IES MIGUEL SERVET SEPTEMBER 2012 TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable ©   Burlington Books  NAME: ______________________________________ I Answer the following questions: Dur i ng t he st or m , what di d the narrator do to make Usher cal mer?  __________________________________________________________________________ What happened t o t he House of Usher at t he end?  __________________________________________________________________________ Why di d the narrator i n The Black Cat become so vi ol ent ?  __________________________________________________________________________ Why di d Pr i nce Pr osper o i nvi t e hi s f r i ends t o hi s cast l e?  __________________________________________________________________________ What happened when t he st r anger t urned and l ooked at t he Pr i nce?  __________________________________________________________________________ What ki nd of f r i ends di d W i l l i am have i n Eton?  __________________________________________________________________________ How di d he get the money he needed there?  __________________________________________________________________________ Why did W i l l i am W i l son have t o l eave Oxf or d f or Eur ope?  __________________________________________________________________________ I n The Tel l - Tal e Hear t , what di d t he nar r at or want t o escape f r om?  _____________________________________________________________________________ How di d t he pol i ce f i nd t he ol d man' s dead body?  ____________________________________________________________________________ III Write the words for the following definitions:  What you say to hel p peopl e:  _____________________  A l ong t hi n f l at pi ece of wood:  _____________________  A smal l har d bl ock whi ch i s used f or bui l di ng bl ocks:  _____________________  A r oom i n t he gr ound under a house:  _____________________  A box i n whi ch a dead person i s put:  _____________________  A f eel i ng of deep sadness and hopel essness:  _____________________


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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    NAME: ______________________________________ I Answer the following questions: During the storm, what did the narrator do to make Usher calmer?

    __________________________________________________________________________ What happened to the House of Usher at the end?

    __________________________________________________________________________ Why did the narrator in The Black Cat become so violent?

    __________________________________________________________________________ Why did Prince Prospero invite his friends to his castle?

    __________________________________________________________________________ What happened when the stranger turned and looked at the Prince?

    __________________________________________________________________________ What kind of friends did William have in Eton?

    __________________________________________________________________________ How did he get the money he needed there?

    __________________________________________________________________________ Why did William Wilson have to leave Oxford for Europe?

    __________________________________________________________________________ In The Tell-Tale Heart, what did the narrator want to escape from? _____________________________________________________________________________ How did the police find the old man's dead body? ____________________________________________________________________________ III Write the words for the following definitions:

    What you say to help people: _____________________

    A long thin flat piece of wood: _____________________

    A small hard block which is used for building blocks: _____________________

    A room in the ground under a house: _____________________

    A box in which a dead person is put: _____________________

    A feeling of deep sadness and hopelessness: _____________________

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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    With little colour in the face: _____________________

    A very long sharp knife, used for fighting: _____________________

    Drops of water that come from the eye when you cry: _____________________

    The sound of a voice speaking very softly and quietly: _____________________

    IV Say if the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). _____ Roderick Usher invited the author of the story because he was ill. _____ In The Black Cat, the narrator's wife was the person that took care of Pluto. _____ When Pluto bit the narrator, he cut one of his legs off. _____ The new cat looked the same as Pluto in every way. _____ The police found the woman and the dead cat together behind the wall. _____ In The Masque of the Read Death, Prince Prospero was not afraid of the Read Death. _____ When the last person at the ball died, the black clock fell down. _____ William Wilson is a well-loved name all over the world. _____ He used to be a good boy but something changed when he started going to Eton. _____ At the end of the story, the narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart could hear the old man's watch.

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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

    RAP IS COOL, ITS BEING USED IN SCHOOL I When rap, or hip-hop, music, with its rhyming lyrics emerged thirty years ago in New York City,

    nobody knew that it would become a respected teaching aid. But thats whats happening now throughout the United States, especially in poorer, inner-city neighbourhoods. While some parents and educators disapprove of this trend mainly because of the violent lyrics its hard for them to argue with the results.

    II For example, when a teacher in Springfield, Illinois, used rap lyrics to teach grammar to underachievers, exam marks and class participation rose significantly. And similar results have occurred in literature classes where rap lyrics are used as a starting point for learning how to analyse poems, novels and plays.

    III One secondary-school English teacher in California won the states 2003 Literacy Teacher of the Year award for the dramatic rise in his students achievements. He hooked the kids on poetry beginning with that of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas by showing them similarities in the themes and types of rhymes used by Thomas and the late African-American rapper Tupac Shakur. Theres occasionally a more direct link between rap and required reading: some teachers now introduce George Orwells classic book Animal Farm by using the song Animals in Man, which the rappers Dead Prez based on the Orwell novel.

    IV Rap is also being used to teach sociology. There, the focus is on analysing how the messages promoted by rap criticise or comment on those promoted by society. And, surprisingly, rap has even been used in chemistry classes. A CD of school-related songs by The Funkamentals, an Arizona-based band, contains one naming all the chemicals that chemistry students have to memorise.

    V According to two education professors, rap can function as a bridge linking the streets and the world of academics. And besides, it must be fun to be able to say, I have to listen to this CD for homework!

    1 Choose the correct answer.

    1. Rap in the classroom is being used increasingly in a. New York City. b. Illinois. c. low-income urban areas.

    2. Dylan Thomas a. was an African-American poet. b. was a poet from Wales. c. wrote Animal Farm.

    2 Find words or phrases in the text that mean:

    1. ending with the same sound (paragraph I) ........................ 2. appeared and became known (paragraph I) ........................ 3. below-average students (paragraph II) ........................ 4. got someone very interested in something (paragraph III) ........................ 5. deceased (paragraph III) ........................ 3 Are the following statements T (true) or F (false)? Find evidence in the text to support your answers.

    ...... 1. Everyone agrees that it is appropriate to use rap in the classroom. ............................................................................. .............................................................................

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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    ...... 2. Rap has been shown to be a helpful method for low-achieving students.

    ............................................................................. .............................................................................

    4 Complete the sentences using the information given in the text. Use your own words as far as possible.

    1. The works of Dylan Thomas and Tupac Shakur contain ............................................................................. . 2. A song by The Funkamentals can be used to ....... ............................................................................. .

    5 Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.

    1. Describe an unusual teaching method or aid that has been used in one of your lessons. Explain why you liked or didnt like it.

    2. Write an e-mail to a friend about a song you like. Give a few examples of the lyrics, and explain what you think they mean and why you like them.













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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    Read the text and answer the questions that follow.






    The expression Laughter is the best medicine has been shown to be at least partly true. Laughter stimulates production of brain chemicals that relieve pain and elevate mood. It also lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Laughter is also something that we dont get enough of. Thats partly because we generally only laugh at something since its difficult to make ourselves laugh. However, according to Indian physician Dr Madan Kataria, everyone can learn this skill. And he says that this type of laughter is as beneficial as the spontaneous act of laughing at something. Dr Kataria, also known as the Giggling Guru, is the founder of Laughter Yoga. Since 1995, hes taught his methods to people who have established over 500 Laughter Clubs in 40 countries. In Laughter Yoga, breathing exercises are combined with laughter exercises. These include things such as imitating animals, jumping or crawling while making laughing sounds (like ha-ha-ha or ho-ho-ho). Its not long before everyone begins to laugh for real. Many participants report that they are eventually able to make themselves laugh alone. Laughter Yoga is even catching on with companies and government agencies in several countries. High-tech firms, for instance, have found that Laughter Yoga is a great way for people with demanding jobs to reduce stress. In the US, there are laughing clubs for worried families of soldiers. And workers in a post office in Seoul, South Korea, have attended laughing classes as part of an effort to provide friendlier customer service. Once people master the art of laughing, could crying be next? After all, there are also health benefits associated with the emotional release of crying, and its something that, like laughing, many people are unable to do easily. The owners of the two first-known cry bars, both in China, have already spotted this potential trend. The entry fees include foods such as red peppers and onions, which cause tears in many people. And of course, tissues are provided.

    1 Choose the best meaning for each word or phrase.

    1. relieve (line 2) a. ignore b. increase c. lessen 2. physician (line 5) a. physics expert b. medical doctor c. scientist 3. spontaneous (line 6) a. carefully planned b. sudden and unplanned c. genuine 4. crawling (line 11) a. walking b. running c. moving on hands and knees 5. catching on (line 14) a. becoming popular b. being used c. being discussed 2 Complete the sentences.

    1. Production of pain-relieving and mood-elevating brain chemicals .

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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    2. Since 1995, more than 500 Laughter Clubs........... ............................................................................. .

    3 Answer the questions, according to information given in the text. Use your own words as far as possible.

    1. For what different reasons are laughing classes becoming popular in some companies and government agencies? ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 2. In what ways are laughing and crying similar? ............................................................................... ...............................................................................

    4 Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.

    1. Describe a funny scene in a book, film or television programme, and explain why it made you laugh. 2. Write a formal letter to a school suggesting the idea of forming a Laughter Club. Explain why you think it would be a

    good idea.













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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    Read the text and answer the questions that follow.






    Once there was a man who constantly said, Im so unlucky! I never win the lottery! Finally, tired of his complaining, his wife said, Maybe your luck would improve if you bought a lottery ticket. This old joke sums up what psychologist Richard Wiseman found when researching luck some people wait for luck to come their way, while others know that they must do something to be lucky. Many of us view luck or misfortune as the result of chance, or random occurrences. Of course, in some respects, this is absolutely correct consider things like being born into a particular family or being hit by a car while standing on the pavement. But chance alone does not explain all aspects of luck, as Wiseman found when he scientifically researched the concept of luck. Four hundred volunteers, aged 18 to 84, who defined themselves as exceptionally lucky or unlucky, participated in the research project, which included interviews, personality and intelligence tests, and experiments. In one experiment, the volunteers were asked to count photographs in a newspaper. The self-defined unlucky people spent about two minutes doing the task. Those who called themselves lucky stopped counting almost immediately when they saw a distinct message on page two that said, Stop counting there are 43 photographs. The unlucky people missed it because they were too focussed on counting the photos to notice anything else. From this and other data, Wiseman concluded that the way self-defined lucky people behave and think makes them far more likely than others to create, notice and act upon chance opportunities in their lives. He also found that lucky people have got more positive expectations than those who are unlucky, and to moreover, even feel lucky that any bad luck theyve experienced wasnt as bad as it could have been. As Wiseman says in his book The Luck Factor, Being in the right place at the right time is actually all about being in the right state of mind.

    1 Choose the correct answer.

    1. The 400 volunteers a. all read the message about the number of photos in the newspaper. b. were defined by Wiseman as being lucky or unlucky. c. saw themselves as being lucky or unlucky. 2. Lucky people a. dont have positive expectations. b. feel lucky even when bad luck occurs. c. are lucky mainly due to chance.

    2 Answer the question using your own words as far as possible.

    How did Richard Wiseman conduct his research on luck? .......................................................................................

    3 Rewrite the sentence without changing the original meaning.

    Others know that they must do something to be lucky. Others know that unless......................................... ................................................................................ . 4 Choose the best meaning for each word or phrase.

    1. sums up (line 3) a. expresses b. opposes c. adds

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    2. act upon (line 18) a. perform for b. do something about c. defend against 3. being in the right state of mind (line 22) a. having a positive attitude b. constantly worrying c. thinking about being right

    5 Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.

    1. Do you agree with Richard Wisemans theory about luck? Explain your reasons. 2. Describe something lucky or unlucky that happened to you or someone you know, and give your opinion about why

    you think it happened.













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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

    IN NATURES CLASSROOM I More computers! Longer school days! These are among the usual prescriptions for improving education.

    But proponents of forest schools recommend something different: get young people into natures classroom!

    II The forest school idea originated in Sweden in the 1950s as a way to teach young children about nature. Primary-school teachers soon noticed that children who attended forest schools before beginning school had more self-confidence and social skills than their peers.

    III Expanding to include older children, the programme gradually caught on throughout Scandinavia and, beginning in the mid-1990s, in the UK. Now, thousands of children and teenagers throughout the UK spend about 10% of their school time outdoors ideally, in a woodland area. But, successful programmes have been implemented in less-than-ideal conditions, including under a tree in the school playground. The site isnt that important, says Sally York, who is employed by Scotlands Forestry Commission and is helping to establish forest schools there, because forest schools are really more a technique than a place.

    IV The technique involves doing a variety of practical outdoor tasks and having a lot of fun while doing so. A typical forest-school day might include observing insects, planting saplings, collecting wood to make a fire for cooking food, or building a temporary wind shelter.

    V Educators involved with forest schools say that the activities improve important skills. Younger pupils expand their vocabulary and become less shy about speaking. Furthermore, the many group tasks that are done in all age groups encourage effective communication and cooperation among students. In addition, many of the tasks sharpen students observational skills. Even maths skills improve. Simple calculations become more fun when they involve counting insects or flowers. And at higher maths levels, geometry, for instance, becomes more interesting and understandable when used to design and build a wind shelter.

    VI Of course, everyone benefits from the fresh air, open space and physical exercise which many of todays urban kids lack. That alone may explain the increasing popularity of forest schools.

    1 Choose the correct answer.

    1. Natures classroom a. originated in Sweden. b. means the outdoors. c. is in the forest school in Sweden. 2. Forest schools a. are only for young children. b. are operated by 10% of schools in the UK. c. dont have to be in forests.

    2 Find words in the text that mean:

    1. solutions (paragraph I) ......................... 2. people who support an idea (paragraph I) ......................... 3. small forest (paragraph III) ......................... 4. young trees (paragraph IV) ......................... 5. improve (paragraph V) .........................

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    TOP MARKS 1 Photocopiable Burlington Books

    3 Are the following statements T (true) or F (false)? Find evidence in the text to support your answers.

    ...... 1. Forest school activities dont influence young pupils verbal skills. ............................................................................. ...... 2. School subjects such as maths are utilised in

    forest-school activities. ............................................................................. ...... 3. At forest schools, geometry is introduced to younger students. .............................................................................

    4 Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.

    1. Describe a place that you think would make a good site for a forest school. 2. Explain why you would / wouldnt want to participate in a forest school.











