¡Seguimos Creyendo! -...


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¡Seguimos Creyendo!

Hace cincuenta años, el Obispo Rueben H. Mueller de la IglesiaEvangélica de los Hermanos Unidos (EUB por sus siglas en ingles) y elObispo Lloyd C. Wicke de la Iglesia Metodista se tomaron de las manossobre una mesa repleta de símbolos—la Biblia, himnarios, libros deDisciplina y un “Plan de Unión” de 307 páginas.

Mil trecientos delegados y 10,000 visitantes se reunieron en Dallas,Texas, en el 23 de abril de 1968 proclamando la formación de la IglesiaMetodista Unida recién constituida. Más de diez millones de Metodistasy 750,000 miembros de la iglesia EUB se fundieron en una de ladenominaciones Protestantes más grandes del mundo. Banderas decincuenta y tres países testificaron de la envergadura de la nuevarealidad.

A la vez, el racismo sistemático de la antigua segregacionistaJurisdicción Central de Iglesia Metodista empezó a desmantelarse. Enese mismo año, el Concilio de Obispos de Iglesia Metodista Unida firmoel concordato con la Conferencia Metodista Británicacomprometiéndose al platicas de continuo y el aumento de experienciascompartidas, diciendo que, “miembros de la misma familia deben deestar juntos y que los Metodistas Británicos y Americanos son la mismafamilia.”

Por 50 años, esta familia ha creído en Dios, el Creador del mundo, enJesucristo, el Redentor de la creación y el Espíritu Santo, el Sustentor dela creación. Siempre creeremos en el triunfo presente y final de laPalabra de Dios sobre los asuntos humanos y gozosamente aceptaremosnuestra comisión de manifestar la vida del evangelio en este mundo.

¡Bienvenidos a la Conferencia Anual de Kentucky del 2018! Unámonosen celebrar, como una familia, nuestros 50 años de servicio a nuestro ypara nuestro Señor, Jesucristo.

La Iglesia Metodista Unida ‒¡50 años transformando el mundo!

Tabla de Contenido

Alabanza de Apertura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Servicio de Ordenamiento - Pentecostés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Servicio de Jubilación . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Servicio de Adoración y Oración . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Servicio Memoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Servicio de Envío y Unción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


La Conferencia Anual de Kentucky de la Iglesia Metodista Unida

Alabanza de Apertura


PRELUDIO Banda de la Conferencia Anual

*ACTO DE ALABAnzA DE APERTURA Hechos 1:3–11 Rev. Michael Romans

Lucas comparte las siguientes palabras al inicio de su carta a Teófilo:

Después de haber padecido, se presentó vivo con muchas pruebas indubitables, apareciéndoseles durantecuarenta días y hablándoles acerca del reino de Dios.

Y estando juntos, les mandó que no se fueran de Jerusalén, sino que esperasen la promesa del Padre, la cual, lesdijo, oísteis de mí.

Porque Juan ciertamente bautizó con agua, más vosotros seréis bautizados con el Espíritu Santo dentro de nomuchos días.

Entonces los que se habían reunido le preguntaron, diciendo: Señor, ¿restaurarás el reino a Israel en estetiempo?

Y les dijo: no os toca a vosotros saber los tiempos o las sazones, que el Padre puso en su sola potestad; perorecibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en todaJudea, en Samaria, y hasta lo último de la tierra.

Y habiendo dicho estas cosas, viéndolo ellos, fue alzado, y le recibió una nube que le ocultó de sus ojos.

Y estando ellos con los ojos puestos en el cielo, entre tanto que él se iba, he aquí se pusieron junto a ellos dosvarones con vestiduras blancas, los cuales también les dijeron: Varones galileos, ¿por qué estáis mirando alcielo? ¡Este mismo Jesús, que ha sido tomado de vosotros al cielo, así vendrá como le habéis visto ir al cielo!

Patty GrootMetodistas Unidos de todo el estado de Kentucky, nos hemos reunido para esta semana de ConferenciaSAnTA. nos hemos reunido de toda el área del Kentucky para mantenernos al tanto, para profundizar nuestrotrabajo de alabanza, para celebrar logros, y para regocijarnos en un año de ministerio compartido. nos hemosreunido como representantes y hemos traído con nosotros todas las esperanzas, sueños, temores ypreocupaciones de nuestras iglesias locales. Hemos venido con mucho, y a la vez, nada de esto perdurará si nocomenzamos de buen modo.

40 días después, Jesús fue levantado de entre los muertos, les mandó a sus seguidores a que continuaran sutrabajo por medio del poder del Espíritu que vendría pronto. Ese día Jesús ascendió. Esta ascensión no fuesolamente el que haya sido levantado a las nubes. no fue solamente el anuncio visual para que sus discípulosentendieran que él había partido. no, este fue un acto en el que él fue elevado al más alto lugar de autoridad –esta fue la coronación del Rey de Gloria.

Los hebreos anhelaban tener un Rey y el salmista capturó este anhelo cuando preguntó “¿Quién es el Rey deGloria?” Esta es una pregunta a la cual regresamos en esta Conferencia Anual – “¿Quién es este Rey de Gloria?”


Alex and Tyler Nichols Mi rey es el gran sacerdote que intercede y habita en nuestra alabanza

Rev. Kathy GoodwinMi rey es el Conquistador – quien viene a declarar victoria

Rev. Charles BrockwellMi rey es quien escribe la ley – sus mandamientos son buenos y verdaderos

Rev. Craig Tuck Mi rey ha venido a corregir la balanza de justicia – él es nuestro juez y el corregirá todos los males

Rev. Dawn Beamish Mi rey es el ungido quien viene para sanar a las naciones

Rev. Andrew Singh Mi rey es la autoridad soberana sobre todo lo que pasa en la creación

Rev. Michael Romans Ciertamente todas estas respuestas son verdaderas y buenas. nuestro rey es un gran sacerdote, un sanador,un vencedor, un escritor de la ley y juez, ciertamente el ungido y es soberano. Pero hay otro modo en el queeste rey debe ser alabado y adorado.

Obispo Leonard Fairley nuestro rey es el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo. nuestro rey es aquel que vinohumildemente y quien ascendió al trono del cielo como el redentor que venció la muerte. Este, iglesia, esnuestro Rey. ¿Sabes quién es el Rey de Gloria? El es Señor, así que comencemos esta conferenciareconociéndolo como nuestro Rey de reyes y nuestro Señor de señores. no comencemos con nada menosque nuestra alabanza total a aquel quien es el único digno de todo nuestro honor y gloria y majestad. Si sabesquién es este Rey de Gloria, entonces iglesia pote de pie y hazlo conocer. Pongámonos de pie con un canto ycon aclamación porque sabemos quién es este Rey de Gloria y que él está presente y es bienvenido.


*AFIRMACIón DE nUESTRA FE El Credo de los Apóstoles Himnario MU #881

*HIMnO COnGREGACIOnAL A Cristo Coronad Himnario MU #327

PALABRAS DE BIEnVEnIDA Mr. John Denham - Líder Laico de la Conferencia

ORACIón POR LA COnFEREnCIA Rev. Mark Gibbons - Decano del Gabinete


“Dios Todopoderoso, te damos gracias que has exaltado en alto a tu hijo, Jesucristo. Ante él toda rodilla sedoblará y toda lengua confesará que Jesús es Señor. A través de Cristo la utilidad ha sido hecha cautiva y el regalo de vida abundante ha sido vertida sobre todos los hijos de Dios. nos regocijamos porque Jesús, el pionero y perfeccionador de nuestra fe, ha triunfado gloriosamente y es nuestro Señor. Tráenos finalmente a tu presencia, para que podamos vivir y alabarte juntos con todos los santos por siempre y siempre.

Te pedimos que consagres este espacio – en este momento. Apártalo – apártanos para una obra verdaderamente santa. Háblanos. Sánanos. Perdónanos. Libéranos. Y una vez más, sálvanos – sálvanos de nosotros mismos, sálvanos de justificarnos a nosotros mismos, sálvanos de nuestra débil resignación. Señor, esta es tu hora – ven y haz tu voluntad en nosotros en tus metodistas de Kentucky.

Especialmente oramos por nuestro Obispo. Señor, bendecimos tu nombre por dárnoslo. Verdaderamente úngelo esta semana, anima, empoderar, y habla a través de él para que podamos escuchar y ser dirigidos por ti. Que estas palabras sean tuyas y que nuestros oídos, y corazones sean abiertos para escuchar lo que quieras decirnos. Oramos todo esto en el nombre del Rey, y nos unimos en oración como Jesús nos enseñó a orar, diciendo:

“Padre nuestros que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre, vénganos tu reino, hágase tu voluntadaquí en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy el pan nuestro de cada día y perdona nuestras ofensas, así como nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación, más líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria, por siempre. Amén.”

ESCRITURA I Corintios 2:9 Jeff Calhoun

MÚSICA ESPECIAL Espíritu Santo AC Worship Band

SERMón “Viendo a Través de los Ojos del Espíritu” Obispo Leonard Fairley

VIDEO PARA REFLEXIón “Ese Es Mi Rey” Dr. S.M. Lockridge

InVITACIón Obispo Fairley and Rev. Cindy Bright

Congregación de Jesucristo, el Señor ha preparado esta mesa para todos aquellos que lo aman y confían sóloen él para su salvación. Mientras clamamos, esta mañana, celebrando la ascensión de nuestro Señor, el modoen que vivimos proclama nuestra falta de fe en su poder para lidiar con el mundo, y nuestras batallas en él.Confesemos la distancia entre nuestra fe y nuestra práctica.


O Señor, nos reunimos para confesar nuestra falta de confianza. Mientras cantamos de tu señorío sobretu creación, hemos actuado muy a menudo como sí no tuvieras poder en la presencia de los eventos en lasnoticias alrededor de nuestro mundo.

Hemos fallado en nuestra obediencia. A menudo nos hemos olvidado de tu camino y tus mandamientos.Hemos descuidado el clamor de otros por la injusticia de aquellos que están en necesidad. Hemosfundado un hogar con nuestros pecados escondidos y aquellos que no están tan escondidos. Y por ello


estamos arrepentidos. Perdónanos, oramos. Libéranos para que seamos gozosamente obedientes a ti, através de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.


Escuchen las buenas nuevas: Cristo murió por nosotros mientras éramos pecadores; eso prueba elamor de Dios para con nosotros. En el nombre de Jesucristo, eres perdonado.

En el nombre de Jesucristo, eres perdonado.

Gloria a Dios. Amén.

Y ahora, como pueblo perdonado, ofrezcamos mutuamente señales de reconciliación y amor.


El Señor sea contigo.

Y también contigo.

Eleven su corazón.

Elevamos nuestro corazón al Señor.

Démosle gracias al Señor nuestro Dios.

Es bueno que demos gracias y alabanza.

ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS POR LA OBRA DE DIOS Es justo, y bueno y razón para gozarnos siempre y dar te gracias en cada lugar, Dios Todopoderoso, creadordel cielo y de la tierra.

En el principio tu Espíritu se movía sobre la faz de las aguas. Tú nos formaste conforme a tu imagen ysoplaste en nosotros el aliento de vida. Cuando nos apartamos, y nuestro amor falló, tu amor se mantuvofirme. Tu Espíritu vino sobre los profetas y maestros, ungiéndolos para que hablaran tu Palabra.

Te damos gracias, alabanza y honor, Dios generoso, fuente desbordante del bien, mientras levantamosnuestras voces con gozosa alabanza, al unirnos con incalculables lenguas de ángeles y santos en su infinitohimno:


Santo, santo, santo Señor, Dios de poder y fuerza, el cielo y la tierra están llenos de tu gloria.

Hosanna en las alturas.

Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor.

Hosanna en las alturas.



Santo eres tú, y bendito es tu hijo Jesucristo. En su bautismo en el Jordán tu Espíritu descendió sobre él y lodeclaró tu amado hijo. Con tu Espíritu sobre él, el rechazó las tentaciones del pecado.

Tu Espíritu lo ungió para predicar las buenas nuevas a los pobres, para proclamar libertad a los cautivos y elrecuperar la vista a los ciegos, para liberar a aquellos que están oprimidos, y para anunciar que el tiempohabía venido cuando tú salvarías a tu gente. Él sanó a los enfermos, alimentó a los hambrientos, y comió conlos pecadores.

Por el bautismo de su sufrimiento, muerte, y resurrección, diste a luz a tu iglesia, nos liberaste de laesclavitud al pecado y la muerte, e hiciste un nuevo pacto por medio del agua y el Espíritu. Cuando el SeñorJesús ascendió, él prometió estar con nosotros por siempre, bautizándonos con el Espíritu Santo y confuego, como en el Día de Pentecostés.

En la noche en que Jesús fue traicionado, se reunió a celebrar la cena de libertad. Jesús les dijo a susdiscípulos: “He deseado grandemente comer esta cena de Pascua con ustedes antes de que sufra. Les aseguroque no la comeré hasta que sea cumplida en el Reino de Dios.”

Entonces tomó el pan, te dio gracias, lo partió, le dio a sus discípulos, y dijo: “Tomen, coman; este es micuerpo que es dado para ustedes. Háganlo en memoria de mí.”

Del mismo modo, cuando la cena terminó tomó la copa, te dio gracias, se la dio a tus discípulos, y dijo:“Beban de ella, todos ustedes; esta es mi sangre del nuevo pacto, vertida por ustedes y por mucho para elperdón de los pecados. Háganlo, cada vez que la tomen, en memoria de mí.”

La iglesia primitiva creía que cuando comemos de este pan y tomos de esta copa, proclamamos el sacrificiodel Señor y su victoria sobre el pecado y la muerte. Recordamos que invitamos el poder transformador delEspíritu Santo a lavarnos mientras proclamamos el misterio de nuestra fe:


Cristo murió;

Cristo resucitó;

Cristo vendrá de nuevo.


Vierte tu Espíritu Santo sobre nosotros, y en estos dones del pan y la copa.

Haz los que sean para nosotros el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo, que seamos para el mundo el cuerpo deCristo, redimido por su sangre y empoderado por los dones del Espíritu.

Por tu Espíritu haznos uno con Cristo, uno entre nosotros, y uno en ministerio para todo el mundo,demostrando el fruto del Espíritu hasta que Cristo venga en su victoria final, y nosotros celebremos en subanquete celestial.

A través de tu hijo Jesucristo, con el Espíritu Santo en tu santa Iglesia, todo el honor y la gloria es tuya,Dios Todopoderoso, ahora y por siempre. Amén.



HIMnO DE PARTIDA Alaben al Dios Todopoderoso Himnario MU #139


Pueblo de Dios, no se queden así, viendo al cieloasí como los discípulos veían después de que Jesús se fue.En vez de eso, retomemos la misión que Jesús nos dejó:el ser testigos, decirles a todos quién es Jesús,y cómo nos ha cambiado.Y que el Dios de gracia, el amor de Jesucristo, y la presencia del Espíritu Santo vaya con todos nosotros.Amén.





PRELUDIO Llámenlo Coro Afroamericano dirigido por Rev. Alvin Goodwin

Ricky Grundy & Herman Netter

HIMnO PROCESIOnAL *Santo, Santo, Santo #64 Himnario MU (Versos 1-3)

Rev. esther Jadhav, Rev. José González, Rev. Sylvia Baker-Noren

Espíritu Santo, Señor y Dador de vida, en el principio, tú te movías sobre la faz de las aguas; tú soplaste elaliento de vida sobre toda creatura.Ven, Espíritu Creador, y renueva a toda tu creación.

Espíritu Santo, voz de los profetas: tú pusiste tu fuego de pasión por tu verdad en hombres y mujeres, y através de ellos, llamaste a tu pueblo a los senderos de justicia y compasión.Ven, Espíritu de Rectitud, y quema nuestros corazones.

Santo Espíritu, Espíritu de Jesús: Por tu poder Jesús vino a traer las buenas nuevas a los pobres y a darlibertad a los cautivos;

Espíritu Santo, Abogado, Maestro: Tú nos hablas de nuestro Señor, y nos enseñas la profundidad de suamor.Ven, espíritu liberador, y libéranos del poder del pecado y la muerte. Ven, Espíritu de Verdad, habita ennosotros y dirígenos en el camino de Jesucristo.

Espíritu Santo, Viento y Flama: Tú llenaste a los discípulos con gozo y valor, dándoles poder para predicartu Palabra y compartir las buenas nuevas.

Espíritu Santo, Espíritu de Paz: Tú quebrantaste las barreras de idioma, raza, y cultura, y sanaste lasdivisiones que nos separan.

Espíritu Santo, Señor y Dador de Vida: Al fin del Timeo, toda la creación será renovada para cantar tualabanza.Ven, Espíritu de Poder, danos denuedo para testificar de tu amor redentor. Ven, Espíritu deReconciliación, y únenos a todos en el amor de Cristo. Ven, Espíritu Creador, y haznos nuevas creacionesen Jesucristo.


LETAnÍA COnGREGACIOnA Holy, Holy, Holy (Stanza 4)

SALUDO Y ORACIOn* Obispo Fairley

La gracia de Jesucristo esté con todos ustedes.

Y también contigo.Vamos junto a alabar a Dios, a escuchar su Santa Palabra, y a buscar por nosotros y por otros el poder, la presencia, y la dirección del Espíritu Santo.


Dios eterno, a través de Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo, les diste a tus apóstoles muchos dones excelentes Dales de tu gracia a todos los siervos de tu iglesia, para que con diligencia y fidelidad cumplamos nuestros varios ministerios Concede que nosotros, tu pueblo, te sigamos a donde nos dirijas, perfecciona nuestros ministerios, y vivan en gozosa obediencia a tu voluntad, por medio de Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador. Amen.

SALUDOS ECUMEnICOS Obispo Jeffrey LeathIglesia Metodista Episcopal Africana


OBISPO FAIRLEYEl ministerio es el trabajo de Dios,hecho por la gente de Dios.A través del bautismotodos los cristianos son hechos parte del sacerdocio de todos los creyentes,la iglesia, el cuerpo de Cristo, es hecho visible en el mundo.Todos nosotros compartimos en el ministerio de amor y servicio de Cristopara la redención de la familia humana y de toda la creación.

Por lo tanto, en celebración de nuestro ministerio en común,llamo a toda la gente de Dios reunida aquí:Recuerden que han sido bautizados, y estén agradecidos.

ATODOSReafirmamos nuestro bautismoy nuestro llamado en común al ministerio.¡Gracias a Dios!



OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Quién presenta a estos candidatos para ser ordenados o comisionados?

TODOS LOS LAICOSLos hemos recomendado en nuestras iglesias locales.Los presentamos con nuestras oraciones y apoyo.

MIEMBROS DE LA JUNTA DEL MINISTERIO ORDENADOHemos examinado a estos candidatos de acuerdo a los estándares de nuestra Disciplinay esta conferencia anual de la Iglesia Metodista Unida.Los presentamos con nuestras oraciones y apoyo.

TODOS LOS DIÁCONOS EN CONEXIÓN COMPLETAPresentamos a (Nombres) para la ordenación como diacono.Los presentamos con nuestras oraciones y apoyo.

JUNTA DEL MINISTERIO ORDENADOPresentamos a (Nombres completos) para comisión de miembros provisionalespreparándose para ministerio ordenado como presbíterosy (Nombres Completos) preparándose para ministerios ordenados como diáconos.Los presentamos con nuestras oraciones y apoyo.

OBISPO FAIRLEYEstas personas, por la gracia de Dios,serán comisionadas u ordenadas para ser consagradas para el ministerioen la Santa Iglesia de Cristo.Aquellos autorizados por la Iglesia para inquirir acerca de elloshan discernido que ellos son personasde sano entendimiento y de carácter cristiano,que poseen las marcas de la gracia de Dios necesariasy que han demostrado un profundo compromiso a servir a Jesucristo.Por lo tanto, creemos que ellos claramente son llamados a servir a Dios.

Les pedimos a ustedes, pueblo de Dios,que declaren su acuerdo para comisionary ordenar a estas personas.

¿Confían que son dignos, por la gracia de Dios,de ser comisionados y ordenados, recibidos y reconocidos?

CONGREGACIÓN¡Nosotros Confiamos! ¡Gracias a Dios!


OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Los mantendrán en su ministerio?

CONGREGACIÓNCon la ayuda de Dios, lo haremos.


OBISPO FAIRLEYMis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo,ustedes han sido llamadosa ser apartados en ministerio ordenado y comisionado.Ahora la iglesia confirma su llamado.

Como ministros comisionados u ordenados,deben ser compañeros de todo el pueblo de Dios;Con laicos, obispos, presbíteros, diáconos, pastores locales,miembros provisionales, ministros diaconales,diaconizas, misioneros locales, pastores de reemplazo,con todos los que sirven a Dios en la Iglesia.

Recuerden que ustedes han sido llamadosa servir y no a ser servidos,a proclamar la fe de la iglesia y ninguna otra,a cuidar los asuntos de Dios por sobre todas las cosas

Para que sepamos que ustedes creenque han sido llamados por Diosy que ustedes profesan la fe cristiana,nosotros les preguntamos:

¿Creen que Dios los ha llamadoa la vida y obra de un ministro comisionado y ordenado?


OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Creen en el Dios tres en uno, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santoy confiesan a Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador?

CANDIDATOSLo creemos y confesamos.


OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Están persuadidosque las Escrituras del Antiguo y nuevo Testamentoscontiene todo lo que es necesario para la salvaciónpor medio de la fe en Jesucristoy que son la única norma autoritativapara la vida y la fe de la iglesia?

CANDIDATOSEstamos persuadidos de eso, por la gracia de Dios.

OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Serán fieles en oracióny en estudio de las Santas Escrituras,y con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo,avivarán continuamente el don de Dios que está en ustedes?

CANDIDATOSLo haremos, con la ayuda de Dios.

OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Harán lo mejor posible para mostrar un patrón de vidade acuerdo con las enseñanzas de Cristo?

CANDIDATOSLo haremos, con la ayuda de Dios.

OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Dirigirán al pueblo de Dios,en la labor de su ministerio,a la fe en Jesucristo,para participar en la vida y la obra de la comunidad,y para buscar paz, justicia, y libertad para toda la gente?

CANDIDATOSLo haré, con la ayuda de Dios.

OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Serán leales a la Iglesia Metodista Unida,aceptando su orden, doctrina, y disciplina,defendiéndola contra todas las otras doctrinas contrarias a la santa palabra de Dios,comprometiéndose a rendir cuentas con aquellos que sirven con ustedes,y al obispo y aquellos que están designados para supervisar su ministerio?

CANDIDATOSLo haré, con la ayuda de Dios.


OBISPO FAIRLEY ¿Por la causa de la vida y la misión de la iglesia, se comprometerán a participar en la vida de orden, en la que han sido ordenados o comisionados? Se entregarán a Dios por medio del orden para sostener y edificación mutua en oración, estudio, alabanza y servicio la regla de vida demarcada en los votos que toman ahora?

CANDIDATOS Lo haré, con la ayuda de Dios.

OBISPO FAIRLEY Que Dios, que les ha dado la voluntad de hacer estas cosas, les de gracia para ejecutarlas, que la obra empezada en ustedes sea perfeccionada.


OFREnDA Y ORACIOn Rev. Darren Brandon,Presidente de la Junta de Ministerio Ordenado


MUSICA DE OFREnDA Toda Alabanza Coro Afroamericano John D. Bratton & Hezekiah Walker

DOXOLOGÍA* Old 100Al Dios El Padre celestialAl Hijo nuestro RedentorY al eterno ConsoladorUnidos todos alabad. AMEN.


LECTURA DE LA ESCRITURA Apocalipsis 21:1-5 Rev. Brandon Dirks

¡Esta es la Palabra de Dios, para el Pueblo de Dios!

TODOS¡Gracias sean dadas a Dios!


SERMón Un Futuro con Esperanza Obispo Ken Carder

MÚSICA ESPECIAL “Cosas Hermosas” Banda de la CA

CREDO DE LOS APóSTOLES* Obispo Jeffrey Leath

¿Crees en Dios?

Creo en Dios, el Padre Todopoderoso,Creador del cielo y de la tierra.

¿Crees en Jesucristo?

Creo en Jesucristo,El unigénito de Dios, nuestro Señor,Que fue concebido por el Espíritu Santo,nación de la Virgen María,padeció bajo el poder de Poncio Pilato,fue crucificado, muerto y sepultado.Descendió a los muertos.Al tercer día resucitó de entre los muertosy ascendió a los cielos,y está sentado a la diestra del Padre,y vendrá de nuevo a juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos.

¿Cree en el Espíritu Santo?

Creo en el Espíritu Santo,la iglesia católica (universal),la comunión de los santos,el perdón de los pecados,la resurrección de la carne,y la vida eterna.


OBISPO FAIRLEYAl afirmar el pacto del bautismo,todos los miembros de la santa iglesia de Cristo juranservir como representantes de Cristo en el mundo.Cristo nos dio a todos nosotros este mandamiento:“Pidan al Señor de la mies que envíe obreros a su mies”Le hemos pedido, y el Señor ha respondido.Estas hermanas y hermanos conocen el interés de nuestro Salvador por el pueblo deDios,vean la cosecha abundante,y están listos para responder generosamente al Señorcon las palabras del profeta: “Aquí estoy; envíame a mí.”


Impulsado por el amor de Cristo y lleno de fuerza por el Espíritu Santo,ellos vienen a declarar en público hoysu deseo de ejercitar el pacto que hicieron en su bautismocuando se unieron al servicio de Diosbajo la supervisión del obispoy la guiaza de sus colegas en conexión completay al ser asignados a compartir como siervos líderesen el cuerpo de Cristo.Hoy los comisionamos para serviciomientras se continúan preparándose para el ministerio ordenado entre nosotros.


OBISPO FAIRLEYA través de la historia del cristianismo, la iglesia ha comisionado a gente para liderazgo y servicio.Esta comisión siempre es una respuesta a la dirección del Espíritu Santo, quien llama y envía amujeres y a hombres a compartir en el ministerio de Cristo.

En la iglesia primitiva en Antioquia, el Espíritu Santo instruyó a la comunidad a “apartar… aBarnabas y a Saúl para la obra para la cuál yo los he llamado” (Hechos 13:2)

En las etapas tempranas de dichos servicios ministeriales, los líderes ordenados caminaban conlíderes comisionados para ser sus mentores y para moldearlos en el ministerio de Cristo, justo comoAnanías, el líder más antiguo, guio a Pablo, el nuevo evangelista, para completar su llamado (Hechos9).

nos reunimos aquí para comisionar a hombres y mujeres para el ministerio en la iglesia.

Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, esta es una hora solemne en su vida y en la vida de la iglesia.Ustedes han compartido en el ministerio de todos los bautizados y han testificado que Cristo los hallamado al ministerio ordenado.

Mientras servían entre nosotros como fieles discípulos, hemos visto en ustedes dones para dirigir alpueblo de Dios para servir.

¿Se entregarán a sí mismos por completo para la obra de Dios en el mundo y para el liderazgo deservicio en la vida y la obra de la iglesia de Cristo?

CANDIDATOSCon la ayuda de Dios, lo haremos.

OBISPO FAIRLEY¿Se unirán con otros miembros provisionales para el apoyo mutuo en la practica del liderazgo entre elpueblo de Dios?

CANDIDATOSCon la ayuda de Dios, lo haremos.


OBISPO FAIRLEYDios de los apóstoles y los profetas, de los mártires y los maestros,tu levantaste hombres y mujeres para el liderazgo apostólico en tu iglesia.Por medio de tu Espíritu Santo,ayuda a estos, tus siervos, a entender y vivir el misterio de tu amor conaudacia y gozo. Profundiza su sentido de propósitomientras se ejercitan en el ministerio comisionado.Dales poder a ellos, y a aquellos que caminan con ellos, a guiar su ministerioen unidadcon todo tu pueblo,para sanar a los enfermos,amar a los marginados,resistir a la maldad,predicar la Palabray darse a sí mismos por amor de tu nombre.


HIMnO Donde El Me GuíeHimnario MU #338 versos 1 y 2

OBISPO FAIRLEYVierte tu Espíritu Santo sobre (nombre Completo). Envíalo(a) a predicar lasbuenas nuevas de Jesucristo, a anunciar el reino de Dios, y a equipar la iglesiapara el ministerio, en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo.



REV. KEVIN BURNEY, DIRECTOR DE MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIORev. Kevin BURney, DIRECTOR DE MInISTERIOS DE SERVICIOUn Presbítero es llamado a compartir en el ministerio de Cristoy de la iglesia entera:a predicar y enseñar la Palabra de Diosy fielmente administrarlos sacramentos del Santo Bautismo y la Santa Comunión;a dirigir al pueblo de Dios en adoración y oración;a dirigir gente a la fe en Jesucristo;a ejercitar la supervisión pastoral;a ordenar la vida de la congregación;a aconsejar al atribulado;y declarar perdón de pecado;a dirigir al pueblo de Dios a obediencia en la misión en el mundo;a buscar justicia, paz y libertad para toda la gente;y a asumir un lugar responsable en el gobierno de la iglesiay en el servicio en y para la comunidad.


OBISPO FAIRLEYEsta es la norma de la vida y obra de un presbítero.

¿Creen que Dios los ha llamado a la vida y obra de un presbítero?

CANDIDATOS Así lo creo.

OBISPO FAIRLEYAhora que estas personas están siendo ordenadas por la iglesia para el oficio y obra de presbíteros para la cual creemos que han sido llamados por el Espíritu Santo, oremos por ellos.

La gente ora por ellos en silencio.

OBISPO FAIRLEYTe adoramos, Padre Eterno, porque tú nos has llamado a ser un pueblo de sacerdotes, para ofrecerte adoración aceptable por medio de Jesucristo, nuestro Señor, el Apóstol y Gran Sacerdote, Pastor y Obispo de nuestras almas. Te damos gracias que, al morir, Cristo venció a la muerte, después de ascender al cielo, ha vertido dones en abundancia a tu pueblo, haciéndolos a algunos apóstoles, a otros profetas, a otros evangelistas, a otros pastores y maestros, para equipar a los santos para la obra del ministerio, para edificar al cuerpo de Cristo y cumplir tu gran propósito en el mundo.

Da a estos tus siervos la gracia y el poder que necesitan para servirte en este ministerio. Hazlos fieles pastores, maestros pacientes, y consejeros sabios. Permíteles servir sin reproche, proclamar el evangelio de salvación, administrar los sacramentos del nuevo pacto y ofrecer, con todo tu pueblo, sacrificios espirituales aceptables a ti; por medio de Jesucristo nuestro Salvador, quien vive y reina contigo, en unidad con el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, ahora y por siempre.

HIMnO Donde El Me GuíeHimnario MU #338 versos 3 y 4



Miembros de familia y amigos están invitados a ponerse de pie donde estén para orar en silencio durante laimposición de manos en la persona que está siendo ordenada.

OBISPO FAIRLEYDios Todopoderoso, vierte sobre nombre el Espíritu Santopara el oficio y la obra de un presbítero en la santa iglesia de Cristo.


OBISPO FAIRLEY(Nombre completo) toma la autoridad como presbíteropara predicar la Palabra de Dios,para administrar el Espíritu Santoy ordenar la vida de la Iglesia;en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo.


HIMnO FInAL Quiero Caminar Como Un Hijo de la LuzHimnario MU #206

ENVIO HIMnO DE CLAUSURA Cristo a Resucitado Himnario MU 302 Versos 1- 4




Tyler BrumfieldSpouse: Tailor BrumfieldHometown: Springfield, OhioDegree(s): BA, Art & Religion from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, KentuckyAppointment: Cannonsburg Trinity United Methodist Church in Ashland, Kentucky - Pastor

Kaury C. EdwardsSpouse: Ashley EdwardsChildren: Beckham Manning Edwards, 5Hometown: Tulia, TexasDegree(s): BA, General Christian Studies from Wayland Baptist in Plainview, Texas Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky ThM, World Missions and Evangelism from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Wesleyan Heights United Methodist Church in Owensboro, Kentucky - Senior Pastor

Kevin Lee JohnsonSpouse: Jennifer JohnsonChildren: Braden Johnson, 22; JonMarie Johnson, 17; Will Johnson, 12Hometown: Louisville, KentuckyDegree(s): BS, Recreation from Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky MS, Recreation Administration from Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky Master of Divinity, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, KentuckyAppointment: Crestwood United Methodist Church in Crestwood, Kentucky - Associate Pastor


Jeremy Stephen RueggSpouse: nancy RueggHometown: Lake Worth, FloridaDegree(s): BA, Biblical Studies from Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Florida Master of Divinity, Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Seddon United Methodist Church in Maysville, Kentucky - Pastor

Sean RyanHometown: Marysville, OhioDegree(s): BA, Economics and Political Science - Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio Master of Divinity, Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Centenary United Methodist Church in Danville, Kentucky - Associate Pastor

Charles Victor ShrollHometown: Somerset, KentuckyDegree(s): BA, English - Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky MA, English Secondary Education - Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky Master of Divinity, Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Middlesboro Covenant United Methodist Church in Middlesboro, Kentucky - Pastor

Cambron Lee WrightSpouse: Molly WrightChildren: Elliot Wright, 6 months Hometown: Louisville, KentuckyDegree(s): BA, English - University of Kentucky in Wilmore, Kentucky Master of Divinity, Duke Divinity School in Durham, north CarolinaAppointment: Faith United Methodist Church in Bowling Green - Senior Pastor



Michael Chambers ArmstrongSpouse: Vanna ArmstrongChildren: Connor Armstrong, 2Hometown: Louisville, KentuckyDegree(s): BA, Classics - University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky MA, Theological Studies - Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky MA, Biblical Studies - Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Lawrenceburg United Methodist Church in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky - Director of Student Ministries



Chad W. BrandtSpouse: Rachalle A. BrandtChildren: Kassandra Brandt, 14; Dawson Brandt, 12; Marshall Brandt, 10; Sawyer Brandt, 6Hometown: Hale, MichiganDegree(s): BA, Education - Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan Master of Divinity - Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Immanuel United Methodist Church in Florence, Kentucky - Assistant Pastor

Peter HanSpouse: Ruth HanChildren: Sylvia Han, 16; Paul Han, 15Hometown: Busan, South KoreaDegree(s): BA, Economics - Dong-A University in Busan, South Korea Master of Divinity - Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky MA, Pastoral Counseling - Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Hawesville United Methodist Church in Hawesville, Kentucky - Pastor

Claudia Nava-GallowaySpouse: Joseph Warren GallowayChildren: Elizabeth Renee Galloway, 31; Lydia Grace Miller, 28; Claudia Helga Black, 26; Juan Carlos Carrillo-nava, 24 Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico and Elizabethtown, KentuckyDegree(s): Universidad del Valle de Mexico, Plantel Tlalpan in Mexico City Lic. Administracion de Empresas - Universidad del Valle de México in Mexico City Master of Divinity - Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, KentuckyAppointment: Hilldale United Methodist Church in Lewisport, Kentucky - Pastor


Drew OakleySpouse: Shanna OakleyChildren: Kaiden Oakley, 10; Kaelyn Oakley, 7; Keagan Oakley, 5; Karsyn Oakley, 1Hometown: Milton, KentuckyDegree(s): BS, Landscape Architecture (specialization in Civil Engineering) - University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Immanuel United Methodist Church in Lakeside Park, Kentucky - Assistant Pastor

James Todd SmithSpouse: Melissa M. SmithHometown: Glensfork, KentuckyDegree(s): BA, History and Criminal Justice - Lindsey Wilson College Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, KentuckyAppointment: Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church in Elkton, Kentucky - Pastor

Caleb WheatSpouse: Gwendolyn WheatChildren: Jaxton Wheat, 1Hometown: Pikeville, KentuckyDegree(s): BA, Christian Ministries - Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KentuckyAppointment: Memorial United Methodist Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky - Executive Pastor




Vengan a Cristo, esa roca viva, rechazada por el mundo, pero escogida y preciosa en los ojos de Dios.

Hemos respondido al llamado de Cristo, y buscamos ser edificados para ser una casa espiritual, unrecordatorio vivo de la presencia de Dios en la tierra.

Anteriormente no éramos un pueblo, pero ahora somos el pueblo de Dios, llamados de la oscuridad a laluz maravillosa de Dios. Por lo tanto, celebramos con la iglesia en todas las edades:

Bendito sea tu nombre, o Dios, nuestro Redentor. Por tu misericordia hemos nacido de nuevo a una feviva a través de la resurrección de entre los muertos de Jesucristo.




ORACIón DE GRATITUD Rev. Tom Grieb, Presidente de Pensiones

ESCRITURA Efesios 2:4-7 Rev. Shawn Tomes



Obispo FairleyHermanos y hermanas en Cristo, vinieron a nosotros de congregaciones donde el Espíritu del Señorestaba sobre ustedes; y fueron encomendados a predicar a la persona con un corazón quebrantado, avisitar al cautivo, a ungir a aquellos que fueron maltratados. Ustedes han obedecido.

PuebloLe damos gracias a Dios por la comunidad de fieles el la cual la Palabra de Dios encontró unarespuesta. Personas sin número han dependido en ustedes por su ayuda. En la providencia de Dios,saben que ambos, sufrimiento y gozo pueden ser modos en que Dios enseña y sana.

Obispo FairleyEn su ordenación, recibieron autoridad para leer las Sagradas Escrituras en la Iglesia de Dios, celebrar lossacramentos, y ordenar la vida de la Iglesia.En su consagración, ustedes recibieron autoridad para equipar al pueblo de Dios, y encarnar la unidad dela adoración de la congregación con su vida en el mundo. Por la gracia de Dios ustedes hicieron muchascosas que parecían más allá de su poder.


PuebloTe damos gracias Dios que tú diste la visión a los fieles. La muerte y la enfermedad no los hasobrevenido. No siempre ha sido fácil predicar la verdad. Pero sabemos algo a cerca de la gracia por lacual ustedes han vivido, y le damos gracias a Dios por su visión

Obispo Fairleynunca piensen a la ligera del gran bien que Dios les ha dado. Continúen siendo fieles a su llamado.Que el amor de Dios y su poder sea con ustedes siempre. Oremos.Dios de gracia, llenaste a tus siervos con la visión. Les diste poder a tus siervos con tu Espíritu.

Te damos gracias por el ministerio de estos hombre y mujeres,y por el modo en que tú nos has ministrado por medio de ellos. Dales un sentir de tu presencia continua,que ellos continúen amándote y sirviéndote, y siempre creciendo en la gracia y el conocimiento de Jesucristoen cuyo nombre oramos. Amén.




Obispo FairleyComo hemos compartido, estos jubilados representan más de 558 años de ministerio ordenado en la IglesiaMetodista Unida. Han servido bien y ahora celebramos ese ministerio en un modo que nos recuerda cómoel ministerio fue transferido entre dos de los grandes líderes de la historia de Israel.

En el libro de los Reyes leemos del ministerio del profeta Elías. El manto, simbolismo de la presencia y elpoder de a Dios, cayó en el joven profeta, Elías, y el espíritu de Elías descansó en Eliseo.

Trish Smith, representa el grupo de jubiladosA nombre de aquellos que se han jubilado, transfiero este manto de nuestra generación a los jóvenes,indicando por medio de esto que las responsabilidades y dedicación de la generación más adulta serárecibida y proseguida por la generación joven, y el espíritu del Elías de hoy descansará sobre los Eliseo.

Chuck Shroll, representando a la clase de recién ordenadosA nombre de aquellos que fueron ordenados la noche del lunes, aquellos quienes venimos detrás de ustedes,tomamos el manto que cae sobre nosotros. Recibamos la herencia de una doble ración de su espíritu.

Obispo FairleyYo pues, preso en el Señor, os ruego que andéis como es digno de la vocación con que fuisteis llamados, contoda humildad y mansedumbre, soportándoos con paciencia los unos a los otros en amor, solícitos enguardar la unidad del Espíritu en el vínculo de la paz; un cuerpo, y un Espíritu, como fuisteis tambiénllamados en una misma esperanza de vuestra vocación; un Señor, una fe, un bautismo, un Dios y Padre detodos, el cual es sobre todos, y por todos, y en todos.

HIMnO DE CLAUSURA Piedra Angular Banda de la CA

BEnDICIón Obispo Fairley



Dale Alan CardenGary “Ken” Easley

Paul A. FrymanAlvin Russell Goodwin, Sr.

Gary HardinRobert E. Hughes

Valerie JohnsonMichael T. McArter

Linda Penrod MillionJoey Brent Murphy

Wayne nicholsLee Padgett

Edward C. PartonTerry Reffett

Patricia J. SmithPeggy Smith

David V. SpauldingKenneth D. Spurrier

Clayton Ronald Young



Dale Alan Carden

My life’s journey began in Owensboro, Kentucky. My parents were Goldman and Mildred Carden. Their dedication to Christ and their love for the church was always a high priority in our family. If the church doors were open, we were always present. As a family, we attended Mt. zion United Methodist Church,

outside of Owensboro. During this time, my parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers and youth leaders made an impressionable mark of Christian love upon my life.

I clearly remember my call to ministry on a Sunday night, which was my 18th birthday. I sensed God’s call to some form of ministry. That night as I knelt to pray and talked with my pastor, he encouraged me to keep praying and to keep listening to God and in time He would lead me into what His plan was for my life. I kept thinking the direction God wanted me to go would come in some dramatic way, but it never came as I expected.

I continued my involvement in the church, and one Sunday night a friend of my pastor attended services. A little over a year later we were married. A few months later, our church was having a spring revival and God’s call came again in a more powerful way. As God continued to tug at my heart, I went forward to pray. As I was praying there was a whisper in my ear from my wife, saying, “Whatever God is calling you to do, I am with you all the way.” I found out that night my wife was my Aaron who would love, encourage, support and lift me up over the next 44 years of ministry. Our son, Seth, has done the same thing over the years as we ministered together the love of Christ.

Together we have journeyed across Kentucky and beyond from a student appointment at Kentucky Wesleyan College until today. To Centertown/Goshen, to seminary at Oral Roberts University, Peolia/Lee’s Chapel/Five Springs, Irvington/Webster, Summit Heights, St John- Prospect, Ashland First, Owensboro District Superintendent and finally Madisonville First.

Without the guidance of God’s hand and the Kentucky Annual Conference, we would have never had the opportunity to meet and be blessed by so many great Christian friends. Thank you for believing in me and giving us the privilege to serve Christ and His people.

I recently read something that impacted me deeply: “In my ‘Yes’ to the call of Christ also came a million ‘no’s.” I will continue to say “Yes” to Christ in retirement and say “Yes” more to my family. It’s been a joy to journey with all of you on this road as we seek to see God’s kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven, and I look forward to the journey ahead.

Gary “Ken” EasleyI was born in Murray, Kentucky, in January 1953. My father was serving a five-church charge in the Memphis Annual Conference, which meant I was nurtured by and brought up in the faith literally from birth.

As we moved from appointment to appointment, I attended five different schools. Upon graduation from high school, I attended Lambuth College,

Union University and Murray State University. It was at Murray State that I completed the Bachelor of Arts in music education with a major in voice. The next step in my academic journey led to Scarritt College for Christian Workers in nashville, Tennessee. At Scarritt, I earned Master of Arts degrees in both church music and Christian education.

While at Murray State, I married Vicki Valentour. She is my best friend and has been my loving, supportive partner in ministry for over 43 years. We have two sons, Steve and Andrew, two beautiful daughters-in-law along with two granddaughters, Katie and Karis. By the time you read this, a grandson will have been born.

During my college years I served local churches in youth and/or music ministries. My intended career path was to become a high school choral director and serve as a part-time church choir director “on the side.” The problem with my plan was that I had refused to surrender my life to God’s call to full-time Christian ministry. I must admit that God’s call confused me because it was clear that my calling was not to serve as an ordained Elder. A senior pastor in a church where I was the music director encouraged me to explore using my gifts of music and teaching as a way to fulfill my call.

From my first volunteer service playing a pump organ in one of my dad’s rural churches, God faithfully led my steps. My full-time appointments were at McFarland UMC, Rossville, Georgia (1977-1980); Somerset First UMC, Somerset, Kentucky (1980-1987); and Immanuel (1987-2012). It became necessary in 2012 to request incapacity leave following a stroke and unsuccessful spinal fusion surgery.

My journey with Jesus in the company of John Wesley has been more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined 46 years ago. During my ministry I’ve served as a lay employee (1971-1980), a consecrated Diaconal Minister (1980-1997) and as an ordained Deacon in full connection since 1997. I have been blessed to serve with nine senior pastors, many dedicated colleagues and awesome laity.

In closing, I want to share the words to a song that has come to be my affirmation of faith:

I will sing of God’s mercy every day, every hour; He gives me power. I will sing and give

thanks to Thee for all the dangers, toils and snares that He has brought me out. He is my God

and I’ll serve Him; no matter what the test trust and never doubt, Jesus will surely bring you

out. He never failed me yet.

Soli Deo gloria! (To God Alone Glory)


Paul A. FrymanGod slid into the pew beside me as a teen as I sat in the Shelbyville Centenary UMC sanctuary, listening to my father preach from the pulpit. God motioned with his pointing finger to my dad and whispered in my ear: “Go do that with your life.” That was my call to preach, and I’ve been doing that with my life

for the past 39 years in ministry.

That call to preach launched me on a journey that took me out of a United Methodist minister’s home upbringing to Asbury College in 1975; Asbury Theological Seminary in 1979, along with a beautiful bride named Ellen who journeyed beside me through five churches (Burgin-Mt. Olivet UMC: 1979-1983, Sardis Chapel UMC: 1983-1985, West Liberty UMC: 1985-1990, Grayson Bagby Memorial UMC: 1990-2003 and State Street UMC: 2006-2013); and three districts as superintendent (Columbia District: 2003-2006, Prestonsburg District: 2013-2015 and the Bluegrass District: 2015-2018).

I’m so very grateful to God for his call, grace, forgiveness and strength to do the work and endowing me with grandparents who supported me and a mother and father who mentored me. He provided a forever and completely wife who stood with me through it all and made every parsonage house a home, two wonderful children in a daughter named Emily and a son named Phillip who went with me where the Bishop sent us (plus my favorite son-in-law nate who joined the family in 2006). There were also countless parishioners and district pastors and leaders who became more than just church members to my family and me. You have enriched our lives and we thank you from the depth of our hearts!

Pablo Picasso once said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” In 1957, my father was appointed to the Jackson Methodist Church. His DS at the time told him, “Virgil, just go and love them.” That is what I’ve tried to do in my ministry for the sake of Jesus and his kingdom in churches and districts over the last 39 years. I found my gift and in love tried as best I could, through ups and downs, to give it away.

In retirement, Ellen and I plan on moving closer to family to enjoy more time with them. I also plan on taking up my paintbrush, sliding a canvas onto my new pulpit – my easel – and painting new sermons on canvas to the glory of Almighty God. We look forward, most important, to being full-time grandparents to a long-awaited granddaughter: Ella Grace Harlan! Ella, get ready! Giggy and Kwi Kwi are coming! Let’s go get some ice cream!

Alvin Russell Goodwin, Sr. I am the son of the late Rev. A.L. Goodwin of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and Cora Russell Goodwin-Robinson, a former nashville Metro Public School teacher. One of my fondest memories of growing up at St Luke C.M.E. Church in nashville was observing the music ministry and wondering how the church could be more inclusive of children.

My mother and I joined Gordon Memorial UMC in October 1966, where I later became pianist and director of the youth choir as a student at Tennessee State University. I, like Jonah, reluctantly answered the call to ministry in the spring of 1978. Soon after I said yes to my call, I was appointed as a student local pastor to my first charge in June, 1979: Key/ Braden/ Ballard Chapel within the Cookeville District of the Tennessee Conference. I have such fond memories and gratitude to the membership that aided and nurtured me as a young minister.

In the fall of 1979, I enrolled with faith and little resources in Gammon Theological Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia, where I received my Master of Divinity in 1983. I served faithful to those student parishes in Tennessee and one in north Georgia until being ordained in June, 1983 in the Tennessee Conference. I served ten years in various church parishes before serendipitous transition to Pastoral Care Training at the nashville VA. I found a new joy in healing ministries and in 1991 I pursued a one-year residency CPE at Emory Affiliate Hospitals in Atlanta.

Under Bishop Spain, of whom I knew from Tennessee, I was appointed in June, 1992 to new Coke & Walker Memorial Churches in the former Louisville Conference, where I later transferred my membership from the Tennessee Conference. I have served the following appointments during my active ministry: Garrs Lane, Sycamore Chapel, City Roads and West Broadway; four institutional settings (including three college campus ministries), Fisk University in nashville, Tennessee; Kentucky State, Frankfort; and the University of Louisville Wesley Foundation, and one hospital setting for 21 years with the Chaplain staff as a Fee-Basis Chaplain with the Robley Rex VA Medical Center in Louisville.

In addition to pastoring I have written articles, devotional publications and gospel music songs. I have always enjoyed blending music in ministry. My love to increase the kingdom of Christ has always included reaching out to young people, and people of all ages, to build up the church. I’ve enjoyed serving various conference and community committees, helping the least and the lost. My next journey is off to prisons ministries.

I thank my wife who has been with me on my journey, Rev. Dr. Kathy Goodwin; my (now) three adult children, Alvin Russell II, Alexis and Aaron; and two grandchildren, Ayden and Lena Goodwin, for their love and support.


Gary HardinI accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 14 at Green Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Cumberland County, Kentucky. Four years later, I married Joan. I became a United Methodist when I joined Joan’s home church, Rose of Sharon UMC. I believe God led me to the United Methodist Church

because a couple of years after joining the church, God called me to preach.

Joan and I have two grown children, both of whom have families of their own. Rebecca is married to Rev. Mark Price and they have two adult sons, Wil and Micah. Angela is married to Anthony Jones and they have two adult sons, Matthew and Dawson.

Most of my ministry has been in the South Central District, formerly known as the Columbia District. I served Leslie UMC and the north Metcalfe County Circuit (Sulfur Well/ Liletown/ Foundation). In the former Columbia District, I served: Tartars Chapel, Emory Chapel, Glens Fork UMC, Mt. Carmel UMC, French Valley/ Mt. Pleasant Circuit in Russell County, Tompkinsville First UMC and Berea Chapel Circuit in Monroe County. For the past four years I have served in Ohio County at Beaver Dam UMC in the Owensboro District. I have been blessed with great district superintendents: Dr. Wallace Thomas, William “Bill” Davenport, Paul Fryman, Darren Brandon, Todd Love and Mark Gibbons.

After being out of high school for 27 years, I attended Lindsey Wilson College and graduated with a contact major, which meant that I could take all the religious, counseling, and communication classes offered. Those classes served me well as I attended Asbury Theological Seminary, where I graduated with my Master of Divinity. During those student pastor years I was able to apply what I was learning immediately. I was ordained an elder during Annual Conference in Bowling Green on June 6, 2006.

In retirement I plan to serve as a part-time pastor in the South Central District, enjoy our grandchildren and maybe someday some great-grandchildren. I always believed I would be a great-grandpa. Come to think of it, I am a “great” grandpa already … just ask any of my four grandsons.

Robert E. HughesMy roots in ministry began at age 12 when Brother Bob Bellman, of Wilmore, Kentucky, took me to more than 50 lay witness missions to play my guitar, sing and share my testimony. The time I spent traveling and talking with Bob are times I deeply cherish. He was my mentor, my friend, and a model of God’s love and compassion—a spiritual father. The people of the Wilmore United Methodist Church and

my pastor, David Seamands, were also an important part of my spiritual formation as a young person. They loved me and my family and supported us through many difficult times. (Yes, I grew up in Wilmore!!)

Before earning my Master of Divinity, I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Christian Education from Asbury Theological Seminary and served as an education, youth, and music director in churches in Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, Virginia and Tennessee. It was while I was the youth and music director at Aldersgate in Lexington that I met my wife, Vicky. Our son, Jason, was born while serving at First United Methodist Church in Hartselle, Alabama.

My first appointment was a student appointment to Mt. Edwin in Woodford County, where we had a total of nine precious people. They were very loving and patient with a young, inexperienced pastor. My first full-time appointment was to Millersburg UMC and our son, Matthew, was born during this time.

After several years of full-time ministry in Kentucky, our family moved to Oklahoma, where I attended Oral Roberts University and Christian Family Institute and became a licensed Marriage and Family therapist. We spent six years there, and I pastored churches and worked with very troubled kids and families in the Tulsa/Muskogee area.

When we returned to Kentucky, we came to Owensboro, where we made many lifelong friends in the Owensboro and Madisonville districts. While serving in Sebree, we were part of a prayer group that met monthly for seven years! We saw God work in the most amazing ways and are exceedingly grateful for the experiences we shared with such loving, caring people.

As my full-time appointed ministry comes to a close, Vicky and I celebrate our eight years at St. Andrew UMC in Campbellsville. The people there steward the presence of the Holy Spirit, and we have experienced profound times of worship, healing, and soaking in His presence.

Special thanks to my wife and ministry partner, Vicky. We have served as a team for more than 35 years and have seen the power of God change people’s lives. We have been in awe of God’s presence and His goodness to us. Many have supported us and helped us grow in our faith, service and ministry. We treasure all the memories of seeing God touch people throughout Kentucky.

In retirement, we will be active in the body of Christ in Lexington and look forward to spending much time with our two granddaughters in Lexington and our two grandsons in Oklahoma.


Valerie JohnsonValerie Johnson has served throughout the Kentucky Conference. Valerie started out at St. Luke in the Lexington District, moved onto Berea, served at Midway and finished at Pleasant Grove/Smith Chapel. Valerie played a vital role as chair of the 2004 Commission on Status and Role of Women. She also served as a member on the Discipleship Conference Team as well as the Worship team for Annual Conference.

Michael T. McArterAs long as I can remember, I have been part of a United Methodist congregation in some form. My parents raised me in two churches, Asbury (Highland Heights) and Alexandria, both in northern Kentucky. My mom and dad had an enduring influence on my Christian walk and experience, and I am extremely blessed. I am thankful as well for the presence of my two

brothers and their wives in my life, John and Teresa, from Alexandria, and Gary and Kathy, from Camp Springs.

I received my call to ministry at Alexandria UMC while in college, and have had the privilege of serving in the former Kentucky Conference, the Louisville Conference, and the Kentucky Conference that was formed after the merger in 1996, with 41 years of service combined.

I have served the following churches: Ludlow (Wesley), Staffordsburg, Tompkinsville Ct., Pembroke, Tompkinsville/ Berea, Munfordville, and Milton. I am retiring from Milton UMC, where I have spent the last 19 years as pastor. During my time here, we completed a building program in 2008 that added a fellowship hall, kitchen, baptistery, and other needed rooms.

My wife, Robin (Sowers) McArter, has been a true partner and helpmate in my life and ministry. We have one daughter, nicole Ann, who is a Regional Coordinator with Starbucks in Cincinnati. Her husband is a pharmacist in the University of Cincinnati Medical Center system.

We are definitely proud of our four grandsons: Ben (8), Peyton (6), Will (4), and Max (3).

Education has always been very important in my life, with my parents both serving as teachers in the Campbell County school system. In fact, my father was my principal for four years at Grant’s Lick Elementary and mentored me in a number of ways in my young adult life. I graduated from Campbell County High School in 1972, and received my Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from northern Kentucky University in 1976. My Master of Divinity was completed at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, in 1976. I also received a Master of Arts in Student Personnel in Higher Education from Western Kentucky University in 1995, and an Education Specialist certification from Eastern Kentucky University in 2008. I am currently working on an online Master’s degree in Adult and Higher Education from Morehead State University.

I have been honored to serve as Chairperson of Worship and as the Secretary of the Board of Diaconal Ministry (Louisville Conference, 1988-1992), as a Covenant Team Leader in the Frankfort and northern Kentucky Districts (2011-2018), and as Director of LACE in the northern Kentucky District (2016-2018).

As I enter the retired relationship, I am looking for the doors of opportunity for service that the Lord will open for me. I have been blessed with good health, and I want to be useful in the time I have left here on Earth. Until Christ calls me home, I seek to be faithful to the continued calling that He has upon my life.


Linda Penrod MillionAlthough I was reared in the Baptist Church tradition as a child, I have been United Methodist from its beginning. I began attending the Methodist Church in 1967 and in 1968 became active in the United Methodist Church. I moved to Louisville following graduation from Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville in 1970. In February 1971, I married my husband, Ronald A. Million, who had

returned from Vietnam and been discharged from military service in the navy in August 1970.

My professional career began as a public school teacher in Oldham County; I taught for a few years prior to responding to my call to ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. I attended Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and completed my Master of Divinity degree in 1979 and my Doctor of Ministry degree in 1987. I completed my marriage and family licensure education at Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville.

Ron and I have two children: Randall J. Million and Lindsay A. Million. Randy and his family (wife Monica and four children: Kate, Tori, Thomas and Charlotte) live in Indianapolis. Lindsay works as a traveling and mission surgical nurse and currently lives in Louisville.

My ministry has included both parish ministry and counseling ministry. I served 28 years in parish ministry. I served as an associate pastor at St. Matthews UMC, pastor of Dennie Memorial, Pleasure Ridge Park, Parkway/Portland and Parkwood churches. Ron was always a partner in ministry. Throughout my ministry folks have commented, “We can always get another preacher, but I don’t think we can get another spouse as good and helpful as Ron.”

While serving in the parish I was ecumenically active. As pastor, I organized ecumenical Vacation Bible Schools and worked to establish Southwest Community Ministries in Jefferson County. I served in an Ecumenical Shared Ministry with the Parkway United Methodist Church and Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church for many years in the Portland neighborhood of Louisville.

My ministry has often focused on healing ministry of mental health care and relationship counseling. I have served as a pastoral counselor and a licensed marriage and family therapist in Kentucky and Indiana. I have served in counseling ministry at the former Methodist Hospital Counseling Center, norton Psychiatric Clinic, and St Matthews Pastoral Counseling Center in St. Matthews Baptist Church, Louisville. My current appointment is at a Samaritan Counseling Center, Personal Counseling Service Inc. in Clarksville, Indiana, with area satellites. Counseling ministry is often referred to as a “messy” ministry. I speak the message of hope, healing and reconciliation in the counseling center office to those with mental health issues, addiction struggles, abuse perpetrators and victims. These children of God often live marginalized by family and society and apart from the experience of human love and acceptance. The message of God’s wholeness and salvation whether preached from the pulpit or spoken in the treatment room remains the same: God loves us unconditionally and calls us to lives of transformation and abundant living.

Joey Brent MurphyMy journey of ministry started three weeks before my 17th birthday. It has taken us to several states. It has been a journey that has taken us at times where we wish we did not have to travel. It has also taken us to places that will remain the stories we will share together the rest of our lives.

I started ministry single and met my wife, Carolyn, at the first church I served. She has partnered in ministry with me the entire journey. I could have never traveled this journey without her and would not have wanted to. We were blessed with our son, Paul, who would later marry Katie, and bring two grandsons, noah and Elijah, into our lives. I knew God was with me when I was single, but family has been the stabilizer in our lives. We know it has been God and our faith that have brought us through what we could never do ourselves.

I have lost some great friends in ministry along the way. I rejoice as I look around Annual Conference and see so many people who continue to have an impact on my journey. I am not sure I am ready to turn the page in this chapter of the journey or the road ahead, but the road will continue on.Thank you to the Bishops and Cabinets who have appointed me to serve and the people at the churches whose hands God put on us.


Wayne NicholsI have served as a pastor in local United Methodist churches since February 1, 1985.

My wife, Wanda, and I were married on December 30, 1983. We moved from nicholasville to Coal City, Indiana, so I could serve as a student pastor while I completed my education

at Asbury Theological Seminary. In June 1986, with our 2-week-old son Jeremy, we moved to our first full-time appointment, the Leavenworth/Pilot Knob charge. During our three years at Leavenworth, our family welcomed a daughter, Megan. The four of us moved to our second two-church charge, Carrollton/ Mt. Lebanon in the Indianapolis area, and stayed there for five years. I next spent two years as an associate pastor at Castleton.

Our appointment journeys took us and our beagle, Annie, to the small towns and rural areas of Southern Indiana. After nearly 10 years in the country, we returned to Indianapolis and served the Faith United Methodist congregation.

With our departure from Indianapolis in June 2008, our ministry moved from the Indiana Annual Conference to the Kentucky Annual Conference and Beaver Dam UMC in Ohio County. During our three years at Beaver Dam, I transferred my elder orders from Indiana to Kentucky, we endured the 2009 ice storm and our dog Annie died of old age.

Our next appointment was again a two-church charge, Dixon/ Dixie. We lived in the Dixie parsonage and served those congregations for four years. Our most recent and last appointment has been at First UMC, Slaughters, where we have served for the past three years.

I served on various district and conference boards and agencies during my ministry tenure. I also volunteered in my children’s public schools and as a Habitat for Humanity home builder. Wanda has been employed in office administration, retail customer service and retail management while supporting me in ministry.

Our son, Jeremy, lives with his fiancée in Oakland City, Indiana. Our daughter, Megan, is married and lives in Owensboro, Kentucky. She has a daughter, MacKenzie, and a son, Ryan.

In retirement, we look forward to exploring new opportunities for ministry, traveling and spoiling grandchildren.

Lee PadgettI was born in Dallas, Texas, where I lived next door to my grandmother and grandfather until I was 9. My grandfather (and father) taught me to work with my hands and instilled in me a love for mechanics and construction. After President Kennedy’s assassination, my mom and dad searched for a safe small-town atmosphere and moved the family to Malvern, Arkansas.

I loved Arkansas, and lived there through college, where I received my bachelor’s degree in physics from Ouachita Baptist University. I was on track to become a mechanical engineer, but God had a different plan. Right out of high school, I served for seven years as youth director and assistant to the minister for my home church. Feeling a strong call into full-time church work, I attended Scarritt Graduate School in nashville, Tennessee, where I received a Master of Arts in Christian education and met Debbie Wallace. After we graduated, I followed Debbie back home to Kentucky, where we married. I served as program director from 1981 to 1989 at Trinity Hill UMC in Lexington. At the 1982 session of the Kentucky Annual Conference, Debbie and I were both consecrated as Diaconal Ministers. In 1997, I was ordained a deacon. After an undeniably clear call from God, I served for 24 years as Director of Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center. I also served 12 years on both the Southeastern Jurisdictional and national Camping Committees. On the national level, I served as vice chair and national event chair for three national conferences. When Debbie was elected Bishop and we moved to Birmingham, Alabama, I was asked to serve as interim executive director of Sumatanga Camp and Conference Center. After two years of success and growth, the Sumatanga Board of Trustees took “interim” off my title and I served an additional two years.

In 2016, I was asked to serve as one of the two UM representatives on an ecumenical outdoor ministries design team composed of seven denominations. At the 2017 national Gathering of UM Camp Leaders, I received the highest recognition given in camping ministry, the Legacy of Leadership Award. My passion has long been camping, retreat and outdoor ministry. Debbie and I have two children: Leanndra, who is teaching English in Paris, Kentucky; and Andrew, who works as a software consultant for Callidus Cloud in Birmingham, Alabama. Brandon Padgett, my nephew who came to live with the family right out of high school, works as program coordinator for Kids Cancer Alliance in Louisville. Our family had the best of two worlds – “city life” where Debbie was assigned and the “country life” at camp. God has been so good to us. Working with the young adult camp staff each year was such a blessing. It has been wonderful to watch them grow and take their places in the church and world.


Edward C. PartonI was born on February 16,1952 in Willow Springs, Kentucky. The sixth of nine children I grew up on the family farm where our days consisted of chores, family fun, farm work and church activities.

My family attended Willow Springs UMC. I often worked alongside my dad in the upkeep of the church’s two cemeteries. My

first job was trimming grass around the headstones with hand clippers. I later was promoted to mowing with a push mower.

After graduating with a two-year degree from Lindsey Wilson College and being newly married, I received my call to preach the gospel at the age of 22. As I prayed and sought guidance, I went home to my parents’ house to talk with my mother. After telling her of my decision, she stopped sweeping the floor, looked me in the eye and replied, “Son, if God is calling you to preach, then you had better preach.” These words have stayed with me my entire ministry and given me strength to go on, time and time again.

My daughter, Carrie, and son, Andrew, were born in the early years of my ministry. My marriage lasted until 1994. In 2001, God started a new chapter in my life. I met my wife, Wanda, and we were married in 2002. I am thankful to Bishop King, who talked with me and gave me guidance on blending our families. Wanda had two daughters, Jessica and Tracy, from a previous marriage. Our family started growing and 16 years later, we have four children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild with another due in August. We plan on spoiling this one, and watching more of our grandson’s football games. I am thankful to God for sending me a helpmate who truly loves the Lord and has a call to ministry upon her life. Together we make a great team in ministry and we have been blessed beyond measure.

As time permitted in my appointments, I followed up on my time at Lindsey Wilson and took classes at Eastern Kentucky University, Pikeville College and Kentucky Business College in Danville. I completed the five-year Course of Study at Emory University in August 1987, followed by the four-year advanced course in 1991. In 1992 I was ordained a Deacon.

After serving 23 churches, most in rural areas of Kentucky, over 40 years of ministry I find all people are the same. We all need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I think of all the changes time has brought to our United Methodist Church and am very concerned about our future. My heart goes out to the brave young men and women who are answering God’s call today. My advice would be to stay true to God’s word. Jeremiah 6:16, “Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk there in, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” God bless and keep you. In Jesus’ name.

Terry ReffettI am blessed to have had the opportunity to live out my call as a part of the Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. I have served families of churches and districts from March of 1973 through June of 2018. I served Boyers Chapel/Renaker, Mt. Lebanon, Dunaway, Martin/Garrett, Claylick, Whitesburg,

Bowman Memorial, Paintsville First, Covington District, Somerset First, Ashland District and the Kentucky East District.

I want to thank the families of all these ministries for their love and support. My family and I are grateful for your friendship and care. I am especially grateful and blessed by God and my family for their love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and patience as we have made this journey together. Please know how much you have blessed me and that I am proud and honored by each and every one of you.

I received Jesus as my savior on October 17, 1971, while randomly (I thought) reading passages in a Bible placed by the Gideons in the YMCA while attending vocational school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Holy Spirit guided me to Psalm 22 and while reading, He broke down the walls I had built around my heart and bathed me with His love as my heart wept and confessed my need for repentance and His Grace. I surrendered to Him my life that evening and His Word both written and incarnate have had a strong place of importance ever since. I discovered that night what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy chapter 3: the ”holy scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. And all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in Righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

I pray that His Word will direct all our lives as we love and serve Him as we have been Loved and served by Him. God bless you each and every one. Cindy and I will see you at the beach!!!


Patricia J. SmithI entered this world two months early in December, 1955. I weighed in at 3 pounds 4 ounces. From what I have been told, there was concern if I would make it. I am truly thankful for my loving parents and four siblings. Without their support and the prayers of many, I don’t think I would have pulled through.

I committed my life to the Lord during my senior year of high school. I left my home town of Pennsville, new Jersey, to attend Eastern nazarene College from 1974-1977. It was during these years the Lord began to tug at my heart to enter full-time Christian service. I graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a Christian service emphasis. I began studies at Asbury Seminary in the fall of 1978 to pursue counseling. As God likes to work, I ended up in the Master of Divinity program and graduated in 1981. While in seminary, Rev. Pete Arnold, Frankfort District Superintendent, came and recruited persons to serve in the Kentucky Conference. I had no real desire to return to n.J., so I asked if there would be a place for me. His advice was very simple: Talk with the Bishop. I spoke with Bishop Paul Duffey; he told me, “It won’t be easy,” to which I replied, “I’m not looking for easy, I’m looking for a place to serve.” So my journey to candidacy and ordination began through Christ Church, Lexington.

In 1982 I was ordained a deacon and began serving the Kentucky Annual Conference. Elders orders came in 1984, as did my marriage to James “Rick” Smith. I am truly thankful for his love and support. In 1986, the Board of Ministry granted approval for maternity leave (something they had not done before!) Jeremiah joined the family in October, 1986 and his brother Caleb in October, 1989. I want to thank the boys for their love, support and encouragement as they grew up in the various parsonages.

Thank you to the district superintendents and churches that took a chance on me. At every appointment, we were able to see God at work – from Immanuel, Fort Mitchell, Ludlow Wesley, Ida Spence Mission, Concord/neave Bracken County, Cannonsburg, Trinity (Owensboro)/ Spottsville, Island, Cooper Memorial, Stovall to Harrodsburg.

It has been fun; it has been a challenge. There was concern if I would make it. It hasn’t always been easy, but I have had places to serve. I have been faithful and obedient. I have completed active pastoral ministry and look forward to beginning the next chapter as wife, mom and nana, as we move to Morristown, Tennessee. I believe the chorus of “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” says it best: O Lord, with your eyes you have searched me and while smiling have spoken my name; now my boat’s left on the shore-line behind me; by your side I will seek other seas.

I Made It; Shalom!

Peggy SmithIt’s always an exciting time when God calls us into ministry. As I approach a new chapter, I can only imagine what the future holds. I was raised in a small, family United Methodist Church in Western Kentucky, and served in many areas as laity. Then one day God decided it was time for a change. He spoke and I am so thankful that I listened.

Those early days of teaching, committee work, and attending

Annual Conferences prepared me for what was to come. God had a plan, one that I did not know. As I look back through the years, I see that at each fork in the road, God directed my path. It seems I’ve lived three lifetimes in my one life. The first was the normal years of the business world and raising a family; the second was caring for our ventilator-dependent, quadriplegic son for 14 years after a car accident; the third was ministry; and now, I enter a fourth chapter. When God spoke to me that beautiful day saying, “Peggy, you have nothing else to hold you back. It’s now time you go to work for me,” I had no idea what was ahead. But it has been an awesome journey.

With Jim by my side, we traveled a new road. We’ve always served as a team, and ministry is no different. The blessings and challenges of each new day bring immeasurable joy, and each church we served has filled our hearts with gladness and cherished memories. Life offers many opportunities to fulfill God’s call, but it’s up to us to listen and respond. I’m so thankful I did.

Our ministry has been very exciting, and now we look to the future to continue serving our God. You see, life is a journey, a journey to eternity. My journey continues as God’s not finished with me yet. I do not know what the future holds, but I do know who guides me and beckons me to follow. Each day holds new adventures on this journey of life.

Thank you all for being my friends and mentors along the way! Blessings!


David V. SpauldingI am from Catlettsburg, Kentucky. I grew up at First UMC in Catlettsburg, where I was baptized in infancy. At the age of 12, I experienced Christ and rededicated my life to the Lord.

I received the call to ministry at the age of 19. I graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1978 with a Bachelor of Arts in new Testament theology. I then attended Asbury Theological Seminary and graduated in 1981 with a Master of Divinity. In June of 1984, I was ordained an elder in the Kentucky Conference. In november of that same year, I married my wife, Carmen Kidd Spaulding.

I served in the former Kentucky Conference for eight years, first as a student pastor at the Kavanaugh Cyrus Chapel Charge. Then after seminary I served at Whitley City UMC and later, Sardis Chapel UMC. In 1986, we moved to north Carolina. I served Methodist churches in the Wilmington, Rocky Mount, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro areas for 30 years.

In 2015, we returned to the Kentucky Conference. I served the Dixie/Dixon Charge in the Pennyrile District and Mayo Memorial in the Kentucky East District. During my active ministry, I served under the following bishops: Paul Duffy, C.P Minnick, Marion Edwards, Charlene Kammerer, Lawrence McCleskey, Larry Goodpasture, Lindsey Davis and Leonard Fairley.

Carmen and I now reside in Lexington, Kentucky, with our two Chihuahuas, Lovely Rita Meter Maid and Penny Lane.

Kenneth D. SpurrierI was born in Louisville, Kentucky, to Rev. B. Harry and Mary Spurrier, and grew up in Methodist parsonages across the former Louisville Conference. I accepted the Lord at an early age and not only grew up in various churches around the conference, but loved the Lord and answered God’s call to preach in 1972, becoming the

seventh generation of Spurrier clergy dating back to 18th-century England.

I graduated from LaRue County High School before attending Lindsey Wilson College, where I met and ultimately married Becky Brown, the daughter of the late Rev. Ray and Mary Brown, in 1975. I graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan College in 1976 and moved to Atlanta to attend Candler School of Theology, receiving a Master of Divinity in 1979. I continued my education, receiving a Master of Arts in communication in 1990 from Western Kentucky University.

After accepting the call to ministry, I had several opportunities to preach in my father’s churches until receiving my first student appointment at South Carrollton UMC in the Owensboro District in 1975. I worked my way through seminary as a church janitor and youth choir director while Becky worked at Emory University Hospital. I was ordained a deacon in 1977 and in January 1979 returned to Kentucky to serve full-time at Mill Springs Charge of the former Louisville conference. I was ordained as elder in 1981 and served the following United Methodist churches: Rockcastle (new church), Tompkinsville Charge, Shavers Chapel/Towers Chapel, Immanuel (Louisville), Beaver Dam, Marion, Bardstown, St. John (Owensboro), Paintsville First and Hilldale.God blessed Becky and me with two children: Brandon and DeAnna; a son-in-law, James Smith; and a handsome grandson, Judah, with whom I am looking forward to spending more time.

I look forward in retirement to new journeys in ministry and serving the Lord wherever He may lead.


Clayton Ronald YoungMy name is Clayton Ronald Young, although I have been called “Ronnie” most of my life. I was born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on november 30, 1952, to Clayton Wilford and Mary Ann (Banton) Young.

In the winter of 1959, my family moved to the small town of Pembroke, where I

attended school and the United Methodist Church until I left for the Air Force. It was there that I learned to read and write, arithmetic and about the Methodist Church. My parents and the small, close-knit community taught me many lessons; the most important ones dealt with God and His love and care.

I graduated from Christian County High School in 1971 and spent a short time in college before joining the Air Force in 1972.

I felt the call to be a pastor while attending summer camp at Camp Loucon in 1965. Unlike many who respond shortly after the call I, like Jonah, ran from the call for twenty years. Finally, after realizing God wasn’t going to give up, I said “yes” to Him and began experiencing life as never before.

It is hard to believe that it has been 33 years since I began this journey. It has been an interesting, exciting and difficult journey. I have served in many good churches with many good people. I have had many good mentors who helped me in the beginning. I have had many fellow pastors who became good friends.

I want to thank all who walked this journey with me. I especially want to thank my wife, Leigh Ann, who has spent 26 years as my co-pastor, moving when I moved and being there for me during good times and difficult times. She and my children, Robb and Kaity, have been a great support throughout these years.

Mostly, I must express thanks to God for never giving up on me. He continued to follow me even while I tried to run and hide. One thing I know for sure, God Is always with you. His love never ends even to the end of time.

I thank God every day for that love and support.


CIO DE ADORACIÓN Y ORACIÓNEl tema de este año de la Conferencia Anual es “Guiando a través del Espíritu Santo.”

El servicio de esta noche va a ser un modelo de ser dirigido por medio del Espíritu Santo a través de laoración y la alabanza. Vengan preparados para regocijarse en la bondad de Dios, para levantar sus oraciones,y para dar generosamente.

La Ofrenda de Misión que recibiremos durante este tiempo de adoración será para los MinisteriosUniversitarios y la Universidad de África (Africa University).

Además de su ofrenda, traiga su Biblia y su diario ó use las páginas de atrás de este boletín para tomar notas.



Benditos sean los muertos que mueran en el Señor de ahora en adelante.“Sí,” dice el Espíritu, “ellos descansarán de su labor, porque sus obras los seguirán.”no nos condolemos como aquellos que no tienen esperanza.Porque creemos que el mismo Espíritu que levantó a Cristo de los muertos, también levantará a aquellos que descansan en Cristo.Jesús nos recuerda aún en esta jornada, “no dejen que sus corazones estén preocupados…Porque Dios les dará un Consolador, el Espíritu Santo los ayudará y estará con ustedes.”Ahora que estamos rodeados por una gran nube de testigos que han sido fieles para terminar la carreraQue ellos nos inspiren y que el Espíritu nos llene de poder para correr con fortaleza el sendero que está delante de nosotros.Adaptado de Flamas del Espíritu: Recursos para la Adoración, ed. Ruth C. Duck, 1985.

HIMnO Por todos los SantosLa Fe que Cantamos #2283

ESCRITURA Hebreos 12:1-3 Rev. Troy Elmore

MÚSICA ESPECIAL Estoy bien con mi Dios Banda de la CA

SERMón “Recuerda. Acuerda. Comprométete de Nuevo” Rev. Jim Fant

REFLEXIón Rev. Renee Jennings

Mientras se prepara a escuchar, ¿quién viene a su memoria? ¿Quién caminó con usted de modo que loinspiró y abrió paso para su jornada? Recuerde que el velo se hace más delgado no solamente hacia elpasado sino también hacia el futuro, ¿cómo camina a través de su vida de modo que le ayude a otros aandar por su propio sendero?

Para aquellos que caminaron con nosotros

Para aquellosque caminaron con nosotros,es esta oración.Para aquellosque nos tocaron y nos cuidaron,aquellos que permanecieron con nosotrosMientras vivían,es esta acción de gracias.Para aquelloscuya jornada está aun con nosotrosen las sombras de la concienciaen las grietas de la memoria,en el paisaje de nuestros sueñoses esta bendición.© Jan L. Richardson. janrichardson.com.


RECORDAnDO COn AGRADECIMIEnTO Rev. Janet Carden, Rev. Chuck Ladd, Rev. Deb Massengale

Después de que el nombre de un santo(a) sea leído, responda: ¡GRACIAS SEÑOR POR ESTE(A) TU SERVO(A)!

CLAUSURA DE nUESTRO TIEMPO DE ALABAnzA “Grande es tú fidelidad” Himnario MU #140

BEnDICIón Rev. Jim Fant

Bendecimos tu nombre, oh Dios, por todos tus siervos que, después de terminar su curso, ahora descansan de su trabajo.Danos gracia para seguir sus ejemplos de su paciencia y fidelidad, a tu honor y gloria;a través de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.




CLEROSRobert Beverly

William Wesley BowlingLarry Bryant GardnerFred Allen Goodwin

Donna Lou JonesDouglas D. MoseleyJulian W. Simpson


Robert BeverlyOct. 31, 1938 – June 5, 2017

Rev. Robert Beverly, 78, died June 5, 2017.

Bob served his country in the navy on the USS neosho and saw much of the world. He was 18 when he enlisted, and he and his wife, Sue, were newly married. He also served on funeral detail for the navy, which he later cited as a way that God was preparing him

for ministry.

While at sea, Bob nearly lost his life in a storm one night. During those moments he remembered a sign that once had hung on his grandfather’s wall: “A few more days and I must go, to meet the deeds that I have done.” In remembering those words, fear struck him. Though he had grown up in a Christian home and often attended church, he wasn’t yet a Christian. When Bob returned from the navy he was converted and started preaching when he was 30 years old. He often said he didn’t want to preach but said he couldn’t fight the call any longer and had to answer his Lord.

His uncle, Clarence Bruce, was pastor at Hopewell Methodist at the time. When Bob told his uncle that he had been called into ministry, he was taken to see Bishop Roy Short of the Louisville Conference. He began his courses of study shortly thereafter and completed all the courses. He was licensed in 1971 and appointed by District Superintendent Thomas Ditto to serve Hopewell Methodist as his first appointment.

The first week that Bob preached, the altar was full of people giving their lives to Jesus. He was a powerful preacher and teacher who loved the Lord Jesus with all his heart. In the three churches that Bob served (Hopewell, Union Grove, and Hickory Grove) there was great revival of the spirit and many came to know Jesus during his ministry.

He served the UMC as a local pastor for nearly 30 years but served his Lord much longer. He never met anyone too dirty, too poor, or too rich to be prayed with and for. A few weeks before he passed, he led a woman to saving faith in Jesus. no matter how sick or tired he got, he never gave up sharing his faith.

Bob was a devoted husband and loving father and grandfather. He helped mentor his grandson and his nephew in the ministry. He loved his family and his God.

William Wesley BowlingApril 28, 1929-March 18, 2018

Rev. William Wesley Bowling, 88, died peacefully March 18, 2018, surrounded by his family.

He was a graduate of Male High School, Kentucky Wesleyan College, and Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. He was called to ministry at a young age through involvement at Virginia Avenue Methodist Church in Louisville. He earned

his License to Preach in 1950, was admitted “on trial” in 1960 and ordained as an Elder in 1962.

Though he retired in 1996, he immediately began his tenure as Director of Program Ministries at Jeffersontown UMC, where he remained employed until the time of his death. He was grateful to have bestowed upon him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by Kentucky Wesleyan in 1987 and the school’s Alumni Service Award in 2010.

He began his pastoral ministry at Glendale in 1951. Upon graduating college in 1956, he married the love of his life and ministry partner, Dorothy. They soon journeyed to Atlanta to attend seminary (where he served the Center Hill church and their first child was born). Upon returning from seminary he became founding pastor of Watkins Memorial in Louisville and was its pastor for 14½ years. The “drive-in” worship service became a distinguishing characteristic of the church.

He was honored to be pastor of congregations at Fourth Avenue, Madisonville, and Greenville. As a pastor he always brought an intentional focus on personal discipleship, evangelism, and local mission (as well as seeking to engage the church with broader mission opportunities).

Bill served on a team that launched the Walk to Emmaus spiritual renewal weekend to the Louisville Annual Conference and later helped bring the first Chrysalis to Owensboro. He was involved in Boy Scout ministry in the 1970s and the Council of Retarded Citizens (Louisville) in the 1980s. He served as a volunteer Chaplain with the Jefferson County Police Department for 18 years, counseling many officers during “ride alongs” and supporting families when a death notification was required. He was the Director of the Council on Ministries of the Louisville Annual Conference and District Superintendent of the Owensboro District. Along with Dorothy, he was pleased to be a delegate to two World Methodist Conferences.

Bill’s faith, encouraging spirit, love for life, plants, flowers, music, art and all things beautiful endeared him to people of all ages during his 60-plus years of ministry. He had a strong conviction of the world’s need for the Church and encouraged anyone who was a believer to be connected to a local congregation to deepen their own faith as well as to open doors for possibilities to serve and make their community and world a better place. He believed in devotion to family and friendship. He cherished the gift of life and loved living. He knew an abiding trust in eternal life and was grateful for the great reunion that would one day come with his loving wife, daughter, and the host of family and friends who walked that road before him.


Larry Bryant GardnerOct. 3, 1940 – Oct. 31, 2017

The Rev. Larry Bryant Gardner, 77, died October 31, 2017, at St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, of kidney disease and heart failure.

Born in Henry County to Raymond and Lillian Gardner as the sixth of seven children and reared on a farm near Franklinton, he graduated

from Pleasureville High School. He received degrees from Asbury College and Asbury Theological Seminary.

Larry was a deeply caring and kind man who never met a stranger. He always had a pastor’s heart and was particularly present for any of his parishioners when they were hurting.

Almost all of the churches he pastored saw some kind of building improvements while he was there, including the rebuilding of Pineville First Church and parsonage after a horrific flood in 1977.

As an avid gardener, Larry loved growing vegetables and producing popcorn. He marketed his popcorn on the cob for microwave popping under the label of Gardner’s Kentucky Kernels and sold it to gift shops and craft stores.

Larry was most appreciative of his family and enjoyed watching University of Kentucky sports with them.

Larry served churches across the Kentucky Conference for 42 years. He thoroughly enjoyed serving the Conference for six years as Council Director to be followed by one year as the Lexington District Superintendent when Lindsey Davis became bishop.

After he retired, Larry continued to serve the church for several years as he worked at the Lexington Cokesbury store and formed new friendships with even more laity and ministers.

Larry is survived by the family he cherished so much: his high school sweetheart and wife of 58 years, Barbara Sewell Gardner; three adult children, Larry Mark Gardner of Mercer County, Sonya Kay Gardner of Lexington, and Kelly Bain Gardner (Tricia) of Hartford; two grandchildren, Michael Bain Gardner and Elizabeth Anne Gardner, of Hartford; and a sister, Evelyn Farris, of Louisville.

His memorial service was conducted november 6, 2017, at Milward Funeral Home, Lexington, by Larry’s friend and fellow retired minister, Rev. Howard Reynolds. Also participating were Rev. James Williams, Lexington District Superintendent; Rev. Tom Grieb, Lexington Centenary pastor; and both his grandchildren, who read scripture.

Larry’s body was laid to rest in Lexington Cemetery in a peaceful setting overlooking a duck pond.

Fred Allen GoodwinMarch 15, 1953 – Aug. 27, 2017

Rev. Fred Allen Goodwin, 64, died August 27, 2017.

Born in March 1953, Fred grew up on his grandfather’s farm and attended new Chapel United Methodist Church near Lewisport, Kentucky. As a young man, he spent 10 years in the construction industry, traveling to several states to work.

In response to God’s call, at age 30 Fred entered college while pastoring four United Methodist congregations in Breckenridge County. He graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan in 1987 and enrolled in Emory University, where he received his Master of Divinity in 1989 while serving two churches.

Upon returning to Kentucky, he successfully completed his Master of Science degree in Social Work at Kent School, University of Louisville. Fred was consecrated a Diaconal Minister in 1996 and ordained as a Full Connection Deacon in 2000. As a social worker and therapist, he became a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor in 2015. He also began Life Coaching, and earned his Associate Certified Coach status with the International Coach Federation. In 2016, he received an endorsement by the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education as a life coach.

Fred was especially proud of the Wesleyan traditions on which the United Methodist Church is based. Beginning in 1983, Fred served many United Methodist congregations and worked in several ministries beyond the local church, including Mary Kendall Home, Family Resource/Youth Services Center Director for the Hancock County Board of Education, Director of Community Services at Audubon Area Community Services, Church Administrator at Chapel Hill UMC in Henderson, and Therapist at River Valley Behavioral Health.

Additionally, he served on many United Methodist boards and committees, spent many years working to provide lay speaker trainings throughout the conference, and was devoted to helping people discover their gifts and graces to seek for ways to use those skills in service to God. Fred felt a great deal of responsibility to live according to his deacon’s call to help connect the church to the world and the world to the church.

By his side throughout his years of ministry was his wife of 36 years, Jan. Together they had two children, Carla (Steve) Easley, and Keith Goodwin. Fred was also blessed to have two children from a prior marriage, Eddie (Donna) Goodwin, and Melissa (Gary) Maholm. He also had nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Fred’s life verse was Jeremiah 29:11 – “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Fred’s body was laid to rest in Lewisport Cemetery; his soul has moved on to his eternal home with the Lord.


Donna Lou JonesJuly 19, 1952 – Oct. 13, 2017

Rev. Donna Lou Jones, 65, of Lexington, Kentucky, formerly of Cynthiana, Kentucky, died October 13, 2017, at the University of Kentucky Medical Center.

She was born in Cynthiana to the late Gilbert “Teddy” Jones. She was a retired United Methodist minister.

Donna Jones was a pioneer in Kentucky. A sweet and gentle soul for certain, but her gentleness and her sweet spirit were set along side a courage and boldness that was awe-inspiring. Donna was a pioneer - a trailblazer. Donna glowed with joy and peace and encouragement. When necessary, Donna also was able to speak a challenge that was respectful and clearly understood. She was wise - she had character that mattered - and she believed in a better tomorrow

Donna was a teacher, and educator, a friend, a shepherd, a confidant, an encourager - she was someone who wanted the best for others - wanted to see others shine - wanted to see the body of Christ sparkle. And she wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to live into their gifts and the call God had for them.

Donna was a person who wanted to make a difference and wanted to be a part of a heaven kind of work right here and right now. She believed that it’s what her life was all about - it’s why she devoted her life to serving Jesus within the walls of the Church and without.

Donna’s favorite song was written by Stuart Townsend and Keith Getty. It’s entitled In Christ Alone - it’s a hymn that invites us to know this man who had changed Donna’s life so drastically. It’s this man that set her off on a quest of remarkable beauty.

Rev. Donna Lou Jones, 65, of Lexington, formally of Cynthiana died Friday, October 13, 2017 at the University of Kentucky of Medical Center. She was born in Cynthiana, July 19, 1952 to the late Gilbert “Teddy” Jones and her mother, Virginia Doris Garrison Jones.

A graveside service was held October 20, 2017, at Battle Grove Cemetery, with Rev. Jim nichols officiating. A memorial service was also held at First United Methodist Church in Lexington.

Douglas D. MoseleyMarch 24, 1928 – nov. 8, 2017

Douglas D. Moseley, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, passed away november 8, 2017, at Hospice House of Southern Kentucky, after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer’s.

He was born on March 24, 1928, in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to J. Lee Moseley and Eva Lottie Moore Moseley Stamps. He spent much of his boyhood living

with his grandparents and great-grandparents.

A neighbor lady, Donnie Koenigstein, invited Doug and his sister, Barbara, to church at Broadway United Methodist in Bowling Green. Doug was later saved at the altar of that church and joined the church in 1941. He was recommended for license to preach from Broadway in 1946.

A 1945 graduate of Bowling Green High School and a member of the BGHS Hall of Honor, he began his higher education at Western Kentucky University and transferred for his senior year to Kentucky Wesleyan College, from where he graduated in 1952. He also earned a Master of Divinity degree in 1957 from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Union College bestowed an honorary doctorate in public service upon him in 1985, and he received an honorary doctorate in humane letters from Lindsey Wilson College in 2010.

Doug had extensive experience in the life and work of the church, education and public service. He served at churches in Snellville, Georgia, Hopkinsville (assistant pastor and youth director), Park City, Highland, Old zion, Russell Springs, Columbia, Albany, Munfordville, and Campbellsville.

In 1960, Doug was hired as a professor of religion at Lindsey Wilson and also served as chair of the religion department and assistant to the president.

Among his many professional and governmental experiences, Doug was elected to the Kentucky State Senate in 1973 and served until his retirement in 1986. He felt that Christians should be involved in government. He was also appointed to the Kentucky State Parole and Probation Board, the State Personnel Board, and the Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission. He served as district superintendent of the Kentucky Department of Parks and was a drug and alcohol abuse counselor for the Lake Cumberland Area Development District.

While serving in state government, Doug continued to pastor churches. His passion for evangelism was evident, and he earned recognition for evangelism. After his retirement, he published three books, There Is More to Preaching Than Just Preaching, A Table Speaks, and From George W. to George W.

While serving at Park City, he courted and married Betty Jean Wyant from Glasgow, Kentucky. Doug is survived by Betty Jean, his wife of 63 years, and three children, J. Lewis Moseley (Sandra), Rebekah Ellen Bragg (Darrel), and Leslie M. Watkins (Chris). He is also survived by three grandchildren, Matthew Douglas Bragg, Andrew Jordan Bragg, and Haley Elizabeth Moseley, and seven great-grandchildren. A sister, Barbara Moseley Cockrum, of Owensboro, Kentucky, also survives.

A celebration of life was held november 11, 2017, at Broadway United Methodist Church.


Julian W. SimpsonAug. 17, 1933 – Jan. 5, 2018

Rev. Julian W. Simpson, 84, of Lexington, passed away January 5, 2018, at Baptist Health in Lexington.

A native of Washington County, he was born August 17, 1933, to the late Hedger and Myrtle Lee Chesser Simpson. Rev. Simpson was a retired United Methodist pastor and a graduate of Springfield High School, Asbury College, and Louisville

Presbyterian Seminary.

Survivors include his wife of 63 years, Christine Curtsinger Simpson; a son, David Simpson of Lexington; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by a brother, Woodson Simpson, and a sister, Rubye Russell.

A graveside service was held January 11, 2018, at the chapel of Evergreen Cemetery in Willisburg, Kentucky, with Rev. John Loper officiating. Carey & Son Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


CÓNYUGESnorma Lee Johnson Abbott

Billie Timberlake DavisCecil Martin Fryman

Laura Holbrook GarriottMary Catherine Hacker Gilliam

Helen Elizabeth Webb HisleMartha Anne Buck Hobbs

Carolyn Y. HortonWillie McWane Winchester James

Hazel Elizabeth Cox LeonardMarian MastersMayme ParriginLatie Lee Ross

Laura Poole Graham RobertsAudra SimpsonJoyce Spaulding

Beverly M. StevensDelma Jean Tanner


Norma Lee Johnson Abbott May 30, 1932 - May 11, 2017

norma Lee Johnson Abbott, 84, of nixa, Missouri, widow of Rev. Troy Lee Abbott, passed away May 11, 2017.

She was born May 30, 1932, in Alpena, Arkansas, to Lester and Roxy Hulsey Johnson. After moving to Grayson, Kentucky, she and Troy bought a farm where norma was responsible for their poultry operation. She also worked side by

side with her husband at Hopewell Methodist Church, Old Town, Kentucky. She participated in all church functions and especially enjoyed singing in the choir.

Her favorite role was that of being a mother and housewife. norma enjoyed working in her flower garden, listening to country music, telling stories and talking. In later years she worked at Green Bowl Lodge in Kentucky and Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri, where she loved meeting and visiting with people. She also formerly lived in Oak Grove, Arkansas.

Her husband preceded her in death in 1992.

norma is survived by her daughter, norma June (Pat) Steele of nixa; her son, George Timothy (Brenda) Hammons of Grayson, Kentucky, 10 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. She is also survived by her brother-in-law, Claude Ames, and her loving caretaker for five years, Janet Patrick of nixa.

A Celebration of Life service was held May 15, 2017, at Smith Family Funeral Home in Green Forest, Missouri, with Brother Paul Woodhouse officiating. Interment followed in Hale Cemetery.

Billie Timberlake DavisJuly 27, 1932 – Feb. 1, 2018

Billie Timberlake Davis, 85, wife of the Rev. Dr. Don Davis, died February 1, 2018, at Baptist Health in Madisonville, Kentucky. She was born in Corbin, Kentucky, July 27, 1932, and was a devoted partner in ministry with her husband, who survives. They served together in active ministry for nearly 46 years.

Billie was a peace-loving, serene spirit. She had been a member of First United Methodist Church, Madisonville, since 1993. She

once was in the Eastern Star, worked as a teacher at Owensboro Business College, and was active until recent years as a real estate broker. She was a Kentucky Colonel.

In addition to her husband, she is survived by three children and their spouses, Kathy (Steve) Von Lehman, Dennis (Mary) Davis, and Kim ( Jeff ) Rice. She was a loving grandmother to Andy, Kristen, Sarah, and Brad and doted on her three great-grandchildren, Cameron, Kendall, and Max. Two nephews and two nieces also survive.

A memorial service celebrating both Billie’s life and the resurrection was held Feb. 10 at First United Methodist Church, Madisonville, with Revs. Gene Pillow, Gary Gibson, Dale Carden, and William Moore officiating. Her ashes were interred in Oddfellows Cemetery, Madisonville.

Her husband recalls that the last prayer he heard Billie pray was on Jan. 3, when she said, “I am so tired and I just want to go to be with God.” He answered that prayer on Thursday, Feb. 1, just as a beautiful white snow began to fall.


Cecil Martin FrymanDec. 31, 1918 – nov. 7, 2017

Cecil Martin Fryman, 98, widow of Rev. James Thomas “Tommy” Fryman, died november 7, 2017.

Rev. Fryman died in 2002.

Mrs. Fryman’s funeral was held at Drake-Whaley-McCarty Funeral Home in Cynthiana, Kentucky.

Laura Holbrook GarriottDec. 7, 1927-Oct. 21, 2017

Laura Holbrook Garriott, 89, widow of Rev. Walter W. Garriott, died October 21, 2017, at Hatley Health Care in Clanton, Alabama, while surrounded by family.

Besides her husband, who died in 2000, she was preceded in death by her son, Robert Stanley Pence Jr.

She leaves behind her son, Edward Lee Pence, and her daughters, Sallie Mullins, Brenda (Ricky) Powell and Sheila ( Jim) Vueleman; and her daughter-in-law Pat Pence. She is also survived by seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren and two brothers, Randall Holbrook and Hugh Holbrook; and one sister Dorothy Lucas.

Her funeral was held October 25 at Letcher Funeral Home in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Burial was in Haven of Rest Cemetery in Mayking, Kentucky.


Mary Catherine Hacker GilliamAug. 8, 1923 – June 8, 2017

Mary Catherine Hacker Gilliam, widow of Rev. Alvin J. Gilliam, died June 8, 2017, two months short of her 94th birthday.

She was born August 8, 1923, in Oneida, Kentucky, the seventh of eight children. She spent her early years in Oneida attending the Oneida Baptist Institute. During these years she learned to play the piano, which she enjoyed her entire life.

After graduation she began attending Lindsey Wilson

College, where she met the love of her life, Alvin J. Gilliam, who was a ministerial student. They were married August 25, 1944, in Oneida. They served churches in Hawesville and Cloverport, Kentucky. Mary Catherine finished her education at Kentucky Wesleyan College in Owensboro and began teaching elementary school.

In 1953 AJ joined the Air Force and Mary Catherine followed him, setting aside her teaching career during those years to be a military chaplain’s wife. They had two girls, Gayle and Amy, in 1955 and 1957. They were stationed in Oklahoma, Casablanca, Morocco, Texas, Hawaii, new Hampshire, Alaska, Mississippi and California. During their service, she was very involved with the children’s religious and music programs.

After AJ retired from the Air Force in 1976, they made their home in Henderson, Kentucky, and served churches in Cairo and Corydon. Mary Catherine resumed her teaching career in Henderson County, teaching a total of 20 years before her retirement. After retirement she enjoyed gardening, traveling, playing the piano, and attending KWC basketball games with AJ. She loved spending time with her three grandsons. She also attended Silver Sneakers at the Henderson County Family YMCA for many years and was proud that she was the oldest member.

After AJ passed away in 2006, Mary Catherine remained in Henderson and was very involved in Henderson First United Methodist Church. She was in charge of giving the monthly devotion at her circle meetings for years. She founded the Alvin J. Gilliam Ministerial Scholarship at KWC to benefit future Methodist ministers. She remained in Henderson until 2014, when she moved to Fern Terra Assisted Living in Owensboro to be near her daughters.

Mary Catherine was a devoutly religious woman. Serving God and loving her family were her purpose in life. She did both well. When going through her belongings after her death, her daughters were not surprised by how many scriptures they found jotted down on pieces of paper tucked away in a book, a purse or a sweater pocket. Her favorite scripture was Psalms 8; her daughter Amy says, “I remember as a child when Mom and Dad would put us to bed and we would have prayer, she always began her prayer with, “Oh Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!”

While Mary Catherine is greatly missed, there is no doubt that she is happy to be reunited with AJ and joyful to be in the presence of her Lord!

Helen Elizabeth Webb HisleJuly 24, 1919 – Dec. 20, 2017

Helen Elizabeth Webb Hisle, 98, of Shelbyville, Kentucky, widow of Rev. William Edwin Hisle, died December 20, 2017.

A lifelong Methodist, Helen grew up in and joined Polsgrove Methodist Church as a teen. After attending Kentucky Wesleyan College in Winchester, Helen met and married William, an up-and-coming young Methodist minister and military chaplain. Together, they served congregations in Helena, nepton,

Vanceburg, Dayton (Tower), and La Grange, Kentucky. Their last appointment was at Centenary United Methodist Church in Shelbyville, where Helen was an active member for 56 years.

Regardless of the church, Helen believed active membership meant that when the doors were open, she was there. Over the years, she enjoyed teaching Sunday school, participating in midweek fellowship and studies, and serving as a member of the Women’s Society of Christian Service, (later the United Methodist Women), and Shelbyville’s Harriet Poynter Circle. She served as a longtime teacher for Shelbyville’s Open Door Sunday School Class.

The old hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” was among Helen’s favorites. She believed and lived by verses in Lamentations 3:22-24: “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’”

Professionally, Helen was an elementary school teacher and prior to retirement served as a teacher’s aide.

Helen was preceded in death by her husband; two daughters, Elizabeth Carol Hisle and Joy Hisle Barber; parents, Herbert and Hallie Webb; and siblings Louise Conway and Lewis Webb.She is survived by her son, Bill (Erin) Hisle, of Simpsonville, Kentucky; daughters nancy (George) Turner, of Hopkinsville, Kentucky; Judy (Menel) Meredith and Holly (Tony) Husband of Shelbyville; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and a special friend and caregiver, Jayne Axline of Shelbyville.

Her funeral was December 23, 2017, at Centenary with Revs. Edward Coleman and Willard Knipp officiating. Burial was in Grove Hill Cemetery in Shelbyville.


Martha Anne Buck HobbsDec. 15, 1934 – March 22, 2018

Martha Anne Buck Hobbs, 83, widow of Rev. George Harold Hobbs, died March 22, 2018, at Hardin Memorial Hospital in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.

She was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on December 15, 1934, to Leroy Buck and Marthadora Smith Buck, the oldest of nine children. She has six brothers and two sisters, all of whom are still living.

Martha attended Louisville Manual High School and was first chair violinist in the orchestra. She later

attended Louisville General nursing School.

On July 4, 1954, she married George Hobbs, of Louisville. They had two sons and two daughters: George Jr., Phillip, Judy (Rick) Skeeters, and Melanie (Frank) Burgess. George Jr. passed away April 17, 2016.

Martha became a pastor’s wife in 1960 and served alongside her husband until his death March 8, 2003. Martha loved her family and was affectionately known as “nanny” by her 12 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren – with two more babies on the way in the Hobbs family.

Martha was a wonderful example of Christ’s love. She cared for many people as they were nearing the end of life and needed home care.

Martha taught herself to play piano and regularly played for church services, weddings and funerals. She had a beautiful voice and would often sing duets with George Sr., as well as solos from time to time. She sang in many church choirs through the years.

Her last several years of life were spent in the care of others at two nursing homes in Elizabethtown. She was well loved and considered her caregivers to be family, often encouraging the staff when they were having a hard day. Many of them would stop by her room to get a hug, smile or share a laugh. Her pastor, Darrin Gillespie of Radcliff United Methodist Church, came regularly to visit and bring her communion, which she loved very much.

On the day of her passing, she was in the hospital intensive-care unit suffering from congestive heart failure. She told her nurse that morning, “Jesus is having a picnic for Easter and I want to go.” The Lord received her into His loving arms later that day, March 22, 2018. Throughout that day, she was surrounded by many of her family members. It was a beautiful transition from this life to her heavenly home. Many hymns and songs about Jesus were sung and stories of love were shared.

Martha was an overcomer and loved the Lord and His people with all her heart. She lived and loved well. Truly, she was faithful to the end. One of her favorite scriptures was Psalm 34:8. “O taste and see that the Lord is Good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.”

Carolyn Y. Hortonnov. 24, 1937 – Oct. 27, 2017

Carolyn Y. Horton, 79, of Antioch, Ten-nessee, wife of retired Kentucky Pastor Franklin Horton, passed away October 27, 2017.

Her funeral was held at Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church in nashville, Tennessee. Terrell Broady Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


Willie McWane Winchester JamesApril 24, 1919 – Jan. 20, 2018

Willie McWane Winchester James, 98, widow of the Rev. Dr. William E. (Bill) James, died January 20, 2018.

She was born in Tennessee and grew up in Louisville. She was preceded in death by her husband, a former president of Kentucky Wesleyan College and retired United Methodist minister.

Willie will be remembered as a faithful servant who made a

difference in many lives and in United Methodist churches in both Louisville and western Kentucky. Appointments included Cadiz Circuit, West Point, Louisville Davidson Memorial, Central City, Hattiesburg Court Street (Mississippi), Madisonville First, Elizabethtown Memorial, Bowling Green District, Owensboro Settle Memorial, Kentucky Wesleyan College and Florida Independent College Foundation. She was a member at St. Paul UMC in Louisville, where her memorial service was held January 27.

In addition to her co-ministry with her husband, she will be remembered as a caring and fun friend who reached out to many with her thoughtful gifts of homemade bread, lemon meringue icebox pies and other remembrances. Her “ministry of mail” included her original poems and “God Bless You” bookmarks. She provided hope, comfort and encouragement with her many cards and personal handwritten letters. WillieMc’s trademark red lipstick and nails were a testament to “being saved by the blood of Jesus.”

She is survived by her daughter, Gwyneth James ( John) Morton, of Louisville; her son, William W. (Phyllis) James, of Winchester; and a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

Hazel Elizabeth Cox LeonardJan. 1, 1922 – June 16, 2017

Hazel Elizabeth Cox Leonard, 95, of new Tazewell, Tennessee, widow of Rev. Ralph Wesley Leonard, passed away June 16, 2017 in Tennessee.

Born January 1, 1922, in Gray, Kentucky, she was a daughter of the late James Alexander and Laura G. Moore Cox. She had been

a homemaker and an active member of Lancaster United Methodist Church. Hazel fulfilled numerous roles as a pastor’s wife in the churches that Rev. Leonard served.

Her survivors include two sons, Stanley (Gail) Leonard of new Tazewell, Michael (Shelia) Leonard of Danville, Kentucky; a son-in-law, Charles Bolton of Bowling Green, Kentucky; eight grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and 17 great-great-grandchildren.

Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Laura Jean Bolton, and nine brothers and sisters.

Her funeral was held June 20, 2017, at Ramsey-Young Funeral Home with Rev. David Terry officiating. Burial followed in the Cox Family Cemetery, Gray, Kentucky.


Marian MastersJan. 6, 1930 – nov. 28, 2017

Marian Masters, 87, widow of Rev. Ron Masters, died nov. 28, 2017.

Marian Orcutt came to Asbury College in the early 1950s on a train from Corsica, Pennsylvania. A Christ follower from childhood Bible school, she came in search of a degree in Christian Education.

She met and married Ron while at Asbury. They graduated and began their ministry in the Kentucky Conference in 1954. She faithfully helped Ron through student

pastorates and seminary; they ministered together for 42 years in Kentucky.

Following her husband’s death in 1998, Marian continued in outstanding dedication to ministry in her local United Methodist Church, eventually receiving the Harry Denman Evangelism Award in 1999.

Marian’s chief aim in her Christian ministry was always to love those around her, especially those who seemed to her unloved. Her life verse was always Romans 8:37: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

Mayme ParriginJuly 2, 1927 – Dec. 11, 2017

Mayme Parrigin, 90, of Columbia, Kentucky, widow of Rev. William E. Parrigin, passed away December 11, 2017, at Signature Summit Manor nursing Home after a brief illness.

She was born July 2, 1927, in Metcalfe County, Kentucky, the daughter of the late Allen and Ellen Compton Rhinehart.

Her husband died in 1969. She was also preceded in death by a son, Eli Parrigin, in 2013.

Survivors include two sons, David Parrigin of Columbia, Kentucky, and Tim Parrigin and his fiancée, Linda Annese, of Columbia; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and a host of friends.

Mrs. Parrigin was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, was a sales clerk at various businesses in Columbia, and was a homemaker.

Her funeral was held December 13, 2017, at Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home, with Rev. Steve Pescosolido officiating. Interment was in Haven Hill Cemetery.


Latie Lee RossDec. 10, 1931 – Sept. 20, 2017

Latie Lee Ross, 85, of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, widow of Rev. Dr. David C. Ross, died September 20, 2017, at Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center, Danville, Kentucky.

Born December 10, 1931, in Lancaster, Ohio, she was the daughter of the late O.C. and Elsie (Harper) Cooper. She

was a graduate of Asbury University and a member of Harrodsburg United Methodist Church.

Her husband died in 2014.

Latie is survived by two sons, David Lawrence “Larry” (Sue) Ross, of Ocala, Florida, and Mark Stephen (Missy Gail) Ross, of Harrodsburg; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

A memorial service was held September 30 at Harrodsburg UMC with Rev. Trish Smith officiating.

Laura Poole Graham RobertsJan. 18, 1928 – Sept. 29, 2017

Laura Poole Graham Roberts, 89, widow of Rev. Adrian Roberts, died September 29, 2017.

A native of Big Stone Gap, Virginia, she was born January 18, 1928, to the late Worley and Venus Blanton Poole. A member of Lexington First United Methodist Church, she loved the book of Psalms.

Laura was very family-oriented. She enjoyed University of Kentucky basketball, cooking, tending to her flowers, and going on cruises. She and her late husband enjoyed traveling internationally together and sharing their great sense of humor. Rev. Roberts died in 2006.

Laura is survived by her children, Mark (Terry Harmon) Graham, Stan (Debbie) Roberts, Sharon Ferguson, and Laura (Hubie) Edgington; a sister, Parilee Poole; brothers Douglas Poole and Bobby Poole; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.

Besides her husband, Laura was preceded in death by her son, Michael (Brenda) Graham; her daughter, Oneita (Ronnie) Perry; four brothers; and four sisters.

A memorial service was held October 5, 2017, at The Willows at Hamburg, Lexington.


Audra SimpsonAug. 22, 1928 – Dec. 13, 2017

Audra Simpson, 89, widow of the Rev. William Richard Simpson, died December 13, 2017.

Audra was born August 22, 1928, in a log cabin on a farm in Green County, Kentucky as the oldest of eight children. She was the daughter and granddaughter of Methodist Church pastors who helped her develop a lifelong passion for the church.

She began her career teaching in a one-room schoolhouse in her

hometown. She worked full time as a special education teacher in the Warren County school system and oversaw a co-op program in the Allen County school system.

Her husband was assigned his first church in1964. During his 30-year ministry, Brother Bill and Audra complemented one another’s personalities. They were quite the dynamic duo. Audra’s never-ending energy and Brother Bill‘s tireless service to the church and their community were a blessing to every church they served. Brother Bill, who retired in 1988, passed away in 1994.Audra loved serving the Lord with another of her talents, singing. She sang alto in the Golden Keys Quartet and traveled the area serving through music ministry, taught Sunday school, and was a member of Christ United Methodist Church.

She was a lay speaker for the South-Central Kentucky District for several years after being widowed. Her lay speaking ministry was just a small part of her service to the church. She orchestrated Christmas programs with Methodist Youth Fellowship. She participated in the United Methodist Women group. She also counseled at Camp Loucon, taught Vacation Bible School, sang in the church choir, led adult Bible study and cleaned the church.She was often sought out for counsel because of her Godly wisdom. She ministered to young couples and individuals and sought to bring peace to people and to reflect Jesus to others. She embodied every aspect of being a minister’s wife.

Her faithfulness and devotion to the Lord never waned as she continued to give testimony that Jesus was her best friend and that because she had Jesus, she was never alone.

Audra was a devoted and loving grandmother and great-grandmother. She was known for her love of the outdoors, joyful spirit, energetic and playful nature, all things Christmas, and her fierce love of family.

We have been blessed to learn many valuable lessons from our sweet MaMaw during her 89 years – among them being that JESUS nEVER FAILS. She also taught a healthy respect for appropriate grammar and that a chocolate chip cookie makes everything better. Most of all, she leaves us rich in memories and with a deep appreciation for family.

Joyce SpauldingJune 11, 1932 – June 28, 2017

Joyce Spaulding, 85, widow of Rev. John Spaulding, died June 28, 2017.

She was deeply faithful to Christ and very much committed to the ministry of the church. She was an active, supportive member of every congregation she and her husband served. Joyce was known for her bright spirit and winsome personality. She was a good friend to many.

Joyce was involved in any number of conference and community organizations, including the United Methodist Women and the Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children and Youth. Joyce was particularly interested in the support of clergy families and down through the years led a number of clergy-spouse retreats.

Joyce and John were foster parents, caring for some 25 children over time. Later Joyce would serve on the Foster Care Review Board for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Joyce is missed by many, including, and most especially, her family.


Beverly M. StevensFeb. 25, 1927 – Sept. 5, 2017

Beverly M. Stevens, 90, widow of Rev. Maurice W. Stevens, died September 5, 2017.

She was born February 25, 1927. She was a 1948 graduate of Asbury College.

Her husband died in 1997.

A memorial service was held november 11, 2017, at nicholasville United Methodist Church.

Delma Jean TannerMay 4, 1940 – Dec. 28, 2017

Delma Jean “GeeGee” Williams Tanner, 77, of Millersburg, Kentucky, wife of the late Rev. Charles Winfield Tanner, passed away December 28, 2017, at Harrison Memorial Hospital.

She was born May 4, 1940, in Harrison County to the late John Dennis and Edythe Louise Hudson Williams. She was graduate of

Bourbon County High School, a longtime account representative in the banking industry and a member of Millersburg Presbyterian Church.

GeeGee devoted much of her time to music, playing both piano and organ for the church, as well as weddings and other events.

Left to cherish her memory is a son, David Keller Lake (Tracey Bolton), Millersburg; a daughter, Karen Renee (Torsten) Wayne, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky; a half-brother, John (Marlys) Williams, Laguna nigel, California; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Her husband, a retired United Methodist minister, died in 1993. She was also preceded in death by a sister, Barbara Williams Owen, and a half-brother, James “Jimmy” Williams.

A memorial service was held February 16, 2018, at Millersburg Presbyterian Church.



LLAMADO A LA ADORACIón* Rev. Brandon McGinnis

Que el Señor, quien nos llamó de la obscuridad a su luz admirable, esté con todos ustedes.

Y también contigo.

Mis queridos amigos, mientras participamos en la celebración del día de hoy, de un modo estamosreviviendo la práctica de la iglesia original, cuando enviaban a sus miembros a otras naciones, para asistir aaquellos que ya eran parte de la casa de la fe o a aquellos que aún no creían en Cristo.

El enviar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a servir las necesidades de la iglesia fortalecerá nuestro lazo decomunión con las iglesias locales y los ministerios de extensión a los cuales van a ir. Las oraciones queofrecemos en esta celebración son una expresión de esa comunión.

Oremos: Dios nuestro y Padre, tu voluntad es que seamos salvos y que vengamos al conocimiento de tuverdad y que estemos en una relación de amor contigo y con los demás. Envía obreros a tu cosecha, paraque Cristo sea predicado en el poder de tu Espíritu Santo. Que tu pueblo en la tierra crezca en la senda de tusalvación y amor; reunidos por la Palabra de vida y fortalecidos por el poder de los sacramentos; sirviendo alos perdidos y a los últimos; para la transformación del mundo. Te lo pedimos por medio de Cristo nuestroSeñor.


TIEMPO DE ADORACIón Dios está aquí#660 Himnario MU

Ven Fuente, Ven Rey - (Gateway Worship)Espíritu Santo


LíderEstos son los nombres de aquellos que, guardando los mandamientos del Señor, están siendo enviadospor nuestra Conferencia Anula de Kentucky para predicar el Evangelio y, que están acompañados pornuestras oraciones:

Después de leer las asignaciones en cada distrito, el líder laico de distrito le preguntará a los clérigos encada distrito que se pongan de pie y que ofrezcan la siguiente oración y bendición:

Líder Laico de DistritoEn tu misericordia y gracia, oh Dios, bendice a estos clérigos, a sus familias, a las iglesias a loas queregresan, y que este distrito experimente tu gloria y comparta tus buenas nuevas.


ORACIOn Rev. William Herndon

Oremos juntos a Dios, nuestro Padre misericordioso. El ungió a su Hijo con el Espíritu Santo para predicarlas Buenas nuevas a los pobres, para sanar a los quebrantados de corazón, y para confortar a los afligidos.Por lo tanto, con gran confianza decimos:

Señor, que todo tu pueblo te alabe.

Dios de misericordia eterna, tu voluntad es que toda la gente sea salvada y que vengan al conocimiento de laverdad; te damos gracias por enviar a tu único Hijo al mundo como nuestro Maestro y Redentor.

Señor, que todo tu pueblo te alabe.

Tú llamaste a todos los pueblos de la obscuridad a tu luz admirable, para que ante el nombre de Jesús todarodilla se doble en el cielo y en la tierra, y bajo la tierra; permítenos llevar el verdadero testimonio desalvación del Evangelio.

Señor, que todo tu pueblo te alabe.

Danos corazones que sean rectos y sencillos, para que estemos abiertos a tu palabra; haz nuestras vidas y atodo le mundo rico en obras de santidad.

Señor, que todo tu pueblo te alabe.


Te bendecimos, o Dios, y adoramos tu nombre. En tu providencia de misericordia enviaste a tu Hijo almundo para liberarnos de las ataduras del pecado por medio de su propia sangre y para enriquecernos conlos dones del Espíritu Santo. Antes de que regresara, triunfante sobre la muerte, a ti, Padre, él envió a susapóstoles, quienes llevaron su amor y poder, para proclamar el Evangelio de vida a todos los pueblos y en lasaguas del bautismo para limpiar a aquellos que creen.

Señor, mira con compasión a tus siervos; los enviamos y con el poder de tu gracia fortalécelos en el espíritu,para que no se agoten durante el cansancio.

Guía sus pasos con tu poderoso brazo y con el poder de tu gracia fortalécelos en el espíritu, para que no seagoten durante el cansancio

Haz sus palabras el eco de la voz de Cristo, para que aquellos que los escuchen sean atraídos a obedecer alEvangelio.

Llena los corazones de tus misioneros con el Espíritu Santo, para que, al volverse todas las cosas para todaslas personas, guíen a muchos a ti, el Padre de todos, para cantar adoración en tu santa Iglesia.

Te pedimos esto a través de Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén.



ORACIón DE PACTO* Rev. David Miller

Ya no me pertenezco a mí mismo, sino a ti

No soy dueño de mi vida, es tuya

Ponme a hacer lo que desees, colócame con quien quieras.

Pon me donde me necesites y con quien tú me necesites.

Ponme a hacer, ponme a sufrir.

Permíteme hacer una diferencia, o permíteme enfrentar persecución.

Permíteme estar empleado por ti o ser puesto a un lado por ti, exaltado por ti o reducido por ti.

Permíteme tener un trabajo, o no ser desempleado – permíteme ser honrado por ti, o humillado por ti.

Permíteme estar lleno, permíteme estar vacío. Permíteme tener todas las cosas, permíteme no tener nada.

Con liberalidad y completamente do todas mis necesidades, deseos y cosas por tu nombre; para ser usado como sea necesario.

Y ahora, o glorioso y bendito Dios, Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo, tu eres mío, y yo soy tuyo. Que así sea.

Y este es mi pacto con el cual hice aquí y ahora, que sea aprobado y recibido a través de tu Reino. Amén.

HIMnO DE CLAUSURA Ve y Haz a Todos DiscípulosHimnario MU #571

BEnDICIón/EnVÍO Obispo Fairley

Que el Espíritu del Señor esté sobre ustedes, dándoles la habilidad de ir por el mundo, como mensajeros delEvangelio, para traer Buenas nuevas a los más pequeños y para sanar a los quebrantados de corazón. Que elSeñor Jesucristo, quien prometió que él estaría con su Iglesia hasta el fin de los tiempos, guíe sus pasos yllene sus corazones y palabras con el poder del Espíritu Santo. Y que el Dios Todopoderoso los bendiga atodos, en el nombre del padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.

HIMnO DE PARTIDA Bendito Sea el Lazo que Nos UneHimnario MU # 557


ALABANZA DE APERTURAKing of Glory CCLI Song # 3118867 Brad Avery | David Carr | Mac Powell | Mark D. Lee | Tai Anderson © 2000 new Spring (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) Vandura 2500 Songs (Admin. by Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc.)Crown Him With Many Crowns CCLI Song # 23938 George Job Elvey | Godfrey Thring | Matthew Bridges This arrangement ©2018 Chuck Bell (ASCAP) © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain Holy Spirit CCLI Song # 6087919 Bryan Torwalt | Katie Torwalt © 2011 Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Jesus Culture Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Communion Setting ©2011 Chuck Bell (ASCAP), All Rights Reserved www.chuckbellmusic.com ~ info@chuckbellmusic.com King of My Heart CCLI Song # 7046145 John Mark McMillan | Sarah McMillan © Meaux Jeaux Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Raucous Ruckus Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) McMillan, Sarah (Admin. by Moniker Music Group) Great Are You Lord CCLI Song # 6460220 David Leonard | Jason Ingram | Leslie Jordan © 2012 Integrity’s Alleluia! Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music [DC Cook]))Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music [DC Cook])) Open Hands Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC)Made a Way Songwriters: Travis Montorius Greene Made a Way lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd. Praise to the Lord the Almighty CCLI Song # 43073 Catherine Winkworth | Joachim neander This arrangement ©2018 Chuck Bell (ASCAP) © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain

SERVICIO DE ORDENAMIENTOCall to Worship: A Litany of Pentecost (adapted from Sing! A new Creation, 170 CRC Publications, 2002) https://www.reformedworship.org/article/march-2007/end-and-beginningReadapted by Rev. Ashley Tackett EvansHoly Holy Holy CCLI Song # 1156 John Bacchus Dykes | Reginald Heber This arrangement ©2018 Chuck Bell (ASCAP) © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain Holy Holy Holy Lord CCLI Song # 27006 Peter Scholtes © 1966 F.E.L. Publications (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Offertory Song - African American Choir - TBD Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology) CCLI Song # 56204 Louis Bourgeois | Thomas Ken © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain Special Music - Chuck Bell - TBD Where He Leads Me CCLI Song # 36767 Edward W. Blandy | John Samuel norris This arrangement ©2018 Chuck Bell (ASCAP) © Words: Public Domain Music: Public Domain Beautiful Things CCLI Songs #5665521 Lisa Gungor/Michael Gungor. @2009 Worshiptogether.com (Admin by Capital CMG Publishing)I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light CCLI Song # 89848 Kathleen Thomerson © 1970, 1975 Celebration Christ the Lord is Risen Today (He is Alive) CCLI Song # 7019316 Charles Wesley | Kurtis Parks | Samuel Arnold © 2014 Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music [DC Cook])) Songs of 714 (Admin. by Moon & Musky Music)

SERVICIO DE JUBILACIÓNCornerstone CCLI Song # 6158927 Edward Mote | Eric Liljero | Jonas Myrin | Reuben Morgan | William Batchelder Bradbury © 2011 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Glorious Day CCLI Song # 7081388 Jason Ingram | Jonathan Smith | Kristian Stanfill | Sean Curran © Sean Curran Publishing Designee (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Sixsteps Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Worship Together Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Fellow Ships Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Hickory Bill Doc (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Holy Spirit CCLI Song # 6087919 Bryan Torwalt | Katie Torwalt © 2011 Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Jesus Culture Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing Set a Fire CCLI Song # 5911299 Will Reagan © 2010 United Pursuit Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Reckless Love CCLI Song # 7081388 Jason Ingram | Jonathan Smith | Kristian Stanfill | Sean Curran © Sean Curran Publishing Designee (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Sixsteps Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Worship Together Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)


Fellow Ships Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Hickory Bill Doc (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Simple Pursuit CCLI Song # 7054551 Ben Cantelon | Matt Redman | nick Herbert | Sam Bailey © 2016 Ben Cantelon Designee (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Bespoke Records (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Said And Done Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) O Come to the Altar CCLI Song # 7051511 Chris Brown | Mack Brock | Steven Furtick | Wade Joye © 2015 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) 2018

SERVICIO MEMORIAL(EnGLAnD, 20TH CEnT., ALT.)For All the Saints CCLI Song # 2166745 Graham Maule | John L. Bell © 1989 WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 3DH (Admin. by Wild Goose Resource Group) It is Well CCLI Song # 5341577 Horatio Gates Spafford | Philip Paul Bliss | Todd Fields © 2008 Music At north Point (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Robinson Lane Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Great is Thy Faithfulness CCLI Song # 18723 Thomas Obediah Chisholm | William Marion Runyan © Words: 1923. Renewed 1951 Hope Publishing Company Music: 1923. Renewed 1951 Hope Publishing Company SERVICIO DE ENVIO Y UNCIONGod is Here As We His People CCLI Song # 599730 Fred Pratt Green | Rowland Hugh Prichard © Words: 1975. 1994 Hope Publishing Company Music: Public Domain Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King CCLI Song # 4775010 John Wyeth | Robert Robinson | Thomas Miller © 2005 Gateway Create Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music [DC Cook])) Holy Spirit CCLI Song # 6087919 Bryan Torwalt | Katie Torwalt © 2011 Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Jesus Culture Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing What a Beautiful name CCLI Song # 7068424 Ben Fielding | Brooke Ligertwood © 2016 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Go Make of All Disciples CCLI Song # 6104861 Leon M. Adkins © 1964 Abingdon Press (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)

NOTAS DEL ESTUDIO BÍBLICOEstudio Bíblico #1, miércoles 12 de junioLa Alabanza será guiada por los Ministros Universitarios Marco Ballesteros, Drew Mcneil,and Michael Romans

Titulo: Escritura:

Estudio Bíblico #2, miércoles 13 de junioLa Alabanza será guiada por los Ministros Universitarios Marco Ballesteros, Drew Mcneil, and MichaelRomans

Titulo: Escritura:


Notas del Servicio de Alabanza y Oración
