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Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. Fundador Enrique Ubarri Blanes

María Teresa Baragaño


Nelson Aziz Encargado

Rafael Torres, D.M.V. Veterinario

Angela Forero Asistente Administrativo

Tayra Meléndez Santiago Contable

Dirección: Teléfonos: PO Box 13398 (787)792-1620 San Juan, PR 00908-3398 (787)825-6344 (787)825-6144 Fax


Facebook Haras Santa Isabel


PRIMERA -- Todos los potros o potrancas – en adelante “caballos”- que se describen en el presente catálogo, serán ofrecidos en subasta al mejor postor. SEGUNDA -- Todos los caballos ofrecidos en la subasta aparecen debidamente inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico. TERCERA -- La Vendedora, entiéndase Haras Santa Isabel, Inc., se reserva el derecho de retirar de la subasta cualquier caballo por considerar que la oferta es insuficiente. CUARTA -- Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito acreditado por Haras Santa Isabel Inc., los caballos ofrecidos en esta subasta. La Vendedora sugiere que se realicen dichos exámenes. QUINTA -- Todos los caballos que se ofrecen en la presente subasta fueron en los pasados sesenta días, examinados y certificados libres de anemia infecciosa por el Departamento de Agricultura. SEXTA -- La Vendedora no aceptará devolución de caballo subastado. SÉPTIMA -- El caballo se entenderá vendido y será en adelante propiedad del comprador desde el momento que se llegue al acuerdo correspondiente. Desde ese momento el comprador asume toda responsabilidad y riesgo, y libera a la Compañía, a su criador o antiguo dueño de cualquier reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad o muerte relacionada con el caballo adquirido. OCTAVA -- Al momento de la adjudicación del caballo subastado, el comprador deberá reconocer la deuda del pago total correspondiente, suscribiendo un Pagaré por el total del precio del ejemplar a favor del vendedor. Dicho Pagaré deberá ser pagado en su totalidad dentro de un plazo de 10 días luego de celebrada la subasta a menos que, previo a la celebración de la misma, el Comprador haya llegado a un acuerdo de


PRIMERA -- Todos los potros o potrancas – en adelante “caballos”- que se describen en el presente catálogo, serán ofrecidos en subasta al mejor postor. SEGUNDA -- Todos los caballos ofrecidos en la subasta aparecen debidamente inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico. TERCERA -- La Vendedora, entiéndase Haras Santa Isabel, Inc., se reserva el derecho de retirar de la subasta cualquier caballo por considerar que la oferta es insuficiente. CUARTA -- Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito acreditado por Haras Santa Isabel Inc., los caballos ofrecidos en esta subasta. La Vendedora sugiere que se realicen dichos exámenes. QUINTA -- Todos los caballos que se ofrecen en la presente subasta fueron en los pasados sesenta días, examinados y certificados libres de anemia infecciosa por el Departamento de Agricultura. SEXTA -- La Vendedora no aceptará devolución de caballo subastado. SÉPTIMA -- El caballo se entenderá vendido y será en adelante propiedad del comprador desde el momento que se llegue al acuerdo correspondiente. Desde ese momento el comprador asume toda responsabilidad y riesgo, y libera a la Compañía, a su criador o antiguo dueño de cualquier reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad o muerte relacionada con el caballo adquirido. OCTAVA -- Al momento de la adjudicación del caballo subastado, el comprador deberá reconocer la deuda del pago total correspondiente, suscribiendo un Pagaré por el total del precio del ejemplar a favor del vendedor. Dicho Pagaré deberá ser pagado en su totalidad dentro de un plazo de 10 días luego de celebrada la subasta a menos que, previo a la celebración de la misma, el Comprador haya llegado a un acuerdo de

Financiamiento con el vendedor el cual deberá estar dentro del sistema de financiamiento ofrecido, y que el mismo haya sido previamente aprobado. Copia de dicho documento, así como del Reconocimiento de Compra puede ser examinado con anterioridad a la subasta solicitando el mismo a cualquiera de sus oficiales. NOVENA -- El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro, asumirá personal y solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador. DÉCIMA -- El comprador deberá remover a los caballos por él adquiridos a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2018, a menos que contrate los servicios de Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. conforme a los sistemas de cuido ofrecidos por éstos. El comprador asumirá toda responsabilidad y costo por la transportación del caballo adquirido. UNDÉCIMA -- Si el comprador no cumple con la cláusula anterior (Décima), se le comenzará a facturar automáticamente y no podrá remover el ejemplar o ejemplares de la finca hasta que no satisfaga la deuda en su totalidad. DUODÉCIMA -- Todo ejemplar cuya condición física no apruebe el examen veterinario de venta a que tiene derecho a realizar el comprador dentro de un plazo de 48 horas con posterioridad a la adjudicación del ejemplar, que haya demostrado epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe, o fractura o fragmentación o sea, que prive a éste de su desempeño normal como corredor, podrá ser reclamado para devolución si se cumple con los siguientes requisitos: Toda reclamación deberá ser sometida mediante certificado veterinario escrito, dentro de un plazo de 48 horas a la adjudicación del ejemplar. El resultado debe ser revisado y aceptado por el veterinario de Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. para que proceda a aceptarse la devolución. Dicho certificado deberá especificar la condición diagnosticada por el veterinario, y deberá especificar que la misma es de tal magnitud que afectará el desempeño del ejemplar como corredor. TANTO LA PLACAS COMO EL

DIAGNÓSTICO DEBERÁN SER ENTREGADOS A HARAS SANTA ISABEL, INC., SI NO, NO ACEPTAREMOS LA DEVOLUCIÓN DE DICHO EJEMPLAR. DECIMOTERCERA -- La preparación y redacción de este catálogo, y la información que contiene concuerda con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer de errores u omisiones. DECIMOCUARTA -- Los Potros ofrecidos en esta subasta cualifican para el bono o “Rebate” que la AIDH otorgará al comprador por la cantidad de $1,600.00 por cada ejemplar que adquiere, entiéndase que ningún ejemplar devuelto por causas de rechazo veterinario cualificará para el mismo. (Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. tiene 8 potros los cuales según las órdenes del Administrador Hípico, al no ir a subasta no tienen derecho al bono, pues se venderán mas tarde). DECIMOQUINTA -- HARAS SANTA ISABEL, INC. NO SERÁ RESPONSABLE DE GESTIONAR LOS BONOS DE LA AIDH. CADA DUEÑO SERÁ RESPONSABLE DE EFECTUAR TODO TRÁMITE PARA QUE EFECTÚEN A SU NOMBRE EL DESEMBOLSO CORRESPONDIENTE. Haras Santa Isabel contribuirá en prepararle la documentación necesaria y le hará entrega de la misma para que pueda efectuar su solicitud. Una vez que el dueño pague a Haras Santa Isabel el monto total incluyendo intereses y cuido (si aplica), entonces usted tendrá derecho a recibir su certificado de The Jockey Club. Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

Financiamiento con el vendedor el cual deberá estar dentro del sistema de financiamiento ofrecido, y que el mismo haya sido previamente aprobado. Copia de dicho documento, así como del Reconocimiento de Compra puede ser examinado con anterioridad a la subasta solicitando el mismo a cualquiera de sus oficiales. NOVENA -- El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro, asumirá personal y solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador. DÉCIMA -- El comprador deberá remover a los caballos por él adquiridos a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2018, a menos que contrate los servicios de Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. conforme a los sistemas de cuido ofrecidos por éstos. El comprador asumirá toda responsabilidad y costo por la transportación del caballo adquirido. UNDÉCIMA -- Si el comprador no cumple con la cláusula anterior (Décima), se le comenzará a facturar automáticamente y no podrá remover el ejemplar o ejemplares de la finca hasta que no satisfaga la deuda en su totalidad. DUODÉCIMA -- Todo ejemplar cuya condición física no apruebe el examen veterinario de venta a que tiene derecho a realizar el comprador dentro de un plazo de 48 horas con posterioridad a la adjudicación del ejemplar, que haya demostrado epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe, o fractura o fragmentación o sea, que prive a éste de su desempeño normal como corredor, podrá ser reclamado para devolución si se cumple con los siguientes requisitos: Toda reclamación deberá ser sometida mediante certificado veterinario escrito, dentro de un plazo de 48 horas a la adjudicación del ejemplar. El resultado debe ser revisado y aceptado por el veterinario de Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. para que proceda a aceptarse la devolución. Dicho certificado deberá especificar la condición diagnosticada por el veterinario, y deberá especificar que la misma es de tal magnitud que afectará el desempeño del ejemplar como corredor. TANTO LA PLACAS COMO EL

DIAGNÓSTICO DEBERÁN SER ENTREGADOS A HARAS SANTA ISABEL, INC., SI NO, NO ACEPTAREMOS LA DEVOLUCIÓN DE DICHO EJEMPLAR. DECIMOTERCERA -- La preparación y redacción de este catálogo, y la información que contiene concuerda con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer de errores u omisiones. DECIMOCUARTA -- Los Potros ofrecidos en esta subasta cualifican para el bono o “Rebate” que la AIDH otorgará al comprador por la cantidad de $1,600.00 por cada ejemplar que adquiere, entiéndase que ningún ejemplar devuelto por causas de rechazo veterinario cualificará para el mismo. (Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. tiene 8 potros los cuales según las órdenes del Administrador Hípico, al no ir a subasta no tienen derecho al bono, pues se venderán mas tarde). DECIMOQUINTA -- HARAS SANTA ISABEL, INC. NO SERÁ RESPONSABLE DE GESTIONAR LOS BONOS DE LA AIDH. CADA DUEÑO SERÁ RESPONSABLE DE EFECTUAR TODO TRÁMITE PARA QUE EFECTÚEN A SU NOMBRE EL DESEMBOLSO CORRESPONDIENTE. Haras Santa Isabel contribuirá en prepararle la documentación necesaria y le hará entrega de la misma para que pueda efectuar su solicitud. Una vez que el dueño pague a Haras Santa Isabel el monto total incluyendo intereses y cuido (si aplica), entonces usted tendrá derecho a recibir su certificado de The Jockey Club. Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

Sistemas de Financiamiento Alternativa A

Al contado

Alternativa B

50% (aplica a toda venta mayor de $5,001 por potro, no por cliente). El pronto deberá ser pagado dentro de 10 días siguientes a la venta (subasta) y el balance deberá ser negociado con la gerencia.

Nota: Toda Venta de $5,000 o menos, tendrá que ser pagada al contado y sin descuento en o antes de 10 días. Toda venta aplazada conlleva el pago de intereses y el original del certificado del Jockey Club es retenido por Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. hasta su saldo total. De no llevar a cabo los pagos conforme a lo estipulado y pagar los mismos con demora, por el tiempo en mora se cargará 1.5% mensual hasta la fecha de su pago. El nuevo sistema de cupones les da derecho a $1,600.00 por cada caballo que usted adquiera sin importar el número.





INDEX 2017

Sistemas de Financiamiento Alternativa A

Al contado

Alternativa B

50% (aplica a toda venta mayor de $5,001 por potro, no por cliente). El pronto deberá ser pagado dentro de 10 días siguientes a la venta (subasta) y el balance deberá ser negociado con la gerencia.

Nota: Toda Venta de $5,000 o menos, tendrá que ser pagada al contado y sin descuento en o antes de 10 días. Toda venta aplazada conlleva el pago de intereses y el original del certificado del Jockey Club es retenido por Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. hasta su saldo total. De no llevar a cabo los pagos conforme a lo estipulado y pagar los mismos con demora, por el tiempo en mora se cargará 1.5% mensual hasta la fecha de su pago. El nuevo sistema de cupones les da derecho a $1,600.00 por cada caballo que usted adquiera sin importar el número.





INDEX 2017




INDEX 2016



42 F B


INDEX 2017




INDEX 2016





INDEX 2016



42 F B


INDEX 2017




INDEX 2016







BALCONY HIP 40 BIZARRO HIP 42 COACH BILLY G. HIP 32 HARBOR MASTER HIPS 8-10-15-29-33 ONE WAY FLIGHT HIPS 1-5-11-16-18-19-22-27-31-37-38-41 SUDDEN THUNDER HIPS 2-4-6-7-9-13-14-17-21-24-25-28-30-36-39 TAWQEET HIPS 3-12-20-23-26-27-34-35






BALCONY HIP 40 BIZARRO HIP 42 COACH BILLY G. HIP 32 HARBOR MASTER HIPS 8-10-15-29-33 ONE WAY FLIGHT HIPS 1-5-11-16-18-19-22-27-31-37-38-41 SUDDEN THUNDER HIPS 2-4-6-7-9-13-14-17-21-24-25-28-30-36-39 TAWQEET HIPS 3-12-20-23-26-27-34-35

BALCONY (1994). Sire of 16 crops. 186 foals, 127 starters, 4 black type winners, 75 winners, $2,617,334, including MUECA Champion, $303,331, FASCINATIN LADY $283,809, Cl Criadores De Puerto Rico, etc., LA NOVIA DE GABY $182,164, Cl Entrenadores, etc., EPICENTRO $69,890, Cl Velocidad, Lady Wanda Iris $147,554, 2nd Cl Blanqui R., etc., Princess Yohalys $78,141, 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet, Jr., Sr. Minister $66,789, 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Marín, Sr Lucero $56,905, 3rd Copa Gobernador, Alondra C $71,034, El Asturiano $68,414, Mi Tío Pello $4,150, 4th Cl Muñoz Rivera Memorial. BIZARRO (2009). Winner of $35,321. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 13 foals, 4 starters, 2 winners of 3 races and earning $27,462, Lady Girona, to 3, 2018, $16,160, Que Locura at 3, 2018, $9,012. Son of stakes winner Unbridled’s Song, leading sire, sire of 121 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Arrogate $17,422,600, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., etc., Forever Unbridled $3,186,880, Longines Breeders’ Cup Distaff, etc., Will Take Charge 7 wins, $3,924,648, Travers S., etc. COACH BILLY G. (2006). Winner of $63,183. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 20 foals, 14 starters, 10 winners of 29 races and earning $467,728 including JUSTICIERO 8 wins, $220,841, Derby Puertorriqueño etc, Mi Brother Abad R. $35,6174, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueño, Rhina My Love $90,434, 2nd Clásico Versets Dancer S., Concerto Bello $32,529. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 181 stake winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Caseway $3,078,989, Storm Flag Flying $1,951,828, Sweet Catomine $1,059,600. HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Día de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166.

SIRES SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad, etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet r., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny.

BALCONY (1994). Sire of 16 crops. 186 foals, 127 starters, 4 black type winners, 75 winners, $2,617,334, including MUECA Champion, $303,331, FASCINATIN LADY $283,809, Cl Criadores De Puerto Rico, etc., LA NOVIA DE GABY $182,164, Cl Entrenadores, etc., EPICENTRO $69,890, Cl Velocidad, Lady Wanda Iris $147,554, 2nd Cl Blanqui R., etc., Princess Yohalys $78,141, 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet, Jr., Sr. Minister $66,789, 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Marín, Sr Lucero $56,905, 3rd Copa Gobernador, Alondra C $71,034, El Asturiano $68,414, Mi Tío Pello $4,150, 4th Cl Muñoz Rivera Memorial. BIZARRO (2009). Winner of $35,321. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 13 foals, 4 starters, 2 winners of 3 races and earning $27,462, Lady Girona, to 3, 2018, $16,160, Que Locura at 3, 2018, $9,012. Son of stakes winner Unbridled’s Song, leading sire, sire of 121 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Arrogate $17,422,600, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., etc., Forever Unbridled $3,186,880, Longines Breeders’ Cup Distaff, etc., Will Take Charge 7 wins, $3,924,648, Travers S., etc. COACH BILLY G. (2006). Winner of $63,183. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 20 foals, 14 starters, 10 winners of 29 races and earning $467,728 including JUSTICIERO 8 wins, $220,841, Derby Puertorriqueño etc, Mi Brother Abad R. $35,6174, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueño, Rhina My Love $90,434, 2nd Clásico Versets Dancer S., Concerto Bello $32,529. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 181 stake winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Caseway $3,078,989, Storm Flag Flying $1,951,828, Sweet Catomine $1,059,600. HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Día de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166.

SIRES SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad, etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet r., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny.

HIP 1 HIP 1 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled May 5, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM ALMÍBAR (2011), by Harbor Master. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM LOW BIDDER, by Spectacular Bid. Winner at 4, $11,811. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners MR, ALVIN PETER (c, by Lord Carson). 13 wins, 2 to 5, $254,789. Won Cl Luis Munoz Rivera. 2nd Cl Puerto Rico Futurity, Cl Navidad, Cl The Kid, Cl Derby Puertorriqueno. 3rd Cl Velocidad Sire.

Luke's Finest (f, by Indian Charlie). Winner at 3, $31,920. 4 wins at 4 and 6, $114,679. Dam of 3 winners, including Finest Angel. 2 wins at 4, 2013, $36,445. Fermin Es Elegante. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $18,742. Pintail (f, by Prospect Bay). Winner at 3, $15,760.

Provenza (f, by Harbor Master). Winner at 4, 2014, $16,755 3RD DAM ALL OUT, by Full Out. 3 wins at 3, $44,479. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, including

ANKLES (c, by Raise A Man). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $314,469. Won Demetri’s Boy Handicap, Harhams Sizzler S. 2nd Cavalier S., Balmoral Illinois Heritage S., Sprinfield S., Chicago Handicap, 3rd Hawthorne Breeder’s Cup H., Island Whirl H., John D. Hertz S., Whirlaway S. ALL SMARTS (c, by Smart Style). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $245,987. Won New York Stallion S. 2nd New York Stallion S., Bertram F. Bongard S., Dewitt Clinton H.-R, Genesee Valley Breeders’ Hcp.-R. 3rd Hollie Hughes Handicap-R, Evan Shipman S.-R. All Man (c,by Raise a Man). 19 wins, 3 to 8, $189,562. 3rd Topsider S., Rockingham Sprint Handicap.

MC: 981020023283331 JCC: 1712035


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note


Harbor Master Seattle Slew Harbor Springs Low Bidder Spectacular Bid All Out

HIP 1 HIP 1 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled May 5, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM ALMÍBAR (2011), by Harbor Master. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM LOW BIDDER, by Spectacular Bid. Winner at 4, $11,811. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners MR, ALVIN PETER (c, by Lord Carson). 13 wins, 2 to 5, $254,789. Won Cl Luis Munoz Rivera. 2nd Cl Puerto Rico Futurity, Cl Navidad, Cl The Kid, Cl Derby Puertorriqueno. 3rd Cl Velocidad Sire.

Luke's Finest (f, by Indian Charlie). Winner at 3, $31,920. 4 wins at 4 and 6, $114,679. Dam of 3 winners, including Finest Angel. 2 wins at 4, 2013, $36,445. Fermin Es Elegante. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $18,742. Pintail (f, by Prospect Bay). Winner at 3, $15,760.

Provenza (f, by Harbor Master). Winner at 4, 2014, $16,755 3RD DAM ALL OUT, by Full Out. 3 wins at 3, $44,479. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, including

ANKLES (c, by Raise A Man). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $314,469. Won Demetri’s Boy Handicap, Harhams Sizzler S. 2nd Cavalier S., Balmoral Illinois Heritage S., Sprinfield S., Chicago Handicap, 3rd Hawthorne Breeder’s Cup H., Island Whirl H., John D. Hertz S., Whirlaway S. ALL SMARTS (c, by Smart Style). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $245,987. Won New York Stallion S. 2nd New York Stallion S., Bertram F. Bongard S., Dewitt Clinton H.-R, Genesee Valley Breeders’ Hcp.-R. 3rd Hollie Hughes Handicap-R, Evan Shipman S.-R. All Man (c,by Raise a Man). 19 wins, 3 to 8, $189,562. 3rd Topsider S., Rockingham Sprint Handicap.

MC: 981020023283331 JCC: 1712035


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note


Harbor Master Seattle Slew Harbor Springs Low Bidder Spectacular Bid All Out

HIP 2 HIP 2 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled March 27, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM ANA VICTORIA (2000), by Flying Chevron. Placed at 3, $3,220. Dam of 1 foal to race. 2ND DAM THREE DIMES, by Phone Trick. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race. 3RD DAM FEMININE SPIRIT, by Pass The Glass. Winner at 2 and 3, $33,300 Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners

The Castle (f. by Dixie Power). Winner at 2, 3, 4 and 6, $80,919. Pass The Phone (c. by Phone Trick). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $75,386. Peter's Posada (c. by Star Of Valor). Winner at 2 and 4, $52,720. Feminine Tricks (f. by Phone Trick). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $45,463. Producer.

4TH DAM BIG SPIRIT, by Big Spruce. Unraced. Half-sister to BEAUTIFUL MELODY, BEAUTIFUL GLASS. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, including

BIG PAL (c. by Beau's Eagle). 16 wins, 2 to 9, $573,937, in. Won California Juvenile S., Gold Rush Handicap, Round Table Handicap, San Matean Handicap. LOVELY HABIT (f. by *Habitony). 10 wins, 3 to 7, $335,186. Won California Cup Matron Handicap, Impressive Style S. Campanile Invitational Handicap, Sacramento Handicap, Watch Wendy Handicap, Producer. Big Team Spirit (c. by Half Term). 10 wins, 3 to 7, $270,960. Great Seal (g. by *Habitony). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $72,350. Inspiring Year (c. by Half A Year). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $61,894.

MC: 981020023294714 JCC: 1707007


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Ana Victoria

Flying Chevron Carson City Fly Me First

Three Dimes Phone Trick

Feminine Spirit

HIP 3 HIP 3 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled April 6, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM BONGEE (2000), by Pleasant Tap. 2 wins at 4, $9,320. Dam of 4 foal to race, 4 winners

Enchanted Belle (f. by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 3 and 4, 2013, $9,115. Olympiakos (g. by Sudden Thunder) Winner at 3. Bongee Jumping (g. By Sudden Thunder). Winner of 3 races from 3 to 5, $18,335. Gran Pitirre (g. By Sudden Thunnder). Winner of 1 $10,421.

2ND DAM TUPELO BELLE, by Turkoman. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $19,144. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including

MISTER FANUCCI (c, by Announce). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $163,165. Won Cl Fanatico Hipico, Cl Agustin M.Reveron. 2nd Cl Jose Coll Vidal, Copa 4 De Julio. Sire. CINDAGO (c, by Indian Charlie). Winner at 2 and 3, $98,180. Won El Cajon S. Sire. Lasting Wish (f, by Deposit Ticket). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including- Alarico(g, by Alybro). 7 wins, 3 to 6, 137,243. 2nd C.T.H.S. Sales S. $134,089.Thendara's Glitter (f, by Glitterman). Unraced. Producer.

3RD DAM PONGEE, by In Reality. 2 wins at 3, $20,400. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, including

Mississippi Chat (c, by Meadowlake). 2 wins at 3, $55,780. 3rd Phoenix S. Marquet Reality (c, by Marquetry). Winner at 3, $49,517. Cimarron Hills (f, by Tactical Advantage). 2 wins at 3, $32,405. Producer. Whoa Daddy (g, by Lost Code). 3 wins at 4, $25,600.

MC: 981020023218774 JCC: 1707887



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


Pleasant Tap Pleasant Colony Never Knock Tupelo Belle Turkoman Pongee

HIP 2 HIP 2 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled March 27, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM ANA VICTORIA (2000), by Flying Chevron. Placed at 3, $3,220. Dam of 1 foal to race. 2ND DAM THREE DIMES, by Phone Trick. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race. 3RD DAM FEMININE SPIRIT, by Pass The Glass. Winner at 2 and 3, $33,300 Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners

The Castle (f. by Dixie Power). Winner at 2, 3, 4 and 6, $80,919. Pass The Phone (c. by Phone Trick). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $75,386. Peter's Posada (c. by Star Of Valor). Winner at 2 and 4, $52,720. Feminine Tricks (f. by Phone Trick). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $45,463. Producer.

4TH DAM BIG SPIRIT, by Big Spruce. Unraced. Half-sister to BEAUTIFUL MELODY, BEAUTIFUL GLASS. Dam of 13 foals to race, 11 winners, including

BIG PAL (c. by Beau's Eagle). 16 wins, 2 to 9, $573,937, in. Won California Juvenile S., Gold Rush Handicap, Round Table Handicap, San Matean Handicap. LOVELY HABIT (f. by *Habitony). 10 wins, 3 to 7, $335,186. Won California Cup Matron Handicap, Impressive Style S. Campanile Invitational Handicap, Sacramento Handicap, Watch Wendy Handicap, Producer. Big Team Spirit (c. by Half Term). 10 wins, 3 to 7, $270,960. Great Seal (g. by *Habitony). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $72,350. Inspiring Year (c. by Half A Year). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $61,894.

MC: 981020023294714 JCC: 1707007


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Ana Victoria

Flying Chevron Carson City Fly Me First

Three Dimes Phone Trick

Feminine Spirit

HIP 3 HIP 3 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled April 6, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM BONGEE (2000), by Pleasant Tap. 2 wins at 4, $9,320. Dam of 4 foal to race, 4 winners

Enchanted Belle (f. by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 3 and 4, 2013, $9,115. Olympiakos (g. by Sudden Thunder) Winner at 3. Bongee Jumping (g. By Sudden Thunder). Winner of 3 races from 3 to 5, $18,335. Gran Pitirre (g. By Sudden Thunnder). Winner of 1 $10,421.

2ND DAM TUPELO BELLE, by Turkoman. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $19,144. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including

MISTER FANUCCI (c, by Announce). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $163,165. Won Cl Fanatico Hipico, Cl Agustin M.Reveron. 2nd Cl Jose Coll Vidal, Copa 4 De Julio. Sire. CINDAGO (c, by Indian Charlie). Winner at 2 and 3, $98,180. Won El Cajon S. Sire. Lasting Wish (f, by Deposit Ticket). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including- Alarico(g, by Alybro). 7 wins, 3 to 6, 137,243. 2nd C.T.H.S. Sales S. $134,089.Thendara's Glitter (f, by Glitterman). Unraced. Producer.

3RD DAM PONGEE, by In Reality. 2 wins at 3, $20,400. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, including

Mississippi Chat (c, by Meadowlake). 2 wins at 3, $55,780. 3rd Phoenix S. Marquet Reality (c, by Marquetry). Winner at 3, $49,517. Cimarron Hills (f, by Tactical Advantage). 2 wins at 3, $32,405. Producer. Whoa Daddy (g, by Lost Code). 3 wins at 4, $25,600.

MC: 981020023218774 JCC: 1707887



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


Pleasant Tap Pleasant Colony Never Knock Tupelo Belle Turkoman Pongee

HIP 4 HIP 4 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESNUT COLT Foaled April 29, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM CANALEJAS (2001), by Pleasant Tap. Unplaced at 2. Dam of 4 foals to race. Faviola (f, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 2, $30,115. Adara y Keimy (f, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 8 races, $33,612. Spirit Thunder (c, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 7, $28,665. Turrón (c, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 12, $63,001. 2ND DAM CLASSIC BE, by Sky Classic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $85,850. Dam of 8 foals to race, 3 winners Classic Trouble (c, by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $35,846. 8 wins, 5 to 9. At 9 Cnr Turf Paradise 1 m 01:34.57 (T) $162,554. Puerta del Sol (f, by Dance Brightly). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $74,230. Dam of 2 winners Abuelo Willy. Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2012, $15,570. Historiadora. Winner at 3, 2012, $10,253. Napanee Road(f, by Smoke Glaken). 2 wins at 4, $22,437. 3RD DAM LEAVE IT BE, by Lawmaker. 24 wins, 2 to 6, $788,630. Won Sixty Sails Handicap, Gold Beauty Handicap, Vizcaya Handicap , Pembroke Lakes Handicap, Florida Breeder’s Distaff S., Lady Hallie H., Miss St. Louis Handicap, Honey Fox Handicap, Pageant S., Manatee S., Wayward Lass S., Sunny Isles S., My Fair Lady Handicap. Sister to Lady Linstar. Dam of 11 foals to race, all winners, including Lilltle Paper Boat (g, by Straight Man). 16 wins, 4 to 7, $157,790. MC: 981020023287763 JCC : 1711429


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Canalejas Pleasant Tap Pleasant Colony

Never Knock

Classic Be Sky Classic

Leave it Be

HIP 5 HIP 5 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled January 30, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM CRITICAL BULL (2000), by Holly Bull. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $76,455. Dam of 2 foals to race Carlos Andre (c by Outflanker). Winner at 3, 2009, $18,056. 2ND DAM CRISIS JUNKIE, by Halo. Placed at 3, $12,467. Dam of 3 winners Regal Bull, 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,490. Twin Lights. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including CHOCOLATE BROWN (f, by Lion Hearted). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $76,206, Fashion S. 3RD DAM CRISIS JUNKIE by Halo. Placed at 3, $12,467. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, including

Regal Bull (c. by Holy Bull). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,490. Meetmeindreamland (f. by Exploit). Winner at 3 and 4, $40,470. Kimmy Maur (f. by Cryptoclearance). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,510. Dam of 2 winners, including Kim's Gold. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $101,963. Wild Passion (f. by Chapel Royal). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $19,640. Twin Lights (f. by Holy Bull). Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including CHOCOLATE BROWN (f. by Lion Hearted). 2 wins at 2, $76,206. Won Fashion S. Dam of Christiesborntorun (c. by Grand Slam. 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2013, $174,810. 2nd Gilded Time Stakes. Sam's Sixteenth. 8 wins from 3 to 6, $106,076.

4TH DAM LA JALOUSE, by NijinskyII. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $43,466, Selene S., 2nd BonifaceS., Fury S. Sister to Quadripartite, half-sister to TOBIN LAD (sire), STEPHANIE LEIGH, First Quadrant. MC: 981020023252032 JCC: 1700275


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Critical Bull

Holly Bull Hail To Reason Cosmah Crisis Junkie Raise a Native La Jalouse

HIP 4 HIP 4 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESNUT COLT Foaled April 29, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM CANALEJAS (2001), by Pleasant Tap. Unplaced at 2. Dam of 4 foals to race. Faviola (f, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 2, $30,115. Adara y Keimy (f, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 8 races, $33,612. Spirit Thunder (c, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 7, $28,665. Turrón (c, by Sudden Thunder) Winner of 12, $63,001. 2ND DAM CLASSIC BE, by Sky Classic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $85,850. Dam of 8 foals to race, 3 winners Classic Trouble (c, by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $35,846. 8 wins, 5 to 9. At 9 Cnr Turf Paradise 1 m 01:34.57 (T) $162,554. Puerta del Sol (f, by Dance Brightly). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $74,230. Dam of 2 winners Abuelo Willy. Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2012, $15,570. Historiadora. Winner at 3, 2012, $10,253. Napanee Road(f, by Smoke Glaken). 2 wins at 4, $22,437. 3RD DAM LEAVE IT BE, by Lawmaker. 24 wins, 2 to 6, $788,630. Won Sixty Sails Handicap, Gold Beauty Handicap, Vizcaya Handicap , Pembroke Lakes Handicap, Florida Breeder’s Distaff S., Lady Hallie H., Miss St. Louis Handicap, Honey Fox Handicap, Pageant S., Manatee S., Wayward Lass S., Sunny Isles S., My Fair Lady Handicap. Sister to Lady Linstar. Dam of 11 foals to race, all winners, including Lilltle Paper Boat (g, by Straight Man). 16 wins, 4 to 7, $157,790. MC: 981020023287763 JCC : 1711429


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Canalejas Pleasant Tap Pleasant Colony

Never Knock

Classic Be Sky Classic

Leave it Be

HIP 5 HIP 5 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled January 30, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM CRITICAL BULL (2000), by Holly Bull. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $76,455. Dam of 2 foals to race Carlos Andre (c by Outflanker). Winner at 3, 2009, $18,056. 2ND DAM CRISIS JUNKIE, by Halo. Placed at 3, $12,467. Dam of 3 winners Regal Bull, 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,490. Twin Lights. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including CHOCOLATE BROWN (f, by Lion Hearted). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $76,206, Fashion S. 3RD DAM CRISIS JUNKIE by Halo. Placed at 3, $12,467. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, including

Regal Bull (c. by Holy Bull). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,490. Meetmeindreamland (f. by Exploit). Winner at 3 and 4, $40,470. Kimmy Maur (f. by Cryptoclearance). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,510. Dam of 2 winners, including Kim's Gold. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $101,963. Wild Passion (f. by Chapel Royal). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $19,640. Twin Lights (f. by Holy Bull). Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including CHOCOLATE BROWN (f. by Lion Hearted). 2 wins at 2, $76,206. Won Fashion S. Dam of Christiesborntorun (c. by Grand Slam. 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2013, $174,810. 2nd Gilded Time Stakes. Sam's Sixteenth. 8 wins from 3 to 6, $106,076.

4TH DAM LA JALOUSE, by NijinskyII. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $43,466, Selene S., 2nd BonifaceS., Fury S. Sister to Quadripartite, half-sister to TOBIN LAD (sire), STEPHANIE LEIGH, First Quadrant. MC: 981020023252032 JCC: 1700275


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Critical Bull

Holly Bull Hail To Reason Cosmah Crisis Junkie Raise a Native La Jalouse

HIP 6 HIP 6 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 11, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM CROSS COUNTRY CAT (2005), by Pioneering. Winner at 3, $10,898. This is her second foal. 2ND DAM NADIAS CAT, by Sir Cat. Placed at 2 and 3, $24,919. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, including Misty Got Even (f. by Stephen Got Even). 2 wins at 3, $18,104. 3RD DAM T.V. Jingles, by Stop The Music. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 winners

GREEK TYCOON (c. by Olympio). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $225.700. Won Stanton S. Countess Proud (f. by Proud Citizen). 12 wins, 2 to 5, 2011, $134,237, 2nd Cl Eduardo Cautino Insua, 2nd Cl. Prensa Hipica, 3rd Cl Roberto Clemente. Dee Liver (g. by Dee Lance). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $85,341. Five Star Special (g. by Five Star Day). Winner at 5, $52, 956. Commercial Free (c. by Hrlan’s Holiday). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $37, 681. New Wind Blowin’ (f. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 4, $31, 350. Goodbye Harry (c. by Secret Hello). 2 wins at 4 $25,300. Bo Jingles (f.by Croydon). Winner at 4, $11,262. Marf (c. by Marfa). Winner at 3, $5,188. Sein Pleasure (c. by Sea Of Secrets). 4 wins 3 to 5. $687,245.

MC: 981020023293040 JCC: 1704213


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Cross Country Cat

Pioneering. Mr. Prospector Terlingua Nadias Cat Sir Cat T.V. Jingles

HIP 7 HIP 7 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled April 19, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM DOTTIE’S PICK (2002) by Slew Gin Fizz. Winner at 2, $15,410. This is her third foal. Huracanado ( c. by Wilko) Winner of 8 races from 3 to 5 $58,432. El Juridico (c, by Billions) $21,052. Vuelve Quique B, (c, by Sudden Thunder). Two year old 2018. 2ND DAM FALSELY ACCUSED, BY The Minstrel, 3 wins at 3 and 4, $86,750. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, including Seeyalatalitigata (f, by Slew Gin Fizz), 9 wins, 2 to 6, $124,319 Uppahughie(f, Secret Prince). Winner at 3, $117,130. Dam of 3 winners OUR TUNE (f, by Concorde’s Tune). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $240,505. Won Numbered Account S. (AQU, $36,420). Producer. Secret Flag (c, by Personal Flag). At 4 sent to Dominican Republic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,543, in P.R. 2nd Cl Bandit Bomber (PR) What a Prince. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2010. Winner at 3, 2010, $72,915. Reprehensible (g, by Montbrook). Winner at 2, 3,and 4, $48,536. Network News (f, by Pentelicus). 2 wins at 3, $45,725. 3RD DAM MONEY BELLS, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners, including Wing of the Falcon (c. by Tank’s Prospect). Winner at 5, $1,494.

MC: 981020023282672 JCC: 1709978


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Dottie’s Pick Slew Gin Fizz Relaunch

Slew Princess

Falsely Accused The Minstrel

Money Bells

HIP 6 HIP 6 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 11, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM CROSS COUNTRY CAT (2005), by Pioneering. Winner at 3, $10,898. This is her second foal. 2ND DAM NADIAS CAT, by Sir Cat. Placed at 2 and 3, $24,919. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, including Misty Got Even (f. by Stephen Got Even). 2 wins at 3, $18,104. 3RD DAM T.V. Jingles, by Stop The Music. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 winners

GREEK TYCOON (c. by Olympio). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $225.700. Won Stanton S. Countess Proud (f. by Proud Citizen). 12 wins, 2 to 5, 2011, $134,237, 2nd Cl Eduardo Cautino Insua, 2nd Cl. Prensa Hipica, 3rd Cl Roberto Clemente. Dee Liver (g. by Dee Lance). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $85,341. Five Star Special (g. by Five Star Day). Winner at 5, $52, 956. Commercial Free (c. by Hrlan’s Holiday). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $37, 681. New Wind Blowin’ (f. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 4, $31, 350. Goodbye Harry (c. by Secret Hello). 2 wins at 4 $25,300. Bo Jingles (f.by Croydon). Winner at 4, $11,262. Marf (c. by Marfa). Winner at 3, $5,188. Sein Pleasure (c. by Sea Of Secrets). 4 wins 3 to 5. $687,245.

MC: 981020023293040 JCC: 1704213


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Cross Country Cat

Pioneering. Mr. Prospector Terlingua Nadias Cat Sir Cat T.V. Jingles

HIP 7 HIP 7 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled April 19, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM DOTTIE’S PICK (2002) by Slew Gin Fizz. Winner at 2, $15,410. This is her third foal. Huracanado ( c. by Wilko) Winner of 8 races from 3 to 5 $58,432. El Juridico (c, by Billions) $21,052. Vuelve Quique B, (c, by Sudden Thunder). Two year old 2018. 2ND DAM FALSELY ACCUSED, BY The Minstrel, 3 wins at 3 and 4, $86,750. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, including Seeyalatalitigata (f, by Slew Gin Fizz), 9 wins, 2 to 6, $124,319 Uppahughie(f, Secret Prince). Winner at 3, $117,130. Dam of 3 winners OUR TUNE (f, by Concorde’s Tune). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $240,505. Won Numbered Account S. (AQU, $36,420). Producer. Secret Flag (c, by Personal Flag). At 4 sent to Dominican Republic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,543, in P.R. 2nd Cl Bandit Bomber (PR) What a Prince. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2010. Winner at 3, 2010, $72,915. Reprehensible (g, by Montbrook). Winner at 2, 3,and 4, $48,536. Network News (f, by Pentelicus). 2 wins at 3, $45,725. 3RD DAM MONEY BELLS, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners, including Wing of the Falcon (c. by Tank’s Prospect). Winner at 5, $1,494.

MC: 981020023282672 JCC: 1709978


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Dottie’s Pick Slew Gin Fizz Relaunch

Slew Princess

Falsely Accused The Minstrel

Money Bells

HIP 8 HIP 8 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 8, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166. 1ST DAM ELUSIVE PICK(2008), by Elusive Quality. Unraced. 2ND DAM TOMORROW'S SONG, by Apalachee. Winner at 2, $60,650. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners TOMORROWS SUNSHINE (f. by Silver Deputy). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $296,308. Won Time To Leave Handicap, Cascapedia S., 2nd Las Flores Handicap, Bangles And Beads S. 3rd Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hawthorne Handicap, Fairfield S, Dam of 3 winners, including Brilliant Sunshine (f. by Smarty Jones). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $185,550. 3rd My Juliet S., Just Smashing S. Gridiron. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $88,267. Under Oath. 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $22,829. Colorado Song (f. by Pine Bluff). Winner at 2 and 3, $164,928. 2nd Princess S., Sandy Blue S., 3rd Del Mar Debutante S., Sorrento S. Dam of 2 winners, including PEYTONS PASS . Winner at $246,031. Sage Doro. Winner at 2 and 4, 2013, $77,841. Datttsdawayilikeit (f. by Forestry). Winner at 3 and 4, 3rd P. G.Johnson S. (1 div) $57,850. Dam of 2 winners, including The Whammer. 7 wins, 4 to 6, $180,562. Fresh Cut. Winner at 3 and 4, 2013, $16,481. REVOCATION. Placed at 2 and 3, 2013, $118,050. Rach Three (g. by Carson City). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $86,020. Kirkela (f. by Giant's Causeway). Winner at 3, $42,555.Producer. MC: 981020023293809 JCC: 1701515


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning

My Charmer

Harbor Springs Vice Regent


Elusive Pick. Elusive Quality Gone West

Touch of Greatness

Tomorrow’s Song Apalachee



Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. CHESTNUT FILLY

Foaled April 4, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM ESKIMO QUEEN (1999), by Goldgalliano (IRE). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners El Chato (g. by Sudden Thunder). 9 wins, 2 to 4, $74,115. 2nd Cl Rolando Cabral.

Walneris (f. by Lightning Al). 4 wins at 2, $30,801. Just Queen (f. by Just Typical). 5 wins at 3, $28,382. Andreita’s Dream (f. by Sudden Thunder) 4 wins at 2 and 3 $32, 233. El Bataclan (c. by Sudden Thunder) winner of $8,200. Eskimalita (f. by Sudden Thunder), placed at 3, $5,125.

2ND DAM Island Gift, by Gift of Kings. 2nd Cl Roberto Clemente. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners

Mananero (c. by Once Ivor). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $90,321. Pasatiempo (c. by Once Ivor). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $72,138. Sponsor (c. by Goldgalliano). 4 wins at 3, $26,804. Tatra Dancer (f. by Once Ivor). Winner at 3 and 4, $21,788. Tinita (f. by Once Ivor). Winner at 3, $13,800. Campesino (g. by Royal Merlot). Winner at 3, $7,614

3RD DAM PRESSURE PROOF, by Eskimo Prince. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $5,579. Dam of 3 foals to race.

Island Gift (f. by Gift of Kings). Black type placed, see above. Don Guengo (c. by Guilford Road). 3rd Copa 4 De Julio. Son Proof (c. by Son Excellence). 13 wins, 3 to 7, $57,478.

MC: 981020023292209 JCC: 1707069


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Eskimo Queen

Goldgalliano (IRE) Mr. Prospector Galleto Island Gift Gift of Kings Pressure Proof

HIP 8 HIP 8 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 8, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166. 1ST DAM ELUSIVE PICK(2008), by Elusive Quality. Unraced. 2ND DAM TOMORROW'S SONG, by Apalachee. Winner at 2, $60,650. Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners TOMORROWS SUNSHINE (f. by Silver Deputy). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $296,308. Won Time To Leave Handicap, Cascapedia S., 2nd Las Flores Handicap, Bangles And Beads S. 3rd Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hawthorne Handicap, Fairfield S, Dam of 3 winners, including Brilliant Sunshine (f. by Smarty Jones). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $185,550. 3rd My Juliet S., Just Smashing S. Gridiron. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $88,267. Under Oath. 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $22,829. Colorado Song (f. by Pine Bluff). Winner at 2 and 3, $164,928. 2nd Princess S., Sandy Blue S., 3rd Del Mar Debutante S., Sorrento S. Dam of 2 winners, including PEYTONS PASS . Winner at $246,031. Sage Doro. Winner at 2 and 4, 2013, $77,841. Datttsdawayilikeit (f. by Forestry). Winner at 3 and 4, 3rd P. G.Johnson S. (1 div) $57,850. Dam of 2 winners, including The Whammer. 7 wins, 4 to 6, $180,562. Fresh Cut. Winner at 3 and 4, 2013, $16,481. REVOCATION. Placed at 2 and 3, 2013, $118,050. Rach Three (g. by Carson City). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $86,020. Kirkela (f. by Giant's Causeway). Winner at 3, $42,555.Producer. MC: 981020023293809 JCC: 1701515


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning

My Charmer

Harbor Springs Vice Regent


Elusive Pick. Elusive Quality Gone West

Touch of Greatness

Tomorrow’s Song Apalachee



Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc. CHESTNUT FILLY

Foaled April 4, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM ESKIMO QUEEN (1999), by Goldgalliano (IRE). Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners El Chato (g. by Sudden Thunder). 9 wins, 2 to 4, $74,115. 2nd Cl Rolando Cabral.

Walneris (f. by Lightning Al). 4 wins at 2, $30,801. Just Queen (f. by Just Typical). 5 wins at 3, $28,382. Andreita’s Dream (f. by Sudden Thunder) 4 wins at 2 and 3 $32, 233. El Bataclan (c. by Sudden Thunder) winner of $8,200. Eskimalita (f. by Sudden Thunder), placed at 3, $5,125.

2ND DAM Island Gift, by Gift of Kings. 2nd Cl Roberto Clemente. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners

Mananero (c. by Once Ivor). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $90,321. Pasatiempo (c. by Once Ivor). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $72,138. Sponsor (c. by Goldgalliano). 4 wins at 3, $26,804. Tatra Dancer (f. by Once Ivor). Winner at 3 and 4, $21,788. Tinita (f. by Once Ivor). Winner at 3, $13,800. Campesino (g. by Royal Merlot). Winner at 3, $7,614

3RD DAM PRESSURE PROOF, by Eskimo Prince. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $5,579. Dam of 3 foals to race.

Island Gift (f. by Gift of Kings). Black type placed, see above. Don Guengo (c. by Guilford Road). 3rd Copa 4 De Julio. Son Proof (c. by Son Excellence). 13 wins, 3 to 7, $57,478.

MC: 981020023292209 JCC: 1707069


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Eskimo Queen

Goldgalliano (IRE) Mr. Prospector Galleto Island Gift Gift of Kings Pressure Proof

HIP 10 HIP 10 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled March 15, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166.


GISELLA (1994) , by Lodz. Winner at 3, $14,625. Sister to El Fenómeno. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners. REGISTRO (c. by Harbor Master). Horse of the Year 2017. $207,422. EL TRUCKERO (c, by Royal Merlot). At 2 Champion 2yo Colt in Puerto Rico. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $127,435. Won Cl Puerto Rico Futurity S. 2nd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Luis Muñoz Rivera 3rd Cl Hurly Road. Miss Gisella (f, by Goldwater). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $71,994. Soliciradora (f, by Crimson Hero). 5 wins, 2 to 3, $32,664. 2ND DAM OUR LIST. Placed at 2, 2013, Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including El Fenómeno (c, by Lodz). 23 wins, 2 to 6, $203,455. 2nd Copa Navidad. Yabucoa’s Pride (f, by I’ma Hell Raiser). 13 wins, 5 to 7, $70,700. Dam of 1 winner. Locos Conmigo. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $61,612. Rio Viejo (c, by Lodz). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $61,290. Consumidora (f, by Bugle Boy). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $59,103. 3RD DAM ROMEO’S FANCY, by Gallant Romeo. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race. Mr. Rose (c, by Poker). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $21,265. Ceara’s Fancy (f, by Poker). Placed at 3, $2,425. Dam of 2 winners, including FOOLISH INTENT (c, by Foolish Tanner). 16 wins, 2 to 8, $320,074. Won Omaga Gold Cup S., Royal Glint S., Divot Digger S., Don León S. 2nd Hawthorn JuvenileS. MC: 981020023277300 JCC: 1704327


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning

My Charmer

Harbor Springs Vice Regent


Gisella Lodz Danzig


Our List List

Romeo’s Fancy

HIP 11 HIP 11 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled April 2, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM Just Angel (2012), by Just Typical. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd DAM GLITTER ANGEL, (by Glitterman). Placed at 3, $1,555. Dam of 4 foals to race 2 winners Querube (c. by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 2, $9,552. Sandalo (g. Wando). Winner at 4, $8,316. 3rd DAM Remember the Roar (c, by Vigors). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $358,177. 3rd Pioneer S., Dust CommandercS. William Henry Harrison Hcp. Double Again (c, by Mutakddim). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $97,965. 8 wins, 5 to 9, $169,829. 3rd Lockout S, $267,794. Miss Virginia (f, by Magis Prospect). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $163,490 and Somethinroyal SS. Dam of 2 winners: Rising Rate. 2 wins at 3, $72,960. Chemistry, Placed at 3, $15,500. Dam of Gotta Be Us (g, by Exchange Rate. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $97,719. 3rd Gateway To Glory S, etc. Mia’s Angel (c, by Even the Score). 6 wins, 2 to 6, 2013, $127,453. 3rd Jimmy Winkfield S. Hardknockinbillie (c, by Devil His Due). Winner at 3 and 4, Unplaced at 3, $104,170. Code of Angels (g, by Lost Code). Winner at 2 to 5, $78,570. Holiday Justice (c, by Marian’s Holiday). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $77,644. Magic Angel (f, by Magic Prospect). 2 wins at 4, $11,171. Producer.

MC: 981020023279160 JCC: 1707782


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Just Angel

Just Typical A.P. Indy Poolesta (IRE) Glitter Angel Glitterman Angel Again

HIP 10 HIP 10 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled March 15, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166.


GISELLA (1994) , by Lodz. Winner at 3, $14,625. Sister to El Fenómeno. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners. REGISTRO (c. by Harbor Master). Horse of the Year 2017. $207,422. EL TRUCKERO (c, by Royal Merlot). At 2 Champion 2yo Colt in Puerto Rico. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $127,435. Won Cl Puerto Rico Futurity S. 2nd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Luis Muñoz Rivera 3rd Cl Hurly Road. Miss Gisella (f, by Goldwater). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $71,994. Soliciradora (f, by Crimson Hero). 5 wins, 2 to 3, $32,664. 2ND DAM OUR LIST. Placed at 2, 2013, Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including El Fenómeno (c, by Lodz). 23 wins, 2 to 6, $203,455. 2nd Copa Navidad. Yabucoa’s Pride (f, by I’ma Hell Raiser). 13 wins, 5 to 7, $70,700. Dam of 1 winner. Locos Conmigo. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $61,612. Rio Viejo (c, by Lodz). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $61,290. Consumidora (f, by Bugle Boy). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $59,103. 3RD DAM ROMEO’S FANCY, by Gallant Romeo. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race. Mr. Rose (c, by Poker). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $21,265. Ceara’s Fancy (f, by Poker). Placed at 3, $2,425. Dam of 2 winners, including FOOLISH INTENT (c, by Foolish Tanner). 16 wins, 2 to 8, $320,074. Won Omaga Gold Cup S., Royal Glint S., Divot Digger S., Don León S. 2nd Hawthorn JuvenileS. MC: 981020023277300 JCC: 1704327


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning

My Charmer

Harbor Springs Vice Regent


Gisella Lodz Danzig


Our List List

Romeo’s Fancy

HIP 11 HIP 11 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled April 2, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM Just Angel (2012), by Just Typical. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd DAM GLITTER ANGEL, (by Glitterman). Placed at 3, $1,555. Dam of 4 foals to race 2 winners Querube (c. by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 2, $9,552. Sandalo (g. Wando). Winner at 4, $8,316. 3rd DAM Remember the Roar (c, by Vigors). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $358,177. 3rd Pioneer S., Dust CommandercS. William Henry Harrison Hcp. Double Again (c, by Mutakddim). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $97,965. 8 wins, 5 to 9, $169,829. 3rd Lockout S, $267,794. Miss Virginia (f, by Magis Prospect). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $163,490 and Somethinroyal SS. Dam of 2 winners: Rising Rate. 2 wins at 3, $72,960. Chemistry, Placed at 3, $15,500. Dam of Gotta Be Us (g, by Exchange Rate. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $97,719. 3rd Gateway To Glory S, etc. Mia’s Angel (c, by Even the Score). 6 wins, 2 to 6, 2013, $127,453. 3rd Jimmy Winkfield S. Hardknockinbillie (c, by Devil His Due). Winner at 3 and 4, Unplaced at 3, $104,170. Code of Angels (g, by Lost Code). Winner at 2 to 5, $78,570. Holiday Justice (c, by Marian’s Holiday). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $77,644. Magic Angel (f, by Magic Prospect). 2 wins at 4, $11,171. Producer.

MC: 981020023279160 JCC: 1707782


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Just Angel

Just Typical A.P. Indy Poolesta (IRE) Glitter Angel Glitterman Angel Again

HIP 12 HIP 12 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled February 11, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM La Criticona (2008), by Just Typical. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM CRITICAL BULL, by Holy Bull. Winner at 2, 3 and 4, $76,455. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners

Carlos Andre (c. by Outflanker). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $35,723. Superada (f. by Harbor Master). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2013, $33,301

3RD DAM CRISIS JUNKIE by Halo. Placed at 3, $12,467. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, including

Regal Bull (c. by Holy Bull). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,490. Meetmeindreamland (f. by Exploit). Winner at 3 and 4, $40,470. Kimmy Maur (f. by Cryptoclearance). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,510. Dam of 2 winners, including Kim's Gold. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $101,963. Wild Passion (f. by Chapel Royal). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $19,640. Twin Lights (f. by Holy Bull). Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including CHOCOLATE BROWN (f. by Lion Hearted). 2 wins at 2, $76,206. Won Fashion S. Dam of Christiesborntorun (c. by Grand Slam). 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2013, $174,810. 2nd Gilded Time Stakes. Sam's Sixteenth. 8 wins from 3 to 6, $106,076.

4TH DAM LA JALOUSE, by NijinskyII. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $43,466, Selene S., 2nd BonifaceS., Fury S. Sister to Quadripartite, half-sister to TOBIN LAD (sire), STEPHANIE LEIGH, First Quadrant.

MC: 981020023285082 JCC: 1701145



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger

La Criticona

Just Typical A.P Indy Poolesta (IRE) Critical Bull Holy Bull Crisis Junkie

HIP 13 HIP 13 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled March12, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM LA DUCHESSA (2002), by Macavity. Winner at 3, $9,199. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners.

PRINCIPESSA, (f. by Billions).11 wins form 2 to 6 $119,730. Cl Eugenio M De Hostos Nihal Star (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, 3 and 4, $45,749. 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera. Madiva M (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, $14,402. Izar Star (f. by Harbor Master). Winner at 2, $16,583. Oscar López (c. by One Way Flight). Winner at 3 in 3 starts, $6,434.

2ND DAM MADAME LILLIAN, by Cagey Bidder. Winner at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including:

LILLIANS BOY (g. by Billions). 31 wins, 2 to 8, in PR, $244,231. Won Cl The Kid. 3rd Cl Kilpatrick Aponte. La Avispa Pica (f. by Sudden Thunder). 13 wins at 2 and 3, $86,644. 3rd Cl Vuelve Candy B. Srta. Sombra (f. by Eqtesaad). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,546.

3RD DAM MERCEDES VALDES, by Valdez. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $79,840. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners including

Alcala (f. by Once Ivor). 12 wins, 3 to 5, $67,192. Rosalina Tsamar (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $20,630. Dam of Electrico (c. by Mr. Fanucci). Winner at 2, 2012. Sr. Roque (g. by Royal Merlot). Winner at 3, $12,628. Chamaquita (f. by Balcony). Winner at 2, $9,952.

MC: 981020023281266 JCC: 1704239


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

La Duchessa

Macavity Storm Cat Quite Honestly Madame Lilliam. Cagey Bidder Mercedes Valdes

HIP 12 HIP 12 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled February 11, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM La Criticona (2008), by Just Typical. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM CRITICAL BULL, by Holy Bull. Winner at 2, 3 and 4, $76,455. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners

Carlos Andre (c. by Outflanker). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $35,723. Superada (f. by Harbor Master). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2013, $33,301

3RD DAM CRISIS JUNKIE by Halo. Placed at 3, $12,467. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, including

Regal Bull (c. by Holy Bull). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,490. Meetmeindreamland (f. by Exploit). Winner at 3 and 4, $40,470. Kimmy Maur (f. by Cryptoclearance). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,510. Dam of 2 winners, including Kim's Gold. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $101,963. Wild Passion (f. by Chapel Royal). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $19,640. Twin Lights (f. by Holy Bull). Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including CHOCOLATE BROWN (f. by Lion Hearted). 2 wins at 2, $76,206. Won Fashion S. Dam of Christiesborntorun (c. by Grand Slam). 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2013, $174,810. 2nd Gilded Time Stakes. Sam's Sixteenth. 8 wins from 3 to 6, $106,076.

4TH DAM LA JALOUSE, by NijinskyII. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $43,466, Selene S., 2nd BonifaceS., Fury S. Sister to Quadripartite, half-sister to TOBIN LAD (sire), STEPHANIE LEIGH, First Quadrant.

MC: 981020023285082 JCC: 1701145



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger

La Criticona

Just Typical A.P Indy Poolesta (IRE) Critical Bull Holy Bull Crisis Junkie

HIP 13 HIP 13 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled March12, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM LA DUCHESSA (2002), by Macavity. Winner at 3, $9,199. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners.

PRINCIPESSA, (f. by Billions).11 wins form 2 to 6 $119,730. Cl Eugenio M De Hostos Nihal Star (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, 3 and 4, $45,749. 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera. Madiva M (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, $14,402. Izar Star (f. by Harbor Master). Winner at 2, $16,583. Oscar López (c. by One Way Flight). Winner at 3 in 3 starts, $6,434.

2ND DAM MADAME LILLIAN, by Cagey Bidder. Winner at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including:

LILLIANS BOY (g. by Billions). 31 wins, 2 to 8, in PR, $244,231. Won Cl The Kid. 3rd Cl Kilpatrick Aponte. La Avispa Pica (f. by Sudden Thunder). 13 wins at 2 and 3, $86,644. 3rd Cl Vuelve Candy B. Srta. Sombra (f. by Eqtesaad). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,546.

3RD DAM MERCEDES VALDES, by Valdez. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $79,840. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners including

Alcala (f. by Once Ivor). 12 wins, 3 to 5, $67,192. Rosalina Tsamar (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $20,630. Dam of Electrico (c. by Mr. Fanucci). Winner at 2, 2012. Sr. Roque (g. by Royal Merlot). Winner at 3, $12,628. Chamaquita (f. by Balcony). Winner at 2, $9,952.

MC: 981020023281266 JCC: 1704239


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

La Duchessa

Macavity Storm Cat Quite Honestly Madame Lilliam. Cagey Bidder Mercedes Valdes

HIP 14 HIP 14 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled February 11, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.

1ST DAM LA FLOR Y NATA (2003), by Balcony. Dam of 2 foals to race:

Shepin (f, by Just Typical) Winner at 3, $26,585. Alani M. (f, by Just Typical) winner at 3, $15,028.

2ND DAM STARLET MINSTREL, by Chromite. Winner at 2 and 4, $15,522. Dam of 7 foals to race, 2 winners

Star Miracle (f, by Indian Charlie). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $42,900. 3rd Cl Bricola, Cl Verset Dancer Phighter (c, by Marlin). 2 wins at 3, $20,859

3RD DAM MOONLIGHT MINSTREL, by The Minstrel. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including

MOMENT'S BEST (c, by Moment Of Hope). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $141,525. Won Sportsman's Park Breeders' Cup Hcp., 3rd Better Bee S. Very Dignified (f, by Turkoman). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $127,201. 2nd Double Delta S., Spring Bonnet S. Dam of 2 winners, including Classy And Fast. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $117,040. Perfect Lie. 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, $75,364. Bet The Moon (g, by Bet Twice). 6 wins, 4 to 8, $54,134. Let's Surprise (g, by Time For A Change). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $31,529.

MC: 981020023281175 JCC: 1701895


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

La Flor Y Nata

Balcony. Danzing Tis Juliet Starlet Minstrel Chromite Moonlight Minstrel

HIP 15 HIP 15 Property of Haras Santa Isabel Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled April 21, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166. 1ST DAM LADY CONCERTO (2003), by Concerto. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $23,820. This is her third foal. Concierto Acústico (g. by Crimson Hero). 6 wins from 2 to 4, $39,643. Solitario (c. by Harbor Master). Winner at 3 in 3 starts $3,368. 2ND DAM PRUDENTLY, by Tuneful Tip. Placed at 3 and 4, $18,990. Half-sister to SHANA-NIE’s LIGHT, Maggie’s Mischief. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race

Sassy Vic. Winner at 4, $15,984. 3RD DAM PRETTY PROSECUTOR, by Court Trial, 6 wins at 2 and 3, $68,267, Priscilla S,. Rockette S., Weber City Miss H., Bewithed H.-R. Dam of SHANANIE’S LIGHT. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $218,506, Grecian Flight S., Montclair State College S., 3rd Woodhaven H.-L., Prismatical S.,Egret S. Dam of STORM BOOT GOLD. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $456,764, Ormsby S.-R. Uncle Luis. Winner at 3, $13,522. Maggie’s Mischief, 3 wins at 3 and 4, $120,412, 2nd Royal Signal S.-LR, 3rd Unity Hall Overnight H,-L. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, including Tiger’s Mischief. Winner at 2, $15,790. Terry Terrific 7 wins, 2 to 4, $136,530. Deacon Dan 6 wins at 3 and 4, $146,564. Courting Concorde, 2 wins at 3, $101,330. Concorders Court, 3 wins at 3, $20,812. Prosecutors Tune. Winner at 3, $14,305. MC: 981020023263283 JCC: 1710839


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning

My Charmer

Harbor Springs Vice Regent


Lady Concerto Concerto Chief’s Crown


Prudently Tuneful Tip

Pretty Prosecutor

HIP 14 HIP 14 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled February 11, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.

1ST DAM LA FLOR Y NATA (2003), by Balcony. Dam of 2 foals to race:

Shepin (f, by Just Typical) Winner at 3, $26,585. Alani M. (f, by Just Typical) winner at 3, $15,028.

2ND DAM STARLET MINSTREL, by Chromite. Winner at 2 and 4, $15,522. Dam of 7 foals to race, 2 winners

Star Miracle (f, by Indian Charlie). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $42,900. 3rd Cl Bricola, Cl Verset Dancer Phighter (c, by Marlin). 2 wins at 3, $20,859

3RD DAM MOONLIGHT MINSTREL, by The Minstrel. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including

MOMENT'S BEST (c, by Moment Of Hope). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $141,525. Won Sportsman's Park Breeders' Cup Hcp., 3rd Better Bee S. Very Dignified (f, by Turkoman). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $127,201. 2nd Double Delta S., Spring Bonnet S. Dam of 2 winners, including Classy And Fast. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $117,040. Perfect Lie. 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, $75,364. Bet The Moon (g, by Bet Twice). 6 wins, 4 to 8, $54,134. Let's Surprise (g, by Time For A Change). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $31,529.

MC: 981020023281175 JCC: 1701895


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

La Flor Y Nata

Balcony. Danzing Tis Juliet Starlet Minstrel Chromite Moonlight Minstrel

HIP 15 HIP 15 Property of Haras Santa Isabel Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled April 21, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166. 1ST DAM LADY CONCERTO (2003), by Concerto. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $23,820. This is her third foal. Concierto Acústico (g. by Crimson Hero). 6 wins from 2 to 4, $39,643. Solitario (c. by Harbor Master). Winner at 3 in 3 starts $3,368. 2ND DAM PRUDENTLY, by Tuneful Tip. Placed at 3 and 4, $18,990. Half-sister to SHANA-NIE’s LIGHT, Maggie’s Mischief. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race

Sassy Vic. Winner at 4, $15,984. 3RD DAM PRETTY PROSECUTOR, by Court Trial, 6 wins at 2 and 3, $68,267, Priscilla S,. Rockette S., Weber City Miss H., Bewithed H.-R. Dam of SHANANIE’S LIGHT. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $218,506, Grecian Flight S., Montclair State College S., 3rd Woodhaven H.-L., Prismatical S.,Egret S. Dam of STORM BOOT GOLD. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $456,764, Ormsby S.-R. Uncle Luis. Winner at 3, $13,522. Maggie’s Mischief, 3 wins at 3 and 4, $120,412, 2nd Royal Signal S.-LR, 3rd Unity Hall Overnight H,-L. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, including Tiger’s Mischief. Winner at 2, $15,790. Terry Terrific 7 wins, 2 to 4, $136,530. Deacon Dan 6 wins at 3 and 4, $146,564. Courting Concorde, 2 wins at 3, $101,330. Concorders Court, 3 wins at 3, $20,812. Prosecutors Tune. Winner at 3, $14,305. MC: 981020023263283 JCC: 1710839


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning

My Charmer

Harbor Springs Vice Regent


Lady Concerto Concerto Chief’s Crown


Prudently Tuneful Tip

Pretty Prosecutor

HIP 16 HIP 16 Property of Haras Santa Isabel Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 24, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM Lcda. Patricia (2012), by Sudden Thunder. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM WINDMILL LADY, by Langfur. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners Cachetito Suave (f, bCryptoclearance).17 wins, 2 to 5, $202,171. 2nd Cl. Criadores de Puerto Rico, Cl. Confederación Hípica. 3rd Cl Día de las Madres, Cl. Constitución. Senior Mindy (g, by Just Typical). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $44,240. Amigo Querido (g, by Eqtesaad). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $29,914. Doña Sonadora (f, by Harbor Master). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $15,800. Cooperstown Tany (g, by Harbor Master). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, $15,040. Countess Mara (f, by Royal Merlot). Winner at 2, $10,796. 3rd DAM WOODEN PUDDEN, by Top Ville (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race. Omnio CosmoTouch (c, by Trempolino). Placed at 3 and 4, 2nd English Summer Natl. Hep. Stp. $2,647. Le Topolino (g, by Trempolino). 2 wins at 4, $36,750. 4th DAM ETOILE D’AMORE, by The Minstrel. Winner at 3. $4,628. Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners BINT LARIAAF 9f. by Diesis (GB). 3 wins at 2 and 3. Won Pr De La Calonne, Pr Petite Etoile. 2nd Pr De Liancourt. $73,251.

MC: 981020023213196 JCC: 1702470


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Lcda. Patricia Sudden Thunder Storm Cat

Terre Haute

Windmill Lady Langfur

Wooden Pudden

HIP 17 HIP 17 Haras Santa Isabel, Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled March 9, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM LEMON OR LIME (2007), by Lemon Drop Kid. Unraced. Sister to HITS ONLY VIC. 2 foals to race

Limoncillo (f. by Harbor Master) Winner of 15 races, $64,325. Percusionista (c. by Harbor Master). 2 year old 2016.

2ND DAM ROYAL FAMILY, by Private Terms. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners

HITS ONLY VIC (c. by Lemon Drop Kid). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $92,918 GBP. Won Silver Cup H. $160,730 Preside (g. by Pulpit). 4 wins at 2 and 4, $129,789 Prince Hope (c. by Lemon Drop Kid). Winner at 3 and 4, $92,503 Preacher (f. by Pulpit). 2 wins at 4, placed at 6, 2012, $20,606

3RD DAM TRESTLE, by Tom Rolfe. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, all winners

CLASSY CATHY (f. by Private Account). 7 wins, $537,970. Won Alabama S., Ashland S., Gazelle Handicap, Beaumont S. (KEE, $37,408). 2nd Test S. 3rd Beldame S., Regal Quillo S. (GP, $2,558). 4th Breeders Cup Distaff, Kentucky Oaks. Dam of 7 winners. MS. MARGI (f. by Private Account). 6 wins, $247,915. Won Oaklawn Breeders' Cup S.,$94,890. 2nd Spinster S. Dam of 9 winners. TESTY TRESTLE (f. by Private Account). 9 wins at 3 and 4, $199,620. Won Nany S. $31,560, Go For Wand Handicap, $30,660.

MC: 981020023287885 JCC: 1704371


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Lemon or Lime Lemon Drop Kid Kingmambo

Charmin Lassie

Royal Family Private Terms


HIP 16 HIP 16 Property of Haras Santa Isabel Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 24, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM Lcda. Patricia (2012), by Sudden Thunder. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM WINDMILL LADY, by Langfur. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners Cachetito Suave (f, bCryptoclearance).17 wins, 2 to 5, $202,171. 2nd Cl. Criadores de Puerto Rico, Cl. Confederación Hípica. 3rd Cl Día de las Madres, Cl. Constitución. Senior Mindy (g, by Just Typical). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $44,240. Amigo Querido (g, by Eqtesaad). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $29,914. Doña Sonadora (f, by Harbor Master). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $15,800. Cooperstown Tany (g, by Harbor Master). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, $15,040. Countess Mara (f, by Royal Merlot). Winner at 2, $10,796. 3rd DAM WOODEN PUDDEN, by Top Ville (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race. Omnio CosmoTouch (c, by Trempolino). Placed at 3 and 4, 2nd English Summer Natl. Hep. Stp. $2,647. Le Topolino (g, by Trempolino). 2 wins at 4, $36,750. 4th DAM ETOILE D’AMORE, by The Minstrel. Winner at 3. $4,628. Dam of 8 foals to race, 4 winners BINT LARIAAF 9f. by Diesis (GB). 3 wins at 2 and 3. Won Pr De La Calonne, Pr Petite Etoile. 2nd Pr De Liancourt. $73,251.

MC: 981020023213196 JCC: 1702470


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Lcda. Patricia Sudden Thunder Storm Cat

Terre Haute

Windmill Lady Langfur

Wooden Pudden

HIP 17 HIP 17 Haras Santa Isabel, Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled March 9, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM LEMON OR LIME (2007), by Lemon Drop Kid. Unraced. Sister to HITS ONLY VIC. 2 foals to race

Limoncillo (f. by Harbor Master) Winner of 15 races, $64,325. Percusionista (c. by Harbor Master). 2 year old 2016.

2ND DAM ROYAL FAMILY, by Private Terms. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners

HITS ONLY VIC (c. by Lemon Drop Kid). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $92,918 GBP. Won Silver Cup H. $160,730 Preside (g. by Pulpit). 4 wins at 2 and 4, $129,789 Prince Hope (c. by Lemon Drop Kid). Winner at 3 and 4, $92,503 Preacher (f. by Pulpit). 2 wins at 4, placed at 6, 2012, $20,606

3RD DAM TRESTLE, by Tom Rolfe. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, all winners

CLASSY CATHY (f. by Private Account). 7 wins, $537,970. Won Alabama S., Ashland S., Gazelle Handicap, Beaumont S. (KEE, $37,408). 2nd Test S. 3rd Beldame S., Regal Quillo S. (GP, $2,558). 4th Breeders Cup Distaff, Kentucky Oaks. Dam of 7 winners. MS. MARGI (f. by Private Account). 6 wins, $247,915. Won Oaklawn Breeders' Cup S.,$94,890. 2nd Spinster S. Dam of 9 winners. TESTY TRESTLE (f. by Private Account). 9 wins at 3 and 4, $199,620. Won Nany S. $31,560, Go For Wand Handicap, $30,660.

MC: 981020023287885 JCC: 1704371


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Lemon or Lime Lemon Drop Kid Kingmambo

Charmin Lassie

Royal Family Private Terms


HIP 18 HIP 18 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled March 27, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM LIL COWGIRL (1998), by Concern. Winner at 3, $19,548. Dam of 4 foals to race. Luarca (f. by Harbor Master). 6 wins from 3 to 5, $77,077. Vibrante (c. by Crimson Hero). 2 wins from 3 to 4, $17,286.

Sinfonista (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $12,222 Soy Borincano (c. by Eqtesaad) Winner $9,541

2ND DAM METRICA, by Holy War. $147,240, Won C1 Santiago Iglesias Pantin PR, Cl Constitución PR, 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet Jr., PR. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including J.R.’S HORIZON (c. by Caveat). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $282,570. Won John B. Campbell H., 2nd Federico Tesio S., 3rd Broad Brush S. HUDSON BAY (c. by Northern Baby). 7 wins, 3 to 8, $261,443. Won Daniel Van Clief Memorial Stp. S., 2nd Belmont Autumn Steeplechase Hcp, Block House Hurdle Stp S. Unconditional Love (f. by Rambo Phil). 7 wins, $45,500. True Chance (c. by Northern Baby). 5 wins, $30,920. Metriquoit (f. by Waquoit). Winner at 4, $12,950. Producer.

3RD DAM SOCIOLOGIST, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 4 Winners including

ALCANCIA (f. by Cannonade). $127,237 Champion 3yo Filly In Puerto Rico, Mare Of The Year In Puerto Rico, Cl. Jose Coll Vidal, Cl. Segundo Ruiz Belvis, 2nd Cl. Roberto Clemente, 3rd Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. Dam of 8 winners, including CHAVO PRIETO (c. by Blue Ensign). 5 wins at 3, $89,410. Won Bergen County S., 2nd Kingland S. NERVOUS NEALA (f, by Northern Prospect). 7 wins at 3 $92,335.

MC: 981020023312354 JCC: 1707775


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Lil Cowgirl

Concern Broad Brunch Fara’s Team Metrica Holy War Sociologist

HIP 19 HIP 19 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 20, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM MAZEL RE SO (2004), by Mazel Trick. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $49,090. Dam of

Zuloaga (c. by Harbor Master) Winner of 6 from 2 to 5 $36,965. Sudden Re So (c. by Sudden Thunder) Winner $8,907. Yashira G (f. by Billions) Winner $15,894. Trianera (f. by One Way Fight). Winner from 2 to 4, $14,988.

2ND DAM SO RE SO, by Relaunch. Unplaced at 3. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, including

TRIANO (c. by Pioneering). At 2 Champion Imp 2yo Colt In Pr. At 3 Chp Imp 3yo Colt In Puerto Rico, Chp Sprinter In P. 26 wins, 2 to 6, $495,028. Won Cl Jose Coll Vidal, Cl Fanatico Hipico, Cl George Washington, Copa 4 De Julio, Cl Angel T. Cordero Jr, Cl Jose De Diego. 2nd Cl Agustin Mercado Reveron, Cl Dawn Glory. Sire SOSO (g. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $139,144. Won West Virginia Sprint Derby. 3rd Mountain State S, Sophomore Sprint Championship S. Bold Banker (g. by Banker's Gold). 2 wins at 3, $21,380. Winner at 5 and 6, $22,138. 6 wins, 6 to 8, $91,140. Launch N Relaunch (g. by Harlan's Holiday). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $86,442. Canadian Re So (f. by Canadian Frontier). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $27,040.

3RD DAM DO SO, by Nodouble. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $355,925. Won Canterbury Oaks, Honeymoon Handicap,

Senorita S, San Clemente Handicap. 2nd Del Mar Oaks, Providencia S. Dam of 5 foals to race Crown Doer (g. by Chiefs Crown). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $51,040. 3rd St. Brendan S. Energica (f. by Affirmed). 2 wins at 3, $41,085. Dam of 3 winners.

MC: 981020023436393 JCC: 1701175


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Mazel Re So

Mazel Trick Phone Trick Mazatleca (MEX) So Re So Relaunch Do So

HIP 18 HIP 18 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled March 27, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM LIL COWGIRL (1998), by Concern. Winner at 3, $19,548. Dam of 4 foals to race. Luarca (f. by Harbor Master). 6 wins from 3 to 5, $77,077. Vibrante (c. by Crimson Hero). 2 wins from 3 to 4, $17,286.

Sinfonista (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $12,222 Soy Borincano (c. by Eqtesaad) Winner $9,541

2ND DAM METRICA, by Holy War. $147,240, Won C1 Santiago Iglesias Pantin PR, Cl Constitución PR, 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet Jr., PR. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including J.R.’S HORIZON (c. by Caveat). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $282,570. Won John B. Campbell H., 2nd Federico Tesio S., 3rd Broad Brush S. HUDSON BAY (c. by Northern Baby). 7 wins, 3 to 8, $261,443. Won Daniel Van Clief Memorial Stp. S., 2nd Belmont Autumn Steeplechase Hcp, Block House Hurdle Stp S. Unconditional Love (f. by Rambo Phil). 7 wins, $45,500. True Chance (c. by Northern Baby). 5 wins, $30,920. Metriquoit (f. by Waquoit). Winner at 4, $12,950. Producer.

3RD DAM SOCIOLOGIST, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 4 Winners including

ALCANCIA (f. by Cannonade). $127,237 Champion 3yo Filly In Puerto Rico, Mare Of The Year In Puerto Rico, Cl. Jose Coll Vidal, Cl. Segundo Ruiz Belvis, 2nd Cl. Roberto Clemente, 3rd Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. Dam of 8 winners, including CHAVO PRIETO (c. by Blue Ensign). 5 wins at 3, $89,410. Won Bergen County S., 2nd Kingland S. NERVOUS NEALA (f, by Northern Prospect). 7 wins at 3 $92,335.

MC: 981020023312354 JCC: 1707775


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Lil Cowgirl

Concern Broad Brunch Fara’s Team Metrica Holy War Sociologist

HIP 19 HIP 19 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 20, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM MAZEL RE SO (2004), by Mazel Trick. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $49,090. Dam of

Zuloaga (c. by Harbor Master) Winner of 6 from 2 to 5 $36,965. Sudden Re So (c. by Sudden Thunder) Winner $8,907. Yashira G (f. by Billions) Winner $15,894. Trianera (f. by One Way Fight). Winner from 2 to 4, $14,988.

2ND DAM SO RE SO, by Relaunch. Unplaced at 3. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, including

TRIANO (c. by Pioneering). At 2 Champion Imp 2yo Colt In Pr. At 3 Chp Imp 3yo Colt In Puerto Rico, Chp Sprinter In P. 26 wins, 2 to 6, $495,028. Won Cl Jose Coll Vidal, Cl Fanatico Hipico, Cl George Washington, Copa 4 De Julio, Cl Angel T. Cordero Jr, Cl Jose De Diego. 2nd Cl Agustin Mercado Reveron, Cl Dawn Glory. Sire SOSO (g. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $139,144. Won West Virginia Sprint Derby. 3rd Mountain State S, Sophomore Sprint Championship S. Bold Banker (g. by Banker's Gold). 2 wins at 3, $21,380. Winner at 5 and 6, $22,138. 6 wins, 6 to 8, $91,140. Launch N Relaunch (g. by Harlan's Holiday). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $86,442. Canadian Re So (f. by Canadian Frontier). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $27,040.

3RD DAM DO SO, by Nodouble. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $355,925. Won Canterbury Oaks, Honeymoon Handicap,

Senorita S, San Clemente Handicap. 2nd Del Mar Oaks, Providencia S. Dam of 5 foals to race Crown Doer (g. by Chiefs Crown). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $51,040. 3rd St. Brendan S. Energica (f. by Affirmed). 2 wins at 3, $41,085. Dam of 3 winners.

MC: 981020023436393 JCC: 1701175


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Mazel Re So

Mazel Trick Phone Trick Mazatleca (MEX) So Re So Relaunch Do So

HIP 20 HIP 20 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled March 20, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM MEETMEATTHEGATE (2000), by Peaks and Valleys. Winner at 4, $21,743. Dam of 2 winners. TRANSFORMADORA (f, by Van Nistelrooy). 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2010, $204,706. Won Cl Constitución (PR), Cl Dama Del Caribe (PR). Dam of 2 winners Transformada (f. by Myfavorite Place) win $41,200. REGALADA (f. by Hockenheim) $139,584, stakes winner of Cl Antonio Matos, Derby PR, Copa San Juan. Mi Amigo Pepe (c, by Harbor Master). 3 wins at 2 to 3, $47,710. Plástico (c. by Billions).Placed at 3 in 1 start. 2ND DAM AT THE GATE, by Hero’s Honor. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $64,461. Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, including LAUNCH SEQUENCE (f, by Cape Canaveral). Champion Imp 2yo Filly In PR, Chp Imp 3yo Filly In PR, 11 wins, 2 to 4, $283,795. Won Cl Dia de la Raza, Cl Eduardo Cautino Insua,etc. GHOSTLY GATE (f, by Siver Ghost). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $252,095. Won Merry Colleen S. Ashley At The Gate (f, by Mt. Livermore). Winner at 4, $22,330.Dam of 2 winners including

Dreaming of Sacha. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $56,890. 3RD DAM Hobby (IRE), by Falcon (GB). At 16 Sent to USA, 2nd Irish Chorus S. Dam of 7 5 winners, including JUST A GAME(IRE) (f, by Tarboosh). Champion Grass Mare, 10 wins, 4 to 6, $391,380. Won Matchmaker S., Flower Bowl H., Orchid H., La Prevoyante H., (2 div), etc. Won Beresford S. MC: 981020023221035 JCC: 1705316



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector


Caerless (IRE) Caerleon



Peaks And Valleys Mr. Livermore

Strike Balance

At the Gate Hero’s Honor

Hobby (IRE)

HIP 21 HIP 21 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled March 3, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.

1ST DAM MISS INTERPRETED (2000), by Marlin. Unplaced at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners

Hickory Dee (f. by Canadian Frontier). Winner at 3, $22,016. El Interprete (c. by Balcony). Winner at 3, 2013, $9,201. Puchulito (c. by Harbor Master) Winner $18,312 Teatral (f. by One Way Flight). Two year old 2018.

2ND DAM AMBIGUOUS MISS, by Carson City. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $71,140. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

Inkado (c. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $126,901. 2nd Hot Springs S. Elusive Dream (f. by Mr. Greeley). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $96,280. 3rd Critical Miss S. Dam of Dreamsforever. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $97,247. Miss Yankee (f. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $118,731. Storming Carson (f. by Stormin Fever). 5 wins, 4 to 6, $61,595. Sage Princess (f. by Deputy Commander). Winner at 3, $15,177.Dam of 3 winners, including Sista Baby Girl. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $58,560. Stormin Beeber (f. by Stormin Fever). Placed at 3, $6,475. Dam of 1 winner. Rita's Cheetah (f. by Cape Town). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,754. 3rd Northern Lights Debutante S.-R.

3RD DAM GOOGOLMISS, by Iron Ruler. Placed at 3, $428. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including

GALBA (c. by Best Turn). 7 wins, 4 to 7, $219,908. Won New Orleans Handicap, 3rd Cornhusker Handicap. Sire. Dusty Miss (f. by Bob's Dusty). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including MY HEIRESS (f, by Mr. Redoy). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $178,807. Won Yellow Rose Handicap-R.

MC: 981020023231795 JCC: 1703704


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Miss Interpreted

Marlin Sword Dance (IRE)

Syrian Summer

Ambiguous Carson City


HIP 20 HIP 20 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled March 20, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM MEETMEATTHEGATE (2000), by Peaks and Valleys. Winner at 4, $21,743. Dam of 2 winners. TRANSFORMADORA (f, by Van Nistelrooy). 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2010, $204,706. Won Cl Constitución (PR), Cl Dama Del Caribe (PR). Dam of 2 winners Transformada (f. by Myfavorite Place) win $41,200. REGALADA (f. by Hockenheim) $139,584, stakes winner of Cl Antonio Matos, Derby PR, Copa San Juan. Mi Amigo Pepe (c, by Harbor Master). 3 wins at 2 to 3, $47,710. Plástico (c. by Billions).Placed at 3 in 1 start. 2ND DAM AT THE GATE, by Hero’s Honor. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $64,461. Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, including LAUNCH SEQUENCE (f, by Cape Canaveral). Champion Imp 2yo Filly In PR, Chp Imp 3yo Filly In PR, 11 wins, 2 to 4, $283,795. Won Cl Dia de la Raza, Cl Eduardo Cautino Insua,etc. GHOSTLY GATE (f, by Siver Ghost). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $252,095. Won Merry Colleen S. Ashley At The Gate (f, by Mt. Livermore). Winner at 4, $22,330.Dam of 2 winners including

Dreaming of Sacha. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $56,890. 3RD DAM Hobby (IRE), by Falcon (GB). At 16 Sent to USA, 2nd Irish Chorus S. Dam of 7 5 winners, including JUST A GAME(IRE) (f, by Tarboosh). Champion Grass Mare, 10 wins, 4 to 6, $391,380. Won Matchmaker S., Flower Bowl H., Orchid H., La Prevoyante H., (2 div), etc. Won Beresford S. MC: 981020023221035 JCC: 1705316



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector


Caerless (IRE) Caerleon



Peaks And Valleys Mr. Livermore

Strike Balance

At the Gate Hero’s Honor

Hobby (IRE)

HIP 21 HIP 21 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled March 3, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.

1ST DAM MISS INTERPRETED (2000), by Marlin. Unplaced at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners

Hickory Dee (f. by Canadian Frontier). Winner at 3, $22,016. El Interprete (c. by Balcony). Winner at 3, 2013, $9,201. Puchulito (c. by Harbor Master) Winner $18,312 Teatral (f. by One Way Flight). Two year old 2018.

2ND DAM AMBIGUOUS MISS, by Carson City. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $71,140. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

Inkado (c. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $126,901. 2nd Hot Springs S. Elusive Dream (f. by Mr. Greeley). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $96,280. 3rd Critical Miss S. Dam of Dreamsforever. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $97,247. Miss Yankee (f. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $118,731. Storming Carson (f. by Stormin Fever). 5 wins, 4 to 6, $61,595. Sage Princess (f. by Deputy Commander). Winner at 3, $15,177.Dam of 3 winners, including Sista Baby Girl. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $58,560. Stormin Beeber (f. by Stormin Fever). Placed at 3, $6,475. Dam of 1 winner. Rita's Cheetah (f. by Cape Town). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,754. 3rd Northern Lights Debutante S.-R.

3RD DAM GOOGOLMISS, by Iron Ruler. Placed at 3, $428. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including

GALBA (c. by Best Turn). 7 wins, 4 to 7, $219,908. Won New Orleans Handicap, 3rd Cornhusker Handicap. Sire. Dusty Miss (f. by Bob's Dusty). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including MY HEIRESS (f, by Mr. Redoy). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $178,807. Won Yellow Rose Handicap-R.

MC: 981020023231795 JCC: 1703704


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Miss Interpreted

Marlin Sword Dance (IRE)

Syrian Summer

Ambiguous Carson City


HIP 22 HIP 22 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 18, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM MS. ARLA (1995), by Copelan. 21 wins to 7, $161,164. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race. Muralla de Oro (f, by Laurentide). 6 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2009, $68,803. Alondra Gabriela (f, by Just Typical). 5 wins from 2 to 5, $48,948. 2ND DAM COCKTAILS AT EIGHT, by Dr.Blum. Winner at 3, $4,096. Half-sister to MARIRV. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including Express Forum. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $43,396. 3RD DAM ELIZABETH K., by Third Martini. & wins, 2 to 4, $26,423. 3rd Princess S. Dam of MARIRV. 25 wins, 3 to 10, $157,652. Champion imported older horse in Puerto Rico, Cl. José de Diego, 2nd Cl. George Washibgton, Sensitiv Elizabeth, 2 wins at 3, $17,110. Sent to Chile. TRIOMPHE (CHI). 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Chile, Premio Ilustre Municioalidad de Santiago,etc.; placed at 6, $7,800, in N.A/U.S. ESTATICO. 10 wins, 2 to 5 in Chile, Premio José Luis Larrain, etc. WAR PAINT. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Chile, Premio Carlos Aguiar. NOR ENOUGH. 11 wins, 2 to 8 in Chile, 2nd Copa El Mercurio Sensitive. 3 wins at 3 iand 4 n Chile. Dam of WEEPING, HUSSERL, Waco. Granddam of CONSERVATORIO $49,509. LE CAPTAIN 3 wins $18,451 HORTENSE (CHI) 5 wins. Total $83,906. Graceland. Winner at 3 in Chile. Dam of Puesta del Sol Premio Luis Davila Larrain, Granddam of Impaciencia 3rd Luis Davila L. Miss Wildcatter. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners. MC: 981020023234317 JCC: 1701686


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Ms. Arla

Copelan Tri Jet Susan’s Girl Cocktails at Eight Dr. Blum Elizabeth K.

HIP 23 HIP 23 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled May 7, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny.

1ST DAM NASHLY’S FRIEND (2001), filly by You And I. Winner at 6, $20,956. This is her third foal. Condecorado (c. by Sudden Thunder). $6,870. Henry’s Friend (c. by Billions). Placed at 3 in 4 starts. 2ND DAM Nashly by Island Whirl. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $103,215. 2nd Navajo Princess S. 3rd New Castle Handicap. Dam of 10 foals to race, all winners, including

CRUISE ALONG (f. by Runaway Groom). 7 wins, $272,640. Won Navajo Princess S., Geisha Handicap, All Brandy S., Twixtslusive S. 3rd All Brandy S. Dam of 1 winner Smart Odds. 2 wins at 3, $47,230. Reckless Runner (c. by Cherokee Run). Winner at 3, 2010, $41,180. 2nd Private Terms S. Nashly's Runner (g. by Cherokee Run). 3 wins 6, $88,081. Nashly's Groom (c. by Runaway Groom). Winner from 3 to 6, $85,620. Secret Dash (g. by Secret Odds). 3 wins, $45,292. Nashly And I (g. by You And I). 4 wins, $36,869. King's Dash (c. by King's Nest). 4 wins 4, $31,110.

3RD DAM NASHOBA, by Superbity. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $51,544. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners

Don's Sho (c. by Don's Choice). 11 wins, 2 to 6, $176,497. Won Floyd Duncan Memorial S., 3rd Long Branch Breeders' Cup S., Maryland Juvenile Champ. S.

MC: 981020021857529 JCC: 1712582



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger

Nashly’s Friend

You And I Kris S La Chaposa (PER) Nashly Island Whirt Nashoba

HIP 22 HIP 22 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled February 18, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM MS. ARLA (1995), by Copelan. 21 wins to 7, $161,164. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race. Muralla de Oro (f, by Laurentide). 6 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2009, $68,803. Alondra Gabriela (f, by Just Typical). 5 wins from 2 to 5, $48,948. 2ND DAM COCKTAILS AT EIGHT, by Dr.Blum. Winner at 3, $4,096. Half-sister to MARIRV. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including Express Forum. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $43,396. 3RD DAM ELIZABETH K., by Third Martini. & wins, 2 to 4, $26,423. 3rd Princess S. Dam of MARIRV. 25 wins, 3 to 10, $157,652. Champion imported older horse in Puerto Rico, Cl. José de Diego, 2nd Cl. George Washibgton, Sensitiv Elizabeth, 2 wins at 3, $17,110. Sent to Chile. TRIOMPHE (CHI). 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Chile, Premio Ilustre Municioalidad de Santiago,etc.; placed at 6, $7,800, in N.A/U.S. ESTATICO. 10 wins, 2 to 5 in Chile, Premio José Luis Larrain, etc. WAR PAINT. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Chile, Premio Carlos Aguiar. NOR ENOUGH. 11 wins, 2 to 8 in Chile, 2nd Copa El Mercurio Sensitive. 3 wins at 3 iand 4 n Chile. Dam of WEEPING, HUSSERL, Waco. Granddam of CONSERVATORIO $49,509. LE CAPTAIN 3 wins $18,451 HORTENSE (CHI) 5 wins. Total $83,906. Graceland. Winner at 3 in Chile. Dam of Puesta del Sol Premio Luis Davila Larrain, Granddam of Impaciencia 3rd Luis Davila L. Miss Wildcatter. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners. MC: 981020023234317 JCC: 1701686


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Ms. Arla

Copelan Tri Jet Susan’s Girl Cocktails at Eight Dr. Blum Elizabeth K.

HIP 23 HIP 23 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled May 7, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny.

1ST DAM NASHLY’S FRIEND (2001), filly by You And I. Winner at 6, $20,956. This is her third foal. Condecorado (c. by Sudden Thunder). $6,870. Henry’s Friend (c. by Billions). Placed at 3 in 4 starts. 2ND DAM Nashly by Island Whirl. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $103,215. 2nd Navajo Princess S. 3rd New Castle Handicap. Dam of 10 foals to race, all winners, including

CRUISE ALONG (f. by Runaway Groom). 7 wins, $272,640. Won Navajo Princess S., Geisha Handicap, All Brandy S., Twixtslusive S. 3rd All Brandy S. Dam of 1 winner Smart Odds. 2 wins at 3, $47,230. Reckless Runner (c. by Cherokee Run). Winner at 3, 2010, $41,180. 2nd Private Terms S. Nashly's Runner (g. by Cherokee Run). 3 wins 6, $88,081. Nashly's Groom (c. by Runaway Groom). Winner from 3 to 6, $85,620. Secret Dash (g. by Secret Odds). 3 wins, $45,292. Nashly And I (g. by You And I). 4 wins, $36,869. King's Dash (c. by King's Nest). 4 wins 4, $31,110.

3RD DAM NASHOBA, by Superbity. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $51,544. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners

Don's Sho (c. by Don's Choice). 11 wins, 2 to 6, $176,497. Won Floyd Duncan Memorial S., 3rd Long Branch Breeders' Cup S., Maryland Juvenile Champ. S.

MC: 981020021857529 JCC: 1712582



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger

Nashly’s Friend

You And I Kris S La Chaposa (PER) Nashly Island Whirt Nashoba

HIP 24 HIP 24 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESNUT COLT Foaled March 2, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM NORIA (2010), by Balcony. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM LIL COWGIRL (1998), by Concern. Winner at 3, $19,548. Dam of 4 foals to race. Luarca (f. by Harbor Master). 6 wins from 3 to 5, $77,077. Vibrante (c. by Crimson Hero). 2 wins from 3 to 4, $13,446.

Sinfonista (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $12,222 Soy Borincano (c. by Eqtesaad) Winner $9,541

3RD DAM METRICA, by Holy War. Won C1 Santiago Iglesias Pantin (PR), Cl Constitución (PR), 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet Jr.(PR). Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including J.R.’S HORIZON (c. by Caveat). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $282,570. Won John B. Campbell H., 2nd Federico Tesio S., 3rd Broad Brush S. HUDSON BAY (c. by Northern Baby). 7 wins, 3 to 8, $261,443. Won Daniel Van Clief Memorial Stp. S., 2nd Belmont Autumn Steeplechase Hcp, Block House Hurdle Stp S. Unconditional Love (f. by Rambo Phil). 7 wins, $45,500. True Chance (c. by Northern Baby). 5 wins, $30,920. Metriquoit (f. by Waquoit). Winner at 4, $12,950. Producer. 4TH DAM SOCIOLOGIST, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 4 Winners including ALCANCIA (f. by Cannonade). Champion 3yo Filly In Puerto Rico, Mare Of The Year In Puerto Rico, Cl. Jose Coll Vidal, Cl. Segundo Ruiz Belvis, 2nd Cl. Roberto Clemente, 3rd Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr.

MC: 981020023291128 JCC: 1703161


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer


Balcony Danzig

Tis Juliet

Lil Cowgirl Concern


HIP 25 HIP 25 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

ROAN FILLY Foaled April 24, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM PETA HUNT (2001) by Dove Hunt. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $27,769. Dam of 2 foals to race.

Recompensada (f. by Just Typical) Winner at 3 $12,122. Doña Gabrielys (f. by Harbor Master) Placed at 3, $2,093.

2ND DAM PRIDE OF PYRITE, by Morning Bob. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $82,886. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners

Proud Of Pyrite (c. by Formal Dinner). 19 wins, $128,135. Proudly Pyrite (c. by Formal Dinner). 5 wins, $108,505. Pride Ride (f. by Conveyor). 6 wins, $56,087. Dam of 2 winners, including Wipipio. 4 wins, $28,633. Lit'l Red Corvette (c. by Montreal Red). 4 wins, $41,991. Informal Lady (f. by Formal Dinner). Winner at 2 and 4, $19,462. Proud Of Angelo (c. by Formal Dinner). Winner at 2, $7,015.

3RD DAM CORAS PRIDE, by Admirals Pride. Dam of 10 foals to race, all winners, including

ADMIRAL WHISKERS (c. by Large As Life). 18 wins, $260,276. Won New Hampshire H. Eight & One-Half Furlong Ch. H. Chrysler Mile And 1/8th Champ. S., Ponce De Leon S., 2nd Rochester Cup S., etc. PRIDING SHADOW (c. by Hall Of Reason). 7 wins at 4 and 6, $63,463. Won Damascus Handicap 3rd Mark Antony Handicap, Bold Lad Handicap. Lady Whiskers (f. by Large As Life). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $112,590. Looks Like Dad (c. by Dare To Command). 20 wins, 2 to 8, $98,951.

MC: 98102021845768 JCC: 1711203


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Peta Hunt

Dove Hunt Danzing Hunt’s Lark Pride Of Pyrite Morning Bob Coras Pride

HIP 24 HIP 24 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESNUT COLT Foaled March 2, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM NORIA (2010), by Balcony. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM LIL COWGIRL (1998), by Concern. Winner at 3, $19,548. Dam of 4 foals to race. Luarca (f. by Harbor Master). 6 wins from 3 to 5, $77,077. Vibrante (c. by Crimson Hero). 2 wins from 3 to 4, $13,446.

Sinfonista (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $12,222 Soy Borincano (c. by Eqtesaad) Winner $9,541

3RD DAM METRICA, by Holy War. Won C1 Santiago Iglesias Pantin (PR), Cl Constitución (PR), 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet Jr.(PR). Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including J.R.’S HORIZON (c. by Caveat). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $282,570. Won John B. Campbell H., 2nd Federico Tesio S., 3rd Broad Brush S. HUDSON BAY (c. by Northern Baby). 7 wins, 3 to 8, $261,443. Won Daniel Van Clief Memorial Stp. S., 2nd Belmont Autumn Steeplechase Hcp, Block House Hurdle Stp S. Unconditional Love (f. by Rambo Phil). 7 wins, $45,500. True Chance (c. by Northern Baby). 5 wins, $30,920. Metriquoit (f. by Waquoit). Winner at 4, $12,950. Producer. 4TH DAM SOCIOLOGIST, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals to race, 4 Winners including ALCANCIA (f. by Cannonade). Champion 3yo Filly In Puerto Rico, Mare Of The Year In Puerto Rico, Cl. Jose Coll Vidal, Cl. Segundo Ruiz Belvis, 2nd Cl. Roberto Clemente, 3rd Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr.

MC: 981020023291128 JCC: 1703161


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer


Balcony Danzig

Tis Juliet

Lil Cowgirl Concern


HIP 25 HIP 25 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

ROAN FILLY Foaled April 24, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM PETA HUNT (2001) by Dove Hunt. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $27,769. Dam of 2 foals to race.

Recompensada (f. by Just Typical) Winner at 3 $12,122. Doña Gabrielys (f. by Harbor Master) Placed at 3, $2,093.

2ND DAM PRIDE OF PYRITE, by Morning Bob. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $82,886. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners

Proud Of Pyrite (c. by Formal Dinner). 19 wins, $128,135. Proudly Pyrite (c. by Formal Dinner). 5 wins, $108,505. Pride Ride (f. by Conveyor). 6 wins, $56,087. Dam of 2 winners, including Wipipio. 4 wins, $28,633. Lit'l Red Corvette (c. by Montreal Red). 4 wins, $41,991. Informal Lady (f. by Formal Dinner). Winner at 2 and 4, $19,462. Proud Of Angelo (c. by Formal Dinner). Winner at 2, $7,015.

3RD DAM CORAS PRIDE, by Admirals Pride. Dam of 10 foals to race, all winners, including

ADMIRAL WHISKERS (c. by Large As Life). 18 wins, $260,276. Won New Hampshire H. Eight & One-Half Furlong Ch. H. Chrysler Mile And 1/8th Champ. S., Ponce De Leon S., 2nd Rochester Cup S., etc. PRIDING SHADOW (c. by Hall Of Reason). 7 wins at 4 and 6, $63,463. Won Damascus Handicap 3rd Mark Antony Handicap, Bold Lad Handicap. Lady Whiskers (f. by Large As Life). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $112,590. Looks Like Dad (c. by Dare To Command). 20 wins, 2 to 8, $98,951.

MC: 98102021845768 JCC: 1711203


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Peta Hunt

Dove Hunt Danzing Hunt’s Lark Pride Of Pyrite Morning Bob Coras Pride

HIP 26 HIP 26 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESNUT COLT Foaled April 15, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM QUATEQUE (2012) Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM MY SWEETNESS, by Sweetsouthernsaint. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $28,091. Dam of 3 to race. El Cabus (by Just Typical). 5 wins, $20,372. Gabriel Arturo (g, by Mister Fanucci). 1 win, $6,462. Exquisito (c, by Billions) 1 win, $5,900. 3RD DAM Appeal to Glory, by On to Glory. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $50,450, 3rd Gardenia Breeder’s Cup S. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners, including Goldian (f, by Gold Meridian). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $154,550. Venus Plum (f, by Pentelicus). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $56,527. Producer. Convey the Moment (g, by Conveyor). 6 wins from 3 to 7, $44,184. Ms. Validappeal (f, by Lucky Lionel). Unraced. Dam of 1 winner. Jackpot Who. 3 wins at 4and 5, $62,925.

MC: 98102023302566 JCC: 1709787



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


Billions Deputy Mister Silver Valley My Sweetness Sweetsouthernsaint Appeal To Glory

HIP 27 HIP 27 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled March 13, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016.

1ST DAM SAMBUCA NEGRA (2006), by Eqtesaad. Winner at 3, $8,225. 2ND DAM NO SAMBUCA, by Halo. 2 wins, $87,830. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, including

Sambucaescapade (g. by Wild Escapade). Winner at 3, $6,897. 4 wins at 4 and 6. $35,468. 3RD DAM SASTARDA (CHI), by Iram. 6 wins, 4 to 6, $159,355. Won Bayou Handicap, Furl Sail Handicap, Sixty

Sails Handicap. 2nd Sooner Handicap,Autumn Handicap,. 3rd Cornucopia Handicap, Delicada S. Delicada S. Won Cotejo De Potrancas (CHI). Sister to SAGITAIRE, SOMBREADERO.$81,670 SASTAGO (g. by Skywalker). Champion Hurdler. Champion Hurdler. Winner at 2 and 3, $11,088. Winner at 6, $36,005. 3rd Bader-Preis Hurdle. Waitin On Glenn (g. by Ferdinand). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $141,386. 3rd Forego S. Grammoddersbaby (f. by Straight Man). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $80,771. Kisssastar (f. by Kissin Kris). Placed at 4, $7,904. 4 wins at 5 and 6.

Sastastic (f. by Sky Clasasic). Winner at 4 and 5, $30,173 in NA. Dam of 2 winners, including Sastasticsbest, 3 wins at 3, $56,243. Augusta National (c. By Halo). Winner at 2, $16,330. Mossala (f. by Halo). Unplaced at 3. Dam of 3 winners, including MOCITA (f. by Boundary). 2 wins at 2, $21,510. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $256,710. Won Stage Door Betty Hcp. Stormy Frolic S., Emergency Nurse S.

MC: 981020023280212 JCC: 1704413


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Sambuca Negra

Eqtesaad Danzing Last Feather No Sambuca Halo Sastarda (CHI)

HIP 26 HIP 26 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESNUT COLT Foaled April 15, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM QUATEQUE (2012) Unraced. This is her first foal. 2ND DAM MY SWEETNESS, by Sweetsouthernsaint. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $28,091. Dam of 3 to race. El Cabus (by Just Typical). 5 wins, $20,372. Gabriel Arturo (g, by Mister Fanucci). 1 win, $6,462. Exquisito (c, by Billions) 1 win, $5,900. 3RD DAM Appeal to Glory, by On to Glory. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $50,450, 3rd Gardenia Breeder’s Cup S. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 winners, including Goldian (f, by Gold Meridian). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $154,550. Venus Plum (f, by Pentelicus). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $56,527. Producer. Convey the Moment (g, by Conveyor). 6 wins from 3 to 7, $44,184. Ms. Validappeal (f, by Lucky Lionel). Unraced. Dam of 1 winner. Jackpot Who. 3 wins at 4and 5, $62,925.

MC: 98102023302566 JCC: 1709787



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


Billions Deputy Mister Silver Valley My Sweetness Sweetsouthernsaint Appeal To Glory

HIP 27 HIP 27 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled March 13, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016.

1ST DAM SAMBUCA NEGRA (2006), by Eqtesaad. Winner at 3, $8,225. 2ND DAM NO SAMBUCA, by Halo. 2 wins, $87,830. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, including

Sambucaescapade (g. by Wild Escapade). Winner at 3, $6,897. 4 wins at 4 and 6. $35,468. 3RD DAM SASTARDA (CHI), by Iram. 6 wins, 4 to 6, $159,355. Won Bayou Handicap, Furl Sail Handicap, Sixty

Sails Handicap. 2nd Sooner Handicap,Autumn Handicap,. 3rd Cornucopia Handicap, Delicada S. Delicada S. Won Cotejo De Potrancas (CHI). Sister to SAGITAIRE, SOMBREADERO.$81,670 SASTAGO (g. by Skywalker). Champion Hurdler. Champion Hurdler. Winner at 2 and 3, $11,088. Winner at 6, $36,005. 3rd Bader-Preis Hurdle. Waitin On Glenn (g. by Ferdinand). 4 wins at 4 and 5, $141,386. 3rd Forego S. Grammoddersbaby (f. by Straight Man). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $80,771. Kisssastar (f. by Kissin Kris). Placed at 4, $7,904. 4 wins at 5 and 6.

Sastastic (f. by Sky Clasasic). Winner at 4 and 5, $30,173 in NA. Dam of 2 winners, including Sastasticsbest, 3 wins at 3, $56,243. Augusta National (c. By Halo). Winner at 2, $16,330. Mossala (f. by Halo). Unplaced at 3. Dam of 3 winners, including MOCITA (f. by Boundary). 2 wins at 2, $21,510. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $256,710. Won Stage Door Betty Hcp. Stormy Frolic S., Emergency Nurse S.

MC: 981020023280212 JCC: 1704413


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Sambuca Negra

Eqtesaad Danzing Last Feather No Sambuca Halo Sastarda (CHI)

HIP 28 HIP 28 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 17, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM SHINDIG (1997), by Dixie Brass. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners

Inflexible (g. by Gold Case). 18 wins, 3 to 7, $99,126. Estrellera (f. by Sudden Thunder). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $88,035. Inflactor (g. by Sudden Thunder). Winner $26,002 Cuarzo (g. by Goldwater). Winner at 3, $3,780. Candente (c. By Sudden Thunder). Placed at 3.

2ND DAM LOLLYPALOOZA, by Relaunch. Placed at 4, $12,297. Sister to AFTO. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners

Alipalooza (f. by Supremo). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $42,835. Ocean Commotion (g. by Ocean Crest). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $24,163.

3RD DAM MAGARI, by Quack. Winner at 3, $17,470. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners

AFTO (f. by Relaunch). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $133,386. Won Railbird S., 3rd Jan Jessie S. Dam of 6 winners, including ANADOLU (IRE) (f. by Statue of Liberty). 2 wins at 2, Won Tipperary S, $46,781. Libero Mercato (IRE) (c. by Golan (IRE). 8 wins from 2 to 5, 2nd Pr Emanuele Filiberto, $132,026. Sokollu (IRE) (c. by Soviet Star). 6 wins, 3 to 7, $54,684. 3rd Savunma Sanayii, Burhan Karamehmet. Line Distribution. Beloved by All (f. by Rubiano). Winner at 2 and 3, $64,645. 3rd Silverbulletday S. Andiron (f. by Strawberry Road). Winner at $132,568.

MC: 981020023215965 JCC: 1705699


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer


Dixie Brass. Dixieland Band Petite Diable Lollypalooza. Relaunch Magari

HIP 29 HIP 29 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 12, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166.

1ST DAM SILVER LEILANI (2000), by Allied Forces. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $49,879. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

Victoriado (g. by Harbor Master). 28 wins at 2 and 7, $181,704, 2nd Cl Copa Gobernador. 3rd Cl Navidad, Cl Derby Puertorriqueño. Sheik Letrance (g. by Sudden Thunder). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $19,788. Naishia (f. by Sudden Thunder) Winner $13,400 El Paraiso (g. by Just Typical). Winner at 2, $10,438. Lcda. Myrna G. (f. by Just Typical), $6,232 Pelusita (f. by Sudden Thunder) Winner $31,784. Silver Mint (f. by Suden Thunder). Winner at 3, $19,519.

2ND DAM VICTORIAN TEA, by Vigors. 2 wins at 4, $7,304. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including

Esplendorosa (f. by Eqtesaad). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,964. El Mucuruba (c. by Royal Merlot). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $24,626. Encuestador (c. by Royal Merlot). 3 wins at 2 and 3. $23,478. White Spirit (f. by Royal Merlot). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including Victor Alexander. 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2013, $14,601.

3RD DAM MS. MINT TEA, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including

GREEN TEA (c. by Green Forest). 8 wins. Won Pr Del Dado, Pr Campobello. $236,474. Mint Swirl (f. by Dawn Quixote). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $74,935. Ms. Maine (f. by Mane Minister). Winner at 2, $11,349.

MC: 981020023226359 JCC: 1704836


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning My Charmer Harbor Springs Vice Regent Tinnitus

Silver Leilani

Allied Forces Miswaki Mangala Victorian Tea Vigors Ms. Mint Tea

HIP 28 HIP 28 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 17, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM SHINDIG (1997), by Dixie Brass. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners

Inflexible (g. by Gold Case). 18 wins, 3 to 7, $99,126. Estrellera (f. by Sudden Thunder). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $88,035. Inflactor (g. by Sudden Thunder). Winner $26,002 Cuarzo (g. by Goldwater). Winner at 3, $3,780. Candente (c. By Sudden Thunder). Placed at 3.

2ND DAM LOLLYPALOOZA, by Relaunch. Placed at 4, $12,297. Sister to AFTO. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners

Alipalooza (f. by Supremo). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $42,835. Ocean Commotion (g. by Ocean Crest). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $24,163.

3RD DAM MAGARI, by Quack. Winner at 3, $17,470. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners

AFTO (f. by Relaunch). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $133,386. Won Railbird S., 3rd Jan Jessie S. Dam of 6 winners, including ANADOLU (IRE) (f. by Statue of Liberty). 2 wins at 2, Won Tipperary S, $46,781. Libero Mercato (IRE) (c. by Golan (IRE). 8 wins from 2 to 5, 2nd Pr Emanuele Filiberto, $132,026. Sokollu (IRE) (c. by Soviet Star). 6 wins, 3 to 7, $54,684. 3rd Savunma Sanayii, Burhan Karamehmet. Line Distribution. Beloved by All (f. by Rubiano). Winner at 2 and 3, $64,645. 3rd Silverbulletday S. Andiron (f. by Strawberry Road). Winner at $132,568.

MC: 981020023215965 JCC: 1705699


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer


Dixie Brass. Dixieland Band Petite Diable Lollypalooza. Relaunch Magari

HIP 29 HIP 29 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 12, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166.

1ST DAM SILVER LEILANI (2000), by Allied Forces. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $49,879. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

Victoriado (g. by Harbor Master). 28 wins at 2 and 7, $181,704, 2nd Cl Copa Gobernador. 3rd Cl Navidad, Cl Derby Puertorriqueño. Sheik Letrance (g. by Sudden Thunder). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $19,788. Naishia (f. by Sudden Thunder) Winner $13,400 El Paraiso (g. by Just Typical). Winner at 2, $10,438. Lcda. Myrna G. (f. by Just Typical), $6,232 Pelusita (f. by Sudden Thunder) Winner $31,784. Silver Mint (f. by Suden Thunder). Winner at 3, $19,519.

2ND DAM VICTORIAN TEA, by Vigors. 2 wins at 4, $7,304. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including

Esplendorosa (f. by Eqtesaad). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,964. El Mucuruba (c. by Royal Merlot). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $24,626. Encuestador (c. by Royal Merlot). 3 wins at 2 and 3. $23,478. White Spirit (f. by Royal Merlot). Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including Victor Alexander. 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2013, $14,601.

3RD DAM MS. MINT TEA, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including

GREEN TEA (c. by Green Forest). 8 wins. Won Pr Del Dado, Pr Campobello. $236,474. Mint Swirl (f. by Dawn Quixote). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $74,935. Ms. Maine (f. by Mane Minister). Winner at 2, $11,349.

MC: 981020023226359 JCC: 1704836


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning My Charmer Harbor Springs Vice Regent Tinnitus

Silver Leilani

Allied Forces Miswaki Mangala Victorian Tea Vigors Ms. Mint Tea

HIP 30 HIP 30 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled April 21, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM SOHCAHTOA (2008), by Indian Ocean. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $21,358. Mi Francesa Brenda (f. by Billions) . win at $8,750. Monaguillo (c. by Sudden Thunder). Placed in 8 races from 2 to 4, $5,146. Pan Dos (g. by Sudden Thunder). 2 year old, 2018, placed in 2 starts, $2,112. 2ND DAM VAGUELY GUILTY, by Tactical Advantage. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including

Any Good Lawyer (g. by Snow Ridge). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $47,152. 3rd Clásico George Washington $47,992. No Lift Shift (c. by Put It Back). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $109,151. Tic Tac Man (g. by Put It Back). 2 wins at 4, $19,530.

3RD DAM ALMOST SINFUL, by Over Arranged. Placed at 2, $5,342. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners

MARABLUE BEAUTY (f. by Prospectors Gamble). At 2 Champion Imp 2yo Filly In Pr. At 3 Champion Imp 3yo Filly. 9 wins, 2 to 4, in PR, $168,495. Won Cl Acción De Gracias, Cl Año Nuevo, Cl Día De La Mujer. Producer. Mostly Red (g. by Explosive Red). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $83, $85,341. Bad Birdie (c. by Proud Birdie). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $71,292 $71,892. Marablue Birdie (c. by Proud Birdie). 4 wins, 4 to 6, $41,743. Rocky Mountain Red (c. by Time to Explode). Winner at 3 and 4, $25,325. Marablue Advantage (f. by Tactical Advantage). 2 wins at 3, $14,754.

MC: 981020023236892 JCC: 1710157


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer


Indian Ocean Stormy Atlantic Indian Halo Vaguely Guilt Tactical Advantage Almost Sinful

HIP 31 HIP 31 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled April 10, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM Sugar Rose (2003), by Indian Charlie. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,995, 3rd Clásico Prensa Hipica. This is her third foal . Mima’s Beauty (f. by Sudden Thunder) 2 year old 2015. Placed at 2. La Dificil (f. by Sudden Thunder). Winner of $5,700, first start. 2ND DAM Where Is She, by Cure the Blues. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $90, 166, 3rd Moon Star Miss S. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including

Sugar Rose (f. By Indian Charlie). Stakes-placed winner, adove. She’s the Cure. 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2009, $48,995. Shes the Cure (f. by The Deputy. 5 win at 2 and 3 $133,782. Only in Dreams. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $53,319. She Is Here. Placed at 4, $6,840. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, including Valentine Light (f. by Colony Light). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $111,105, 3rd Noble Robyn S. El Gran Love. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including El Toboso. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $188, 543.

3RD DAM Fashionably Late, by My Gallant. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $198,671, Del Mar Oaks, San Clemente S.- L, Royal Native S., 2nd Turkish Trousers S., 3rd New Hope S. Dam of 5 winner, including

Where Is She. Stakes-placed winner, above. Megalo. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $310,558. Producer.

MC: 981020023229704 JCC: 1708923


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Sugar Rose

Indian Charlie In Excess (IRE) Soviet Sojourn Where Is She Cure the Blues Fashionably

HIP 30 HIP 30 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

CHESTNUT FILLY Foaled April 21, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM SOHCAHTOA (2008), by Indian Ocean. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $21,358. Mi Francesa Brenda (f. by Billions) . win at $8,750. Monaguillo (c. by Sudden Thunder). Placed in 8 races from 2 to 4, $5,146. Pan Dos (g. by Sudden Thunder). 2 year old, 2018, placed in 2 starts, $2,112. 2ND DAM VAGUELY GUILTY, by Tactical Advantage. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including

Any Good Lawyer (g. by Snow Ridge). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $47,152. 3rd Clásico George Washington $47,992. No Lift Shift (c. by Put It Back). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $109,151. Tic Tac Man (g. by Put It Back). 2 wins at 4, $19,530.

3RD DAM ALMOST SINFUL, by Over Arranged. Placed at 2, $5,342. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners

MARABLUE BEAUTY (f. by Prospectors Gamble). At 2 Champion Imp 2yo Filly In Pr. At 3 Champion Imp 3yo Filly. 9 wins, 2 to 4, in PR, $168,495. Won Cl Acción De Gracias, Cl Año Nuevo, Cl Día De La Mujer. Producer. Mostly Red (g. by Explosive Red). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $83, $85,341. Bad Birdie (c. by Proud Birdie). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $71,292 $71,892. Marablue Birdie (c. by Proud Birdie). 4 wins, 4 to 6, $41,743. Rocky Mountain Red (c. by Time to Explode). Winner at 3 and 4, $25,325. Marablue Advantage (f. by Tactical Advantage). 2 wins at 3, $14,754.

MC: 981020023236892 JCC: 1710157


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer


Indian Ocean Stormy Atlantic Indian Halo Vaguely Guilt Tactical Advantage Almost Sinful

HIP 31 HIP 31 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled April 10, 2017

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM Sugar Rose (2003), by Indian Charlie. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,995, 3rd Clásico Prensa Hipica. This is her third foal . Mima’s Beauty (f. by Sudden Thunder) 2 year old 2015. Placed at 2. La Dificil (f. by Sudden Thunder). Winner of $5,700, first start. 2ND DAM Where Is She, by Cure the Blues. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $90, 166, 3rd Moon Star Miss S. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including

Sugar Rose (f. By Indian Charlie). Stakes-placed winner, adove. She’s the Cure. 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2009, $48,995. Shes the Cure (f. by The Deputy. 5 win at 2 and 3 $133,782. Only in Dreams. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $53,319. She Is Here. Placed at 4, $6,840. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, including Valentine Light (f. by Colony Light). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $111,105, 3rd Noble Robyn S. El Gran Love. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including El Toboso. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $188, 543.

3RD DAM Fashionably Late, by My Gallant. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $198,671, Del Mar Oaks, San Clemente S.- L, Royal Native S., 2nd Turkish Trousers S., 3rd New Hope S. Dam of 5 winner, including

Where Is She. Stakes-placed winner, above. Megalo. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $310,558. Producer.

MC: 981020023229704 JCC: 1708923


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep Precisely Harps and Wings Relaunch Angelic Note

Sugar Rose

Indian Charlie In Excess (IRE) Soviet Sojourn Where Is She Cure the Blues Fashionably

HIP 32 HIP 32 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled April 2, 2017

By COACH BILLY G. (2006). Winner of $63,183. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 20 foals, 14 starters, 10 winners of 29 races and earning $467,728 including JUSTICIERO 8 wins, $220,841, Derby Puertorriqueño etc, Mi Brother Abad R. $35,6174, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueño, Rhina My Love $90,434, 2nd Clásico Versets Dancer S., Concerto Bello $32,529. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 181 stake winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Caseway $3,078,989, Storm Flag Flying $1,951,828, Sweet Catomine $1,059,600. 1ST DAM TONADILLA (2004), by Royal Merlot. 22 wins in 35 starts, 2 to 7, $386,881, champion 2 and 3 year old filly in P.R., Cl. Antonio R. Matos, Criadores de P.R., Cl. Ramón Llobet, Jr., Cl. Camarero, Cl. Constitución, 2ndCl. Eugenio M. De Hostos, Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Copa Dama del Caribe, 3rd Cl. Constitución, Cl. Dia de las Madres. Half-sister to Alma Caribeña. Dam of 2 other foals, including Tonadillera (f, by El Corredor). 2 wins at 3, $18,193. 2ND DAM NOBLE AGENDA, by Twilight Agenda. Unraced. Half-sister to Noble Form. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including TONADILLA (f, by Royal Merlot). Champion, above. Alma Caribeña (f. by End Sweet). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $56,856, 2nd Cl. Dia de Reyes, Copa Criadores Hembras. 3RD DAM NOBLE WINGS, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Half-sister to SOARING SOFTLY, PLENTY OF GRACE. Dam of 8 winners, including Noble Form. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Arima Race Club|| Cup. Producer. Noble Barca. 2 wins at 3 in Chile. Dam of 4 winners, including PINIPALO. 4 wins, 2 to 4, 19,268,750 pesos, in Chile, El debut Potrillos, 3rd Luis Larrain P. Nacional Machos,$29,390.

MC: 981020023287202 JCC: 1709272


Coach Billy G.

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua A.P. Adventure A.P. Indy Nataliano


Royal Merlot Forty Niner Gana Facil Noble Agenda Twilight Agenda Noble Wings

HIP 33 HIP 33 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled January 1, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166. 1ST DAM UTOPIA QUEEN (2009), by Utopia (JPN). Winner at 3, $12,698. Dam of 1 foal. 2ND DAM Smart Hat, by Ascot Knight. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $85,260, 2nd Border S. (FE, $5,320(CAN)). Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, all winners Real Beggining (g. By Demaloot Demashoot). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $53,591. Smart Halory (f. by Halory Hunter). Winner at 2 and 3, $49,992. Madison Ave. Jo Jo (f, by Utopia (JPN)). 2 wins at 3, $45,042. Smart Move (f. by Lil E. Tee). 2 wins at 3, $30,380. Dam of 3 foals, 3 to race, 1 winner Lila’s Dream (f. by Private Scandal). Winner at 5, $13,356. Gold Intelect (f. by Gold Case). Winner at 3 and 4, $27,942. Fancy Fashion (g. By Lil E. Tee). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $27,329. Lil Bonit (f. by Lil E. Tee). Winner at 2, $21,566. Utopia Queen (f, by utopia (JPN)). See above. 3RD DAM MICHELLE BRIAR, by Briartic. Winner at 3 and 4, $33,202. Sister to BRIAR WIND (140,358 Plate Trial R, etc., sire). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners Smart Hat (f. by Ascot Knight). Black type placed winner, see above. One More (f. by Dauphin Fabuleux). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $109,972. Elusive Secret (g. By Secret Calm). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $69,909. Feathers and Bows (f. by Ascot Knight). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $45,772. Dam of 2 foals, 2 to race, all winners.

MC: 981020023259247 JCC: 1700343


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning My Charmer Harbor Springs Vice Regent Tinnitus

Utopia Queen

Utopia Forty Niner Dream Vision Smart Hat Ascot Knight Michelle Briar

HIP 32 HIP 32 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled April 2, 2017

By COACH BILLY G. (2006). Winner of $63,183. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 20 foals, 14 starters, 10 winners of 29 races and earning $467,728 including JUSTICIERO 8 wins, $220,841, Derby Puertorriqueño etc, Mi Brother Abad R. $35,6174, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueño, Rhina My Love $90,434, 2nd Clásico Versets Dancer S., Concerto Bello $32,529. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 181 stake winners, 8 champions, including Giant’s Caseway $3,078,989, Storm Flag Flying $1,951,828, Sweet Catomine $1,059,600. 1ST DAM TONADILLA (2004), by Royal Merlot. 22 wins in 35 starts, 2 to 7, $386,881, champion 2 and 3 year old filly in P.R., Cl. Antonio R. Matos, Criadores de P.R., Cl. Ramón Llobet, Jr., Cl. Camarero, Cl. Constitución, 2ndCl. Eugenio M. De Hostos, Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Copa Dama del Caribe, 3rd Cl. Constitución, Cl. Dia de las Madres. Half-sister to Alma Caribeña. Dam of 2 other foals, including Tonadillera (f, by El Corredor). 2 wins at 3, $18,193. 2ND DAM NOBLE AGENDA, by Twilight Agenda. Unraced. Half-sister to Noble Form. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including TONADILLA (f, by Royal Merlot). Champion, above. Alma Caribeña (f. by End Sweet). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $56,856, 2nd Cl. Dia de Reyes, Copa Criadores Hembras. 3RD DAM NOBLE WINGS, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Half-sister to SOARING SOFTLY, PLENTY OF GRACE. Dam of 8 winners, including Noble Form. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Arima Race Club|| Cup. Producer. Noble Barca. 2 wins at 3 in Chile. Dam of 4 winners, including PINIPALO. 4 wins, 2 to 4, 19,268,750 pesos, in Chile, El debut Potrillos, 3rd Luis Larrain P. Nacional Machos,$29,390.

MC: 981020023287202 JCC: 1709272


Coach Billy G.

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua A.P. Adventure A.P. Indy Nataliano


Royal Merlot Forty Niner Gana Facil Noble Agenda Twilight Agenda Noble Wings

HIP 33 HIP 33 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled January 1, 2017

By HARBOR MASTER (2002). Winner of $117,225, Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 86 foals, 71 starters, 5 stakes winners, 3 champions, 59 winners of 303 races and earning $2,289,888, including REGISTRO $207,422 Horse of the year in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Copa Gobernador, PAPABRYAN $190,352, Champion in Puerto Rico, to 3, 2016, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial S., etc., UNIFICADOR $98,261.00 Champion in Puerto Rico, to 5, 2017, Cl. Luis Muñoz Rivera S., etc., LIMOSNERA $154,270, Copa Camarero S., etc., RELOJERO $99,187, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Victoriado $181,704, 2nd Copa Gobernador, etc., La Aldeana $64,021, 3rd Cl. Criadores S., etc., Limoncillo $71,765, 16 wins, to 5, 2016, Galopera $51,025, 11 wins, Luarca $77,077, 6 wins, to 5, 2018, 3rd Cl. Dia de las Madres, Bold Master, $76,625, Mi Amigo Pepe, $42,166. 1ST DAM UTOPIA QUEEN (2009), by Utopia (JPN). Winner at 3, $12,698. Dam of 1 foal. 2ND DAM Smart Hat, by Ascot Knight. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $85,260, 2nd Border S. (FE, $5,320(CAN)). Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, all winners Real Beggining (g. By Demaloot Demashoot). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $53,591. Smart Halory (f. by Halory Hunter). Winner at 2 and 3, $49,992. Madison Ave. Jo Jo (f, by Utopia (JPN)). 2 wins at 3, $45,042. Smart Move (f. by Lil E. Tee). 2 wins at 3, $30,380. Dam of 3 foals, 3 to race, 1 winner Lila’s Dream (f. by Private Scandal). Winner at 5, $13,356. Gold Intelect (f. by Gold Case). Winner at 3 and 4, $27,942. Fancy Fashion (g. By Lil E. Tee). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $27,329. Lil Bonit (f. by Lil E. Tee). Winner at 2, $21,566. Utopia Queen (f, by utopia (JPN)). See above. 3RD DAM MICHELLE BRIAR, by Briartic. Winner at 3 and 4, $33,202. Sister to BRIAR WIND (140,358 Plate Trial R, etc., sire). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners Smart Hat (f. by Ascot Knight). Black type placed winner, see above. One More (f. by Dauphin Fabuleux). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $109,972. Elusive Secret (g. By Secret Calm). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $69,909. Feathers and Bows (f. by Ascot Knight). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $45,772. Dam of 2 foals, 2 to race, all winners.

MC: 981020023259247 JCC: 1700343


Harbor Master

Seattle Slew Bold Reasoning My Charmer Harbor Springs Vice Regent Tinnitus

Utopia Queen

Utopia Forty Niner Dream Vision Smart Hat Ascot Knight Michelle Briar

HIP 34 HIP 34 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled February 11, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM UVADA (2007), by El Corredor. Winner at 2, $17,420. 2ND DAM COZY LADY, by Grindstone. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, all winners, including

D J LIGHTNING (f. by Doneraile Court). 2 wins at 2, $71,624. Won Prom S. 3rd Xtra Heat S. Dam of Coachella (NZ) (f. by Mastercraftsman (IRE)). 3rd Desirable S. Forest's Victory (c. by Forest Wildcat). Winner at 3, $32,990. Stormy But Cozy (g. by Stormy Atlantic). Winner at 2 and 3, $23,181. Tabletop Dancer (f. by Maria's Mon). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $18,426.

3RD DAM SO COZY, by Lyphard. 2 wins at 2, $32,262. Won Priscilla S. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners

CONSENT (g. by Clever Trick). 24 wins, 2 to 10, $202,896. Won Comet S., Talc S. 2nd Atlantic City Sprint S. At 3 Cnr Monmouth Park 5f 00:55.40 (T), Cnr Meadowlands 5f 00:55.40 (T). SPECIAL ALERT (f. by Gulch). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $177,155. Won Jasmine S., Azalea S. 2nd Clipsetta S., Indian Summer S. 3rd Gowell S., Wilma C. Kennedy S., Thelma S. Dam of 5 winners, including RESERVE YOUR HEART (c. by Housebuster). Winner at 2, $423,278. Won Hakodate Sansai S. 3rd Niigata Sansai S., Cluster Cup.

MC: 981020023272607 JCC: 1701535



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


El Corredor Mr. Greeley Silvery Swan Cozy Lady Grindstone So Cozy

HIP 35 HIP 35 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled April 25, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM WELLFORD (1994), by Fit To Fight. Winner at 3, 4 and 5, $31,578. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners

OKAIRY M. (f. by Billions). 11 wins at from 2 to 5 $302,182. Won Cl Entrenador Cl Criadores, Cl Camarero Wellofaprize (f. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 6, 2010, $223,816 2nd Likely Exchange S. Boricua Bomber (g. by Tumblebrutus). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $40,494 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera. Single Factor (f. by Mutakddim). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $56,858. Golden Well (f. by Gold Tribute). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $44,525. Cuatro Vientos (g. by Sudden Thunder) 3 wins fron 2 to 4 $27,388. Cachupito (g. by Sudden Thunder) 4 wins from 2 to 5 $23,834. La Pitirre (f. By Billions) 2 Wins at 2 to 3 $62,385. Corcovado (c. by Billions) 8 wins from 2 to 5, $54,908. Borrascosa (f. by Billions). Winner at 3, $14,916.

2ND DAM Gottagetitdone, by Kohoutek. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $402,593. 3rd Vagrancy Handicap, Chain Bracelet (AQU, $6,552). Sister to D. WHITE. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including

I Do (f, by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $82,495. Dam of 1 winner La Condesa (Mex) (f, by Try N Express). 3rd Cl Aguila De Arazi . Miss Nancy (Mex) (f, by Bold Legacy). 2nd Cl Asoc. D.F. Hipica Mexicana. Please Lord. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $64,695.

MC: 981020023202184 JCC: 1711339



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


Fit to Fight Chieftain Hasty Queen II Gottoagetitdone. Kohoutek Bombilonga

HIP 34 HIP 34 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled February 11, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM UVADA (2007), by El Corredor. Winner at 2, $17,420. 2ND DAM COZY LADY, by Grindstone. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, all winners, including

D J LIGHTNING (f. by Doneraile Court). 2 wins at 2, $71,624. Won Prom S. 3rd Xtra Heat S. Dam of Coachella (NZ) (f. by Mastercraftsman (IRE)). 3rd Desirable S. Forest's Victory (c. by Forest Wildcat). Winner at 3, $32,990. Stormy But Cozy (g. by Stormy Atlantic). Winner at 2 and 3, $23,181. Tabletop Dancer (f. by Maria's Mon). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $18,426.

3RD DAM SO COZY, by Lyphard. 2 wins at 2, $32,262. Won Priscilla S. Dam of 11 foals to race, 9 winners

CONSENT (g. by Clever Trick). 24 wins, 2 to 10, $202,896. Won Comet S., Talc S. 2nd Atlantic City Sprint S. At 3 Cnr Monmouth Park 5f 00:55.40 (T), Cnr Meadowlands 5f 00:55.40 (T). SPECIAL ALERT (f. by Gulch). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $177,155. Won Jasmine S., Azalea S. 2nd Clipsetta S., Indian Summer S. 3rd Gowell S., Wilma C. Kennedy S., Thelma S. Dam of 5 winners, including RESERVE YOUR HEART (c. by Housebuster). Winner at 2, $423,278. Won Hakodate Sansai S. 3rd Niigata Sansai S., Cluster Cup.

MC: 981020023272607 JCC: 1701535



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


El Corredor Mr. Greeley Silvery Swan Cozy Lady Grindstone So Cozy

HIP 35 HIP 35 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled April 25, 2017

By TAWQEET (2002) Winner of $2,144,548, 7 stakes races. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 128 starters, 84 winners (65.6%), and 5 stakes winners, including CALCOLATORE, $140,494, Carlos Pellegrini 2017, G1, 1o Dardo Rocha G1, Calidoscopio, Prov. Buenos Aires G2, HOLLY WOMAN, Venezuela G2, General FranciscoB. Bosh G3, Ocurrencia G3, FILLY’S TAWQEET $22,908 República de Panamá G3, La Troienne, Lotería Nacional G3. RETAQUEADO, José Pedro Ramírez G3, Jockey Club de La Provincia de Buenos Aires G2, TEMAKI República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Aristeo, Augusto Magiolo Cavencia, Poder Judicial, Coronel Francisco Bolognesi, Niet Problem Antenor Rizo Patrón Araoz, Potro Atrevido Forli G2, Miss Lady Tawqeet Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Elegante Jessie, Miss Terrible, Mrs. Chao República del Paraguay, Quemacoco ,Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, General San Martín G1, Comparación G2, Porteño G3, Angel Barattucci, Dr. Taw, Fomento Equino, Intendente Melchor Posse, Dancing Qeet, Encuentro Provincial, More Than That, Fuerza Aérea del Perú, Grozny. 1ST DAM WELLFORD (1994), by Fit To Fight. Winner at 3, 4 and 5, $31,578. Dam of 11 foals to race, 10 winners

OKAIRY M. (f. by Billions). 11 wins at from 2 to 5 $302,182. Won Cl Entrenador Cl Criadores, Cl Camarero Wellofaprize (f. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 6, 2010, $223,816 2nd Likely Exchange S. Boricua Bomber (g. by Tumblebrutus). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $40,494 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera. Single Factor (f. by Mutakddim). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $56,858. Golden Well (f. by Gold Tribute). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $44,525. Cuatro Vientos (g. by Sudden Thunder) 3 wins fron 2 to 4 $27,388. Cachupito (g. by Sudden Thunder) 4 wins from 2 to 5 $23,834. La Pitirre (f. By Billions) 2 Wins at 2 to 3 $62,385. Corcovado (c. by Billions) 8 wins from 2 to 5, $54,908. Borrascosa (f. by Billions). Winner at 3, $14,916.

2ND DAM Gottagetitdone, by Kohoutek. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $402,593. 3rd Vagrancy Handicap, Chain Bracelet (AQU, $6,552). Sister to D. WHITE. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including

I Do (f, by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $82,495. Dam of 1 winner La Condesa (Mex) (f, by Try N Express). 3rd Cl Aguila De Arazi . Miss Nancy (Mex) (f, by Bold Legacy). 2nd Cl Asoc. D.F. Hipica Mexicana. Please Lord. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $64,695.

MC: 981020023202184 JCC: 1711339



Kingbambo (USA) Mr. Prospector Miesque Caerless (IRE) Caerleon Barger


Fit to Fight Chieftain Hasty Queen II Gottoagetitdone. Kohoutek Bombilonga

HIP 36 HIP 36 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled January 29, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.

1ST DAM WINONA SPIRIT (2010), by Street Boss. Winner at 3, $4,093. Dam of 2 foals Unnamed (c. by Sudden Thunder). 2ND DAM LADY Of SUCCESS, by Succesful Appeal. Unraced. Half-sister to Flat Top, $592,306. Championsteeplechaser twice in U.S., ASEMA ($162,167, Meadow Meats Killavullan E.B.F.). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners Thirty Pepperonis (g. By Tizway). 6 wins at 3, 2017, $70,080. Be Quiet Lady (f. by Quiet American). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $68,354. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race Big Boom (g. By Roll Hennessy Roll). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2018, $25,934. Sidney’s Success (f. b Sidney’s Candy). Winner at 2, $19,402. Perfection Laly (f. by Majescticperfection). 3 wins at 3, 2018, $15,140. Winona Spirit (f. by Street Boss). See above. 3RD DAM LADY OF THE LIGHT, by The Minstrel. Unraced. Half-sister to SABIN, $1,098,341, Yellow Ribbon Invitational S., BINYA (GER) $176,855, The Very One H. (GP, $60,000), FATAH FLARE $50,312, Musidora S. Dam of 13 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners Flat Top (g. By Alleged). 9 wins, 3 to 9, $592,306, Champion steeplechaser twice in U.S. ASEMA (f. by Theatrical (IRE). 7 wins, 2 to 4 in IRE and NA, $162,167, Meadow Meats Killavullan E.B.F. S., C.L. Weld E.B.F. Park S., Desmond S., Athasi S., Minstrel S., Trusted Partner Matron S., Winning Westwood Rochestown E.B.F. S. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 5 winners Hikaru Altair (JPN)(g. By Fuji Kiseki). 8 wins, 2 to 8 in JPN$443,994. MC: 981020023305604 JCC: 1700225


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Winona Spirit

Street Boss Street Cry Blushing Ogygian Lady of Success Succesful Appeal Lady of the Light

HIP 37 HIP 37 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESNUT FILLY Foaled April 21, 2016

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM CRYSTA (1996), by Pine Bluff. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners

Cristal De Oro (g. by Van Nistelrooy). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $170,394. 2nd Cl Bobby Fabelo, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillon, 2nd Cl. Del Caribe. We've Got a Chance (f. by American Chance). 12 wins from 3 to 5, $179, 540. Manish Water (g. by Storm Creek). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $22,082. Cristalizada (f. by Just Typical). Winner at 2, $5,486. Palma Soriano (f, by Harbor Master) 9 starts, 6 wins from 2 to 3, $32,332.

2ND DAM ARABIAN MISS, by Damascus. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $39,790. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

RED SHADOW (g. by Sovereign Dancer). 4 wins at 2 and 5, $111,170. Won Hopemont S. 3rd Grey S. Eastern Affair (c. by Polish Navy). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $277,288. 3rd Kentucky Cup Starter Handicap R, Beau Genius Handicap. Investor (g. by Seeking the Gold). 1 1 wins, 2 to 1 0, $21 5,784. 2nd Perpetuate S. Arabian Sheik (c. by Nijinsky II). Winner at 2, $14,890. Sire. Waving the Flag (f. by Polish Navy). Winner at 3 and 4, $66,440. Dam of 4 winners. Including Fortunate Flag (c. by Fortunate Prospect). 3rd Sian’s Gold Sprint. Wave of Knowledge. 3 wins at 3, $26,735. Dam of Arquitecta (f. by Tamhid). 4 wins at 3, $36,484. 2nd Cl Luis M. Garcia Passalaqua

Floor Show (f. by NijinskyII). Unraced. First Floor. Unraced. Dam of Ever Onward (c. By Sterling Rose) Placed at 2, $72,499. 3rd Hokkaido Nisai Yushun. 3RD DAM LADY LOVE, by Dr. Fager. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $153,756. Won Top Flight H. Molly Pitcher H. 2nd other Goose S. 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks, Monmouth Oaks, Vagancy H.

MC: 981020019163213 JCC: 1610419


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Crysta Pine Buff Danzig

Rowdy angel

Arabian Miss Damascus

Lady Love

HIP 36 HIP 36 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY COLT Foaled January 29, 2017

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.

1ST DAM WINONA SPIRIT (2010), by Street Boss. Winner at 3, $4,093. Dam of 2 foals Unnamed (c. by Sudden Thunder). 2ND DAM LADY Of SUCCESS, by Succesful Appeal. Unraced. Half-sister to Flat Top, $592,306. Championsteeplechaser twice in U.S., ASEMA ($162,167, Meadow Meats Killavullan E.B.F.). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners Thirty Pepperonis (g. By Tizway). 6 wins at 3, 2017, $70,080. Be Quiet Lady (f. by Quiet American). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $68,354. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race Big Boom (g. By Roll Hennessy Roll). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2018, $25,934. Sidney’s Success (f. b Sidney’s Candy). Winner at 2, $19,402. Perfection Laly (f. by Majescticperfection). 3 wins at 3, 2018, $15,140. Winona Spirit (f. by Street Boss). See above. 3RD DAM LADY OF THE LIGHT, by The Minstrel. Unraced. Half-sister to SABIN, $1,098,341, Yellow Ribbon Invitational S., BINYA (GER) $176,855, The Very One H. (GP, $60,000), FATAH FLARE $50,312, Musidora S. Dam of 13 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners Flat Top (g. By Alleged). 9 wins, 3 to 9, $592,306, Champion steeplechaser twice in U.S. ASEMA (f. by Theatrical (IRE). 7 wins, 2 to 4 in IRE and NA, $162,167, Meadow Meats Killavullan E.B.F. S., C.L. Weld E.B.F. Park S., Desmond S., Athasi S., Minstrel S., Trusted Partner Matron S., Winning Westwood Rochestown E.B.F. S. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 5 winners Hikaru Altair (JPN)(g. By Fuji Kiseki). 8 wins, 2 to 8 in JPN$443,994. MC: 981020023305604 JCC: 1700225


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird Terlingua Terre Haute Caro (IRE) Mia Dancer

Winona Spirit

Street Boss Street Cry Blushing Ogygian Lady of Success Succesful Appeal Lady of the Light

HIP 37 HIP 37 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESNUT FILLY Foaled April 21, 2016

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM CRYSTA (1996), by Pine Bluff. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners

Cristal De Oro (g. by Van Nistelrooy). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $170,394. 2nd Cl Bobby Fabelo, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillon, 2nd Cl. Del Caribe. We've Got a Chance (f. by American Chance). 12 wins from 3 to 5, $179, 540. Manish Water (g. by Storm Creek). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $22,082. Cristalizada (f. by Just Typical). Winner at 2, $5,486. Palma Soriano (f, by Harbor Master) 9 starts, 6 wins from 2 to 3, $32,332.

2ND DAM ARABIAN MISS, by Damascus. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $39,790. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

RED SHADOW (g. by Sovereign Dancer). 4 wins at 2 and 5, $111,170. Won Hopemont S. 3rd Grey S. Eastern Affair (c. by Polish Navy). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $277,288. 3rd Kentucky Cup Starter Handicap R, Beau Genius Handicap. Investor (g. by Seeking the Gold). 1 1 wins, 2 to 1 0, $21 5,784. 2nd Perpetuate S. Arabian Sheik (c. by Nijinsky II). Winner at 2, $14,890. Sire. Waving the Flag (f. by Polish Navy). Winner at 3 and 4, $66,440. Dam of 4 winners. Including Fortunate Flag (c. by Fortunate Prospect). 3rd Sian’s Gold Sprint. Wave of Knowledge. 3 wins at 3, $26,735. Dam of Arquitecta (f. by Tamhid). 4 wins at 3, $36,484. 2nd Cl Luis M. Garcia Passalaqua

Floor Show (f. by NijinskyII). Unraced. First Floor. Unraced. Dam of Ever Onward (c. By Sterling Rose) Placed at 2, $72,499. 3rd Hokkaido Nisai Yushun. 3RD DAM LADY LOVE, by Dr. Fager. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $153,756. Won Top Flight H. Molly Pitcher H. 2nd other Goose S. 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks, Monmouth Oaks, Vagancy H.

MC: 981020019163213 JCC: 1610419


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Crysta Pine Buff Danzig

Rowdy angel

Arabian Miss Damascus

Lady Love

HIP 38 HIP 38 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled April 3, 2016

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM DANCING SPOON (2004), by Alphabet Soup. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners

Corre Puchy Corre (c. by Sudden Thunder). 3 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $19,309. Gabela (f by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 3, 2017, $26,100.

2ND DAM POLKA QUEEN, by Siphon. Winner at 3, $29,040. Dam of 1 foal to race, 1 winner La Bonita Uno (f. by Sligo Bay (IRE)). Winner at 2 and 3, $71,511. 3RD DAM MINERS MIRAGE, by Mining. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $204,308. Won Colin S. 2nd Mazarine S., My Dear S. 3rd Duchess S. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including:

BETA CAPO (c. by Langfuhr). 10 wins, 2 to 6, $457,896. Won Sportsman's Paradise S., Governor's Cup S., Grand Prairie Turf Challenge S, Delta Mile S.2nd Super Derby Prelude S.,Independence S. 3rd Texas Mile S., Pin Oak Stud, Gulf Coast Classic S. ALPHA CAPO (g. by Alphabet Soup). 13 wins to 8. Won Bossier City Handicap. 2nd Donnie

Wilhite Memorial Handicap, $373,334. CANDY BOX (f. by Running Stag). Winner from 3 to 5. Won Stormy Krissy S. 2nd Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, $205,520. Fire Brewed (c. by Milwaukee Brew). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $129,589. Miners Miracle (f. by Prized). Winner at 3, $44,018. Dam of 3 winners, including: MILWAUKEE MIRACLE (c. by Milwaukee Brew).5 wins at 2 and 3,$211,130.Won Louisiana Cup Derby, Crescent City Derby, Gentilly S. 2nd B. Sixty Rayburn Memorial S. 3rd Gate Dancer S,Acclaim S.

Golden Mirage (f. by Include). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $45,900.

MC: 981020019194051 “As is” JCC: 1608426


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Dancing Spoon Alphabet Soup Cozzene


Polka Queen Siphon (BRZ)

Miners Mirage

HIP 39 HIP 39 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled March 6, 2016

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM DORMANT ACCOUNT (1996), by Miner's Mark. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners

Metulla (c, by Yonaguska) 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2010, $117,894. Term in Office (g, by Private Terms) 3 wins at 3 and 4, $52,230. Amazing Award (f, by Horse Chestnut) 7 wins at 3 and 4, 2010, $53,194. Reddish Thunder (c.by Sudden Thunder) winner of 7 from 2 to 5 $81,102. El Acertijo (c. by Sudden Thunder) winner of $26,209. Dormilón (c, by Crimson Hero) winne from 2 to 5, $23,376. Bandolera (f. by Sudden Thunder) 8 starts from 2 to 3 placed $21,402.

2ND DAM AFTER SCHOOL, by Arts And Letters. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $53,160. Dam of 14 foals to race, 9 winners

ITS ACEDEMIC (c, by Sauce Boat). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $931,228. Won Stuyvesant Handicap, Stymie Handicap, Stymie Handicap, Assault Handicap, Queens County Handicap, etc. Sire. T"wining And Dining (f, by Twining). Winner at 3 and 4, $87,580. 3rd Martha Washington Breeders'

She's Academic (f, by Coastal). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $131,070. 3RD DAM Aftyer Me, by Mongo 8 wins, 3 to 5, $77,412 in NA. 2nd My Fair Lady S. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, including Scouting Party (c. by West Coast Scout). 5 wins at 3 and 5, $62,863. Native Fruit 9f. by Exclusive Native). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $51,480.

MC: 981020019354353 “As is” JCC: 1603167


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Dormant Account Miner’s Mark Mr. Prospector

Personal Ensign

After School Arts and Letters

After Me

HIP 38 HIP 38 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled April 3, 2016

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM DANCING SPOON (2004), by Alphabet Soup. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners

Corre Puchy Corre (c. by Sudden Thunder). 3 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2013, $19,309. Gabela (f by Sudden Thunder). Winner at 3, 2017, $26,100.

2ND DAM POLKA QUEEN, by Siphon. Winner at 3, $29,040. Dam of 1 foal to race, 1 winner La Bonita Uno (f. by Sligo Bay (IRE)). Winner at 2 and 3, $71,511. 3RD DAM MINERS MIRAGE, by Mining. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $204,308. Won Colin S. 2nd Mazarine S., My Dear S. 3rd Duchess S. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, including:

BETA CAPO (c. by Langfuhr). 10 wins, 2 to 6, $457,896. Won Sportsman's Paradise S., Governor's Cup S., Grand Prairie Turf Challenge S, Delta Mile S.2nd Super Derby Prelude S.,Independence S. 3rd Texas Mile S., Pin Oak Stud, Gulf Coast Classic S. ALPHA CAPO (g. by Alphabet Soup). 13 wins to 8. Won Bossier City Handicap. 2nd Donnie

Wilhite Memorial Handicap, $373,334. CANDY BOX (f. by Running Stag). Winner from 3 to 5. Won Stormy Krissy S. 2nd Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, $205,520. Fire Brewed (c. by Milwaukee Brew). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $129,589. Miners Miracle (f. by Prized). Winner at 3, $44,018. Dam of 3 winners, including: MILWAUKEE MIRACLE (c. by Milwaukee Brew).5 wins at 2 and 3,$211,130.Won Louisiana Cup Derby, Crescent City Derby, Gentilly S. 2nd B. Sixty Rayburn Memorial S. 3rd Gate Dancer S,Acclaim S.

Golden Mirage (f. by Include). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $45,900.

MC: 981020019194051 “As is” JCC: 1608426


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Dancing Spoon Alphabet Soup Cozzene


Polka Queen Siphon (BRZ)

Miners Mirage

HIP 39 HIP 39 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

CHESTNUT COLT Foaled March 6, 2016

By SUDDEN THUNDER (2000). Unraced, Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 260 foals, 197 starters, 4 black type winners, 136 winners of 611 races and earning $4,676,275, including PERFECCION $198,782, to 3, 2017, Luis Muñoz Rivera Memorial, Cl. Puerto Rico Futurity, Copa Navidad,etc., INTEGRISTA $162,487, Día De Reyes S., etc., EL CAPRICHO $155,723, Luis Muñoz Marín S., etc., TAURINA $114,548, Cl. Antonio R. Matos, etc., Pequeño Nieto $121,904, 2nd Cl. Día de Reyes, etc., Antillana $94,591,to 6, 2016, 3rd Cl. Confederación Hípica S., La Avispa Pica $86,644, 3rd Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Tiburoncillo $81,972, 2nd Cl. Antonio Fernández Castrillón, Salvaje $79,754, 2nd Cl. Día del Veterano, etc., Insaciable $75,724, 2nd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr., Presencia $75,273, 2nd Cl. Antonio Matos, 2nd Cl. Ramón Llobet Jr., 3rd Cl. Eugenio M. de Hostos, Reddish Thunder $79,992, 3rd Cl. Antonio Mongil, Jr. S. 1ST DAM DORMANT ACCOUNT (1996), by Miner's Mark. Dam of 7 foals to race, all winners

Metulla (c, by Yonaguska) 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2010, $117,894. Term in Office (g, by Private Terms) 3 wins at 3 and 4, $52,230. Amazing Award (f, by Horse Chestnut) 7 wins at 3 and 4, 2010, $53,194. Reddish Thunder (c.by Sudden Thunder) winner of 7 from 2 to 5 $81,102. El Acertijo (c. by Sudden Thunder) winner of $26,209. Dormilón (c, by Crimson Hero) winne from 2 to 5, $23,376. Bandolera (f. by Sudden Thunder) 8 starts from 2 to 3 placed $21,402.

2ND DAM AFTER SCHOOL, by Arts And Letters. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $53,160. Dam of 14 foals to race, 9 winners

ITS ACEDEMIC (c, by Sauce Boat). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $931,228. Won Stuyvesant Handicap, Stymie Handicap, Stymie Handicap, Assault Handicap, Queens County Handicap, etc. Sire. T"wining And Dining (f, by Twining). Winner at 3 and 4, $87,580. 3rd Martha Washington Breeders'

She's Academic (f, by Coastal). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $131,070. 3RD DAM Aftyer Me, by Mongo 8 wins, 3 to 5, $77,412 in NA. 2nd My Fair Lady S. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, including Scouting Party (c. by West Coast Scout). 5 wins at 3 and 5, $62,863. Native Fruit 9f. by Exclusive Native). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $51,480.

MC: 981020019354353 “As is” JCC: 1603167


Sudden Thunder

Storm Cat Storm Bird


Terre Haute Caro (IRE)

Mia Dancer

Dormant Account Miner’s Mark Mr. Prospector

Personal Ensign

After School Arts and Letters

After Me

HIP 40 HIP 40 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled April 8, 2016

By BALCONY (1994). Sire of 16 crops. 186 foals, 127 starters, 4 black type winners, 75 winners, $2,617,334, including MUECA Champion, $303,331, FASCINATIN LADY $283,809, Cl Criadores De Puerto Rico, etc., LA NOVIA DE GABY $182,164, Cl Entrenadores, etc., EPICENTRO $69,890, Cl Velocidad, Lady Wanda Iris $147,554, 2nd Cl Blanqui R., etc., Princess Yohalys $78,141, 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet, Jr., Sr. Minister $66,789, 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Marín, Sr Lucero $56,905, 3rd Copa Gobernador, Alondra C $71,034, El Asturiano $68,414, Mi Tio Pello $4,150, 4th Cl Muñoz Rivera Memorial. 1ST DAM LA DUCHESSA (2002), by Macavity. Winner at 3, $9,199. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners.

PRINCIPESSA, (f. by Billions).11 wins form 2 to 6 $119,730. Clásico Eugenio M De Hostos. Nihal Star (f. by Billions). Winner from 2 to 4, $39,829. 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera. Madiva M (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, $14,402. Oscar Lopez (c. by One Way Flight). Winner $6,434.

2ND DAM MADAME LILLIAN, by Cagey Bidder. Winner at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners,including LILLIANS BOY (g. by Billions). 31 wins, 2 to 8, in PR, $246,795. Won Cl The Kid. 3rd Cl Kilpatrick Aponte.

La Avispa Pica (f. by Sudden Thunder). 13 wins at 2 and 3, $86,644. 3rd Cl Vuelve Candy B. Srta. Sombra (f. by Eqtesaad). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,546.

3RD DAM MERCEDES VALDES, by Valdez. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $79,840. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including Alcala (f. by Once Ivor). 12 wins, 3 to 5, $67,192. Rosalina Tsamar (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $20,630. Dam of Electrico (c. by Mr. Fanucci). Winner at 2, 2012. Sr. Roque (g. by Royal Merlot). Winner at 3, $12,628. Chamaquita (f. by Balcony). Winner at 2, $9,952. ElectricaMia (f. by Don Guido). Winner at 3, $17,578.

MC: 981020019171587 “As is” TJCC: 1608123



Danzing Notherm Dancer

Pas de Nom

This Juliet Alydar

My Juliet

La Duchessa

Macavity Storm Cat

Quite Honestly

Madame lillian Cagey Bidder

Mercedes Valdez

HIP 41 HIP 41 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 15, 2016

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM MISS INTERPRETED (2000), by Marlin. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners

Hickory Dee (f. by Canadian Frontier). Winner at 3, $22,016. El Interprete (c. by Balcony). Winner at 3, 2013, $9,201.

Puchulito (c. by Harbor Master) Winner $18,312. 2ND DAM AMBIGUOUS MISS, by Carson City. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $71,140. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

Inkado (c. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $126,901. 2nd Hot Springs S. Elusive Dream (f. by Mr. Greeley). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $96,280. 3rd Critical Miss S. Dam of 1 winner. Dreamsforever. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $97,247. Miss Yankee (f. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $118,731. Storming Carson (f. by Stormin Fever). 5 wins, 4 to 6, $61,304. Sage Princess (f. by Deputy Commander). Winner at 3, $15,177. Dam of 3 winners, including Sista Baby Girl. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $25,039. Stormin Beeber (f. by Stormin Fever). Placed at 3, $6,475. Dam of 1 winner. Rita's Cheetah (f. by Cape Town). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,754. 3rd Northern Lights Debutante S.

3RD DAM GOOGOLMISS by Iron Ruler. Placed at 3, $428. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including- GALBA (c. by Best Turn). 7 wins, 4 to 7, $219,908. Won New Orleans Handicap. Cornhusker Handicap. Sire. Dusty Miss (f. by Bob’s Dusty. Unraced Dam of 2 winners including MY HEIRESS (f. by Mr. Redoy). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $178,807. Won Yelloe Rose Handicap. MC: 981020019326231 TJCC: 1604149


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Miss Interpreted Marlin Sword Dance (IRE)

Syrian Summer

Ambiguous Carson City


HIP 40 HIP 40 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY COLT Foaled April 8, 2016

By BALCONY (1994). Sire of 16 crops. 186 foals, 127 starters, 4 black type winners, 75 winners, $2,617,334, including MUECA Champion, $303,331, FASCINATIN LADY $283,809, Cl Criadores De Puerto Rico, etc., LA NOVIA DE GABY $182,164, Cl Entrenadores, etc., EPICENTRO $69,890, Cl Velocidad, Lady Wanda Iris $147,554, 2nd Cl Blanqui R., etc., Princess Yohalys $78,141, 3rd Cl Ramón Llobet, Jr., Sr. Minister $66,789, 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Marín, Sr Lucero $56,905, 3rd Copa Gobernador, Alondra C $71,034, El Asturiano $68,414, Mi Tio Pello $4,150, 4th Cl Muñoz Rivera Memorial. 1ST DAM LA DUCHESSA (2002), by Macavity. Winner at 3, $9,199. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners.

PRINCIPESSA, (f. by Billions).11 wins form 2 to 6 $119,730. Clásico Eugenio M De Hostos. Nihal Star (f. by Billions). Winner from 2 to 4, $39,829. 3rd Cl Luis Muñoz Rivera. Madiva M (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, $14,402. Oscar Lopez (c. by One Way Flight). Winner $6,434.

2ND DAM MADAME LILLIAN, by Cagey Bidder. Winner at 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners,including LILLIANS BOY (g. by Billions). 31 wins, 2 to 8, in PR, $246,795. Won Cl The Kid. 3rd Cl Kilpatrick Aponte.

La Avispa Pica (f. by Sudden Thunder). 13 wins at 2 and 3, $86,644. 3rd Cl Vuelve Candy B. Srta. Sombra (f. by Eqtesaad). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,546.

3RD DAM MERCEDES VALDES, by Valdez. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $79,840. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including Alcala (f. by Once Ivor). 12 wins, 3 to 5, $67,192. Rosalina Tsamar (f. by Eqtesaad). 2 wins at 3, $20,630. Dam of Electrico (c. by Mr. Fanucci). Winner at 2, 2012. Sr. Roque (g. by Royal Merlot). Winner at 3, $12,628. Chamaquita (f. by Balcony). Winner at 2, $9,952. ElectricaMia (f. by Don Guido). Winner at 3, $17,578.

MC: 981020019171587 “As is” TJCC: 1608123



Danzing Notherm Dancer

Pas de Nom

This Juliet Alydar

My Juliet

La Duchessa

Macavity Storm Cat

Quite Honestly

Madame lillian Cagey Bidder

Mercedes Valdez

HIP 41 HIP 41 Property of Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.

BAY FILLY Foaled March 15, 2016

By ONE WAY FLIGHT (2003). Black type winner of $202,763, Aspirant S. -R FL, $76,965, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S. -R BEL, $45,000, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 65 foals, 32 starters, 2 stakes winners, 25 winners of 76 races and earning $598,921, including CONCERTADORA $168,451, Cl. Ramon Llobet Jr. S., etc., INGENIERO A $125,267, Cl. Luis Muñoz Marín, etc., Trovero $74,327, 10 wins, Diogu $57,119, 6 wins, Sentencia $32,710, 2nd Antonio R. Matos S., Chica Rican $43,507, 2nd Cl. Eugenio Maria de Hostos S., Sargento Mayor $27,335, 4 wins, Ten Pin Tap $26,080, 3 wins, Bertito M. $15,892, Dificultad $15,217, 3 wins, Mi Decision $14,016. 1ST DAM MISS INTERPRETED (2000), by Marlin. Dam of 3 foals to race, 3 winners

Hickory Dee (f. by Canadian Frontier). Winner at 3, $22,016. El Interprete (c. by Balcony). Winner at 3, 2013, $9,201.

Puchulito (c. by Harbor Master) Winner $18,312. 2ND DAM AMBIGUOUS MISS, by Carson City. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $71,140. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners

Inkado (c. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $126,901. 2nd Hot Springs S. Elusive Dream (f. by Mr. Greeley). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $96,280. 3rd Critical Miss S. Dam of 1 winner. Dreamsforever. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $97,247. Miss Yankee (f. by Yankee Gentleman). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $118,731. Storming Carson (f. by Stormin Fever). 5 wins, 4 to 6, $61,304. Sage Princess (f. by Deputy Commander). Winner at 3, $15,177. Dam of 3 winners, including Sista Baby Girl. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2013, $25,039. Stormin Beeber (f. by Stormin Fever). Placed at 3, $6,475. Dam of 1 winner. Rita's Cheetah (f. by Cape Town). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,754. 3rd Northern Lights Debutante S.

3RD DAM GOOGOLMISS by Iron Ruler. Placed at 3, $428. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, including- GALBA (c. by Best Turn). 7 wins, 4 to 7, $219,908. Won New Orleans Handicap. Cornhusker Handicap. Sire. Dusty Miss (f. by Bob’s Dusty. Unraced Dam of 2 winners including MY HEIRESS (f. by Mr. Redoy). 16 wins, 3 to 7, $178,807. Won Yelloe Rose Handicap. MC: 981020019326231 TJCC: 1604149


One Way Flight

Precise End End Sweep


Harps and Wings Relaunch

Angelic Note

Miss Interpreted Marlin Sword Dance (IRE)

Syrian Summer

Ambiguous Carson City


HIP 42 HIP 42 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled April 27, 2016

By BIZARRO (2009). Winner of $35,321. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 13 foals, 4 starters, 2 winners of 3 races and earning $27,462, Lady Girona, to 3, 2018, $16,160, Que Locura at 3, 2018, $9,012. Son of stakes winner Unbridled’s Song, leading sire, sire of 121 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Arrogate $17,422,600, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., etc., Forever Unbridled $3,186,880, Longines Breeders’ Cup Distaff, etc., Will Take Charge 7 wins, $3,924,648, Travers S., etc. 1ST DAM TONADILLA (2004), by Royal Merlot. 22 wins in 35 starts, 2 to 7, $386,881, champion 2 and 3 year old filly in P.R., Cl. Antonio R. Matos, Criadores de P.R., Cl. Ramón Llobet, Jr., Cl. Camarero, Cl. Constitución, 2ndCl. Eugenio M. De Hostos, Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Copa Dama del Caribe, 3rdCl. Constitución, Cl. Dia de las Madres. Half-sister to Alma Caribeña. Dam of 2 other foals, including Tonadillera (f, by El Corredor). 2 wins at 3, $18,193. 2ND DAM NOBLE AGENDA, by Twilight Agenda. Unraced. Half-sister to Noble Form. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including TONADILLA (f, by Royal Merlot). Champion, above. Alma Caribeña (f. by End Sweet). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $56,856, 2nd Cl. Dia de Reyes, Copa Criadores Hembras. 3RD DAM NOBLE WINGS, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Half-sister to SOARING SOFTLY, PLENTY OF GRACE. Dam of 8 winners, including Noble Form. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Arima Race Club|| Cup. Producer. Noble Barca. 2 wins at 3 in Chile. Dam of 4 winners, including PINIPALO. 4 wins, 2 to 4, 19,268,750 pesos, in Chile, El debut Potrillos, 3rd Luis Larrain P. Nacional Machos,$29,390.

MC: 981020019331004 JCC: 1614052



Unbridled’s Song Unbridled Trolley Song Quite a Bride Stormy Atlantic Wise Bride


Royal Merlot Forty Niner Gana Facil Noble Agenda Twilight Agenda Noble Wings

Felicitamos a la familia y empleados del Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.,

en su Gran Subasta Anual de Potros 2018.

“En Agro Servicios estamos 100% comprometidos con la Industria y la

crianza de Caballos de Carreras Nativos de Puerto Rico”.

Ofrecemos una gran variedad de

productos de calidad para todas las necesidades de su ejemplar.

HIP 42 HIP 42 Haras Santa Isabel Inc., AGENT

BAY FILLY Foaled April 27, 2016

By BIZARRO (2009). Winner of $35,321. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 13 foals, 4 starters, 2 winners of 3 races and earning $27,462, Lady Girona, to 3, 2018, $16,160, Que Locura at 3, 2018, $9,012. Son of stakes winner Unbridled’s Song, leading sire, sire of 121 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Arrogate $17,422,600, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., etc., Forever Unbridled $3,186,880, Longines Breeders’ Cup Distaff, etc., Will Take Charge 7 wins, $3,924,648, Travers S., etc. 1ST DAM TONADILLA (2004), by Royal Merlot. 22 wins in 35 starts, 2 to 7, $386,881, champion 2 and 3 year old filly in P.R., Cl. Antonio R. Matos, Criadores de P.R., Cl. Ramón Llobet, Jr., Cl. Camarero, Cl. Constitución, 2ndCl. Eugenio M. De Hostos, Cl. Vuelve Candy B., Copa Dama del Caribe, 3rdCl. Constitución, Cl. Dia de las Madres. Half-sister to Alma Caribeña. Dam of 2 other foals, including Tonadillera (f, by El Corredor). 2 wins at 3, $18,193. 2ND DAM NOBLE AGENDA, by Twilight Agenda. Unraced. Half-sister to Noble Form. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including TONADILLA (f, by Royal Merlot). Champion, above. Alma Caribeña (f. by End Sweet). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $56,856, 2nd Cl. Dia de Reyes, Copa Criadores Hembras. 3RD DAM NOBLE WINGS, by Vaguely Noble. Unraced. Half-sister to SOARING SOFTLY, PLENTY OF GRACE. Dam of 8 winners, including Noble Form. Placed at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 3rd Arima Race Club|| Cup. Producer. Noble Barca. 2 wins at 3 in Chile. Dam of 4 winners, including PINIPALO. 4 wins, 2 to 4, 19,268,750 pesos, in Chile, El debut Potrillos, 3rd Luis Larrain P. Nacional Machos,$29,390.

MC: 981020019331004 JCC: 1614052



Unbridled’s Song Unbridled Trolley Song Quite a Bride Stormy Atlantic Wise Bride


Royal Merlot Forty Niner Gana Facil Noble Agenda Twilight Agenda Noble Wings

Felicitamos a la familia y empleados del Haras Santa Isabel, Inc.,

en su Gran Subasta Anual de Potros 2018.

“En Agro Servicios estamos 100% comprometidos con la Industria y la

crianza de Caballos de Carreras Nativos de Puerto Rico”.

Ofrecemos una gran variedad de

productos de calidad para todas las necesidades de su ejemplar.