Vocabulrio de Ingles


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  • 8/11/2019 Vocabulrio de Ingles


    .- To do: Present Simple (affirmative)

    Full Form Spanish


    I do

    Yo hago

    You do T haces

    He / she does El (ella) hace

    It does El hace

    We do Nosotros(as) hacemos

    You do Vosotros(as) hacis

    They do Ellos(as) hacen


    3.F.- To do: Present Simple (negative)

    Full Form Short Form Spanish


    I do not I don't Yo no hago

    You do not You don't T no haces

    He / she does not He / she doesn't El (ella) no hace

    It does not

    It doesn't

    El no hace

    We do not We don't Nosotros(as) no hacemos

    You do not You don't Vosotros(as) no hacis

    They do not They don't Ellos(as) no hacen

    Table: mesa

    Chair: silla

    Computer: ordenador


    Mouse: ratn (ordenador)

    Printer: impresora

    Folder: carpeta

    Pen: bolgrafo

    Pencil: lpiz

    Highlighter: rotulador fluorescente


    Paper clip: clip

    Ruler: regla

    Stapler: grapadora

    Scissors: tijeras

    File: archivoCalculator: calculadora

  • 8/11/2019 Vocabulrio de Ingles


    Envelope: sobre

    Book: libro


    Possessive Adjectives

    Learn these possessive adjectives!

    Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective Adjetivos posesivos


    I My Mi

    You Your Tu

    He His Su

    She Her Su




    We Our Nuestro(a)

    You Your Vuestro(a)

    They Their Su


    House: casa


    Room: habitacinBathroom: bao

    Living room: saln

    Dining room: comedor

    Kitchen: cocina

    Study: despacho

    Bedroom: dormitorio

    Cloakroom: retrete

    Loft: desvn

    Basement: stano

    Cellar: stanoHall: vestbulo


    Balcony: balcn


    Carpet: moqueta

    Picture: cuadro

    Bath: bao

    Shower: ducha

    Toilet: vter

    Sink: lavabo

    Mirror: espejo

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    Toothbrush: cepillo de dientes

    Bed: cama

    Wardrobe: armario

    Bedside table: mesilla de noche

    Chest of doors: cmoda

    Lamp: lmparaWindow: ventana

    Table: mesa

    Chair: silla

    .- Vocabulary

    Tall: alto

    Short: bajo

    Fat: gordo

    Thin: delgadoPretty: guapa

    Handsome: guapo (para chicos)


    Blonde hair:pelo rubio

    Brown haired:pelo castao

    Ginger hair:pelirrojo

    Long hair:pelo largo

    Short hair:pelo corto

    Bald: calvo

    Straight hair:pelo lisoWavy hair:pelo ondulado

    Curly hair:pelo rizado


    Tanned: bronceado

    Beard: barba

    Moustache: bigote

    Friendly: simptico

    Funny: gracioso

    Sad: triste

    Happy:felizShy: tmido

    Nice: agradable

    Silly: tonto

    Good: bueno

    Bad: malo

    Ambitious: ambicioso

    Honest: honrado

    Weak: dbil


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    Months of the year

    January: enero

    February:febreroMarch: marzo

    April: abril

    May: mayo



    August: agosto

    September: septiembre

    October: octubre

    November: noviembre

    December: diciembre

    Days of the week

    Monday: lunes

    Tuesday: martes

    Wednesday: mircoles


    Friday: viernes

    Saturday: sbadoSunday: domingo

    2.- Numbers and Time expression

    One: uno

    Two: dos

    Three: tres

    Four: cuatro

    Five: cinco

    Six: seis

    Seven: siete

    Eight: ocho

    Nine: nueve

    Ten: diez

    Eleven: once

    Twelve: doce

    Thirteen: trece

    Fourteen: catorce

    Fifteen: quince

    Sixteen: diecisis

    Seventeen: diecisiete

    Eighteen: dieciocho

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    Nineteen: diecinueve

    Twenty: veinte

    Twenty one: veintiuno

    Twenty two: veintidos

    Thirty: treinta

    Thirty one: treinta y unoForty: cuarenta

    Fifty: cincuenta

    Sixty: sesenta

    At midday: a medioda

    At midnight: a medianoche

    In the morning:por la maana

    In the afternoon:por la tarde

    In the evening:por la tarde (despus de las 6)

    At night:por la noche

    3.- The Time


    Its five oclock. Its half past twelve.



    Its quarter past twelve Its quarter to one


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    Its ten past ten Its ten to two


    3.A.1.- Look at the clocks. Write the times.

    (Para ver la solucin hacer click en la imagen; doble click vuelve a posicin original)



    3.A.2.- Write the time

    (Para ver la solucin hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posicin original)

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    4.- Grammar

    Prepositions of time: at / in / on

    We use:


    at 7 o'clock

    at 12.30am

    at lunchtime

    at midday

    IN for MONTHS and YEARS

    in August

    in winter

    in the eveningin 1990

    ON for DAYS and DATES

    on Monday

    on Tuesdays

    on 10th March

    on 25th December 2020

    .- Vocabulary

    Daily Routine rutina diaria

    To wake up: despertarse

    To get up: levantarse

    To get dressed: vestirse

    To brush your teeth: cepillarse los dientes

    To brush your hair: cepillarse el pelo

    To have a shower/bath: ducharse/baarse

    To have breakfast: desayunar

    To catch the bus: coger el autobs

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    To read the paper: leer el peridico

    To listen to the radio: escuchar la radio

    To watch television: ver la televisin

    To cook lunch: cocinar el almuerzo

    To have lunch: comer / almorzar

    To have dinner: cenarTo go for a drink: tomar una copa

    To go for a walk: dar un paseo

    To go shopping: ir de compras

    To get undressed: quitarse la ropa

    To go to bed: ir a la cama

    To go to sleep: dormir

    1.A.- Practice

    A Put the following in order (morning to night)

    (Para ver la solucin hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posicin original)


    1.- Vocabulary


    Begin: EmpezarBreak: Romper

    Bring: Traer

    Buy: Comprar

    Can: Poder

    Catch: Coger

    Come: Venir

    Do: Hacer

    Drive: Conducir

    Eat: Comer

    Get: CogerGive: Dar

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    Go: Ir

    Have: Tener

    Hear: Or

    Know: Saber/Conocer


    Like: GustarMake: Hacer

    Pass: Pasar/aprobar

    Put: Poner

    Read: Leer

    Run: Correr

    Say: Decir

    See: Ver

    Shut: Cerrar

    Sing: Cantar

    Sit: SentarseSleep: Dormir

    Speak: Hablar

    Spend: Gastar

    Steal: Robar

    Study: Estudiar

    Swim: Nadar

    Take: Tomar / Coger

    Think: Pensar

    Teach: Ensear

    Try: IntentarUnderstand: Entender

    Wash: Lavar


    Watch: Ver / Mirar

    Work: Trabajar

    Write: Escribir


    .- Vocabulary

    Free time activities

    Free time: tiempo libre


    Dancing: bailar

    Walking: andar

    Skiing: esquiar

    Playing football:jugar el ftbol

    Playing tennis:jugar el tenis

    Listening to music: escuchar msica

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    Watching TV: ver la televisin

    Taking photographs: sacar fotos

    Cooking: cocinar

    Sailing: velar


    Swimming: nadarReading: leer

    Writing: escribir

    Eating in restaurants: comer en restaurantes

    Going to the cinema: ir al cine

    Going out with friends: salir con amigos

    Sunbathing: tomar el sol

    Playing cards:jugar a las cartas


    To like: Gustar

    To love: Encantar

    To fancy:Apetecer

    To enjoy: Disfrutar

    To hate: Odiar

    To be interested in: Estar interesado en

    To have a good time: Pasarlo bien

    To look forward to: Tener ganas de hacer algo

    To cant stand: No aguantar

    To get bored:Aburrirse

    Head: cabeza


    Eye: ojo

    Ear: oreja

    Mouth: boca

    Throat: garganta

    Nose: nariz

    Lips: labios

    Tooth (teeth): diente (dientes)Face: cara

    Neck: cuello

    Arm: brazo

    Hand: mano

    Finger: dedo

    Finger nails: ua

    Stomach: estmago


    Toes: dedos del pie

    Foot (feet):pie (pies)

    Back: espalda

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    To hurt: Tener dolor de

    To be ill: Estar enfermo

    To be hot: Tener calor

    To be cold: Tener fro

    To be sleepy: Tener sueo

    To be hungry: Tener hambreTo feel sick: Estar mareado

    To have a cold: Estar constipado

    To have the flu: Tener la gripe

    To break: Romper

    To cut: Cortar

    To ache: Doler

    To get better: Mejorar

    To get worse: Empeorar

    Doctor: mdicoPatient:paciente

    Doctors surgery: ambulatorio

    Medicine: medicina

    To want: querer

    To decide: decidir

    To promise:prometer

    To agree: acordar

    To refuse: negarse

    To hope: esperarWould like: gustara

    To prepare:preparar

    To forget: olvidar

    To plan:planear

    To arrange: organizar

    To offer: ofrecer

    To learn: aprender

    To prefer:preferir

    To have to: tener que

    Clothes: ropa

    Boots: botas

    Blouse: blusa

    Cardigan: rebeca

    Dress: vestido

    Gloves: guantes

    Hat: sombrero

    Jacket: chaquetaJeans: vaqueros

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  • 8/11/2019 Vocabulrio de Ingles



    I am working I'm working Estoy trabajando

    You are working You're working Ests trabajando

    He / she is working He's / she's working Est trabajando

    It is working

    It's working

    Est trabajando

    We are working We're working Estamos trabajando

    You are working You're working Estis trabajando

    They are working They're working Estn trabajando

    1.- Vocabulary

    Shop: tienda


    Butchers: carniceraFishmongers:pescadera

    Cake shop:pastelera

    Bookshop: librera




    Perfume shop:perfumera

    Shoe shop:zapatera

    Souvenir shop: tienda de recuerdos


    Dry cleaners: tintorera

    Tailor: sastre

    Bank: banco

    Post office: correos

    Bus station: estacin de autobuses

    Bus stop:parada de autobs

    Train station: estacin de ferrocarril

    Shopping centre: centro comercial

    To do the shopping: hacer la compra

    To go shopping: ir de comprasTo look for: buscar

    To spend: gastar (dinero)

    Customer: cliente

    Shop assistant: dependiente

    Changing room:probador

    Cash desk: caja

    Receipt: recibo

    Sales: rebajas

    Bargain: ganga

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    1.- Vocabulary


    61: sixty one

    62: sixty two70: seventy

    75: seventy five

    80: eighty

    90: ninety

    100: one hundred

    101: one hundred and one

    102: one hundred and two

    103: one hundred and three

    200: two hundred

    300: three hundred500:five hundred

    1.000: one thousand

    10.000: ten thousand

    10.670: ten thousand six hundred and seventy

    500.000:five hundred thousand

    1.000.000: one million



    $: dollar

    : euro

    25,00: twenty five pounds

    1,50: one pound fifty pence

    450:four hundred and fifty euros

    67,90: sixty seven euros ninety

    $ 9.500: nine thousand five hundred dollars

    $ 110,78: one hundred and ten dollars seventy eight


    1.A.- Practice

    Write the following numbers

    (Para ver la solucin hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posicin original)

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    2.- Grammar Countable and Uncountable Nouns

    Some nouns are countable


    A book three books

    An* apple three apples

    * When a singular noun starts with "a", then the article is "an".

    Some nouns are uncountable

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    Some rice Some money

    You do not know how much rice or how much money there is.

    You can say:

    A kilo of rice

    A bag of rice

    A bowl of rice

    A 5 note


    Some nouns are both countable and uncountable


    Some ice cream three ice creams

    How much or How many?

    We use How many with countable nouns.

    How many books do you have?

    How many apples do you eat a day?

    We use How much with uncountable nouns

    How much rice do you have?

    How much wine is in the house?


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  • 8/11/2019 Vocabulrio de Ingles


    .- Prepositions

    On: encima/sobre

    In: en

    Next to: al lado de

    In front of: delante deBehind: detrs

    Up: arriba

    Down: abajo

    Under: debajo de

    Before: antes

    After: despus

    Between: entre

    Towards: hacia

    Above: encima de

    Opposite: enfrente

    .Answer the questions. When is.?




    3.- Question Words

    What: qu

    Where: dnde

    When: cundo

    Why:por qu

    Who: quin

    How: cmoWhich: cal

    How much (uncountable): cuntos

    How many (countable): cuntos

    Vocabulary Food

    Fruit (fruta)

    Apple: manzana

    Banana:pltanoGrapes: uvas

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    Lemon: limn

    Lime: lima

    Melon: meln

    Orange: naranja

    Peach: melocotn




    Cherry: cereza

    Vegetables (verduras)

    Asparagus: esprrago

    Broccoli: brcoli

    Cabbage: colCauliflower: coliflor

    Green beans:judas verdes

    Garlic: ajo

    Mushrooms: championes

    Onion: cebolla

    Peas: guisantes

    Pepper:pimiento / pimienta


    Sweetcorn: maz dulce

    Salad (ensalada)



    Tomato: tomate

    Lettuce: lechuga

    Olives: aceitunas

    Olive oil: aceite de oliva

    Vinegar: Vinagre

    .- Grammar: Questions with Do

    Verb - To do


    I do

    You do

    He / she /it does

    We do



    They do

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    Adverbs of Place

    Here: aqu

    There: all

    Behind: detrs

    Above: encima de

    Adverbs of Time

    Now: ahora

    Then: entonces

    Yesterday: ayer

    Adverbs of Frequency

    Never: nuncaSometimes: a veces

    Often: a menudo

    Usually: normalmente

    Always: siempre

    Hobby hobby

    Free time tiempo libre


    .- Vocabulary

    The Weather

    Weather: el tiempo

    Weather forecast: el pronstico del tiempo

    To be sunny: hacer sol

    It is sunny: hace sol

    To be hot: hacer calor

    To be cold:hacer frio

    To be good weather: hacer buen tiempoTo be bad weather: hacer mal tiempo

    To be windy: hacer viento

    To be foggy: hacer niebla

    It is foggy: hay niebla

    To be cloudy: estar nublado

    It is cloudy: est nublado

    To rain: llover

    It is raining: est lloviendo

    To snow: nevar

    It is snowing: est nevandoStorm: tormenta

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    Thunder: trueno

    Lightening: relmpago

    Whats the weather like?: Qu tiempo hace?

    Time expressions

    Today: hoy

    Tonight:esta noche

    This afternoon: esta tarde

    Tomorrow: maana

    Tomorrow morning: maana por la maana

    The day after tomorrow: el da despus de maana

    Next week:la semana que viene

    Next month: el mes que viene

    Next year: el ao que viene

    In 2010: en 2010

    ..- Vocabulary Geography

    Building: edificio


    Museum: museo

    Castle: castillo

    Cathedral: catedral

    Hospital: hospital

    Police station: comisaraTown hall: ayuntamiento

    Hotel: hotel

    Campsite: camping

    Farm: granja

    Wood: bosque

    Tree: rbol


    Field: campo

    River: ro

    Sea: mar



    City: ciudad


    Village: aldea

    Lake: lago

    Mountain: montaa

    Hill: colina

    North: norte

    South: sur

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    East: este

    West: oeste

    Peaceful: tranquilo

    Noisy: ruidoso

    Lively: animadoHealthy: saludable

    Expensive: caro

    Cheap: barato

    Dirty: sucio

    Clean: limpio

    Boring: aburrido

    Historic: histrico

    Industrial: industrial

    Late: tarde

    Early: temprano

    1.- Vocabulary Restaurants

    Waiter: camarero

    Customer: cliente

    Menu: men

    Starters:primer plato

    Main course:plato principal

    Dish of the day:plato del da

    Dessert / pudding:postreThe bill:la cuenta

    Knife: cuchillo

    Fork: tenedor

    Spoon: cuchara


    Glass: vaso

    To book: reservar

    To wait: esperarTo recommend: recomendar

    To choose: elegir

    To order:pedir

    To owe: deber

    .- Vocabulary Jobs

    Job: trabajo

    Actor: actor

    Actress: actriz

    Airhostess: azafata

    Architect: arquitecto

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    Artist: artista



    Businessman:hombre de negocios

    Businesswoman: mujer de negocios

    Butcher: carniceroChef / cook: cocinero/a

    Dentist: dentista

    Doctor: mdico

    Driver: conductor/a

    Engineer: ingeniero

    Firefighter: bombero



    Housewife:ama de casa

    Journalist:periodistaLawyer: abogado/a

    Mechanic: mecnico/a

    Musician: msico/a

    Nurse: enfermero/a





    Policewoman: mujer polica

    Postman: carteroPriest: cura

    Receptionist: recepcionista

    Secretary: secretario/a

    Shop assistant: dependiente/a

    Student: estudiante

    Taxi driver: taxista


    Waiter: camarero

    Waitress: camarera

    .- Vocabulary Special Events

    Birth: nacimiento

    Birthday: cumpleaos

    Christening: bautismo

    Christmas: navidad

    Christmas eve: noche buena

    New Years eve: noche vieja

    New Years day: da del ao nuevo

    Good Friday: viernes santo

    Easter: semana santa

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    Wedding: boda

    Honeymoon: luna de miel

    Anniversary: aniversario

    Death: muerte


    To celebrate: celebrar


    Surprise party:fiesta de sorpresa

    To suspect: sospechar

    Suspicious: sospechoso

    To happen: ocurrir

    Birthday card: tarjeta de cumpleaos

    Present: regalo

    Congratulations!: Felicidades!Happy Birthday!:Feliz cumpleaos!

    Happy New Year!: Feliz ao Nuevo!

    Merry Christmas!: Feliz Navidad!

    Cheers!: Salud!

    Enjoy your meal!: Qu aproveche!

    Have a good time!: Qu lo pase(s) bien!

    Vocabulary Linking Words

    Because:porqueTherefore:por lo tanto

    Unfortunately: desgraciadamente

    Nowadays: hoy en da

    However:sin embargo

    Although: aunque

    Moreover:por otra parte

    Nevertheless: sin embargo

    In spite of: a pesar de que

    In fact: efectivamente

    Since: desde que

    Also: tambin

    While: mientras

    For example:por ejemplo

    Consequently: como consecuencia

    First:para comenzar

    Next: a continuacin

    Then: luego

    Finally: como colofn

    To conclude:para concluir

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