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ftatnnr«. Roti'*»"

LdnrtuP Mur.fXs -Jai' roeeirod tr a auetion,._,*mi »rTain*1 "th« -artiav IrmiMtatTaet-i

0.**>" whitb * Werths ¦ate*' »' " b4'f* '*.

21, ,* rear. I . ?¦.«1 M LllMI '

gr ad.ay IW'I I ¦ r>»rd *


(7w^**od*.ikaV»w> Tkf .'..> «0/ *"jr »»'..'?o« .eel* eewerUrta. tt.©-' «f *.*."..'« «n*ri«r«e.t -r1 .. a n n<tfe.uiIT iitlk- m * «*¦ . f '. «m 'lo'**.*Via area o.ooVia ioia>K«e* fi->it«»« S eidbe-d duwi U

.reel b*r»eku* Erie* itmm mAt to 01*» f laoe* to reot. ilki ottMl af »very tan*1' S«e rtlflreo rt.

.s-todlrf .¦ ..'»>.. ». .- M I II!«i mmm lo United «t*te« <.¦ et in t*a tunp-r«-¦rat; All ** «»treu.-.y .ow ,«icee Mio '; at riba 'odorsdmt*m H ktc* 'V-T«ks li <HB'i»l««i.

, ,'OIMAIt iltAl.i: .K. ET !/. «.iXlr.«.! hi SÖId' B-><*aw*y U .:.» -fh-.b uli. a: (| *ud I Ujtli>.. ...i.i i 0* '«t.-4 Ira '. »> let! rtjid.m. «.« fron, l ip a-d 6Hi«n, Barior.». Lsws- "*

lain*. Ac *quail) cheep_G'OWKN'rt ClVII. ilif.AII-' .1 I

Ct*.l JoH*d.Um powr» umi .ui r n.IBy Wall*«, Tl*f)

llUNTl ctrt*l*iL T»k«.M* ^ fA Treeth** ot. the (*MMj L*- »« ."»^;ta.,B.Tri oa.y

iiir «inrMi-<>m«> Huiik^ Krom.wav..

?JZ,**Z> »P»rt».eD., wren Wkdkl k»ll MMj I

lit* i.\*e*.e 01 *> . «.». ""-b P"-0" Fat . re.l (if ;bj

_J..ltl*l* book ¦>__" HoTtL* " Id 'b < paper_>^^tJflAMCm PAJLAuVANDBB SATM..H »BERT M.p...,,.. utbetoie BO*l|M*m ia 'ka l'utr<' At**** of the

i|iU^W*d«*ri* **d ' I trablo 0efl^rlLrKrkiaf.o ' »'.-s liaka 0 M If r-ar! * IM

loo, |e low Ma d>"J___.tSflldiRM'M 8I wim- Mai him>i'J.0MO 1*1-HnrtkUII just CaMPLCTID. dll !.".*«. .i. -re. e1 I

.«« *rr u>TlUd U s*l| *l < ur -,(3. » *ri -

"inipror.d It a »¦¦..¦ TkO »*.«--f the Marh.t, a ..

orokledb» ttie.eiii.p!oi-.,.r,-e N B -Wecif.-e Ik* peVieU.mM U lUrti I My Lb* flks ah«d. r« «I

«Trr»l*Ud by mi,ae,0pU'o«. u.akera ..,1 fendji o loferlot - .'

,o«M.rhlor..*bo l.vr k«M ».._»«..«tm- [aataoUj. _I N »HIB» aV to . Wo 1*1 *ro«d-*t.

"~HOM-OWAV f OlM MI NI.y..

r.jfniiT-1-*h«a« M< « a i

l>.-o» .«!..Forth, eatrtotdlna.)r. :r- »* r»_e« f - .. j /toUMoff hot. a, t ii ..»«.<. Tb.. crl.- ra-d Ol»'«»». III core a., man *rl ..r lojA M ÜM ¦kamfaetoilea Ho.lJbalder, lone Nr. Tori *t'd n». ?M >''.'¦ f h"-J ..tkell»ii nMe*h«l ' V I an« AI p''l t A


Tiik RlW-TOM VtUI rBJTaWn for thiswcok conthiri» tkt ebflotrl 1(1

i. .BnnORIAh8: To Those »bf ' '»-.t UhOTI T' e

Me.* fjfii Etiiop-: P..1ÜH1- hVMey f>r*o»ai ThiHJ*. Pen,, at Kf l| ia I Ktl M &r.

II. .MOIE KUR'tPEAN' Ml s Tbl MlUolLitter fr>'tii nor Ü.» UontMf nd'ui Citlirelellotelhieiice

ril..RIOIiT DAVS LATER FEOM0ALIFORITIAi Ar-rittl of It* Mur oi ihe vVe.t, Ooreraoi't M*m*«e.

1V..MOR2 (itLI'UKM* ntH's Addnional Nt»ibytb* rtMBkablf 'leorje Law

V..SAKDWICÜ llbANM Dilti o' Uta] Kane-banarbt.

VI..KAN8A*-HLAVI'P.T Lltttl fottl 1 F Süimfel-low


mm)mmmX liMfaetMW thrai, th< a a andportent .kpi.k in*> ha»« (raatairad In tiie City,Ilalied Blair» iaaVIi Ar.eii-*.ant Europe.

II...POLITICAL N«WI w .11 Mr S-.i-d - REleelie ...aarl.ov-t'*, New Bimf*Mt*| Mn'¦«..¦;leWaVdMII J. rao'a, Ur I I

Z..0ON0>RSdI jNAL tCrJEbllNO Letter f:om OurOen OttIH

AI NOHTH ASH '.nnn By Mi« I HMvy tar'er., katl Craaftta Ua

XII. .TOTH HEARTH irOMII Ol IMCIICAxiii. THE 0RBA1xiv. .STOrtY OV a If (»RH i ULK TI ' (lEDy MuAtl at


AVE*! Lelirl fr>u. O'll Uwu .orre,p:od*r,tXVI MEMO IUI, >r TIM. tVOatlM'at SlAlh r>'. V-


XVIII..BII.L9 BEFORI I 11 bEOISLATUElXI X. MARRI aOl tM Dl ATMXX..REVIEW ur r i- r. MAiu.r..s I p rti of the

Buiea, Uruiu, Provue.n aad Oatd Maihatt| trtytoll) end ape- «"y reported loi Dir Tr MM

Bantle etrraee, in arappata, can be ot'teir d .' f.« counterla ihe rablicaiii ii ill. athtoawmhaf hrlei l| eeot*RtiuctirTio* .Gm* opy fbl <e.e j. i W'Attaie* rapin

SA I fir* eopte* fV, j pie*. »Iii_


T(. CVMMMFOmTDMin I"**> eanaat aadtrteke to r« lata rej.. i. a f .M uM I*To Oca Fiitkot ..-.ui» rlhare, lattadiaj ua lainltt* « frr-

attoaitiy ettlt to meuTlop the oao,e of the (lürc, ai.dMI freauenlly thi ..f Iht Htete lo whleb theh r

I* to b* t*ht.tlavaja oirnti .a feht nau.- <¦' Uta tfmtt Qßottod rVInt*.

m)mmmm h* taheaofaaotyatomt Cottm*i ¦ tt at hot-evtl I* lotet'led 1.1 .,«erii.», uiml t- «¦ ni a' , ..

name *üd adilrua* ..» the aer.t- r- r

luiatloa, bail *a . aaamn:..- ..I bta «n.d lailb

To AtlarrtltaraTilt Wuii.i 1 nn ii I MMrB Bi .r. umti.v ITM

l*VA,w4M> jojii-*. *. n l*aMaahatai] Iht bM kdrertiebaadluo ua the i'u 'e* aiatea, .... ..Uli. | »- II .. very StaleI« üm Oaahwa, Brttial floilattt, Ac bwetaaa :.,r It* rrart. raFainiBi», Mr,I ini<. Uerthaatt mini..., it Thoet whowkak to make Seir hawl. kaawa M.e .-...iniry .»rr ..uld dowell to try Ter WBBBkt Yikiai a Dated I.lawttttoMBi* atahkatrttd at alaaaiBaat "r-.nrh tattttltaThb MlMl-WkkKi t I'kiiiuni rtl*. hae a Taev lartta

.it solatia, la the rtM.ntr,. A.trertiaeneiii, laaVAMi at Itf»ot* pr Ilae, earh .na.-il ..r

CO**t.UKS*l, IKMKHUIV.8r»ATi, Fob. l -Mr Seward, tmm the F mt Olli I

Couiaiittt<a, reporttd u j. let recdutiuu that a weeklymail to and from .Sm Krot circo. from MM pniut od

tie Miarkt*ip;d, he eeiabliehoil, the trip to he foarM n

da)*, the poitnco t ti tho let'era to h« lifi; DMtlp thalf ounce, and prl paid, Ihe nail net to «cit-h oraltwo hundiod p-.uuJ* and the remuneration to he#t. ...>«. n trip tl.ntiac to It . t-.'ii mi in -I wi'h'ncne >ear, and to he nit.tinned five yaatl It was t>r-

oertd to be p-itr. i! Ti i BMata rafbtad to t .insidertbo French lifMkUalioi bill bu'epiut the .lux > u theAnn> Appro.^riati u t ill, dlacii'einir th pTOf 'Sei in¬crease of tte fore- The sum of tao and a halfmillion! waa volod ! > npMti the inc .. IN inat thabill wat tlien la d a-..ic A. jatJlW i

Iliif tk. Fob l -T; Paltift Iwkptpt hill was

ttktn ap Mr. Kicha dum OafaaTatl a substitute fortbo bill, abiking ont the arrant of Iva lalUtttM acres

of .and, reaerving the right of was. aid fitotiitn,'the uai laaa of ihn l'nited States jver the line forIts protaoteon. Tbi* tubititute wan agreed lo, an ithi bi I ptawed. by a vatt af 110 aaraioet 7t Toe bill

.-talil ah a 8ur\eyo:-t,eB)er«l iu I'tah came up,aad a slight debate on BolyrgatBJ f '1 iwtdj and af.erthe talk the till w»^ kil'ed by a vce cf 74 Yeas and

'Nay* MatlotA tt ftOattfAMT Wtt aaVAaiaV, and theI louse did lo, fir*.!*/ patsng the bill in such a forma- to evade Bki p lafatnj qnattioa. Mr. It-mil call up the TarifT amendments n Weine?Jay.Adourned

lia proaptet of a tuoeets'u. wppo* tun to thereAlection a| M- Seward to the Senate ia illus¬trated by the fact that nt th.» Caucm of theWhig mamberi of the Legulature at A'baDj. lastettaittf, be received 74 votes out of N penontpreteat. Not long ago we were told te trat iuret» be defeated hut tAtterly not much baa been.Aid on that point.Tke letter i f our correspondent at Mexico,

which trill be fi und M another ptga of thi*atioruiag * paper, exhibita a gloomy picture of the.Ute ol that country. It aeeuu hardly pot»nie.bat aooiety there can loig escape the ptogt ofInai aUaMlution to which it bttteat alike uuierail fcrnu af (Jovenunent

Mr Joaepb H. Patty, of tbia City, it one of themembera af the Ltwitlatrire who deaire to defaatMr 8t»w*vd. To r,ratif, tbi. Jet ire. Patty m.daa -peech on Wedneiiap. Oae of Patty t ttrongreaaotu tit that Mr. Betrat, twUema the bigkerlaw, aad doet not lore «Uvw^BAaM^-in wbloh.»tpoota tbo dlffereooo between kirn and Pettr it¦fläi And ao tbt latter wm kigb bt kit alo-

qumc*. " Ho UtüaTkt -M tM MM ü ^

rinds." and be trus*e<i he wu correct tb%t the" time wa* arrived when the km-U of des'.b ou'.

"be souicied for all who would wish our country. to bt'-nri,e .-. hyccid B'trot-'g nations.

True. < > Ivty so ! nomine makes <mr country.o D D'ha byword among nati-na aa »l»vc-br«ej-

bjf, ii«;nr, and alaTe-catchine. wp*. it

It tie latglvftaH **n« in tb* leg.rMire haliaof

»rreßfaVa, defend and glorify thoae atrocious

practice*. ____^^^mmmmmmmmmm.

TUK Sin ttraXsaUMl 09 \iKt\t.

Tiere:» talk in dip'omat-c n\\Ktm*A '.I'opeof a new Congress, to be held a: V.enna. Il ia

Ii »ettl* Ibi d'tf'nscei ariting 'rora the | |war. If this Cocgrcis sta'l bi nebi, i: will be a

conflux of stvry diplomat*, mueriters em >aa*a-

dor», chock-ni!l of I'n lity. cnnserva'ism an!

abr lutirin. The gathering of a icL a refined andofficial mo;», ;* rompl .cently itptjiij hye-rtvinEnglish journals a» a Congress of Nation».Wt are at a lo»a ta discover what reil cati »n

wil! be represented there, or wha' true ns'i»nalinterest can be di*cu»ied, forwarded, or sett'exl

by sutba corgreaation. Of curie L'berty willcot form the pivot around which ?in nefc'oti %';.>tj

and delate* wiil turn. The geniut it! loliticnlat*1 meira! propre»», of . man ip*»;oq and tbe f-lc-

vhUt D if the nass't. wi:l not inspire these c»'in-

ciJ». Tec y will cot ae nrcb for ways aad means to

nWrrnjr the thra'deni und^r which gnj*ns thowhole of Euro;>e, Lor even trill the y tbink how to

lessen or alleviate itt weicht and tension. Th"ywill assemble, no*, it repre*> nta,;\et oi nition?,in»piled ly fhe !¦ twoffri dorn, and aimine at the

pnrest and Inf iest tndtof humanity; bu .is obse-

qnioBI ten; n'« of a N-poleon. a Krane'» Joseph,aVieterit,aNicholas a FratlciU Wii'iiu, andotb< rs of tt e eTOtrnc-J ai_d ,;'cur»eil tri ie. Not a

single manly, independent voice will resouadtnutg them.One of the London Jitlfitll tagfOttl that tie

Kältet! States should he invited to par:!o'ptte inthi* Congress. Ardent!) as we might v. i»h tha.the voice of free America shmid be heurd in H.ecouncils of European nation«, it nit n it be for¬gotten tha* it can only take place under wholly .i if-fen nt conditions. When America shall »pe<i!., itmust be. not fir the sake ofdiplomatic cunt enien-'eam' ceremoniul»,notfi-rshama,butf'"irrca!iry. Veryllke'y the t ew ( ongre et. Lfltahallerei t:iko p'.a^e,willd tlerfrom itsfamnuspredreijssorof I-! .. Itii

quite probhble that the EoropiM map * U not. at

then, be n modeled, aid nations trill no; hi lit-meUibcred, sliced and divided, as at a ca.,f ofthe die. l!ut the pretence oi the Unite ! g batat '.Iis Cm "rem Will t»e an act ripprcin: the Jer-tructionahd oppression if all the enslaved na¬

tionalities of that continent. If the v.dee ofAir erics w*fi s;!ect when ('eland, !f'io:.'irr, Italy,Bletlyweit hle-ed'iig siiJ inurucr- J, t'.ere it no

Natoi uh iteverthat it stonld he rained wiien thewhole hiTair consists in ttrengtheuii u X*>< pirjor*ert likeNapol em anil Krane» loeeph, or in ilelut-irg the niore or lenexteni've pTCpoadertiieiof ahaiifck'y and arreigant autocrat. laere it nut thetligbfet-f. reanou why Amer ihoaldcoatrfonte byher presence a^d gainat| to preetadfl for the fu¬ture tlie ]iose>ibi!ity of the el- ration ot millions ofChristiar.g. brutalized utide r is M busitrst of ours to jh ipuptnat mtton andfallinc edifice merely to er'end and ren lcrpe iinanent the Jestructiv., eaitciat'ng, tatJhilt-tirg, c .mmetc'il attll -y of Fajjatli

If wo do not preach the i'uty for America ofluconnng the ioitintor cr ttand ml .bearer of rcvo-

lutiotiHty Kuiope.but rntlitT leare this to the ia-teiested mssie* tbcniseives, »til1 more do we re-

pvditte at y »llicinl participntii'n in treaties an larts OOBaocratil g fur tLc future the prevailing op-preMioaoflhatfittaaiaoat Ameiicani'ift keep aloofirom all mi h Latptjfi aad] fsiitniliisllin associt-tint i. The (utile- tatst fact on of pritJe and vanityshould not ladiat us to piii the seal of the I'lilteJStateK tren as a witiitt, to tre.itiet and Jocu-mentn ihat et meat the union o<" depots andtyrant .hud cru?h tfe hopes of patrioU and

raattyrt.big kaV UKOUIM. l\ JAJUktC*.

The oiigitisl tug .t p' ii.ters o: Jataalit as

we have shown at » prcvio',4 art ele.iod the

j same v. us the case in all thi ot er Ilrilish islanJsin the We»* 'Ldies.were residents in .be eolony.wro le ttied there with the intertion |a Bta ¦to iii there, and whene one rat! "it were pipall) carried im by uhsbs af their owl MaitalSuch still continues to be the st*t« of things inthe 8oatlal laliaii. aad, to a iartalaoxtoat alio,ia the I'lecch itlauui; but ia all the Eogliahislntidi 'u tie 0 larse of the einhteentu ceutary,a very ditlirent system was introduced. Tnestienrs, alter they were made, hid to hi »ent

to L. ndon or Uristol fur sale; and the nerchaati mployed to fell them was also emr<loyed to buybhd send out the plantati in supplies. Btmetimcia drouth, or hurricane, a negro revolt, or ami-

roon inroad, preveuted any crop, or des'.roye.l it.

But the supplies must still he had They were

toaithed] il credit. A debt wai cintra'tidwhich, frequently growing larger and larcer. wat

linally secured hy mortgage, with t'c.e roodition to

ship all the sugar» in the Mfehaat'l reMilI, adconsigned to his house. The debt growing largerand larger, final'y thi u.« t.a.o m -.. .

and thus in many cases formally, in almost ail therest substantially, sooner or later mos: of the oilrelates pawed into the bands of the low great Ln-glish aetcanti e Loutt-r, kuo.rn a* the West Indiainttrttt. Th« lame procti*. precisely, wa.« rip-idly going on with our VllgiaJa tobacco-planterstill the revolution put a stop to liritisb credits;leaving unpaid, however, tha! great mass of Britishdebts of which the Virginians ttrnitrleJ to hardto ctcspe the payment: which had to injuriousaa influence on our domestic policy, having near¬

ly plunged a* into a preuiature new war withEngland; and tie payment of which the FederalGeivensmeat waa finally obliged to aiiume.

Toward the middle of the last century, themarket for sugars rapidly increaaine. and coffeealso haiing been introduced into the West Indieta* a new ttaple, a great many new plantationwere established by means of funds mainly ad¬vanced by these samt Wett India houses, and, ofwane, tecured by mortgage. But althoughthe establishment of new plantation* thtii ,veaton in Jamaica, at long at there was any nowhand fit for the pnrpote, we are not to tup-pose, with so many of our Jamaica letter-writers, that a alare sugar-plaatation war a huhroad to cpuleice perfectly certain aad iure.Bryaa Edwarda, the aittotiaa of the West Indieshimself aa experieaced planter, who had seen theelephant, informs aa that while £9J^taM waa thertry smallest turn that would irimee to establish a

paying plantation, thi profit* to bo expectedoa this outlay.aattimiag a lair product aad aver¬

age pricet.would tot exceed seven per coat.; aad

th i wittont rhartirie ¦ »biMine f r making t*«l'tt- den*»*e tal tbe liglvM.» *%Tf heavy tt-DJ.

r'or tie v-.r ti d *. -.r f t'e V; -ji. or

niskirc any all -wnnre MT deed carii-a*. or *Wtr>rt»i' f eix per cent of tbe fJrVM va'a* IsriM-M 'he sWaapt '.f thscrtees. "Vi» these andother d: s*tb .ek* h) »sy ootb:t>,r af tM lit .

j 'tx'i b» t«b;rh art tomet tue»occa-ioae 1 ^/fir s

Lurri.-enet, dcetrojiag in a hourt tfie¦ rtJWrat*yean, it maw* wood- .f.. ,.. bealle."t'tt ibe pro.»» should tomr>\><B>'* isriaeleta.infinz, er, r« *«r, '*«' « "Jifi'i!?, trifi «'?" i/e tnctfed adr««<'^**. »W'ti **rrui:rai>5 »rorf a

" m:U t<e.*t r>Ao«< tar. arc/. e/»r» unfntuna:' pr.iine-'.'or, atrura »* drafting ktr* to Jrs'rv-'ta*'."

True Jaraaicu ?»«t«n.". th*t' I»ae jeremini, too

uturtd Ltataa, euino aipatioi waa even to much

as thought of: aad jet. who wouldu"t »uppo*ethat it w aa eep'cl word for word from »otne lit*tt/from »oce traveiin? csrrerpctide'it r^oietobaLd ly tte fify M»t mail Kint'toa ?

Antii pattng that thi* pi .ia aad disen*l antingatattmcnt might » mewl,at surprise time of tbe

venlsxt I d*ard« proceeds, on behalf of th.. aallverdant, to put to h' tasolf thin .fuettm. " Seeina..that a ia wnoted Whiehtew manctn"ora-' n.aid, and connide ring, wit'iti. that tat. r cum«

" are ia gen ral hut tmalj. and »t t»< it unce- ruia:"bow ha-i'liapptnt >. that the .;: * ieNndt htrvb'en rapiJ-y ii tried, and romy agre»' etti'e

j . purchased in the motter rouutry Ltoa the"LrOtitil vftiih have tl-d fl.'ill th ir fitltiva-.'tion1'

It wen t" ho ¦aabed/' h» »;ye la ree.U-, "'thattl Ott Vhe taaki tut b iatjairita, wuald ic-fiire, on fieotberhaad « marv at happy persons barf b^itot lly »n> ;tr< r v.'.'/ ruined by t-drentuii 1/ iathe 1" 1*1 .» nl; <¦( .»."«/ hi.nit ahbojt pt> «-;*-ii>/

d'-.u'. n.i it-1" r. th'ai .11 aueo jrre»»nactrtakief;', . 'n the fa.lure of MM of these an-t-.-'urr't B r, ^ it <s'atts kave iadud het.n ra'aedI v irrer!» f ho t .. had inonay at r >m na-id.>|rr.eyi» adrarr d and eWeeWfBCMaaat givea to a

Mttsna potat, on askillf.ii paat iTiswet wall knoirsa r.cri» lo »tej ; he it asrare whnt very lar»;3 auntmutt be expt tried before any rt-t irn -n be made.(>n<-th 'd of ihe tr: n. v tl.a* e\,'.-odej Le h 1- p.'r-hip», furnished, hut the'tire soon cojit* when a fur-th< r adrafc ia r'fini.'ite. How, then, MlkataJ tatstfor oppre »ioii. If ?bo land* prornite fieat r>

Ibe fsgacion* creditor, in tead of Klv>°r.' furt i, lid,or lravii Its toe r«iifjik-iit debtor to tbt Oftof aki way by akt owa txotttow pHMiaaosaid adui escort oatergoaeji aad lataa*foa i antui- ta j ij-atetit of tbe lata already Mat. laalawtMra-'or it fr.r irom b< in^' chaiaMbtl wit', d lay,ar <i avnri.e U' rable. A sale ie liurrieei on. an 1ao hirtt'ers appear bal the eWHtet hii...« if R -vl/money i» reejnlrod bi payai at, aud every >r.e tea

tbat a ftirth. V nan dl be trau ire; to mate '.ae o«t /o

po 111 -taP*W, ÜMteMre, ha^o Ihe men.*. *ni

tave oven tbe a-leh ifficacionsly to a>ei*t tho do-ro'*-d victitm Tfeaa the cr»<litor get* the tf.a'ei at

I Ice own peksC) e atraoaJy for his tirs; ajvtni.*, a-:!tat mkerabh debt r iaa reason in th .ak bit»».»»,

I if. ions<~Uog biraaelf wtthocly the !.>»* of hi * oau

mat reei'p.l, s.i.d 1-1» labor ft»r a *cr.<se of year-,he escapes a triern fi r lifo,

j " At th< . me i c t i-ist'.y Ir. ier'e ! *tt etthere are edil ra abo !. .v us. advanced tloirm< t . y to residtrl ,r eT.:t «, t ot intbeviea of an-

tn'un nt-Cae e.v-i.. gta, hut sclely on flio f tir a:,dkontrable gionnd oi re orotal ber,uSt, havo been

r. i d b»ir laeJiaatieto, tobecooae.j.liiif-i-' fic-m elfte.betef obliged to receivepiojitalh Weat India e»tates ha payment, or loa4 theirmen. y altogether, lbaveknoan fiUiitu»ion* tr.tuof'tTiif in t n rj ataaaei rUuh an atarda* it\tUad ofa

J btrtf', and which are kept up solely in the hope that?"avorat le nop*, and en advaoce in price*, miy, sojtetime ore ther: invi'e pitrcbajers.

Thus, atipitsetlia in one clars of oredltOU ardgrtst bjastJci Iowa-d ai otar r. e tolribute equally tofcirji tin e u.tivaucu iu a counu-y wliuie If tue r'.k**: 0 -e et ate ;:.e ;-.-t .- <..'.ii r, h,e -.>.:,r-t'.l. ill-

rat Mwali lor sagar e-tatt >¦ th-..- an-, u-i-i labtctilr,from « it stead of the returns th'.f Ihtreeati-retttod, doable tbat ptOaV haa lieren o'rtainei It isbttlaaa ma iliat tuih bsataacea an-ettiemr ly rare;bal prrhepo, to th-t rtrTrirnisasttni o aliieli lei a

j philoaopber, apeettJataaf b hit etotet, aro-r.l *e-.-mii 10 a. tei a w.=e man from avlventiirinij In

th'* IJ.e ot i< chelly oir'rg thar tonu'b n.01.1 v it* bctti espoadod mit. I mean therlue'i.nti jr : date eif it* rttnrni. T_,c |»iaiitT or* i-_-»rvi.ri«-* e»ee ai<>' «Hy so miirli bi to 1 ¦rent.-' a d-flr-ren'sin ite vaiue ot o n ahillfarge ttts haadred, which, fortfci ".1 liorquaKty ;< para |ata, Muea, aod-otbt-ttily ... tail] ua the .-aretfae-tuti. aad, tbeproveti '¦¦ »jj apoarootlj rimple, the beboldar feele

J a' au irr s -t.'ve ¦f.>;. etHy to enra-'i" ia itTboagl 1 meto thi'i one uito in tifiyeeaaea aaay leiteea'e, at ry smuuioe atventar^rtot. il <¦ .! r' Ii ii .'I lit fist oae. Tunh;i ft ij 1 1 1- i tt ¦-. of rrperimentt, «vf¦ t rttta taWtkfa U tt* rnr*'<iner>cr of in rJ'Aftcse. tit

-.. »/». '¦ » mitjvrti »»» to n 7 tite ra'.kei fkao lo hit'it lal at ,/ capusily and lore*.gkt.'

!.. .1 ext ai 1* from l.dwards afford an insiirhtin*e- tb«' tat ttaahl of tlnve cnltivtti' tt airniilingto t>e sjtteni which ul'iuiat-ly prevailed through-111 t tha fttUith Witt Indies, and to a very con-

sidernble e\ten* also in ti e Trench and Dutchcolorjie*, The motive-pow er of the sys'em, theret] attain tatitary of tb. plantttions aod of the1 rte but of the nomi.if.'proprietor* ai*", srere

B '< w great bit "entile boutes in E ir ipe. withv hem t eva* a leading bjaet to ttctire the tranr-

pottationof the tugar* and af the plant ttion tup-plicr in their raatale, with the cjiumts-ioas on

thtlrtaliiJttl purchase.', it tea* these,si.d the«e aloLc, that sufficed to cover tbe nu-

1 r< ur rirks ui tugnr-plantirg, and to justify theltrat ad.a. te» which the l.u.itets require*!.Though often evnip< Dal to arry on t'ie ett ite*

in tl air nan a me* aiid at their own sole risk,these- V.'ito^eaa mercLants treatiy prefcrr.-d tot<: d in the relition of mortgagt es.thus leavingai. 1! e risks tt be borne, so b n»' as they w-iMsftml under ih»m, h] nominal proprietors. Th;ae¦oniina! proprietors were chielly drawa from theclass eif meiseeis ii<v*toi», tendiert,, and otLets, who, going out to tbe t'»lo-ii':-s to leek their for'!!,»¦., hail gradually a* at-

tacLit to the p'antat oLt, tecumuhte«! a fewtbefbsaad pounds.often, it war raicV in tbctteofthe e.vj-rr>eere, bj el sattag '.h< 'r absent euipb yers.\N*hattTi.r resident in tbe coloaiet, by whatever

me ti.s. »u.-c- nie«! .- :'a* : v .ni r n ...lei.le-r.ible luui of l .rey. a at drawn on by t fucinttionlike that of the gan. cr table, to invett it in a

tt>g*r-p!attatien. whul r-a Ü mortgaceJ forthe balm, e ti the Kuropean consignees of theproduce. Thi certain ruin that in ninetee n cases

oat of twenty attended this pro. e-dure was pro-veibisl ia the Weat Indies; yet few indeed who! tbe means, had the strennth of mind to retisttie temptation to become1 nominal) proprietor!.ti r belag the bight of West Indian glory anddignity: while a few fortunes acquired here andthere ly extraordinary crops or series of crops,orly a tuddtn rite in tbe surjar market, occa¬

sion d hj war or ether accident, served still tobait the trap.

It '.vat thus that the European sugar houaet ab-toiled tverytticg.not only the labor of theblack t.'ave*. bat all tie earnings &ud tarings ofti. :r white Maflifai alat..lrawn at la«t into a

plantation inTestu.ent.the nominal proprietorsi it: tctrt-ely lest bead slaves than toe very ne¬

groes themselves. To there few houses and tothete alone, was tugar-planting, under the slavesystem, t preßttb'e venture. To everybody elteemployed in it. black or white, it wet incettant,exhausting and unrequited toil.ex:ept that theblack people had a very scanty and insufficienttapply of food and clothing.the latter generallya rag bout their loint.and the white people t

pretty good tapply of these with pleaty of ttiai,braady. ale, rum and black mistrettei hortae to

rule, and nf zroet to dorn'.zt-r :ver And tut«, na¬

if r the m< tt pre «per-": :' *he «i-v-) sytfem, constituted the clIto iuo and substance ofJamaica prosperity Pat eve a this kit! of pr >«.

psjrirj, stieb at it waa Oasrriad with M MM teedsI of it* own ctcay. Two tl'Pi* were ahs .u 'ely

ttsi-iiia! to ita rootauanre. an unlimited «npp'yaf orw lai d, and an ntiitnitei >upc!y of nee

»lavee to take the plaeei of those annitli/ 'j«ed¦ipra tie tlaBtatioos.

'i r- era of the richest platwac prosperity of Ji-mtira correspt atli exactly wi b tie er» of the

IfWat plsnter rr;»tpetity of Virginia.that ia tfa

sej. tt <. twmt) ;-e-rt prece'ing tre bretkin-nutot < r *< Toliitionary war. Darias this p-riod Ikemarket for en'or/ml -irod-ce -plar-ed atevfily*-Jetaaie* aad Virgir.ii, fr. m the Mlat>Uahtaai s al¬

ready ma< e in them ba l the decided ajraitlgtcmr iewtr and jet i:/ant eettiemeats. Th<*rewi» still a tufiVuncy of virgin lan 1; slates were

;niitted,n greater numbers tbau ever be'ore.nd the establisninei t of new p aa'ttiaos went oq

in aa Becalertted ratio. Dat MM tbe uTte inev-iteb'.e die*ba<.k laid its claw upon both Jamaicaand \ ir. it ia The :an.!s in b«th, tcittMe forplantati b8, b« tfir> to be I ibauslej. Mai sett ers endspeculators be,.;,fi to se. k out fresh lsnda else-wlere. The first great tival of Jamaica in tiis re¬

ap' et, what Cur-» is to her i aaj a/as French Bi1'. nii'-to. Th» <.., t'Vi»«i. t f that-M y in the'it-tcrlalfof tbe last at atafy a Iv icceJ with very rtp-i-i strides, ard he r exports ftwoj the oeriod of the

ArerfetJ Wtf fraoj which Jiaaici nAm!sreatly in the it i: ration of her slaves and the lossaf her accustomed supp'ies of lunber.aeirao ta

iiva' snd pteseat'y to exceed, those of too La-p bk coloiy. The Ftettek fiVv jiutmn an ! iti re

aiilr. the se'f em*rieip..ti..-i af the sliveaof Sr.

l'i niaga, delivered Jamaica from that power u!ami bated rival. But about t*>e satte time withIlls <!t live ranee, achanue Mas mweintte policy of>p n rfspfitir" Parte ttieo and ('aha. anitaese

biaadf, hitherto trade aad with a rary1 n iteo pesMtlatJoB, p'esettel themselves as new

competitors in the b-:-ine*t of tu-argrowing.Pretaatlj, too. bj tb" abolition of the altve-trade. Jamaica lost ber annual sup, ly of It'iorers.wbo thi nc» forward dowi even to the presentmomti>t. have annua'ly di'uii ished. For thotghtie total popalatioi of Jamaica has iacreas-'dsince err.anoipr.tien that increase consists of cbi!-drtn aot yet of an ega f>>r bkori wkUa aot aalyhas the aduit ah!« bi died p.y.iUron goae on .'tilldin in-line year by year but the tretnMO, former¬ly employi d enua'ly with the tuen in the field aadtie rUiLar-ini!!, from the ayatjtjwity of taking ctre

of their in'ant cbildreu ami oti rviit g. uot siave-hii's, hit free households, have nucessari!y becuwithdrawn from plantation bkor,W ith her lands jcar alter year more aod more

exkaaated, her supply of labor diaaJabklag, the

j rute-ctite tncar duties repealed, old and worn-

out J Btieail evposei to eoaopetittOB with new

and firtiie Tula. Compare Virginia and M't-¦aajri, and their pn «»-nt rata of growth, a^d un¬

derstand. 0 yt travelers and !ettei-w:iter* *kjit is tbat the lagfll growinic interest declines indnn aica and flouiishes in Caht; wby it is tb it.

in this particular | ne of -ucar growing the old

emancipated colonies canaot compete with thenew »i»ve opes

Tue backl oneli M portion of the AmericaaVttf* is ever carping at Tut: TKIBUVB for itsdisc'isrioL» of Slnv-ry. Wben we cite s-ich factsa* burtiing a n< gio at a stake in MUooari or Ten-lies -*e, or any o'ber milder phenomenon of tie

putiisn-^al iu«titu.ion. tbey say it is a fiuaticalfal.ebiiK am* so f.rih. Hut veliat we :o:tecJfor as the hn-e of our arganseat is. what tt.-

I uih he ras Ii s ijs, oameiy.that Hiarery, andLsheitp and EstaMrloa aaaaat go together, butthat the self pieserva'.ion of tbe slave driverstesriiiree th.; the oegnea should be treated«¦.Ire thsnboreci*. or asses.beite'n, aod cruellyniureJe red il'rtfr.actoty. We ho!- that it mast be

r i. asm -iiid th. a. to ourn a negro or more

at the slak* as long as .Slavery exists, and thattie snfi ty of bbo'bern teoiety, in its present bar-banns form, Mtjtjfni sue'a measures. Ia coo-

MatBee with ih..j opbba, we deem such resolu-ti y as thi if ju-.t passed at a public meeting in

Uj perhfarlbero', MarvUtd. ihMlahtI| uecsiaary..¦ stassSBStl Tl .' It . i'.Tcho'airs e >uimoniiT hk« this, i! m

n* » ¦- in, ti »dl-BI «? dal irruit bi »I o* lv,e tn-t son*.--aaatetWaatalaaaaa, fr»» t,»«e.-» coaassiui!« at aUhi fjr »nr(.urr ,/¦ arniet-r .<« reOstavsa,aaaial,Sa asurilii»«h »atm. ti<»i, i.-sure to te<rt ireujss ot plmatl »ap*t

j iihj.n raeass t> tSMatai over the »hi:* tat« aan.-r ii

. Ii. r r|.sr< i.ot r*r .<! t<j l.«rr »:»nt * ut'iral te .

use r, i j rni« i in our. ut-nt sad iLsowronm.. a ua tbs f,»tSsTtbs colored rsra.

.' /.«,'. Th»- ita nreni :. animatm SJ oj taa lacswfpal liesi or a Bah taaiSasaaat ebtlrvar. lai <> slx-hudarta. r if .-ireful ct tliriroeo peraoaa! njbf «r;J satttf, llierhaaa act I tathfr.ofiprrwlt.-ir ur^'ia iO- l djapprjba'unor .- rh Llftl rurcl.i.« of lOeir a'avra "

It is really attoLish'nt; what unanimity ofi pioien tin-re isbetwien The tbim xk and theHuLtb on the present neceaeicy of preventing tieslaves from rea,iin~ and writing from meeting to¬

gether lor prajer or pleas ire, and of roaitingthem into savorj submission from time to time.I he inlj p' int I n whi h we differ is ia respect ofthe titelt M hold slaves at all, or to perform tbetaaTfctaTi ir.huuta act< NfaaWta to keep them iae-veiy.

ll.r Iii ttpututut ctiit attention to the case at>'r.eimanM Cootb. imprisoned at ItUa aukee, foraidii g a fugitive slate to escape, aod citet thefcUowbl -eteilut'on. adoj.t« d by tee Jury whie-hlout .! him guilty

Kar Mai I hat while wd feel onrselves bound bya r !icn ua'h to r.^rform a Moot paintul duty, ia de-clerirg the defender.' Kuiity of the above chuare, andtbn* mskmg him liable to the penalties of a moati--' am oetiout lasr, ye1, at the same time, in so

Con g, we declar- that he performed n mott noble, he.BtMsent, and kumant art, and we thus record oarernd«anation of the Fugitive Mave Law. andetrn-e tlj i mrcetd him totte clemency of tha Court.

Infrnrnd-n: calls uptm all who sympathisew ith free doc. arid humanity to aid ia m iking upthe fine 'mpoied on Mr. Booth, by subscription!of err dollar. It is a ;ood and timely sugges¬tion. Suith a testim tmal should be presented to

Iklfl msrtv r in tbe ctnse of right Subscriptionttray be sent to The hdrpttvitnt TflE Triki'XEw iil alto be happy to take charge oi them.

We have been accused of commenting unfairlyon the management of the British army in theEaet, and of having embraced the cause of Kn-sia. when we have simply exposed the facta at

tie j were. In every case that we now rememberatjf itricturei have lubseiiuently been justifiedaid cortoborated by the statement! of the Lon¬don preat, and so they continue to be. A more

theckiag illutration of want of decent systemand foretight. of individual mcompetency, andaristocratic imbecility, was sever held up to theacorn tnd pity of the world than in the leading ar¬

ticle of the great London journal.a portion ofwlick it copied in another column.depicting the

present condition of the British forces. Only14,if 'i infantry remain before Sevastopol who ere

able to bear anna, anl >f thete but MM are

-el'- we... wVe sixty '.» dai'y m~.& I CV) an

disabled every week. Artillety ao<i eogaoeentve tuiTcrcd . jualiy wltt tbe lofeatry, trat e tie.avalrt hat «...»», J toex tt a< a free Si:h »re

I .'at* merit* of Tkt LtMiVa Timtt. agreem{»uWantielly with tkoto tee laid be'*"» oar rei*i-N a fortoabt tioce. *a<* jiiferteg fro n otitt o ,lyn tbe gloomier a*pect ttc-p »t ujan the cm Ii

t oo of things The Bri'ia'i a*my ia tte Cn~a-*a.#. in'tt 1 op< n tee verge f deatru ttou, aet. ii« for the remforeemeD'« tent 11 the Feen"isc i 'be ttset lent atnigemeaj good coai'ti >n

if the Fre-ch trt>"pi, the siege of Sevastopolreust ere this bare been oisi'raeefa'ly abandoned.A deeper stain ess never esst oa Britishfame, whether for the cotd.ct «f war rr bc»tne«t..hen by thit i!l-tterr-u expn: tion und*r FieliMart-La'. Leid R«gltD

Th' cia'mt of the New i otk Know Nothrus to

be a national atd nigger catcbiag party are thatcord'aily recogu'ied by tttt organ aodpiiltrofki happing aod British Free trade, Tht JourntJ vfCompfvr;

Ai i[t*Te w I with ht «lyawri ia JtJttiee to thiKnow {fotbtres of hi> Brate mi the rather b*etu<sii tatas other B'attt thi Oio-r have thown v»ti

to be chte'y allied w.tb tbe Abo Ittiiatttl In aid<ti<tnto ti'O above afT re«*) tr, K-io»-V thi i<rs-cidnte for Hover:or of 'hit M«te, tt the latt Be.ta h»r ebc'ioa teas Mr I'liutDn who in 1-it »ts

lipfrerted by tbe t'att e Oifdaa IToka* IttVf Oattni'tte for tbe office of A't'irn-v Oeaertl. »tut theStroOf/ee1 fact we htve ti irsotios is, that the o a!ythtee n »O'ber» of Cocgr-ss rleced ia tats Sit'*tpae^iU] by tbe aTaow petliasrt an» be'irvei to be&i: in farm of tie Me '-Sekt bil! or af any ra'* tf*; id Ii its rrpe-al Tbev tea Mr Vis af le-nt

C. t;. M' U'lll.v-i .f Mo_roe CuUl'v auil Mr.Edward», of tha Oe'itauiue Dittrt t. Toa latt it»täte»4, ' y . pno. r published in r*it District, to 0« a

ajalw h 'i II' ig,Be too, t*e ither day Th* Commtrtutt RnlUtm

of Neta-Orleius. Kl mi id t!:e mm* pa-ty tie

«rat tude of ad tie Si uth if they would 007 de-

f at Mr. N-tt aid. It euanim to bo i-eec whethert j will *.am thi' tp't rdid compensation

THE LATEST NEWS,Ria i ivi h nv


laesjal Dupa.ct t« Tb» N. Y TriboncAi BAiTT, Thursday, Feb 1, IBM

At the Wt g Leiiitiative Ctucus to m<bt thewboie Lumber of vote* cit wat HD, if whichWilliiB H. Seward rtüirid Tl WasbirgtoiHunt. M Fillmore, I; Ira Harri* I lilaik I

The Whig Caucu.« met .c 'be Aasembly Charberthi* eteilia*", aad vaaealied to order by Mr Hi itch-

1111 o, who nominated .vma'or J H. WlLliailt,lhairman, aud Senator Ho h\iui-«. and C P. John.tos. of the Honte of Assembly, Secretaries. Theroll of members wa* caiied, il were present, includ-i: g tbe Preabliat of tV' Setate. being ooe less thanthe majority in the Senate and ono tees tbaa the ma-

loritj in the House. Absentee * iu tbe Senate Messrs.Barnard Brooke, Pktid, PataM und Wnitn<y luthe Ataitakly ta.nt;. Whigs were abseu'ot meto

f> ur ate eo* of town Ut tbe Now-York membarathen wen praeeat kTeatrt Si 'tveaant. .'iinineraoa,Le igh and Bla'cbford.

Senator BoaaBTtOi moved that tho Caucus p'«i-ci'dto ballot for a candidate 'or a State*Senator BeaahM Crosby and Mr n»yn;ou were

apnoii.h d tellers.Kirtt ballot resulted as followsSeward.'4 l:a Harris. IR;aik.'.. I V\ t*. irirf.ju lluut. 2M. Filitiioi-. 1 K. I> tuleer.1

v U- for Mr. Fiilmoi j waa cast by Mr Weed,of KrioMr l.irri triKi t> mov.'i that the vot3 be declarad

unaninn us. Carried.Mr. Kai m >nd adOreeaed the members of tho Caa-

.u», ifket ahieh BMJ *vcioueL<:d.

PROM WASHINGTON.ipt:.«: iiupx-.-l tiTl.sN V rcetn»

Wasiiiai,ro.t, Tmrsday Fob. i, lri53.Tac tint'able rrle^santen, Fifi'i At it; r, a<od

... .¦-.<¦] ti.-l I»oti Ft! i ,« Muini'i, MinisUir ofi, m-'.la, a/id Saa Salraior, arc dead

Mi (bit ah Vouurf, formor Chief Clerk of theTreaem v I». partment. ant Motes Ne-bravlta M< Don-a'd. M. C. t Maine, ate spoken of t« succeed Tiaaa-Mta,John W' .tlaery is ill andnot expected to recover.Ti.e Volutiteer bill rercrnmende by tho Adminis-

tratim, it overwheeuiio-^lj defeated in the Sen tte, iatpite of Senator Browns able axd ardent advocacy.Much eurpriee is « xpreteci.Ihe FrtL' h Si n bill wil! yat prevail in tho

Senate by a lir«e uiajontv Ther« is cot.tidertbleepecu'ati u about its veto r ncp'oval by the l'ra*-tJtnt.

Senator Fish I -ave* here to-mo-row for Havana,v ia New-Orleans, -m accour.t 5f ill health Ho wnin the Senate to day.Don Felipe Molina Minister from Cotta Kica. Ouat-

f mvb ard San .Salvador, Dean of the DiplomaticC'-rp* in WtubinK'on d ad this morning. H« wie

sbtittd by tbe pri. tt and ;ied in tLe sanctity of tieCmholie Ci ureth.

1 i.i I'liite-d States Tteacur er reports the net aircuntm the Treasury, on tbe '."'th uit. aa 121,^12,70«.

LT. s BBMATOl PB >H W [ftCOWllHCam *'-o, Thursday, Feb t, IBBk,

The Senate and Ar-emblt f Wincootin in jointConvention for the election of a C. 8. Senator oa

Tuttday and Wedneada. but without effecting a

choice. They airteed to ballot a,'ain to day but we

have not yet learned with what rcsu't

C. S. BBfcTATOB FROM ILLIX »IIChk ago, Thursday Feb. L, 1H53.

1 kin it no quorum to-day in the joint Conventionof the two House* of tne Legislature for the electionof a I'. S. Senator.


An expeuiticn is Len t: or^ani/ci here, bj t'.e (iotr-..rnment, lor the purpose ot securing further informa¬tion relative to a railroad route to tbe Pacidc. Ctpt.Pope, with a force of lao troops, is t-> priicee4 toLaio* ii Ettevado to wterhaii. «0' water is )B>tainable there by u earn of Arteiian well*.

BUPBKMI («'l BTfOf TBL I'M TED BTATB9.WaMiBoroa Tharaxiay. Feb l IMS,

No. tt, Edward Hemdon vs. .lames C. Bid;-way et a'., appeal from tbe District Court of theNorthern Dn-tric: of MWissippi. Judge Catnp-beil delivere-o the mIbmb ot the C mrt atliTnin«: taedecree of the Dis'rict Court wi'hcoaft W'm Sborta,Eiors. plffs. io error, vs. the State of Penosylvania.A/fr/urntntconcluded. Eainit forplrfs. in error Na.ft .lane i V»J iBatfktB. ttfi . iint, vt CharlesMa?on. Argument was coanno<-: :ed t.y Platt Sir.itb,for appt., and continued by the Hoc. S P. < ntw, forceft. Henry W De Puy. late Private Secmtary toGear, Seymonr was aamitted a Couaselcr and Attor¬ney in this Court.

MAKISK DISASTER.BniToie, Wednesday, Jan. 11 USB.

l"he bark Wm, M Harri*, from Oalreaton for Bo*-ton, came in contact, on tbe -Hat sit., at 5 o clock intbe morning, with tbe bark Celeitia, from Baltimore,and in consequence of which the Harrittbed to b<abandoned, with n>e hundred bale* of cotton on

board. Her crew wen saved by the Celeatia, andbrought to thi* port.

A DISCOVERY.Can lue mi. Thursday Feb. l, 1855.

A man cutting down ao old tree near the Cape MaiCourt House discovend tbe remains of a man thaiare tuppoted to be thon of a Mr. Satith, who liaap

Min'tV bee


ft v v --«r--v .. .» «j.»'eeo r*«n incoat text box« »tül f?T)4i« ar-.nul '.be fk«i

ai KIVAl- Of H1K DANA». ATIUUKVI11 »I i» il. r« Ufl.y, i i8.vTl i." M rt. .. t ;, . d »#«,, ,... ? \ m re Iff*)** Uli*«»] n-v- a* at »M*tbawrt>i« »' '¦. .. s >wl >i. pft

\t. it BiaHe, aat a Maady a/ oeat, a l i*ka hv d*.aa al kirM 10o'oitaaefar Liv-rj, ret


Mr STI'AKT pre*et.t»d ."le raonrtl tfRteard.' B rtH itki-'c f>r - iMaaraaiaa f.e >,,

tan ire at tld BTend . Fair, Lan i ia, UiL Btftrrelt. c (\i»,U,!ff* tei KlQtTr

b'r. SEWAffD ;>re*| utttJ I :. a.: :. j af VtftA q.BtVMtt, ef Hi<m»kI\a. "*»nif f>r > .* np-n«»(io« farc«m«»m »u«t»ia»-<i ia t»ku< Qtvea* 0 a (ha L>»ailr!imc» m ii«r Mta teaoehM of ate u nie t St ,'*v

Mr. BBWABD alt il w»tBaMtrla aahbtg far thit Baal aaWitiaa f tUaaary, ataa if td ii om be Ntaat latitatatlf with. ta« riehst els«\trN api in du»y to the -u».«. HeattspaeaeBaala peHM < :',h»- Mriteri »<,n«irrd f on» N-i ee batet¦partfeeeoaealaiatf,theAfri karat* la tha entry,Mtl that the pnteee iaf cht»petit*OOtatta, ia 11**1*4the taBMral stealth af (.' «i.f n ma and ott^r >rnie>tliut acquind. be ap ''ifd *»y theC ,| toitttiaa Sa.'itty.Mr [htWMB a hi t r setshltahla| a Hat 0 > u,>aa/

la the Wattlei fC.ibia vaa n .'*i,>0BIr. BBWABD, 'r >m the Ca t. aittaa on Pntt-OA.

I i atd Poaf-Koa-'.-'. r,p>rtad the fell tint rat»lut <¦:! That aaraea / raatlta «- fi >u >.« Krta-ei- eo freaa t »roe «n t ¦* Mitaitaiiipt b* es'ai.lieh.,' tb. lie to he t'i'uitten .< ? i«. ill p>»l«<.>i»nthe letter* fct he It* e-ut« p-r keif eaaae eui.tre-I *: I, ft e ma;l not to w.i.h Over tws bu.i ir.>d p .uala,ui! M r ram latltlea la b- 4i> 000 a trip, aal if (rttraat \ eaaeatheattJ be ibitved aatw Iaiateea dtj*.f pav of thai krlp 11 ha I rl :*>' i taaeeeafva

Wry : "¦ >. >. t i. of thecoiittv't, th* loo'raet to he «. ume'u'td wi'baaeaataaraatJ to ha o uunueu dve y«*x. K< id and or-Ol t> l to be P In'e 'M DJDOB(*fki eaBel up the bill ehaaarltjf hat11, pi had at i 'i aanathtaea tatUthua at iftlvtJB>

i. t- »t'j-to, -Hatat* To-: tidlcf iiii' i.'>arta.l>-r IMr BBWABD.f >¦ the Cataalttaa aaCaattaajtaj,

taootttd the bill b ahaaga the aataaaf the Ktttiaa-bmltrbip f .;. i a an." nl>o ta* hid t» craat ait,

' rtetht Aaterieaa ihlpt Braahtte Bittae atlJohn Hi hat aThe fltaat* thai rtfatal etaheapthi' Kr^ttph Sp>

BatkMhtUhj BeaeM n»>.The eoattaatattoa m the Apprepnatioa bill vat

.fti.n.i itV RHIKLDSh Bj aet let . an< farttur

re|i*aat*ef icgatli Mr Hat tat k ten of laaBbjaji i,.,i M -nl he quite a*

.heap. H i-vo u i«i i vaali bo taaaakaaf toneaaa ti haf U >t toearr. u on.

a are halattwaathtg aal leeaMacy debate thaafelkuwee oathe fotoa at haeaipleyi i a,"»iH»t Mat b>diai t ahirh retail a**aa of the aaUevlaajtag i'ii.i 11 oft. rut by Mr BHISLDf

Th«i ihn« *t Ml taM il kt tfea ikiii t ta reiimto'» of in

ft atvatt] la Im* aaataltat «. iu ¦. .-.I, ii

lour, and thai iha oVce-a aad a»i .uifcn Iim ht Ihiiaotakali. r4 ta tat taate tattrttitat *tt w,,uo4< ¦> *-.«*». i. t«.kn4IbataaaetMatjaaa*tattrtaaettae«laMttaraa aut .b«<«ia«uluatanta ta* liatlt* la tvarj .(.>.>, r «ra atbttrta Itttaer iraaaa tetaatjtta* ike tvmy ofta* tTattttl taata* r»»fibtll ta tahjttl it itia talta trittbtt *r vat, aatikamaatball l-o rreMiit»d lo 11>.» »»iin> iiiaoam ¦« oih«i inMpa, a*J eilkth«- .am- rouniiluti« and Hai tattaaa

It will be n rnll.o'ei tint the Praaldeat, la hi* Aa-IIa-k .>.' w 1 th'. vii 111 0 ut of Mr.

Bbielda now u'v,H blot, hat hi reeeat Bptotal Mat.¦aye arl-ed in mtaition tiieieto, ttouaand r^lan-

. t I..protent axiat-eue> I

tii iikown i...-V..t ii i,, 'iipplr theralaateera n |airad Tnit waa voted u.iwu by Yea*I.a Na.-'Hti.

I; .i Mai af two and n half millio: of doUatl viiu the blatak oa the ¦ Boa af Mr* fireSar,

t i pi -ii'. i. :!..» Upen».» -.f .Iis h.. "aii of theai my-

Iii MALLORY pretMted aa order roqaooUoa; thegi af the Mary h M * n aattaVe t.» the s-natathe itaattl Of the Matal trial of the Deak and BthVvay baaia at the Pi aaeoia Mary ford, and whether

ail bOM neceptet by iha lioreiuinant.Ai/ecd to.

air M kLLOBT iIm praeeatsd a reealaBM ia-ttiootlaa; Bta Coaaatttttem MOltery tVBtVfi to eee>.uii, tte tap* lleaoyof imvMta« an aopmpriuioafor a booed o( tjttlef the aUraeitM of ihtI .in.) oi War i. r laetiaOltOM la nunnery pr*o-i: r ai 'I ii. ti e prepara'inn and 11.1 shot, nhall*and ether pia'i. e'ile* Au''«-ed tVr DOlMlB law reporttda billeraaBagaaat«

atttloaaJ latid IUI let ¦ CTarttWal* Bead ahraa tune*

by laeaie out a ot^i.t *i I p tat iMr, DOCOE ihea ok ditatl m m Maaeal hi

in-*ahll provldiaj R-ralatef^tphte taalM*>aiti n a loo bataeti the Mi-ii««uppi Blear aal fiePacifte Oceaa B I thtao tlata* ral rr»..l t . teaCoaBatJtteaoa T< rBarh kejaaraed

HOUBB OF BEPREIBN I ATIYBITba llouae tinik np the bill au'h »-r. u ; tbn ean-

tttvetloa of a Mm af tola r>«;.t» freat th* M'tiintipplr B loUliRlver to lb* I' tjeaathta waa

«¦tatet or. *Kr> eiHar t > .oH raBOrt freo ta Co ii aitteeof Ik . Wim* en the Brate or t- e Calea, to tlikll oattin eaaetaBt olaata. MafaflradMr. BlCHaBDSOM Bmb aMtred a iab*tHateBtr

the b II. tarikhaj out Ihn a-rant of two million* aerea

of ler.d, reterviii(r the rtfht af w ty and et'endimr thejietial lawt uf the L'uited State* ov.-r the In,* for it*

pit t' , 'loll.Mr. JONES IVnn «nid. by Ihn türm« n«ed, the

bill < r^av* the pr> je. ttT.t a eor, ,,rali <n in perpeluitv,without reatilcilutt or liu.italioii. He believn.1 tbi*

'i ii-* ii'. Im. no eui Ii p iver, a-.a h« t'loraf-tra,dovm not v.,te f> r the pr. po iti-.nUrderthe aperaBaaaf Mat pte*rhwai qaention, the

tabatituto tw tua-i to, tod the bill pataad, byav. e ui i in, aaabtai to.Twotnflinn lerritoriiil billr were pa*.i«d.The hill eontblwhtow the oHm ai a Surveyor-Oa*.

eial at Utah, and graatiog land* to aetual ta'/lw*.i..i n»" takM ap ii ri ¦. Mtaaad a loaf

i. uattataatM lavidviaa the tfaaatlou of poiygt-ni) mm Mr, Berahiael tt3d the ¦ore trltM ataaiBM 'be raare l,e« e,«iiy for hii(nA*ta*d><.

ieaterday wbUe la Comailttia the eaaetiag laaetwaai ' torn Mil wh k i>'' v. nied the ratumptioa *ftrie debate. Tnia mornii n the qaeation wat ttttedoi, (, m-urti' in that MttM of the Cominitte^ of th*u t m .' w .. 4 hat Baatat,Mi fONBB ii' iipraatil a hope that the

II. -. would l)a>» 'be hill inetiii, out th* IMM JUttlCOto l'tit «i» '¦¦ 'he other i rritaHea,Mr BECKHAM I» not the bill to cn. jura*;*

polvffaniy '

M rata of " Tat "Me Me Maeh ateBaahtavlMi KEl IH la B i idea ¦< ed to pat the pmpla

of t'tab on the tau:« firoliiiir aa tbaee of other I nrri-toriea I

Mr. BES80N.I* lalytrauay reeognued ia Myoth -r Terri'ory '

It.'rieaof " Be [lr. Mi MI LLEN a.v.d lay tue bill ou th*

*.nb>.HaaM ahraek out the etMc<in<clain«, by a

roteoi UN t/ainat 1*, which la equl»alMt u tha laa*ot the bill.Mr I Mi l.I S nii.v.-.l f;e ->a'ii>u of tbt

VOte, ii-'ei Ibajf, B the aMttea prev u'ed, t* propotait fron thai Ith« rttavriaMM deiaatVkJ Bat

Reoeattj lh> En-' utive haa*pp«M0U4an»t»<r(r., .» oiilereut reiiKWUt o^tiootirom Brigbaai Your/ Im peopleo( Cubkt.ttk*ri/l t to ioii.j a ii it'« '..!). re>i does o it in t»e provit-iost for the aorvty of n e lao'i. If yea do aa)da>f e'i thelead* t^vaehBta the privilege to buy. If*waa wbiisfl to make the gian't.Mr. BENSON wiahad to know wiiet!o rtb*friM*»

f the ball approved of tbi MBIM tu^itted by t*e

.-ntleman.Mr. PHELP8 r. p ied that hi tna it tha ¦

without cni.»u'»v.ioo._-Mr BEBNHIBEL prcfemd Mr. Phelpti

tJteaU not preaaiL We ealy, he tail .A.t°.**pia ed on tL tqua. ieo'in.- a.m the ptop« ot »»

tenitoriet _. .ara.Mr. DISNEY taid the publie iatereiti^F^L

¦oaaf to the ooi liderarh o uientioaad by ta*

Itob Utah, riuiVrtaa »haaUal BBMMaar*a*weMivey of the Itt-dnin that -ernfory. rt.aetMr Ii a\ EM l.ia red la the vie n of Mr. v >.^

Tha Houte oyec'eu to the bill becaa** of tM ^wtayttitut, ia Ctth which to'.eratei b iaaJf- ¦

thought the houae ou^Ht f meet tha 1'le,P'"a_T.He detired to move an rvid.tioaal .^ .*"ia ..tLag Bad de, laritx null and void all th* l***''#ittterritory ahowin^ . man to have more

at a titLe. Voieea- That * right Move

Mr. McMULLBM wae wdliog ^*?S«5raf Ctah all they are entiiled to, but *

land* until they enaot a cod* of good rnorn»

Mr. PHELPS motion wai .. ^ |AMr. DISNEY a aabe». °f;".tht**.

merelv rtttdnkg thetalilitemeot o! the ofb% of a Surveye £^Utah, and grantin* land* for *chooi» **»

purpote*He inoved the prevlon* l"t'bJ>n . . ^ at*-

tioo, to m that be ratg"' *j
