Bellwork Conjuguen en el pretérito: 1. yo/ leer 2. ella/ caerse 3. ellos/ construir 4....


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•Conjuguen en el pretérito:

•1. yo/ leer

•2. ella/ caerse

•3. ellos/ construir

•4. nosotros/leer

•5. tú/ caerse

Cuaderno pg 48


•Hay que saber estos verbos en el pretérito:

•lastimarse, cortarse, romperse, caerse, sufrir

Proyecto de 911

•Van a crear una llamada de 911

•una persona va ser dispachador/a

•otra persona con la emergencia

•tiene que ser diez líneas

• requisitos:

• each person has 5 lines

• must use 3 of the following verbs in the preterite: caerse, romperse, torcerse, lastimarse, quemarse, resfriarse, tomarse, enfermarse

• the dispatcher must use formal commands in giving advice

• use vocab from pg 157 in each line

• must use past particple as adjective 2 times (roto, torcido, quemado

• be animated and interesting

• you may use your scripts but have them mostly memorized

•You will perform these on Thursday for a project grade.

•A rough draft is due at the end of class on Tuesday.

•Wednesday we will practice some

•Thursday you will turn in a script to me to use during the presentation (that means 3rd copy of the script


•Escogemos los grupos.
