English 4 Guide


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  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide



    ecuerda: "Simple Past" para pasado lejano, acabado, acompaado generalmente de "yesterday" (ayer), "lasteek/month/year" (la semana/mes/ao pasado).

    l "Present Perfect" en cambio es para un pasado reciente y no suele acompaarse de referenciasmporales, aunque puede aparecer, por ejemplo, con "today", "recently", etc.

    mo se forma el "Presente Perfect":

    structura: Sujeto + have/has + participio del verbo principal .

    jemplo 1: I have (I've) worked a lot today.................. Yo he trabajado mucho hoy.

    jemplo 2: She has (She's)studied in the kitchen.......... Ella ha estudiado en la cocina.

    jemplo 3. It has(It's) snowed today.. Ha nevado hoy. Nota: Para fenmenos meteorolgicos el sujeto esempre "It".

    jemplo 4. We have (We've) read many books Nosotros/as hemos ledo muchos libros.

    jemplo 5: They have (they've) seen Peter. Ellos/as han visto a Peter.

    Cmo se niega con el "Present Perfect?

    structura negacin: Sujeto + have/has + not + verbo principal en "past participle"

    jemplo: She has not (She hasnt)worked........ Ella no ha trabajado.

    Cmo se pregunta con el "Present Perfect"?

    structura preguntas: Have/has + sujeto + verbo principal en "past participle" +?

    jemplo: Has she worked today?................. Ha trabajado ella hoy?

    ambien puedes agregar ever para preguntar si alguna vez

    ave you ever traveled to Asia ..Has alguna vez viajado a Asia?

    tiliza already para decir que algo que se esperaba ya ha sucedido.

    have already finished my homework.. He terminado ya mi tarea.

    tiliza yet para preguntar si algo que esperabas ya ha sido realizado. Utiliza yet para decir que algo esperadoun no esta concluido.

    ave you finished the homework, yet ?....... Has terminado la tarea , ya ?

    havent finished my homework yet .......... No he terminado mi tarea todavia

    ara mayor informacin consulta las paginas 8,11,12 y13

  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


    omplete the table in present perfect simple.

    Write the participle form of the following verbs.

    go ________________

    sing _______________

    be ________________

    buy _______________

    do ________________

    Write sentences in present perfect simple.

    they / ask / a question -

    he / speak / English -

    I / be / in my room -

    we / not / wash / the car -

    Annie / not / forget / her homework -

    Write questions in present perfect simple.

    . they / finish / their homework -

    . Sue / kiss / Ben -

    . the waiter / bring / the tea -

    4. Marilyn / pay / the bill -

    . you / ever / write / a poem

    irst Conditional. El condicional posible.

    n este tipo de oracin condicional la persona que habla indica que si se realiza una accin determinada "es

    positive negative question

    He has written a letter.

    They have not stopped.

    Have we danced?

    She has worked.

    Andy has not slept.

  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


    muy posible" que se d un resultado determinado.

    jemplo n 1:

    If they arrive late, they will miss the train.

    Si llegan tarde, perdern el tren.

    jemplo n 2:

    If she listens to me, she will understand.

    Si ella me escucha, ella entender.

    structura : If + sujeto + verbo en presente, + sujeto + will + verbo en presente.

    ambin es posible: Sujeto + v. en Futuro, + if + sujeto+ v. en Presente. Recuerda: El orden de las oraciones

    o altera el significado.


    she listens to me, she will understand. Si ella me escucha, ella entenderhe will understand If she listens to me. Ella entender si ella me escucha


    If you _________ (not study), you __________ (fail) the test.

    We __________ (die) if we __________ (not get) help soon!

    If you __________ (look) in the fridge, you __________ (find) some cold drinks.

    If there __________ (be) no oil in the engine, the car __________ (break) down.

    I __________ (lend) you my umbrella if you __________ (need) it.

    The sea level __________ (rise) if the planet __________ (get) hotter.

    If you __________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you __________ (have) anything for lunch!

    You __________ (be) safe in an accident if you __________ (wear) your seatbelt.

    If he __________ (save) all his money, he __________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.

    0. I __________ (not come) with you if you __________ (not bring) John!

    econd Conditional. El condicional improbable/imaginario.

  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


    os referimos a la existencia de una situacin hiptetica, es decir, slo si realizas una accin determinada "es probableno seguro) que se d un resultado determinado.

    jemplo 1:

    Si trabajaras, ganaras algo de dinero. .If you worked, you would earn some money.

    jemplo 2:

    Si fuese rico, no trabajara.If I were rich, I wouldn't work.

    structura : If + sujeto + verbo en pasado, + sujeto + would + verbo en presente.

    ecuerda que: La forma negativa de un verbo en pasado es didnt + verbo en presente

    ecuerda que: La forma negativa de would es wouldnt

    ecuerda que: Si el verbo que utilizars en pasado es el verbo be , utilizars siempre la forma were para todos los sujetos.


    Si yo fuera tu, viviria en otra ciudad.If I were you, I would live in another city.

    ecuerda que: Al igual que en el First Conditional se puede invertir el orden de la oracin sin que esta cambie sugnificado.


    wouldn't do that if I were you. Yo no haria eso si yo fuera tu.I were you, I wouldnt do that. Si yo fuera tu, yo no haria eso.


    I ___________________ that if I were you. (do)

    If I had more free time, I ___________________ a play. (write)If I had some money, I ___________________ a DVD player. (buy)

    Those children ___________________ so horrible if their parents were stricter. (be)

    I wouldn't go out with him even if you ___________________ me. (pay)

    If we ___________________ so hard, we wouldn't be so tired all the time. (work)

    If she didn't take so long in the shower, she ___________________ more time for breakfast. (have)

    If you ___________________ so much beer, you wouldn't be so fat. (drink)

    The world ___________________ a better place if politicians were less vain. (be)

    0 I ___________________ to visit Thailand if I had the chance. (love)

    assive Voice

  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


    Qu es la voz pasiva?

    ara entender este concepto tienes que saber primero qu es la voz activa.

    a voz activa es la forma en que hablamos habitualmente. Siempre decimos que alguien (una persona) realizao no realiza) una accin.

    Presente: Michael cuts the apple Michael corta la manzana

    Pasado: Michael cut the apple Michael cort la manzana

    n este ejemplo decimos que alguien llamado "Michael" realiza (o realiz) la accin de cortar la manzana.

    or tanto, la voz activa se refiere a aquellas frases en las que expresamos que una persona (el sujeto)aliza una accin.

    o obstante, hay ocasiones en que no queremos resaltar que una persona es la que realiza la accin. En esteaso, hacemos que el objeto (cosas o personas sobre las que recae la accin) cobre el protagonismo de laccin. En el ejemplo que hemos visto, diramos:

    Presente: The apple is cut La manzana es cortada Pasado: The apple was cut La manzana fue cortada

    or tanto, en la voz pasiva utilizamos al objeto de la frase como sujeto.

    s posible que luego desee mencionar quin cort la manzana. En este caso diramos:The apple was cut by Michael.La manzana fue cortada por Michael. Pero suena raro en espaol o no? Eso es porque la forma pasiva no

    s tan usada como en ingls.

    eamos ahora la estructura de las oraciones en voz pasiva.

    structura: Objeto (hace de Sujeto) + verbo "to be" conjugado (am, is, are, was, were) + participio pasado +omplemento.

    or ejemplo:

    his house was built in 1980 Esta casa fue construida en 1980ou are not helped by them Tu no eres ayudado por ellos

    erbo to be Presente Para negativos agrega not

    .............................................am am notou, We, They......................are are not.......arente, She, It..............................is is not............isnt

    erbo to be Pasado

    He, She, It...........................was was not.......wasntou, We, They.......................were were not....werent

    erbos en pasado participio.....Regulares (agregar ed-)erbos en pasado participio.Irregulares (de memoria, pagina 112)


  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


    ewrite the sentences in passive voice

    Mr Jones watches the film........... The film is watched by Mr Jones

    he people speak English

    e reads comics.

    We play volleyball.

    hey sing the song.

    take photos.

    he does the housework.

    he policemen help the children.

    e writes text messages.

    draw a picture.


    ewrite the sentences in passive voice

    he sang a song............... A song was sung by her

    omebody hit me

    We stopped the bus

    thief stole my car

    hey didn't let him go

    he didn't win the prize

    hey didn't make their beds

    did not tell them

    id you tell them?

    id he send the letter?

  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


    Tag Questions

    Los tag questions son pequeas frases o preguntas ( mini-questions ) que se colocan al final de una oracinafirmativa o negativa y que generalmente tienen como objetivo confirmar o negar el contenido de la frasemisma. Es el equivalente al verdad? espaol o al no?


    os tag questions utilizan siempre los verbos auxiliares.

    on oraciones afirmativas utilizamos un tag question en NEGATIVO.

    on oraciones negativas utilizamos un tag question en AFIRMATIVO o POSITIVO.

    heca la tabla de auxiliares-verbos en la pgina 39

    XERCISE: Choose the right form to complete the sentences.

    Teresa is an accountant,___?

    en't she? doesn't she? isn't she? She isn't?

    I am a good worker,___?

    am? do I? amn't I? aren't I?

    Peirre is a grandfather,___?

    e isn't? isn't he? he is? doesn't he?

    Kate is a doctor, ___?

    he is? is she? doesn't she? isn't she?

    Jacques and Alicia are students, ___?

    en't they? are they? isn't he? isn't they?

    Mario is at work right now, ___?

    en't they? isn't he? is he? isn't she?

    I'm here, ___?

    m I not? am not I? amn't I? aren't you?

    You and I are busy right now, ___?

    en't I? aren't we? we aren't? aren't you?

    It's windy today, ___?

    m I? aren't they? isn't it? isn't he?

    0. I am ready for the next exercise, ___?

    n't it? don't I? aren't you? aren't I?

  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


  • 7/28/2019 English 4 Guide


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