Cine Por Terminar de Ver


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Robert Bresson

-  Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945) -  Diary of a Country Priest (1950) 

-  A Man Escaped (1956) -  Pickpocket (1959) 

-  The Devil, Probably (1977) -  Mouchette (1966) 

-  Trial of Joan of Arc (1962), 

-  Four Nights of a Dreamer (1971) 37

John Cassavetes:

-  Minnie and Moskowitz (1971) -  A Child is Waiting (1963) 

-  Big Trouble (1985) 

Jean Cocteau

-  Orpheus (1950) 

-  The Blood of a Poet (1930) 

-  La Belle et la bête (1946) 

-  Les Parents terribles (1948) 


-  The Circus (1928) ★, 

-  Monsieur Verdoux (1947) ★ 

-  The Kid (1921) ★, 

-  A Woman of Paris (1923)★, 

John Woo

-  The Killer (1989)

-  Hard Boiled (1992)

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-  The General Line (1929) 

-  Bezhin Meadow (1937) 

-  Ivan El Terrible (las 2 partes)

Vittorio da Sica:

-  The Children Are Watching Us (1944),

-  Umberto D. (1952) ★ 

-  Shoeshine (1946) ★ 


-  La Strada (1954) 

-  The White Sheik (1951),

-  I Vitelloni (1953) ★, 

-  Il Bidone (1955) 

-  Variety Lights (1950) [co-directed by Alberto Lattuada], 

-  Nights of Cabiria (1957) ★, 

-  Juliet of the Spirits (1965)

-  Spirits of the Dead (1968)

-  The Clowns (1971) 


John Ford:

-  The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)  ★ 

Michael Haneke:

-  Caché (2005)

-  The Seventh Continent (1989),

-  Code Unknown (2000) ★ 

-  The White Ribbon (2009) ★ 

-  71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance (1995),

-  Time of the Wolf (2003) 

-  Benny's Video (1992) 

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-  The Piano Teacher (2001) 

John Huston:

-  In This Our Life (1942) 

-  Fat City (1972) 

-  Wise Blood (1979) -  Beat the Devil (1954),

-  The Dead (1987) 

-  Under the Volcano (1984) 

Elia Kazan:

-  A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 

-  Wild River (1960) 

-  America, America (1963) 

Jim Jarmusch:

-  The Limits of Control (2009) 

-  Only lovers left alive (2013) 

Fritz Lang:

-  Fury (1936) 

-  Scarlet Street (1945) -  Destiny (1921) 

-  You Only Live Once (1937) 

-  Secret Beyond the Door (1948) 

-  The House by the River (1950) 

-  Clash by Night (1952) 

-  The Big Heat (1953) 

-  While the City Sleeps (1956) 

-  Spione (1928) 

-  Human Desire (1954)

-  The Tiger of Eschnapur (1958) 

-  Western Union (1941) 


-  Nosferatu (1922) ★, 

-  The Last Laugh (1924) ★, 

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-  Faust (1926) ★, 

Otto Preminger:

-  Fallen Angel (1945)  , 

-  Daisy Kenyon (1947) 

-  Whirlpool (1949) -  Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)

-  Angel Face (1953) 

-  Bonjour Tristesse (1958)

-  Forever Amber (1947) 

-  Advise and Consent (1962) 

Roman Polanski:

-  Knife in the Water (1962),-  The Pianist (2002) ❖, 

Alain Resnais:

-  Hiroshima mon amour (1959) ★, 



-  New York, New York (1977) ★, 

-  Raging Bull (1980) ★, -  The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)★, 

-  The Age of Innocence (1993) ★, 

Win Wenders:

-  Alice in the Cities (1974) ★, 

Kings of the Road (1976) ★

, -  The American Friend (1977) ★, 

-  Paris, Texas (1984) ★, 

-  Wings of Desire (1987) 

-  Pina (2011) 

Orson Welles:

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-  Touch of Evil (1958) 

Rainer Werner Fassbinder:

-  The Merchant of Four Seasons (1971),-  Fox and His Friends (1975),

-  Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980) ★ 

-  Gods of the Plague (1969),

-  Love is Colder Than Death (1969) 

-  Katzelmacher (1969),

-  The American Soldier (1970),

-  Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? (1970) [co-directed by Michael Fengler],

-  Martha (1973), Fear of Fear [TV] (1975), 

-  I Only Want You to Love Me [TV] (1976), 

-  In a Year with 13 Moons (1978) ★, 

-  Lola (1981),

-  Veronika Voss (1982) ★ 

-  The Little Chaos (1966),

-  Beware of a Holy Whore (1970) 


Films Sueltos:

Pelicula Director 

-  Jezebel (1938) William Wyler

-  If…(1968) Lyndsay Anderson 

-  Symbiopsychotaxiplasm (1968) William Greaves

-  The Hit (1984) Stephen Frears

-  12 Angry Men (1957) Sidney Lumet

-  For All Mankind (1989) Al Reinert

-  Gate of Hell (1953) Teinosuke Kinugasa

-  The Red Shoes (1948) Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger

-  Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) Terry Gilliam

-  Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979) Terry Jones-  Walker (1987) Alex Cox

-  House (1977) Nobuhiko Obayashi

-  Jungle Book (1942) Zoltan Kordan

-  Borderline (1930) Kenneth Macpherson

-  Hotel Monterey (1972) Chantel Akerman

-  The Third Man (1943) Carol Reed

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-  Cronos (1993) Guillermo del Toro

-  A Colt is My Passport (1967) Takashi Nomura

-  Equinox (1979) Jack Woods

-  Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968) Hajime Sato

-  Genocide (1968) Kazui Nohonmatsu

-  Head (1968) Bob Rafelson-  Burden Of Dreams (1982) Les Blank

-  À nous la liberté (1931) Rene Clair

-  Peeping Tom (1960) Michael Powell

-  Rififi (1955) Jules Dassin

-  George Washington (2000) David Gordon Green

-  Haxan (1922) Benjamin Christensen

-  Slacker (1991) Richard Linklater

-  Divorce Italian Style Pietro Germi

-  How to get Aheado on Advertising (1988) Bruce Roniinson

-  Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses (1994) Aki Kaurismäki-  Mafioso (1962) Alberto Lattuada

-  Schizopolis (1996) Steven Soderbergh

-  Something Wild (1986) Jonathan Demme

-  Il sorpasso (1962) Dino Riso

-  The Ruling Class (1972) Peter Medak

-  Black Orpheus (1959) Marcel Camus.

-  Cria Cuervos (1976) Carlos Saura

-  In the Mood of Love (2000) Wong Kar wai

-  Monterey Pop (1967) D. A. Pennebaker

-  Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) Mario Monicelli

-  The League of Gentlemen, 1960) Basil Dearden

-  Classe tous risques, 1960 Claude Sautet

-  A Colt is My Passport, 1967 Takashi Nomura

-  Intimidation (1960) Koreyoshi Kurahara

-  The Friends of Eddie Coyle, 1973 Peter Yates

-  Cruel Gun Story, 1964 Takumi Furukawa

-  Thief, 1981 Michael Mann

-  Blast of Silence, 1961 Allen Baron

Documentales (seccion aparte)

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Errol Morris:

-  A Brief Story of Time

-  The Fog of War (2003)

-  Gates of Heaven (1978)

-  Vernon, Florida (1981)-  The Thin Blue Line (1988)

-  Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)

Louis Malle

-  God´s Country, 1985

-  Humain, trop humain, 1973

-  …And the Persuit Of Happiness, 1986

-  Phantom India (1969)

-  Place de la République, 1974

-  Vive le Tour, 1962

Documentales varios directores.

-  Come on Children, 1972 (Allan King)-  Trances, 1981 (Ahmed El Maânouni)

-  Land of Milk and Honey, 1971 (Pierre Etaix)

-  My Crasy Life, 1992 (Jean Pierre Gorin)

-  Routine Pleasures, 1986 (Jean-Pierre Gorin)

-  And Everything is going Fine, 2010 (Steven Soderbergh)

-  Sans Soleil, 1983 (Chris Maker)

-  WR: Mysteries of the Organism, 1971 (Dušan Makavejev)
