, de color blanco y se pueden apreciar en la zona linfática los típicos tofos o manchitas blancas, pero con una particularidad, no están tan bien definidos como en la constitución hidrogenoide, sino que a veces parecen manchas difusas.

El borde ciliar (zona externa o zona de la piel) puede ser más oscuro debido a la falta de fibras en esta área (borde de costra).

Predisposiciones patológicas de la constitución de ácido úrico

Enfermedades reumáticas o artríticas. La gota o la artritis gotosa. Altos niveles de ácido úrico, tendencia a reabsorber y retener cantidades excesivas de ácido úrico. La debilidad estructural inherente hace que haya una incapacidad para tolerar el ácido úrico, y que por lo

tanto se acumule, produciendo inflamación de los riñones que, a su vez puede conducir a posibles patologías.

Enfermedades de la piel como el eccema y la psoriasis, ya que los ácidos acumulados tratan de eliminarse por la piel en compensación.

Recomendaciones de medicina natural para la constitución de ácido úrico

Evitar las proteínas animales. También las carnes rojas, el café, alcohol, chocolate y sal. Tomar zumos con alto contenido en sodio orgánico, tales como el zumo de apio y perejil, es de gran ayuda

para mantener el mineral inorgánico y estar libre de la acumulación de ácidos. Evitar los productos lácteos y los productos elaborados a base de harina refinada. Beber mucha agua pura.

Predisposición emocional

Las personas con esta constitución tienen la sensación de tener un propósito especial o misión en la vida. Búsqueda constante de esa misión en la vida. Los planes están nublados. No tienen claro cómo lograr los objetivos y metas. Tienen miedo al fracaso. Pueden llegar a ser indecisos y estancarse. A través del trabajo diligente pueden manifestar sus sueños y vivir el propósito especial de su propia vida.

Este tipo de iris manifiesta niveles más profundos de toxicidad linfática y de congestión debido a los niveles extremos de toxicidad a nivel mental y emocional. Esto les provoca una mayor experiencia del dolor mental y emocional; tendencia a actitudes fijas. Sienten que el mundo es un lugar duro.

Si consigue liberarse de la carga tóxica del pasado, y una vez que la resistencia es superada por la purificación y la voluntad, al empezar a quemar la toxicidad acumulada, estas personas pueden empezar a trabajar por el conocimiento de sí mismos y experimentar la vida sin el peso pesado de cargas. Si no lo logran, sus patrones les mantendrán presos en la limitación.

Rings in the   Iris

Here are several features of the Iris which Rayid refers to as ‘rings’ – these usually appear as arcs or circles of visible variations in the Iris structure. They are usually easy to see and unambiguous to identify. Each signifies distinct and influential characteristics in the individual’s life, behaviour and perception.

The Ring of HarmonyCharacterised by a partial ring of soft, cloudy white or yellow(ish) dots or clusters around the periphery of the Iris. The dots may be few in number or may form a complete ring. Their presence indicates an individual with high ideals relating to people and the environment, an ability to influence (and be influenced by) others.

The Ring of PurposeTypically a complete , continuous blue or dark rim in the iris – as if the structure of the iris doesn’t quite extend to it’s perimeter.This band indicates an individual with a sense of specialness, a mission in life, although when called on to identify the nature of the mission they often acquire a glazed look and find difficulty vocalising details.

The Ring of Freedom

This looks like concentric, often broken, lighter lines in the iris. Almost like ripples in the underlying fabric of the iris itself.These individuals tend to be achievement-oriented – life is for producing results . In extreme cases they can develop a restless anxiety if they feel they are under-achieving – and who can say what lofty standards they use to measure their performance.

The Ring of Determination

Easily identified by a developing opaque white band around the periphery of the iris.These individuals will display an unshakeable certainty about their views, beliefs and themselves – the more complete the ring of whiteness, the more certain they are.

What they mean:

The Ring of HarmonyThese individuals harbour a deep-seated sense of harmony which motivates much of their thought and activity. They dislike disorder, frequently denying themselves and expecting much of others they can be prone to cynicism when disappointed. Often gifted with heightened sensitivity which is two-way, they and their environment share an intimate relationship.

They can have a deep (almost unconscious) desire to experience the world as one big happy family, and anything less causes them discomfort or distress.

They often have a loving disposition, but are quick to point out negativity. They have a tendency to hold on to other people’s emotional problems. (note: they need to release this as holding on to other people’s garbage indirectly creates a mental pattern for the body to hold on to its own garbage) .

Other people tend to see them as servants, and they are prone to being beleaguered with an amazing array of personal favors, wants, needs and desires from others.

They need to realize that something less than their highest expectations still has some value for the planet.

he Ring of PurposeA common attitude is a feeling of multiplicity of choices or a deep sense of specialness. There is a feeling of being sent to do something special and having so many choices, they don’t know what to do. Therefore, it is often difficult staying with one committment for a long period of time.

Physically these individuals often experience cold hands/feet or dry skin as the energy is weak in the peripheral areas (just as demonstrated in the iris.

The challenges of this ring are best overcome by finding your purpose and connecting with its expression in world around you.

The Ring of FreedomOriginally named ‘The Ring of Accomplishment’, this pattern is also known as nerve rings in classical Iridology. The greater the number of rings, generally, the more intense the feeling of restlessness in the individual.

Individuals often experience a feeling of being ‘driven': as if they must be doing more. This intense energy needs to be released or transformed by

expression. Exercise, creative pursuits and past-times can all ‘take the heat off’ and afford an experience of ease and rest.

These rings typically indicate stress – anxiety, irritability, vivid dream states, difficulty in relaxing, and waking up tired are all commonly-reported symptoms.

Freedom Rings indicate excessive reactions to sensory stimulation, usually based on some unconscious fear. The fear avoidance mechanism produces hyper-verbal or hyper-active behavior.

People with Accomplishment Rings need to learn hype to be still. (note: easier said than done we know but the results we assure you are well worth the effort.)

Rings in the Iris

The Ring of DeterminationThese people often appear inflexible and intractable, their perception of the world seems based hype on their own internal attitudes rather than observation.

They often assume a rigid attitude or position and can stand with it judgementally.

This can sound somewhat negative however the Ring of Determination also manifests with these positive characteristics: determination, devotion, self-realization and self-sufficiency.

Brain Hemisphere Utilisation reflected in the   eyes My view of Hemispheric Dominance in the human brain

The human brain is divided into two main sections – called ‘hemispheres’. These ‘contain’ complementary abilities – broadly referred to as “left-brain” and “right-brain”.

The way you use the abilities of these hemispheres determine much of your personality and behaviour. The most significant determinant is which hemisphere you prefer to use in responding to sensory input and external stimuli.

We’ll call this preference ‘dominance’ – someone who predominantly reacts to life using their left hemisphere abilities we’ll call ‘left-brain dominant’. This doesn’t mean that the right-brain is atrophied or disabled in any way – merely that the left hemisphere is that person’s preferred response hemisphere.

This dominance can (and does) change from time to time throughout an individual’s life – typically the pattern is determined in childhood. Your eyes, and other body signs, indicate the pattern of switching hemispheres. As an example you may observe that some people fold their arms in different ways – left over right or vice versa. Trying to change the way you fold your arms will quickly demonstrate how comfortable you are with the way you have learnt to do it and an other way feels strange.

What does this demonstrate? It is an indication of your pattern of hemispheric dominance at the time when you learnt to fold your arms. For most of us, this occurred at an age between 2 and 3. The feeling of strangeness when we try to change the pattern demonstrates how comfortable we have become with the choice we made way back then and how infrequently we have ever challenged that choice.

It is important to understand that your brain dominance is a flexible and changeable asset. Although the predominant hemisphere preference changes slowly, taking roughly 9 months to complete a switch from one side to the other, you are able to switch sides with ease in a fraction of a second.

The ability to ‘switch’ hemispheres (to call upon the skills and talents of your appropriate hemisphere at the appropriate moment) is a mark of balance or wholeness in the individual – logical responses are the province of the left hemisphere, creativity and intuition are regarded as right hemisphere skills. Survival of the self is a concern of the left hemisphere, survival of others (a child, loved one or the group for instance) is a matter for the right hemisphere.

As you look in pairs of eyes, you will notice that people’s left and right eyes are rarely the same – it is this difference that reflects differences in the way they use their hemispheres.

You are constructed in a cross-linked fashion – your left eye is connected to your right brain hemisphere and vice-versa. This means that the left eye indicates your right-hemisphere activity and your right-eye indicates your left-brain activity.

You can generally estimate how strongly people use their hemispheres by the “strength of their gaze” when they look into your eyes. Please note that some cultures regard looking directly into an individual’s eyes as a confronting and aggressive act, so please make sure you are welcome before peering through the windows of another’s soul.

Right Brain Dominance in the Eyes

A right-brain dominant Jewel structure

notice there are more/larger/stronger brown dots (jewels) in the left iris indicating more activity in the right hemisphere.

A right-brain dominant Flower structure

notice there are more/larger/stronger fibre petals (flowers) in the left iris indicating more activity in the right hemisphere.

Left Brain Dominance in the Eyes

A left-brain dominant Jewel structure

notice there are more/larger/stronger jewels in the right iris indicating more activity in the left hemisphere.

A left-brain dominant Flower structure

notice there are more/larger/stronger flowers in the right iris indicating more activity in the left hemisphere.

These structural indications are present at birth – although it may take several years for jewels to become visible. As the individual’s life progresses there will be changes in the dominance of the moment – just as we need to use both legs to walk effectively, we need to use both hemispheres to respond to life in a balanced fashion.

So life will lead us from one hemisphere to the other (& back) as we learn to stride forward along our life’s path using our brain.

Brain Dominance Characteristics

Area Right Brain Dominant Left Brain Dominant


A tendency to ‘space out’, use spirituality to avoid responsibility, make others responsible for challenges and problems – blames others.

A tendency to devalue creativity and spirituality. Over-dependence on Logic, feel responsible for others discomforts – blames self.


challengesfor the individual

Being organised, clear thinking – rational decision making, relationships with males (esp Father /figures), Providing materially

Delegation, cleaning out – ‘letting go’ , intuitive leaps and ‘gut’-feelings, relationships with females, receiving or being provided for.

LikesSocialising, colour, expression, future-oriented

Control, uniformity, past-oriented, ‘knowing’, solitude


Feeling abandoned, controlled, betrayed – by others (mostly men), feeling incapable, ‘wrong’

Feeling smothered, fussed-over, untrusted – by others (mostly females), feeling inadequate, unworthy


MORE: control, clarity, focus, direction, responsibilityLESS: expression, nurturing, social activity

MORE: spontaneity, dance, expression, nurturing, social activityLESS: control, clarity, focus, direction, responsibility, analysis

Balancing DietProtein, cooked food, vegetables

Fasting, fruits & juices, raw food

GiftsInspiration, amiability, caring and sharing

Organisation, leadership, achievement

Life Lessons Be more responsible, finish the job, meet your committments,

Let go, delegate, relax, trust

trust yourself others

Familial preference

Mothers and sisters (females) Father and brothers (males)

Non-iris-based Tests for Hemispheric Dominance

There are ways in which you can assess your own brain dominance at present. These indications are subject to many complicating factors and are by no means 100% reliable . However they can give you an indication which some may find helpful.

The leg you prefer to kick with, the hand you write with , all “handedness” indicators, are useful for indicating hemispheric orientation in very early childhood – some say as early as birth – but are, IMHO, of little value in identifying your situation in the present moment.

” Which of your thumbs has the more directed (higher and narrower) moon? ”     Generally this thumb is an indication of the non-dominant hemisphere (higher moon in left thumb = right hemisphere dominant; higher moon in right thumb = left hemisphere dominant). You might prefer to regard it as the “pointier” moon indicates the dominant hemisphere. This indicator does take some time to reflect a shift in dominance.

” Which leg do you prefer to stand on? ” If it is your right leg, then you are probably left brain dominant, conversely a lef

t leg preference suggests a right brain hemispheric preference. Of course if you attempt this test with a stone in one shoe or an injury in one leg the results are far more likely to be determined by the stone or injury than the brain’s current dominance.

Ways of manipulating Hemipherie Dominance

There are moments in life when it is advantageous to be able to access a particular hemisphere – for example when it is time to do the tax return, the left brain will look after your interests better than the right hemisphere; when it is time to redecorate the house, the right brain will more likely do better.

Rather than force the issue with a stressful internal struggle, you can help matters by first of all stimulating the appropriate hemisphere so that it is more likely to respond when you undertake the task.

Perhaps the easiest way is to stand on one leg: to stimulate left brain activity, stand on your right leg; to stimulate right brain activity, stand on your left leg. One minute is usually enough to create a change – you can try it now: first, decide which leg you prefer to stand on naturally, then stand on the other for a minute and see if you “feel” any different. A good way of measuring any change is to review your attitude towards your mother or father: if you move towards the left hemisphere you would likely experience a softening or warming of attitude towards your father. Similarly movement towards the right hemisphere typically is accompanied by a softening or warming of feelings towards your mother.

These methods may seem superficial or simplistic , however, if you choose to use them repeatedly, you will eventually teach yourself to recognise the sensations of left and right brain hemispheric activity. Once you have become aware of the feeling of an active right hemisphere and a quiescent left hemisphere (or vice versa), you will be in a position to shift your hemispheric dominance through your own conscious volition simply by doing whatever you find work for you in order to recreate those same sensations.

Naturally there are many other techniques you can use to promote a particulate hemisphere’s activity. Engaging positively in anything that harmonises with the right brain functions will naturally increase your right hemisphere activity. Stridently engaging negatively in anything that harmonises with the left brain functions will also tend to increase right hemisphere activity. You can look at the above list of brain dominance characteristics for guidance.

For instance focusing with feelings of love on females in your close social circle will draw your brain activity effortlessly into your right hemisphere. Focusing positively on your own self and your self-worth and value to yourself will stimulate activity in your left hemisphere.

The Goal: Balance and Harmony

Ultimately, I believe, the goal of us all, with respect to hemispheric dominance and activity, is to achieve a state where we feel balanced and equally at home in either hemisphere. And the skill to move into, or utilise the particular gifts of, either hemisphere at will and at appropriate times. This is very similar to the way it a young child learns to walk.

In order to walk there are many skills that must be acquired and coordinated: principally the ability to balance on either leg and transfer the body weight between them without falling in a heap. So it is with brain usage, firstly we must learn to use our brain without wobbling or collapsing, then we must learn to use each hemisphere, then we must learn to use both hemispheres in a co-coordinated and constructive fashion. Having done that we have empowered ourselves to use our brain to get somewhere in life, just as the child, having acquired the skill of walking, has empowered herself to get somewhere in the physical world.

Given that your brain is the most powerful organ in your body, and thought (which I am equating, possibly controversially, with hemispheric activity) is the most powerful tool for creating your life experience, it makes eminent sense, too me at least, to learn to use the tool effectively before attempting to create a masterwork with it.

The best activity known to man to promote hemispheric balance is walking, left leg, right leg, left leg and so on. What happens in your head is right brain, left brain, right brain and so on. I believe this is why walking is such a health- and peace-producing activity and is of such benefit to people whose minds are becoming overly stressed. And if your in a position where you can’t walk with your legs, you can achieve similar results with your hands simply by drumming on whatever is handy.

If you usually sleep in bed with the same person:” Which side does your partner lie on (when you are lying on your back)? ” Your dominant hemispheres will tend to lie next each other when you are on your back. If you lie on the right side (facing up) it suggests left brain dominance and vice versa.

” Do you ask a lot of questions? Do you tend to reveal all when questioned? ” Left brain dominant people are more questioning, right brain dominants are more answering. A typical scenario runs like this:Right brain dominant: Why do you left brain people always answer a question with a question?Left brain dominant: Why shouldn’t we?

Any physical stimulus of the left hand side of the body is going to increase activity in your right brain hemisphere so a firm pinch on the left leg will encourage a larger right-brain contribution to the activity at hand. Similarly twisting a finger on the right hand is likely to produce an increase in the left hemisphere’s involvement in what is going on. Note that if the stimulus becomes too painful to bear, the brain will tend to move away from the source and will produce the opposite movement of a gentler, bearable stimulus.

The structure of the Iris – Rayid   model The iris (the coloured circle in the middle of the eyeball) can be interpreted as a roadmap of your life. The Rayid model is a means of interpreting the symbols on the map to better understand the interactions which make up events and circumstances we experience in life. Especially powerful are pointers and guidelines to what we can do to take the sting out of life’s trials and tribulations.

The first step is to decide on the structure of the irises in question. You can choose from four basic structures – Rayid refers to these as Stream, Flower and Shaker iris structures.

These structures are presented below … Please be aware that most irises are a combination of types . However, as we’re just starting out, it will be easier if you are content with identifying the most prominent characteristics and using these to determine the structure.

What constitutes a Stream iris structure

The structure of the Iris is determined by the arrangement of the white fibers radiating from the center of the iris (or pupil). In this image you can notice they are uniform and reasonably direct or parallel.

All irises contain these fibers although in some irises (typically very dark irises) they can be a challenge to discern (in truth – in very dark irises we find it a challenge to discern anything !

The regular arrangement of these fibers is the key to the Stream Iris structure.

This image illustrates the stream iris fiber arrangement.The fibers are roughly parallel, evenly arranged and vary only in density (closeness to each other) and intensity (brightness). View more stream irisesThis is the most challenging of the four iris types to identify and I encourage you to look at the other Flower, Jewel andShaker structures. You can also go directly to the Stream interpretation.

What constitutes a Flower iris structure

In a Flower Iris the fibers radiating from the center are distorted (in one or more places) to produce the effect of petals (hence the name Flower).

In this image you can notice they are neither regular or uniform.

A flower iris may have only one significant petal with the remainder of the iris looking like a stream.

The irregular arrangement of these fibers is the key to the Flower Iris structure.

This image illustrates the flower iris fiber arrangement.The fibers form rounded openings in the iris – these vary in size, density and intensity and are likely to be more apparent in the left eye..This is usually much easier to identify than a stream iris – but remember if an iris is 90% stream and 10% flower it is best interpreted as a flower at this stage.You can view more flower irises, move to the Flower interpretationor you can have a look at the other structures Stream, Jewel and Shaker descriptions.

What constitutes a Jewel iris structure

The jewel iris can be recognised by the presence of pigmentation or coloured dots on top of the fibers.

These dots (or jewels) can vary in colour from light orange through black.

They can also vary in size from tiny (invisible to the naked eye) to quite large.

The presence of these dots is the key to the Jewel Iris structure.

This image illustrates the Jewel iris fiber and pigmentation arrangement.The pigmentation is superimposed above the fibersThis is usually much easier to identify than a stream iris – but bear in mind that if an iris looks to be 90% stream and 10% jewel you would best treat it as a jewel at this stage.You can view more jewel irises, move to the interpretation of the Jewel structure or look at the Stream, Flower andShaker structure descriptions.

What constitutes a Shaker iris structure

The Shaker Iris is identified by the presence of both flower-like petals in the fiber arrangement and pigmented dots or jewels.

The presence of even one jewel in an otherwise Flower iris is sufficient to cause the occupant to exhibit Shaker characteristics.

The distribution and density of flowers and jewels can vary substantially between the two eyes.

The presence of both Flower and Jewel characteristics is the key to the Shaker Iris structure.

This image illustrates the Shaker iris fiber arrangement.The fibers form rounded openings in the iris -just as in the flower iris.The fibers are overlaid by pigmented dots or jewels as in the jewel iris.You can view more shaker irises, move to the Shaker interpretation or look at the Stream, Flower and Jewel structure descriptions.

The Iris Structure Interpretations

Streams Interpretatios

Stream irises indicate a kinesthetic individual – a key phrase is “in touch” since these individuals tend to interpret life’s experiences through their physical being or their physical senses.

Streams tend to be intuitive, grounded and stable people – they communcate through touch (often feeling more comfortable communicating once a physical

(touch) connection is established). Streams will find it easier to understand what you mean if you put a hand on their arm or shoulder.

A remarkable sense of connectedness produces talents in mediation (streams are ‘in touch’ with both sides of a difference). Their stability and groundedness are also real assets in resolving disputes.

Streams are blessed with accurate intuition and usually know that when they follow their feelings all goes well but when their emotions or mind occupies the driver’s seat – all does not go well.

Major challenges for the stream personality are change and taking risks (mental or emotional more so than physical). Again – it is the stream’s profound sense of stability which regards new or different courses of action as threatening or unappealing.

Flower interpretation

Flower irises indicate an emotional personality. Flowers are social individuals who are exciting (for others) to be around. Highly reactive and changeable – flowers are passionate, enthusiastic and generally fun to be with.

Flowers express themselves visually – their appearance is of paramount concern and they communicate with large, open gestures and emotions. Conversely they take things in through their ears – learning best by listening. Many flowers find reading books a difficult means of study until they read aloud – thus activating their ‘primary intake mode’.

Flowers are emotionally reactive – easily becoming angry and blaming someone else – many flowers might be near to speechless if they were deprived of the word “you” !

The main challenge for the flower personality is self-control, learning to trust themselves and to accept responsibility for their lives and actions. Should a flower start to blame themselves then depression and despair follow swiftly. Highly averse to being controlled flowers also fear abandonment or separation.

Flowers strengths are openness, ease of communication and spontaneity – they represent the joyous component of the human iris family.

Jewel interpretation

Jewels in the iris are indicative of a mental type. They are typically analytical thinkers expressing themselves through speech. Slow to acknowledge feelings, jewels prefer to rely on accumulating and classifying data to arrive at the ‘correct’ decision.

For a jewel, “I think therefore I am” is better put as “I am therefore I think” . To an outsider, they may appear indecisive – it is more accurate to say that they are still waiting for the final data to present itself before committing themselves. Once they do, however – there is rarely any reversal without upheaval – to a jewel, changing a decision is akin to destroying their belief structure !

Usually gifted with detailed observation skills and clarity, jewels make good leaders however their major challenges include learning to trust others and allowing (going with the flow). There is also an issue of control – many jewels can feel insecure and very uncomfortable when they are not in control of their immediate environment.

Shaker interpretation

Shakers combine the extremes of flower and jewel characteristics to produce the fourth personality type – the extremist. Highly motivated, radical, dynamic individuals, they exhibit great persistence and are continually chasing a better way of doing things.

Possibly the most challenging type to be around, shakers represent society’s conscience – trifle with their ideals at your own risk ! Pioneers and innovators they are rarely content with the status quo – for more that 5 minutes at a time anyway!

Motion oriented – shakers may appear impatient and are often dissatisfied with waiting for others. People are often attracted by their energy and zest, however they are challenging to keep up with and find it challenging to stay with a project once it’s underway and has lost it’s ‘new’ feel.

Shakers are sensitive to being controlled or organised – they are usually keenly aware of a better way of doing things – their experiences as employees are typically difficult and testing for both themselves and their supervisors.

The great challenge for most shakers is stillness – the ability to sit and simply ‘be’ – and yet, if this ability is not developed, they are prone to self-destruct through exhaustion and neglecting their bodily requirements (rest, nutrition, exercise etc).

Drug and Chemical Signs in   iriology Any unusual marking in the irids may be a sign of deposits that does not naturally belong in the body. Drug and chemical deposits tend to settle in the Inherently weal organs and tissue of the body. We do not know whether all of the newer complex chemicals substances leave an identifiable colored sign in the iris, but many do. Some drug signs, such as sulphur or iodine, appear in the eye as yellow or reddish spots- colors similar to the substance they come from. A drug deposit can affect many areas of the irid(body) instead of one location. Where many drugs have been ingested over the years, dark spots that result in the iris my be considered chronic settlements.

Very dark or black spots are sometimes refered to as psora or psoric itch spots bc of the irritation the drugs deposits cause in the organs in which they settle. These can be Iherited.

Drug accumulations in the body can be reduced by tissue cleansing procedures. The drug spots in the eye may lighten but will never dissapear entirely.

The best illustration of this would be Honeysuckle’s eye picture. In Honey’s case these are Inherited and not aqquired weaknesses. What this means is, these areas are weak from birth, inherited from mother or father or both. These signs will never completely go away so Kim will have to take extra care of the organ in spots are in.

In Cinn”s eye picture, hers are Aqquired, as in, she accumulated them herself and they can be reversed.
