VHDL State Machines 1


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8/6/2019 VHDL State Machines 1

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Synchronous sequentialdesign

Msc Heiner Castro G.

8/6/2019 VHDL State Machines 1

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Synchronous sequential

systemsLa mayoría de lossistemas digitalesmodernos sonsecuenciales ysíncronos.

Los sistemas más

complejos no puedenrepresentarse en sutotalidad como eldiagrama, pero por lo

menos una parte si –

launidad de control-

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Moore Machine

En una Moore machine la salida solo depende delestado presente del sistema.

Los bloques para calcular el siguiente estado y la

salida son combinacionales.

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Mealy Machine

En una Mealy machine la salida no solodepende del estado presente si no de las

entradas en ese instante.

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State Machine Example

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State Machine Example

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State Machine Example: ASM charts(Algorithmic State Machines)

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 ASM Charts: state and mealyoutputs differences















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Entity of the state machine:Traffic Light

library IEEE;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;entity traffic is

port (clock, reset, timed, car : in std_logic;start_timer, major_green, minor_green : out std_logic);

end entity traffic;

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 Architecture of the state machineTraffic Light: 1 process

architecture asm1 of traffic is


process (clock) is

type state_type is (G, R);  variable state : state_type;


start_timer <= '0';

if (rising_edge(clock)) then

case state is

when R =>

major_green <= '0';

minor_green <= '1';

if (timed = '1') then

  when G =>

major_green <= '1';minor_green <= '0';

if (car = '1') then

start_timer <= '1';

state := R;

end if ;

end case;

end if ;

end process;

end architecture asm1

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 Architecture of the state machine:Traffic Light: 2 Processes

architecture asm2 of traffic is

type state_type is (G, R);

signal present_state, next_state:



seq: process (clock, reset) is


if (reset = '1') then

  present_state <= G;

elsif (rising_edge(clock)) then

present_state <= next_state;

end if ;

end process seq;

com: process (car, timed, present_state) is


case present_state is

when G =>

major_green <= '1';

if (car = '1') then

start_timer <= '1';

next_state <= R;


next_state <= G;

end if ;

when R =>minor_green <= '1';

if (timed = '1') then

next_state <= G;


next_state <= R;  end if 

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 Architecture of the state machine:Traffic Light: 3 Processes

architecture asm3 of traffic is

type state_type is (G, R);signal present_state,

next_state : state_type;begin

seq: process (clock) is


if (rising_edge(clock))

thenpresent_state <=


end if ;

end process seq;

ns: process (car, timed,

case present_state is

when G =>

if (car = '1') then

next_state <= R;


next_state <= G;

end if ;

when R =>

if (timed = '1') then

next_state <= G;


next_state <= R;

end if ;

end case;

op: process (car,present_state) is


start_timer <= '0';if (present_state = G) then

major_green <= '1';

minor_green <= '0';

if (car = '1') then

start_timer <= '1';end if ;


major_green <= '0';

minor_green <= '1';

end if ;end process op;

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 Arch. of the state machine TrafficLight: 2 Processes + Comb Block 

architecture asm3a of traffic is

  type state_type is (G, R);

signal present_state, next_state :


seq: process (clock) is


if (rising_edge(clock)) then

present_state <=next_state;

end if ;

end process seq;

ns: process (car, timed,present_state) is

--Combinational block start_timer <= '1' when (present_state = G and car = '1'

else '0';

major_green <= '1' when (present_state = G) else '0';

minor_green <= '1' when (present_state = R) else '0';

end architecture asm3a;

case present_state is

when G =>

if (car = '1') then

next_state <= R; else next_state <= G;

end if ;

when R =>

if (timed = '1') then

next_state <= G; else next_state <= R;

end if ;

end case;

end process ns;

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State machine exercise

Diseñar usando un diagrama ASM el doble semáforo de un crucede calle. Las señal solo debe cambiar cuando un automóvil esdetectado en una dirección con luz roja. En una semaforizaciónnormal las luces cambian así: Rojo-Rojo_Ambar-Verde-Ambar-

Rojo. Note que cuando las luces en una dirección es verde, ambaro rojo-ambar la luz en la otra dirección debe ser rojo (entonces senecesitan más de 4 estados).

Los tiempos serán de esta forma:

Rojo: 20s

Rojo_Ambar: 5s

 Verde: 20s

 Ambar: 5s

Los temporizadores debe declararlos como componentes ysuponer que ya están descritos. Típicamente un temporizadortiene 3 entradas: clk, reset y start que inicia la temporización.