Presentación lorena gonzalez blog 2016


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Assignment 8. Blog.

Phrasal verbs

Presented by: Lorena González27249876

Group: 22

Presented to: Andrea del Pilar CáceresTutor



Phrasal verbs1. Go out = SalirExample= It is used to express that a person or an animal leaves any place.Example: She went out to dance with her friends last night.

2. Call off= cancelar, posponerIt is used to postpon or cancel a meeting.Example: The meeting has been called off again.

3. Take up = Aceptar una oferta de trabajo. It is used to express that any person accept an

invitation for a job.Example: Mary took off the job offer.

4. Turn down= rechazarIt is used to express reject an invitationExample: My sister rejected the invitation for the party.

5. Break into: Entrar sin permiso.

This is used when someone enters any place without permission.

Example: The burglars broke into that house last Saturday.

6. Pick up= recogerIt is used to take something from the floor or the ground or children animals from any place.

Example: Your brother should pick up those boxes.

7. Turn on: encenderIt is used when you talk about to electrical light, appliances or middle of transport, etc.

Example: My mother turns on the lights when he enters to the living room.

8. Turn down: Bajar el volumenThis is used when you have to decrease the volume in an appliance or in a stereo.Example: Please! Turn down the volume to the radio, I am studying.

9. Get up= levantarse It is used for express when someone rise from bed.Example: I always get up at 6:00 a.m.

10. Turn out: Apagar.It is used when you talk to stop the electrical light service, appliances or middle of transport, etc.

Example: Lucy turned out the light because she wanted to save electric energy..
