Pooja Mams Presentation


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  • 8/6/2019 Pooja Mams Presentation


    Entrepreneurship skillsy Presented by



    r rajkumar

  • 8/6/2019 Pooja Mams Presentation


  • 8/6/2019 Pooja Mams Presentation


    Lakshmi Nivas Mittal

    Always think outside the box

    and increase the opportunities

    that appear, wherever they

    might be

  • 8/6/2019 Pooja Mams Presentation


    Why Lakshmi Nivas Mittal ?

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    BiographyBiography -- Lakshmi Nivas MittalLakshmi Nivas Mittal

    yy IndianIndian bornborn BritishBritish steelsteel tycoontycoon

    yyBornBorn onon JuneJune 1515thth 19501950 inin RajasthanRajasthan

    yy FamilyFamily movedmoved toto KolkataKolkata fromfrom RajasthanRajasthan

    yy HisHis fatherfather MohanlalMohanlal MittalMittal setset upup aa smallsmall steelsteel millmill

    inin KolkataKolkata..

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    yy FinishedFinished hishis bachelorsbachelors degreedegree inin businessbusiness andand

    accountingaccounting MittalMittal beganbegan hishis earlyearly careercareer inin hishis

    fathersfathers steelsteel firmfirm inin thethe earlyearly 7070ss

    yy InIn 19761976 MittalMittal movedmoved toto IndonesiaIndonesia andand acquiredacquired aasteelsteel plantplant ISPATISPAT INDOINDO..

    yy HisHis successsuccess hashas largelylargely beenbeen builtbuilt onon buyingbuying upuplossloss makingmaking steelsteel ownedowned millsmills andand quicklyquicklyturningturning themthem aroundaround..

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  • 8/6/2019 Pooja Mams Presentation


    HisHis wifewife UshaUsha runsruns thethe IndonesianIndonesian businessbusinessandand hishis sonson AdityaAditya andand daughterdaughter VanishaVanisha arearemembersmembers ofof thethe boardboard ofof directorsdirectors ofof MittalMittal


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    History of Mittal Steel

    yy MittalMittal GroupGroup gotgot intointo steelsteel industryindustry inin 19761976 whenwhen MM LL MittalMittalleftleft countrycountry becausebecause ofof IndiasIndias restrictiverestrictive economiceconomic policiespolicies..

    HeHe wentwent toto IndonesiaIndonesia toto setset upup ISPATISPAT INDOINDO..

    yy GroupGroup startedstarted spreadingspreading itsits activitiesactivities acrossacross thethe globeglobe inin 19891989whenwhen itit acquiredacquired anan ailingailing plantplant inin TrinidadTrinidad andand TobagoTobago whichwhichwaswas revivedrevived

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    yy 19941994 groupgroup underwentunderwent partitionpartition ofof businessbusiness interestinterest inin

    thethe familyfamily.. AllAll thethe foreignforeign businessbusiness werewere hivedhived ofof intointo aaseparateseparate groupgroup ISPATISPAT InternationalInternational underunder thethe controlcontrol ofof

    LL NN MittalMittal whilewhile IndianIndian operationsoperations remainedremained withwith hishis

    youngeryounger brothersbrothers PP KK MittalMittal andand VV KK MittalMittal

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    Mittal Steel growth Timelineyy 19891989 Acquisition of Iron and Steel company of TrinidadAcquisition of Iron and Steel company of Trinidad

    and Tobagoand Tobago

    yy 19921992 Acquisition of SibalsaAcquisition of Sibalsa

    yy 19941994 -- Acquisition of Sidbec doscoAcquisition of Sidbec dosco

    yy 19951995 -- Acquisition of Hamburger Stahlwerke, ISPATAcquisition of Hamburger Stahlwerke, ISPATInternational Ltd and ISPAT Shipping formed/International Ltd and ISPAT Shipping formed/Acquisition of KarmetAcquisition of Karmet

    yy 19971997 -- ISPAT International goes publicISPAT International goes public


    19981998 -- Acquisition of Inland Steel CompaniesAcquisition of Inland Steel Companiesyy 19991999 -- Acquisition of UnimetalAcquisition of Unimetal

    yy 20012001 -- Acquisition of ALFASID/Acquisition of SidexAcquisition of ALFASID/Acquisition of Sidex

    yy 20022002 -- Business assistance agreement signed with ISCORBusiness assistance agreement signed with ISCOR

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    Mittal Steel growth Timeline

    yy 20032003 -- Acquisition of NOVA HUTAcquisition of NOVA HUT

    yy 20042004 -- Acquisition of Polski Huty State/ Acquisition of BAcquisition of Polski Huty State/ Acquisition of BH Steel / Acquisition of Macdenonia Facilities fromH Steel / Acquisition of Macdenonia Facilities from

    Balkan Steel / Creation of Mittal Steel and ProposedBalkan Steel / Creation of Mittal Steel and ProposedAcquisition of International SteelAcquisition of International Steel

    yy 20052005 -- Acquisition of Stake in Hunan Valin / ISGAcquisition of Stake in Hunan Valin / ISGAcquisition completed / Mittal Steel Europe created /Acquisition completed / Mittal Steel Europe created /

    Mittal steel makes Fortune 500 / MDA with LiberianMittal steel makes Fortune 500 / MDA with LiberianGovernment / Acquisition of Kryvorizhstal /Government / Acquisition of Kryvorizhstal /Acquisition of Stelco subsidiariesAcquisition of Stelco subsidiaries

    yy 20062006 -- Merger with ArcelorMerger with Arcelor

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    Current Status

    yy WorldsWorlds largestlargest andand mostmost globalglobal steelsteel companycompany withwith shipmentshipment ofof

    4949..22 millionmillion tonestones andand revenuerevenue ofof overover $$2828..11 billionbillion inin 20052005 andand

    netnet incomeincome ofof $$33..44 billionbillion

    yy NoNo.. 11 highhigh qualityquality steelsteel producerproducer withwith crudecrude steelsteel capacitycapacity withwith

    moremore thanthan 7070 millionmillion tonstons perper annumannum

    yy OwnOwn steelsteel makingmaking facilitiesfacilities inin 1616 countriescountries spanningspanning 44


    yy EmploysEmploys 224000224000 peoplepeople spanningspanning 4949 differentdifferent nationalitiesnationalities

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    Qualities and Distinctivenessy Hard working

    y Outstanding vision

    y Convincing, Motivating and guidingy Zeal and fierceness

    y Capacity to lead

    y Bravery

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    Awardsyy MittalMittal waswas awardedawarded FortuneFortune magazinesmagazines

    EuropeanEuropean Businessman Businessman of of thethe YearYear20042004

    yy Previously,Previously, hehe waswas awardedawarded SteelmakerSteelmaker

    ofof thethe YearYear inin 19961996 byby NewNew SteelSteel inin thetheUSAUSA

    yy TheThe WillyWilly Korf Korf SteelSteel VisionVision AwardAward ininJuneJune 19981998

    yy InIn MarchMarch 20052005,, ForbesForbes namednamed himhim thethethirdthird richestrichest manman inin thethe worldworld andand thetherichestrichest nonnon--American,American, withwith aa wealthwealth ofof$$2525 billionbillion..

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    LL NN MittalMittal isis aa membermember ofof TheThe ForeignForeign InvestmentInvestment CouncilCouncil inin Kazakhstan,Kazakhstan,

    TheThe InternationalInternational InvestmentInvestment CouncilCouncil inin SouthSouthAfrica,Africa,

    TheThe WorldWorld EconomicEconomic ForumsForums InternationalInternationalBusinessBusiness CouncilCouncil andand

    TheThe InternationalInternational IronIron andand SteelSteel InstitutesInstitutesExecutiveExecutive CommitteeCommittee..

    yy LL NN MittalMittal isis onon thethe advisoryadvisory boardboard ofof thethe KelloggKelloggSchoolSchool OfOf ManagementManagement inin thethe USUS

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    Mittal Steel believes that businesses should play a major rolein supporting the communities in which they operate.

    Operations by Mittal Steel in the sense of social

    responsibility kind of support to:


    South Africa





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    Mittal Steel South Africa has donated overMittal Steel South Africa has donated over$177mn to community development projects$177mn to community development projects

    Companys latest project to sponsor South AfricaCompanys latest project to sponsor South Africanational science Olympiadsnational science Olympiads

    Mittal Steel sponsorship is valued at $1.5mnMittal Steel sponsorship is valued at $1.5mn

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    Health and SafetyHealth and Safety

    Robust set of safety standards to reduceRobust set of safety standards to reduce


    Mittal Steel operates an EMittal Steel operates an E--Room.Room.

    Safe business is a good business.Safe business is a good business.

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    Sponsorship &support to football , basketball &Sponsorship &support to football , basketball &other sports.other sports.

    Sporting beneficiaries are Czech Republic,Sporting beneficiaries are Czech Republic,Romania & Algeria.Romania & Algeria.

    Sporting link with west IndiesSporting link with west Indies


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    MainMain providerprovider ofof electricityelectricity.. UrbanUrban developmentdevelopment projectproject inin KaragandaKaraganda MittalMittal SteelSteel acquiredacquired

    TermiratauTermiratau inin 19951995..

    ConstructedConstructed modernmodern facilitiesfacilities forfor thethe KaragandaKaraganda MetallurgicalMetallurgical


    InIn AlgeriaAlgeria CompanyCompany gavegave $$100100,,000000 aidaid.. $$242242,,000000 CorporateCorporate contributioncontribution inin 20052005..

    ManagementManagement && EmployeesEmployees equallyequally movedmoved byby devastationdevastation whenwhen

    hurricanehurricane KatrinaKatrina inflictedinflicted..

    ThisThis raisedraised moremore thenthen $$500500,,000000 forfor redred crosscross..

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    yy The steel industry has always beenThe steel industry has always beenfragmented. The steel industryfragmented. The steel industryneeds to be consolidated,'' Mittalneeds to be consolidated,'' Mittalsaid in a television interview onsaid in a television interview onCNN.CNN.

    yy Steelmakers across Asia are puttingSteelmakers across Asia are puttingdefensive measures in place todefensive measures in place toprevent being swallowed by Arcelorprevent being swallowed by ArcelorMittal. Mittal is combining withMittal. Mittal is combining withLuxembourgLuxembourg--based Arcelor SA in abased Arcelor SA in a$38.3 billion transaction to create a$38.3 billion transaction to create acompany pouring a 10th of thecompany pouring a 10th of the

    world's steel.world's steel.

    yy ` We are focusing on India and` We are focusing on India andChina,'' Mittal said July 7 inChina,'' Mittal said July 7 inBhubaneswar, India. ``India is aBhubaneswar, India. ``India is avery important milestone for us tovery important milestone for us toremain the biggest company in theremain the biggest company in theglobal steel industry.''global steel industry.''

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    A transactional leader:

    Mittal is a transactionalleader who guides and

    motivates his followers inthe direction ofestablished goals byclarifying role and task


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    The Leader in MittalThe Leader in Mittal--yyA great individualA great individual

    yyA corporate leader inA corporate leader inbusinessbusiness

    yy Started the trend ofStarted the trend ofmergers around themergers around theworldworld


    A caring family manA caring family manyyA complete humanA complete human


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    This is not about

    creating a giant .its

    about creating thesustainability of the

    steel industry..

    -Lakshmi Niwas Mittal

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    Contact Address :Lakshmi MittalSummer PalaceThe Bishops Avenue

    Hampstead GardenSuburb LondonN2 OAB Great BritainPhone : 0171 629 7988

    Website :www.mittalsteel.com
