Actividade portfolio anaisabelferreirosrey_ceip_pl_riadevigo


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Cooking the Chocolate Buckeyes.

Writing the Recipe.Portfolio Activity Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.


Put the sugar, vainilla, butter and peanut butter

in a bowl.

Put the sugar, vainilla, butter and peanut butter

in a bowl.

Mix everything.

Mix everything.

Make the balls and put them in the fridge for half an hour.

Then, dip the balls into the chocolate…!!!

Put the balls into the


Put the balls into the


Next, put them in the


Enjoy them…!!!

Enjoy them…!!!

Learning the steps to write a

recipe in English. INGREDIENTS: Sugar. Chocolate. Vanilla. Peanut Butter. Butter. Powdered sugar.

STEPS: Put the sugar, vainilla, butter

and powdered sugar in a bowl. Mix them to create a dough. Make the balls with our hands. Put them in the fridge for half

an hour. Melt the chocolate in a bowl. Put the balls in the chocolate. Leave them in the fridge and… ENJOY…!!!

Writing the recipe…!!!

Writing the recipe…!!!

Writing the recipe and drawing

the Buckeyes in the English lesson…!!!

Being creative…!!!

Drawing Brutus the Buckeye in the Art


Drawing Brutus the Buckeye in the Art


Students Cooking the

Buckeyes at home…!!!

Learning cultural bites. Learning to make and write a recipe in English. Follow instructions to make a recipe in English. Cooperate with the students. Learning having fun. Being very motivated and enjoying the

activity. Having a very positive attitude towards the

activity and …Cooking the Buckeyes at home with their family…!!!

Students´ Self – Evaluation.