Versión evaluada 2016 1 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades Plantel Sur Segundo Acercamiento a los programas de Inglés I-IV Guía de estudios para preparar el examen extraordinario de Inglés IV - 4 habilidades Elaboración: Adriana Alarcón Gil Luis Rodolfo Díaz Munive Sarai Trejo García Brenda Santillán Lugo Coordinación Gloria Medina Cervantes. Mayo 2016

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Versión evaluada 2016 1

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades

Plantel Sur

Segundo Acercamiento a los programas de Inglés I-IV

Guía de estudios para preparar el examen extraordinario de

Inglés IV - 4 habilidades


Adriana Alarcón Gil

Luis Rodolfo Díaz Munive

Sarai Trejo García

Brenda Santillán Lugo


Gloria Medina Cervantes.

Mayo 2016

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Objetivo de la guía

Esta guía tiene el propósito de ofrecerte explicaciones, ejercicios y recursos en línea

relacionados con las temáticas más importantes de las cuatro unidades del Segundo

Acercamiento a los programas de Inglés IV que te apoyen en la preparación del examen

extraordinario. Esta versión fue evaluada y aprobada por la Secretaría Académica del CCH y

Jefatura del Departamento de Inglés en junio de este año.

La guía está organizada en cuatro secciones: gramática, lectura de comprensión,

comprensión auditiva, producción oral y escrita. Cada unidad está compuesta por la

explicación gramatical del tema(s) de la unida a la cual se le denomino “gramar rules” en la

que se explica el uso, estructura y función de la estructura a estudiar. Se presentan ejemplos

en las situaciones reales y anexan ejercicios desde el más sencillo hasta una más difícil.

También, se anexan ejercicios para desarrollar las habilidades de la lengua como lectura de

comprensión, comprensión auditiva y producciones orales y escritas; además se agrega una

sección de tips para desarrollar cada habilidad. Se anexan las rúbricas para la evaluación oral

y escrita a fin de que conozcan los aspectos a evaluar en estas habilidades. Se incluye un

examen muestra el cual consiste en ser un ejemplo parecido al examen que presentarás. Te

sugerimos que para practicar la toma del examen lo contestes en dos horas máximo, tiempo

que dura la aplicación. Al final de la guía se encuentra la clave de respuesta de los ejercicios

y del examen modelo así como una serie de sugerencias de sitios web para continuar tu

práctica de los temas.

Unidad 1

El alumno comprenderá textos orales y escritos que aborde problemas y/o consejos y será

capaz de formular sus propias recomendaciones.

Temática: Verbos Modales.

Unidad 2 El alumno describirá y comprenderá, de manera oral y escrita, hechos y experiencias pasadas de ámbitos personales académicos. Asimismo identificará la secuencia y relación entre eventos del pasado en textos orales o escritos. Temática: Pasado continuo / Used to Unidad 3 El alumno comprenderá textos orales y escritos sobre eventos que han ocurrido. Además intercambiará de manera oral y escrita, experiencias personales y culturales relacionadas con lo que ha realizado. Temática: Presente perfecto.

Unidad 4

El alumno, a partir de la integración de todas las habilidades de comprensión, expresión e interacción oral y escrita, podrá expresar de forma sencilla ideas, sentimientos y pensamientos. Temática: Actividades con los temas anteriores en las cuatro habilidades.

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Unidad 1


Unidad 2

Unidad 3

Unidad 4

Grammar: Verbo modal: must Verbo modal: have to Verbo modal: should

4 7 9

Reading Comprehension 12 Listening Comprehension 15 Writing 15 Speaking 16

Grammar: Used to. 17 Reading Comprehension 20 Listening Comprehension 21 Writing 22 Speaking 23 Grammar: Past Continuous 24 Reading Comprehension 29 Writing 30 Speaking 31 Listening 32

Grammar: Present perfect. 33 Reading Comprehension 39 Listening Comprehension 40 Writing 42 Speaking 43

Reading Comprehension 45 Listening Comprehension 49 Writing 49 Speaking 49 Tips for exams Rúbricas expresión oral y escrita

50 52

Examen modelo 54 Bibliografía 59 Clave de respuestas


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Unidad 1

Propósito de la unidad: el alumno comprenderá textos orales y escritos que aborde

problemas y/o consejos y será capaz de formular sus propias recomendaciones.

Contenido: Verbos modales

Modal verbs

The verbs must, have to, should are called modal auxiliary verbs. They express a variety

of meanings (necessity, obligation etc) .

Their main characteristics are:

▪ The verb doesn´t change.

▪ it´s not necessary to use ‘to'. Except verb have.

▪ It´s used in present.


The auxiliary verb must can express:

a) A logical conclusion

Example: Nancy is yawning. She must be sleepy. (Debe estar somñolienta)

b) A necessity

Example: I want to get into the movie theater, you must buy a ticket.

(Debes comprar un boleto)

It can be translated into Spanish as “debes” and it´s an external obligation.

Must not = Mustn´t expresses:

a) Prohibition

Example: There are sharks in the ocean near our hotel. We musn´t go swimming


(No debemos ir a nadar ahi)

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Read the following examples:

• You mustn´t touch the pictures in some museums.

• You must slow down when you see this sign.

I. Look at the signs and write about them using the verbs in parenthesis.


1. __You mustn´t smoke in this area.__________(smoke)

2. ______________________________________(drive)

3. ______________________________________(pass)

4. ______________________________________(eat )

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Person + must + infinitive verb

Person + must + not + infinitve verb

Must + person + infinitve verb.

I/ You He/She/ It must work We/You/They

I/ You He/She/ It mustn´t work We/You/They

I Must you work on Sunday? He/She/It You/We/They

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5. ______________________________________(camp)


II. You are going to a summer camp next vacation. Look at the rules people need to follow

there. Complete the ideas using must or mustn´t and a verb from the box

1. You ________________ your tent clean .

2. You ________________ cigarettes in the camp.

3. You ________________ shoes or sneakers all time.

4. You ________________ in camp activities.

5. You ________________ to bed at 10:30.

6. You ________________ any food in your tent.

7. You ________________ cell phones, tablets

8. You ________________ dogs or small pets.

9. You ________________ late for the activities.

10. You ________________ fun!

Wrap up: Read the sentence and underline the word(s) that best completes the idea.

1 We use “must” to talk about past hopes / present and future obligation.

2 We use “mustn’t” to talk about prohibitions / rules.

3 We write / don’t write “TO “ between must and the main verb.

use bring have eat keep participate be wear go smoke

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Modal verb: HAVE TO

This auxiliary verb indicates an external obligation and it means

“tener que” in Spanish.

In affirmative: Have to is used much more frequently than must in everyday speech and


Example: I have to work eight hours a day. (Tengo que trabajar 8 horas al dia)

John has to improve his homeworks. (Juan tiene que mejorar sus tareas).

In negative: Don't have to expresses the idea that something is not necessary.

Example: You don't have to work today. (No tienes que trabajar hoy)


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Person + have to /has to + infinitive verb.

Person + Do/does + not + to+ infinitive verb.

Do/does +person+ have to + infinitive verb.

I/You have to work He/She/ It has to work.

I/You don´t have to work. He/She/It doesn´t have to work

Do you have to work on Sunday? Does he/she/it have to work on Sunday?

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I. Look at the pictures (1-4) and write about them using Have to/ Has to.

1. __My mother has to do the laundry every week.__________________________

2. __My uncle_____________________________________________________

3. __My friends____________________________________________________

4. __I_____________________________________________________________

5. __My sister____________________________________________________

II. Read the situations and complete the idea using the verbs in parenthesis.

1. I can´t see clearly. I _______________________ glasses. (wear)

2. At the end of the course all the students ______________________a test .(do)

3. Sarah is studying literature. She _______________________a lot of books. (read)

4. Kate is not often at home. She _______________________a lot in her job. (travel)

5. In tennis you ________________________the ball over the net. (hit)

III. Complete the sentences with don´t have to /doesn´t have to or must not.

1. The soup is too hot. You _________________________ eat it. Wait for it to cool.

2. You ________________________________have soup for lunch. You can have a


3. Tommy, you ________________________say that word. That´s not a nice word.

4. When you have a new job, you ______________________be late the first day. It´s a

good idea to be a few minutes early.

5. You ___________________________________tell Jim about the surprise birthday

party. Do you promise?

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Wrap up : Read the sentences and underline the word(s) that best complete(s) the idea 1. I must get up early has the same meaning as / a different meaning from I have to get

up early.

2. We use have / has to to talk about things we must do in the present and future /

things we can do in the present and future.

3. Don’t / doesn’t have to means that something isn’t necessary / isn’t a good idea.

Modal verb: SHOULD

This modal is used to make recommendations or advice. This modal can be

translated in Spanish as “deberias”.

Example: You should cut down on sweets .

(Deberías reducir la cantidad de dulces.)

Mike should stop at the crosswalk when people want

to cross.

(Mike debería detenerse en el cruce cuando las

personas quieren cruzar la calle)


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I/You/ He/She/It should go to school We/They

I/You/ He/She/It shouldn´t go to school We/They

Should you go to school?

Subject + should + infinitive verb

Subject + should+ not + infinitive verb

Should + person + infinitive verb.

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I. Write some suggestions, use one of the verbs: drink, eat, study, watch, save.

Parents often say to their children:

1. You ______________________ soft drinks. They’re bad for you.

2. You ______________________your money. Don’t spend it all at the same time.

3. You ____________________ television all the time. Why don’t you read a book?

4. You _____________________ more vegetables. They’re good for you.

5. You _____________________ hard to get a good job or go to university.

II. Give recommendations to these different people. Use one of these verbs in the box.

1. The man is tired, ____________________________

2. A good driver ______________________________.

3. A teacher _____________________________________________.

4. A student _______________________________________________.

5. A good friend ____________________________________________.

drive a long distance exceed the speed limit. be friendly and happy. give too much homework miss any classes.

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III.Read the situation and give advice to people. Use I think …should… I don’t think


1 2 3

Peter´s got a very bad cold. Jenny and Tonny are sixteen I lost my credit card and but they say they want to get cheque book. married. 1. Example: I think Peter should drink tea.____________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4 5 6

Keith wants to drive home, My tooth hurts. There´s a hole in my shoe.

but he doesn´t have his I bought them last week.


4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________

7 8 9

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Ann´s phone bill was My children spent all their Kate´s crying because I

enormous $ 300 dlls. money in sweets pushed her, it was an accident.

7. _________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________________

. Wrap up 3: Read the sentences and underline the word(s) that complete(s) the idea.

1. We use should to give advice / make suggestions.

2. In negative sentences, we can / can’t use the contraction shouldn’t for should not.

3. In questions with should, the correct word order is should + main verb + subject / should

+ subject + main verb.


I. Read the text “Jungle” and do the following exercises.

1. Look at the vocabulary, specially words similar to Spanish (cognates). Identify them

and write some. Example: Africa : means the same. Africa.

______________ _______________ _________________

______________ _______________ _________________

______________ _______________ _________________

2. Read the four tips and write the recommendations or suggestions the text gives.

Tip 1


Tip 2


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Tip 3


Tip 4


3. Answer the following questions:

a) Is it safe to swing from trees?


b) What insects are dangerous?


c) Why is it important to check your clothes before you put them on?


d) How can leeches hurt you?


e) What should you do near lakes or rivers?


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Vocabulary Jungle:

wildlife – vida silvestre swing-columpiar

forest- bosque ants- hormigas

leech- sanguijuela nasty- desagradable

hairy- peludo alligator-cocodrilo

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Read the following sentences, then listen to the audio and write a check in True or


True False

• You must be 18 to get a driver’s license in USA. ____ ____

• You can ride a motorcycle when you are 16 in the USA. ____ ____

• You can’t leave school until you are 18 in Japan. ____ ____

• You must be 16 to work in Japan ____ ____

• You have to be 20 to vote in Japan ____ ____


One of your friends is preparing a party for the end of the semester. Give him/her some

suggestions for organizing it. Write a list of 5 recommendations.

First, write some notes about what you need for the party: date, hour, food, people, place.

Then, write complete sentences using the information and the appropriate modal.






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I. Read the situations and answer them using “must or mustn´t”

1. It´s my mother´s birthday tomorrow. Example: I must buy her a present and a card.

2. There´s an excellent movie on at the moment. You …….

3. My bedroom´s a mess. I ….

4. Peter´s in hospital. I …..

5. Our bus leaves in two minutes! We…..

6. You can borrow my laptop, but you……… It was very expensive.

7. There´s a wonderful new shopping center open. You ….

II. In pairs, one person reads the question and the other one answer it. Change roles.

1. What do you have to do to help in the house? What about your brothers and sisters?

2. Can you stay out as long as you want? or Do you have to be home by certain time?

3. Do you always have to tell your parents where you are going?

4. How strict are your parents? What do they let you do?

5. What do you argue about?

III. Read the questions and answer them.

1. What is the weather like in January?

2. What clothes should I take?

3. What sort of things can I do?

4. What places should I visit?

5. What food do you recommend?

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Unidad 2

Propósito de la unidad: El alumno describirá y comprenderá, de manera oral y escrita, hechos y

experiencias pasadas de ámbitos personales académicos. Asimismo identificará la secuencia y relación

entre eventos del pasado en textos orales o escritos.

Contenido: Used to, pasado continuo.


We can use the form used to + verb to express something that often happened in the past

(habitual situations in the past that have changed) and does not happen now:

Example: Dave used to work in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket.

(Dave solía trabajar en una fábrica, ahora trabaja en un supermercado)

Dave used to work in a factory= he worked in a factory before, but he doesn´t work there now.

In Spanish used to means “solía”. Example: Solía trabajar en una fábrica.

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Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I/You He/ She/ It You/We/ used to work They

I/You He/ She/ It You/We/ didn´t use to work They

I/You Did He/ She/ It You/We/ use to work They

They used to play football.

He didn´t used to travel.

Answer: Yes, I did. No, I didn´t.

Examples: Jane: Did you use to go to the circus when you were a child?

My grandpas didn´t use to drive, they didn´t have a car.

I. Look at the situations in the pictures. Complete the sentences with used to.

1. Ex. She used to have long hair.

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________

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II. Write used to and the verb in parenthesis to complete the sentences.

1. My cousin _________________ very shy, he didn´t talk to others very much. (be)

2. I remember my Aunt Sally very much. When she came to visit us, she


homemade cookies, they were delicious! (bring)

3. Boy: __________ you ______________ rock and roll with Elvis’ music, mom? (dance)

Mom: Yes, I __________. It was fantastic!

4. Uncle John ________________________ with his brothers because they were older, he

played with his neighbors. (play)

5. When I was a little boy, my mom _____________________me stories before going to bed, I

liked it very much. (read)

III. Find a mistake using used to in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences in the correct way.

1. Helen was a very friendly girl. She used talk with all the girls of her class.


2. A: Did you used to like vegetables when you were a child? B: No, I didn´t. _______________________________________________________________________

3. I remember my elementary school teachers. They were nice, they didn´t used to give us so

much homework.


4. My sister Rose didn´t use like dolls when she was a little girl, she preferred balls and



5. Robert use to live with his grandparents in Boston until he started university in 1995.


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I. Read the following extracts and answer the questions.

I used to believe is a funny and bizarre collection of ideas that adults thought

were true when they were children. The following pages will reassure you that

the things you used to believe weren´t so strange after all.

“About imaginary friends”


When I was about 6 years old I used to think it wasn´t

normal not to have an imaginary friend because my closest

friend had one. So I used to invent one and drew it and I

closed my eyes and tried to see it but I never could!

“About doctors”


I used to believe that doctors couldn´t get sick because it was their job

to fight sickness. To me it seemed as logical as police officers not

comitting crimes because it was their job to fight crime. When my

mom asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up , I proclaimed,

“doctor”! When she asked me why, I said “ so I can never get sick


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I. After reading “About Imaginary Friends “, underline True (T) or False (F).

1. Kids usually have imaginary friends. T F

2. Alex used to have an imaginary friend. T F

3. His closest friend used to believe that police officers fight crime. T F

4. The imaginary friend used to appear to Alex. T F

II. Circle the best answer.

5. What does Karen think about police?

a) Police officers don´t committee crimes.

b) She though doctors and police fight against bad things.

c) Police never get sick.

6. Why did Karen want to be a doctor?

a) Because she didn´t want to be a police officer.

b) Because it was great and fantastic.

c) Because she thought doctors never got sick.


Listen about an old way of transportation: “the trails” (carretas). Complete the sentences.

1. People in the U.S used to ___________ across the country.

2. They ___________the “Oregon Trail” path used for traveling


3. The “Oregon Trail” _______in Missouri and ________ all the

way to Oregon.

4. For long trips like this, They _______ to ________in a

Conestoga wagon.

5. The wagons _______ really heavy since furniture, clothes, food, animals and everything

else a family owned _________ in it.

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The structure “used to” refers to some activities that happened habitually in the past.

Look at this example. “I used to be Cinderella”

I ‘m Cinderella. I used to be a sad girl. My mom died and my dad got married to a very bad lady

that had 3 daughters: my step-sisters. I was so sad because my step-mother never loved me, on the

contrary, she treated me like a servant. This was my daily routine: I used to cook breakfast, lunch

and supper but not dinner, my step-mother made it for my dad. Then I used to clean all the house,

specially the floors, I used to polish them for hours! I worked a lot, I even washed the clothes. But

now my life is different. I met a prince and we got married. I live in a castle and I am very happy



1. Check that when you are telling a story, you need to use most of the verbs in past


“I used to be a sad girl. My mom died and my dad got married to a very bad lady that had 3


2. When you contrast the story with the present time, you can also use present

simple:You can use conjunctions such as: and, but, because etc.

“But now my life is different.”

Try to write your own text (50 words), here there are two topics,

1) The experience of a person that used to live in a town and then moved to a big city, like

Mexico City.

2) Write about how the life of a person changed from being poor to win the lottery and

become rich. The example is the protagonist of the movie “Slumdog Millionaire” (“Quisiera

ser millonario”).





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I. Talk about your childhood / elementary school / secondary school/ What activities

did you use to do? Write some notes

For example:

When I was in elementary school I used to wear ………….

I used to go ……….


Use: The Past Continuous (or past progressive) indicates that an action was happening at a

particular moment in the past:

I was reading last night. (Estaba leyendo la noche pasada)

I was writing an essay the whole weekend. (Estaba escribiendo un ensayo todo el fin de


What were you doing at 2:00?


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was+ verb -ing

I wasn´t+ verb -ing

Were you + verb -ing

He/ She/ It was + verb -ing

He/She/It wasn´t + verb –ing

Was he/she/it + verb -ing

You/We/ were+ verb -ing They

You/We weren´t+ verb -ing They

Were you/we/they/ + verb -ing

It was raining for hours yesterday evening.

It wasn´t raining yesterday evening.

Was it raining yesterday evening? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn´t.

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Pay attention to the following rules:

1) Verbs ending in –e drop e and add –ing. Example: live – living

2) Verbs of one syllable ending in consonant, doble consonant and add –ing:

Example: swim - swimming.

3) Verbs ending in consonant add –ing. Example: visit – visiting.

4) Verbs ending-ie = ying. Example: die – dying, tie-tying

I. Practice the rules with the following verbs:

1. dance ______________________ 2. clean ____________________

3. hit ________________________ 4. run ____________________

5. cook ________________________ 6. listen _____________________

7. play ________________________ 8. Sleep ____________________

II..Look at the situations and match the sentences with the picture that describes it.

Write the corresponding letter.

Example . She was falling from the stairs. __B_________

1. The boys were planting a tree last weekend. _________

2. Phillip was getting tired. _________

3. Sue and Ron were riding a bike last Friday. __________

4. I was writing a letter yesterday. __________

5. John was eating a sandwich. __________


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III.The Carter Family all remember what they were doing when the last Californian earthquake

happened. Use the verb in parenthesis to complete the idea.

Example: Sally: I was cooking lunch for John. (cook)

1. John: I _____________________ my boss in New York. (call)

2. Ron and Sue: We _____________________ at the lake with Paul. (swim)

3. Tom: I _____________________ a football game on TV. (watch)

4. Ann and Carol: We ___________________ an ice cream at the Corner Café. (have)

5. Flo: I ______________________ ready to go out with some friends. (get)

IV. Complete the conversations with the verb in parenthesis.

Conversation 1

Jenny: Who ________________ Ron and Sue _______________ with yesterday? (talk)

Tony: They _______________________ with Paul. (chat)

Jenny: ___________________________? (swim)

Tony: No, they ___________. They ________________________ at the lake.(swim)

Conversation 2

John : ________________ Tom _______________ to the radio last weekend? (listen)

Tom: No, he ________________. He _____________________ TV. (watch)

John: What _______________________________________________? (do)

Tom: He ___________________________________________ a football game. ( play)

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When the two actions are in one sentence, use the connectors when (cuando), as (como), or

while (mientras) to join the two sentence parts. Notice that the action on one sentence is

interrupted by the other one.

Jenny was reading when Ann phoned.

The truck hit my car as I was turning.

The policeman arrived while we were having dinner.

Check the combination of tenses:

I was sleeping when my dog ate all the chicken.

[past continuous] when [past simple]

I learned to dance salsa while I was working in Colombia.

[past simple] while [past continuous]

V.Complete the sentences with WHEN or WHILE. Use the pictures to help you.

1. __________ Brett and Ben left home, it was raining.

2. Jane and Paul were working __________

suddenly, a lady arrived to the office.

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VI. Underline the correct verb form.

1. While I shopped / was shopping this morning, I lost / was losing my wallet.

2. Last week the police stopped / was stopping John in his car because he drove / was

driving at over 120 km an hour.

3. When I arrived / was arriving home, everyone had / was having dinner.

4. As I was walking / walked to the office, I saw Jane at the drugstore.

5. How did you cut / were you cutting your finger?

VII. Read the sentences carefully and underline the wrong part, then, write the correction.

Example: Rosalinda were not talked to me. Correct: was not talking

1. They wasn´t stealing the car. Correct:______________________________

2. She wasn´t looked for the keys. Correct:______________________________

3. The girls were not rode the horses. Correct:______________________________

4. The telephone were not ringing. Correct:______________________________

5. Mary and I was not watched the movie. Correct: _____________________________

3. __________ Kate was waiting for the bus, his

friend Tom was walking towards the bus stop.

4. Richard was watching t.v. ____________ her

wife came from work.

5. ___________ Mrs. Taylor was reading a novel,

some kids were playing outside and hit her window

with a ball.

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VIII. Circle the correct form in the following sentences..

1. When I was young, I _______________drive very fast.

a) used to b)uses to c)use to

2. Sandra ___________________drink coffee when she was younger,

a) use to b)uses to c)used to

3. Did you use to travel to school by bus?

a) No, I did b) No, I did not c) yes,I do.

4. My mother was cooking ___________I was washing the dishes

a) while b)did c) was

5. Richard _____________ a magazines as the telephone rang

a) read b) reading c)was reading


Recuerda que la frase “used to” significa “solía” y que el pasado continuo se forma

con el verbo To Be en pasado + la terminación ing del siguiente verbo. Quizá te ayude

saber que en español es el verbo Ser o Estar +la terminación ando, iendo.

Ej. I was working Yo estaba trabajando

No olvides que hay combinaciones de tiempos; pasado continuo + pasado simple

Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F) according to what you have studied.

1. Past continuous indicates that an action is happening at the precise moment .


2. To form the past progressive I need to know the conjugation of the verbs.


3. The past progressive and the past simple are often used together.


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It was just before midnight on October 31st last year. Susan Lee was driving

home after visiting her sister. The road was clear and she was driving carefully.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a young man stepped out in front of her. He was

wearing a dark colored raincoat and carrying a backpack. Susan stepped

hard on the brake pedal but it was too late. She got out of the car but, to her

surprise, there was nobody there. While she was looking under the car, she felt

a cold wind on her face and a strange presence that sent shiver down her

spine. She was still looking under her car when a lorry stopped beside her. The

lorry driver, a -age man, walked up her and asked her if she needed help to

start her car so she told him what had happened. He didn´t seem surprised

when Susan told him about the young man. “In October 1978, there was a car

accident on this road and a hitchhiker was fatally run over. You´re not the first

to have seen his ghost here”, he said in a mysterious tone.


Shiver :escalofrio Lorry : trailer Hitchhiker: persona que solicita un aventón

I .Read the text and answer the questions:

1. What do the USA celebrate on Oct. 31st?


2. What did Susan do before this event happened?


3. What made Susan hit the brakes?


4. What was the mysterious man doing?


5. Did Susan run over the man? Why?


6. What did the bus driver say about what had happened?


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You can write about past anecdotes and adventures.


The other day I was taking my Maths exam. I was reading the directions but I didn´t understand

a word. It was so confusing! So I asked the teacher for some help and he told me: “Sorry, I gave

you the wrong exam, this is for another semester”. I just smiled, took the right exam and started

to answer it. I felt really weird.


1. Past continuous expresses an action in process in the past interrupted by another:

“I was reading the instructions but I didn´t understand a word.”

2. Check the correct conjugation of the verb to be in past (was / were).

3. Check you use the past simple correctly:

“I just smiled, took the right exam and started to answer it.

4.Check the spelling of verbs:

Smile (regular verb)—past tense + “d”---- smiled

Take (irregular verb) --past tense--- changes the form--- took

Start (regular verb)---- past tense + “ed”--- started

Choose one of the topics and write a short text.:

a). When and how you met your best friend.

b) About an embarrassing situation.

c) An accident you saw on the street.

d) A funny situation that happened to you or to a friend.





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Choose one picture and tell a short story about it. Write some notes about what happened.

1 2


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John Lennon, jealous guy

Listen to the song and find the wrong words. Write the correct one. Not all the lines have an

incorrect word.

1. I was cleaning of the past ________________

2. And my tart was beating fast ________________

3. I begin to lose control. ________________

4. I begun to lose control ________________

5. I didn’t mean hurt you ________________

6.I am sorry that I maked you cry ________________

7. Oh no, I didn’t want to hurt you ________________

8. I am just a famous guy ________________

9. I was seeing insecure ________________

10. You might not love me anymore. ________________

11. I was shivering inside ________________

12. I was delivering inside ________________

13. I didn’t want to hurt you ________________

14. I’m sorry that I make you cry ________________

15. Oh no, I didn’t want to hurt you _______________

16. I am just a famous man _______________

17.I was flying to catch your eyes _______________

18. Though that you guas trying to hide _______________

19.I had swallowing my pain _______________

20.I didn’t want to hurt you _______________

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Unidad 3

Propósito de la unidad: El alumno comprenderá textos orales y escritos sobre eventos que

han ocurrido. Además intercambiará de manera oral y escrita, experiencias personales y

culturales relacionadas con lo que ha realizado.

Contenido: Presente perfecto.


Use: This tense relates past events to present time. It is used:

• To talk about experiences and events at an unspecified time in the past:

I have seen two plays by Shakespeare. (Yo he visto dos obras de Shakespeare)

I have never been to the USA (He estado en los Estados Unidos)

• To talk about something that is unfinished, or something that started in the past and

continues in the present.

I have lived in Mexico for ten years. ( yo he vivido en México por 10 años)

I have studied English for more than five years. (he estudiado inglés por más de 5


• To talk about events in a period of time that is not yet finished, e.g. this morning/ week:

I have been to two parties this week.

• To talk about a present result of a past event:

She has had an accident. She has broken her leg.

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Affirmative Negative Interrogative.

I / We / have eaten You/They Have + V PastParticiple.

I /We You/They haven´t eaten Have+ not+VPast Participle

Have I / you / we / they eaten Have + V PastParticiple

He / she / it has eaten

He / she / It hasn´t eaten

Has He / she / it eaten

I have eaten snails once. I haven´t eaten snails. Have you eaten snails? No, I haven´t / yes, I have.

I.Check a list of verbs in past participle. Study them and complete the chart with the correct

form of the verbs. the verb.


Be Was/were (1)

Come (2) Come

Have Had (3)

(4) Lived Lived

Feel (5) Felt

Happen (6) Happened

Understand Understood (7)

Begin Began (8)

Break (9) Broken

Cut Cut (10)

(11) Ate Eaten

Win (12) Won

Ride Rode (13)

Stop Stopped (14)

Get Got (15)

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II. Look at the pictures and write a sentence

Ex. He has cleaned his


1. _______________












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Frequency words:

III. Answer the questions, use the verb and adverb in parenthesis.

1. A: Do you like something to eat?

B: No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch. (just / have)

2. A: Do you know where Julia is?

Yes, ______________________________ ( just / see)

3. A: What time is David leaving?

B:__________________________________ ( already / leave)

4. A: What’s in the newspaper today?

B:I don’t know. _______________________ ( not / read / yet)

5. A: Is Sue coming to the cinema with us?

B: No, _______________________________ ( already/ see )

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6. A: Are your friends here yet?

B: Yes, ________________________________ ( just / arrive)

7. What does Tim think about our plan?

B: ____________________________________ (not / tell / yet )

Differences between:

Since/ For

• The time prepositions since and for:

She’s lived here for three years. (for = period of time (three days/two years etc)

He’s worked here since 2005. ( since= start of the period (Monday / 9 o clock)

IV. Write FOR or SINCE in the blanks.

1. Maya has been a professional singer_________1989.

2. So far, it has rained________ five hours.

3. I haven’t been snowboarding________last winter.

4. Jo has been a student here________ March

5. The beaver has been an emblem of Canada ________ many years.

6. Cougars have almost disappeared from the Victoria area_____ humans settled here.

7. Mary has kept a diary_______ she was ten years old.

8. First Nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle _______

hundreds of years.

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9. The Canadian two-dollar coin (or toonie) has been in circulation ______ 1996.

10. They’ve been married _______ twenty-five years.

Past Simple and Present perfect

The past simple is a finished action in the past, whereas the present perfect can be used for

actions that haven’t been finished, or that started in the past and continue in the present.

I broke my leg last year. (past simple: it happened last year, once. It’s an action that

has already passed).

I have broken my leg three times in five years! (it is an action that has been repeated

three times).

I went to Disneyland last year (an action in the past – last year)

I have never been to Disneyland in my life. (an action that hasn’t occurred but it may

happen in the future), or

I have been to Disneyland twice (it happened in the past but yet there is chance of

happening again in the future, or there are plans to go back to Disneyland some other


V. Complete the sentences either in simple past or present perfect.

1. Dolphins ____________ (live) in BC waters for millions of years, and are still common


2. I ______________ (lose) my binder yesterday, but my brother found it this morning.

3. The Titanic _____________ (sink) in 1912.

4. We _____________ (own) this TV set since 1968, and it still works!

5. This wine ______________ (is) in the cellar for 15 years. When we take it out and open it,

it will taste beautiful!

6. He ____________ (cry) when his girlfriend left him, but he’s OK now.

7. I ____________ (buy) some new shorts, but I don’t think I like them. Maybe I’ll take them

back to the store.

8. ___________Junko _________ (eat) bacon in her life? No, she’s a true vegetarian.

9. _______ you _________(wear) these boots to go hiking yesterday?.

10. The children ___________ (drink) all the orange juice! We’ll need to get some more.

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VI. Complete the conversation with the verb in parentheses. use past simple or present


Jeff: How long have you lived (you live) here, Montse?

Montse: I (1) ____________________ (be) here for six years. I (2) ____________(come)

here with my husband to study in 1997.

Jeff: (3) ______ you __________ ( ever have) any experience of culture shock?

Montse: What do you mean?

Jeff: Well, (4) _______________________ (you feel) confused or lonely?

Montse: It’s strange, but that (5) ____________________________ (not happen) to me at all

since I arrived. We (6) __________________________ (live) in Barcelona before, and there

are of course some differences. I miss my family. But for me, it (7) ________________(be) so



Read the text “ Working their way up to the top” and write True(T), False(F) or Not

Mentioned (NM).

1. Louis started as a cashier at the Big Value Supermarket. __________

2. He has worked there for sixteen years. __________

3. All employees at the Big Value Supermarket start at the bottom. __________

4. Kate has been the manager of the Women’s Clothing Department

in Dallas for ten years. __________

5. The Women’s Clothing Department was on the bottom floor of the store. __________

6. Kate hasn’t been a vice president for two years. __________

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Listen Look at the pictures and listen about them. Then read the sentences and circle the name of the actor/actress mentioned.

1.. Who made her first TV appearance at the age of eleven?

a) Kate Winslet b) Catherine Zeta-Jones c) Renée Zellweger d)Tom Hanks

2. Who missed school exams to appear in the theatre?

a) Kate Winslet b) Katherine Zeta-Jones c) Renée Zellweger d) Keanu Reeves

3. Who wanted to be a professional footballer?

a) Keanu Reeves b) Colin Farrell c) Tom Hanks d) Tom Cruise

4. Who dreamed of fame as an international gymnast?

a) Kate Winslet b) Catherine Zeta Jones c) Renée Zellweger d) Colin Farrell

5.Who spent a year training to become a priest?

a) Keanu Reeves b) Tom Cruise c) Collin Farrell d) Sting

6. Who taught at a primary school?

a) Tom Cruise b)Sting c) Tom Hanks d)Keanu Reeves

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7. Who dropped out of high-school at the age of seventeen?

a) Colin Farrell b) Tom Cruise c) Keanu Reeves d) Tom Hanks

8. Who worked in the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles?

a) Kate Winslet b)Tom Cruise c)Renée Zellweger d)Tom Hanks


Write a story about your favorite friend. Look at the following example:


My favorite friend is Ann, I have known her since we were kids. We have been friends for 10 years. We met in elementary school and we have been best friends ever since. She came from a different school and city, so she didn’t have any friends. She used to be lonely, till I met her. She studied the first two years of elementary school in a different city. She lives in Coyoacan, and she has lived there for five years. She was born in Oaxaca, and she lived there for eight years before she came to Mexico City. She is interested in helping animals and singing. She has helped animals in need for the last three years, and she has sung in the church choir for two years, she has a lovely voice.

Now, write your composition. Consider the following questions to be covered:

1. How long have you known him/her?

2. How long has he / she been your friend ?

3. What did he /she do before that? How long?

4. Where has he/she lived?

5. How long has he / she lived?

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6. What is your interested in? How long has he/she interested in that?







Read and practice the next conversation:

A: Allan !

B: Ellie ! I can’t believe it’s you! I haven’t seen you for years, as a matter of fact, since we were in elementary school!

A: That’s right, Allan. It’s been a long time. How have you been?

B. Fine, And how about you?

A: Everything’s fine with me, too.

B: Tell me Ellie, do you still live in Coyoacan?

A: No. I haven’t lived in Coyoacan for several years. I live on Tlalpan Ave. now. And how about you? Do you still live in downtown?

B: No. I haven’t lived in downtown since 2008. I live on Palmas Boulevard now.

A: Tell me Allan, are you still a good footballer?

B: No. I haven’t been a footballer for several years. I am a medicine student now. And how about you? Are you still a dancer?

A: No. I haven’t danced for a year, I broke my ankle last year and it hasn’t healed.

B: Well, Ellie, I’m afraid I have to go now. We should get together soon.

A: Good idea, Allan. It’s been a long time.

Practice the conversation: You’re walking along the street and suddenly you meet a classmate who studied with you in elementary school. You haven´t seen him or her for six years. You can try to follow this conversation.

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A: _________________ !

B: ______________! I can’t believe it’s you! I haven’t seen you for years, as a matter of fact, since we were in elementary school!

A: That’s right, ________. It’s been a long time. How have you been?

B. Fine, And how about you?

A: Everything’s fine with me, too.

B: Tell me _______, do you still live in _______________?

A: No. I haven’t lived in ___________ (for/since) __________. I live (in/on)___________ now. And how about you? Do you still live (in/on) _________?

B: No. I haven’t lived (in/on) ________ (since/for) _________. I live (in/on) ______________now.

A: Tell me ______are you still (a/an) __________?

B: No. I haven’t been (a/an) __________(for/ since) ___________. I am (a/an) ____________now. And how about you? Are you still (a/an) ___________?

A: No. I haven’t __________ (fork/since) ________, I ______________________________

A: Good idea, Allan. It’s been a long time.

(in this part you can ask more questions in the dialogue about the things you have or haven’t done till the present)

B: Well, Ellie, I’m afraid I have to go now. We should get together soon.

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Unidad 4

Propósito de la unidad: El alumno, a partir de la integración de todas las habilidades de comprensión, expresión e interacción oral y escrita, podrá expresar de forma sencilla ideas,

sentimientos y pensamientos. En esta unidad se presentarán ejercicios de cada una de las habilidades de la lengua y los temas vistos en este semestre. Se sugiere consultar los tips para cada habilidad presentadas en las unidades anteriores. Además se incluye un examen modelo a fin que se practiquen todos los contenidos de la manera en que se presentan en el examen extraordinario. Reading

Lectura detallada a nivel de párrafo. Se utiliza para comprender el sentido de lo que está escrito con detalle y precisión. Se

requiere que el lector lea con detenimiento y reflexión. Este tipos de lectura, entre otras cosas,

ayuda a encontrar y deducir lo que el autor buscar comunicar. Asimismo, identificar la

estructura, organización del párrafo y las ideas principales y secundarias ahí contenidas.

Idea principal: es el enunciado que sintetiza la información sobre el tema que el autor trata.

Ideas secundarias: son las que están relacionadas con la idea principal, es decir, tratan

ciertos aspectos del mismo asunto. Debe de existir un orden lógico entre las ideas y en

ocasiones el autor utiliza palabras de enlace o transición.

Lee detalladamente el primer párrafo de “Travel-literature” selecciona la idea que incluye la mayor información.

a) Por miles de años, los cuenta-cuentos han entretenido a sus lectores y escuchas con

cuentos de viajes y de las personas que van con ellos.

b) Los viajes imaginarios difieren de las anécdotas de viaje al presentar información o

experiencias personales sobre lugares reales.

c) Las travesías son un tema común en la literatura de muchas culturas y épocas.

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La oración C engloba la información del párrafo por lo cual es la idea principal, las

secundarias A y B proporcionan mayor información relacionada con la principal.

Las travesías son un tema común en la literatura de muchas culturas y épocas.

Los viajes imaginarios difieren de las anécdotas de viaje al presentar información o experiencias personales sobre lugares reales.

Por miles de años, los cuenta-

cuentos han entretenido a sus

lectores y escuchas con

cuentos de viajes y de las

personas que van con ellos

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Travel – Literature

Travel is a common theme in the literature of many cultures and time periods.

For thousands of years, storytellers have entertained listeners and readers

with tales of voyages and quests and the people who undertake them.

The imagined journeys of fiction differ from straight travel writing which

presents true accounts of personal experiences or information about real places.

Ancient times

Great journeys shape the polts of several famous literary Works of the ancient

Greeks and Romans. Tales describing the adventures of mighty heroes and

their followers to real places often include gods and creatures that stretch the


One of the best-known travel stories of all time is the Odyssey, written by Greek

poet Homer in the 700sB:C The Odissey recounts the adventures of Odysseus,

a soldier who befins a long voyage home after the Trojan War. Along the way, he

visits many islands of the Mediterranean Sea and overcomes numerous obstacles,

including legendary monsters such as the Cyclops, a one-eyed giant.

Another hero of the Trojan war, the Trojan prince Aeneas, is the subject of an

epic poem called the Aeneid. Written by the Roman poet Virgil in the first century B.C.

it tells how Aeneas escaped Troy after the war and traveled with a group of

followers to Africa and then to Italy. There they founded the tribe that eventually

became the Roman people.

Medieval Literature

During the Middle Ages, religión had a profound influence on European life.

Travel related literature of the period often reflects religious themes such as

Journey to holy shrines and quests to retrieve holy objects.

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I. Lee detalladamente la sección Ancient Times e identifica las ideas principales y secundarias por párrafo. Anótalas a continuación en español.

Párrafo 2

Idea principal: ________________________________________________________


Ideas secundarias:_____________________________________________________




______________________________________________________________________ Párrafo 3

Idea principal: ________________________________________________________


Ideas secundarias:_____________________________________________________





Párrafo : Medieval Literature.

Idea principal: ________________________________________________________


Ideas secundarias:_____________________________________________________


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Write about two of these topics: a) A funny experience when you were in elementary school. Describe how you felt. b) Your hobbies, family, activities when you were 10 years old. c) Your plans when you finish university. d) Your family , friends, school now.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Speaking With a classmate talk about going to the movies. Take turns asking and answering some of these questions. For example:

What kinds of movies are you interested in? Why? Who are your favorite actors and actresses? Why?

What´s the worst movie you have ever seen? Make more questions about a movie you liked.

Posible temas para examen oral extraordinario.

- Talk about your childhood:

a) What kind of food did you use to eat? b) Which games did you use to play? Etc.

- Give advice in the following situations:

a) How to pass an extraordinary exam. b) How to cure a simple cold. c) How to start doing


- Tell a funny anecdote or an embarrassing moment.

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Talk about some of these experiences:

a) Have you ever seen a whale?

b) Have you ever read the book “Las batallas en el desierto”?

c) Have you ever eaten snails?

d) Have you ever helped someone in trouble?

Tips for your exam

Speaking Tips

Prepare your Oral Exam ¿Cómo prepararse para el examen oral?

1. Consulta la lista de posibles temas para el examen oral y escoge 2 ó 3 para


2. Prepara vocabulario relacionado al tema, incluye adjetivos, verbos y sustantivos. Te

sugerimos organizarlo de la siguiente manera:

3. Puedes escribir un pequeño texto para organizar tus ideas y también al escribirlo,

saldrán tus dudas de vocabulario y podrás buscar en el diccionario lo que necesites.

4. Busca a un amigo que te ayude a corregir tu texto y apoyarte con la pronunciación.

Practica varias veces tu discurso o conversación; entre más practiques más estarás seguro

y más preparado para el examen. También puedes acudir a la Mediateca o a las asesorías

de la materia.

TOPIC: How I met

my best friend

Situation: no friends

alone, bored

wanted to leave

What happened?

a girl--chat,eat,becam

e friends Where / when:

last year, in a party

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5. De manera complementaria, es de mucha utilidad que escuches música en inglés o

veas películas con los subtítulos en inglés ya que es la manera en que podrás mejorar la

pronunciación y aprender nuevas palabras. Trata de imitar los sonidos y la entonación de

las palabras.

6. Debes crearte confianza y dejar de lado la timidez, recuerda que lo más importante es

aprobar tu examen y por supuesto avanzar en el conocimiento del idioma.

Listening tips

Para muchos estudiantes la habilidad más difícil de lograr es la de escuchar y entender lo que

se dice en otro idioma (listening), para ayudarte a superar ese obstáculo te proponemos los

siguientes consejos:


- Define el propósito. Siempre que sea posible, empieza por saber de qué se hablara.

En un escrito, lee las preguntas, define la información.

- Predice vocabulario.

- No trates de entender cada una de las palabras solo pon atención en aquellas en las

que se hace mayor énfasis, como podrían ser sustantivos, verbos y adjetivos. Ej. The

Price of the car is a real bargain. Las palabras claves son: price, car, bargain.

- La práctica hace al maestro. Usa la mediateca, escucha música en inglés, ve películas

con subtítulos, si tienes la opción, ve televisión en inglés, visita blogs, etc. No pierdas

ninguna oportunidad para practicar.

- Divide y vencerás. Practica 10 o 15 min por sesión y ve aumentando gradualmente.

Te sugerimos algunos sitios que seguro te ayudaran a tener éxito, solo tienes que ser


-The best English by Selymar (you tube) -www.npr.org (national public radio) -ESL

video.com (music)

Writing tips.

Para elaborar una composición recuerda la temática y que las oraciones que realices tengan

un orden en la oración; por ejemplo;

Ann has helped animals in need in an animal shelter in Coyoacan since 2011.



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También para darte más ideas sobre que escribir puedes utilizar estas palabras interrogativas



Preguntarte sobre los que estas escribiendo, sus respuestas te ayudarán a darte más ideas

sobre las cuales escribir. Por ejemplo. Si escribes acerca de una fiesta. Puedes preguntarte

dónde, cuándo, porqué fuiste a la fiesta? Las respuestas pueden integrarse a la composición

que escribes.

A continuación se presentan las rúbricas para evaluar la producción escrita y oral. Cada uno de los aspectos corresponden a los elementos a evaluar corresponden al programa de la asignatura. Producción escrita en general Nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia.1 Temática general:

a) Describir de manera sencilla a su familia, condiciones de vida, estudios o su ultimo trabajo.

b) Escribir frases sobre sí mismo y sobre personas imaginarias.

Aspecto Puntuación Alumno


Escribe frases y oraciones sencillas

3 p.

Cohesión y Coherencia

Utiliza grupos de palabras con conectores sencillos como “y”,”pero” “porque”.

3 p.


Utiliza en forma correcta el uso de mayúsculas y signos puntuación básicos como punto y coma.

2 p.


Formularios, Postales Notas y mensajes breves. Cartas personales sencillas.


Total 10p.


what time?, how?, how old ? why?…

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Producción oral. Nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia.2 Expresión oral en general: a)Hace una descripción o presentación sencilla de persona, condiciones de vida o trabajo, actividades diarias, cosas que le gustan en una breve lista de frases y oraciones sencillas. Interación oral.

a) Se comunica en tareas sencillas y habituales que require un intercambio simple y directo de información sobre actividades y asuntos cotidianos.

b) Realiza intercambio sociales muy breves, aunque por lo genera lno puede comprender lo suficiente como para mantener la conversación por mí mismo.

Aspecto Puntuación Alumno


Utiliza formulas de cortesía sencillas relacionadas a saludos, despedidas


Utiliza frases sencillas, ensayadas o memorizadas a circunstancias particulares. Aún comete errrores básicos de manera continua



Utiliza intercambios breves para responder a invitaciones, sugerencias,o responder sobre lo que ha hecho recientemente..


Coherencia .

Enlaza palabras o grupos de palabras con conectores muy basicos y lineales como:” y, pero, porque”



Se hace entender con expresiones muy breves aunque resultan evidentes las pausas las udas iniciales y la reformulación


Total 10

2 Marco Común Europeo de Referencia de las Lenguas. Pag. 64,65 y 76

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Examen Modelo

I. GRAMMAR. Underline the answer that best completes the sentence. (1p. each 15 points) 1. _____you _____ to go to the church every Sunday when you were a kid? a) did ….. used b) did …… use c) do……..use 2. When Tina was 20 years old, she _____ for 5 hours non-stop, she won the competition! a) could to swim b) could swam c) could swim 3. Next Winter, Emily and Tom ______ a German course in Hamburg. a) could take b) took c) are going to take 4. For a formal party, you __________ wear a long dress. a) must to b) should c) has to 5. After doing exercise, doctors say we ________ very well to avoid future aches. a) will stretch b) should stretch c) must to stretch 6. Students in Mexico ________ get 6 in the final average to pass a subject. a) can b) should c) must 7. In the cinema or theater people _____ smoke. a) don´t have to b) shouldn´t c) mustn´t 8. A: Let´s go to the cinema this afternoon! I don´t ________ work . I have free time! B: That´s a great idea! a) have to b) had to c) has to

9. Olivia ________ the windows when a glass broke down. a) have cleaned b) is cleaning c) was cleaning 10. While the clerk was counting the money, two men _________ some beers from the fridge. a) steal b) are stealing c) were stealing 11. The kids were playing with the rackets ________ it started to rain, so they decided to watch t.v. a) while b) when c) because 12. ______ Alice was doing the shopping for the party, Hector was cleaning the house. a) where b) while c) when

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13. A: Do you like the lobster? B: I don´t know, I __________ it. a) tried b) ´ve never tried c) never have tried 14. J.K. Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter, ________ more than 400 million books since 1995. a) is selling b) sells c) has sold 15. ________Marilyn Monroe ______ in about seven famous films. a) have……… played b) did……. play c)has……. played II. Listening. Listen to Ryan talking about his life and put a check cross or next to the things Ryan has or hasn´t done. (1points each/ 10 points total) Ryan …….. Has hasn´t 16. lived in a foreign country. 17. worked for a big company. 18. stayed in an expensive hotel. 19. flown in a jumbo jet. 20. cooked a meal for ten or more people. 21. met a famous person. 22. seen a play by Shakespeare. 23. driven a tractor. 24. been to the hospital. 25. won a contest. III. Writing. Look at the pictures. Write a story Choose number one or two. Use past simple and past continuous and while / when / during / for. (10 points each story) 1)

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_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

IV.Reading Read the story and later Write T (true) or F (false) to the sentences. (10 points total) 26. The unusual event happened a few months ago. __________ 27. The man saw the flashes of light while he was driving one foggy night. ________ 28. He noticed his sunburn before he went into the restaurant. __________ 29. The server was frightened by the man´s appearance. __________ 30. The man ate a big meal at the restaurant because he was really hungry. _______ 31. After the man checked into a motel, he slept for a long time. __________ 32. The man didn´t see any more light flashes after that night. __________ 33. The burns disappeared on his face after a few years. __________ Answer the following questions: 34. What happened to the man´s face? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 35. What did he do when he saw his face? ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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. Reading. Vocabulary: weird: strange/ Pull off: stop / bites: pieces /Check in: register /Sunburn: an injured caused by sun.

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V. Speaking. Look at the pictures and tell about your life experiences. Use the model to start a conversation. ( 10 points total) Student: I´ve never been to New York, but I really want to go one day! Teacher: Why do you want to go to New York? Student: I want to visit the museums and climb the Statue of Liberty. Teacher: Do you want to go with your family or with friends? Student: Well, probably with friends, it´s so much fun!

. .

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Allergies. www.britishcouncil.org/professionals.htm

Cunningham Sarah, Moor Peter. New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate, student’s book. Pearson

Education Limited 2006, Edinburgh Gate. PP 62,63,167, 670,171.

Garton-Sprenger, July Phillip Prowse. American Inspiration 2

Editorial Macmillan

Evans,Virginia Jenny Dooley Upload Us 2 Editorial Express Publishing Macfarlane, Michael, English Practice Grammar. Garnet Education, U.K., 2009.

Mitchell, h. Q., Let´s Speed Up 2. MM Publications, U.S., 2009. pp. 42-43 Module 3D

Molinsky Steven, Bliss Bill. Side by Side 3. 3rd edition. Longman. NY 2002. Pp 61.

Murphy,Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2011

I used to believe. www.iusedtobelieve.com

Schrampfer Azar, Betty. Fundamentals of English Grammar. U.S.A. Regents/ Prentice Hall,


Soars, John and Liz New Headway English Course Pre-Intermediate Editorial Macmillan

URL: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/writing/text

Bibliography for students

Unit 1

Video de explicación verbos modales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So2KjGj2IhM

Explicación gramatical y ejercicios:






Unit 2

Video de explicación pasado continuo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mG6wOcof44

Explicación gramatical y ejercicios https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-

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Ejercicios de contraste pasado continuo y pasado


Unit 3

Video explicación gramatical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYGZhTVu6m8

Sitios web explicación gramatical y ejercicios:







Ejercicio de redacción de preguntas para una entrevista. Seleccionar Sesión 3.


Unit 4

Sitios para práctica oral

Sitio Web para aprender frases de opiniones diversas.


Video de Cambridge Examinations tips de como contestar preguntas en un examen oral.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxJql518wTI 5.

Sitios comprensión auditiva

. Ejercicio auditivo para repasar el futuro "Tour of London".


"Going to the Cinema" http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-


Dictados en línea, pueden servir para entrenar la habilidad auditiva.


Ejercicio 2 en http://www.esl-lab.com/health/healrd1.htm

Speexx, nivel A2 unidad Let’s go (software de la mediateca)

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Answers to the exercises and activities.

Unidad 1

MUST exercise I pag. 5

2.You mustn´t drive more than 80 km/hr.

3.You mustn´t pass

4.You mustn´t eat food or drink beverages here.

5. You mustn´t camp here

6.You must eat

II.pag. 6

1.must keep 2.mustn’t smoke 3.must wear

4.must participate

5. must go

6.mustn´t have 7.mustn’t use 8. must bring 9. musn’t be 10.must have

Wrap up pag 6

1.present and future obligation.

2 prohibitions

3 don’t write

HAVE TO exercise I. pag. 8

2.My uncle has to cook. 3. My friends have to pay my cell phone. 4. I have to take exams 5. My sister has to study for exams II. pag. 8

1.have to wear 2. have to do 3. has to read 4. has to travel 5. have to hit

III. pag.8

1. mustn´t 2. don´t have to 3. mustn´t 4. mustn´t 5.don´t have to

Wrap up pag. 9 1. has the same meaning as / a different meaning from I have to get up early.

2.. things we must do in the present and future

3. isn’t necessary

SHOULD exercise I . pag. 10

1 _shouldn’t drink__ soft drinks. They’re bad for you.

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2 _should save_ your money. Don’t spend it all at the same time.

3 shouldn’t watch_ television all the time. Why don’t you read a book?

4 should eat_ more vegetables. They’re good for you

5 _should study_ hard to get a good job or go to university.

II pag. 10

1. The man is tired , he shouldn´t drive a long distance.

2. A good driver shouldn´t exceed the speed limit

3. A teacher shouldn´t give too much homework.

4. A student shouldn´t miss any classes.

5. A friend should be friendly and happy.

III. pag. 11

1.I think he should go to bed. I don’t think he should go to work

2. I think Jenny and Tony should wait. I don’t think they should get married

3. I think you should call the bank. I don’t think you should stop looking for it

4. I think Keith should look for his glasses. I don’t think he should drive home

5. I think you should go to the dentist. I don’t think you should wait

6. I think you should go to the shoe store. I don’t think you should forget your bill

7. I think Ann should go to the telephone company. I don’t think she should use the telephone


8. I think the children should do more exercise. I don’t think they should eat more sweets

9. I think you should apologize. I don’t think you should make fun of it

Wrap up pag. 12

1. make suggestions. 2. can

3. subject + should + main verb. 4. don’t add -s to should.

5. should + subject + main verb.

Reading pag. 12,13

I. 1.Cognates: Africa, Amazon, vacation, tips, Tarzan, insects, colored, toxic,check,

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2. Tip 1. You shouldn´t swing from trees,

Tip. 2 You shouldn´t eat insects

Tip 3 You should check your boots or clothes before put them on.

Tip 4 You should avoid swimming in rivers or lakes.

3.. A) no it isn´t. B) brighty colored and hairy insects.

C) leeches can get in the clothes. D) They can bite you

E) look for alligator tracks.

Listening pag. 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5..

Listening Tapescript.

Ami: Is that your car, Tom?

Tom. Yes it is. Do you have a car at home in Japan?

Ami: No, I don´t . You must be 18 to get a driver´s license in Japan.

Tom: Really? You can get one when you´re 16 in US.

Ami: oh, Ok. What about motorcycles? Can you ride those at 16 in the U.S. too?

Tom: Yes, you can. What about leaving school in Japan?

Ami: Oh, you can leave school when you´re 16. Is this the same in the U.S?

Tom: No, usually you can´t leave school until you are 18. You can get a proper job at 14,

though. Can you work at 14 in Japan?

Ami: Hmm.. I´m not sure. But I think you must be 16.

Tom: Ok. And what about voting? You can vote when you´re 18 in the US.

Ami: Oh, you can´t vote until you´re 20 in Japan.

Writing pag. 15

Recommendations, example:

We should invite many people. We should find a big place for the party. We should buy food

for all people. We shouldn´t forget to invite all our friends

Speaking . pag. 16

Exercise I Possible answers

1. I must buy her a present. 2. You must watch it.

3. I must clean it. 4. I must visit him

5. We must hurry. 6. You must take care of it.

7. You must eat there.

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Exercise II pag. 16

Questions Possible answers

1.What do you have to do to help in the house?

I have to wash the dishes I have to make my bed I have to set the table

What about your brothers and sisters?

They have to take the trash out They have to water the plants They have o iron the clothes

2.Can you stay out as long as you want?

No, I can’t. I have to be on time in my house

3.Do you always have to tell your parents where you are going?

Yes, I do. I have to tell my parents where I’m going and who is with me.

4.How strict are your parents? What do they let you do?

They are very strict parents. I have to do my homework. I have to help in the house. I have to stay home and school all the time.

5.What do you argue about?

I argue about the chores I have to do.

Exercise III pag. 16

Question Possible answers

1.What is the weather like in January? It’s cold

2.What clothes should I take?

You should take your jacket, a pair of gloves and a scarf

3.What sort of things can I do?

You should go to the downtown. You should visit the modern museum.

A 4.Are there any special places that I should visit?

Yes there are. You should go to the pyramids. You should visit traditional towns

5.What food do you recommend?

You should try typical dishes. You should traditional cuisine

Unidad 2

I Used to pag. 18

2. He used to play football.

3. He used to have a taxi.

4. They used to live in the country.

5. He used to wear glasses.

6. He used to be a hotel.

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II. Used to pag. 19

1. My cousin used to be very shy.

2. she used to bring home made cookies.

3.Boy: Did you use to dance rock and roll.

yes, I did.

4. Uncle John didn´t used to play

5. My mom used to read.

III. Error correction pag. 19

1. Helen was a very friendly girl. She used to talk with all the girls of her class.

2. A: Did you used to like vegetables when you were a child? B: No, I didn´t.

3. I remember my primary school teachers. They were nice, they didn´t used to give us so

much homework.

4. My sister Rose didn´t use to like dolls when she was a little girl, she preferred balls and


5. Robert used to live with his grandparents in Boston until he started university in 1995.

Reading 1 pag. 21

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5 b. 6. C

Listening 1 Pag. 21

1. move 2. Used 3. started - went

4. used to ride 5. Were- was


From 1840 to 1859, more than 52,000 people in the U.S. decided to move across the country,

and they used the “Oregon Trail”, a path used for traveling there. Most of those people ended

up in Oregon, but others went to California or Utah. So, what was everyday life on the trail


The “Oregon Trail” started in Missouri and went all the way to Oregon. For long trips like this,

they used to ride in a Conestoga wagon. A cloth cover protected the people and their things

from the weather when it was snowy or windy.

The wagons were really heavy since furniture, clothes, food, animals and everything else a

family owned was in it. Only big animals like oxen, cows, or horses pulled the wagons.

The trail was very dangerous, too. People had to cross fast rivers in their wagons, or they ran

into robbers. Many times travelers couldn´t take care of sick people on the road. Cooking was

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difficult, too. Most people used to cook with pots and pans over a fire – even in the rain and


Writing pag. 22 example:

When I was poor, I used to work very hard. I used to get up at 4o´clock every day because I

had to go to work……….

Speaking pag. 23 example: When I was in kinder, I used to wear diapers; my father used to

take me to school………

Past continuous

I. Verbs –ing pag. 24

1. dancing 2. cleaning 3. hitting 4. running 5. cooking 6. listening 7. playing


II. pag. 24,25

1. C 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.F

III. pag. 25 Carter Family…

1. was calling 2.were swimming 3. was watching 4. were having 5. was getting

IV. pag. 25.

Conversation 1

Jenny: Who ____were / talking

Tony: They _were chatting.

Jenny: __was Jim swimming?

Tony: No, he wasn´t_ He was swimming at the lake.

Conversation 2

John : wasTom listening?

Tom: No, he ____wasn´t_ He _was watchingTV.

John: What was he watching?

Tom: He ____was watching_ a football game.

V. When and while. pag.26,27 1.When 2. When 3. While 4. When 5. while

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VI. pag. 27

1.Was shopping / lost

2.Stopped / was driving

3.Arrived/ was having

4.Was walking

5.Did you cut

VII. pag. 27

1.. incorrect: wasn´t stealing. Correct: were stealing

2. Incorrect : Wasn´t looked correct: wasn´t looking

3. incorrect: were not rode correct: weren´t riding

4. incorrect: weren´t ringing correct: wasn´t ringing

5. incorrect: wasn´t watched correct: were not watching

VIII. Practice: pag. 28 1.A 2. C. 3. B. 4. A. 5. C

Wrap up pag. 28: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

Reading 2 pag. 29

1. Halloween 2. Visited her sister 3.A young man appeared out of nowhere

4..He was a hitch hiker 5. No 6.Because there was nobody there.

Writing pag. 30

Example a) The first day of school, I arrived late to school and I was at the classroom door. I

didn´t want to enter the class so I waited and another (girl) (boy) arrived. Together, we asked

permission to the teacher to get in. After that we began talking and working in class.

Speaking pag. 31

Example 1 When I was walking, I fell down and I broke my arm.

Situation 2. I was riding my bike when I saw a dog near me. I got scared and I fell down. I

hurt myself.

Situation 3. My father was skiing when a snow storm began. All had to go to hotel


Listening pag. 32

1. I was cleaning of the past dreaming 2. And my tart was beating fast heart 3. I begin to lose control. began

4. I begun to lose control began 5. I didn’t mean hurt you to hurt 6.I am sorry that I maked you cry made 7. Oh no, I didn’t want to hurt you correct

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8. I am just a famous guy jealous 9. I was seeing insecure feeling 10. You might not love me anymore. correct 11. I was shivering inside correct 12. I was delivering inside shivering 13. I didn’t want to hurt you correct 14. I’m sorry that I make you cry made 15. Oh no, I didn’t want to hurt you correct 16. I am just a famous man jealous guy 17.I was flying to catch your eyes trying 18. Though that you guas trying to hide was 19.I had swallowing my pain was 20.I didn’t want to hurt you mean

Unidad 3

I. pag. 34


Be Was/were (1) been

Come (2) came Come

Have Had (3) had

(4) live Lived Lived

Feel (5) felt Felt

Happen (6)happened Happened

Understand Understood (7) understood

Begin Began (8) begun

Break (9) broke Broken

Cut Cut (10) cut

(11) eat Ate Eaten

Win (12) won Won

Ride Rode (13) ridden

Stop Stopped (14) stopped

Get Got (15) gotten

II. pag. 35

2.She has closed the door.

3. They have

gone to sleep.

4. It has stopped


5. He has just

taken a shower.

6. The picture

has fallen down.

III.pag. 36

2. I have just seen her./

I've just seen her.

3. He has already left. / He's

already left

4. I have not read it yet. / I haven't

read it yet.

5. She has already seen

the film. / She's already

seen the film

6. they have just arrived. /

the've just arrived.

7. We have not told him yet. / We

haven't told him yet.

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IV.pag. 37

1. since 2. for 3. since 4. since 5.for

6. since 7. since 8. for 9. since 10.for

V. pag. 38

1. have lived /

've lived

2. lost

3. sank

4. have owned

/'ve owned

5. has been / 's


6. cried

7. have bought /

've bought

8. has not eaten

/ hasn't eaten/

has never eaten

/ hasn't ever


9. wore

10. have drunk

VI. pag.39

1. have been 2. came 3.Have you ever had 4.Have you felt

5. hasn't happened / has not happened

6. lived

7. hasn't been

Reading pag. 39

1. False 2.True 3.Not Mentioned

4.False 5.Not Mentioned

6. False

Listening pag. 41


Some celebrities always knew what they wanted in life. Titanic star Kate Winslet made her first

TV appearance at the age of only eleven in an advert for breakfast cereal. And at the age of

sixteen, Catherine Zeta-Jones asked if she could miss her school exams to appear in the

theatre. “Go!” replied her headmaster, “You’re going to be a star, not a professor!”

But not all Hollywood stars knew what they wanted to do so early on in life. Until he was

fifteen, Irish actor Colin Farrell wanted to be a professional footballer like his father and his

uncle. At first Farrell’s dad laughed when Colin told him his plans. “I remember my dad saying

“An actor? Is that a real way for a man to make a living?” But now he couldn’t be happier!” he


Farrell isn’t the only Hollywood star who had sporting ambitions as a child. Renée Zellweger

dreamt of fame as an international gymnast. But others trained for more serious occupations.

Actor Tom Cruise spent a year in a Franciscan monastery training to become a priest, and

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rock star Sting taught at a primary school before becoming a singer.

Failure at school and a series of low-paid jobs was a also a feature of many stars’ early life.

Keanu Reeves dropped out of high school at the age of seventeen and worked in an ice rink

and in a pasta restaurant. And Academy Award winning actor Tom Hanks worked as a

bellman in the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles in the 1970x, an experience which he says helped

prepare him for acting. “You put your bellman suit and then play the role of a bellman,” he told

a magazine. “You make good tips and a nice wage, working three, four days a week”.

So next time you’re in your local restaurant eating spaghetti, or walking past a big hotel in the

centre of town, take a good look at the people working there. You never know- they might

become world-famous one day!

1. A 2. B 3. B 4.C 5.B

6. B 7 .B 8.D

Writing pag. 42

Speaking pag. 43 ( practice the dialogue)

Unidad 4

Reading pag. 48

Párrafo 2 Idea principal: Los romanos y los griegos describieron las grandes viajes.

Idea secundarias:

a) una de las historias de viajes fue la Odisea, escrita por Homero en el año 700.

b) Otro héroe fue un príncipe de la Guerra de Troya en la Eneida, escrita por Virgilio


a) En la época Medieval la religión tuvo una gran influencia en la vida europea.

Idea secundaria. Los viajes relatados en esta época refieren temas religiosos como las

peregrinaciones a sitios santos.

Writing pag. 49 I was in elementary school, i used to play video games, I ……. ( continua la


Speaking pag. 50 Look at the examples.

Examen extraordinario modelo pag. 54

1. Grammar

1.B 2.C 3. C 4.B 5.B

6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.C

11.B 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.C

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II.Listening. pag.55

Ryan….. Has hasn´t

16. lived in a foreign country.

17. worked for a big company.

18. stayed in an expensive hotel. x

19. flown in a jumbo jet.

20. cooked a meal for ten or more people. x

21. met a famous person. x

22. seen a play by Shakespeare.

23. driven a tractor.

24. been to the hospital. x

25. won a contest. x

Writing pag. 55

Reading pag. 56,57.

26. T 27. T 28. F 29.F

30. F 31.T 32.T 33. F

34. got a bad sunburn 35. he splashed cold water and held a towel to his skin.

Speaking pag. 58

Talk about the picture or make questions and answers

Example: Have you ever been to the Caribean? Yes, I have. I went there two months ago.

/ No, I never been there.