Ingles Gramatica EJERCICIOS.docx


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  • 8/10/2019 Ingles Gramatica EJERCICIOS.docx


    Leccin 1: Plural del sustantivo1.- Escribe el pl ur al de los siguientes sustanti vos:

    1. Globe

    2. Dish

    3. Day

    4. Tax

    5. Match

    6. Parody

    7. Wish

    8. Flash

    9. Potato

    10. Box

    11. Go

    12. Casualty

    13. Church

    14. Miss

    15. Lieutenant

    16. Mouth

    17. Lens

    18. Cry

    19. Witch

    20. Boy

    21. Archer

    22. Bus

    23. Salary

    24. Dress

  • 8/10/2019 Ingles Gramatica EJERCICIOS.docx


    Leccin 2: Doblar la consonante f inal1.- Escribe la palabra que se indica entr e parntesis a parti r de los siguientes infini ti vos:1. To cut (participio presente)

    2. To sleep (participio presente)

    3. To accept (participio pasado)

    4. To fit (participio presente)

    5. To behave (participio presente)

    6. To put (participio presente)

    7. To repel (participio presente)

    8. To look (participio pasado)

    9. To attack (participio presente)

    10. To grow (participio presente)

    11. To submit (participio presente)

    12. To cook (participio presente)

    13. To travel (participio presente)

    14. To listen (sustantivo)

    15. To commit (participio presente)

    16. To rest (participio presente)

    17. To land (participio pasado)

    18. To dream (sustantivo)

    19. To forbid (participio presente)

    20. To conquer (sustantivo)

    21. To dig (participio presente)

    22. To blow (participio presente)

    23. To cross (participio presente)

    24. To spend (participio presente)

    25. To fix (participio pasado)

  • 8/10/2019 Ingles Gramatica EJERCICIOS.docx


    Leccin 3: Palabras que terminan en "-y"Escribe la f orma que se indica entre parntesis a part ir de las siguientes palabras:1. To fly (participio presente)

    2. To carry (participio pasado)

    3. To play (sustantivo)

    4. Baby (plural)

    5. Sunny (superlativo)

    6. To decay (participio pasado)

    7. Donkey (plural)

    8. Family (plural)

    9. Jockey (plural)

    10. To spray (participio pasado)

    11. To obey (participio pasado)

    12. Voluntary (adverbio)

    13. Heavy (superlativo)

    14. To unify (participio presente)

    15. To play (participio pasado)

    16. Sporty (sustantivo)

    17. Spray (plural)

    18. Cemetery (plural)

    19. To qualify (participio presente)

    20. To falsify (participio presente)

    21. To worry (participio pasado)

    22. To pray (participio pasado)

    23. To cry (participio pasado)

    24. Angry (adverbio)

    25. Dictionary (plural)

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    Leccin 4: Palabras que terminan en " -e"Escribe la f orma que se indica entre parntesis a par ti r de las siguientes palabras:1. To compete (participio presente)

    2. To drive (participio presente)

    3. To decline (participio pasado)

    4. Complete (adverbio)

    5. To blame (participio presente)

    6. Close (superlativo)

    7. Visible (adverbio)

    8. To practise (participio pasado)

    9. To oppose (participio presente)

    10. Precise (adverbio)

    11. To leave (participio presente)

    12. Gentle (adverbio)

    13. Wise (superlativo)

    14. To give (participio presente)

    15. To arrive (participio pasado)

    16. Subtle (superlativo)

    17. To abuse (participio presente)

    18. Possible (adverbio)

    19. To agree (participio presente)

    20. Arguable (adverbio)

    21. To invite (participio presente)

    22. Decisive (adverbio)

    23. Crude (adverbio)

    24. To capture (participio pasado)

    25. Brave (comparativo)

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    Leccin 5: Omisin del ar tculoI ndi ca que artculo habra que emplear para completar las siguientes oraciones. En caso de que no fueranecesar io n ingn artculo selalo con una " N" :

    1. Could you bring me ________ glass of water?

    2. Are you going to play ________ football with your friends?

    3. You can see ________ cat lying on that roof

    4. Yesterday evening I was at ________ home because I didn't feel well

    5. The Cathedral of Seville is one of the biggest in ________ world

    6. That sailing boat is made of ________ aluminium

    7. ________ Freedom is one of the pillars of modern society

    8. You can see ________ eagles flying over those hills

    9. I want to buy ________ books for this summer

    10. Theses plants need ________ water urgently

    11. In our days, car accidents are one of the main causes of ________ death

    12. I like ________ coffee very much

    13. ________ Love can change your life

    14. I visited ________ church of St. Michael in Paris

    15. ________ Health is the first thing needed to find happiness

    16. Last Sunday morning I went to ________ church with my girlfriend

    17. After doing sport I really enjoy ________ good beer

    18. ________ party was a real disaster. People got drunk immediately

    19. ________ love I feel for my daughter is the most important thing in my life

    20. What ________ good coffee you can drink in that bar!

    21. ________ Death is the end of life

    22. Can you give me ________ piece of paper, please?

    23. ________ death of our boss has been a shock for all of us

    24. ________ Electricity is the basis of modern life

    25. What ________ weather! All day raining

    26. Are you coming with me to ________ hospital to see Peter?

    27. He doesn't have any sense of ________ justice

    28. This morning I got ________ taxi to go to work because it was very late

    29. I went to ________ school to speak to my son's teacher

    30. When I drive I like to listen to ________ music

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    Leccin 6: Nombres geogrficos con / sin ar tculo1.- I ndica cuales de estos nombr es propios va acompaado del ar tcul o " the" . Aquellos que no lo ll evenselalo con una " N" :1. ________ Caribbean Sea

    2. ________ Argentina

    3. ________ Artic Ocean

    4. ________ Amazon

    5. ________ Canary Islands

    6. ________ New Zealand

    7. ________ West of Senegal

    8. ________ Antigua (isla)

    9. ________ Azores

    10. ________ Urals

    11. ________ Rhine

    12. ________ Seychelles

    13. ________ Lake Ontario

    14. ________ North Sea

    15. ________ Atlantic

    16. ________ Middle East

    17. ________ Hamburg

    18. ________ Africa

    19. ________ Rocky Mountains

    20. ________ Republic of South Africa

    21. ________ Brazil

    22. ________ Ibiza

    23. ________ Republic of Ireland

    24. ________ Vienna

    25. ________ Philippines

    26. ________ Czech Republic

    27. ________ West Indies

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    Leccin 7: Caso posesivo (' s) versus " of + sustantivo"Ordena las palabras entre parntesis , uti li zando la estructura del apstrofe " ' s" o de la preposicin " __of ___" segn convenga:

    1. (the / bodyguards / palace)

    2. (motorbike / son / the)

    3. (parents / cousin / the)

    4. (strategy / government / the)

    5. (attack / terrorist / Madrid)

    6. (exams / the / week)

    7. (the / book / end)

    8. (leader / the / party )

    9. (habits / neighbours / the)

    10. (news / evening / the)

    11. (the / equipment / soldier)

    12. (horns / the / bull )

    13. (colour / the / sea)

    14. (the / illness / friend )

    15. (the / traffic / morning / jam)

    16. (the / plane / wings)

    17. (team / coach / the)

    18. (constitution / Europe)

    19. (gleam / the / mirror)

    20. (daughter / Mr / Wilson )

    21. (food / horse / the)

    22. (the / car / tyres)

    23. (salaries / my / colleagues )

    24. (building / age / the)

    25. (capital / my / country )

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    Leccin 8: " of + sustantivo" versus " compound nouns"Une las palabras entr e parntesis uti li zando la estructur a " of + (the) noun" o " compound nouns" segnconvenga:

    1. (tournament / summer)

    2. (number / victims)

    3. (engine / car)

    4. (bottle / plastic)

    5. (school / driving)

    6. (airport / city)

    7. (tie / silk)

    8. (course / winter)

    9. (colour / sky)

    10. (centre / town)

    11. (cost / life)

    12. (belt / safety)

    13. (lenght / beach)

    14. (roof / house)

    15. (toilet / restaurant)

    16. (shorts / boxer)

    17. (bridge / river)

    18. (bag / tea)

    19. (gate / iron)

    20. (level / sea)

    21. (bill / telephone)

    22. (shade / tree)

    23. (shop / shoe)

    24. (weight / box)

    25. (evening / Saturday)

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    Leccin 9: Orden de los adjetivosEscribe las siguientes frases, poniendo en orden los adjetivos entre parntesis (separa l os adjetivos conuna coma, salvo el ltimo)

    1. A ________ woman (Spanish / nice / old)

    2. A ________ table (square / big / wooden)

    3. A ________ carpet (Russian / yellow / rectangular)

    4. A ________ beach (beautiful / quiet / long)

    5. A ________ car (Italian / fast / red)

    6. An ________ girl (cheerful / young / attractive)

    7. A ________ painting (Spanish / modern / marvellous)

    8. An ________ book (old / interesting / German)

    9. An ________ watch (golden / old / Swiss)

    10. A ________ diamond (hexagonal / expensive / big )

    11. A ________ man (tall / blond / good-looking)

    12. A ________ bucket (plastic / grey / big)

    13. A ________ house (typical / wooden / Swedish)

    14. A ________ tie (Italian / silky / red)

    15. A ________ street (picturesque / narrow / city centre)

    16. A ________ friend (French / old / close)

    17. A ________ church (small / cosy / catholic)

    18. A ________ singer (romantic / Irish / young)

    19. A ________ train (new / Japanese / speedy)

    20. A ________ dish (Turkish / traditional / delicious)

    21. A ________ shirt (woollen / cheap / red)

    22. A ________ film (Italian / successful / old)

    23. An ________ holiday (one-week / unforgettable / expensive)

    24. A ________ boy (thin / red-haired / naughty)

    25. A ________ racket (old / wooden / fantastic)

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    Leccin 10: Posicin del adverbio en la oracin1.- Escribe nuevamente las siguientes frases incluyendo en el l ugar corr espondiente el adverbio que figurentre parntesis (adems de la solucin que aquse da podra haber en al gunos casos alguna otraalternativa)

    1. The kids play and it is impossible to sleep (noisily)

    2. Henry will know the results of his maths exam (soon)

    3. You cant find that book. It is not published any more (anywhere)

    4. My boss is travelling abroad (always)

    5. I felt very sick and had to call the doctor (recently)

    6. My client answered all the questions the judge asked him (correctly)

    7. Tomorrow the weather will be a little bit better (perhaps)

    8. The parents waited for their daughter (impatiently)

    9. This flat is in a worse condition than we expected (certainly)

    10. Your brother isn't. I think he left one hour ago (upstairs)

    11. My son behaves badly. I am desperate (always)

    12. John is not here; he has gone (downstairs)

    13. This man is crazy. We should call the police (completely)

    14. My girlfriend arrived at the party (very late)

    15. Emma has finished her homework (almost)

    16. The dog ran with the ball in its mouth (away)

    17. He didn't go to work because he had a very bad toothache (yesterday)

    18. Linda has been very friendly with us and I don't know the reason (never)

    19. I haven't seen my neighbours; probably they are away (lately)

    20. Caroline is thin and should go to the doctor (extremely)

    21. His secretary answers the phone and it is impossible to contact him (never)

    22. The mother looks at her baby (affectionately)

    23. The cause of this accident has been a human error (officially)

    24. I cant find your brother (anywhere)

    25. We have paid our telephone bills (periodically)

    26. I have understood your explanation; could you repeat it again? (hardly)

    27. My daughter listens to music (silently)

    28. That man is drunk; he cannot drive in this condition (completely)

    29. He decided to leave his job and he moved away (eventually)

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    Leccin 10: Ejercicios (cont.)

    1.- Escribe nuevamente las siguientes frases incluyendo en el l ugar corr espondiente el adverbio que figurentre parntesis (adems de la solucin que aquse da podra haber en al gunos casos alguna otraalternativa)

    1. It is better to postpone our decision about the sale of the company (definitely)

    2. My father signed the documents that his lawyer presented him (reluctantly)

    3. He has been accused of smuggling (apparently)

    4. We are flying to Paris with our friends (today)

    5. Sally has answered two questions out of ten (only)

    6. Mark has gone to get the dictionary (upstairs)

    7. Your boss wants to see you (at once)

    8. I cannot carry that trunk; it is heavy for me (too)

    9. The kid eats the biscuits (anxiously)

    10. The accused will be sentenced to life imprisonment (presumably)

    11. I have seen that film and I really liked it (somewhere)

    12. He has spent his holidays in Greece (frequently)

    13. She doesn't like me. Even more, she detests me (clearly)

    14. The couple danced when the music stopped (happily)

    15. I have very strong headaches (sometimes)

    16. Don't worry, you will receive your money (soon)

    17. I haven't finished my homework (yet)

    18. She plays golf well (extremely)

    19. The boy threw the ball and hit a pedestrian (outside)

    20. Alice won the golden medal in the marathon (almost)

    21. She will come with us to the party (probably)

    22. They live with two dogs and one cat (downstairs)

    23. George has done his exam well and I am sure that he will pass it (pretty)

    24. This house is much more expensive than the old one (naturally)

    25. We will have a very important meeting with our president (tomorrow)

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    26. Diana hid the box, where noone could find it (downstairs)

    27. Your mother doesn't want to buy you a motorbike (obviously)

    28. My son read the book while I watched TV (attentively)

    Leccin 11: Verbos seguidos de inf ini tivo / gerundio1.- Escribe (nicamente) el verbo entre parntesis en in fini tivo o en gerundi o segn convenga

    1. I hope ________ my studies this year (to finish)

    2. She promised ________ to me during her trip (to write)

    3. My boss postponed ________ a decision about my promotion (to make)

    4. I learned ________ English at school (to speak)

    5. My son detests ________ his medicine (to take)

    6. I dislike ________ up early, especially on Monday (to get)

    7. The police pretended ________ the terrorist at the border (to arrest)

    8. The old couple swore ________ a formal complaint against the hotel (to make)

    9. After my injury I missed ________ tennis a lot (to play)

    10. Forgive me for ________ you but your boss wants to see you immediately (to interrupt)

    11. I imagine ________ a sailing boat and travelling around the world (to have)

    12. She decided ________ her holidays in Italy (to spend)

    13. When the teacher entered the classroom the students stopped ________ a noise (to make)

    14. Driving so fast he risks ________ an accident (to have)

    15. The company postponed ________ its American franchise (to sell)

    16. My sister agrees ________ me money for my new house (to lend)

    17. The fire brigade decided ________ the fire with two helicopters (to extinguish)

    18. I completely detest ________ to the beach on Sundays; they are totally crowded (to go)

    19. Last weekend I tried ________ from Madrid to Seville without stopping (to drive)

    20. You must remember ________ your mum before leaving (to call)

    21. Every morning my dad likes ________ the newspaper during his breakfast (to read)

    22. I am afraid ________ to the boat; it is too far for me (to swim)

    23. I will try ________ the washing machine this afternoon (to repair)

    24. My girlfriend dislikes ________ the dishes (to wash)

    25. The thief admitted ________ the bag (to steal)

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    Leccin 12: Some / AnyI ndica en cuales de las sigu ientes oraciones hay que uti li zar " some" y en cuales " any" :

    1. I have seen ________ dogs running after the postman

    2. Dou you have ________ books on French culture?

    3. Can I have ________ ice-cream please?

    4. You don't have ________ idea about the real situation of this company

    5. Could you lend me ________ money please? I really need it

    6. I have seen ________ films about the assassination of JFK

    7. I couldn't find ________ explanations for his behaviour

    8. Have you received ________ letters from your brother?

    9. If I have ________ doubt, I will ask you for help

    10. I haven't found ________ friends at the party

    11. I have bought ________ discs for my father

    12. Did I receive ________ calls when I was out?

    13. If I had ________ problem I would call you

    14. ________ of those suspects could have been the assassin

    15. Do you want ________ coffee? Yes, please

    16. Mum, can I invite ________ friends to my birthday please?

    17. When I was young I did ________ sports

    18. I don't have ________ souvenirs from Greece

    19. ________ houses have been destroyed by the fire

    20. The police didn't find ________ clues in the flat

    21. Could I have ________ water please?

    22. You must agree with me that ________ politicians don't behave ethically

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    Leccin 13: Much / Many / L itt le / Few / A lot of1.- I ndica en cuales de las siguientes oraciones hay que utili zar " much" / " many" / " little" / " few" o " alot of" :

    1. There are ________ people who prefer to work part-time

    2. We don't have ________ time to listen to your arguments

    3. You need ________ time to finish your homework

    4. Look at the sky! You can see ________ birds flying southwards

    5. Have you received ________ letters from your friend?

    6. ________ people know that you worked abroad for ten years

    7. I can see that you have ________ interest in helping me

    8. ________ cars can go more than 300 km per hour

    9. There were ________ foreigners in that village last summer?

    10. I am very busy; I have ________ things to do

    11. Mark is not a millionaire. I am sure he doesn't have ________ money

    12. I put a ________ bit of sugar in my coffee because I don't like it very sweet

    13. Peter has a stomach ache and that is because he ate ________ biscuits

    14. He didn't have ________ luck. He lost all his money in the casino

    15. It is a very small car park; it allows ________ cars

    16. We haven't had ________ rain during this year

    17. I have ________ books on the Second World War

    18. He made ________ effort to win the race

    19. Martin doesn't eat ________ meat because he thinks that that is unhealthy

    20. Do you have ________ friends in England?

    21. He was very furious and said ________ nonsense

    22. ________ people can agree with your point of view about immigration

    23. After ________ attempts he could cross the river

    24. In the morning you can see ________ people running to the beach

    25. He found ________ support in his family when he got divorced

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    Leccin 14: No-one / Anyone / Nobody / Anybody....- Indica en cuales de las siguientes oraciones hay que utili zar " no-one" / " anyone" / " nobody" /" anybody" / " nothing" / " anything" / " nowhere" / " anywhere" / " no" o " any" :

    1. ________ will vote for a party with such extremist ideologies

    2. You won't find ________ who wants to support your party

    3. Nowadays you cannot travel ________ without a credit card

    4. ________ you will find people so friendly like in my country

    5. ________ can help you to solve that problem; you have to do it yourself

    6. I haven't found ________ interesting in that bookshop

    7. ________ information was given when the flight was delayed

    8. ________ wrote to me while I was in Finland

    9. I feel a little bit embarrassed because I haven't brought ________ for the party

    10. You can trust me. I won't tell your secret to ________

    11. ________ complained when the flight was delayed

    12. I cannot find ________ explanation for his behaviour

    13. ________ told me that you called last night

    14. ________ the kids are better than in the school

    15. ________ is more important than health

    16. Kevin hasn't phoned ________ this morning

    17. James is not going ________ this summer; he will stay here

    18. ________ was arrested by the police after the robbery

    19. ________ good has happened to me in the last two weeks

    20. ________ will buy your car; it is too old and in a very bad condition

    21. The accused didn't answer ________ questions during the interrogation

    22. I didn't hear ________ noise last night; the thieves entered my flat very quietly

    23. My sister didn't write to ________ while she was in Ireland

    24. I don't know ________ who speaks Russian

    25. ________ knows that you have been promoted to general manager

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    Leccin 15: Respuestas cor tasContesta las sigui entes oraciones util izando una r espuesta corta (pr imera persona del singular ):1. I li ke football a lot. ________

    2. I didn't go to that concert. ________

    3. I can speak English fluently. ________

    4. I have read that book. ________

    5. I am fed up with his critics. ________

    6. I don't feel well today. ________

    7. He did his homework. ________

    8. I could get a ticket for the flight. ________

    9. I cannot fix my bike. ________

    10. I went to the beach last Sunday. ________

    11. I have tidied my bedroom. ________

    12. He couldn't finish the marathon. ________

    13. I didn't pass the exam. ________

    14. He has played tennis this afternoon. ________

    15. I haven't finished my breakfast. ________

    16. I feel very sad. ________

    17. I don't like his girlfriend. ________

    18. He liked your party a lot. ________

    19. I cannot lend him money. ________

    20. I haven't been invited to the party. ________

    21. I have watered the garden. ________

    22. He arrived very late; I had already left. ________

    23. I wasn't there when the bomb exploded. ________

    24. He has spoken in the meeting. ________

    25. He isn't ready for the match. ________

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    Leccin 16: Question tagsContesta las sigui entes oraciones util izando una r espuesta corta (pr imera persona del singular ):

    1. I like football a lot. ________

    2. I didn't go to that concert. ________

    3. I can speak English fluently. ________

    4. I have read that book. ________

    5. I am fed up with his critics. ________

    6. I don't feel well today. ________

    7. He did his homework. ________

    8. I could get a ticket for the flight. ________

    9. I cannot fix my bike. ________

    10. I went to the beach last Sunday. ________

    11. I have tidied my bedroom. ________

    12. He couldn't finish the marathon. ________

    13. I didn't pass the exam. ________

    14. He has played tennis this afternoon. ________

    15. I haven't finished my breakfast. ________

    16. I feel very sad. ________

    17. I don't like his girlfriend. ________

    18. He liked your party a lot. ________

    19. I cannot lend him money. ________

    20. I haven't been invited to the party. ________

    21. I have watered the garden. ________

    22. He arrived very late; I had already left. ________

    23. I wasn't there when the bomb exploded. ________

    24. He has spoken in the meeting. ________

    25. He isn't ready for the match. ________

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    Leccin 17: " Present" versus " Present continuous"Escribe el verbo entr e parntesis en " present" o " present continuous" segn cor responda:

    1. I ________ French literature a lot (to like)

    2. Where is your brother? My brother ________ tennis with James (to play)

    3. My neighbour is a cook; he ________ in a Mexican restaurant (to work)

    4. Excuse me, but I cannot open the door; I ________ a shower (to have)

    5. The phone ________; John, can you answer it, please? (to ring)

    6. Andrew, Why you ________ at me? (to shout)

    7. My wife ________ occasionally, mainly in parties (to smoke)

    8. My sister ________ the piano like a professional (to play)

    9. Where is your husband? He ________ the car (to wash)

    10. Congratulations Paul!, Your English ________ little by little (to improve)

    11. She is a dancer; she ________ in the National Ballet (to perform)

    12. Sorry, but at this moment I can not contact my boss; he ________ to London (to fly)

    13. Where do you come from? I ________ from Jamaica (to come)

    14. Chris, stop the car; the engine ________ a very strange noise (to make)

    15. We ________ elections in my country every four years (to have)

    16. My kids ________ to bed at 9 o'clock (to go)

    17. In winter, it ________ almost every day in Scotland (to rain)

    18. Alice is very religious; she ________ to mass every day (to go)

    19. My mother ________ supper ready (to get)

    20. In my country we ________ very high taxes (to pay)

    21. You________ too fast; I can not understand what you are saying (to speak)

    22. My family ________ to the beach every summer (to go)

    23. Peter is an economist; he ________ in a foreign bank (to work)

    24. Please don't disturb him; he ________ his homework (to do)

    25. Margaret, look at that plane! It ________ down (to come)

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    Leccin 18: " Present continuous" versus " Future"Escribe el verbo entre parntesis en " futu re" o " present continuous" segn corresponda:

    1. I ________ a meeting in half an hour (to have)

    2. Which team do you think ________ the match? (to win)

    3. This evening I ________ to the Opera with my girlfriend (to go)

    4. I have studied very hard and I am sure I ________ the exam (to pass)

    5. I am sure your girlfriend ________ you for that little fault (to forgive)

    6. This afternoon my sister ________ an interview with a head hunter (to have)

    7. It's not sure but probably I ________ with you to the party (to go)

    8. If you continue disturbing the neighbours, they ________ you (to report)

    9. I feel very tired; I think I ________ this report tomorrow (to finish)

    10. I don't think that my father ________ a new car (to buy)

    11. I am sure that my train ________ late (to arrive)

    12. The condition of this patient is really bad; probably he ________ in the next few days (to die)

    13. Tomorrow we ________ with some friends to the Town Festival (to go)

    14. This winter the Annual Meeting of the G-7 ________ place in Madrid (to take)

    15. My boss ________ in two weeks (to retire)

    16. Tomorrow my mother ________ lunch with her friends (to have)

    17. As I told you before this evening we ________ dinner with our parents in law (to have)

    18. This Friday my brother ________ back from Moscow (to come)

    19. My brother ________ married next month (to get)

    20. This Friday I ________ to Rome (to travel)

    21. I am completely convinced that our candidate ________ the next elections (to win)

    22. This Sunday our CEO ________ our regional branches (to visit)

    23. Tomorrow afternoon we ________ football with our neighbours (to play)

    24. I m not feeling well; I ________ back home (to go)

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    20: "Past simple" vs "Present perfect"Escribe el verbo entre parntesis en " past simple" o " present per fect" segn cor responda:

    1. They ________ and are now on their honeymoon (To get married)

    2. I ________ studying 10 years ago (To finish)

    3. ________ you my daughter? I can't find her (To see)

    4. I ________ a very interesting book about the Spanish Empire (recientemente) (To finish)

    5. I ________ the watch that my wife gave me on our honeymoon (To lose)

    6. This morning I ________ to the Spanish Embassy in Paris (To be) (todava es por la maana)

    7. They ________ five years ago in Naples (To get married)

    8. Today I ________ a programme on television about Africa (To watch)

    9. This is the first time I ________ to the Theatre (To be)

    10. Today I ________ tennis with my nephew (To play)

    11. My mother is not at home, she ________ to the school to speak to my teacher (To go)

    12. Where have you been this afternoon? I ________ to a restaurant with my wife (To be)

    13. When I ________ to London I visited the National Gallery (To go)

    14. A while ago I ________ a very interesting book about Islamic culture (To read)

    15. I ________ four men yesterday morning near my office (To see)

    16. This year I ________ my studies (To finish)

    17. When I was a child I ________ tennis with my dad (To play)

    18. Your boss ________ you yesterday evening (To phone)

    19. Today I ________ my father several times but I haven't been able to contact him (To phone) (todava es por


    20. Americans ________ to the Moon in 1969 (To go)

    21. A few days ago I ________ a very interesting programme on television about hunting (To watch)

    22. I went to the Russian Circus when I ________ Moscow (To visit)

    23. I already ________ too much. I should stop now because I have to drive later (To drink)

    24. Oh! I ________ my watch. Have you seen it? (To lose)

    25. Last Friday I ________ a lot at my friends wedding. I couldn't drive back home (To drink)

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    21: " Present perfect continuous" vs " Present perfect"Escribe el verbo entr e parntesis en " present perfect" o " present perfect conti nuous" segn cor responda

    1. This evening I ________ two letters to my parents (to write)

    2. My daughter ________ letters to her friends for hours (to write)

    3. This morning I ________ breakfast for my wife (to prepare)

    4. Today Lucy ________ her boyfriend three times (to phone)

    5. My friends ________ around Italy for five months (to travel)

    6. I ________ to music all evening (to listen)

    7. I ________ English since I was a child (to learn)

    8. We are coming from the beach where my kids ________ a sandcastle (to make)

    9. Why are you so dirty? I ________ in the garden (to work)

    10. I ________ to Malaga for three days with my in-laws (to be)

    11. I ________ my homework. Now I am going to rest (to finish)

    12. My brother ________ TV for three hours (to watch)

    13. John ________ since 3 o'clock (to study)

    14. The fatal accident just ________. The police haven't arrived yet (to happen)

    15. ________ you my watch? I have just lost it (to see)

    16. Emma is very tired; she ________ all day (to work)

    17. My son ________ two pages so far (to translate)

    18. What weather! It ________ since yesterday (to rain)

    19. This week my team ________ one match (to win)

    20. Today I ________ my room (to paint)

    21. My kids ________ at the beach all morning (to play)

    22. I ________ in this town since last February (to live)

    23. The police ________ the murderer (to arrest)

    24. What has happened to the neighbours? They ________ for hours (to shout)

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    22: " Past simple" vs " Past perf ect"Escribe el verbo entre parntesis en " past perf ect" o " past simple" segn corr esponda:

    1. My father ________ in Madrid when he was young (To live)

    2. David's car was very new; he just ________ it (To buy)

    3. Ann passed her exam because she ________ a lot (To study)

    4. The oil tanker ________ in the middle of a terrible hurricane (To sink)

    5. Last summer my parents went to London; they never ________ there before (To be)

    6. When the police arrived the terrorist just ________ one hostage (To kill) (acababa de suceder)

    7. Mark didn't ________ me to his birthday party (To invite)

    8. Yesterday morning my kids ________ to the zoo (To go)

    9. Ten years ago I ________ 100.000 euros for my house (To pay)

    10. When I saw your father I didn't recognize him. He ________ a lot (To change)

    11. The first time I ________ my wife was in Paris during the Roland Garros Tournament (To meet)

    12. Last night I ________ to bed very late because I was reading a book (To go)

    13. When my mother phoned me yesterday night I just ________ to bed (To go) (justo poco antes de la llamada

    14. I didn't see my brother last summer. He ________ in France (To be)

    15. I arrived very late at the party and my friends just ________ (To leave) (acababan de marcharse)

    16. Mr Wilson ________ alone in his castle (To die)

    17. Last September the village was very quiet: the holiday makers already ________ (To leave) (pocos das antes

    18. Last time I went to Barcelona they ________the Olympic Village (To open) (poco tiempo antes)

    19. When the bomb exploded the police already ________ the building (To evacuate)

    20. I ________ for an American firm for 10 years (To work) (ya no trabajo)

    21. We ________ our trip to Italy a lot (To enjoy)

    22. When the helicopter finally arrived the oil tanker ________ (To sink)

    23. When the vaccine was finally developed that strange illness already ________ thousands of people (To kill)

    24. The bomb ________ in front of the police station (To explode)

    25. The public ________ the referee during the match (To insult)

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    23: Can / MayEl ige " Can" o " May" para completar las siguientes oraciones, segn sea la forma ms habitual o aquellque se indica entr e parntesis:

    1. My boss ________ speak English very fluently

    2. You ________ take my dictionary for your exam (formal)

    3. Your sister ________ come with us to the cinema. It depends on your mother (formal)

    4. You ________ open the bottle with that corkscrew

    5. You ________ use my computer if you want (formal)

    6. ________ you bring me a glass of water, please?

    7. My father is very strong, he ________ lift 100 kg

    8. You ________ enter the party with this invitation

    9. You ________ find that book in the Central Library

    10. ________ I switch on the light? I would like to read the newspaper (informal)

    11. Philip ________ use his father's motorbike

    12. If you need it you ________ use our lawnmower (formal)

    13. ________ you help me to clean the swimming pool, please?

    14. I ________ use the company car for private trips (informal)

    15. There are rumours that the Spanish airline Iberia ________ merge with British Airway

    16. We are going to the park; you ________ come with us if you want (formal)

    17. With that telescope you ________ see Mars

    18. You should buy lottery tickets; you ________ become millionaire

    19. ________ you help me to move this heavy box? I cannot do it on my own (informal)

    20. If you have any questions you ________ ask me (formal)

    21. My brother works in the Air Force; he ________ fly a fighter plane

    22. If you study hard you ________ pass your exams

    23. During the flight you ________ not use your mobile

    24. With my savings I ________ buy a new car

    25. Mark doesn't answer the phone; he ________ have left his office because he didn't feel well

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    24: Can / CouldEl ige " Can" / " Could" / " Be able" para completar l as sigu ientes oraciones, segn sea la forma mshabitual:

    1. ________ I watch the football match in your house? (informal)

    2. When I asked him, he said his daughter ________ come with us to the party

    3. You are very strong, I am sure that you ________ lift a weight of 75 kilos

    4. I told my son that it was too late and he ________ not go to the party

    5. If I continue training I will ________ to run the marathon next summer

    6. My father was very fit; he ________ run a mile in less than 4 minutes

    7. ________ I open the window? It is very hot in here (formal)

    8. The anaesthetist asked the doctor if he ________ postpone the operation for at least one hour

    9. The soldiers are very tired. Please, tell them that they ________ rest for two hours

    10. James says that his daughter ________ come with us to the cinema

    11. My boss gave me an invitation so I ________ enter the conference

    12. In this building you ________ not smoke

    13. ________ I use your phone, please? (dirigindote a tu jefe)

    14. Mr Wilson, ________ I explain to you our new offer? (formal)

    15. ________ I use your phone, please? (dirigindote a un amigo)

    16. If you continue drinking you wont ________ to drive home

    17. With these new engines, rockets ________ reach Mars in half the time than before

    18. Henry, ________ you be quiet, please?. I cannot concentrate (informal)

    19. He ________ not go to France because he had lost his passport

    20. When my father bought the car we ________ go to the beach at the weekends

    21. You ________ leave your car here; we will be back soon

    22. My sister is an artist; she ________ dance like a professional

    23. ________ you pick me up at the airport at 6 0'clock? (informal)

    24. ________ you explain the lesson to me again, please? I didn't understand it at all (formal)

    25. When I was a child I was very shy. I ________ not speak in public

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    25: Must / H ave to1. It is very cold, we ________ light the fire (a father to his son)

    2. You ________ go to bed now. It is very late (obligation)

    3. When I was at university I ________ study very hard (a mother to her daughter)

    4. You ________ come back home before midnight

    5. If I want to do a master, I ________ my degree first

    6. The neighbours complained and the police told us that we ________ to turn the music down

    7. This is a secret; you ________ not say anything about it


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    26: Should / Must / Have toEl ige " Must" / " Should" / " Have to" (en el tiempo correspondiente) para completar estas oraciones:

    1. You ________ speak to your brother and try to solve that problem

    2. You ________ come with us to the cinema; the film we are going to see is marvellous

    3. You are very fat. You ________ practice sport (consejo)

    4. Please, we are in the church; you ________ stop making that unpleasant noise (A father to his son)

    5. If you want to watch TV, first you ________ finish your homework

    6. If I want to buy a new house I ________ get a mortgage (A mother to her daughter)

    7. You cannot go out with your friends. You ________ stay at home because you have fever

    8. In internal flights you ________ check in one hour before the departure

    9. I ________ go to the bank to get some money

    10. You ________ visit Paris. What a beautiful city!

    11. The doctor is very worried about my dad and has told him that he ________ work less

    12. I ________ fill the tank; it is almost empty

    13. Our teaches have told us that we ________ be quiet during the class (A father to his son)

    14. You will have exams in two weeks. You ________ study harder (obligation)

    15. (The police officer to the protesters) You ________ leave this place immediately

    16. I ________ leave immediately; it is very late and tomorrow I have to get up early

    17. In the petrol station we ________ switch off the engine before filling the tank

    18. The weather is really nice. We ________ go for a walk

    19. You ________ to go to the dentist; you have lost a filling (consejo muy enftico)

    20. You ________ go by plane; by car it is a very long journey

    21. You ________ read more; it is very good for your education

    22. Kevin, you ________ shave yourself; you look a little bit scruffy (A mother to her son)

    23. You ________ get up; it is very late (orden)

    24. Jane, you ________ rest; you look very tired

    25. The police told us that we ________ get out of the car

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    27: Preposiciones de lugar: I n / On / AtSelecciona " I n" / " On" / " At" para completar las siguientes oraciones:

    1. I have left my luggage ________ the car

    2. My flat is ________ the tenth floor

    3. To go to that restaurant you must turn left ________ the next corner

    4. I study law ________ the Madrid University

    5. My dog plays ________ the square with a little ball

    6. In Japan people drive ________ the left, the same as in England

    7. You can find that article ________ page 15. I recommend that you read it

    8. The president of that football club is now ________ prison accused of multiple frauds

    9. When I was young I lived ________ Paris with my parents

    10. He must be very tired; he has fallen asleep ________ the sofa

    11. I will meet you at the cinema ________ 10 o'clock

    12. The eagles fly ________ the sky looking for food

    13. Look at that butterfly ________ the wall. It is so beautiful

    14. I have put my glasses ________ your bag. Please, look after them

    15. If you agree you must sign ________ the bottom of this document

    16. You can see my grandparents ________ this photograph

    17. I have two coins in my hand and another two ________ my pocket

    18. My kids are swimming ________ the river with their friends

    19. She was all evening ________ home listening to music

    20. I have left my car ________ the end of this street

    21. I have read that theory ________ a very old book

    22. I couldn't hear the teacher because I sat ________ the back of the classroom

    23. Do you know where there is a post box? Yes, right ________ that corner

    24. Be quiet, a little bird is ________ the window. I will try to catch it

    25. I live in Madison Avenue ________ New York City

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    28: Preposiciones de lugar (I I )Selecciona una de estas preposiciones para completar las sigui entes oraciones. (adems de las soluci onesque aquse dan, puede haber otras alternativas igualmente vlidas)" Above" / " Against" / " Among" / " Behind" / " Below" / " Beside" / " Between" / " In fr ont of" / " I nside/ " Next to" / " Opposite" / " On"

    1. My son sat in the cinema ________ me (detrs)

    2. That restaurant is ________ the bank where I work (prximo)

    3. The springboard is ________ the swimming pool

    4. I live on the fifth floor and my brother ________ me, on the second

    5. He stopped his car ________ his house (delante)

    6. I put the ballpoint pen ________ the drawer

    7. In the cocktail party the Spanish ambassador was ________ his colleagues

    8. The book that you are looking for is ________ that shelf

    9. Peter, you left your raincoat ________ my car

    10. The winner stood on the podium ________ the second and the third

    11. After the race, he was very tired and leant ________ the tree

    12. I cannot find my glasses but I am sure that I left them ________ the keys (al lado)

    13. The parachutist jumped ________ the village

    14. They are building a tunnel ________ the river

    15. I sat at the table ________ my boss (enfrente)

    16. Belgium is ________ Holland and France

    17. The cat sleeps ________ the roof

    18. He put the ladder ________ the wall

    19. In this photo you can see my brother ________ friends

    20. I lived in the same street as my parents; my house is ________ theirs (enfrente)

    21. The museum is ________ the railway station (delante)

    22. It is very hot and the bull rests ________ the tree

    23. You can find the butcher's ________ the baker's (al lado)

    24. He arrived at the concert very late and was in the queue ________ me (detrs)

    25. I parked my car ________ the traffic light (prximo)

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    29: Preposiciones de movimiento: To / I n / On / AtSelecciona una preposicin de movimiento para completar las sigu ientes oraciones. En algunas oracionepuede que no haya que uti l izar ni nguna preposicin; indcalo con una X. (En algunos casos podra serigualmente vali da alguna otra respuesta dif erente a la que aquse facil i ta)

    1. Can you come ________ home this evening?

    2. The students went ________ the school and crossed the road

    3. When George arrived ________ the bookshop, it was closed

    4. Jack flew ________ New York from Mexico DC

    5. Sunday morning my family goes ________ church

    6. The climber went ________ the top of the mountain

    7. We arrived ________ Paris last Friday evening

    8. Helen was coming ________ Geneva by car when she had the accident

    9. The robbers went ________ the jewellery shop before it was open

    10. After dinner we got ________ the cinema to see the new film of Almodovar

    11. It was very late so I decided to go ________ the airport by taxi

    12. The bees landed ________ the rose

    13. This road goes straight ________ the beach

    14. I arrived ________ school with my kids

    15. We went ________ the building through the car park

    16. If you want to go ________ Cordoba you should get the next train

    17. In the middle of the storm the fighter landed ________ the aircraft carrier

    18. The builders went ________ the scaffolding to repair the roof

    19. Oh! It is very late; we should go ________ home!

    20. The dentist arrived ________ his surgery at 10 o'clock

    21. The dog jumped ________ the bed to play with the child

    22. The train comes ________ Barcelona with a 2 hour delay

    23. This morning my brother arrived ________ work very late

    24. The snow fell ________ the court and the match had to be suspended

    25. My parents arrived ________ Athens yesterday night

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    30: Preposiciones de movimiento (I I )Selecciona una preposicin de movimiento para completar las sigu ientes oraciones. Aunque en lasrespuestas se dan unas soluciones puede que otras alternati vas tambin sean vlidas.

    1. Every morning I run half an hour ________ the tennis court (alrededor)

    2. He went ________ to the cellar and picked a bottle of red wine

    3. The athletes ran ________ the track training for the Olympic Games

    4. I like walking ________ the beach early in the morning

    5. The missile passed ________ the city and exploded at the airport

    6. The plane went ________ and crashed into the village

    7. The helicopter flies ________ the jungle looking for survivors of the plane crash

    8. The rescue team went ________ the mine to try to help the trapped miners

    9. The sailing boat sails ________ the beach

    10. The petrol flows ________ the pipe into the engine

    11. The river flows ________ the sea

    12. The swallows fly ________ their nests

    13. Martin ran ________ the street from one side to the other

    14. The fire engine ran ________ the runway while the plane on fire tried to land

    15. The ferry sails ________ the channel from France to England

    16. My cat ran ________ the tree and chased a little bird

    17. The train passed ________ the tunnel at a very high speed

    18. After the collision the Russian submarine went ________ to the surface

    19. The American rockets fly ________ Mars

    20. The storks fly ________ the tower looking for a place for their nest (alrededor)

    21. Can your horse jump ________ that fence?

    22. The bullet entered ________ the window and hit the kidnapper

    23. The terrorist went ________ the border into Italy

    24. The child kicked the ball and it went ________ the wall and hit a pedestrian

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    31: Preposiciones uti l izadas con medios de transporteSelecciona una preposicin para completar las sigu ientes oraciones.

    1. Daniel came from Israel ________ plane

    2. The accident took place when the old woman was getting ________ the taxi

    3. My house is not far from here: we can go ________ foot

    4. You can go ________ the bus number 11 to the centre of town

    5. We can go to the zoo ________ my car

    6. From Cordoba to Barcelona you can go ________ the 09:15 train

    7. Get ________ my car immediately!

    8. How do you prefer to go to England, ________ train or by bus?

    9. Come on! Get ________ the train! It is leaving

    10. The best way to move in Paris is ________ underground

    11. The police ordered me to stop and get ________ my motorbike

    12. George, it is time to go ________ board

    13. The cowboy got ________ his horse and went into the saloon

    14. Last summer my parents went to Rome ________ car

    15. From the airport to the hotel we went ________ a very old taxi

    16. I really enjoyed it when I went to Mallorca ________ a sailing boat

    17. The fastest way to cross the channel is ________ hovercraft

    18. The police went ________ the train and arrested two terrorists

    19. It is possible to go to the post office ________ foot?

    20. My sister went to the village ________ her bicycle

    21. The robbers went ________ a black van and drove off

    22. The fire brigade arrived to the valley ________ helicopter

    23. To go to the hospital you should get ________ the bus at the next stop

    24. The president of Italy arrived in Paris ________ plane

    25. When it is sunny I go to work ________ my bicycle

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    33: For / SinceCompleta las siguientes oraciones con " for " o " since" .

    1. I have been studying mathematics ________ three hours

    2. George has worked in this company ________ 8 years

    3. The socialist party has been in power ________ March 2004

    4. This terrorist has been in prison ________ three years

    5. My mother has been travelling ________ last April

    6. The oil price has been going up ________ three months

    7. Alice has been in her bedroom ________ two hours

    8. We have been married ________ 1992

    9. The socialist party has been in power ________ 6 months

    10. What weather! It has been snowing ________ two days

    11. It is unbelievable. They have been arguing ________ 6 o'clock

    12. The oil price has been going up ________ last March

    13. My French teacher has been ill ________ one week

    14. I have been studying mathematics ________ 4 o'clock

    15. This terrorist has been in prison ________ 2001

    16. My boyfriend has been sleeping ________ 7 o'clock yesterday evening

    17. My mother has been travelling ________ 4 months

    18. Alice has been in her bedroom ________ 6 o'clock

    19. George has worked in this company ________ 1997

    20. My boyfriend has been sleeping ________ 15 hours

    21. We have been married ________ 12 years

    22. It is unbelievable. They have been arguing ________ 4 hours

    23. My French teacher has been ill ________ last week

    24. Our king has been abroad ________ 10 days

    25. It has been snowing ________ Thursday

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    34: For / Dur ingCompleta las siguientes oraciones con " for " o " duri ng" .

    1. I have been waiting here ________ three hours

    2. The plumber has been repairing the tap ________ 1 hour

    3. I learnt to play tennis ________ my childhood

    4. My wife phoned me ________ the film

    5. Next December my friend is going abroad ________ two weeks

    6. I made a lot of friends ________ my holiday in Greece

    7. My boss received my message ________ the meeting

    8. The Conservative Party has been in power ________ 8 years

    9. The goal keeper injured himself ________ the match

    10. James has been in hospital ________ 10 days

    11. It snowed ________ two days and we had to stay at home

    12. The child has been crying ________ hours

    13. The murderer has been sent to prison ________ 15 years

    14. Jennifer started feeling bad ________ the meal

    15. The robber entered my house ________ the night

    16. I got married ________ the summer of 1992

    17. She has been reading the newspaper ________ half an hour

    18. The student has been doing his homework ________ 3 hours

    19. My son has been learning English ________ 6 years

    20. It rained a lot ________ Christmas

    21. Workers didn't receive their salaries ________ the strike

    22. I have been living in Spain ________ 5 years

    23. The student has been doing his homework ________ the evening

    24. Andrew has been very ill ________ this winter

    25. I fell asleep ________ the afternoon

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    35: From / SinceCompleta las siguientes oraciones con " fr om" / " since" o " till " .

    1. I have been living in Spain ________ 1995

    2. This train goes ________ Barcelona to Paris

    3. I work every morning ________ 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock

    4. She told me that she had been waiting ________ 7 o'clock

    5. My teacher will be at school ________ 10 o'clock

    6. I have been working in this company ________ I finished my studies

    7. The meeting will last ________ 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock

    8. This motorway goes ________ London to Manchester

    9. I haven't seen him ________ his divorce

    10. David studied at the university ________ 1991 to 1996

    11. Alice has been dancing ________ midnight

    12. These workers have been on strike ________ last Christmas

    13. Where do you come ________ ?

    14. Kevin has been abroad ________ Saturday

    15. This flight goes ________ Rome to London

    16. I haven't felt well ________ yesterday evening

    17. My father will be out of his office ________ 08:30 to 10 o'clock

    18. I was unemployed ________ January to March

    19. Last summer I went by bike ________ Madrid to Paris in 10 days

    20. The Spanish prime minister has been in power ________ 2004

    21. I waited for him ________ 2 o'clock to 3:30

    22. Emma has been ill ________ her childhood

    23. I will be in London ________ Monday to Friday

    24. This supermarket opens ________ 9 o'clock to 5:30

    25. That terrorist has been in prison ________ 1996

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    36: L ike / AsCompleta las siguientes oraciones con " li ke" o " as" .

    1. My boss is very strict; he is ________ a sergeant

    2. His house is very big; it is ________ a castle

    3. He has found a job in Marbella ________ a gardener

    4. The thief threatened the old couple using a screwdriver ________ a weapon

    5. During the war they used this local road ________ an airfield

    6. You must reply to the judge ________ your lawyer has told you

    7. When I finished my studies I started working ________ an accountant

    8. What a beautiful place! It is ________ paradise

    9. Can you swim that distance ________ fast as I can?

    10. My wife always behaves ________ her mother

    11. What a big dog! It is ________ a pony

    12. What a scandal in the restaurant! That person behaved ________ a clown

    13. Be careful! That dog is fierce ________ a tiger

    14. When he was young he worked in Paris ________ a postman

    15. Helen didn't pass her exam ________ we expected

    16. You can go to work walking ________ I do. It is very healthy

    17. When he was attacked in the street he reacted ________ a coward

    18. In summer they use the local school ________ a sports centre

    19. She is very funny. I really ________ people like her

    20. Who is that guy? He looks ________ my teacher

    21. I have brought you this book ________ I promised

    22. I wouldn't have reacted ________ you did

    23. Edward is really angry. He looks ________ a madman

    24. What a fantastic swimming pool! It is really big, ________ a lake

    25. George, you can work here ________ my assistant

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    37: Adjetivos seguidos de preposici onesCompleta las sigu ientes oraciones con una preposicin.

    1. He was impressed ________ the prices of the houses

    2. The man is very fond ________ his son

    3. I think that Daniel is not fit ________ the marathon

    4. It was very nice ________ you to lend me your car

    5. Thomas was surprised ________ his boss's decision

    6. When I was a child I was frightened ________ wolves

    7. I am completely ashamed ________ your behaviour

    8. The teacher was conscious ________ her efforts

    9. I am used ________ working very hard

    10. It is very good ________ you to practice tennis

    11. He was really angry ________ his neighbour for doing barbecues

    12. It was very intelligent ________ you to call the police

    13. You have been always generous ________ me

    14. I am not used ________ criticisms!

    15. We are short ________ coffee; we should buy some

    16. I am very suspicious ________ her kindness

    17. It has been very polite ________ your parents to invite me for dinner

    18. I am very upset ________ today's earthquake in Spain

    19. My wife is very interested ________ French cooking

    20. Gary is very bad ________ foreign languages

    21. According ________ his information our company has merged with an Italian one

    22. You have been very rude ________ your sister

    23. My brother was furious ________ me for taking his racket

    24. It was very stupid ________ the referee to award a penalty to the visiting team

    25. It was very kind ________ him to help me with my exam

    26. I am scared ________ that man who looked at me persistently

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    27. I am aware ________ your claim but I cannot do nothing

    28. Jack is very famous ________ his music

    29. In August the Spanish beaches are crowded ________ tourists

    30. My friend has got married ________ an English girl

    31. I regret to tell you that you are not prepared ________ this exam

    32. You are completely different ________ your brothers and sisters

    33. I am very worried ________ my son's health

    34. I am excited ________ going to the beach this weekend

    Completa las sigu ientes oraciones con una preposicin.

    1. My family is completely shocked ________ his death

    2. I am very pleased ________ my promotion

    3. It was very clever ________ the robber to be able to pass all the security checks

    4. It is unreasonable ________ you to demand that compensation

    5. When I was in the Caribbean I was afraid ________ the hurricanes

    6. It was silly ________ you to enter in that shop with your dog

    7. He was jealous ________ her former boyfriend

    8. I was very disappointed ________ my colleagues

    9. William was annoyed ________ his wife for buying a new washing-machine

    10. His father was always very mean ________ him

    11. I am delighted ________ this weather

    12. Thomas was amazed ________ her superb performance

    13. I am tired ________ this stupid book

    14. Simon has always been very successful ________ making money

    15. The child was very sorry ________ breaking the window

    16. It is excellent ________ your health to run half an hour every morning

    17. The president is responsible ________ the results of the company

    18. Your car is similar ________ mine

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    19. I am ready ________ my wedding

    20. The parents were anxious ________ the results of their son's operation

    21. That spy was capable ________ betraying his country

    22. Janet was always envious ________ her sister's beauty

    23. You have always been very good ________ me

    24. I am really satisfied ________ my new car

    25. This mother was very proud ________ her daughter

    26. The students were nervous ________ their examination results

    27. It is disgusting! This beach is full ________ rubbish

    28. My sister is engaged ________ my best friend

    29. Richard is terrified ________ flying

    30. I am very keen ________ playing tennis

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    38: Verbos + preposicionesCompleta las sigu ientes oraciones con una preposicin.

    1. Next Friday I have to look ________ my kids

    2. He lost control of his car and ran ________ the news-stand

    3. You must think ________ your marriage; it doesn't work

    4. Last Sunday I had to borrow a tennis racket ________ my brother

    5. That old lady spent all her money ________ gambling

    6. Our president persists ________ his arguments to oppose the merger

    7. I have been thinking ________ your proposals but I definitively cannot accept it

    8. This scarf belongs ________ my wife

    9. I didn't hear ________ your divorce

    10. Do you believe ________ God?

    11. Have you heard that the prime minister has died ________ a heart attack?

    12. You should write ________ your parents; you haven't seen them for a very long time

    13. Be quiet, please! Your brother has to concentrate ________ his exam

    14. The embassy provided the detainee ________ legal assistance

    15. What a party! Tom was all night talking ________ me about his girlfriend

    16. Victoria cannot come with us; she has to take care ________ her youngest brother

    17. I want to congratulate you ________ your birthday

    18. The father shouted ________ his son when he threw the stone

    19. If you have finished your studies you should apply ________ a job

    20. I warned you ________ your neighbours

    21. You should ask your brother ________ money

    22. The police has accused these detainees ________ being responsible of the terrorist attacks

    23. That African country depends ________ foreign aid for survival

    24. In class you must listen ________ the teacher

    25. He cannot walk; he suffers ________ a very rare disease

    26. Have you invited my cousins ________ the party?

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    27. We should look ________ a new flat; this one has become too small for us

    28. I am getting angry; they are laughing ________ me

    29. After the accident we had to wait ________ the judge

    Completa las sigu ientes oraciones con una preposicin.1. He didn't come last night; What could have happened ________ him?

    2. You cannot blame your son ________ the accident; he drove carefully

    3. The bus crashed ________ a fountain but no one was injured

    4. When she left the hospital she thanked the doctors ________ their treatment

    5. Margaret is so nice! All the time smiling ________ me

    6. You must punish your son ________ breaking the window

    7. Your brother is crazy; he threw a hammer ________ me

    8. My wife objected ________ my idea of selling the house

    9. When the fire broke out in the building the neighbours prepared ________ the evacuation

    10. I explained that theory ________ my son

    11. Look ________ the sky! It is full of stars

    12. You should protect your kids ________ the sun with some lotion

    13. The general director spoke ________ his team about the new plans

    14. This morning I had to remind my son ________ his exam

    15. I am looking forward ________ my holidays

    16. Can you throw that magazine ________ me, please?

    17. John, you should apologise to the teacher ________ your behaviour

    18. I prefer Picasso ________ Dal

    19. Last night I dreamt ________ our next trip

    20. Please, don't insist ________ that subject; the decision has been taken

    21. Could you divide this cake ________ 5 parts?

    22. You should forgive him ________ that mistake

    23. Do you know who can translate this document ________ German to Spanish?

    24. You cannot compare the present situation ________ the one that existed ten years ago

    25. When he was young he succeeded ________ rugby

    26. I will complain to the chef ________ the meal

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    39: ConjuncionesCompleta las sigu ientes oraciones con una conjuncin. (Aparte de la solucin que se indi ca puede haberotras altr enati vas igualmente vlidas)

    1. He promised to go to the party ________ at the end he stayed at home

    2. The climbers were exhausted; ________ they could reach the top

    3. I speak ________ English nor French

    4. Last year he bought a new car ________ a new house

    5. I have studied English all my life; ________ I don't speak well

    6. The police are not sure ________ this has been a terrorist attack

    7. ________ Spain and Portugal became members of the European Union the same year

    8. We didn't have enough money, ________ we decided to postpone our trip

    9. I should buy either a car ________ a motorbike

    10. He didn't enjoy the party ________ left very early

    11. Not only did he loose his wallet ________ also his car keys

    12. Yesterday I met an old friend ________ we talked for almost an hour

    13. He was condemned ________ he had a very convincing alibi

    14. His party won the past elections; ________ he will be the next President (formal)

    15. I don't know if I should call my mother now ________ do it a bit later

    16. If you see my brother, please tell him ________ mum wants to speak to him

    17. ________ he left prison he started a completely new life

    18. Their marriage worked ________ they argued very often

    19. I am sure that he will win ________ a gold medal or a silver one

    20. Not only have they been to the Caribbean Sea ________ also to Argentina

    21. ________ you go to bed now, tomorrow you won't get up early

    22. My father wanted to buy a new car ________ he didn't have enough money

    23. The President has promised ________ he will lower the taxes

    24. He likes ________ tennis nor football

    25. He wasn't invited to the wedding ________ he went all the same

    26. You have to decide whether to come with us ________ to stay at home

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    27. He both plays ________ sings really well

    28. He didn't pass the exam ________ he couldn't enter the university

    29. My son ________ my daughter can look after your children

    30. ________ lions and tigers can be very dangerous

    Completa las sigu ientes oraciones con una conjuncin. (Aparte de la solucin que se indi ca puede haberotras altr enati vas igualmente vlidas)

    1. I voted for him; ________ I don't totally agree with his ideas

    2. ________ you change your behaviour, you will have problems with your boss

    3. He wasn't the favourite; ________ he won the tournament

    4. What do you want, coffee ________ tea?

    5. I like listening to music a lot ________ it relax me

    6. ________ you had studied a bit harder you would have passed your exams

    7. I prepared breakfast ________ my wife was still sleeping

    8. ________ you finish the ironing, please place the clothes in the wardrobe

    9. I watched her ________ she danced

    10. ________ alcohol and tobacco are very harmful for our health

    11. Now he can be either at home ________ in the office

    12. He didn't convince the judge, ________ he was condemned

    13. ________ you hurry up you will miss your train

    14. I had lost my passport; ________ I could not travel to USA

    15. He was really brilliant, ________ he wasn't successful in his professional life

    16. The police want to speak to you ________ you saw the accident

    17. Caroline didn't speak French ________ she had lived in Paris for 10 years (formal)

    18. He didn't speak Spanish; ________ he understood what I told him

    19. My son studies ________ my daughter listens to music

    20. I could do my homework ________ I waited for the train to go back home

    21. My sister is vegetarian; she eats ________ meat nor fish

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    22. The hurricane reached the cost; ________ the fishing fleet stayed in the port

    23. James didn't confess ________ he was a member of that gang

    24. Not only has he lost his job ________ also his wife has left him

    25. They were very much in love ________ their marriage didn't work

    26. I am very angry with my children ________ they don't obey me

    27. The accused not only attacked the old couple ________ also burnt their car

    28. ________ you convince your mother you can go with us to the cinema

    29. ________ he arrived home he saw the police there waiting for him

    30. This Saturday we can ________ go to the beach or to the mountains

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    40: Phrasal verbs: To BreakCompleta los sigu ientes phrasal verbs. (Apar te de la solucin que se indi ca puede haber otr as alt renati vaigualmente vlidas)

    1. My computer broke ________ yesterday evening and I couldn't finish my report

    2. My girlfriend broke ________ our engagement two months before our wedding

    3. I planned to go to Madrid on my motorbike but it broke ________

    4. You always break ________ when I speak

    5. He very often does that, starts talking and suddenly breaks ________

    6. A war between these two countries can break ________ at any moment

    7. He took a sheet and broke ________ a piece

    8. The two companies broke ________ their negotiation without any explanation

    9. Do you know how the Spanish population breaks ________ into age-groups?

    10. The couple were arguing but broke ________ when their daughter appeared

    11. The thieves broke ________ my flat during the night

    12. Two terrorists have broken ________ of prison by helicopter

    13. A big rock broke ________ and rolled down the mountains

    14. Mexico broke ________ diplomatic relation with Cuba due to different disagreements

    15. The managing director broke ________ the number of clients into 5 different categories

    16. Our wedding celebration broke ________ at 6 o'clock in the morning

    17. After winning the tournament the tennis player broke ________

    18. Two planes crashed in the air and broke ________

    19. It is very impolite to break ________ when another person speaks

    20. A tile broke ________ and fell out of the roof

    21. My lawnmower broke ________ and now I had to call a mechanic

    22. That family broke ________ after the parents' divorce

    23. Two persons broke ________ the National Museum and stole a very famous painting

    24. The English Summer Course broke ________ at 31st August

    25. He hit the door and broke it ________

    26. Three very dangerous terrorists have broken ________ of jail and the police is on the alert

    27. My boss got furious because someone broke ________ when he was telling us about the new campaign

    28. The fire in the warehouse broke ________ at 4 o'clock in the morning

    29. When my friend knew he had been fired he broke ________

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    41: Phrasal verbs: To Cal lCompleta los sigu ientes phrasal verbs. (Apar te de la solucin que se indi ca puede haber otras alt renati vaigualmente vlidas)

    1. If I have time this morning I will call ________ the lawyer to pick some documents up

    2. Yesterday evening we couldn't open the front door and had to call ________ a locksmith

    3. My boss had to go immediately to Madrid and the meeting had to be called ________

    4. If you are going into town you can call ________ the travel agency and ask for our plane tickets

    5. Someone has called you ________ but I don't remember his name

    6. I left my luggage in the hotel and called ________ them later

    7. I forgot my handbag in the shop; I have to call ________

    8. Congratulations! You passed your exams; this call ________ a party

    9. If you have time this evening, please call ________ and tell me about your last trip

    10. For economic reason the opera Carmen in Seville has been called ________

    11. If you go to mass this evening can you call ________ me, please?

    12. The accused suffered a heart attack and the trial had to be called ________

    13. My God! I haven't switched off the central heating in the office; I have to call ________ immediately

    14. Your granny will arrive at 5 o'clock; can you call ________ her at the airport?

    15. Last summer we went to Marbella and we enjoyed so much that we want to call ________ next summer

    16. I don't know how to repair this socket; I will have to call ________ an electrician

    17. The foreign minister called the president ________ to communicate his resignation

    18. We have eaten very well in this restaurant; we have to call ________ in other occasion

    19. Yesterday morning I called ________ the bank to get information about mortgages

    20. The level of unemployment in my country call ________ urgent action from the government

    21. When I saw my father on the floor I called ________ immediately a doctor

    22. This morning my mother called me ________ to tell me that dad was in the hospital

    23. The company sales plummeted to its lowest level in the last 10 years. This situation calls ________ urgent


    24. My kids are in the school playing football; I will call ________ them later

    25. Peter, if you pass next to my mother's house, please call ________ to see how she is

    26. His death has been very strange and the neighbours have called ________ the police

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    27. The pilot's strike obliged the company to call ________ all the flights

    28. Every evening my parents call ________ for a moment to see their grandchildren

    29. Peter, when you come here, can you call ________ the baker's and buy some bread?

    30. Last Friday I called my girlfriend ________ to invite her for dinner

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    42: Phrasal verbs: To ComeCompleta los sigu ientes phrasal verbs. (Apar te de la solucin que se indi ca puede haber otras altrenati vaigualmente vlidas)

    1. His only book came ________ 10 years ago

    2. I had been two hours waiting for him and when I was just leaving he came ________

    3. His birthday party came ________ last Saturday evening

    4. Yesterday when I walked to work I came ________ your brother whom I hadn't seen for a very long time

    5. Be very careful with that old book because its cover can come ________

    6. If you put your trousers in water that stain will come out

    7. Always that I talk with Peter the question of our salaries comes ________ in our conversation

    8. When my calculator hit the floor it came ________

    9. Their attempt to overthrow the current regime came ________ and they were arrested

    10. This morning a builder fell from the scaffolding and still he hasn't come ________

    11. I am not sure that your new business will come ________

    12. That person came ________ to me and started to insult me

    13. Your article will come ________ in tomorrow's newspaper

    14. The next week's meeting will come ________ on Tuesday

    15. Come ________ ! Don't be so pessimistic; I am sure that you will pass your exam

    16. Please, don't touch the lamp; it is very old and can come ________ at any moment

    17. When I took that silver frame its glass came ________

    18. The trade union tried to convince the government about a new strike regulation but it didn't come ________

    19. In the antique shop my wife came ________ these two beautiful paintings

    20. Yesterday John had an accident and only came ________ once in the ambulance

    21. Come ________ ! You must finish your report before Wednesday

    22. I was walking in the park when my son came ________ with his girlfriend

    23. Would you like to come ________ my flat next Friday to watch a film?

    24. At the end of the last meeting with our boss the company's plan to close our division came ________

    25. The chocolate stains don't come ________ easily

    26. I have been for six months asking my boss a salary increase and finally he has come ________

    27. Our company tried to buy its main competitor but this project didn't come ________

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    43: Phrasal verbs: To GetCompleta los sigu ientes phrasal verbs. (Apar te de la solucin que se indi ca puede haber otr as alt renati vaigualmente vlidas)

    1. He tried to get ________ the law but finally the police arrested him

    2. I don't know how that baby could get ________ of the cot

    3. James never got ________ his liver operation and finally died

    4. Every day my son gets ________ very late

    5. Yesterday I couldn't get out with my friends because I need to get ________ with my essay

    6. Mary, can I get my dictionary ________ ? I need it

    7. My colleague is alcoholic and hasn't been able to get ________ of it

    8. Last week I was in bed with fever and got ________ with my work

    9. My parents-in-law are very nice persons and it is very easy to get ________ well with them

    10. In Christmas it is very typical to get ________ with colleagues for dinner

    11. The surgeon could get ________ the operation successfully

    12. When his wife died he fall in a depression but he could get it ________

    13. In that country you can do whatever illegal activity you can imagine and get ________ with it

    14. My son has got ________ his flu very soon

    15. Last Saturday many old friends got ________ and we had a very funny evening

    16. I want to call my mum but I cannot get ________

    17. This couple has very serious problems; they don't get ________ well with each other

    18. Now I have in the office a lot of work and I am not sure if I will be able to get ________ it

    19. Tomorrow I am not sure if I will be able to get ________ from the office before 5 o'clock

    20. My brother has been condemned to pay a very high compensation. He want to do it at once and get it


    21. On Monday it has been always difficult for me to get ________ early

    22. I promised to lend him money and now I don't know how to get ________ of it

    23. The prisoner has got ________ of jail by helicopter

    24. This evening I have a meeting with my boss and I don't know when I will be able to get ________

    25. I try to pay my rent the first day of the month because I hate to get ________ with it

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    26. Yesterday he tried to contact me but he couldn't get ________

    27. He was responsible of the accident but he got ________ with it without any fine

    28. There are many ways to get ________ the law to pay less taxes

    29. I lent him some compact discs and I never got them ________

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    44: Phrasal verbs: To GoCompleta l os sigu ientes phr asal verbs. (Aparte de las soluciones que aquse dan, otras alternativas puedeser igualmente vlidas).

    1. When finished the party he went ________ to the airport to get the first flight to London

    2. I didn't want to change my car but my wife has convinced me to go ________ it

    3. His wife always goes ________ with his eccentric ideas

    4. My friend has gone ________ a very difficult year until his son has recovered from a very serious accident

    5. I really love to go ________ with my friends on Friday evening

    6. The police could evacuate the school before the bomb went ________

    7. The IT specialist went ________ the programme and discovered many mistakes

    8. Once you have started a business you cannot abandon at the first difficulty; you must go ________

    9. In the last meeting I proposed to change the publicity agency but this proposal didn't go down ________

    10. The detective went ________ her boyfriend's past and discovered he was already married

    11. I have many plans for this summer but I have to go ________ one of them

    12. When the teacher arrived two students were fighting. He demanded what was going ________

    13. Since last summer Tom goes ________ for swimming

    14. We should leave this building immediately; the bomb can get ________ at any moment

    15. They started playing tennis at 10 o'clock and went ________ until 4 o'clock

    16. The police went ________ the documents trying to find some clues

    17. This week I will have to go ________ my car because it is in the garage

    18. The boy was playing with the gun when it went ________ but luckily no one was hurt

    19. Nowadays it is impossible to go ________ a computer; we depend totally on them

    20. You shouldn't go ________ on your promise to invite your parents this week-end to the beach

    21. We didn't have coffee in the cottage and had to go ________ it all week

    22. Driving after drinking alcohol and accidents go ________

    23. It is very dangerous to play with a gun; it can go ________ accidentally

    24. My brother promised me to lend me money but finally he went ________ on it

    25. Mary is very persistent; she goes ________ with her projects overcoming any difficulty

    26. The school director is very upset with the incident and want to go ________ it

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    27. After finishing her legal studies my sister went ________ for export-import regulation

    28. In my country the two main political parties never go ________ with each other

    29. John went ________ a very difficult moment when he knew that his father had had an accident

    30. Her behaviour was so bad that her father punished her forbidding to go ________

    31. Aids and hepatitis usually go ________

    32. In the shop I went ________ the ties looking for one for a present

    33. People are running in the street; do you know what's going ________ ?

    34. The government's proposal to increase the taxes didn't go down ________

    35. My wife wants to make reforms in our house so I would have to go ________ it

    36. All the films were very interesting; it was difficult to go ________ one of them

    37. He was with us but suddenly went ________ without saying a word

    38. What a weather! It went ________ snowing all night

    39. The students should go over their exams before handing them ________ to the teacher

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    45: Phrasal verbs: To LookCompleta l os sigu ientes phr asal verbs. (Aparte de las soluciones que aquse dan, otras alternativas puedeser igualmente vlidas).

    1. They are looking ________ to their trip to Africa

    2. Look ________! Go back! the tree is coming down

    3. Could you look ________ my kids this evening?

    4. How did you hand ________ your report without looking over it?

    5. You should look ________ and make plans for this summer

    6. Yesterday, coming back from the airport, he looked ________ to see his girlfriend

    7. Look ________ that car! It is going to crash

    8. He looked ________ all the ties but finally didn't buy anyone

    9. When you look ________ there are many things in your life that you don't like

    10. I had to look ________ all those papers to find the phone bill

    11. What are you doing? I am looking ________ my keys

    12. You can look ________ her phone number in that phone book

    13. I am looking ________ to the next week-end

    14. The police is still looking ________ the terrorist attack

    15. We should look ________ a new apartment. This is too small for us

    16. This sea is quite dangerous, if you want to swim you should look ________

    17. This summer I didn't travel abroad because I had to look ________ my parents

    18. The journalist didn't have time to look ________ his article

    19. Look ________ the ball and hit it with your racket

    20. The seller looked ________ the price of the printer in the catalogue

    21. It is important to look ________ and to learn from the errors

    22. If you decide to buy an old car you should look ________ it

    23. Have you seen my wife? I have been two hours looking ________ her

    24. I am looking ________ to seeing you again

    25. Tell your kids to look ________ when crossing the road

    26. I still don't know who could look ________ my dog next Saturday

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    27. The president want me to look ________ the accounts of our off-shore branch

    28. Look ________ the ceiling; have you seen that crack before?

    29. He is still in bed; this evening I will look ________

    30. You cannot change the past but can look ________ to avoid to make the same errors

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    46: Phrasal verbs: To MakeCompleta l os sigu ientes phr asal verbs. (Aparte de las soluciones que aquse dan, otras alternativas puedeser igualmente vlidas).

    1. It was very foggy and I couldn't make ________ the road

    2. My friend made ________ his arguments with his wife

    3. It was too late so I decided to make ________ home

    4. The government coalition is made ________ of many different small parties

    5. I cannot make ________ how I lost my wallet

    6. My wife always make ________ herself before going out

    7. My brother is very creative and make ________ new games all the time

    8. The gang made ________ when the police arrived

    9. For me it is completely impossible to make ________ his handwriting

    10. The robbers escaped with the money and made ________ the mountains

    11. The queen's hair band is made ________ of many diamonds

    12. He made ________ his problems with his father and now they have a very good relationship

    13. The mechanic didn't make ________ which was the problem of my car

    14. In the end he made ________ his mind to buy a new car

    15. The hall was very noisy and I couldn't make ________ what he was saying

    16. The presenters have to make ________ their faces before appearing on TV