Área Ciencias Sociales CON LA HISTORIA Y LA …gimnasiosanangelo.edu.co/assets/talleres-9.pdf ·...


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Área Ciencias Sociales

Taller y evaluación bimestral segundo bimestre grado 9.



- Desarrollar como evaluación bimestral un proyecto el cual buscará dar cuenta de los conceptos básicos del área de ciencias sociales y sus asignaturas.

- La evaluación bimestral estará encaminada a resolver una problemática de las ciencias sociales asociada con las competencias básicas y lineamentos curriculares de los distintos grados de la educación básica y media.

- La propuesta está encaminada en la producción de conocimiento y pensamiento social

- La metodología del proyecto está basada en la resolución de una pregunta problema pensada en un contexto interdisciplinar.

- Las fases de implementación del proyecto se asemeja a un ejercicio investigativo y consta de dos fases:

Fase teórica


Descripción de la propuesta

Los estudiantes resolverán una pregunta problema de manera individual, por lo cual tendrán como taller bimestral los elementos teóricos y didácticos para resolver la problemática (contextualización por parte de los docentes del área de los elementos básicos que los educandos deben proporcionar en su proyecto y un paso a paso detallado de las fases de desarrollo de la problemática).

Como base teórica, a partir de un análisis contextual los estudiantes deben analizar la

influencia que tuvo la segunda guerra mundial en la economía colombiana en durante el S. XX, es decir, a partir de la pregunta problema que se plantea, los educandos deben elaborar mapas conceptuales en donde analicen dicho proceso y presentarlo de manera creativa el día de la bimestral.

Pregunta problema

¿Cómo influenció la Segunda Guerra Mundial a la economía colombiana en el S. XX?

Descripción de la fase teórica

De manera individual, los educandos desarrollarán la fase teórica mediante la elaboración de textos argumentativos en donde evidencien las características principales de la influencia que tuvo la Primera Guerra Mundial en la economía colombiana durante el siglo XX. El dia de la evaluación bimestral, los educandos se deben organizar en grupos de 3 personas (elegidos por el docente) y a través de una exposición deberán presentar los argumentos para dar respuesta a la pregunta problema tomando como base los textos argumentativos elaborados en clase .

Descripción de la problemática

Buscando implementar un lenguaje cercano al de un texto crítico en ciencias sociales, el grupo de educandos propondrá una descripción de la problemática expuesta por los docentes del área (pregunta problema).

La descripción no deberá tener más de una página y tratará de acercar al estudiante a desarrollar pensamiento social en un contexto y en un periodo de tiempo determinado, identificando los conceptos básicos propuestos para el bimestre.

Justificación de la problemática

Los educandos harán uso de textos argumentativos, tratarán de explicar cómo resolverán la problemática y por qué es importante para su formación académica y personal, el relacionar la pregunta problema a un contexto histórico-geográfico fortaleciendo el pensamiento crítico y social


Los educandos deben organizar en grupo de 3 y realizar la actividad práctica acordada con cada uno de los cursos. Dicha actividad debe responder la pregunta problema planteada para el nivel.

Trabajo en clase

Durante la semana de talleres bimestrales los educandos desarrollaran la base teórica mediante la elaboración de textos argumentativos que permitan dar respuesta a la pregunta problema y avanzar en el desarrollo de la propuesta práctica.


● Textos argumentativos elaborados por los educandos. ● Presentación en Power Point/ carteleras (una por grupo) ● Imágenes de apoyo sobre la temática a desarrollar. ● Tijeras, pegamento, marcadores, entre otros.

EVALUACIÓN BIMESTRAL (Fase de producción creativa)

Los educandos deben representar gráficamente la respuesta a la pregunta problema tomando como base teórica los textos argumentativos elaborados como resultado de su ejercicio de investigación, lo cual incentivará a los educandos a explorar su capacidad de análisis, argumentación y trabajo en equipo.

Los docentes del área organizarán por niveles las preguntas problema y se encargarán de presentar y explicar lo que se quiere en esta evaluación bimestral alternativa.

El día de la Bimestral

Los educandos deben organizar en grupos de 3 (asignados por el docente) y realizar la actividad práctica acordada con cada uno de los cursos. Dicha actividad debe responder la pregunta problema planteada para el nivel.

El trabajo teórico (textos argumentativos) debe ser entregado una vez terminada la bimestral para ser evaluado.

Elaborado por: Zolanghy Baquero – Camila Aranguren.


Estudiante: ___________________________________________________________ Curso: ________ Fecha: ________________



Estudiante: _______________________________________________________ Curso: _______ Fecha: __________ 1. Racionalizar cada expresión:

a. 𝟒𝒎𝒏


b. √𝟑𝒙 +√𝟔𝒚

𝟐√𝟔𝒙 −√𝟑𝒚

En el movimiento pendular, el periodo T está determinado por la expresión: 𝑻 = 𝟐𝝅 ∙ √ 𝒍


Donde: l = longitud , g = gravedad

c. Racionaliza la expresión asociada al período de un péndulo.

2. Resuelve los siguientes logaritmos aplicando las propiedades:

El nivel de presión sonora determina la intensidad del sonido que genera

una presión sonora (es decir, sonido que alcanza una persona en un

momento dado), se mide en decibelios (dB) y varía entre 0 dB umbral de

audición y 120 dB umbral de dolor. La escala de decibeles se introdujo

porque las cifras eran poco prácticas de manejar, por lo tanto, se define el

nivel de presión sonora (NPS) mediante la siguiente formula:

𝑵𝑷𝑺 = 𝟏𝟎 𝒍𝒐𝒈 (𝑷𝟏



Donde: 𝑷𝟎 = es la mínima presión sonora audible (correspondiente al

sonido más suave que se puede escuchar), 𝑷𝟏 = es la presión sonora.

a. Aplicando las propiedades de logaritmos, ¿de qué otra forma podrías escribir la formula NPS?

b. log𝐵 (√𝑥 √𝑦



c. log5(1 ∙ 125) + log31

27− log2 165 + log 10.000 + ln 1 + ln 𝑒

d. Escribir como un sólo logaritmo:

4 ∙ (log2 𝑥 + log2 𝑦 −log2 𝑧


3. Resuelve las siguientes ecuaciones:









b. 𝒙

𝟓− 𝟕 +


𝟐+ 𝟒 =


𝟏𝟎+ 𝟑 +



c. Hallar el valor de X y la medida de cada ángulo.

d. Determina el valor de w si el perímetro del rectángulo es igual al perímetro del triángulo equilátero.

4. Repasar el taller de los nueve problemas de ecuaciones lineales trabajados en el cuaderno.




Nombre: __________________________________________________ Curso: ________

1. Realiza un cuadro comparativo sobre las dos hipótesis sobre el origen de la vida

(Generación espontánea, evolución prebiótica) 2. En qué consiste la teoría endosimbiótica de la evolución de las células eucariotas 3. Nombra en orden los sucesos que dieron lugar a la evolución de los organismos

eucariotas. 4. Describe cómo sucedió la colonización vegetal del mundo terrestre 5. Realiza un cuadro comparativo entre las gimnospermas y las angiospermas. 6. En un mapa conceptual describe la evolución de los animales 7. Realiza una linea de tiempo resaltando los sucesos más importantes que dieron paso a la

evolución de la especie humana.

Taller de repaso grado noveno.

Lee el siguiente poema.

La princesa está triste... ¿Qué tendrá la princesa? Los suspiros se escapan de su boca de fresa, que ha perdido la risa, que ha perdido el color.

La princesa está pálida en su silla de oro, está mudo el teclado de su clave sonoro,

y en un vaso, olvidada, se desmaya una flor.

El jardín puebla el triunfo de los pavos reales. Parlanchina, la dueña dice cosas banales,

y vestido de rojo piruetea el bufón. La princesa no ríe, la princesa no siente;

la princesa persigue por el cielo de Oriente la libélula vaga de una vaga ilusión.

¿Piensa, acaso, en el príncipe de Golconda o de China,

o en el que ha detenido su carroza argentina para ver de sus ojos la dulzura de luz?

¿O en el rey de las islas de las rosas fragantes, o en el que es soberano de los claros diamantes, o en el dueño orgulloso de las perlas de Ormuz?

¡Ay!, la pobre princesa de la boca de rosa quiere ser golondrina, quiere ser mariposa,

tener alas ligeras, bajo el cielo volar; ir al sol por la escala luminosa de un rayo, saludar a los lirios con los versos de mayo

o perderse en el viento sobre el trueno del mar.

Ya no quiere el palacio, ni la rueca de plata, ni el halcón encantado, ni el bufón escarlata,

ni los cisnes unánimes en el lago de azur. Y están tristes las flores por la flor de la corte,

los jazmines de Oriente, los nelumbos del Norte, de Occidente las dalias y las rosas del Sur.

¡Pobrecita princesa de los ojos azules!

Está presa en sus oros, está presa en sus tules, en la jaula de mármol del palacio real;

el palacio soberbio que vigilan los guardas, que custodian cien negros con sus cien alabardas,

un lebrel que no duerme y un dragón colosal.

¡Oh, quién fuera hipsipila que dejó la crisálida! (La princesa está triste. La princesa está pálida.)

¡Oh visión adorada de oro, rosa y marfil! ¡Quién volara a la tierra donde un príncipe existe, (La princesa está pálida. La princesa está triste.)

más brillante que el alba, más hermoso que abril!

-«Calla, calla, princesa -dice el hada madrina-; en caballo, con alas, hacia acá se encamina,

en el cinto la espada y en la mano el azor, el feliz caballero que te adora sin verte,

y que llega de lejos, vencedor de la Muerte, a encenderte los labios con un beso de amor».


1. Haga un resumen del texto leído.

2. Busque las palabras desconocidas

3. ¿Cuál es el tema del poema?

4. Elabore un mapa conceptual que contenga el significado, el contexto histórico y sus


5. ¿Qué papel significó el parnasianismo y el simbolismo en el Modernismo?

6. ¿Qué es el ensayo y cuáles son sus características?

WORKSHOP SECOND TERM 9TH GRADE NAME: _________________________________________ DATE: ___________________ COURSE: ____ Mrs. Natalia Yanquén FUTURE FORMS Read and circle the most appropriate future forms. 1. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we will have been driving / will have driven more than four hundred

miles. We are going to be exhausted. 2. A: Why did you bring your computer with you?

B: I will do / I’m going to do some work while we are away. 3. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I will

have been studying / will study for nine months and I will be / will have been in England for exactly one year. 4. I have not traveled much yet; however, I will be visiting / will have visited the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by

the time I leave the United States. 5. In June, my grandmother and grandfather will have been / will have been being married for fifty years. 6. A: Excuse me. Do you know what’s the weather like in San Francisco? 7. B: It’s clear now, but it is raining / is going to rain tomorrow. 8. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8 o’clock. By the time she gets here, we will have waited / will have

been waiting for her for two hours. 9. A: I’m tired. I think I will take / will be taking a nap. Wake me up when the movie begins. B: OK. Sweet dreams. 10. Come over to my house around 9 o’clock. By then, I will be completing / will have completed my history essay and

we can go see a movie. 11. A: Are you looking forward your holiday? B: Yes, this time tomorrow I am going to fly / will be flying to Rome. 12. Drive faster! If you don’t hurry up, she will have / will have had the baby by the time we get to the hospital. 13. A: Do you have minute? B: I can’t talk to you now; I will sit / am sitting an exam in few minutes. 14. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she will have studied / will have been studying German for over two years.

She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria. 15. The plane will be leaving / leaves at 9:00 pm. Circle the correct option. 1 I think it ……………………… Joe’s lottery ticket because that number is his birthday, but I’m not sure.

a must be b might be c can’t be 2 This ……………………… Freddy’s jacket. He only wears designer clothes and this one is definitely not designer!

a must be b may not be c can’t be 3 This ……………………… Jane’s bag because this is her phone.

a can’t be b must be c might be 4 She’s sorry, but she ……………………… be able to go on the trip after all.

a might not b must not c cannot 5 This bill ……………………… be right. We didn’t order five pizzas, did we?

a must b might c can’t 6 This ……………………… be a mistake – surely this price isn’t right.

a must b can’t c might Choose the correct alternatives to complete the email.

Hi Carol, How’s your new school? Hope you’re still enjoying it. I've had a lot of exams recently so I've spent most of my time revising. I (1) ’m allowed/mustn’t to use the computers at school to revise during breaks so that helps. The science test was really hard and I was sure I'd failed but I (2) didn’t have to/needn’t have worried. I got top marks! Anyway, did I tell you I'm going to New York with my mum? We’ve decided to go in December for a shopping trip. I’m really looking forward to it, but I (3) mustn’t/needn’t spend too much because I’m going away again on a school trip in March and I have to save up for that. I’ll need some new clothes for that trip so I (4) should/ought look for some

while we’re in New York. I will (5) have to/must do lots of extra chores around the house and maybe even find a part-time job, but it will be worth it! Hope to see you soon. Nancy

Complete the text with these words.

Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word

given. Use between two and five words. 1 Janet is definitely in New York now because her flight only took four hours. MUST Janet ……………………… now because her flight only took four hours. 2 I’m sure Marcus hasn’t finished his assignment because I just saw him working on it. CAN’T Marcus ……………………… his assignment because I just saw him working on it. 3 I think you should change your money before you go on holiday. HAD You ……………………… your money before you go on holiday. 4 It’s quite possible that Mike missed the train because he left work very late. MIGHT Mike ……………………… the train because he left work very late. 5 It wasn’t a good idea to spend so much money on a mobile phone. HAVE You ……………………… so much money on a mobile phone.


Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1. The mayor will open the new wax museum next week. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. She used oils to paint the picture. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The gallery exhibits modern sculpture and photography. ____________________________________________________________________________________


Twice a winner! Tim and Nina Jones now think Tuesday (1) ……………………………………………… their lucky day. They both bought lottery tickets and used the same lucky numbers. After the Tuesday draw, Tim checked his ticket and realised they had won £500,000. Although Nina was asleep Tim woke her up. She said, ‘You (2) ……………………………………………… a good reason for waking me up!’ A few days later they found the second ticket in a kitchen drawer. Nina (3) …………………………………………… so happy with the first win, that she forgot she had another ticket. She was lucky that she (4) ……………………………………………… something from the drawer and found the ticket. Otherwise, they (5) ……………………………………………… all about it. She said the ticket (6) ……………………………………………… when she tidied up. She said she (7) ……………………………………………… feeling that someone was looking after her. Their motto now is that you (8) ……………………………………………… a chance and give something a go. You never know when you (9) ……………………………………………… a winner! As the saying goes: ‘You (10)……………………………………………… in it to win it!

4. He must finish the painting by tomorrow. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Michelangelo’s sculptures have inspired the young sculptor.

_________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The police have just arrested him on suspicion of murder.

__________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Will they publish her new book next month?

__________________________________________________________________________________ 8. You must clean the house.

__________________________________________________________________________________ 9. They are going to open a new supermarket next week.

__________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Has anyone notified the authorities?

__________________________________________________________________________________ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. 1. A: The new art gallery ................. ................. (already/open) to the public. B: I know. It ................. ................. (open) last Sunday by the Queen. 2. A: Can we bring our drinks into the museum? B: I’m afraid not. Food and drinks ................. ................. (not/allow) inside the building. 3. A: Do you have a deadline? B: Yes. It ................. ................. (must/complete) by the end of the month. 4. A: This film ................. ................. (not/nominate) for best picture. B: Then we better see something else. 5. A: Most Hollywood actors ................. ................. (invite) to the award ceremony every year. B: I wish I were one of them. 6. A: Did you get a new bed for Mandy’s room? B: Yes. It ................. ................. (deliver) tomorrow afternoon. Read the statements and complete them using the appropriate passive tense. 1. They lawn ______________________________ (cut) once a week. 2. The fire brigade______________________________ (phone) soon after the fire had broken out. 3. The letter ______________________________ (answer) tomorrow. 4. Stamps ______________________________ (sell) in the post office 5. A lot of new supermarkets _____________________________ (build) in Warsaw now. 6. The door ______________________________ (lock) when I arrived 7. I'm sure my house______________________________ (watch) at the moment. 8. My trousers _______________ (mend) at the moment. 9. Patients ______________________________ (treat) in hospitals. 10. The walls of the house ______________________________ (just/paint). 11. The newspaper ______________________________ (bring) yesterday. 12. Tomorrow all the compositions ______________________________ (check). 13. The car ______________________________ (already/repair), now we can use it. 14. How much of Earth’s surface ______________________________ (cover) by water? 15. Smoking ______________________________ (not should / allow) in such a closed space! Changing from active voice to passive, choose the correct option.

An undercover policeman arrested the criminal. a. The criminal has been arrested b. The criminal was arrested by the

policeman c. The policeman was arrested by the

criminal Somebody is using the computer right now. a. Right now is being used the

computer b. The computer was used three

days ago c. The computer is being used right

now I didn’t realize that someone was recording our conversation. a. I didn’t realize that our

conversation was recorded b. I didn’t realize that our

conversation was been recorded c. I didn’t realize that our conversation

was being recorded Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866. a. In 1866 Alfred Nobel was

invented b. Dynamite was invented in 1866

by Alfred Nobel c. Dynamite was invent in 1866 by

Alfred Nobel

Someone had stolen his bag before he came back from the restaurant. a. His bag was stolen before he

came back from the restaurant b. His bag has been stolen before he

came back from the restaurant c. His bag had been stolen before he

came back from the restaurant Make passive sentences in two ways. Underline the verb, circle the two objects 1. They won't give us a map _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 2. We have offered her a new post _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3. They showed us what they had done _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 4. They gave me the information very late _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 5. Her parents in China taught her the art of circus _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Complete the dialogue with these words and phrases. There are two extra options.


A: Could you lend me some money? Just till Friday. I’ve got some in my (1) ……………………… but I can’t access it until then because the cheque has only just been paid in. If I take any more out, I’ll be overdrawn and I’ll have to pay (2) ……………………… .

B: What do you need it for? A: I really want to get tickets for that concert on Saturday. They will (3) ……………………… really quickly. B: What’s wrong with your credit card? A: Actually, I got into a bit of (4) ……………………… last year, so I haven’t got one at the moment. B: Hmm. If it was for food, I might lend you some, but you need to learn to manage your money better. A: I know. But I have got the money. B: All right, just this once. But you have to (5) ……………………… the money on Friday or the tickets are mine. A: Thanks. I will. You’re the best brother!

Complete the email with these words and phrases. There are two extra options.

board • gate • journey • landing • take off traffic jam • travel

Hi Natalie, How are you? I’ve just got back to London after a really terrible (1) ……………………… . I honestly thought I was going to miss my flight home. My host mother booked a car service to take me to the airport, but it was really late coming. Apparently, one of the bridges had been closed so there was a big (2) ……………………… . By the time I got to the airport, there were really long queues for my flight and when I got through security I had to run to the (3) ……………………… – which of course was right at the other end of the airport – because they were ready to (4) ……………………… . They were calling my name on the loudspeaker! And then, would you believe it, there was a delay before we were able to (5) ……………………… because of a storm. It was a very bumpy flight and I was so glad to get home! Anyway, apart from that I had a great time! Speak soon, Eleanor

Complete the text with these words. There are two extra words.

burst • collapse • damage • droughts hurricanes • spent • torrential

While some parts of the world haven’t seen any rain for several months, causing prolonged (1) ……………………… in many countries, other places have been badly affected by the opposite problem – floods. Too much rain has caused rivers across Europe to (2) ……………………… their banks, causing widespread (3) ……………………… in many areas. Barriers set up to protect residents from the rising waters have proved inadequate, leaving many people to complain that not enough money has been (4) ……………………… on flood defences, despite many warnings. And worse is yet to come, with weather forecasters predicting more (5) ……………………… rain over the next few days.

Read three people’s opinions about scams. Match the questions (1–6) with the people (A–C). You can choose the people more than once.

Which person:

1 passes on official advice about avoiding a scam? ……………………… 2 talks about a scam that involves imitating the way people speak? ……………………… 3 has personal knowledge of someone who has lost money in a scam? ……………………… 4 mentions a scam that has received media attention lately? ……………………… 5 talks about a scam that uses the postal service? ……………………… 6 thinks they are unlikely to fall for one of these scams? ………………………

A John I’ve never been the victim of a scam, at least as far as I know, but I know someone who has, and it’s such a sad story. The person I’m talking about is an old lady who lives near my parents. She lives alone and only has a daughter who goes to visit her from time to time. One day, the daughter found a huge pile of letters in the lady’s bedroom and they were all scam letters saying that she’d won something in a lottery or a competition. Apparently, the old lady had replied to many of them and even sent money to pay what the scammers called ‘the insurance on her winnings’. When the daughter investigated further, she found that the old lady had lost thousands of pounds! I think it’s terrible that these scammers target older people who don’t realise what lies these people are telling them. They’re from a generation who believe that most people are basically honest. So, if someone tells them that they’ve won a large amount of money in a Canadian lottery, they don’t immediately think ‘how could I have won money from a lottery that I never entered?’ They do what they’re asked to do. They send money and then never hear from these people again. It’s appalling. B Emma There’s a scam that’s been highlighted on television recently because it has become so widespread. It’s telephone fraud. There’s something called ‘vishing’ and it involves automated calls which are so believable many people think they are having a conversation with a real person. The scammers use software that can mimic the caller ID number of the organisation they are impersonating. Because people trust that number, they get tricked into giving personal details over the phone. Another scam is the ‘no hang up’ fraud. This is really scary. People get a call saying that there’s a problem with their bank and they need to call the number on the back of their credit or debit card. So they put the phone down and dial that number but what they don’t know is that the fraudster has kept the line open so when they call, thinking they are speaking to their bank or whatever, they’re really talking to the person behind the scam. Then they get tricked into transferring money into another account for security purposes. Apparently, these fraudsters also put on certain accents, like Scottish or Welsh, because they are considered more trustworthy. Anyway, the answer is to hang up of course. Or wait for at least ten minutes before you call. C David We are warned often enough about online fraud, but it’s still happening, and these scams can cost people huge amounts of money. It’s difficult to choose one to talk about because there are so many, but I think one of the most dangerous is the one involving banks. I have a couple of friends who have received emails from what they thought was their bank. The address and logo were identical and the emails looked official and genuine. They asked the recipient to update their personal information, so my friends were supposed to type in their account details, addresses, passwords, etc. In fact, the emails weren’t from the banks but were very clever copies. My friends are on the look-out for online scams and know as well as I do to be very careful about replying to emails that ask for personal information like that, but there are a lot of people out there who are unsuspecting. The scammers can get their hands on information that they can use to make themselves a lot of money. Any online users must update their security and never give information like this unless they are very sure that the request is genuine. Banks actually say that they would never ask for information in this way, so the easy rule is NEVER respond.
