


literatura inglesa

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    Equipo Docente: Dra. ngeles de la Concha, Dra. Elena Bandn, Dra. Marta Cerezo

    PEC TEMA 1

    (CURSO 2012-13) Lea con atencin el siguiente texto y traduzca libremente desde el verso 37

    hasta el 49.

    This king lay at Camelot at Christmastide; 37 Many good knights and gay his guests were there, Arrayed of the Round table rightful brothers, With feasting and fellowship and carefree mirth. 40 There true men contended in tournaments many, Joined there in jousting these gentle knights, Then came to the court for carol-dancing, For the feast was in force full fifteen days, With all the meat and the mirth that men could devise, 45 Such gaiety and glee, glorious to hear, Brave din by day, dancing by night. High were their hearts in halls and chambers, These lords and these ladies, for life was sweet. In peerless pleasures passed their days, 50 The most noble knights known under Christ, And the loveliest ladies that lived on earth ever, And he the comeliest king, that court holds, For all this fair folk in their first age

    Were still. 55 Happiest of mortal kind, King noblest famed of will; You would now go far to find So hardy a host on hill.

    2.1. Contextualice el fragmento en el poema e indique el mundo de valores y convenciones que revela resaltando las diferencias respecto a los que expresaba la poesa anglosajona. 2.2. Explique el patrn rtmico indicando la variacin respecto al anglosajn. 2.3. Indique las figuras y recursos literarios que encuentre y su funcin dentro del texto. NOTA: En todos los casos ilustre su explicacin con ejemplos.
