Rodrigues - TPD - Primer Período - Planificación 2


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Instituto de Formación Docente Continua Lenguas Vivas Bariloche

ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Laura Natalia Rodrigues

Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Instituto de Nivel Inicial N° 1467 “Hakuna Matata”

Dirección: Fragata 25 de Mayo 588, Rada Tilly, Chubut

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Jardín (Sala de 5)

Cantidad de alumnos: 16

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Objetos del aula

Clase Nº: 2

Fecha: 12/05/2015

Hora: 10:00 - 10:30 hs.

Duración de la clase: 30’

Fecha de primera entrega: 06/05/2015

Teaching points: Vocabulary school objects (glue and bag)

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to…

- Identify and name different school objects.

- Recognise new vocabulary by answering questions.

- Develop their listening skills by listening to a song.

- Use vocabulary related to colours and the school objects learnt the previous class in

a meaningful context.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Following commands

The Recognition and use of Wh- questions in

Recognition and use of the

Instituto de Formación Docente Continua Lenguas Vivas Bariloche

and instructions

Answering questions related to school objects.




Sit down

Give me…

Colours: green, yellow, blue, red, pink,

School objects:

Pencil, paper, book, crayon

the simple present:

What is this? It is a…


Let´s make a circle

sounds of diphthong:

/eɪ/ (crayon)

New Answering questions related to school objects identification.

School objects:

Glue, bag

Recognition and use of Wh- questions in the simple present:

What is this? It is a…

Recognition and use of the sound:

/ æ / (bag)

Teaching approach: Communicative Approach

Materials and resources: School objects – a box – school objects flashcards - computer.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson, a video will be used to support the exposure of the students to the teaching point. Students will be able to use the vocabulary learnt the previous class and learn a new vocabulary word through this video. I will play the video from the computer, as the institution does not have a TV or projector to show videos. The English teacher always uses her computer to show videos to the kids. I will also take the video in a pen drive in case technology does not work.

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in a semi circle on the floor in order to facilitate visual contact and interaction with the teacher and classmates. Then, they will sit on their chairs in groups as they usually sit every day to work on a worksheet.

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• Cooperative work: As learners are still very young, they can play together as they will do in this class, but they are still not aware of their classmates’ feelings or thoughts, so it is difficult to carry out cooperative work activities.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

- Students may have problems to understand some instructions or games or that

they cannot understand what the teacher says. I will paraphrase the instruction using

gestures and mimic.

- Students may get too excited. I will provide support.

- Some students may misbehave in class. I will talk to them and try to see why they

behave in that way, trying to calm them down.

- Some students may not accept to participate in games. I will tell them that they

will have fun if they participate, but I will not insist if they do not like to play.

Potential problems students may have with the language:

- Students may not understand a question, so I will guide them pointing to pictures

and modelling the answer first.

- Some students may have problems to pronounce certain words or sounds. I will

ask them to repeat the words several times and to listen carefully to the way I

pronounce them (how I use my lips, teeth or tongue).

Assessment: I will check that students comprehend and identify the different

school objects by listening to them say the objects or perform an action with the word

involved. Besides, I will assess students´ performance by walking around and

checking how they are doing when they work on the worksheet.



Purpose: To start the lesson, get students into the right atmosphere for work,

establish a connection with students.

Instituto de Formación Docente Continua Lenguas Vivas Bariloche

Interaction patterns:



Skills / Skills Integration:

Listening and speaking (every day greeting)

Speaking (singing the Hello song)

Learning styles:

Auditory, visual and kinaesthetic

I will greet my students and we will sing and dance their daily “Hello” song:



Hello, how are you? 


I'm good!

I'm great! 

I'm wonderful! 




Hello, how are you?


I'm tired. 

I'm hungry. 

I'm not so good. 




Hello, how are you?

(Repeat 3x)

Instituto de Formación Docente Continua Lenguas Vivas Bariloche


WARM-UP: 10’

Purpose: To revise vocabulary and get the students engaged with the topic of school


Interaction patterns:




Listening and speaking

Learning styles:

Visual, auditory and kinesthetic

I will take the box from the previous class and I will ask kids to identify the school

objects by touching them. I will ask a child to put his/her hand into the box and

identify a school object without looking at it. I will say: “Give me a pencil, please” The

kid will take out the pencil and shows it to the rest of the class while saying: “A


“Now I will say a school object and you have to put your hand into the box without

looking inside. You have to identify the school object and give it to me”. I will show it

by taking an object out of the box without looking at it.

Transition: “Very good! Let´s make a circle and sit on the floor”

- PRESENTATION (10 minutes)

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Purpose: To introduce the new vocabulary to students and revise school objects

learnt the previous class.

Interaction patterns:



Skills / Skills Integration:


Speaking (singing a song, repeating, answering)

Learning styles:

Visual, auditory and kinesthetic

I will show students the following video:


“What is this?”

What is this? Boys and girls,

What is this?, What is this?

This is a pencil, that´s what it is

We draw with it, we draw with it

That´s what we do

We draw with our pencil,

At school, at school

Instituto de Formación Docente Continua Lenguas Vivas Bariloche

What is this? Boys and girls,

What is this?, What is this?

This is a crayon, that´s what it is

We colour with it, we colour with it

That´s what we do

We colour with our crayon,

At school, at school

What is this? Boys and girls,

What is this?, What is this?

This is a glue stick, that´s what it is

We glue with it, we glue with it

That´s what we do

We glue with our glue stick,

At school, at school

(Note: The video introduces the word scissors at the end, but I will not show that part

to the kids, as it is a plural word, and it may be confusing for them to answer. That´s

why I will show the video until the minute 1:20).

“Can you see the school objects? There is a new school there. What is it?”

The kids may identify a new school object on the video: Glue.

I will show them a glue and say the word for them to repeat:

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“It is a glue”.

We will listen and watch the song again but this time I will sing: “What is this, what is

this?” and they will answer: “A pencil” and they will mime the action they can do with

that school object, as the song mentions.

“Let´s watch the video again and sing along”. I will sing and encourage them to sing

their part.

“You sing beautifully!!!

I will take one of the students’ bags and I will say: “Look! It is a BAG!”. I will

encourage students to repeat. “Look children, it is a BAG! What is it? It is a…”

Students: “BAG!”

Transition: “Excellent! Now, let´s sit on the chairs. Here, here…” “Look what I have



Activity 1 (8 minutes)

Purpose: To practise new vocabulary about the school objects, to develop

motivation, and revise colours and school objects learnt the previous class in a

meaningful context.

Interaction patterns:


Skills / Skills Integration:


Learning styles:

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Visual, auditory and kinesthetic

I will deliver the following worksheet with the school objects and colours and I will ask

them to listen and match the each school object to the corresponding colour.

I have designed this worksheet myself, and I have taken the school objects pictures

from two different sources:

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- “English Adventure 1”, Activity Book, José Luis Morales, Pearson Education, 2005

- “Fairyland 3”, Activity Book, Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans, Express Publishing,


I will say for example: “The book is blue. The pencil is yellow…”

When they finish I will congratulate them for their jobs and put a sticker or stamp on

their works as well as encouraging messages such as: Well-done! Beautiful! Very

Good! Good! Nice!

Transition: Beautiful kids!

- Closure (2 minutes)

Interaction patterns:




Speaking (singing a song)

Learning styles:

Visual, auditory and kinesthetic

I will tell the students that our lesson is over and that we have to say goodbye. We

will sing the “Goodbye Song”:

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

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GOODBYE, everyone.

Source: “English Adventure Starter A”, Pearson Education, 2005.

Students wave goodbye while they sing.- HOMEWORK:

I will send a note to the families inviting students to watch the video about school

objects that we used in class. I will give them the following link and I will tell them to

listen until minute 1:20.

In this way, children will have the possibility to share with their family what they have


Instituto de Formación Docente Continua Lenguas Vivas Bariloche