


BeSta. berri. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan. (bis). Urte oroz bezala elgarretaraturik Jauna ospa dezagun bihotza beterik. Besta eder huntara goazen oro betan Chino-n bildu euskaldunak alegrantzietan. (bis). Jainko Aita onari - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aintza zeruetanJaungoikoari

Eta bakea lurrean

Haren gogokogizoneri

Hain haundi ta eder


Gora zu,Benedikatua


Gorespen Zuriahuspez agureskerrak Zuri

Jainko Jauna,Zeruko errege

Jaungoiko aita Guziahalduna

Jauna,Seme bakar,Jesu kristo

Jainko Jauna,Jainkoaren

Bildots,Aitaren seme

Zuk kentzen duzuMunduko bekatua

Urrikal jauna

Zuk kentzen duzuMunduko bekatuaEntzun gure deia

Aitaren eskuin-Aldian jarririk

Zaude zu,Urrikal jauna

Zu bakarrikSaindua,

Zu bakarrikJauna

Zu bakarrikGoi-goikoa,Jesu kristo

IzpirituSainduarekinJainko AitarenArgitan,Amen

Reading I Ez 33:7-9Thus says the LORD:You, son of man, I have appointed watchman for the house of Israel; when you hear me say anything, you shall warn them for me.If I tell the wicked, “O wicked one, you shall surely die, ” and you do not speak out to dissuade the wicked from his way, the wicked shall die for his guilt, but I will hold you responsible for his death.

But if you warn the wicked,trying to turn him from his way,and he refuses to turn from his way,he shall die for his guilt,but you shall save yourself.

Word of the Lord


Reading IIRomans 13:8-10Brothers and sisters:Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery; you shall not kill; you shall not steal; you shall not covet, ”and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this saying, namely,“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Word of the Lord


GospelMt 18:15-20Jesus said to his disciples:“If your brother sins against you,go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen,take one or two others along with you,so that ‘every fact may be establishedon the testimony of two or three witnesses.’If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church.

If he refuses to listen even to the church,then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

The Gospel of the Lord,




Adiskideak. Like every year, we have again this year many picnics. All of these Basque get togethers: some important and some small, but I believe that Basques love to get together. It is important and beautiful.

But this year we have also had many events that were given a little more importance that before. Like every year we had Udaleku. Forty-five young people gathered in Bakersfield and it seems to me that they were very happy

to share the fifteen days that they spent together. They spent these days in a very comfortable climate with dance, singing, txistu, Basque language, handball, but also with happy times where they were having fun. I am sure that they had nothing to complain about the food, but maybe about the heat because in Bakersfield it is always very hot in the summer.

Fifteen days after Udaleku, it was the convention in Rock Springs. Here too, we had a very beautiful festival; three very lovely days. I believe that all those who had the courage to make this long trip had nothing to regret. You all know a lot of Basques began their lives in the United States as shepherds in Rock Springs. (It is said that 600 Basques began in Wyoming as shepherds.)

This was for them the chance to come with their families and children and show them the place where they started their American life. The show on Saturday night was very interesting with an audio visual montage of the life of the first shepherds was shown to us. Many dance groups attended, including the San Francisco klika,

and even two groups that come from the Basque country: one from Navarroa, and one from Xiberoa. Musicians and bertsularis also come from the Basque country to entertain that evening.

The mass on Sunday morning was truly beautiful and very well prepared.

The bishop of Cheyenne surprised us with all the beautiful words that he shared about culture and language as two riches that we must truly not lose. The food wasn’t bad either.

Two weeks later was the big Jaialdi of Boise that some among you were able to see. A very beautiful festival that Boise has the custom of organizing every five years. Many people came, many Basques from every corner of the United States. I had the opportunity to speak with families coming from Argentina, and even Australia. Many others come from the Basque country, of course from Biskaia.

We had the honor of welcoming the “lehendakaria” of the Basque government. He was accompanied by the minister of culture Miren Azkarate, Inaki Agirre, and Josu Legarreta who is in charge of all the Basque clubs in the world, as well as many other celebrities such as Gorka Knorr, deputy Basque and well known singer.

The president of the Basque government was wonderfully surprised by the vitality of the Basque language and culture in this region of the United States. He told me twice that he would love to visit the Basques of California. Maybe in 2007 he will come for the 25th anniversary of the Basque Center in San Francisco.

In between Rock Springs and Boise there was also a very beautiful feast in the mountains, far from any town, in Palmdale in southern California. We blessed the 17th fronton in the western United States; a very beautiful gathering at the property of Jean-Louis and Louise Indart. There was also the picnic of Olympia, Washington and Eskual Kantu Eguna of Gardnerville. Maybe with a little regret I say that this day of Basque

song is going to soon be lost.

The picnic of Buffalo in the Sierras attacts many people. I spent five days in Buffalo. Maybe some among you knew Etienne Iriberri. He was probably one of the last shepherds to come from Basque country. He worked in a coal mine. Before returning to his night shift, we was resting at home. A tornando stuck and destroyed 15 homes

in the little village of Wright, near Buffalo. The village was completey annihilated along with Etienne. He was only 52 years old and just returned from the Basque country, his first trip back since the age of 20. We celebrated his funeral with as much furfer as possible.

Last Sunday there was also a picnic in Montana at the ranch of Tom and Cathy

Irrigoin. A range that is hidden in the immense desert of northern Montana near Canada.

And now here we are in Chino. All these events help us reinforce our friendships, but also our love for our Basque culture. And why not our faith? Your mass here is reinforce by the special adoration of the Eucharist. You have the tradition of

celebrating this mass like Besta Berri in the Basque country. You live this mass and the procession with all the enthusiasm and respect that God expects from us.

Bai, egoki da eta zuzen, nun nahi eta beti zuri eskerrak emaitea, Jauna, Aita guziz saindu, Jainko guziahaldun betierekoari.

Munduan diren guziak zuk egin ditutzu, denboren aldiak zuk ezarri. Gizona berriz zure iduriko egin duzu, eta guziak haren esku utzi, zuk egin guzien nausi izan zadin zure izenean,

eta guziak haren esku utzi, zuk egin guzien nausi izan zadin zure izenean, eta zure egintza miragarrietan beti zu gorets zaitzan, Kristo gure Jaunaren bitartez.

Hura goresten dute zeru lurrek, aingeruek eta goi-aingeruek, beti kantatzen dutela:


Kanta dezagun aingeruekin,

Zeruko kanta ederrena:Saindu, saindua,

saindua zareZeruko Jauna,

Jaun onena. (berriz)

Zeru ta lurrak goresten dute

Goresten zure aalmenak.Osana zuri zeru goietan,Osana ta gor aalmenak.Bedeinkatua orai ta betiGure gana datorrena.


Saindu zira, bai, Jauna Eta saindutasun guziaren iturri.

Saindu egiz-kitzu bada ogi-ta arno hauk zure Izpiritua ixuriz, Jesu Kristo gure Jaunaren gorputz eta odol guretzat egin ditezen.

Berak, saldu zutenean, eta bere gogoz Kurutzera zoala, ogia hartu-eta, eskerrak emanez zatitu zuen, eta dizipulueri, eman, erranez:

Har zazue ta jan guziek huntarik: hau nere gorputza baita zuentzat emanen dena.

Afal ondoan berdin, kalitza harturik, berriz ere eskerrak emanez, dizipulueri eman zioten, erranez:

Har zazue ta edan guziek huntarik: hau nere odolaren kalitza baita, batasun berri ta betikoaren odola zuentzat eta guzientzat bekatuak barkatzeko ixuriko dena.

Egizue hau nere orroitgarri.

Horrengatik, Jauna, zure Semearen heriotze-ta-piztea gogoan hartuz, biziaren ogia eta salbamenduaren kalitza eskaintzen dauzkitzugu, zuri eskerrak emanez aldarean zure zerbitzari onhartu gaituzulakotz.

Eta apalik eskatzen dautzugu : Kristoren Gorputz-odolak hartzen ditugunak Izpiritu Sainduak bat egin gaitzala.

Gogoan izan, Jauna, mundu guzian zabaldurik dagon zure Eliza: eremazu maitasun osorat, Bendikto gure aita sainduarekin, Gerald gure artzainarekin, eta eliz-gizon guziekin batean.

Gogoan izan ere Jauna, pizteko esperantzan joan diren gure haurideak, eta hil guziak; har ditzazu zure aurpegiaren argitan.

Urrikal zakizkigu, otoi: gu guziek betiko bizitzea ardiets dezagun, Jainkoaren Ama, Maria dohatsuarekin, apostolu sainduekin eta gizaldi guzietan zure adiskide izan diren sainduekin; heiekin batean gorets zaitzagun, Jesu Kristo gure Jaunaren bitartez.

Hunen bitartez, Hunekin eta Hunetan

Zuri, Aita Jaungoiko guzialdunari, Izpiritu Sainduarekin batean,

Ospe eta aintza guzia gizaldi eta gizaldi guzietan.


Salbatzaileak manatu eta erakutsiari jarraikiz beldur gabe kanta dezagun :

Gure Aitazeruetan zirena

Saindu izan bedi Zure izena,

Etor bedi Zure erreinua

Egin bedi Zure nahia

Zeruan bezala lurrean ere

Emaguzu gaurEgun huntago


Barkatu gure zorrak

Guk ere gure zorduner

Barkatzen diegunaz


Eta ez gu tentaldirat


Bainan ateragaitzazu gaitzetik

Atera gaitzazu, Jauna, gaitz guzietarik, emaguzu bakea gure egunetan, zure urrikalmenduari esker bekatutik garbi bizi gaitezen,

eta hersturetan sendo, betiko zorionaren

esperantzan, Jesu Kristo gure Saibatzailea noiz etorriko den zain gaudela.

Zurea duzuErregetza

Zureak ospeTa indarra

Orai eta beti

Jesu Kristo gure Jauna, zuk errana da apostolueri : Bakea uzten dautzuet, nere bakea emaiten. Beha zure Elizaren sinesteari, eta ez gure bekatueri; Eta zure gogoa den bezala, emozu Elizari bakea, eman batasuna. Errege bizi baitzira gizaldi eta gizaldi guzietan. AMEN.

Jaunaren bakea beti zuekin:


Adiskideak, eman dezagun bakea elgarri.

Bihotzez eska gaude : Bakea, Bakea.

Adiskide izateko : Bakea.

Barkamen bidetik : Bakea, Bakea.

Elgar maitatzeko : Bakea.

Gu guztion artean : Bakea, Bakea.

Jesusek nahi zuen:Bakea.

Benetan denontzat : Bakea, Bakea.Zorion bizia :


KOMUNIONEAHuna hemen Jainkoaren Bildotsa !Huna munduko bekatua kentzen duena :zoriontsuak hunen maihainerat deituak.


Zer zorion, oi hau da fagorea:

Horra, horra zeruko Jainkoa

Jautsia da gure aldaretarat

Gure gatik sakrifikatzerat

Zato, zato, ene Jesus Maitea

Zu zare, zu, ene ontasunaOi zer dohain

ezin prezatuzkoa

Huna Jesus, ene zoriona,Huna Jesus! huna Jesus!

Sinesten dut ene Salbatzailea

Zu zarela ostian emana

Zeruetan Jainko zaren bezala,Majestatez guzia betea

Zato, zato, ene Jesus Maitea

Zu zare, zu, ene ontasunaOi zer dohain

ezin prezatuzkoa

Huna Jesus, ene zoriona,Huna Jesus! huna Jesus!

Jesus ona, saindutasuna

bera,Nola izan ni zure


Nola beraz, bekatore

trixteaErrezebi ene Jaun handia?

Zato, zato, ene Jesus Maitea

Zu zare, zu, ene ontasunaOi zer dohain

ezin prezatuzkoa

Huna Jesus, ene zoriona,Huna Jesus! huna Jesus!

Zuri beha emaiten naiz


ene bekatuez

Aitortzen dut errebel bat

naizelaOrroit zaite

Aita zaitudala

Zato, zato, ene Jesus Maitea

Zu zare, zu, ene ontasunaOi zer dohain

ezin prezatuzkoa

Huna Jesus, ene zoriona,Huna Jesus! huna Jesus!

Hasi nahi naiz zuretzat bizitzen,

Betikotzatnitzaitzu emaiten

Erre zazu beraz ene


Zuretzat Jaun ona

Zato, zato, ene Jesus Maitea

Zu zare, zu, ene ontasunaOi zer dohain

ezin prezatuzkoa

Huna Jesus, ene zoriona,Huna Jesus! huna Jesus!