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Nome BERTON GIORGIOIndirizzo Abitazione VIA SCUDERLANDO 324, 37135 VERONA

Telefono Uffcio 045-8027126Fax 045-8027127


Nazionalità italiana

Data di nascita Stato civile

AGOSTO, 1951 coniugato, 3 figli


Luglio 1976

Dicembre 1979


Luglio 1976-Ottobre 1980


Giugno 1983 – Ottobre 1983

: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Trieste. Punteggio: 110/110 e lode.: Specializzazione in “Igiene e Medicina Preventiva-Indirizzo di Laboratorio”, Università degli Studi di Trieste. Punteggio: 70/70


Borsista presso gli Istituti di Patologia Generale delle Università di Trieste e di Padova (sede di Verona)

Borsista dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e della Wellcome Trust presso la Sir William Dunn School of Pathology dell’Università di Oxford (UK)

Borsista della European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) presso la Sir William Dunn School of Pathology dell’Università di Oxford (UK)

Pagina 1 - Curriculum vitae di GIORGIO BERTON



10 DICEMBRE 1987- 31 OTTOBRE 1994

01 NOVEMBRE 1982- 09 DICEMBRE 1987.

Professore Ordinario (settore concorsulale 06/A2 – Patologia Generale e Patologia Clinica; precedentemente al 01/10/2011 Settore Scientifico Disciplinare MED/04-Patologia Generale) presso l’Università degli Studi di Verona

Professore Associato di Patologia Generale presso l’Università degli Studi di Verona

Professore incaricato di Patologia Generale presso l’Università degli Studi di Verona

PRINCIPALI ATTIVITA’ DI RICERCA. Fin dalla laurea ha condotto ricerche prevalentemente nel campo delle basi cellulari e

molecolari delle difese innate. Gli argomenti principali oggetto delle sue ricerche sono stati: i) basi biochimiche e meccanismi di regolazione della NADPH ossidasi, il principale sistema microbicida delle cellule fagocitarie; ii) meccanismi di regolazione di funzioni di granulociti e monociti/macrofagi da parte di citochine; iii) trasduzione del segnale e regolazione di funzioni selettive dei granulociti da parte di molecole adesive. Negli ultimi anni ha concentrato i suoi interessi sui meccanismi di trasduzione del segnale da parte di integrine in cellule mielomonocitiche, ed in particolare sul ruolo di tirosin chinasi della famiglia del Src.






CITAZIONI COMPLESSIVE DEI LAVORI (fonte web of science): 4357

h-INDEX (fonte web of science): 35 (Giorgio Berton è tra i i 2646 scienziati italiani con un h-index superiore a 30 elencati nel sito “Top italian scientist” -



(Esperienza acquisita: organizzazione di attività di ricerca, gestione del personale, stesura e rendicontazione di progetti)

FP7 HEALTH (iniziato il 01/01/2012). RESPONSABILE DI UNITA’ E MANAGER SCIENTIFICO DEL PROGETTO. BANDO 2011.1.4-5: New therapeutic approaches in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases PROGETTO: “Targeting Src-family tyrosine kinases in chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases”AIRC (2011-2013). RESPONSABILE DI PROGETTO. PROGETTO “Role of Src-family kinases and c-Abl in regulating myeloid leukocyte adhesion, migration and activation”.PRIN (2006): COORDINATORE NAZIONALE DI PROGETTO. PROGETTO:”Il reclutamento leucocitario: meccanismi e aspetti patologici”PRIN (1997, 1999, 2001, 2003): RESPONSABILE DI UNITA’. PROGETTO “L’infiammazione: biologia e clinica”.

Pagina 2 - Curriculum vitae di GIORGIO BERTON

CNR/MIUR (2003-2005) RESPONSABILE DI UNITA’ DEL PROGETTO DI INTERESSE STRATEGICO “GENOMICA FUNZIONALE/BIOINFORMATICA E GENOMICA FUNZIONALE COMPARATA ”. “PROGETTO “identificazione di domini di c-Fgr e altri membri di tirosin chinasi della famiglia del src, implicati nella regolazione del riarrangiamento del citoscheletro e del movimento in cellule mielomonocitiche”FONDAZIONE CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI VERONA VICENZA BELLUNO E ANCONA (2003): COORDINATORE DEL PROGETTO “Basi molecolari della regolazione della crescita neoplastica da parte di cellule delle difese innate e caratterizzazione dei mecanismi di trasduzione del segnale implicati nella regolazione dell’adesività, movimento e trascrizione genica in cellule delle difese innate e neoplastiche”FONDAZIONE CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI VERONA VICENZA BELLUNO E ANCONA (2001 E RIFINANZIATO NEL 2005): COORDINATORE DEL PROGETTO “La risposta infiammatoria: una spada a doppio taglio implicata nelle difese dell’ospite e nell’induzione di danno tessutale in risposta a patogeni ambientali” FIRB (2001): COORDINATORE NAZIONALE DI PROGETTO. PROGETTO: “L'adesione cellulare: meccanismi di regolazione e ruolo nel controllo del movimento, l'attivazione e la sopravvivenza della cellula”.TELETHON (1997, 1998). RESPONSABILE DI PROGETTO. PROGETTO “Molecular mechanisms of cell dehydration in sickle cell disease and -thalassemia: regulation of K/Cl contransport in normal and diseased erythrocytes






1 OTTOBRE 2004-30 SETTEMBRE 2006

1 OTTOBRE 2006-30 MARZO 2010

1 OTTOBRE 2007-30 SETTEMBRE 2010

1 OTTOBRE 2007-30 SETTEMBRE 2010

E’ membro della Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB), Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica ed Allergologia (SIICA), Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento (ABCD), Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIP-MET).

E’ membro della Faculty of 1000 (F1000) per la sezione Innate Immunity. F1000 organizza un elenco dettagliato degli articoli più importanti selezionati dai suoi 5000 membri (

E’membro del Consiglio Scientifico della Fondazione per la Rierca sulla Fibrosi Cistica-onlus (FFC).

Ha svolto attività di revisore per diverse riviste internazionali tra cui: Nature Cell Biology, Journal of Cell Biology, Journal of Immunology, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, European Journal of Immunology, Journal of Innate Immunity, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Blood, Journal of Cellular Physiology

Rappresentante dei Professori Ordinari della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia nel Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’Università di Verona.

Direttore del Dipartimento di Patologia

Rappresentante dei Professori Ordinari della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia nel Senato Accademico Allargato dell’Università di Verona

Presidente della Commissione Permanente per la Ricerca del Senato Accademico Allargato e, come tale, membro del Senato Accademico Ristretto.

Pagina 3 - Curriculum vitae di GIORGIO BERTON





Baruzzi A, Berton G (2012). The tyrosine kinase Abl is a component of macrophage podosomes and is required for podosome formation and function.. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0014-2980), pp. 2720- 2726 Vol. 42.

Pagina 4 - Curriculum vitae di GIORGIO BERTON

Bezzerri V, d'Adamo P, Rimessi A, Lanzara C, Crovella S, Nicolis E, Tamanini A, Athanasakis E, Tebon M, Bisoffi G, Drumm ML, Knowles MR, Pinton P, Gasparini P, Berton G, Cabrini G. (2011). Phospholipase C-β3 is a key modulator of IL-8 expression in cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 4946- 4958 Vol. 186.

Santini F, Onorati F, Telesca M, Menon T, Mazzi P, Berton G, Faggian G, Mazzucco A (2012). Selective pulmonary pulsatile perfusion with oxygenated blood during cardiopulmonary bypass attenuates lung tissue inflammation but does not affect circulating cytokine levels. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY (ISSN:1010-7940), pp. 942-950 Vol. 42.

Santini F, Onorati F, Telesca M, Patelli F, Berton G, Franchi G, Faggian G, Mazzucco A (2011). Pulsatile pulmonary perfusion with oxygenated blood ameliorates pulmonary hemodynamic and respiratory indices in low-risk coronary artery bypass patients. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY (ISSN:1010-7940), pp. 794- 803 Vol. 40.

Dechecchi MC, Nicolis E, Mazzi P, Cioffi F, Bezzerri V, Lampronti I, Huang S, Wiszniewski L, Gambari R, Scupoli MT, Berton G, Cabrini G (2011). Modulators of Sphingolipid Metabolism Reduce Lung Inflammation. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (ISSN:1044-1549), pp. 825- 833 Vol. 45.

BARUZZI A., IACOBUCCI I., SOVERINI S., LOWELL C.A., MARTINELLI G., BERTON G. (2010). c-Abl and Src-family kinases cross-talk in regulation of myeloid cell migration. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 15- 21 Vol. 584.

Marchini C., Montani M., Konstantinidou G., Orrù R., Mannucci S., Ramadori G., Gabrielli F., Baruzzi A., Berton G., Merigo F., Fin S., Iezzi M., Bisaro B., Sbarbati A., Zerani M., Galiè M., Amici A. (2010). Mesenchymal/stromal gene expression signature relates to basal-like breast cancers, identifies bone metastasis and predicts resistance to therapies.. PLOS ONE (ISSN:1932-6203), pp. e14131, Vol. 5.

Iacobucci I.; Lonetti A.; Messa F.; Ferrari A.; Cilloni D.; Soverini S.; Paoloni F.; Arruga F.; Ottaviani E.; Chiaretti S.; Messina M.; Vignetti M.; Papayannidis C.; Vitale A.; Pane F.; Piccaluga P.P.; Paolini S.; Berton G.; Baruzzi A.; Saglio G.; Baccarani M.; Foà R.; Martinelli G. (2010). Different isoforms of the B-cell mutator activation-induced cytidine deaminase are aberrantly expressed in BCR-ABL1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. LEUKEMIA (ISSN:0887-6924), pp. 66- 73 Vol. 24.

D'Elios M.M., Codolo G., Amedei A., Mazzi P., Berton G., Zanotti G., Del Prete G., de Bernard M. (2009). Helicobacter pylori, asthma and allergy. FEMS IMMUNOLOGY AND MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY (ISSN:0928-8244), pp. 1- 8 Vol. 56.

A. Baruzzi, E. Caveggion, G. Berton (2008). Regulation of phagocyte migration and recruitment by Src-family kinases. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES (ISSN:1420-682X), pp. 2175- 2190 Vol. 65.

Iacobucci I., Lonetti A., Cilloni D., Messa F., Ferrari A., Zuntini R., Ferrari S., Ottaviani E., Arruga F., Paolini S., Papayannidis C., Piccaluga P.P., Soverini S., Saglio G., Pane F., Baruzzi A., Vignetti M., Berton G., Vitale A., Chiaretti S., Müschen M., Foà R., Baccarani M., Martinelli G.(2008). Identification of different Ikaros cDNA transcripts in Philadelphia-positive adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia by a high-throughput capillary electrophoresis sizing method.. HAEMATOLOGICA (ISSN:0390-6078), pp. 1814- 1821 Vol. 93.

Iacobucci I., Lonetti A., Messa F., Cilloni D., Arruga F., Ottaviani E., Paolini S., Papayannidis C., Piccaluga P.P., Giannoulia P., Soverini S., Amabile M., Poerio A., Saglio G., Pane F., Berton G., Baruzzi A., Vitale A., Chiaretti S., Perini G., Foà R., Baccarani M., Martinelli G. (2008). Expression of spliced oncogenic Ikaros isoforms in Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: implications for a new mechanism of resistance.. BLOOD (ISSN:0006-4971), pp. 3847- 3855 Vol.112.

CODOLO G., MAZZI P., AMEDEI A., DEL PRETE G., BERTON G., D'ELIOS M.M., de BERNARD M. (2008). The neutrophil-activating protein of Helicobacter pylori down-modulates Th2 inflammation in ovalbumin-induced allergic asthma.. CELLULAR MICROBIOLOGY (ISSN:1462-5814), pp. 2355- 2363 Vol. 10

L. Fumagalli, Zhang H., Baruzzi A., Lowell C.A., Berton G. (2007). The SRC family kinases hck and fgr regulate neutrophil responses to N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 3874-3885 Vol. 178.

Pagina 5 - Curriculum vitae di GIORGIO BERTON

Evangelista V., Pamuklar Z., Piccoli A., Manarini S., Dell'elba G., Pecce R., Martelli N., Federico L., Rojas M., Berton G., Lowell C.A., Totani L., Smyth S.S. (2007). Src family kinases mediate neutrophil adhesion to adherent platelets. BLOOD (ISSN:0006-4971), pp. 2461- 469 Vol. 109.

L. TOTANI, A. PICCOLI, S. MANARINI, L. FEDERICO, R. PECCE, N. MARTELLI, C. CERLETTI, P. PICCARDONI, C. A. LOWELL, S. S. SMYTH, G. BERTON, V. EVANGELISTA (2006). Src-family kinases mediate an outside-in signal necessary for beta2-integrins to achieve full activation and sustain firm adhesion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes tethered on E-selectin. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL (ISSN:0264-6021), pp. 89-98 Vol. 396.

DE FRANCESCHI L., VILLA-MORUZZI E., BIONDANI A., SICILIANO A., BRUGNARA C., ALPER S.L., LOWELL C.A., BERTON G. (2006). Regulation of K-Cl cotransport by protein phosphatase 1alpha in mouse erythrocytes. PFLUGERS ARCHIV (ISSN:0031-6768), pp. 760-768 Vol. 451.

MINUZ P., FUMAGALLI L., GAINO S., TOMMASOLI R.M., DEGAN M., CAVALLINI C., LECCHI A., CATTANEO M., LECHI SANTONASTASO C., BERTON G. (2006). Rapid stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation signals downstream of G-protein-coupled receptors for thromboxane A2 in human platelets.. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL (ISSN:0264-6021), pp. 127-134 Vol. 400.

GIAGULLI C, OTTOBONI L, E. CAVEGGION, B. ROSSI, C. A. LOWELL, G. CONSTANTIN, C. LAUDANNA, G. BERTON (2006). The Src family kinases Hck and Fgr are dispensable for inside-out, chemoattractant-induced signaling regulating beta2 integrin affinity and valency in neutrophils, but are required for beta2 integrin-mediated outside-in signaling involved in sustained adhesion. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 604-611 Vol.177.

G. BERTON, ATTILA MOCSAI, CLIFFORD A. LOWELL (2005). Src and Syk kinases: key regulators of phagocytic cell activation. TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:1471-4906), pp. 208- 214 Vol. 26.

Piacentini GL, Peroni DG, Bodini A, Vicentini L, Baraldi E, Boner AL, Chatzimichail A, Berton G (2005). Theophylline inhibits integrin-dependent eosinophil superoxide production. ALLERGY AND ASTHMA PROCEEDINGS (ISSN:1088-5412), pp. 47-51 Vol. 26.

CONTINOLO S, BARUZZI A, MAJEED M, CAVEGGION E, FUMAGALLI L, LOWELL CA, G. BERTON (2005). The proto-oncogene Fgr regulates cell migration and this requires its plasma membrane localization. EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH (ISSN:0014-4827), pp. 253-269 Vol. 302.

SCAPINI P, MORINI M, TECCHIO C, MINGHELLI S, DI CARLO E, TANGHETTI E, ALBINI A, LOWELL C, BERTON G, NOONAN DM, M. CASSATELLA (2004). CXCL1/macrophage inflammatory protein-2-induced angiogenesis in vivo is mediated by neutrophil-derived vascular endothelial growth factor-A. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 5034-5040 Vol. 172.

JAKUS Z, G. BERTON, LIGETI E, LOWELL CA, MOCSAI A. (2004). Responses of neutrophils to anti-integrin antibodies depends on costimulation through low affinity Fc gamma Rs: full activation requires both integrin and nonintegrin signals.. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 2068-2077 Vol. 173.

CAVEGGION E., CONTINOLO S., PIXLEY F.J., STANLEY R.E., BOWTELL D.D.L., LOWELL C.A., G. BERTON (2003). Expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbl regulates macrophage chemokinetic and chemotactic movement. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY (ISSN:0021-9541), pp. 276-289 Vol. 195.

VICENTINI L., MAZZI P., CAVEGGION E., CONTINOLO S., FUMAGALLI L., LAPINET-VERA J.A., LOWELL C.A., G. BERTON (2002). Fgr deficiency results in defective eosinophil recruitment to the lung during allergic airway inflammation. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 6446-6454 Vol. 168.

MINUZ P, GAINO S, ZULIANI V, TOMMASOLI RM, BENATI D, ORTOLANI R, ZANCANARO C, G. BERTON, LECHI SANTONASTASO C (2002). Functional role of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase in platelet activation induced by a thromboxane A2 analogue and by 8-iso-prostaglandin F2alpha. THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS (ISSN:0340-6245), pp. 888- 898 Vol. 87.

MAJEED M., CAVEGGION E., LOWELL C.A., G. BERTON (2001). Role of Src-family kinases and Syk in Fcg receptor-mediated phagocytosis and phagosome-lysosome fusion in murine macrophages. JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY (ISSN:0741-5400), pp. 801- 811 Vol. 70.

DE FRANCESCHI L., VILLA-MORUZZI E., FUMAGALLI L., BRUGNARA C., TURRINI F., MOTTA R., VEGHINI E., CORATO C., ALPER S., BERTON G. (2001). K-Cl cotransport modulation by intracellular Mg in

Pagina 6 - Curriculum vitae di GIORGIO BERTON

erythrocytes from mice bred for low and high Mg levels. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY (ISSN:0363-6143), pp. 1385-1395 Vol. 281.

MOCSAI A., JAKUS Z., VANTUS T., G. BERTON, LOWELL C.A., LIGETI E. (2000). Kinase pathways in chemoattractant-induced degranulation of neutrophils: the role of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase activated by Src family kinases. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 4321-4331 Vol. 164.

SUEN P.W., ILIC D., CAVEGGION E., G. BERTON, DAMSKY C.H., LOWELL C.A. (1999). Impaired integrin-mediated signal transduction, altered cytoskeletal structure and reduced motility in Hck/Fgr deficient macrophages. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE (ISSN:0021-9533), pp. 4067-4078 Vol. 112.

MOCSAI A., LIGETI E., LOWELL C.A., G. BERTON (1999). Adhesion-dependent degranulation of neutrophils requires the Src family kinases Fgr and Hck. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 1120-1126 Vol. 162.

G. BERTON, LOWELL C.A. (1999). Integrin signalling in neutrophils and macrophages. CELLULAR SIGNALLING (ISSN:0898-6568), pp. 621-635 Vol. 11.

LOWELL C.A., G. BERTON (1999). Integrin signal transduction in myeloid leukocytes. JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY (ISSN:0741-5400), pp. 313-320 Vol. 65.

G. BERTON (1999). Tyrosine kinases in neutrophils. CURRENT OPINION IN HEMATOLOGY (ISSN:1065-6251), pp. 51-58 Vol. 6.

E. NICOLIS, A. TAMANINI, P. MELOTTI, R. ROLFINI, G. BERTON, M. A. CASSATELLA, BOUT, A. PAVIRANI, G. CABRINI (1998). ICAM-1 induction in respiratory cells exposed to a replication-deficient recombinant adenovirus in vitro and in vivo. GENE THERAPY (ISSN:1356-1308), pp. 131-136 Vol. 5.

YAN S. R., G. BERTON (1998). Antibody-induced engagement of beta2 integrins in human neutrophils causes a rapid redistribution of cytoskeletal proteins, Src-family tyrosine kinases, and p72syk that precedes de novo actin polymerization. JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY (ISSN:0741-5400), pp. 401-408 Vol. 64.

LOWELL C.A., G. BERTON (1998). Resistance to endotoxic shock and reduced neutrophil migration in mice deficient for the Src-family kinases Hck and Fgr. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (ISSN:0027-8424), pp. 7580-7584 Vol. 95.

YAN S.R., HUANG M., G. BERTON (1997). Signaling by adhesion in human neutrophils. Activation of the p72syk tyrosine kinase and formation of protein complexes containing p72syk and src family kinases in neutrophils spreading over fibrinogen. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 1902-1910 Vol. 158.

DE FRANCESCHI L., FUMAGALLI L., O. OLIVIERI, CORROCHER R., LOWELL C.A., BERTON G. (1997). Deficiency of Src family kinases Fgr and Hck results in activation of erythrocyte K/Cl cotransport. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION (ISSN:0021-9738), pp. 220-227 Vol. 99.

S. R. Yan, G. Berton (1996). Regulation of Src family tyrosine kinase activities in adherent human neutrophils. Evidence that reactive oxygen intermediates produced by adherent neutrophils increase the activity of the p58c-fgr and p53/56lyn tyrosine kinases. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN:0021-9258), pp. 23464- 23471 Vol. 271.

G. BERTON, S. R. YAN, L. FUMAGALLI, C. A. LOWELL. (1996). Neutrophil activation by adhesion: Mechanisms and pathophysiological implications. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL & LABORATORY RESEARCH (ISSN:0940-5437), pp. 160-177 Vol. 26.

LOWELL C.A., FUMAGALLI L., G. BERTON (1996). Deficiency of Src family kinases p59/61hck and p58c-fgr results in defective adhesion-dependent neutrophil functions. THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY (ISSN:0021-9525), pp. 895-910 Vol. 133.

YAN S. R., L. FUMAGALLI, G. BERTON (1996). Activation of SRC family kinases in human neutrophils. Evidence that p58C-FGR and p53/56LYN redistributed to a Triton X-100-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction, also enriched in the caveolar protein caveolin, display an enhanced kinase activity. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 198- 203 Vol. 380.

YAN S. R., L. FUMAGALLI, G. BERTON (1995). Activation of p58c-fgr and p53/56lyn in adherent human

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neutrophils: evidence for a role of divalent cations in regulating neutrophil adhesion and protein tyrosine kinase activities. JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION (ISSN:1078-7852), pp. 297-311 Vol. 45.

YAN S.R., FUMAGALLI L., S. DUSI, BERTON G. (1995). Tumor necrosis factor triggers redistribution to a Triton X-100-insoluble, cytoskeletal fraction of beta 2 integrins, NADPH oxidase components, tyrosine phosphorylated proteins, and the protein tyrosine kinase p58fgr in human neutrophils adherent to fibrinogen. JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY (ISSN:0741-5400), pp. 595-606 Vol.58.

BERTON G., FUMAGALLI L., LAUDANNA C., C. SORIO (1994). Beta 2 integrin-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the FGR protein tyrosine kinase in human neutrophils.. THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY (ISSN:0021-9525), pp. 1111-1121 Vol. 126.

LAUDANNA C, CONSTANTIN G, BARON P, SCARPINI E, SCARLATO G, CABRINI G, DECHECCHI C, ROSSI F, M. CASSATELLA, BERTON G. (1994). Sulfatides trigger increase of cytosolic free calcium and enhanced expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-8 mRNA in human neutrophils. Evidence for a role of L-selectin as a signaling molecule. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN:0021-9258), pp. 4021-4026 Vol. 269.

G. CONSTANTIN, LAUDANNA C., BARON P., BERTON G. (1994). Sulfatides trigger cytokine gene expression and secretion in human monocytes.. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 66-70 Vol. 350.

C. A. MELO, C. SERRA, V. STOYANOVA, C. AGUZZOLI, D. FARAGUNA, A. TAMANINI, G. BERTON, G. CABRINI, F. E. BARALLE (1993). Alternative splicing of a previously unidentified CFTR exon introduces an in-frame stop codon 5' of the R region. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 159-162 Vol. 329.

LAUDANNA, ROSSI F, BERTON G. (1993). Effect of inhibitors of distinct signalling pathways on neutrophil O2- generation in response to tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and antibodies against CD18 and CD11a: evidence for a common and unique pattern of sensitivity to wortmannin and protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN:0006-291X), pp. 935-940 Vol. 190.

SORIO C., SAGGIORO D., CHIECO-BIANCHI L., BERTON G. (1993). The monosialoganglioside GM1 induces internalisation and degradation of the CD4 antigen in U937 cells. Evidence for a novel mechanism of CD4 down-modulation in p56lck-negative cell line,which is independent of protein kinase C activation. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN:0006-291X), pp. 1105-1110 Vol. 191.

SAGGIORO D., SORIO C., CALDERAZZO F., CALLEGARO L., PANOZZO M., BERTON G., CHIECO-BIANCHI L. (1993). Mechanism of action of the monosialoganglioside GM1 as a modulator of CD4 expression. Evidence that GM1-CD4 interaction triggers dissociation of p56lck from CD4, and CD4 internalization and degradation.. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN:0021-9258), pp. 1368- 1375 Vol. 268.

Laudanna C., Melotti P., Bonizzato C., Piacentini G., Boner A., Serra M.C., Berton G. (1993). Ligation of members of the beta 1 or the beta 2 subfamilies of integrins by antibodies triggers eosinophil respiratory burst and spreading. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 273- 280 Vol. 80.

M. C. Dechecchi, A. Tamanini, G. Berton, G. Cabrini (1993). Protein kinase C activates chloride conductance in C127 cells stably expressing the cystic fibrosis gene. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN:0021-9258), pp. 11321- 11325 Vol. 268.

C. Sorio, P. Melotti, S. Dusi, G. Berton (1993). Interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha enhance p60src expression in human macrophages and myelomonocytic cell lines. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 315- 320 Vol. 327.

Pizzolo G, Vincenzi C, Vinante F, Rigo A, Veneri D, Chilosi M, Dusi S, Poli G, Zambello R, Semenzato G, Berton G (1992). Highly concentrated urine-purified Tac peptide fails to inhibit IL-2-dependent cell proliferation in vitro. CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0008-8749), pp. 253- 259 Vol. 141.

F. VINANTE, PIZZOLO G, RIGO A, VINCENZI C, SORIO C, CASSATELLA M, BERTON G (1992). The CD4 molecule belongs to the phenotypic repertoire of most cases of acute myeloid leukemia. LEUKEMIA (ISSN:0887-6924), pp. 1257- 1262 Vol. 6.

BERTON G., LAUDANNA C., SORIO C., F. ROSSI (1992). Generation of signals activating neutrophil functions by leukocyte integrins: LFA-1 and gp150/95, but not CR3, are able to stimulate the respiratory burst of human neutrophils. THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY (ISSN:0021-9525), pp. 1007- 1017 Vol. 116.

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M. C. Dechecchi, R. Rolfini, A. Tamanini, C. Gamberi, G. Berton, G. Cabrini (1992). Effect of modulation of protein kinase C on the cAMP-dependent chloride conductance in T84 cells. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 25- 28 Vol. 311.

M. A. Cassatella, G. Trinchieri, N. F. Hassan, L. Hartman, C. Sorio, G. Berton (1992). Induction of differentiation of the human myeloid cell line, ML3, by tumour necrosis factor and interferon-gamma is accompanied by enhanced expression of the CD4 protein and messenger RNA. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 55- 59 Vol.76.

A. Tamanini, G. Berton, G. Cabrini (1991). Adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase from human placenta: characterization of the catalytic subunit. ENZYME (ISSN:0013-9432), pp. 97- 108 Vol. 45.

BERTON G, SORIO C, C. LAUDANNA, MENEGAZZI M, CARCERERI DE PRATI A, SUZUKI H. (1991). Activation of human monocyte-derived macrophages by interferon gamma is accompanied by increase of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity.. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA (ISSN:0006-3002), pp. 101- 109 Vol. 1091.

POLI G., SORIO C., BERTON G. (1991). Protein myristoylation in human mononuclear phagocytes : modulation by Interferon gamma and Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE (ISSN:0021-9533), pp. 833- 840 Vol. 100.

P. Placchi, R. Lombardo, A. Tamanini, P. Brusa, G. Berton, G. Cabrini (1991). cAmp-dependent protein kinase inhibits the chloride conductance in apical membrane vesicles of human placenta. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY (ISSN:0022-2631), pp. 25- 32 Vol. 119.

C. Laudanna, S. Miron, G. Berton, F. Rossi (1990). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha/cachectin activates the O2(-)-generating system of human neutrophils independently of the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides and the release of arachidonic acid. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN:0006-291X), pp. 308- 315 Vol. 166.

S. DUSI, POLI G., BERTON G., CATALANO P., VELLER FORNASA C., PESERICO A. (1990). Chronic granulomatous disease in an adult female with granulomatous cheilitis. Evidence for an X-linked pattern of inheritance with extreme lyonization. ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA (ISSN:0001-5792), pp. 49- 56 Vol. 84.

L. Messina, A. Arcidiacono, G. Spampinato, L. Malaguarnera, G. Berton, L. Kaczmarek, A. Messina (1990). Accumulation of ornithine decarboxylase mRNA accompanies activation of human and mouse monocytes/macrophages. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 32- 34 Vol. 268.

E. Squassoni, G. Cabrini, G. Berton (1990). cAmp dependent chloride conductance is not different in cystic fibrosis fibroblasts. LIFE SCIENCES (ISSN:0024-3205), pp. 1265- 1270 Vol. 46.

M. A. Cassatella, G. Berton, C. Agostini, R. Zambello, L. Trentin, A. Cipriani, G. Semenzato (1989). Generation of superoxide anion by alveolar macrophages in sarcoidosis: evidence for the activation of the oxygen metabolism in patients with high-intensity alveolitis. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 451- 458 Vol. 66.

G. Berton, S. Dusi, M. C. Serra, P. Bellavite, F. Rossi (1989). Studies on the NADPH oxidase of phagocytes. Production of a monoclonal antibody which blocks the enzymatic activity of pig neutrophil NADPH oxidase. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN:0021-9258), pp. 5564- 5568 Vol. 264.

M. C. Dechecchi, E. Girella, G. Cabrini, G. Berton (1988). The Km of NADH dehydrogenase is decreased in mitochondria of cystic fibrosis cells. ENZYME (ISSN:0013-9432), pp. 45- 50 Vol. 7.

CASSATELLA M. A., CAPPELLI R., DELLA BIANCA V., GRZESKOWIAK M., S. DUSI, BERTON G. (1988). Interferon-gamma activates human neutrophil oxygen metabolism and exocytosis. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 499- 506 Vol.63.

E. A. Valletta, G. Berton (1987). Desensitization of macrophage oxygen metabolism on immobilized ligands: different effect of immunoglobulin G and complement. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 4366- 4373 Vol. 138.

Chilosi M, Semenzato G, Cetto G, Ambrosetti A, Fiore-Donati L, Perona G, Berton G, Lestani M, Scarpa A, Agostini C, Trentin L, Zambello R, Masciarelli M, Dazzi F, Vinante F, Caligaris-Cappio F, Pizzolo G (1987). Soluble interleukin-2 receptors in the sera of patients with hairy cell leukemia: relationship with the effect of recombinant alpha-interferon therapy on clinical parameters and natural killer in vitro activity. BLOOD

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(ISSN:0006-4971), pp. 1530- 1535 Vol. 70.

M. A. Cassatella, E. Valletta, S. Dusi, G. Berton (1986). Measurement of NADPH oxidase activity in detergent lysates of human and mouse macrophage monolayers. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS (ISSN:0022-1759), pp. 231- 240 Vol. 92.

BERTON G, M. CASSATELLA, BELLAVITE P, ROSSI F. (1986). Molecular basis of macrophage activation. Expression of the low potential cytochrome b and its reduction upon cell stimulation in activated macrophages.. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0022-1767), pp. 1393- 1399 Vol. 136.

G. Berton, H. Rosen, R. A. Ezekowitz, P. Bellavite, M. C. Serra, F. Rossi, S. Gordon (1986). Monoclonal antibodies to a particulate superoxide-forming system stimulate a respiratory burst in intact guinea pig neutrophils. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (ISSN:0027-8424), pp. 4002- 4006 Vol. 83.

G. Berton, L. Zeni, M. A. Cassatella, F. Rossi (1986). Gamma interferon is able to enhance the oxidative metabolism of human neutrophils. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN:0006-291X), pp. 1276-1282 Vol. 138.

M. A. Cassatella, V. Della Bianca, G. Berton, F. Rossi (1985). Activation by gamma interferon of human macrophage capability to produce toxic oxygen molecules is accompanied by decreased Km of the superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN:0006-291X), pp. 908- 914 Vol. 132.

G. Berton, M. Cassatella, G. Cabrini, F. Rossi (1985). Activation of mouse macrophages causes no change in expression and function of phorbol diesters' receptors, but is accompanied by alterations in the activity and kinetic parameters of NADPH oxidase. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 371- 379 Vol. 54.

Berton G, Papini E, Cassatella MA, Bellavite P, Rossi F (1985). Partial purification of the superoxide-generating system of macrophages. Possible association of the NADPH oxidase activity with a low-potential (-247 mV) cytochrome b. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA (ISSN:0006-3002), pp. 164- 173 Vol. 810.

G. Berton, S. Gordon (1983). Regulation of superoxide anion release by mouse macrophages in culture. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE (ISSN:0035-9203), pp. 610- 613 Vol. 77.

C. M. Grosskinsky, R. A. Ezekowitz, G. Berton, S. Gordon, B. A. Askonas (1983). Macrophage activation in murine African trypanosomiasis. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY (ISSN:0019-9567), pp. 1080- 1086 Vol. 39.

G. Berton, S. Gordon (1983). Superoxide release by peritoneal and bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages. Modulation by adherence and cell activation. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 693-704 Vol. 49.

G. Berton, S. Gordon (1983). Modulation of macrophage mannosyl-specific receptors by cultivation on immobilized zymosan. Effects on superoxide-anion release and phagocytosis. IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0019-2805), pp. 705-715 Vol. 49.

G. Berton, S. Gordon (1983). Desensitization of macrophages to stimuli which induce secretion of superoxide anion. Down-regulation of receptors for phorbol myristate acetate. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY (ISSN:0014-2980), pp. 620- 627 Vol. 13.

G. Berton, P. Bellavite, P. Dri, P. De Togni, F. Rossi (1982). The enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst in elicited guinea pig peritoneal macrophages. JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY (ISSN:0022-3417), pp. 273- 290 Vol. 136.

Berton G, Bellavite P, de Nicola G, Dri P, Rossi F (1982). Plasma membrane and phagosome localisation of the activated NADPH oxidase in elicited peritoneal macrophages of the guinea-pig. JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY (ISSN:0022-3417), pp. 241- 252 Vol. 136.

Bellavite P, Berton G, Dri P, Soranzo MR (1981). Enzymatic basis of the respiratory burst of guinea pig resident peritoneal macrophages. JOURNAL OF THE RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SOCIETY (ISSN:0033-6890), pp. 47-60 Vol. 29.

P. Dri, G. Berton, P. Patriarca (1981). A two-fold effect of L-1-tosylamide-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone on the oxidative metabolism of guinea pig phagocytes. INFLAMMATION (ISSN:0360-3997) pp. 223- 239 Vol.5.

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G. Zabucchi, G. Berton, M. R. Soranzo (1981). Mechanism of the potentiating effect of cytochalasin B on the respiratory burst induced by concanavalin A in leucocytes. FEBS LETTERS (ISSN:0014-5793), pp. 165-169 Vol. 125.

Rossi P, Dri P, Berton G, Bellavite P (1981). Activation of oxygen metabolism in polymorphonuclear leucocytes : activity of soluble and membrane bound NADPH and NADH oxidases. CLINICAL RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY (ISSN:0272-7587), pp. 167- 177 Vol. 17.

Zabucchi G, Bellavite P, Berton G, Dri P (1980). Free radicals generation by the inflammatory cells. AGENTS AND ACTIONS SUPPLEMENT (ISSN:0379-0363), pp. 159-166 Vol. 7.

G. Berton, C. Schneider, D. Romeo (1980). Inhibition by quercetin of activation of polymorphonuclear leucocyte functions. Stimulus-specific effects. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA (ISSN:0006-3002), pp. 47-55 Vol. 595.

Bellavite P, Berton G, Dri P (1980). Studies on the NADPH oxidation by subcellular particles from phagocytosing polymorphonuclear leucocytes: evidence for the involvement of three mechanisms. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA (ISSN:0006-3002), pp. 434- 444 Vol. 591.

Dri P, Bellavite P, Berton G, Rossi F (1979). Interrelationship between oxygen consumption, superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide formation in phagocytosing guinea pig polymorphonuclear leucocytes. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY (ISSN:0300-8177), pp. 109-122 Vol. 23. D. Romeo, G. Zabucchi, G. Berton, C. Schneider (1978). Metabolic stimulation of polymorphonuclear leucocytes: effects of tetravalent and divalent concanavalin A. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY (ISSN:0022-2631), pp. 321- 30 Vol. 44.

G. Zabucchi, M. R. Soranzo, G. Berton, D. Romeo, F. Rossi (1978). The stimulation of the oxidative metabolism of polymorphonuclear leukocytes: effect of colchicine and cytochalasin B. JOURNAL OF THE RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SOCIETY (ISSN:0033-6890), pp. 451-460 Vol. 24.


G. BERTON (1999). Degranulation. In: GALLIN J ET AL., Inflammation: Basic Principles and Clinical Correlates. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA: pp.703-720.

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G. Berton, M. A. Cassatella (1992). Modulation of neutrophil functions by gamma-interferon. In: Coffey C., Granulocyte Responses to cytokines. Marcel Dekker, Inc,, New York USA, pp. 437- 456 .

BERTON G, POLI G, C. SORIO (1992). Intracellular protein tyrosine kinases of the Src family in mononuclear phagocytes. In: VAN FURTH R, Mononuclear Phagocytes. Biology of monocytes and macrophages. Kluver Akademic Publishers, Dodrecht, The Netherlands: pp.500- 507.

M.A. Cassatella and G. Berton. (1992). Modulation of neutrophil functions by interferon gamma. Baron S. et al. Interferon: Principles and Medical Applications The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, USA, pp. 387-398.

G. Berton, S. Dusi, P. Bellavite (1988). The respiratory burst of phagocytes. In: Sbarra A.J. and Strauss R.R., The respiratory burst and its physiological significance. Plenum Press, NY USA: pp.33- 51

P. Bellavite, Mc Serra, S. Dusi, G. Berton, M. Chilosi (1987). The free radical forming system of granulocytes and macrophages: further studies. The Biology of Phagocytes in Health and Disease. Pergamon Press, Oxford: pp.161- 173 .

G. Berton, M.A. Cassatella, E. Valletta. (1987). Modulation of macrophage oxygen metabolism. Evidence for desensitization and activation of the cell response to environmental stimuli. In: Konijn et al., Molecular mechanisms of desensitization to signal molecules. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 291-300.

Berton G. and Gordon S. Role of the plasma membrane in the regulation of superoxide anion release by macrophages. In: VAN FURTH R, Mononuclear Phagocytes. Characteristics, Physiology and Functions. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dodrecht, The Netherlands: pp. 435-444.

F. Rossi, P. Bellavite, G. Berton, M. Grzeskowiak, E. Papini (1985). Mechanism of production of toxic oxygen radicals by granulocytes and macrophages and their function in the inflammatory process . PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE (ISSN:0344-0338), pp. 136- 142 Vol. 180.

F. Rossi, G. Berton, P. Bellavite, V. Della Bianca (1982). The inflammatory cells and their respiratory burst. Advances in Inflammation Research. Vol.III°: Rheumatoid Arthritis. Raven Press, New York: pp.329- 340.

F. Rossi, P. Bellavite, G. Berton (1982). The respiratory burst in phagocytic leukocytes. Phagocytosis-Past and Future. Academic Press, pp.167-191.

Rossi F, Bellavite P, Berton G, Dri P, Zabucchi G (1982). The respiratory burst of phagocytic cells: facts and problems. ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (ISSN:0065-2598), pp. 283- 322 Vol. 141.

F. Rossi, P.Patriarca, G. Berton, G. De Nicola (1980). Subcellular localization of the enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst in resting and PMA-activated leucocytes. In: Bannister at a., Biological and Clinical Aspects of Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase. Elsevier, North Holland: pp.193- 200.

Rossi F, Zabucchi G, Dri P, Bellavite P, Berton G (1979). O2- and H2O2 production during the respiratory burst in alveolar macrophages. ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (ISSN:0065-2598), pp. 53- 74 Vol. 121.

C. Schneider, G. Berton, S. Spisani, S. Traniello, D. Romeo (1979). Quercetin, a regulator of polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) functions. ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (ISSN:0065-2598), pp. 371-379 Vol.121.

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