Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, Advierte Capitán Planeta _ WIRED




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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 16/35

Ciudades: la zona cero de cambio climático Jamie en Bytown / Flickr

Las ciudades han estado recibiendo una gran cantidad de amor en estos días, como el hogar de más de la mitad de la población mundial y los sitios de revitalización, lasestrategias de gobernanza innovadores, y la vitalidad cultural. Pero ubicaciones urbanas también pueden ser la zona cero para el cambio climático, tanto como autores de un

calentamiento de la atmósfera y como víctimas de sus efectos de varios niveles.

Así lo afirma el Dr. Marshall Pastor, profesor de Geografía y Ciencias de la Atmósfera de la Universidad de Georgia y una voz líder en círculos de la ciencia del clima. "Las

ciudades son donde las cosas se están calentando más rápidamente", dice, "y también representan las concentraciones particulares de vulnerabilidad".

El calentamiento localizado en los alrededores de las ciudades ha observado de largo - el "efecto de isla de calor urbano" es causado en gran medida por el rejuvenecimientovastas áreas con materiales que absorben y la radiación de onda corta trampa. Pastor y sus colegas, sin embargo, han notado un fenómeno nuevo en el que todo el efecto de las

zonas urbanas aglomerados es mayor que la suma de las partes. Lo llaman el archipiélago de calor urbano , donde "regiones urbanas agregados asumen una partedesproporcionadamente grande función de forzamiento climático", dice Pastor, "comparable a la escala de una cadena montañosa frente a una montaña aislada."

El efecto de reemplazo es también significativo. Pavimentación sobre el desierto del Sahara no tomaría demasiada producción primaria fuera de servicio, pero "tenemos latendencia a poner las ciudades en la más fértil de paisajes", como explica Pastor. Después de todo, los centros de población suelen formarse alrededor de las áreas dedisponibilidad de agua consistente - para la producción de alimentos o para fines comerciales - y la expansión espacial de las zonas edificadas remueve la tierra altamenteproductiva que de otra manera ayudar a mantener el carbono.

Los impactos del calentamiento climático se dejarán sentir de manera desproporcionada por las ciudades, Pastor sostiene, a causa de los crecientes niveles de población y lainfraestructura de fecha. El primero crea superficies más pavimentadas y más escorrentía superficial, mientras que el segundo no siempre puede manejar la nueva carga. "Lossistemas de gestión de aguas pluviales se diseñaron para 1970 las tormentas", dice Pastor, pero los acontecimientos y de décadas de abandono de tormenta más fuertes han

conspirado para crear una situación peligrosa. En el otro extremo del espectro, las sequías pueden ser más amenazante a más personas, ya que la capacidad de almacenamientode agua no ha seguido el ritmo de crecimiento. Una de mediana intensidad 2.007 sequía en Atlanta, por ejemplo, provocó una situación casi crítica porque más personas sedisputan la misma cantidad de reservas. En un momento, la ciudad fue de 30 días a partir de quedarse sin agua.

Bajo relieve ciudades costeras - Nueva Orleans, Houston, Miami, Nueva York, Washington DC - son particularmente vulnerables, como las crecidas han reducido el margen deerror. "El huracán Sandy no era una tormenta particularmente fuerte, considerando todas las cosas", dice Pastor de la tormenta de 2012, que causó estragos en la costa este,"pero estaba empujando más agua en tierra de la que tendría hace 100 años."

Pastor estará recibiendo el Capitán Planeta Protector del Premio Tierra - sí, existe un título tan increíble - hoy en Atlanta, en reconocimiento a sus manos a la gestión ambiental. Ycomo guardián planetario, tiene algunos consejos prácticos que podrían ayudar a ceñir urbana contra las próximas amenazas del cambio climático. "Greening Estratégico," -resulta materia de colocación y orientación al plantar árboles - ". Y que tienen superficies más blancas o altamente reflectantes son cosas que pueden reducir casi de inmediato la

temperatura en las ciudades" Probablemente no será suficiente para salvar el planeta por su propia cuenta, pero tales modificaciones menores al menos pueden ayudar a cambiarel rumbo.

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Etiquetas: Capitán Planeta , Marshall Shepherd , de la isla de calor urbano

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 18/35

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• Reply •

Science Officer • 3 days ago

"Holy hotcakes, Captain Planet," exclaimed Hockey Stick Boy, his loyal sidekick. "We'd better tax something right now, before it's too late!"

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Leslie Graham • 2 days ago> Science Officer

Wow - 1980's levels of denial are still surviving in isolated habitats i see.

By the way - YOU would get a rebate.


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It Guy • 19 hours ago> Leslie Graham

If you remember or if you were around at the time, the communist greenies were running around and whining about global warming. When it

was obvious that the earth wasn't warming, but cooling slightly, the mantra changed to global cooling and when it was obvious that that was

not the case, they changed it to climate change. Now, since their computer models rant working out as planned, we now have an indefinite


Climate change is nothing but communist liberal BS to implement control and tax on everything that moves and breaths.

Go look up the mastodons that were found flash frozen with green grass and flowers in their stomachs. This indicates an unusual climatic

event and one where man had nothing to do with.

Here's another one to look up: Hegelian Dialectic Theorem. This is the social engineering tool used repeatedly to co-op society into whatever

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 19/35

• Reply •

Here's another one to look up: Hegelian Dialectic Theorem. This is the social engineering tool used repeatedly to co-op society into whatever

changes the social engineers desire. I certainly want to know who and how they are trying to jerk my chain!

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• Reply •

skykingjwc • 9 hours ago> It Guy

In the 80's Al Gore said it will be 114F every day by 2015. Don't think that's going to happen, yet somehow all these restrictions never

seem to be enough for the green heads. Where does it end?

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DON • a day ago> Leslie Graham

Have you consider checking on the level of lies being told about global warming/climate change?

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lopan • a day ago> Science Officer

God forbid anyone tax a precious contributor to humankind like yourself.

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wvdk • a day ago> Science Officer

Basically your "there's no problem!" position is a lame rationalization for doing nothing while dumping on people who are acknowledging the

overwhelming expert evidence and trying to do something about it. Kind of like a person with cancer denying their illness despite overwhelming expert

evidence because "waaah, chemotherapy is hard!"

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DON • a day ago> wvdk

The problem is too many people like you are being scared and brainwashed. Which is exactly part of these wacko socialists plan.

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Colin Bell • a day ago> DON

"The problem is too many people like you are being scared and brainwashed" says the climate change-denying conspiracy theorist

who name-dropped "socialists" for no reason.

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DON • 3 hours ago> Colin Bell

that is exactly the reason if you know how socialism works.

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Colin Bell • 2 hours ago> DON

So you're afraid "climate change" is a secret socialist plot to tax people they just don't like. And you also reject all evidence to the

contrary in favor of your own sources, who are similarly attempting to make you afraid of this said socialist plot.

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 20/35

• Reply •

But everyone else is scared and brainwashed.

Got it.

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wvdk • a day ago> DON

Google the phrase 'peer reviewed science'. It's the opposite of brainwashing.

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DON • 3 hours ago> wvdk

did you find out who are these "peers"? and you believe them right? have you ever thought those so called reviews can be manipulated

for a particular agenda?! it can be. everything that these "experts" will say or provide are "evidences" way it could be

questioned or wronged.

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Factsnotfibs • 2 days ago

Ah, I finally found the site where all the ignorant jackasses post!

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DON • 3 days ago

you just want to TAX us you sob's

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Leslie Graham • 2 days ago> DON

And you think 'they' would have to fake a century of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists just to levy a new tax on carbon polluters?

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• Reply •

DON • 2 days ago> Leslie Graham

these "tens of thousands of scientist" which is questionable in numbers, are being paid by sponsors who wants to push an agenda. what

results of research do you think these screwed up sponsors want. they needed "models. studies and researches" to support their so called

claim. and you are one unsuspecting victim because you are scared.

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• Reply •

Colin Bell • a day ago> DON

"Questionable in numbers" to people who have no basis to their argument other than they don't believe it could happen.

But you failed to answer the question. "They" are doing all this far-reaching, secret, massive operation stuff... just to levy a new tax on

carbon polluters?

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 21/35

• Reply • 3△ ▽

• Reply •

DON • 3 hours ago> Colin Bell

no basis? have you seen the lists of those so called scientist? majority of them are anonymous! what does that tell you. majority of

them are made-up..hello....and yes that is the bottom line of the agenda...CARBON tax the "guilty" ...get there money..that is

fair...really? You are one of them who believe what this wackos will tell you. Have you tried to question there claim.

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Jeff Janzen • 3 days ago

"Capitan" Planet? Someone please proofread article TITLES. ... Or just go with Spanish and call him "Capitan Planeta"....

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disqus_4QILcqf28h • 3 days ago

Could we please, please, please stop with all these articles on

Climate Change. This has gotten to be more than annoying.

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tommaile • 2 days ago> disqus_4QILcqf28h

Typical jabbering conservative dim bulb...

Wants the world to stop spinning because inconvenienced.

These types of articles are never going away.

Dig your sand hole deeper, insert head further.

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CKP • 2 days ago> tommaile

Typical paranoid liberal scum- Scared of all the wrong things killing him.

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lopan • a day ago> CKP

As opposed to what conservatives are afraid of killing them:

Taxes on yachts

Black 6-year-olds


Teh wurldwide Jew-librul conspirasee

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jabusse • 3 days ago

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 22/35

• Reply •

jabusse • 3 days ago

Another "scientist approved" message. Kind of like my wizzbo flying turd.

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SuzanneSmith • 2 days ago> jabusse

You are either very ignorant or intentionally trying to discredit science. Science has only lost credibility because of folks like you, not because it isn't

correct. i know it's out of fashion these days to be educated, but the facts remain…facts.

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• Reply •

SickOfTheStupid • 2 days ago> SuzanneSmith

science has lost creditability because they have sold out for the cash grants and billions in funding that comes just has long as they follow the

script they have been handed .....................

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• Reply •

Martin • 15 hours ago> SickOfTheStupid

creditability huh?

is that part of your expert opinion?

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wvdk • a day ago> SickOfTheStupid

Yeah, the world's crawling with wealthy, greedy scientists. Oh, hang on... there aren't any. Plenty of multimillionaires and billionaires in

the fossil fuel business though.

P.S. using made up words like 'creditability' doesn't help your credibility.

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• Reply •

SickOfTheStupid • a day ago> wvdk

Scientist are not getting wealthy? Hmmm Los Alamos New Mexico has more millionaires per capita than LA, Silicon Valley, or Hong

Kong . the average PHD at the national labs makes up to 1 million a year........ You do realize that part of any grant goes to to paying

the 'scientist ' a cash stipend , a extremely competitive and lucrative cash stipend.................just has long as they keep on the gravy

train Scientist's are doing just fine cashing in on climate change.

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wvdk • a day ago> SickOfTheStupid

Yes, Los Alamos has more fair sized fish in a small pond per capita than blah blah. Nice massaging of stats!

Could I have that big list of millionaire climate scientists please?

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 23/35

• Reply •

Loren Jones • 2 days ago

I say let 'em flood. New York and the rest of the harbor cities need a good flushing. And why do we keep hearing about the "highest temperatures since the

Middle Ages?" Could it be that the Middle Ages were _hotter_ than today? Could it be that we're not supposed to know that because then we wouldn't be

scared of the warming trend we've been experiencing since the end of the Little Ice Age?

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• Reply •

Discus__user • 2 days ago> Loren Jones

It's the "highest temperatures since the middle ages" because yes, the Middle Ages and Roman era and historically, have been hotter at times, and

colder at times, than today. For example, when Eric the Red settled Greenland it was somewhat green along the lower shoreline, Viking settlers could

grow crops and raise cattle. it is barely reaching that level of warmth again. But then there were episodes like the "Little Ice Age" where the crops

failed, the settlements froze and starved, and ice pack jammed the straights making shipping impossible. The climate is variable and "climate

scientists" have no real ability to predict, so when funny things happen we'll never be sure whether they are man-made unless we get into another ice

age. As far as we know, we're not responsible for those.

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• Reply •

jabusse • 2 days ago> Loren Jones

Don't you understand! toilets won't flush! The streets will be awash with sea water instead of puke and urine. Hey, now that I think of it isn't this just

nature cleansing itself. Refilling the everglades and other swamps we destroyed. What do they call that? Intestinal cleansing? la douche! Well, it's

about time.

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• Reply •

tommaile • 2 days ago> Loren Jones

Flyover Country checks in.

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SuzanneSmith • 2 days ago

We are all in a lot of danger due to climate change, regardless of paid shills that try to discredit the facts. It's time for us to wake up and not hide behind

stupid attempts to joke about it.

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• Reply •

Edgeslider • 8 hours ago> SuzanneSmith

I am going out there today and drive an extra 50 miles in my Hummer just to generate extra CO2 emissions here in the Bay Area. And feed my dog a

big fat steak. Sue me commie pigs

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• Reply •

zlop • 21 hours ago> SuzanneSmith

Absolutely correct! Pay more to the Rothschild Carmon Bankers,

to stop U$ from being barbecued.

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 24/35

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• Reply •

Cyrus Manz • 2 days ago

I have never read so much crap in one article as this one.

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Crow Hunter • 3 days ago

let me guess… women and minorities hurt the worst

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jabusse • 3 days ago

Why is this gibberish published?

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SuzanneSmith • 2 days ago> jabusse

In the hopes that fools like you will become informed.

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• Reply •

jabusse • 2 days ago> SuzanneSmith

OH WOE, OH DOOM, ,,,,,,,oh please. I have enough useless information and imbecilic prognostications to even entertain this pseudo science

hype . Warm is good, Cold is bad and ice belongs in my margarita. I'll sip while you worry about something you can't do a thing to stop.

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tommaile • 2 days ago> jabusse

Yes, continue to drink.

Stick to what you know.

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• Reply •

jabusse • 2 days ago> tommaile

stick to your neurosis. Do what you do best. I'll enjoy life.

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RustedSteel • 2 days ago> tommaile

Ok, so the earth is warming up, that's a fact. What I don't get is, what exactly are we supposed to do about it? Stop it somehow?

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• Reply •

tommaile • 2 days ago> jabusse

Because science > magic carpenter.

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 25/35

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jabusse • 2 days ago> tommaile

Bad science is , well, bad Global warmiing as a catastrophy is Allah ack BS.

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Dlweld • a day ago

I love the way the AGW deniers destroy their own credibility - just set and forget - they rise to the bait again and again with incoherent and monumentally

stupid ramblings. And they can't seem to stop - just pissing on their own shoes as we laugh at them, 'cause they don't even know they're doing it.

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• Reply •

zlop • a day ago> Dlweld

"AGW deniers"? -- There is no need to deny a non-event.

Greenhouse gases Cool. Solar activity is declining.

Expect Ice Age Doom.

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7/12/2014 Ciudades en Cambio Climático Peligro, advierte Capitán Planeta | WIRED 27/35

Acerca de Jeffrey Marlow


Jeff Marlow es un estudiante graduado en Ciencias Geológicas y Planetarias en el Instituto de Tecnología de California, donde estudia metabolismos microbianos exóticos en unintento de comprender los límites de la vida en la Tierra y más allá.

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