dios sol



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Dios Sol


Gén 10:8 Cus engendró a Nimrod, el primero que se alzó con poder en

la tierra. Gén 10:9 Fue un esforzado cazador

delante de Yahveh, y por eso se dice: "Magn fico cazador ante

Yahveh, como Nimrod".

Gén 10:10 Los or genes de su reino estuvieron en Babel, Erec, Acad y

Calné, en la tierra de Senaar. Gén 10:11 De esta tierra marchó a

Asur y edificó N nive, Rejobot Ir, CálajGén 10:12 y Resen, entre N nive y

Cálaj, la "Ciudad grande".

Gén 10:13 Egipto engendró a los lidios, los anamitas, lehabitas y naftujitas

Gén 10:14 a los patrusitas, casjulitas y caftoritas, de donde salieron los

filisteos. Gén 10:15 Canaán engendró a Sidón,

su primogénito, y a Het, Gén 10:16 y a los jebuseos, los

amorreos, los guirgaseos,

Gén 10:18 los arvadeos, los semareos y los jamateos. Después se dispersaron las familias de

los cananeos. Gén 10:19 La frontera de los cananeos iba

desde Sidón, en dirección de Guerar, hasta Gaza, y en dirección de Sodoma, de Gomorra, de

Admá y de Sebo m, hasta Lesa. Gén 10:20 Éstos fueron los hijos de Cam, según

sus linajes y lenguas, tierras y naciones. Gén 10:21 También le nacieron hijos a Sem,

antepasado de todos los hijos de Héber y hermano mayor de Jafet.

Anshar the flying god of the Babylonians

Kishar was the flying goddess of Babylon. Can you see her wings and pineal gland hat?

He is a Mayan King holding his Rocket!

Here is another Mayan King only this time he is actually flying in his UFO.

Here is Anshar in a modern day video game. Is he flying a pine cone Pineal Gland?

• This is an object found in India.

Here is an Indian archive and the UFOs are called Vimyanas. Can you see a pineal gland Egyptian hat and stalk?

This is Ankor Wat in Ankor, Cambodia. Can you see the pine cones? Have you figured out yet what the pine cone represents?Why do all of these Ancient Cultures use the pine cone, the corn cob, and the snake?

Here is a Mayan temple. Can you see the third eye, the pineal gland/corn (3rd eye)? There are nine levels that represent the nine months of gestation for a baby.

Slithering down the steps is Kulkulkhan, the feathered fiery serpent (snake). Is this a picture of the snake in the garden inviting Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life (Pine

Tree)?Khan or Con means snake, i.e., Cancun, Genghis Khan, etc..

Can you see the pineal gland or 3rd eye on the Aku Akustatues at Easter Island? The ones with the caps have

achieved a higher level of consciousness.

Can you find the pineal gland and the thymus on the Egyptian gods (aliens)?

Can you see the Mayan symbol for 3rd eye + Thymus gland? Can you see the same in

the Egyptian god Horus' crown?

Native American and Egyptian: You have to ask; "What did they smoke to believe that they have an animal on their head?"

The answer: Ayahuasca, Amanitas Muscharia, Lilies, Peyote, Mandrake, LSD, Marijuana, Meth...?

Here in this mural of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, we see the mystery and means ot travel, the Mandrake, a hallucinogenic Near Death Experience (NDE) tea.

No mystery here: The gods that came down were the drug lords of the cosmos, astronomy and astral travelers from

space!Pine Cone vs. Corn Cob vs. Cobra

The Mayan god of Maize (corn) with his corn 3rd eye crown. Kulkulkhancame down from heaven and made corn, and then he made man out of corn. While the pine cone is the 3rd

Eye on the eastern side of the Atlantic, the corn cob is the 3rd Eye on the

western side of the Atlantic.

Apo 18:1 Después vi otro ángel que bajaba del cielo; ten a gran poder y su gloria iluminó la tierra.

Apo 18:2 Gritó con voz potente, diciendo: "¡Cayó, cayó Babilonia, la grande! Se ha convertido en

morada de demonios, en guarida de toda clase de esp ritus inmundos, en guarida de toda suerte de

aves impuras y aborrecibles. Apo 18:3 Porque del vino de su lujurioso desenfreno

han bebido todas las naciones; con ella fornicaron los reyes de la tierra y los mercaderes de la tierra se

enriquecieron con su desenfrenada opulencia".

Ishtar, Moloch, and Ishtar...all three are into child sacrifice and abortion. That is another common belief among the Supernatural elite, they all support the shedding of

innocent blood.Ishtar is sometimes referred to as Kishar, she is also a flying goddess of Babylon. Can

you see her wings?

Can you see the Easter Eggs.

Can you find the witch Persephone on top of the Capital building? What is she wearing on her head?

Who authorized that?

The Keys of Solomon, the Masons and Shriners, and the Circumpunct

or the Eye of Baal/Moloch.

These secret societies use the 3rd Eye. Can you see the triangulation of the two eyes

and the third eye? See below.

The pineal gland is located in the center of your brain behind the eyes.

Crop Circles: Beckhampton, OH, 3rd eye, and Mayan Headdress. I think I saw this crop circle in John Carter the movie.

Can you see the 3rd eye, the cicumpunct, and the eye of Baal?

Convex or concave it is still an alien message of consciousness: Nazca Plane

and Inca Peruvian Valley.

Why does the Pope have a pine cone on his crucifix that is similar to the pine cone that the Annunaki and

the Mayan Shaman are holding?

Here is a Summerian tablet, one of over 22,000 codexes. Can you see the UFO? Can you see the Annunaki kings trying to shove a pine cone into the head of the human Babylonian kings?

Can you see the Tree of Life represented to the Babylonians as a pine tree? Can you see the tea pots? The unidentified item is the pine cone, hence the pineal gland.

ALL of these ancient civilizations also had reports of UFOs and gods (aliens).

Cnt 7:13 iremos de mañana a los vi ñedos, para ver si las vides ya

germinan, si los pámpanos abren, si florecen los granados. All te

entregaré yo mi amor.

Here is Prometheus in the Rockefeller Center. Can you see the pineal gland? Did you know that Prometheus is Lucifer the god of the

Illuminati? You should see this display at Christmas on December 25 Nimrod's birthday.

Question: How come there are over 10,000 years difference between the Sumerians of the

Cradle of Civlization and the Mayans and yet they have the same presentation?

Joe 2:10 A su llegada se estremecerá la tierra, los cielos se conmoverán, se oscurecerán el sol y la luna, y las estrellas retirarán su

