Anatom í a Animal



Anatom í a Animal . Inst. Suheidy Valent ín Biol 3052L. Introducci ón al feto del cerdo. Los fetos o los cerdos sin nacer se obtienen de cerdas pre ñadas y que las van a matar para comida. El tamaño del feto dependerá del estado de gestación. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anatomía Animal

Inst. Suheidy ValentínBiol 3052L

Introducción al feto del cerdo

• Los fetos o los cerdos sin nacer se obtienen de cerdas preñadas y que las van a matar para comida.

• El tamaño del feto dependerá del estado de gestación.

• Se embalsaman en formaldehido de una solución a base de fenol, los cerdos se guardan en un preservativo que usualmente no contiene formaldehido pero retiene el olor. Se tiene que usar guantes para trabajar con el feto.

Fetal pigs are often used in Anatomy and Physiology classes because of the similarities between organ appearance and

relative position to that of a human.  These pigs are by-products of the meat industry that have been preserved for

use in the science classroom.

• .        Identificar las regiones del cuerpo:

• cabeza (cranial) region• cuello (cervical) region• region de tronco (thoracic region)• cola (caudal) region (abdomoninal

region)• 4. Cabeza:  Encontrar:• pinna (auricle):oído externo• huecos nasales• Parpados superiores y el bajo• nictitating membrane (tercer parpado)

.       Tronco- se divide en tórax anterior encasillado por las costillas y un abdomen posterior

cordon umbilical- superficie ventral del abdomen. Vasos sanguíneos pasan de la placenta, enlazados a la pared del utero de la madre al feto del cerdo atravez del cordonCortar un poco (0.5 cm) del cordon para ver :

•Arterias umbilicales:  2 arterias, llevansangre deoxigenada del feto a la placenta

• Vena umbilical : una sola vena grande, lleva sangre oxigenada de la placenta al feto

The two arteries and one vein (upper left) of the umbilical cord are surrounded by a large amount of connective tissue.

• Apendices:  Examinar las patas Encontrar:

• hombro, codo, muñeca, y los digitos.• cadera, rodilla

The illustration shows where the incisions are made in the fetal pig to order to view the internal organs properly.  

Remember: be very careful in your cuts, you don't want to destroy any interesting organs underneath the skin

This is the second cut made to open the fetal pig.  The third cut(s) are made from the

posterior end of the first cut and down along either side of the umbilical cord.

Incisiones para abrir la cavidad bucal



Paladar duro Apertura


Paladar suave

Sist. Respiratorio

• Remover los músculos en la region del cuello , para exponer la glándula del timo en cada lado del cuello

-esta glandula es grande en el feto y en mamiferos jovenes con la edad disminuye , juega un papel importante el sist. inmuno. del cuerpo

The TracheaThe trachea is also called the windpipe.  These structures can be hard to see in a fetal pig, but are fairly

easy to feel.If you use your scalpel to open the pig throat, you will feel a harder, ringed structure.  Put the scaplel

down and feel it with you fingers.  This is the trachea

Sist. Digestivo• La Cavidad


Next, the dissection moves into the abdominal cavity.  In this photo, the spleen is being pushed up for best viewing.  Superior to the spleen is the liver, one of the largest organs in the abdominal cavity, and under the lower, right edge of the liver, you can see the curve of the stomach


• Here, the liver has been removed from the abdominal cavity.  The

anterior two lobes are easily visible in the photo

The IntestinesThe small intestine

• The small intestine has been

removed as a bunch.  You can

see the convolutions of this part of the digestive tract.

The Intestines (continued)The Large Intestine and

Mesentery• The large intestine is shorter

than the small intestine, but it is two to three times larger

in circumference.

The mesentery attaches the intestines to the abdominal wall and helps them maintain

their convoluted shape.

Corazón y Sist. Circulatorio

• The pig heart is

located in the center

of the thoracic cavity.

• This heart has been removed

from the thoracic cavity of the pig.  It is still wrapped in the pericardium, a

fibrous layer of connective tissue

that surrounds and protects the heart.

Now, the pericardium has been removed.  It is very easy to see the auricles covering the left and right atria of the heart.  You can also see the outer

portion of the atrium ventricular septum which

separates the left and right sides of the heart.


Arteria pulmonar

Vena cava

when removed this organ is bean or peanut shaped.  It is responsible for

filtering the pig's blood.
