Slide tpe barth_planificación 5_segundo período_primary


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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Barth María PíaPeríodo de Práctica: Segundo períodoInstitución Educativa: Colegio Jean PiagetDirección: Paseo de los carpinteros 5187, Bariloche.Grado sección: 6° gradoCantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: IntermedioTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: “Salvando el planeta”Clase Nº: 5Fecha: 21/08/15Hora: Desde 15:05 hs hasta 16:05 hsDuración de la clase: 60 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 18/08/15

Teaching points: Vocabulary related to environment and Global Warming.

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Be able to raise their awareness about the human impact on the environment.

Develop their listening and speaking skills by watching a video and expressing their opinion about Global Warming.

Talk and discuss about the environment and climate change. Develop their reading skills by reading a text related to Global Warming.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures PronunciationRevision Talk and

discuss about pollution and

environmental issues.

Chemical pollution- Gases pollution- Water

pollution- Air pollution-

sustainability- Environment-

Health problems-

Present Simple

“We have cities filled

with buildings”

Present Continuous

“The glaciers

(Chemical)kem k lˈ ɪ ə

(Sustainability)s ste n b l t iə ˌ ɪ ə ˈ ɪ ə

(Environment)n va r n m ntɪ ˈ ɪə ə ə

Natural disasters-Recycle-

are melting due to Global

Warming”New Talk and

discuss about Global



greenhouse gasesOzone-

carbon dioxide-Nitrous dioxide-


(Atmosphere)æt m s fˈ ə ɪə

(ozone)z nˈəʊ əʊ

(glacier)læs iˈɡ ‿ə

(dioxide)da ks a dɪ ˈɒ ɪ

Teaching approach: “communicative approach” and CLIL Approach.

Integration of skills: The listening and speaking skills will be integrated by watching a video about Global Warming and expressing students’ opinion and choices about this topic.

Materials and resources: video, projector, copies, World picture, masking tape, bingo templates, definitions for the bingo,

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting down in groups of five students (we only have group tables in the class)

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

The projector or the Internet may not work, so I’ll have the video downloaded to my computer just in case.

Classroom management strategies:

Some students may be a bit talkative, I will use some rhymes to bring the back to class, such as “pay attention! Concentration!” or “1,2,3 …silence please!”

Some students may be a bit noisy while playing bingo, I’ll write down the word “homework” on the board, and every time that I have to call their attention I will clean a letter. If by the end of the class I clean the whole word, students will have extra homework.

Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, I will use visual aids, and students will also have the possibility to use their dictionaries.

Assessment: I will assess the learning of new vocabulary by asking students different questions related to the video in order to check they have understood the new lexis.

Procedure : Routine (3’ minutes)

I’ll greet my students “hello children! How are you today?”Then, I’ll choose my helpers, my helper boy will wear a tie and my helper girl will wear a necklace. I’ll ask one of them to copy the date.

Warm-up (15’ minutes) BINGO GAME! In order to recap previous vocabulary I´ll display on the board the following poster with some vocabulary to complete students’ bingo templates. I’ll read the definitions and students will have to circle the correct word. I will say “Would you like to play BINGO? Fantastic! Now the helpers will hand out some bingo templates and you will have to choose five different words to complete your templates”. I’ll provide students with some minutes to complete their templates. “Are you ready to start playing? Pay careful attention since I won’t say the words, I will say the definitions, and you will have to think what word it is in order to circle it.”



When chemicals are released into our environment polluting the air we breathe and contaminating our food.

AIR POLLUTION Occurs when gases or smoke are introduced into the atmosphere

WATER POLLUTION The addition of harmful chemicals to natural water.

RECYCLE To adapt something for a new useSUSTAINABILITY To endureENVIRONMENT The external surroundings in which a plant, person or animal

livesHEALTH PROBLEMS A bad body condition, to loose health.


Any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences, such as avalanche, earthquake or flood.

Bingo template:


Presentation (17’minutes)

Before watching activity (5’minutes) :

I’ll display a picture of an ill planet on the board, a planet with temperature and I’ll write in uppercase “GLOBAL WARMING”. I will say “Do you remember the meaning of “Global Warming”?. Well, Global warming is the rise in temperature of Earth’s atmosphere that means that our planet is becoming hotter and hotter. Let’s have a look at this picture; the planet is becoming hotter and hotter because of human impact and greenhouse gases! These gases are natural but extra greenhouse gases can be made by humans from pollution, and they are made out of: methane, water vapor,

carbon and nitrous dioxide, and ozone (as I name them I will stick some slips of paper on the board with these words)

Picture to display on the board

While watching activity (7’ minutes) :Students will watch the video in order to complete the following sentences. “I received an email with a video about Global Warming. It’s very interesting! Watch it? Great! But first my helpers will hand out a copy for you to complete while you watch the video. Muri, can you read the sentences to complete please? Well done! Now we are ready to watch it!” I will play the video twice, and I’ll check answers orally.


I will elicit the meaning of “melting, landfills and cutting down on usage” I will help students by providing them with examples.

Watch the video and complete the sentences: (answer key in brackets)

1- We have cities filled with ______________________________(buildings)

2- This is the Arctic, the only things around are ______________________________ (Polar Bears)

3- Arctic buildings will be gone by ______________________________ (2040)

4- The glaciers are melting due to ____________________________ (global warming)

5- Global warming is caused by _____________(carbon) emissions, _____________ (burning)landfills and _____________ (nuclear)disposal.

6- Cutting down on usage will save you _______________(money)and you won’t be wasting electricity.

After watching activity (5’ minutes): Students will copy the tittle Global warming and the date on their copybooks; I’ll encourage them to work in groups of four or five students to write down their own definition of Global Warming. I’ll monitor them in order to provide them with the necessary help or vocabulary.“Awesome, kids! Now you will have to copy the date and the tittle “Global Warming” on your copybooks. I would like you to work in groups of four or five students to write your own definition for “GLOBAL WARMING” you can include its consequences and causes too. You will have five minutes to do it!” At the end, I will encourage some groups to read their answers aloud.

Video script: This is the Earth. Pretty isn’t it? We have cities filled with buildings.

This is the Arctic, the only things around are Polar Bears, Glaciers are Arctic buildings. But the difference between city buildings and Arctic buildings is that Artic buildings will be gone by 2040!

Now, you may be wondering what is the cause of this travesty, you may wonder who is to blame, but we only have ourselves to me blame. The glaciers are melting due to Global Warming which is

caused by: Carbon emissions, burning landfills, nuclear disposal.

But all these can be fixed before it’s too late:

Step 1: recycling

Step 2: reduce carbon emissions.

Step 3: turn off electricity

99.4% of car emissions are invisible. Passenger car contribute 12% towards man made CO2 emissions which play a big part in Global Warming. Rubbish left at landfill sites give off CO2 and

Methane which also contribute to Global Warming.

Electricity is produced by various methods including burning coal. Cutting down on usage will save you money and you won’t be wasting electricity.

Development (20’ minutes) Activity 1 (5’ minutes)

I will create a newspaper article about Global Warming. I will ask students to read it aloud in order to check understanding; I will ask some comprehension questions orally too. “On Wednesday I found a newspaper article related to Global Warming. I brought you some copies for you to read it. Helpers please come here and hand out the copies. Pili, please can you start reading it? Great! Well, now … What keeps the Earth warm? What is the greenhouse effect? ”

Text adapted from by Jeremy_99.

Activity 2 (15’ minutes) Students will work in pairs to put the sentences in order. When they finish, they will have to discuss and answer the questions about the article on their copybooks; I’ll provide them with the copies to work.


This is called “Enhanced Greenhouse effect”. 4

An increase in temperature will change many things on the Earth. 5

The way we are living produces extra greenhouse gases which mean that more hot air will be trapped. 3

Earth is heated by the sun’s energy. 1

Natural gases called “Greenhouse gases” trap the heat from the sun. 2 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES

1) What keeps the Earth warm?2) What two elements are most responsible for causing the

greenhouse effect?3) Why is the greenhouse effect a bad thing?4) What changes are likely to happen to plants and animals

if the temperatures get hotter?5) What changes are likely to happen to the sea levels as

the greenhouse effect gets worse? 6) What problems is the greenhouse effect likely to cause to

the health of humans?

Possible answers:

1) The energy from the sun heats the air and keeps the Earth warm.2) In the air there are many different gases. Some of these gases trap the heat of the sun and hold it

against the Earth’s surface. These gases are called “greenhouse gases” and this is how the “greenhouse effect” got its name.

3) Oxygen and carbon dioxide are most responsible for causing the greenhouse effect.4) It is bad since the way we are living today, means that a lot more of the gases that trap the sun’s

energy are being made, and in few years the temperature of Earth will increase.5) If temperatures get hotter, animals and plants will have to move to cooler environments or they

will die.

Closure and homework (5’ minutes)

“You worked very well today! As homework you will have to complete the following sentence with your own promise.” I will encourage students to write down a promise to the Earth since next class it will be the last one and I would like them to create a craft with these promises.

“My dearest Earth, I know that you are being polluted and that you are suffering. So, I promise to: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”

(Example: not to let the water run too long and plant more trees)

Possible answers:

1) The energy from the sun heats the air and keeps the Earth warm.2) In the air there are many different gases. Some of these gases trap the heat of the sun and hold it

against the Earth’s surface. These gases are called “greenhouse gases” and this is how the “greenhouse effect” got its name.

3) Oxygen and carbon dioxide are most responsible for causing the greenhouse effect.4) It is bad since the way we are living today, means that a lot more of the gases that trap the sun’s

energy are being made, and in few years the temperature of Earth will increase.5) If temperatures get hotter, animals and plants will have to move to cooler environments or they

will die.