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Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Mapping of the body in an architectural space

"create the perfect silence, that just the rumors of our body live, hear

the blood slipping between the undulant softness of the veins, blood

heartbeat, neck artery pumping, pump the heart, the vibration of the

ribs, the gurgling of the intestines, air whistling between the hairs of

the noses" (Saramago, 2007: 139).

Architecture as an inspiration for the semiotics of the body.

As a starting point, the impact on the retina of an architectural design,

urban or natural. The architectural definition of a space, lines, angles and

curves that remain alive in the time.

Stories of the past and the present, the moment: lives, people and events

that float in another dimension. A dimension invisible but present, which

you can feel... on the body, hence this.

The body in the architectural space. The cartography of the movement will be defined by emotion and emotion

discovers and describes a path where the soul emerges and attaches to a

cartography that runs through the body space and space as a dimension of


A nothingness filled with meaning because it is inhabited by stories,

stories that impact on the soul, replenishing walking by the cartography of

the body, whose element of connection to reality is the public and the

space inhabited by people, in a real time.

This definition of the mapping of the body by an architectural space in the

public intervenes directly. Creating a relationship between the body, the

architectural space and the public. So that visual impact of architectural

space becomes the Communicator thread between the body and the

public, first from the semiotics of the body up to the verb.

Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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The public and the time, waiting. Only the action of be and

look as time passes, as a Sunrise, an urban space or landscape.

And since improvisation exploration of something new happens quite unpredictable and unrepeatable for the public and the body.

"What we dream dreams. Maybe dreams are memories that the soul

has of the body".

(José Saramago, the Gospel according to Jesus Christ).

"Mapping of the body in architecture" is a scenic work based on a unique and unrepeatable experience between the public and the artist within an emblematic natural or urban architectural framework.

This experimental work is created from a dialogue between the body, the architectural space and the public, accompanied by a sound, according to each location and experience.

And in every experience, as confidence grows, they will be more scenic elements necessary and keeping each architectural space, turning it into an installation.

This project is that the artist addresses, after 20 years of experience is based on the pillars of its choreographic creation processes:

Improvisation, the importance of space, its architecture, the public and the image.

Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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The image, draw a map with all the mapping through the lens of a photographer: En each mapping will be a photographic testimony, a work of connection

between the image and the body and the architectural space.

Inviting a photographer to testify and that reflects its objective, moments,

details, sighs and emotions of each one of the experiences for each


Building at the end a tour, a union between all the territories creating a

global map of all the cartographies of the body in architecture. Being

reflected in a catalog.

And creating, who knows, a show that needs of the passage of time.

Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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Map of the maps:

The tour of the territories begins in Valladolid, to follow

in Digne-les-Bains (France) and end in Lisbon, but along the way will

appear other territories where they develop other cartographies of the

body in a natural, architectural or urban space.

Mapping of the body in an architectural space, territory Valladolid:

An urban landscape architecture : "Estudio 2, silence." Chapel of the National Museum of sculpture, at the int. Festival. Theatre and street arts. CT 2014. 24 may 2014, pass to 12 o'clock and 19 hours.

Scenic development and staging in artistic residence: Each mapping will mean the creation of a different, being built in each space on-site staging, which will involve performing a pre-work presentations in a work of artistic residence.

Researching and creating, shaping, as in a picture each element where:

The Sonora composition. Light and color, from where and to where. Boost each set element that has space.

…And the body.

With the collaboration of the International Festival of theatre and arts of street CT of Valladolid.

Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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"Study 2: silence" Premiere on 24 may 2014, in the cloister of the National Museum of sculpture.

Passes to 12 and 19 hours.

"Look learn looking.

There is no way to build the look if you don't exercise it: watching, observing and analyzing.

There is no way to separate the text from the image.

The text is a way of looking at and the images are forms of speech.

Writing leads to silence and look to blindness"

(Text of Santiago Olmo, subtraction of color, Bernardí Roig, instant white, National Sculpture Museum exhibition)

As architectural space, the cloister of the Valladolid sculpture National Museum.

As sound, the accompaniment of La Banda de Cornetas y Tambores "Holy released" of Valladolid.

The white of the stone, the subtraction of color against the polychromy.

The silence against the strong sound of drums that rumbles from the stone and the wind that slips between the metallic wind.

Living sculpture as a human being if it were.

And a public, Hunter's emotions, always watching.

Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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Artistic direction

and choreography Alicia Soto

Musicians Banda de Cornetas y Tambores “Sagrada Lanzada” Valladolid

Dancer Alicia Soto


and dramaturgy Dolores de Matos and Alicia Soto

Photography Gerardo Sanz and Juan A.Berzal

Video Manuel Rodríguez Arnanz

Clothing cia. Alicia Soto

Graphic Design José Navarro Sánchez

Communication Carolina Saiz

Administration Sofía García Fernández

Production Festival Int. de Teatro y Artes de Calle, TAC

y Cia. Alicia Soto-Hojarasca

Thanks to Banda de Cornetas y Tambores "Sagrada Lanzada"

Dolores de Matos and Museo Nacional de Escultura

Cartografía del cuerpo en un espacio arquitectónico Cartography of the body in an architectural space Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

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A production by

Alicia Soto – Hojarasca

+34 619 400 184

Company funded by:
