Para Empezar Hoy es martes el doce de febrero Escriba mandatos formales con los verbos....


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Para EmpezarHoy es martes el doce de febrero

Escriba mandatos formales con los verbos.

Singular Plural

1. Comer

2. Leer

3. Guardar

4. Asistir

5. Pasar

6. Reciclar


Singular Plural

Comer- Coma Coman

Leer- Lea Lean

Guardar Guarde Guarden

Asistir- Asista Asistan

Pasar- Pase Pasen

Reciclar Recicle Reciclen

Los Negativos

To make these commands negative, simply place no before the verb.

prepare no prepare

barran no barran

sacuda no sacuda


No hable por teléfono celular.

No maneje rápido.

No escriba mensajes de textos.

Class Work

Escriba las oraciones en Español.

Don’t vacuum the floor.

Don’t set the table. (Addressing 3 people)

Don’t wash the clothes.


Don’t vacuum the floor.

No pase la aspiradora.

Don’t set the table. (Addressing 3 people)

No pongan la mesa.

Don’t wash the clothes.

No lave la ropa.

Stem and Spelling changes

Stem changes still occur when writing commands:

Singular Plural

Yo (Tender) Tiendo Tienda Tiendan

e ie

Verbs that end in -car need to be changed for spelling reasons:

The -c becomes -qu in verbs ending in (-car) before adding the correct ending.

Sacar- Saco c qu Saque Saquen

Stem and Spelling changes

Verbs that end in -gar need to be changed for spelling reasons:

The -g becomes -gu in verbs ending in (-gar) before adding the correct ending.

Singular Plural

Regar- Riego g gu Riegue Rieguen

Class Work

Use Regar- to water and Sacar- to take out in as commands in a small sentence.




Riegue las plantas porfavor.

¡Saque la basura ahora!

Más Práctica

Write 3 complete sentences using formal commands and the chores.

Your sentences should be telling a person/ people what to do. You can also tell

them not to do something (negative).









Quiz Topics

Know the meanings of all of the chores

Know how to do commands Ar, Er, Ir, Singular and


(Negative optional)

Know how to write sentences using formal commands and

the chores.
