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of Sabadell

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Institut SabadellAlumnes 3B

Torre de l’aigua Construïda el 1918, s'hi emmagatzemava

l'aigua del Ripoll per distribuir-la a la població. Va funcionar des del 1922 fins al 1967. Forma part dels 100 elements del Patrimoni Industrial de Catalunya per la seva singular construcció de formigó armat. Obra de Lluís Homs i Moncusí i de Josep Renom i Costa, arquitectes, i de Francesc Izard i Bas, enginyer industrial. És un dels símbols de la ciutat.


Casa Duran

House Casa Duran pairal built to the pedregar between 1578 and 1606 for Feliu Duran, *procurador royal and jury of the Council of the *Vila. Man of highlighted leadership role to the *vila. The house combines the elements *senyorials with the characteristic of a house of farmer, and in spite of being reformed the *s. XVIII, preserves the original structure.[8] To it plants flat, where resided the family Duran, there is what were stagnate them domestic, of which preserve : the noble room, the library and the chambers with the pictorial decoration of the walls and the ceiling. The low plant, devoted to economic activities related with the agriculture and the dyes, features of a big hall to begin with, a playground to sky opened with the scale and a glorious cellar with the *bótes, a press and the *cups where crushed the grape. It is a good *patrimonial protege since the 1958 and is declared Cultural Good of National Interest. It is municipal property since the year 2003.

Casa Duran

Campanar de Sant Fèlix

It began to build in 1724 coinciding with the works of reform and of extension of the church of Saint *Fèlix, *bastida the 15th century. Of style baroque, has of a plant *octogonal and four bodies: three of stone and one of land baked. To the *capdamunt finds the *comunidor, the flat of the bells, the room of the clock and the *terrat. To the flat of the bells, of the three that there is, two are liturgical and the third, hanged in between, is time; it is necessary to highlight the decoration, work of the artist Joan *Vila *Cinca. At the top of the *campanar there is an angel weathercock and two bells 

Campanar Sant Fèlix

Bosc de Can Deu

The forest of *Can Ten forms part of the city of Sabadell, is situated to the park *periurbà of the neighbourhoods of Julian Saint and *Can Ten. In the forest find the farm of *Can Ten of more than five hundred years of history, the year 1964 the Box of Savings of Sabadell purchased it to preserve the rich heritage of the rural world of the city and offer the Forest of *Can Owes how a space of leisure and of conservation of the natural medium. Also we can find the hermitages of Julian Saint of *Altura and the one of Saint *Vicenç of *Verders, this last being moved to avoid to remain *colgada for the marsh of *Sau.

Bosc de Can Deu

Castell de Can Deu

Situated to the term of *Jonqueres there is the homestead of the Do. This family purchased him to the 15th century, who to the *darreries of the 18th century obtained the title of nobility, being the first in being it Pau of Do. And then on this farm *erigí the current castle. At present *Can Do gives name to the 5th district of the city.

Castell de Can Deu

Font Rosella

To the 14th century, specifically by the year 1367, the first *pobladors took the water of a main source renown the source Rosella and of a pair more than sources situated between *ca *Oriac and *can *Borgonyó. In memory of the ancient source Rosella the year 1980, the Company of Waters of Sabadell did a source at the end of the street of the Road *Aurèlia, where there is the called Forest of the *Concòrdia, part of what was the forest of *Can *Borgonyó and near whence was the *originària source Rosella. For the vicinity to this source takes the name the school Source Rosella, situated to the neighbourhood of the *Concòrdia.

Museu d'Història de Sabadell

Situated to an ancient cultural centre built the 1859 for the local manufacturer Antoni *Casanovas, the 1931 was founded with the name of Museum of the City. His first bottom were cabbage•*leccions of archaeology, of palaeontology and of art. It does not come to be until the 1970 that constituted as a Museum of History. At present it has samples of the history of the city since the prehistory until the actuality. Permanent exhibitions: The settlement of the territory of Sabadell, of the prehistory to the late antiquity devoted to the most ancient history of the territory, Sabadell , the birth of a *vila (11th-15th centuries) devoted to the first years of the current city, Manufacturing and *menestrals, Sabadell of the 16th century to the XVIII devoted to the starts of the industrial expansion, textile Machinery, 19th and 20th centuries devoted to the golden period of the industry to the city and Of the steam to the electricity.

Museu d’història de Sabadell

Observatori Astronòmic de Sabadell

The Astronomical Grouping of Sabadell has his headquarters to the park of Catalonia since the 1993. The building counts with a room of exhibitions, an auditorium, library, and an observatory in shape of cylindrical tower where there is the *cúpula with the telescope.

Observatori Astronòmic de Sabadell