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Plan de Sesin de Aprendizaje

I.- DATOS GENERALES 1.1. Colegio: 1.2. rea : Ingles 1.3. Nivel : Bsico 1.4. Duracin : 45 1.5. Docente :


2.2. CAPACIDAD : Desarrolla habilidades comunicativas de manera oral y escrita a travs de lectura de imgenes y textos en Pasado Simple en sus tres formas.

2.3. ACTIVIDAD ESPECIFICA : What did you do last week?

2.4. CAPACIDAD ESPECFICA : - Utiliza vocabulario especfico al hablar sobre sus actividades en tiempo pasado. - Elabora textos escritos y orales sobre sus acciones en tiempo pasado. - Identifica y elabora oraciones en Pasado Simple en sus tres formas. 2.5. APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO : Lograr que los alumnos de nivel bsico aprendan e internalicen la conjugacin correcta de los verbos regulares en Pasado Simple.



MOTIVACION - La docente ingresa al aula y saluda a los alumnos en el idioma ingls. - Pregunta a los alumnos How was your weekend? - Se presentan flash cards y se le pregunta a los alumnos What did Tom do last weekend? -La docente escribe las oraciones en la pizarra. - Se provoca un conflicto cognitivo para la construccin del conocimiento sobre el tema referente a actividades pasadas. ImgenesPlumones Pizarra 6Participa de manera activa y ordenada

BASICA Se presenta un texto (Anexo 1) y la docente lo trabaja con ellos, analizando las oraciones. La docente explica el pasado simple a travs de diapositivas. Les hace preguntas a travs de imgenes. Los alumnos participan preguntando a sus compaeros.DataUSBHoja de prcticaPlumones25Conoce la conjugacin de los verbos en Pasado Simple

PRACTICA La docente entrega una hoja de prctica con ejercicios. (Anexo 2) La docente explica el contenido -Los alumnos elaboran oraciones sobre lo que hicieron el ltimo fin de semana. Los alumnos resuelven ejercicios.Hoja de prcticaLapicero

10Produce en forma oral y escrita oraciones en Pasado Simple

EVALUACION - Los alumnos resuelven ejercicios de la ficha de prctica.Hoja de prcticaLapicero

9Resuelven ejercicios

EXTENSION Trabajan en parejas y hablan de sus rutinas pasadas.Hoja de prctica

Refuerzan lo aprendido.

BIBLIOGRAFIA: BEAUMONT, Digby English Grammar in Use Great Britain, 1998 EVANS, Virginia , D SULLIVAN, Neil; Click on, Express Publishing - 2002

GASTIABURU PRADO, Vctor Hugo Way Ahead. Ediciones Mases and Vanier. Lima, 1996 HADFIELD, Jill Beginners Communication Games Longman. England 1999. HADFIELD, Jill Intermediate Communication Games Longman. England 1999. SHEPERD, John y otros. Ways to Grammar Macmillan Publishers Ltd. London 1991 SCHOENBERG, Irene Focus on Grammar Addison Wesley. Longman Limited. 1998. VINCE, Michael Intermediate Language Practice, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1998. WATCYN JONES, Peter Test your vocabulary. Edit. Penguin Books. England 1996


PAST ACTIVITIES1. Read the paragraph about Tom. Underline all the verbs in Past Simple, and circle the correct answer. My experience in BangkokI visited Bangkok last year with my friend, Amanda. We liked the food, but we didnt like the weather. It was very hot! We stayed in a hotel near the river. There were lots of tourists there and we talked to some girls from Australia. The city is enormous so we didnt walk very much. We looked a lot of temples and we watched the boats on the river. We wanted to buy some presents so we visited the fantastic street markets. We really enjoyed our trip , it was awesome! What about you? Did you travel in your last vacation? Did you enjoy it? .. What places did you visit? Did you enjoy it?

1.1 The reading is about: a) weekends b) last vacations c) last job1.2 It was a) last weekend b) two years ago c) last year2 Complete the table.Affirmative

We visited Bangkok last year.



GRAMMAR.Simple past: Regular verbs.Use: We use the Simple past to talk about actions and events that start and finish in the past. The simple past refers to a specific time or event in the past.Specific time: yesterday last night two days ago in the last class last year in 1999 last week last weekend yesterday morning

Example: I visited Bangkok last year.

For regular verbs, add ed to the simple form of the verbWork workedTalk talked visit visitedPlay playedWant wanted

Affirmative form:SubjectVerbComplement

IYouHeSheItWeYouTheyworkedvery late last night

I worked until 11 p.m last night. We arrived late to the airport. I wanted to be a soccer player when I was 10 years old.Negative form:SubjectAuxiliarVerb

IYouHeSheItWeYouTheydidntwork very late last night

Miguel Angel didnt paint the Monalisa. It was Leonardo Da Vinci My sister didnt clean her room this morning I didnt like the movie. It was boring.

Interrogative form: Short Answers:AuxiliarSubjectVerb

DidIYouHeSheItWeYou Theywork very late last night?

Short answerShort answer

IYouHeYes, She didItWeYou TheyIYouHeNo, She didntItWeYou They

Did he repair the car? No, he didnt Did he arrive to the moon? Yes , he did Did you live in Hawai last year? Yes, I did

SPELLING RULES: Add d to verbs that end in e : live - lived arrive - arrived Verbs that end in consonant + y , remove y and add ied : Study - studied Cry - cried If the verb ends in vowel + y , add ed Stay - stayed Play - played Verbs of one syllable that end in vowel + consonant, repeat the consonant and add ed. Plan - planned Stop - stopped

Lets practiceI. Read the letter , then put the verbs in brackets into the simple past. Dear Sam, Thanks for your letter. It is really great to hear from you now that the weather is rainy and I can't go out that much. Hope your life is a lot more exciting than mine.You .. (ask) me to write about my life. Well, there is really nothing special going on. Last Saturday, for example, my family and I (visit) my grandparents. My mother . (help) my grandmother with the housework. My father (clean) the windows outside. My sister and I (watch) cartoons on television and later we .. (play) outside in the garden. We ..(climb) the old oak-tree in the garden to our tree-house. We (stay) there all afternoon. Then our mother .. (call) us because it ..(be) time to go home. Our grandparents ..(kiss) us goodbye and we . (return) home. We .. (arrive) home at 9 o'clock. Father . (look) for the key, ..(open) the front door, and we all . (walk) inside. That's it about the way I spent last weekend. How about you? What did you do last Saturday? Write back and tell me how you're doing.Love,Joan

II. Complete the sentences . use the negative simple past of the verbs.1 . I visited my parents, but I didnt visit my grandparents.2. I watch TV, but I .. a video.3. She talked to her brother, but she .. to her sister.4. They enjoyed the movie, but they the book.5. We played cards, but we . chess.6. He learned French, but he . Spanish.III. Answer the questions.1. Did your parents travel to Mexico last month? No, they didnt2. Did Steve listen to music yesterday evening? .3. Did you study history last semester? 4. Did Betty order pizza two days ago? 5. Did you work in New York three years ago? ..