Sin título de diapositiva - Unicamp · Grupo de trabajo de Control de Residuos de Plaguicidas. ......


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Miguel Gamón Vila

Co-director EURL-FV

Programas de Vigilancia y Monitoreo de Residuos de

Plaguicidas en Alimentos en la EU

DG SANTE •Comité Permanente de vegetales, animales y piensos

• Sección legislación fitosanitarios • Sección residuos fitosanitarios

•Grupos de Trabajo, control oficial, riesgo acumulativo,


•Networking group on Pesticide Monitoring- EFSA-Meetings

•Grupo de trabajo de Control de Residuos de Plaguicidas.

•Annual EFSA Reports


•Auditorías e inspecciones para garantizar el cumplimiento de

la legislación EU

•Informes de Auditoría. Trainings BTSF.

REGLAMENTO (CE) Nº 396/2005



del 23 de febrero de 2005

relativo a los límites máximos de

residuos de plaguicidas en alimentos

y piensos de origen vegetal y

animal que modifica la

Directiva 91/414/CEE del Consejo




The 2013 European Union Report on Pesticide Residues in Food

European Food Safety Authority

EFSA Journal 2015;13(3):4038

•EU-harmonised MRLs are set for more than 500 pesticides in over 370 food products.

• A default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg, a level equal to the limit of quantification (LOQ)

achievable with analytical methods.

•Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 imposes on Member States the obligation to carry out

controls to ensure that food placed on the market is compliant with the legal limits.

This Regulation establishes both EU and national control programmes:

-The EU-coordinated control programme (EUCCP): this programme defines the 12 food

products and 209 pesticides that should be monitored by Member States.

-The national control programme (EUNCP): MS define the scope of national control

programmes focussing on products which are expected to contain residues in

concentrations exceeding LMRs or on products that may pose risks for consumer safety.



The Annual Report shall include at least the following information:

•An analysis of the results of the controls on pesticide residues provided by EU Member States;

• A statement of the possible reasons why the MRLs were exceeded,

together with any appropriate observations regarding risk management


•An analysis of chronic and acute risks to the health of consumers from pesticide residues; Note for the EUNCP: The results of samples taken in the framework of import control required under

Regulation (EC) No 669/2009, as well as results for baby food and for organic products

EU-Coordinated Control Programme 2013

•Apples, head cabbage, leek, lettuce, peaches (including nectarines), rye or oats,

strawberries, tomatoes, cow’s milk and swine meat); in addition one processed product

(wine) had to be analysed. •The number of samples per food product to be analysed by each reporting country

varied from 15 to 93, depending on the population of the reporting country. •A total of 209 pesticides to be analysed; including 191 in food of plant origin and 52 in

food of animal origin.

•The same food products were analysed in 2010 as in 2013 with the exception of wine.

•In total, 11.582 samples were analysed by the 29 reporting countries, of which 586

samples were from products reported as being organically produced.

•An additional 678 samples of food for infants and for young children were analysed.



Number of samples taken by reporting country under the EUCCP, excluding baby food

Results of EUCCP

% samples detectable residues < MRL

% samples detectable residues > MRL

All food products

(excluding animal products)


% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)

1.0 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to nine pesticides,



Head cabbage

0.9 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to eight pesticides,

% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)


0.5 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to four pesticides,

% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)


2.3 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to 17 pesticides,

% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)




1.1 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to 8 pesticides,

% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)


2.5 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to 20 pesticides,

% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)


2.5 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to 20 pesticides,

% samples detectable residues < MRL (2013)

% samples detectable residues > MRL (2013)





2.3 % of the samples the residue

concentrations exceeded the MRLs

related to 3 pesticides,

There were not samples

exceeding the MRLs


One sample from Argentina (0.1%),

for Carbendazin exceeded the


Cow’s milk and Swine meat

“No samples exceeded the legal limits”

Overall Results EUCCP-2013

0.9 % of the 11 582 samples analysed of the EUCCP-2013 exceeded the MRL (113 samples).

Compared with 2010, the MRL exceedance rate declined (1.6 % of the samples analysed)



EU-National Control Programme 2013

In total 80 967 samples were analysed for pesticide residues in the reporting countries.




Number of Pesticides

Results of EUNCP

% samples detectable residues < MRL

% samples detectable residues > MRL

1.7% exceeded the MRLs for

EU and EEA countries

5.7% exceeded the MRLs for

third countries

% samples detectable residues < MRL

% samples detectable residues > MRL



Import controls under Regulation (EC) No. 669/2009

•Food products from China, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria,

India, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam were subject to an increased level of official

controls for certain pesticides at the point of entrance into the EU territory.

•In total, 8.270 samples of products in focus for import controls were analysed; were

analysed by Bulgaria (2.969 samples), the Netherlands (2.079 samples), France (1.018

samples) and Belgium (507 samples).

•557 samples (6.7 %) of products relevant for import controls exceeded the legal limit

for one or several pesticides.

Reasons for MRL exceedances

•Use of pesticides that are not or no longer approved in the EU on crops for which no import tolerances have been requested by the importers, as foreseen in Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005; •Use of pesticides that are approved in the EU, but on crops for which no import tolerances have been requested by the importers; •Environmental contaminants in concentrations exceeding the legal limit (e.g. mercury in wild fungi); •MRL exceedance due to natural background levels (e.g. dithiocarbamates may be detected in crops such as passion fruit or lychee for which information on possible false positive results is not available); •Addition of biocides to water used for washing products prior to marketing (e.g. BAC/cassava).

Dietary exposure and dietary risk assessment

•EFSA calculated the short-term and long-term dietary exposure for estimating the consumer health risks; •In the acute or short-term exposure assessment, the uptake of pesticide residues via food consumed within a short period of time, within one meal or one day (ARfD) ; •The chronic or long-term exposure assessment aims to quantify the pesticide intake by consumers over a long period (ADI); •PRIMo was used for risk assessment taking into account the food consumption data available for the European population;

•EFSA is currently working on the implementation of the methodology for the assessment of risks related to cumulative dietary exposure.



Short-term (acute) exposure assessment

•Short-term acute exposure was performed for the pesticides covered by the 2013 EUCP and NCP, considering the 12 food products (except wine);

•Assessment was calculated using the following input parameters ; -For each pesticide/crop combination the highest residue measured (HRM), -The exposure calculation for the unprocessed products was based on the large portion food consumption implemented in the PRIMo,

-The unit weight for the individual food products is retrieved from the PRIMo, -Results that were not compliant with the residue definition were omitted. •A total of 225 determinations (corresponding to 218 samples) were calculated to exceed the ARfD. •PRIMo was used for risk assessment taking into account the food consumption data available for the European population; .

Short-term (acute) exposure assessment

•A total of 225 determinations (corresponding to 218 samples) were calculated to exceed the ARfD. •49 determinations were reported as exceeding the legal limit; •6 samples a notification under the Rapid Alert System of the European Commission was launched. •145 determinations exceeding the ARfD were related to chlorpyrifos; •the toxicological properties of chlorpyrifos were recently re-assessed by EFSA and resulted in a new ARfD proposal which was 20 times lower. •The highest exposure for chlorpyrifos residues was estimated to be 1.709 % of the new ARfD. These findings give an indication that the MRLs were not sufficiently protective and should be


•Similarly to chlorpyrifos, the ARfD values were also recently lowered for lambda-cyhalothrin,

thiabendazole, tebuconazole, acetamiprid and folpet.



Long-term (chronic) risk assessment

Results of the 2013 monitoring programmes (EUCP and NP), it is concluded that dietary exposure to those pesticides for which toxicological data are available was not likely to pose a health risk to consumers.

Effects of the risk assessment

Effects of the risk assessment

•Under Art 21 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, Commission requested the EFSA, for a toxicological review of chlorpyrifos; •April 2015, EFSA accepted a mandate from the Commission to provide its Reasoned Opinion on the existing MRLs for chlorpyrifos which might lead to consumer intake concerns on the basis of the new toxicological reference values; •The current MRL for mandarins, apples, pears, peaches, table grapes, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, kiwi, pineapples, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, melons, watermelons, head cabbage, chinese cabage, globe artichokes, leek and sugar beet may raise concerns of consumer protection. EFSA recommended lowering the existing MRLs for these crops;

•(The MRLs for these products should be set at the limit of determination (0.01 mg/kg). The Commission consulted the EURLs for residues of pesticides as regards the need to adapt certain limits of determination.

•A reasonable period should be allowed to elapse before the modified MRLs become applicable in order to permit Member States, third countries and food business operators to meet the new requirements which will result from the modification of the MRLs.



Not so egg-cellent

El escándalo de los huevos contaminados con fipronil afecta ya a 16 países europeos y Hong Kong

Discussed at the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SC PAFF)

on 30 August 2017

-On 20 July Belgium informed the Commission on the identification of eggs contaminated with the acaricide fipronil. -In many EU countries and also certain Third Countries a similar contaminations of eggs was identified. -The fipronil contamination results from the illegal use of laying hen farms with fipronil against red mites. -Scope: *Eggs

*Poultry meat/fat





-Maximum residue levels have been established by Regulation (EC) 396/2005 in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin for fipronil (sum of fipronil + sulfone metabolite expressed as fipronil) of 0.005 mg/kg in chicken eggs and 0.005 mg/kg in chicken meat, 0.005 mg/kg being the LOQ. -For pesticide residue analysis, the measurement uncertainty is 50 % unless a lower measurement uncertainty is reported in the analytical report

Processing factors

- average fat content egg: 10 %

- average fat content egg yolk: 32.6 %

- proportion egg yolk in whole egg: 32 %

- proportion egg white in whole egg: 68 %

- data indicate that 90-95 % of fipronil is concentrated in egg yolk and 5-10 % in egg white. For

the calculation on egg yolk, 100 % is assumed

Product (Processing) factor Calculated MRL applicable Comments

Whole egg 1 0.005 mg/kg

Whole egg liquid 1 0.005 mg/kg

Egg yolk liquid 3.26 0.016 mg/kg Fat content in egg: 10 % Fat content in egg yolk: 32 % (with proposed factor, 100 %

concentration of fipronil in egg yolk)

Egg white liquid < LOQ (range of LOQ of 0.002 to 0.005 mg/kg)

Whole egg powder 4.28 0.021 mg/kg

Egg yolk powder 2.26

0.037 mg/kg Drying factor compared to egg yolk limit

Egg white powder 7,17 7.17 x LOQ analysis liquid egg white (*)

0.005 mg/kg



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