Seguridad en El Scooptrans



Seguridad en El Scooptrans

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  • Seguridad en el uso del Scoop trans

  • Ser atropellado por la maquina.Atrapado en un enganche accesorio.Aplastado entre partes de la maquina.Atrapado por cargas que caen hacia el operario.Atrapado al inclinarse o caerse la maquina

  • Siempre lea el manual del usuario antes de operar el equipo.La mayora de los manuales y videos explicativos estn disponibles en Ingles, Espaol, Francs y Almenn.

    Nunca permita que nios y menores de edad utilicen el minicargador.Est siempre atento a sus alrededores.

  • Protgese a usted mismo.Use toda la ropa protectiva y objetos personales asignados o apropiados para las condiciones de su trabajo.Est alerta!Sepa adonde recurrir cuando necesite ayuda.Est atento!

  • Sepa la capacidad y caractersticas operativas del scooptransNunca modifique o remueva partes del scooptrans (excepto si es para mantenimiento y repngalas antes de hacerlo andar).Siempre que sea posible conduzca hacia adelante.Siempre mire en la direccin a la que se dirige.Mire antes de retroceder.

  • Esta seal indica una situacin de peligro inminente, la cual si no se evita, provocar la muerte o lesiones muy serias.Esta seal indica una situacin de peligro potencial, la cual si no es evitada podra resultar en muerte o lesiones serias.Esta seal indica una situacin de peligro potencial la cual si no es evitada puede resultar en lesiones moderadas o menores.

  • Antes de encender un scooptrans debe chequear...Nivel de combustible y nivel de aceiteLiquido hidrulicoLiquido del sistema de enfriamientoCabina, cinturn de seguridad y barra del asientoPuntos de pivote del cilindro y de la barra de levantamientoSistema de entrecerrares de seguridadLlantasPartes rotas, perdidas, flojas o daadas. Haga las reparaciones necesarias.Freno de mano

  • LimpiezaLimpie ventanas, luces, y seales de seguridad.Limpie el interior de la cabina Si tiene controles a pedal, asegrese de que estos no estn con tierra

  • Tenga cuidado al cargar combustibleNunca llene de ms el tanque y evite derramamientos.Asegrese de utilizar el tipo de combustible correcto.Si vuelve a cargar combustible despus de un uso prolongado, deje enfriar el motor previamente .Lave su piel si se manc con combustible. Recuerde no fumar!

    cheryl - seemed enough to make it a slide by itself on fueling.

  • Conozca el rea donde trabajaChequea la superficie que va a atravesar. Fjese si hay hoyos, precipicios y obstculosSi est dentro de un edificio, averige cual es la altura mxima que tiene que atravesar.

    Reglas de transito Cuando atraviese caminos pblicos o calles, obedezca todas las leyes de trnsito.Tenga las luces y seales de advertencia en el lugar correctoInstale un emblema de Vehculo de Movimiento Lento (SMV).

  • Todos los scoop trans son diferentes, algunos vienen equipados con varios elementos de seguridad y otros con ninguno.Ciertas tareas requieren diferentes elementos de seguridad.

  • Estructuras protectoras contra objetos que puedan caer FOPSEstructuras anti vuelcos ROPSCinturn de seguridadMallas protectoras laterales en la cabina o ventanasSalida alternativa (ventana posterior)LucesCartel de seguridadBocina/ClaxnEstructuras protectorasAlarma de retrocesoExtinguidor de fuego/equipo de primeros auxiliosFaro de luces giratorias

  • Sintese en la cabina del operador y ajuste el asiento para poder llegar a todos los controles cmodamente.Ajstese el cinturn u otro sistema de restriccin del operadorFamiliarcese con las seales de advertencia, medidores y controles de operacin .Baje la barra de restriccin (si la hay).

  • Coloque el freno de mano y todos los controles en neutro o en posicin de estacionar.Asegrese de que no haya personas alrededorArranque el motor siguiendo las instrucciones del manual.

  • Tenga en cuenta a otras personas.Manejando en el sitio de trabajo despacio y tranquiloregule la velocidad segn las condicionesEst atento a condiciones de trabajo peligrosas.Los gases emitidos pueden matar.Est atento a obstculos.

    cherylcheryl - I have a hard time telling what this graphic is about?

  • Usted est utilizando el minicargador equipado con una pala para transportar tierra durante la construccin de los cimientos de un edificio. Cerca de los cimientos, hay muchos arboles y arbustos, por lo tanto usted coloca la tierra lo ms cerca posible, mientras que sus compaeros la esparcen con palas. Que cosas debe tener en cuenta y que precauciones debe tomar para proteger a sus compaeros de trabajo? En este caso, cuales son las prcticas de manejo seguras?

  • Sepa como conectar y desconectar de manera apropiada los enganches.Nunca trate de conectar los implementos exteriores desde adentro de la cabina.Si hay otra persona presente , para evitar aplastarla, apague la maquina de manera correcta ( es necesario aclarar que la persona debe estar lejos?)Todos los accesorios pertenecientes a la gra deben estar seguramente conectados.Un coneccin inapropiada puede causar la cada del enganche, resultando en lesiones personales o daos a la maquina.

  • Conozca los materiales que esta cargando.El material que transporta puede mover de lugar, causando cambios en la distribucin del peso.Sobrecargar la pala o elevarla demasiado puede resultar en que el scoop trans se caiga hacia adelante.

  • Cargue y descargue en superficies nivelesManeje en pendientes hacia arriba o hacia abajo de manera tal que la parte mas pesada del minicargador quede siempre mas arriba

  • ABDireccin de manejoCual es ms seguro?MANEJO EN PENDIENTESCuando se acerque una pendiente suave:trabaje paralelamente a la pendiente dado que la tierra caer hacia abajo ayudando con la traccin.Cuando se acerque una pendiente pronunciada:trabaje en diagonal, de la base a la cima.

  • Sepa como operar la maquinaria en forma segura.Conozca las instrucciones escritas provistas por el fabricante.Conozca el lugar adonde est trabajando.Familiarcese con todos los controles.Sepa como cargar, atar, transportar y descargar el SCOOPTRAMS de forma correcta.Siempre ingrese al SCOOPTRAMS con la pala en posicin baja.

  • Utilice proteccin para sus orejas, odos y cabeza.Utilice los escalones de seguridad y barandas al entrar o salir del minicargador.Utilice siempre el cinturn de seguridad y use la barra del asiento.Lleve los enganches en la posicin ms baja posible.Nunca lleve pasajeros en el minicargador o en la pala.Siempre realice el mantenimiento de una manera segura

  • Vea si hay cables de alta tensin al levantar la pala.Ponga el freno de mano y baje la pala SCOOPTRAMS de bajarse de la maquina.

  • Mantenga siempre sus manos, cabeza y pies dentro del SCOOPTRAMS cuando este est en funcionamiento.

    cheryl - Not sure if an arrow would help direct to what the image is trying to illustrate.

  • En lo posible estacione a nivel. Si debe estacionar en una pendiente o en terreno inclinadoponga el minicargador en un ngulo apropiado para la pendiente.coloque el freno de mano.baje la pala u otro enganche hacia el suelo.Bloquee las ruedas.

  • Lea el manual del operador para conocer los procedimientos especficos de apagado.Para el minicargador.Baje la pala u otro implemento hasta el suelo.Coloque los controles en neutro.Coloque el freno de mano.Permita un tiempo de enfriamiento del motor.Para el motor.Elimine la presin de los controles hidrulicos.Levante la barra de seguridad si la hubiera.

    cheryl - the last bullet and the second bullet on next page seem to be saying different things but restraint gets confusing used in both of them.

  • Verifque que los controles estn en punto muerto.Desabrochese el cinturn de seguridad.Saque la llave de encendido y cierre las aberturas.Apague la llave maestra de encendido.

    Cuando sale del SCOOPTRAMS Siempre mantenga tres puntos de contacto con los escalones y las barandas. Bjese del minicargador mirando hacia el mismo.Nunca salte del minicargador!


  • Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Begin Program:Welcome everyone and introduce yourself, speaker(s) and/or interpreter if one is present/necessary. Feel free to include your name/program name on the title slide for purposes of personalization. Briefly review the agenda and notify participants that certificates of completion will be available at the end of the program.

    Beginning the Presentation:Skid steer loaders are heavily used in agriculture and industry.As more machines are used we are seeing incidences of operators and bystanders being injured or killed on the rise. This presentation will focus on improving knowledge and enhancing awareness of skid steer safety.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Lets spend some time looking at the possible hazards of operating a skid steer. Most frequently encountered hazards are being run over by the machine, getting caught in an attachment, being crushed between machine parts, getting trapped by loads that roll or drop into the operators station and being pinned when the machine rolls over or tips over.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *How can an operator of a skid steer help avoid the aforementioned situations? Always read the owners manual before operating. Most are available in English, Spanish, French and German. Never allow only children to operate skid steers. Most importantly, be aware of your surroundings at all times.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Have a safety program or protocols established. Be certain to protect yourself. Appropriate protective clothing and personnel devices should be worn when applicable. Be alert and aware, know where to get help when needed.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Know the rules of the machine that you are operating. Understand the capacity and operating characteristics of your skid steer. Never modify or remove any part of the skid steer except for service and reinstall prior to operation. Try to drive forwards whenever possible and always look in the direction that you are traveling. Be certain to always look before backing up.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Watch for the safety alerts posted on the machinesDanger: This signal word indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning: This signal word indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Caution: This signal word indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Pre-inspection of the skid steer you are about to operate can help prevent accidents.Before you start a skid steer you should check fuel and oil, hydraulic fluid, cooling system fluid, operator cab, seat belt, and seat bar, lift arm and cylinder pivot points, safety interlock systems, tires, broken, missing, loose, or damaged parts (make necessary repairs), and parking brake.

    Please note the enclosed pre-operation checklist.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *In addition to pre-inspecting your machine be sure cab windows are clean and foot pedal controls are free of debris, if so equipped.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Use caution when fueling your machine.-Never overfill the tank or spill fuel.-Be sure to use correct type and grade of fuel.-If refueling after extended use, allow engine to cool before adding fuel.-Wash off any fuel that may have spilled onto your skin. -Remember no smoking!

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Another aspect of safe operations not to e overlooked, is familiarity of your are of work.-Check the surface over which you will travel. Look for holes, drop-offs, and obstacles.-When inside a building, know what clearances you will encounter.Dont forget that operation of a skid steer on public roads requires following the same laws and guidelines as any other licensed motor vehicle.-When traveling on public roads or streets, obey all traffic regulations.-Have lights and warnings signs in place.-Install a Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) emblem.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Every skid steer is different, some may be equipped with various safety features and others may not have them.Certain jobs require different safety features.(i.e. Back up alarms, rotating beacons/flashing lights)

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Be familiar with all warning decals.Check and use all available protective and safety devices. This would include FOPS, ROPS,Be familiar with all warning decals (DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION)

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *1. Sit in the operators seat and adjust the seat so you can operate all controls properly.2. Fasten the seat belt/operator restraint.3. Familiarize yourself with warning devices, gauges, and operating controls.4. Then lower the operator seat/restraint bar (if so equipped).

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *5. Engage the parking brake and put all controls in the neutral/park position.6. Clear the area of all persons.7. Start the engine following the instructions in the manufacturers manual.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *As you are operating your skid steer work safely.Observe and remember where people are around you. As you move around the jobsite take your time and adjust the speed of the machine to fit the working conditions. Dont forget that when working in enclosed areas that exhaust fumes can kill. It is also important to watch out for obstacles.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Lets read the following scenario:What precautions should we take?Be aware of the locations of co-workersBe aware of the location of cattle/livestockBe certain not to get too close to stanchions and dividers while moving in and out of the barnAre you able to see where you are going?Be certain the bucket load of sand is adequately/properly sized and loaded so the machine wont tip forward. We will discuss load weights in more detail in a couple of slides.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *There are many attachments now being made for skid steers. Know how to properly connect and disconnect these attachments. Never reach from inside of the cab to the outside to connect attachments. If another person is present, properly shut down the machine to injury to that person. It is always advisable to let the individual(s) know what your intentions are. It is important that all attachments attached to the lift arms be securely fastened. Improper fastening could allow the attachment to fall off causing injury or damaging equipment.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Know the characteristics of the material(s) that you are loading. Shifting material can rapidly change the weight distribution in the attachment, overloading and carrying the bucket too high can cause the skid steer to tip forward.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *If traveling with no load, keep the backend to the machine pointed uphill. If traveling with a load, keep the load pointed uphill.Load and unload on level ground. Drive straight up and down slopes with the heavy end of the loader facing uphill? Why is this the case? The engine being in the back makes for more weight in the rear than front.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Typically the answer would be A.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Be familiar with the operating instructions supplied by the manufacturer. As mentioned earlier you need to be familiar with the locations that you are working in and be familiar with all machine controls. If necessary, also know how to properly load, tie down, transport and unload the skid steer. Always enter and exit the machine with the bucket in the lowered position.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *It is advisable to consider wearing ear, hearing, and head protection. Use the safety treads and grab handles when entering and exiting the skid steer. Always wear the seat belt and utilize the seat bar (if one is provided). Never carry passengers in or on the skid steer. Always perform maintenance safely.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Another point touched on that is very important. Watch overhead when raising the bucket.Set the parking brake and lower the bucket before dismounting.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Always keep hands, head and feet inside the skit steer while the machine is funning. Failure to do so can result in severe personal injury.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *When parking a skid steer try to utilize flat, level ground. If you must park on a slope or incline try to position the loader at a right angle to the slope, engage the parking brake, lower the bucket or attachment and consider blocking or chalking the wheels or tracks.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *In order to shut down a skid steer safely, please review the operators manual. Have an established procedure that you follow consistently. An example of this would be:-Stop the skid steer.-Lower the bucket or other attachment flat on the ground.-Position controls in neutral.-Engage parking brake.-Idle engine for short cool-down period.-Stop engine.-Cycle hydraulic controls to eliminate pressure.-Raise operator seat/restraint bar if so equipped.

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *-Check that controls are locked in neutral if so equipped.-Unbuckle seat belt/restraint.-Remove ignition key and lock covers and closures.-Shut off master electric switch.

    When you leave the skid steer -Always maintain a three point contact with the steps and grab handles. -Face the loader as you dismount.-Never jump off the skid steer!

    Skid Steer SafetyPresentation developed by Mark Hagedorn, UW-Extension Brown County Agriculture Educator, and Zen Miller, UW-Extension Outagamie County Dairy Livestock AgentUW-Extension Dairy Teams Dairy Workers Training-Skid Steer Safety Module-2009(c) 2009 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, doing business as the Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    *Remember, safety is up to you, you can prevent serious injury of death.