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Comunidad de Madrid Consejería de Educación y Cultura C.E.I.P. “LAS CASTAÑERAS” C/ Andalucía, 8 Tf.y Fax 91.609.12.83 28939 ARROYOMOLINOS (Madrid)

















El bilingüismo tiene como objetivo fundamental, la adquisición de una mejor competencia comunicativa en inglés a través del aprendizaje de otras áreas, creando un contexto natural en el que la lengua sea el medio y el fin de toda actividad.

Este proyecto supone dar a los alumnos las herramientas necesarias para su desarrollo en una sociedad multicultural, en la que el inglés se emplea como lengua franca. De esta forma se seguirán las Recomendaciones para 2010 de la Comisión Europea para los estados miembros, donde se propone que todos los alumnos al terminar su escolarización, deberían poseer una competencia comunicativa en su lengua materna y, al menos, dos lenguas comunitarias.

Los objetivos de cada una de las áreas serán los mismos que para cualquier otro centro. El currículo es el mismo, y por ello hay que tener siempre en mente que el documento legal sobre el que deben asentarse cada una de nuestras programaciones es el Decreto 22/2007 para la Comunidad de Madrid. Todos los alumnos deberán alcanzar estos objetivos, pero también los propios del modelo de enseñanza bilingüe.

La Orden por la que se regulan los Colegios Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid es la 5958/2010 de 7 de Diciembre, implantada en el curso 2010/2011.

Nuestro Centro está inmerso en el Proyecto Bilingüe de la Comunidad de Madrid desde el curso 2004/05 y pertenece a la primera promoción de colegios Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid.

1. INTRODUCCIÓN El Programa de Colegios Bilingües es una experiencia pionera no solamente en España, sino también en Europa. En el curso 2004-2005, la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid puso en marcha el Programa de Colegios Bilingües con el fin de mejorar el nivel de inglés de sus alumnos y ofrecerles una preparación más completa que asegurase mejores oportunidades ante un mundo laboral y profesional cada vez más globalizado. El Programa persigue mejorar la calidad de nuestro sistema educativo respetando el principio de igualdad de oportunidades para todos los alumnos independientemente de las diferencias de origen social, económico o de cualquier otro tipo. El objetivo fundamental de la Consejería de Educación desde el inicio del Programa ha sido que los alumnos aprendan y utilicen adecuadamente tanto la lengua española como la lengua inglesa, en sus manifestaciones oral y escrita a lo largo de su escolaridad. Se pretende que los alumnos conozcan y usen las diferentes posibilidades expresivas existentes en ambas lenguas, con el fin de que adquieran en inglés la competencia comunicativa necesaria para desenvolverse con naturalidad en situaciones cotidianas.. De las 25 horas semanales del horario escolar de los Colegios Bilingües, al menos un tercio se imparte en lengua inglesa, aunque puede superar el 50%. Además



del Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural, cualquier asignatura puede impartirse en inglés excepto dos, Lengua y Matemáticas, que obligatoriamente han de impartirse en español. En cada centro, el Director es el responsable del proyecto bilingüe, si bien delega su coordinación tanto en el Jefe de Estudios como en el Coordinador del Programa, elegido entre los profesores que forman parte del mismo. Los maestros que participan en el Programa Bilingüe han recibido una formación de entrada que les ha permitido conseguir la habilitación necesaria para impartir enseñanza en lengua inglesa. Además, tienen la posibilidad de asistir a cursos de perfeccionamiento tanto en la lengua extranjera como en metodología AICOLE (aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lengua), que aseguran su puesta al día y actualización docente. En los Colegios Bilingües deben convivir con la mayor naturalidad las dos lenguas, creando ambientes de aprendizaje que así lo faciliten. Los niños se dirigen a sus profesores en inglés o en español según la asignatura que éstos impartan. Se trata de proporcionar el contexto lingüístico apropiado para moverse y actuar en las dos lenguas de una forma abierta y natural. El Programa cuenta con Escuelas Gemelas, una red de colegios del Reino Unido, ampliable a Canadá y Estados Unidos, que permite el intercambio de experiencias entre alumnos y profesores de los diferentes países.


Este documento atiende a la necesidad de elaborar un proyecto que se ha estado fraguando durante los años que lleva el Centro dentro del Proyecto de Bilingüismo, para estabelecer unas pautas a nivel organizativo y pedagógico, y que sirva para registrar tanto los acuerdos dentro del Equipo como los futuros planes que se llevarán a cabo a lo largo del curso.



Arroyomolinos es una población con una superficie de 1.985,74 Has, situada en la zona suroeste de la Comunidad de Madrid, a 31 Km de la capital por la carretera de Extremadura y junto a la margen izquierda del tramo medio del río Guadarrama. Los municipios colindantes son Móstoles al norte, Moraleja de Enmedio al sureste y Navalcarnero al oeste.

Aproximadamente la mitad de la superficie del término municipal de Arroyomolinos está ocupado por el Parque Regional del Guadarrama, que es suelo no urbanizable de especial protección, con un alto valor ecológico. El paisaje está surcado además por varios arroyos, como el Torrecilla o el de Los Combos, que se adentra en el propio núcleo urbano y que atraviesa parques naturales de pinos.

Existen en el término municipal varios parques con praderas de cesped, árboles y áreas de juegos infantiles. Tal es el caso del parque Miguel de Cervantes o el Pinar de Arroyomolinos.

El Centro dispone de un documento elaborado por el Ayuntamiento en el que toda esta información está ampliamente pormenorizada.




El carácter rural inicial del municipio se ha ido perdiendo, encontrándose, desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, en una acelerada expansión urbanística basada sobretodo en viviendas unifamiliares. La población alcanza en la actualidad los 9.200 habitantes y la economía se basa fundamentalmente en el sector servicios (48 %), seguido por el industrial (22%), el agrícola (21 %) y el de la construcción (9 %).

La población, mayoritariamente joven y de un nivel socioeconómico y cultural medio, procede en su mayoría de los grandes municipios cercanos (Móstoles, Fuenlabrada, Alcorcón). El incremento no es paulatino sino que se produce en bloque a medida que se van entregando las nuevas viviendas. Los principales modos de integrarse en el grupo de población son el colegio, las actividades deportivas y las peñas que se organizan para las fiestas locales de junio.


La gran mayoría del alumnado de nuestro centro vive en el seno de familias nucleares completas,aunque cada vez aumentan más las familias monoparentales estando las edades de los padres comprendidas mayoritariamente entre los 35 y los 45 años. Madrid es la comunidad autónoma de origen en la mayor parte de los casos, aunque hay familias procedentes de todas las comunidades, así como de algunos países extranjeros.

En cuanto al nivel de estudios de los padres, se trata de una población bastante heterogénea, desde licenciados hasta un nivel básico de estudios primarios. Aproximadamente un 20 % cuentan con estudios superiores y un 25% sólo ha hecho estudios primarios, encontrándose el resto en un nivel de estudios de grado medio. En relación con la actividad laboral, el índice de paro es muy bajo, si bien hay un 28% de madres que no trabajan fuera de casa. La gran mayoría trabajan con contrato laboral, aunque hay también funcionarios y trabajadores autónomos. La mayor parte de las familias viven en casas unifamiliares, disponiendo de espacio y materiales de estudio y consulta suficientes para el desarrollo de las tareas escolares. La participación más activa dentro del Centro se desarrolla sobre todo por medio de propuestas concretas del AMPA, cuya directiva se implica en actividades generales del centro, tales como la fiesta de Navidad o el Carnaval, aportando recursos materiales y humanos para el desarrollo de las mismas. Asimismo, complementa la formación del alumnado con actividades extraescolares como talleres de técnicas de estudio, danza o informática.




El número de alumnos escolarizados en el Centro es de 475: 177 en Educación Infantil y 298 en Educación Primaria.

El nivel de absentismo es bajo, principalmente debido a enfermedades. La puntualidad es, en general, buena.

Las relaciones del alumnado entre sí y con los profesores podemos valorarlas como positivas, desarrollándose en un clima cordial y de respeto mutuo. La motivación del alumnado ante el aprendizaje es, en general, buena. Como ocurre a la mayoría de la población infantil actual, la capacidad de atención y de esfuerzo no son los

más deseables, pero muestran una gran capacidad de implicación afectiva en propuestas de carácter lúdico y socializador.

Tenemos en el Centro 10 alumnos ACNEE, inmersos dentro del Proyecto Bilingüe con sus correspondientes adaptaciones curriculares.

CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL PROFESORADO La plantilla actual del Centro corresponde a un colegio línea dos es de 28 profesores a tiempo

completo y 2 profesores compartidos con otros centros (, AL y Religión). La profesora AL está compartida con otros centros, lo que dificulta su coordinación con lo tutores y una atención eficaz a la diversidad entendida de manera amplia.

De la plantilla de profesores,22 son definitivos. El clima de relaciones es bueno, lo que ha favorecido la integración del resto de profesorado interino.

En general, se trata de un grupo de profesionales abierto a iniciativas novedosas. El diálogo, la tolerancia y la creatividad son valores asumidos por la gran mayoría, siempre dentro de un clima de disciplina y trabajo. En cuanto al equipo de Bilingüismo, se compone de 6 profesores de Lengua extranjera y una profesora de Primaria habilitados. En el Centro solo queda una profesora de Lengua Extranjera pendiente de habilitar. Esto permite que todos los profesores de Lengua Extranjera puedan participar en el proyecto distribuidos a lo largo de los tres ciclos, y el profesor sin habilitación da clase de Inglés en Infantil. La profesora de Primaria habilitada imparte clases de Science y Arts and Crafts dentro del Proyecto.

4. OBJETIVOS GENERALES El objeto fundamental de este programa es que el alumno consiga un dominio progresivo de la lengua inglesa, que estará en función de los resultados obtenidos en los cursos y ciclos anteriores. De acuerdo con las recomendaciones de la Unión Europea sobre enseñanza de las lenguas en Educación Primaria, durante el Primer Ciclo se primarán la comprensión y la expresión oral. La introducción de la lectura y escritura se hará de forma natural y paulatina, de tal manera que al finalizar el Ciclo los alumnos puedan leer y escribir textos sencillos y breves. En el Segundo y Tercer Ciclo de la etapa el alumno desarrollará, de forma gradual e integrada, todas las destrezas comunicativas.



Los colegios bilingües tienen en cuenta las capacidades y el potencial de aprendizaje de cada alumno, fijando metas que se revisarán a lo largo del curso, en función del progreso que el alumno vaya logrando. Se pretende que los alumnos adquieran de forma paulatina una base sólida, tanto en lengua castellana como inglesa, y un dominio del inglés reconocible y homologable a nivel europeo.

A lo largo de toda la Educación Primaria se procurará relacionar la historia y cultura españolas con las de los países de lengua inglesa. Para ello, se pondrán en marcha métodos de enseñanza que favorezcan las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos y fomenten su interés por otras culturas. La presente propuesta tiene como objetivo ser el referente para la elaboración de las programaciones didácticas, que son las que guían la práctica y la metodología docentes. En las clases de inglés y en el resto de Áreas que se impartan en inglés, la lengua de comunicación entre alumnos y profesores será única y exclusivamente la lengua inglesa. El inglés será la lengua de comunicación del aula. Es más, sería conveniente que en el aula y fuera del aula, el inglés fuera la lengua de relación entre los profesores que imparten inglés y los alumnos. Los objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación del Área de Inglés del currículo de los colegios bilingües constituyen los elementos básicos que pretenden garantizar unas metas comunes a todos los alumnos, de acuerdo con los niveles del marco de referencia europeo.

OBJETIVOS GENERALES DEL ALUMNADO • Conocer la cultura de otros países. • Practicar el uso de un código lingüístico diferente especialmente centrado en la audición y la

producción de nuevos sonidos y el conocimiento de distintos aspectos socio-culturales. • Desarrollar capacidades y estrategias para la adquisición de la lengua inglesa. • Adquirir confianza y tener una sensación de diversión al comunicarse en la nueva lengua. OBJETIVOS GENERALES DEL PROFESORADO • Tomar un enfoque comunicativo, sentando las bases para la comprensión y la producción oral. • Preparar a nuestro alumnado para una sociedad plural donde predomina el manejo de la lengua

inglesa (Nuevas Tecnologías, relaciones sociales, futuro profesional…). • Estructurar el proceso de implantación del bilingüismo de forma que nos adecuemos a las

características neuropsicológicas del alumnado, nos ajustemos a sus capacidades y desarrollo neuronal.

• Organizar el desarrollo del bilingüismo de forma que la interrelación de las dos lenguas se realice de forma adecuada y sin mermar el aprendizaje del castellano.

• Coordinar el área del lenguaje entre L1 y L2.


De acuerdo con el Syllabus estos son los objetivos que la Comunidad de Madrid propone para cada uno de los ciclos:


� Desarrollar el interés de los alumnos por el aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua. � Comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas y frases muy básicas dirigidas

a la satisfacción de necesidades de carácter concreto.



� Saber presentarse y presentar a los demás. � Plantear y contestar preguntas sobre datos. � Interactuar de forma sencilla, siempre que la otra persona hable despacio y con claridad y esté

dispuesta a ayudarle. � Comprender y utilizar sustantivos sencillos, números y colores relacionados con la vida personal

y cotidiana del alumno. � Responder a instrucciones y peticiones. � Participar, de forma progresiva, en la conversación. � Utilizar los tiempos verbales básicos. � Leer comprensivamente textos adecuados al nivel e intereses de los alumnos. � Producir textos escritos sencillos, acordes con la edad y el nivel de expresión. � Iniciar a los alumnos en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías como herramientas de aprendizaje y

comunicación. � Utilizar las estructuras gramaticales propias del Primer Ciclo.


� Utilizar la lengua inglesa en situaciones escolares, familiares y sociales. � Comprender frases y expresiones utilizadas con frecuencia, relativas a áreas de relevancia

inmediata. � Comunicarse en tareas sencillas que requieren un intercambio de información simple y directa

sobre asuntos corrientes. � Saber describir en términos sencillos aspectos de su origen cultural y de su entorno así como

asuntos relacionados con necesidades inmediatas. � Expresar las necesidades básicas en los ámbitos escolar, familiar y del entorno inmediato,

utilizando la lengua inglesa. � Leer comprensivamente textos acordes con las funciones, usos de la Lengua y estructuras

gramaticales del Segundo Ciclo. � Producir textos escritos que respondan¡ a los modelos y formatos propios del Ciclo. � Utilizar las tecnologías de la información como herramientas de aprendizaje y comunicación. � Utilizar las estructuras gramaticales del Ciclo.

OBJETIVOS TERCER CICLO � Comprender las ideas principales de una información sobre asuntos de la vida cotidiana. � Saber desenvolverse en diferentes situaciones, utilizando la lengua inglesa como vehículo de

comunicación. � Producir textos sencillos y estructurados relativos a temas que son corrientes o de interés

personal, social o cultural. � Saber describir experiencias, acontecimientos y pensamientos, utilizando la lengua inglesa. � Ser capaz de argumentar la exposición de sus ideas, explicando causas y motivos en relación

con sus opiniones o planes. � Usar el vocabulario común.




Una de las premisas del Proyecto es que todos los Colegios Bilingües imparten al menos un tercio del horario en Lengua Extranjera, de este modo, deben repartir este número de horas entre las áreas de Inglés ,Conocimiento del Medio y Plástica. Actualmente en nuestro Centro se imparte el bilingüismo en toda la etapa de Educación Primaria. A continuación se muestra la distribución del horario semanal por áreas:





1º 2º 3º 4º 5º 6º Conocimiento del Medio 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,15 4 Lengua Castellana 5 5 5 5 5 5 Matemáticas ( * ) 4 4 4 4 4 4 Plástica 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Música 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Educación Física 2 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 Religión/ Atención Educativa 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 Lengua Extranjera (Inglés) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Recreo 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 Educación para la ciudadanía - - - - 1,5 - TOTAL horas semanales 25 25 25 25 25 25 La implantación del Bilingüismo ha supuesto un giro importante en la estructura y distribución del profesorado en las aulas, ya que cada grupo ha de tener dos profesores, uno que imparte Lengua Castellana y Matemáticas y el especialista de Lengua Inglesa que debe impartir inglés, Conocimiento del Medio y Plástica. En algunos de los niveles la profesora de Primaria habilitada es la encargada del Conocimiento del Medio y la Plástica. De esta forma, salvo excepciones en algún ciclo tanto el profesor de primaria como el de Lengua Extranjera serán tutores en el mismo nivel se coordinaran de forma vertical con su compañero de área. El inglés en Educación Infantil también lo dará un especialista en Lengua Inglesa. La importancia de iniciar el aprendizaje de la segunda lengua cuanto antes hace que nuestro gran esfuerzo sea abarcar el máximo de horas en esta etapa educativa, aunque no obligatoria, pare que nuestro alumnado pase a Educación Primaria con una buena base en esta lengua. Por este motivo se han aumentado las sesiones de inglés en Infantil, dedicando, dos sesiones semanales en 3 y 4 años, y tres sesiones semanales en 5 años.




6.1 RECURSOS PERSONALES 6.1.1 Profesores El Equipo de Bilingüismo El Equipo de Bilingüismo lo componen todos los profesores que imparten clase dentro del Proyecto tanto en las áreas de Inglés como de Conocimiento del Medio y Plástica. EL Equipo se reúne quincenalmente y/o siempre que haya información de interés. En estas reuniones los profesores coordinan su trabajo, elaboran materiales, organizan actividades y llegan a acuerdos acerca del Proyecto. Se deciden las festividades internacionales que por interés sociocultural deben celebrarse en el Centro, como Halloween, Thanksgiving, Saint Patrick’s day ,Christmas…etc. Durante estos últimos cursos, en estas reuniones se ha trabajado todo lo mencionado anteriormente y en la elaboración, tanto de este documento, como del Proyecto Curricular de de las distintas áreas impartidas en inglés. Además el Coordinador de Bilingüismo se encarga de:

� Organizar las reuniones de Bilingüismo. � Establecer contacto con la Escuela Hermanada y mantener una relación que permita el

intercambio de experiencias entre los Centros. � Coordinar el trabajo y elaborar los horarios de los auxiliares de conversación. � Mantener informado al Equipo de todas las novedades desde la Comunidad de Madrid que

afecten al funcionamiento del Proyecto Bilingüe en el Colegio. � Coordinar las pruebas externas de las distintas instituciones, The Trinity College, la Consejería

de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, y Cambridge.

6.1.2 Auxiliares de Conversación Los Auxiliares proceden de diferentes países de habla inglesa: Estados Unidos de América, Canadá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Reino Unido e Irlanda. Si bien no están habilitados para impartir la docencia, acompañan al maestro en el aula y le proporcionan el soporte lingüístico necesario para desarrollar su trabajo. Desarrollan un horario lectivo de 16 horas semanales y, en función de lo que decida el Director, pueden dedicar hasta dos horas semanales a impartir clases de conversación al profesorado del centro. Participarán en cuantas reuniones sean necesarias para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento del Programa. Su labor fundamental es el apoyo a las áreas de Lengua Inglesa, Conocimiento



del Medio, y Plástica.

FUNCIONES DEL AUXILIAR DE CONVERSACIÓN Para un óptimo aprovechamiento de los Auxiliares de Conversación, éstos deben dedicar la totalidad de su horario a realizar actividades con los alumnos. Deberán, entre otras funciones: • Ayudar a los maestros y profesores en la planificación de las clases y asistirles en el aula como apoyo lingüístico. • Seguir las indicaciones del maestro o profesor y colaborar con él en lo que se le solicite. • Reforzar fundamentalmente las destrezas orales del alumnado en la lengua extranjera, como hablante nativo de la misma, y promover el entendimiento cultural. Para ello se intentará que su relación con los alumnos sea constante. • Fomentar la motivación y el interés del alumnado por la lengua y la cultura de su país de origen y del conjunto de países de habla inglesa, francesa, alemana e italiana. • Promover iniciativas de formación y apoyo a la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las lenguas. Su presencia en el aula (y en el centro) debe ser una fuente de ideas, de creatividad y de nuevos recursos. • Desempeñar las funciones que los profesores con los que colabore consideren oportunas y que estén vinculadas al Programa Bilingüe. • Realizar prácticas específicas de conversación. • Atender el laboratorio de idiomas, así como el aula de medios informáticos o audiovisuales. • Promover la enseñanza de la cultura y civilización de su país de origen. • Aportar recursos didácticos, especialmente material auténtico de sus países de origen. • Participar en actividades de distinta índole: el Jefe de Estudios Adjunto/Coordinador/Jefe de Departamento, de acuerdo con el equipo directivo, decidirá en qué actividades participará el Auxiliar: asistencia a reuniones de profesores, charlas, presentaciones en clase o elaboración de materiales didácticos. • Participar en reuniones de coordinación con el resto del equipo bilingüe con el fin de poder preparar correctamente las actividades que se realicen en clase con suficiente antelación. • Impartir docencia al profesorado: los Auxiliares que tienen una dedicación de 16 horas podrán impartir dos horas de clase de conversación a la semana, dentro de su horario, al profesorado del centro, siempre que el Director así lo autorice. • Realizar otras tareas afines. El Auxiliar no tiene plena competencia docente, ni debe ser responsable de la evaluación, la calificación, ni la vigilancia de los alumnos dentro o fuera del aula. Por tanto, no serán competencia ni responsabilidad del Auxiliar de Conversación las siguientes funciones, tareas y actividades (o aquéllas relacionadas con las mismas): • Elaborar programaciones didácticas o memorias finales del centro. • Evaluar y calificar a los alumnos. • Entrevistarse con los padres de alumnos u otras actividades y funciones específicas de los profesores. • Vigilar el patio o el comedor. • Corregir ejercicios. Con carácter voluntario, y siempre que lo autorice la dirección del centro, el Auxiliar de Conversación podrá participar en la organización y en la realización de



actividades complementarias y extraescolares de distinta naturaleza: viajes de estudios, intercambios escolares, visitas a exposiciones y museos, actividades deportivas, etc. La participación en estas actividades puede suponer una experiencia muy enriquecedora tanto para el Auxiliar como para los alumnos. El Auxiliar de Conversación podrá acordar con la Dirección del centro la utilización de servicios, recursos o instalaciones de que disponga el mismo (por ejemplo, el comedor escolar), siempre que este uso no interfiera en el buen funcionamiento del centro. EVALUACIÓN Tan importante como la formación es la evaluación de todos los aspectos relativos a la experiencia del Auxiliar en la Comunidad de Madrid. Esta evaluación quedará reflejada en los siguientes documentos: • Informe del Centro, redactado por los profesores que han trabajado con el Auxiliar, el Coordinador del Programa en el centro y el propio equipo directivo y firmado por el Director. Este informe se emitirá al final del primer trimestre y al finalizar el curso escolar. • Cuestionario de Evaluación Final que será cumplimentado por los Auxiliares en las últimas jornadas de formación. • Informe final del Auxiliar sobre su experiencia que se remitirá a la Subdirección General de Programas de Innovación. En las jornadas de formación inicial se ofrecen las pautas para su elaboración. • Memoria de Actividades elaborada por los auxiliares de conversación informada por el Director del centro y dirigida a la Dirección General de Mejora de la Calidad de la Enseñanza.

6.1.3 Escuela Hermanada Nuestro Centro ha estado hermanado con dos Escuelas Gemelas distintas. La primera, era una escuela infantil con la que la diferencia de intereses dificultaba la comunicación. En el curso 2006/07, la Comunidad de Madrid nos dio la oportunidad de cambiar de Escuela Hermanada, consiguiendo así un Centro más a fin al nuestro, tanto en el perfil del alumnado como en la edad del mismo. ST Peter’s Eaton Square CE Primary School Lower Belgrave Street London SW1WONL Email: Se han establecido intercambios de correspondencia entre los alumnos y de materiales entre el profesorado en alguna ocasión, aunque valorándolo de manera global, la comunicación entre ambos es escasa y sustancialmente mejorable.




La oferta de actividades que se realizan en Lengua extranjeras dentro de la Comunidad de Madrid, se ha incrementado en los últimos años. Los distintos Ciclos organizan a lo largo del curso salidas complementarias desde el área de Inglés y Conocimiento del Medio tales como:

� Teatro en inglés � Campamentos Bilingües para final de curso � Distintas salidas a la Naturaleza que nuestros profesores realizan en el área de Science

Además el Centro dispone de una serie de actividades extraescolares fuera del horario lectivo tales como:

� Inglés Infantil: Lunes y Miércoles de 16:00 a 17:00 � Inglés Infantil: Martes y Jueves de 16:00 a 17:00 � Inglés Primaria: 1º y 2º Lunes y Miércoles de 16:00 a 17:00 � Inglés Primaria: 3º y 4º Lunes y Miércoles de 16:00 a 17:00 � Listen and Speak: Martes y Jueves de 15:00 a 16:00

6.3 RECURSOS MATERIALES 6.3.1 BIBLIOTECA El Centro ha ido dotando paulatinamente la Biblioteca con libros en inglés para el préstamo de los alumnos, y los distintos Ciclos, han ido consiguiendo dotar a sus clases de una amplia biblioteca de aula bilingüe.

6.3.2 AULA DE INGLÉS Existe un aula de inglés que se utiliza en función de las necesidades del Centro.

6.3.3 RECURSOS TIC El centro dispone de 58 Ordenadores, repartidos entre el aula de Informática , un ordenador por departamento, la sala de Profesores y 2 ordenadores por clase que utilizan tanto profesores como alumnos. Además cada una de las aulas dispone también de cámaras web, un total de 18 en todo el Centro, y Radio Cd en todas las aulas. Existen 7 pizarras digitales ubicadas, una en Infantil,y las otras seis en Primaria. Uno de los objetivos del Centro es, Primero adquirir el hábito de usar estas Pizarras digitales como un recurso más y dotar entonces al resto de aulas en los próximos cursos.




7.1 Principios Metodológicos Partimos de un enfoque didáctico con un doble objetivo: el aprendizaje del contenido de la materia y el del idioma: inglés. Es un aprendizaje integrado de contenidos e idiomas (CLIL). Se da una relevancia destacada al uso del lenguaje a la vez que se adquieren los contenidos del área de una manera más activa, estimulando así el aprendizaje. Es importante tener en cuenta que, la enseñanza bilingüe no sólo consiste en dar más sesiones de inglés en las aulas. Hay que sacar el inglés fueran de ellas, y utilizar todos los espacios y tiempos como posibles momentos de aprendizaje. Por ello, a lo largo del curso se organizarán actividades de centro orientadas a motivar, a enseñar y aprender disfrutando. Halloween, Navidad, , Easter, , etc; son buenos momentos para emplear lo aprendido en clase, disfrutando y divirtiéndose con todos los alumnos del centro.

Además, debemos procurar crear el mayor “ambiente bilingüe” posible, decorando pasillos y aulas y utilizando el inglés para dirigirnos a los alumnos, incluso a los que no son de nuestros grupos. De esta manera, ellos verán que el inglés es una necesidad en nuestro colegio y se verán más motivados a emplearlo.

También, es necesario contar con las familias. Debe informarse de cómo funciona el programa en la primera reunión del curso, e ir comunicando regularmente los avances y dificultades de los alumnos.. Sentirse partícipes del aprendizaje de sus hijos hará que su colaboración y relación con el centro sea mucho más fluida, facilitándonos la comunicación necesaria a lo largo del año.

Los contenidos no son aquellos propios del área de inglés, sino contenidos de otras áreas que puedan ser empleados como contexto para la utilización de otro idioma. En el caso de este centro se trabajarán contenidos de las áreas de Conocimiento del Medio y Educación Artística. Que estos contenidos sean el centro del aprendizaje hace posible el uso de Task- Based Learning. Los alumnos pueden realizar tareas propias de las áreas, cuyo objetivo sea el aprendizaje de un contenido concreto y obtener de ahí un “input” de vocabulario o gramática en diferentes formatos orales o escritos.

El CLIL requiere una mayor exigencia cognitiva por parte del alumno. Atender, comprender y trabajar en otra lengua exige un mayor esfuerzo y trabajo. Se debe partir de tareas de un bajo esfuerzo cognitivo, como por ejemplo actividades de unir (matching), para utilizar progresivamente tareas que exijan un esfuerzo cognitivo más elevado (predicting, analysing, creating).

Todo esto debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de planificar el qué, el cómo y cuándo enseñar, siempre considerando que se debe partir de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos y sus motivaciones.

Debemos emplear herramientas visuales para facilitar la comprensión de conceptos, y tener en cuenta que la tendencia natural de los alumnos es pasar a su lengua materna todo nuevo contenido aprendido en inglés.

La mayoría de los alumnos son competentes en su lengua materna, y la enseñanza de contenidos transversales en un contexto de inmersión facilita conseguir lo mismo en inglés. La enseñanza de contenidos transversales se refiere al Conocimiento del Medio, Educación Artística (Música y Plástica),



Educación Física e Inglés (incluyendo Literatura). Así como los alumnos imitan modelos correctamente en su lengua materna, también lo hacen en inglés al estar inmersos en interacciones en el aula de manera natural. Los profesores pueden reformular el lenguaje empleado por los alumnos asegurándose que así sientan que cada expresión es un paso adelante y un éxito comunicativo. Aunque algunos estarán deseando hablar en seguida, otros tardarán más tiempo y los profesores han de permitir que los alumnos participen cuando estén preparados para ello. Los alumnos asimilan la lengua extranjera a la vez que estudian diferentes áreas, pues la enseñanza de la lengua en sí misma está supeditada al aprendizaje de los contenidos. Éstos deben partir de lo que es relevante en la realidad inmediata de los alumnos, sus experiencias e intereses, y avanzar hacia contenidos más complejos y específicos (por ejemplo, empezar hablando de “mascotas” y llegar a la “Clasificación de Animales”). Se enseña inglés utilizando una metodología activa, aprendiendo mientras se “hace”, mediante tareas y actividades propias de otras áreas. El proceso de aprendizaje adquiere sentido y significado cuando los alumnos lo perciben como algo útil y funcional y, consecuentemente, las actividades deberían requerir también una participación activa de los alumnos que favoreciese su aprendizaje autónomo. Por tanto, es importante secuenciar los contenidos y el aprendizaje de los mismos diseñando cuidadosamente las actividades a realizar y asegurando la conexión entre los aprendizajes previos y los que estén en curso. Del mismo modo, el desarrollo de las capacidades comunicativas orales de los alumnos promoverá su papel como estudiantes eficaces e independientes. Por tanto, durante el Primer Ciclo los objetivos se centrarán en las destrezas orales, hablar y escuchar, y en menor medida en las escritas, leer y escribir. Éstas se desarrollarán con mayor profundidad durante el Segundo y Tercer Ciclo. La metodología debería estar basada, fundamentalmente, en la comunicación oral. El discurso está circunscrito al tiempo, es dinámico, rápido, espontáneo y transitorio y siempre surge teniendo en mente un receptor, mientras que leer y escribir se circunscriben al espacio, son estáticos y permanentes y no se dirigen necesariamente a un receptor concreto. Necesitamos, por tanto, lograr un equilibrio entre estas cuatro destrezas con el fin de motivar a los alumnos, para lo cual presentaremos nuestras clases del modo más atractivo posible. Hay que asegurar que los alumnos reciban regularmente refuerzo positivo: alabando sus logros, dándoles pegatinas, cromos… sin olvidar el inestimable valor que tiene para un alumno el reconocimiento por parte de su profesor de un trabajo bien hecho.

En lo que se refiere a la cultura, nuestra metodología promueve la multiculturalidad. Se deben trabajar contenidos de culturas de habla inglesa y establecer relaciones con las culturas de los países de origen de los alumnos. De esta forma, se logrará en el aula un mayor respeto y motivación por conocer diferentes formas de vida. Así, se trabajará la Competencia Básica 5: Competencia Social y Ciudadana.

7.2 Metodología por áreas


El método que utilizamos en el centro es el Essentail Science de la editorial Richmond.

Las actividades que se diseñen deben buscar fomentar estrategias de Aprender a aprender, además de seguir los patrones del método CLIL.

- Se basará en las cuatro destrezas básicas: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. - Participación a nivel oral de los alumn@s.

- Ampliación de vocabulario específico.



- Comprensión lectora.

- Redactar respuestas completas a preguntas dadas.

- Prima el soporte visual y manipulativo.

- Técnicas de estudios: tablas, mapas conceptuales, gráficos, mapas, …

- Listening: DVD relacionados con los temas a trabajar.

- Experimentos que l@s alumn@s elaboran y explican.

- Trabajos de investigación: extraer, interpretar y organizar la información.


Este área se trabajará en una sesión semanal de 45 minutos.

Los materiales los realizará el profesor encargado de impartir la asignatura. Sus contenidos irán relacionados con aquellos que se estén desarrollando en el área de Science o con las festividades propias de los países de habla inglesa.

Todas las sesiones debe desarrollarse en inglés.


Los grupos dentro del Programa Bilingüe tienen 5 sesiones de inglés a la semana..

En algunos ciclos, una de las sesiones semanales se dedicará a la enseñanza de la lectura e inicio de la escritura, en todos los niveles ajustando las actividades a los diferentes momentos evolutivos y de aprendizaje.

En el programa bilingüe cada final de ciclo, se llevarán a cabo los respectivos exámenes del Trinity Collage London, (1º ciclo), La Consejeria de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid (2º ciclo) y Cambridge (3º ciclo) . Su preparación depende del trabajo realizado en el aula. Por ello, el método de inglés está diseñado para desarrollar todos los contenidos necesarios para aprobar estos exámenes. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que, para poder pasar las pruebas con fluidez, hay que dedicar una gran parte de las sesiones a la conversación. El uso del lenguaje (gramática, funciones del lenguaje, vocabulario) y la comprensión oral (listening) es donde más dificultades presentan en los exámenes y debemos incidir más en ello.

En clase, las instrucciones se darán siempre en inglés y los profesores utilizarán recursos variados (literatura, internet, nuevas tecnologías, recursos tradicionales, etc.) para incrementar la conciencia intercultural de los alumnos y ayudarles a ser más autónomos en su proceso de aprendizaje. De este modo, alcanzarán un gran nivel de competencia comunicativa en la lengua extranjera y se acostumbrarán a trabajar y aprender a través de ella. El éxito en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua estimula el aprendizaje de otros idiomas en un contexto mundial multilingüe.

Cómo desarrollar las destrezas orales receptivas En la lengua materna, las destrezas orales receptivas se adquieren de manera natural y los niños aprenden que escuchando se obtiene mucha información. Sin embargo, en una lengua extranjera, necesitan reconocer sonidos, palabras y estructuras para poder comprender lo que se está diciendo. Podemos ayudar a los alumnos a desarrollar sus destrezas orales receptivas de diferentes maneras.



En primer lugar, cuando los alumnos empiezan a escuchar a sus profesores hablar en ingles, pueden no ser conscientes de que se les está dando una importante información relacionada con la organización diaria de su trabajo. Las actividades previas (warmers) y las rutinas son imprescindibles para ayudarles a sintonizar con el inglés. Después de saludar a los alumnos y organizar la sesión, se puede comenzar la clase comprobando el día y la fecha, hablando deltiempo que hace, cantando una canción y repasando lo visto en la sesión anterior. Una vez que los alumnos se han conectado al inglés, los profesores pueden usar diferentes actividades y técnicas para ayudarles a entender lo que se dice, como por ejemplo ofrecer soporte visual, utilizar gestos y expresiones faciales y crear un contexto que favorezca la comprensión. A veces puede que el objetivo sea que los alumnos capten la idea general o que detecten palabras o frases clave. Al principio de la actividad hay que asegurar que tienen claro para qué escuchan y comprobar la comprensión a medida que la tarea avanza. Los alumnos se concentrarán mejor (durante la actividad de escucha) si ésta tiene un propósito; deben tener expectativas respecto al contenido de lo que van a escuchar. Las historias con rima, repetitivas y con mucho ritmo ayudan a los alumnos a mantener la atención y concentrarse mientras escuchan. Los textos, tanto de ficción como de no ficción, serán leídos por el profesor o por el auxiliar de conversación, que los elegirán teniendo en cuenta los intereses de los alumnos y con el fin de apoyar tanto el aprendizaje del Inglés como el contenido de la materia objeto de aprendizaje. Se les debería invitar a sentarse cómodamente, quizás en una alfombra o con una disposición diferente, lo suficientemente cerca como para ver al profesor y los soportes visuales. También existen diferentes recursos para apoyar la comprensión oral. Los principales son el profesor y los auxiliares de conversación. Otros son los materiales audiovisuales (que exponen a los alumnos a diferentes acentos). Si un alumno va a leer en alto, hay que pedirle que practique la lectura previamente. Los cuentacuentos y otros programas de lectura interniveles han demostrado ser un excelente vehículo para trabajar las destrezas orales receptivas.

Actividades Cuando se selecciona un fragmento para escuchar se debe tener en cuenta el nivel de dificultad en relación con las diferentes actividades que se les pedirán a los alumnos. Se irá comprobando la comprensión a medida que la tarea avance; no se puede dar por supuesta sólo porque los alumnos así lo manifiesten. Es necesario considerar, dentro de los recursos, el empleo de soporte visual para apoyar las actividades de comprensión oral. Hay que tener previsto cuándo se va a detener o repetir un fragmento y seleccionar las tareas que permitan sacar el máximo partido a la actividad. _ Actividades previas a la audición: usar dibujos, láminas, listas de elementos, palabras, frases o ideas, predicciones, especulaciones, etc. _ Actividades durante la audición: poner etiquetas, marcar, ordenar o unir dibujos, frases o párrafos (Segundo y Tercer Ciclo), tomar notas, agrupar palabras, completar cuadros o tablas, hacer listas, frases de verdadero o falso, preguntas con respuestas multiples. _ Actividades posteriores a la audición: resúmenes, resolución de problemas, roleplays /dramatizaciones, dictados, etc. Hay que utilizar canciones y rimas de forma regular y sugerir a los alumnos que vean dibujos animados y sus películas favoritas en inglés y que, igualmente en inglés, practiquen juegos de ordenador y videoconsolas. También, se les puede pedir una respuesta física o que tras escuchar y seleccionar información específica completen una tarea determinada, relacionada siempre con lo que han escuchado.

Cómo fomentar las destrezas orales productivas Los profesores deberían hablar en inglés todo el tiempo y recompensar el uso del mismo por parte de los alumnos. Hay que emplearlo en el aula, en el recreo, en las excursiones, etc., de forma que cuando los niños los vean, tanto a ellos como a los auxiliares de conversación, usen inglés automáticamente. Creando un ambiente anglo-parlante para los alumnos, los profesores también les animan a utilizar el inglés.



Los alumnos deberían recibir refuerzo positivo por hablar entre ellos en inglés para motivarles. Si hablan en español, reproducirles lo mismo en inglés y pedirles que lo repitan mientras que se continúa con la conversación. El inglés funcional (por ejemplo saludar, pedir permiso, solicitar ayuda, etc.) puede ser reforzado cada día a través de las rutinas diarias del aula. Las estructuras lingüísticas pueden ser repetidas tantas veces sea necesario de forma entretenida y motivadora. Los auxiliares de conversación pueden ofrecer atención individual a los alumnos y enseñarles a interactuar manteniendo regularmente conversaciones personales con ellos. También les pueden ayudar a entender la relación entre las letras del alfabeto romano y los sonidos y fonemas que pueden encontrarse en inglés.


Al iniciar cada clase convendría utilizar warmers u otro tipo de actividades para romper el hielo y que permitan establecer un ambiente adecuado e introducir el tema. Los alumnos necesitarán apoyo por parte de sus profesores y auxiliares y los soportes visuales podrían ser de gran utilidad cuando están buscando una palabra o pensando qué decir. Más tarde serán capaces de hablar más autónomamente sin estas ayudas. Para ayudar a los alumnos a desarrollar en general sus destrezas orales y discursivas en inglés, se podría elegir entre las siguientes actividades: leer en alto, repeticiones, preguntas abiertas, tareas de búsqueda de información (information gap activities), juegos, dramatizaciones, debates, intercambio de información. Los alumnos pueden trabajar en parejas y pequeños grupos para completar las tareas de búsqueda de información, para hablar de noticias y contar experiencias, para tener discusiones grupales y para poder referirlas. Pueden volver a contar las historias, cantar canciones y recitar poemas y rimas. También pueden dramatizar historias y utilizar roleplays que les ayuden a memorizar fragmentos dentro de un contexto. Las dramatizaciones pueden ser pequeñas piezas en las que el nivel de idioma y el tiempo empleado se pueden controlar bien. Una obra de una hora no siempre es rentable o eficaz. Los alumnos pueden también realizar presentaciones frente al resto de la clase. Al principio pueden ser muy cortas y estar basadas en temas personales como por ejemplo, “mi mascota”. El profesor o el auxiliar de conversación seguirán de cerca el proceso en el que el alumno escribe un borrador que tras ser corregido practicará individualmente antes de hacer la presentación al resto de la clase. Pueden ser grabadas en vídeo para ayudar en la autoevaluación. Más adelante, los alumnos podrán ofrecer presentaciones sobre cualquier tema que les interese (por ejemplo sobre su libro, juego o película favorita), o sobre algún tema que se refiera a los contenidos de alguna materia enseñada en inglés. Deberían estar preparados para responder preguntas formuladas por sus compañeros, profesores o auxiliares de conversación. Como el uso de las nuevas tecnologías es importante, los alumnos pueden usar juegos interactivos de ordenador y, si es posible, internet, para comunicarse con alumnos de su escuela gemela o de cualquier otra escuela con la que pudieran estar en contacto. También pueden chatear, lo cual resulta altamente motivador.

Cómo enseñar a leer y fomentar las destrezas escritas receptivas

Los profesores pueden utilizar actividades variadas basadas en diferentes métodos para ayudar alos alumnos a aprender a leer en inglés. Uno de los posibles enfoques sería proporcionar soportes visuales para ayudarles a memorizar palabras o frases enteras (método “mira y di”); otro sería leer un libro en formato grande con todo el grupo animándoles a usar las pistas que obtengan de la historia para comprenderla (enfoque por el contexto). A los alumnos también se les puede enseñar a asociar los sonidos del inglés con patrones ortográficos comunes (métodos fonéticos y palabras frecuentes). Estos métodos pueden apoyar el proceso lector, pero no deberían ser los únicos empleados ya que el inglés es altamente irregular en su correspondencia fonético-gráfica. Los alumnos leen palabras pronunciándolas en alto por partes para terminar uniéndolas, y también leen palabras con la misma ortografía que se corresponden con más de un sonido. Se les puede enseñar a diferenciar los sonidos de



una palabra por separado y a aprender las combinaciones de letras más frecuentemente utilizadas para deletrear esos sonidos. A través de la Educación Primaria se debería presentar a los alumnos todo tipo de textos escritos y que abarquen diferentes finalidades con el fin de que se enfrenten al idioma en contextos variados: formal/informal, poesía y prosa, cartas, mensajes, publicidad, textos informativos, literatura…etc Actividades Se puede guiar a los alumnos en sus lecturas invitándoles a fijarse de forma especial en determinados fragmentos del texto (por ejemplo frases o enunciados) que les ayuden a leer y comprender términos desconocidos; también se puede pedir a la clase o a determinados alumnos que lean distintas partes del texto. Para ayudar a los alumnos a reconocer cómo suenan las palabras el profesor puede leer en alto un texto sin detenerse a explicar vocablos nuevos, lo cual proporciona a los alumnos un modelo de lectura. También puede pedir a la clase o a determinados individuos que repitan partes del texto tras él. En el Primer Ciclo se pedirá a los alumnos que lean un texto solos, lo cual puede ser para ellos un reto, aunque necesiten más apoyo sobre todo al principio. En el Segundo y Tercer Ciclo serán más autónomos, sin embargo el profesor tendrá que prestar todavía atención a aquellos que necesiten más ayuda. Mientras estén haciendo lectura silenciosa es conveniente ir recorriendo la clase y pedir a algunos alumnos que lean frases o páginas en alto. Hay determinados juegos que se pueden aplicar para fomentar la lectura y hacerla más entretenida (carreras o competiciones, etc.) En el Segundo y Tercer Ciclo los profesores no deben perder de vista el propósito de la lectura y proporcionar diferentes estrategias a los alumnos para afrontarla: _ Skimming: lectura rápida para hacerse una idea. _ Scanning: lectura rápida en busca de información específica. _ Lectura intensiva: lectura completa y detallada del texto. _ Lectura extensiva: lectura completa y rápida del texto para su comprensión global. Los profesores también tienen que tener en cuenta los diferentes fines que se persiguen con la lectura silenciosa o en alto. Cuando a un alumno se le pide que lea para los demás, está actuando, lo cual ocupa más su atención que el hecho de comprender lo que lee.

Cómo desarrollar las destrezas escritas productivas Escribir es la tarea más difícil para los alumnos ya que implica destrezas ortográficas y habilidades gráficas (tales como caligrafía y ortografía cuando un fonema se puede representar con una o varias letras), puntuación, uso de mayúsculas, recursos gramaticales (construcción de oraciones según las reglas del idioma), estilísticos (uso de diferentes estilos y registros), retóricos (cohesión de un texto usando conectores) y organizativos (secuenciación de ideas, ideas principales y resumen). Las destrezas orales y la lectura se desarrollarán a un ritmo mucho más rápido que la escritura. Es más, al planificar actividades de escritura en clase, los profesores no deben olvidar las sub-destrezas que van a verse implicadas aún cuando estas tareas se traten de manera global. La producción de los alumnos se irá viendo gradualmente incrementada y se convertirá en una actividad frecuente. Es importante escribir teniendo en mente a un posible lector, así que es aconsejable exponer los trabajos de los niños para que otros los lean tanto en clase como en los espacios escolares dedicados a ello (pasillos, murales, exposiciones del colegio, etc.). También es importante que vayan tomando conciencia de los diferentes formatos y registros que adopta la escritura a la vez que experimentan con la producción de diferentes textos funcionales (por ejemplo notas, listas, narración de experiencias, noticias, historias, cartas, cómics, explicaciones, instrucciones, experimentos y recetas). A los alumnos se les puede ayudar a desarrollar sus destrezas escritas ofreciéndoles, por ejemplo, un modelo o una historia sobre la que puedan hacer pequeños cambios e introducir sus propias frases; además, los profesores deberían utilizar soporte visual (dibujos, fotografías o esquemas con etiquetas) para guiarles en la producción escrita y ayudarles a planificar sus textos (por ejemplo a través de una lluvia de ideas, escribiendo un borrador o revisando, presentando y debatiendo los trabajos de otros).



Actividades Se puede ayudar a los alumnos a practicar la escritura de palabras, oraciones y frases cortas pidiéndoles que lean un texto y contesten preguntas sencillas. También son buenas actividades de escritura dirigida completar huecos de un texto, realizar dictados, tests ortográficos, ordenar las palabras de una oración o las frases de un texto y unir pies de foto con sus imágenes correspondientes. Si se van a trabajar palabras, los alumnos pueden escribirlas combinando los diferentes patrones de escritura que representan diferentes sonidos elaborando listas, diccionarios o glosarios personales o mediante anagramas o acrónimos, crucigramas, palabras asociadas a imágenes, familias de palabras, etc. Si lo que se desea es que practiquen la escritura de oraciones, se puede pedir a los alumnos que asocien pies de foto con sus correspondientes imágenes, que completen textos de un cómic (bocadillos), que unan las partes de una misma oración y/o que corrijan errores. Se pueden emplear bancos de palabras para ayudar a los alumnos a escribir descripciones. Los profesores también pueden proporcionar a los alumnos oraciones para que las secuencien y posteriormente utilizar esta actividad de modelo para producir sus propios párrafos. Los alumnos pueden escribir cartas personales, invitaciones, tarjetas, diarios de aula, libros de experiencias, cartas a sus amigos por correspondencia en otros países, así como pequeños correos electrónicos y presentaciones para practicar la escritura de párrafos completos. También pueden escribir un resumen o instrucciones sobre un tema tratado previamente en clase. Además, se pueden organizar tareas de escritura en grupos, encargándose cada uno de la redacción de un párrafo diferente para el mismo texto. Otra actividad de este tipo sería elaborar un texto con los alumnos e involucrarlos en su corrección. El desarrollo de cada unidad tiene un enfoque integrador, acercando al alumno a situaciones contextualizadas de su propia experiencia o de sus conocimientos previos sobre los contenidos de cada unidad, alternándose actividades de diversa naturaleza (observación, comprensión, expresión, reflexión, valoración, creación, aplicación, investigación) a través de la actuación del profesor (motivación, explicaciones, ejemplificaciones, preguntas, propuestas de tareas, etc.) y con la participación activa de los alumnos y alumnas. Además de contar con la colaboración de los auxiliares de conversación para el aprendizaje del vocabulario propio de cada unidad y su uso correcto en la explicación de procesos, definiciones, clasificaciones. El espacio habitual de la actividad docente es el aula, pudiendo utilizarse otros espacios del Centro como la biblioteca, el aula de usos múltiples, el aula de informática u otros espacios del recinto escolar que se adapten a las necesidades específicas de la unidad. Se prestará especial atención a las competencias básicas que se integran en la Unidad didáctica.

8. Evaluación

5.1. Introducción Los profesores utilizan tanto la evaluación continua como la final con diferentes objetivos: como guía, para evaluar el progreso, para detectar dificultades de aprendizaje, para reflexionar sobre la efectividad de la metodología empleada y para informar a los alumnos sobre su progreso, así como a sus familias y a las instituciones competentes. La reflexión tras el proceso de evaluación puede sugerir que los profesores necesiten revisar su metodología y buscar maneras de incorporar las nuevas tecnologías al aula. Los profesores pueden profundizar en el análisis de su asignatura a nivel lingüístico



Para evaluar a los alumnos durante el curso podemos: hacer una observación sistemática y anotar su progreso, revisar su trabajo (individual y grupal), guardar un registro del nivel de participación e interacción de cada alumno, evaluar su grado de colaboración en las tareas del aula, escoger técnicas de evaluación entre iguales y de autoevaluación para emplearlas a lo largo del curso, pedir a los alumnos que lleven un registro de su trabajo en un archivo y dejarles tiempo para seleccionar su mejor trabajo y que lo presenten como nota para la evaluación continua . Cuando se les pase a los alumnos un examen final en inglés es importante identificar cual es su finalidad principal y decidir previamente si lo que se va a valorar son los contenidos, la lengua o ambos. Si se va a evaluar el contenido, se pondrá el énfasis en lo que los alumnos saben sobre la materia. Hay que tener cuidado de no usar un nivel de inglés por encima del que tienen los alumnos y se debería evitar quitar puntos por errores linguísticos si la expresión no interfiere en la información que tratan de transmitir. Lo importante será poder recordar hechos, la comprensión general y la habilidad para interpretar, analizar, sintetizar, manejar datos e investigar o ampliar el tema, incidiendo más en la práctica que en la memoria. Si se está evaluando el lenguaje hay que centrarse en los elementos lingüísticos que no están directamente relacionados con los contenidos de las distintas áreas. A los alumnos también se les puede dar la oportunidad de que demuestren lo que saben de gramática y vocabulario en general; pueden leer, escribir y hablar sobre ellos mismos o sobre temas literarios u otros asuntos y escuchar conversaciones de la vida diaria. Los exámenes orales pueden consistir en roleplays sobre diferentes situaciones. Cuando se evaluen las competencies lingüísticas habrá que dar importancia tanto a la corrección como a la fluidez. En ambos casos los alumnos deberían estar familiarizados con el tipo de examen que se les va a pedir. Las actividades que evaluen el uso del lenguaje deberían enmarcarse dentro de un contexto real y significativo en el que el lenguaje suceda de manera natural. Los exámenes deberían siempre ser en un solo idioma e incluir actividades comunicativas. Si es posible, se les dará un ejemplo de cada actividad y se les mostrará lo que deben hacer para responder correctamente. No se debe evaluar lo que no se ha enseñado ya sea referente a la lengua o al contenido. 8.2. Primer Ciclo El objetivo general es que los niños sean capaces de entender y usar palabras, expresiones y frases sencillas de uso diario tanto por escrito como en la comunicación oral. Serán capaces de presentarse y de preguntar y responder a preguntas sencillas sobre sus vidas y sobre las áreas que han estudiado. Serán capaces de copiar palabras y frases muy cortas, escribirlas y deletrear palabras clave correctamente. Se podrá elegir entre los siguientes tipos de actividades: Evaluar la comprensión oral: leer instrucciones cortas para que los alumnos coloquen y unan correctamente objetos en un dibujo, hacer un dictado muy corto de números y palabras letra a letra, describir acciones o hacer preguntas sencillas para identificar uno o tres posibles dibujos; leer información para localizar y colorear los elementos indicados de un dibujo. También se puede evaluar a través de actividades en las que se pidan respuestas físicas o no verbales. Evaluar la comprensión y expresion escrita: se puede dar a los alumnos definiciones sencillas y cortas para unir a una palabra; pies de foto para asociarlos a un dibujo; frases cortas de verdadero o falso; preguntas para elegir la mejor respuesta; textos cortos con espacios (nombres) para completar (eligiendo de una relación dada); y preguntas abiertas para responder con una, dos o tres palabras. Evaluar la expresion oral: Enseñar a los alumnos dibujos para que identifiquen diferencias o seleccionen el que sobra explicando por qué; hacer dos o tres preguntas abiertas. 8.3. Segundo Ciclo



Los alumnos deberían ser capaces de entender y utilizar frases y expresiones frecuentes sobre ellos mismos, sobre la gente que conocen y lo objetos que les rodean, así como sobre las áreas que trabajan, tanto por escrito como en la comunicación oral. Serán capaces de copiar y escribir frases sobre asuntos cotidianos y sobre las materias escolares. También deberán deletrear palabras de uso frecuente con una corrección razonable. Se podrá elegir entre los siguientes tipos de actividades: Evaluar la comprensión oral: leer o poner grabaciones cortas que contengan instrucciones breves para que los alumnos coloquen y unan correctamente objetos en un dibujo; poner un breve diálogo para que respondan a preguntas sobre el mismo con un palabra o frase; poner conversaciones cortas para luego seleccionar entre tres opciones quién habla y lo que dice; descripciones o definiciones breves para seleccionar un tema de tres posibles; diálogos cortos grabados para que localicen y marquen elementos de un dibujo. Evaluar la comprensión y expresión escrita: se pueden dar a los alumnos cinco frases cortas para asociar con determinados temas; frases con tres opciones para que las completen leyendo un texto corto; un texto largo o tres cortos sobre un tema con el que estén familiarizados y basado en información sobre un país diferente al suyo para responder a preguntas de “verdadero, falso o no lo dice”; tres textos paralelos para que transfieran la información a un cuadro o para que extraigan palabras clave y hagan un esquema; darles una actividad escrita corta (de 25 a 30 palabras) basada en un tema escolar o en otro que sea relevante a sus experiencias o intereses. Evaluar la expresión oral: Dar a los alumnos dibujos para que busquen las diferencias o para que descubran el que sobra y por qué; hacerles dos o tres preguntas abiertas; preguntarles sobre sus gustos y opiniones; pedirles una presentación corta en la que usen soporte visual sobre un tema o un libro de su elección. 8.4. Tercer ciclo A este nivel, los alumnos deberían poder entender las ideas principales de un texto (hablado o escrito), sobre temas cercanos o no a su entorno inmediato y describir acontecimientos, sentimientos y deseos. Serán capaces de mantener conversaciones sobre su vida diaria, describir sus sueños y deseos y hablar sobre temas que han estudiado. Serán capaces de hacer una presentación corta sobre ellos o sobre las materias que han estudiado. Podrán escribir pequeños textos con una corrección razonable. Se podrá elegir entre los siguientes tipos de actividades. Evaluar la comprensión oral: leer o representar monólogos o diálogos cortos para que los alumnos identifiquen la información clave con actividades tipo test apoyadas en soporte visual, proponer una entrevista para que los alumnos identifiquen información específica sobre un tema escolar con actividades tipo test (multiple choice), un diálogo informal para que los alumnos contesten preguntas de verdadero/falso. Evaluar la comprensión y expresión escrita: se les puede dar a los alumnos textos breves para que identifiquen el tema o para que completen frases tipo test; un texto largo sobre temas escolares conocidos para contestar preguntas de “verdadero/falso/no lo dice”, textos paralelos para que transfieran la información esencial a un cuadro, textos más largos para hacer resúmenes, una breve tarea escrita (alrededor de 40 palabras) basada en un tema escolar o en otros relacionados con sus intereses o experiencias relevantes. Evaluar la expresión oral: se les pueden dar a los alumnos dibujos para: identificar diferencias, hacer descripciones, seleccionar el que sobra y dar razones, hacer dos o tres preguntas abiertas sencillas. Pedirles una presentación con cierto grado de complejidad sobre un tema familiar (un libro de su elección o un tema de Conocimiento del Medio) utilizando soporte visual y luego responder preguntas. Si los alumnos son evaluados en parejas, pueden hacerse preguntas unos a otros sobre sus gustos y sus opiniones sobre las presentaciones o participar en un pequeño debate sobre las mismas.



8.5. Criterios de evaluación al final de la Educación Primaria A continuación se enumeran los criterios que se pueden utilizar para comprobar y medir el nivel de los alumnos al final de la Educación Primaria. DESTREZAS DE COMPRENSIÓN ESCRITA: Soy capaz de… _ Comprender vocabulario clave y frecuente en diferentes tipos de textos escritos. _ Captar la idea principal en artículos de periódicos y revistas. _ Deducir por el contexto el significado de palabras desconocidas. _ Hacer una lectura rápida para detectar y encontrar información relevante _ En cartas personales, comprender suficientemente bien aquellas partes que se refieren a acontecimientos, sentimientos y deseos como para poder cartearse con un amigo regularmente. _ Disfrutar y comprender el argumento de una historia y el sentido en un poema. _ Leer y escenificar poemas breves y pequeñas obras. DESTREZAS ESCRITAS: Soy capaz de… _ Escribir con claridad textos breves sobre contenidos escolares y temas relacionados con mis experiencias e intereses. _ Escribir una reseña sencilla sobre una película o un libro. _ Transmitir mensajes breves a los amigos por correo electrónico o móvil, o solicitar información a través de los mismos medios. _ Escribir una redacción corta sobre mí mismo. _ Responder o pedir información más precisa sobre anuncios o diferentes productos (videojuegos, móviles,…). _ Utilizar las nuevas tecnologías para presentar información por escrito. PRODUCCIÓN E INTERACCIÓN ORAL: Soy capaz de… _ Mantener una conversación o un debate sobre temas que me resultan familiares o que me interesan. _ Pedir y seguir instrucciones detalladas. _ Expresar emociones y sentimientos. _ Manifestar acuerdo y desacuerdo educadamente. _ Hacer presentaciones orales. COMPRENSIÓN ORAL: Soy capaz de… _ Comprender tareas y presentaciones orales cortas. _ Seguir un discurso oral dirigido a mí y articulado con claridad en una conversación cotidiana aunque a veces tenga que pedir que me repitan ciertas palabras o frases. _ Seguir el argumento de conversaciones que se desarrollan a mi alrededor, siempre que el discurso sea claro. _ Comprender los elementos principales de una grabación sobre temas de interés personal realizados suficientemente despacio y de una manera clara. _ Comprender información técnica y científica básica.




Infantil no se encuentra dentro del Proyecto, ya que este comienza en Primaria, sin embargo desde el Centro intentamos reforzar la lengua inglesa en esta etapa para preparar a nuestros alumnos.

Lo más importante en esta etapa es motivar a los alumnos e ir introduciéndoles poco a poco en el programa. Es necesario, por tanto, que las clases sean divertidas, motivadoras y cercanas a los intereses de los alumnos. El juego debe tener un papel importante en las clases. Jugar hace que los alumnos utilicen pequeños aspectos del lenguaje, ya sean sólo sonidos o palabras simples, que favorecen un posterior desarrollo oral.

Todas las sesiones deben ser desarrolladas totalmente en inglés, ya que cuanto mayor sea la cantidad de input, mejor será su posterior aprendizaje.

En el área de inglés, el trabajo se realizará siguiendo el proyecto Playschool de Oford , para conseguir un aprendizaje globalizado y significativo.

Es importante la colaboración con los profesores de infantil para la programación de las unidades.

Teniendo en cuenta los contenidos, se debe incluir en todas las unidades cuentos, canciones, rimas y juegos para crear una atmósfera cómoda y amable en el aula, donde el aprendizaje de una nueva lengua sea estimulante de escuchar y seguro para intentar responder.

En las sesiones se empleará el inglés para renombrar conceptos y explicar actividades.

Es fundamental, por tanto, un trabajo coordinado y en equipo con los profesores de infantil, que nos pueden dar herramientas para conseguir motivar y obtener lo mejor de los alumnos de esta etapa.

Para realizar un trabajo útil y significativo en esta etapa escolar, hay que tener presente que en clase tiene que haber mucho inglés y mucha diversión.



1. CONTENT BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing

1.1 OBJECTIVES - To listen and understand simple messages for classroom communication. - To produce short and simple spoken texts in the foreign language.



- To develop, show interest and participate in all classroom communicative and play activities. - To appreciate the English as a communicative language different from the student’s own. - To observe the classroom rules when speaking aloud exchanging information. - To recognise and appreciate the communicative value of foreign languages. - To understand and use linguistic and non-linguistic conventions. 1.2 CONTENTS - Watch a picture and say the names of the characters. - Listen a C.D and identify the speakers - Listen and repeat a chant - Listen and sing a song - Listen and draw a picture - Listen to a conversation and identify the characters in a picture - Study some illustrations and say vocabulary related to each subject - Learn and repeat a rhyme - Study some pictures, deduct and say the activities involved - Study and identify differences between them - Study some illustrations and link to some pictures - Listen, understand and repeat a story. - Look at some pictures and locate panels in a story. 1.3 KEY COMPETENCES

See the introduction for general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to the basic competences and how they are reflected in the course in general. . Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. 1.3 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - To write words about each topic



- To write sentences under the correct image - To read and identify the correct picture .

2. CONTENT BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

2.1 OBJECTIVES - To read simple texts comprehensively. - To read and identify simple words and phrases previously presented orally on familiar topics.. - To write known words, phrases and expressions from linguistic models with a specific purpose. - To initiate in reading strategies; transfer visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with. - To read simple words and sentences previously studied through active participation in real situations. 2.2 CONTENTS - Read and understand a story - Answer some comprehension questions - Look at some pictures and write down the name of these pictures - Read simple words and sentences - Read a dialogue and answer simple questions - Write and read sentences under the correct image - Read and number sentences - Read sentences and colour pictures - Read sentences and link them to some pictures - Label pictures with words from a list 2.3 KEY COMPETENCE Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. 2.4 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA



- To write words about each topic - To write sentences under the correct image - To read and identify the correct picture

3. BLOCK 3: refection on the language and learning through use

3.1 OBJECTIVES - To establish relationships between the meaning, pronunciation and spelling of words and phrases - To recognise characteristics aspects of sounds, rhythm and intonation - To show a receptive attitude, interest when learning to use a foreign language - To appreciate the foreign language as an instrument for acting and learning - To familiarise with the use of basic strategies in texts from different patterns - To know phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use them for comprehension and oral production - To learn skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and expressions containing gestures and visual elements for the acquisition of vocabulary, forms and structures. 3.2 CONTENTS Vocabulary New vocabulary in each unit Contrasting communicative structures - Hello. Goodbye. What’s your name? I’m (name). My favourite colour is… - Following instructions: Stand up, sit down, line up, say goodbye - How old are you? I’m……… - Supporting our friends: Good luck, kids!,well done, kids!, very good! - I’ve got - Wash your hands. Show me your hands - Where’s my…….? It’s here. It isn’t here. - Come and share a toy with me - It’s got…. - Clap your hands, stretch up high and touch the sky - I like……….I don’t like……… - Let’s feed….. and let’s brush - I can/ I can’t - Jump up and down, touch your toes, turn around! - Here’s your card, thank you! - I’m wearing….



Functions of language - Greeting and farewells - Introducing yourself - Following instructions - Talk about different topics in each unit - Ask and answer questions about name and age - Express possession - Express what thing are made of - Describe parts of the body and face - Express skills - Describe weather - Describe a map and is coordinate Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonations) - Listen and repeat the sounds - Listen and identify a sounds - Link together some initial sound - Link words beginning with the same sounds - Link pictures and words according to initial sounds 3.3 KEY COMPETENCE Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. 3.4 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - To use some strategies for learning to learn such as asking questions as appropriate to get information - To learn to use bilingual dictionaries - To use skills and procedures for the acquisition of vocabulary, forms and structures.

4. BLOCK 4: Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness



4.1 OBJECTIVES - To show open attitude of comprehension and respect for the foreign language, its speakers and its culture. - To develop a critical attitude against sex, class and racial stereotypes - To familiarise with habits, social relations, features where the foreign language is spoken - To develop a receptive attitude towards peoples from different cultures speaking different languages - To show interest and curiosity for languages other than the student’s own - To learn basic forms of social relations in a foreign language - To appreciate one’s own culture through knowledge and appraisal of others. 4.2 CONTENTS - To familiarise with habits, social relations, features where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language. 4.3 KEY COMPETENCE Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. 4.4 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - To value the foreign language as a communication tool and shoe curiosity and interest in its speakers - To identify some traits, customs, and traditions of countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with the student’s own. - To listen and follow instructions 5. MIXED ABILITY The reinforcement and extension activities provides individual attention to students according to their needs and their pace of learning. Digital material is also available to deal with different levels in class



6. ASSESSMENT 6.1 Formative assessment - Review the last unit 6.2 Summative assessment - One test in each unit 6.3 Self assessment - Self evaluation in each unit


1. CONTENT BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing


• Listening and understanding of simple messages . • Oral interaction in real or fake situations • Production of simples sentences through songs and dramatization. • Development of basic strategies to support comprehension and oral expression. • To develop, show interest y participate in all classroom communicative and play activities. • To observe the classroom rules when speaking aloud exchanging information .


• Listen and repeat sentences to practice structures in the unit

• Listen to some conversations and identify the speaker.

• Listen to words and repeat them and to put them in a visual context. • Ask and answer questions related to the topic. • Listen with closed books to find a specific piece of information • Listen to a conversation to complete some words • Listen and practise the key words in the section. • Predict the words missing from a song. Listen and complete. • Ask and answer questions about food you like likes or dislike. • Listen to and match parts of a conversation • Listen and repeat sentences to practice structures in each unit. • Recognise words relate with the topic • Ask and answer about personal information.

1.3 KEY COMPETENCE Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence



The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.

1.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. - Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

-Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

-Listen to and follow instructions and daily routines.

2. CONTENT BLOCK 2- Reading and writing


• Reading of previously studied simple words through active participation in real or fake situations.

• Initiation in reading strategies • Writing of previously studied words • To show interest and care for the presentation of written assignments. • Read and understand different kinds of text.


• Read a story • Answer some comprehension questions. • Answer questions in each unit about different topics. • Read a dialogue and find some words in the story. • Complete some words in a conversation • Complete sentences with words from the text. • Reread the text and answer some comprehension questions. • Find words in a tex .



• Write some simple sentences about the topic in each unit. • Link sentences to pictures. • Join two halves to obtain full sentences.


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Grasp the overall meaning in oral texts in different communicative situations.

• Write simple texts both in paper and digital formats. • Write short sentences related to the topic. • Write words relate with the text with correct spelling CONTENT BLOCK 3- Reflection on the language and learning through use


• Acknowledgement of phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use for comprehension and oral production.

• Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written forms.



• Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and expressions containing gestual and visual elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary.

• Show a receptive attitude, interest y self-confidence when learning to use a foreign language. • Appraisal of a foreign language as an instrument for acting and learning.



New vocabulary from the unit

Contrasting communicative structures

• What’s your name? • Where is she / he? • How do you say… in English? • Is she/he on/in/under the (object)? • Here’s a …. • I’ve got a …. • That’s (name) • She/he is my …….. • How old are/is you/ he/she? • He/ she is…. • He’s / she’s/ it’s got • Can I have…? • Yes, here you are. No, sorry • Can you see…? • I can / can´t • Can I / he /she …? • different types of shapes • Short answers • I like / don’t like • Are you (feeling)? Yes/ No, I’m (feeling) • Plural nouns • What are you (verb) + ing? • I´m (verb)+ ing

Functions of language

• Talk about different topics in each unit. • Sing the songs • Act out your own story • Say a chant • Ask for and express opinion. • Ask questions to identify animals • Say what different animals can do



• Ask for items in a shop • Ask for thing politely • Express emotion • Talk about what you do at the weekend

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

• Listen and repeat the sounds. • Listen and identify a sound. • Write words next under the correct picture. • Listen and check the answers and then repeat. • Listen and repeat a chant to practise sounds. • Careful pronunciation, proper rhythm, intonation and stress in oral interaction, reading and

dramatization • Pronunciation and discrimination of phonemes • Associating spelling and pronunciation of known vocabulary and expressions 3.3 KEY COMPETENCE

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.


• Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Use some strategies for learning to learn such as asking questions as appropriate to obtain information, seek clarification, using bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, accompanying communication with gestures, to search for, collect and organize information in different formats, using ICT to check and verify information and identify some aspects to improve efficiency.

• .Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

CONTENT BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness




• Familiarization with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.

• Curiosity and interest for languages other than the student’s own. • Appraisal of one’s own culture through knowledge y appraisal of others. • Learning and acknowledgement of basic forms of social relations in a foreign language. • Receptive attitude towards peoples from different cultures speaking different languages. • To progressively develop a critical attitude against sex, class and racial stereotypes.


In each unit:

• Familiarize with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.


Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative

4.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. • Identify some traits, customs and traditions of countries where the target language is spoken

and compare them with the students’ own. • Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its

speakers. • Listen and follow instructions. • Write simple sentences about each topic


The reinforcement and extension activities provide individual attention to students, according to their needs and their pace of learning.



Digital material is also available to deal with different levels in class.


• Reinforcement activities • Additional activities (reinforcement and extension)


In this programming, the evaluation is considered as a continuous process, inherent to the process of learning itself. It is an analysis instrument and a means to adequate the teaching practice to the real progress of pupils. The function of evaluation consists of helping to learn better, rather qualitatively than quantitatively. • 6.1. Formative assessment

– Review the last unit. – Day to Day assessment

• 6.2. Summative assessment: – One test in each unit

• 6.3. Self assessment: – Self-evaluation in each unit


Pupils with slight learning and/or discipline problems Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling Pupils with serious learning problems a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided. b) For the weakest students, as sufficient progress in the conceptual contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential). When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities





BLOCK 1 The environment and its protection.

OBJECTIVES • Identifying the four seasons of the year and their main characteristics. • Learning the order of the months and the seasons of the year. • Being aware of how the seasons influence landscape and people. • Learning some characteristics of weather. • Identifying different landscape features. • Recognising some basic similarities and differences between urban and rural landscapes. • Identifying natural landscapes and recognising the differences between them. CONTENTS • The four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. • Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy, cold, hot. • Observe drawings to obtain information about seasons and weather. • Compare pictures of winter and summer. Appreciate the importance of learning about the environment and its changes • Landscape features. • City landscape and country landscape. • Observe drawings and pictures to learn about landscapes. • Appreciate natural landscapes and show interest in preserving them. • Bodies of water in nature: lakes, rivers, seas. • Uses of water. • States of water: liquid water, ice, steam. • Appreciate the importance of water in our daily lives. KEY COMPETENCIES

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.




- Understanding the differences between seasons. - Understanding and comparingdiferents landscapes. - Grouping animals based on common features. - Distinguishing types of body coverings. - Comparing the main Bodies of water in nature: lakes, rivers,..etc - Respecting all living things. - Identifying some characteristics of weather

BLOCK 2 : Diversity of living things OBJECTIVES • Understanding differences between living things and non-living things. • Learning features of birds and distinguishing them from other animal groups. • Identifying body parts of birds. • Learning features of mammals and fish and distinguishing them from other animal groups. • Distinguishing types of body coverings. Recognising and comparing main external parts of animals’ bodies • Learning that animals are living things. • Identifying basic animal needs. • Learning that animals can live in the country or in the city. • Showing interest in protecting animal habitats. • Learning how animals move and associating an animal’s habitat with how it moves. • Identifying domestic animals and wild animals. • Identifying plant parts. • Identifying what plants need and what seeds need to germinate. • Sequencing of a plant’s life cycle. • Understanding how seasonal changes affect plants. • Showing interest in protecting places where plants live. • Learning about edible plants and identifying the parts of the plants we eat. • Classifying foods by origin. • Learning uses of plants. • Learning how animals help us. • Appreciating the need for a varied diet which includes vegetables. Appreciating the importance of plants and animals in people’s lives CONTENTS • Types of things: living and non-living. • Birds: body parts, feathers. • Mammals: hair. • Fish: body parts, scales. • Animal body coverings: feathers, hair, scales, shells. • Animals are living things: they are born, eat, grow and change. • Animal needs: food, water, hygiene, exercise. • Animals move: they walk, slither, fly, and swim.



• Domestic animals and wild animals. • Complete tables to compare body coverings. • Distinguish features of different animal groups: birds, mammals, fish. • Compare animals. • Group animals based on their common features. • Observe photographs of animals to learn about them. • Use numbers to sequence life stages of an animal. • Classify animals by different criteria: movement, domestic or wild. • Respect all living things. • Show interest in protecting places where animals live. • Plant parts: roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruit. • Plant needs: sunlight, water, soil, air. • Places where plants can live. • Seasonal changes in plants. • Edible plants. • The parts of plants we eat. • Uses of plants. • Label parts on plant drawings. • Observe experiments about plants and make hypotheses. • Identify plant changes during the seasons. • Show interest in protecting places where plants live. • Show interest in caring for plants we have at home. • Relationship between people and animals. • Organise observations from an experiment and draw conclusions.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Understanding the differences between living things and non-living things. - Understanding and comparing features of birds, mammals and fish. - Grouping animals based on common features. - Distinguishing types of body coverings.



- Comparing the main external parts of animals’ bodies: birds, mammals and fish. - Respecting all living things. - Identifying animal life functions and animal needs. - Identifying domestic animals and wild animals. - Distinguishing how animals move. - Classifying animals by different criteria. - Recognising the importance of protecting animal habitats.

- Identifying plant parts and plant needs. - Learning the places where plants can live. - Sequencing of a plant’s life cycle. - Identifying seasonal changes in plants. - Recognising the importance of protecting plant habitats and plants at home. - Identifying the parts of plants we eat. - Classifying foods by origin: animal or plant. - Understanding uses of plants. - Understanding the relationship between people and animals. - Appreciating the importance of having a varied diet which is rich in vegetables - Appreciating the importance of plants and animals in people’s lives

BLOCK 3: Health and personal development OBJECTIVES • Identifying the main external parts of the body and features. • Recognising some simple differences between babies, children, adults and senior citizens. • Recognising their own abilities. • Identifying movements we can do. • Distinguishing the concepts fast and slow. • Identifying what we need to live. • Learning meal names and the order of daily meals. • Distinguishing concepts ‘before’ and ‘after’. • Learning about different types of foods. • Distinguishing good and bad habits for our health. • Recognising it is important to have a healthy diet to care for our body. • Understanding that our senses tell us about the world around us. • Identifying the senses and sense organs. • Recognising the importance of all the senses for perceiving the external environment

CONTENTS • The parts of the body. • The parts of the face. • Physical changes caused by growth. • Compare characteristics of people at different ages.



• Compare themselves now and as babies. • Observe their own body. • Things we need to live: food, water, air and sunlight. • Daily meals: snack, breakfast, lunch, dinner. • Different types of foods: dairy products, bread and pasta, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. • Number daily meals in order. • Sequencing with numbers. • Analyse own habits and change them to improve health. • Recognise the importance of having a healthy diet. • Interest in practising good hygiene habits. • The senses collect information. • The organs of touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste: in the skin, eyes, ears, nose and tongue

respectively. • Associate each sense with the sense organ and with what it perceives. • Sight: recognising shapes and colours. • Touch: hard, soft, smooth, rough. • Taste: appreciating flavours. • Smell: identification of odours. • Hearing: distinguishing sounds. • Compare drawings to discover similarities and differences. • Appreciate the importance of the senses for relating to the external environment. • Adopting life habits which protect the health of our senses. • Food origin: plant or animal. • Classifying foods by origin. • Appreciate the importance of having a varied diet which is rich in vegetables. KEY COMPETENCIES Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence



Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.


- Distinguishing the main external parts of the body. - Identifying body movements. - Recognising the main parts of the face. - Recognising the physical differences in different life stages. - Having self-respect and respecting others. - Identifying things we need to live. - Sequencing daily meals. - Understanding and using the concepts ‘before’ and ‘after’ correctly. - Learning about different types of foods. - Adopting healthy habits. - Recognising the importance of having a healthy diet.

- Identifying plant parts and plant needs. - Learning the places where plants can live. - Sequencing of a plant’s life cycle. - Identifying seasonal changes in plants. - Recognising the importance of protecting plant habitats and plants at home. - Identifying the parts of plants we eat. - Classifying foods by origin: animal or plant. - Understanding uses of plants. - Understanding the relationship between people and animals. - Appreciating the importance of having a varied diet which is rich in vegetables. - Appreciating the importance of plants and animals in people’s lives.

- Associating senses with sense organs and with what they perceive. - Understanding what the senses do: collect information from the world around us. - Acquiring healthy habits for the sense organs.

BLOCK 4 : People, cultures and social organization OBJECTIVES • Recognising characteristics of a family. • Describing the features of daily routines and learning the sequence of the days of the week;

distinguishing between school days and weekends. • Recognising our own and others’ roles at home and at school. • Appreciating the importance of family and friends. • Learning about different local services and why we use them. • Identifying means of transport. • Identifying people and professions involved in providing local services. • Identifying means of communication.



• Appreciating the work people do in providing local services. CONTENTS

• Family: members and characteristics. • Friends: activities they do together. • Appreciate the importance of family and friends. • Daily routine: meals, rest, play, hygiene, study… • Classify daily activities by the place where we do them. • Days of the week: sequence, school days, weekend. • Interpret the representation of a calendar month. • People who help us: teachers, friends, doctors, family. • Appreciate the help others give us on a daily basis. • People who provide basic services: teachers, doctors, shop assistants, postal workers, police

officers, street cleaners. • Observe drawings and photographs to learn about local services. • Appreciate the work people do in providing local services. • Means of transport: car, train, bus, taxi. • Appreciate the importance of obeying road signs and traffic regulations. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Identifying the roles of family members and friends in daily lives. - Describing the features of the daily routines. - Understanding the sequence of the days of the week and distinguishing between school days and

weekends. - Recognising our own and others’ roles at home and at school. - Identifying different local services and why we use them. - Identifying means of transport and communication. - Identifying people and professions involved in providing local services and appreciating their

work. - Appreciating means of communication

BLOCK 5 : The passing of time. OBJECTIVES • Distinguishing concepts ‘before’ and ‘after’.

• Identifying and describing items using present tense of verb to be: Electricity is… • Expressing facts using present simple tense. • Describing actions using present continuous. • Identifying and describing using present simple of verb to be. • Describing features using present simple of verb to have. • Expressing facts using present simple tense. • Asking and responding to questions in present simple. • Talking about the past



CONTENTS • Fast and slow. • Distinguish fast movements and slow movements. • Time sequence: before, after. • Use concepts ‘before’ and ‘after’ correctly. • Past and present ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Understanding and using the concepts ‘before’ and ‘after’ correctly. - Understanding the sequence of the days of the week and distinguishing between school days and


Describing the features of the daily routines.

BLOCK 6 : Matter and energy OBJECTIVES • . Recognising common materials. • Recognising that some materials are found naturally. • Identifying materials as animal or plant in origin. • Learning the properties of different materials we use to make clothes. • Finding out about different uses of materials according to their properties. • Showing interest in recycling objects and materials. • Identifying pushes and pulls as forces and identifying which force (push or pull) is being used to

move different objects. • Distinguishing actions carried out with human energy or electricity. • Identifying electrical machines. • Distinguishing natural light and artificial light and learning that electricity can be used to produce

light. • Identifying different sound sources. Recognising the importance for our health of working with sufficient light. CONTENTS • Common materials: wood, stone, glass, plastic, metal. • Materials of animal origin: leather, wool. • Materials of plant origin: cotton. • Classify objects in a table according to the material they are made of. • Materials that can change shape: bend, stretch and twist. • Complete tables about materials that can change shape. • Group materials by their characteristics. • Show interest in recycling objects. • Forces and movement. Classifying types of forces • Push and pull. • Human energy and electricity. • Using electrical energy responsibly. • Light: natural and artificial.



• Sound sources. • Explaining observable events around them scientifically. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Recognising common materials. - Recognising that some materials are found naturally. - Identifying materials we use to make clothes. - Finding out about different uses of materials according to their properties. - Appreciating the importance of recycling objects and materials - Identifying forces (push or pull) being used to move objects. - Distinguishing actions carried out with human energy or electricity. - Distinguishing between natural light and artificial light. - Identifying different sound sources. - Using electrical energy responsibly.

BLOCK 7 : Objects, machines and new technologies

OBJECTIVES • Distinguishing actions carried out with human energy or electricity. • Identifying electrical machines. CONTENTS

• Machines that use electricity to work.

KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence



Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

ASSESMENT CRITERIA Recognising different types of electrical machines


BLOCK 1: The environment and its protection. OBJECTIVES

- To identify different types of soil: rocky, sandy, wet. - To analyse what is present in wet soil. - To observe the different forms of water in nature. - To encourage water saving practices. - To distinguish the different states of water. - To understand that water is in continuous movement. - To identify the air as an essential element for living beings. - To understand that oxygen is one of the components of the air and an essential element for life. - To understand that the wind is air in movement. - To appreciate the importance of the forests for living beings. - To appreciate the importance of plants and forests. - To discover the force of the wind and the water through an experimental task. - To make a windmill. - To identify the Sun as the source of heat and light on the Earth. - To understand the process involved in the change from day to night. - To differentiate the four phases of the Moon. - To relate the changing of day to night to the rotation of the Earth. - To relate the movement and rotation of the Earth to the seasons of the year. - To understand that the Earth takes twelve months to orbit the sun. - To understand that this movement around the sun is the origin of the seasons of the year. - To recognise the main characteristics of each season. - To recognise that there are many different climate zones on the Earth. - To understand the influence of the climate on people’s lives. - To develop the capacity of observation and analysis of the weather and the climate. - To record and organise data in a chart. - To understand the differences in areas of the Earth which receive more or less sunlight. - To understand that there are different types of landscapes on the Earth. - To identify the different landscapes.



- To understand that a landscape is made up of physical and human features. - To develop the capacity of observation, investigation and analysis. - To analyse a coastal landscape and identify the main features in the landscape. - To distinguish physical and human features in the landscape. - To identify the main characteristics of a landscape composed of plains. - To identify the main characteristics of a landscape composed of mountains. - To relate different means of transport to features in the landscape which have been built for

them. - To reflect on good habits for protecting the environment. - To apply and use some of the concepts acquired through the unit. - To review the unit. CONTENTS

- The soil: sand, rocks and earth. - Types of soil: rocky, sandy, wet, dry… - Water: states and changes. - The air and the wind. - Observing the forces of water and wind. - The importance of caring for plants. - The forests and plants: their importance for human life. - The Sun, the Earth and the Moon. - Day and night (Changing from one to the other; Times of the day). - The four seasons of the year. -The differences in areas of the Earth depending on whether they receive more or less sunlight. - Recording the weather. - The definition of a landscape. - Features in a landscape: natural and artificial. - Types of landscapes: coastal, plains and mountains. - Coastal landscape. - Inland landscape: plains and mountains. - Transport by land, sea and air. - Environmental protection.

KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn



Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Recognising different types of soil. - Understanding that water and oxygen are necessary for life. - Explaining the water cycle. - Recognising the main characteristics of water. - Distinguishing the three states of water. - Identifying oxygen as one of the gases present in the air. - Appreciating the importance of forests and their usefulness to living beings. - Developing water saving practices. - Understanding that the Sun is the source of light and heat for the Earth. - Identifying the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. - Differentiating the four phases of the Moon. - Explaining the change of day to night as a consequence of the rotation of the Earth. - Relating the movement of the Earth to the four seasons of the year. - Understanding that the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth conditions life in different parts of the Earth. - Observing and recording the weather in our region over a week. - Perceiving and appreciating the existence of different types of landscape on the Earth. - Differentiating between physical and human features in a landscape. - Distinguishing between coasts, plains and mountains. - Recognising the main features of the three types of landscape: coasts, plains and mountains. - Relating means of transport to the features in a landscape which have been built for them.

BLOCK 2: Diversity of living things OBJECTIVES - To recognise that animals are born, grow and die and therefore are living beings. - To recognise the main features of pets, farm animals and wild animals.



- To locate the main parts of animals’ bodies. - To appreciate the life cycle. - To classify animals according to different criteria. - To identify vertebrates and invertebrates. - To identify the different types of food animals eat and the different ways they are born. - To distinguish the ways animals are born. - To encourage respect for all living beings. - To reflect on the stages of the life cycle. - To understand that there are many different groups of animals. - To classify animals into insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians. - To distinguish the main characteristics of insects. - To identify some insects. - To recognise some of the essential characteristics of insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, birds and

amphibians. - To distinguish the main characteristics of fish and reptiles. - To identify some fish and reptiles. - To distinguish the main characteristics of mammals and birds. - To identify some mammals and birds. - To identify the way that insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians reproduce and what

they eat. - To develop reading with understanding through a descriptive text. - To identify the main characteristics of amphibians. - To identify and describe the external characteristics of some marine animals. - To appreciate animal life. - To understand that plants are living beings, they are born, grow and die. - To recognise that plants need food and air in order to survive. - To recognise the needs of cultivated plants. - To identify soil, air, water and light as necessary elements for plant survival. - To appreciate the importance of plants for human life. - To identify the main parts of a plant. - To classify plants according to different criteria. - To differentiate between trees, bushes and grass. - To describe the stages of the life cycle of a plant. - To understand the reproductive function of seeds. - To appreciate the importance of plants as part of human nutrition. - To describe plants using the criteria learnt in this unit. - To reflect on the different uses of plants for humans. - To apply and use some of the concepts acquired through the unit. - To review the unit. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence



The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

CONTENTS - Pets and wild animals. - The main parts of animal bodies. - Vertebrates and invertebrates. - Carnivores and herbivores. - Types of animals according to the way they are born: oviparous and viviparous animals. - The life cycle. - The dangers to animal life. - Stages in animals’ lives. - Animal protection. - Insects. - Fish. - Reptiles. - Mammals. - Birds. - Amphibians. - Marine animals. - The needs of a plant. - The parts of a plant: Roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruit. - Plant reproduction. - Cultivated and wild plants. - Different types of plants: Trees, bushes and grasses. - Plants are born and grow. - Making a plant file. - Protecting nature.




Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Recognising that animals are living beings which are born, grow and die. - Identifying different ways in which animals are born and different food that they eat. - Classifying animals according to how they are born. - Classifying animals according to the food they eat. - Differentiating between vertebrates and invertebrates. - Showing respect for animal life. - Understanding that there are different types of animals. - Understanding that each type of animal has specific characteristics. - Identifying the way in which insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians reproduce and what they eat. - Describing and classifying animals according to different criteria. - Appreciating and respecting the importance of animal life. - Recognising plants as living beings. - Identifying the main parts of a plant. - Differentiating between and describing plants. - Classifying plants according to different criteria. - Identifying the stages of plant growth. - Locating the seeds in the fruit. - Appreciating the importance of plants to human life.



BLOCK 3: Health and personal development OBJECTIVES - To recognise and appreciate the importance of personal hygiene. - To identify the appropriate foods for each meal. - To recognise that the human body is made in such a way as to allow us different types of activities

and movements. - To locate the main parts of the human body in ourselves and in others. - To identify the main parts of the human body. - To identify the parts of the body that move and carry out different actions. - To understand the function of the bones, muscles and joints. - To identify the main bones, muscles and joints. - To identify the function of each sense. - To relate each sense to its sensory organ. - To understand one’s own body, its abilities and its limitations. - To understand that we relate to our environment through our senses. - To understand the limitations of people who have some kind of physical disability (motor disability,

blindness or deafness). - To accept and appreciate people with physical disabilities. - To study bones and joints through the assembly of a skeleton. - To understand what a healthy diet consists of. - To recognise the need to follow a healthy, balanced diet. - To recognise that nutrition and respiration are vital functions of the body. - To show the route of the alimentary canal and the names of some of the organs involved in the

digestive tract. - To relate taking air in and expelling air with breathing. - To understand that breathing is a vital function. - To recognise the function of the heart as a vital function. - To understand that our bodies change as we grow. - To understand that some things change and some things stay the same through the growth stages. - To reflect on healthy habits and customs. - To apply and use some of the concepts acquired through the unit. - To review the unit.

CONTENTS - The main parts of the body. - The human body and movement. - Bones, muscles and joints. - The senses: organs and perceptions. - People with physical disabilities. - Respecting the disabled. - Making a skeleton. - Healthy food. - Different types of food. - The mouth, the teeth and the stomach.



- Respiration. - Nutrition. - Breathing and the lungs. - The blood and the heart. - Doing a health survey. - Looking after our bodies. - Doing a health survey.

KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Reflecting on the possibilities of movement in the human body. - Locating the main parts of the human body. - Identifying the abilities and limitations of the human body. - Differentiating between bones, muscles, and joints. - Understanding the senses, the sensory organs and their functions. - Appreciating healthy habits and the importance of personal hygiene. - Accepting differences in people. - Identifying the characteristics of a healthy diet. - Understanding that respiration and nutrition are vital functions. - Explaining the function of the teeth and the stomach in nutrition. - Explaining the basic function of respiration. - Recognising healthy dietary habits. - Identifying some of the changes to the human body during growth.



BLOCK 4: Matter and energy Contents and objectives related with this block will be learnt next course - in third level of Primary

BLOCK 5: Objects, machines and new technologies OBJECTIVES - To find out about certain inventions and discoveries which have changed our lives considerably. - To appreciate the usefulness of inventions in our daily lives. - To identify the function and use of certain inventions. - To recognise that technological advances improve the quality of human life. - To understand that electricity is a type of energy which is used to make many machines work. - To recognise the usefulness of electricity and plastic in our daily lives. - To understand the applications of electrical energy. - To understand that people invent many different materials to improve our lives. - To appreciate the work of scientists. - To appreciate and value scientific discoveries and their role in human life. - To recognise the usefulness of medicines and other scientific discoveries. - To appreciate the importance of the work of the scientists. - To understand the importance of recycling for protecting nature and conservation. - To reflect on the importance of recycling. - To make recycled paper. - To apply and use some of the concepts acquired through the unit. - To review the unit.

CONTENTS - Inventions and their uses. - The use of different types of energy. - Electricity. - Materials. - Using new materials: plastic. - Medical discoveries. - Treatment and prevention of illnesses. - Medicines. - Recycling paper. - The value of scientific work. KEY COMPETENCES

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence



The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Recognising the importance of technological and scientific advances for human development. - Finding out about inventions that help to make our lives easier and identifying their function. - Appreciating the usefulness of electricity. - Appreciating the advantages of new materials. - Appreciating the importance of advances in medicine for fighting illness. - Understanding the need for recycling as a way of protecting the environment.

BLOCK 6: The passing of time.

OBJECTIVES - To understand the changes that take place in people, nature and society as time goes by. - To form a sequence of changes that take place chronologically. - To understand the notions of a week and a day. - To compare oneself at two different moments in time. - To understand that we use different units to measure the passage of time (hours, days, weeks,

months and years). - To understand that there are different instruments for measuring the passage of time. - To understand how we use clocks and calendars. - To discover and understand the relationships of equivalence between different units of time. - To discover aspects of people’s lives and nature which change with the passage of time. - To understand the notions of past and present. - To distinguish ancient and modern objects.



- To identify the different types of clocks used in the past. - To understand that we use a calendar in order to organise events and remember important events. - To reflect on the importance of our personal history. - To appreciate different customs and traditions. - To understand that festivals commemorate significant events in our societies. - To understand that all the festivals we celebrate have an origin and a reason. - To identify and classify the festivals which are best known to us. - To show an interest in the history of our predecessors. - To respect and appreciate customs and traditions from different places. - To identify personal history as the sum total of the events which have taken place over a lifetime

and in the lifetime of our predecessors. - To understand and appreciate the importance of historical objects. - To appreciate the importance of our artistic, cultural and natural heritage and to take an interest in

its preservation. - To identify different types of historical objects. - To reflect on the importance of preserving historical monuments because they form part of our

history. - To find out about historical characters and events. - To understand the usefulness of a time-line. - To form a sequence of events chronologically. - To apply and use some of the concepts acquired through the unit. - To review the unit. CONTENTS - The sequence of daily activities. - Measuring how time goes by. - Time notions: hour, day, week, month and year. - Relationships of equivalence between different units of time. - Instruments for measuring time: the calendar and the clock / watch. - Past and present. - Changes to daily life. - Making a calendar. - Birthdays and festivals. - A family story. - Customs and local symbols. - Testimonies from the past: monuments, statues… - The story of our predecessors. - Distinctive elements of the history of a place: Customs, symbols, typical elements. - Organising a time-line. - Artistic heritage: Types of historical objects. - Appreciating the past. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit.



Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Recognising the transformation and change in some aspects of life. - Forming sequences of different events chronologically to show the evolution of an object or a fact. - Understanding and using basic notions of historical time which show things happening - simultaneously and successively. - Establishing relationships of equivalence between different units of time. - Interpreting a calendar. - Identifying different types of watches. - Using time identifiers to understand the history of a person or place. - Appreciating and showing a positive interest in different people’s customs and traditions. - Identifying what is being celebrated in different festivals. - Showing an interest in history and our predecessors. - Appreciating the importance of protecting our cultural, artistic and natural heritage. - Organising events on a time-line.

BLOCK 7: People, cultures and social organization

OBJECTIVES - To recognise the reasons why we need to live in houses. - To recognise a home as a place where several people live together. - To understand that houses have developed over time. - To understand that cities and towns are divided into neighbourhoods. - To understand the structure and composition of a neighbourhood. - To identify the main architectural features in the street. - To appreciate the importance of urban transport services. - To identify the different means of urban transport. - To differentiate between public and private transport. - To identify different means of public and private transport.



- To identify the main characteristics of one’s own neighbourhood. - To appreciate the importance of good behaviour and manners in our relationships with our

neighbours. - To develop observational skills. - To understand that a family is a group of people who are related to each other. - To discover changes that take place in the make-up of a family over time. - To understand that our neighbours are the people who live in our neighbourhood. - To understand that neighbourhoods change over time. - To appreciate and respect the services in our neighbourhood. - To understand the usefulness of means of communication. - To identify different means of communication. - To classify the means of communication according to the number of people who use each one. - To appreciate the importance of communicating. - To encourage and appreciate social relationships. - To understand that the population of any place is made up of men (boys) and women (girls) of

different ages. - To understand the difference between a raw material and a finished product. - To understand that there are many different jobs involved in obtaining finished products. - To understand that some materials are transformed in factories to provide products to be used or

consumed. - To relate finished products to their raw materials. - To recognise the work of crop and animal farmers and fishermen as basic to obtaining food

products. - To recognise the jobs relating to obtaining and transforming food products. - To understand the various task performed by farmers and fishermen. - To identify which products are obtained by animal and crop farmers, and fishermen. - To identify different activities within a particular job or profession. - To appreciate the importance of all jobs and professions. - To identify professions within the service sector and their related tasks. - To identify the main stages in obtaining a finished product. - To apply and use some of the concepts acquired through the unit. - To review the unit.


- Inside the house: Spatial and functional analysis. - Streets: Features found in the street. - Neighbourhood and services. - Urban transport: Public and private transport. - Map reading. - Behaviour on public transport. - The members of the family: relatives and changes. - Neighbours. - The neighbourhood and its services. - Means of communication. - Transforming products (secondary sector). - Workers who transform raw materials into finished products. - Raw materials and finished products. - Obtaining food products (primary sector). - Workers who produce food: animals and crop farmers, and fishermen. - Services (tertiary sector). - Workers who provide services.



- The stages of production from the raw materials to the finished product.

KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence - Homes and houses. - My family and neighbours. - Jobs and working. Interpersonal, social and civic competence - My family and neighbours. - Jobs and working. Learning to learn - Homes and houses. - My family and neighbours. - Jobs and working. Data processing and digital competence

- My family and neighbours.

Mathematic Competence - Jobs and working.


- Understanding that cities and towns are divided into neighbourhoods. - Explaining the concept of a neighbourhood. - Identifying the different types of urban transport. - Recognising and appreciating what is necessary for a peaceful coexistence in a neighbourhood. - Understanding and explaining the concept of a neighbourhood. - Recognising some of the services in the neighbourhood. - Understanding the need for means of communication. - Classifying means of communication into personal and collective. - Appreciating the importance of our relationships with others. - Differentiating between raw materials and finished products. - Understanding that raw materials are transformed in order to obtain finished products. - Understanding that animal and crop farmers, and fishermen work to provide food. - Recognising certain professions within the service sector and some of the activities they engage in. - Relating shops to the products they sell and the people who work in the shops. - Reflecting on the importance of work and workers.




1º PRIMARY 1. CONTENT BLOCK 1: FINE ART OBSERVATION 1.1 OBJECTIVES - To observe and be aware of examples of Arts and Crafts in the environment - To Analyze and assess the aesthetic qualities of works of Arts and Drafts - To explore and experience the expressive and communicative possibilities of different materials, instruments and modern technology - To enjoy, assess and respect the Arts and Crafts compositions created by classmates - To learn to plan the phases necessary to complete a piece of work, individually and as part of a group - To begin to identify, understand and use certain artistic codes found in works of Arts and Crafts in the environment - To discover expressive meaning through of arts and Crafts - To begin understanding the social significance, value and function for visual culture - To Respect the artistic efforts that come from cultural heritage - To express and represent sensations and experiences, autonomously and with initiative, by means of arts and Crafts processes and techniques that give rise to emotional equilibrium and the communication of emotions 1.2 CONTENTS - The dot and the line, and their expressive qualities - Compositions and series with dots, lines and splodges - The primary colours; combinations in series - The temperature of colour; hot and cold colours - Shape as an element of Arts and Crafts language - The figurative shape and abstract shape - Light and shadow as determining of the volume of objects - Light and dark colour as effects of light - Distance as an element that distorts the size, colour and shape of objects - The horizon line; horizon line perspective - The order of elements in a composition - Natural proportion and aesthetic proportion - The elements of visual language and creativity - Fantasy as a means of generating characters and situations - Colour and texture applied to fantasy - The plane, the line, the splodge and colour used to represent fantastical elements 1.3 BASIC COMPETENCES



Competence in linguistic communication - Communicate, verbally and writing, simple messages - Apply language usage rules, as well as linguistic and non-linguistic skills to exchange communication - Use specific vocabulary from each area as an instrument for language enrichment - Apply the actions that define linguistic communication (speaking, reading, writing…) to specific purposes - Communicate at a progressive competence level in a foreign language Mathematic competence - Identify and organise objects according to particular spatial criteria - Apply mathematical information to different situations and contexts Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world - Develop the ability to interact with surroundings and to solve problems involving objects and their locations - Recognize the importance of the fact that all human beings benefit from progress and that progress should preserve natural resources and diversity Processing information and digital competence - Manage different basic concepts of languages (textual, numerical, iconic, visual, graphic and audible), as well as their guidelines for decoding and transferring - Relate specific languages with the most frequently used forms of media to display information Social competence and citizenship - Participate actively and responsibly in group learning activities, respecting the group’s operating rules Cultural and artistic competence - Develop an open and critical attitude that respects diversity of artistic expressions, as well as sensitivity and aesthetic sense, in order to understand, value and enjoy artistic expression - Demonstrate desire and will to develop aesthetic and creative skills, and demonstrate initiative, imagination and creativity to express through the use of artistic codes - To know the main techniques, resources and conventions of different artistic languages, as well as the most significant works and expressions of our cultural heritage - To express ideas, experiences and feelings by means of different artistic means such as music, literature, visual and scenic arts and the different forms of the so called popular arts and use some of their expressive resources. Competence in learning how to learn - Develop skill to obtain information and assimilate it as personal knowledge, making relationships and integrating the new information with prior knowledge and personal experience - Apply new knowledge and skills in similar situations and in different contexts - Learn from others and with others Competence in autonomy and personal initiative - Asses what is done and self-assess, draw conclusions and evaluate improvement possibilities



- Demonstrate assertiveness and flexibility, as well as social skills to relate to others, cooperate and work in groups; empathise with others, value others’ ideas, communicate and negotiate. 1.4 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - To identify and describe the natural and human-made environment - To represent the natural and human-made environment expressively - To express personal experiences and sensations through Arts and Crafts - To observe and identify expressions of arts and Crafts in the environment - To observe and identify expressions of Arts and Crafts in media where the image predominates - To use drawing as a means of expressions and representation - To apply simple three-dimensional techniques using suitable hand-eye coordination - To identify, enjoy and assess artistic works in the environment - To create images in a spontaneous way based on personal experience -To recognise and differentiate the expressiveness of a range of supporting materials - To use the expressive resources provided by a range of supporting materials, in a personal way -To respect the norms necessary to create Arts and Crafts compositions individually or in a team - To value, respect and look after the materials and space used to create Arts and Crafts compositions 2. CONTENT BLOCK 2: EXPRESSION AND CREATION OF PIECES OF ART.

OBJECTIVES - Use with ease the different supporting materials with which an Arts and Crafts composition is created. - Use correctly the most appropriate tools necessary to carry out a particular technique. - Orientate themselves appropriately within two-dimensional space. - Make objects in three dimensions. - Understand instructions, and through them create an Arts and Crafts composition. - Use the basic elements of visual language to communicate, and receive, personal thoughts and feelings. - Use colour appropriately so as to express a situation or a sentiment. - Use the basic colours with different tones in order to create shades of colour. - Create Arts and Crafts compositions based on observing nature. - Design and construct simple shapes in two and three dimensions. - Define and create simple shapes and forms. - Reproduce and represent shapes graphically in two and three dimensions. - Learn about, and use correctly the resources and materials necessary to create Arts and Crafts objects in three dimensions. - Use tone adequately in order to represent the light and shadow of a lit object. - Understand how light behaves on three-dimensional objects. - Construct complex three-dimensional motifs by first combining other, simple ones. - Demonstrate facility in applying the Arts and Crafts language to represent three-dimensional motifs on a flat plane. - Understand that distance, size and colour are factors that modify the perception of an object. - Draw one or more objects in the plane, using the appropriate perspective. - Represent objects and motifs on a plane in which a horizontal line has already been drawn.



CONTENTS II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts � With splodges: filling the given space, applying colour uniformly. � With dots: applying the basic colours, using splodges of uniform colour to fill in shapes. � Transferring shapes by means of a grid. � Filling in shapes using uniform splodges. � Filling in shapes, differentiating the depth of their form. � The direction of light and its angle onto the volume of objects. III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language � Tracing and enhancing the outlines of shapes using various materials. � Following continuous lines with uniform precision. � Varying the strength of the line by varying the pressure of the pencil on the page.. � Filling in shapes with continuous and uniform strokes. � Filling in shapes, respecting the outline as the delineating factor in applying colour. � The geometric form and the artistic form. � Drawing different objects and motifs starting from the same shape. � Making lines, dots and splodges in order to create figurative shapes. � The geometric line and the artistic stroke as elements that define a shape. � Filling in shapes to demonstrate their volume. � Using line or stroke to represent three-dimensional shapes in a plane. � Using line or stroke to delineate areas of light and areas of shadow. � Tracing and finishing figures and objectes. � Drawing motifs and objects in a range of positions and from different points of view. � Drawing different versions of the same theme, varying the position of the elements. � Finishing figures along their axis of symmetry. V. Techniques and materials Cutting out, finishing and mounting paper characters and their clothes. � Experimenting with different materials � Paint, wax crayons and pencils. � Obtaining secondary colours. Creating shades and tones of one colour. � Using different types of paper: smooth, rough, matt. � Cleaning, fixing and caring for equipment (paintbrushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.). � Colouring with a computer drawing programme. � Applying paints and crayons to achieve contrasting effects between light and dark. � Using paints and crayons to highlight distance and size and create perspective.




Competence in linguistic communication - Use specific vocabulary from each area as an instrument for language enrichment. - Communicate, verbally and in writing, simple messages - Apply the actions that define linguistic communication (speaking, reading, writing …) to specific purposes. Mathematical competence - Apply mathematical information to different situations and contexts. - Identify and organise objects according to particular spatial criteria. - Manage basic mathematical elements, such as different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometrical elements, etc. in real situations and in simulations of daily life. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world - Develop the ability to interact with surroundings and to solve problems involving objects and their locations. Processing information and digital competence - Manage different basic concepts of languages (textual, numerical, iconic, visual, graphic and audible), as well as their guidelines for decoding and transferring. Cultural and artistic competence - Demonstrate desire and will to develop aesthetic and creative skills, and demonstrate initiative, imagination and creativity to express through the use of artistic codes. - Know the main techniques, resources and conventions of different artistic languages, as well as the most significant works and expressions of our cultural heritage. Competence in learning how to learn - Develop skills to obtain information and assimilate it as personal knowledge, making relationships and integrating the new information with prior knowledge and personal experience. - Apply new knowledge and skills in similar situations and in different contexts. Competence in autonomy and personal initiative - Assess what is done and self-assess, draw conclusions and evaluate improvement possibilities.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Pupils will be able to show that they:



- Can use different graphic elements to express themselves and explore different results, either creating their own projects or using the models that are given to them. - Can make voluminous objects, maintaining a sense of equilibrium and proportion. - Can appropriately use the different supporting materials available, taking into account the possibilities of each as a means for visual expression. - Can freely represent the colours of the objects that surround them. - Know when to use the basic colours and can use them. - Experiment with the graphic elements of the Arts and Crafts language, in their personal creative work and in others suggested to them. - Can create complex constructions in three dimensions, using simple shapes. - Can express themselves by means of designing figurative and abstract shapes. - Can develop simple shapes using the basic elements of the Arts and Crafts language. - Can make complex objects from simple elements. - Can produce the appropriate colour tones in order to create the effects of light and shadow on an object when it is lit. - Can represent two- and three-dimensional shapes graphically. - Can represent objects in the plane from different perspectives and in a personalized way. - Can construct an appropriate size-to-distance relationship between objects, applying the results of their own experiences in their work. - Can represent objects and motifs on a plane, using the horizontal line as a reference for establishing perspective. - Can progressively introduce new factors into their creation of real objects. These factors will make different parts of their work stand out.

2ND YEAR PRIMARY BLOCK 1: Fine art observation.


- Learn about and recognize the elements that make up visual language: the dot, the line and the splodge.

- Differentiate and use the basic colours. - Know and make use of combinations of the basic colours. - Distinguish colours correctly and classify them by tone and ‘temperature’. - Discover different shapes that exist and use them as an expressive resource. - Recognize and differentiate figurative and abstract shapes. - Know the possibilities of different modelling materials to create works in three dimensions and

use them. - Differentiate and recognize the three spatial directions. - Discover and assess these three directions in Arts and Crafts compositions. - Differentiate and recognize objects by their shape and size. - Use spatial concepts appropriately. - Discover the different positions a body can occupy in space. - Can represent the shape and size of an object graphically by varying its own position. - Can apply the basic rules of perspective in their own compositions. - Recognize the importance of the placement of the horizon line and how different positions

achieve certain effects.



- Recognize and differentiate the different parts of a plane (upper, lower, left and right). - Discover the different perceptions we have of the size of beings and objects as a function of

factors such as distance, age and their own natural way of being. - Apply the laws of comparative proportion and relative proportion. - Learn to use proportionality as a resource to express artistry appropriately. - Recognize and correctly use the concepts of ‘half’ and ‘double’ to translate Arts and Crafts

work into other media. - Respect and value their own work and that of others.

CONTENTS I. The elements that make up visual language � The dot: colour, size, thickness; dispersal and enclosure. � The line: colour, thickness, direction and sense. � The splodge: colour, size, surface and texture. � Light and shadow: shading and range of greys. � The shape: figurative and abstract. � Colour: primary colours; secondary colours. � The most fundamental combinations of basic colours and their results. � The temperature and tone of basic colours. Hot and cold colours. Light and dark colours. � The range or gradation of colours. � The shape as an element of visual language. � The figurative shape and the abstract shape. � The simple shape and the composite shape. � The expressive shape and the geometric shape. � Modelling materials: plasticine, clay. � The line: straight lines, curves. � Colour: light and shade. � The plane: cutting out, sticking, and rolling up. � The space and the plane. � Size, proportion and distance. � Position and point of view. � The tone of colour. � The horizon line as a reference point. � The plane and the box in space. � The copy within the plane; transforming an object to double or half its size. � Natural proportion. IV. Appreciating different artistic forms � Expressive compositions that use discarded materials. � Analysing and interpreting works of art and discovering new techniques. � Analysis and interpretation of works of art and discovering new expressive techniques. � Analysis and interpretation of works of art, and discovering new expressive techniques. � Understanding and observing the norms of conduct during guided visits. � Personal analysis and interpretation of a known work of art. � Analysis and interpretation of works of art.



� Discovering new expressive techniques. � Artistic representation of works in the immediate socio-cultural environment, where proportion

between different elements is the main point of interest. � Discovering and acquiring the habit and skill of estimating proportion in works of art.

KEY COMPETENCES Competence in linguistic communication - Use specific vocabulary from each area as an instrument for language enrichment. - Apply the actions that define linguistic communication (speaking, reading, writing…) to specific

purposes. Mathematical competence - Identify and organise objects according to particular spatial criteria. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world - Recognize the importance of the fact that all human beings benefit from progress and that

progress should preserve natural resources and diversity. Processing information and digital competence - Relate specific languages with the most frequently used forms of media to display information. Cultural and artistic competence - Demonstrate desire and will to develop aesthetic and creative skills, and demonstrate

initiative, imagination and creativity to express through the use of artistic codes. - Know the main techniques, resources and conventions of different artistic languages, as well as

the most significant works and expressions of our cultural heritage. Competence in learning how to learn - Develop skills to obtain information and assimilate it as personal knowledge, making

relationships and integrating the new information with prior knowledge and personal experience.

- Learn from others and with others. Competence in autonomy and personal initiative - Assess what is done and self-assess, draw conclusions and evaluate improvement possibilities.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Pupils will be able to show that they:



- Can assess with due respect their own work and that of others. - Can recognize the basic colours and can use their own criteria to apply them. - Can discover and experiment with the basic combinations of the primary colours using

different materials and techniques. - Know and understand the procedures necessary to create expressive compositions. - Can express personal criteria artistically, regarding a particular work of art. - Can distinguish between the figurative and abstract shape. - Can correctly represent the figurative shape and the relative size of objects. - Can situate objects appropriately in the plane and in space, given prior suggestions. - Can recognize and draw an object in different positions. - Can correctly orientate themselves in space and in the plane. - Can recognize how to correctly increase or decrease the size of an object, doubling or halving

its size. BLOCK 2: Expression and creation of pieces of art.

OBJECTIVES - Acquire correct coordination and precision in drawing lines and shapes. - Experiment with different materials so as to elaborate Arts and Crafts compositions of their

own. - Correctly use the techniques and tools necessary to obtain mixtures of colour. - Create Arts and Crafts compositions by mixing colours. - Create Arts and Crafts compositions by following the criteria already established. - Experiment with different materials to construct and deconstruct shapes. - Use appropriate materials and tools to work in two and three dimensions. - Acquire correct coordination and precision for cutting out shapes with scissors. - Design and make Arts and Crafts compositions using a variety of different shapes - Use colour to achieve the effect of volume when representing shapes on a plane. - Apply the size-distance-proportion relationship appropriately. - Clearly and simply represent objects in the plane using perspective. - Use colour tone and the size of objects as resources to achieve perspective. - Discover artistic possibilities through folding planes along their axes of symmetry, - Use and apply the necessary resources to create compositions in which proportion is the

primary concept.

CONTENTS II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts � Filling in shapes with dots of different colours and sizes. � Creating and designing a project using strips of paper. � Filling in shapes according to colour keys. � Applying colour tones to express certain situations.



� Transferring shapes by means of the grid technique. � Filling in figures using shapes of different sizes and colours. � Creating and combining artistic elements for use in publicity. � Achieving a volumetric effect by drawing straight and curved lines. � Applying shading to achieve a volumetric effect in planar shapes. � Cutting out and sticking figures in appropriate sizes and proportions so as to finish given

motifs. � Applying a shading technique to figures to achieve the effect of volume in a plane. � Representing objects graphically at an appropriate size, depending on their closeness to, or

distance from, other objects already present. � Creating Arts and Crafts compositions by using the stamping technique. � Drawing adult animals and their offspring in proportion. III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language � Drawing dots and lines freehand so as to obtain figurative shapes. � Going over the outlines of given motifs. � Cutting out paper shapes by hand and using them to create Arts and Crafts compositions. � Following a model to draw and fill in splodges. � Drawing coloured lines freehand in one direction, to achieve a dense effect. � Controlling the stroke when filling in shapes, being careful with the direction and pressure of

the stroke. � Going over outlines using both thick strokes and fine strokes, to obtain different textures. � Drawing expressive or geometric shapes freehand. � Using the line, the dot and the splodge to make expressive shapes. � Transforming abstract splodges into figurative forms. � Tearing pieces of paper into shapes, and using these in Arts and Crafts compositions. � Following a model to draw and fill in shapes. � Defining an object’s regions of light and shade by means of drawing and colour. � Defining a body’s three dimensions by drawing lines and other decorative motifs. � Designing and drawing objects of different sizes and shapes in different positions. � Defining the different positions of objects in a plane by means of drawing and colour. � Defining the position and volume of a body by drawing areas of light and shade. � Cutting out and gluing shapes onto paper in order to achieve an effect of perspective. � Going over the outlines of a given shape and then colouring it in. � Making figurative shapes by means of different strokes on abstract splodges made by

stamping. � Drawing symmetrical motifs in order to create rhythmic patterns. � Drawing uniformly to represent the effects of volume, size and proportion. V. Techniques and materials � Experimenting with various techniques � Understanding the airbrush digital tool for colouring in with dots. � Cutting out, folding and gluing plane shapes to obtain two-and three-dimensional motifs. � Using liquid pigments to achieve mixtures and tones of a colour. � Experimenting with various techniques. � Using an ordinary pencil to achieve aesthetic effects. � Using the ordinary pencil to achieve aesthetic effects. � Experimenting with modelling materials: plasticine, clay, papier maché, etc. � Cutting out, folding and sticking planar shapes to achieve the effects of depth and




� Discovering new expressive techniques. � Experimenting with a range of materials: paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, wax crayons, etc. � Using an ordinary pencil to achieve effects of light and shade.

KEY COMPETENCES Competence in linguistic communication - Communicate, verbally and in writing, simple messages. - Apply language usage rules, as well as linguistic and non-linguistic skills to exchange

communication. - Communicate at a progressive competence level in a foreign language. Mathematical competence - Manage basic mathematical elements, such as different types of numbers, measurements,

symbols, geometrical elements, etc. in real situations and in simulations of daily life. - Apply mathematical information to different situations and contexts. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world - Develop the ability to interact with surroundings and to solve problems involving objects and

their locations. Processing information and digital competence - Manage different basic concepts of languages (textual, numerical, iconic, visual, graphic and

audible), as well as their guidelines for decoding and transferring. Social competence and citizenship - Participate actively and responsibly in group learning activities, respecting the group’s

operating rules. Cultural and artistic competence - Develop an open and critical attitude that respects diversity of artistic expressions, as well as

sensitivity and aesthetic sense, in order to understand, value and enjoy artistic expression. - Express ideas, experiences and feelings by means of different artistic means such as music,

literature, visual and scenic arts and the different forms of the so called popular arts, and use some of their expressive resources.

- Show eagerness to participate in cultural life and to contribute to the preservation of cultural and artistic heritage, of one’s own community as well as other communities.

Competence in learning how to learn - Apply new knowledge and skills in similar situations and in different contexts. - Manage effort, assess oneself and accept mistakes.



Competence in autonomy and personal initiative - Demonstrate assertiveness and flexibility, as well as social skills to relate to others,

cooperate and work in groups: empathise with others, value others’ ideas, communicate and negotiate.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Pupils will be able to show that they: - Can express themselves artistically through the use of dots, lines, and coloured splodges. - Can occupy the space in a plane in a balanced way using aesthetic compositional criteria. - Can draw lines and fill in shapes neatly. - Can express personal views on a specific work of art, using what they have learnt in Arts and

Crafts. - Can create expressive compositions using and experimenting with different techniques and

materials. - Can adequately use the techniques and tools necessary to obtain certain colours. - Can classify colours according to their tone and apply these criteria when they create their

own pictures. - Can use combinations of colours intentionally, as well as the techniques they know and the

materials available, to create their own Arts and Crafts compositions. - Can make constructions in two and three dimensions, making adequate use of the necessary

tools and materials. - Can create compositions by grouping together different shapes. - Can represent the shape and size of an object graphically by varying its own position. - Can apply the basic rules of perspective in their own compositions. - Can use shades of colour and proportion as resources for achieving the effects of proximity or

distance. - Can use the horizon line as a reference point to correctly situate the elements of a

composition. - Can use the expressive resources provided by the line/stroke to create compositions. - Can create stamps by means of folded planes.





1. CONTENT BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing


• Listening and understanding simple messages for classroom communication. • Oral interaction in real and simulated situations and through verbal and non-verbal responses in

communication routines. • Production of oral texts previously known through an active participation in routines, performances,

songs, recitations, dramatizations, guided interactions… or also interactions previously arranged with the help of models, showing interest to express themselves.

• Development of the basic strategies to support oral expression and comprehension: use of visual and non verbal contexts and of the previous knowledge about the topic or situation from the language the student is already familiar with.

• To develop, show interest and participate in all classroom commnunicative and play activities. • Appraisal of English as communicative language different from the student’s own. • To observe the classroom rules when speaking aloud exchanging information. • To show interest for understanding and making oneself understood through oral non-oral resources. • Assesment of the foreign language as a means of communication.


- Understand introductions and use greetings naturally - Ask and respond to questions about personal information - Give basic personal information - Say and identify people’s favourite things - Sing the songs - Act out the episode of the story - Understand the time (o’clock, half past) - Recognise and describe personal daily routines - Ask and respond to questions about times and daily routines - Say what you always, sometimes and never do - Can use but in statements to make contrasts - Can ask and respond to questions about food other people like, and about sports and musical

instruments that other people play - Can recognise and name words for places in the community - Give simple directions and express location - Identify owners of possessions - Understand questions and answers about possessions - Can understand exchanges and statements about what people are doing - Say and ask what people are doing - Understand simple statements and exchanges about events in the past.



- Can ask and respond to questions about events in the past. - Can say what you and other people did in the past.

KEY COMPETENCES. See the introduction for general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to the basic competences and how they are reflected in the course in general.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral communication.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations

1.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. - Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

-Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

-Listen to and follow instructions and daily routines.

2. CONTENT BLOCK 2- Reading and writing


• Reading and understanding different types of texts, both in digital and paper support, about different topics adapted to their age group, so as to be able to get global and specific information, either to develop a task or just to enjoy reading.

• Guided use of the reading strategies: (use of the visual context and of the previous knowledge about the topic or situation transferred from the native language) identifying the main information and deducing the meaning of unknown words and expressions.

• Reading and writing the own texts about everyday situations such as invitations, congratulations, notes, warnings, brochures…

• Composition of simple texts, following models, using very well known phrases and expressions, so as to give information, or with different communicative aims.

• Use of information and communication technologies in order to read write and provide information.



• Interest in a cared presentation of the written texts. CONTENTS.

- Read and write questions, answers about daily routines - Can read descriptions of daily routines - Write sentences about what you always, sometimes and never do - Read short texts about food people like and don’t like - Write a short description of a favourite food following a model - Read and follow simple directions - Read and write words for places in the community - Write simple questions and answers about places in the community - Write sentences about different forms of transport you use - Read short exchanges about possessions and collections - Write questions and answers about possessions - Write a short text about your possessions and collections following a model - Recognise words for sports - Read questions and statements about what people are doing - Read short descriptions of sports events - Write words for sports - Write sentences and exchanges about what people are doing - Write ordinal numbers - Read and write statements and exchanges about where people were yesterday - Read statements and exchanges about the past - Write sentences and exchanges about events in the past


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.




• Grasp the overall meaning and identify specific information in oral texts in different communicative situations.

• . Read and locate explicit and direct information and make inferences understanding texts on various topics of interest.

• . Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Write a short text related to the topic.

CONTENT BLOCK 3- Reflection on the language and learning through use


• Acknowledgement of phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use for comprehension and oral production.

• Acknowledgement and use of previously used form and structure in foreign language. • Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written forms representing well-

known oral expressions. • Familiarization with the use of basic strategies in text production from different patterns;

selection of target, purpose and content. • Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and

expressions containing gestural and visual elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary, form and structure.

• Progressive use of graphic means for information and consultation regarding new possibilities opened up by new technology.



New vocabulary from the unit

Contrasting communicative structures

• There is/are ( affirmative, negative, interrogative)

• How do you spell….?

• How do you say… in English?

• How old are you?

• Do you…?

• What time/ when do you…?



• He/ she likes… ( affirmative, negative, interrogative)

• Have got ( affirmative, negative, interrogative)

• I always/ sometimes/ never…

• past simple and irregular verbs

• Where’s the … please? Turn right/left

• Can you pass me… please?

• Can I have…, please?

• Present continuous

• Can you?

• How many…?

• structures with going to

• Were you …? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

• Was he / she …? Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she wasn’t.

• Short questions

• possessives

• Comparatives / Superlatives

• Did you…?

Functions of language

• Talk about different topics in each unit. • Describe people/animals. • Express opinion. • Ask for and given direction • Ask for things politely • Express likes and dislikes •


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence



The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Use some strategies for learning to learn such as asking questions as appropriate to obtain information, seek clarification, using bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, accompanying communication with gestures, to search for, collect and organize information in different formats, using ICT to check and verify information and identify some aspects to improve efficiency.

• .Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

CONTENT BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness


• Familiarization with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language

• Curiosity and interest for languages other than the student’s own. • Appraisal of one’s own culture through knowledge y appraisal of others. • Learning and acknowledgement of basic forms of social relations in a foreign language. • Receptive attitude towards peoples from different cultures speaking different languages. • To progressively develop a critical attitude against sex, class and racial stereotypes. • Recognition of similarities and differences about everyday habits and basic ways of social

relationships, between the foreign language’s countries and our own one.


In each unit:



• Familiarize with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Identify some traits, customs and traditions of countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with the students’ own.

• Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

• Listen and follow instructions.

• Write sentences about each topic




The reinforcement and extension activities provide individual attention to students, according to their needs and their pace of learning.

Digital material is also available to deal with different levels in class.


• Reinforcement activities • Additional activities (reinforcement and extension)


In this programming, the evaluation is considered as a continuous process, inherent to the process of

learning itself. It is an analysis instrument and a means to adequate the teaching practice to the real

progress of pupils. The function of evaluation consists of helping to learn better, rather qualitatively

than quantitatively.

• 6.1. Formative assessment – Review the last unit. – Day to Day assessment

• 6.2. Summative assessment: – One test in each unit

• 6.3. Self assessment: – Self-evaluation in each unit


Pupils with slight learning and/or discipline problems Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling Pupils with serious learning problems a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided. b) For the weakest students, as sufficient progress in the conceptual contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential).



When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities

4º PRIMARY . 1. CONTENT BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing.


• Listening and understanding of simple messages for classroom communication. • Oral interaction in real or fake situations through verbal and non-verbal responses in communicating

routines. • Production of previously studied oral texts through active participation in shared performances,

songs, recitations and dramatization. • Development of basic strategies to support comprehension and oral expression; transfer of visual

and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with.

• To develop, show interest and participate in all classroom communicative and play activities. • Appraisal of English as a communicative language different from the student’s own. • To observe the classroom rules when speaking aloud exchanging information. • To show interest for understanding and making oneself understood through oral non non-oral


CONTENTS. • Listen to a CD and repeat the words. • Listen to a conversation and identify activities in some pictures. • Ask and answer questions about different activities. • Listen and read to story. • Listen to some sentences and relate them to the correct pictures. • Make short exchanges playing games. • Listen, read and sing to song about outdoor activities. • Look at some pictures and identify some weather symbols. • Have a short conversation asking and answering questions about familiar topics.


Linguistic competence uses , language as a tool for oral communication ( students listen and repeat English vocabulary and structures continuously) Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills and strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionarys or minibooks.



Data processing and digital competence, students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites shown and used in the digital board, computer room or by using their personal multirom. Interpersonal, social and civic competence, the learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the used in the classroom reflect these facts. Cultural and artistic competence, in our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA.

1. Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

2. Grasp the overall meaning and identify some specific elements in oral texts, using verbal and non-verbal context elements.

3. Use forms and structures of the target language including sound, rhythm, intonation and stress in different contexts of communication significantly.

4. Use some strategies for learning to learn such as inquiry, communication with accompanying gestures, visual and bilingual dictionaries, retrieving, searching and gathering information on familiar topics in different media and identifying personal issues to improve efficiency.

5. Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

6. Identify some aspects of everyday life in countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with the students’ own.

2. CONTENT BLOCK 2- Reading and writing 2.1. OBJECTIVES. • Reading of previously studied simple words and sentences through active participation in real or

fake situations. • Initiation in reading strategies; transfer of visual and non-verbal context y of previous knowledge

of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with. • Writing of previously studied words and sentences through active participation in oral interactions

to be used in sharing or transmitting information or in play activities. • Interest for neatness of the produced text. • To show interest and care for the presentation of written assignments.



2.2 CONTENTS • Read and understand a story. Read some sentences and link them to pictures. • Read emails, letters ,informative and literary texts and answer some comprehension questions. (CB

p. 7). • Read a text. Follow the different stages in to series of pictures related to that text . Read some

sentences and connect them to the right word. Fill in the gaps with the right word. KEY COMPETENCES. Linguistic competence uses , language as a tool for written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills and strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionarys or minibooks. Data processing and digital competence, students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites shown and used in the digital board, computer room or by using their personal multirom. Interpersonal, social and civic competence,the learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the used in the classroom reflect these facts. Cultural and artistic competence, in our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic.


1. Read and understand the overall meaning and specific information from simple texts on familiar

topics and with a specific purpose.

2. Write meaningful sentences and short texts in everyday school situations from models with a specific purpose in both paper and digital formats.

3. Use some strategies for learning to learn such as bilingual dictionaries, retrieving, searching and gathering information on familiar topics in different media and identifying personal issues to improve efficiency.

4. Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

5. Identify some aspects of everyday life in countries where the target language is spoken.

6. Appraisal of neatness in all the written assignments and projects.



3. BLOCK 3- Reflection on the language and learning through use. 3.1. OBJECTIVES. • Acknowledgement of phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use for

comprehension and oral production. • Acknowledgement and use of previously used form and structure in foreign language. • Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written forms representing well-

known oral expressions. • Familiarization with the use of basic strategies in text production from different patterns;

selection of target, purpose and content. • Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and

expressions containing gestural and visual elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary, form and structure.

• Progressive use of graphic means for information and consultation regarding new possibilities opened up by new technology.

• Reflection on one’s own learning and work organization. • Show a receptive attitude, interest y self-confidence when learning to use a foreign language. • Appraisal of a foreign language as an instrument for active learning.

3.2. CONTENTS 3.2.1 Knowledge of the language. Vocabulary New vocabulary in each unit. For further details, see units planning. Contrasting communicative structures

• Talk about future events.

• Express likes and dislikes.

• Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

• Listen and repeat the sounds.

• Listen and identify a sound.

• Write words next under the correct picture.

• Listen and check the answers and then repeat.

• Listen and repeat a chant to practise sounds.

3.2.2 reflection on the learning. • Development of easy skills and procedures which ease communication and self learning.

• Progresive use of consulting material and Ict.

• Acceptance of error as part of the learning process.

3.3. KEY COMPETENCES. Linguistic competence uses , language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills and strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own



opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionarys or minibooks. Data processing and digital competence, students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites shown and used in the digital board, computer room or by using their personal multirom. Interpersonal, social and civic competence,the learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the used in the classroom reflect these facts. Cultural and artistic competence, in our planning, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. 3.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

• Reconocer y utilizar el vocabulario aprendido.

• Recognise and use the vocabulary learned in each unit, both in its oral and written form.

• Communicate in the foreign language using simple structures, both orally and in a written form.

• Use the given grammar appropriately.

• Pronunciar de forma adecuada.

• Mostrar actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera.

• Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

• Appraisal of neatness in all the written assignments and projects.

4. BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness 4.1. OBJECTIVES

• Familiarization with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.

• Curiosity and interest for languages other than the student’s own.

• Appraisal of one’s own culture through knowledge y appraisal of others.

• Learning and acknowledgement of basic forms of social relations in a foreign language.

• Receptive attitude towards peoples from different cultures speaking different languages.



• To progressively develop a critical attitude against sex, class and racial stereotypes.

4.2. CONTENTS. In each unit:

• Familiarize with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.

4.3. KEY COMPETENCES. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts. Linguistic competence uses, language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. 4.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA.

• Identify some traits, customs and traditions of countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with the students’ own.

• Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

• Listen and follow instructions.

• Write sentences about each topic.

5. MIXED ABILITY The reinforcement and extension activities provide individual attention to students, according to their needs and their pace of learning. Digital material is also available to deal with different levels in class.




• Formative assessment - Review the last unit.

• Summative assessment: - One test in each unit

• Self assessment: - Self-evaluation in each unit

7. CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES ADOPTED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL CURRICULAR ADAPTATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS 7.1.Pupils with slight learning and/or discipline problems Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling 7.2 Pupils with different types of learning problems Both the more gifted students and the weakest ones will have a special adaptation of the programming.



BLOCK 1 :The environment and its protection. OBJECTIVES

• Understanding that the Earth is spherical and made up of water, land and air. • Understanding that the Earth provides the necessary conditions for the existence of life. • Understanding the characteristics of water. • Understanding that water is necessary for life. • Analysing the uses of water. • Discovering the places where we can find water. • Knowing about drinking water and where it comes from. • Relating changes of state to the water cycle. • Identifying and sequencing the water cycle. • Appreciating water and caring for this valuable resource of the Earth. • Understanding that air is necessary for life. • Appreciating the uses of air. • Analysing the characteristics of air. • Knowing the composition of air. • Learning about the atmosphere, its functions, and some atmospheric phenomena. • Appreciating the importance of breathing clean air. • Distinguishing the physical features of different landscapes: mountain, flat, coastal. • Recognising changes in the environment and identifying their cause. • Learning about mountains.



• Identifying the parts of a mountain: summit, foot, slopes. • Distinguishing valleys and plains. • Describing how people can damage the environment. • Understanding what a river is and describing its characteristics.

• Identifying the three parts of a river. • Distinguishing coastal relief (gulf, bay, cape, island). • Recognising differences in the weather. • Identifying weather characteristics on the plains, near the sea and in the mountains.

CONTENTS • Places where we can find water on the Earth. • The three states of water: solid, liquid and gas. • Identify water in different states. • Explain the characteristics which distinguish water from other liquids. • The water cycle. • Explain the water cycle. • Understand that water belongs to all of us and is a precious resource. • The air: importance, composition, physical characteristics. • Apply the characteristics of gases to air. • Appreciate the importance of breathing clean air. • The atmosphere: the layer of gases surrounding the Earth. • The atmosphere and its functions. • Associate oxygen in the atmosphere with life. • Analyse why the atmosphere is necessary for living things. • Atmospheric phenomena: precipitation, wind, storms. • Identify some atmospheric phenomena. • Comparing photos. • Identify everyday situations in which air is useful to people. • Types of landscapes: mountain, flat, coastal. • Differentiate the three types of landscapes: mountain, flat, coastal. • Natural and artificial changes in landscapes. • Distinguish natural and artificial changes in landscapes. • Analyse the impact of people on landscapes. • Rivers: definition and characteristics (course, flow). • Coastal relief: beaches, cliffs, capes, gulfs. • Types of weather. • Weather symbols. • Describe characteristics of rivers. • Interpret a diagram about the course of a river and the three parts. • Interpret a drawing about coastal relief. • Study photographs of landscapes to obtain information. • Match weather symbols with the information they represent. • Drawing a weather map. • Describing costal relief.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts. Linguistic competence uses, language as a tool for oral and written communication.



Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. ASSESMENT CRITERIA

- Knowing what parts of the Earth are made up of water, land or air. - Distinguishing between the three states of matter. - Giving examples of solids, liquids and gases.

- Knowing the characteristics of water and understanding its - importance. - Recognising the places where we can find water in different states. - Identifying the three states of water and its changes. - Describing the water cycle. - Appreciating the importance of air and oxygen for living things. - Knowing the characteristics, basic composition and uses of air. - Knowing the structure and functions of the atmosphere. - Identifying some atmospheric phenomena. - Distinguishing the different types of landscapes: mountain, flat, coastal. - Understanding the causes of changes in landscapes: natural, artificial. - Identifying the parts of a mountain: summit, foot, slopes. - Studying pictures to obtain information from them. - Describing landscapes using the correct terms. - Knowing what rivers are and describing their characteristics. - Recognising coastal relief (gulf, bay, cape, island…). - Identifying differences in the weather. - Identifying the differences in weather on the plains, in the mountains, and near the sea. - Interpreting pictures of landscapes.

BLOCK 2 : Diversity of living things OBJETIVES



• Distinguishing living things from non-living things. • Understanding the meaning of the life cycle. • Understanding that nutrition, movement, growth and reproduction are common life processes. • Learning characteristics of animals and plants. • Distinguishing animals and plants. • Understanding that living things only live in places where all their needs are satisfied. • Understanding that living things can live on land or in water. • Classifying animals using different criteria. • Learning that carnivores, herbivores and omnivores eat different types of food. • Identifying examples of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. • Learning how oviparous animals and viviparous animals are born and how they grow. • Identyfying examples of oviparous and viviparous animals. • Understanding differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. • Identifying the parts of vertebrate bodies. • Learning that mammals are vertebrates, viviparous and drink their mother’s milk when they are

babies. • Discovering that birds are vertebrates, oviparous and have feathers on their bodies. • Identifying protective coverings of some invertebrates. • Knowing that insects are a kind of invertebrate with six legs and two antennae. • Finding out about the main stages in the life cycle of some insects. • Understanding that nutrition, growth and reproduction are common life processes for plants. • Understanding the characteristics of plants. • Identifying the parts of a plant and their characteristics. • Understanding the effect of light, air, water and temperature on plant growth. • Distinguishing hard stems from soft stems. • Classifying plants according to the type of stem: trees, bushes and grasses. • Identifying examples of trees, bushes and grasses. • . Identifying the main parts of a flower and their functions. • Distinguishing types of fruit. • Understanding the purpose of seeds. • Associating flowers, fruits and seeds with plant reproduction. • Describing the life processes of a plant.

CONTENTS • Everything around us: living and non-living things. • The life cycle of living things. • Sequence correctly the events in the life cycle of living things. • Interest in knowing about and protecting living and non-living things around us. • Characteristics of animals and plants. • Classify different living things into animals or plants. • The needs of living things. • Classification of animals using food as criteria: carnivores, herbivores, omnivores. • Classification of animals using how they are born as criteria: oviparous, viviparous. • Classifying pictures. • Labelling photos. • Vertebrates: skeletons; invertebrates: no bones. • Identify the different parts of vertebrate bodies. • Mammal, bird and insect characteristics. • Identify the different parts of insect bodies. • Apply the criteria learned to classify animals into birds, mammals or insects. • Respect animal life.



• Interest in learning about animals. • Obtain information from diagrams and photographs. • Matching photos and diagrams. • Completing index cards. • Plants are living things, they are born, grow, make their own food, and react. • Parts of plants: stems, leaves, roots. • Distinguish the parts of a plant. • Identify the characteristics of plants. • Types of plants using stems as a classification criteria: trees, bushes, grasses. • Interest in protecting plants. • Plants reproduce: flowers, fruits, seeds. • Parts of flowers: petals, corolla, sepals, calyx, stamens, ovary. • Identify the different parts of a flower. • Fruits grow from flowers. • Types of fruits: fleshy fruit, nuts. • Classify fruits into fleshy fruit and nuts. • Seeds are inside fruit. • Plants are born and their parts grow and change. • Put the life processes of plants in the right order.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts. Linguistic competence uses, language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Learning the characteristics of living things.



- Identifying living things and non-living things. - Classifying living and non-living things. - Distinguishing living from non-living things. - Describing the life cycle of some living things in the right order. - Identifying the needs of living things. - Recognising that people are living things. - Using vocabulary correctly: viviparous, oviparous, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore. - Applying animal classification criteria. - Obtaining information from photos. - Classifying animals using different criteria. - Distinguishing vertebrates and invertebrates. - Identifying the different parts of the bodies of vertebrates and insects. - Identifying and describing birds, mammals, insects and other invertebrates. - Applying animal classification criteria. - Knowing that plants make their own food. - Identifying the different parts of a plant. - Distinguishing between trees, bushes and grasses. - Showing interest in protecting plants. - Identifying the different parts of a flower. - Knowing that fruits grow from flowers. - Classifying fruits into fleshy fruits and nuts.

BLOCK 3 : Health and personal development OBJECTIVES

• Using the senses to discover and describe the environment: shapes, sizes, colours, smells and tastes.

• Identifying the five senses and how they work. • Distinguishing the parts of the eye. • Understanding that we need light in order to see. • Identifying the path that sound takes in the ear. • Understanding what taste buds are for. • Appreciating the importance of all the senses. • Differentiating healthy and unhealthy habits to look after our sense organs. • Identifying main organs and basic functions: bones, muscles and joints. • Learning about the skeleton and its functions. • Understanding what joints are and their purpose. • Interpreting anatomical diagrams. • Identifying characteristics of bones and muscles. • Understanding what muscles are for and how they work. • Distinguishing voluntary muscles from involuntary muscles. • Associating different movements with the muscle used. • Recognising the importance of sports and physical exercise.

CONTENTS • Touch: feel cold, heat, pain. • Sight: see shapes, colours, sizes, distances, position.



• Hearing: distinguish sounds. • Taste: distinguish flavours. • Smell: distinguish smells. • Associate each sense with an organ in the body. • Identify the parts of the eye and ear. • Appreciate the importance of the senses in order to react to the surroundings. • Bones and muscles: characteristics and names of main ones. • Body movements: voluntary and involuntary. • Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary movements. • The skeleton: parts and functions. • Joints: location. • How muscles work and movement. • Explain how muscles work. • Doing an experiment. • Interest in developing a healthy lifestyle to take care of the sense organs. • Interpret anatomical diagrams and apply the new vocabulary correctly. • Labelling a diagram.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts. Linguistic competence uses, language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA



- Associating the senses with their organs. - Understanding how our senses work: perceive information from the world

around us. - Identifying the parts of the eye and ear. - Distinguishing between voluntary movements and involuntary movements. - Knowing the characteristics of bones and muscles and how they work together. - Naming some bones and muscles. - Interpreting anatomical diagrams. - Developing healthy habits for bones, muscles and joints.

BLOCK 4 : Matter and energy OBJECTIVES

• Identifying the properties of solids, liquids and gases. • Recognising the states of matter. • Identifying examples of solids, liquids and gases. • Identifying changes in matter in the surroundings. • Understanding what a change in state is.

Identifying different changes in state.. CONTENTS • The states of matter. • Compare the characteristics of matter in its three states. • Changes in matter. • Changes in the state of matter. • Analyse pictures to obtain information.. • Compare the characteristics of matter in its three states. • Changes in matter. • Changes in the state of matter. • Analyse pictures to obtain information. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Identifying the changes in the states of matter.

BLOCK 7 : People, cultures and social organization OBJECTIVES • Understanding what population is and how it changes. • Distinguishing immigrants from emigrants. • Differentiating cities, towns and villages. • Understanding the differences between urban populations and rural populations. • Assessing the pros and cons of different forms of transport. • Recognising the importance of transport for people. • Appreciating rural life and village life. • . Understanding what the active population is.



• Distinguishing work by economic sectors, and rural and urban populations. • Distinguishing irrigated crops and dry crops. • Recognising different kinds of animal farming. • Understanding industry. • Following a product from its manufacture to end result. Identifying professions. CONTENTS • Population growth and migratory movements. • Urban populations and rural populations. • Interpret a population bar graph. • Means of transport (vehicles) and facilities. • Classify means of transport (vehicles) by type of transport. • Recognise the importance of transport. • The active population and types of work people can do. • Appreciate all the different types of jobs and the people who do them. • Analyse pictures of different towns and cities to describe their similarities and differences. • Reading maps to locate cities. • Industrial products. • The transformation of raw materials into industrial products. • Differentiate raw materials and industrial products. • Interpret pictures and graphs.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts. Linguistic competence uses, language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Autonomy and personal iniciative, most of the activities and projects programmed encourage cooperation and respect for others and their opinions, group work as well as self-confidence and initiative. Mathematical competence, numerous activities offer the opportunity to develop this competence, applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, Some of the cross curricular lesson and reading texts have social and natural sciences as the topic. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Defining population. - Using the terms immigrant and emigrant correctly.



- Distinguishing between rural populations and urban populations. - Classifying of means of transport (vehicles) by type of transport. - Appreciating means of transport. - Respecting rural and urban ways of life. - Defining active population. - Classifying work based on jobs and economic sectors. - Identifying dry crops and irrigated crops. - Classifying farm animals by type of animal.


BLOCK 1 :The environment and its protection. OBJECTIVES • Distinguishing luminous from non-luminous astronomical bodies. • Understanding that the Sun is spherical. • Recognising that the Sun is a star. • Understanding the importance of the Sun for life on Earth. • Identifying the different stars that make up the Solar System. • Understanding how planets move on space. • Understanding that day and night are related to the spin of the Earth on its own axis. • Associating the movement of the Earth around the Sun with the seasons of the year. • Learning the properties and uses of minerals. • Understanding where minerals come from. • Learning what rocks are and how we use them. • Understanding where rocks come from. • Distinguishing the layers of soil and their composition. • Recognising the different types of soil. • Understanding where underground water comes from and how it is extracted. • Understanding the concept of ecosystem. • Ordering living things in simple food chains. • Understanding how animals and plants interact with the habitat. • Understanding forests are ecosystems. • Identifying the main habitats, typical living things and food interactions in forests. • Learning that the sea is an ecosystem. • Identifying living things and food interactions in the sea. • Learning the names of the continents and oceans. • Learning where the continent of Europe is and its frontiers. • Locating Spain and other European countries. • Recognising the European Union’s flag. • Identifying the names of the countries that belong to the EU. • Learning about landscapes in Europe. • Interpreting maps and extracting information. Promoting peaceful coexistence. CONTENTS • Luminous and non-luminous astronomical bodies in the universe. • Astronomical bodies: stars, planets, satellites, comets. • The rotation of the Earth: day and night.



• The Earth’s orbit: seasons. • Interpret diagrams about the Solar System and the Earth’s movements. • Compare two photos of different seasons of the year to discover the differences. • Minerals and rocks and their uses. • Properties of minerals. • Where minerals and rocks come from. • Give examples of different uses of rocks and minerals. • Classifying minerals. • Layers of soil. • Types of soil: fertile, poor, very poor. • Underground water. • What ecosystems are. • What ecosystems are made up of. • Types of ecosystems. • Respect the environment. • Curiosity about the surroundings and their characteristics. • Explain events we can observe scientifically. • The oceans and continents of the Earth. • Identify the continents and oceans on a map. • Compare sizes and continents on a map. • Encourage respect and care for the seas, oceans and natural landscapes. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Differentiating luminous and non-luminous bodies. - Understanding about the planets and other astronomical bodies. - Identifying the Sun as the source of light and heat we need for life. - Understanding the two movements of the Earth and their effects.

Describing minerals using their properties. - Understanding the uses of minerals and rocks. - Recognising soil types and distinguishing the layers of the soil. - Explaining where underground water comes from. - Obtaining information from photographs and drawings. - Understanding what ecosystems are. - Recognising the living things that form food chains. - Identifying interactions among living things in ecosystems. - Distinguishing the living and non-living things in ecosystems. - Identifying the living things and their food interactions in the sea and forest. - Defining and identifying oceans and continents on a map. - Identifying the frontiers of Europe on a map. - Identifying European countries. - Distinguishing countries that belong to the European Union. - Interpreting maps.

Key copetence

Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence



Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative

BLOCK 2 : Diversity of living things OBJECTIVES • Understanding what animals and plants need to survive. • Understanding that nutrition is a common life process. • Understanding how animals and plants interact with the habitat. • Understanding the effect of light, water and temperature on plants. • Discovering that there were living things in the past which do not exist today. • Learning what fossils are. • Developing a responsible attitude towards animals and plants. • Finding about the main stages in the life cycle of some animals: a butterfly. • Understanding that nutrition is a common life process for animals. • Understanding how animals digest their food. • Identifying the main organs and basic functions of the respiratory system of animals. • Understanding what fruit and seeds are for. • Distinguishing different types of plant reproduction. • Understanding how plants make their own food and take in air. • Understanding the concept of ecosystem. • Ordering living things in simple food chains. • Understanding how animals and plants interact with the habitat. • Understanding forests are ecosystems. • Identifying the main habitats, typical living things and food interactions in forests. • Learning that the sea is an ecosystem. Identifying living things and food interactions in the sea

CONTENTS • Animals need: water, food, the right temperature. • Plants need: water, soil, light, the right temperature. • Living things from the past; fossils. • The life cycle of vertebrates and invertebrates. • Needs of animals and plants: eating and breathing. • The different types of plant reproduction. • Classify animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. • Match animal and plant adaptations with the place where they live. • Develop a responsible attitude towards animals and plants. • Comparing pictures. • Interpret drawings and photos to obtain information. • Interactions between living things in ecosystems. • Recognise the interactions among living things in ecosystems. • Distinguish living and non-living things in ecosystems. • Distinguish habitats and zones and the living things found there. • Food chains. • Identify food interactions in the forest and in the sea.



• Interactions between living things in ecosystems. • Recognise the interactions among living things in ecosystems. • Distinguish living and non-living things in ecosystems. • Distinguish habitats and zones and the living things found there. • Food chains. • Identify food interactions in the forest and in the sea. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Realising animals and plants can only live in places where they find the things they need. - Obtaining information from drawings and photographs. - Appreciating fossils as testimonies from the past. - Caring for and protecting nature.

- Understanding about the life cycles of vertebrates and invertebrates. - Understanding about the respiratory organs of animals. - Associating types of animal mouths with the food they eat. - Understanding how plants make food, take in air and reproduce. - Interpreting drawings and photographs about the reproduction of living things, animal breathing

and plant nutrition.

- Understanding what ecosystems are. - Recognising the living things that form food chains. - Identifying interactions among living things in ecosystems.



- Distinguishing the living and non-living things in ecosystems. Identifying the living things and their food interactions in the sea and forest.

BLOCK 3 : Health and personal development OBJECTIVES • Understanding that nutrition is a common life process. • Classifying food using different criteria. • Distinguishing if food comes from animals or plants. • Identifying food from different groups. • Identifying the main nutrients in food. • Designing a healthy diet and understanding its importance. • Recognising the main meals of the day. • Recognising functions of teeth and how to care for them. • Identifying the main organs and basic functions of the digestive system. • Outlining the process of digestion. • Identifying the main organs and basic functions of the respiratory system. • Distinguishing breathing movements. • Understanding why we breath. • Identifying the route air takes inside our body. • Identifying the main organs and basic functions of the circulatory system. • Understanding how the heart and blood vessels work. • Identifying the main organs and basic functions of the excretory system. • Understanding the physical differences between men and women. • Understanding how reproduction occurs. • Discovering the stages in the growth of a foetus. • Learning about birth. • Discovering some characteristics of babies. • Associating each stage of growth in people with the main characteristics. • Interpreting anatomical drawings of reproductive organs. Studying photographs to obtain information CONTENTS • The organs of the digestive system. • The stages of digestion. • Complete diagrams about how we process food in our body. • Classification of food according to origin and what it provides. • A healthy diet: complete and balanced. • Relate the quantity of food we need and the physical exercise we do. • Appreciate the importance of water in our diet. • Realise the importance of a healthy diet. • Develop good health habits. • Identify the body processes responsible for nutrition. • Use the correct vocabulary to talk about nutrition and health. • The organs of the respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. • The route air takes inside our body. • Describe the route air takes inside the body. • Breathing movements: inhalation and exhalation. • Blood circulation. • Excretion.



• Male and female sex organs. • Growth and change of a baby during pregnancy. • Explain the sequence of growth and change of a baby during pregnancy. • Birth. • How we learn and the changes that take place from the time we are born. • The stages of growth. • Interpret anatomical diagrams and identify organs. • Labelling diagrams. • Concern about protecting our eyes from the Sun.


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative


- Classifying food. - Identifying a healthy diet. - Knowing the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. - Correctly interpreting anatomical drawings. - Knowing where different organs are in the human body. - Identifying the organs responsible for breathing, circulation and excretion and understanding

their function. - Distinguishing between the two breathing movements. - Obtaining information from anatomical diagrams.



- Identifying sex organs. - Understanding how a baby grows and changes during pregnancy. - Studying anatomical diagrams to obtain information.

Identifying the characteristics of each stage of growth.

BLOCK 4 : Matter and energy OBJECTIVES • Understanding how light moves. • Finding out how shadows are formed, their position and size. • Exploring how light passes through some materials and not others and classifying them. • Classifying objects into luminous or non-luminous bodies. • Identifying artificial luminous bodies. • Investigating the reflection of light from mirrors. • Learning that heat goes from one body to another. • Classifying materials into conductors or insulators of heat. • Identifying the basic properties of materials. • Classifying materials according to their origin: natural or artificial. • Understanding that natural materials are used to make artificial materials. • Relating properties of materials with use. Acquiring recycling habits CONTENTS • Movement of light and shadow formation. • The behaviour of light and transparent, opaque and translucent objects. • Luminous and non-luminous bodies. • Heat and temperature. • Materials as conductors and insulators of heat. • Natural materials and artificial materials. • Apply classification criteria to different materials. • The properties of materials. • Deduce the properties of materials that objects are made of from photographs. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.

Mathematic competence



Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Understanding how shadows are formed: size, shape, position. - Distinguishing transparent, translucent and opaque objects. - Distinguishing natural and artificial luminous bodies and non-luminous bodies. - Explaining how heat goes from one body to another. - Recognising which materials are conductors or insulators of heat. - Distinguishing between natural and artificial materials. - Associating properties of materials and uses.

BLOCK 5 : Objects, machines and new technologies OBJECTIVES • Identifying most common machines and how they help us. • Distinguishing simple machines from complex machines. CONTENTS • Simple and complex machines and their purpose. • Identifying simple and complex machines. • Main types of simple machines. • Appreciate the importance of machines. • Interest in doing simple experiments to learn about complex things. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.



Aunthonomy and personal initiative


- Identifying basic types of simple machines. - Distinguishing between simple machines and complex machines. - Observing drawings and photographs to learn about materials and machines.

BLOCK 6 : The passing of time. OBJECTIVES • Identifying and describing reasons for and results of historical events, situations and changes. • Distinguishing important periods in history. • Placing events, people and changes into correct periods of time. • Distinguishing changes in society through history. • Observing and describing ancient structures and clothes. • Showing an awareness of social, cultural and ethnic diversity. Showing awareness of scientific and technological advances and how the past influences the present CONTENTS • The passage of time and changes in history. • The Romans. • The age of castles and cathedrals. • The age of discovery. • The age of great inventions. • Identify typical characteristics of the historical periods. • Observe and describe ancient structures and clothes. • Recognise everyday objects in drawings and photographs. • Identify monuments and works of art in the locality. • Compare and match objects and events in different periods. • Recognising objects in illustrations. • Describing a journey. • Develop empathy towards people and the ways of life in other ages in history. • Respect our historic and artistic heritage. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary.



Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Distinguishing the main historical periods. - Identifying social change through everyday life, economy, art, etc. - Explaining society in the past using drawings and photographs. - Appreciating our historic and artistic heritage.

BLOCK 7 : People, cultures and social organization OBJECTIVES • Identifying the administrative divisions of territories. • Recognising the Autonomous Communities of Spain. • Learning about the size and frontiers of Spain. • Analysing and describing maps and photographs. • Respecting differences within Spain. • Identifying and describing the features of political organisations. • Comparing different means of global communication. • Recognising jobs in the service sector. • Recognising commerce and tourism as two activities in the service sector. • Identifying factors that influence development. • Appreciating the importance of the media in our society. • Analysing different media and understanding that publicity may affect what we buy. • Appreciating the democratic system. • Encouraging tolerance and peaceful coexistence. CONTENTS • Where we live: settlement, municipality, region and province. • Spain and its Autonomous Communities. • Distinguish Autonomous Communities on a map of Spain. • Interpret maps using: colours, symbols, text, legend to obtain information about a territory • The characteristics of our Autonomous Community. • The frontiers and size of Spain. • Appreciation of the diversity in Spain. • The frontiers and countries of Europe. • Discover the frontiers of Europe on a map. • The countries of the European Union. • Use symbols on a map of Europe to identify the countries that belong to the EU



• Promote peaceful coexistence. • Completing maps. • Government institutions. • Distinguishing government institutions. • The mass media. • The service sector and types of jobs in this sector. • Appreciation of all types of jobs. • Identifying and defining basic concepts about the service sector. • Observing photographs, drawings and diagrams about services and the media. • Analysing photographs and diagrams. • Commerce and tourism. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Using the correct terms: settlement, municipality, region, province, Autonomous Community, State.

- Locating and recognising the Autonomous Communities of Spain. - Knowing about the size and frontiers of Spain. - Correctly interpreting political maps. - Appreciating the diversity in Spain.. - Distinguishing types of media and appreciating their importance. - Identifying how information is transmitted. - Naming jobs and classifying activities in the service sector.



- Explaining the different stages of commerce. - Obtaining information from photographs and drawings.




� To analyze and appreciate a piece of Art, following guidelines.

� analyze a picture and the reality it represents.

� To observe human facial expressions.

� To observe daily objects and how are represented.

� To identify straight curved and crooked lines.

� To identify the front and profile of an image.

� To recognise open and closed lines.

� To recognise cold and warm colours.

� To identify colours of the season.

� To identify colours in certain materials.

� To identify and understand primary and secondary colours.

� To observe colour ranges.

� To recognise the influence of background colours on the object.

� To distinguish dark and light shades.



� To discriminate between shape and background.

� To observe and describe light and shadow effects.

� To describe textures in some objects.

� To observe and Identify front, side and back views.

� To describe the position of some objects.

� To distinguish two dimensional work from three dimensional work.

� To analyze and identify proportions and object sizes depending on their situation in space.

� To discriminate between natural and artificial shapes.


• The observation of human facial expressions.

• Observation guidelines.

• steps to follow in a creative process: planning, execution and evaluation.

• The positioning of elements in a composition.

• The analysis of colour in order to use it suitably in a composition.: - Primary/ secondary colours. - cold/ warm colours. -Light and shadow -Colour range. -the influence of background colour.

• Objects proportions and relations: near and far.

• Introduction to perspective. 1.3. KEY COMPETENCES

• Linguistic communication competence:

-To value the piece of art -To describe a piece of art technically. - To describe the steps to follow in a creative process: planning, execution and evaluation. -to adquire technical vocabulary. - to encourage communicative exchanges.

• Mathematical competence:

• Knowledge of and interaction with the real world:



• Cultural and artistic competence:

• Information treatment and digital competence.

• Society and citizenship competence.

• Learning to learn:

• Autonomy and initiative:


� To use outlines as a reference for drawing people and objects.

� To show the sensation of movement in a picture.

� To use patterns to make dynamic compositions.

� To create volume trough dots and lines, using a mixture of dots and lines of different thicknesses.

� To apply colour expressively and aesthetically.

� To use warm and cold colours.

� Creating secondary colours from primary colours.

� To Colour following a seasonal colour code.

� To creat a background to highlight the drawing.

� To understand and use the concept of range.

� To use shading effects.

� To understand and use the concept of texture.

� To distinguish between straight and rough textures.

� To work on creativity by using different materials.

� To draw natural symmetrical shapes.

� To make a composition using natural and artificial shapes.

� To use basic geometric shapes as a compository element.

� To contribute to and adapting an individual work to a collective one.

� To choose and use the appropriate materials and techniques according to the work they are going to do.

� To search information on artistic works.



� To performe a collective art production: a short play.

� To acquire strategies for cleanliness and tidiness at work.

� To learn and apply basic rules for using and taking care of materials.

� To take a satisfaction in carrying out artwork in an increasingly autonomous way.

� To show an interest in improving the capacity for representation.


• Drawing: -The expression of human feelings. -Open and closed lines. -The use of outlines for drawing. Straight, curved and crooked lines. -Symmetry. Using symmetry to complete a drawing. -Dot outlines:introduction to pointillism. -Figures and background. -Basic geometric shapes. -Front, side and back views. Finishing front, side and back views in an artificial way.

• Shape and texture: -dimension, proportion and size. -Symmetry. Using symmetry to complete a drawing. -Light and shadow: introducing shading. -Natural and artificial shapes. - Introduction to perspective.

• Colour: -Primary and secondary colours. -shading together. -Light and dark shades. -Colour ranges. -Cold and warm colours. -Seasonal colours. -Associating colours to materials.

• Introduction to clay modelling: a sun mask. • The selection of materials and techniques for carrying out a piece of artwork. • Represent movement by gluing different materials on a flat surface. • Composition with the collage technique. • Working with the necessary space organisation to make compositions. - Attention to space

organisation in composition. 2.3. KEY COMPETENCES

• Linguistic communication competence:



-To value the piece of art -To describe a piece of art technically. - To describe the steps to follow in a creative process: planning, execution and evaluation. -to adquire technical vocabulary. - to encourage communicative exchanges.

• Mathematical competence:

• Knowledge of and interaction with the real world:

• Cultural and artistic competence:

• Information treatment and digital competence.

• Society and citizenship competence.

• Learning to learn:



� analyze a picture and the reality it represents.

� To identify shapes in our surroundings and represent them using artistic techniques.

� To recognise cold and warm colours.

� To identify colours in certain materials.

� To identify and understand primary and secondary colours.

� To observe colour ranges.

� To recognise the influence of background colours on the object.

� To distinguish dark and light shades.

� To discriminate between shape and background.

� To observe and describe light and shadow effects.

� To describe textures in some objects.

� To make compositions using different materials and techniques for the same subject.

� To describe the position of some objects.



� To distinguish two dimensional work from three dimensional work.

� To analyze and identify proportions and object sizes depending on their situation in space.

� To discriminate between natural and artificial shapes.

� To model clay using the bas-relief technique


• Observing the environment: the human body.

• Observation guidelines.

• The use of mixed techniques (painting and sticking) in the same composition.

• steps to follow in a creative process: planning, execution and evaluation.

• The positioning of elements in a composition.

• The analysis of colour in order to use it suitably in a composition.: - Primary/ secondary colours. - cold/ warm colours. -Light and shadow -Colour range. -the influence of background colour.

• Objects proportions and relations: near and far.

• Introduction to perspective. 1.3. KEY COMPETENCES

• Linguistic communication competence:

-To value the piece of art -To describe a piece of art technically. - To describe the steps to follow in a creative process: planning, execution and evaluation. -to adquire technical vocabulary. - to encourage communicative exchanges.

• Mathematical competence:

• Knowledge of and interaction with the real world:

• Cultural and artistic competence:

• Information treatment and digital competence.



• Society and citizenship competence.

• Learning to learn:

• Autonomy and initiative:


� To use outlines as a reference for drawing people and objects.

� To show the sensation of movement in a picture.

� To use patterns to make dynamic compositions.

� To create volume trough dots and lines, using a mixture of dots and lines of different thicknesses.

� To apply colour expressively and aesthetically.

� To use warm and cold colours.

� Creating secondary colours from primary colours.

� To Colour following a seasonal colour code.

� To creat a background to highlight the drawing.

� To understand and use the concept of range.

� To use shading effects.

� To understand and use the concept of texture.

� To distinguish between straight and rough textures.

� To work on creativity by using different materials.

� To draw natural symmetrical shapes.

� To make a composition using natural and artificial shapes.

� To use basic geometric shapes as a compository element.

� To contribute to and adapting an individual work to a collective one.

� To choose and use the appropriate materials and techniques according to the work they are going to do.

� To search information on artistic works.

� To performe a collective art production: a short play.

� To acquire strategies for cleanliness and tidiness at work.



� To learn and apply basic rules for using and taking care of materials.

� To take a satisfaction in carrying out artwork in an increasingly autonomous way.

� To show an interest in improving the capacity for representation.


• Drawing: -The expression of human feelings. -Open and closed lines. -The use of outlines for drawing. Straight, curved and crooked lines. -Symmetry. Using symmetry to complete a drawing. -Dot outlines:introduction to pointillism. -Figures and background. -Basic geometric shapes. -Front, side and back views. Finishing front, side and back views in an artificial way.

• Shape and texture: -dimension, proportion and size. -Symmetry. Using symmetry to complete a drawing. -Light and shadow: introducing shading. -Natural and artificial shapes. - Introduction to perspective.

• Colour: -Primary and secondary colours. -shading together. -Light and dark shades. -Colour ranges. -Cold and warm colours. -Seasonal colours. -Associating colours to materials.

• Introduction to clay modelling: a sun mask. • The selection of materials and techniques for carrying out a piece of artwork. • Represent movement by gluing different materials on a flat surface. • Composition with the collage technique. • Working with the necessary space organisation to make compositions. - Attention to space

organisation in composition. 2.3. KEY COMPETENCES

• Linguistic communication competence:

-To value the piece of art



-To describe a piece of art technically. - To describe the steps to follow in a creative process: planning, execution and evaluation. -to adquire technical vocabulary. - to encourage communicative exchanges.

• Mathematical competence:

• Knowledge of and interaction with the real world:

• Cultural and artistic competence:

• Information treatment and digital competence.

• Society and citizenship competence.

• Learning to learn

• Autonomy and initiative

4. ASSESSMENT Representing animals in an individual and creative manner; Using materials for artwork correctly; Applying colour with accuracy; Understanding and carrying out processes to make three dimension objects from a plan Representing elements from nature in a picture; Cutting, scoring and gluing three dimensional objects with accuracy; Applying different types of colour with accuracy. Drawing different elements respecting their relative proportions and distribution; Using outlines to draw figurative shapes; Exploring the effect of combining different techniques and materials for an aesthetic purpose.

Drawing a human figure using an outline of its basic shape Being neat and tidy during work processes.



1. CONTENT BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing


• Listening and understanding of simple messages for classroom communication .

• Oral interaction in real or fake situations through verbal and non verbal responses in communicating routines.



• Production of previously studied oral texts through active participation in shared performances,

songs, recitations and dramatization.

• Development of basic strategies to support comprehension and oral expression; transfer of visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with.

• To develop, show interest y participate in all classroom communicative and play activities. • Appraisal of English as a communicative language different from the student’s own • To observe the classroom rules when speaking aloud exchanging information . • To show interest for understanding and making oneself understood through oral non non-oral



Listen and repeat sentences to practice structures in the unit.

Listen to some conversations and identify the speaker.

Listen to words and repeat them and to put them in a visual context. Ask and answer questions related to the topic. Listen with closed books to find a specific piece of information Maintain a dialogue to guess what picture is being described. Listen to a conversation and reorder some items. Listen to a conversation to carry out a comprehension task and choose the correct answer. Listen to a conversation to complete some sentences. Listen and practise the key words in the section. Predict the words missing from a song. Listen and complete. Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes. Listen with closed books to find a specific piece of information. Listen and repeat sentences to practice structures in each unit. Listen to a conversation and identify pictures as they are mentioned. In pairs, have a conversation about each unit. Listen to a conversation and answer some questions. Talk in each unit about different subjects. Listen to a recording and say true or false about some sentences. Listen to a conversation to extract information about a contest. Ask and answer about personal information. 1.3. KEY COMPETENCES. See the introduction for general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to the basic competences and how they are reflected in the course in general.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral communication.

Data processing and digital competence



Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


- Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

-Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

-Listen to and follow instructions and daily routines.

2. CONTENT BLOCK 2- Reading and writing


• Reading of previously studied simple words and sentences through active participation in real or fake situations.

• Initiation in reading strategies; transfer of visual and non-verbal context y of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with.

• Writing of previously studied words and sentences through active participation in oral interactions to be used in sharing or transmitting information or in play activities.

• To show interest and care for the presentation of written assignments. • Read and understand different kinds of text.


• Read a story and answer some questions. • Read questions and link them with the corresponding paragraph. • Answer some comprehension questions. • Answer questions in each unit about different topics. • Read sentences and correct them changing one word. • Read a dialogue and check a fact. • Read a dialogue and find some sentences in the story. • Complete a conversation to suit the pictures. • Skim-read a text to link sentences and paragraphs. • Complete sentences with words from the text.



• Reread the text and answer some comprehension questions. • Find words in a text from their definitions. • Decide whether some sentences are true or false. • Write some sentences about the topic in each unit. • Describe a celebrity to play a guessing game. • Link sentences to pictures. • Reread the text and correct the mistakes in some sentences. • Join two halves to obtain full sentences. • Write short texts related to the topic.


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Grasp the overall meaning and identify specific information in oral texts in different communicative situations.

• . Read and locate explicit and direct information and make inferences understanding texts on various topics of interest.

• . Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Write a short text related to the topic.

CONTENT BLOCK 3- Reflection on the language and learning through use




• Acknowledgement of phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use for comprehension and oral production.

• Acknowledgement and use of previously used form and structure in foreign language. • Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written forms representing well-

known oral expressions. • Familiarization with the use of basic strategies in text production from different patterns;

selection of target, purpose and content. • Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and

expressions containing gestural and visual elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary, form and structure.

• Progressive use of graphic means for information and consultation regarding new possibilities opened up by new technology.

• Reflection on one’s own learning and work organization. • Show a receptive attitude, interest y self-confidence when learning to use a foreign language. • Appraisal of a foreign language as an instrument for acting and learning.



New vocabulary from the unit

Contrasting communicative structures

• There was/were ( affirmative, negative, interrogative)

• Let’s …../ Shall we……?

• How do you spell….?

• How do you say… in English?

• past simple and irregular verbs

• Where’s the … please? turn right/left

• Can you pass me… please?

• Can I have…, please?

• Past continuous

• I have to…/ She doesn’t have to…

• Do you have to…

• too much/ too many

• How many/much...?

• structures with going to

• different types of questions Does/Is/ Has/Did/Could/etc

• Short questions

• possessives

• The present perfect

• Comparatives / Superlatives



• Order food in a restaurant

Functions of language

• Talk about different topics in each unit. • Describe people/animals. • Talk about experience. • Ask about something missing. • Express opinion. • Ask for and given direction • Describe objects in a museum • make suggestions • Ask for thing politely • Talk about obligation • Order food in a restaurant • Say what job you want and why • Compare and discuss sports

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

Listen and repeat the sounds. Listen and identify a sound. Write words next under the correct picture. Listen and check the answers and then repeat. Listen and repeat a chant to practise sounds. Careful pronunciation, proper rhythm, intonation and stress in oral interaction, reading and dramatization Pronunciation and discrimination of phonemes Associating spelling and pronunciation of known vocabulary and expressions 3. KEY COMPETENCES

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Interpersonal, social and civic competence

The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts.



Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Use some strategies for learning to learn such as asking questions as appropriate to obtain information, seek clarification, using bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, accompanying communication with gestures, to search for, collect and organize information in different formats, using ICT to check and verify information and identify some aspects to improve efficiency.

• Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

CONTENT BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness


• Familiarization with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.

• Curiosity and interest for languages other than the student’s own. • Appraisal of one’s own culture through knowledge y appraisal of others. • Learning and acknowledgement of basic forms of social relations in a foreign language. • Receptive attitude towards peoples from different cultures speaking different languages. • To progressively develop a critical attitude against sex, class and racial stereotypes.


In each unit:

• Familiarize with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.


Interpersonal, social and civic competence



The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts.

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication.

Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio.

Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Cultural and artistic competence

In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Identify some traits, customs and traditions of countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with the students’ own.

• Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

• Listen and follow instructions. • Write sentences about each topic


The reinforcement and extension activities provide individual attention to students, according to their needs and their pace of learning.

Digital material is also available to deal with different levels in class.


• Reinforcement activities • Additional activities (reinforcement and extension)


In this programming, the evaluation is considered as a continuous process, inherent to the process of

learning itself. It is an analysis instrument and a means to adequate the teaching practice to the real



progress of pupils. The function of evaluation consists of helping to learn better, rather qualitatively

than quantitatively.

• 6.1. Formative assessment – Review the last unit. – Day to Day assessment

• 6.2. Summative assessment: – One test in each unit

• 6.3. Self assessment: – Self-evaluation in each unit


Pupils with slight learning and/or discipline problems Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling Pupils with serious learning problems a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided. b) For the weakest students, as sufficient progress in the conceptual contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential). When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities


1. CONTENT BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing



1.1. OBJECTIVES. • Listening and understanding of simple messages for classroom communication

. • Oral interaction in real or fake situations through verbal and non

verbal responses in communicating routines.

• Production of previously studied oral texts through active participation in shared performances, songs, recitations and dramatization.

• Development of basic strategies to support comprehension and oral expression; transfer of visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with.

• To develop, show interest y participate in all classroom communicative and play activities. • Appraisal of English as a communicative language different from the student’s own • To observe the classroom rules when speaking aloud exchanging information . • To show interest for understanding and making oneself understood through oral non non-oral

resources. 1.2. CONTENTS. � Listen, read and identify the characters. � Listen to some conversations and identify the speaker. � Listen to words and repeat them and to put them in a visual context. � Ask and answer questions about the geographical features in a picture. � Listen with closed books to find a specific piece of information � Maintain a dialogue to guess what picture is being described. � Listen to a conversation and reorder some items. � Listen to a conversation to carry out a comprehension task and choose the correct answer. � Listen to a conversation to complete some sentences. � Listen and practise the key words in the section. � Predict the words missing from a song. Listen and complete. � Ask and answer questions about each unit. � Listen with closed books to find a specific piece of information. � Listen and repeat sentences to practice structures in each unit. � Listen to a conversation and identify pictures as they are mentioned. � In pairs, have a conversation about each unit. � Listen to a conversation and answer some questions. � Talk in each unit about different subjects. � Listen to a recording and say true or false about some sentences. � Listen to a conversation to extract information about a contest. � Ask and answer about personal experiences. 1.3. KEY COMPETENCES. See the introduction for general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to the basic competences and how they are reflected in the course in general. Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral communication. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Interpersonal, social and civic competence



The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.

1.4. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. - Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker. -Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers. 2. CONTENT BLOCK 2- Reading and writing 2.1. OBJECTIVES.

• Reading of previously studied simple words and sentences through active participation in real or fake situations.

• Initiation in reading strategies; transfer of visual and non-verbal context y of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with.

• Writing of previously studied words and sentences through active participation in oral interactions to be used in sharing or transmitting information or in play activities.

• To show interest and care for the presentation of written assignments. • Read and understand different kinds of text.


• Read a story and answer some questions. • Read questions and link them with the corresponding paragraph. • Answer some comprehension questions. • Answer questions in each unit about different topics. • Read sentences and correct them changing one word. • Read a dialogue and check a fact. • Read a dialogue and find some sentences in the story. • Complete a conversation to suit the pictures. • Skim-read a text to link sentences and paragraphs. • Complete sentences with words from the text. • Reread the text and answer some comprehension questions. • Find words in a text from their definitions. • Decide whether some sentences are true or false. • Write some sentences about the topic in each unit. • Describe a celebrity to play a guessing game. • Link sentences to pictures. • Reread the text and correct the mistakes in some sentences. • Join two halves to obtain full sentences.

2.3. KEY COMPETENCES. Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions,



methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Grasp the overall meaning and identify specific information in oral texts in different communicative situations.

• Read and locate explicit and direct information and make inferences understanding texts on various topics of interest.

• Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Listen and follow instructions.

• Write sentences about each topic

CONTENT BLOCK 3- Reflection on the language and learning through use 3.1. OBJECTIVES. • Acknowledgement of phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use for

comprehension and oral production. • Acknowledgement and use of previously used form and structure in foreign language. • Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written forms representing well-

known oral expressions. • Familiarization with the use of basic strategies in text production from different patterns;

selection of target, purpose and content. • Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and

expressions containing gestural and visual elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary, form and structure.

• Progressive use of graphic means for information and consultation regarding new possibilities opened up by new technology.

• Reflection on one’s own learning and work organization. • Show a receptive attitude, interest y self-confidence when learning to use a foreign language. • Appraisal of a foreign language as an instrument for acting and learning. 3.2. CONTENTS. Vocabulary New vocabulary in each unit Contrasting communicative structures



• Present simple and Present continuous

• Simple past and Past continuous

• Will / won’t

• Must / can’t / might / could

• Verb to have +Past participle

• The first conditional

• The second conditional

• It could be…

• I agree with…

• I don’t agree.

• Why?

• Because…

• Questions:

• Where?

• How many...?

• What colour is...?

• Who made...?

• Prepositions

Functions of language

• Talk about different topics in each unit.

• Describe a person.

• Talk about experience.

• Ask about something missing.

• Express opinion.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation) � Listen and repeat the sounds. � Listen and identify a sound. � Write words next under the correct picture. � Listen and check the answers and then repeat. � Listen and repeat a chant to practise sounds.



3. KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in the book reflect these facts. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Prepare written texts keeping in mind the recipient, the text type and purpose, both in paper and digital formats.

• Use some strategies for learning to learn such as asking questions as appropriate to obtain information, seek clarification, using bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, accompanying communication with gestures, to search for, collect and organize information in different formats, using ICT to check and verify information and identify some aspects to improve efficiency.

• Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in predictable communicative situations, while respecting some basic rules, such as listening and looking at the speaker.

CONTENT BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness


• Familiarization with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.

• Curiosity and interest for languages other than the student’s own. • Appraisal of one’s own culture through knowledge y appraisal of others. • Learning and acknowledgement of basic forms of social relations in a foreign language. • Receptive attitude towards peoples from different cultures speaking different languages. • To progressively develop a critical attitude against sex, class and racial stereotypes.




In each unit: • Familiarize with habits, social relations, features and peculiarities of the countries where the

foreign language is spoken thus encouraging tolerance and appreciation of other cultures through the study of a foreign language.

4.3. KEY COMPETENCES. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies acknowledging a series of features and cultural facts connected to its speakers. All stories and situations in each unit reflect these facts. Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Learning-to-learn; students will develop skills y strategies to use at a later stage in the learning process in all fields of knowledge such as audiovisual observation, memorizing through repetition, concentration and reflection over one’s own work, the capacity to make choices and to state one’s own opinions, methodical organization through routine and discipline in study habits to achieve scores using the Picture Dictionary or making a portfolio. Data processing and digital competence Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites. Cultural and artistic competence In our Project, students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations.


• Identify some traits, customs and traditions of countries where the target language is spoken and compare them with the students’ own.

• Value the foreign language as a communication tool and show curiosity and interest in its speakers.

• Listen and follow instructions.

• Write sentences about each topic

5. MIXED ABILITY The reinforcement and extension activities provide individual attention to students, according to their needs and their pace of learning. Digital material is also available to deal with different levels in class. IN EACH UNIT: • Reinforcement activities

• Additional activities (reinforcement and extension)

6. ASSESSMENT • 6.1. Formative assessment

- Review the last unit.



• 6.2. Summative assessment:

- One test in each unit

• 6.3. Self assessment: - Self-evaluation in each unit

7. CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES ADOPTED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL CURRICULAR ADAPTATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS 7.1Pupils with slight learning and/or discipline problems Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling 7.2 Pupils with serious learning problems ) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided. b) For the weakest students, as sufficient progress in the conceptual contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential). When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities.



BLOCK 1 : GEOGRAPHY. The environment and its protection. OBJECTIVES Understanding the composition of the atmosphere. Understanding the purpose of the atmosphere. Identifying weather phenomena. Learning the distribution and characteristics of the hydrosphere. Explaining the circulation of water and changes of state during the water cycle. Learning the characteristics and components of the geosphere.



Identifying changes on the Earth’s surface due to natural causes. Understanding the concept of landscape. Using the term altitude correctly. Learning the main inland landforms and the main coastal landforms. Understanding information about the mountains and plains of Spain. Understanding information about Spanish coasts and their main landforms. Defining rivers, reservoirs, lakes and watersheds and identifying the watersheds of Spain. Distinguishing weather and climate. Recognising the Earth’s climatic zones and understanding their characteristics. Describing and locating the main types of Spanish climate. Associating climate with type of landscape. Associating climate with the living things in the different zones. Associating destructive and protective human actions with their effects on nature. CONTENTS The atmosphere: composition and layers. Precipitation and wind. The hydrosphere. The water cycle. Explain the stages of the water cycle. Identify the movement of water in the oceans. Appreciation of why water is important in our diet. Understand the importance of saving water. Association of certain changes of state with temperature changes. The layers of the geosphere: crust, mantle and core. Components of the crust: rocks and minerals. Changes in the Earth’s crust: volcanoes, earthquakes, weathering. Main inland landforms: mountains, plains, plateaus and valleys. The mountains, plains, plateaus and valleys of Spain. Main coastal landforms: archipelago, beach, cape, cliffs, coast, estuary, gulf, high coast, island, low-lying coast, marsh, peninsula. Spanish coasts. Use a map to learn about Spanish coasts. Rivers and watersheds. Lakes and reservoirs. Climate, the Earth’s climate zones, the climate of Spain. Locate the main landforms in Spain on maps. Interpret different types of maps. Locate the Earth’s climate zones on a globe. Protecting nature. Recognise the effects of weathering. Put the stages of weathering in the correct order: erosion, transport and sedimentation. Sequence information. KEY COMPETENCIES



Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Knowing the Earth is made up of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the geosphere. Knowing the purpose of the atmosphere. Explaining the water cycle. Associating volcanoes, earthquakes and weathering with changes on the Earth’s surface. Interpreting photographs, drawings and diagrams. Distinguishing the main coastal and inland landforms. Using maps to learn about landscape. Knowing about the Spanish landscape and its main landforms. Knowing what rivers and watersheds are. Distinguishing the Earth’s climate zones. Knowing the different types of climate in Spain. Associating climate with the type of landscape. Associating climate with the living things in each zone. Appreciating the importance of learning about and protecting nature.



BLOCK 2 : Diversity of living things OBJECTIVES Distinguishing living things and non-living things. Identifying the characteristics of living things and life processes. Understanding what a cell is and the parts of a cell. Understanding that there are unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms. Learning how living things are organised. Recognising the distinguishing features of flowering and non-flowering plants. Understanding how to classify plants and the main characteristics of each group. Identifying what plants need. Learning how plants breathe and make their own food. Understanding how plants reproduce. Identifying characteristics of invertebrates and where they live. Learning names of invertebrate animals. Understanding the different arthropod groups. Appreciating the importance of protecting animal habitats. Recognising the characteristics of the main groups of vertebrates. Classifying vertebrates into mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. Learning that there are various bird groups with distinctive characteristics. Understanding how reptiles, fish and amphibians are classified. Appreciating the importance of knowing about and protecting animals. CONTENTS Living things and non-living things. The characteristics of living things and life processes. The cell and the parts of a cell: cytoplasm, membrane and nucleus. The organisation of living things: cell, tissue, organ, system, organism. The principal kingdoms of living things: animal, plant and fungi. Classifying living things into three kingdoms. Identifying the characteristics of the three kingdoms of living things. The parts of a plant and their functions. Plant classification. Observe the different parts of a plant. Plant nutrition: respiration and photosynthesis. Flowers as organs of reproduction: the parts of a flower, pollination, how seeds form and germinate. Types of special stems involved in plant reproduction. Describe the processes carried out in plant nutrition. Describe the processes carried out in the reproduction of flowering plants using the correct sequence. Appreciate the role of plants and show an interest in protecting them. The main characteristics of invertebrate animals. Invertebrate groups. Recognise different types of invertebrates.



Classify invertebrates into groups. Arthropods: characteristics, groups, and anatomical differences. Distinguish body parts of insects, arachnids and arthropods. Study labelled anatomical drawings of invertebrate animals. Physical appearance and structure of vertebrate groups. Reproduction, habitats, how they breathe, and main characteristics of vertebrate groups. Describe the vertebrate groups. Compare types of vertebrates and classify them correctly. Associate physical aspects of the vertebrate groups with the habitats where they live and their habits. Understand the importance of protecting habitats in order to protect animal life. Vegetation and fauna. Appreciating and respecting vegetation and fauna in the place where we live. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Distinguishing living things and non- living things.



Knowing that cells are the smallest living units in a living thing. Recognising the three parts of a cell. Explaining how living things are organised. Classifying living things into three kingdoms. Distinguishing the different parts of a plant. Identifying the different groups of plants with their main characteristics. Explaining the process of photosynthesis. Understanding the difference between respiration and photosynthesis. Knowing about different types of plant reproduction. Interpreting diagrams, drawings and photographs correctly to obtain answers. Recognising characteristics of invertebrate animals. Classifying invertebrates. Using the main characteristics to identify arthropods. Interpreting anatomical drawings. Showing interest in protecting nature. Recognising the distinctive characteristics which define each of the vertebrate groups. Classifying vertebrates correctly using different criteria. Associating characteristics of the different vertebrate groups with their way of life. Associating the physical appearance and structure of certain animals with their adaptation to life in the sea.

BLOCK 3 : Health and personal development OBJECTIVES Recognising and locating the main organs in the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems and their functions. Describing the processes involved in nutrition; digestion, respiration, circulation and excretion. Developing healthy eating habits and taking care of the whole body. CONTENTS Nutrition: digestion, blood circulation, respiration and excretion. The organs and systems involved in nutrition. Anatomy and physiology of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. Interpret photographs and diagrams correctly. Interpret anatomical drawings of the organs in the human body. Interpret anatomical drawings of the processes involved in nutrition. Interest in acquiring healthy habits regarding food and for taking care of the body. KEY COMPETENCIES



Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Understanding the processes involved in nutrition. Identifying the organs of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. Recognising the anatomy and physiology of the systems involved in nutrition. Interpreting anatomical drawings correctly.

BLOCK 4 : Matter and energy OBJECTIVES Differentiating between pure substances and mixtures. Identifying the general properties of matter. Learning how the properties of matter are measured and the units used. Identifying changes in matter. Differentiating physical changes and chemical changes in matter.



Distinguishing the different states of matter and their properties. Understanding why water is important in our diet. Associating certain changes of state with temperature changes.

CONTENTS Matter and its main properties. The three states of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous. Physical and chemical changes in matter. Changes in state. Interpret photographs, drawings and diagrams to extract information ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Defining matter. Understanding the properties of matter. Differentiating between physical and chemical changes in matter. Identifying the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Identifying changes of state. Key competence Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence



Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

BLOCK 5 : Objects, machines and new technologies Contents and objectives related with this block will be learnt next course- in sixth level of primary-. BLOCK 6 : The passing of time. OBJECTIVES Understanding the main periods of Prehistory and their characteristics. Learning how people lived in Prehistory. Recognising the tribes which inhabited the Iberian peninsula in pre-Roman times: Iberians and Celts. Recognising the ancient civilisations which established colonies in the Iberian peninsula in pre-Roman times: the Phoenicians, the Greeks and the Carthaginians. Identifying Roman ruins in Hispania. Understanding the meaning of ‘Romanisation’ and its principal legacies. Identifying the different people who invaded the Iberian peninsula after the Roman Empire and placing them in the correct periods of time. Identifying and describing the characteristics of the Visigothic kingdom. Identifying and describing the characteristics of Al Andalus. Identifying the location of the Christian kingdoms. Learning what the Christian Reconquest was. Understanding the expansion of the Christian kingdoms on the Iberian peninsula. Understanding events in Spain after 1492. Identifying the characteristics of the Spanish Empire. Understanding the nature of an absolute monarchy. Recognising the cultural importance of the Golden Age. CONTENTS Prehistory: periods, utensils, works of art. Tribes in pre-Roman times: Iberians and Celts. The arrival of the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians on the Iberian peninsula.



‘Romanisation’ and its legacies. Appreciate the Roman legacy in Spain and its influences on our life. The invasion of Germanic tribes: Vandals, Suevi, Visigoths. The Visigoths and Muslims: arrival in Hispania, customs, way of life, religion, law. The Christian kingdoms and the Christian Reconquest: significance, events, dates. The Catholic Monarchs. The territories of the Spanish Empire. The Golden Age: important artists and works of art. Interpret historic maps about the cities founded by the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians. Observe photographs to learn about the past. Study ancient monuments to learn about their significance. Putting historical events in order: historical sequence and simultaneous development. Identifying buildings from different historical periods. Interpreting historical maps. Appreciate ancient ruins and other works of art as a way of learning about the past. Show appreciation and respect for historic buildings and interest in preserving them. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative



ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Understanding how early men and women lived. Understanding the basic divisions and chronology of Prehistory. Understanding about the earliest inhabitants on the Iberian peninsula. Identifying the typical characteristics of the historical periods studied. Describing some artistic and cultural expressions of Roman times. Sequencing historical events in Spain after the fall of the Roman Empire. Describing characteristics of the Visigothic kingdom and of Al Andalus. Identifying the Christian kingdoms on the peninsula. Describing characteristics of the Spanish Empire.

BLOCK 7 : People, cultures and social organization OBJECTIVES Understanding the concept of population. Distinguishing between urban and rural population. Understanding the concept of population density. Understanding what migration is, the causes and types. Distinguishing emigrants and immigrants. Understanding the characteristics of the population of Spain. Understanding the concept of active population. Identifying the various types of economic activity i.e. the agricultural, industrial and service sectors. Identifying the work people do in each economic sector. Understanding the main types of industries. Describing the types of activities in the public and private service sectors in Spain. Understanding the importance of the transport system in Spain. Appreciating the importance of tourism as part of the service sector in Spain. Appreciating that all the jobs people do are important. CONTENTS Population: concept, census, density, rural, urban, growth. Migration: causes, types, emigrants, immigrants. The population of Spain: number of inhabitants, immigrants, density, distribution, getting older. Appreciation of the role of immigrants in society. The active population. Do a census. Study photographs to learn about population. Interpret a population bar graph. The economic sectors: primary, secondary and service sectors. The activities in the three economic sectors. Distribution by sectors of the active population in Spain. Associate a dominant service sector with a society’s prosperity.



Use maps to locate services. Appreciation of senior citizens and their contribution to society. Appreciate the work people do in all the economic sectors. Appreciate that tourism is important for Spain. KEY COMPETENCIES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Understanding concepts associated with population: density, growth, urban and rural. Understanding what migration is, the causes and types. Identifying the characteristics of the population of Spain. Interpreting a bar graph about population.



Distinguishing the three economic sectors. Distinguishing between obtaining products and their transformation. Describing the activities in each economic sector in Spain. Appreciating the work people do in all economic sectors and what they provide to society. Understanding how early men and women lived. Understanding the basic divisions and chronology of Prehistory. Understanding about the earliest inhabitants on the Iberian peninsula. Identifying the typical characteristics of the historical periods studied. Describing some artistic and cultural expressions of Roman times. Sequencing historical events in Spain after the fall of the Roman Empire. Describing characteristics of the Visigothic kingdom and of Al Andalus. Identifying the Christian kingdoms on the peninsula. Describing characteristics of the Spanish Empire.


BLOCK 1 : The environment and its protection. OBJECTIVES • Understanding that the Sun is the centre of the Solar System. • Identifying and describing the components of the Solar System. • Describing the Earth’s movements: revolution and rotation. • Understanding the origin of the seasons based on the tilt of the Earth. • Understanding and distinguishing lunar and solar eclipses. • Describing stars and their properties. • Describing constellations, nebulae and galaxies. • Interpreting drawings and diagrams. • Identifying and locating the main geographic features of Spain. • Identifying, locating and describing the island landscapes. • Identifying, locating and describing Spanish coasts. • Describing the characteristics of Spanish rivers. • Identifying, locating and describing the three watersheds of Spain. • Identifying and locating the two main river basins of Spain. • Identifying and describing the climates, flora and fauna of Spain. Obtaining geographic information from maps and pictures CONTENTS

• The Solar System. • Movements of the Earth: revolution and rotation. • The Moon and its phases. • Eclipses: solar and lunar. • Stars and their properties. • Galaxies and constellations. • Study photographs to obtain information. • Observe and interpret information from drawings and diagrams. • Use tables and diagrams to process information.



• Understand our place in the universe. • The landscape of Spain: main geographic features. • The coasts of Spain. • The rivers and watersheds of Spain. • The climate, flora and fauna of Spain. • Observe and interpret maps and pictures. • Read and comprehend texts. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Interest in learning about the geography of Spain.

Key competence

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative


- Identifying and describing the Solar System and its components.



- Describing the Earth’s movements of revolution and rotation. - Describing the origin of the seasons. - Identifying and describing lunar phases. - Distinguishing and describing lunar and solar eclipses. - Describing stars and their properties. - Describing constellations, nebulae and galaxies. - Identifying and locating the main geographic features of Spain. - Identifying, locating and describing the island landscapes. - Identifying, locating and describing Spanish coasts. - Describing the characteristics of Spanish rivers. - Identifying, locating and describing the three watersheds of Spain. - Identifying and locating the two main river basins of Spain. - Identifying and describing the climates, flora and fauna of Spain.

BLOCK 2 : Diversity of living things OBJECTIVES • Identifying ecosystems and their main components. • Recognising and describing the main ecosystems. • Understanding how the environment affects living things, and how living things can affect the

environment. • Identifying and describing relationships between living things. • Identifying and understanding the main environmental problems. CONTENTS • Ecosystems and their main components. • Effects of the environment on living things and vice versa. • Relationships between living things. • Environmental problems. • Study photographs of different ecosystems to obtain and compare information. • Interpret a food chain diagram. • Analyse environmental problems. • Use tables and diagrams to present information. • Develop awareness of environmental damage. • Understand the importance of environmental protection.

KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn



Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative


- Defining ecosystems and identifying their main components. - Identifying living things in a food chain. - Describing relationships between living things. - Describing the main problems of the environment.

BL0CK 3: Health and personal development OBJECTIVES • Identifying the parts of the musculoskeletal system and describing their main

functions. • Recognising and describing how human movement occurs. • Identifying the parts of the nervous system and describing their main functions • Distinguishing between reflex and voluntary movements and describing how these

movements are controlled. • Understanding how the nervous system is responsible for internal coordination. • Identifying the main glands of the endocrine system and describing their

functions. • Interpreting drawings and diagrams. • Distinguishing and describing primary and secondary sexual characteristics. • Identifying the parts of the female and male reproductive systems and describing

their main functions. • Distinguishing male and female sexual cells and describing the menstrual cycle. • Understanding and describing fertilisation and embryo development. • Understanding and describing the stages of labour.



• Interpreting drawings and diagrams. CONTENTS • The musculoskeletal system: parts and functions. • The nervous system: parts and functions. • Reflex and voluntary movements. • Internal coordination. • The endocrine system: parts and functions. • Draw information from pictorials. • Analyse and interpret drawings related to movement. • Identify reflex and voluntary movements. • Use tables and diagrams to present information. • Develop awareness of the complexity of the human body. • Understand importance of a healthy diet. • Primary and secondary sexual characteristics. • The female and male reproductive systems: parts and functions. • Fertilisation and embryo development. • Labour, newborn babies and lactation. • Observe and draw information from pictorials and diagrams. • Use tables and diagrams to process information. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Develop awareness and acceptance of changes during puberty. • Understand moral, social and emotional factors of reproduction. • Develop appropriate personal hygiene habits.


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.



Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative


- Naming the parts of the musculoskeletal system; describing their main functions. - Naming the parts of the nervous system and describing their main functions. - Identifying and describing particular reflex and voluntary movements. - Naming the main glands of the endocrine system and describing their functions.

- Distinguishing and describing primary and secondary sexual characteristics. - Identifying the female and male reproductive systems and describing their functions. - Distinguishing male and female sexual cells. - Describing the menstrual cycle. - Describing fertilization and embryo development during pregnancy. - Describing the stages of labour. - Naming the parts of the musculoskeletal system; describing their main functions. - Naming the parts of the nervous system and describing their main functions. - Identifying and describing particular reflex and voluntary movements. - Naming the main glands of the endocrine system and describing their functions..

BLOCK 4: People, cultures and social organization OBJECTIVES • Understanding the structure and density of the Spanish population. • Identifying the active population. • Identifying the economic sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary (service). • Identifying and locating Spanish borders. • Understanding Spain’s territorial organisation. • Understanding Spain’s political organisation. • Obtaining information from maps and pictures. • Identifying and locating the main physical features of Europe. • Identifying and locating the main coasts and rivers of Europe. • Identifying the main European climates and describing their characteristics. Describing population structure, distribution and diversity in Europe


• The population of Spain. • The economy of Spain. • The territorial organisation of Spain. • The political organisation of Spain. • Observe and interpret maps and pictures. • Read and comprehend texts. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Use graphs and tables to process information.



• Respect for Spanish laws and institutions. • Appreciation of ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. • The physical features of Europe. • The climates of Europe. • Population structure, distribution and diversity of Europe. • The European Union: characteristics and institutions. • Observe and interpret maps and pictures. • Read and comprehend texts. • Use graphs and tables to process information. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Interest in learning about Europe. • Appreciation of ethnic, religious and cultural diversity in Europe.

KEY COMPETENCES Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world Aunthonomy and personal initiative ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

- Identifying the Spanish population, its structure and density. - Identifying the active population. - Identifying and describing the economic sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary (service). - Identifying and locating Spanish borders.



- Identifying and describing Spain’s territorial organisation. - Identifying and describing Spain’s political organisation and its main political institutions. - Interpreting maps, observing pictures and producing diagrams, charts and graphs.

- Identifying and locating the main physical features of Europe. - Identifying and locating the main coasts and rivers of Europe. - Identifying the main climates of Europe. - Describing the population structure, distribution and diversity of Europe. - Interpreting maps and pictures and producing diagrams and graphs.

BLOCK 5: Passing of time. OBJECTIVES • Distinguishing the periods of prehistory: Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages. • Identifying and describing the principal characteristics of each prehistoric period. • Describing prehistoric heritage. • Identifying and describing pre-Roman civilisations on the Iberian Peninsula. • Describing the Roman conquest of the peninsula. • Describing different aspects of Roman Hispania: Roman rule, architecture, transport and

communication. • Describing the end of Roman rule. • Obtaining information from maps and pictures • Identifying the Germanic tribes which invaded the Iberian Peninsula. • Understanding the formation, organization and heritage of the Visigothic kingdom. • Describing the Muslim invasion of the peninsula. • Understanding the territory and the political organization of Al Andalus. • Describing the end of Al Andalus. • Understanding social and cultural aspects of Al Andalus. • Identifying the Christian kingdoms. • Describing the Reconquest: expansion and development of the Christian kingdoms. • Understanding medieval society and cultural heritage. • Identifying the principal characteristics of the reigns of the Catholic Monarchs, Charles I and

Philip II. • Describing the cultural splendour of the Golden Age. • Understanding the political and economic decline of the seventeenth century. • Describing the establishment and development of the Bourbon monarchy. • Describing science and culture in the 18th century. • Identifying and describing the main historical events during the 19th century. Understanding political tendencies during the 19th century CONTENTS • Prehistory on the Iberian Peninsula. • Pre-roman civilisations. • Roman Hispania. • Observe and interpret maps and pictures. • Use charts and diagrams to process information.



• Use audio recordings to follow text. • Interest in ancient civilisations. • Appreciation of our artistic and cultural heritage. • The Visigothic kingdom: formation, organization and cultural heritage. • Al Andalus: historic development and cultural heritage. • The Christian kingdoms: the Reconquest and cultural heritage. • Observe and interpret maps and pictures. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Use charts and diagrams to process information. • Interest in medieval history. • Appreciation of our artistic and cultural heritage. • Understand the cultural diversity of our origins. • The Spanish Empire: the Catholic Monarchs, Charles I, Philip II. • Culture and politics in the 17th century. • Bourbon Spain: political and cultural aspects. • The 19th century. • Observe and interpret maps and pictures. • Read and comprehend text. • Use diagrams, charts and timelines to process information. • Interest in learning about the past to understand the present. • Appreciation of our artistic and cultural heritage.


Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world




- Distinguishing the periods of prehistory on the Iberian Peninsula. - Identifying and describing pre-Roman civilizations on the peninsula. - Describing the Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. - Describing different aspects of Roman Hispania: architecture, transport... - Describing the end of Roman rule.

- Identifying the Germanic tribes which invaded the Iberian Peninsula. - Describing the formation, organization and heritage of the Visigothic kingdom. - Describing the territory and political organization of Al Andalus. - Describing social and cultural aspects of Al Andalus. - Identifying the Christian kingdoms. - Describing the Reconquest. - Describing medieval society and cultural heritage. - Identifying the principal characteristics of the reigns of the Catholic Monarchs, Charles I and

Philip II. - Describing the cultural splendour of the Golden Age and the political and economic decline of

the 17th century. - Describing the establishment and development of the Bourbon monarchy and the political,

economic, scientific and cultural aspects of this period. - Identifying and describing the main historical events of the 19th century. - Describing political trends during the 19th century.

BLOCK 6: Matter and energy OBJECTIVES • Understanding what energy is and its essential role in everyday life. • Distinguishing and classifying different sources of energy. • Distinguishing and describing the most important types of energy and identifying types of energy

conversion. • Understanding how light moves and performs when hitting an object. • Understanding how sound originates, travels and performs. • Understanding and distinguishing qualities of sound. • Interpreting drawings, diagrams and graphs. • Understanding that objects are electrically charged (positively or negatively). • Describing static electricity and its origin. • Understanding electrical current and distinguishing conductors and insulators. • Identifying the different components of a simple electric circuit. • Identifying magnets; describing their forces and uses. • Describing how electromagnets work. Describing electricity production, transmission, distribution and consumption.


• Energy and energy sources. • Types of energy. • Energy conversion.



• Light and its properties. • Sound and its qualities.

• Observe and draw information from photographs, diagrams and graphs. • Use tables and diagrams to process information. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Develop awareness of limited availability of non-renewable energy sources. • Develop awareness of noise pollution. • Take an active role in energy conservation and prevention of noise pollution. • Electrical charges and static electricity. • Electrical current and electric circuits. • Magnets: properties and uses. • Electricity production, transmission, distribution and consumption. • Study photographs to obtain information. • Observe and interpret information from drawings and diagrams. • Use tables and diagrams to process information. • Use audio recordings to follow text. • Appreciate technology as something that makes life easier. • Develop awareness of need to save electricity.

Take an active role in electricity savings KEY COMPETENCES

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit. Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world



ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Describing what energy is and its essential role. - Distinguishing and classifying sources of energy. - Distinguishing and describing types of energy. - Identifying energy conversion. - Describing how light moves and acts when reaching an object. - Describing how sound originates and travels. - Distinguishing the qualities of sound. - Describing how objects are electrically charged and their electrical interactions. - Describing how static electricity is created. - Identifying conductors and insulators. - Identifying the components of an electric circuit. - Identifying magnets and describing their forces and uses. - Describing electromagnets and their uses. - Describing electricity production, transmission, distribution and consumption.

BLOCK 7: Objects, machines and new technologies OBJECTIVES • Understanding forces and their importance. • Distinguishing types of forces. • Understanding and identifying the effects of forces: distortion and motion. • Understanding that machines can change one type of energy into another. • Classifying machines according to different criteria. • Identifying and describing the main parts of complex machines. • Identifying components of electronic devices. CONTENTS • Forces: definition and types. • Effects of forces: distortion and motion. • Machines: definition and types. • Main parts of machines. • Study photographs to obtain information. • Use tables and diagrams to process information. • Use audio recordings to follow text. Appreciate the importance of machines and how they make life easier

Key competences

Linguistic competence uses language as a tool for oral and written communication. Interpersonal, social and civic competence The learning of a language implies knowledge of facts and cultural traits associated with the speakers of the same and can be exercised in parallel to the unit.



Learning to learn Students reflect and enhance their personal initiative opinion on different aspect and learn to manage their resources through different learning techniques learning about and choosing their favourite activities of the unit or using the picture dictionary. Cultural and artistic competence Students will exercise this competence through the completion of different assignments and manual creations. Data processing and digital competence

Students practice and become familiar with digital processes and Information Technology through the websites.

Mathematic competence Knowledge and interaction with the physical world


- Defining forces. - Distinguishing and describing types of forces. - Identifying and describing the effects of forces: distortion and motion. - Recognising that machines convert energy. - Classifying machines according to different criteria. - Identifying and describing the main parts of complex machines. - Identifying components of electronic devices.





- Aprender a expresar y a comunicar, con autonomía e iniciativa, emociones y vivencias a través de los procesos propios de la creación artística en su dimensión plástica.

- Observar las relaciones generadas entre las formas geométricas y manejar los contrastes y

armonías del color para lograr efectos compositivos armoniosos.

- Observar y analizar, para reproducir plásticamente después, las partes fundamentales del rostro humano.

- Utilizar las cualidades simétricas presentes en muchos seres de la naturaleza para estudiar sus



formas globales y parciales. Completar sus formas y colores.

- Observar e imitar con rigor las diferentes cubiertas de varios animales.

- Considerar los posibles efectos visuales generados por la distancia de observación de un objeto o de un paisaje.

- Desarrollar la capacidad de observación para apreciar los cambios de color que presentan los

objetos en momentos diferentes del día o de la noche.

- Analizar las características comunicativas de los movimientos posturales en el cuerpo humano y tratar de representar otros nuevos dotándolos de realismo.

- Observar con minuciosidad distintos objetos de la realidad circundante e intentar reproducirlos

con las proporciones adecuadas.

- Mantener una actitud de búsqueda personal sobre las producciones de artistas contemporáneos o de otras épocas, analizarlas desde la propia percepción e intentar poner en práctica en sus creaciones los descubrimientos hallados.

- Visualizar el mayor número posible de objetos en distintas posiciones, interiorizarlos y

reproducir algún modelo según el punto de vista adoptado.

- Trasladar visualmente modelos a un espacio cuadriculado dado y, asimismo, encajar los dibujos y colorear con las proporciones correspondientes.

- Buscar y registrar las obras de artistas que, por su importancia y representatividad, han dejado

huella en las corrientes actuales de la pintura.

- Conocer y valorar diferentes manifestaciones artísticas del patrimonio cultural propio y de otros pueblos.

- Participar de manera activa, asumiendo las responsabilidades oportunas, en la conservación de

los espacios dedicados a las actividades plástica

- Desarrollar la capacidad de observación del entorno y objetos más próximos para plasmar en sus producciones aquellas cualidades que mejor los caracterizan (colorido, luminosidad…), según la estación.

- Establecer una relación proporcionada en el tamaño de los elementos que se incorporan a un

paisaje en espacios limitados, según la perspectiva y el punto de vista.

- Analizar escenas familiares representadas por algunos pintores como Cézanne e intentar reproducirlas fielmente.

- Realizar la tarea programada previamente; seguir minuciosamente todos los pasos que se

sugieren para una mejor consecución de ella. Observar e imitar con rigor las diferentes cubiertas de cada animal.

- Valorar y analizar el trabajo de los demás con criterios propios.




- El rostro humano.

- La figura humana en movimiento, en reposo y en movimiento.

- Animales en perspectiva.

- Animales de especies diferentes.

. - Elementos de la naturaleza. - Bodegón de frutas. - La luz y el color en los objetos por el día o por la noche. - Proporción de los objetos. - El punto de vista: objetos en diferentes posiciones. - Paisaje de campo. - Dibujo a lápiz: casa en el campo. - Árboles en perspectiva. - Luces y sombras: paisaje en diferentes momentos del día y con figura en perspectiva. - Distintos paisajes. - Composición al estilo de Piet Mondrian. - Composición con tramados. - Pintores: Van Gogh, Goya, Murillo y Cézanne.

1.3. COMPETENCIAS BÁSICAS • Competencia en comunicación lingüística

- Desarrollar la comprensión lectora de imágenes.

- Leer textos relativos a las imágenes y relacionarlos con su referente.

- Aumentar el vocabulario artístico con interés y curiosidad.

- Describir paisajes, situaciones, elementos compositivos de un objeto.

- Incorporar al propio vocabulario términos plásticos nuevos.

- Reconocer los valores transmitidos a través de los textos escritos consultados. • Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacción con el mundo físico

- Relacionarse con el entorno estimando dimensiones de superficies e intensidades lumínicas.

- Observar la flora del entorno inmediato y pictórico.

- Discriminar las características peculiares de diversas especies animales y de algunos ejemplares parecidos

- Valorar la importancia especial de los instrumentos ópticos en la observación del entorno natural.

- Representar las cubiertas animales realizando una observación y análisis del medio natural y de



los modelos sugeridos.

- Discriminar las características peculiares de diferentes especies animales y de algunos ejemplares parecidos.

- Comprender, en cierta medida, la interacción entre el hombre, las plantas y los animales

- Reconocer figuras para mejorar la percepción espacial

- Valorar la medida exacta al representar la figura humana en perspectiva, colocando cada elemento en el lugar adecuado según su proporción.

• Competencia matemática

- Considerar la influencia ejercida por los soportes tecnológicos, los aparatos ópticos, en la percepción de las formas y volúmenes.

- Incorporar términos matemáticos relacionados con la proporción y el tamaño de los objetos; y

representarlos convenientemente.

- Emplear los términos matemáticos aprendidos en las composiciones y relacionarlos de manera conveniente.

• Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital

- Valorar los distintos tipos de información recibida: gestual, gráfica, visual, oral, textual, mediática…

- Percibir la presencia de la perspectiva en distintas fotografías y elementos del entorno.

- Buscar con autoexigencia los datos referidos a artistas o a sus obras más representativas, clasificarlos y organizar gráficos con la información recopilada.

- Utilizar las TIC para conseguir informaciones relevantes relacionadas con las actividades que le

ocupan en un momento determinado.

- Utilizar las tecnologías al alcance para mejorar la información ya poseída e incorporar la nueva de manera eficaz.

• Competencia social y ciudadana

- Considerar la existencia de múltiples puntos de vista al observar la realidad.

- Leer textos informativos para ampliar el propio bagaje cultural en el sector de la pintura.

- Seguir las normas y directrices sugeridas para la realización de una tarea.

- Aceptar de buen grado las opiniones y producciones de los demás.

- Ser tolerantes con las opiniones y producciones ajenas.



- Favorecer el respeto al medio ambiente y expresar opiniones sobre comportamientos responsables.

• Competencia cultural y artística

- Conocer las manifestaciones artísticas de diferentes épocas y orígenes. - Apreciar la diversidad cultural y valorar las diferencias expresivas en su dimensión común de

vehículo comunicativo.

- Servirse de la creatividad ofrecida por las obras de arte para estimular la propia imaginación y capacidad expresiva.

- Observar el entorno animal y vegetal y plasmarlo en las propias producciones.

- Conocer la diversidad cultural de otros pueblos valorándola según los propios conocimientos y

vertiendo opiniones propias.

- Estudiar con detalle los modelos que se ofrecen y representar otros teniendo presentes las técnicas sugeridas.

- Valorar la riqueza cultural de otras regiones.

- Observar el entorno y plasmarlo en las propias producciones.

- Mostrar interés por conocer la obra de artistas de renombre universal.

- Observar con minuciosidad los modelos aportados y reproducirlos con la técnica adecuada

• Competencia para aprender a aprender

- Mejorar la calidad de las expresiones plásticas mediante el detenido análisis de los recursos gráficos utilizables.

- Desarrollar la consciencia de la posibilidad de observación del entorno a través de diferentes

medios y desde distintos puntos de vista.

- Potenciar la reflexión analítica sobre formas, texturas y colores.

- Buscar información, investigar, localizar datos relevantes en soportes diversos para ser aplicados en las propias producciones.

- Fomentar la curiosidad por la cultura de otros pueblos en cualquier dimensión artística.

- Desarrollar la capacidad de observación mediante la manipulación de objetos y la extracción de

datos para incorporarlos a sus trabajos plásticos.

- Reflexionar ante la complejidad de una tarea y admitir las pautas que se le sugieren para su resolución.

• Autonomía e iniciativa personal

- Elaborar nuevas estrategias de observación, análisis y representación.



- Desarrollar el espíritu crítico ante distintos estilos artísticos.

- Planificar una tarea siguiendo las pautas facilitadas: observación, preparación de materiales, ejecución ordenada y valoración del trabajo conseguido.

- Desarrollar la confianza en las propias capacidades.

- Aportar soluciones ante situaciones dadas, más o menos dificultosas.

1.4. CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN. - Observa y analiza obras de pintores españoles y extranjeros.

- Analiza detenidamente modelos parciales del rostro humano.

- Tiene especial interés en conservar en buen estado los materiales y lugares comunes destinados

al trabajo individual o de grupo.

- Formula opiniones acerca de lo observado y sentido al contemplar obras pictóricas de artistas españoles y extranjeros.

- Utiliza las tecnologías de la información para ampliar el conocimiento sobre pintores famosos y

su obra plástica.

- Es capaz de encontrar matices muy diferentes en los objetos iluminados en momentos distintos del día, analizando con precisión las variables que presentan.

- Busca, selecciona y organiza información sobre producciones artísticas de personas relevantes

en el mundo de la pintura en general.

- Establece comparaciones entre los modelos a imitar y sus reproducciones, analizando los logros conseguidos.

- Asume de buen grado aquellas tareas que ayudan a mantener limpios y ordenados los lugares destinados a los trabajos relacionados con las actividades plásticas: recortado, pintura, pegado.

- Busca a su alrededor pistas que le ayuden a realizar sus trabajos de manera eficaz. - Observa y sigue con atención todas las directrices que se sugieren para llevar a cabo una tarea.

- Es capaz de reflejar en sus composiciones plásticas las observaciones que ha hecho de la

realidad, aportando a estas similitudes en el colorido y ubicación adecuada de elementos nuevos.

- Se esfuerza en conseguir el mayor parecido posible en los modelos que reproduce. Elige correctamente la pigmentación, colorido, dibujado, tamaño…

- Observa y experimenta el calcado de modelos aplicando procedimientos diversos.

- Establece comparaciones analizando los resultados según el procedimiento empleado.



- Manifiesta opiniones acerca del trabajo de los demás valorando los resultados obtenidos y los compara con el suyo propio, analizando similitudes y diferencias en los logros




2.1 OBJETIVOS - Adquirir técnicas plásticas específicas y utilizarlas con fines expresivos

- Emplear la técnica del grafito para definir y sombrear los dibujos realizado sobre partes del rostro7. Reflexionar sobre las cualidades propias de cada pigmento al utilizarlos en las reproducciones de composiciones famosas.

- Manejar con soltura el grafito y afianzar la técnica del sombreado imprimiendo realismo a las

representaciones paisajísticas.

- Analizar los temas representados por algunos pintores como Goya, Van Gogh, Mondrian… y experimentar con las gamas cromáticas al imitar el coloreado presente en algunos de sus cuadros.

- Pintar motivos vegetales con distintos materiales y diferenciar la aplicación propia de cada

tipo de material o pigmento. Realizar la tarea programada previamente; seguir minuciosamente todos los pasos que se sugieren para una mejor consecución de la misma

- Reproducir las formas particulares de las cabezas de distintas especies animales

- Utilizar con corrección el uso de la cera blanda en el coloreado de diferentes modelos, buscar mezclas cromáticamente armónicas

- Planificar y realizar producciones artísticas que requieran cierto grado de complejidad en el coloreado con témperas, de modo que el resultado final sea satisfactorio.

- Realizar reproducciones exactas de modelos animales e imitar el coloreado de forma precisa.

- Manejar con corrección el lápiz de grafito en el sombreado de diferentes sectores del

rostro humano

- Seguir atentamente todos los pasos que se indican en el dibujo y coloreado de un modelo para, posteriormente, aplicar con seguridad la técnica adecuada y conseguir así un resultado aceptable

- Utilizar la combinación de formas y técnicas de coloreado, recortado y pegado en la confección de un paisaje primaveral urbano.

- Manejar con soltura el grafito y afianzar la técnica del sombreado imprimiendo realismo al

dibujo de objetos cotidianos.

- Experimentar y disfrutar con los diferentes procedimientos de calcado de figuras, e inventar otros nuevos, comprobando los resultados que se obtienen aplicando cada uno de ellos. Comparar los resultados conseguidos.

- Reproducir los trazos y tramas sugeridos a través de las expresiones libres, así como en

los paisajes copiados o representados



- Tener presente la constante de perspectiva al realizar los ejercicios plásticos que incluyen elementos paisajísticos. Manejar distintos materiales en la consecución de las variadas actividades

- Investigar y experimentar con las distintas posibilidades que ofrecen las mezclas de colores y sus resultados cromáticos

- Imitar la textura de diferentes materiales en objetos de uso frecuente consiguiendo efectos visuales diversos: transparencias, recipientes llenos, vacíos…


- Completado de animales a partir del eje de simetría; uso de los rotuladores como definidores de

formas corporales. Uso de lápices y rotuladores para producir el efecto de distintas cubiertas animales. Encaje de las formas esenciales configuradoras de cabezas de algunos felinos.

- Coloreado de un ramo de girasoles mezclando las cualidades del lápiz de color y la cera

dura. Completado de la mitad de un fruto a partir del eje de simetría. Uso del collage para producir el efecto de perspectiva en una hilera de árboles; consideración de las variaciones de tamaño y de color asociadas a la proximidad o lejanía. Dibujo y coloreado de composición floral

- Reproducción de las cubiertas de las aves. Costumbres acuáticas. Flamenco en la laguna. Otras aves acuáticas.

- Dibujo y sombreado con grafito de árboles secos, en estación invernal. Plantas de laguna,

coloreado. Sandía y limón en bodegón, ampliación en cuadrícula.

- Degradación del color en un paisaje acuático. Paisaje en blanco y negro.

- Experimentación con el color: creación de tonalidades diferentes. Diseños originales de prendas deportivas. Aplicación de colores complementarios y opuestos. Manipulación con diferentes pigmentos. Creación de obras propias a partir de modelos representativos de grandes artistas.

- Expresividad mediante la técnica del sombreado. Caracterización de personas en situaciones de

ocio. Cuadro de Cézanne, Los jugadores de cartas. Perspectiva de la figura humana. Siluetas en movimiento.

- Reproducción de animales. Imitación de cubiertas mediante la aplicación del color: peces, anfibios

e insectos.

- Reproducción de troncos diferentes de árboles, caracterizando las cubiertas, las cortezas, y utilizando para ello el color. Dibujado y coloreado de distintos frutos.


• Competencia en comunicación lingüística



- Incorporar al vocabulario propio términos del lenguaje plástico y utilizarlos con oportuna exactitud.

- Reconocer el alto valor comunicativo de la expresión facial y corporal en el ser humano.

- Describir oralmente los cambios de percepción debidos a distintos aparatos ópticos utilizados en la visión de la realidad.

- Describir los elementos gráfico-plásticos percibidos y expresar lo sentido ante ellos.

- Formular cuestiones relevantes cuando se le presenten dudas, con un vocabulario propio del área

de Artística.

- Expresar de modo oral los resultados conseguidos y justificar las técnicas empleadas.

- Aumentar el vocabulario artístico con interés y curiosidad. - Valorar la lengua como vehículo artístico de comunicación.

• Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacción con el mundo físico

- Profundizar en los conceptos de simetría y perspectiva a través de representaciones

plásticas ejemplares.

- Utilizar las herramientas de cálculo y proporción en relación con los objetos del entorno y la representación de ellos.

- Utilizar datos del entorno en sus representaciones de objetos, animales, plantas y edificios.

- Analizar los cambios que produce el ser humano en el medio.

- Aprovechar la información del medio físico en las reproducciones de cubiertas animales y los

frutos y troncos de las plantas. • Competencia matemática

- Valorar la línea como elemento fundamental de escritura plástica, así como su grosor y densidad.

- Interpretar códigos de color, aplicar y elaborar otros nuevos a partir de la información recibida y mediante la calibración de las cantidades aplicadas de cada color.

- Representar los distintos aspectos de una forma geométrica según el lado desde el que sea

observada. • Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital

- Utilizar las tecnologías presentes en el aula, o en el colegio, para obtener información que ayude a profundizar en las biografías y obras de los pintores incluidos.

- Utilizar fotografías de orígenes diversos (cromos, revistas, internet…) para profundizar en los



tipos de estructuras, texturas y aparatos ópticos. - Conocer diferentes soportes tecnológicos relativos a la actividad artística e interpretarlos.

- Expresar con rigor lo aprendido y plasmarlo en las producciones propias.

• Competencia social y ciudadana

- Utilizar diferentes formas gráficas al buscar una expresión más variada y completa del mundo circundante.

- Mostrar en las reproducciones del entorno interés y respeto por el cuidado del medio


- Disfrutar con el correcto acabado de las actividades. Colaborar en el correcto mantenimiento del espacio dedicado a las actividades plásticas.

- Cooperar activamente en el acondicionamiento de los espacios destinados a las actividades

plásticas: en el orden y limpieza que conviertan en estancias agradables las salas usadas para llevar a cabo las tareas.

- Ser tolerantes con las opiniones y producciones ajenas.

• Competencia cultural y artística

- Comunicar sentimientos y emociones a través de las realizaciones plásticas personales y aprender a verbalizar lo sentido.

- Utilizar la creatividad propia para desarrollar composiciones novedosas.

- Utilizar las tramas, manchas y elementos gráficos para generar creaciones personales. - Utilizar las técnicas plásticas para expresar estéticamente lo percibido.

- Seguir las pautas graduadas para la consecución de tonalidades armónicas y aplicarlas para dar

profundidad y destacar elementos en las producciones propias. - Hacer uso de la creatividad implícita en las obras de arte. - Manipular correctamente los útiles de dibujo y coloreado.

• Competencia para aprender a aprender

- Elaborar estrategias para mejorar los resultados plásticos.

- Localizar información en diferentes textos curriculares. - Fomentar paulatinamente la reflexión y mejorar así, poco a poco, la aplicación de las técnicas




- Mostrar confianza en las propias habilidades artísticas y arriesgarse ante las situaciones de resolución compleja.

- Anotar e interiorizar ideas para recordar datos importantes referentes a la actividad plástica.

• Autonomía e iniciativa personal

- Adquirir destrezas para generar nuevos diseños. - Desarrollar las habilidades propias de la ejecución de proyectos. - Hacer uso claro y preciso de las herramientas para representar la información de la que se

dispone. - Seleccionar autónomamente los colores mostrados y aplicarlos con éxito en sus trabajos.

- Potenciar las destrezas para fomentar la seguridad en las propias capacidades en función de los

distintos trabajos plásticos. - Experimentar técnicas que encierran dificultad para conseguir mejores resultados.


- Realiza reproducciones plásticas esforzándose en conseguir la innovación de las tramas, así como efectos visuales variados.

- Saca partido plástico a la diferente textura aportada por los lápices de color y las ceras duras.

- Imprime en las reproducciones plásticas los conocimientos adquiridos con anterioridad sobre la

técnica del sombreado con grafito.

- Dibuja y colorea la mitad ausente en el dibujo de animales y de frutos buscando el efecto de realismo en el conjunto logrado.

- Aplica cuidadosamente los colores de las témperas para producir el efecto cromático buscado.

- Reproducir las formas y colores en algunos cuadros famosos.

- Componer tramados originales a partir de las manchas de color y los elementos gráficos


- Experimenta y disfruta la realización de mezclas con el color y de los resultados obtenidos

- Hacer mezclas con el color de modo que se consigan gamas distintas.

- Representar esquemas corporales adecuados a distintas posturas.

- Percibir y reproducir proporcionalmente objetos cotidianos.

- Colorear e imitar la cubierta de algunas aves.



- Emplear los diferentes pigmentos con exactitud y limpieza.

- Observar y colorear al menos tres objetos característicos del verano con un mínimo de detalles. - Representar siluetas de la figura humana en perspectiva.

- Sombrear parcialmente el rostro de frente.

- Dibujar y colorear un paisaje de mar y otro primaveral.

- Hacer alguna investigación sobre pintores contemporáneos que se sugieran.

- Dibujar un animal de cada grupo (insectos, peces, anfibios) y caracterizar con exactitud sus cubiertas.

- Aplicar con limpieza las ceras a modelos dados.


- Puesta en común referente a los conocimientos previos en la que se potenciarán las aportaciones de los escolares sobre las técnicas a emplear, las observaciones sobre el color, las texturas, las diferencias existentes entre unos materiales y otros…

- Explicación, sugerencias y exigencia de requisitos por parte de la profesora de Plástica.

- Secuenciación del trabajo y verbalización por parte de los escolares

- Exposición de los trabajos individuales o de grupo.

- Aportación de materiales: textos, obras y documentos de interés.

- Exposición previa a la realización de cada actividad.

- Puesta en común sobre las técnicas aprendidas con anterioridad.

- Comentarios acerca de la actividad que se va a realizar y la relación que puede haber con otras ejecutadas previamente.

- Aclaración de las dudas surgidas sobre la técnica que se ha de utilizar según los casos y

planificación de la actividad.

- Sugerencias y consultas por parte del alumnado.

- Valoración de los trabajos, comparación y exposición de estos.

- Toma de contacto en grupo sobre los conocimientos previos, aportaciones de los escolares sobre las técnicas que han de emplear; puesta en común de las experiencias relacionadas con la actividad que se plantea.

- Secuenciación del trabajo y verbalización por parte de los escolares.



- Valoración de los trabajos y corrección según los casos.


• Seguimiento del registro adjunto de evaluación.

• Aportaciones de actividades o materiales, e intervenciones orales. -SISTEMAS DE CALIFICACIÓN . Según las pautas del registro de evaluación continua.


- Todas aquellas sugerencias que en cada caso particular el alumnado demande.

- Se pueden aplicar las actividades de refuerzo y de ampliación de material adjunto (fotocopias).

- Adoptar organizaciones flexibles dentro del aula, con respeto hacia los principios básicos de

organización y funcionamiento de los grupos, practicando estrategias inter grupales, para potenciar el trabajo con grupos heterogéneos de alumnos y alumnas.





1.1. OBJETIVOS - Analizar imágenes en función de los sentimientos que transmiten. - Tener confianza en las propias realizaciones artísticas y disfrutar con el proceso creativo. - Aprender a comunicar a través de las creaciones artísticas. - Conocer las posibilidades de utilización de diferentes materiales con fines comunicativos, lúdicos y

creativos. - Observar, analizar y aplicar las características artísticas significativas que nos ofrece la realidad

cotidiana, representándolas de forma autónoma, espontánea y creativa. - Valorar las capacidades creativas y artísticas propias y de los demás. - Aplicar los conocimientos artísticos a la observación de las características más significativas de los

medios de comunicación como receptores de imágenes. -Disfrutar de las obras de arte que ofrecen el entorno y la Comunidad de Madrid. - Conocer los elementos más destacados del patrimonio cultural. - Demostrar sensibilidad y gusto por lo bello y lo creativo. - Ser capaz de asumir distintas funciones en la realización de una producción artística. - Realizar producciones artísticas colectivas, siendo conscientes de la complementariedad de los

diferentes papeles en una obra común. - Valorar y respetar las aportaciones de los demás en la producción de una obra artística común. -- Reconocer y aceptar con naturalidad las capacidades y limitaciones propias y las de los compañeros,

tomando conciencia de la importancia del esfuerzo individual y colectivo. 1.2. CONTENIDOS - La proporción de la figura humana. - El rostro humano: situación de las facciones. - La cabeza humana de perfil. - Formas básicas: mamíferos y aves. - Dibujo a lápiz: animales, objetos y plantas. - Partes de las plantas: las hojas, las flores, las frutas. - Árboles y arbustos. - Los objetos: bodegones. - Elementos del paisaje. - La luz y la sombra en el paisaje. - Colores opuestos. - Paisaje en perspectiva. - El retrato. - Composición con tramados. - Composición del color. - Colores fríos y colores cálidos. - Pintores españoles relevantes. 1.3. COMPETENCIAS BÁSICAS



Competencia en comunicación lingüística - Valorar la obra artística. - Buscar la originalidad narrativa y formal. - Obtener información relevante y suficiente a partir de la observación. - Describir procesos de trabajo y argumentación de soluciones. - Adquirir un vocabulario específico del área. - Generar intercambios comunicativos. Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacción con el mundo físico - Aprovechar la información gestual ofrecida por el entorno humano y modélico. - Utilizar con fruición las técnicas plásticas. - Tomar conciencia de la importancia de contribuir a preservar un entorno físico agradable y saludable. - Utilizar el medio como pretexto para la creación artística. - Mostrar actitudes de respeto hacia los demás y hacia uno mismo. - Apreciar el entorno a través de colores, formas, sonidos, texturas, etcétera, presentes en la

naturaleza y en las obras realizadas por el hombre. Competencia matemática - Valorar el grado de certeza de los resultados derivados del razonamiento. - Seleccionar las técnicas adecuadas para calcular los pulsos. Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital - Analizar la imagen y el mensaje que transmite. - Usar la tecnología para el tratamiento de imágenes visuales. - Analizar la imagen, el sonido y los mensajes que estos transmiten. - Buscar, seleccionar e intercambiar información sobre manifestaciones artísticas para su conocimiento

y disfrute. - Usar la tecnología para mostrar procesos relacionados con las artes visuales. Competencia social y ciudadana - Indagar y planificar procesos. - Tener flexibilidad ante un mismo supuesto. - Trabajar en equipo cooperando y asumiendo responsabilidades. - Aplicar técnicas concretas y utilizar los espacios de manera apropiada. - Seguir las normas y las instrucciones dadas. Competencia cultural y artística - Tener interés por el conocimiento de los materiales. - Intercambiar información sobre imágenes de cualquier época y cultura. - Representar formas presentes en el espacio natural. - Conocer diferentes códigos artísticos y utilizar las técnicas y los recursos que les son propios. - Conocer, valorar y mantener una actitud crítica ante las manifestaciones culturales y artísticas. - Promover la iniciativa, la imaginación y la creatividad. Competencia para aprender a aprender - Tener curiosidad respecto del resultado final de una actividad manipulativa. - Valorar el potencial creativo contenido en las formas sencillas. - Indagar y planificar procesos. - Esforzarse por alcanzar resultados originales. - Reflexionar sobre el proceso de iluminación. - Observar con el objeto de adquirir información relevante y suficiente. - Reflexionar sobre los procesos en la manipulación de objetos, la experimentación con técnicas y

materiales y la exploración sensorial de sonidos, texturas, formas y espacios. - Utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos en situaciones diferentes. Autonomía e iniciativa personal - Experimentar y disfrutar con el uso de técnicas y materiales.



- Desarrollar iniciativas y soluciones diversas. - Favorecer la creatividad llevando a cabo iniciativas y barajando diferentes posibilidades. - Fomentar la originalidad y la búsqueda de nuevas formas innovadoras en el proceso creativo. - Planificar el proceso creativo y esforzarse por alcanzar resultados originales. . 1.4. CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN. - Utiliza su actividad gráfica para representar en imágenes sus vivencias y experiencias personales. - Se comunica mediante signos y símbolos visuales pertenecientes al lenguaje icónico. - Utiliza, valora y distingue líneas, colores y texturas en la representación de sus creaciones, y analiza,

interpreta y valora las producciones ajenas. - Muestra interés por la calidad en la ejecución de sus creaciones y disfruta con su realización,

explicando sus intenciones expresivas. 2. BLOQUE DE CONTENIDOS 2. EXPRESIÓN Y CREACIÓN 2.1. OBJETIVOS - Expresar, con gestos y movimientos, ideas y sentimientos, tanto individual como colectivamente, en

situaciones de comunicación y de juego. - Tener confianza en las propias realizaciones artísticas y disfrutar con el proceso creativo. - Conocer las cualidades del sonido, la imagen, el gesto y el movimiento para expresar ideas,

sentimientos o vivencias - Expresar emociones y vivencias a través de la creatividad artística en sus distintas dimensiones. - Aprender a comunicar a través de las creaciones artísticas. - Explorar y utilizar materiales plásticos diversos conociendo sus propiedades. - Conocer las posibilidades de utilización de diferentes materiales con fines comunicativos, lúdicos y

creativos. - Seleccionar aquellas características que se consideren más útiles y adecuadas para el desarrollo de las

actividades artísticas expresivas. - Aplicar los conocimientos sobre las características visuales, plásticas y de relación espacial de

situaciones y objetos del entorno, para mejorar la actividad expresiva y de comunicación icónica. - Expresar libertad y originalidad en las manifestaciones artísticas creativas. - Mostrar confianza en la propia experimentación para encontrar nuevos cauces de expresión artística. - Aportar experiencias propias de tipo creativo en el ámbito musical. - Conocer las recomendaciones básicas para la práctica de un instrumento. - Interpretar sencillas composiciones con un instrumento musical - Conocer los contextos en los que operan la imagen y el sonido en los medios de comunicación. - Desarrollar la capacidad crítica respecto a la expresión y a la estética de los medios audiovisuales y

las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que utilizan la imagen y el sonido. - Demostrar sensibilidad y gusto por lo bello y lo creativo. - Expresar libremente ideas y sentimientos a través de la elaboración de obras artísticas creativas. - Tener confianza en las elaboraciones artísticas propias, apreciando su contribución al goce y al

bienestar personal. - Disfrutar creando obras artísticas propias. - Ser capaz de asumir distintas funciones en la realización de una producción artística. - Realizar elaboraciones artísticas propias, apreciando su contribución al goce y al bienestar personal. 2.2. CONTENIDOS - Trazado y sombreado de la cabeza humana y las facciones en posición de perfil.



- Dibujo y sombreado de facciones en su lugar correspondiente. - Dibujo y sombreado de un pájaro, con las alas extendidas, mediante el sistema de cuadrícula. - Dibujo y coloreado de un pájaro en una rama. - Trazado y coloreado de un ave según los pasos indicados. - Pintura con ceras: distintos animales. - Dibujo, trazado y coloreado de distintos alimentos. - Dibujo y coloreado de árboles y arbustos con la proporción de tamaño que tienen en la realidad. - Dibujo y coloreado de un paisaje con elementos de tres modelos diferentes. - Trazado y coloreado de una casa de campo con su entorno. - Coloreado de un paisaje teniendo en cuenta la posición del sol. - Coloreado de un paisaje con colores opuestos a un modelo concreto. - Trazado y coloreado de una calle en perspectiva según los pasos indicados. - Dibujo y coloreado de un paisaje en perspectiva. - Representación de un paisaje. - Dibujo y coloreado de un edificio en perspectiva. - Pintura con témperas de un paisaje. - Composición con tramados combinando los modelos ofrecidos o con formas parecidas. - Composición de paleta de colores. - Composición con colores cálidos y con colores fríos. - Pintura contemporánea: retrato. - Elaboración de un puzle de un cuadro de un pintor español relevante. 2.3. COMPETENCIAS BASICAS. Competencia en comunicación lingüística - Valorar la obra artística. - Buscar la originalidad narrativa y formal. - Describir procesos de trabajo y argumentación de soluciones. - Adquirir un vocabulario específico del área. - Generar intercambios comunicativos. Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacción con el mundo físico - Aprovechar la información gestual ofrecida por el entorno humano y modélico. - Utilizar con fruición las técnicas plásticas. - Tomar conciencia de la importancia de contribuir a preservar un entorno físico agradable y saludable. - Utilizar el medio como pretexto para la creación artística. - Mostrar actitudes de respeto hacia los demás y hacia uno mismo. - Apreciar el entorno a través de colores, formas, sonidos, texturas, etcétera, presentes en la

naturaleza y en las obras realizadas por el hombre. Competencia matemática - Seleccionar las técnicas adecuadas para calcular los pulsos. Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital - Usar la tecnología para el tratamiento de imágenes visuales. - Buscar, seleccionar e intercambiar información sobre manifestaciones artísticas para su conocimiento

y disfrute. - Usar la tecnología para mostrar procesos relacionados con las artes visuales. Competencia social y ciudadana - Indagar y planificar procesos. - Tener flexibilidad ante un mismo supuesto. - Trabajar en equipo cooperando y asumiendo responsabilidades. - Aplicar técnicas concretas y utilizar los espacios de manera apropiada. - Seguir las normas y las instrucciones dadas. Competencia cultural y artística



- Tener interés por el conocimiento de los materiales. - Intercambiar información sobre imágenes de cualquier época y cultura. - Representar formas presentes en el espacio natural. - Conocer diferentes códigos artísticos y utilizar las técnicas y los recursos que les son propios. - Conocer, valorar y mantener una actitud crítica ante las manifestaciones culturales y artísticas. - Promover la iniciativa, la imaginación y la creatividad. Competencia para aprender a aprender - Valorar el potencial creativo contenido en las formas sencillas. - Indagar y planificar procesos. - Esforzarse por alcanzar resultados originales. - Observar con el objeto de adquirir información relevante y suficiente. - Reflexionar sobre los procesos en la manipulación de objetos, la experimentación con técnicas y

materiales y la exploración sensorial de sonidos, texturas, formas y espacios. - Utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos en situaciones diferentes. Autonomía e iniciativa personal - Experimentar y disfrutar con el uso de técnicas y materiales. - Desarrollar iniciativas y soluciones diversas. - Favorecer la creatividad llevando a cabo iniciativas y barajando diferentes posibilidades. - Fomentar la originalidad y la búsqueda de nuevas formas innovadoras en el proceso creativo. 2.4. CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN - Representa imágenes de la realidad cotidiana y del entorno, seleccionando las técnicas más apropiadas

y los materiales adecuados. - Utiliza, valora y distingue líneas, colores y texturas en la representación de sus creaciones, y analiza,

interpreta y valora las producciones ajenas. - Explora las cualidades de los materiales (plásticos, metálicos, textiles y de desecho) y sus

posibilidades expresivas. - Muestra interés por la calidad en la ejecución de sus creaciones y disfruta con su realización,

explicando sus intenciones expresivas. - Utiliza su actividad gráfica para representar en imágenes sus vivencias y experiencias personales. 3. METODOLOGÍA - Puesta en común referente a los conocimientos previos en la que se potenciarán las aportaciones de

los escolares sobre las técnicas a emplear, las observaciones sobre el color, las texturas, las diferencias existentes entre unos materiales y otros…

- Explicación, sugerencias y exigencia de requisitos por parte de la profesora de Plástica. - Secuenciación del trabajo y verbalización por parte de los escolares. - Exposición de los trabajos individuales o de grupo. - Aportación de materiales: textos, obras y documentos de interés. - Exposición previa a la realización de cada actividad. - Puesta en común sobre las técnicas aprendidas con anterioridad. - Comentarios acerca de la actividad que se va a realizar y la relación que puede haber con otras

ejecutadas previamente. - Aclaración de las dudas surgidas sobre la técnica que se ha de utilizar según los casos y planificación

de la actividad. - Sugerencias y consultas por parte del alumnado. - Valoración de los trabajos, comparación y exposición de estos. - Toma de contacto en grupo sobre los conocimientos previos, aportaciones de los escolares sobre las



técnicas que han de emplear; puesta en común de las experiencias relacionadas con la actividad que se plantea.

- Secuenciación del trabajo y verbalización por parte de los escolares. - Valoración de los trabajos y corrección según los casos. 4. EVALUACIÓN -PROCEDIMIENTOS E INSTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN . Seguimiento del registro adjunto de evaluación. . Aportaciones de actividades o materiales, e intervenciones orales. -SISTEMAS DE CALIFICACIÓN . Según las pautas del registro de evaluación continua. 5. ATENCIÓN A LA DIVERSIDAD - Todas aquellas sugerencias que en cada caso particular el alumnado demande. - Se pueden aplicar las actividades de refuerzo y de ampliación de material adjunto (fotocopias). - Adoptar organizaciones flexibles dentro del aula, con respeto hacia los principios básicos de

organización y funcionamiento de los grupos, practicando estrategias inter grupales, para potenciar el trabajo con grupos heterogéneos de alumnos y alumnas.




A lo largo del proceso educativo se estimulará a los alumnos a través del empleo del refuerzo positivo, valorando los éxitos que vaya logrando cada alumno y cada alumna. Los sistemas de agrupamiento se adecuarán al tipo de actividades que se pretende desarrollar, incluyendo el grupo de clase, el trabajo individual, los pequeños grupos y las parejas, así como el agrupamiento flexible para algunas actividades de refuerzo o de ampliación. En el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje se favorecerá la atención individualizada a los alumnos, que se complementará con actividades de refuerzo a fin de recuperar aquellos objetivos y contenidos básicos no consolidados y con actividades de ampliación cuando ello sea posible. Las medidas a aplicar , por el profesorado ,en el aula con el alumnado que manifiesta dificultad, más o menos severa, para el aprendizaje son:

- Mantener un contacto estrecho y continuado con sus familias. - Ubicarlos en la cercanía del profesorado para facilitar una supervisión directa y evitar

posibles molestias a los compañeros más próximos. - Dedicarles unos minutos de atención exclusiva en cada sesión. - Reducir a las esenciales, las actividades escritas y omitir la copia de enunciados, para los

alumnos que reciben apoyo externo. - Colaborar en el proceso de evaluación, combinando la realización oral con la escrita.

Contemplada la diversidad en los documentos institucionales del centro, es preciso adoptar en las programaciones de aula medidas que permitan:

- partir del nivel de desarrollo del alumno/a - asegurar la construcción de aprendizajes significativos - desarrollar la capacidad de aprender - crear un clima de aceptación mutua y confianza.

Teniendo en cuenta estos principios, se adoptarán las siguientes medidas de atención a la diversidad del alumnado:

- Secuenciación de los contenidos de cada área - Diferenciación entre contenidos fundamentales (capacidades y aprendizajes básicos) y

contenidos complementarios - Planificación de actividades

o Con diferente grado de dificultad (ampliación, profundización, refuerzo) o Que requieran diferente grado de autonomía (desde muy dirigidas a, trabajos de

investigación) o Que respondan a diferentes modos de aprendizaje (analíticas, sintéticas, con

diferentes lenguajes y materiales) o Que permitan distintas formas de agrupamiento (grupos flexibles, aprendizaje

cooperativo, atención individualizada)

- Planificación de refuerzos con intervención de otro docente - Creación de zonas especializadas en el aula. - Planificar bandas horarias optativas. - Planificación de una evaluación de carácter formativo, que abra cauces de intervención ante

las diferentes capacidades de los alumnos y sus diferentes niveles de desarrollo.



Con respecto al uso del castellano como adaptación metodológica, debemos destacar la elaboración de materiales para reforzar los contenidos de Conocimiento del Medio en el área de Lengua Castellana, mediante una ficha de comprensión lectora El Equipo de Bilingüismo junto con los profesores de Lengua Castellana elaboran este material para paliar.

11 PLAN DE FOMENTO LECTOR 1.- INTRODUCTION Por ser éste un centro bilingüe , el equipo docente considera que el aprendizaje en una segunda lengua puede y debe colaborar en la consecución de los objetivos propuestos en este plan, y aprovechar la ventajosa situación para aplicarlo al gusto por la lectura en lengua inglesa y en lengua castellana. La planificación e implementación de este plan se encamina al desarrollo de las habilidades lectoras , que se especifican a continuación, a través del trabajo paulatino, graduado y continuado a lo largo de todos los niveles de la Enseñanza Primaria y en todas las asignaturas que se imparten.

Activación de conocimientos previos Identificación de la idea principal de cada párrafo. Reconocimiento de la estructura del texto. Integración de la información nueva dentro de una estructura cognitiva ya existente.

Mirada preliminar Identificación de elementos del texto que nos permitan valorarlo antes de su lectura. Análisis de la estructura del texto. Utilización de los títulos, subtítulos, ilustraciones, cambios tipográficos, índices e ilustraciones para obtener información sobre el texto.

Formulación de hipótesis Utilización de los conocimientos previos y la información que aportan las ilustraciones y el título para anticipar el contenido del texto. Valoración de la lectura como una actividad significativa.

Lectura en voz alta Adecuación del tono de voz y el ritmo. Adecuación de la expresividad al propósito de la lectura.

Identificación de la idea principal Distinción de las ideas principales de las secundarias. Resumen en una oración de lo más importante del texto. Creación de un título que recoja la idea principal.

Adquisición de vocabulario Activación de los conocimientos previos a partir del vocabulario. Enriquecimiento del vocabulario de los alumnos. Desarrollo en los alumnos de la habilidad de deducir el significado de las palabras desconocidas.



Identificación de tipos de texto Identificación de las características de diferentes tipos de texto. Creación de expectativas en torno al contenido de la lectura en función de su tipología. Creación de un tipo de texto diferente (enunciado de un problema) a partir de un texto dado (lectura informativa).

Elaboración de resúmenes Supresión de los detalles que no tienen cabida en el resumen. Elaboración de un resumen.

Elaboración de esquemas y mapas conceptuales Relación entre los datos de la lectura. Elaboración de un esquema o mapa conceptual que recoja información. Muestra de la utilidad de los esquemas y los mapas conceptuales como herramienta de estudio.

Establecimiento de un propósito de lectura Activación de los conocimientos que los alumnos poseen sobre el tema. Fijación de un objetivo para la lectura.

Consulta de fuentes externas Promoción de la investigación a partir de un texto. Manejo con rigor de diferentes fuentes de información: enciclopedias, diccionarios, libros de divulgación, Internet…

Objetivo principal

El objetivo es fomentar el gusto por la lectura entre los alumnos y proporcionarles estrategias para mejorar su eficacia lectora (ganar velocidad y comprensión). Es importante hacer una lectura tanto colectiva como individual para atender al ritmo de cada alumno, y en voz alta, atendiendo a la pronunciación, al tono de voz y a la entonación, y adecuando el ritmo y la entonación a cada tipo de texto. Para trabajar se propone el uso de estrategias, de complejidad creciente según el nivel, para favorecer el proceso de comprensión lectora antes, durante y después de la lectura; por eso, se plantea un trabajo de anticipación oral y en grupo (formulación de hipótesis a partir de los dibujos o del título, relación de lo que se lee con los conocimientos previos, identificación de las partes del texto narrativo, interpretación del lenguaje literario...), una serie de preguntas para responder en grupo y oralmente durante la lectura y, a continuación, un trabajo oral o escrito de comprensión e interpretación del texto Estas actividades se basan, sobre todo, en la resolución de preguntas, en la observación de imágenes, en la relación de elementos de la lectura y en la reflexión en grupo sobre algunos aspectos del texto




• Read the words: colours, school items words, family members, days of the week, food and drink, toys, body and face parts, animals, action and ability, feelings, clothes, weather, parts of a house, furniture, indoor activities, places in a town, outdoor activities, children´s games, professions, tools, musical instruments, Solar System, water, air, means of transport, inventions, discoveries, devices, basic art vocabulary.

• Recognize initial letters of different words – variety of subjects- • Match words that start with the same sound • Match words with their shapes • Read and guess what is being described. • Find and complete the missing information in a text • Read a text and follow instructions • Read a story • Understand and carry out instructions. • Extract information from a text and complete a text with the missing words. • Extract specific information from a text to complete sentences or answer questions correctly

and coherently. • Extract specific information from a text to complete a text and a picture. • Interpret information and draw a picture


• Sing songs • Say : a chant, a rhyme, the numbers 1-100, • Talk about: what you’ve got, your height, pictures, body parts of puppets and toys, what you like

and don’t like, you can and can’t do, putting things into categories, you do at the weekend • Ask where things are, and answer • Ask for: items in a shop. • Say what : things are made of, colour eyes and hair you’ve got, you´re wearing, the weather like

is, room someone is in, other people have got, different animals can do, • To express coherently what he or she likes • Act out a story • Match words that start with the same sound • Say where things are on a simple map or place. • To explain the characteristics of living and non-living things . • Express emotions.


• Comprender un texto descriptivo breve sobre temas variados. • Leer expresivamente, comprendiendo el sentido de textos cortos. • Deletrear correctamente el nombre de las palabras claves de los contenidos dados. • Asociar respuestas escritas a preguntas sencillas



• Seleccionar la palabra/ expresión adecuada para completar las viñetas de una historia . • Realizar un dibujo para mostrar la comprensión de un texto sencillo propuesto. • Identificar las ilustraciones a las que se refiere un texto relacionado con: el medio natural, un

proceso, una descripción, entorno sociocultural. � Iniciarse en el uso de estrategias de lectura: uso del contexto visual y verbal y de los

conocimientos previos sobre el tema o la situación transferidos desde las lenguas que conoce.


• Reconocer y utilizar el vocabulario aprendido. • Reproducir, con la mayor expresividad, las rimas y canciones de la unidad. • Contestar preguntas sencillas • Formular preguntas sencillas relativas al tema. • Responder oralmente a mensajes cortos y contextualizados. • Producir textos orales conocidos previamente mediante la participación activa en

representaciones compartidas, canciones, recitación, dramatizaciones. • Reconocer y utilizar las funciones y vocabulario, relativo a la descripcion de objetos, personas,

lugares... TERCER CICLO Reading

• Read a story and answer some questions. • Read questions and sentences and link them with the corresponding paragraph. • Answer some comprehension questions. • Read sentences and correct them changing one word. • Complete a conversation to suit the pictures. • Complete sentences with words from the text. • Read the text and answer some comprehension questions. • Describe a celebrity to play a guessing game. • Link sentences to pictures. • Reread the text and correct the mistakes in some sentences. • Join two halves to obtain full sentences.

Speaking � Ask and answer questions about the geographical features in a picture. � Maintain a dialogue to guess what picture is being described. � Predict the words missing from a song. Listen and complete. � Ask and answer questions about each different subjects. � In pairs, have a conversation about a topic. � Listen to a conversation and answer some questions. � Listen to a conversation to extract information about a contest. � Ask and answer about personal experiences.

RECURSOS Flash cards, DVDs, photographs, posters, drawings, maps, interactive games, different types of books, songs, quizzes.



-METODOLOGÍA Teniendo en cuenta la etapa evolutiva del alumnado en el primer ciclo y la dificultad que entraña trabajar en otra lengua diferente a la materna, se considera que el proceso se desarrollará atendiendo a las siguientes fases:

1. Participando en interacciones orales muy dirigidas sobre temas conocidos en situaciones de comunicación fácilmente predecibles.

2. Captando la idea global e identificando algunos elementos específicos en textos orales, con ayuda de elementos lingüísticos y no lingüísticos del contexto

3 Identificando palabras y frases sencillas presentadas previamente de forma oral. 4 Leyendo palabras y frases sencillas sobre temas familiares y de interés. 5 Relacionando la información captada con su experiencia personal y entorno cercano. 6 Expresándose oralmente empleando estructuras sencillas y claras.

Los juegos son un factor muy importante, que además de enseñar a los niños a compartir y socializarse con sus compañeros, les ayuda a adquirir nueva lengua de forma sencilla y motivadora.

Los alumnos repetirán las mismas tareas o muy sencillas todos los días; repitiendo palabras y estructuras sencillas hasta interiorizarlas. Las actividades relacionadas con la percepción visual y la experimentación propia se convierten en uno de los pilares que sustentan el aprendizaje. Por último las canciones, los poemas, las repeticiones son métodos que se emplean en el aula para una mejora en la pronunciación, ritmo y entonación de la lengua; asociando la diversión al uso de la palabra. En los ciclos segundo y tercero, la lectura se considera una destreza básica para crear el entramado esencial en el desarrollo de otras capacidades lingüísticas y favorecer el gusto por leer de forma continuada.

El trabajo se centrará en la relación que sigue y que se aplicará en otras áreas, tanto en inglés como en español, adaptándolas a los contenidos propios de cada una de ellas. El desarrollo de cada actividad tiene un enfoque integrador, acercando al alumno a situaciones contextualizadas de su propia experiencia o de sus conocimientos previos sobre los contenidos del texto, alternándose actividades de diversa naturaleza (observación, comprensión, expresión, reflexión, valoración, creación, aplicación, investigación) a través de la actuación del profesor (motivación, explicaciones, ejemplificaciones, preguntas, propuestas de tareas, etc.) y con la participación activa de los alumnos y alumnas. EVALUACIÓN Teniendo en cuenta que el objetivo final es colaborar con el Plan de Fomento de la Lectura(...) a nivel de Enseñanza Primaria y que éste dispone de su propio proceso evaluador, no se han diseñado otros instrumentos específicos en inglés ( propios de la asignatura de Lengua Inglesa) . Sin embargo, se ha detectado ,en la biblioteca del centro, un ligero aumento de consultas y préstamos de libros en inglés por parte del alumnado en todos los ciclos.




El profesorado del Centro está satisfecho de los resultados obtenidos en líneas generales. Sin embargo el equipo valora que el resultado de las pruebas externas es mejorable. Para ello al final de cada curso haremos una valoración del Proyecto y se realizarán posibles cambios en cuanto a la metodología buscando distintas vías para mejorar esos resultados. El equipo de Bilingüismo ha añadido un punto adicional en la PGA del Centro, en el que figurarán el plan de trabajo del curso, lecturas del Plan de Fomento Lector, salidas complementarias, posibles cambios en los libros de texto y fiestas a celebrar en el curso. Por último, se realizará una propuesta de mejora que figurará en la Memoria Anual.


El Equipo de Bilingüismo trabaja exhaustivamente por sacar a delante este ambicioso proyecto que en sus inicios superó las dificultades de la inexperiencia del Programa. Sin embargo con el transcurso de los años hemos mejorado tanto en la organización como en la efectividad de nuestro trabajo. El Centro cree plenamente en este Proyecto y confía en que las semillas que hoy plantamos y regamos, seguro, darán su fruto

14 BIBLIOGRAFÍA Este documento ha sido elaborado basándose en el Decreto 22/2007 por el que se establece para la Comunidad de Madrid el Currículum de Primaria. La orden 1155/2004 de 22 de Abril por la que se nombra nuestro Centro como Colegio Bilingüe en el curso 2003/04. La Orden 5958/2010 de 7 de Diciembre por la que se rigen los Colegios Bilingües en la Comunidad de Madrid. Los Documentos oficiales del Centro tales como el PEC ,el Plan de Atención a la diversidad y el Plan de Fomento Lector Para la selección de Contenidos del Currículum nos hemos basado en el Documento Syllabus, elaborado por la Comunidad de Madrid. Para la organización y funcionamiento del trabajo de los auxiliares de conversación nos hemobs basado en la Orden 2670/2009, de 5 de Junio, por la que se regula la actividad de los auxiliares de conversación.