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  • 8/10/2019 LA BELLA DURMIENTE.docx


  • 8/10/2019 LA BELLA DURMIENTE.docx


    para recuperarlos. Pero cuando lleg, el mendigo todava estaba all y los zapatitos habandesaparecido.

    EL PASTOR Y EL LOBOrase una vez un pequeo pastor que se pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo cuidando sus ovejas y,como muchas veces se aburra mientras las vea pastar, pensaba cosas que hacer para divertirse. Unda, decidi que sera buena idea divertirse a costa de la gente del pueblo que haba por all cerca. Seacerc y empez a gritar: - Socorro! El lobo! Que viene el lobo! La gente del pueblo cogi lo que tenaa mano y corriendo fueron a auxiliar al pobre pastorcito que peda auxilio, pero cuando llegaron,descubrieron que todo haba sido una broma pesada del pastor. Y se enfadaron. Cuando se haban ido,al pastor le hizo tanta gracia la broma que pens en repetirla. Y cuando vi a la gente suficientementelejos, volvi a gritar: - Socorro! El lobo! Que viene el lobo!

    LA CIGARRA Y LA HORMIGALa Cigarra, despus de cantar todo el verano, se hall sin vituallas cuando comenz a soplar el frio delinvierno: ni una racin fiambre de moscao de gusanillo!. Hambrienta, fue a lloriquear en la vecindad, a casa de la Hormiga, pidindole que leprestase algo de grano para mantenerse hasta la cosecha.

    Os lo pagar con las setenas, le deca, antes de que venga el mes de agosto.La Hormiga no es prestamista: ese es su menor defecto. Que hacas en el buen tiempo? - pregunta la pedigea -. No quisiera enojaros, pero la verdad es que te pasabas cantando da y noche. Pues,

    mira: as como entonces cantabas, baila ahora.SALOMN Y AZRAELUn hombre vino muy temprano a presentarse en el palacio del profeta Salomn, con el rostro plido ylos labios descoloridos.Salomn le pregunt:-Por qu ests en ese estado?Y el hombre le respondi:-Azrael, el ngel de la muerte, me ha dirigido una mirada impresionante, llena de clera. Manda alviento, por favor te lo suplico, que me lleve a la India para poner a salvo mi cuerpo y mi alma!Salomn mand, pues, al viento que hiciera lo que peda el hombre. Y, al da siguiente, el profetapregunt a Azrael:-Por qu has echado una mirada tan inquietante a ese hombre, que es un fiel? Le has causado tantomiedo que ha abandonado su patria.

    EL LOBO HERIDO Y LA OVEJAUn lobo que haba sido mordido por unos perros, yaca en el suelo todo malherido. Viendo laimposibilidad de procurarse comida en esa situacin, pidi a una oveja que pasaba por all que lellevara un poco de agua del cercano ro.- Si me traes agua para beber - le dijo -, yo mismo me encargar de mi comida.- Si te llevo agua para beber - respondi la oveja -, yo misma asistir a tu cena.

    LA CORNEJA Y LOS PICHONESConoci una corneja un palomar que habitaban unos pichones muy bien alimentados, y queriendo

    disfrutar de tan buena comida blanque sus plumas y se uni a ellos.Mientras la corneja estuvo en silencio, los pichones, creyndola como uno de los suyos, laadmitieron sin reclamo. Pero olvidndose de su actuacin, en un descuido la corneja lanz un grito.Entonces los pichones, que no le reconocieron su voz, la echaron de su nido.Y la corneja, viendo que se le escapaba la comida de los pichones, volvi a buscar a sussemejantes. Mas por haber perdido su color original, las otras cornejas tampoco la recibieron en susociedad; de manera que por haber querido disfrutar dedos comidas, se qued sin ninguna.


    There was once a queen who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. At baptism he invited all the fairies in his kingdom,

    but forgot, unfortunately, to invite the most evil. However, this banshee was also presented to the castle and, as

    they passed the home of the small, spiteful said: "At sixteen you prick yourself with a spindle and die!" A good fairy

    who was nearby, heard the curse uttered a charm to mitigate the terrible sentence: to prick instead of dying, the girl

    would remain asleep for a hundred years and only the kiss of a young prince awaken from their deep sleep. Years

    passed and the princess became the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. The king had ordered all spindles burned the
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    castle for the princess could not stuck with any. However, the day he turned sixteen, the princess went to a castle

    place everyone thought uninhabited, and where an old maid, unaware of the prohibition of the king, was spinning.

    Out of curiosity, the girl asked the woman to let him try.


    There was once a very beautiful young woman who had no parents, but stepmother, an impertinent widow with two

    daughters, each more ugly. She who was the toughest jobs in the house and as his clothes were always so stained

    ash, everyone called her Cinderella was.

    One day the King of that country announced it would give a great feast to which he invited all the marriageable girls

    of the kingdom. - You, Cinderella, said the stepmother will not go. You'll stay at home scrubbing the floor andpreparing dinner for when we return. Then came the day of the dance and was sorry Cinderella from her stepsisters

    to the Royal Palace. When she was alone in the kitchen could not suppress her sobs.


    Little Margarita was sitting by the stream under a flowering bush of elderberry. The holidays, summer, sun glare and

    the storybook on her lap: this constituted all their paradise. But there, in front, in the house, her mother was

    working in spades.

    Margarita watched the luminous waves, and dreamed. Suddenly he cried aloud:

    Oh, I would be the fairy wishes! Being able to say, "Mother, what do you want to tell me your wishes Mother

    Everything you have!."That would be wonderful!

    NB No sea! said a voice behind her.

    Had he fallen fairy storybook? In appearance, it certainly did not look it. She wore no dress woven sunbeams, norany headband in her hair, but two eyes full of goodness, although, of course, a fairy can take all kinds of figures. This

    time, however, the old woman seemed messenger, with his rough gray wool skirt. He carried a heavy basket arm

    and said, smiling at the girl, to get away:

    'You're a fairy and desires. What happens is that not only have never tried, so far, your power.Go to your mother!

    You can convert all your wishes.


    There was once a man who was not rich, he married a beautiful woman. One winter night, sitting by the fire,

    commented on the happiness of their neighbors who were richer than them.-oh, my! 'said the woman if I could have

    anything I wanted, I would be much happier very soon all these people. And I said the husband. I dream of living in

    the time of fairies and there was a good enough to give me everything I wanted. Just then, they saw in your kitchen

    to a beautiful lady, who said:I'm a fairy; I promise to grant the first three things they want; but beware: after desired three things, I will grant

    them nothing. When the fairy disappeared, the man and the woman were found very confusing: For me, I'm the

    housewife said the woman really know what my wish: I do not want to even formally, but I think there is nothing

    better than being beautiful, rich and fine.

    SACK MAN (a pouch which SANG)

    There was once a poor woman who just had a girl who loved her. One day he gave a patent leather shoes.

    One day he sent to fetch water from a vase source. The girl obeyed, and when he reached the source, the shoes that

    you will not stain removed. But by the fountain sat a beggar, old and ugly, wearing a huge bag and they kept looking

    at the girl with evil eyes. The girl, who had noticed how he watched, he felt fear, cleaned and filled the vase and

    made his way back home.When he got home he realized he had forgotten his shoes next to the pylon. The girl returned to retrieve them. But

    when he arrived, the beggar was still there and the shoes were gone.


    There was once a young shepherd that most of your time is spent tending their sheep and as many times as I

    watched them graze bored, I thought for fun things to do. One day, he decided it would be good fun at the expense

    of the common people who had close by. He walked over and started screaming: - Help! The Wolf! The wolf is

    coming! The townspeople took what I had on hand and went running to help the poor shepherd boy who asked for

    help, but when they arrived, they discovered that it was all a hoax pastor. And they were angry. When they were

    gone, the pastor made the joke so funny that he thought to repeat. And when he saw people far enough, shouted

    again: - Help! The Wolf! The wolf is coming!

    CICADA AND THE ANTThe Cicada, having sung all summer, was found without victuals began to blow when the cold of winter or a serving

    luncheon fly

    or bug !. Hungry was whining in the neighborhood, home of the Ant, asking him to lend him some grain to keep until


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    "I will pay sevenfold," he said, "before August comes."

    Ant lender is not: that is its major flaw. "What were you doing in good weather?" - Asked the beggar -. "I would

    enojaros, but the truth is that you spent singing day and night. Well, look: and then sang, danced now. "


    A man came very early to perform at the Palace of Prophet Solomon, her face pale and colorless lips.

    Solomon asked

    'Why are you in that state?

    And the man replied:

    -Azrael, The angel of death, addressed to me an awesome look, full of anger.Send the wind, please I beg you to takeme to India to make but my body and my soul!

    Solomon therefore dispatched to the wind to do what he asked the man. And the next day, the prophet asked


    Why did you cast such a disturbing look at this man who is a true? You've caused so much fear that has abandoned

    their homeland.


    A wolf who had been bitten by dogs, lay on the floor all wounded. Seeing the impossibility of procuring food in that

    situation, asked a passerby sheep to bring him some water from the nearby river.

    - If you bring me water to drink - he said - I myself will take care of my meal.

    - If I take water to drink - said the sheep - I myself will attend your dinner.CORNEJA AND THE PIGEONS

    Met a crow a pigeon who lived very well fed chicks, and wanting to enjoy good food as bleached feathers and joined


    While the crow was silent, pigeons, believing as one of their own, the admitted without complaint. But forgetting his

    performance in an oversight the crow screamed. Then the chicks, who did not recognize his voice, threw her nest.

    And the raven, seeing that escaped him food for the chicks, again sought his fellows. But having lost its original color,

    not the other crows were in their society; so that for wanting to enjoy

    two meals, he was no.


    "LIVING OUT LOUD"I'm tired of living in this bubble

    So today I'm changing everythingWell, my dream's been buried in the rubble

    It's time to set it freeNo more keeping quiet this life inside of me

    I'm gonna start living out loudMy soul's been dyingTo scream and shout

    And shatter the silenceIt's a beautiful sound when each moment counts

    Starting right now, I'm gonna start living out loud"LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING"

    Na na na naNa na na na

    Na na na na, na na naBobby had everything he thought he'd ever need

    A fancy new car and a master's degreeStill he's feeling lost, with no purpose in life

    And nothing seems to fill the empty space insideHe sees an ad on late night TV

    Says 'Change a kid's life with just a couple hours a week'Normally he'd keep clicking, just surfing around

    But something makes him stop and write that number downOh, it's amazing how love changes everything

    "VICIOUS CIRCLES"If I could walk on water, like Jesus did before,

    If I knew all the answers, to keep you coming back for more,If I could paint a picture, and then cut off my own ear,

    If I chose all the right colors, would this just disappear?

    Because, we run in vicious circles,

    Until we're, dizzy with disdain,And there's, miles and miles between us,

    Yet we still remain,"THE STORY NEVER ENDS"

    Another two months on the roadJust two more miles I'll be home to what I know

    Where things move a little slowerAnd people always wave goodbye and say hello

    And the maples on this road they must be three hundredyears old

    Just imagine all the stories they could tellOf the tractors and the cars

    All comin' home from Liston's barAnd the country folk just out to raise some hell

    To raise some hell"TIRED OF ME"

    Rain wets your body - rain wets the streetsBut people have seen you just went out

    But nobody helps you

    Sexual girl running down highwayTime is passing by, I say

    But nobody, I say

    Tired of me - she's got my back to the wallTired of me - there's nothing at all

    Tired of me so - I can't call"LADY LOU"

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    Running through empty streetsTry to find my wife

    C'mon, let's go to townI wanna live my life

    Lady I'm lovin' youIn my car I drive

    Woman - I lose my way'Cause you can't take me high

    Won't you come to me my love - Lady LouWon't you come to me my loveWon't you, won't you, won't you


    [Intro]Aaron fresh

    ha haAyyeyo yoayye

    Lets go let's go

    Yo yo

    [Verse 1]She winding she bouncing she trinidad dancingThe tanktop bottom jeans me lovin she fashion

    She go wipe the floor boy with like fatal attractionCause this forreal and she's a killer time for some action


    I'm incredible

    I know that I'm a flirtThey tell me everyday

    They love them shy boys who lives out of their way (way)I know I leave them on sway on the way back (back)

    The say that they love me but ain't sending them back (no)

    So this is my apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gy-gyYou thought that you was gonna getting with me, me

    So this is my apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gy

    Cause I'm already in love and I'm not messing it upSo I'm sorry

    My apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gy-gyYou thought that you was gon' be gon' be getting with me,

    meSo this is my apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gy

    Cause I'm already in love and I'm not messing it upSo I'm...


    Hey Girl, I'm sadI heard that you were leaving

    You can't go, you're my best friendI'm sure gonna miss youI always think about you

    All the time you're on my mindWe played together you and I

    I can't believe that its trueNow I have to see you leave

    You're the only one for meMy girlfriend, my best friend

    I don't wanna see you go

    I just wanna let you know thatI have a crush on you

    I can't wait no longer girl"ONE BAD APPLE"

    I can tell that you've been hurtBy that look on your face girl

    Some guy brought safety to your happy worldYou need love but you're afraid that if you give in

    Some one else will come alongAnd sock it to you again

    One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunchOoooo, give it one more try before you give up on a love

    One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girlOoooo, I don't care what they say I care what you've heard

    I could make you happy baby and satisfy you tooBut how can I when you won't give me a chance to prove

    my love to youWon't you give me just one little chance


    I'm tired of living in This bubbleSo today I'm changing everything

    Well, my dream s been buried in the rubbleIt's time to set it freeNo more keeping quiet this life inside of me

    I'm gonna start living out loudMy soul 's been dyingTo scream and shout

    And shatter the silenceIt's a beautiful sound When each moment countsStarting right now, I'm gonna start living out loud

    "LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING"Na na na naNa na na na

    Na na na na, na na naBobby had everything I thought he'd ever need

    A fancy new car and a master's degreeStill he's feeling lost, with no purpose in life

    And nothing Seems to fill the empty space inside

    I've Sees an ad on late night TVSays 'Change a kid's life with just a couple hours a


    Normally he'd keep clicking, just surfing aroundBut something makes him stop and write down ThatNumber

    Oh, it's amazing how love changes everything"VICIOUS CIRCLES"

    If I could walk on water, like Jesus did before,If I Knew all the answers, to keep you coming back for

    more,If I could paint a picture, and then cut off my own ear,

    If I chose all the right colors, would this justdisappear?

    Because, we run in vicious circles,Until we're, dizzy with disdain,

    And there's thousands and thousands between us,Yet we still REMAIN,


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    Another two months on the road

    Just two more miles I'll be home to what I knowWhere things move a little slower

    And people always say hello and wave goodbyeAnd the maples on this road they 'must be three

    hundred years oldJust Imagine all the stories they 'Could tell

    Of the tractors and the carsAll comin 'home from Liston's barAnd the country folk just out to raise some hell

    To raise some hell"TIRED OF ME"

    Rain wets your body - rain wets the streetsPeople have seen But you just went out

    But nobody Helps You

    Sexual girl running down highwayTime is passing by, I say

    But nobody, I say

    Tired of me - she's got my back to the wallTired of me - there's nothing at all

    Tired of me so - I can not call"LADY LOU"

    Running through empty streetsTry to find my wife

    C'mon, let's go to townI wanna live my life

    Lady I'm lovin 'youIn my car I drive

    Woman - I lose my way'Cause you can not take me high

    Will not you come to me my love - Lady LouWill not you come to me my love

    Will not you, will not you, will not you"DIRTY GIRL"

    [Intro]Aaron fresh

    has beenAyye


    Lets go let's goI

    [Verse 1]She winding she bouncing she trinidad dancingThe tanktop bottom jeans me lovin she fashion

    She go wipe the floor boy with like fatal attraction

    Cause This forreal and she's a killer time for someaction"APOLOGY"

    I'm incredible

    I know That I'm a flirtThey tell me everyday

    They love them shy boys who lives out of Their Way(way)

    I know I leave them on sway on the way back (back)The say That They love me but is not sending them

    back (no)

    So this is my apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gy-gyYou thought that you 'was gonna getting with me, me

    So this is my apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gyCause I'm already in love and I'm not messing it up

    So I'm sorryMy apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gy-gy

    You thought that you 'was gon' be gon 'be getting withme, me

    So this is my apo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-gyCause I'm already in love and I'm not messing it up

    So I'm ...


    Hey Girl, I'm sadI Heard That you were leaving

    You can not go, you're my best friendI'm sure gonna miss youI always think about you

    All the time you're on my mindWe played together you and IThat I can not believe its trueNow I have to see you leave

    You're the only one for me

    My girlfriend, my best friendI do not wanna see you go

    I just wanna let you know ThatI have a crush on you

    I can not wait no longer girl"ONE BAD APPLE"

    I can tell that you 've been hurtBy That look on your face girl

    Some guy brought` safety to your happy worldYou need love but you're afraid That if you give in

    Some one else will come alongAnd sock it to you again

    One bad apple do not spoil the whole bunchOoooo, give it one more try before you give up on a

    loveOne bad apple do not spoil the whole bunch girl

    Ooooo, I do not care what they say I care what you'veheard

    I Could make you happy baby and Satisfy you tooBut how can I when you 'will not give me a chance to

    prove my love to youWill not you give me just one little chance

  • 8/10/2019 LA BELLA DURMIENTE.docx



    La desnutricin sigue representando hoy da un problema en la mayora de los pases en desarrollo, afectaprincipalmente a grupos especficos de la poblacin como los nios, nias, mujeres en edad reproductiva y ancianos.

    Tiene repercusiones sobre varios aspectos en la vida de una comunidad, que le impiden desarrollar plenamente supotencial. Los nios y nias desnutridos tienen su sistema inmunolgico o sistema de defensa disminuido lo que hace

    que sean ms propensos a las infecciones, menor capacidad para defenderse de las complicaciones producidas por lasenfermedades y mayor probabilidad de morir a causa de enfermedades comunes de la infancia tales como diarrea einfecciones respiratorias. A nivel mundial la malnutricin es responsable, directa o indirectamente, del 60% de los10.9 millones de muertes que ocurren anualmente entre nios y nias menores de 5 aos y ms de las dos terceras

    partes de estas muertes estn asociadas con prcticas de alimentacin no apropiadas durante el primer ao de vida.LIDERAZGO

    El liderazgoes el conjunto dehabilidadesgerencialeso directivas que un individuo tiene para influir en la forma deser de las personas o en ungrupode personas determinado, haciendo que este equipo trabaje con entusiasmo, en el

    logro de metas y objetivos.Tambin se entiende como la capacidad de tomar la iniciativa, gestionar, convocar, promover, incentivar, motivar y

    evaluar a un grupo o equipo. En laadministracin de empresasel liderazgo es el ejercicio de la actividad ejecutiva enun proyecto, de forma eficaz y eficiente, sea ste personal, gerencial o institucional (dentro del proceso administrativo

    de la organizacin). El liderazgo entraa una distribucin desigual del poder. Los miembros del grupo no carecen depoder; dan forma a las actividades del grupo de distintas maneras. Aunque, por regla general, el lder tendr la ltima

    palabra.El autor Richard L. Daft, en su libroLa experiencia del liderazgo, define el liderazgo como: La relacin de influenciaque ocurre entre los lderes y sus seguidores, mediante la cual las dos partes pretenden llegar a cambios y resultados

    reales que reflejen los propsitos que comparten. Los elementos bsicos de esta definicin son: lder, influencia,intencin, responsabilidad, cambio, propsito compartido y seguidores.

    ARTESANAS POPULARES DE GUATEMALAGuatemala cuenta con una gran diversidad de recursos naturales que pueden ser vegetales, minerales y animales, loscuales le sirven a la poblacin, principalmente a la que vive en el rea rural, para elaborar y vender adornos y objetos

    tililes en el hogar. Para los artesanos guatemaltecos, la Artesana aparte de ser una fuente de expresin de la

    creatividad, tambin constituye una fuente de ingresos. As mismo se pueden obtener en los talleres, en los hogares yen los mercados regionales, textiles, pinturas, cermica, plateria, jcaras, guacales, jarcia, cestera, cereria y otras

    bellas artesanas que forman parte del patrimonio cultural de GuatemalaTIPOS DE INDUSTRIA EN GUATEMALA

    La industria es el conjunto de procesos y actividades que tienen como finalidad transformar las materias primas enproductos elaborados, de forma masiva. Esta actividad econmica conlleva los esfuerzos realizados por el hombrededicados a la produccin, la distribucin y el consumo de bienes as como la prestacin de servicios dentro de una

    sociedad.La economa ha otorgado a la industria, desde el origen de esta ciencia, un papel clave en el desarrollo de lasnaciones; de hecho, se emplea el trmino pas industrializado como sinnimo de desarrollado. Tampoco puede

    considerarse casual que la ciencia econmica naciera como tal en el mismo momento histrico y pas que larevolucin industrial: la Inglaterra del ltimo cuarto del siglo XVIII.

    PRODUCTOS QUE DAAN A LA SALUDLos productos qumicos juegan un papel importante en nuestra vida diaria. Forman parte de lo que comemos, de

    dnde trabajamos y de cmo vivimos. Pese a su presencia en nuestras vidas, muchos de ellos son peligrosos o txicos.Productos txicos pueden encontrarse en la tierra, el agua, el aire y en nuestros cuerpos. Esta contaminacin haafectado seriamente a la salud de los seres humanos y los animales en todas partes. Los nios suelen ser ms

    vulnerables que los adultos a los efectos dainos de los productos qumicos contaminantes, porque estn creciendo ydesarrollndose rpidamente. Adems, la conducta propia de los nios, como la frecuencia con que se llevan las

    manos a la boca, su tendencia a entrar y jugar en lugares que pueden estar contaminados y su ignorancia de hbitossanitarios y de seguridad apropiados, hace que su riesgo sea mayor. En algunos casos la exposicin a las toxinas

    durante la infancia puede causar daos graves para la salud de un individuo como adulto. Nuestras reas edificadas,entre ellas escuelas, zonas residenciales y lugares de trabajo, pueden estar contaminados por productos qumicos

    peligrosos. De hecho, muchos productos txicos se pueden encontrar en su hogar.DEFINICION DE MEDICAMENTOS QUMICOS Y NATURALES
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    Son muchas las discrepancias sobre estos dos temas que a lo largo del tiempo ha originado polmica sobre que esmejor lo natural o lo qumico, es difcil determinar a ciencia cierta que es lo mejor para el ser humano pues ambas

    posturas ofrecen excelentes propuestas de sanacin para las diversas dolencias existentes.Para empezar a debatir sobre este importante tema hay que tener presente cuales son las caractersticas de cada una,

    primero la revolucionaria medicina Qumica es la que se sustenta a travs de investigaciones y experimentoscientficos para tratar objetivamente determinado problema y causar alivio casi al instante o un corto periodo de


    El Derecho laboral (tambin llamadoDerecho del trabajooDerecho social


    ) es una rama delDerechocuyosprincipiosynormas jurdicastienen por objeto la tutela deltrabajohumano realizado en forma libre, por cuenta ajena,en relacin de dependencia y a cambio de una contraprestacin. Es un sistema normativo heternomo y autnomo que

    regula determinados tipos de trabajo dependiente y de relaciones laborales.Conjunto de normas y principios tericos que regulan las relaciones jurdicas entre empleadores y trabajadores y de

    ambos con el estado, originado por una prestacin voluntaria, subordinada, retribuida de la actividad humana, para laproduccin de bienes y servicios

    AsiaAsiao continente asiticoes elcontinentems extenso y poblado de laTierraque, con cerca de 44 millones de km,

    supone el 8,70% del total de la superficie terrestre y el 29,45% de las tierras emergidas y, con dehabitantes, el 61% de la poblacin mundial. Se extiende sobre la mitad oriental delhemisferio Norte,desde elocano

    Glacial rtico,al norte, hasta elocano ndico,al sur. Limita, al oeste, con losmontes Urales,y al este, con elocanoPacfico.En la divisin convencional de continentes, de origen europeo, Asia yEuropaaparecen como dos entidadesdiferentes por razones culturales e histricas. En trminos geogrficos, forman en realidad un nico continente,

    llamadoEurasia.Adems,fricaest unida a Eurasia por elcanal de Suezpor lo que tambin se puede considerartoda la extensin conjunta de Europa, Asia y frica como un nico supercontinente, ocasionalmente denominado

    Eurafrasia,o Afro-eurasia.

    Derechos individuales.

    Derechos individuales es un concepto perteneciente al Derecho constitucional, nacido de la concepcin liberal quesurgi de la Ilustracin, que hace referencia a aquellos derechos de los que gozan los individuos como particulares y

    que no pueden ser restringidos por los gobernantes, siendo por tanto inalienables, inmanentes e imprescriptibles.

    Clasificacin Aunque los derechos considerados como individuales o fundamentales varan en funcin de cada pas,segn lo expresado por cada Constitucin, el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos ha tendido a consensuar

    aquellos de mayor entidad, por ejemplo en la Declaracin Universal de Derechos Humanos o el de las Convenciones oel Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Polticos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Econmicos, Sociales y



    La carta magna (de charta magna "volumen principal, escrito sealado" en latn) es uno de los antecedentes de losregmenes polticos modernos en los cuales el poder del monarca opresidente se ve acotado o limitado por un consejo,

    senado, congreso, parlamento o asamblea. Tambin es constitucionalismo clsico.

    La carta magna tiene su origen en Inglaterra, donde era conocida como Magna charta libertatum (Carta magna de laslibertades). Fue un documento aceptado por el rey Juan I de Inglaterra, ms conocido como Juan sin Tierra

    (originalmente Sans-Terre en francs, Lackland en ingls) ante el acoso de los problemas sociales y las gravesdificultades en la poltica exterior. Fue elaborada despus de tensas y complicadas reuniones en Runnymede. Despusde muchas luchas y discusiones entre los nobles de la poca, la Carta Magna fue finalmente sancionada por el rey JuanI en Londres el 15 de junio de 1215. Los nobles normandos opriman a los anglosajones y stos se rebelaron en contra

    de los primeros.Sin embargo, procesos similares se haban producido con anterioridad en la Pennsula Ibrica, en las Cortes de Len

    de 1188 o en las Cortes Catalanas de 1192. Entre otras cosas exigidas, se peda el favor de no pervertir el derecho; y seform el derecho al debido proceso; tambin se separ la iglesia del estado.

    MALNUTRITION A NATIONAL AND GLOBAL PROBLEMMalnutrition today still represents a problem in most developing countries, mainly affects specific population

    groups such as children, women of reproductive age and the elderly. Has implications for several aspects in thelife of a community, that keep you fully develop their potential. The malnourished children have their immune
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    system or defense system decreased making them more prone to infections, decreased ability to defend againstthe complications of the disease and more likely to die from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea andrespiratory infections. Worldwide, malnutrition is responsible, directly or indirectly, 60% of the 10.9 million

    deaths that occur annually among children under 5 years and more than two-thirds of these deaths areassociated with feeding practices inappropriate during the first year of life.

    LEADERSHIPLeadership is the set of managerial skills or guidelines that an individual has to influence the lifestyle of people

    or a certain group of people, making this team work enthusiastically in achieving goals and objectives.

    It is also understood as the ability to take initiative, manage, convene, promote, encourage, motivate andevaluate a group or team. In business management leadership is the exercise of executive activity in a projecteffectively and efficiently, be it personal or institutional management (within the administrative process of the

    organization). Leadership involves an unequal distribution of power. Group members are not powerless; shapethe activities of the group in different ways. Although, as a rule, the leader will have the final say.

    The author Richard L. Daft, in his book The experience of leadership defines leadership as: The relationship ofinfluence that occurs between leaders and followers, by which the two parties aim to reach real changes and

    outcomes that reflect the purposes they share. The basic elements of this definition are: leader, influence,intention, responsibility, change, shared purpose and followers.

    POPULAR CRAFTS OF GUATEMALAGuatemala has a great diversity of natural resources that can be plants, minerals and animals, which serve the

    population, mostly those living in rural areas, to make and sell ornaments and household items tililes. ForGuatemalan artisans, Crafts apart from being a source of creative expression, is also a source of income. Alsoyou can get in the workshops, in homes and in regional markets, textiles, paintings, ceramics, silverware, cups,crates, cordage, basketry, Cereria and other beautiful crafts that are part of the cultural heritage of Guatemala

    TYPES OF IN GUATEMALAIndustry is the set of processes and activities that aim to transform raw materials into finished products in

    bulk. This economic activity involves the efforts of the man engaged in the production, distribution andconsumption of goods and provision of services within a sociedad.La economy has given the industry, from the

    origin of this science, a role key in developing nations; in fact, the term "industrial country 'as synonymouswith' developed 'is used. Neither can be considered casual that economics as such was born in the same country

    that historical moment and the industrial revolution: England in the last quarter of the eighteenth century.

    DAMAGED PRODUCTS HEALTHChemicals play an important role in our daily lives. They are part of what we eat, where we work and how welive. Despite their presence in our lives, many of them are hazardous or toxic. Toxic chemicals can be found in

    soil, water, air and our bodies. This pollution has seriously affected the health of humans and animalseverywhere. Children are more vulnerable than adults to the harmful effects of chemical contaminants,because they are growing and developing rapidly. Moreover, the very behavior of children, such as the

    frequency with which they put their hands in their mouths, their tendency to come in and play in places thatmay be contaminated and ignorance of health habits and appropriate security makes your risk is greater. In

    some cases, exposure to toxins during childhood can cause serious damage to the health of an individual as anadult damage. Our built-up areas, including schools, neighborhoods and workplaces, may be contaminated by

    hazardous chemicals. In fact, many toxic products can be found in your home.DEFINITION OF NATURAL MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS

    There are many disagreements on these two issues that over time has caused controversy over which is betternatural or chemical, it is difficult to determine for sure what is best for humans because both positions offer

    excellent proposals healing for existing various ailments.To start discussing this important issue to keep in mind what are the characteristics of each, first medicine

    revolutionary chemistry is what is supported by scientific research and experiments to objectively treat certainproblem and cause relief almost instantly or short time.

    LABOUR LAWLabour law (also called labor law or social law 1) is a branch of law whose legal principles and rules aimed at

    the protection of human work freely, whether employees, as employees in exchange for a fee . It is aheteronomous and autonomous regulatory system that regulates certain types of dependent employment and

    labor relations.Theoretical set of rules and principles governing the legal relationship between employers and workers and ofboth with the state, caused by a voluntary provision, subordinate human activity remunerated for the

    production of goods and services

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