MEMORIA DOCUMENTAL 2012-2018 Contribución de México a la gobernanza mundial. Participación de México en el G20 SUBSECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES

6.-SRE-SSRE-MD-G20 C 1 - gob.mx€¦ · Cumbre de San Petersburgo ..... 28 7.2. Presidencia australiana, 2014 ... Diez años después de la primera Cumbre, el G20 se ha consolidado

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Contribución de México a la gobernanza mundial. Participación de México en el G20


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1. PRESENTACIÓN .......................................................................... 5

2. OBJETIVO DE LA MEMORIA DOCUMENTAL ..................................... 8



5. SÍNTESIS EJECUTIVA ................................................................ 12

6. HISTORIA Y FUNCIONAMIENTO DEL G20 ..................................... 14

6.1. G7/G8 ................................................................................ 14

6.2. G8-G5 ................................................................................ 15

6.3. El G20 ................................................................................ 15

6.3.1. Membresía .................................................................... 17

6.3.2. Estructura ..................................................................... 19

7. ACCIONES REALIZADAS ............................................................ 24

7.1. Presidencia rusa, 2013 ......................................................... 24

7.1.1. Panorama internacional .................................................. 24

7.1.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia rusa .................................... 25

7.1.3. Estructura de la Presidencia rusa...................................... 27

7.1.4. Cumbre de San Petersburgo ............................................ 28

7.2. Presidencia australiana, 2014................................................ 34

7.2.1. Panorama internacional .................................................. 34

7.2.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia australiana ........................... 35

7.2.3. Estructura de la Presidencia australiana ............................ 37

7.2.4. Cumbre de Brisbane ....................................................... 38

7.3. Presidencia turca, 2015 ........................................................ 44

7.3.1. Panorama internacional .................................................. 44

7.3.2. Situación de Turquía en 2015 .......................................... 45

7.3.3. Prioridades de la Presidencia turca ................................... 46

7.3.4. Estructura de la Presidencia turca .................................... 47

7.3.5. Cumbre de Antalya ......................................................... 49

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7.4. Presidencia china, 2016 ........................................................ 54

7.4.1. Panorama internacional .................................................. 54

7.4.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia china ................................... 55

7.4.3. Estructura de la Presidencia china .................................... 57

7.4.4. Cumbre de Hangzhou ..................................................... 59

7.5. Presidencia alemana, 2017 ................................................... 65

7.5.1. Panorama internacional .................................................. 65

7.5.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia alemana ............................... 67

7.5.3. Estructura de la Presidencia alemana ................................ 69

7.5.4. Reunión de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de Bonn ....... 73

7.5.5. Cumbre de Hamburgo ..................................................... 74

7.6. Presidencia argentina, 2018 .................................................. 82

7.6.1. Panorama internacional .................................................. 82

7.6.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia argentina ............................. 83

7.6.3. Estructura de la Presidencia argentina .............................. 86

7.6.4. Reunión de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores ................... 89

8. PROSPECTIVA Y RECOMENDACIONES .......................................... 91

9. LISTA DE ABREVIATURAS .......................................................... 93

10. ÍNDICE DE ANEXOS ................................................................ 96

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1. PRESENTACIÓN En 2008, frente al colapso de una de las principales compañías globales de servicios financieros y el inicio de una de las crisis financieras internacionales más profundas, el Grupo de los Veinte (G20), que funcionaba desde 1999 en el nivel de Ministros de Finanzas, llamó a una reunión de emergencia de sus líderes con el objetivo de contener los efectos de esa crisis y acordar políticas clave para restaurar la estabilidad financiera y detonar la recuperación económica. En la Cumbre de Washington, D. C. (15 de noviembre de 2008), los líderes del G20 expresaron su determinación para aumentar la cooperación internacional y trabajar conjuntamente en favor del crecimiento económico mundial y de la implementación de las reformas financieras necesarias. Diez años después de la primera Cumbre, el G20 se ha consolidado como el principal foro de coordinación de la política macroeconómica y financiera internacional. Además de responder efectivamente a las consecuencias de la crisis y sentar las bases para una recuperación y posterior crecimiento económico sostenible e incluyente, este grupo ha demostrado que la atención de los desafíos internacionales y la promoción de la gobernanza económica mundial solo son posibles si se mantiene el diálogo y se fomenta la cooperación internacional. El G20 reúne a 19 países y la Unión Europea que, por el tamaño de su economía o su importancia sistémica, desempeñan un papel crucial en la promoción de la gobernanza financiera mundial. Los 20 miembros representan el 85% de la economía global, el 66% de la población del mundo, el 75% del comercio internacional y el 80% de las inversiones globales. Este grupo, que se inserta en la dinámica del “nuevo multilateralismo” o “multilateralismo de clubes”, ha evolucionado de ser un foro de coordinación financiera a un mecanismo de colaboración y generación de acuerdos sobre los principales temas de la agenda internacional. La flexibilidad y la informalidad características del G20 le han permitido actuar de manera rápida y oportuna en la definición de directrices y respuestas de política pública a los desafíos globales más apremiantes,

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por lo que su papel en el orden internacional ha cobrado fuerza e importancia. La participación de México en este foro ha sido dinámica y estratégica. Tanto en las Cumbres de Líderes como en los trabajos técnicos, nuestro país ha encontrado en el G20 un espacio privilegiado para impulsar temas de interés nacional, participar en diálogos constructivos con los jugadores más importantes del tablero internacional y contribuir a la construcción de consensos para lograr acuerdos de gran envergadura en favor de una economía sólida y resistente. Además, el G20 ha servido para fortalecer el diálogo político con algunos de nuestros principales socios estratégicos en el más alto nivel. En el período 2013-2018, México participó en seis Presidencias del G20 que sucedieron a la mexicana en 2012: Rusia (2013), durante la cual formó parte de la Troika, Australia (2014), Turquía (2015), China (2016), Alemania (2017) y Argentina (2018). En los trabajos técnicos y ministeriales y en las Cumbres de Líderes, México impulsó sus prioridades nacionales con base en las reformas estructurales que emprendió el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. Además, nuestro país contribuyó a la generación de acuerdos sobre políticas macroeconómicas para un crecimiento económico incluyente, promovió mecanismos para la facilitación de los flujos de inversión en infraestructura de alta calidad, reafirmó su compromiso con el comercio internacional, la no instrumentación de medidas proteccionistas y el fortalecimiento del sistema multilateral de comercio, y ratificó su compromiso con el combate al hambre y al cambio climático. Esta Memoria Documental ofrece un recuento factual y analítico de la participación de México en el G20 durante el gobierno del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. Para cada Presidencia, se presenta un breve resumen del panorama económico y político internacional de ese momento, las prioridades temáticas y la estructura organizacional de cada Presidencia, las prioridades de México en las Cumbres de Líderes y los resultados alcanzados en éstas, así como las reuniones bilaterales que sostuvo el Presidente de la República en el marco de estos encuentros. La única Presidencia que no incluye todas las secciones es la de Argentina, ya que

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2. OBJETIVO DE LA MEMORIA DOCUMENTAL La presente Memoria Documental se realizó en cumplimiento con el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-2018 y el Programa Sectorial de Relaciones Exteriores 2013-2018, y con base en las disposiciones del “Acuerdo por el que se establecen las bases generales para la rendición de cuentas de la Administración Pública Federal y para realizar la entrega-recepción de los asuntos a cargo de los servidores públicos y de los recursos que tengan asignados al momento de separarse de su empleo, cargo o comisión”, que se publicó el 6 de julio de 2017 en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, así como en el “Acuerdo por el que se establecen los Lineamientos Generales para la regulación de los procesos de entrega-recepción y de rendición de cuentas de la Administración Pública Federal”, publicado el 24 de julio de 2017 en el Diario Oficial de la Federación. Con base en estas disposiciones, la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores determinó dejar constancia documental de los aspectos más significativos de la participación de México en el G20, debido a sus características e importancia como el principal foro para la coordinación económica y financiera internacional. En seguimiento a la sección (iv) “Mecanismos interregionales de diálogo” del apartado (a) “Relaciones bilaterales y regionales” del capítulo I “Diagnóstico” del Programa Sectorial de Relaciones Exteriores 2013-2018, la importancia del G20 radica en ser un mecanismo ideal para el diálogo interregional limitado entre las mayores economías del mundo, pero con intereses y esquemas socio-culturales diversos. En ese sentido, la participación de México en el G20 es de particular importancia “para potenciar la inserción de nuestro país en el escenario político y económico internacional, y contribuir en el diseño de propuestas y enfoques para enfrentar algunos de los desafíos más importantes de la agenda económica internacional”.1 México participó en el G20 con el objetivo de promover la cooperación internacional entre las principales economías desarrolladas y emergentes para diseñar propuestas y recomendaciones de política pública

1 Programa Sectorial de Relaciones Exteriores 2013-2018, publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 13 de diciembre de 2013. Disponible en: https://sre.gob.mx/informes-anuales-de-avances-del-programa-sectorial-de-relaciones-exteriores-2013-2018

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encaminadas a atender los desafíos más importantes de la economía y las finanzas globales, así como fomentar un crecimiento económico internacional sostenible e incluyente. Además, México aprovechó este foro internacional para promover sus intereses nacionales, impulsar su desarrollo y promover el diálogo con algunos de sus principales socios estratégicos. Esta Memoria Documental integra las diversas acciones realizadas y los resultados obtenidos para cumplir los objetivos planteados.

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3. MARCO NORMATIVO DE LAS ACCIONES REALIZADAS La participación de México en el G20 es consistente con la fracción décima del artículo 89 de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos; los artículos 9 y 28la Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal; el Reglamento Interior de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores; el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-2018, y el Programa Sectorial de Relaciones Exteriores 2013-2018.

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4. VINCULACIÓN DE LA POLÍTICA PÚBLICA CON EL PLAN NACIONAL DE DESARROLLO Y EL PROGRAMA SECTORIAL DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES 2013-2018 La participación de México en el G20 se vincula directamente con la quinta Meta Nacional del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo “México con responsabilidad global”, particularmente la línea de acción “promover los intereses de México en foros y organismos multilaterales, y aprovechar la pertenencia a dichos foros y organismos como un instrumento para impulsar el desarrollo de México”, que forma parte de la estrategia 5.1.6 “consolidar el papel de México como un actor responsable, activo y comprometido en el ámbito multilateral, impulsando de manera prioritaria temas estratégicos de beneficio global y compatibles con el interés nacional” para cumplir con el objetivo 5.1 “Ampliar y fortalecer la presencia de México en el mundo”.2 Asimismo, debido a que México ha aprovechado el G20 para promover el diálogo bilateral con algunos de sus principales socios estratégicos, su participación en este foro también contribuye al cumplimiento de las estrategias 5.1.1 a 5.1.5 y sus respectivas las líneas de acción, que se refieren a las relaciones bilaterales con los países de las distintas regiones del mundo. En cuanto al Programa Sectorial de Relaciones Exteriores, la participación de México en el G20 forma parte del objetivo 2: “contribuir activamente en los foros multilaterales en torno a temas de interés para México y el mundo”. Además, al ser un foro privilegiado para el diálogo bilateral con los principales socios de México, la participación en el G20 atiende el objetivo 1: “impulsar relaciones bilaterales que contribuyan a ampliar la presencia de México en el mundo”.

2 Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-2018, Meta Nacional 5. Disponible en: http://pnd.gob.mx/

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5. SÍNTESIS EJECUTIVA El Grupo de los Veinte (G20) es el principal foro de coordinación de política económica y financiera internacional entre economías desarrolladas y emergentes. Lo integran 19 países3 y la Unión Europea, debido al tamaño y la importancia sistémica de sus economías. Juntos, los miembros del G20 representan el 85% del PIB global, el 66% de la población del mundo, el 75% del comercio internacional y el 80% de las inversiones globales. El G20 se inserta en una dinámica internacional caracterizada por el avance de la multipolaridad y de la interdependencia, en la que la globalización se ha ampliado y profundizado, con consecuencias que deben atenderse de manera conjunta. Asimismo, el G20 surgió frente a la necesidad de contar con mecanismos informales de concertación entre un pequeño número de actores para tomar decisiones y actuar con rapidez, con el fin de dirigir los esfuerzos internacionales de recuperación económica y prevención de futuras crisis. Por lo tanto, el G20 ha permanecido como un foro flexible de diálogo sin una estructura burocrática. En los últimos años, el G20 ha pasado de ser un foro exclusivamente económico y financiero a convertirse en un espacio privilegiado para que los líderes de las economías más importantes del mundo discutan los principales desafíos del escenario internacional, como el terrorismo, la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva, la migración y el refugio, la pobreza, el cambio climático, las pandemias y la corrupción, entre otros. Más aún, el G20 ha servido para alcanzar acuerdos con un efecto de largo plazo sobre la definición de las nuevas reglas de la gobernanza global. En consecuencia, el G20 desempeña un papel fundamental en el orden internacional actual. La pertenencia de México al G20 es estratégica, ya que reconoce el peso de la economía mexicana en el sistema económico mundial. Además, le permite participar en el proceso más importante de toma de decisiones sobre coordinación internacional de políticas macroeconómicas y

3 Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Canadá, China, Corea del Sur, Estados Unidos, Francia, India, Indonesia, Italia, Japón, México, Reino Unido, Rusia, Sudáfrica y Turquía.

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monetarias, con el fin de reducir los riesgos que enfrenta la economía mundial y evitar que ocurran nuevas crisis. Asimismo, el G20 abre espacios privilegiados de diálogo para impulsar temas de interés para México, como el crecimiento económico, el desarrollo sostenible, el libre comercio, la eficiencia energética, el combate a la corrupción y la mitigación del cambio climático. México ha participado en todas las Cumbres de Líderes del G20 que se han celebrado desde 2008. En éstas, ha posicionado sus prioridades nacionales y ha contribuido a la construcción de consensos para lograr acuerdos sustantivos en beneficio del crecimiento económico, la estabilidad financiera y el desarrollo sostenible. Además, las Cumbres han servido para fortalecer y profundizar el diálogo político con sus principales socios estratégicos. Esta Memoria Documental presenta las principales acciones realizadas como parte de la participación de México en el G20, incluida la definición de sus prioridades y su contribución a las discusiones en el marco de las Cumbres de Líderes. Asimismo, se exponen los principales resultados de esta participación, los beneficios obtenidos y los desafíos que se enfrentaron.

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6.1. G7/G8 En marzo de 1973, previo al inicio de la crisis petrolera, se reunieron los Ministros de Finanzas de cinco potencias económicas mundiales (Alemania, Estados Unidos, Francia, Japón y Reino Unido) en la Casa Blanca para analizar los desafíos que enfrentaba la economía mundial. En 1975, Francia fue sede de la primera Cumbre que reunió a los Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno de Alemania, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, Japón y Reino Unido con el propósito de intentar homologar posiciones sobre las principales decisiones en materia de gobernanza de la economía internacional. En 1976, se incorporó Canadá y se creó el Grupo de los Siete (G7). A partir de 1991, Rusia empezó a participar en las reuniones del G7 y, en 1998, se le incorporó como miembro de pleno derecho, lo que dio paso al Grupo de los Ocho (G8). El 24 de marzo de 2014, durante una reunión de emergencia, los miembros del G8 decidieron suspender a Rusia como miembro del Grupo y cancelaron la celebración de la Cumbre en Sochi, debido a la anexión rusa de Crimea. En enero de 2017, el gobierno ruso anunció su intención de retirarse permanentemente del G8. En 2018, un día antes del inicio de la Cumbre del G7 en Charlevoix, Canadá (8 y 9 de junio), el Presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, reclamó la reincorporación de Rusia en el Grupo. Si bien el recién nombrado Primer Ministro de Italia, Giuseppe Conte, mostró su apoyo a la propuesta de Trump, la Canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, declaró que todos los miembros de la Unión Europea en el G7, incluido Italia, acordaron que no existían las condiciones para la readmisión de Rusia. El Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, también se opuso a la idea y el Presidente del Consejo Europeo, Donald Tusk, acusó a Trump de querer cambiar el orden internacional. Algunos analistas calificaron las declaraciones de Trump como un intento por desviar la atención del G7 de la disputa comercial derivada de su decisión de imponer aranceles a las exportaciones de acero y aluminio de Canadá, la UE y otros países.

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6.2. G8-G5

Hacia finales del siglo XX, el G8 comenzó a enfrentar problemas de legitimidad, debido a la multipolaridad del sistema internacional y al papel cada vez más importante que desempeñaban las economías emergentes en la gobernanza económica y financiera global. Por lo tanto, en 2005, bajo la Presidencia británica del G8, el ex-Primer Ministro Tony Blair invitó a cinco potencias emergentes (Brasil, China, India, México y Sudáfrica) a la Cumbre de Gleneagles, Escocia. El objetivo de este diálogo ampliado fue dar un ímpetu renovado a las negociaciones de la Ronda de Doha y aumentar la cooperación en el combate al cambio climático. Asimismo, con la inclusión de cinco de las principales potencias emergentes, el G8 aumentó su legitimidad en el escenario internacional como uno de los principales foros de coordinación política y económica. El diálogo del G8-G5 se estructuró en 2007, durante la Cumbre de Líderes de Heiligendamm, Alemania. Esta propuesta de interlocución, conocida como el “Proceso de Heiligendamm”, se desarrolló en torno a temas de inversión transfronteriza, investigación e innovación, desarrollo y energía. El Proceso de Heiligendamm fue esencial para consolidar el papel de los países emergentes en la definición de la agenda, las negociaciones y la adopción de compromisos en los foros informales de concertación. En particular, México, como coordinador del G5, fortaleció su presencia en el escenario económico internacional, y asumió una posición estratégica en el diálogo entre países desarrollados y emergentes. El G5 se superó en 2009, con la elevación del G20 al nivel de Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno.

6.3. El G20 El G20 inició el 25 de septiembre de 1999 como un foro de Ministros de Finanzas y Gobernadores de Bancos Centrales de las veinte economías más grandes o de importancia sistémica en el mundo, para hacer frente a las consecuencias de la crisis financiera asiática de finales de la década de los noventa. Posteriormente, a raíz de la profunda crisis financiera internacional que estalló en 2008, el G20 empezó a operar a nivel de líderes y se convirtió en el foro de coordinación internacional de política

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económica y financiera más importante. La primera Cumbre de Líderes se llevó a cabo en Washington, D. C., los días 14 y 15 de noviembre de 2008.

Tabla 1. Cumbres de Líderes del G20


2008 Washington, D. C., EE. UU. (15nov)

2009 Londres, Reino Unido (02abr) Pittsburgh, EE. UU. (25sep)

2010 Toronto, Canadá (27jun)

Seúl, República de Corea (11-12nov)


Cannes, Francia (3-4nov)


Los Cabos, México (18-19jun)


San Petersburgo, Rusia (5-6sep)


Brisbane, Australia (15-16nov)


Antalya, Turquía (15-16nov)


Hangzhou, China (4-5sep)


Hamburgo, Alemania (7-8jul)

2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina (30nov-1dic)

2019 Osaka, Japón (28-29jun)

2020 Arabia Saudita

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Para mantener una flexibilidad que le permita actuar de manera rápida y oportuna, el G20 ha permanecido como un grupo informal, sin una estructura burocrática, sin sede permanente y sin un Secretariado. Desde 2011, la Presidencia del G20 es rotatoria y anual. Cada año, el país que asume la Presidencia tiene la responsabilidad de definir las prioridades que orientarán los trabajos del G20 durante ese año y coordinar todas las reuniones de trabajo, así como organizar y albergar la Cumbre de Líderes.

6.3.1. Membresía El G20 lo conforman 19 países y la UE. Por lo tanto, lo más preciso es hablar de los “miembros” del G20. Éstos están divididos en cinco grupos. Los miembros de cada grupo negocian quién asumirá la Presidencia del G20 cuando es el turno de ese grupo.

Tabla 2. Grupos de países en el G20

Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3 Grupo 4 Grupo 5 Arabia Saudita

India Argentina Alemania China

Australia Rusia Brasil Francia Indonesia Canadá Sudáfrica México Italia Japón Estados Unidos

Turquía Reino Unido República de

Corea Con el propósito de asegurar la transparencia y la continuidad de una Presidencia a otra, la Presidencia anterior, la actual y la siguiente constituyen una Troika. La Troika funciona como una estructura formal permanente del G20. Además de los 20 miembros, participan otros países en calidad de invitados, con el fin de aumentar la representatividad y, por tanto, la legitimidad del G20. Esta práctica se adoptó en la Cumbre de Seúl (2010). Normalmente, la decisión sobre los países invitados se toma con base en estos criterios generales:

España es invitado permanente. Uno o dos países que elija la Presidencia (uno de ellos siempre es

de la región a la que pertenece el país que preside el G20).

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El país que ejerce la Presidencia de la Unión Africana. El país que ejerce la Presidencia de la Nueva Asociación para el

Desarrollo de África (NEPAD). El país que ejerce la Presidencia de la Asociación de Naciones del

Sudeste Asiático (ANSEA). En algunas ocasiones, se invita al país que ejerce la Presidencia de

alguna organización o grupo de la región a la que pertenece el país que preside el G20.

Asimismo, participan las organizaciones internacionales más importantes, las cuales contribuyen significativamente a los trabajos del G20 con información técnica, informes sobre los temas de la agenda, implementación de mecanismos de monitoreo y propuestas de nuevos temas que, a su juicio, deben llevarse a la atención del G20. Además, las organizaciones internacionales trabajan estrechamente con la Presidencia en turno y con la entrante para ayudar a definir sus prioridades, sus métodos de trabajo y su vinculación con otros actores. Finalmente, las organizaciones internacionales son fundamentales en los procesos de negociación de las declaraciones ministeriales y del Comunicado de Líderes, ya que contribuyen a acercar posiciones divergentes y construir consensos entre los miembros con información y recomendaciones de políticas públicas. Cada organización internacional cuenta con un Sherpa, que participa en las reuniones regulares con sus homólogos. Estos actores intergubernamentales también participan en los Grupos de Trabajo, en las reuniones de Ministros y en la Cumbre de Líderes. Las organizaciones que participan en el G20 son las siguientes:

Banco Mundial Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

(OCDE) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC)

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Alguna organización que invite el país que ejerce la Presidencia del G20.

6.3.2. Estructura

Los trabajos del G20 se dividen en dos grandes ejes: el Canal de Finanzas y el Canal de Sherpas. El Canal de Finanzas lo encabezan los Ministros de Finanzas/Hacienda y los Gobernadores de los Bancos Centrales. Algunos temas que se discuten son las estrategias para el crecimiento económico, la coordinación internacional de política económica y financiera, el fortalecimiento de la arquitectura financiera internacional, la inclusión financiera, la inversión en infraestructura, las políticas de tributación internacional y la regulación financiera. Recientemente, el Canal de Finanzas también ha discutido los criptoactivos y sus consecuencias en el sistema financiero internacional, particularmente su posible uso para actividades ilícitas, como el financiamiento del terrorismo o el lavado de dinero. Los Ministros de Finanzas y Gobernadores de Bancos Centrales se reúnen de manera regular a lo largo del año. Normalmente, una reunión se convoca en los primeros meses de la Presidencia en turno, dos más en el marco de las reuniones anuales y de primavera del Banco Mundial y el FMI, y otra en fechas cercanas a la Cumbre de Líderes. Asimismo, los Alternos (Deputies) sostienen reuniones previas a las ministeriales y unos días antes de la Cumbre de Líderes, con el fin de preparar las discusiones de los Ministros y Gobernadores y participar en la negociación de las declaraciones ministeriales y de la Declaración de Líderes. Las discusiones técnicas del Canal de Finanzas se desarrollan en los siguientes Grupos de Trabajo:

Marco para el Crecimiento Arquitectura Financiera Internacional Alianza Global para la Inclusión Financiera

La Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP) y el Banco de México (Banxico) son las instituciones directamente responsables de la

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participación de México en el Canal de Finanzas. La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores mantiene contacto permanente con la Unidad de Asuntos Internacionales de la SHCP, encargada del G20, para coordinar posiciones en temas transversales, informar y recibir información sobre los avances en los Canales de Finanzas y Sherpas y preparar la participación de México en la Cumbre de Líderes. Los Sherpas son los representantes de los Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno ante el G20. Cumplen tres funciones principales: 1) coordinar la participación de su país en los Grupos de Trabajo y reuniones ministeriales, 2) realizar el trabajo preparatorio de la Cumbre de Líderes y 3) negociar el borrador de la Declaración de Líderes que se adopta en cada Cumbre. Los Sherpas pueden provenir de la oficina del Jefe de Estado o de Gobierno, del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores o del Ministerio de Finanzas, entre otros. En la mayoría de los casos, el Sherpa ocupa un cargo de alto nivel, como Viceministro o Asesor Especial del Presidente o Primer Ministro. Son pocos los casos en los que el Sherpa ejerce exclusivamente esa función. El Canal de Sherpas abarca los temas no financieros que están relacionados con la economía y las finanzas internacionales, como el comercio, el empleo, la educación, la digitalización, el combate a la anticorrupción, el desarrollo sostenible, el cambio climático, la eficiencia energética, la seguridad alimentaria y la salud. Los Sherpas sostienen entre cuatro y cinco reuniones al año en el país que ejerce la Presidencia del G20. Además, hay reuniones regulares de los Grupos de Trabajo y, en algunos casos, reuniones de los Ministros encargados de estos temas. Las discusiones en este Canal se desarrollan en los siguientes ejes de trabajo:

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Tabla 3. Ejes de trabajo del G20

Eje de trabajo Grupo de Trabajo

Reunión de Ministros

Dependencia responsable

Agricultura No

(reuniones de Alternos)

Sí Sagarpa

Anticorrupción Sí



Comercio e inversión



Desarrollo Sí

(DWG) No Amexcid, DGTG

Economía digital



Educación Sí


Empleo Sí


Turismo No Sí Sectur Transiciones energéticas


Sí Sener

Salud Sí

(HWG) Sí Salud

Sostenibilidad climática


No Semarnat, DGTG

Nota: esta información se basa en el programa de trabajo de la Presidencia argentina (2018). Además de los actores gubernamentales, el G20 enriquece su trabajo con la participación de distintos sectores sociales, por medio de los Grupos de Afinidad (Engagement Groups). Los Grupos de Afinidad se reúnen presencial o virtualmente durante el año y sostienen una Cumbre, en la cual discuten las prioridades de ese año y emiten una Declaración con las principales recomendaciones de política pública a los Líderes. La Presidencia en turno del G20 designa a las personas o entidades sociales que encabezarán los trabajos de los Grupos de Afinidad. Éstas, a su vez, invitan directamente a los actores sociales de cada miembro del G20 o extienden una invitación abierta. Es decir, los gobiernos no designan de

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manera directa a los representantes de su país en estos grupos. La única excepción es el Youth 20 (Y20), ya que el Secretariado en turno de ese grupo emite una convocatoria general a los gobiernos de los miembros del G20 para seleccionar a los jóvenes que participarán en ese grupo. Sin embargo, los jóvenes elegidos participan a título personal y no como representantes de sus gobiernos. Los Grupos de Afinidad son los siguientes:

Tabla 4. Grupos de Afinidad del G20

Grupo de Afinidad Sector social Business 20 (B20) Empresarios

Civil 20 (C20) Organizaciones de la sociedad civil Labor 20 (L20) Sindicatos

Science 20 (S20) Científicos Think 20 (T20) Think Tanks

Women 20 (W20) Mujeres Youth 20 (Y20) Jóvenes

La definición de los participantes mexicanos en cada uno de los Grupos de Afinidad varía en función de los métodos de reclutamiento que determine cada Presidencia del G20 y el interés de los sectores sociales mexicanos en participar. Sin embargo, como se mencionó, el Y20 es el único Grupo de Afinidad en el que se requiere la participación directa del gobierno. En el caso mexicano, la SRE, junto con otras dependencias involucradas en el G20 y el Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud (Imjuve), lanzan una convocatoria pública y abierta para seleccionar a los jóvenes que participarán en las actividades del Y20 cada año. Los criterios y requisitos de participación se definen con base en la convocatoria general que emita la Presidencia en turno del G20. La SRE funge como coordinadora del Comité de Selección. Además de estos siete Grupos de Afinidad oficialmente reconocidos, hay otros grupos informales que reúnen a otros actores para brindar recomendaciones a los Líderes del G20 o dar seguimiento a su trabajo. Uno de estos grupos es el Urban 20 (U20), una iniciativa desarrollada en 2017 bajo el liderazgo de los Alcaldes de Buenos Aires, Argentina, y París, Francia, y que convocan el Grupo de Liderazgo Climático de Ciudades

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(C40) y Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU). El U20 reúne a representantes de “ciudades globales”, quienes discuten las prioridades del G20 con una perspectiva urbana, así como la experiencia de las ciudades para atender desafíos globales. La primera Cumbre del U20 se llevó a cabo los días 29 y 30 de octubre de 2018, en Buenos Aires. En el ámbito parlamentario, se han realizado Foros de Consultas de Presidentes de Parlamentos (G20 Speakers’ Consultations), con el objetivo de analizar los resultados de la Cumbre de Líderes previa, intercambiar percepciones sobre los principales temas del G20 y definir cómo los Parlamentos pueden contribuir en la implementación de los compromisos adoptados. Se han llevado a cabo cuatro Foros de Consulta de Presidentes de Parlamentos: Ottawa (2010), Seúl (2011), Riad (2012) y Ciudad de México (2013). La organización de estos Foros está a cargo de los Parlamentos del país sede, con apoyo de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) y la Unión Interparlamentaria (UIP). En 2018, se anunció una nueva edición de este Foro y la primera Cumbre Parlamentaria (1 y 2 de noviembre), cuya organización estará a cargo del Congreso de la Nación Argentina y la UIP.

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7. ACCIONES REALIZADAS En las siguientes secciones, se presentan los principales aspectos de las Presidencias del G20 entre 2013 y 2018, así como las prioridades y la participación de México en las Cumbres de Líderes.

7.1. Presidencia rusa, 2013

7.1.1. Panorama internacional México entregó la Presidencia del G20 a la Federación de Rusia el 1 de diciembre de 2012, pero continuó desempeñando un papel activo en este grupo como miembro de la Troika, junto con Rusia y con Australia (Presidencia futura). Este mecanismo tiene las funciones de garantizar la continuidad de los trabajos del G20 y apoyar a la Presidencia en turno en el diseño y la ejecución de su agenda. Por lo tanto, uno de los principales objetivos de México durante la Presidencia rusa del G20 fue dar seguimiento a los resultados obtenidos en la Cumbre de Los Cabos (18 y 19 de junio de 2012). Rusia asumió la Presidencia del G20 en un entorno internacional en el que la economía mundial continuaba creciendo de forma moderada, con señales de recuperación en la Eurozona4 y de un crecimiento económico más fuerte en Estados Unidos, Japón y Reino Unido. Sin embargo, las perspectivas de crecimiento se habían reducido repetidamente, las disparidades regionales seguían siendo un problema, la confianza de los inversionistas y los consumidores en la economía global era baja y el desempleo, en particular entre los jóvenes, era muy alto. La recuperación de la economía global era frágil y enfrentaba riesgos de crecimiento a la

4 La economía de la Eurozona experimentó una recesión profunda desde 2009, debido a la crisis financiera mundial de 2008-2009, la facilitación de condiciones para acceder a créditos, los desequilibrios en el comercio internacional y otros factores estructurales y coyunturales. La recesión económica en la Eurozona se acentuó en el último trimestre de 2012, con una disminución del PIB de 0.6% respecto del trimestre anterior y un retroceso de 0.2% en el primer trimestre de 2013. Fuentes: 1) “El PIB de la Eurozona se contrajo un 0,6% en el cuarto trimestre de 2012”, El Mundo, 14 de febrero de 2013, http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/02/14/economia/1360837386.html, y 2) “La economía de la zona euro sufre la recesión más larga de su historia”, El País, 15 de mayo de 2013, https://elpais.com/economia/2013/05/15/actualidad/1368607930_186584.html.

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baja, como la situación financiera y de deuda en varios países europeos, un período más prolongado de desaceleración económica en los países emergentes y la disminución del crédito y condiciones financieras adversas debido a los efectos en los flujos de capital de la política monetaria de algunos países.

7.1.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia rusa5 En este escenario, la Presidencia rusa estableció como su objetivo principal concentrar los esfuerzos del G20 en el desarrollo de medidas concretas orientadas a promover el crecimiento económico y la creación de empleos de manera sostenible, incluyente y equilibrada. Para lograr esta meta, Rusia definió tres prioridades para su Presidencia:

Crecimiento por medio de empleos de calidad e inversión; Crecimiento por medio de confianza y transparencia, y Crecimiento por medio de una regulación efectiva.

Estas tres áreas prioritarias sirvieron como un marco para discutir ocho áreas de la agenda del G20:

1. Marco para un crecimiento fuerte, sostenible y equilibrado 2. Empleo 3. Reforma de la arquitectura financiera internacional 4. Fortalecimiento de la regulación financiera 5. Energía sostenible 6. Desarrollo para todos 7. Promoción del comercio internacional 8. Combate a la corrupción

5 La información de esta sección se extrajo del documento “The Russian Presidency of the G20: Outline”, diciembre de 2012, disponible en: http://en.g20russia.ru/docs/g20_russia/outline.

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Cuadro 1. Organización de la agenda de la Presidencia rusa

Desde el inicio, Rusia buscó que, durante su Presidencia, el G20 se enfocara en atender los aspectos específicos que representaban riesgos al crecimiento económico global de una manera pragmática. En ese sentido, Rusia introdujo dos temas en la agenda del grupo: el financiamiento de la inversión y la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública. Sobre el primer tema, durante su Presidencia del G20, México impulsó el financiamiento de la inversión como un tema central del Canal de Finanzas y la Presidencia rusa dio continuidad a esas discusiones con la creación de un Grupo de Estudio sobre este tema. En este Grupo se intercambiaron experiencias y buenas prácticas para crear condiciones necesarias que permitieran movilizar financiamiento de la inversión de largo plazo y promover un ambiente sólido en la materia. Con respecto a los métodos de trabajo, Rusia sugirió una “orientación prudente”6 y pragmatismo en los procesos de discusión, así como simplificar los formatos de trabajo y las actividades del grupo para que se 6 “The Russian Presidency of the G20: Outline”, diciembre de 2012, p. 12. Disponible en: http://en.g20russia.ru/docs/g20_russia/outline.

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orientaran a la obtención de resultados concretos. Para tal fin, Rusia limitó significativamente el trabajo en el nivel ministerial y únicamente llevó a cabo las reuniones tradicionales de los Ministros de Finanzas y Gobernadores de Bancos Centrales. La única reunión adicional en este nivel fue la Reunión Conjunta de Ministros de Finanzas y Ministros de Empleo, que tuvo el objetivo de discutir medidas concretas para facilitar la creación de empleos. Finalmente, la Presidencia rusa buscó asegurar una mayor participación de los “asociados” (outreach partners) del G20, como los países invitados, las organizaciones internacionales y los actores sociales que participan en los grupos de afinidad. De acuerdo con Rusia, el diálogo con estos participantes contribuiría a aumentar la legitimidad, la transparencia y la eficiencia del G20, y proporcionaría a los miembros de este grupo propuestas de políticas públicas innovadoras e intersectoriales.

7.1.3. Estructura de la Presidencia rusa Países invitados

Brunei (ANSEA) España (invitado permanente) Etiopía (Unión Africana) Kazajstán (Comunidad Económica Euroasiática) Senegal (NEPAD) Singapur (3G)7 Organismos internacionales participantes

Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Banco Mundial

7 El 3G es el Grupo de Gobernanza Global. Surgió como un mecanismo externo entre los países que reconocen las contribuciones del G20 en la gobernanza y buscan que este grupo tenga un proceso más consultivo, incluyente y transparente. La filosofía del 3G puede resumirse en: conferir legitimidad, vincular al G20 con la ONU y su membresía y hacer oír la voz de los no miembros del G20. Lo componen Bahamas, Bahrein, Barbados, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Costa Rica, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Eslovenia, Filipinas, Finlandia, Guatemala, Jamaica, Qatar, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Malasia, Mónaco, Montenegro, Nueva Zelandia, Panamá, Perú, Rwanda, San Marino, Senegal, Singapur, Suiza, Uruguay y Viet Nam.

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Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

(OCDE) Grupos de Trabajo

Canal de Sherpas Canal de Finanzas Sostenibilidad Energética Marco para el Crecimiento

Task Force sobre Empleo Arquitectura Financiera


Anticorrupción Regulación y Supervisión

Financiera Desarrollo Financiamiento de la Inversión Grupos de afinidad

Business 20 Civil 20 Labor 20 Think 20 Youth 20 Número de reuniones

Sherpas 5 Ministeriales de Finanzas y Bancos Centrales 4 Alternos de Finanzas y de Bancos Centrales 6 Ministerial de Empleo 1 Ministerial conjunta de Finanzas y Empleo 1 Reuniones de los Grupos de Afinidad 7

7.1.4. Cumbre de San Petersburgo

La Cumbre de Líderes de San Petersburgo se llevó a cabo los días 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2013. Se trató de la primera Cumbre del G20 en la que

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participó el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. La comitiva oficial incluyó al Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Dr. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña; al Secretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Dr. Luis Videgaray Caso; al Secretario de Economía, Dr. Ildefonso Guajardo; a la Secretaria de Turismo, Mtra. Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, y al Jefe de la Oficina de la Presidencia de la República, Aurelio Nuño Mayer. Durante la Cumbre, los líderes del G20 participaron en dos sesiones de trabajo: una sobre el crecimiento y la economía globales y otra sobre la inversión para el crecimiento y la creación de empleos. Asimismo, sostuvieron una cena de trabajo sobre la situación en Siria y un almuerzo sobre comercio internacional. Los líderes también se reunieron con los representantes del B20 y el L20, con el fin de discutir las propuestas del sector privado y del sector laboral para estimular el crecimiento económico, la creación de empleos y el desarrollo de políticas necesarias para fortalecer la confianza de las empresas y de los ciudadanos en la economía global. Prioridades de México en la Cumbre de San Petersburgo

México mantuvo su interés en dar seguimiento a los resultados de la Cumbre de Los Cabos y participar activamente en este foro como parte de la Troika. Los principales objetivos de la participación de México en la Cumbre de San Petersburgo fueron: 1) contribuir a apuntalar la recuperación de la economía global; 2) dar seguimiento a los acuerdos de la Cumbre de Los Cabos; 3) impulsar temas que permitan equilibrar la agenda del G20 en favor de los países en desarrollo, como la lucha contra el hambre y el acceso a financiamiento para las pymes, y 4) presentar las reformas estructurales que México estaba llevando a cabo, como detonadoras del crecimiento económico. Es importante señalar que la lucha contra el hambre, la seguridad alimentaria y la búsqueda de soluciones a la volatilidad de precios de las materias primas fue una de las prioridades de la Presidencia mexicana en 2012. En Los Cabos, los líderes del G20 acordaron algunas medidas en este tema, como aumentar la producción y la productividad agrícolas, prevenir y hacer frente a crisis alimentarias, asegurar la sostenibilidad de

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la producción agrícola, promover una mejor adaptación al cambio climático, mejorar la nutrición de los niños en primera infancia y diseñar soluciones para atender la volatilidad de los precios de las materias primas. La Presidencia rusa retomó este tema como una de las prioridades del Grupo de Trabajo de Desarrollo. Asimismo, la Declaración de Líderes de San Petersburgo reconoció que la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición seguirían siendo una prioridad del G20 en los siguientes años. El acceso a financiamiento para las pymes fue otro tema que retomó la Presidencia rusa. En la Declaración de San Petersburgo, los líderes del G20 reconocieron el papel clave que desempeñan las pymes en la promoción del crecimiento económico, la creación de empleos y la reducción de la pobreza. Asimismo, hicieron un llamado a las instituciones financieras internacionales y a las instituciones de financiamiento para el desarrollo a mejorar la infraestructura de los mercados financieros y a apoyar el desarrollo de herramientas para atender los retos que continuaban enfrentando las pymes para acceder a financiamiento. Las expectativas de México para la Cumbre de San Petersburgo fueron las siguientes: Adoptar una Declaración de Líderes concisa y con resultados concretos,

así como con lenguaje accesible para el público general. Un Plan de Acción de San Petersburgo con metas y compromisos

específicos, de acuerdo con los compromisos establecidos en el Plan de Acción de Los Cabos.

Avances en la instrumentación de reformas en materia de regulación financiera.

Compromisos relativos al financiamiento de la inversión de largo plazo, con énfasis en su papel como detonadora del crecimiento económico global.

Una mayor cooperación entre los países para enfrentar la evasión fiscal, particularmente en materia de erosión de la base gravable y la transferencia de utilidades (BEPS, por sus siglas en inglés), así como avanzar en el tema de intercambio automático de información con propósitos fiscales.

Avances en la instrumentación de las reformas de cuotas y de la gobernabilidad del FMI.

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Acuerdo para extender, hasta 2016, el compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas en materia de comercio (standstill) y reafirmación del compromiso de hacer retroceder cualquier medida proteccionista que se hubiera puesto en práctica (rollback).

Apoyar el fortalecimiento del mecanismo de monitoreo de la OMC/OCDE/UNCTAD sobre las medidas restrictivas al comercio y la inversión.

La firme instrucción de los Líderes de alcanzar, en la Novena Conferencia de la OMC, un paquete de resultados realista y equilibrado que permitiera dar impulso a la pronta conclusión de las negociaciones de la Ronda Doha de la OMC, así como un acuerdo para el establecimiento de un Observatorio de Cadenas Globales de Valor con el auspicio de la OCDE.

Mantener en las discusiones del G20 el tema de la recuperación del empleo de calidad en el sector formal, con énfasis en la necesidad de integración y coordinación de políticas públicas para atender esta situación.

Dar continuidad a la agenda de crecimiento verde incluyente que promovió México, así como un Informe de Rendición de Cuentas, como se acordó en la Cumbre de Los Cabos.

Avanzar en las agendas de combate a la corrupción, energía sostenible y financiamiento del combate al cambio climático. Participación de México en la Cumbre de San Petersburgo

Durante la primera sesión de trabajo, se discutieron estrategias para alcanzar un crecimiento fuerte, sostenido y equilibrado, así como algunas medidas para fortalecer el sistema financiero y la importancia de instrumentar reformas hacendarias. El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto se refirió a la iniciativa de reforma hacendaria en México, que buscó consolidar la estabilidad y el crecimiento económicos, simplificar el sistema fiscal y aumentar la competitividad de la planta productiva, especialmente de las pymes. Asimismo, señaló que fomentaría la formalidad de la economía, fortalecería el federalismo y aumentaría la transparencia en el ejercicio de los recursos públicos. El Presidente Peña Nieto subrayó que la coordinación internacional puede desempeñar un

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papel fundamental en el fortalecimiento de los ingresos públicos y en la estabilidad económica. En la cena de trabajo del 5 de septiembre, que se dedicó a la situación en Siria, los miembros del G20 señalaron sus posiciones y las acciones que la comunidad internacional podía emprender. El Presidente Peña Nieto también participó en la sesión de diálogo con representantes del sector empresarial (B20) y laboral (L20). Durante la segunda sesión de trabajo, dedicada a discutir temas de inversión para el crecimiento y la creación de empleos, el Presidente Peña Nieto subrayó que México apoyaba el desarrollo de políticas que impulsen la inclusión laboral, mediante una combinación de incentivos, apoyos y obligaciones para las personas en busca de trabajo. Indicó que, como parte de este enfoque integrado, era fundamental invertir en políticas que activaran el mercado laboral. Asimismo, el Presidente Peña Nieto compartió la experiencia de México sobre cómo impulsar una agenda ambiciosa de reformas estructurales. Subrayó que las reformas tenían el objetivo de alcanzar tasas más elevadas de crecimiento económico con un aumento en la productividad, mejoras en la competitividad y una mayor flexibilidad y eficiencia en los mercados laboral y de bienes y servicios. En el almuerzo de trabajo sobre crecimiento y comercio, los Líderes reafirmaron la importancia del buen funcionamiento del sistema multilateral de comercio. En ese sentido, indicaron que un resultado exitoso de la 9ª Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC (9CM), en 2013, sería un paso importante hacia una mayor liberalización multilateral del comercio. Asimismo, extendieron, hasta 2016, el compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas y se comprometieron a realizar mayores avances para la eliminación de barreras e impedimentos al comercio global y a la inversión. El Presidente Peña Nieto indicó que las acciones para aumentar el comercio de bienes y servicios, en combinación con las medidas de apoyo al desarrollo, serían fundamentales para el crecimiento y la creación de empleos. Indicó que la 9CM de la OMC ofrecía una oportunidad para lograr un paquete de entregables que diera un impulso a las negociaciones de

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la Ronda de Doha y demostrar la credibilidad de la OMC en su función negociadora. Destacó que los acuerdos comerciales regionales deberían ser consistentes con el sistema multilateral de comercio. Acuerdos alcanzados en la Cumbre de San Petersburgo

Algunos de los principales acuerdos alcanzados durante la Cumbre de San Petersburgo y que se reflejaron en la Declaración de Líderes y sus anexos fueron: El Plan de Acción de San Petersburgo, con metas y compromisos

específicos para lograr un crecimiento fuerte, sostenible y equilibrado, en línea con los acuerdos alcanzados en el Plan de Acción de Los Cabos.

Avances en la implementación de reformas en materia de regulación financiera.

Compromisos relativos al financiamiento de la inversión de largo plazo, con énfasis en su papel como detonadora del crecimiento económico global.

No instrumentar medidas proteccionistas hasta 2016. Combatir la evasión fiscal por medio de la erosión de la base gravable

y la transferencia de utilidades (BEPS). Financiamiento para pequeñas y medianas empresas y fortalecimiento

de la inclusión y de la educación financieras. El G20 es un foro privilegiado para llevar a cabo encuentros con los otros miembros del grupo, con el objetivo de revisar agendas bilaterales. En el marco de la Cumbre de Líderes de San Petersburgo, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto sostuvo los siguientes encuentros bilaterales: cena de trabajo con el Presidente de la República Popular China, Xi Jinping; encuentro con el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros de la República Italiana, Enrico Letta, y encuentro con el Presidente de la República Francesa, François Hollande.

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7.2. Presidencia australiana, 2014

7.2.1. Panorama internacional Australia asumió la Presidencia del G20 el 1 de diciembre de 2013. El entorno económico internacional de ese momento mostraba señales positivas de recuperación, pero también la persistencia de muchas de las consecuencias de la crisis financiera y la prevalencia de riesgos de desaceleración en economías desarrolladas y emergentes. El PIB mundial creció 2.6% en 2013,8 la cifra más baja desde 2009. El desempleo se mantuvo alto, especialmente en las economías desarrolladas; aumentó la desigualdad en el ingreso en la mayoría de los miembros del G20, y se mantuvo la desconfianza del público en los gobiernos y las instituciones.9 Las proyecciones de crecimiento en 2014 eran modestas y se esperaba una recuperación económica turbulenta, asociada con presiones fiscales, financieras y estructurales. Entre las buenas noticias, la Eurozona comenzaba a superar su recesión económica después de cinco años, con un crecimiento de 0.1% en el último trimestre de 2013 y proyecciones de crecimiento de 1% para 2014 y 1.6% para 2015. Sin embargo, las condiciones financieras en Europa seguían siendo frágiles y dos países de la zona euro (Chipre e Italia) seguían en recesión. Asimismo, Europa aún registraba fuertes presiones fiscales, altas tasas de desempleo (12.1% en 2013) y una baja demanda externa, lo cual provocó una inflación menor a la que había proyectado el Banco Central Europeo. Europa enfrentaba riesgos en el corto y mediano plazos por la fragmentación financiera y monetaria, y el crecimiento de su economía podía contenerse por la debilidad de los países de la periferia. La economía estadounidense mostraba mayores signos de recuperación, con un crecimiento de 2.2% en 2013, que derivó de un incremento en las ventas minoristas de 3.9% y una disminución en la tasa de desempleo a 7% en noviembre de 2013, entre otros factores. Sin embargo, el crecimiento de la demanda seguía siendo moderado, principalmente por tasas de interés altas y presiones fiscales y presupuestarias. El panorama en las economías asiáticas también era moderadamente positivo: la

8 Datos obtenidos del World Bank Open Data disponible en: data.worldbank.org/ 9 OCDE, “Updated G20 Economic Outlook”, 4 de diciembre de 2013.

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economía china creció 7.9%; la india, 5.5%, y la japonesa, 1.5%. El Banco Central de Japón anunció una política agresiva de estímulo monetario para aumentar la inflación. En contraste, el crecimiento en los mercados emergentes fue menor a lo esperado, debido a los precios bajos de las commodities y la alta volatilidad de los mercados financieros. Asimismo, las economías emergentes seguían siendo vulnerables a los choques externos que podían derivar de la normalización de políticas monetarias en las economías desarrolladas, como las europeas y las asiáticas. Finalmente, se preveía una salida de capitales en los países emergentes por los altos déficits en cuentas corrientes y la posibilidad de aumento en sus tasas de interés.

7.2.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia australiana10 En este escenario, la Presidencia australiana enfocó los trabajos del G20 en el fortalecimiento del crecimiento económico y en la creación de empleos. Para lograrlo, Australia consideraba esencial empoderar al sector privado, es decir, fomentar la inversión privada, desarrollar infraestructura de calidad y promover el comercio internacional. “Sólo la iniciativa privada puede lograr el crecimiento sostenible de la inversión, del comercio y de la creación de empleos que el mundo necesita”.11 La Presidencia australiana estructuró sus prioridades en torno a dos ejes:

Eje 1: impulsar el crecimiento económico y la creación de empleos

o Atraer inversión privada para infraestructura o Eliminar las barreras al comercio o Crear empleos y aumentar la participación en el mercado

laboral o Vincular acciones de desarrollo con el crecimiento económico:

crear las condiciones para que los países en desarrollo puedan

10 La información de esta sección se extrajo del documento “G20 2014: Overview of Australia’s Presidency”, diciembre de 2013. 11 “G20 2014: Overview of Australia’s Presidency”, diciembre de 2013, p. 3.

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atraer inversión en infraestructura con mejores sistemas tributarios y mayor acceso a los servicios financieros.

Eje 2: fortalecer la economía global para evitar crisis futuras o Reformar el sistema financiero global o Fortalecer los sistemas tributarios o Reformar las instituciones internacionales, como el FMI o Fortalecer la resiliencia del mercado energético o Combatir la corrupción

Cuadro 2. Organización de la agenda de la Presidencia australiana

Desde el inicio, Australia puso énfasis en promover el trabajo conjunto del G20 con el sector privado por medio del B20, con el fin de promover condiciones propicias para la inversión, eliminar los obstáculos al libre comercio internacional y reducir los costos de hacer negocios. Por lo tanto, el B20 desempeñó un papel más activo durante la Presidencia australiana. Este grupo de afinidad presentó recomendaciones puntuales sobre cinco temas principales: financiamiento del crecimiento económico, desarrollo de capital humano, comercio, inversión en infraestructura y combate a la

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corrupción. Por parte de México, participaron 27 representantes del sector privado, incluidos los Directores Generales de Cinépolis, Alejandro Ramírez; de Kimberly-Clark, Pablo González; de Grupo Alfa, Armando Garza Sada, y de Bimbo, Daniel Servitje.

7.2.3. Estructura de la Presidencia australiana Países invitados

España (invitado permanente) Myanmar (ANSEA) Nueva Zelandia Senegal (NEPAD) Singapur (3G) Organismos internacionales participantes

Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Banco Mundial Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

(OCDE) Grupos de Trabajo

Canal de Sherpas Canal de Finanzas Sostenibilidad Energética Marco para el Crecimiento

Task Force sobre Empleo Arquitectura Financiera


Anticorrupción Regulación y Supervisión

Financiera Desarrollo Inversión en Infraestructura

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38 Grupos de afinidad

Business 20 Civil 20 Labor 20 Think 20 Youth 20 Número de reuniones

Sherpas 4 Ministeriales de Finanzas y Bancos Centrales 5 Alternos de Finanzas y de Bancos Centrales 5 Ministerial de Empleo 1 Ministerial de Comercio 1 Reuniones de los Grupos de Afinidad 10

7.2.4. Cumbre de Brisbane

La Cumbre de Líderes de Brisbane se llevó a cabo los días 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2014, y en ella participó el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. La comitiva oficial incluyó al Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Dr. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña; al Secretario de Economía, Dr. Ildefonso Guajardo, y al Coordinador de Asesores de la Presidencia de la República, Lic. Francisco Guzmán, así como al Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores y Sherpa para G20, Emb. Carlos de Icaza; al Subsecretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Dr. Fernando Aportela, y al Subsecretario de Comercio Exterior, Dr. Francisco de Rosenzweig. El programa de la Cumbre inició con un Retiro de Líderes, que tuvo el objetivo de compartir experiencias en materia de reformas estructurales. Asimismo, hubo cinco sesiones de trabajo:

1. Economía global: fortalecer el crecimiento y la creación de empleos 2. Cena de trabajo sobre comercio 3. Solidez económica global 4. Energía 5. Almuerzo de trabajo sobre “Desafíos futuros”

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El 14 de noviembre, previo al inicio oficial de la Cumbre, los líderes sostuvieron una reunión con los delegados del B20, en la cual se presentaron las recomendaciones de este grupo de afinidad en sus temas prioritarios. Prioridades de México en la Cumbre de Brisbane Las prioridades de México para la Cumbre de Brisbane fueron:

Compartir las experiencias relacionadas con la agenda de reformas


Impulsar el comercio internacional como motor del crecimiento y lograr la consolidación y la extensión del compromiso de los miembros del G20 de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas.

Promover mecanismos que faciliten los flujos de inversión en infraestructura de alta calidad. México ya copresidía el Grupo de Trabajo de Inversión e Infraestructura del G20.

Fortalecer el compromiso del G20 con el combate al hambre y al cambio climático.

En los meses previos a la Cumbre de Brisbane, las relaciones entre Rusia y la mayoría de los países desarrollados del G20 se enturbiaron por la anexión rusa de la Península de Crimea. El 24 de marzo de 2014, los miembros del G8 excluyeron a Rusia del grupo justamente por esta situación. Posteriormente, Australia, Estados Unidos y varios países europeos culparon a milicias rebeldes, que presuntamente contaban con el apoyo de Rusia, por el derribo del vuelo de Malaysia Airlines MH17 en territorio ucraniano (17 de julio de 2014). Estas situaciones llevaron a la Canciller australiana, Julie Bishop, a declarar que Australia podría retirar la invitación a Rusia a la Cumbre de Brisbane. En respuesta, los países de BRICS emitieron una declaración conjunta en la que indicaron que el país que preside el G20 no tiene la facultad de expulsar a miembros del grupo, ya que dicha facultad recae

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en la membresía en su conjunto. Al final, el Presidente Vladimir Putin participó en la Cumbre de Líderes. Participación de México en la Cumbre de Brisbane Durante el encuentro con el B20, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto subrayó las amplias coincidencias de las recomendaciones de este grupo con la agenda de desarrollo y transformación que impulsaba en México. Señaló que el sector privado es un importante motor del crecimiento económico, de la generación de empleos y de la innovación. En cuanto al sistema financiero mundial, el Presidente Peña Nieto coincidió en la necesidad de tomar medidas concretas para enfrentar la volatilidad en los mercados. Indicó que es necesario contar con un sistema financiero internacional más sólido, mejor regulado e incluyente, que permita canalizar recursos hacia inversiones y proyectos productivos, sobre todo de las pymes. En el retiro de Líderes, el Primer Ministro de Australia, Tony Abbott, pidió al Presidente Peña Nieto ser el primer orador, debido a que México era el país del G20 que había realizado el mayor número de reformas estructurales hasta ese momento. El Presidente Peña Nieto recordó que, en 20 meses, sin que partido político alguno tuviera mayoría absoluta en el Congreso, se concretaron 11 reformas estructurales. Destacó que estas reformas eran un nuevo andamiaje legal e institucional para el desarrollo del país. Durante la sesión de trabajo sobre economía global, se discutieron estrategias para alcanzar un crecimiento fuerte, sostenido y equilibrado, así como medidas para aumentar la inversión en infraestructura y acciones para generar empleos. Los Líderes del G20 respaldaron el compromiso de incrementar, en al menos 2%, el PIB colectivo de los países del G20 hacia 2018, por encima de la trayectoria base identificada en 2013. Para lograrlo, los miembros suscribieron el Plan de Acción de Brisbane, que incluyó compromisos de política macroeconómica y de reformas estructurales. El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto se refirió a la importancia del desarrollo de infraestructura como motor del crecimiento económico. Asimismo, habló de la Reforma Laboral, de la que uno de sus objetivos principales

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era fomentar la inclusión de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo, a partir de esquemas más flexibles de contratación, como el trabajo en casa o pago por hora, la prohibición de exámenes de embarazo y el combate al hostigamiento o acoso sexual en el trabajo. Asimismo, subrayó que la Reforma Política establecía la obligación de que el 50% de las candidaturas a legisladores fueran para mujeres y destacó que, con acciones estructurales como éstas, México respaldaba el compromiso del G20 de incrementar sustancialmente la participación laboral de las mujeres. Por otra parte, en relación con el tema de infraestructura, los mandatarios acordaron establecer un Centro de Infraestructura Global con un mandato de cuatro años, como plataforma para intercambiar información y experiencias entre gobiernos, inversionistas y organismos internacionales. El Presidente Peña Nieto sostuvo encuentros bilaterales con el Primer Ministro de India, Narendra Modi, y con el Príncipe Heredero de Arabia Saudita, Salman Abdul-Aziz al Saud. Acuerdos alcanzados en la Cumbre de Brisbane Compromiso de incrementar, en al menos 2%, el PIB colectivo de los

países del G20 hacia 2018, por encima de la trayectoria base identificada en 2013.

Establecer mecanismos que faciliten la canalización de recursos a los proyectos de desarrollo de infraestructura, incluido un Centro de Infraestructura Global, como plataforma para intercambiar información y experiencias de gobiernos, inversionistas y organismos internacionales.

Reiteración del compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas.

Compromiso de reducir la brecha de participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral en 25% hacia 2025, tomando en cuenta las circunstancias nacionales.

Respaldaron la creación del Grupo de Trabajo de Empleo, que sustituyó a la Task Force sobre Empleo, cuyo mandato tenía que renovarse anualmente.

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Adopción de un Marco del G20 para la Seguridad Alimentaria y la Nutrición.

Compromiso de reducir a 5% el costo global promedio de la transferencia de remesas.

Mayor cooperación para enfrentar la evasión fiscal, particularmente en materia de erosión de la base gravable y la transferencia de utilidades.

Avances en la implementación de reformas en materia de regulación financiera.

Apoyo a acciones efectivas que contribuyan a hacer frente al cambio climático y permitan mejorar la eficiencia energética.

Los líderes también adoptaron una Declaración sobre el ébola, en la que se comprometieron a trabajar juntos para apoyar el esfuerzo internacional para extinguir la epidemia y acelerar la canalización de recursos financieros y materiales con ese propósito. La Declaración urge al Fondo Monetario Internacional y al Banco Mundial a mantener como prioridad el apoyo financiero a los países afectados por el ébola: Guinea, Liberia y Sierra Leona. Reuniones de Cancilleres Como parte de las actividades de la Cumbre de Brisbane, se llevó a cabo una cena de trabajo de los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores el 15 de noviembre de 2014. Las discusiones versaron sobre los vínculos entre la seguridad internacional y el crecimiento económico. Algunos temas que se trataron fueron el fortalecimiento del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y de las instituciones financieras internacionales para atender los retos de la seguridad internacional, las principales consecuencias de la seguridad internacional en el crecimiento económico y viceversa y la situación en Ucrania. Asimismo, en el marco de la Cumbre de Líderes, se llevó a cabo la Cuarta Reunión de Cancilleres de MIKTA, en la cual participó el Secretario José Antonio Meade Kuribreña. Se trató de la primera reunión de este tipo en los márgenes del G20. Los Ministros intercambiaron opiniones sobre el entorno económico internacional y acordaron que MIKTA puede desempeñar un papel de puente entre economías desarrolladas y en desarrollo en temas como cooperación para el desarrollo, seguridad

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alimentaria, cambio climático, comercio, energía y salud global. Los Cancilleres también discutieron temas regionales, incluida la amenaza del Estado Islámico en Iraq y Siria, la crisis en Ucrania, la situación en la Península coreana y los últimos acontecimientos en el Medio Oriente. Al final, los cinco Ministros adoptaron un comunicado conjunto.

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7.3. Presidencia turca, 2015

7.3.1. Panorama internacional El 1 de diciembre de 2014, Turquía asumió la Presidencia del G20. Como en años anteriores, la economía mundial mostraba signos mixtos de recuperación y crecimiento acompañados de riesgos y volatilidad económica y financiera, tanto en países desarrollados como en economías emergentes. El PIB mundial creció 2.9% en 2014,12 0.3% más que en 2013. Sin embargo, en enero de 2015, el FMI revisó a la baja sus proyecciones de crecimiento para 2015 y 2016 en 0.3%, en comparación con sus estimaciones de octubre de 2014.13 Además, se acentuaron las divergencias en el crecimiento entre las principales economías: mientras que la recuperación económica de EE. UU. fue mayor a la esperada, el desempeño económico de otros países, especialmente de Japón, fue menor. Uno de los principales factores que determinaron el comportamiento de la economía mundial en 2015 fue el precio del petróleo, que registró una caída de 55% entre septiembre de 2014 y enero de 2015. Este fenómeno resultó de una disminución en la demanda por parte de las principales economías emergentes y a la decisión de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP) de mantener sus niveles de producción a pesar de un incremento sostenido de la producción de petróleo en países que no pertenecen a la OPEP, particularmente EE. UU. La expectativa era que la caída en los precios del petróleo impulsara el crecimiento económico en los siguientes dos años, particularmente en las economías desarrolladas importadoras de petróleo. Sin embargo, este impulso se vería opacado notablemente por los ajustes a la baja en el crecimiento económico para el mediano plazo en esas mismas economías, así como por los efectos en los países emergentes exportadores de petróleo y otras commodities. EE. UU. mostró el mejor comportamiento entre las economías desarrolladas con un crecimiento mayor al esperado, una disminución en 12 Datos obtenidos del World Bank Open Data disponible en: data.worldbank.org/ 13 FMI, “World Economic Outlook Update January 2015”, 20 de enero de 2015. Disponible en: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2016/12/31/Cross-Currents

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la tasa de desempleo y la apreciación del dólar. Por su parte, el crecimiento en la zona euro fue menor al proyectado, debido a un bajo nivel de inversión y de inflación. La economía japonesa entró en una recesión técnica en el último trimestre de 2014, pero se esperaba una recuperación en 2015-2016 por los efectos de las políticas monetarias y fiscales implementadas, así como por el comportamiento del mercado petrolero y la depreciación del yen. Finalmente, la economía china continuaba experimentando una desaceleración, debido principalmente a una disminución sostenida de la inversión.

7.3.2. Situación de Turquía en 2015 Turquía ejerció la Presidencia del G20 en un entorno político interno particularmente complejo. El 7 de junio de 2015, se celebraron elecciones legislativas, en las cuales el Partido Justicia y Desarrollo (AKP, centro-derecha) del Presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan perdió la mayoría absoluta en la Asamblea Nacional con 40.9% de los votos (258 de 550 escaños), lo cual generó el primer Parlamento sin mayoría desde 1999. El Presidente Erdoğan encomendó al Primer Ministro Ahmet Davutoğlu formar un gobierno de coalición. Sin embargo, éste no logró formarse debido a las diferencias entre el AKP y los partidos de oposición sobre la intención de Erdoğan de modificar el sistema parlamentario por uno presidencial. Erdoğan rechazó otorgar un nuevo mandato de formación de gobierno al líder del segundo partido más votado (Partido Republicano del Pueblo, CHP, centro-izquierda), aprobó la formación de un gobierno provisional (28 de agosto) y convocó a elecciones el 1 de noviembre, dos semanas antes de la Cumbre de Líderes de Antalya. En esas elecciones, el AKP recuperó la mayoría absoluta en la Asamblea Nacional con el 49.5% de los votos (317 escaños). La guerra en Siria fue otro factor que contribuyó a la inestabilidad en Turquía. Por una parte, se convirtió en el mayor receptor de refugiados sirios (45% del total de refugiados de ese país)14 y uno de los principales puntos de tránsito de migrantes y refugiados que intentaban llegar a Europa. Por otra, Turquía se había unido a la coalición internacional contra 14 ACNUR, “UNHCR: Total number of Syrian refugees exceeds four million for first time”, 9 de julio de 2015. Disponible en: http://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2015/7/559d67d46/unhcr-total-number-syrian-refugees-exceeds-four-million-first-time.html

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el Estado Islámico en septiembre de 2014, con lo cual comenzó a realizar ataques contra posiciones de ISIS en Siria y a permitir el uso de sus bases militares aéreas para que otros países de la coalición, principalmente EE. UU., también llevaran a cabo ataques. Finalmente, la seguridad en Turquía se deterioró significativamente. Desde 2013, el Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK) dio por concluido el cese del fuego. Por lo tanto, el gobierno turco reanudó operativos militares contra el PKK, lo que provocó un aumento de la violencia en diferentes puntos del país, sobre todo en las ciudades cercanas a las fronteras con Iraq y Armenia. Además, el 10 de octubre, estallaron dos explosivos durante una manifestación por la paz en Ankara, con un saldo de más de 100 personas muertas y cerca de 500 heridos. Se trató del peor ataque terrorista en la historia moderna de Turquía. Si bien ningún grupo terrorista se adjudicó este ataque, el gobierno turco culpó al Estado Islámico.

7.3.3. Prioridades de la Presidencia turca15 El eje rector de la Presidencia turca fue la acción colectiva para el crecimiento robusto e incluyente. Este enfoque se desarrolló con base en las tres “i”: inclusión de las pymes y de los países menos desarrollados, implementación de los compromisos asumidos e inversión para el crecimiento. Las prioridades de la Presidencia turca se organizaron en torno a tres pilares:

1. Fortalecer la recuperación global e incrementar el potencial de crecimiento Cooperación en políticas macroeconómicas Inversión en infraestructura y en pymes, reducir las brechas de

inversión y preparación de proyectos para inversión. Empleo

15 La información de esta sección se extrajo del documento “Turkish G20 Presidency Priorities for 2015”, diciembre de 2014.

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Comercio: no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas, defender el sistema multilateral de comercio y buscar una mejor integración de las pymes en las cadenas globales de valor.

2. Mejorar la resiliencia Regulación financiera Arquitectura financiera internacional Tributación internacional Combate a la corrupción

3. Fortalecer la sostenibilidad

Desarrollo: Agenda 2030, financiamiento para el desarrollo e integración de los países menos desarrollados en la economía global

Sostenibilidad energética Financiamiento al cambio climático

7.3.4. Estructura de la Presidencia turca Países invitados

Azerbaiyán España (invitado permanente) Malasia (ANSEA) Senegal (NEPAD) Singapur (3G) Zimbabwe (UA) Organismos internacionales participantes

Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Banco Mundial Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos


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48 Grupos de Trabajo

Canal de Sherpas Canal de Finanzas Sostenibilidad Energética Marco para el Crecimiento

Empleo Arquitectura Financiera


Anticorrupción Regulación y Supervisión

Financiera Desarrollo Inversión en Infraestructura Grupos de afinidad

Business 20 Civil 20 Labor 20 Think 20 Women 20 Youth 20

La Presidencia turca estableció el sexto grupo de afinidad del G20, el Women 20 (W20), con el objetivo de incorporar la perspectiva de género en la agenda del G20 y promover el crecimiento económico con esa misma perspectiva. El W20 tendría dos tareas principales: por una parte, avanzar en la implementación de los compromisos del G20 sobre cuestiones de género, como la participación económica y social de las mujeres (Los Cabos), la inclusión y la educación financiera para las mujeres (San Petersburgo) y reducir la brecha de participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral en 25% para 2025 (Brisbane). Por otra, el W20 tendría la encomienda de diseñar su propia agenda de trabajo y proveer recomendaciones en temas como la participación de la mujer en el mercado laboral y en iniciativas de emprendimiento, el liderazgo de las mujeres en los sectores público y privado y la inclusión financiera, entre otros. México apoyó firmemente la creación del W20, cuyo lanzamiento oficial fue el 6 de octubre de 2015, un día antes de su propia Cumbre. La participación de México se estructuró a partir de la coordinación entre la SRE y el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (Inmujeres).

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49 Número de reuniones

Sherpas 4 Ministeriales de Finanzas y Bancos Centrales 5 Alternos de Finanzas y de Bancos Centrales 5 Ministeriales:

Agricultura Comercio Empleo Energía


Reuniones de los Grupos de Afinidad 5

7.3.5. Cumbre de Antalya La Cumbre de Líderes de Antalya se llevó a cabo los días 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2015, y en ella participó el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. La comitiva oficial incluyó a la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Mtra. Claudia Ruiz Massieu; al Secretario de Economía, Dr. Ildefonso Guajardo, y al Jefe de la Oficina de la Presidencia de la República, Lic. Francisco Guzmán, así como al Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores y Sherpa para G20, Emb. Carlos de Icaza, y al Subsecretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Dr. Fernando Aportela. El programa de la Cumbre inició con una reunión de los Líderes con el B20, seguida de un evento conjunto con el B20 y el L20. Posteriormente, se llevaron a cabo las siguientes sesiones:

1. Almuerzo de trabajo sobre desarrollo y cambio climático 2. Sesión 1: crecimiento incluyente 3. Cena de trabajo sobre retos globales (terrorismo y crisis de

refugiados) 4. Sesión 2: regulación financiera, cooperación tributaria

internacional, anticorrupción y reforma del FMI 5. Almuerzo de trabajo sobre comercio, energía, adopción de la

Declaración y del Plan de Acción de Antalya y presentación de la Presidencia china

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50 Prioridades de México en la Cumbre de Antalya Las prioridades de México para la Cumbre de Antalya fueron las mismas que promovió en Brisbane, con el fin de dar continuidad a su agenda en el G20:

Compartir las experiencias relacionadas a la agenda de reformas


Impulsar el comercio internacional como motor del crecimiento y lograr la consolidación y la extensión del compromiso de los miembros del G20 de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas.

Promover mecanismos que faciliten los flujos de inversión en infraestructura de alta calidad.

Fortalecer el compromiso del G20 con el combate al hambre y al cambio climático.

En la Cumbre estuvieron presentes los líderes de 18 miembros del G20 (Argentina y Francia estuvieron representados a nivel ministerial). Asimismo, participaron los líderes de los países invitados de la Presidencia turca y los titulares de los organismos internacionales invitados. Participación de México en la Cumbre de Antalya Durante las sesiones de trabajo, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto reiteró el respaldo de México a la Agenda 2030 y señaló que los 17 objetivos y las 169 metas de los ODS representan una importante guía para todos los países. En ese sentido, celebró el compromiso del G20 con un crecimiento incluyente, que tome en cuenta a los países en desarrollo y con bajos niveles de ingresos, para lograr un escenario económico mundial fuerte, sostenible y equilibrado. Por otra parte, el Presidente subrayó que el cambio climático y sus efectos obligan a repensar los procesos de producción y consumo. También destacó que, a pesar de emitir sólo 1.4% de los gases de efecto invernadero del mundo, México es vulnerable a los fenómenos

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meteorológicos que provoca el cambio climático. En ese sentido, el Presidente se refirió a los esfuerzos de México en la lucha contra el cambio climático, como la aprobación de la Ley General de Cambio Climático y la elaboración de una Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático, así como el enfoque “verde” de las reformas estructurales alcanzadas, en particular la energética y la hacendaria. El Presidente también recordó que México fue el primer país en desarrollo en presentar su Contribución Prevista y Determinada a Nivel Nacional ante la ONU. Por invitación de su homólogo turco, el Presidente Peña Nieto fue orador principal en el tema de estrategias de inversión. En su intervención, el Presidente se refirió, por una parte, a las contribuciones que ha hecho México como copresidente —junto con Alemania e Indonesia— del Grupo de Trabajo del G20 sobre Inversión e Infraestructura y, por otra, a las acciones de México para estimular la inversión y el desarrollo de infraestructura. Durante la cena de trabajo, en la que se discutieron el terrorismo y la crisis de los refugiados, el Presidente Peña Nieto subrayó que México es un país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes y que, como tal, le preocupa la situación humanitaria en Medio Oriente. Recordó que, en 2014, México había otorgado 3 millones de dólares para apoyar a refugiados sirios en Jordania, Líbano y Turquía. Asimismo, señaló que, de 2013 a 2015, México había recibido a más de mil refugiados, la mayoría provenientes de Centroamérica. En relación con la amenaza del terrorismo, todos los líderes expresaron su condena a los recientes ataques en Turquía y Francia. El Presidente Peña Nieto expresó la enérgica condena de México a todos los actos de terrorismo, así como su solidaridad con las víctimas y con sus familiares. En materia de economía y comercio, el Presidente Peña Nieto señaló que, ante el bajo crecimiento de la economía mundial, los miembros del G20 deben redoblar sus esfuerzos para facilitar e incrementar el comercio. Destacó que México es una de las economías más abiertas del G20, con una red de trece tratados de libre comercio que da acceso a 1,309 millones de potenciales consumidores en 52 países. Finalmente, en temas de energía, el Presidente Peña mencionó que la disponibilidad de más y mejores fuentes de energía, así como la adopción de tecnologías de mayor

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eficiencia, son indispensables para acelerar el crecimiento económico de manera sostenida. En ese sentido, se refirió a la reforma energética de México, que establece condiciones para aumentar la producción, transformación y distribución de energéticos de manera transparente, eficiente, competitiva y sostenible. Acuerdos alcanzados en la Cumbre de Antalya Adopción del Plan de Acción de Antalya, con estrategias de crecimiento

e inversión, que incluyen compromisos y acciones concretas para mejorar el entorno de negocios, aumentar y mejorar la infraestructura y apoyar el desarrollo y la inserción de las pymes en las cadenas globales de valor. El Plan también establece mecanismos de monitoreo sobre los avances registrados en los compromisos previamente adquiridos y las acciones para asegurar que el crecimiento sea incluyente y beneficie a todos los segmentos de la sociedad.

Fortalecimiento del diálogo con los países en desarrollo y adopción del compromiso de contribuir a la instrumentación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

Se adoptó el compromiso de reducir la proporción de jóvenes en riesgo de desempleo en 15% para 2025.

Se adoptó un Plan de Acción sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles.

Establecimiento de un estándar internacional común sobre la capacidad total de absorción de pérdidas para bancos de importancia sistémica global.

Adopción de un Plan para facilitar el acceso a la energía en África subsahariana.

Los líderes también adoptaron una Declaración sobre la lucha contra el terrorismo, en la que condenaron todos los actos, métodos y prácticas terroristas, reiteraron su compromiso para seguir trabajando conjuntamente en la prevención y eliminación de los actos terroristas,

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combatir el financiamiento del terrorismo y atender el creciente flujo de combatientes terroristas extranjeros y la amenaza que representan para los países de origen, tránsito y destino. En el marco de la Cumbre de Antalya, el Presidente Peña Nieto sostuvo encuentros bilaterales con el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau; con el Presidente de China, Xi Jinping; con el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros de Italia, Matteo Renzi, y con el Presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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7.4. Presidencia china, 2016

7.4.1. Panorama internacional China asumió la Presidencia de G20 con una economía en desaceleración y reequilibrio, debido a su alejamiento de la inversión y de la manufactura para orientarse hacia el consumo y el mercado de los servicios. Esta transición en proceso provocó inquietudes en el mercado internacional sobre el desempeño futuro de la economía china, que se manifestaron en la caída de los precios de las materias primas y un aumento en la volatilidad de los mercados financieros. La economía china creció 6.9% en 2015, cuatro puntos porcentuales menos que en 2014. En 2016, el crecimiento de la economía china fue de 6.7%.16 En términos más amplios, el crecimiento mundial fue de 2.8% en 2015 y 2.5% en 2016,17 por debajo de las estimaciones del FMI, que eran superiores al 3% en ambos años.18 La perspectiva de la economía mundial para 2016 era, nuevamente, un crecimiento desigual de las economías desarrolladas y emergentes. En el primer caso, EE. UU. continuaría vigorizándose gracias a sus condiciones financieras favorables, el fortalecimiento de sus mercados de trabajo y de vivienda y la apreciación del dólar. En la Eurozona, el fortalecimiento del consumo privado, como consecuencia de los precios bajos del petróleo y condiciones financieras favorables, compensaría el debilitamiento de sus exportaciones, que habían registrado disminuciones desde 2015. Finalmente, se preveía un crecimiento de la economía japonesa mayor a la esperada, debido a los resultados positivos de sus políticas monetarias y fiscales. En cuanto a las economías emergentes, sus principales retos eran la desaceleración de la economía china, la caída de los precios de las materias primas y diversas presiones fiscales y financieras.

16 Datos obtenidos del World Bank Open Data disponible en: data.worldbank.org/ 17 Loc. cit. 18 FMI, “Perspectivas de la economía mundial al día”, 19 de enero de 2016. Disponible en: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2016/12/31/Subdued-Demand-Diminished-Prospects

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7.4.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia china19 China inició su Presidencia en el marco de un punto de inflexión para el G20 y para la economía global. De acuerdo con el análisis chino, muchos países sufrían por diversos factores económicos negativos, incluido el crecimiento global “anémico”, la disminución de la producción, el aumento en la volatilidad de los mercados financieros, el debilitamiento del comercio y la inversión, tasas altas de desempleo y desigualdades.20 Además, debido a la creciente divergencia en el desempeño económico de los países y en las prioridades de política pública de las principales economías, la coordinación de la política macroeconómica enfrentaba condiciones adversas. Como ocurrió con las Presidencias anteriores, China puso énfasis en la importancia de la cooperación internacional no solamente para atender los riesgos económicos y financieros de corto plazo, sino también para promover un crecimiento sostenible e incluyente. Sin embargo, a diferencia de sus antecesoras, la Presidencia china destacó que la conectividad, los avances tecnológicos sin precedente y la nueva revolución industrial eran aspectos clave que debían aprovecharse para lograr ese objetivo último y constante en los trabajos del G20. China incorporó estos factores en el tema de su Presidencia: “Hacia una economía global innovadora, fortalecida, interconectada e incluyente”. Cada una de estas características definió las prioridades para el G20 en 2016:

Innovadora: innovación en ciencia y tecnología, en conceptos de desarrollo y crecimiento, en instituciones y mecanismos y en los modelos de negocio, como motor de un crecimiento global sostenible.

Fortalecida: crecimiento más dinámico, reformas estructurales, mayor cooperación internacional en materia económica y gobernanza económica global equitativa, legítima y efectiva.

19 La información de esta sección se extrajo del documento “G20 Summit 2016, China”, 1 diciembre de 2015. 20 Ibid., p. 3.

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Interconectada: interconexión de crecimiento y desarrollo, economía global abierta, mayor cooperación frente a retos comunes y fortalecimiento de la conectividad entre las economías.

Incluyente: crecimiento incluyente y acciones para reducir desigualdades en los niveles de desarrollo entre países.

Estas prioridades se atendieron en los siguientes temas clave:

Nuevo marco para el crecimiento o Mantener el ímpetu de la recuperación económica global. o Fortalecer el potencial de crecimiento en el corto y mediano

plazos (innovación, reformas estructurales y emprendimiento).

Gobernanza económica y financiera más efectiva y eficiente

o Mejorar la arquitectura financiera internacional (reforma del sistema de cuotas del FMI).

o Continuar con las reformas del sector financiero. o Desarrollar finanzas verdes (instituciones financieras más

verdes y mejorar la capacidad de los mercados financieros para dirigir recursos a industrias verdes).

o Mejorar el régimen de tributación internacional. o Lograr un consenso en temas de combate a la corrupción.

Comercio e inversión internacional robusta

o Fortalecer los mecanismos de cooperación en comercio e inversión.

o Defender el sistema multilateral de comercio. o Promover el crecimiento del comercio internacional. o Promover cadenas globales de valor incluyentes e integradas. o Mejorar la cooperación y la coordinación internacionales en

políticas de inversión. o Con base en los acuerdos alcanzados en la Cumbre de

Antalya, China propuso la realización de reuniones de Ministros de Comercio con regularidad.

Desarrollo incluyente e interconectado

o Implementar la Agenda 2030 sobre Desarrollo Sostenible.

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o Optimizar la agenda de desarrollo del G20. o Construir infraestructura y conectividad. o Promover el suministro accesible y sostenible de la energía. o Aumentar el empleo. o Mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. o Movilizar financiamiento para cambio climático. o Erradicar la pobreza. o Apoyar la industrialización en África y en otros países en


7.4.3. Estructura de la Presidencia china Países invitados

Egipto España (invitado permanente) Kazajstán Laos (ANSEA) Senegal (NEPAD) Singapur (3G) Chad (UA) Organismos internacionales participantes

Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Banco Mundial Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

(OCDE) Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial


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58 Grupos de Trabajo

Canal de Sherpas Canal de Finanzas Sostenibilidad Energética Marco para el Crecimiento

Empleo Arquitectura Financiera

Internacional Anticorrupción Inversión en Infraestructura

Desarrollo Comercio e Inversión

La creación del Grupo de trabajo de Comercio e Inversión (TIWG, por sus siglas en inglés) se acordó en la Reunión de Ministros de Comercio durante la Presidencia turca (Estambul, octubre de 2015) y se formalizó durante la Presidencia china. Este país y Canadá copresidieron el TIWG en 2016. Asimismo, China creó tres Task Forces para atender los temas que introdujo como parte de sus prioridades. La TF de innovación, que copresidieron China y Corea; la TF de economía digital, que copresidió China con EE. UU. (y que se mantiene a la fecha), y la TF sobre la nueva revolución industrial, que lideraron Alemania, China y Sudáfrica. Grupos de afinidad

Business 20 Civil 20 Labor 20 Think 20 Women 20 Youth 20 Número de reuniones

Sherpas 5 Ministeriales de Finanzas y Bancos Centrales 4 Alternos de Finanzas y de Bancos Centrales 5 Ministeriales:

Agricultura Comercio


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Empleo Energía Turismo

Reuniones de los Grupos de Afinidad 5

7.4.4. Cumbre de Hangzhou La Cumbre de Líderes de Hangzhou se llevó a cabo los días 4 y 5 de septiembre de 2016, con la participación del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. La comitiva oficial incluyó a la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Mtra. Claudia Ruiz Massieu; al Secretario de Economía, Dr. Ildefonso Guajardo; al Coordinador de Comunicación Social de la Presidencia, Lic. Eduardo Sánchez Hernández, y al Coordinador de Asesores del Presidente de la República, Dr. Carlos Pérez Verdía, así como al Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores y Sherpa para G20, Emb. Carlos de Icaza; al Subsecretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Dr. Fernando Aportela, y a la Jefa de la Oficina de la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Cons. Ana Paola Barbosa Fernández. El programa de la Cumbre inició con una reunión de los Líderes con el B20, seguida de un evento conjunto con el B20 y el L20. Posteriormente, se llevaron a cabo las siguientes sesiones:

1. Coordinación de políticas para el crecimiento económico 2. Gobernanza económica y financiera 3. Comercio e inversión internacionales 4. Desarrollo incluyente e interconectado 5. Otros asuntos que afectan la economía global Prioridades de México en la Cumbre de Hangzhou

Las prioridades de México para la Cumbre de Hangzhou fueron similares a las que promovió en 2014 y 2015, ya que se trataban de los mismos temas que seguían al frente de la agenda del G20 y sobre los cuales se requería reafirmar e instrumentar compromisos nuevos, así como dar seguimiento a las acciones implementadas. Asimismo, México adaptó e incluyó otras prioridades a partir de los temas centrales de la Presidencia china. Por ejemplo, México continuó impulsando la facilitación de flujos

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de inversión en infraestructura, especialmente desde su lugar como Copresidente del GT sobre la materia en el Canal de Finanzas. Sin embargo, en 2016, México enfocó estos esfuerzos en el desarrollo de infraestructura para mejorar la inclusión y la conectividad, de acuerdo con la prioridad china de buscar un desarrollo incluyente e interconectado. Otro ejemplo es la prioridad de impulsar un papel activo del G20 para contribuir a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 sobre Desarrollo Sostenible. La Agenda 2030 se mencionó en la Declaración de Antalya, en la cual los Líderes del G20 se comprometieron a desarrollar un Plan de Acción en 2016 para alinear el trabajo del grupo con esta agenda de desarrollo. En la Cumbre de Hangzhou, los Jefes de Estado y de gobierno del G20 respaldaron el “Plan de Acción del G20 sobre la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible”, el cual sigue vigente. De manera concreta, las prioridades de México en 2016 fueron las siguientes:

Contribuir efectivamente a la recuperación de la economía global.

Destacar la importancia de las reformas estructurales como herramienta transformadora para elevar la productividad, detonar las oportunidades de crecimiento y hacer frente a los desafíos que presenta la economía mundial.

Contribuir a la reactivación del comercio internacional y reiterar el compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas.

Impulsar mecanismos que faciliten los flujos de inversión en infraestructura de alta calidad para mejorar la inclusión y la conectividad.

Promover la inclusión financiera como estrategia para una participación efectiva y responsable de toda la sociedad en un sistema financiero sólido.

Impulsar la contribución colectiva del G20 a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible.

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61 Participación de México en la Cumbre de Hangzhou En la sesión sobre la coordinación de políticas para el crecimiento económico, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto hizo referencia a los riesgos de la economía mundial, como un crecimiento insuficiente, desequilibrios financieros globales, políticas monetarias divergentes, la reducción del precio de las materias primas y las tensiones geopolíticas en algunas regiones del mundo. Destacó, en particular, las herramientas analíticas que se han diseñado en el G20 para apoyar en el proceso de instrumentación de reformas estructurales y reconoció que la innovación debe ser un concepto transversal en el diseño de políticas públicas. El Presidente Xi Jinping invitó al Presidente Peña Nieto a ser uno de los oradores principales en la segunda sesión, que versó sobre la gobernanza económica y financiera. En su intervención, el Presidente se refirió a los esfuerzos del G20 para construir una arquitectura financiera internacional más transparente y que fomente la rendición de cuentas. En ese sentido, habló sobre la promulgación del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción en México. Posteriormente, sobre la reforma del sistema financiero internacional, el Presidente hizo un llamado al G20 para respaldar al FMI, con el fin de que se mantenga como un instrumento de apoyo para la estabilidad económica y financiera global. El Presidente también se refirió a temas de energía y a la importancia de aumentar y mejorar la cooperación fiscal internacional. En la tercera sesión, que trató sobre comercio e inversión, el Presidente Peña Nieto presentó las contribuciones que ha hecho México como Copresidente del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Inversión e Infraestructura del G20, como el desarrollo de instrumentos financieros de infraestructura adecuados a los perfiles de los inversionistas y la elaboración de guías para canalizar recursos privados al desarrollo de infraestructura, con el apoyo de la OCDE, del Banco Mundial y del FMI. En temas de comercio, el Presidente exhortó al G20 a tomar medidas concretas para eliminar el proteccionismo, reducir las barreras al comercio y enfrentar los obstáculos que afectan la productividad y la competitividad. En materia de inclusión, el Presidente mencionó que es fundamental impulsar la integración de las pymes en las cadenas globales de valor, mediante un mejor acceso al

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financiamiento, la formación de capital humano y el desarrollo de la innovación. En la sesión cuatro, sobre desarrollo incluyente e interconectado, la participación del Presidente Peña Nieto se centró en la inclusión financiera como estrategia para atraer e integrar a los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad en el sistema financiero internacional. El Presidente compartió los avances logrados en México con la implementación de la Política Nacional de Inclusión Financiera. Uno de los grandes temas de la Cumbre de Hangzhou fue la contribución del G20 en la implementación de la Agenda 2030. El Presidente Peña Nieto habló sobre la experiencia positiva que México tuvo en el seguimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y sobre las acciones que llevaba a cabo desde entonces para fomentar y facilitar la apropiación de los ODS. La quinta y última sesión de la Cumbre se dedicó a discutir otros asuntos que afectan a la economía mundial, como el cambio climático, la migración internacional y la crisis de los refugiados, la lucha contra el financiamiento para el terrorismo y los retos de salud a nivel global. El Presidente Peña Nieto mencionó que la mitigación y la adaptación al cambio climático son temas prioritarios en la estrategia de desarrollo sostenible de México. Asimismo, reconoció que el Acuerdo de París es el logro más importante de la comunidad internacional en materia de cambio climático y señaló que éste representa una oportunidad única para actuar y evitar las peores consecuencias del calentamiento global. En esa tesitura, el Presidente puntualizó que es necesario actualizar las contribuciones previstas y determinadas a nivel nacional y establecer compromisos ambiciosos para mantener el incremento de la temperatura global por debajo de 2 grados Celsius. En cuanto al tema de migración y refugio, el Presidente Peña Nieto destacó que, como país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes, México concibe la migración como un fenómeno social que representa grandes oportunidades. Subrayó la necesidad de trabajar de manera coordinada para brindar protección a quienes salen de su país, bajo un esquema de responsabilidad y solidaridad compartidas.

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El Presidente Peña Nieto reiteró la condena enérgica de México al terrorismo en todas sus formas y manifestaciones. Dijo que es fundamental controlar los flujos de armas a zonas en conflicto y desarticular las fuentes de financiamiento del terrorismo. En esta materia, se refirió a las acciones que ha emprendido México, en seguimiento a las recomendaciones del Grupo de Acción Financiera (GAFI) y otros foros regionales. Finalmente, en el tema de salud global, la discusión se centró en las medidas para atender el reto que representa la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM). Al respecto, México propuso una visión integral en la atención del problema, pues es necesario asegurar la participación de todos los sectores involucrados y atender todas las dimensiones del fenómeno, bajo el liderazgo de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Cabe destacar que la RAM se mencionó en la Declaración de Líderes por primera vez.21 Acuerdos alcanzados en la Cumbre de Hangzhou

Declaración de Hangzhou, con los principales compromisos adoptados por los Líderes.

Hoja de ruta sobre crecimiento innovador, con las estrategias de crecimiento del G20 basadas en la innovación, la economía digital, la nueva revolución industrial y las reformas estructurales.

Plan de Acción del G20 para la implementación de la Agenda 2030 sobre Desarrollo Sostenible.

Identificación de áreas prioritarias, definición de principios rectores y elaboración de un sistema de índices en materia de reformas estructurales.

Estrategia del G20 para el crecimiento del comercio internacional.

21 “G20 Leaders’ Communiqué: Hangzhou Summit”, 5 de septiembre de 2016. Disponible en: http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/2016/160905-communique.html

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Extender del compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas al comercio hasta 2018.

Principios rectores para el diseño de políticas de inversión global.

Compromiso de avanzar en la profundización de la reforma de la arquitectura financiera internacional.

Acuerdo de facilitar una mayor cooperación internacional en el combate contra la corrupción.

Plan de Acción del G20 para promover el emprendimiento.

Exhorto a la entrada en vigor oportuna y pronta del Acuerdo de París.

En el marco de la Cumbre, el Presidente Peña Nieto sostuvo encuentros con el Presidente de la República Popular China, Xi Jinping; con el Presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, y con la Primera Ministra de Reino Unido, Theresa May. En nombre de todos los Líderes participantes, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto agradeció la hospitalidad del Presidente Xi y lo felicitó por la labor de China al frente del G20 durante 2016. Asimismo, al ser la última Cumbre en la que participó el Presidente Obama como Jefe de Estado de su país, el Presidente Peña Nieto reconoció el importante papel que desempeñó durante su mandato para contribuir a la recuperación de la economía mundial.

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7.5. Presidencia alemana, 2017

7.5.1. Panorama internacional Alemania asumió la Presidencia del G20 en un escenario político y económico particularmente complejo, que generó incertidumbres sobre el futuro de la economía global. El voto en favor de la salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea (brexit) en junio de 2016 y la victoria de Donald Trump en noviembre de ese año pusieron de manifiesto el cuestionamiento cada vez más enfático sobre la fortaleza del consenso internacional en torno a los beneficios del libre comercio y de la integración económica. De hecho, el brexit y un crecimiento de la economía estadounidense menor al esperado en el primer semestre de 2016 provocaron una revisión a la baja del crecimiento mundial en 2016.22 Además, la posible adopción de políticas económicas aislacionistas y proteccionistas en las principales economías avanzadas ―y el efecto de arrastre de éstas en otros países― fue uno de los principales riesgos para el crecimiento mundial en 2017. De acuerdo con las proyecciones del FMI, el desempeño de la economía global en 2017 y 2018 sería mejor que en 2016; sin embargo, éste dependería de una variedad de factores, debido a la incertidumbre que ya generaban los pronunciamientos políticos del gobierno estadounidense entrante y sus posibles efectos globales.23 Tomando en cuenta esta salvedad, el panorama para las economías desarrolladas era positivo, ya que la economía estadounidense se había recuperado en el segundo semestre de 2016 y la demanda nacional en países europeos había aumentado en ese mismo período, a pesar del brexit. En contraste, las prospectivas de crecimiento para las economías emergentes y en desarrollo habían empeorado: si bien China había crecido más de lo esperado, la actividad económica en países como Argentina, Brasil y Turquía había decrecido en 2016. Además, las condiciones financieras se habían endurecido en esos países, con tasas de interés altas y la depreciación de algunas de sus principales divisas, como el peso mexicano o la lira turca. 22 En octubre de 2016, el FMI proyectó un crecimiento de 3.1% para ese año y de 3.4 para 2017, con una revisión a la baja de 1% con respecto a su pronóstico de abril de ese año. Fuente: FMI, “World Economic Outlook Update”, 16 de enero de 2017. 23 Ibid; p. 1.

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Para 2017, el FMI proyectó algunos riesgos a la baja en el crecimiento mundial, entre los que destacan: 1) el temor ante la adopción de políticas proteccionistas, que restringirían el comercio internacional y la migración, con efectos negativos en la productividad y en los ingresos; 2) una disminución extendida de la demanda y un progreso inadecuado en la implementación de reformas estructurales en las economías avanzadas, y 3) riesgos geopolíticos como conflictos armados internos en Medio Oriente, la crisis de migrantes y refugiados, actos de terrorismo y la propagación del virus del Zika, los cuales podrían afectar los mercados y mermar la confianza de los consumidores en la economía global. La Canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, se refirió a estos riesgos económicos y geopolíticos en su carta de bienvenida a la Presidencia alemana del G20.24 De acuerdo con Merkel, además de lograr la estabilidad de la economía global y de los mercados financieros, había otros retos en la agenda del grupo para 2017, como conflictos internos, terrorismo, flujos migratorios y de refugiados, hambre, cambio climático y pandemias. Además, la líder alemana lanzó una advertencia:

Ciertamente, estos retos no pueden superarse si los países actúan en solitario, o con políticas aislacionistas y proteccionistas. No puede haber un retorno al mundo antes de la globalización. Solo si actuamos juntos podremos avanzar hacia el objetivo en el G20 ―crecimiento económico fuerte, equilibrado, sostenible e incluyente―, al atender las incertidumbres económicas, sociales y políticas de manera conjunta.25

Sin duda, ante los pronunciamientos de algunos líderes en contra del multilateralismo y en favor de acciones unilaterales y medidas proteccionistas, Alemania quería asegurarse de que el G20 permaneciera unido: “we can achieve more together tan by acting alone.”26

24 G20 Germany 2017, “Priorities of the 2017 G20 Summit”, 1 de diciembre de 2016. 25 Ibid; p. 3. 26 Ibid; p. 2. Esta frase se retomó en el preámbulo de la Declaración de Líderes de Hamburgo.

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7.5.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia alemana27 Alemania estableció las prioridades de su Presidencia sobre la base de los principales retos que enfrentaban el G20 y el resto de los países y sus sociedades, no solamente en el ámbito económico y financiero, sino también con respecto a la globalización en general. La Presidencia alemana reconoció el cuestionamiento creciente sobre los beneficios de la globalización y del libre comercio, incluso en sociedades con un nivel de prosperidad relativamente alto, así como el riesgo de una fragmentación progresiva del orden económico internacional en un mundo multipolar. Frente a estos desafíos, decía Alemania, la comunidad internacional y el G20 tienen la responsabilidad de trabajar conjuntamente para asegurar que los beneficios de la globalización y de la conectividad aumenten y se distribuyan de una manera más equitativa. Sin embargo, no solo se trata de adoptar compromisos o implementar políticas para lograr este objetivo, sino también de comunicar efectivamente a las sociedades cómo la globalización, el comercio y la integración tienen efectos positivos directos en sus vidas. En otras palabras, el G20 debe trabajar para mejorar su comunicación social, de tal forma que el público general pueda comprender qué hace el G20, qué significan los compromisos y las políticas que adoptan y, sobre todo, qué beneficios obtienen de estas políticas. Otro rasgo característico de la Presidencia alemana fue la apuesta por comenzar a internalizar y transversalizar el desarrollo sostenible, no solo como un concepto, sino también como un objetivo que debe estar presente en toda la agenda del G20. Si bien el G20 hablaba de lograr un crecimiento económico sostenible como su objetivo último desde hace muchos años, en 2017, la Presidencia alemana identificó un aspecto clave de este objetivo: no basta hablar de crecimiento económico sostenible de manera abstracta si los compromisos, las acciones y las políticas que se implementen no tienen como punto de partida y meta final el desarrollo sostenible. Con base en esta nueva perspectiva, inició un proceso de “socialización” en el G20, es decir, se comenzó a posicionar el desarrollo sostenible, la Agenda 2030 y sus ODS en el centro de las discusiones en todos los temas y a todos los niveles. 27 La información de esta sección se extrajo de ídem.

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La Presidencia alemana resumió estos objetivos en el tema de su Presidencia: “Construyendo la resiliencia, mejorando la sostenibilidad y asumiendo responsabilidad”. Los temas de la agenda del G20 se estructuraron sobre la base de estos tres pilares.

• FORTALECIMIENTO DE LA ARQUITECTURA FINANCIERA INTERNACIONAL: » Mejorar el monitoreo y la regulación de mercados financieros y promover la inclusión financiera.

• IMPUESTOS JUSTOS Y CONFIABLES A NIVEL INTERNACIONAL: » Mejorar la transparencia y confiabilidad de los sistemas fiscales, particularmente en la implementación de BEPS.

• MAYOR COOPERACIÓN EN COMERCIO E INVERSIÓN:» Transmitir los beneficios de la apertura y la integración comerciales. MEJORAR EL EMPLEO: » Mejorar la calidad de empleo para las mujeres e integrar a los refugiados y migrantes al mercado laboral.

Construyendo la resiliencia

• PROTEGER EL CLIMA Y AVANZAR HACIA UNA OFERTA SOSTENIBLE DE ENERGÍA: » Vincular las políticas de clima y energía, promover instrumentos financieros, innovación tecnológica e incentivos para la inversión.


» Crear condiciones de infraestructura, educación y empleo apropiadas para aprovechar el potencial de la economía digital.

• PROMOVER LA SALUD GLOBAL: » Prevención de crisis sanitarias, fortalecimiento de sistemas de salud y resistencia a los antimicrobianos.

• EMPODERAR A LAS MUJERES: » Mejorar ingresos, seguridad laboral y social y acceso a economía digital.

Mejorando la sostenibilidad

• ATENDER LOS DESPLAZAMIENTOS HUMANOS Y LA MIGRACIÓN: » Mejorar la cooperación y fortalecer las instituciones internacionales para atender los desplazamientos humanos y la migración.

• INTENSIFICAR LA ASOCIACIÓN CON ÁFRICA: » Fortalecer inversión en infraestructura y energías renovables mediante la cooperación con países africanos interesados.



Asumiendo responsabilidad

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7.5.3. Estructura de la Presidencia alemana Países invitados

España (invitado permanente) Guinea (Unión Africana) Noruega Países Bajos Senegal (NEPAD) Singapur (3G) Viet Nam (APEC) Organismos internacionales participantes

Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Banco Mundial Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

(OCDE) Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) Grupos de Trabajo

Canal de Sherpas Canal de Finanzas

Sostenibilidad Marco para el Crecimiento

Empleo Arquitectura Financiera


Anticorrupción Grupo de Estudio sobre Financiamiento Verde

Desarrollo Comercio e Inversión

Task Force sobre Economía Digital Salud

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La Presidencia alemana decidió incorporar los temas de cambio climático en el Grupo de Trabajo de Energía Sostenible y convertirlo en un nuevo Grupo de Trabajo sobre Sostenibilidad. El objetivo fue diseñar políticas de energía y clima más integrales, debido a la estrecha vinculación de ambos temas. Asimismo, este GT se encargó de identificar cómo promover el crecimiento económico sostenible a partir de la Agenda 2030 y del Acuerdo de París, entre otros aspectos. Alemania invitó a México a copresidir este GT. Alemania también creó el Grupo de Trabajo de Salud (HWG), debido a la creciente atención que había dado el G20 a los efectos económicos de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos y a la importancia de contar con sistemas de salud fuertes que permitan a los países combatir y erradicar epidemias. Cabe recordar que, en 2016, Alemania, Reino Unido y Sudáfrica impulsaron la inclusión de un párrafo en la Declaración de Hangzhou sobre el reto de salud pública global y de finanzas públicas que representa la resistencia a los antimicrobianos. Foro Global sobre Exceso de Capacidad de Acero (GFSEC)

Durante la Presidencia alemana se estableció formalmente el Foro Global sobre Exceso de Capacidad de Acero (GFSEC, por sus siglas en inglés), el 16 de diciembre de 2016. La creación del GFSEC fue un mandato de los Líderes del G20 en la Cumbre de Hangzhou, con base en el reconocimiento de que el exceso de capacidad en la industria del acero es un problema global que requiere soluciones colectivas. De acuerdo con el párrafo 31 de la Declaración de Hangzhou, el Foro se enfocaría en: 1) asegurar mayor intercambio de información y cooperación; 2) adoptar medidas eficaces para atender los retos del exceso de capacidad, con el fin de mejorar la función del mercado y fomentar el ajuste, y 3) informar sobre los avances a los Ministros del G20 en 2017 y anualmente a partir de entonces. El GFSEC lo conforman todos los miembros del G20 y otros miembros interesados de la OCDE, la cual funge como facilitadora del Foro. Actualmente, participan 33 economías productoras de acero, que representan el 90% de la producción mundial de acero. Las decisiones del

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GFSEC se aprueban por consenso en dos reuniones técnicas, una reunión de alto nivel y una reunión ministerial cada año. La primera ministerial del GFSEC se llevó a cabo el 30 de noviembre de 2017, el último día de la Presidencia alemana. El objetivo de la reunión fue presentar el primer informe de avances del GFSEC sobre las acciones realizadas y los compromisos asumidos para atender el exceso de capacidad de acero, de acuerdo con el mandato de los líderes. El informe contiene seis principios rectores para guiar el diseño de soluciones de política pública para reducir el exceso de capacidad de acero. Estos principios reflejan la visión común de los 33 miembros del GFSEC en tres áreas principales: 1) el reconocimiento de que se trata de un problema global que requiere soluciones colectivas; 2) la importancia de mejorar el funcionamiento y realizar ajustes en el mercado del acero, y 3) la necesidad de mejorar la transparencia, el monitoreo y la evaluación del mercado internacional del acero y de las políticas de los países. Los seis principios son los siguientes:

1. Reto global que requiere soluciones colectivas de política pública. 2. Mejorar el funcionamiento del mercado del acero (1): abstenerse

de implementar o mantener subsidios u otras medidas de apoyo gubernamentales que distorsionan el mercado.

3. Mejorar el funcionamiento del mercado del acero (2): promover condiciones equitativas (level playing field) en la industria del acero.

4. Mejorar el funcionamiento del mercado del acero (3): asegurar resultados en la industria del acero basados en el comportamiento del mercado.

5. Promover ajustes para reducir el exceso de capacidad. 6. Asegurar una mayor transparencia, así como la revisión, la

discusión y la evaluación de la implementación de las soluciones de política del GFSEC.

Con base en estos principios, los miembros del Foro comparten información detallada sobre sus plantas de producción de acero en operación y nuevas plantas o mecanismos de producción de acero. Asimismo, el GFSEC creó un inventario con medidas de política pública que implementan los miembros del Foro en relación con sus industrias siderúrgicas. A partir del informe ministerial, el GFSEC comenzó a trabajar

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en medidas más concretas para identificar y eliminar los subsidios y otras medidas gubernamentales que aumentan la capacidad de sus industrias de acero y que distorsionan el mercado internacional. Grupos de afinidad

Business 20 Civil 20 Labor 20 Science 20 Think 20 Women 20 Youth 20

La Presidencia alemana creó el Science 20 (S20), un grupo de afinidad que reúne a las comunidades científicas de los miembros del G20, con el objetivo de discutir y emitir recomendaciones científicas a los líderes para mejorar la salud global. Desde luego, la creación del S20, al igual que el HWG, respondió a la iniciativa de Alemania de formalizar y profundizar la discusión sobre los retos de la salud global, la cobertura universal de salud, el fortalecimiento de los sistemas sanitarios y la resistencia a los antimicrobianos. Los trabajos del S20 los coordinó la Academia Nacional de las Ciencias alemana, Leopoldina. Leopoldina invitó a la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias para participar en el S20, con la representación de su Presidente, el Dr. Jaime Urrutia Fucuguachi. El S20 llevó a cabo un foro de diálogo, en marzo de 2017, para definir y acordar recomendaciones puntuales para los líderes. Estas recomendaciones se presentaron a la Canciller Merkel al final del foro en el documento Mejorando la salud global. Estrategias y herramientas para combatir las enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles.28

28 Disponible en: https://www.leopoldina.org/en/publications/detailview/publication/verbesserung-der-globalen-gesundheit-2017/

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73 Número de reuniones Sherpas 5 Ministeriales de Finanzas y Bancos Centrales 3 Alternos de Finanzas y de Bancos Centrales 4 Ministeriales

Agricultura Cancilleres Digitalización Empleo Salud


Reuniones de los Grupos de Afinidad 7 Alemania realizó tres cambios importantes en el trabajo ministerial del G20. El primero fue la convocatoria a una reunión de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores, lo cual no ocurría formalmente desde la Presidencia mexicana. El segundo fue que, a pesar de que el G20 había acordado realizar reuniones ministeriales de Comercio de manera regular, Alemania decidió no convocarla. Finalmente, convocó por primera vez a los Ministros de Salud y a los encargados de temas de digitalización.

7.5.4. Reunión de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de Bonn

Alemania fue el segundo país del G20 en convocar a los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores. La reunión se llevó a cabo los días 16 y 17 de febrero de 2017, en Bonn, con el tema “Shaping the global order – foreign policy beyond crisis management”. El objetivo de la reunión fue discutir el papel de la política exterior y de la diplomacia en la implementación de la Agenda 2030 y en la prevención de conflictos. Estos objetivos estaban estrechamente relacionados con las prioridades que estableció Alemania para toda su Presidencia: encontrar soluciones colectivas a los principales desafíos globales y contribuir a lograr el desarrollo sostenible. La reunión se dividió en tres sesiones, en las cuales los Cancilleres dialogaron sobre los siguientes puntos:

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1. La contribución que pueden hacer los Ministros de Exteriores en la implementación de la Agenda 2030, como un punto de referencia clave para lograr un orden mundial más pacífico, seguro y justo.

2. El papel del G20 en la instrumentación y puesta en práctica del concepto de “paz sostenible”, como un nuevo paradigma que propone enfocar los esfuerzos en la prevención de conflictos y en la consolidación de la paz para evitar el resurgimiento de la violencia.

3. Apoyo a África para consolidar la paz, la seguridad y la democracia, y lograr un futuro sostenible.

Por parte de México, participó el Canciller Luis Videgaray Caso. Esta reunión se trató de uno de los primeros eventos de carácter multilateral del Canciller Videgaray desde su nombramiento como Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores. Durante las discusiones, el Secretario Videgaray mencionó que, para México, la Agenda 2030 es un compromiso de Estado que se está instrumentando con una visión global y regional. Asimismo, se refirió al Grupo de Amigos de Paz Sostenible de la ONU, que copreside México, y que se enfoca en la prevención de conflictos. Subrayó que, para México, el concepto de paz sostenible no sólo implica anticipar y prevenir el conflicto, sino también combatir las causas subyacentes que los generan. En el marco de la reunión, el Canciller mexicano sostuvo encuentros bilaterales con sus homólogos de Alemania, Brasil, China, España, Francia, Indonesia, Noruega, Reino Unido, Singapur y la UE.

7.5.5. Cumbre de Hamburgo La Cumbre de Líderes de Hamburgo se llevó a cabo los días 7 y 8 de julio de 2017; en ella participó el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. La comitiva oficial incluyó al Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Dr. Luis Videgaray Caso; al Secretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Dr. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña; al Secretario de Economía, Dr. Ildefonso Guajardo; al Coordinador de Comunicación Social de la Presidencia, Lic. Eduardo Sánchez Hernández, y al Coordinador de Asesores del Presidente de la República, Dr. Carlos Pérez Verdía, así como al Subsecretario de

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Relaciones Exteriores y Sherpa para G20, Emb. Carlos de Icaza, y a la Subsecretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Lic. Vanessa Rubio Márquez. El programa de la Cumbre inició con un Retiro de los Líderes sobre el combate al terrorismo y al crimen organizado. Posteriormente, las discusiones se organizaron en las siguientes sesiones de trabajo:

1. Crecimiento global y comercio internacional 2. Desarrollo sostenible, cambio climático y energía 3. Asociación con África, migración y salud 4. Digitalización, empoderamiento de las mujeres y empleo

Como parte del programa social, la Canciller Merkel ofreció una cena de bienvenida a los líderes y sus cónyuges, seguida de un concierto en la Filarmónica del Elba, en el que se ejecutó la Novena Sinfonía de Beethoven completa. Prioridades de México en la Cumbre de Hamburgo Las prioridades económicas y financieras de México fueron las mismas que en las Presidencias pasadas, es decir, impulsar reformas estructurales, promover un crecimiento económico incluyente, fortalecer las instituciones financieras internacionales y facilitar la inversión en infraestructura de calidad. Asimismo, en el Canal de Sherpas, México priorizó el cambio climático y la migración, dos temas que adquirieron especial importancia en el G20 debido a la coyuntura internacional. En cuanto al primer tema, el Presidente Donald Trump había anunciado, el 1 de junio de 2017, que retiraría a EE. UU. del Acuerdo de París. Esta decisión generó incertidumbre sobre el futuro de los esfuerzos internacionales en el combate al cambio climático. Por lo tanto, el G20 estaba llamado a reiterar el respaldo político de las principales economías para cumplir con sus compromisos internacionales y defender el Acuerdo de París como la única vía multilateral para combatir el cambio climático. Finalmente, las metas y objetivos establecidos en ese Acuerdo eran coherentes con la posición del G20 de impulsar una economía verde y sostenible.

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Con respecto a la migración, Europa pasaba por uno de los momentos más difíciles ante la llegada de miles de migrantes y refugiados de África y Medio Oriente, y el debate sobre las obligaciones de los países de la UE para recibir a estos migrantes y refugiados cobraba más fuerza. En el ámbito multilateral, los miembros de la ONU habían iniciado el proceso de negociación de los Pactos Mundiales sobre Refugiados y sobre una Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular, a partir de compromiso que asumieron los líderes en el marco de la Reunión de Alto Nivel de la ONU sobre la materia, celebrada en la 71ª AGONU (19 de septiembre de 2016). Cabe destacar que México cofacilitó el proceso de negociación del Pacto Mundial de Migración junto con Suiza. Finalmente, este tema era de especial importancia para México, tras las declaraciones del Presidente Trump sobre los migrantes mexicanos y su compromiso electoral de construir un muro fronterizo. De manera concreta, México organizó sus prioridades en estos puntos:

Impulsar políticas macroeconómicas que favorezcan un crecimiento económico incluyente.

Promover el fortalecimiento de las instituciones financieras internacionales.

Refrendar el compromiso de los países del G20 con el libre comercio.

Mantener el compromiso para la mitigación del cambio climático y el respaldo del Acuerdo de París.

Promover una visión positiva e integral de la migración, que reconozca sus aportaciones al desarrollo económico y social de los países de origen y de destino. Participación de México en la Cumbre de Hamburgo

En el Retiro sobre el terrorismo y la delincuencia organizada trasnacional, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto condenó el terrorismo en todas sus formas y manifestaciones y celebró los avances que se han logrado en el G20 para instrumentar estándares internacionales de prevención y supresión de su financiamiento. Asimismo, compartió las reformas a la legislación financiera mexicana que han establecido medidas para prevenir y sancionar el financiamiento del terrorismo. En el caso de la delincuencia organizada transnacional, destacó las consecuencias directas que genera en la vida de las personas y el esfuerzo coordinado de las

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instituciones de seguridad mexicanas para combatir a los grupos criminales. En la sesión sobre el crecimiento global y el comercio, el Presidente Peña Nieto reconoció que el G20 fue clave para superar la crisis financiera internacional, pero que todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer, particularmente para atender las preocupaciones de los sectores que consideran que no se han beneficiado lo suficiente de la globalización y del comercio global. Para tal fin, México planteó la importancia de un marco macroeconómico sólido, una fuerte y ambiciosa agenda de reformas estructurales y el compromiso con la apertura y la integración de las economías. Asimismo, se hizo un llamado a completar la 15ª Revisión General de Cuotas del FMI. El Presidente también destacó que, como resultado de la reforma financiera, el sistema bancario mexicano cuenta con mayor certidumbre para el otorgamiento de préstamos, con criterios más elevados de solvencia y liquidez. Por otra parte, el Presidente refrendó que México cree en un sistema multilateral de comercio sólido, transparente y basado en reglas, con la Organización Mundial del Comercio en su centro. En la segunda sesión se trataron los temas de energía, clima y desarrollo sostenible. México señaló que los países del G20 generan tres cuartas partes de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y que, en consecuencia, tienen una gran responsabilidad en el combate al cambio climático. En este sentido, el Presidente reafirmó el compromiso de México con la implementación del Acuerdo de París e hizo un llamado a los demás miembros del G20 para emprender acciones tendientes a mitigar el cambio climático, pues se trata de una obligación frente a las generaciones futuras, además de que son económicamente viables, porque fomentan la eficiencia energética. En materia de desarrollo, el Presidente puntualizó que el G20 debe seguir siendo un ejemplo en el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, cuya instrumentación México ha asumido como un compromiso de Estado. La tercera sesión de la Cumbre se enfocó en los temas de salud, cooperación con África y desplazamientos humanos. Sobre el primero, México coincidió con los demás miembros del G20 en que las emergencias sanitarias ponen a prueba las capacidades de gobiernos y comunidades para lograr su detección y darles respuesta. Asimismo, el Presidente Peña Nieto puso de manifiesto el compromiso de México con el desarrollo de un Plan Nacional para enfrentar el desafío que representa la resistencia de los agentes patógenos a los medicamentos y subrayó la necesidad de instrumentar soluciones integrales, que incluyan programas educativos

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para la población e involucrar no solo a la industria farmacéutica, sino también a los sectores agropecuario, químico y alimentario. Al celebrar el esfuerzo de Alemania para impulsar iniciativas en favor del desarrollo en África, México se refirió a la importancia de que los países africanos asuman el liderazgo de esta iniciativa y que ésta se alinee con las prioridades de la región, particularmente la Agenda 2063 de la Unión Africana. En el tema de desplazamientos humanos, que es prioritario para México, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto afirmó que la migración internacional es una oportunidad y no un problema. Ésta debe ser una elección y no una obligación. Al mismo tiempo, puso énfasis en que México promueve una visión positiva y multidimensional de la migración, que toma en cuenta un enfoque de derechos humanos, el principio de responsabilidad compartida, el reconocimiento de las aportaciones de los migrantes tanto para las sociedades de origen como para las de destino, la importancia de un marco adecuado para la gobernanza de la migración y el papel de la cooperación internacional. También se subrayaron la integración laboral y la inclusión financiera de los migrantes como medidas que contribuyen de manera positiva al desarrollo de los países de origen y de destino. En la cuarta sesión se habló sobre empleo, digitalización y empoderamiento de las mujeres. El Presidente hizo referencia a la reforma de telecomunicaciones, que prevé acciones para reducir la brecha digital y para transitar hacia una economía digital que facilite la innovación, promueva la competencia y reduzca las barreras al comercio. El Presidente habló también del papel fundamental de la capacitación, para que los trabajadores cuenten con las habilidades necesarias para adaptarse a los cambios tecnológicos y a las necesidades cambiantes del mercado laboral. Al mismo tiempo, reconoció que la igualdad sustantiva entre hombres y mujeres es una condición indispensable para asegurar un crecimiento incluyente y sostenible. Acuerdos alcanzados en la Cumbre de Hamburgo La Cumbre de Líderes de Hamburgo marcó un hito en el trabajo del G20, ya que, como había buscado la Presidencia alemana, se logró replantear y reformular los términos de la globalización. Los líderes reconocieron que la globalización no ha sido lo suficientemente justa o incluyente, ya que sus beneficios no se distribuyen de manera equitativa. Por lo tanto, acordaron trabajar en favor de mejores condiciones para que las personas puedan recuperar la confianza en la globalización, aprovechar sus

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oportunidades y alcanzar un crecimiento económico que sea verdaderamente equilibrado, sostenible e incluyente. En otras palabras, el G20 puso a la persona en el centro de su trabajo y a la Agenda 2030 como la herramienta y la ruta para alcanzar sus objetivos. Sin embargo, también hubo desafíos sin precedente. Por primera vez, la Declaración de Líderes del G20 mostró un consenso virtual o ficticio que puso de manifiesto la divergencia de posiciones entre sus miembros. Se trata de los dos párrafos sobre cambio climático. En el primero, los líderes del G20 toman nota de la decisión de EE. UU. de retirarse del Acuerdo de París y de detener la implementación de sus contribuciones determinadas nacionalmente, así como su compromiso para reducir emisiones sin dejar de utilizar combustibles fósiles. En el segundo párrafo, también conocido como el párrafo del “G19”, los otros líderes del G20 declararon que el Acuerdo de París es irreversible y reafirmaron su compromiso con su implementación, de acuerdo con los principios de responsabilidad común pero diferenciada y de capacidades individuales. El G19 también adoptó el Plan de Acción del G20 sobre Clima y Energía para el Crecimiento. Este Plan de Acción figuró como un anexo de la Declaración. A continuación, se presentan los principales logros de la Cumbre de Hamburgo: Manifestación de apoyo al libre comercio y a la OMC: mantener la

apertura de los mercados y combatir el proteccionismo. El G20 trabajará en favor del crecimiento incluyente y de cadenas globales de valor sostenibles.

Se lanzó la Asociación con África, que busca ampliar la cooperación entre el G20 y este continente para promover el desarrollo económico sostenible. El G20 apoyó los “Pactos con África” (Compacts with Africa) para que los miembros del Grupo puedan alcanzar acuerdos con países africanos para mejorar sistemáticamente las condiciones de inversión. El G20 lanzó también la iniciativa #eSkills4Girls para promover la alfabetización y el desarrollo de habilidades digitales de las mujeres y las niñas en África.

Aumentar la cooperación del G20 en temas de digitalización, con el objetivo de que todas las personas tengan acceso al mundo digital para 2025.

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Se adoptó el Plan de Acción de Hamburgo para asegurar la estabilidad de los mercados financieros.

Adopción del “Hamburg Update” del Plan de Acción para la instrumentación de la Agenda 2030. Este documento presenta las acciones conjuntas del G20 para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Asimismo, los Principios y Ambiciones de Hamburgo adoptados en la Cumbre buscan incluir al sector privado en el fortalecimiento del desarrollo de infraestructura en países en desarrollo y economías emergentes.

Reconocimiento de la importancia del combate a las pandemias y a la resistencia a los antibióticos en la estabilidad de la economía mundial.

Establecimiento de un fondo internacional con el Banco Mundial para apoyar a las mujeres emprendedoras en países en desarrollo. Este fondo contribuye al objetivo planteado en la Cumbre de 2014 sobre el empoderamiento de las mujeres.

El G20 busca atender las causas subyacentes de los desplazamientos humanos y reconoce la importancia de la cooperación entre países de origen, tránsito y destino de migrantes. Los miembros del Grupo señalaron que estarán atentos a la elaboración de los Pactos sobre Refugiados y sobre Migración en el marco de la ONU. Finalmente, el G20 adoptó una serie de directrices para la integración justa y efectiva de la migración regular y de refugiados reconocidos oficialmente en los mercados laborales.

Los líderes también adoptaron una Declaración sobre combate al terrorismo, en la que condenaron todos los ataques terroristas y se comprometieron a mantener la unidad en el combate a este flagelo y a su financiamiento. La Declaración incluye compromisos para implementar compromisos nacionales y aumentar la cooperación internacional en la materia, combatir el financiamiento del terrorismo y combatir la radicalización que puede conducir al terrorismo y el uso del internet para fines de terrorismo. En el marco de la Cumbre, el Presidente Peña Nieto sostuvo seis encuentros bilaterales: con el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau; con el Presidente del Gobierno de España, Mariano Rajoy; con el Presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump; con el Primer Ministro de la República de India, Narendra Modi; con el Presidente del Consejo de

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Ministros de la República Italiana, Paolo Gentiloni, y con el Presidente de la República de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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7.6. Presidencia argentina, 201829

7.6.1. Panorama internacional La Presidencia argentina del G20 inició con un panorama internacional más favorable en el ámbito económico que en el político. La reactivación de la economía mundial se fortaleció durante 2017, después de que el crecimiento económico de 2016 fue el más bajo desde el inicio de la crisis financiera. En octubre de 2017, el FMI proyectaba un crecimiento del PIB mundial de 3.6% para ese año y de 3.7% para 2018, lo que significó una revisión a la alza de 0.1% con respecto a sus proyecciones de abril.30 Estas revisiones se sustentaron en un desempeño favorable de la Eurozona, Japón, países emergentes de Asia y de Europa, y Rusia, el cual compensó un desempeño menor al esperado en Estados Unidos y en Reino Unido. De acuerdo con el mismo informe del FMI, uno de los principales riesgos al crecimiento económico mundial en el mediano plazo era el cambio hacia políticas proteccionistas, las cuales reducirían significativamente el comercio internacional y la inversión. Asimismo, entre los factores no económicos que pondrían en riesgo el crecimiento estaban algunas tensiones geopolíticas, conflictos políticos internos, el terrorismo y las consecuencias del cambio climático. Finalmente, el FMI advertía que se necesitaba un impulso renovado al multilateralismo para atender los retos globales de una economía global integrada. En contraste, el panorama político internacional era menos alentador, especialmente en el ámbito multilateral. La posición de EE. UU. en favor de acciones unilaterales y su decisión de revisar (o retirarse de) acuerdos económicos y políticos internacionales contribuyeron a ampliar y profundizar cuestionamientos sobre el verdadero valor del multilateralismo y de sus beneficios para las sociedades. En el G20, en particular, los resultados de la Cumbre de Líderes de Hamburgo pusieron de manifiesto, por una parte, que la construcción de consensos sería un desafío cada vez más complejo y, por otra, que había que actuar rápidamente en defensa del multilateralismo y de la cooperación 29 Este apartado se realizó con información de la Presidencia argentina disponible hasta el 30 de junio de 2018. 30 FMI, Resumen Ejecutivo del “World Economic Outlook, October 2017: Seeking Sustainable Growth: Short-Term Recovery, Long-Term Challenges”, 10 de octubre de 2017.

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internacional como las únicas alternativas para alcanzar soluciones comunes a problemas también comunes. Además, los miembros del G20 tenían que avanzar en su compromiso de “democratizar” la globalización, en seguimiento a los acuerdos alcanzados en Hamburgo. Sin duda, los retos que enfrentaba el G20 no eran menores.

7.6.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia argentina Argentina era consciente de este escenario y, por tanto, construyó su Presidencia del G20 en torno a la importancia de promover el consenso, reafirmar el valor del multilateralismo y lograr un desarrollo sostenible más justo. Sobre estos puntos, Argentina recordó que

En Hamburgo, los Líderes del G20 acordaron “promover una mayor inclusión, justicia e igualdad en nuestro esfuerzo por alcanzar el crecimiento económico y la generación de empleos”. Si bien hubo un consenso inequívoco sobre estos objetivos fundamentales, también hubo diferentes posiciones acerca de los caminos que deberíamos tomar, tanto individual como colectivamente, para alcanzarlos. Pero dirigimos nuestros esfuerzos comunes hacia un acuerdo y prevaleció la voluntad de compromiso. Aquí es donde radica un importante valor del G20: el de proveer un mecanismo para procurar consensos y esforzarnos colectivamente en la búsqueda de nuestros objetivos compartidos.31

En concreto, la apuesta de la Presidencia argentina es la construcción del consenso para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible. Éste es el tema central del G20 en 2018 y tiene tres elementos principales: primero, la importancia de trabajar hacia compromisos consensuados de los miembros del G20, desde las negociaciones técnicas y las Declaraciones ministeriales hasta el Comunicado de Líderes. Segundo, la equidad traducida no solo en una mejor distribución de los beneficios de la globalización, sino también en el diseño de reglas para una gobernanza global más justa. Finalmente, buscar la sostenibilidad como un objetivo ya tradicional en el G20. Con el fin de materializar el tema central del G20, Argentina eligió tres prioridades sobre las cuales sería muy probable contar con el apoyo de

31 “Visión de la Presidencia argentina G20 2018. Construyendo consenso para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible”, p. 3.


September, 2013

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todos los miembros, ya que se tratan de retos universales, actuales y que apuntan hacia el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Además, como parte de los esfuerzos para promover una globalización más justa y equitativa, estas prioridades toman en consideración desafíos que están presentes en todos los países, pero sobre todo en las economías en desarrollo y en las menos desarrollados. En ese sentido, las tres prioridades se enfocaron en atender las necesidades y liberar el potencial de las personas, es decir, se puso al individuo en el centro de las discusiones del G20. Las tres prioridades de la Presidencia argentina son:

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• APROVECHAR LAS NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS PARA CREAR OPORTUNIDADES: Evitar que la adopción de los cambios tecnológicos genere exclusión, desintegración social o reacciones adversas.

• CREAR LAS CONDICIONES PARA MÁS Y MEJORES EMPLEOS: Iniciativas globales que aseguren la implementación de las políticas necesarias para aprovechar las oportunidades y enfrentar los desafíos.

• EDUCACIÓN: Empoderamiento de una ciudadanía activa capaz de contribuir al desarrollo equitativo y sostenible.

• AVANCES TECNOLÓGICOS INCLUYENTES: Inversión en capacitación y actualización de habilidades para la vida y el trabajo.

El futuro del trabajo

• MOVILIZAR LA INVERSIÓN PRIVADA PARA CERRAR LA BRECHA GLOBAL EN INFRAESTRUCTURA: Utilizar la cooperación internacional para asegurar mejores rendimientos para los inversionistas.

• DESARROLLAR LA INFRAESTRUCTURA COMO UNA NUEVA CLASE DE ACTIVOS: Mejorar la preparación de los proyectos y atender las brechas en los datos sobre su rendimiento financiero, por medio del mejoramiento de los instrumentos diseñados para financiar proyectos de infraestructura y procurando una mayor homogeneidad entre éstos.

Infraestructura para el


• SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA PARA LOGRAR PAZ Y ESTABILIDAD: Proporcionar la coordinación internacional necesaria para fomentar asociaciones público-privadas entre industrias, gobiernos, agencias internacionales, asociaciones de productores agropecuarios y la sociedad civil.

•SUELOS SANOS, FÉRTILES Y PRODUCTIVOS PARA LA SEGURIDADALIMENTARIA Y LA SALUD HUMANA: Promover el debate sobre laimportancia de la gestión sostenible de los suelos. Fomentar lacolaboración público-privada entre industrias, gobiernos, agenciasinternacionales, asociaciones de productores agropecuarios y sociedadcivil en este tema.

Un futuro alimentario sostenible

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Además, Argentina dio continuidad a los siguientes temas de la agenda del G20:

El anexo 6.2 de esta Memoria Documental enlista los temas específicos de cada uno de los ejes de trabajo.

7.6.3. Estructura de la Presidencia argentina Países invitados

España (invitado permanente) Chile Jamaica (Caricom) Países Bajos Senegal (NEPAD) Singapur (3G) Rwanda (Unión Africana) Organismos internacionales participantes

Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) Banco Mundial Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

(OCDE) Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) (invitado de Argentina)

Empoderamiento de las mujeres

Combate a la corrupción

Fortalecimiento de la gobernanza


Trabajo hacia un sistema financiero fuerte y sostenible

Equidad del sistema impositivo


Cooperación en comercio e inversiones

Cambio climático Transición energética

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Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) (invitado de Argentina) Grupos de Trabajo

Canal de Sherpas Canal de Finanzas

Anticorrupción Marco para el Crecimiento

Comercio e Inversión Arquitectura Financiera

Internacional Desarrollo Educación Empleo Salud

Sostenibilidad Climática Task Force sobre Economía Digital

Transiciones Energéticas La Presidencia argentina dividió nuevamente el Grupo de Trabajo de Sostenibilidad en el GT de Transiciones Energéticas (ETWG) y el GT de Sostenibilidad Climática (CSWG), con el objetivo de atender las cuestiones de cambio climático de manera específica. El ETWG lo preside la Troika y el CSWG lo copresiden Argentina y Canadá, además de contar con el apoyo de Alemania y de Japón. Argentina introdujo el tema de educación en la agenda del G20. Si bien éste ya se había tratado en otros ejes de trabajo, como el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la educación financiera y la capacitación continua para los trabajadores, por primera vez el G20 se enfocaría en los desafíos y las oportunidades de la educación frente a los cambios tecnológicos acelerados y mercados laborales en constante evolución. El sustento para la inclusión de este tema fue el reconocimiento de los Líderes, en la Declaración de Hamburgo, sobre la necesidad de educar y capacitar a las personas con las habilidades necesarias para enfrentar el futuro del empleo (y los empleos del futuro). Con el fin de iniciar una conversación sobre la educación en el G20, Argentina creó un Grupo de Trabajo (EDWG). Las prioridades del EDWG son:

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Diseñar estrategias de educación de calidad para que las personas

cuenten con las habilidades apropiadas para el trabajo y la vida. Discutir alternativas para promover la innovación en las prácticas

de enseñanza y aprendizaje, con énfasis en las competencias docentes apropiadas para el desarrollo de las habilidades que demanda el futuro del trabajo.

Diseñar políticas específicas para que la población en situación de vulnerabilidad pueda adquirir las habilidades clave que le permita desarrollarse en el mercado laboral.

Financiamiento de la educación: promover la inversión y el uso eficiente de recursos para una educación de calidad.

Debido a la estrecha vinculación entre los temas educativos y laborales, Argentina ha promovido el trabajo conjunto entre los Grupos de Trabajo encargados de ambos temas. Además, la Presidencia argentina convocó a la primera Reunión de Ministros de Educación y a una reunión conjunta con los Ministros de Empleo, con el fin de alcanzar acuerdos y generar compromisos integrales para atender los desafíos del futuro del empleo. Grupos de afinidad

Business 20 Civil 20 Labor 20 Science 20 Think 20 Women 20 Youth 20 Número de reuniones

Sherpas 4 Ministeriales de Finanzas y Bancos Centrales 5 Alternos de Finanzas y de Bancos Centrales 5 Ministeriales:

Agricultura Cancilleres


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Comercio Economía Digital Educación Empleo Educación y Empleo Energía Salud

Reuniones de los Grupos de Afinidad 7 Como puede apreciarse, Argentina aumentó el número de Reuniones de Ministros en su programa de trabajo. Además de convocar nuevamente a los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores y de reunir a los Ministros de Educación por primera vez, la Presidencia en turno del G20 retomó el compromiso del grupo para llevar a cabo reuniones regulares de los Ministros de Comercio. Además, convocó a los Ministros de Energía, quienes se reunieron el 15 de junio de 2018, en Bariloche, Argentina. Los Ministros emitieron una Declaración final que incluye acuerdos y pronunciamientos sobre transiciones energéticas, eficiencia energética, energías renovables, gas natural, subsidios a los combustibles fósiles, energía nuclear, seguridad energética y acceso a la energía en América Latina y el Caribe.32

7.6.4. Reunión de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores Argentina convocó a la tercera reunión de los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores del G20, que se llevó a cabo los días 20 y 21 de mayo de 2018, en Buenos Aires. La intención de la Cancillería argentina fue promover una conversación informal sobre los principales temas internacionales actuales. Por lo tanto, no presentó una agenda fija, aunque sí propuso dos grandes temas para guiar las discusiones: 1) multilateralismo y gobernanza global y 2) acción para un desarrollo sostenible y equitativo. Además, el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de Argentina, Emb. Jorge Faurie, ofreció una cena de trabajo a sus homólogos, en la cual discutieron la naturaleza y las contribuciones del G20, así como el futuro del grupo en el escenario internacional.

32 La Declaración de los Ministros de Energía del G20 está disponible en la siguiente liga: https://g20.org/es/noticias/comunicado-oficial-de-la-reunion-de-ministros-de-energia

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Por parte de México, participó el Secretario Luis Videgaray Caso. En la reunión, el Canciller Videgaray declaró que México continuará defendiendo el multilateralismo como la mejor alternativa para lograr la paz y la estabilidad internacionales, así como para crear mejores condiciones de vida para nuestras sociedades. Posteriormente, durante la sesión sobre las prioridades del G20, el Secretario Videgaray puso énfasis en las consecuencias de las nuevas tecnologías, particularmente de la Inteligencia Artificial, en el desarrollo sostenible. Subrayó que México presentó una resolución en 2017, en la Asamblea General de la ONU, sobre este tema, con el fin de debatir sobre las consecuencias de la tecnología en el futuro del trabajo, en la paz y la seguridad internacionales y en los derechos humanos. Asimismo, invitó a todos los miembros del G20 a participar en los trabajos que copresiden México y Japón en 2018 en el marco del Foro sobre Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la ONU. Concluyó diciendo que el G20 definitivamente tiene un papel a desempeñar en este tema. En el marco de esta reunión, el Secretario Videgaray participó en la XII Reunión de Cancilleres de MIKTA, en la cual se discutieron estrategias para avanzar en el desarrollo de este espacio de diálogo. Además, sostuvo encuentros bilaterales con sus homólogos de Alemania, Heiko Maas; de Arabia Saudita, Adel Al Jubeir; del Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, y con el Secretario Adjunto de Estado de Estados Unidos, John Sullivan.

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8. PROSPECTIVA Y RECOMENDACIONES En un escenario internacional con complejidades y desafíos sin precedente, el G20 debe mantenerse como el principal foro de concertación para contribuir a la gobernanza económica y la estabilidad financiera internacionales. Para lograrlo, se debe reafirmar el compromiso con el diálogo, la construcción de consensos y la cooperación internacional constructiva que derive en la generación de acuerdos sustantivos en beneficio de los miembros del G20 y de la comunidad internacional en su conjunto. En este ejercicio de fortalecimiento del G20 como un foro efectivo y eficiente con la capacidad para atender las necesidades de las sociedades, México debe desempeñar un papel activo y propositivo que le permita participar en las discusiones y posicionar sus prioridades de interés nacional. Para tal fin, se presentan algunas recomendaciones para lograr que México siga siendo un actor central en las discusiones que tienen lugar en este foro único. Utilización del G20 para vertebrar posiciones en los principales temas multilaterales El G20 no es únicamente un foro de coordinación internacional, sino también un espacio en el que se delinean estrategias de largo plazo y reglas de la gobernanza global. Esta naturaleza única del G20 deriva de su membresía y de su informalidad, pero sobre todo de su función esencial como un mecanismo de dirección política y no de implementación. Es decir, la tarea principal del G20 es alcanzar acuerdos y generar compromisos sólidos para impulsar, guiar y coordinar temas prioritarios de la agenda internacional, principalmente en los ámbitos económico y financiero, pero también en los políticos, sociales y de seguridad. Por lo tanto, México debe aprovechar el G20 para posicionar y vertebrar temas multilaterales de interés nacional, con el fin de que los líderes de las 20 economías más importantes del mundo reconozcan su importancia y brinden dirección política para alcanzar los resultados esperados en el ámbito internacional.

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Mantener una participación activa México se ha caracterizado por mantener una participación activa en el G20, tanto en el nivel técnico como en el político. Se le percibe como un actor estratégico en la mesa porque presenta iniciativas oportunas y sirve como puente para acercar posiciones políticas divergentes. Por lo tanto, se sugiere mantener y, en la medida de lo posible, aumentar la intensidad de la participación de México en este foro. En particular, México se ha posicionado como uno de los principales defensores del sistema multilateral de comercio y un promotor vocal de la acción multilateral para combatir el cambio climático e implementar el Acuerdo de París. Se recomienda ampliamente mantener este liderazgo (compartido con otros miembros del grupo). La prioridad debe ser, en primer lugar, evitar cualquier retroceso en los compromisos que se han logrado en el G20 en estos temas y, en segundo, tratar de avanzar hacia acciones específicas que hagan tangibles estos compromisos. También se sugiere mantener la participación activa en todos los Grupos de Trabajo y mecanismos técnicos, en los cuales México ha desempeñado un papel destacado. Asimismo, es importante participar al más alto nivel posible en las reuniones ministeriales y, desde luego, en la Cumbre de Líderes. Finalmente, se recomienda presentar propuestas sobre temas que se consideren de especial importancia, con el fin de garantizar que las prioridades mexicanas se incluyan en los documentos oficiales. Continuar el acercamiento con socios estratégicos En los últimos años, México ha trabajado en la consolidación de socios estratégicos en el G20, debido a que hay coincidencias en los intereses, las opiniones y las posiciones de estos países en los temas prioritarios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda no desatender estas asociaciones y, por el contrario, ampliarlas y profundizarlas, mediante el intercambio de perspectivas sobre las prioridades de la Presidencia en turno, las consultas regulares sobre los temas de mayor interés de cada país y la presentación de propuestas conjuntas. Estos vínculos deben mantenerse en el nivel político y en el técnico, de tal forma que la colaboración sea integral.

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ABREVIATURA SIGNIFICADO 3G Grupo de Gobernanza Global

9CM Novena Reunión Ministerial de la Organización Mundial del Comercio

ACNUR Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados

ACWG Grupo de Trabajo Anticorrupción del G20

AGONU Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas

AKP Partido de la Justicia y el Desarrollo de Turquía

Amexcid Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

ANSEA Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático APEC Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico B20 Business 20

Banxico Banco de México

BEPS Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (erosión de la base imponible y traslado de beneficios)

BID Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo BM Banco Mundial

BRICS Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica C20 Civil 20 C40 Grupo de Liderazgo Climático de Ciudades

CAF Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (antes Comunidad Andina de Naciones)

Caricom Comunidad del Caribe CEDN Coordinación de la Estrategia Digital Nacional CGLU Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos CHP Partido Republicano del Pueblo de Turquía

CSWG Grupo de Trabajo de Sostenibilidad Climática DETF Fuerza de Tarea de Economía Digital

DGONU Dirección General para la Organización de las Naciones Unidas

DGTG Dirección General para Temas Globales DWG Grupo de Trabajo de Desarrollo EDWG Grupo de Trabajo de Educación ETWG Grupo de Trabajo de Transiciones Energéticas EWG Grupo de Trabajo de Empleo FMI Fondo Monetario Internacional FSB Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera

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G20 Grupo de los Veinte G5 Grupo de los Cinco G7 Grupo de los Siete G8 Grupo de los Ocho

GAFI Grupo de Acción Financiera GFSEC Foro Global sobre Exceso de Capacidad de Acero HWG Grupo de Trabajo de Salud

Imjuve Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud Inmujeres Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres

ISIS Estado Islámico L20 Labor 20

MIKTA México, Indonesia, República de Corea, Turquía y Australia

NEPAD Nueva Asociación para el Desarrollo de África

OCDE Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

ODS Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible OIT Organización Internacional del Trabajo OMC Organización Mundial del Comercio OMS Organización Mundial de la Salud ONU Organización de las Naciones Unidas

ONUDI Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial

OPEP Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo PGR Procuraduría General de la República PKK Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán RAM Resistencia a los antimicrobianos S20 Science 20

Sagarpa Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación

Salud Secretaría de Salud SAT Sistema de Administración Tributaria SE Secretaría de Economía

Sectur Secretaría de Turismo

Semarnat Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Sener Secretaría de Energía SEP Secretaría de Educación Pública SFP Secretaría de la Función Pública

SHCP Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público SRE Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores STPS Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social T20 Think 20

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TIWG Grupo de Trabajo de Comercio e Inversiones TLCAN Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte U20 Urban 20 UA Unión Africana UE Unión Europea UIP Unión Interparlamentaria

UNCTAD Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo

W20 Women 20 Y20 Youth 20

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10. ÍNDICE DE ANEXOS 1. Informe al H. Congreso de la Unión sobre la participación del

Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en San Petersburgo, Federación de Rusia, 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2013 1.1.Declaración de Líderes de San Petersburgo 1.2.Declaración sobre el quinto aniversario del G20 1.3.Plan de Acción de San Petersburgo

2. Informe al H. Congreso de la Unión sobre la participación del

Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la XXII Reunión de Líderes Económicos del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico, la Visita de Estado a la República Popular China y la Cumbre de Líderes del G20, 10-15 de noviembre de 2014 2.1.Declaración de Líderes de Brisbane 2.2.Plan de Acción de Brisbane 2.3.Declaración del G20 sobre el ébola 2.4.Plan de Acción del G20 sobre Inclusión Financiera 2.5.Plan de Acción del G20 sobre Eficiencia Energética 2.6.Plan de Acción 2015-2016 sobre Anticorrupción

3. Informe al H. Congreso de la Unión sobre la participación del

Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Antalya, Turquía, la Visita de Estado a Filipinas y en la XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico, 15-19 de noviembre de 2015 3.1.Declaración de Líderes de Antalya 3.2.Plan de Acción de Antalya 3.3.Comunicado del G20 sobre el combate al terrorismo 3.4.Plan de Acción del G20 sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Sistemas

Alimentarios Sostenibles

4. Informe al H. Congreso de la Unión sobre la participación del Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic.

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Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Hangzhou, República Popular China, 4 y 5 de septiembre de 2016 4.1.Declaración de Líderes de Hangzhou 4.2.Plan de Acción de Hangzhou 4.3.Hoja de Ruta sobre el Crecimiento Innovador 4.4.Plan de Acción del G20 sobre la Nueva Revolución Industrial 4.5.Plan de Acción del G20-2016 sobre Innovación 4.6.Iniciativa del G20 para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación en Economía

Digital 4.7.Plan de Acción del G20 sobre la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo


5. Informe al H. Congreso de la Unión sobre la visita de trabajo del Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, a la República Francesa, y de su participación en la Cumbre de Líderes del Grupo de los Veinte (G20) 5.1.Declaración de Líderes de Hamburgo 5.2.Declaración de los Líderes sobre el combate al terrorismo 5.3.Plan de Acción de Hamburgo 5.4.Plan de Acción del G20 sobre energía y clima para el crecimiento 5.5.Actualización de Hamburgo sobre el Plan de Acción del G20 sobre

la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible

6. Visión de la Presidencia argentina G20 2018: “Construyendo consenso para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible” 6.1.Prioridades temáticas de la Presidencia argentina

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Primera sesión de trabajo. Crecimiento y economía global

Cena de trabajo sobre la situación en Siria

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Sesión de diálogo con representantes del sector empresarial y laboral

Segunda sesión de trabajo. Inversión para el crecimiento y la creación de empleos

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Almuerzo de trabajo sobre crecimiento y comercio

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internacional como las únicas alternativas para alcanzar soluciones comunes a problemas también comunes. Además, los miembros del G20 tenían que avanzar en su compromiso de “democratizar” la globalización, en seguimiento a los acuerdos alcanzados en Hamburgo. Sin duda, los retos que enfrentaba el G20 no eran menores.

7.6.2. Prioridades de la Presidencia argentina Argentina era consciente de este escenario y, por tanto, construyó su Presidencia del G20 en torno a la importancia de promover el consenso, reafirmar el valor del multilateralismo y lograr un desarrollo sostenible más justo. Sobre estos puntos, Argentina recordó que

En Hamburgo, los Líderes del G20 acordaron “promover una mayor inclusión, justicia e igualdad en nuestro esfuerzo por alcanzar el crecimiento económico y la generación de empleos”. Si bien hubo un consenso inequívoco sobre estos objetivos fundamentales, también hubo diferentes posiciones acerca de los caminos que deberíamos tomar, tanto individual como colectivamente, para alcanzarlos. Pero dirigimos nuestros esfuerzos comunes hacia un acuerdo y prevaleció la voluntad de compromiso. Aquí es donde radica un importante valor del G20: el de proveer un mecanismo para procurar consensos y esforzarnos colectivamente en la búsqueda de nuestros objetivos compartidos.31

En concreto, la apuesta de la Presidencia argentina es la construcción del consenso para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible. Éste es el tema central del G20 en 2018 y tiene tres elementos principales: primero, la importancia de trabajar hacia compromisos consensuados de los miembros del G20, desde las negociaciones técnicas y las Declaraciones ministeriales hasta el Comunicado de Líderes. Segundo, la equidad traducida no solo en una mejor distribución de los beneficios de la globalización, sino también en el diseño de reglas para una gobernanza global más justa. Finalmente, buscar la sostenibilidad como un objetivo ya tradicional en el G20. Con el fin de materializar el tema central del G20, Argentina eligió tres prioridades sobre las cuales sería muy probable contar con el apoyo de

31 “Visión de la Presidencia argentina G20 2018. Construyendo consenso para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible”, p. 3.


September, 2013

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Table of Contents




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September, 2013

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G20 5TH ANNIVERSARY VISION STATEMENT We, the Leaders of the Group of Twenty, reaffirm the role of the G20 as the premier forum for our international economic cooperation. When we first met in Washington on 15 November 2008, financial markets were in turmoil, global output was contracting at an alarming pace, trade was plummeting, unemployment was rising, and the future prosperity of women, men and children was at stake. A truly global crisis called for a truly global solution. In Washington, London and Pittsburgh, we took decisive steps to stimulate the world economy, restore growth, recapitalise financial institutions, launch an ambitious program to reform the financial sector, maintain open markets and clamp-down on tax havens. Significantly, we established the Financial Stability Board (FSB), tripled the resources available to the IMF, and put in place our Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth. This coordinated response helped to alleviate severe market distress and avert a global depression. In Toronto, Seoul, Cannes and Los Cabos the G20 demonstrated its leadership in returning to fiscal sustainability and promoting growth and job creation, structural, financial and tax reforms, anti-corruption, development, energy, agriculture, and fostering inclusive green growth. We also started working in partnership with developing countries outside the G20 to narrow the development gap and reduce poverty. In Saint Petersburg we have emphasised restoring strong and inclusive growth and employment while ensuring fiscal sustainability, promoted financing for investment, including in infrastructure; made further progress on financial reforms; and we have made strong commitments on trade, development, addressing tax evasion, and on changing the rules that allow international tax avoidance related to the erosion of tax bases and shifting of profits. Because of our actions, the global economy is more resilient. However, the process of recovery is not completed. Important challenges are still to be fully addressed, including high unemployment. We still need to work to ensure that growth is strong, sustainable, inclusive and balanced. We today reaffirm our conviction that the foundation for sustainable growth and rising prosperity for all is an open world economy based on market principles, effective regulation, inclusiveness and strong global institutions, underpinned by the closer partnership and collective action and shared responsibility of the G20, based on effective policy coordination. We believe that prosperity must be shared; that the benefits of economic growth are for all, men and women, the poorest and most vulnerable, for this generation and the next. Through the G20, we reaffirm our commitment to act together to raise growth, create jobs and boost confidence; maintain fiscal sustainability; continue to reduce internal and external imbalances; keep markets open for trade and investment; promote a rules-based international economy; ensure a stable, well-functioning and transparent global financial system; support strong and more representative global institutions;

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promote open and transparent governments and build an inclusive and sustainable global economy for all. Strong collective action by the G20 remains the most effective way forward. As a forum of major advanced and emerging economies, we will reinforce our efforts for policy coordination and collaboration to strengthen growth, and manage any spill-over effects from our domestic decisions. We will build on progress achieved and combine our efforts and pursue of our commitment to ensure recovery and lay the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, we must continue to put the wellbeing of individual people at the centre of our growth agenda. We also need to maintain the financial sector on a sound footing and at the service of the real economy. As a Forum representing over 80% of the global economy, we have a responsibility to all citizens. We will remain engaged with the international community as a whole and make sure that the interests of countries at all stages of development are taken into account. Nor can we ignore the far-reaching impact of our actions. To this end, we will strengthen our engagement with the Business20, Labour20, Civil20, Youth20 and Think20 and listen carefully to all institutions and countries that are not in the Group. We will continue to draw on the quality analysis and policy advice of international organisations, including the IMF, WB, OECD, FSB, UN, ILO and WTO. The coordinated response of the G20 helped to avert a global depression and clearly demonstrated the Group’s value as a coordinating body for economic crisis management. Going forward, the G20 will build on this success and will continue to play a critical role in the global economy, by developing a common understanding of the new challenges we face and coordinating our actions to overcome them. Although the acute phase of the crisis is behind us, our determination to work together to achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth is unabated.

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September, 2013

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Table of Contents




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Strengthening growth and creating jobs is our top priority and we are fully committed to taking

decisive actions to return to a job rich, strong, sustainable and balanced growth path.

We have taken a number of important policy actions that have helped to contain key tail risks,

improve financial market conditions and sustain the recovery. Private demand has

strengthened in the U.S. and growth has picked up in Japan and the U.K. There are signs of

recovery in the euro area. While growth has continued in emerging market economies, it has

slowed down in some of them. Global growth prospects for 2013 have been marked down

repeatedly over the last year, global rebalancing is incomplete, regional growth disparities

remain wide, and unemployment, particularly among youth, remains unacceptably high.

Despite our actions, the recovery is too weak, and risks remain tilted to the downside. In the

last months financial market volatility has increased.

We consider the main challenges to the global economy to be:

• Weak growth and persistently high unemployment, particularly among youth, and the need for more inclusive growth in many economies;

• Financial market fragmentation in Europe and the decisive implementation of banking union;

• Slower growth in some emerging market economies, reflecting in some cases the effect of volatile capital flows, tighter financial conditions and commodity price volatility, as well as domestic structural challenges;

• Insufficient levels of private investment in many countries, in part due to continuing market uncertainties, as well as internal rigidities;

• High public debt and its sustainability in some countries that need to be addressed while properly supporting the recovery in the near-term, especially in countries with the highest actual and projected debt-to-GDP levels;

• Volatility of capital flows as growth strengthens and there are expectations of eventual monetary policy recalibration in advanced economies;

• An incomplete rebalancing of global demand; and

• Continued uncertainties about fiscal policy deliberations.

To address these challenges and to place the global economy on a stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth path, we have built on our previous actions with new measures as set out in this Action Plan. The Action Plan is designed to boost economic activity and job creation,

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support the recovery, and address near-term risks to the outlook, while strengthening the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth through ambitious and well-targeted reforms. The Action Plan is informed by the assessment of the economic outlook, and the Accountability Assessment, which describes our progress made toward implementing existing commitments and identifies gaps in our reform agenda. The Action Plan is also based on our commitment setting process, which includes our fiscal strategies, our monetary and exchange rate policy commitments, and a resetting of our structural reform agenda along more concrete and ambitious lines.

Our fundamental belief remains that collective and coordinated actions are the most effective way forward. We confirm the paramount importance of the G20 as a forum for open and engaged dialogue among us and as a means to work together to build a common understanding of complex policy issues and to reach solutions.

The G-20’s immediate focus is on creating the conditions to increase growth and employment with timely actions that build on the signs of a recovery in advanced economies to make it durable to the benefit of the whole global economy:

The euro area commits to strengthen the foundations for economic and monetary union, including through further efforts to strengthen bank balance sheets, reduce financial fragmentation and a more rapid progress toward a banking union. Specifically, the EU will continue to address the strength and quality of EU bank capital and assets; implement the new prudential requirements for banks across the EU; and move forward with a swift adoption and implementation of the building blocks of the banking union, namely a Single Supervisory Mechanism and a Single Resolution Mechanism. The EU will act to deepen the institutional framework of EMU in order to achieve a genuine EMU and improve its functioning.

Advanced G20 countries agree to maintain a flexible approach in implementing their fiscal strategies to support economic growth and jobs, while remaining committed to sustainable public finances. Implementation will allow for appropriate fiscal policy adjustments in the near term, where needed, such as by allowing the automatic stabilizers to operate or by calibrating the pace and composition of fiscal consolidation to economic conditions and fiscal space.

Some countries have put forward further targeted measures and investments to support growth by repurposing spending or through activities that could crowd-in private investment, including:

o The U.K. is reprioritising savings from current expenditure towards capital spending, specifically £5.5 billion of additional investment in infrastructure and support for businesses in the short term. The U.K. has also extended the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) that provides incentives to banks and building societies

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to boost their lending to the real economy, including strengthening incentives to lend to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

o Italy is engaged to increase liquidity for businesses and in particular for SMEs by extending the loan guarantee program, by providing financial assistance to purchase capital goods and by opening the bond market to unlisted companies within the next twelve months. In addition, Italy will work towards paying out the full value of arrears in outstanding commercial credits to domestic businesses by the end of 2014.

o The EU will use the agreed increase of the European Investment Bank's (EIB) capital over the 2013-2015 period to foster investment in innovation and skills, facilitate SMEs access to finance and support the development of strategic infrastructures.

o Brazil will auction 6,900 km of roads, in September 2013, with PPP investments estimated at around R$ 52,2 billion (US$ 25 billion).

Facing increased financial volatility, emerging markets agree to take the necessary actions to support growth and maintain stability, including efforts to improve fundamentals, increase resilience to external shocks and strengthen financial systems.

Monetary policy will continue to be directed towards domestic price stability and supporting the economic recovery according to the respective mandates of central banks. We recognize the support that has been provided to the global economy in recent years from accommodative monetary policies, including unconventional monetary policies. We remain mindful of the risks and unintended negative side effects of extended periods of monetary easing. We recognize that strengthened and sustained growth will be accompanied by an eventual transition toward the normalization of monetary policies. Our central banks have committed that future changes to monetary policy settings will continue to be carefully calibrated and clearly communicated.

o The Federal Reserve intends to continue its asset purchase program and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. In determining the monthly pace of asset purchases, the FOMC will take into account the improvement in the outlook for the labor market and the extent of progress toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation since it began the asset purchase program; if the U.S. economy develops as the FOMC expects, the pace of purchases could be scaled back beginning later this year. The FOMC anticipates that its current target range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6½ percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more

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than a half percentage point above the 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.

o In the U.K., the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has provided some explicit guidance that it intends at a minimum to maintain the present highly stimulative stance of monetary policy until economic slack has been substantially reduced, provided this does not entail material risks to price stability or financial stability.

o The Bank of Japan introduced ‘quantitative and qualitative monetary easing’ in April of this year to achieve the price stability target of 2 per cent in terms of the year-on-year rate of change in the consumer price index at the earliest possible time, with a time horizon of about two years. Under this policy, the Bank will double the monetary base and the amounts outstanding of JGBs as well as ETFs in two years, and more than double the average remaining maturity of JGB purchases.

o The ECB’s Governing Council expects the key euro area interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time. This expectation is based on the overall subdued outlook for inflation extending into the medium term, given the broad-based weakness in the real economy and subdued monetary dynamics. In addition, the ECB continues to conduct its main refinancing operations (MROs) as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until the end of the 6th maintenance period of 2014 on 8 July 2014. This procedure will also remain in use for the Eurosystem’s special-term refinancing operations with a maturity of one maintenance period, which will continue to be conducted for as long as needed, and at least until the end of the second quarter of 2014.

o In order to reduce uncertainty and increase transparency in the foreign exchange market, as well as to offer hedge and liquidity to the local market, the Central Bank of Brazil has committed to a program of foreign exchange swap auctions and credit lines totaling an amount equivalent in Reals to at least US$ 54.5 billion until the end of the year.

We reiterate that excess volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in exchange rates can have adverse implications for economic and financial stability, as observed recently in some emerging markets. Generally stronger policy frameworks in these countries allow them to better deal with these challenges. Sound macroeconomic policies, structural reforms and strong prudential frameworks will help address an increase in volatility. We will continue to monitor financial market conditions carefully.

We commit to cooperate to ensure that policies implemented to support domestic growth also support global growth and financial stability and to manage their spillovers on other countries.

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We reiterate our commitments to move more rapidly toward more market-determined

exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, and avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments. We will refrain from competitive devaluation and will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes.

Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to mobilize its existing spare capacity, as necessary, to promote stability in the global oil market in line with its systemic role and in support of global economic growth and development.

We are committed to strengthening the foundations for long-term growth through implementing ambitious and targeted reforms designed to ensure fiscal sustainability, boost investment, increase productivity and labor force participation, and address internal and external imbalances.

3.1 Enhancing Fiscal Sustainability Achieving a stronger and sustainable recovery, while ensuring fiscal sustainability in advanced economies remains critical. All advanced economies have developed credible and country-specific medium term fiscal strategies to better anchor expectations. These strategies reflect individual country circumstances and will be implemented flexibly to take into account near term economic conditions, so as to support economic growth and job creation, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path (Annex 1).

As agreed, all advanced economies have put forth strategies that are geared toward maintaining or lowering the debt-to-GDP ratio over the medium term. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, and Spain have explicitly committed to reduce debt as a share of GDP through country-specific targets for the debt-to-GDP ratio beyond 2016. The U.K. commits to set a debt target once the exceptional rise in debt has been addressed. Given its low debt, Australia commits to maintaining fiscal sustainability over the medium term. Japan will seek to steadily reduce the public debt-to-GDP ratio after achieving a primary surplus by fiscal year 2020. In the U.S., the President’s budget projects that federal debt held by the public will be on a downward path over the next decade.

A number of emerging market economies have also laid out key elements of their strategies to promote fiscal sustainability (Annex 2).

These medium term strategies will support confidence and sustained growth and improve the resilience of our economies and public finances to shocks. They will also help to ensure that countries are able to address significant fiscal challenges in coming years (including age-related expenses) and provide an anchor that will help build fiscal space and give countries more room

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for discretionary actions and/or allowing automatic stabilizers to be fully operational, as necessary. Taken together, these strategies demonstrate a meaningful strengthening of the G20’s commitment to fiscal sustainability, achieved in the context of supporting jobs and growth.

3.2 Structural Reforms Recognizing the need to push ahead more urgently with important structural reforms, we have reset our reform agenda along more relevant, concrete and well-targeted lines. Members have committed to a wide range of reforms to strengthen the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth over the long term by boosting investment, addressing fundamental weaknesses, enhancing productivity and competitiveness, increasing labour force participation, improving financial stability and credit access, and addressing internal and external imbalances. These reforms are key to achieving a lasting improvement in potential growth, job creation and rebalancing demand.

Stronger Growth

Reforms to promote investment can lift potential growth, create jobs and contribute to needed global rebalancing.

Argentina will channel additional social and institutional savings to infrastructure and productive projects, as well as for the reduction of the housing credit gap, by means of new investment financing programs such as the Pro.Cre.Ar and the “inciso k”.

Brazil will support with tax incentives and innovative financing initiatives the R153 billion (USD 71 billion) Logistics Investment Program, within a time horizon of 5 years, to tackle bottlenecks, increase competitiveness, create jobs and promote growth through Public Private Partnerships.

Canada commits to $70 billion in new and existing infrastructure funding through the Building Canada plan, and for First Nations and federal infrastructure over the next 10 years.

China will accelerate the development of the services sector, and raise its value-added contribution to GDP by 4 percentage points by 2015, and increase spending on R&D to 2.2% of GDP.

France will implement as planned by January 2014 an increase of the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit, aimed at reducing labour costs. France will also launch a second phase of the Invest for the Future Program, and will continue to improve financing conditions for firms, in particular for SMEs, through a better orientation of savings.

India commits to continue with its ambitious infrastructure programme, including the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial corridor connecting the national capital and the commercial

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capital with high speed rail and road links entailing nearly $100 billion in investment. In addition, two new major ports will be established and a new outer harbour will be developed in an existing port through PPP starting 2013-14.

Indonesia will allocate US$ 18 billion in 2013 in capital spending, including infrastructure investment, to improve national and regional connectivity.

Italy commits to improve the business environment and by the end of this year will launch a major program of reforms called ‘Destination Italy’ to attract and assist foreign investments, aimed at implementing the related measures within nine months.

Japan will establish ‘National Strategic Special Zones’ that aim to improve the Japanese business environment with measures including bold regulatory reforms to attract investment from abroad, thereby targeting to double the stock of inward FDI to 35 trillion yen by 2020 from 2012 levels together with other measures.

Korea will promote venture businesses by enhancing tax incentives, providing financial support and creating funds, and ease regulations that hamper corporate investment.

Mexico has proposed important reforms to allow private participation in the energy sector that aim to attract new investment, promote competition and enhance efficiency in the energy supply chain.

Russia commits to improving the business environment by streamlining regulation and easing administrative burdens, which in combination with an increase of financing for infrastructure projects aims to achieve a higher investment to GDP ratio (25% of GDP by 2015 and 27% of GDP by 2018).

Saudi Arabia is further improving public infrastructure for transportation starting from 2014. Saudi Arabia also commits to expand housing stock, increase access to housing finance, and provide greater access to affordable housing.

South Africa will take steps to resolve the energy constraint by starting the process to build a third coal-fired power plant and finalising the process of authorising shale gas exploration in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner. South Africa plans to improve the investment environment through streamlining the procedure for obtaining environmental impact assessments for water and mining projects.

Spain is taking measures to foster entrepreneurship, including legal provisions that facilitate the entrance of SMEs, reduce the red tape as well as measures to improve internationalization financing and far reaching fiscal improvements directed to SMEs (such as VAT according to cash, not accrual).

The U.K. will increase its capital spending by £3 billion per annum from 2015-16 onwards, funded by further reductions to current spending.

The U.S. will improve infrastructure, both through enhanced public investment and through greater encouragement of private investment in infrastructure assets, by

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reducing infrastructure permitting timelines and the newly expanded TIFIA loan and loan guarantee program.

As an important prerequisite for strong growth, countries have also committed to measures designed to enhance productivity and competition.

China will accelerate the pilot project to replace its business tax with a VAT, which reduced over 40 billion yuan of tax as part of a 300 billion total structural tax cut in 2012. This project was extended to other sectors in August of this year.

The EU will further integrate its Single Market by setting out specific actions to boost European competitiveness and to unlock economic growth and jobs.

France commits to take measures by the end of 2013 to improve the efficiency of its housing, transportation and energy markets.

Germany will increase competition as per the recently implemented legislation to address merger control to prevent the abuse of market dominance and increase consumer protection. Productivity and innovation will be fostered by the further implementation of the Germany “High-Tech Strategy”.

Italy will further cut red tape for businesses and improve the rule of law and the functioning of administrative and civil justice and commits to further pursue the path of liberalization by the next Summit.

Mexico approved constitutional reforms in competition and telecommunications in June, creating a regulatory framework with specialized technical commissions and tribunals. The reforms include significant opening to foreign investment in telecommunications, radio and TV, and new mandated access regulation in network industries.

Russia commits to simplify its licensing procedures and expand the list of business activities that do not require obtaining permission from 36 to 50 by 2018.

Spain will establish the basic legal framework for market unity on economic regulation across regions by the end of this year. The proposed bill on Guaranteeing Market Unity is expected to add 1.5 percentage points to GDP over the next 10 years once implemented.

The U.K. will take action to reduce the burden on businesses by accelerating the reduction in the corporation tax to 20% by 2015 and support small businesses through an annual Employment Allowance of up to £2,000 from April 2014.

All members remain committed to open trade and investment, expanding markets and resisting protectionism in all its forms, which are necessary conditions for stronger, sustainable and balanced global growth.

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Sustainable Growth

Reforms aimed at encouraging labour force participation and human capital development to reduce long-term structural unemployment and increase employment, while reducing the size of the informal economy, can have significant impacts on sustaining economic activity.

Australia will provide A$14.3 billion in additional funding over seven years from 2012-13 to move to full implementation of a national disability insurance scheme by 1 July 2019, and significant additional school funding will be provided over the next four years to strengthen education.

Brazil will increase labor productivity nationwide through scholarship programs for undergraduate students, both domestically and abroad (101,000 students and researchers to attend high level foreign universities by 2015 and US$3.3 billion in scholarships in 2013), and by means of the establishment of new institutions of higher education (4 new public universities by 2018 and 208 new technical and vocational training centers by the end of 2014).

Canada will provide funding for businesses to train those who are unemployed or underemployed through the Canada Job Grant. When fully implemented in 2017-18, approximately 130,000 people will have access to training each year.

China will continue to enhance the social safety net, and promote the reform and opening-up of the capital market and money market.

The EU will support youth employment, notably through the implementation of the “Youth Employment Initiative” to be fully operational by January 2014, which would support young people not in education, employment or training in the Union’s regions with a youth unemployment rate in 2012 at above 25% by integrating them into the labour market.

France will follow up on the implementation of the labour market reform (National Multi-Sector Agreement on Job Security) and step up the creation of “jobs for the future” and “generation contracts” to improve the employability of young and senior workers. France will ensure its pension system’s sustainability with a combination of short term measures including postponed indexation and increased revenues, and of medium/long-term measures through extending the contribution period which will result in a continued increase in the average effective retirement age.

Germany will continue to implement its “Skilled Workers Strategy” to promote the availability of highly qualified workers through its immigration policy.

India has set a target that 50 million people will acquire necessary skills by 2017, including 9 million youth in 2013-14. In addition, the National Skill Development Corporation will set the curriculum and standards for training in different skills and

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provides monetary incentives for youths to acquire their skill certification for which budget provision of about US$1 billion is made for 2013-14.

Indonesia is strengthening and expanding the poverty reduction program with a goal of reducing the national poverty level from 10.5% (2012) to around 9.5% by 2013 and taking steps to reduce the informal economy by introducing new tax measures for eligible small and medium enterprises and increasing access to formal financial channels. It has also cut inefficient energy subsidies.

Italy will take additional steps by the next Summit to reduce the tax wedge, as well as to strengthen the labour market institutions and implement the European “Youth Guarantee” by reforming public employment services and active labour market policies.

Japan will implement labour reform measures, such as increasing the capacities of childcare services, to raise the employment rate of women (age 25-44) to 73% by 2020.

Korea will enhance labour participation for women by enhancing childcare support and for youth by launching an apprenticeship system and providing incentives for SMEs to hire more young persons and increase the employment rate. This is part of an overall strategy to increase the employment rate from 64% to 70% by 2017.

Mexico has approved a labour reform bill, which will improve labor flexibility and efficiency, such as temporal hiring, hourly wages, and union transparency.

South Africa will build two new public universities, starting in 2013.

Turkey aims to increase the participation rate of women in the workforce as well as strengthening employment prospects for those on social assistance.

The U.S. will enhance the growth potential of the economy and continue to make progress on the recovery of the labor market, in particular for the long-term unemployed, by investing in the training and skills of U.S. workers.

The U.K will ensure a sustainable welfare system and that work always pays, through implementation of the Universal Credit and the Work Programme, while supporting parents who want to get back into work through a new Tax-Free Childcare Scheme.

All G20 members are fully committed to the timely implementation of financial market reforms agreed in the past. Some members have proposed additional reforms to increase the resilience of national financial systems and reduce the risk of future financial crises.

Brazil has issued regulation on payments arrangements and payments institutions that make up the Brazilian Payments System SPB. Thus creating a legal framework that regulates mobile banking payments.

France will implement the Banking Activity Separation and Regulation Act which provides for all of the activities where banks speculate for their own account to be put into a separate subsidiary by establishing new bank resolution rules and institutes

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preventive risk management at the level of each bank and for the financial system as a whole.

Germany will implement the bank separation act, which requires banks to draw up recovery and resolution plans to be implemented in the event of a severe crisis. Also, if certain thresholds are exceeded, banks will no longer be allowed to combine deposit-related activities and proprietary trading, but will have to spin off the latter into a company that is legally, economically and organizationally separate.

The European Union is enacting and implementing a comprehensive programme of financial reforms for all its 28 countries, covering inter alia bank capital, structure and resolution, insurance, derivatives trading and market infrastructures, and is setting up single supervision and resolution mechanisms within a banking union comprising initially its Member States sharing the euro as their common currency.

Japan will implement the recently passed amendment of the Deposit Insurance Act which provides for the framework for the resolution regime of financial institutions.

Korea will enhance transparency and accountability of the governance of financial institutions, while being in the process of enacting the Act on the Governance of Financial Firms, and strengthen protection measures for financial consumers especially for vulnerable groups.

Mexico is in the process of approving a financial reform bill that aims to increase credit availability, reduce financial costs and foster competition while promoting the stability of the financial system.

Russia will strengthen financial literacy and financial consumer protection by increasing the availability of dispute resolution, redress mechanisms, information disclosure and the number of sources of information available to financial consumers [by 25% in the period 2013-16].

Saudi Arabia will implement a new financial Consumer Protection framework during the next three years.

South Africa will centralize the prudential supervision of financial institutions, enhance protection measures for financial consumers in the period 2014-2015 and expand the scope of regulation to include credit rating agencies, OTC derivatives and private pools of capital by the end of 2013.

Turkey will continue to strengthen its financial system through better monitoring as well as improving financial literacy and enhancing the infrastructure for new financial products within the context of Istanbul Finance Center Project.

The U.K. is undertaking reform to create a more resilient banking sector based on the recommendations of the Independent Commission on Banking. The UK is also

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implementing plans to overhaul tripartite system of financial regulation, including creating new macro and micro prudential regulators.

The U.S. will continue to implement further reforms to: reduce leverage in the banking system; ensure large financial institutions retain enough bail-in able debt to facilitate orderly resolution; reduce risks emanating from proprietary trading and the shadow banking sector, including money market funds; finalize heightened prudential standards for banks and designated nonbanks, and capital and margin rules for derivatives; and address vulnerabilities in short-term wholesale funding markets.

Balanced Growth

We are determined to achieve more progress toward broad-based rebalancing of global demand. While global current account imbalances have declined, reflecting in part important reforms in a number of countries, a substantial part of this progress has occurred due to demand compression. In order to ensure a durable improvement as global growth strengthens, we are determined to undertake further policy adjustments toward rebalancing global demand between surplus and deficit countries, as well as internal rebalancing. In this respect, it is essential to achieve stronger domestic demand growth in large surplus economies, increased savings and enhanced competitiveness in deficit economies and more flexible exchange rates. We are committed to actions in all these areas and will regularly assess progress.

Countries with large fiscal deficits have, and will continue to improve their fiscal positions, thereby raising national savings;

China commits to continue to transform its economic development pattern, promote economic restructuring and boost domestic demand.

In Germany, with a robust growth in wages and consumption amid the favorable labor market conditions, domestic demand is picking up. The most recent increase in business investment also points to this direction. To further strengthen confidence and domestic demand, in particular business investment with its high import content, Germany will actively support the implementation of credible reforms in the euro zone, sound public budgets and continued reforms to promote potential growth.

The EU will continue its efforts on economic rebalancing in the euro area which has made substantial progress over the past two years. Next year will mark a third annual cycle of implementation of the EU Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure (MIP), starting with an overall assessment in November 2013. This will be followed by countries' in-depth reviews and country-specific recommendations in Spring 2014 for countries under the MIP, building on the policy commitments made in 2013.The European Commission will closely monitor the implementation of these policy recommendations. By end 2014, the Commission will undertake an overall assessment of the application of the MIP and propose amendments if necessary.

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Turkey will implement policies to increase domestic savings rates to 19% by 2018 and channel them into productive investments. As well, Turkey will continue to reduce its energy import dependency by increasing domestic energy sources and improving efficiencies in consumption.

The United States is pursuing a wide range of policies that will strengthen its external accounts, including by reducing its budget deficit and encouraging household saving; by expanding U.S. competitiveness in the manufacturing sector and expanding training and vocational education in the context of the National Export Initiative; and by maintaining an enabling investment climate for domestic energy production, including both clean energy and unconventional oil and gas.

Details on country-specific reform commitments in all areas described above are attached (Annex 3). Going forward, we will continue our work to strengthen the structural reform agenda.

This Action Plan sets forth our reforms for achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Further, our Accountability Assessment describes the progress we have made on past commitments in (Annex 4). We will identify the remaining key obstacles to be addressed and reforms needed to achieve stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth in our economies. We ask our Finance Ministers to develop further the comprehensive growth strategies for presentation to the Brisbane Summit.

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Cena de Líderes de APEC

Primer retiro de Líderes Económicos de APEC. Avanzar hacia la Integración Económica Regional

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Almuerzo de trabajo de los Líderes Económicos de APEC. Fortalecimiento de la Conectividad Integral y Desarrollo de la Infraestructura

Segundo retiro de Líderes Económicos de APEC. Promoción del Desarrollo Innovador, la Reforma Económica y el Crecimiento

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Sesión de diálogo de Líderes del G20 con representantes del B20

Retiro y almuerzo de Líderes del G20

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Primera sesión de trabajo. Economía global: fortalecer el crecimiento y la creación de empleos

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capital with high speed rail and road links entailing nearly $100 billion in investment. In addition, two new major ports will be established and a new outer harbour will be developed in an existing port through PPP starting 2013-14.

Indonesia will allocate US$ 18 billion in 2013 in capital spending, including infrastructure investment, to improve national and regional connectivity.

Italy commits to improve the business environment and by the end of this year will launch a major program of reforms called ‘Destination Italy’ to attract and assist foreign investments, aimed at implementing the related measures within nine months.

Japan will establish ‘National Strategic Special Zones’ that aim to improve the Japanese business environment with measures including bold regulatory reforms to attract investment from abroad, thereby targeting to double the stock of inward FDI to 35 trillion yen by 2020 from 2012 levels together with other measures.

Korea will promote venture businesses by enhancing tax incentives, providing financial support and creating funds, and ease regulations that hamper corporate investment.

Mexico has proposed important reforms to allow private participation in the energy sector that aim to attract new investment, promote competition and enhance efficiency in the energy supply chain.

Russia commits to improving the business environment by streamlining regulation and easing administrative burdens, which in combination with an increase of financing for infrastructure projects aims to achieve a higher investment to GDP ratio (25% of GDP by 2015 and 27% of GDP by 2018).

Saudi Arabia is further improving public infrastructure for transportation starting from 2014. Saudi Arabia also commits to expand housing stock, increase access to housing finance, and provide greater access to affordable housing.

South Africa will take steps to resolve the energy constraint by starting the process to build a third coal-fired power plant and finalising the process of authorising shale gas exploration in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner. South Africa plans to improve the investment environment through streamlining the procedure for obtaining environmental impact assessments for water and mining projects.

Spain is taking measures to foster entrepreneurship, including legal provisions that facilitate the entrance of SMEs, reduce the red tape as well as measures to improve internationalization financing and far reaching fiscal improvements directed to SMEs (such as VAT according to cash, not accrual).

The U.K. will increase its capital spending by £3 billion per annum from 2015-16 onwards, funded by further reductions to current spending.

The U.S. will improve infrastructure, both through enhanced public investment and through greater encouragement of private investment in infrastructure assets, by


reducing infrastructure permitting timelines and the newly expanded TIFIA loan and loan guarantee program.

As an important prerequisite for strong growth, countries have also committed to measures designed to enhance productivity and competition.

China will accelerate the pilot project to replace its business tax with a VAT, which reduced over 40 billion yuan of tax as part of a 300 billion total structural tax cut in 2012. This project was extended to other sectors in August of this year.

The EU will further integrate its Single Market by setting out specific actions to boost European competitiveness and to unlock economic growth and jobs.

France commits to take measures by the end of 2013 to improve the efficiency of its housing, transportation and energy markets.

Germany will increase competition as per the recently implemented legislation to address merger control to prevent the abuse of market dominance and increase consumer protection. Productivity and innovation will be fostered by the further implementation of the Germany “High-Tech Strategy”.

Italy will further cut red tape for businesses and improve the rule of law and the functioning of administrative and civil justice and commits to further pursue the path of liberalization by the next Summit.

Mexico approved constitutional reforms in competition and telecommunications in June, creating a regulatory framework with specialized technical commissions and tribunals. The reforms include significant opening to foreign investment in telecommunications, radio and TV, and new mandated access regulation in network industries.

Russia commits to simplify its licensing procedures and expand the list of business activities that do not require obtaining permission from 36 to 50 by 2018.

Spain will establish the basic legal framework for market unity on economic regulation across regions by the end of this year. The proposed bill on Guaranteeing Market Unity is expected to add 1.5 percentage points to GDP over the next 10 years once implemented.

The U.K. will take action to reduce the burden on businesses by accelerating the reduction in the corporation tax to 20% by 2015 and support small businesses through an annual Employment Allowance of up to £2,000 from April 2014.

All members remain committed to open trade and investment, expanding markets and resisting protectionism in all its forms, which are necessary conditions for stronger, sustainable and balanced global growth.

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A Blueprint for Growth

State of the Global Economy

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Acting Together to Lift Growth and Create Jobs

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G20 Leaders’ Brisbane Statement on Ebola We are deeply concerned about the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and saddened by the suffering and loss of life it is inflicting. We are mindful of the serious humanitarian, social and economic impacts on those countries, and of the potential for these impacts to spread.

The governments and people of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are making tremendous efforts to fight the outbreak, with the support of the African Union and other African countries. We commend the brave service of health care and relief workers. We also applaud the contributions of countries worldwide, the United Nations (UN) and its bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), international and regional organisations and financial institutions, non-governmental and religious organisations, and the private sector. We fully support the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response’s ongoing work to harness capacity to stop the outbreak, treat the infected, ensure essential services, preserve stability and prevent further outbreaks and urge that it act swiftly to achieve these objectives.

G20 members are committed to do what is necessary to ensure the international effort can extinguish the outbreak and address its medium-term economic and humanitarian costs. We will work through bilateral, regional and multilateral channels, and in partnership with non-governmental stakeholders. We will share our experiences of successfully fighting Ebola with our partners, including to promote safe conditions and training for health care and relief workers. We will work to expedite the effective and targeted disbursement of funds and other assistance, balancing between emergency and longer-term needs.

We invite those governments that have yet to do so to join in providing financial contributions, appropriately qualified and trained medical teams and personnel, medical and protective equipment, and medicines and treatments. While commending ongoing work, we urge greater efforts by researchers, regulators and pharmaceutical companies to develop safe, effective and affordable diagnostic tools, vaccines and treatments. We call upon international and regional institutions, civil society and the private sector to work with governments to mitigate the impacts of the crisis and ensure the longer-term economic recovery.

In this regard, we urge the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to continue their strong support for the affected countries and welcome the IMF’s initiative to make available a further $300 million to stem the Ebola outbreak and ease pressures on Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, through a combination of concessional loans, debt relief, and grants. We ask the IMF and WBG to explore new, flexible mechanisms to address the economic effects of future comparable crises.

This outbreak illustrates the urgency of addressing longer-term systemic issues and gaps in capability, preparedness and response capacity that expose the global economy to the impacts of infectious disease. G20 members recommit to full implementation of the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR). To this end, and in the context of our broader efforts to strengthen health systems globally, we commit to support others to implement the IHR and to build capacity to prevent, detect, report early and rapidly respond to infectious diseases like Ebola. We also commit to fight anti-microbial resistance. Interested G20 members are supporting this goal through initiatives to accelerate action across the Economic Community of West African States and other vulnerable regions and will report progress and announce a time frame by May 2015 at the World Health Assembly.

We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen national, regional and global preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to global health and strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all. We will remain vigilant and responsive.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 2

1. Executive summary 1.1 Energy efficiency is a priority for G20 members. As the world’s leading economies, and consumers of more

than 80 per cent of the world’s energy, G20 members agree that increased collaboration on energy efficiency can drive economic activity and productivity, strengthen energy security and improve environmental outcomes. It can also cut costs for businesses and households. By sharing approaches and working towards harmonisation where appropriate, countries can drive business efficiencies.

1.2 The G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan (the Action Plan) is a practical plan to strengthen voluntary energy efficiency collaboration in a flexible way. It allows countries to share knowledge, experiences and resources by choosing, on an opt-in basis, preferred activities that best reflect their domestic priorities.

1.3 In developing the Action Plan, G20 members have considered the significant work being done through existing international bodies and multilateral arrangements on energy efficiency. G20 members have focused on how they could add value, for example by addressing emerging challenges and gaps in existing work or adding momentum to existing collaboration.

1.4 The Action Plan documents six areas of energy efficiency work for ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing among G20 members and other participating countries, as set out in the table below. Three areas will involve new G20-led work in which participating countries will address an emerging challenge or a gap in existing international collaboration. In the other three areas, participating countries will add value by expanding or enhancing existing international collaboration. The Action Plan also foreshadows other areas for possible future collaboration. G20 members and guest countries have selected, based on national priorities and capabilities, the specific areas of work in which they will participate.

1.5 The International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) will support collaboration under the Action Plan. IPEEC will fully cooperate with expert organisations including the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Energy Forum (IEF), the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD), the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). In 2015, IPEEC will report to the G20, through the Energy Sustainability Working Group (ESWG), on collaboration under the Action Plan, and on possible next steps for G20 consideration. IPEEC will consult with such organisations in preparation of the report.

1.6 G20 members and other participating countries acknowledge the importance of providing sufficient resourcing to IPEEC and other participating international organisations, through voluntary financial and in-kind contributions, to enable them to support the Action Plan.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 3

PRIORITIES AND KEY ACTIONS Collaboration and knowledge sharing

PRIORITIES FOR NEW WORK Priorities Key Actions Vehicles: Improving vehicle energy efficiency and emissions performance

Participating countries will work together to improve vehicle energy efficiency and emissions performance, particularly for heavy duty vehicles. In 2015, this work will include developing recommendations, for G20 consideration, including for strengthened domestic standards in G20 countries in as many areas as possible related to clean fuels, vehicle emissions and vehicle fuel efficiency, and for green freight programs. Participating countries will work together with IPEEC and relevant expert international organisations to establish a new IPEEC Transport Task Group to support this work.

Products: Networked devices

Participating countries will work together to accelerate the development of new ways to improve the energy efficiency of networked devices. In 2015, this work will include consideration of options for goals for reducing the global standby mode energy consumption of networked devices.

Finance: Enhancing capital flows to energy efficiency investments

Participating countries will work together to establish a new IPEEC Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group to engage with the international finance community and develop options for promoting the flow of private and public capital to energy efficiency investments.

PRIORITIES FOR ACCELERATING EXISTING INTERNATIONAL WORK Priorities Key Actions Buildings: Improving metrics and performance

Participating countries will work together to take forward recent IPEEC Building Energy Efficiency Task Group (BEET) recommendations, including by furthering collaboration on best practices in national building codes, metrics, rating, labelling and disclosure.

Industrial energy management: Making industrial processes more energy efficient

Participating countries will cooperate to accelerate the work of the existing IPEEC Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership (GSEP) Energy Management Working Group and the Energy Management Action Network (EMAK) Task Group.

Electricity generation: Sharing high-efficiency, low-emissions technologies

Participating countries will work together, through the existing IPEEC GSEP Power Working Group, to develop a detailed implementation plan for sharing knowledge of high-efficiency, low emissions electricity generation technologies that are consistent with our climate activities and commitments.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 4

2. Priorities for new work 2.1 Vehicles, networked devices and financing are areas where G20 members can add value by addressing an

emerging challenge or a gap in existing international collaboration.

VEHICLES Improving vehicle energy efficiency and emissions performance


Participating countries will work together to improve vehicle energy efficiency and emissions performance, particularly for heavy duty vehicles. In 2015, this work will include developing recommendations, for G20 consideration, including for strengthened domestic standards in G20 countries in as many areas as possible related to clean fuels, vehicle emissions and vehicle fuel efficiency, and for green freight programs. Participating countries will work together with IPEEC and relevant expert international organisations to establish a new IPEEC Transport Task Group to support this work.

2.2 The problem: The transport sector is a major consumer of energy and source of related emissions. Globally, the transport sector is estimated to account for around 20 per cent of total energy use. The IEA estimates that transport energy use could increase by as much as 70 per cent globally by 2050 unless energy efficiency and other policies are significantly strengthened. The IEA also suggests that ambitious policy and technology development, and implementation, could mitigate much of this growth. Heavy duty vehicles – trucks, buses and other large vehicles – are one area of particular focus. Globally, heavy-duty vehicles only make up about 10 per cent of the vehicle fleet, but they consume around half of all transport fuels and emit even higher fractions of vehicular air pollutants. About 75 per cent of global HDV sales occur in G20 countries.

2.3 G20’s approach: This work, which will be coordinated by the United States, will evaluate and promote opportunities for faster development and introduction of more stringent domestic vehicle fuel efficiency requirements and air pollution emissions standards for new vehicles, as well as related national fuel quality standards and green freight programs. The expertise of specialist international organisations, such as the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI), and the International Transport Forum (ITF), will be an important input to this work. While such standards are applied domestically, in accordance with differing national circumstances and priorities, international work can accelerate technical development of standards and testing regimes and facilitate voluntary harmonisation. Harmonisation of national standards helps reduce development costs for new vehicles and lessens the regulatory burden. This work will include collaboration and exchange of experiences and best practices on relevant national standards.

2.4 In 2015, there will be a focus on heavy duty vehicles, whose environmental impacts are disproportionately high and for which standards and technology are less developed. New collaborative work in this area could help participating countries to develop techniques for effectively measuring, comparing and controlling the fuel consumption and environmental impacts of heavy duty vehicles. This could in turn facilitate the development and implementation of common approaches and coordinated national standards. Recommendations could cover vehicle-based and fuel-based approaches for reducing the energy, environment and climate impacts of heavy duty vehicles. These include engine efficiency and performance improvements, aerodynamics and tyre improvements, the increased supply and use of complementary fuels including biofuels and natural gas and more.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 5

2.5 With respect to light duty vehicles, participating countries may consider strengthening support for and participation in the GFEI. This collaborative activity is currently supported by the IEA, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Foundation, the ITF and the ICCT. Participating countries could support the GFEI to increase collaborative activity and research, better share knowledge and experiences with light duty vehicle fuel efficiency standards and programs (and on related air pollution and fuel quality issues), and achieve more rapid improvements in the fuel efficiency of vehicles internationally. Participating countries may also consider further action in support of GFEI’s overall aim of improving fuel efficiency.

PRODUCTS Networked devices


Participating countries will work together to accelerate the development of new ways to improve the energy efficiency of networked devices. In 2015, this work will include consideration of options for goals for reducing the global standby mode energy consumption of networked devices.

2.6 The problem: Networked devices are widely traded internationally. These devices include smart phones, computers, televisions, set top boxes, printers and other office equipment, and increasingly white goods, lighting equipment, kitchen appliances and heating and cooling products. International collaboration towards voluntary harmonisation of domestic product energy efficiency standards can reduce barriers to trade that arise from differing standards. This reduces compliance and regulatory burdens on industry and reduces product development costs. It can also facilitate pooling of resources in research and innovation. International collaboration around the energy efficiency of networked devices could be deepened, leading to more rapid realisation of benefits for all countries, including reductions in energy demand and peak load infrastructure requirements.

2.7 The growing energy consumption of networked devices when they are not in use – but are in standby mode is an emerging challenge. Networks routinely “wake” such devices, leading to additional and often unnecessary power consumption. Many devices use as much energy in standby mode as they do when they are in use. With the global trend towards an “internet of things”, the IEA estimates that up to 50 billion devices may be connected to networks by 2020. Already, the annual standby power consumption of networked devices is estimated at over 600 TWh. This is greater than Canada’s total annual electricity consumption in 2011. By 2025, global standby power consumption is projected to nearly double. However, the IEA estimates that wider uptake of today’s best practice technologies could reduce this consumption by 65 per cent.

2.8 G20’s approach: Participating countries will work with the IEA, to expand relevant research and information sharing, and to accelerate the development of product standards, particularly on technologies that would enable devices to power down and use less energy when in standby mode. This work could also include development of a policy framework to reduce energy consumption of networked devices when in standby mode. This could be achieved by intensifying international cooperation through inter alia the IEA’s Energy Efficient End-use Equipment (4E) initiative and through the Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and IPEEC. The United Kingdom will coordinate G20 work on networked products.

2.9 In 2015, participating countries will consider options for goals for reducing the global standby mode energy consumption of networked devices.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 6

FINANCE Enhancing capital flows to energy efficiency investments


Participating countries will work together to establish a new IPEEC Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group to engage with the international finance community and develop options for promoting the flow of private and public capital to energy efficiency investments.

2.10 The problem: To realise the multiple benefits of energy efficiency, greater investment in energy efficiency is needed across G20 countries. Actions to improve energy efficiency – including making power generation cleaner and more efficient, retrofitting buildings, promoting uptake of more efficient appliances and equipment, and investing in public transport – are often costly and require access to affordable finance.

2.11 This need arises while G20 budgets are thinly stretched across many public policy priorities and are unlikely to be sufficient to realise all of the opportunities of improved energy efficiency. There is a need and opportunity to facilitate greater access to capital to finance energy efficiency activities: both private capital on commercially attractive terms, and public capital such as that arranged through multilateral development banks such as the World Bank as well as national development banks. However, energy efficiency is a different investment class to major infrastructure projects, as projects can be small and scattered across thousands of sites making estimates of revenue from energy savings harder to quantify. So financial institutions require reliable analytical tools to provide sufficient credit certainty and minimise risk premiums on credit facilities. Governments can generate confidence and provide certainty for private investors through well-informed policies and programs.

2.12 G20’s approach: Participating countries will work with IPEEC to create an Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group, supported by the OECD and other relevant international organisations and initiatives (including the World Bank, the IEF, the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative), to facilitate a high-level dialogue with representatives of the international finance community. Mexico and France will coordinate this work. G20 members would also draw on the work of the G20 Investment and Infrastructure Working Group (IIWG) to ensure that the lessons learned by the IIWG are applied where appropriate.

2.13 The task group will contribute to best practice and capacity building by collecting and analysing case studies of successful financing initiatives on both the demand side (borrowers) and the supply side (banks and investors). Lessons learned will be disseminated through best practice toolkits, information packs, online tutorials and direct engagement. The dialogue between the energy efficiency community and financial institutions will be used to develop options for policy approaches that better facilitate the flow of private and public capital into energy efficiency investments. This will include identifying issues for energy efficiency investment finance from the perspectives of both demand (borrowers) and supply (banks and investors); and identifying appropriate policy and market approaches – such as financial instruments, standards and tools and services – to address these issues.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 7

3. Priorities for accelerating existing international work

3.1 Buildings, industrial energy management and electricity generation are areas where G20 members can add value by expanding or enhancing existing international collaboration.

BUILDINGS Improving metrics and performance


Participating countries will work together to take forward recent IPEEC Building Energy Efficiency Task Group (BEET) recommendations, including by furthering collaboration on best practices in national building codes, metrics, rating, labelling and disclosure.

3.2 The problem: Worldwide, buildings account for over 30 per cent of total final energy consumption, much of which can be avoided through design, components (such as glazing), equipment, systems and control strategies, all of which can be cost-effective. In G20 countries experiencing rapid economic growth, energy efficiency opportunities for new buildings may be the focus. Other G20 members could retrofit a large stock of existing buildings to improve energy performance. While building designs and construction techniques can be localised, there are opportunities to share best practice policy models and design concepts. There are also opportunities to work towards voluntary harmonisation of domestic standards for building products, where international trade is significant.

3.3 Three examples of areas where best practices could usefully be shared are performance codes, building energy data and rating and disclosure. Performance codes remain the “workhorses” of the building energy efficiency world, and can bring about such benefits as reduced lifecycle operating costs for buildings, reduced peak electricity demand, and improved occupant health outcomes. Concerted action on building energy data can improve the availability, quality and utility of metrics. Rating and disclosure is a market-based approach that is not prescriptive of outcomes but makes building energy performance visible; and there is growing evidence that building owners and occupants act on information provided through rating and disclosure, even where not required to do so.

3.4 G20’s approach: Participating countries will work through the existing IPEEC Building Energy Efficiency Task group (BEET), co-ordinated jointly by the United States and Australia, together with the IEA and the Global Superior Energy Performance (GSEP) partnership. BEET has conducted work on building rating systems and, at the request of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF), identified key areas for further international collaboration and developed options for metrics to gauge progress in building performance.

3.5 BEET’s focus in 2015 will be work to promote uptake of best practices in the field of building energy performance codes and to develop and track building energy efficiency metrics, working through the IEA. The work on codes could highlight the continuing importance of effective energy performance requirements in building codes, including reviewing national code outcomes and capacity building and support for countries wishing to strengthen their codes. This work could also consider national mechanisms to support compliance with building codes, as compliance is acknowledged to be a concern in many countries. Further work on metrics will help gauge progress and identify opportunities for improvement in building energy performance.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 8

3.6 Previously BEET has identified priorities to promote awareness and take-up of building rating, labelling and disclosure tools. Further activities in this area could focus on documenting and information sharing on best practice national policy models, ratings and disclosure mechanisms, common metrics and methodologies, and capacity building.

INDUSTRIAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT Making industrial processes more energy efficient


Participating countries will cooperate to accelerate the work of the existing IPEEC Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership (GSEP) Energy Management Working Group and the Energy Management Action Network (EMAK) Task Group.

3.7 The problem: As many industrial processes are energy-intensive, industrial energy efficiency improvement is a cost-effective strategy.

3.8 G20’s approach: Participating countries will work to accelerate the uptake of industrial energy management systems through existing IPEEC working groups, the GSEP Energy Management Working Group (which is a joint IPEEC-CEM initiative) and the Energy Management Action Network (EMAK).

3.9 Expanded participation in the GSEP and EMAK will help to build capacity through wider sharing of tools and best practices on the use of energy management systems. Specifically, wider voluntary uptake of the ISO 50001 energy management protocol could deliver significant energy efficiency benefits in the industrial sector. The ISO 50001 energy management system respects the diversity of industrial and process systems across different countries, and is adaptable to a range of sectors and circumstances.

3.10 A number of G20 members are already involved in existing work of the GSEP and EMAK working groups, including Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, South Africa and the United States.

ELECTRICITY GENERATION Sharing high-efficiency, low-emissions technologies


Participating countries will work together, through the existing IPEEC GSEP Power Working Group, to develop a detailed implementation plan for sharing knowledge of high-efficiency, low- emissions electricity generation technologies that are consistent with our climate activities and commitments.

3.11 The problem: Global electricity generation expanded more than five-fold over the 20 years to 2011, with fossil fuels accounting for the largest share of this growth. Forecast rapid economic development in many countries in coming decades means electricity demand and generation growth will continue. This will require vast investments in electricity generation and transmission/distribution capacity.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 9

3.12 Improvements in energy efficiency on the demand (consumption) side are an effective strategy to reduce the burdens associated with such rapid demand growth. Electricity generators that convert primary fossil fuels into electricity are likely to continue to be major consumers of such fuels due to the affordability and availability of fossil fuels. Therefore, improvements in the energy efficiency of (supply side) conventional power generation technologies, including by the introduction of high-efficiency, low-emission power plants, can help to reduce CO2 emissions.

3.13 G20’s approach: Participating countries will work together, through the existing IPEEC Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership (GSEP) Power Working Group coordinated by Japan, to increase understanding of high-efficiency, low emissions technologies that contribute to lowering of greenhouse gas emissions. A number of G20 members are involved in ongoing work of the GSEP Power Working Group.

4. Areas for future consideration 4.1 In addition to the priorities set out above, several other areas of work received support from G20 members

and other participating countries and may, along with other possible areas, be considered further by the G20 in future years. These include the areas noted below.

4.2 Network of implementing organisations: This network, which Japan is establishing, is designed to build capability and support best practice knowledge sharing on energy efficiency implementation across several sectors and technologies. An expanded network would build on the work of existing institutions such as the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ), which is also expected to function as the Energy Efficiency Facilitating Hub in Tokyo for the UN Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) work. The G20 may in future consider how this network could be further enhanced.

4.3 Energy efficiency data: The IEA and France have proposed a Joint End Use Data Initiative (JEUDI) which could enhance data collection and indicator analysis on energy efficiency. This would provide governments with further evidence to help them realise significant energy efficiency opportunities. It would also help to develop shared techniques for measuring and projecting the benefits of energy efficiency and could support investment decision-making. Some elements of the proposed JEUDI work are being considered as part of work on buildings through the BEET 4 work plan, which will focus on developing metrics through the IEA. G20 members may in the future consider support for other elements and related work on data being conducted by the IEF.

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G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan | 10

5. Implementing the Action Plan

5.1 IPEEC will support collaboration under the Action Plan. In doing so, IPEEC will fully cooperate with relevant expert international organisations, including the IEA, IEF, OECD and OPEC. Officials from participating countries will play the primary delivery role, using IPEEC task groups, with support from expert organisations. In 2015, IPEEC will report to the G20, through the Energy Sustainability Working Group, on collaboration under the Action Plan, and on possible next steps for G20 consideration.

5.2 IPEEC is a partnership rather than an institution or organisation. Its work is undertaken by officials from IPEEC member countries and other participating countries, who exchange ideas and experiences and collaborate on specific projects. It coordinates activities among governments. It is funded entirely by members’ voluntary contributions. The small secretariat oversees and coordinates the work of its task groups, and provides administrative services to IPEEC members. This model’s advantages include significant flexibility and responsiveness to changing needs and priorities. This flexibility and openness extends to welcoming non-IPEEC members to participate in task groups.

5.3 IPEEC’s membership overlaps with that of the G20, so it is well placed to support work under the Action Plan, working with other international organisations. It can help to minimise duplication of effort and realise synergies among existing collaborative initiatives. G20 members that are not members of IPEEC have been invited to join IPEEC and encouraged to join and participate in IPEEC task groups. Non-IPEEC G20 members have also been invited to attend IPEEC meetings as observers. A number of non-G20 member countries have indicated interest in joining the new taskgroups and their participation is welcome.

5.4 G20 members acknowledge that sufficient resourcing for IPEEC, and for the work set out in this Action Plan, will be critical to success. To support effective resourcing for the Action Plan, G20 members and other participating countries will aim to support and strengthen IPEEC through active participation in their selected areas of work, direct voluntary contributions to those areas of work (financial or in-kind) and, if they are IPEEC members, ongoing voluntary member contributions to IPEEC (financial or in-kind). Provided it has appropriate resourcing, the IPEEC secretariat will be able to facilitate committee and task group meetings, give strategic oversight, document and report on progress in G20 collaboration under the Action Plan, and plan and co-ordinate events.

5.5 G20 members and other participating countries also acknowledge the important role of participating expert international organisations in supporting collaboration under the Action Plan through provision of expertise and specialist resources. G20 members will take this additional G20 energy efficiency work into account when considering future financial contributions to these organisations.

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2015-16 G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan G20 Leaders established the Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) at the Toronto Summit in 2010 in recognition of the significant negative impact of corruption on economic growth, trade and development. At the end of 2014, corruption continues to represent a significant threat to global growth and financial stability. Corruption destroys public trust, undermines the rule of law, skews competition, impedes cross-border investment and trade, and distorts resource allocation. As a group of the world’s largest economies, the G20 remains committed to reducing the incidence of corruption and building a global culture of intolerance towards corruption.

To support the G20 growth and resilience agenda, the ACWG commits to focus its work on where it can best add value to existing international efforts to reduce corruption and enhance transparency. The G20 has a special role in injecting political momentum in response to critical global governance challenges. An important element of the G20 response is partnering with international organisations to ensure a coordinated approach to address critical gaps in the global response to corruption. Mindful of the G20 High-Level Principles on Corruption and Growth, we will work closely with other work streams and working groups to develop a strong, coherent G20 anti-corruption agenda, in order to strengthen investment environments and boost growth.

Since 2010, the work of the ACWG has been guided by two-year action plans that include, among others, commitments by G20 countries to ratify and implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption, combat money laundering, promote integrity within our respective governments, and cooperate with other countries to investigate, prosecute and recover the proceeds of corruption. The G20 renews its pledge to fully implement actions agreed in previous action plans. In addition, G20 members commit to taking concrete, practical action in 2015-16 on the following issues, which G20 countries have identified as high priorities in the fight against corruption:

Beneficial ownership transparency: Preventing the abuse of legal persons and arrangements is a critical issue in the global fight against corruption. Despite significant international efforts and attention, legal persons and arrangements continue to be misused to hide or conceal criminal activity such as money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption. This abuse of legal persons and arrangements undermines the broader efforts of the G20 to achieve its mission of protecting the global financial system and promoting growth. G20 countries commit to promote greater transparency through effective implementation of the international standards on the beneficial ownership of legal persons and arrangements, set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). This will include taking concrete action and sharing in writing steps to be taken to implement the G20 High-Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency.

Bribery: G20 countries recognise that bribery imposes a heavy price on both international business and society as a whole, with the annual cost of bribery estimated by the World Bank to be USD$1 trillion. Combating bribery remains an important priority for the G20 growth agenda, including by helping to level the playing field for business and giving the private sector the confidence it needs to invest in infrastructure and other growth-producing sectors and projects. G20 countries commit to lead by example in combating bribery, including by active participation with the OECD Working Group on Bribery with a view to exploring possible adherence to the OECD Anti-bribery Convention. G20 countries also commit to comprehensively and effectively criminalise bribery of domestic and foreign public officials, as well as the solicitation of bribes, establish the liability of legal persons, and enforce such laws through civil and criminal actions.

High-risk sectors: G20 countries recognise that certain sectors are particularly vulnerable to some unique corruption risks and challenges. Effectively preventing and combating corruption in these high-risk sectors is essential to create an environment conducive to investment, and to ensure critical assets and resources are

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not diverted away from economic growth and development. For this reason, G20 countries commit to taking practical action, consistent with national circumstances, to address the risk of corruption in the extractives sector and other high risk sectors such as customs, fisheries and primary forestry, and construction sectors, including by identifying and developing international best practices and promoting collective action initiatives.

Public sector transparency and integrity: G20 countries recognise that promoting greater transparency and integrity in the public sector is essential to preventing the misuse or diversion of public funds and conflicts of interest, which can have a significant negative impact on economic growth and development. In particular, transparency in public investment and procurement processes will boost business confidence and enhance cross-border trade and investment. Concrete action on these issues will also directly support the G20 development agenda, including by helping to protect public finances required for investment in infrastructure. G20 countries commit to leading by example in ensuring our government agencies, policies, and officials implement international best practices for public sector transparency and integrity. The ACWG has identified public procurement, open data, whistleblower protections, immunities for public officials, fiscal and budget transparency, and standards for public officials as issues which merit particular attention.

International cooperation: In the globalized environment, many corrupt persons through increasingly sophisticated methods seek to exploit international borders to avoid prosecution, or to hide and enjoy the proceeds of corruption. In this context, international cooperation, including possible assistance in civil and administrative procedures related to corruption, is essential to the successful investigation, prosecution and recovery of the proceeds of corruption. Mindful that G20 countries are home to many of the world’s most significant financial centres, G20 countries commit to lead by example in recovering and returning the proceeds of corruption. Building on the G20 Asset Recovery Profiles and G20 Guides to Asset Recovery, the ACWG will develop a collective G20 agenda to promote effective asset recovery. G20 countries also commit to helping to end impunity for corruption offences by working together to investigate and prosecute corruption offences, to recover the proceeds of such offences, and to deny entry and safe haven to corrupt officials and those who corrupt them, and by promoting international cooperation, including mutual legal assistance and extradition, consistent with the UNCAC.

Private sector transparency and integrity: G20 countries recognise that they must continue to work closely with business and civil society to reduce corruption. For businesses, bribery and other forms of corruption can have a serious impact on their commercial viability, including by distorting competition, increasing the costs of cross-border transactions, and threatening the stability of their trading and investment environment. G20 countries recognise that governments cannot fight corruption alone, and the private sector is an essential partner in helping us to achieve our anti-corruption goals. G20 countries commit to continuing to work with the private sector and civil society to combat corruption, including by developing anti-corruption education and training for business, with a particular focus on SMEs, and by examining best practices for encouraging businesses to implement robust compliance programs and self-report breaches of corruption laws.

The G20 commits to lead by example and hold itself accountable for its anti-corruption commitments, including by reporting annually to G20 leaders on progress made in meeting these commitments and publishing these reports. G20 countries commit to working closely with the G20 engagement groups and international organisations to implement the commitments in this Action Plan.

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Informe de la participación del Presidente

Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes

del G20 en Antalya, Turquía, la Visita de Estado a Filipinas y en la XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos

del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico

15-19 de noviembre de 2015

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Informe de la participación del Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos,

Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Antalya, Turquía, la Visita de Estado a Filipinas y en la XXIII

Reunión de Líderes Económicos del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico

15-19 de noviembre de 2015

Índice A) Cumbre de Líderes del Grupo de los Veinte (G20), Antalya


B) Visita de Estado a Filipinas C) XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos del Foro de Cooperación

Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC) D) Encuentros bilaterales en el marco de la gira E) Anexos

1. Comitiva a G20 2. Declaración de Líderes del G20 2015 3. Plan de Acción de Antalya 4. Declaración del G20 sobre la Lucha contra el Terrorismo 5. Comitiva a Filipinas 6. Comunicado Conjunto México-Filipinas 7. Comitiva a la XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos de APEC 8. Declaración de Líderes de APEC 2015

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A) Cumbre de Líderes del G20

Por invitación del Presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto participó en la Cumbre de Líderes del Grupo de los Veinte (G20) en Antalya, Turquía, los días 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2015. Turquía presidió los trabajos del G20 durante 2015. El eje rector de su Presidencia fue lograr un crecimiento robusto e incluyente, con base en tres prioridades: detonar la inversión como motor del crecimiento y la creación de empleos de calidad; avanzar en la instrumentación de compromisos previos; y promover de forma transversal la inclusión, de modo que el crecimiento se traduzca en mejores oportunidades, especialmente para los países en desarrollo y los sectores vulnerables. Los líderes adoptaron la Declaración de Antalya, en la que se reflejan los principales resultados del trabajo conjunto del G20 durante este año y los compromisos más importantes acordados por los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno en la Cumbre. Los principales objetivos de la participación de México en la Cumbre de Antalya fueron: compartir información sobre la ambiciosa agenda de reformas estructurales que ha emprendido y que contribuirán a alcanzar la meta colectiva de crecimiento de la economía global; impulsar el comercio como motor del crecimiento y reiterar el compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas; promover mecanismos que faciliten los flujos de inversión en infraestructura y fortalecer el compromiso del G20 con el combate al hambre y la mitigación del cambio climático. En la Cumbre estuvieron presentes los Líderes de 18 miembros del G201. Asimismo, participaron los Líderes de los países invitados de la Presidencia turca2 y los titulares de los siguientes organismos internacionales: Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera, Banco Mundial, Fondo Monetario Internacional, Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Organización Internacional del Trabajo, Organización Mundial del Comercio y Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico.

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Los líderes emitieron también una declaración sobre la lucha contra el terrorismo. Durante las sesiones de trabajo, los líderes del G20 intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre los mecanismos mediante los cuales el G20 puede seguir fortaleciendo el diálogo y la cooperación con los países en desarrollo y con bajo nivel de ingreso, y contribuir de mejor manera a la instrumentación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030. Asimismo, hablaron sobre la importancia de lograr un acuerdo sostenible en el largo plazo en la Conferencia de las Partes de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (COP21) en París en diciembre de 2015. El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto reafirmó el respaldo de México a la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 2030, con cuya visión a favor de la inclusión, la prosperidad compartida, la protección ambiental, el respeto de los derechos humanos y la paz universal México coincide plenamente. El Presidente señaló que los 17 objetivos y 169 metas de los ODS representan una importante guía para todos los países y celebró el compromiso del G20 con un crecimiento incluyente, que tome en cuenta a los países en desarrollo y con bajos niveles de ingresos, para lograr un escenario económico mundial fuerte, sostenible y equilibrado.

Por otra parte, el Presidente subrayó que el cambio climático y sus efectos nos obligan a repensar la manera en que producimos y consumimos. También destacó que a pesar de emitir sólo 1.4% de los gases de efecto invernadero del mundo, México es vulnerable a fenómenos meteorológicos provocados por el cambio climático. En este sentido, el Presidente se refirió a los esfuerzos de México en la lucha contra el cambio climático, como la aprobación de la Ley General de Cambio Climático, la elaboración de una Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático, así como el enfoque “verde” de las reformas estructurales alcanzadas, en particular la energética, que prevé acciones para favorecer la transición hacia fuentes de energía más limpias, y la hacendaria, que grava los energéticos que más contribuyen al calentamiento global. El Presidente también recordó que México fue el primer país en desarrollo en presentar ante la ONU su Contribución Prevista y Determinada a Nivel Nacional. Los líderes refrendaron el compromiso de alcanzar un crecimiento colectivo del G20 de un 2% adicional para 2018, para lo cual se discutieron las estrategias, tanto nacionales como globales, para estimular el crecimiento y la inversión. También se convino en instrumentar políticas macroeconómicas solidas de forma coordinada y actuar con prudencia y comunicar oportunamente las decisiones importantes en materia de política monetaria.

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Por invitación de su homólogo turco, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto fue orador principal en el tema de estrategias de inversión. En su intervención, el Presidente se refirió, por una parte, a las contribuciones que ha hecho México como copresidente —junto con Alemania e Indonesia— del Grupo de Trabajo del G20 sobre Inversión e Infraestructura. Dicho trabajo incluye acciones desarrolladas a nivel colectivo, para instrumentar mecanismos de financiamiento de largo plazo, para ampliar y optimizar el impacto de los recursos de la Banca Multilateral de Desarrollo y para crear un entorno más favorable a la inversión. Por otra parte, el Presidente habló sobre las acciones de México, a nivel país, para estimular la inversión y el desarrollo de infraestructura, como la aprobación de seis reformas estructurales en materia económica y estrategias para promover el emprendimiento y la transición a la formalidad. El Presidente hizo referencia, también, al Programa Nacional de Infraestructura, que contempla una inversión 459 mil millones de dólares en autopistas, carreteras, puertos y gasoductos. Turquía, como Presidente del G20 y anfitrión de la Cumbre, propuso una discusión sobre dos retos globales: el terrorismo y la crisis de los refugiados. Los líderes reconocieron que la crisis de los refugiados es una preocupación global, que tiene consecuencias humanitarias, políticas, sociales y económicas, y que requiere de una acción decidida de la comunidad internacional. El Presidente Peña Nieto subrayó que México es un país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes y que como tal le preocupa la situación humanitaria en Medio Oriente. Recordó que en 2014 México otorgó —a través de organismos internacionales— 3 millones de dólares para apoyar a refugiados sirios en Jordania, Líbano y Turquía. Asimismo, señaló que de 2013 a la fecha México ha recibido a más de mil refugiados, la mayoría provenientes de Centroamérica y agradeció el respaldo y el apoyo técnico que ha brindado el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR). En relación con la amenaza del terrorismo, todos los líderes expresaron su condena a los recientes ataques en Turquía y Francia, así como al terrorismo en todas sus manifestaciones e hicieron un llamado a aumentar la cooperación internacional para hacerle frente de forma contundente. El Presidente Peña Nieto expresó la enérgica condena de México a todos los actos de terrorismo, así como su solidaridad con las víctimas y con sus familiares. Añadió que nada justifica el uso de la violencia en contra de

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civiles indefensos y señaló que el problema del terrorismo requiere de una respuesta concertada y contundente de la comunidad internacional, apegada al respeto de los derechos humanos y que ataque las causas estructurales que ocasionan este fenómeno. El Presidente de la República compartió las acciones que México ha tomado para contribuir en la lucha contra el terrorismo: en el plano nacional, se han realizado modificaciones legales para combatir con mayor eficacia y contundencia el terrorismo, se ha fortalecido la inteligencia operativa y el intercambio de información, así como la inteligencia financiera para detectar y congelar fuentes de financiamiento de actividades terroristas. En el plano internacional, el Presidente recordó que este año México presidió el Grupo de Acción Financiera de Latinoamérica, enfocado en combatir el lavado de dinero y el terrorismo; en el marco de la Organización de Estados Americanos, México participa en el Comité Interamericano contra el Terrorismo; y con Estados Unidos existe una amplia cooperación en materia de seguridad fronteriza y combate al lavado de dinero. Los líderes del G20 hicieron votos a favor de la instrumentación de las reformas del Fondo Monetario Internacional acordadas en 2010. No obstante, destacaron los importantes avances alcanzados en la agenda para el fortalecimiento de la regulación y supervisión financiera internacional. En el mismo sentido, acordaron continuar por la senda de una mayor cooperación internacional en materia tributaria, a fin de evitar la evasión fiscal y contar con sistemas hacendarios más sólidos y saludables. También refrendaron el compromiso crear una cultura global de intolerancia hacia la corrupción. Reconociendo que el crecimiento del comercio global sigue siendo bajo, pero que éste es un importante motor del crecimiento económico, los líderes del G20 reiteraron el compromiso de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas y de fortalecer el sistema multilateral de comercio, con la OMC como su columna vertebral. El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto señaló que en la actual coyuntura de bajo crecimiento de la economía mundial, las naciones del G20 deben renovar sus esfuerzos para facilitar e incrementar el comercio. Destacó que México es una de las economías más abiertas del G20, con una red de trece tratados de libre comercio que da acceso a 1309 millones de potenciales consumidores en 52 países. En materia de energía, se destacó el trabajo realizado este año por el G20 para facilitar el acceso a la energía en África Subsahariana. El Presidente

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Peña mencionó que la disponibilidad de más y mejores fuentes de energía, así como la adopción de tecnologías de mayor eficiencia, son indispensables para acelerar el crecimiento económico de manera sostenida. En ese sentido, se refirió a la reforma energética de México, que establece condiciones para aumentar la producción, transformación y distribución de energéticos de manera transparente, eficiente, competitiva y sostenible. Principales acuerdos de la Cumbre de Antalya

Adopción del Plan de Acción de Antalya, con acciones nacionales y

globales para un crecimiento fuerte, sostenido y equilibrado.

Establecimiento de un estándar internacional común sobre la Capacidad Total de Absorción de Pérdidas para bancos de importancia sistémica global.

Adopción del compromiso y de acciones para reducir en 15% para 2025 la proporción de jóvenes en riesgo de desempleo.

Adopción de un Plan para facilitar el acceso a la energía en África Subsahariana.

Fortalecimiento del diálogo y la cooperación entre el G20 y los países en desarrollo y con un bajo nivel de ingresos.

Compromiso de instrumentar la meta del G20 de reducir el costo total promedio de las transferencias de remesas por debajo de 5%.

Adopción de una Declaración de los Líderes del G20 sobre la Lucha contra el Terrorismo.

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B) Visita de Estado a Filipinas A invitación del Presidente de Filipinas, Benigno Aquino III, el Presidente de la República realizó una visita de Estado a Filipinas, la primera de un mandatario mexicano a dicho país en 53 años. Además, la visita tuvo lugar en el marco del 450° aniversario del primer tornaviaje del Galeón Acapulco-Manila. El principal objetivo de la visita fue profundizar la relación e impulsar al más alto nivel el diálogo y la cooperación política, tanto a nivel bilateral como multilateral, refrendar los lazos de identidad histórica y cultural, que proveen los sólidos cimientos de amistad entre ambos países, así como consolidar a México como un socio seguro y confiable para las inversiones filipinas en nuestro país, así como para la creciente presencia de empresas mexicanas en ese país. Los mandatarios de México y Filipinas sostuvieron una reunión de trabajo con sus respectivas delegaciones en la que reconocieron los profundos lazos históricos, culturales y comerciales que nos han unido durante más de cuatro siglos. Acordaron incrementar la cooperación bilateral para dar un nuevo impulso a los intercambios y fortalecer la relación en el largo plazo. Asimismo, coincidieron en la necesidad de ampliar y hacer más incluyente la agenda bilateral, con el fin de elevar la relación al nivel que su potencial amerita, al tiempo de fomentar el diálogo político a todos los niveles. De igual modo, acordaron continuar promoviendo los vínculos parlamentarios. En el ámbito económico, se comprometieron a promover mayores inversiones en sectores clave como manufacturas, servicios, turismo, tecnologías de la información, energía, construcción, infraestructura, transportes y comunicaciones, con la finalidad de reflejar la creciente importancia regional y global de ambas economías y la diversidad de sus intercambios económicos. Los Presidentes de México y de Filipinas acordaron dar continuidad a las reuniones de la Comisión Mixta de Cooperación Educativa y Cultural y reafirmaron la importancia de intensificar la cooperación en los esfuerzos bilaterales para combatir el tráfico de drogas y el crimen organizado. Asimismo, expresaron su intención de continuar compartiendo buenas prácticas en sus esfuerzos por garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de ambos países.

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En el ámbito multilateral, reiteraron el compromiso de México y Filipinas, como actores responsables en la comunidad internacional, con la promoción de un orden mundial basado en los principios de Derecho Internacional, la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y la solución pacífica de las controversias. Asimismo, acordaron intensificar la cooperación en el marco de la ONU, el Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC) y el Foro de Cooperación América Latina-Asia del Este (Focalae), sobre temas prioritarios de la agenda internacional, tales como la reforma integral de la ONU, el desarme, la cooperación sur-sur, la seguridad energética, la seguridad alimentaria, el desarrollo sostenible, los derechos humanos, el Estado de derecho y los principios de buena gobernanza. Manifestaron su apoyo para estrechar la relación entre la Alianza del Pacífico y APEC y reconocieron la importancia de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP, por sus siglas en inglés), como una plataforma global que propicia la transparencia de los gobiernos, la participación ciudadana, la rendición de cuentas y el uso de tecnología e innovación para fortalecer la gobernanza. Ambos líderes expresaron su apoyo para el desarrollo de programas, proyectos y prioridades del OGP. Asimismo, reiteraron su voluntad de adoptar un acuerdo ambicioso y efectivo durante la 21ª. Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático en diciembre de 2015. Los mandatarios atestiguaron la suscripción de los siguientes instrumentos, que robustecen el marco jurídico bilateral:

1. Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Gobierno de la República de Filipinas para Evitar la Doble Imposición en Materia de Impuestos sobre la Renta y Prevenir la Evasión Fiscal

2. Memorándum de Entendimiento entre la Secretaría de Turismo de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Departamento de Turismo de la República de Filipinas sobre Cooperación Turística

3. Memorándum de Entendimiento entre la Procuraduría General de la República de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y la Agencia Filipina Antidrogas de la República de Filipinas sobre Cooperación para Combatir el Tráfico Ilícito de Estupefacientes, Sustancias Psicotrópicas, sus Análogos, Precursores Químicos y Productos Químicos Esenciales, así como Productos o Preparados que los Contengan

Finalmente, como resultado del encuentro se adoptó un Comunicado Conjunto (anexo) en el que se plasman los principales acuerdos políticos alcanzados durante la visita de Estado y se trazan los lineamientos que

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guiarán la relación bilateral en los próximos años en materia de diálogo político, desarrollo económico, cooperación en diversos sectores y asuntos multilaterales.

C) XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos de APEC

Por invitación del Presidente de la República de Filipinas, Benigno Aquino III, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto participó en la XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos de APEC, celebrada en Manila, Filipinas, los días 18 y 19 de noviembre de 2015. Los Líderes Económicos de APEC se reunieron bajo el tema “Construyendo economías incluyentes, construyendo un mundo mejor” para dialogar sobre temas prioritarios, tales como la agenda de integración económica regional, la promoción de la participación de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en la economía regional y global, la inversión en el desarrollo de capital humano y la construcción de comunidades sostenibles y resistentes. El objetivo de la reunión fue compartir la visión de los Líderes sobre las áreas prioritarias en las que APEC debe trabajar en los próximos 20 años, con el fin de avanzar hacia un crecimiento incluyente en la región. La participación del Presidente Peña Nieto en la reunión respondió al interés de fortalecer el papel de México como actor preponderante en el foro de concertación político y económico más importante en Asia-Pacífico, toda vez que las discusiones y los acuerdos alcanzados por los Líderes en el seno de APEC tienen efectos importantes en la economía global y en la inserción de la economía mexicana en una de las regiones económicamente más dinámicas del mundo, Asia-Pacífico. La participación del Presidente manifiesta el interés de aprovechar este foro privilegiado de diálogo para promover el fortalecimiento de los vínculos políticos, económicos y de cooperación con los países de Asia-Pacífico, que se traduzcan en beneficios para los mexicanos. La reunión contó con la presencia de los Líderes de Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canadá, Chile, China, República de Corea, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Hong Kong-China, Indonesia, Japón, Malasia, México, Nueva Zelandia, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Perú, Singapur, Tailandia y Viet Nam, así como del Primer Ministro de Rusia y del representante de Taipéi Chino. El 18 de noviembre el mandatario mexicano participó en el Diálogo de Líderes con los integrantes del Consejo Asesor de Negocios de APEC

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(ABAC, por sus siglas en inglés), durante el cual se presentó el Informe Anual de ABAC, que incluye las recomendaciones del sector empresarial para avanzar los objetivos de APEC. El Presidente destacó el papel de las reformas estructurales en México para crear un ambiente más favorable para los negocios, las acciones necesarias para la exitosa inserción de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en los mercados internacionales, y compartió las experiencias de México en la materia. El Presidente Peña Nieto participó el 18 de noviembre en la Reunión de Líderes del Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP), cuyo objetivo fue delinear las directrices sobre los pasos a seguir en los procesos nacionales de ratificación y la conducción misma de un proceso hacia la aprobación final del TPP, que concluyó las negociaciones el 5 de octubre en la ciudad de Atlanta. Asimismo, el 18 de noviembre tuvo lugar el Diálogo informal entre los Líderes de APEC y de la Alianza del Pacífico, durante la cual el Presidente Peña Nieto propuso institucionalizar el diálogo entre los dos mecanismos a partir del establecimiento de un Grupo de Trabajo. Aseguró que la intensa relación comercial puede fortalecerse por medio de una colaboración más estrecha entre APEC y la Alianza del Pacífico, con beneficios para ambos mecanismos. Asimismo, destacó tres áreas en que podría generarse la cooperación entre ambas iniciativas: la integración económica regional, la participación de las PyMES en las cadenas globales de valor y el desarrollo de capital humano. El mismo día, el Presidente asistió a la cena oficial ofrecida en honor de los Líderes de APEC, la cual representó una ocasión propicia para dialogar y sostener intercambios con los líderes de la región. A esta cena asistió el Presidente de Colombia, como invitado especial del Presidente de Filipinas. El 19 de noviembre, durante el Primer Retiro de Líderes Económicos de APEC bajo el lema “Crecimiento incluyente por medio de economías integradas”, el Presidente Peña Nieto expresó el compromiso de México con la “Estrategia renovada de reforma estructural de APEC 2016-2020”, que sentará las bases para alcanzar mercados más abiertos y transparentes, con el crecimiento con calidad, con la meta de lograr un México incluyente, así como con el fortalecimiento del Sistema Multilateral de Comercio. El Presidente Peña Nieto dio la bienvenida a la Agenda de Acción de Boracay para la Globalización de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MIPyMEs), que permitirá identificar y eliminar las barreras que enfrentan estas empresas en su internacionalización.

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El mismo día, durante el Segundo Retiro de Líderes bajo el lema “Comunidades sostenibles y resistentes”, el Presidente aseguró que en un entorno mundial complejo y adverso, los Líderes Económicos de APEC tienen una gran responsabilidad: crear las condiciones necesarias para alcanzar un crecimiento que, además de elevado, sea sostenible e incluyente. El mandatario mexicano afirmó que la comunidad internacional debe asumir un mayor compromiso colectivo para reducir los efectos del cambio climático. Destacó que, por primera vez en la historia de México, el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo incorpora un compromiso expreso con el crecimiento verde, inclusivo, incluyente y facilitador, que preserve nuestro patrimonio natural, al mismo tiempo que genere riqueza, competitividad y empleo. Al término de su encuentro, los Líderes Económicos de APEC adoptaron la Declaración “Construyendo economías inclusivas, construyendo un mundo mejor: una visión para una comunidad de Asia y el Pacífico” (anexo), en la que detallan las nuevas acciones para avanzar la agenda de crecimiento económico en Asia-Pacífico, que beneficie a todos y a las futuras generaciones. Estas acciones buscan trazar el curso para la región en el siglo XXI basadas en el mejoramiento de la agenda de integración económica regional; fomentar la participación de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en los mercados regionales y globales; la inversión en el desarrollo de capital humano, y la construcción de comunidades sostenibles y resistentes. Asimismo, señalan su confianza en que los miembros de APEC continuarán impulsando la prosperidad económica regional y global mediante el crecimiento de calidad.

D)Encuentros bilaterales durante la gira

En el marco de la Cumbre de Líderes del G20, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto sostuvo cuatro encuentros bilaterales: Canadá, China, Italia y Turquía. En el caso de Canadá, el Presidente de México fue el primer Jefe de Estado con el que se reunió el Primer Ministro Justin Trudeau. El encuentro inició una nueva era en la relación bilateral, en la que se relanzará el diálogo político y se fortalecerá la alianza comercial. Ambos mandatarios dialogaron sobre el compromiso de campaña de Justin Trudeau, en torno a la revisión de una posible eliminación del requisito de visa a los mexicanos para ingresar a Canadá. El Primer Ministro reiteró al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto que ha girado instrucciones, tanto a su Ministro de

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Migración, Refugiados y Ciudadanía como al Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, para revisar dicha política. El Presidente se reunió con Xi Jinping, Presidente de la República Popular China, a quien deseó éxito en la Presidencia del G20 en 2016. El encuentro, que es el quinto desde el inicio de ambos gobiernos, les permitió revisar los avances alcanzados en la agenda bilateral a un año de la Visita de Estado del Presidente de México a China y seguir avanzando en el fortalecimiento de la Asociación Estratégica Integral. El Presidente Peña Nieto también se reunió con el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros de la República Italiana, Matteo Renzi, quien expresó el interés de aumentar las inversiones italianas en México. En el encuentro acordaron fortalecer la cooperación en materia económica, energética y judicial. El Presidente de México sostuvo un encuentro de carácter bilateral con el anfitrión de la Cumbre, el Presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a quien felicitó por su liderazgo en el G20 y por la organización de la Cumbre de Líderes. Ambos mandatarios destacaron su interés por elevar el comercio bilateral y continuar con la consolidación de una relación profunda y multidimensional. En el marco de las reuniones de APEC, el 18 de noviembre tuvo lugar el primer encuentro entre el Presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto y el Primer Ministro de Australia, Malcolm Turnbull. Durante la reunión, ambos mandatarios intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre la relación bilateral y diversos temas de las agendas regional y multilateral, tales como el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP) y el espacio MIKTA. El Presidente extendió una invitación al Primer Ministro Malcolm Turnbull para realizar una visita oficial a México. Por su parte, el Jefe de Gobierno australiano felicitó al mandatario mexicano por las reformas recientemente instrumentadas en el país y se refirió al interés de empresas australianas en invertir y desarrollarse en México, en particular en el rubro de la infraestructura urbana.

E) Anexos

1. Comitiva a G20 2. Declaración de Líderes del G20 2015 3. Plan de Acción de Antalya 4. Declaración del G20 sobre la Lucha contra el Terrorismo

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5. Comitiva a Filipinas 6. Comunicado Conjunto México-Filipinas 7. Comitiva a la XXIII Reunión de Líderes Económicos de APEC 8. Declaración de Líderes de APEC 2015

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G20 Leaders’ Communiqué

Antalya Summit, 15-16 November 2015


1. We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Antalya on 15-16 November 2015 to determine further collective actions towards achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth to raise the prosperity of our people. We are firm in our resolve to ensure growth is robust and inclusive, and delivers more and better quality jobs. We recognize that advancing inclusive growth and entrenching confidence require the use of all policy tools and strong engagement with all stakeholders.

2. In pursuing our objectives, we have adopted a comprehensive agenda this year around the three pillars of decisive implementation of our past commitments to deliver on our promises, boosting investments as a powerful driver of growth and promoting inclusiveness in our actions so that the benefits of growth are shared by all. We have also enhanced our dialogue with low income developing countries as part of our implementation of this agenda.

Strengthening the Recovery and Lifting the Potential

3. Global economic growth is uneven and continues to fall short of our expectations, despite the positive outlook in some major economies. Risks and uncertainties in financial markets remain, and geopolitical challenges are increasingly becoming a global concern. In addition, a shortfall in global demand and structural problems continue to weigh on actual and potential growth.

4. We will continue to implement sound macroeconomic policies in a cooperative manner to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Our monetary authorities will continue to ensure price stability and support economic activity, consistent with their mandates. We reiterate our commitment to implement fiscal policies flexibly to take into account near-term economic conditions, so as to support growth and job creation, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path. We will also consider the composition of our budget expenditures and revenues to support productivity, inclusiveness and growth. We remain committed to promote global rebalancing. We will carefully calibrate and clearly communicate our actions, especially against the backdrop of major monetary and other policy decisions, to mitigate uncertainty, minimize negative spillovers and promote transparency. Against the background of risks arising from large and volatile capital flows, we will promote financial stability through appropriate frameworks, including by ensuring an adequate global financial safety net, while reaping the benefits of financial globalization. We reaffirm our previous exchange rate commitments and will resist all forms of protectionism.

5. We remain committed to achieving our ambition to lift collective G20 GDP by an additional 2 percent by 2018 as announced in Brisbane last year. Our top priority is timely and effective implementation of our growth strategies that include measures to support demand and structural reforms to lift actual and potential growth, create jobs, promote inclusiveness and reduce inequalities. We have made significant progress towards fulfilling our commitments since last year, implementing half of our multi-year commitments. Analysis by the IMF, OECD and World Bank Group indicates that our implementation so far represents more than one third of our collective growth ambition. Yet we also acknowledge that more needs to be done. We will strive more and take prompt action to expedite implementation of our remaining commitments. Going forward, we will continue to closely monitor the implementation of our commitments through the robust framework we developed this year. We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain relevant to evolving economic conditions, policy priorities and structural challenges, in particular slow productivity growth, and that they remain consistent with our collective growth ambition. The Antalya Action Plan, comprising our adjusted growth strategies and implementation schedules for key commitments, reflects our determination to overcome global economic challenges.

6. We are committed to ensure that growth is inclusive, job-rich and benefits all segments of our societies. Rising inequalities in many countries may pose risks to social cohesion and the well-

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being of our citizens and can also have negative economic impact and hinder our objective to lift growth. A comprehensive and balanced set of economic, financial, labour, education and social policies will contribute to reducing inequalities. We endorse the Declaration of our Labour and Employment Ministers and commit to implementing its priorities to make labour markets more inclusive as outlined by the G20 Policy Priorities on Labour Income Share and Inequalities. We ask our Finance, and Labour and Employment Ministers to review our growth strategies and employment plans to strengthen our action against inequality and in support of inclusive growth. Recognizing that social dialogue is essential to advance our goals, we welcome the B20 and L20 joint statement on jobs, growth and decent work.

7. Unemployment, underemployment and informal jobs are significant sources of inequality in many countries and can undermine the future growth prospects of our economies. We are focused on promoting more and better quality jobs in line with our G20 Framework on Promoting Quality Jobs and on improving and investing in skills through our G20 Skills Strategy. We are determined to support the better integration of our young people into the labour market including through the promotion of entrepreneurship. Building on our previous commitments and taking into account our national circumstances, we agree to the G20 goal of reducing the share of young people who are most at risk of being permanently left behind in the labour market by 15% by 2025 in G20 countries. We ask the OECD and the ILO to assist us in monitoring progress in achieving this goal. We will continue monitoring the implementation of our Employment Plans as well as our goals to reduce gender participation gap and to foster safer and healthier workplaces also within sustainable global supply chains.

8. We will address current opportunities and challenges brought into the labour markets through such issues as international labour mobility and the ageing of populations. Domestic labour mobility is an important labour market issue in some G20 countries. We recognize and will further explore the potential of a flourishing silver economy. We further ask our Labour and Employment Ministers to report to us on progress made in 2016.

9. To provide a strong impetus to boost investment, particularly through private sector participation, we have developed ambitious country-specific investment strategies, which bring together concrete policies and actions to improve the investment ecosystem, foster efficient and quality infrastructure, including by the public sector, support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and enhance knowledge sharing. Analysis by the OECD indicates that these strategies would contribute to lifting the aggregate G20 investment to GDP ratio, by an estimated 1 percentage point by 2018.

10. To improve our investment preparation, prioritization and execution processes, we have developed guidelines and best practices for public-private-partnership (PPP) models. We also considered alternative financing structures, including asset-based financing, and simple and transparent securitization to facilitate better intermediation for SMEs and infrastructure investment. Going forward, we call on our Ministers to continue their work to improve the investment ecosystem, promote long-term financing, foster institutional investors’ involvement, support the development of alternative capital market instruments and asset-based financing models, and encourage Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to mobilize their resources, optimize their balance sheets, and catalyze private sector funding. We are advancing efforts and developing toolkits to unlock the ways and means for countries to better prepare, prioritize and finance infrastructure projects. We expect the Global Infrastructure Hub to make a significant contribution towards these endeavors. To help ensure a strong corporate governance framework that will support private investment, we endorse the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. We have placed a special focus on promoting long-term financing for SMEs, and we welcome the Joint Action Plan on SME Financing, the G20/OECD High-Level Principles on SME Financing as guidance, and the establishment of the private sector-led World SME Forum, a new initiative that will serve as a global body to facilitate the contributions of SMEs to growth and employment.

11. Global trade and investment continue to be important engines of economic growth and development, generating employment and contributing to welfare and inclusive growth. We note

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that global trade growth remains below pre-crisis levels. This is a result of both cyclical and structural factors. We therefore reaffirm our strong commitment to better coordinate our efforts to reinforce trade and investment, including through our Adjusted Growth Strategies. Inclusive Global Value Chains (GVCs) are important drivers of world trade. We support policies that allow firms of all sizes, particularly SMEs, in countries at all levels of economic development to participate in and take full advantage of GVCs and encourage greater participation and value addition by developing countries. We further reaffirm our longstanding commitment to standstill and rollback on protectionist measures and will remain vigilant by monitoring our progress. For this, we ask the WTO, OECD and UNCTAD to continue their reporting on trade and investment restrictive measures. We ask our Trade Ministers to meet on a regular basis and we agree on a supporting working group.

12.The WTO is the backbone of the multilateral trading system and should continue to play a central role in promoting economic growth and development. We remain committed to a strong and efficient multilateral trading system and we reiterate our determination to work together to improve its functioning. We are committed to working together for a successful Nairobi Ministerial Meeting that has a balanced set of outcomes, including on the Doha Development Agenda, and provides clear guidance to post-Nairobi work. We will also need to increase our efforts to implement all the elements of the Bali Package, including those on agriculture, development, public stock holding as well as the prompt ratification and implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement. We will continue our efforts to ensure that our bilateral, regional and plurilateral trade agreements complement one another, are transparent and inclusive, are consistent with and contribute to a stronger multilateral trade system under WTO rules. We emphasize the important role of trade in global development efforts and will continue to support mechanisms such as aid for trade in developing countries in need of capacity building assistance.

Enhancing resilience

13. Strengthening the resilience of financial institutions and enhancing stability of the financial system are crucial to sustaining growth and development. To enhance the resilience of the global financial system, we have completed further core elements of the financial reform agenda. In particular, as a key step towards ending too-big-to-fail, we have finalized the common international standard on total-loss-absorbing-capacity (TLAC) for global systemically important banks. We also agreed to the first version of higher loss absorbency requirements for global systemically important insurers.

14. Critical work remains to build a stronger and more resilient financial system. In particular, we look forward to further work on central counterparty resilience, recovery planning and resolvability and ask the FSB to report back to us by our next meeting. We will continue to monitor and, if necessary, address emerging risks and vulnerabilities in the financial system, many of which may arise outside the banking sector. In this regard, we will further strengthen oversight and regulation of shadow banking to ensure resilience of market-based finance, in a manner appropriate to the systemic risks posed. We look forward to further progress in assessing and addressing, as appropriate, the decline in correspondent banking services. We will expedite our efforts to make further progress in implementing the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives’ reforms, including by encouraging jurisdictions to defer to each other, when it is justified in line with the St. Petersburg Declaration. Going forward, we are committed to full and consistent implementation of the global financial regulatory framework in line with the agreed timelines, and will continue to monitor and address uneven implementation across jurisdictions. We welcome the FSB’s first annual report on the implementation of reforms and their effects. We will continue to review the robustness of the global regulatory framework and to monitor and assess the implementation and effects of reforms and their continued consistency with our overall objectives, including by addressing any material unintended consequences, particularly for emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).

15. To reach a globally fair and modern international tax system, we endorse the package of measures developed under the ambitious G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project. Widespread and consistent implementation will be critical in the effectiveness of the project, in particular as regards the exchange of information on cross-border tax rulings. We,

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therefore, strongly urge the timely implementation of the project and encourage all countries and jurisdictions, including developing ones, to participate. To monitor the implementation of the BEPS project globally, we call on the OECD to develop an inclusive framework by early 2016 with the involvement of interested non-G20 countries and jurisdictions which commit to implement the BEPS project, including developing economies, on an equal footing. We welcome the efforts by the IMF, OECD, UN and WBG to provide appropriate technical assistance to interested developing economies in tackling the domestic resource mobilization challenges they face, including from BEPS. We acknowledge that interested non-G20 developing countries’ timing of implementation may differ from other countries and expect the OECD and other international organizations to ensure that their circumstances are appropriately addressed in the framework. We are progressing towards enhancing the transparency of our tax systems and we reaffirm our previous commitments to information exchange on-request as well as to automatic exchange of information by 2017 or end-2018. We invite other jurisdictions to join us. We support the efforts for strengthening developing economies’ engagement in the international tax agenda.

16. In support of our growth and resilience agenda, we remain committed to building a global culture of intolerance towards corruption through effectively implementing the 2015-2016 G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan. We endorse the G20 High-Level Principles on Integrity and Transparency in the Private Sector which will help our companies comply with global standards on ethics and anti-corruption. Ensuring the integrity and transparency of our public sectors is essential. In this regard, we endorse the G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles and the G20 Principles for Promoting Integrity in Public Procurement, and we welcome the ongoing work on asset disclosure frameworks. We will further work to strengthen international cooperation, including where appropriate and consistent with domestic legal systems, on civil and administrative procedures, as an important tool to effectively combat bribery and to support asset recovery and the denial of safe haven to corrupt officials and those who corrupt them. We welcome the publication of our Implementation Plans on beneficial ownership transparency and will continue our efforts in this regard.

17. We remain deeply disappointed with the continued delay in implementing the IMF quota and governance reforms agreed in 2010. The 2010 reforms remain our highest priority for the IMF and we urge the United States to ratify these reforms as soon as possible. Mindful of the aims of the 2010 reforms, we ask the IMF to complete its work on an interim solution that will meaningfully converge quota shares as soon as and to the extent possible to the levels agreed under the 14th General Review of Quotas. The 14th Review should be used as a basis for work on the 15th Review, including a new quota formula. We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF. We reaffirm our agreement that the heads and senior leadership of all international financial institutions should be appointed through an open, transparent and merit-based process and we reiterate the importance of enhancing staff diversity in these organizations. We reaffirm that the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket composition should continue to reflect the role of currencies in the global trading and financial system and look forward to the completion of the review of the method of valuation of the SDR.

18. We welcome the progress achieved on the implementation of strengthened collective action and pari passu clauses in international sovereign bond contracts, which will contribute to the orderliness and predictability of sovereign debt restructuring processes. We ask the IMF, in consultation with other parties, to continue promoting the use of such clauses and to further explore market-based ways to speed up their incorporation in the outstanding stock of international sovereign debt. We look forward to the upcoming review of the IMF-WB Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries. We acknowledge the existing initiatives aimed at improving sustainable financing practices, as stressed in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. We also take note of the Paris Forum initiative, which contributes to further the inclusiveness by fostering dialogue between sovereign debtors and creditors.

Buttressing Sustainability

19. 2015 is a crucial year for sustainable development and we remain committed to ensuring our actions contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth, including in low income developing

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countries. The 2030 Agenda, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, sets a transformative, universal and ambitious framework for global development efforts. We are strongly committed to implementing its outcomes to ensure that no-one is left behind in our efforts to eradicate poverty and build an inclusive and sustainable future for all. We adopt the G20 and Low Income Developing Countries Framework to strengthen our dialogue and engagement on development. We will develop an action plan in 2016 to further align our work with the 2030 Agenda.

20. Our work this year supports key areas for sustainable development such as energy access, food security and nutrition, human resource development, quality infrastructure, financial inclusion and domestic resource mobilization. We endorse the G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems, which underlines our commitment to improve global food security and nutrition and ensure the way we produce, consume and sell food is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. We remain focused on promoting responsible investment in agriculture and food systems, improving market transparency, increasing incomes and quality jobs, and fostering sustainable productivity growth. We will pay particular attention to the needs of smallholder and family farmers, rural women and youth. We also commit to reducing food loss and waste globally. We welcome Expo Milano with the theme “Feeding the Planet – Energy for Life”. We also welcome our Agriculture Ministers´ decision to establish a new platform to improve the way we and other countries can measure and reduce food loss and waste.

21. The private sector has a strong role to play in development and poverty eradication. Through our G20 Call on Inclusive Business we stress the need of all stakeholders to work together in order to promote opportunities for low income people and communities to participate in markets as buyers, suppliers and consumers. Our G20 National Remittance Plans developed this year include concrete actions towards our commitment to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances to five percent with a view to align with the SDGs and Addis Ababa Action Agenda. We are promoting financial inclusion by helping to open up access to payments, savings, credit and other services. We welcome the continued work on financial inclusion within the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI).

22. We remain focused on the G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration and welcome our Energy Ministers´ first meeting ever. Recognizing that globally over 1.1 billion people lack access to electricity and 2.9 billion rely on the traditional use of biomass for cooking, we endorse the G20 Energy Access Action Plan: Voluntary Collaboration on Energy Access, the first phase of which focuses on enhancing electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa where the problem is most acute. The Plan aims to strengthen G20 coordination and establishes a long-term voluntary cooperation framework that can be applied to other regions over time, recognising that energy access is a critical factor to foster development. In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with African countries and relevant regional and international organizations on policy and regulatory environments, technology development and deployment, investment and finance, capacity building, regional integration and cooperation, taking into consideration national needs and contexts.

23. We recognize that actions on energy, including improving energy efficiency, increasing investments in clean energy technologies and supporting related research and development activities will be important in tackling climate change and its effects. We endorse the G20 Toolkit of Voluntary Options for Renewable Energy Deployment. We also highlight the progress made this year by participating countries in taking forward our collaboration on energy efficiency and agree to further support on a voluntary basis the 2015 outcomes of existing work streams on efficiency and emissions performance of vehicles, particularly heavy duty vehicles, networked devices, buildings, industrial processes and electricity generation, as well as financing for energy efficiency. We will continue to promote transparent, competitive and well-functioning energy markets, including gas markets. We stress the importance of diversification of energy sources and continued investments for increased energy security. We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase-out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, over the medium term, recognising the need to support the poor. We will endeavour to make enhanced progress in moving

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forward this commitment. We ask our Energy Ministers to report back on energy collaboration again in 2016 on the continued implementation of the G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration.

24. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. We recognize that 2015 is a critical year that requires effective, strong and collective action on climate change and its effects. We reaffirm the below 20C goal as stated in the Lima Call for Action. We affirm our determination to adopt a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the UNFCCC that is applicable to all Parties. Our actions will support growth and sustainable development. We affirm that the Paris agreement should be fair, balanced, ambitious, durable and dynamic. We underscore our commitment to reaching an ambitious agreement in Paris that reflects the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances. We reaffirm that UNFCCC is the primary international intergovernmental body for negotiating climate change. We welcome that over 160 Parties including all G20 countries have submitted their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to the UNFCCC, and encourage others to do so in advance of the Paris Conference. We are prepared to implement our INDCs. We will instruct our negotiators to engage constructively and flexibly in the coming days to discuss key issues, among other things, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer and transparency in order to arrive at Paris with a way forward. We commit to work together for a successful outcome of the COP21.

25. The scale of the ongoing refugee crisis is a global concern with major humanitarian, political, social and economic consequences. There is a need for a coordinated and comprehensive response to tackle this crisis, as well as its long term consequences. We commit to continue further strengthening our support for all efforts to provide protection and assistance and to find durable solutions for the unprecedented numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons in various parts of the world. We call upon all states to contribute to responding to this crisis, and share in the burdens associated with it, including through refugee resettlement, other forms of humanitarian admission, humanitarian aid and efforts to ensure that refugees can access services, education and livelihood opportunities. We underline the need to address the root causes of displacement. We highlight, in this regard, the importance of political solutions to conflicts and increased cooperation for development. We also recognize the importance of creating conditions to enable refugees and internally displaced persons to safely and voluntarily return to their homes. We will work with other states to strengthen our long term preparedness and capacity to manage migration and refugee flows. We invite all states according to their individual capacities to scale up their assistance to relevant international organizations in order to enhance their capabilities to assist affected countries in dealing with this crisis. We encourage the private sector and individuals to also join in the international efforts to respond to the refugee crisis.

26. We are living in an age of Internet economy that brings both opportunities and challenges to global growth. We acknowledge that threats to the security of and in the use of ICTs, risk undermining our collective ability to use the Internet to bolster economic growth and development around the world. We commit ourselves to bridge the digital divide. In the ICT environment, just as elsewhere, states have a special responsibility to promote security, stability, and economic ties with other nations. In support of that objective, we affirm that no country should conduct or support ICT-enabled theft of intellectual property, including trade secrets or other confidential business information, with the intent of providing competitive advantages to companies or commercial sectors. All states in ensuring the secure use of ICTs, should respect and protect the principles of freedom from unlawful and arbitrary interference of privacy, including in the context of digital communications. We also note the key role played by the United Nations in developing norms and in this context we welcome the 2015 report of the UN Group of Governmental Experts in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, affirm that international law, and in particular the UN Charter, is applicable to state conduct in the use of ICTs and commit ourselves to the view that all states should abide by norms of responsible state behaviour in the use of ICTs in accordance with UN resolution A/C.1/70/L.45. We are committed to help ensure an environment in which all actors are able to enjoy the benefits of secure use of ICTs.

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27. We remain resolute to continue our collective action to lift actual and potential growth of our economies, support job creation, strengthen resilience, promote development and enhance inclusiveness of our policies. We thank Turkey for its G20 Presidency and hosting a successful Antalya Summit this year. We look forward to our next meeting in Hangzhou in September 2016 under the Chinese Presidency. We also look forward to meeting in Germany in 2017.

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Agreed Documents Antalya Action Plan, November 2015 Accountability Assessment Report G20 Investment Strategies and G20/OECD Report on G20 Investment Strategies Multilateral Development Banks Action Plan to Optimize Balance Sheets G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance G20/OECD High-Level Principles on SME Financing G20 Joint Action Plan on SME Financing The Common International Standard on Total-Loss-Absorbing-Capacity for Global Systemically Important Banks, the FSB Higher Loss Absorbency Requirements for Global Systemically Important Insurers, the IAIS G20 and Low Income Developing Countries Framework G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems High-Level Statement on Remittances G20 Leaders’ Call on Inclusive Business G20 Energy Access Action Plan: Voluntary Collaboration on Energy Access G20 Toolkit of Voluntary Options for Renewable Energy Deployment G20 Skills Strategy G20 Policy Priorities on Labour Income Share and Inequalities G20 Policy Principles for Promoting Better Youth Employment Outcomes G20 Framework on Promoting Quality Jobs G20 High-Level Principles on Private Sector Transparency and Integrity G20 Principles for Promoting Integrity in Public Procurement G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles

Ministerial Statements Communiqué, Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Istanbul, 9-10 February 2015 Communiqué, Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Washington DC, 16-17 April 2015 Communiqué, Meeting of G20 Agriculture Ministers, Istanbul, 7-8 May 2015 Declaration, Meeting of G20 Labour and Employment Ministers, Ankara, 3-4 September 2015 Chairs’ Statement, Joint Meeting of G20 Finance and Labour Ministers, Ankara, 4 September 2015 Communiqué, Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Ankara, 4-5 September 2015 Declaration, Meeting of G20 Tourism Ministers, Antalya, 30 September 2015 Communiqué, Meeting of G20 Energy Ministers, Istanbul, 2 October 2015 Chairman’s Summary, Meeting of G20 Trade Ministers, Istanbul, 6 October 2015

Working Group Documents

Framework Working Group Quantifying the Implementation of G-20 Members’ Growth Strategies- (IMF-OECD Note)

Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) Accountability Report for 2015 Written Implementation Plan on Beneficial Ownership

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Development Working Group (DWG) Inclusive Growth and Development: 2015 Antalya Development Roadmap DWG 2015 Annual Progress Report Implementation Plan of the G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework G20 National Remittance Plans G20 Inclusive Business Framework Annexes of the G20 Inclusive Business Framework Concept Note on the G20 Global Platform on Inclusive Business Call to Action for Strengthening Tax Capacity in Developing Countries Multi-Year Framework for Policy Coherence and Coordination on Human Resource Development (HRD) between the G20 Development Working Group (DWG) and the Employment Working Group (EWG)

Employment Working Group (EWG) G20 Principles for Effective Public Employment Services G20 Principles on Silver Economy and Active Ageing Terms of Reference for G20 Employment Working Group Terms of Reference for G20 Network on Safe and Healthy Workplaces Terms of Reference for G20 Employment Working Group Sub-Group on Labour Income Shares and Inequalities Country Self-reporting Template on Implementation of G20 Employment Plans

Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) GPFI Private Sector Engagement Strategy GPFI 2015 Progress Report Digital Financial Solutions to Advance Women’s Economic Participation Synthesis Report on Innovations in Agricultural Finance OECD/INFE Core Competencies Framework on Financial Literacy for Youth OECD/ INFE Policy Handbook on the Implementation of National Strategies for Financial Education Financial Education for Migrants and Their Families: OECD/INFE Policy Analysis and Practical Tools OECD/INFE Progress Report on Financial Education for MSMEs and Potential Entrepreneurs Consultation Document for Second Edition of GPFI White Paper on Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion G20 Survey on De-risking Activities in the Remittance Market The Use of Remittances and Financial Inclusion Innovative Digital Payment Mechanisms Supporting Financial Inclusion Stocktaking Report Report on SME Finance Compact Workshop

Climate Finance Study Group (CFSG) Toolkit to Enhance Access to Adaptation Finance for Developing Countries that are Vulnerable to the Adverse Effects of Climate Change Including LIDCs, Small Island Developing States and African States, OECD in Collaboration with the Global Environment Facility Climate Funds Inventory, OECD G20 Climate Finance Study Group Annual Report 2015

Supporting Documents IMF Surveillance Note, November 2015 IMF Sustainability Updates, October 2015 OECD Secretary-General Report to the G20 Leaders Effective Approaches to Support Implementation of the G20/OECD High-Level Principles on Long Term Financing by Institutional Investors, OECD Report, November 2015

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Report on the Implementation and Effects of Reforms, FSB’s Report to the G20 Leaders, November 2015. Paper on MDB Common Approaches to Supporting Infrastructure Development World Bank Group (WBG) Working Paper on Prioritization of Infrastructure Projects: A Decision Support Framework MDB Presentation on Evaluating Readiness and Capacity for Infrastructure Public Private Partnerships Report on Stock-Taking of Selected Policy Indicators on the Enabling Environment for Infrastructure Investment Report on Risk and Return Characteristics of Infrastructure Investment in Low Income Countries Report on Options for Low Income Countries’ Effective and Efficient Use of Tax Incentives for Investment Concept Note on the Report on Issues Arising from the Indirect Transfer of Assets to Identify Policy Options to Tackle Abusive Cases, with particular reference to Developing Countries FSB Chair’s Letter to the G20 Leaders, “Financial Reforms – Achieving and Sustaining Resilience for All” FSB Report to the G20 on Actions Taken to Assess and Address the Decline in Correspondent Banking FSB Report to the G20 on Progress in Resolution – Removing Remaining Obstacles to Resolvability BCBS Report to G20 Leaders – Finalizing Post-Crisis Reforms FSB Report on Progress in Transforming Shadow Banking into Resilient Market-Based Finance OECD Secretary-General Report to G20 Finance Ministers with Its Annexes (“Reports on Possible Tougher Incentives for the Countries that Fail to Comply with the Global Forum Standards on Exchange of Information on Request” and “SMEs and Taxation”) Scoping Paper for a Practical Toolkit to Assist Developing Countries to Address Difficulties in Accessing Comparables Data and Use Approaches to Apply Internationally Accepted Principles in the Absence of Comparables Report on the Terrorist Financing, FATF’s Report to the G20 Leaders SMEs Anti-Corruption Education Toolkit Progress Report on the G20 Self-Assessment on Combating the Bribery of Foreign Public Official Asset Recovery Country Profile Company Ownership Guide Asset Disclosure Country Profile Targeted Approaches to Addressing Corruption in the Extractives Sector Report on the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan: Voluntary Collaboration on Energy Efficiency 2015 Outcomes of Work Streams Voluntary Energy Efficiency Investment Principles for G20 Participating Countries Report on G20 Deployment of Renewable Energy Update on Recent Progress in Reform of Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies that Encourage Wasteful Consumption Summary of Progress Reports on the Commitment to Rationalize and Phase Out Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies The Joint IEA-IEF-OPEC Market Impact Report of the IOSCO Oil Price Reporting Agencies Principles The Second Oil PRA Review Report regarding the Implementation of the Principles for Oil Price Reporting Agencies Prospects for Global Trade

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Reports on G20 Trade and Investment Measures (Mid-October 2014 to Mid-May 2015) Summary of the Stocktaking Seminar on Small and Medium Enterprises and Low Income Developing Countries in the International Market Place Advancing The Multilateral Trading System, Discussion Paper for the G20 Regional Trade Agreements and The Multilateral Trading System, Discussion Paper for the G20 Report on “Inclusive Global Value Chains-Policy Options in Trade and Complementary Areas for GVC Integration by Small and Medium Enterprises and Low-Income Developing Countries” G20 Labour Markets in 2015: Strengthening the Link between Growth and Employment Income Inequality and Labour Income Share in G20 Countries: Trends, Impacts and Causes The Contribution of Labour Mobility to Economic Growth The Labour Share in G20 Economies Enhancing Policy Coherence between the G20 Growth Strategies and Employment Plans Achieving Better Youth Employment Outcomes: Monitoring Policies and Progress in G20 Economies G20 National Employment Plans: Proposed Self-Reporting Template Monitoring Progress in Reducing the Gender Gap in Labour Force Participation Options for G20 Activities to Promote Safe and Healthy Workplaces for All Strengthening Public Employment Services The Effects of Technology on Employment and Implications for Public Employment Services The G20 Skills Strategy for Developing and Using Skills for the 21st Century Inequality in G20 Countries: Causes, Impacts and Policy Responses Setting Objectives for Achieving Better Youth Employment Outcomes Synthesis Paper of Self-Reports on the Implementation of G20 Country Employment Plans

Issues for Further Action We look forward to further work on investment, including with a follow-up by the OECD and other relevant international organizations on our investment strategies under our broad framework.

We expect the Global Infrastructure Hub to present its report on knowledge sharing to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors by April 2016.

We look forward to further work on issues concerning optimization of the balance sheets of MDBs.

Recognizing the potential role of corporates’ liability structure in financial stability, we call on the FSB to continue to explore any systemic risks and consider policy options in this regard.

We ask the FSB to continue to engage with public- and private- sector participants on how the financial sector can take account of climate change risks.

Building on its findings presented in its last report to the G20, we call on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to report back to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors by their first meeting in 2016 on the steps countries are taking to address the weaknesses identified to cut off terrorism-related financial flows.

A stable and resilient international financial architecture is a key element to foster strong, sustainable and balanced growth as well as financial stability. We ask our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to work and report back to us by our next meeting on this issue.

We agree that attention should be given to global health risks, such as antimicrobial resistance, infectious disease threats and weak health systems. These can significantly impact growth and stability. Building on the Brisbane Statement, we underscore the importance of a coordinated international response and reiterate our resolve to tackle these issues to fight the adverse impacts on the global economy and will discuss the terms of reference to deal with this issue in the G20 next year.

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Acknowledgements We thank international organisations, including the UN, IMF, World Bank Group, OECD, WTO, ILO, FSB, FATF and BIS, for their valuable inputs to the G20 process. We also thank the G20 engagement groups, namely Business 20, Civil Society 20, Labour 20, Think 20 and Youth 20 for their important contributions this year. We welcome the establishment of the Women20 and look forward to its active contributions going forward.

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ANTALYA ACTION PLAN The Antalya Action Plan sets out the G20’s plan for decisive actions to strengthen the global economic recovery and foster strong, sustainable and balanced growth. We have focused the work of the G20 in 2015 on addressing the shortfall in global demand and structural problems that continue to weigh on actual and potential growth, achieving stronger economic activity, enhancing resilience of the global economy and buttressing its sustainability. Our efforts have been guided by the three I’s of Implementation, Investment and Inclusiveness, this year.


Our ambitious plan we have developed this year is centered on three key components.

First, we are determined to fully implement our comprehensive growth strategies in a timely manner, as well as all our past commitments, to move towards our overarching objective of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Towards this end, we have developed a robust monitoring mechanism to enhance the accountability for, and implementation of our commitments. A key aspect of the monitoring mechanism is our detailed implementation schedules that enable close and transparent monitoring of our progress. We have also made adjustments to our growth strategies with new actions to strengthen the global recovery as presented in our adjusted growth strategies.

Second, against the backdrop of the modest global growth in investment, we have developed country-specific investment strategies that include measures to improve the investment ecosystem, foster efficient infrastructure investment, and support sound long-term financing opportunities for businesses, including SMEs.

Third, we are striving to foster more inclusive global growth to ensure that prosperity is better shared among all segments of society. Our approach to inclusiveness comprised domestic and international facets. Domestically, we focused on income inequalities, and female and youth employment, as well as creating more quality jobs and investing in education and skills. We also emphasized issues pertaining to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a cross-cutting subject. Internationally, recognizing that the G20 serves as the premier forum for global economic cooperation, we sought to increase outreach efforts towards low income and developing countries (LIDCs) and to improve the ways we support their development efforts.

Building on past efforts, our commitments and actions this year will help ensure stronger global growth, and we stand ready to strengthen our response should the outlook warrant.


In Brisbane last year, we pledged significant individual and collective actions set out in our growth strategies, which, if implemented in a full and timely manner, would increase G20 collective GDP by an additional 2 percent by 2018. To ensure the growth strategies deliver the maximum growth dividends, we have strengthened our accountability framework to closely track progress towards full and timely implementation of our commitments in a transparent manner.

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We welcome the 2015 Accountability Assessment Report. This year, in addition to taking stock of progress towards strong, sustainable and balanced growth and our efforts in terms of actual GDP growth to-date, the accountability exercise placed a particular focus on the implementation of our growth strategies. We paid close attention to the commitments that are of highest priority or impact, identified as key commitments by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in April 2015. For the key commitments, we have prepared detailed implementation schedules that will allow us to hold each other to account.

We have also conducted peer reviews of the implementation of our growth strategies and are encouraged by the efforts members are demonstrating to implement their Brisbane commitments. Our monitoring of implementation has been supported by the crucial work of international organizations. In particular, an assessment by the IMF, OECD and World Bank Group indicates that G20 members have implemented half of the multi-year commitments with implementation of the remaining commitments largely in progress. This assessment also indicates that our implementation so far represents more than one third of our collective growth ambition. While this is significant progress, it demonstrates the importance of remaining resolute. We will elevate our efforts to ensure that our growth strategies will be implemented in a full and timely manner, so that our commitments will deliver the support needed by the global economy.


We are committed to take decisive actions to boost growth, and continue to take stock of our progress towards strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Building on this and the developments in our economies, we have adjusted our growth strategies to enhance their effectiveness vis-à-vis evolving economic challenges.

Supporting the Global Economy in the Short-Term

Global economic growth is uneven and continues to fall short of our expectations, despite the positive outlook in some major economies. We are taking fiscal and monetary policy actions to ensure the global recovery gains speed, while respecting fiscal sustainability and financial stability. We recognize the importance of demand-side measures, including in facilitating the successful implementation of structural reforms. The main measures we have put forward in 2015 include the following:

Central banks in Australia, Canada, China, India and Korea have cut policy rates in line with their respective mandates.

The European Central Bank, in line with its mandate, expanded its asset-purchasing program with a target for public and private sector securities of €60 billion per month until at least September 2016.

In Japan, the UK and the U.S., monetary policy remains very accommodative.

Argentina has implemented counter-cyclical measures in order to support short-term demand such as Ahora 12 and the Renovate program.

Brazil, Japan, and South Africa commit to implement credible fiscal plans, including a wide range of tools, to strengthen macroeconomic policy and boost confidence.

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India and Indonesia have continued on the path of fiscal consolidation while cutting subsidies and also opening space for public investment to support medium-term growth.

Korea has put forward a fiscal stimulus package of KRW 22 trillion.

Saudi Arabia has implemented an expansionary budget in 2015 amid declining oil prices to provide counter-cyclical fiscal support to domestic demand in the short term while promoting medium-term growth prospects.

In the United States, the federal budget authority will rise by $111 billion over the next two years relative to levels previously specified in law.

Lifting Growth over the Medium-Term through Structural Reforms

We have deepened our structural reform agenda to boost productivity and lift potential growth. Our actions will increase consumer and business confidence, and complement our short-term measures that support demand and actual growth.

Seven years after the global financial crisis, unemployment remains too high globally. Creating more and better quality jobs, boosting labor force participation, addressing informality, and ensuring well-functioning labor markets are key priorities of the G20. Members are undertaking a number of important reforms in the area of employment this year.

Argentina and Mexico have implemented reforms in order to increase employment formalization.

Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey and the U.S. are expanding training and vocational programs.

Australia, EU, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the UK and the U.S. are putting forward measures to boost female labor participation including through policies such as expanding access to childcare, further promoting the return to work for women after a family-related break of employment and other policies.

Canada will launch a new innovation agenda, which will include increased support for business incubators and accelerators, and enhanced funding for industrial research.

France commits to increase labor market flexibility.

Italy has completed the labor market reforms, and is implementing reform policies including in education system, public administration and tax system.

Korea is establishing labor market reforms to promote youth employment and increase labor market flexibility as part of the comprehensive structural reforms in four sectors: public, labor market, financial market, and education.

Mexico is implementing a number of reforms to ensure better skill formation and matching.

Russia is providing extra funding to the regions to support sustainability of regional labor markets.

South Africa, the EU and its members and Korea are putting in place measures such as tax incentive, special financial incentives and labor market reforms, to address youth unemployment challenges.

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Spain is implementing a variety of measures to support entrepreneurship, including reducing social security contributions for the self-employed.

The UK has developed a number of measures to improve youth employment outcomes and halve the disability gap.

Robust competition policies produce a level playing field between firms and provide an environment where innovative businesses can grow and prosper. Competitive markets foster an efficient allocation of resources, creating an environment favorable to investment, job creation and productivity growth. G20 members are taking important actions to increase competitive forces in the global economy.

Argentina is implementing measures to protect smaller companies from the predatory strategies of larger firms.

Australia, China, India and the UK continue to take steps to simplify administrative procedures and reduce red tape.

The European Union is promoting competition in the services sector and network industries and will further integrate the single market and open sectors to greater competition.

France commits to modernize further labor and goods and services market regulation to take advantage of the new economic opportunities.

India has deregulated energy prices, liberalized FDI and has improved tax and other policies to reduce the cost of doing business.

Italy is implementing a comprehensive simplification agenda, legislative measures to promote competition and strong policy actions to fight against corruption.

Japan is promoting special economic zones, where among others, procedures for starting up businesses are simplified and foreigners could acquire resident status more easily.

Korea is promoting innovative businesses by establishing ‘Creative Economy and Innovation Centers’ and reducing the regulatory and administrative burden with comprehensive regulatory reform.

Mexico is implementing an Anti-Trust Reform and opening key sectors such as energy and telecommunications; it is also committed to implement anti-corruption reforms.

Russia will take steps to reduce the regulatory burden on SMEs.

Spain is accelerating the implementation of its market unity law and reforms in energy and transport sectors towards more competitive markets.

Trade is one of the most important drivers of global growth and facilitates the transfer of technological advancements, knowledge and productivity improvements across economies. We also envisage that all G20 members will strive to deliver a successful and balanced Nairobi Ministerial Meeting in December that contributes to strengthening the multilateral trade system and reinforces the central role of WTO in promoting economic growth and development. Members have put forward a number of key trade measures this year.

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Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and the United States and seven non-G20 countries reached an agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an ambitious pan-regional trade agreement that would create the largest free-trade zone in the world.

Australia and China commit to achieve entry into force of their free trade agreement as soon as possible.

China will accelerate the development of trade in services, improve customs procedures, and promote the development of cross-border e-commerce.

The EU’s new trade and investment strategy presents an ambitious agenda for launching, concluding and implementing a range of trade and investment agreements with G20 and non-G20 countries. The EU has also ratified the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.

Korea and the OECD are analyzing services trade restrictiveness to identify regulatory reforms that would reduce trade related costs in the services sector.

Saudi Arabia is implementing a regional customs agreement with neighboring Gulf States.

Russia is taking steps for achieving regulatory harmonization in the Eurasian Economic Union.

Investing for Future Growth

Boosting quality investment, especially in infrastructure, is a top priority for the G20, in an environment of investment and infrastructure shortfalls. Infrastructure investment helps lift medium-term growth, reduce inequalities and improve productivity, while also having positive near-term impacts on job creation and demand. Actions to channel long term finance for investment in infrastructure are particularly important. This year, we put forward key measures in our growth strategies to support investment.

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, and the U.S. commit to undertake substantial additional public infrastructure investment.

Argentina, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey are implementing policies that will increase the funding available for SME’s to expand and invest.

The European Union is implementing the Investment Plan for Europe by mobilizing investment finance, enhancing technical assistance and project pipelines, and removing barriers to investment.

China is establishing a policy framework to promote public and private partnerships, and will continue to remove market access and exit barriers, streamline the approval process for investment projects, and push forward the reform on business administration system.

India has reviewed the risk-allocation framework in PPP projects to revitalize private investment in public infrastructure projects.

Italy is implementing financial and regulatory measures to boost investment, particularly those of SMEs, through the Investment Compact and the “Finance for Growth” initiative.

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Japan will improve the corporate climate by changing governance systems, promoting constructive dialogue between investors and companies, and continuing pro-growth tax reform.

Korea introduced new co-financing policies to promote private investment in infrastructure.

Mexico is boosting investment through the establishment of Special Economic Zones and has launched three new financial instruments to foster institutional investors’ participation in infrastructure financing.

Russia has committed to increase firms’ access to financing through loan and public guarantees facilities.

Spain has adopted a number of measures to enhance business access to financing, notably through capital markets.

The UK’s Productivity Plan set out key steps to increase productivity growth.

Launching Our New Country-Specific Investment Strategies

As a complementary step to our growth strategies, we have developed country-specific investment strategies which bring together more than 300 concrete policy commitments to improve the investment ecosystem, foster efficient infrastructure investment and support sound long term financing opportunities for businesses, including SMEs. These policy actions will help increase private sector investment, and improve the efficiency of public sector capital expenditures. The strategies provide a valuable knowledge sharing tool for countries in identifying practical ways to increase investment.

The strategic actions under the investment strategies act as facilitators for investment and safeguards to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of investment decisions. Facilitator policies aim to create an appropriate investment environment, support long term financial intermediation, and enable strong coordination of national and multilateral infrastructure agencies. Safeguard policies include creating appropriate legal and institutional settings, improving the entire project spectrum, including planning and preparation procedures, and disseminating information and data.

Analysis by the OECD indicates that these strategies would contribute to lifting the aggregate G20 investment to GDP ratio, by an estimated 1 percentage point by 2018. Together with raising the overall level of investment, our priority is ensuring quality investment, with a special focus on infrastructure.

As such, a substantial number of G20 members are implementing policies aimed at:

attracting foreign investors, including through easing foreign direct investment regulations,

improving policy and regulatory frameworks, providing certainty and predictability for long-term projects, and increasing transparency of regulatory processes to reduce administrative burdens,

strengthening public infrastructure investment with a greater focus on the quality to improve efficiency, including through multi-year investment plans and rigorous use of cost benefit analysis,

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fostering the role of the private sector, including through the development of public private partnership (PPP) models and other incentives,

promoting capacity building efforts to evaluate technical aspects of investment projects,

increasingly favoring the development of long-term finance via complementary sources including institutional investors, and promoting the availability of a larger spectrum of instruments,

strengthening the role of both national and multinational development banks as catalyzers of private investment, regional and cross-border investors in infrastructure and providers of technical assistance,

expanding direct financing channels by introducing specific measures and programs to improve access to finance for SMEs focusing on promotion of venture capital, collaterals, securitization, tax incentives and easing regulation for small and micro enterprises.

Advancing our Collective Multi-Year Investment and Infrastructure Work

Combined with our country-led investment strategies, we have also recorded progress towards the implementation of our collective multi-year investment agenda in the following areas.

Supporting the development of bankable projects for long term investment. Countries face common issues in enhancing project preparation and developing more efficient PPP models. Building on the PPP Guidelines prepared by the WBG and the WBG/OECD Project Checklist for PPPs, we are working together to address commonly-encountered challenges. These include prioritization of investment plans and project portfolios, streamlining the project preparation processes and increasing transparency of existing PPP initiatives. We will continue to work on further improving contract management by analyzing and disseminating common terms of successful PPP projects.

Increasing cooperation and involvement of the private sector. The Global Infrastructure Hub was established with a four year mandate and is now operational. We endorsed the business plan of the Hub. We encourage the Hub to fully implement the business plan for promoting knowledge-sharing, addressing data gaps, and strengthening engagement with the private sector.

Mobilization of multilateral development banks’ (MDBs) resources in infrastructure investment. We encourage further optimizing the balance sheets of MDBs which includes measures to increase lending through better leveraging the balance sheets of the MDBs. MDBs will work within their respective governance structures to evaluate these measures and report back by July 2016 on how they intend to move forward.

Supporting the development of alternative capital market instruments and mobilizing institutional investors for long term investment. We recognize the value of non-traditional sources of lending particularly asset-based financing in infrastructure. We take into account policy recommendations by the IMF and the WBG on systematically integrating the features of asset-based financing practices into global finance.

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Fostering More Inclusive Growth

Promoting inclusiveness and reducing inequality of opportunities and income are important to achieving our objective of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. At the domestic level, our task is to ensure that the benefits of growth and prosperity are shared among all segments of society. This requires wide-ranging efforts, including policies to promote creation of quality jobs, expand access to skills and training education, and maximize employment opportunities for all citizens. At the international level, we are committed to facilitate the sustainable development of LIDCs and to enhance their integration with the global economy.

Tackling Inequality and Boosting Growth in Our Economies

Analyses of international organizations point to measures that simultaneously support growth and reduce inequality as an effective means to foster inclusive growth. Some of these measures have been introduced in the growth strategies we unveiled last year. Building on our work, we have introduced new measures in this area in our adjusted growth strategies and employment plans:

Argentina is implementing a program to improve the entrance of young people into the labor market by helping them complete their studies and/or their professional training with almost 800,000 benefits already granted.

Australia has put forward “the Families package” to provide more affordable, accessible, and flexible child care services to support female workforce participation, along with a Youth Employment Strategy to prevent long-term unemployment.

Brazil is putting in place “the Employment Protection Program” to help maintain employment of workers of companies in financial difficulties.

Canada will provide more support for families and middle-class by reducing taxes for middle-income earners and creating a new benefit for families with children.

China will improve its mechanism for adjusting minimum wage standards and the social security system and ensure equal access to basic public services, and pledges to build 7.4 million units of government-subsidized housing.

Germany has launched a program to create employment prospects for long-term unemployed on benefits co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) for a total funding of €885 million.

France will introduce a new scheme to scale up back-to-work incentives.

India remains committed to foster more inclusive growth through leveraging technology with the launch of Direct Benefit Transfers and subsidy reforms, as well as through the creation of an affordable and universal social security system.

Indonesia is continuing a number of reforms, including the introduction of “rural direct transfer” to foster SME development and wider participation of stakeholders, and increasing the minimum threshold for taxable personal income.

Italy has strengthened social safety nets, promoted female employment and active labor market policies, provided financial support for lower-earners, and is committed to improve inclusion particularly by educational attainment.

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Korea will undertake measures to address labor market dualism and reinforce social safety nets.

Spain is implementing its National Action Plan for Social Inclusion.

Turkey introduced a new and better-targeted social transfer scheme.

The UK has increased the National Minimum Wage, will introduce a new National Living Wage, and will implement measures to support affordable housing.

The U.S. has put forward regulations to guarantee overtime pay to most salaried workers earning less than $50,440 annually and has supported raising the federal minimum wage by $4.75 per hour by 2020.

Promoting Employment Opportunities for All

We are implementing measures to increase labor force participation, especially for under-represented and vulnerable groups, to employ more people and to increase the quality of jobs.

Low female participation rate is an issue in many G20 countries, which is a clear indication of the underutilization of the labor force, hindering our economies to reach their potential. Last year, we set a goal to reduce the gender participation gap by 25 percent by 2025, and this year we established a structured mechanism to monitor our progress. We also commit to take the steps needed to improve opportunities and labor market outcomes for women. To advance our gender related efforts further, we have established a Women-20 outreach group to promote gender inclusiveness and equality.

Through the G20 Skills Strategy, we have placed special emphasis on generating skills to better match the needs of employers especially in light of rapid technological change. We are also determined to support the better integration of our young people into the labor market. Building on our previous commitments and taking into account our national circumstances, we agree to the goal of reducing the share of young people who are most at risk of being permanently left behind in the labor market by 15% by 2025.

The quality of jobs is another vital aspect of the issue as it directly affects the well-being of individuals. Women and youth are among the most vulnerable groups in terms of quality of jobs as they are at risk of informality and low pay. To tackle these problems we agreed on a G20 Framework on Promoting Quality Jobs that includes measures in the areas of promoting the quality of earnings, reducing labor market insecurity and encouraging good working conditions and healthy work places.

Supporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

SMEs are key engines of growth and investment, job creation, social cohesion and poverty reduction. Therefore, supporting SMEs is critical to achieving our objective of strong, sustainable and balanced growth as well promoting inclusiveness. We have developed a number of deliverables across the G20’s various work streams that can be used to guide future work of the G20 on developing actions to facilitate access to finance of SMEs.

In order to support sound long-term financing opportunities for businesses, including SMEs, capital market development, creating a simple and transparent

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securitization market, and developing alternative instruments including asset-based financing will be key policy actions in many member countries. We have welcomed the G20/OECD High Level Principles on SME Financing, which include a comprehensive menu of measures to support improved access to finance for SMEs. We will continue to work on identifying effective approaches to facilitate their implementation. To help ensure a strong corporate governance framework that will support private investment, we endorse the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. In line with the Joint Action Plan on SME Financing, we are taking collective actions to promote financing for SMEs, especially in emerging economies, by improving systems for credit reporting, lending against movable collateral, and insolvency reforms. To support the implementation of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI)’s new Private Sector Engagement Strategy, we welcome the launch of the SME Finance Forum’s global membership network.

We also welcome the role of the newly established private sector-led World SME Forum in providing advocacy, know-how, and e-knowledge for the SMEs globally.

Bringing Low Income Developing Countries and the G20 Closer Together

The integration of low income developing countries into the global economy as a path to their prosperity is essential for sustainable and balanced growth globally. 2015 has been a very critical year for development, as the international community has agreed an ambitious set of Sustainable Development Goals and held a landmark conference in Addis Ababa on development finance. As inclusiveness has been a key theme of G20 this year, we have intensified our efforts on development in several areas and adopted “the G20 and Low Income Developing Countries (LIDCs) Framework” which sets out the steps G20 is taking to support integration of these countries into the global economy.

We have developed G20 National Remittance Plans to help progress our commitment to take strong practical measures to reduce the global average cost of remittances to five percent and enhance financial inclusion. G20-led efforts to reduce the costs of remittance transfers have already contributed to estimated savings for migrants and their families of up to US$43 billion. We have delivered support on domestic resource mobilization through a G20 “Call to Action for Strengthening Tax Capacity in Developing Countries” and work on the review and efficient use of tax incentives for investment in low income developing countries

We welcome the progress made in scaling-up support to SME finance in low income developing countries through new partnerships under the SME Finance Compact.

On tax, the G20 has encouraged the inclusion of developing countries in the G20 international tax reform agenda, and is taking action to enable them to make the most of an international tax environment that is becoming more transparent and fair. Completion of the G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project has been a significant step towards this end.

We advanced our efforts to unlock the ways and means for developing countries to prepare and finance infrastructure projects, through the development of several toolkits and instruments for low income developing countries such as “the WBG Infrastructure Prioritization Toolkit” and “WBG/OECD Project Checklist for PPPs” to assist governments in the planning and prioritization of infrastructure projects. We have endorsed the G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems,

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which underlines our commitment to improve and take practical action on global food security and nutrition.

Continuing our Efforts to Build a Prosperous Future

The Antalya Action Plan sets out strategic and important actions to create strong, sustainable and balanced growth. We are committed to use all policy levers to support economic activity over the short and medium term and increase our resilience to shocks.

In addition to the right mix of the fiscal, monetary and structural reform policies, we have also elaborated on the potential benefits of changing the composition of our tax and expenditures to deliver more growth, for example through raising employment, nurturing private investment and boosting productivity. We will continue to consider the composition of our budget expenditures and revenues to support productivity, inclusiveness and growth.

Sustained global rebalancing remains a core priority of the G20. To ensure a stronger and more durable recovery, we will continue to reduce excessive external and internal imbalances and make further progress towards rebalancing of global demand, in addition to focusing more intensively on strengthening the efficiency and symmetry of the global adjustment process. We will continue to undertake an assessment of members every two years against the “Indicative Guidelines” that we endorsed in Cannes to identify large and persistent imbalances. We will continue to discuss Sustainability Updates prepared by the IMF for countries where the guidelines suggest imbalances require further analysis.

We will continue with our risk gauging exercise for the global economy for information and consideration of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. We also look forward to a review by the IMF of the Global Financial Safety Net architecture by early 2016.

We reiterate our commitment to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, and avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments. We will refrain from competitive devaluation and will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes. We will resist all forms of protectionism and keep our markets open.

Accountability Framework Going Forward

We will continue to strive towards strong, sustainable and balanced growth. We will implement our policy commitments in a full and timely manner. The enhancement we made this year to our accountability assessment framework will ensure that we can effectively hold ourselves to account on this. The country-owned and country-led principle, the comply or explain approach, and peer reviews, which will be strengthened, have been and will remain integral parts of our accountability framework.

We will continue to monitor closely the implementation progress of the key commitments in our growth strategies using the new detailed implementation schedules and keep track of actual growth figures for guiding our efforts and assessment. Analytical support by international organizations, led by the IMF and the OECD, and with the support from the WBG, the ILO and UNCTAD, will remain

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critical to this process, particularly to help ensure the G20 continues to move towards our collective growth ambition.

We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain relevant to evolving economic conditions, policy priorities and structural challenges, in particular slow productivity growth, and that they remain consistent with our collective growth ambition.

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G20 Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism | 1


1. We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November and in Ankara on 10 October. They are an unacceptable affront to all humanity. We extend our deepest condolences to the victims of terrorist attacks and their families. We reaffirm our solidarity and resolve in the fight against terrorism in all its forms and wherever it occurs.

2. We remain united in combatting terrorism. The spread of terrorist organizations and significant rise globally in acts of terrorism directly undermine the maintenance of international peace and security and endangers our ongoing efforts to strengthen the global economy and ensure sustainable growth and development.

3. We unequivocally condemn all acts, methods and practices of terrorism, which cannot be justified under any circumstances, regardless of their motivation, in all their forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed.

4. We reaffirm that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group.

5. The fight against terrorism is a major priority for all of our countries and we reiterate our resolve to work together to prevent and suppress terrorist acts through increased international solidarity and cooperation, in full recognition of the UN’s central role, and in accordance with UN Charter and obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as well as through the full implementation of the relevant international conventions, UN Security Council Resolutions and the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy.

6. We also remain committed to tackling the financing channels of terrorism, particularly by enhanced cooperation on exchange of information and freezing of terrorist assets, criminalization of terrorist financing and robust targeted financial sanctions regimes related to terrorism and terrorist financing, including through swift implementation of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards in all jurisdictions. We will continue to implement relevant FATF recommendations and instruments. We call on FATF to identify measures, including pertaining to legal framework, to strengthen combatting of terrorism financing and targeted financial sanctions and implementation thereof.

7. Our counter terrorism actions must continue to be part of a comprehensive approach based on addressing the conditions conducive to terrorism as stipulated in UN Security Council Resolution 2178, countering violent extremism, combatting radicalization and recruitment, hampering terrorist movements, countering terrorist propaganda and to prevent terrorists from exploiting technology, communications and resources to incite terrorist acts, including through the internet. The direct or indirect encouragement of terrorism, the incitement of terrorist acts and glorification of violence must be prevented. We recognize the need at all levels to work proactively to prevent violent extremism and support civil society in engaging youth and promoting inclusion of all members of society.

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G20 Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism | 2

8. We are concerned over the acute and growing flow of foreign terrorist fighters and the threat it poses for all States, including countries of origin, transit and destination. We are resolved to address this threat by enhancing our cooperation and developing relevant measures to prevent and tackle this phenomenon, including operational information-sharing, border management to detect travel, preventive measures and appropriate criminal justice response. We will work together to strengthen global aviation security.

9. The continued and recent terrorist attacks all across the world have shown once again the need for increased international cooperation and solidarity in the fight against terrorism. We will always remember the victims of these attacks.

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G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems | 1

G20 ACTION PLAN ON FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS 1. We, the G20 Leaders are committed to addressing the challenge of improving global food security, nutrition and the sustainability of food systems. Although more than half of developing countries have reached the Millennium Development Goal target of halving the proportion of people suffering from hunger, the Food and Agriculture Organization estimates there are still 795 million people undernourished. Global food supply will need to increase by 60 percent to feed a projected world population of 9.7 billion people by 2050. We recognize that to improve food security and nutrition in the face of intensifying pressures on natural resources and the impacts of climate change, we will need to increase productivity while simultaneously building food systems that are more sustainable and resilient. 2. We believe that the G20 can strengthen international efforts to improve food security and nutrition and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In the light of the need to raise productivity while moving towards food systems that are sustainable environmentally, economically and socially and that support quality and diverse diets, we reaffirm the importance of the G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework that we endorsed at our Brisbane Summit. We reiterate its three objectives of: increasing responsible investment in food systems; increasing incomes and quality employment in food systems; and increasing productivity sustainably to expand food supply. 3. We endorse the Communiqué outlining the views and recommendations of our Agriculture Ministers on how best to raise productivity and achieve sustainable food systems. We also endorse the prioritised actions put forward in the Implementation Plan of the G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework. In this G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems we commit to key actions that we believe best reflect the G20’s comparative advantage and make a significant contribution to the achievement of the G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework’s priority objectives. They are relevant to both G20 members and low income and developing countries and pay particular attention to the needs of smallholder and family farmers, rural women and youth. We reiterate our support to relevant ongoing G20 initiatives and reaffirm our commitment to implement the 2011 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture. Promoting responsible investment in agriculture and food systems 4. We will increase efforts to promote responsible investment in agriculture and food systems that lead to higher productivity, inclusive growth, poverty reduction and improved food security and nutrition and are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. We will also continue to support the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program. Investment throughout food value chains is fundamental to our objectives of raising productivity and production, generating decent jobs and incomes and reducing food loss and waste. We recognize that, in addition to the public sector, the private sector, including smallholder producers and their organizations, is crucial in making these investments and developing the technologies and good practices needed to enhance productivity, efficiency and sustainability in food value chains. We will increase efforts to effectively engage with the private sector to pursue common goals. 5. Mechanisms and instruments are needed to promote responsible investment in agriculture and food systems. The G20 supported the development of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, both endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security. We request FAO,

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G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems | 2

IFAD, UNCTAD, the World Bank Group, ILO and OECD to provide guidance to the G20 and other interested countries on the operationalization of these principles. 6. We recognise that support for responsible investment also requires an enabling environment including infrastructure and policies conducive to well-functioning markets, an open and rules based multilateral trading system, inclusive financial institutions, secure tenure of land, social protection, the management of risk and measures to limit the adverse impacts of excessive price volatility. We reaffirm our commitment to the fundamental role of a rules-based multilateral trading system in global food security and to the ongoing WTO negotiations with a view to promptly conclude the Doha Development Agenda. Improving market transparency for food security 7. We will further improve agricultural market data and transparency. The G20’s Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) has proved a successful mechanism to reduce the likelihood of large unexpected price fluctuations in international agricultural commodity markets by improving transparency and reducing the risk of uncoordinated destabilizing policy actions. We support the ongoing work of AMIS and commit to deeper and stronger collaboration to materially improve global data and market transparency by disclosing regular, reliable, accurate, timely and comparable data and encourage the Rapid Response Forum to address policy challenges in global food markets. Supporting human resource development 8. Building on the G20 skills strategy and the G20 goals to increase women’s participation in the workforce and to reduce youth unemployment, we will support food system employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in particular for smallholders and especially for women and youth through training and skills development. Improved food security and nutrition requires inclusive economic growth and employment creation, especially for women and youth, and social protection mechanisms. We believe that agriculture and sustainable food systems can provide enhanced livelihood opportunities for women and youth and also expand future agricultural production. 9. Special efforts are needed to promote training programmes and skills development and improved access to productive resources for smallholders, women and youth. We will explore mechanisms, including south-south and triangular cooperation, to share successful experiences in skills anticipation and matching, apprenticeship and work-linked training pathways and improved access to productive assets. Recognizing that adequate nutrition is a prerequisite for human development, we emphasize the importance of social protection and safety nets programs. We will strengthen the dissemination of best practices of the most effective policies and programs in the area of nutrition-sensitive social protection and enhance the exchange of experience and lessons learned among developing countries through the support of peer-to-peer cooperation, facilitation of relevant international and regional events as well as promotion of existing platforms and knowledge hubs. Fostering sustainable productivity growth 10. We will continue to support sustainable productivity growth, especially for smallholder farmers, including through sharing knowledge of successful policies, technologies and practices and encouraging their adaptation and adoption. Increasing agricultural productivity must go hand in hand with sustainability. Several existing G20 initiatives aim to increase productivity and production by fostering cooperation and sharing of research results and policy experiences. We encourage efforts to increase their effectiveness. We will ensure the

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G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems | 3

stronger alignment of the Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists with the objective of achieving productivity growth and sustainable food systems. 11. We stress the importance of increasing agricultural productivity, through both adopting existing innovations as well as new research and technologies. We call for greater cooperation and exchange of information among G20 members and with low income and developing countries to share policy experiences and successful practices in advisory, extension and agricultural innovation systems. Reducing food loss and waste 12. We commit to reducing food loss and waste globally. We note with concern that one third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted with negative consequences for food security, nutrition, use of natural resources and the environment. This is a global problem of great economic, environmental and societal significance. While recognizing that appropriate measures may vary from country to country, we give priority to prevention and recovery and redistribution of safe and nutritious otherwise wasted food to feed people. We welcome the decision to establish a technical platform, building on existing platforms and relevant to both G20 members and low income and developing countries, for sharing information and experiences in measuring and reducing food loss and waste, and call for its effective operationalization by the relevant international organizations as soon as possible. 13. Improved food security and nutrition and more sustainable food systems are global priorities. We believe that the actions we propose here can have positive impacts and contribute to inclusive growth. We commit to their realization and will monitor progress through our existing mechanisms. We will continue to work with the relevant international organizations to ensure their active engagement in the actions we have identified.

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Informe de la participación del Presidente

Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes

del G20 en Hangzhou, República Popular China

4 y 5 de septiembre de 2016

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Informe de la participación del Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos,

Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Hangzhou, República Popular China

4 y 5 de septiembre de 2016

Índice A) Cumbre de Líderes del Grupo de los Veinte (G20), Hangzhou,


B) Anexos 1. Comitiva a G20 2. Declaración de Líderes del G20 2016 3. Plan de Acción de Hangzhou

A) Cumbre de Líderes del G20

Por invitación del Presidente de la República Popular China, señor Xi Jinping, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto participó en la Cumbre de Líderes del Grupo de los Veinte (G20) que se llevó a cabo los días 4 y 5 de septiembre de 2016 en la ciudad de Hangzhou, provincia de Zhejiang, en la República Popular China. Importancia del G20 para México El G20 es el principal foro para la coordinación internacional de política económica y para la toma de decisiones sobre la gobernanza del sistema financiero global. Su objetivo es promover un crecimiento económico fuerte, sostenido y equilibrado, y fortalecer el sistema financiero internacional. Los países que integran el G20 representan el 86% de la economía mundial, el 67% del comercio internacional y el 64% de la población del planeta. Adicionalmente, la inversión extranjera directa (IED) de los países del G20 representa el 93.8% del total de IED que recibe México y siete de los socios comerciales más importantes de México son miembros del G20 (Estados Unidos, China, Canadá, Japón, Alemania, Corea y Brasil). Presidencia de China en el G20 (2016)

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Durante el 2016, la Presidencia del G20 correspondió a China, país que tuvo la responsabilidad de definir las prioridades, organizar y acoger todas las reuniones preparatorias, así como la Cumbre misma. La temática de la Presidencia de China en el G20 fue “Hacia una economía mundial innovadora, fortalecida, incluyente e interconectada”. En este sentido, las prioridades que China estableció para orientar los trabajos a lo largo del año, así como las discusiones de los líderes durante la Cumbre fueron:

1) Explorar nuevos modelos de crecimiento económico que se basen en la innovación, la economía digital, los nuevos avances tecnológicos y las reformas estructurales.

2) Lograr una gobernanza económica y financiera global más efectiva y eficiente, mediante la profundización de las reformas de las instituciones financieras internacionales para construir un sistema financiero más estable, resistente, incluyente, “verde”, transparente y con suficiente solvencia para enfrentar situaciones de emergencia; fortalecer la cooperación internacional en el combate contra la corrupción y contribuir a una mejor gobernanza energética global.

3) Comercio internacional e inversión sólidos, con estrategias para contribuir a un comercio internacional más dinámico, un sistema multilateral de comercio fuerte y efectivo, promover el comercio electrónico, generar cadenas globales de valor más incluyentes, y fortalecer los vínculos entre el comercio y la inversión.

4) Desarrollo incluyente e interconectado, enfocado en las contribuciones del G20 a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, promover la creación de empleos y estimular el emprendimiento.

Principales objetivos de México Los principales objetivos de la participación de México en la Cumbre de Hangzhou fueron:

Destacar la importancia de las reformas estructurales como herramienta transformadora para elevar la productividad, detonar las oportunidades de crecimiento y hacer frente a los desafíos que presenta la economía mundial.

Contribuir a la reactivación del comercio internacional y reiterar el compromiso de los países del G20 de no instrumentar medidas proteccionistas.

Impulsar mecanismos que faciliten los flujos de inversión en infraestructura de alta calidad para mejorar la inclusión y la conectividad.

Promover la inclusión financiera como estrategia para una participación efectiva y responsable de toda la sociedad en un sistema financiero sólido.

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Impulsar la contribución colectiva del G20 a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible

En la Cumbre participaron los líderes de los países del G20 , de los países invitados de la Presidencia china y los titulares de los siguientes organismos internacionales: Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera, Banco Mundial, Fondo Monetario Internacional, Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial, Organización Internacional del Trabajo, y Organización Mundial del Comercio y Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico. La Cumbre se estructuró en cinco sesiones de trabajo en las cuales los Líderes intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre la situación de la economía mundial y sobre las mejores acciones y estrategias para impulsar el crecimiento económico. En la primera sesión, que estuvo dedicada a la coordinación de políticas para el crecimiento económico, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto hizo referencia a los riesgos que enfrenta la economía mundial, como un crecimiento insuficiente, desequilibrios financieros globales, políticas monetarias divergentes, reducción del precio de las materias primas y tensiones geopolíticas en algunas regiones del planeta. En este contexto, el Presidente Peña Nieto destacó, en particular, las herramientas analíticas que se han diseñado en el G20 para apoyar en el proceso de instrumentación de reformas estructurales y reconoció que la innovación debe ser un concepto transversal en la creación de política pública. El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto fue invitado por su homólogo chino, el Presidente Xi Jinping, para ser uno de los oradores principales en la segunda sesión, sobre gobernanza económica y financiera. En su intervención, el Presidente Peña Nieto se refirió a varios temas. En primer lugar, en el marco de los esfuerzos del G20 para construir una arquitectura financiera internacional más transparente y que fomente la rendición de cuentas, el Presidente Peña Nieto habló sobre la promulgación del nuevo Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción en México, que es fruto de la participación de la sociedad civil organizada, las fuerzas políticas y el sector privado. En segundo lugar, en materia de reforma del sistema financiero internacional, el Presidente hizo un llamado al G20 para respaldar al Fondo Monetario Internacional, a fin de que se mantenga como instrumento de apoyo a la estabilidad económica y financiera global.

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Por otra parte, expuso también las acciones que ha llevado a cabo México para aumentar el acceso a energías limpias y renovables, y para mejorar la eficiencia energética. Asimismo, el Presidente refrendó el apoyo de México a los trabajos del G20 para lograr una mayor cooperación fiscal internacional mediante el intercambio de información para prevenir la evasión fiscal. La tercera sesión trató sobre comercio e inversión. Ahí, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto hizo una relación de las contribuciones que ha hecho México como copresidente del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Inversión e Infraestructura del G20, como el desarrollo de instrumentos financieros de infraestructura adecuados a los perfiles de los inversionistas y la elaboración —con el apoyo de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico, el Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional— de guías para canalizar recursos privados a infraestructura. La promoción del comercio internacional como fuente del crecimiento económico fue uno de los temas que México impulsó con mayor fuerza. El Presidente Peña Nieto exhortó al G20 a tomar medidas concretas para eliminar el proteccionismo, reducir las barreras al comercio y enfrentar las barreras que afectan la productividad y la competitividad. En este sentido, también hizo un llamado a ratificar el Acuerdo sobre facilitación del Comercio. Asimismo, en materia de inclusión, el Presidente mencionó que es fundamental impulsar la integración de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en las cadenas productivas globales, mediante un mejor acceso al financiamiento, la formación de capital humano y el desarrollo de la innovación. En la sesión cuatro, sobre desarrollo incluyente e interconectado, la participación del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto se centró en la inclusión financiera como estrategia para atraer a los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad a la senda del bienestar y el desarrollo económico. Bajo esta lógica, el Presidente compartió los avances logrados en México con la implementación de la Política Nacional de Inclusión Financiera. Por lo que respecta a la contribución del G20 a la implementación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, el Presidente habló sobre la experiencia positiva que tuvo México en el seguimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y sobre las acciones que está llevando a cabo el país para fomentar y facilitar la apropiación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, mediante alianzas con el sector privado y con la sociedad civil.

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La quinta y última sesión de la Cumbre se dedicó a discutir otros asuntos que afectan a la economía mundial, como el cambio climático, la migración internacional y la crisis de los refugiados, la lucha contra el financiamiento para el terrorismo y los retos de salud a nivel global. El Presidente subrayó que la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático se encuentra en la cima de la estrategia de desarrollo sostenible de México. Mencionó las disposiciones que prevé la reforma energética para impulsar la transformación del sector hacia un uso cada vez más mayor de energías renovables. Al reconocer que el Acuerdo de París es el logro más importante de la comunidad internacional en materia de cambio climático, señaló que éste representa una oportunidad única para actuar y evitar las peores consecuencias del calentamiento global. En esa tesitura, el Presidente puntualizó que es necesario actualizar las contribuciones previstas y determinadas a nivel nacional y establecer compromisos ambiciosos para mantener el incremento de la temperatura global por debajo de 2 grados Celsius. En cuanto al tema de migración y refugio, el Presidente Peña Nieto destacó que como país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes, México concibe la migración como un fenómeno social que representa grandes oportunidades. Subrayó la necesidad de trabajar de manera coordinada para brindar protección a quienes salen de su país, bajo un esquema de responsabilidad y solidaridad compartida internacional. El Presidente Peña Nieto expresó, también, la enérgica condena de México al terrorismo, en todas sus formas y manifestaciones. Dijo que es fundamental controlar los flujos de armas a zonas en conflicto y desarticular las fuentes de financiamiento del terrorismo. En esta materia, se refirió a las acciones que ha emprendido México, de conformidad con las recomendaciones del Grupo de Acción Financiera y otros foros regionales. Finalmente, en el tema de salud global, la discusión se centró en las medidas para atender el reto que representa la resistencia a los fármacos antimicrobianos. Al respecto, México propuso una visión integral en la atención del problema, pues es necesario asegurar la participación de todos los sectores involucrados y atender todas las dimensiones del fenómeno, bajo el liderazgo de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Principales resultados de la Cumbre de Hangzhou:

Declaración de Hangzhou, con los principales compromisos

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adoptados por los Líderes. Hoja de ruta sobre crecimiento innovador, con las estrategias de

crecimiento del G20 basadas en la innovación, la economía digital, la nueva revolución industrial y las reformas estructurales.

Plan de Acción del G20 para la implementación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible.

Identificación de áreas prioritarias, definición de principios rectores y elaboración de un sistema de índices en materia de reformas estructurales.

Estrategia del G20 para el crecimiento del comercio internacional. Extender del compromiso de no instrumentar medidas

proteccionistas al comercio hasta el 2018. Principios rectores para el diseño de políticas de inversión global. Compromiso de avanzar en la profundización de la reforma de la

arquitectura financiera internacional. Acuerdo de facilitar una mayor cooperación internacional en el

combate contra la corrupción. Plan de Acción del G20 para promover el emprendimiento. Exhorto a la oportuna y pronta entrada en vigor del Acuerdo de

París sobre cambio climático.

En el marco de su participación en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Hangzhou, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto se reunió con Xi Jinping, Presidente de la República Popular China, con Theresa May, Primera Ministra del Reino Unido. A nombre de todos los Líderes participantes, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto agradeció la hospitalidad del Presidente Xi Jinping y lo felicitó por la labor de China al frente del G20 durante el 2016. Asimismo, al ser la última Cumbre en la que participó el Presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, como Jefe de Estado de su país, el Presidente Peña Nieto reconoció el importante papel que ha desempeñado el Presidente Obama durante los últimos ocho años para contribuir a la recuperación de la economía mundial.

B) Anexos

1. Comitiva a G20 2. Declaración de Líderes del G20 3. Plan de Acción de Hangzhou

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Acknowledgements We thank international organisations, including the UN, IMF, World Bank Group, OECD, WTO, ILO, FSB, FATF and BIS, for their valuable inputs to the G20 process. We also thank the G20 engagement groups, namely Business 20, Civil Society 20, Labour 20, Think 20 and Youth 20 for their important contributions this year. We welcome the establishment of the Women20 and look forward to its active contributions going forward.


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G20 New Industrial Revolution Action Plan

1. Overview


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G20 New Industrial Revolution Action Plan

1. Overview


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Hangzhou Action Plan

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A. Strengthening Short-term Growth and Stability

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B. Boosting Actual and Potential Growth in the Medium Term

i. Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda

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Promoting trade and investment openness

Promoting competition and an enabling environment

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Encouraging innovation

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Improving infrastructure

Improving and strengthening the financial system

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Advancing labour market reform, educational attainment and skills

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Promoting fiscal reform

Enhancing environmental sustainability

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Promoting inclusive growth

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ii. Lifting and Enhancing Infrastructure Investment

iii. Tax for Growth

C. Making Growth more Resilient, Sustainable and Balanced

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i. Building a Stable and Resilient International Financial Architecture

ii. Promoting Financial Inclusion

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iii. Promoting Green Finance

iv. Promoting Efficient and Transparent Provision and Mobilization of Climate Finance

v. Addressing Global Imbalances


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G20 New Industrial Revolution Action Plan

1. Overview


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Multi-stakeholder communication principle

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Proposed Actions

4.1 Research collaboration




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4.2 Role of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)




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4.3 Employment and workforce skills




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4.4 Cooperation on standards




4.5 New industrial infrastructure


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4.6 Intellectual property rights protection



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4.7 Industrialization in developing countries




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G20 Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative

I. Overview: Global Economy in a Digitized World


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II. Guiding Principles: A Compass for Navigation




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Open and enabling business environment

Flow of Information for Economic Growth, Trust and Security

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III. Key Areas: Unleash Greater Potential of Digital Economy

In line with the above principles, the DETF identifies priorities for cooperation in digital economy, to provide favorable conditions for its development, boost economic growth, and ensure digital inclusion. To this end, members are encouraged to:

6. Expand broadband access and improve quality

7. Promote investment in the ICT Sector

8. Support entrepreneurship and promote digital transformation

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9. Encourage e-commerce cooperation

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10. Enhance digital inclusion

11. Promote development of MSMEs

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IV. Policy Support: For an Open and Secure Environment

The G20 aims to encourage exchange of views, promote mutual understanding and strengthen cooperation in policy making and regulation. To this end, members are encouraged to:

12. Intellectual Property

13. Promote cooperation with respect to independent choice of development path

14. Cultivate transparent digital economy policy-making

15. Support the development and use of international standards

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16. Strengthen confidence and trust

17. Manage radiofrequency spectrum to promote innovation

V. Way Forward: Actions to Make a Difference

Recognizing that the digital shifts underway are reshaping economies and societies today and will continue to do so in the future, the G20 agrees to cooperate and continue to work closely on these matters. In this regard, the G20 will:

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G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The G20 is committed to further aligning its work with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure that no one is left behind in our efforts to eradicate poverty, achieve sustainable development and build an inclusive and sustainable future for all, as confirmed at the Antalya Summit. This Action Plan, including the High Level Principles, contributes to global efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development (AAAA).

High Level Principles on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Recognizing the historic global consensus reached with the adoption of the universal and ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, and recommitting to all the principles of the 2030 Agenda, the G20 commits to contributing to its implementation. G20 efforts will continue to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth, protect the planet from degradation, and further cooperate with low income and developing countries. G20 members will ensure that their collective efforts make positive global impact towards effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda in all three dimensions of sustainable development in a balanced and integrated manner.

The G20 will focus on sectors and themes of the 2030 Agenda where it has comparative advantage and can add value as a global forum for economic cooperation. Within the overall sustainable development agenda, the G20’s comparative advantage lies in its convening power and its collective ability to adopt and support initiatives at the highest global level, including those that involve macro-economic framework, and to create the global enabling environment.

In this regard the G20 contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda will be guided by the following high level principles:

Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA), through our collective and individual efforts, at home and abroad, in a way that makes use of the comparative advantage of the G20 as a global economic forum.

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Reaffirm the universality of the 2030 Agenda, its transformative, indivisible and integrated nature, the importance of leaving no one behind, the dignity of every person on the planet, and people-centered sustainable development.

Implement the 2030 Agenda domestically according to national priorities, needs and capacities, and internationally in fostering peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence, and in supporting low income and developing countries to generate progress towards achieving the SDGs which includes eradicating poverty and hunger.

Recognize the importance of sustainable development in all its dimensions (economic, environmental and social) in a balanced and integrated manner, and resolve to integrate sustainable development into our domestic policies and plans as well as our international development efforts, as applicable.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth consistent with the 2030 Agenda that creates productive employment and decent work and benefits all segments of our societies, as well as effective governance and accountable institutions which are essential to the eradication of poverty and hunger, promotion of sustainable development and achieving the SDGs in an integrated manner.

Devote ourselves to take collective policy actions to the pursuit of global development that are inclusive, respect country ownership and national priorities, focusing on concrete results, mutually beneficial and win-win outcomes, openness, flexibility and transparency.

Promote a revitalized and enhanced global partnership for sustainable development including through the mobilization and responsible use of all sources of financing – domestic and international, public and private, and enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to achieve all the SDGs, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, as well as international cooperation on technology and capacity building, consistent with the AAAA and the 2030 Agenda.

Support international development partnerships that engage governments, private sector, civil society, academia and international organizations, in line with the 2030 Agenda.

Recognize the importance that countries mobilize and effectively use their own domestic resources to further their own development, and reaffirm our respective official development assistance (ODA) commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries as established in the 2030 Agenda.

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Achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Ensure and strengthen the coordination and policy coherence on G20 work that contributes to sustainable development outcomes across all G20 work streams.

Work across the relevant G20 working groups and streams in order to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by following up on our collective actions through existing accountability processes and follow-up mechanisms.

Support efforts to report on the implementation progress of the 2030 Agenda in the context of the UN follow-up and review process, led by the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Scope of the Action Plan

Given the universality of the 2030 Agenda, G20 members contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by taking bold transformative steps through both collective and individual concrete actions at international and domestic levels. These actions can advance sustainable development outcomes, support low income and developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda according to their national priorities, and enable the provision of global public goods.

By identifying issues of common concern and encouraging policy dialogue, coherence and coordination, G20 collective actions are framed around Sustainable Development Sectors (SDS) including Infrastructure, Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Human Resource Development and Employment, Financial Inclusion and Remittances, Domestic Resource Mobilization, Industrialization, Inclusive Business, Energy, Trade and Investment, Anti-Corruption, International Financial Architecture, Growth Strategies, Climate Finance and Green Finance, Innovation, and Global Health. These SDS outlined in the Action Plan reflect ongoing, mid and long-term G20 commitments and are intended to be updated and adapted to reflect successive G20 presidency priorities.

The Action Plan is a starting point and is not intended to cover all SDGs in a comprehensive manner. It will be open to updates to accommodate deliverables brought forward by subsequent presidencies, and to new emerging needs, lessons and challenges, such as migration or other issues. The Action Plan is a living document with a timeframe of 15 years, consistent with the 2030 Agenda.

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G20 Collective Actions for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Sectors (SDS) reflect the G20’s long standing efforts on development, its economic focus, and collective strength to address issues of global concern and increasingly linked towards sustainable development. Drawing on the G20 agenda for strong, sustainable and balanced growth and the G20’s multi-year development agenda (Seoul Development Consensus, St Petersburg Development Outlook and the G20 - Low Income and Developing Countries Framework), these SDS capture the G20’s collective actions towards sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions and poverty eradication as addressed in the 2030 Agenda. Importantly, SDS recognize that all G20 work streams have the potential to contribute to realizing the 2030 Agenda and will be further developed according to emerging priorities. Cross-cutting elements within these SDS include: the Means of Implementation, including, inter alia, finance, technology and capacity building, as agreed in the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs and the AAAA, the systematic mainstreaming of gender equality and women’s political and economic empowerment, and the protection of the planet and its natural resources.

The below section outlines G20 activities in these SDS, and the Development Working Group (DWG), together with other work streams, will further develop a list of comprehensive and concrete actions that contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda before next G20 Summit in 2017.


Implementing the 2030 Agenda will require new investments in sustainable infrastructure across a wide range of sectors (SDGs 6, 7, 9, 11, 12)1. Such investments will impact positively on global efforts on economic growth, poverty eradication and combating climate change and its impacts (SDG 1, 3, 8, 13). In line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (paras 14, 47), the G20 has established work on infrastructure led by the Investment and Infrastructure Working Group (IIWG) and the Development Working Group (DWG), which aims to advance infrastructure investment, address data gaps, improve investment climate, and exploit synergies across different initiatives. This work is supported by stakeholders including the World Bank, other multilateral development banks (MDBs), the Global Infrastructure Hub (GIH), OECD, and IMF. The G20 has launched the Global Infrastructure Connectivity Alliance Initiative in 2016 aiming to enhance synergies and cooperation of existing infrastructure connectivity initiatives, including those at regional level. The G20 welcomes the MDBs’


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joint declaration of aspiration on actions to support infrastructure investment, including the quantitative ambitions for high quality infrastructure projects. The G20 encourages continued progress on the optimization of MDBs balance sheets, as well as on MDB's support for countries to mobilize more public and private resources in order to contribute to the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda including but not limited to infrastructure.

The G20 will take steps to deliver on its commitments of developing sustainable, resilient, safe and quality infrastructure to support economic development and human well-being. Along with relevant international organizations and MDBs, it will aim to promote policy options that bridge the global infrastructure gap including through mobilizing both public and private finance, promote global infrastructure connectivity, and facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in low income and developing countries. The G20 will also continue to actively participate in the work of the Global Infrastructure Forum towards this end.

Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition

Sustainable agriculture, through its links to food security and nutrition, health, employment, economic development and environment, contributes significantly to achieving a wide range of SDGs (2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15). The G20 has committed to promote sustainable agriculture and rural development, improve global food security and nutrition for all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable groups, tackle the issue of food price volatility, and reduce food loss and waste throughout food value chains by supporting the G20 Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste. The G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework sets three multi-year priorities aligned with the SDGs: increasing responsible investment; increasing incomes and providing quality employment; and increasing productivity in a sustainable manner. This Framework is being implemented including through the Implementation Plan and the Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems and the outcomes of the 2016 G20 Agriculture Minister’s meeting. (cf. AAAA paras 13, 108, 121).

The G20 will contribute to end hunger, poverty and all forms of malnutrition, implement plans and programs regarding the agriculture-related SDGs while paying due attention to the links with other SDGs, improve the global environment for responsible agricultural investment, facilitate innovation and ICT application in agriculture, reduce food loss and waste, and promote sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and help maintain ecosystems. It will pay special attention to smallholders, family farmers, and small-scale producers, and women and youth. It will continue to support and strengthen programmes that prepare farmers and the food systems for present and future challenges, including the adverse effects of climate change,

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and initiatives that promote sustainable agricultural development including the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS), the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM), the Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS), AgResults and the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP).

Human Resources Development and Employment

The G20 has put a strong emphasis on promoting more, decent and quality jobs, through an integrated approach and comprehensive policies to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all (SDG 8). Human resource development through education, quality apprenticeships and training to enhance vocational skills development and lifelong learning, both in G20 countries and non-G20 countries, remains a high priority (SDG 4). The G20 has been working on human resources development both at home and abroad to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant technical and vocational skills for employment. It adopted the Multi-Year Framework for Policy Coherence and Coordination on Human Resource Development between the G20 Development and Employment Working Groups. It also adopted the Framework on Promoting Quality Jobs, Skills Strategy, Training Strategy and the Policy Principles for Promoting Better Youth Employment Outcomes. G20 efforts to reduce the share of young people who are most at risk of being permanently left behind in the labour market by 15% by 2025, and reduce the gender gap in the labour force participation by 25 percent by 2025 in their countries, taking into account the national circumstances, are critical contributions to the 2030 Agenda (SDGs 4, 5, 8). G20 has also committed to sharing good practices to address opportunities and challenges for labour markets posed by international labour mobility and aging of populations. As the G20 is seeking to ensure that growth is sustainable, inclusive and job-rich, it supports a comprehensive and coordinated approach which places employment promotion as the priority in national economic and social development strategies and commits to enhancing coherence between economic, labour, employment, and social policies, as well as encouraging innovation, enhancing employability, promoting quality apprenticeship and entrepreneurship through practical actions (SDG 10; cf. AAAA paras 16, 37, 41).

The G20 will support integrated policies to promote accessible and effective technical and vocational training and acquisition including through training systems. It will also promote full and productive employment and decent work for all, entrepreneurship, and social protection in line with national conditions. It will review growth strategies and employment plans to ensure policy coherence, strengthen actions against inequality and in support of inclusive growth, and keep its priority on substantially reducing the gender gap in labour force participation and the proportion of youth not in

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employment, education or training, protecting labour rights and promoting safe working environment for all workers taking into account national circumstances.

Financial Inclusion and Remittances

Financial inclusion and remittances activities in the G20, focusing on providing full and equal access to formal financial services for all, enhancing financial literacy and education and consumers protection, promoting digital financial inclusion, and reducing the cost of transferring remittances, help reduce poverty and inequality (SDG 1,10) and foster inclusive growth (SDG 8, AAAA paras 39, 40). The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is working on expanding access to financial services as well as usage for those formerly excluded, particularly youth and women, and addressing financial system challenges and legal uncertainties around SMEs financing in both G20 and non-G20 countries.

The G20 will continue to develop evidence-based practices on sustainably increasing financial inclusion, both for individual and SMEs, including considering how digital technologies can offer affordable opportunities for the financially excluded. The G20 remains committed to National Remittances Plans as an important step towards helping to reduce the transaction cost of migrant remittances to less than 3 per cent and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent (SDG 10, AAAA para 40) and addressing the potential negative impact of risk re-evaluation by financial institutions, commonly known as “de-risking”.

Domestic Resource Mobilization

The mobilization and effective use of domestic resources are central to financing sustainable development. The G20 affirms its commitment to strengthening domestic resource mobilization, continuing international cooperation on tax including through international support to low income and developing countries, improving domestic tax policies administration systems and better collection of revenues and statistics, and combating illicit financial flows (SDG 17, AAAA paras 22, 23). Building on the implementation of the G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project and the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), the G20 aims to deepen international tax cooperation to ensure inclusive cooperation and dialogue among national tax authorities including regional cooperation in setting, monitoring and implementing international taxation standards (AAAA paras 27- 29). The G20 has also adopted a Call to Action to help strengthen tax capacity in low income and developing countries to help them participate in these initiatives and mobilize domestic resources for development. The G20 welcomes commitment by IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group Platform for Collaboration on Taxation to develop the set of toolkits and reports to improve guidance for low capacity countries in implementing BEPS standards. It also commends the international organizations’

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initiatives for strengthening tax revenue statistics and tax capacity in developing countries such as the Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool and the Initiative on Tax Inspectors without Borders. The G20 encourages its members to support the principles of the Addis Tax Initiative, and supports low income and developing countries to join the BEPS Inclusive Framework.

The G20 will further strengthen international cooperation to enhance domestic revenue administration and improve the fairness, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of tax systems, and call on relevant international organizations to make further recommendations and plans in this regard. It will amplify efforts to support low income and developing countries to participate in international cooperation on tax matters and develop more effective tax capacity building programs and tackle illicit financial flows.


The G20’s focus on supporting industrialization, especially in Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), contributes towards the SDGs (9) and a revitalized and enhanced global partnership (AAAA paras 15, 45). The G20 is exploring ways that it can support sustainable, inclusive and transparent transformation processes towards industrialization in Africa and LDCs that can boost growth, create jobs, and promote inclusiveness and sustainable development.

The G20 will consider new forms of international development partnership and collective actions to promote sustainable industrial productive capacity, a resilient and industry-related services sector, strengthened SME and agro-industry segments and links to the global market and digital economy in Africa and LD Cs, according to their development priorities and the capabilities of the G20 members.

Inclusive business

Inclusive Business helps reach people at the base of the pyramid as consumers and also as producers in a sustainable and commercially viable way, contributing towards SDGs (1, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17) and a revitalized and enhanced global partnership (AAAA paras 16, 35-37). In line with the G20 Leaders’ Call on Inclusive Business, the G20 has launched the Global Platform on Inclusive Business and continues to promote knowledge and learning for policy makers to promote Inclusive Business, including by applying the G20 Inclusive Business Framework in their domestic contexts and development policies. The G20 has endorsed the Inclusive Business Report for the 2016 Summit.

The G20 will continue facilitating learning, dialogue and exchanges of experiences and good practices among members, non-G20 countries especially low income and developing countries, the public sector, the private sector, and research institutes, with the objective of developing effective policy instruments

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and practical tools, promoting enabling ecosystems for inclusive business and encouraging its replication and scaling-up towards sustainable development.


Guided by the Principles on Energy Collaboration, G20 efforts on energy, including on access to energy, clean energy and energy efficiency, support a wide range of goals of the 2030 Agenda (SDGs 7, 9, 12, 13; AAAA paras 31, 49). In 2015, the G20 Energy Access Action Plan: Voluntary Collaboration on Energy Access put an initial focus on the Sub-Saharan Africa region aligning with the universal access goal. This effort has been extended to the Asia-Pacific region in 2016 and can be further extended to other regions over time. The G20 commits to take concrete voluntary actions, including utilizing a wide range of policy, financial and technological options, to improve energy access in these regions. The G20 Toolkit of Voluntary Options on Renewable Energy Development in 2015 set out voluntary options for accelerating renewable energy deployment. The G20 Voluntary Action Plan on Renewable Energy in 2016 aims to increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by developing energy strategies, including renewable energy deployment, and facilitating investment in renewable energy production and use. In line with the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan in 2014, the G20 has worked out the G20 Energy Efficiency Leading Program in 2016, which endeavors to significantly improve energy efficiency in the G20, through greater energy efficiency cooperation and by encouraging G20 members to develop active energy efficiency programs, policies and measures based on the specific needs and national circumstances of each member. The G20 is also committed to rationalizing and phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, recognizing the need to provide targeted support to the poorest.

The G20 shares the vision of a world of sustainable energy for all and will contribute to ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy services. It will continue to implement the Principles on Energy Collaboration, promote modern energy systems and resilient and transparent energy markets, strengthen cooperation on energy access, clean energy and energy efficiency, and promote investment in innovative energy technologies including clean energy technologies.

Trade and Investment

Trade and investment are essential drivers of inclusive growth (SDG 8). They critically contributed to development over the last decades, and represent a key factor to fight against inequality across countries (SDG 10) and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development (SDG 17, AAAA paras 80-82, 85). Since the outset of the financial crisis, the G20 has repeatedly pledged to resist

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protectionism, improve global trade governance through a strong and well-functioning multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core, remain committed to an open global economy, and further work towards trade liberalization and facilitation. Building on the WTO's successful Bali and Nairobi Ministerial Conferences, the G20 commits to implement rapidly the Bali and Nairobi outcomes. To guide and shape the WTO's post-Nairobi work, with development at its center, and acknowledging that provisions for special and differential treatment will remain integral, the G20 reaffirms its strong commitment to advance negotiations on the remaining Doha Development Agenda (DDA) issues as a matter of priority. The G20 agrees to work with all WTO members to set the direction together towards achieving positive outcomes at WTO Ministerial Conference 11 and beyond in a balanced, inclusive and transparent way with a sense of urgency and solidarity. It notes that a range of issues, such as those addressed in various Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and by the B20, may be of common interest and importance to today's global economy, and thus may be legitimate issues for discussions in the WTO, without prejudice to respective positions relating to possible negotiations in the future and bearing in mind that any decision to launch negotiations multilaterally on such issues would need to be agreed by all WTO Members. The G20 commits to ratify the Trade Facilitation Agreement by the end of 2016 and call on other WTO members to do the same. In order to strengthen its trade and investment cooperation mechanism, the G20 aims to make good use of the newly established Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG) to identify approaches and actions to promote global trade growth, enhance investment policy coordination and cooperation, and support activities to help low income and developing countries and SMEs better integrate into the Global Value Chains (GVCs). G20 members examined specific policy areas where more targeted and coordinated efforts are needed to leverage trade and investment for development, such as enhancing availability of trade finance, strengthening trade related skills development, and advancing the aid-for-trade initiative.

The G20 remains committed to a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system and G20 members are determined to work together to further strengthen the WTO. By implementing the G20 Strategy for Global Trade Growth, G20 members will lead by example to lower trade costs, harness trade and investment policy coherence, boost trade in services, enhance trade finance, promote e-commerce development, and address trade and development. It will continue to support mechanisms such as aid for trade in developing countries including for capacity building assistance. With the objective of fostering an open, transparent and conducive global policy environment for investment, G20 members endorse on the non-binding G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking, and expect that these may promote coherence in national and international policymaking and provide greater predictability and certainty for business to support their investment decisions.

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Corruption has long been recognized as an obstacle to development that diverts resources, hinders growth, and undermines the rule of law and international financial stability. The G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2017-2018 focuses its work on where the G20 can best add value to existing international efforts to reduce corruption, recover and return stolen assets, enhance transparency, and reduce illicit financial flows (SDG 16). This includes the improved enforcement of and practical cooperation in the anti-corruption laws, increased integrity and transparency in the public and private sector, the implementation of G20 anti-corruption principles including the principles on cooperation on persons sought for corruption and assets recovery, denial of safe haven, and strengthening of international cooperation and addressing corruption in high risk sectors (AAAA paras 20, 25, 30).

The G20 will accelerate implementation of anti-corruption priority policy areas, and continue to work to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all forms as well as to improve beneficial ownership transparency of legal persons and legal arrangements, including trusts. G20 members will work towards a clean business environment and deny safe haven to corrupt officials and those who corrupt them.

International Financial Architecture

The foundation for sustainable development includes supporting global economic growth and financial stability and strengthening the international financial architecture. Since its inception, the G20 has been working on advancing the reform of the international financial architecture, such as reforms at IMF and the World Bank Group, which are well aligned to supporting the 2030 Agenda which calls for strengthening the voice and participation of developing countries in global international economic and financial institutions (SDG 10). The G20 has also taken actions to strengthen the resilience of the global financial system, while preserving its open and integrated structure, and an effective global financial safety net. The G20 has resolved to promoting the orderliness and predictability of sovereign debt restructuring processes and strengthening debt sustainability mechanisms as well as keeping a strong focus on global financial stability in low income and developing countries(cf. SDG 17; AAAA paras 103, 105-107, 109).

The G20 will support efforts to create a more stable international monetary and financial system and closely work with relevant international financial institutions within their respective mandates to further improve effective responses to macroeconomic and financial risks and provide appropriate responses to the needs of low income and developing countries. It is committed to a strong, quota-based, and adequately resourced IMF and looks forward to the completion of the 15th General

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Review of Quotas by the 2017 Annual Meetings. The G20 also looks forward to the outcomes of the World Bank Group's shareholding review in accordance with the agreed roadmap and time frame.

Growth Strategies

The G20 growth strategies can make an important contribution to the 2030 Agenda across a wide range of SDGs (1, 8, 10; AAAA paras 4, 105). Through these strategies, the G20 aims to lift G20’s collective GDP by an additional 2 percent by 2018, which could bring positive spillovers boosting non-G20 economies' growth through increased demand in an open and integrated global economy. The current agenda for growth focuses on advancing and monitoring the full implementation of the agreed G20 growth strategies, improving performance on structural reforms, ensuring mutually supportive demand and supply policies to be put in place to deliver strong, sustainable and balanced growth and reduce downside risks, enhancing both private and public quality investment, and using fiscal, monetary and structural policies individually and collectively - all key issues for pushing forward the 2030 Agenda.

The G20 is resolved to support conditions for strong, sustainable and balanced growth and shared prosperity. It will ensure that inclusive growth and sustainable development agendas are mutually reinforcing, and will continue to enhance macroeconomic policy cooperation to help mitigate potential risks, increase synergies and lift productivity.

Climate Finance and Green Finance

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development. The goal of taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG 13) is a priority of G20 countries, as reflected in their contributions made in the context of the Paris Agreement. The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors reiterated the call for timely implementation of the Paris Agreement and the commitments made by developed countries and IOs and announcements made by other countries on climate finance. The G20 Sherpas agreed a Presidency Statement on Climate Change at their meeting in Guangzhou, committing to sign the Paris Agreement and bring the Agreement entry into force as soon as possible. Recognizing the primary role of UNFCCC, since 2012 the G20 Climate Finance Study Group (CFSG) has discussed how public and private financial resources can be effectively provided and mobilized for climate adaptation and mitigation actions in line with its mandate. In 2016, the Green Finance Study Group (GFSG) was established to enhance the ability of the financial system to mobilize private green investment. Green finance has the potential to play a key role in facilitating sustainable development by helping mobilize private investment in order to meet the climate and development

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challenges that we face today. The GFSG has already successfully identified challenges and opportunities in green finance across the G20 as well as options for countries to consider on a voluntary basis.

The G20 will continue to cooperate closely to combat climate change and its impacts and promote the timely entry into force and implementation of the Paris Agreement, encourage more resources to be provided and mobilized to combat climate change, and encourage financial flows to be consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. It calls on MDBs and development financial institutions to mainstream climate change actions across development strategies and encourages MDBs to present climate change action plans. It will continue to work and deepen the identified options to enhance the ability of the financial system to mobilize private capital for green investment.


Innovation including new ideas, processes, technologies, production methods and business models, is an important driving force for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Innovation can also ensure this growth is inclusive. Aside from its economic and business effect, innovation helps tackle social and environmental challenges at local and global levels. Stimulating innovation can be a key driver for long-term sustainable development (SDGs 8, 9). In 2016, the G20 agreed upon the Blueprint on Innovative Growth, which focuses on international cooperation on innovation, new industrial revolution and digital economy and will help boost economic growth and innovation, reduce gaps and lags, and strengthen the means of achieving the 2030 Agenda (SDG17; AAAA 114-124).

The G20 members encourage the enhancement of synergy and cooperation in our respective national innovation systems involving a wide range of actors and stakeholders, and building dynamic innovation ecosystems. It will intensify cooperation on creating a global environment that facilitates lawful access to science and technology, promoting voluntary knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, and exchanges of good practice to enhance innovation in the area of sustainable development. The G20 supports the Technology Facilitation Mechanism of UN for enhanced cooperation on technology to achieve sustainable development. It also emphasizes the importance of open trade and investment regimes to facilitate innovation, including through Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection and enforcement. The G20 will aim to achieve higher levels of economic productivity and sustainable development through facilitating innovation, new industrial revolution and digital economy with special attention to low income and developing countries.

Global Health

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The G20 recognizes that health is a necessary component for socio-economic stability, and it is also a key aspect of sustainable development (SDGs 1, 3, 5; AAAA para 77). Strong and resilient health systems are critical to responding to current and emerging global health challenges, and contribute to a productive workforce, a stable social safety net and ultimately a prosperous society. Threats to health, such as those arising from outbreaks of infectious diseases, can overwhelm health systems, spill into other sectors, shut down economies and undermine sustainable development. In 2014, G20 Leaders issued a special statement on Ebola, calling on all countries to join the G20 in mobilizing resources to strengthen national, regional and global preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases. In 2016, G20 members held discussion on efforts against anti-microbial resistance.

The G20 commits to support international efforts, including those of the WHO, to manage health risks and crisis in a comprehensive way, from preparedness and early identification of disease risks to effective response and recovery efforts, in the context of the International Health Regulations (IHR). It will also continue to support international efforts to strengthen sustainable and innovative financing of the global and national health systems. The G20 believes there is a need for an improved, aligned and coordinated approach to strengthening health systems, thereby contributing to universal health coverage, which serves as a foundation to promote public health, and enhances preparedness for global health threats.

Strengthening G20 Coherence and Coordination on Sustainable Development

As a leader-level forum, the G20 can foster whole-of-government approaches that are essential to the implementation of the Action Plan. All relevant work streams and working groups in the G20, by incorporating the 2030 Agenda into their work, can make contributions to the implementation of this Action Plan. By taking an integrated approach and further aligning the G20’s work program with the 2030 Agenda, the G20 aims to strengthen policy coherence so that it makes the strongest possible contribution to the 2030 Agenda across all three dimensions of sustainable development.

Each G20 presidency sets priority-areas to advance this multi-year Action Plan. G20 Sherpas, working with Finance Deputies, provide leadership and strategic guidance and ensure coordination across work streams and dialogue between working groups on their activities related to the 2030 Agenda.

The DWG will continue to lead on its priority areas, and continue to play an important role in supporting Sherpas in both driving the G20 sustainable development agenda and in further

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collaborating with other work streams to better understand their priorities and jointly develop possible deliverables on the 2030 Agenda.

Specific arrangements on the role of the DWG are outlined in Annex A.

Accountability and Engagement

The G20 will deliver results according to the priorities outlined in the Sustainable Development Sectors (SDS) across G20 presidencies, while allowing flexibility for future presidencies to set and add specific priorities and focus.

The DWG through its established Accountability Framework will conduct an Annual Progress Report and a Comprehensive Accountability Report once every three years on its working areas, focusing on G20’s collective actions for sustainable development. Each relevant working group and work stream will be responsible for actions it takes forward as well as tracking progress through relevant G20 accountability processes and mechanisms. Each relevant working group and work stream can contribute with inputs to the DWG accountability products by sharing the information with the DWG on progress made on relevant actions. The G20 will ensure that a coherent, streamlined and credible accountability approach is in place to support reporting on this Action Plan.

The G20 acknowledges that the global follow-up and review process on the 2030 Agenda is a UN-led process and countries themselves may only be in the preliminary planning stages in 2016. The G20 supports these UN processes and recognizes that the UN High Level Political Forum has a central role in follow-up and review processes at the global level. G20 members will avoid duplicating individual reporting within the UN, in regard to their collective and national actions.

The G20 will strengthen partnership and cooperation with low income and developing countries and relevant stakeholders including international organizations, civil society, private sector, and G20 engagement groups, to enhance the global partnership for sustainable development and ensure an effective implementation of the Action Plan.

National Actions and Opportunities for Mutual Learning

As the G20 develops practical and ambitious collective actions on contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, it will lead by example and, on a voluntary basis, showcase G20 members’ planned

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national activities towards implementing the 2030 Agenda by sharing ongoing, preliminary, planned actions or processes. Seeking to foster mutual learning and exchange of experiences and good practices among members and beyond, G20 members have shared their national actions and experiences around a number of areas including but not limited to the following ones:

Raising public awareness of the 2030 Agenda and the link with new and emerging issues;

Integrating the 2030 Agenda into national decision-making based on local contexts;

Engaging with multiple stakeholders to plan for implementation;

Creating horizontal (breaking down the silos) and vertical (‘localizing’ the 2030 Agenda) policy coherence;

Financing and capacity building;

Reviewing and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda;

Fostering adaptability to risks in the implementation process of the 2030 Agenda;

Supporting low income and other developing countries in implementing the 2030 Agenda.

Examples of actions presented on a voluntary basis by G20 members are outlined in Annex B.


Annex A – Strengthening G20 coherence and coordination – the role of the Development Working Group (DWG)

Annex B – Outline of the presentations on national actions by the G20 members

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Annex A – Strengthening G20 coherence and coordination – the role of the Development Working Group (DWG)

The DWG will lead on its own development priority areas and act as a coordinating body and policy resource for sustainable development across the G20. It will continue to report directly to, and be strategically guided by, G20 Sherpas to undertake the following functions:

Strengthening the role of the G20 in advancing global sustainable development over the long-run, supporting low income and developing countries to effectively implement the 2030 Agenda, as well as enable the provision of global public goods;

Supporting development cooperation, policy and financing actions including the Means of Implementation for better integration of low income and developing countries to a sustainable global economy, through discussion with the relevant work streams;

Supporting Sherpas to enhance policy coordination and coherence for sustainable development across relevant G20 tracks and work streams, facilitating the implementation of the Action Plan and reporting on regular basis to G20 Sherpas;

Acting, in close coordination with the presidency’s outreach activities and supported by the UN and relevant international organizations, as a forum for sustainable development dialogue between G20 members, low income and developing countries, development stakeholders, and the G20 engagement groups, to ensure that emerging sustainable development issues and the views of low income and developing countries are taken into consideration;

Facilitating mutual learning and exchange of experiences and good practices among G20 members on their respective national actions for sustainable development.

Assisting in the delivery of 2030 Agenda related activities, working closely with other G20 work streams in the Sherpa and Finance tracks, by facilitating two way exchanges of information, providing advice to other work streams on development-related issues and 2030 Agenda priorities, and helping to identify in each Presidency the division of labor between the DWG and other work streams with an aim to strengthen the integration of the 2030 Agenda in G20 work programmes and ensure that responsibility on the implementation and tracking progress of specific issues is clear.

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Annex B - Outline of the presentations on national actions by the G20 members


The Argentine National Council for Coordination of Social Policies (CNCPS), which is within the scope of the Office of the President and was the focal point for the Millennium Development Goals, is the focal point for follow-up and evaluation of the implementation of the new 2030 Agenda.

In April 2016, inter-agency work began among Committees by strategic areas formed by Ministries and the Office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, coordinated by the SDG team within the CNCPS.

The work is organized among 6 (six) committees: Education; Science and Technology; Sustainable Agricultural Development; Housing, Habitat, Urban Development and Infrastructure; Work and Labour, and Social Protection.

The final work product in 2016 will be the official SDG list with its adapted goals and follow-up indicators with their respective technical files with definitions, both conceptual and operational, as an instrument for management and accountability.

The selection and development of indicators envisages support for and evaluation of the National Statistics and Census Bureau (INDEC) in order to ensure sound, integrated technical measurement, as well as the National Council of Women (CNM) and the National Advisory Committee for Integration of Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS) and a gender perspective.

The "human rights approach" drives the 2030 Agenda adaptation process in Argentina, promoting the principles of non-discrimination, participation, indivisibility of rights, as well as responsibility and accountability of those obligated to respect such rights, especially Governments.

In addition, in the process of "adaptation" of the new agenda to the priorities set by the national government and incorporating subnational jurisdictions, a gender approach will be taken into account when selecting the set of indicators for monitoring purposes, both at a national and at a subnational level. That is to say, indicators disaggregated by sex and age will be defined and, at the same time, socioeconomic and regional dimensions will be included in order to account for belonging to vulnerable groups or risk populations of beneficiaries of public policies that will promote the achievement of goals on the 2030 Agenda.

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The CNCPS takes into consideration at all times the comprehensive and indivisible nature of the 2030 Agenda; therefore, it is essential to carry out inter-sectorial work coordinated and articulated by a national government authority.

To such end, the Council has initiated the technical assistance process for subnational governments so that each subnational jurisdiction will make progress in adapting the SDG to its territorial needs.

Additionally, through the participation of actors such as civil society and the business sector, whose commitment to the 2030 Agenda is key to achieve goals in that direction, a multiplicity of views, opinions and interests will be integrated in order to build a shared vision which will be translated into strategic partnerships to achieve the goals.


Australia's aid program is well aligned with the 2030 Agenda and is supporting global progress towards the SDGs including through investments in: gender equality and women's empowerment (SDG 5); food security, agriculture and fisheries (SDGs 2 and 14); health and education (SDGs 3 and 4); infrastructure, trade and international competitiveness (SDGs 7, 8 and 11); and effective governance, institutions and economic growth (SDGs 8 and 16). Australia has made early commitments to further contribute to the 2030 Agenda, particularly SDG 17, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

The Australian aid program focuses on the Indo-Pacific region where many developing countries are growing rapidly, with aid representing an increasingly small proportion of development finance. To be effective in this context, Australia's aid program will be more innovative and catalytic, leveraging other drivers for development, such as domestic finance and private sector investment. Two areas of focus for Australia in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda are in increasing Domestic Resource Mobilisation and increasing investment in aid-for-trade in developing countries.

Australia recognises that a sustainable revenue base is a prerequisite for resilient and sustained economic growth. Tax revenue provides governments with the funds necessary to deliver public services, make investments and relieve poverty. To support this, Australia is a founding member of the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI), which will support developing countries strengthen their tax systems, increase their domestic resource mobilisation, and promote stronger economic governance.

In May 2016, the Australian Government released its Framework for supporting tax policy and administration through the aid program to guide Australia's approach to assist partner governments to

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achieve their tax policy and administration goals. The framework is available at: http://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/Pages/framework-for-supporting-tax-policy-and-administration-through-the-aid-program.aspx. This framework will enable Australia to implement its commitment under the ATI to double its investments supporting tax systems in developing countries by 2020.

Australia's aid for trade investments – committed to grow to 20 per cent of the aid program - supplement these efforts by helping developing countries achieve the SDGs through addressing supply side constraints to trade to boost their economic growth prospects, development and job creation capacity. Australia is strengthening business and investment environments, supporting growth in markets, and maximising the development impact of businesses (building on investments of around $1.4 billion in 2015-16). Australia also ensures that at least 80 per cent of our investments, in all sectors, effectively address gender as part of their implementation.

Australia is also implementing domestically initiatives that align with the SDGs, for example:

the Closing the Gap initiative has targets to improve outcomes in health, education and employment for Indigenous Australians (SDGs 3, 4 and 8);

the National Disability Insurance Scheme supports people with a significant or permanent disability to build skills and capability so they can participate in the community and employment (SDGs 4 and 10);

the Women's Safety Package aims to improve frontline support services, and provide educational resources to help change community attitudes to violence and abuse (SDGs 5 and 16).


Brazil actively engaged in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), achieving –in some cases surpassing – most of the targets. With the SDGs, we must generate more positive outcomes, integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions.

In the negotiations for the 2030 Agenda, Brazil always highlighted the importance of thematic integration, opposing "silos approaches" that could hinder the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda. Brazil promoted a wide and participatory national coordination process, involving 27 Ministries, local governments and civil society. A dedicated National Commission will be created, where different

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stakeholders, from public and private sectors and civil society will work together towards implementation, in full respect of the interdependence of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

The 2030 Agenda requires the participation of the society as a whole. Brazil is working with UN agencies to foster new partnerships and disseminate knowledge on SDGs. As a starting point, five regional and one national conferences will take place, with Brazil's support, targeted at civil society and private sector. Informative material will also be distributed nationwide.

The participation of different levels of domestic government is a fundamental part of the process. Brazil will expand the successful program "Commitments Agenda", established in 2010 for the MDGs, for implementation and follow-up process within the municipalities. In April 2016, local government associations, together with civil society, launched a new online platform for the program "Sustainable Cities", incorporating the content of the SDGs in tools for policy planning and follow-up. Over 283 municipalities are already in this program, including the most populated Brazilian cities.

In the preparation of the national budget Multi-Year Plan 2016 – 2019, Brazil sought to articulate the SDGs and national public policies, focusing on synergies and avoiding possible inconsistencies with the 17 SDGs framework, and seeking to ensure means through regular budget allocations in this cycle. The Government is also promoting a comprehensive dialogue with the private sector, to align private business activities to the 2030 Agenda priorities.

A broad consultation among national statistical producers, government agencies and relevant stakeholders is taking place to refine existing indicators and, when necessary, develop new ones. Based on domestic indicators, the National Commission will engage with the national follow-up of the SDGs and the preparation of periodic progress reports.

Internationally, the Brazilian Government is mainstreaming the guidelines set out in the Agenda 2030 in its South-South and triangular cooperation programs, to support better capacity-building for implementation both in Brazil and in our partners.

In our region, Brazil stresses the 2030 Agenda's potential contribution to cooperation activities within Mercosur, Unasur and CELAC. At the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, we are working with other countries to establish a regional Forum for peer learning and good practices sharing.

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We also seek that the Community of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries adopt the SDGs as the moto of its South-South cooperation. Brazil translated the Agenda into Portuguese, distributing it to CPLP Member States, a simple action to raise awareness of the SDGs.


Canada is firmly committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, whose objectives are closely reflected in both our domestic and international priorities. We welcome the universal, integrated character of the Sustainable Development Goals, recognizing the inextricable nature of domestic and international action. To effectively implement the 2030 Agenda, and its accompanying Addis Ababa Action Agenda, we will need to actively consult, engage and work with an array of stakeholders including provincial, territorial and municipal governments; Indigenous peoples, governments and leadership; civil society organizations; businesses; and youth.

Canada has launched an International Assistance Review to refocus on the poorest and most vulnerable, who are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda. This Review will result in a new international assistance framework that will shape our approach to supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The empowerment of women and girls, and the protection and promotion of their rights, will be at the heart of this Review. The key issues framing the Review include: health and rights of women and children; clean economic growth and climate change; governance, pluralism, diversity, and human rights; peace and security; and responding to humanitarian crises and the needs of displaced populations. We are also considering how to improve our approach to delivering international assistance, including through innovative programming mechanisms and greater coherence.

Some examples of how Canada is supporting the 2030 Agenda include the investment of $2.65 billion over five years to support climate change action in developing countries. Canada has also pledged $785 million (2017–19) to the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and will continue its efforts to improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, including by closing existing gaps in reproductive rights and health care for women. Canada is contributing to efforts to enhance global security and stability, provide vital humanitarian assistance, and help partners in fragile situations, including those most impacted by the conflicts in Iraq and Syria, to deliver social services, rebuild infrastructure and foster good governance.

The objectives of the 2030 Agenda mirror the domestic priorities and plans of the Government of Canada. Canada is committed to providing more direct help to those who need it most, including

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through the new Canada Child Benefit, which aims to lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. To create more opportunities for young people, the Government of Canada is also working with provinces and territories to make post-secondary education more affordable. Canada is also committed to strengthening gender equality, including through the development of a federal strategy against gender-based violence.

Canada is working diligently to create both a clean environment and strong economy. Environment and Climate Change Canada is working with a range of federal departments to develop the 2016-19 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy which links with the 2030 Agenda’s environmental sustainability priorities. Canada is investing $120 billion in infrastructure over the next decade, with an initial investment of $11.9 billion in public transit, water and wastewater systems, affordable housing, and the protection of infrastructure systems from the effects of climate change. The Canadian Government is also working with provincial and territorial partners toward a pan-Canadian framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Canada is investing in clean technology projects that address climate change, air quality, clean water and clean soil, including $2 billion in a Low Carbon Economy Fund.

The Government of Canada is undertaking to renew - nation-to-nation - the relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples, based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership. Over the next five years, Canada will invest $8.4 billion in Indigenous people and their communities, including $2 billion in water and wastewater infrastructure and drinking water monitoring on reserves.

Canada is committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda – both internationally and at home.


As the largest developing countries in the world, China has always place development as the first priority. The 13th Five-Year Plan was reviewed and approved by the Fourth Session of the 12th National People's Congress in March 2016, defining the development concept featuring innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development.

China attaches great importance to implementation of the 2030 Agenda and believes that the principles of Peaceful Development, Win-win Cooperation, Integration and Coordination, Inclusiveness and Openness, Sovereignty and Voluntary Action, as well as "Common but Differentiated Responsibilities", should be followed in building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, establishing all-round partnership, and achieving economic, social and environmental

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development in a balanced manner. Countries should be encouraged to formulate their domestic development strategies and take measures to implement the 2030 Agenda in accordance with national conditions and respective characteristics, while the means of implementation should be allowed to be differentiated, due to diversified national conditions and respective capabilities.

China has defined 9 key areas to be prioritized in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and has linked its implementation with domestic mid-and-long term development strategies. The domestic coordination mechanism for the implementation, comprised of 43 government departments, has been established to guarantee the implementation. Great efforts has been be made to publicize the 2030 Agenda nationwide in order to mobilize domestic resources, raise public awareness, and creating favorable social environment for the implementation. China will also strengthen inter-sector policy coordination, review and revise relevant laws and regulations to provide policy and legislative guarantee for the implementation. In the next 5 years, China is determined to lift all the 55.75 million rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty, and to double its GDP and people's per capita income of 2010. China has already released the Position Paper on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which reflects China's views on the principles, priorities, policies and progress made in the implementation of the 2030 agenda. The position paper has been circulated as an UN General Assembly document to member states in April. China will also issue its national plan of implementing the 2030 Agenda this year and share its development experience with other countries.

China will continue to actively take part in global development cooperation. It has provided support for more than 120 developing countries in achieving MDGs. In the future, China will deepen South-South cooperation to help other developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda. China is currently implementing the measures announced by President Xi Jinping during his attendance at UN Summits Marking the 70th Anniversary, providing other developing countries with support in financing, technology and capacity building. China is making preparations for the Assistance Fund for South-South Cooperation, which will be put into operation as soon as possible. The Academy of South-South Cooperation and Development has been established and starts global enrollment in 2016, which will provide developing countries with opportunities for doctor's degree and master's degree education training. China has signed agreements on China-UN Peace and Development Fund with the UN and the fund will be put into operation in 2016 to finance projects concerning peace and development. China will carry forward the Belt and Road Initiative and promote the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank and other institutions to play greater roles with a view to making contribution to global development.

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The EU strongly welcomes the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda offers a positive vision for the next 15 years for the whole international community, underpinned with concrete goals and targets. The universality and integrated character of the Agenda means these are shared goals, with responsibilities for countries at all levels of development. The EU wants to make the 2030 Agenda a success, through EU policies and actions. Many of the agenda's goals and targets are closely linked to EU policies, the ten priorities of the Commission and the Europe 2020 strategy.

A wide range of EU policies and actions are already contributing towards the 2030 Agenda. These include, for example, our path towards a circular economy (including also action on the food waste and marine pollution SDGs), the Energy Union, resource efficiency, the European pillar of social rights, our collective commitment (for the EU and its Member States) to achieve the UN target of 0.7% of gross national income as official development assistance within the lifetime of the 2030 Agenda, trade measures in favour of least developed countries, the reformed Common Fisheries Policy and the EU's stand against Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing, the reformed Common Agricultural Policy and abolition of agricultural export subsidies, the Strategic Engagement for gender equality (2016-2019), the EU's activities on Corporate Social Responsibility, the follow-up to the Paris Climate Agreement and our external assistance programmes. The systematic inclusion of trade and sustainable development provisions in our trade agreements supports positive action towards the Sustainable Development Goals with our partner countries.

In addition, later this year the European Commission will present a Communication mapping out the EU policies contributing to the implementation of the SDGs and identifying the coherence between them.

The Global Strategy for the European Union's Foreign and Security was presented by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini at the European Council at the end of June. The Strategy refers to the EU leading by example by implementing its commitments on sustainable development. The Strategy notes the 2030 Agenda will inform the EU's relations with the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States following the expiry of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement. The 2030 Agenda will also drive reform in the EU's development policy.

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The EU is actively contributing to the setting up of an SDG monitoring system at global, regional and national level. Eurostat is participating in the development of a global indicator framework and the development of monitoring at regional level.


Institutional arrangements

The Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea (MEES), which is also in charge of sustainable development, coordinates the national implementation of the 2030 Agenda, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, which is responsible for external action. The inter-ministerial delegate for sustainable development, under the authority of the Prime minister, who is also Commissioner General for sustainable development within the MEES, coordinates inter-ministerial actions through a network of senior officers for sustainable development appointed by each ministry. All ministries have the primary responsibility for their own contributions to implementing the 2030 Agenda in their respective policy fields.

The implementation process will be participatory and inclusive, closely involving stakeholders mainly through two existing multi-stakeholder platforms: the National council for development and international solidarity (Conseil national du développement et de la solidarité internationale, CNDSI) and the National council for ecological transition (Conseil national de transition écologique, CNTE) respectively for the external part for France’s action and for the domestic implementation. Given the breadth of the 2030 Agenda, specific efforts will be made to involve a broader range of stakeholders, notably from the social and educational sectors.

Implementation framework

The implementation framework will build on the national strategy of ecological transition towards sustainable development 2015-2020 as well as the national reform program, which is the French transposition of Europe 2020, the European Union’s ten-year jobs and growth strategy.

Regarding international development policy, France’s development strategy defined by the law on development policy and international solidarity adopted in July 2014, had already anticipated the main conclusions of Agenda 2030, Addis Ababa Action Agenda and Paris Agreement on climate change, insisting on the link between the fight against extreme poverty and sustainable development, the

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integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development and on the cross-cutting nature of the fight against climate change and gender equality in France’s development aid policy.

First steps and perspectives

The implementation process was launched by Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and the Sea, and André Vallini, Minister of State for Development and Francophonie, during a multi-stakeholder workshop organized on June 6th and 7th. Over 100 representatives of NGOs, private sector, unions, ministries, local authorities as well as parliament members discussed a qualitative overview of the national situation and contributed to identify strengths, challenges, good practices and innovative solutions with respect to each sustainable development goal (SDG). The workshop also provided inputs on the overall implementation process. An advisory committee of high level experts and scientists was also created to provide a global, integrated and forward looking perspective on the national implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In parallel, a public consultation on the SDGs has been launched on the Internet to complement the results of the inaugural multi-stakeholder workshop.

The results of the workshop and the public consultation have informed the national voluntary review that France has presented at the High Level Political Forum at the United Nations in July 2016.

Stakeholder participation will be expanded via a set of territorial multi-stakeholder workshops that will take place in autumn 2016 and will contribute to localizing the 2030 Agenda, including in oversea territories.

In the educational field, several upcoming events in France will be dedicated to the SDGs, such as the next edition of the FOREDD (the forum of resources for education to sustainable development) in Amiens or the international geography festival in Saint-Dié les Vosges.

France’s development and international solidarity policy in developing countries will also reflect the international commitments to achieve the SDGs. In this new framework, France will increase its international financing in favor of sustainable development to 4 billion euros by 2020. Moreover, France’s effort in grants will increase by nearly 400 million euros by 2020.


Germany is fully committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda. Within the framework of the G20, the German Federal Government is pushing for comprehensive implementation of the Agenda, and is

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encouraging all member states to engage more strongly at national level, for example through national sustainable development strategies.

Germany considers the HLPF to play an important role in the global review architecture of the 2030-Agenda, and for this reason participated in the first national voluntary review session at the HLPF 2016 in New York. The national report presented was compiled by the Government in close consultation with civil society and private sector actors.

The globally agreed targets and indicators serve as orientation for the national set of targets and indicators, the latter will be modified to match the German context. Germany also considers the global and planetary impacts of domestic actions and contributes to resolving global and transformative challenges in its National Sustainable Development Strategy.

Sustainable development is a guiding principle of the policies pursued by the Federal Government. Germany’s National Sustainable Development Strategy is guided by the principles of international responsibility, inter-generational equity, quality of life and social cohesion, and has established the architecture and mechanisms for its monitoring and regular updates/revisions. The Federal Chancellery is leading a process to revise this Strategy in order to adapt it to the transformative 2030 Agenda by the end of 2016. For this reason, the Federal Government has set up a broad consultation process including civil society stakeholders, academia, the business sector and other experts. The German experience is that transparent and inclusive participation of civil society are key to ensure broad ownership and engagement in sustainable development processes.

Departmental reports, which are presented to the State Secretaries’ Committee on Sustainable Development, reveal the specific ways in which ministries address sustainable development issues, and form the basis for discussions within the Committee. The Federal Statistical Office publishes an independent report on the status of the sustainability indicators once every two years. The Federal Government reports to the public once every four years on the progress made in the implementation of the Strategy during that time.

Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development, composed of 17 members of the Parliament, provides parliamentary advice, and evaluates the sustainability impact assessment of the Federal Government.

In order to benefit from external expertise, the German government put in place the German Council for Sustainable Development in 2001. This Council advises the Federal Government on all matters

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relating to sustainable development. It works independently and tables proposals on how the Strategy should move forward.

With regards to international development cooperation, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), taking the 2030 Agenda as guideline, will align its support to partner countries with the implementation of the agenda in partner countries and support them in aligning its national policies to the agenda.

Germany is committed to support the broad range of Means of Implementation (MoI) defined by the AAAA including mobilization of domestic and private resources as well as the provision of ODA to complement national efforts, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries. This applies also to areas addressed by non-financial MoI, such as trade, science, technology, innovation and capacity building.

In this context, policy coherence at all levels is of particular importance to the German Government.


India takes its own role in G-20 and in making possible the achievement of SDGs seriously. With one-sixth of the world’s population and considerable ‘development deficit’, India today is also among the fastest growing major economies and one with an ambitious program to tackle climate change. This places India at the centre-stage of efforts towards the achievement of SDGs.

In India National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, the think tank constituted by the Government of India, in January 2015 and chaired by Prime Minister, has been assigned the role to oversee implementation of 2030 Agenda. A mapping of various Central Government Ministries against each Agenda 2030 Goal and Target has been carried out by NITI Aayog to ensure inclusive participation and faster implementation of SDGs, and Ministries have come forward with their full support for raising awareness of public towards 2030 Agenda.

NITI Aayog has also undertaken an exercise of Monitoring of Action Plans and Roadmaps of implementation being prepared by all Central Government Ministries. This monitoring exercise is being parallely conducted by NITI Aayog with policy discussion and outcome budget discussions for implementation of the 2030 Agenda to ensure internalization of the Agenda as the guiding principle right from the formative stage. Moreover, the institution is also assigned the task to approve and

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monitor outcome budgets of the Ministries to steer implementation of programmes in line with Agenda 2030.

Further, regular interactions are being held with stakeholders on implementation of SDGs, to ensure coherence in policy across sectors and states.A dedicated Central Ministry for Local Self Government, with corresponding state level ministries and local self-governments at grass root level, is facilitating the involvement of all the stakeholders in the process.

The flagship schemes of the Government of India such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana for Financial inclusion, Make in India, Smart cities mission, Start-Up India, Digital India, the ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ programme for gender equality and initiatives like programmes to achieve ‘Housing for All’, ‘Power for All’, ‘Clean India Mission’, a big push to road connectivity, including to all rural habitations above threshold population, are in sync with the SDG 2030 Agenda.

The implementation of the 2030 Agenda will be financed through the regular national budget cycle and allocation. In the recently presented national budget for 2016-17, focus is on agriculture and infrastructure, which would help achieve various goals. There is earmarked devolution of funds for the local self-government bodies.

Government of India through NITI Aayog and the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is putting methodologies and mechanisms in place to assess, analyze and report progress and periodic achievements through indicators being evolved by MoSPI. This strategy would assist in formulating the G20 action plan that would be completely consistent with the UN level reporting processes and would be facilitative of the processes for Central follow up and review by the UN high level political forum.

This being the first year of implementation of Agenda 2030 national action plans will be further aligned in the coming months.


Indonesia actively engaged in the process of formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiative from the beginning through active participation in the UN Task team since 2012, as one of the High Level of Eminent Person in 2013, member of the open working group among 30 nations on SDGs, and declared its committment to implement the 2030 Agenda in September 2015.

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The Government of Indonesia followed the SDGs declaration in the follow-up process by engaging multi-stakeholders (CSOs and media, Philanthropies and businesses, as well as academia) for developing the legal framework for the SDGs implementation, developing technical guidelines (action plan, monitoring and reporting, communication), promoting and disseminating SDGs to all stakeholders and public at national and sub-national level and thus strengthening the roles of all stakeholders to implement SDGs at national and sub-national level. Indonesia is ensuring that all stakeholders will be involved in all processes to implement SDGs by synergizing and orchestrating joint efforts and contributions to achieve all goals progressively and substantially.

Since 2012 Indonesia has started to be involved in the Global discussions on the Sustainable Development Agenda. This global process of the 2030 Agenda was completely in line with the national process to formulate the National Development Plan 2015-2019, whereas the Post-2015 Development Agenda has become one of the references for the Plan. Furthermore, Indonesia significantly contributed to producing the Agenda itself. Hence, in the Indonesian context, SDGs´ implementation is one of the substantial parts of the national development agenda.

Indonesia has done a brave and substantial step in fiscal reform by removing the economically and environmentally costly regressive fuel subsidy. By resharping the main direction of financing development is now to transform a formerly consumptive into productive economy and hereby effectively and efficiently alleviating intergenerational poverty in all dimensions, as well as reducing inequality among citizens and regions to ensure that no one is left behind. This is not only a substantial and solid foundation for Indonesia in achieving development progressively, but also fulfilling goals of SDGs significantly.

Indonesia is in the process of developing the SDGs national and sub-national action plan (2016–2019), the SDGs Roadmap for 2016–2030, a SDGs database, a monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanism, communication and advocacy strategies, and capacity building for the sub-national level.

To ensure availability and sustainability of the financing for SDGs, Indonesia has secured the budgeting for SDGs within the national development planning (RPJMN). Furthermore, the budget availability it is also guaranteed on the basis of the Presidential Decree on SDGs. To increase the feasibility and availability of budget, Indonesia has applied several fiscal policies to mobilize domestic resources and applied several measures to curb tax evasion and avoidance at national and global level.

Indonesia has already developed and implemented policies to mitigate the potential risks to achieve SDGs in the future, such as adaptation and mitigation of the climate change action plan, the human

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rights action plan, anti-corruption action plan, disaster management action plan, financial tracking and tagging mechanism, national action plan on food and nutrition.


Italy is actively engaged in the process for the definition of the national strategy, and related mechanisms, to implement 2030 Agenda.

The Government is concentrating on the definition of a strategic framework capable of including all goals and targets and their interlinkages. In doing so, Italy will consider the SDGs in their integrated and indivisible nature, respecting those principles that are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda and that make it so unique.

The Government has already promoted reforms and other provisions, among others in the areas of poverty, employment, rule of law and education that are very much consistent with the SDGs and it is preparing a national Green Act that will thoroughly revisit our internal environmental regulation. Recently it has also adopted a provision to review the national sustainable development Strategy that will be a building block in the coming years for the implementation process at national level.

To build a coherent Plan that connects internal growth with the objectives of global sustainable development, Italy is also waiting for the decisions that will be taken at the EU level for the internal application of the Agenda.

In the spirit of the 2030 Agenda, all Italian actors are mobilizing.

The Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament has established a 2030 Agenda Committee that will soon promote a survey on is implementation and the Parliament itself is promoting innovative legislation that is very much a direct contribution to the SDGs.

Civil Society too is mobilizing.

Among the SDG-related initiatives there are: the ASviS – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, launched in March 2016, which is expected to guarantee the participation of multiple stakeholders from the civil society in the discussions to plan the 2030 Agenda implementation and the Italian Net of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network that has also the objective of raising awareness of the academic community towards sustainable development challenges.

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As far as the “external dimension” of the 2030 Agenda application is concerned, the recent reform of the Italian Cooperation - Law 125/2014 already anticipated some features of the 2030 Agenda, in particular the involvement of non-governmental stakeholders through the National Council for Development Cooperation (CNCS), a multi-stakeholder body, which involves NGOs and the private sector in the definition of strategic priorities (within this Council, a specific working group on Agenda 2030 was created).

The “Triennial Programming Document on Development Cooperation”, introduced by the reform, is being review to gradually adapt it to the Sustainable Development Goals and contributes to the domestic coherence in the action of supporting developing countries in the implementation of the Agenda. In this context, the review is also extended to the Italian strategy in the traditional sectors identified by the SDGs to apply a more integrated vision that the Agenda 2030 requires. In connection with the adoption of the new framework for sustainable development Italy has joined the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) to improve domestic revenue mobilisation in partner countries and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Data which goal is to strengthen the statistical capabilities in partner countries.

The Italian government has also decided a substantial increase of ODA for the triennium 2016-2018.


Based on a long track record of having achieved sustainable development both at home and abroad, Japan is taking further steps domestically and internationally as follows, in order to fully implement the 2030 Agenda, leaving no one behind.

(National Implementation Framework and Guiding Principles)

On May 20, 2016, the SDGs Promotion Headquarters was launched in the Cabinet as a new national implementation framework to ensure a whole-of-government approach. Headed by Prime Minister and attended by all Ministers, this entity will serve as a control tower to implement, monitor and review the efforts of the Government to implement the 2030 Agenda.

Moreover, as specific guidelines that will lead efforts by relevant Ministries, the Headquarters are now formulating the SDGs Implementing Guiding Principles. The Principles will establish a vision, priority areas, specific policies and follow-up mechanisms, and thereby enable the Government to mobilize a wide range of policies and resources in an effective and coherent manner.

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Taking multi-stakeholder approach

Building on our efforts to date, such as a national-level stakeholders’ meeting by the Ministry of the Environment to share lessons and advanced cases on environment-related SDGs across the country, the Headquarters will further explore how to ensure enhanced partnership with a broader set of multiple stakeholders, including NGOs, CSOs, the private sector, academia, international organizations and others.

In addition, to raise awareness and understanding of the 2030 Agenda in broader public, the Government of Japan is making utmost efforts to reach people across the country through various media such as the Government's website, internet TV, white papers, symposium and others.

(Supporting global implementation of the 2030 Agenda)

Japan is also taking proactive steps to support the global implementation of the 2030 Agenda with various initiatives across sectors. We are doing so by applying the Development Cooperation Charter, which we have already revised taking the SDGs into account, as a compass, and by adopting the concept of human security as a guiding principle.

On quality infrastructure investment, Japan took the lead to introduce the “G7 Ise-shima Principles for Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment” in order to share five major principles with the international community. Moreover, as Japan’s own commitment, we announced our initiative, “Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure”, which aims to provide around 200 billion US dollars over the next five years to infrastructure projects across the world.

Regarding global health, Japan led the announcement of the “G7 Ise-shima Vision for Global Health”. Additionally, Japan decided to provide support of around 1.1 billion US dollars to international health organizations.

We have also taken bold steps in the direction of women and gender issues, disaster risk reduction, education, ICT, agriculture, food security and nutrition, and others.

Apart from these sector-specific commitments, further utilization of various development financing resources including domestic resources, private finance and official development assistance is also key. We will also pursue the further mainstreaming of the SDGs into the implementation processes of our development cooperation.

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Science, technology and innovation (STI) is another driving force to achieve a sustainable society. We will enhance our cooperation in this area in close partnership with academia and other STI communities, taking into account evolving efforts at the international level.

(Leading efforts in the international arena)

In achieving SDGs globally, various international fora can also play important roles with their own expertise. At the G7 Ise-shima Summit hosted by Japan this May, leaders committed to take ambitious domestic actions and also support developing countries’ efforts to implement the Agenda. They also developed their commitment to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth in various areas such as world economy, trade, infrastructure, health, women, cyber, anti-corruption, climate change, energy, migration and refugees and others. As the Presidency, Japan vigorously took leadership in this whole process. In August, Japan and African countries convened the Sixth Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD VI) for the first time in Africa. To help embody the 2030 Agenda on African soil, Japan committed to invest for the future of Africa through implementing measures centering on developing quality infrastructure, building resilient health systems and laying foundations for peace and stability, amounting to approx. USD 30 billion under public-private partnership.


Mexico is building on its experience on the national coordination for the follow-up of the MDGs, its statistics capacity and its expertise on public policy evaluation. For the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Mexican Government established institutional mechanisms for the follow up and implementation of the SDGs. On February 2016, the Specialized Technical Committee on the Sustainable Development Goals (CTEODS in Spanish) was formally created. The Committee is mandated to revise and adjust the indicators recommended by the UN to the Mexican context; agree on the sources of information for monitoring purposes at the national and subnational levels; coordinate regular update of indicators and their publication as open data; manage the pilot, open source platform for the SDGs; integrate progress reports, and coordinate with other stakeholders. The open- code platform based on the information system for monitoring the MDGs will offer updated georeferenced data at national and local levels, and provide tools for the review and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda.

Mexico believes that the engagement of all stakeholders will be crucial for the accomplishment of the SDGs; therefore, we have undertaken dialogues and consultations with parliamentarians and local

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authorities, as well as civil society, academia, philanthropic foundations, and others. The Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), recently launched the “Partnership for Sustainability”, a strategic collaboration platform with the private sector, in order to promote sustainable development projects to contribute to the 2030 Agenda.

The Mexican Government will create a High Level Council for the achievement of the SDGs, chaired by the Office of the Presidency and integrated by all the national institutions with responsibility in the definition, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies relevant to the 2030 Agenda; as well as responsibilities to ensure horizontal and vertical policy coherence. The work plan of the Council will include analyses of current public policies with regard to the SDGs, priority setting, strategies for multi-stakeholder engagement; mechanisms of coordination with local authorities, as well as the role of international cooperation for development.

Development cooperation to support other developing countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Mexico has a dual role in the development cooperation architecture; it is both a recipient and provider of international development cooperation. The priority region for the Mexican cooperation is Central America and the Caribbean. The Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) is responsible for the coordination and integration of the Program of International Cooperation for Development. By law, this program should guarantee coherence with international agreements, such as the 2030 Agenda and thus, the SDGs.

AMEXCID adjusted its development cooperation information systems and built in markers to identify each development cooperation project with the SDG and indicator it intends to contribute. The monitoring process of the MDGs is one of the best practices Mexico has already shared with other countries, under the modality of South-South cooperation, contributing to the strengthening of statistical capacities, particularly in Central America and the Caribbean, where Mexico provided support for the design, management, follow up and awareness of the MDG in the region.


Policies and Enabling Environment for Sustainable Development Goals

The Korean government has continued its efforts to incorporate sustainable development concepts into its national and international development strategies since the Earth Summit in 1992, and the adoption

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of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development revitalized our commitment to achieving sustainable development. In January 2016, the Third National Basic Plan for Sustainable Development, which is updated every five years, was established by consultations with 26 government ministries and agencies. The Third Plan envisions a “harmonized development of the environment, society, and economy.” It also outlines 14 strategic targets around four overarching goal areas including: healthy land; integrated and safe society; inclusive creative economy; and global prosperity.

Furthermore, Korea has been implementing 140 policy goals within the framework of the 140 Government Policy and Governance Tasks (herein the Tasks). The Tasks include 42 economic development, 52 social development, 13 environment, and 23 governance associated goals. The government has developed policies to achieve these tasks in a way to create synergies with the SDGs. In addition, the Three Year Plan for Economic Innovation which aims at reforming the public sector, promoting a creative economy and boosting domestic demand is targeting SDGs that are mainly associated with social and economic development.

Also, Korea is paying special attention to the gender equality issue. The Framework Act on Gender Equality (2015) and the Act on Promotion of Economic Activities of Career-Interrupted Women (2010) are in effect. Last but not least, the government has established a series of laws and policy proposals to respond to the ageing population in Korea, particularly those addressing social and economic insecurity of people in various stages of their life course. They include the Plan for Ageing Society and Population (2015), the Framework Act on Low Fertility and Population Ageing (2014), and the Law for Promoting the Elderly Friendly Industries (2013).

The framework of existing government policies and plans, despite their direct and indirect relationship to the SDGs, was mainly established before the adoption of SDGs and therefore needs to be fine-tuned accordingly to incorporate SDGs. The government is making efforts to mainstream the SDGs so that the government policies can address integrated and indivisible SDGs goals and targets with full attention to trade-offs, synergies and complementarities among social, economic and environmental goals.

In that context, the Office for Government Policy Coordination (OGPC), MOFA, and MOE together with Statistics Korea that are playing a main role in mainstreaming the SDGs, have recently begun mapping exercises to identify existing laws, rules, regulations and policies conducive to achieving the SDGs. In parallel, Statistics Korea is conducting a SDG indicator analysis to identify the relevant targets of the SDGs to the national context. This analysis will lay the foundation for the modification of

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national sustainable development indicators so as to ensure the availability of solid, disaggregated data for monitoring and evaluating the progress of SDG implementation in Korea.

Korea’s Contributions to the Revitalization of Global Partnership

To contribute to the revitalization of global partnerships to ensure the implementation of the SDGs, the Korean government established the Second Mid-term ODA Policy 2016 - 2020 (herein the Second Policy), which goes beyond the provision of specific means to meet the sectoral needs towards the integrated and inclusive approach to achieve the SDGs and enhance the effectiveness of development cooperation.

For instance, the government has established a new decision making process to better align various development projects in a more coherent and concentrated manner. In an effort to strengthen strategic cooperation between development cooperation agencies that are respectively in charge of grants and concessional loans projects, the government has established a consultative mechanism between OGPC, MOFA, and Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF) and government aid agencies such as Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and EXIM Bank.

In order to guarantee systematic evaluation of ODA programs, the government has established a new mechanism to check the contribution of projects with regard to achieving SDGs. From this year, each ministry and agency carrying out various ODA projects are requested to specify the SDGs goals and targets that are relevant to the particular projects submitted. At least 70% of the projects submitted had close relevance to achieving SDGs.

In an effort to maximize synergies between diverse actors of both public and non-governmental sectors, the government has established the principle of “Inclusive ODA” and facilitated the participation of the private sector via the Academy Partnership Program, Business Partnership Program (BPP), Civil Society Partnership Program, and Creative Technology Solution.

The Second Policy particularly emphasizes the efforts of Korean international development cooperation to address areas such as education, health, science and technology, and rural development where the ROK’s own experience can create comparative advantages. Such efforts are represented by the president’s initiatives for development cooperation which include: the Better Life for Girls Initiative; the Safe Life for All Initiative; the Science, Technology and Innovation for Better Life Initiative; and the knowledge and experience sharing of Saemaul Undong. These Initiatives address the most vulnerable through the intervention in key areas of sustainable development particularly the Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 17.

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Means of Implementation

ODA should remain as an important development resource in the SDGs era, especially for poor and vulnerable countries with special needs. As such, Korea will continue to increase its ODA. Korea’s second mid-term ODA policy (2016-2020) states that the government will aim at increasing the total volume of ODA so that it reaches 0.2% of GNI by 2020. The current level is at 0.14%. Korea also supports the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) which provides a comprehensive framework to maximize the potential of all development actors and resources for financing sustainable development. Also, Korea has been actively engaging in various initiatives and activities to promote collective efforts. In this regard, Korea is taking part in the Addis Tax Initiatives and it has continued to provide assistance to developing countries to modernize their tax administration system and build capacity.


Russia is strongly committed to add value to the global efforts in the implementation process of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), taking into account the principles and approaches set out in Addis Ababa Action Agenda on financing for development.

Russia is still in the process of the incorporation of Agenda 2030 and SDGs in the national policies and programs, both domestically and internationally. The intergovernmental process is in place, with the participation of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and in collaboration with a variety of thematic Russian ministries and agencies with a view to prepare the newsletter on the ongoing and further measures that are incorporated in national policies of the Russian Federation in order to achieve the SDGs. The work is undergoing to establish a list of existing Russian policy documents, strategies, public programs and activities aimed at achieving the SDGs at the domestic level, as well as in the context of international development assistance. At the moment, there is a process of identification of incorporated SDGs in the Russia's laws, rules and regulations that already exist, as well as their possible incorporation to the new government policy documents, strategies and programs.

In the area of international development assistance the SDGs mapping exercise is taking place. The existing and planned for the implementation programs are assessed in order to respond to Agenda 2030 targets and goals. Also the preparation process of new projects and programs is aligned with the set of SDGs.

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Russia’s Federal State Statistics Agency will be leading on the monitoring framework of the SDGs implementation. At this moment the intergovernmental consultation process is in place for identifying the responsible government bodies for the specific indicators and exploring the usage of the set of global indicators and the comparability to them of national statistical information and indicators, in order to ensure the availability of appropriate data for monitoring the progress of SDG implementation.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently launched the Vision 2030, which aims to improve citizens’ lives, promote economic growth and strengthen a nation that is effectively governed and responsibly enabled. The strategic development goals of the Vision 2030 are fundamentally aligned with the overarching aim of the 2030 Agenda. Forums, workshops and seminars across the country have effectively engaged the population to raise public awareness and ownership of the Vision 2030 and to align its strategic goals with those of the SDGs. The lunch of the Vision was accompanied by a participative communication strategy, which includes the development of a comprehensive website to communicate the Vision’s strategic pillars and measurable goals to the public. In addition, line ministries have rolled out individual outreach campaigns.

The Vision 2030 provides the basis and mandate to successfully incorporating the SDGs into the national planning process, taking into account national circumstances. The National Transformation Program 2020 will be the starting point to implement the strategic orientation of the vision 2030. To this end, a plethora of initiatives have already been implemented (teleworking, numerous vocational training programs and gender equity programs, to name a few). The specific goals under these programs align perfectly with the SDG goals of promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and full and productive employment and decent work. Overall, the strategic priorities of Vision 2030 ensures that the Vision will strive to achieve core tenets of the SDGs catered to the Saudi context.

Many Forums, workshops and seminars have been conducted to encourage the involvement of local/provincial administrators and representatives in the development of 2030 Vision. The National Transformation Plan (which will help achieve the aims of the Vision) will involve public, private and non-profit sectors in the rolling-out of an integrated governance model established by the Council of Ministers. The Vision will, among others, promote the role of civil society in Saudi Arabia through the encouragement of non-governmental organizations and special interest organizations. Indeed, this

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process has started across the Kingdom. For example, the recent merger of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Affairs into the Ministry of Labor and Social Development will ensure that labor policies will be effectively combined with programs and social benefit initiatives that involve large sections of the population, as well as promoting civil society. The Saudi government strongly believes that a strong civil society will strengthen partnerships across the populace and aid in the successful implementation of the SDGs. The Saudi academic institutions too will continue to play their role in research, technology development and training. In addition, the Vision intends to provide better opportunities for partnerships with the private sector to realize its strategic objectives.

The implementation of Vision 2030 foresees the deployment of multiple government initiatives and goals. Accordingly, ministries, institutions, and government entities have undergone a restructuring process to align themselves to the requirements of the Vision. According to the National Transformation Plan 2020, the institutional dimension is considered a fundamental aspect in the implementation and the follow-up processes. In fact, the cooperation among agencies and government entities will be critical in ensuring that progress is monitored and key milestones are met in a timely and efficient manner. Only through inter-agency cooperation to truly filter policies down to the sub-national and local levels. Indeed, the Kingdom has already started to conceptualize and implement specific initiatives within the Vision that will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

As the Kingdom sets out to diversify its economy away from its traditional income sources, a number of fiscal measures are being implemented on both revenue and expenditure sides to create the fiscal space to finance the specific initiatives outlined in the Vision, which would also support the achievement of the SDGs. The Kingdom will continue to promote the sustainable development not only within its own borders but also in low income and developing countries through the Saudi development and aid programs.

Regular reviews will be carried out to track the progress of the fulfilment of the Vision's goals, which are firmly aligned to the core tenets of the SDGs. Progress will be gauged from municipal, regional as well as the national levels. This multi-level accountability mechanism, supported by a modern dashboard, will ensure that initiatives are carried out and are well coordinated.

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 accounts for potential implementation risks. As mentioned, a cross-sectoral monitoring mechanism will ensure that any potential risks are identified early and dealt with accordingly. An early warning system is being prepared. Then, corrective measures could be taken at the opportune moment.

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has long been a provider of aid and development financing to developing countries, especially regional neighbors. Many of the projects supported by the Saudi Fund for Development directly generate economic activity that can contribute to promoting the SDGs in client countries. Similarly, Saudi aid programs provide grants and concessional funding to poor countries and those facing external shocks. It can be safely assumed that recipient countries’ use of such funding contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.


South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP) is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and provides the vehicle for South Africa’s implementation of the SDGs. The NDP aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality in South Africa by 2030. In this regard, the South African Government’s programme of action, among other, is focussed on:

Decent employment through inclusive growth;

A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path;

An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network; and

Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better Africa and a better world.

South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP), which serves as the vehicle for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, engages all Government agencies at the National, Provincial and Municipal Government levels. It also entails engagement with the private sector, labour and civil society.

Public messaging pertaining to the implementation of the SDGs have been reflected in relevant and related public statements by Political Principals. Meetings have also been held with the civil society stakeholders. Intra-governmental meetings have also been held with a view to mainstreaming the SDGs into Government’s programme of action in the developmental sphere.

The Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency has the primary responsibility for ensuring the horizontal and vertical policy coherence in the implementation of South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP) and its Medium Term Strategy Framework. A variety of other policy mechanisms are also used to ensure coherence across all spheres of Government. These mechanisms include the annual State of the Nation Address (SONA), the annual Budget Speech, the

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Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). Regular consultations with Provincial and Municipal Governments are also part of the process driven by DPME. Clustering of Government Departments to coordinate and implement the outcomes also enables inter-sectoral collaboration.

South Africa is well positioned for the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda due to the alignment between the SDGs and the NDP. Whilst further refinement is ongoing, to a large extent the National Development Plan (NDP) and its implementation strategy (the MTSF) is financed and supported through the National Budget.

South Africa utilises its African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund (ARF) to support developing countries. The fund was established through legislation to enhance cooperation between South Africa and other countries, in particular African countries, through the promotion of democracy; good governance; the prevention and resolution of conflict; socio-economic development and integration; humanitarian assistance; and human resource development. South Africa is committed to contributing towards addressing the needs of the African continent and efforts are underway to finalise the operationalization of the South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA), following the President’s Proclamation which was gazetted in 2013.

South Africa is inter-alia a partner in, and contributes to, the Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) New Development Bank, the Africa Development Bank and the Perez Guerrero Trust Fund (PGTF) of the Group of 77 (G77). South Africa also contributes to the India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA) Trust Fund which supports socio-economic development in countries of the South.


In Turkey, the National Development Plan is the guiding document for all macro-level national policies and priorities. Turkey introduced the concept of sustainability into its Seventh National Development Plan in 1996 following the 1992 Rio Conference. The outcomes of the 2012 Rio+20 Conference have been integrated into Turkey's Tenth National Development Plan covering the period 2014-2018. A main axis of the Tenth National Development Plan is sustainability. The Tenth Development Plan, which is based on the “human-centered development” approach, has a high level of complementarity with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Turkey has a Sustainable Development Coordination Commission (SDCC) coordinated by the Ministry of Development. The Commission will have a central role in the follow-up and review process of the

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SDGs. SDCC will be strengthened and expanded in line with its overall coordinating role, taking into account the comprehensive nature of the 2030 Agenda.

The following key actions are planned for the implementation phase of the SDGs in Turkey:

Subject to the coordination role of the Ministry of Development and the guiding role of the National Development Plans, the implementation of the SDGs will be the shared responsibility of all Ministries. The SDGs will be integrated into all relevant strategy and policy documents at central and local levels. The Ministry of Development, as the coordination body for developing national plans, programs and investment budget will closely follow the process and ensure vertical and horizontal policy coordination.

The SDGs will provide the central input when designing the long term vision of the upcoming Eleventh National Development Plan and will be taken into account in drafting the Plan.

Considering governance and strong institutional capacity as the fourth pillar of sustainable development, Turkey will give high priority to partnerships for capacity building and empowering respective institutions.

Turkey intends to develop a review framework that is in conformity with the UN framework of monitoring and review. National SDG Review Reports are expected to be prepared on a 4-yearly basis, taking into account the High Level Political Forum agenda.

Turkish Statistics Institute will have the central role for the monitoring of the 2030 Agenda based on global SDG indicators. Turkey will adjust its current national sustainable development indicator set in light of the SDGs' global indicators and according to national priorities and capabilities. National Statistics Office of Turkey, following closely the work of the UN on the indicators, will shortly program the steps for analyzing and filling the data gap. For strengthening capacity, Turkey will implement projects for new data collection and for administrative records.

For raising public awareness of the 2030 Agenda, capacity building programs, training and workshops will be carried out at different levels. The priority target population for SDGs communication will be the government officials that are responsible for reporting the developments in SDGs implementation. The general public’s understanding of SDGs is planned to be supported through public advertisements, e-bulletins and Turkish SDGs web site.

Turkey is an emerging donor in international development cooperation. Its Official Development Assistance (ODA) has increased considerably in recent years. This trend is expected to continue in the

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period ahead. To further strengthen its role in development cooperation, Turkey will focus on building its institutional capacity, particularly regarding human resources, and will strive to ensure the increased contribution of its private sector and civil society.


The UK champions the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which set out to eradicate extreme poverty through sustainable development, and is fully committed to implementing Agenda 2030. The UK has enshrined in law our commitment to provide 0.7% of national income as aid, and is also supporting developing countries to mobilise resources ‘beyond aid’ in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Our approach is set out in the new UK Aid Strategy, which ensures the UK can respond to the changing world and global challenges, and is aligned with our bilateral and multilateral objectives and the Global Goals. Objectives in the Strategy are closely aligned with the five key principles that underpin the 2030 Agenda: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

The Global Goals are the starting point for the Department for International Development's (DFID) work and implementing the Global Goals overseas will be supported by all relevant areas of government action internationally - for example through our trade and global health policies. The principle of Leave No One Behind underpins this Agenda, and we must strive to support those in extreme poverty and most disadvantaged. We are also committed to implementation domestically. Departments across UK Government have a responsibility for delivering on their existing commitments, and these include commitments relevant to the Global Goals. In terms of overseeing this process and managing implementation within Government, this will be championed by DFID and supported by the centre of Government – the Cabinet Office –to ensure a whole of Government approach to delivering on this Agenda. The UK is intending to publish a report in due course on its contribution to the Global Goals which will cover both international and domestic implementation. The Office for National Statistics in the UK has been instrumental in contributing to the technical discussions that shaped the global set of indicators against which countries will be measured, and be will be working closely with UK Government during the implementation phase.


The United States embraces the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, which represent our shared commitment to tackle the toughest development challenges.

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By acknowledging the universal nature of the 2030 Agenda, we recognize that poverty and growing inequality exists in all of our nations, and that all of our nations have work to do to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reduce inequality and create opportunity around the world, including the United States.

The United States is committed to continual assessment and application of best practices to adjust implementation throughout the fifteen-year Agenda. Working with diverse stakeholders, we will utilize new technologies and approaches to understand and apply lessons learned on how people actually live and incorporate best practices to ensure that our investments dramatically improve outcomes.

To initiate implementation, the United States engaged our domestic policy agencies to assess current progress towards the SDGs and identify where the biggest gaps exist. Given the depth and breadth of the 2030 Agenda and the complexity of our policy architecture, we also convene regular inter-ministerial coordination meetings to ensure that inputs from across government are captured.

In consultation and coordination with statistical programs across government, our Office of the U.S. Chief Statistician at the Office of Management and Budget is assessing our readiness to report official national statistics according to the UN global indicator reporting framework, identifying indicators for which official national statistics are currently available, indicators requiring further exploration of possible data sources, and indicators for which data gaps may exist. These statistics will be made publicly accessible using a national reporting platform featuring open source software to facilitate interoperability with other national and international reporting platforms. National and global metadata will be featured. The Office of the U.S. Chief Statistician actively participates in the effort underway, led by the UN Statistical Commission Interagency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals, to develop a comprehensive global indicator framework to measure progress towards the SDGs.

Many of the SDGs reflect domestic commitments and priorities. For example, we have made significant progress in reducing family and chronic homelessness by one fifth since 2010. Over 20 cities and two states have ended homelessness among veterans, demonstrating that it is possible to effectively end homelessness for entire populations. Progress in this area reflects coordinated local, state and federal efforts, and a significant investment of resources. The United States will continue to work to end homelessness for all families with children by 2020. The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, which includes the heads of 19 federal agencies, advances federal collaboration and coordination, ensuring that the most vulnerable are not left behind in domestic efforts to achieve sustainable development and to build an inclusive and sustainable future for all.

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The United States is committed to reducing domestic poverty and setting a course for accelerated economic mobility. Child poverty has fallen further over the last two years than it has since 2000, but we still have work to do. The United States' efforts to expand access to health insurance through the Affordable Care Act have led to more than 90 percent coverage nationwide, representing a gain of more than 20 million people who were previously not covered, reducing significantly a major element of household expenditures for many of those at or near the U.S. poverty line. This broad and continuing expansion of health coverage reflects the values articulated in the SDGs that health is a necessary component for socio-economic stability.

Sub-national stakeholders also have a role in implementing policies to advance progress and ensure that no one is left behind. Several U.S. cities, including New York City, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Santa Monica, San Jose, as well as the state of California, have committed to implement the SDGs locally and are developing their own sub-national plans.

The executive branch additionally continues to engage our legislative branch to bolster support for the priorities reflected in the 2030 Agenda, which will be critical to implementing the Agenda domestically and to supporting its implementation globally. In 2016, the U.S. Congress approved two critical pieces of legislation, the Global Food Security Act and the Electrify Africa Act, reaffirming the United States’ long-term commitment to addressing the global food security crisis and addressing sub-Saharan Africa’s critical energy crisis.

Our international development efforts are grounded in partnership with a focus on strengthening local capacity and mobilizing all appropriate resources, ideas, and actions – principles at the heart of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda. The United States remains the largest bilateral provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA), which includes the largest bilateral share of global humanitarian aid. Mobilizing all sources of finance is critical, and we remain committed to partnering with countries to support their efforts to mobilize domestic resources and other sources of financing for development. As a founding member of the Addis Tax Initiative, the United States committed to significantly increasing resources for countries, especially LDCs, to be able to access ODA and technical assistance for improving public financial management, including tax administration and fiscal management capacity.

Our foreign policy agencies regularly coordinate to evaluate and report on how our international development programming helps advance global progress toward the SDGs. The Department of State (DOS) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have underscored for all overseas posts the importance of the 2030 Agenda. The DOS and USAID have also linked the SDG framework to

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country-level strategic planning processes, in order to tailor country partnerships to local contexts and SDG priorities. The Millennium Challenge Corporation’s approach to compact development also enables alignment to country SDG priorities.

The United States continues to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, inclusive and accountable institutions, expanded educational opportunities, environmental protection and steps to address climate change. We are also expanding major development initiatives, including Power Africa, which seeks to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa by adding 30,000 megawatts and 60 million new connections by 2030; Feed the Future, which supports improved food security and inclusive economic growth through the development of the agriculture sector; and our global health investments in the President’s Malaria Initiative, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Global Health Security Agenda. Together, these efforts reflect many of our contributions toward progress against the 2030 Agenda in a holistic and integrated manner, and by leveraging multiple sources of financing. Under the Obama Administration, the United States has committed and helped mobilize more than $100 billion in new funding from other donors and the private sector to fight poverty in the areas of health, food security and energy.

Acknowledging the need to deepen our capacity to collect, analyze, and utilize data, dynamically, in order to effectively implement and report on progress towards the SDGs, the United States helped found and support the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data.

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2. CUMBRE DE LÍDERES DEL GRUPO DE LOS VEINTE (G20), HAMBURGO, ALEMANIA 2.1 Importancia del G20 para México 2.2 Principales objetivos de México 2.3 Participantes y programa de la Cumbre 2.4 Principales resultados de la Cumbre de Hamburgo


PEÑA NIETO EN EL MARCO DE LA CUMBRE DE LÍDERES DEL G20, EN HAMBURGO, ALEMANIA 3.1 Con el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América,

Donald J. Trump 3.2 Con el Presidente de la República de Turquía, Recep

Tayyip Erdoğan 3.3 Con el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau 3.4 Con el Primer Ministro de la República de la India,

Narendra Modi 3.5 Con el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros de la

República Italiana, Paolo Gentiloni 3.6 Con el Presidente del Gobierno de España, Mariano

Rajoy Brey


4.1 Declaración de Líderes de Hamburgo 4.2 Declaración de los Líderes sobre el combate al

terrorismo 4.3 Plan de Acción de Hamburgo 4.4 Plan de Acción del G20 sobre energía y clima para el


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Por invitación del Presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, el Presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto, realizó una visita de trabajo a Francia, antes de su participación en la Cumbre del Grupo de los Veinte (G20).

Durante el encuentro, el primero desde que el Presidente Macron tomó posesión de su cargo, los mandatarios constataron la excelente etapa por la que atraviesa la relación bilateral, gracias al diálogo político franco y constante, al dinamismo de los intercambios económicos y la provechosa cooperación en una amplia gama de ámbitos, tales como educación, investigación, salud, innovación, cultura y desarrollo sostenible. Asimismo, los Presidentes reafirmaron el interés y el compromiso de enriquecer la asociación estratégica México-Francia y continuar con el dinamismo del diálogo político al más alto nivel.

Coincidieron en la importancia y la utilidad del Consejo Estratégico Franco-Mexicano y acordaron fortalecerlo, renovarlo e impulsar los esfuerzos en materia de intercambios universitarios, científicos y culturales. De igual modo, refrendaron su compromiso con la “Hoja de Ruta relativa a la Asociación Estratégica Franco-Mexicana”, firmada en marzo de 2017.

Los mandatarios intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre la Cumbre del G20 y coincidieron en que se trata de un foro privilegiado para impulsar la agenda de competitividad y desarrollo, y hacer frente a los retos globales. Asimismo, reiteraron su compromiso con el libre comercio, el multilateralismo y la globalización, y destacaron la importancia de impulsar el desarrollo de ambas sociedades.

El Presidente Peña Nieto señaló que debe ser una prioridad del G20 mantener el consenso internacional en torno a la lucha contra el cambio climático y refrendó el respaldo irrestricto de México al Acuerdo de París.

Por último, el Presidente Macron reiteró que México es un socio privilegiado en América Latina, con quien Francia mantiene fuertes lazos intelectuales, culturales y afectivos que seguirá impulsando.

Francia es el 4° socio comercial de México entre los países de la Unión Europea y el 14° a nivel mundial. En 2016, el comercio bilateral ascendió a 5.7 mmdd. La inversión acumulada de Francia en México entre 1999 y marzo de 2017 ascendió a 4,729.8 mdd, lo que lo hace el 7° inversionista de los países de la UE en México y el 11° a nivel mundial.

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Por invitación de la señora Angela Merkel, Canciller Federal de la República Federal de Alemania, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto participó en la Cumbre de Líderes del Grupo de los Veinte (G20), que se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Hamburgo, en la República Federal de Alemania, los días 7 y 8 de julio de 2017. 2.1 Importancia del G20 para México El G20 es el principal foro para la coordinación internacional de políticas económicas y financieras y para la toma de decisiones sobre la gobernanza del sistema financiero global. Su objetivo es promover un crecimiento económico fuerte, sostenido, equilibrado e incluyente, y fortalecer el sistema financiero internacional. Los países que integran el G20 representan aproximadamente el 80% de la producción económica mundial, tres cuartas partes del comercio internacional y dos tercios de la población del planeta. De los veinte países con el mayor volumen de exportaciones a nivel mundial, quince son miembros del G20. Además, el 92% del comercio exterior de México se lleva a cabo con países del G20 y siete de los diez principales socios comerciales de México forman parte del grupo. La participación de México en el G20 es un reconocimiento al país como una de las principales economías emergentes y como un actor que contribuye a una mejor gobernanza económica global. Asimismo, el G20 es un espacio propicio para que el Presidente de la República sostenga encuentros bilaterales. México presidió el G20 en 2012 y fue sede de la Cumbre de Líderes de Los Cabos. Hasta la fecha se han celebrado doce Cumbres de Líderes del G20: Washington, 2008; Londres, 2009; Pittsburgh, 2009; Toronto, 2010; Seúl, 2010; Cannes, 2011; Los Cabos, 2012; San Petersburgo, 2013; Brisbane, 2014; Antalya, 2015; Hangzhou, 2016, y Hamburgo, 2017. En todas ha participado el Presidente de México. 2.2 Principales objetivos de México en la Cumbre de Hamburgo Los principales objetivos de México en la Cumbre de Hamburgo fueron:

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Impulsar políticas macroeconómicas que favorezcan un crecimiento económico incluyente.

Promover el fortalecimiento de las instituciones financieras internacionales.

Refrendar el compromiso de los países del G20 con el libre comercio.

Mantener el compromiso para la mitigación del cambio climático y el respaldo del Acuerdo de París.

Promover una visión positiva e integral de la migración, que reconozca sus aportaciones al desarrollo económico y social de los países de origen y de destino.

2.3 Participantes y programa de la Cumbre En la Cumbre participaron los líderes de los países miembros del G20 –Alemania, Arabia Saudita1, Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Canadá, China, Estados Unidos, Francia, India, Indonesia, Italia, Japón, México, Reino Unido, República de Corea, Rusia, Sudáfrica, Turquía y la Unión Europea–; de los países invitados de la Presidencia alemana –España, Guinea, Noruega, Países Bajos, Singapur y Viet Nam–, y los titulares del Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera, el Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, la Organización Mundial del Comercio, la Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos. La Cumbre inició con un Retiro —en el que participaron únicamente los líderes de los países miembros del G20. Posteriormente, hubo cuatro sesiones de trabajo, en las que participaron los líderes de los países miembros y de los países invitados, así como los titulares de los organismos internacionales. En el Retiro, los líderes hablaron sobre los desafíos que representan el terrorismo y la delincuencia organizada trasnacional. El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto condenó el terrorismo en todas sus formas y manifestaciones, y celebró los avances que se han logrado en el G20 para instrumentar estándares internacionales de prevención y supresión de su financiamiento. Asimismo, compartió las reformas a la legislación financiera mexicana que han establecido medidas para prevenir y sancionar el financiamiento del terrorismo.

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En el caso de la delincuencia organizada transnacional, destacó las consecuencias directas que genera en la vida de las personas y el esfuerzo coordinado de las instituciones de seguridad mexicanas para combatir a los grupos criminales. Como resultado del Retiro, los líderes del G20 emitieron una Declaración sobre el Combate al Terrorismo (anexa). En la primera sesión de trabajo, que se dedicó al crecimiento global y el comercio, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto reconoció que el G20 fue clave para superar la crisis financiera internacional, pero que todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer, particularmente para atender las preocupaciones de aquellos sectores que consideran que no se han beneficiado lo suficiente de la globalización y del comercio global. Para tal fin, México planteó la importancia de un marco macroeconómico sólido, una fuerte y ambiciosa agenda de reformas estructurales y el compromiso con la apertura y la integración de las economías. Asimismo, se hizo un llamado a completar la 15ª Revisión General de Cuotas del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) durante las Reuniones de Primavera de 2019 de este organismo financiero internacional, o, a más tardar, durante sus Reuniones Anuales en ese mismo año. El Presidente Peña Nieto también destacó que, como resultado de la reforma financiera, el sistema bancario mexicano cuenta con mayor certidumbre para el otorgamiento de préstamos, con criterios más elevados de solvencia y liquidez. Por otra parte, el Presidente de la República refrendó que México cree en un sistema multilateral de comercio sólido, transparente y basado en reglas, con la Organización Mundial del Comercio en su centro. En la segunda sesión se trataron los temas de energía, clima y desarrollo sostenible. México señaló que los países del G20 generan tres cuartas partes de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y que, en consecuencia, tienen una gran responsabilidad en el combate al cambio climático. En este sentido, el Presidente Peña Nieto reafirmó el compromiso de México con la implementación del Acuerdo de París e hizo un llamado a los demás miembros del G20 para emprender acciones tendientes a mitigar el cambio climático, pues se trata de una obligación frente a las generaciones futuras, además de que son económicamente viables, porque fomentan la eficiencia energética. En materia de desarrollo, el Presidente de la República puntualizó que el G20 debe seguir siendo un ejemplo en el cumplimiento de los Objetivos

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de Desarrollo Sostenible, cuya instrumentación México ha asumido como un compromiso de Estado. La tercera sesión de la Cumbre se enfocó en los temas de salud, cooperación con África y desplazamientos humanos. Sobre el primero de ellos, México coincidió con los demás miembros del G20 en que las emergencias sanitarias ponen a prueba las capacidades de gobiernos y comunidades para lograr su detección y darles respuesta. Asimismo, el Presidente Peña Nieto puso de manifiesto el compromiso de México con el desarrollo de un Plan Nacional para enfrentar el desafío que representa la resistencia de los agentes patógenos a los medicamentos y subrayó la necesidad de instrumentar soluciones integrales, que incluyan programas educativos para la población e involucrar no sólo a la industria farmacéutica, sino también a los sectores agropecuario, químico y alimentario. Al celebrar el esfuerzo de Alemania para impulsar iniciativas en favor del desarrollo en África, México se refirió a la importancia de que los países africanos asuman el liderazgo de esta iniciativa y que ésta se encuentre alineada con las prioridades de la región, particularmente la Agenda 2063 de la Unión Africana. En el tema de desplazamientos humanos, que es prioritario para México, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto afirmó que la migración internacional es una oportunidad y no un problema. Ésta debe ser una elección y no una obligación. Al mismo tiempo, puso énfasis en que México promueve una visión positiva y multidimensional de la migración que toma en cuenta un enfoque de derechos humanos, el principio de responsabilidad compartida, el reconocimiento de las aportaciones de los migrantes tanto para las sociedades de origen como para las de destino, la importancia de un marco adecuado para la gobernanza de la migración, y el papel de la cooperación internacional. También se subrayó la integración laboral y la inclusión financiera de los migrantes, como medidas que contribuyen de manera positiva al desarrollo de los países de origen y de destino. En la cuarta y última sesión se habló sobre empleo, digitalización y empoderamiento de las mujeres. El Presidente de México hizo referencia a la reforma de telecomunicaciones, que prevé acciones para reducir la brecha digital y para transitar hacia una economía digital que facilite la innovación, que promueva la competencia y reduzca las barreras al comercio. En este sentido, el Presidente Peña Nieto habló también del papel fundamental de la capacitación, para que los trabajadores cuenten con las habilidades necesarias para adaptarse a los cambios tecnológicos

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y a las necesidades cambiantes del mercado laboral. Al mismo tiempo, reconoció que la igualdad sustantiva entre hombres y mujeres es una condición indispensable para asegurar un crecimiento incluyente y sostenible. 2.4 Principales entregables de la Cumbre de Hamburgo

Declaración de Hamburgo, con los principales compromisos

adoptados por los Líderes. Declaración de los Líderes de G20 sobe el Combate al Terrorismo. Plan de Acción de Hamburgo, con la estrategia del G20 para

alcanzar un crecimiento fuerte, sostenido, equilibrado e incluyente.

Plan de Acción del G20 sobre energía y clima para el crecimiento.

3. ENCUENTROS BILATERALES DEL PRESIDENTE ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO EN EL MARCO DE LA CUMBRE DE LÍDERES DEL G20 EN HAMBURGO, ALEMANIA En el marco de su participación en la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Hamburgo, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto sostuvo seis encuentros bilaterales. 3.1 Con el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau El Presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto y el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, conversaron sobre temas de interés compartido. Celebraron que la relación entre México y Canadá continúe fortaleciéndose, y coincidieron en seguir trabajando en favor del libre comercio. Al respecto, subrayaron que la renegociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) debe garantizar el libre comercio y el libre flujo de inversiones entre los tres países. 3.2 Con el Presidente del Gobierno de España, Mariano Rajoy Brey. Los mandatarios se congratularon por el 40º aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas entre México y España, efeméride que ha dado pie a intensificar los dinámicos vínculos que unen a nuestros países, mediante una intensa agenda de trabajo que se ha desarrollado a lo largo de este año, así como de un rico programa de actividades conmemorativo desplegado tanto en México, como en España. Ambos mandatarios hicieron referencia al constante y fluido diálogo político que han establecido las Cancillerías, y destacaron la visita del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, Alfonso Dastis, en marzo, y la del Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Luis Videgaray, para

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copresidir la XII reunión de la Comisión Binacional, mecanismo que permite dar seguimiento y evaluar la relación bilateral en su conjunto. Los Presidentes Peña Nieto y Rajoy destacaron la importancia de la asociación estratégica entre México y España, y expresaron su compromiso con continuar enriqueciéndola en beneficio de ambos países. Finalmente, los mandatarios intercambiaron puntos de vista con respecto a los principales temas regionales, así como a la agenda internacional, y acordaron mantener el diálogo político al más alto nivel en los distintos foros en los que coincidimos México y España, con el fin de asegurar una coordinación estrecha en el escenario global, birregional y multilateral, así como en el espacio iberoamericano. 3.3 Con el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, Donald J. Trump Ambos líderes reconocieron los esfuerzos realizados por sus respectivos gabinetes que, a partir de un diálogo constante durante los últimos meses, han tratado retos bilaterales y regionales, como migración, seguridad y desarrollo económico. En lo que se refiere a la migración, ambos Presidentes acordaron explorar nuevos instrumentos para promover programas de trabajo temporal en el sector agrícola. Asimismo, los mandatarios reconocieron el progreso realizado en el diagnóstico de las redes del crimen organizado transnacional, así como en la necesidad de atacar este fenómeno con base en el principio de responsabilidad compartida y por medio de una estrategia integral en ambos lados de la frontera. Durante la reunión bilateral, los Presidentes intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre temas significativos de la agenda económica entre México y Estados Unidos. En ese sentido, subrayaron la importancia de modernizar el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN), de manera que resulte en beneficios tangibles para las economías y sociedades de América del Norte. 3.4 Con el Primer Ministro de la República de la India El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto sostuvo una reunión bilateral con el Primer Ministro de la India, Narendra Modi, con quien conversó sobre el interés mutuo de fortalecer el diálogo político, los flujos económicos y la

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cooperación entre ambos países. Intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre la situación actual en sus respectivas regiones y sobre los principales temas de la agenda multilateral. Los líderes se congratularon por la celebración de la VII Reunión de la Comisión Binacional, en la Ciudad de México el 23 de junio pasado, al tiempo que subrayaron la importancia de dar seguimiento a los acuerdos alcanzados en junio de 2016 durante la visita a México del Primer Ministro Modi, en particular, seguir avanzando hacia la meta de elevar la Asociación Privilegiada, establecida en 2007, a una asociación estratégica. El Primer Ministro Modi invitó al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto a realizar una visita de Estado a la India en 2018. 3.5 Con el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros de la República Italiana El Presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto, se reunió con el Presidente del Consejo de Ministros de la República Italiana, Paolo Gentiloni, en el marco de la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 en Hamburgo, Alemania. Se trató del primer encuentro desde que el Primer Ministro italiano tomó posesión de su cargo, el pasado mes de diciembre.

Ambos mandatarios resaltaron el excelente nivel de diálogo político y el dinamismo que caracteriza a la relación bilateral, al tiempo que refrendaron la importancia que conceden a la Asociación Estratégica que México e Italia establecieron en 2012. Asimismo, coincidieron en que la próxima reunión de la Comisión Binacional, que corresponde celebrar en octubre en Roma, a nivel de Cancilleres, será una oportunidad para fijar nuevas prioridades que permitan incrementar los intercambios comerciales y de inversión, así como los vínculos en materia de cooperación educativa, cultural, y técnico-científica. Por último, intercambiaron puntos de vista sobre asuntos de la agenda multilateral y la Cumbre del G20.

3.6 Con el Presidente de la República de Turquía Los Presidentes Peña Nieto y Erdoğan dieron seguimiento a los acuerdos alcanzados durante las visitas de Estado que realizaron a Turquía y México en 2013 y 2015, respectivamente. Entre otros avances, destacaron la creación de la Comisión Binacional de Alto Nivel México-Turquía, la cual se instaló en febrero pasado, un mecanismo de diálogo que permitirá orientar y profundizar las relaciones políticas, comerciales y de cooperación entre ambos países.

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Los mandatarios acordaron explorar nuevas medidas para promover el incremento de los flujos comerciales, turísticos y de inversión entre México y Turquía. Como miembros del G20, los Presidentes de Mexico y Turquía refrendaron su posición en favor del libre comercio, el multilateralismo y la cooperación como instrumentos para promover el desarrollo de los países. 4. ANEXOS 4.1 Comitiva para la Cumbre de Líderes del G20 4.2 Declaración de Líderes del G20 4.3Declaración de Líderes del G20 sobre el Combate al Terrorismo. 4.4 Plan de Acción de Hamburgo

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Taking multi-stakeholder approach

Building on our efforts to date, such as a national-level stakeholders’ meeting by the Ministry of the Environment to share lessons and advanced cases on environment-related SDGs across the country, the Headquarters will further explore how to ensure enhanced partnership with a broader set of multiple stakeholders, including NGOs, CSOs, the private sector, academia, international organizations and others.

In addition, to raise awareness and understanding of the 2030 Agenda in broader public, the Government of Japan is making utmost efforts to reach people across the country through various media such as the Government's website, internet TV, white papers, symposium and others.

(Supporting global implementation of the 2030 Agenda)

Japan is also taking proactive steps to support the global implementation of the 2030 Agenda with various initiatives across sectors. We are doing so by applying the Development Cooperation Charter, which we have already revised taking the SDGs into account, as a compass, and by adopting the concept of human security as a guiding principle.

On quality infrastructure investment, Japan took the lead to introduce the “G7 Ise-shima Principles for Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment” in order to share five major principles with the international community. Moreover, as Japan’s own commitment, we announced our initiative, “Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure”, which aims to provide around 200 billion US dollars over the next five years to infrastructure projects across the world.

Regarding global health, Japan led the announcement of the “G7 Ise-shima Vision for Global Health”. Additionally, Japan decided to provide support of around 1.1 billion US dollars to international health organizations.

We have also taken bold steps in the direction of women and gender issues, disaster risk reduction, education, ICT, agriculture, food security and nutrition, and others.

Apart from these sector-specific commitments, further utilization of various development financing resources including domestic resources, private finance and official development assistance is also key. We will also pursue the further mainstreaming of the SDGs into the implementation processes of our development cooperation.


Science, technology and innovation (STI) is another driving force to achieve a sustainable society. We will enhance our cooperation in this area in close partnership with academia and other STI communities, taking into account evolving efforts at the international level.

(Leading efforts in the international arena)

In achieving SDGs globally, various international fora can also play important roles with their own expertise. At the G7 Ise-shima Summit hosted by Japan this May, leaders committed to take ambitious domestic actions and also support developing countries’ efforts to implement the Agenda. They also developed their commitment to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth in various areas such as world economy, trade, infrastructure, health, women, cyber, anti-corruption, climate change, energy, migration and refugees and others. As the Presidency, Japan vigorously took leadership in this whole process. In August, Japan and African countries convened the Sixth Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD VI) for the first time in Africa. To help embody the 2030 Agenda on African soil, Japan committed to invest for the future of Africa through implementing measures centering on developing quality infrastructure, building resilient health systems and laying foundations for peace and stability, amounting to approx. USD 30 billion under public-private partnership.


Mexico is building on its experience on the national coordination for the follow-up of the MDGs, its statistics capacity and its expertise on public policy evaluation. For the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Mexican Government established institutional mechanisms for the follow up and implementation of the SDGs. On February 2016, the Specialized Technical Committee on the Sustainable Development Goals (CTEODS in Spanish) was formally created. The Committee is mandated to revise and adjust the indicators recommended by the UN to the Mexican context; agree on the sources of information for monitoring purposes at the national and subnational levels; coordinate regular update of indicators and their publication as open data; manage the pilot, open source platform for the SDGs; integrate progress reports, and coordinate with other stakeholders. The open- code platform based on the information system for monitoring the MDGs will offer updated georeferenced data at national and local levels, and provide tools for the review and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda.

Mexico believes that the engagement of all stakeholders will be crucial for the accomplishment of the SDGs; therefore, we have undertaken dialogues and consultations with parliamentarians and local

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The Hamburg G20 Leaders’ Statement on Countering Terrorism

1. We, the Leaders of the G20, strongly condemn all terrorist attacks worldwide and stand

united and firm in the fight against terrorism and its financing. These atrocious acts have strengthened our resolve to cooperate to enhance our security and protect our citizens. Terrorism is a global scourge that must be fought and terrorist safe havens eliminated in every part of the world.

2. We reaffirm that all measures on countering terrorism need to be implemented in accord-ance with the UN Charter and all obligations under international law, including interna-tional human rights law.

Implementing international commitments and enhancing cooperation

3. We call for the implementation of existing international commitments on countering ter-rorism, including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, and compliance with rele-vant resolutions and targeted sanctions by the UN Security Council relating to terrorism. We commit to continue to support UN efforts to prevent and counter terrorism.

4. We will address the evolving threat of returning foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) from con-flict zones such as Iraq and Syria and remain committed to preventing FTFs from estab-lishing a foothold in other countries and regions around the world. We recall UN Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014), which requires a range of actions to better tackle the for-eign terrorist fighter threat.

5. We will facilitate swift and targeted exchanges of information between intelligence and law enforcement and judicial authorities on operational information-sharing, preventive measures and criminal justice response, while ensuring the necessary balance between se-curity and data protection aspects, in accordance with national laws. We will ensure that terrorists are brought to justice.

6. We will work to improve the existing international information architecture in the areas of security, travel and migration, including INTERPOL, ensuring the necessary balance be-tween security and data protection aspects. In particular, we encourage all members to make full use of relevant information sharing mechanisms, in particular INTERPOL’s in-formation sharing-functions.

7. We call upon our border agencies to strengthen cooperation to detect travel for terrorist purposes, including by identifying priority transit and destination countries of terrorists. We will support capacity building efforts in these countries in areas such as border man-agement, information sharing and watch-list capability to manage the threat upstream. We will promote greater use of customs security programs, including where appropriate, the World Customs Organization’s (WCO) Security Programme and Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which focus on strengthening Customs administrations’ capacity to deal with se-curity related issues and managing the cross-border flows of goods, people and means of transport to ensure they comply with the law.

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8. We will address in close coordination the evolving threats and potential vulnerabilities in aviation security systems and exchange information on risk assessments. We recall the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2309 (2016) which urges closer collaboration to ensure secu-rity of global air services and the prevention of terrorist attacks. We will promote full im-plementation of effective and proportionate aviation security measures established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in partnership with all its contracting states as necessary. We call to urgently address vulnerabilities in airport security related measures, such as access control and screening, covered by the Chicago Convention and will act jointly to ensure that international security standards are reviewed, updated, adapted and put in place based on current risks.

9. We highlight the importance of providing appropriate support to the victims of terrorist acts and will enhance our cooperation and exchange of best practices to this end.

Fighting terrorism finance

10. We underline our resolve to make the international financial system entirely hostile to terrorist financing and commit to deepening international cooperation and exchange of information, including working with the private sector, which has a critical role in global efforts to counter terrorism financing. We reaffirm our commitment to tackle all sources, techniques and channels of terrorist financing and our call for swift and effective imple-mentation of UNSCR and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards worldwide. We call for strengthening measures against the financing of international terrorist organi-sations in particular ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, Al Qaida and their affiliates.

11. There should be no “safe spaces” for terrorist financing anywhere in the world. However, inconsistent and weak implementation of the UN and FATF standards allows them to per-sist. In order to eliminate all such “safe spaces”, we commit to intensify capacity building and technical assistance, especially in relation to terrorist financing hot-spots, and we support the FATF in its efforts to strengthen its traction capacity and the effectiveness of FATF and FATF-style regional bodies.

12. We welcome the reforms agreed by the FATF Plenary in June and support the ongoing work to strengthen the governance of the FATF. We also welcome the FATF intention to further explore its transformation into a legal person, which recognises that the FATF has evolved from a temporary forum to a sustained public and political commitment to tackle AML/CFT threats. We also appreciate FATF commencing the membership process for In-donesia that will broaden its geographic representation and global engagement. We ask the FATF to provide an update by the first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Gover-nors meeting in 2018. We call on all member states to ensure that the FATF has the nec-essary resources and support to effectively fulfil its mandate.

13. We welcome that countering terrorist finance remains the highest priority of FATF, and look forward to FATF's planned outreach to legal authorities, which will contribute to en-hanced international cooperation and increased effectiveness in the application of FATF's standards.

14. We will advance the effective implementation of the international standards on transpar-ency and beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements for the purposes of countering financing terrorism.

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15. Low cost attacks by small cells and individuals funded by small amounts of money trans-ferred through a wide range of payment means are an increasing challenge. We call on the private sector to continue to strengthen their efforts to identify and tackle terrorism fi-nancing. We ask our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to work with FATF, FSB, the financial sector, Financial Intelligence Units, law enforcement and FinTech firms to develop new tools such as guidance and indicators, to harness new technologies to bet-ter track terrorist finance transactions, and to work together with law enforcement au-thorities to bridge the intelligence gap and improve the use of financial information in counter-terrorism investigations.

16. We call upon countries to address all alternative sources of financing of terrorism, includ-ing dismantling connections, where they exist, between terrorism and transnational orga-nized crime, such as the diversion of weapons including weapons of mass destruction, looting and smuggling of antiquities, kidnapping for ransom, drugs and human trafficking.

Countering radicalization conducive to terrorism and the use of internet for terrorist purposes

17. Our counterterrorism actions must continue to be part of a comprehensive approach, including combatting radicalization and recruitment, hampering terrorist movements and countering terrorist propaganda. We will exchange best practices on preventing and coun-tering terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism, national strategies and de-radicalisation and disengagement programmes, and the promotion of strategic communi-cations as well as robust and positive narratives to counter terrorist propaganda.

18. We stress that countering terrorism requires comprehensively addressing underlying con-ditions that terrorists exploit. It is therefore crucial to promote political and religious tol-erance, economic development and social cohesion and inclusiveness, to resolve armed conflicts, and to facilitate reintegration. We acknowledge that regional and national action plans can contribute to countering radicalisation conducive to terrorism.

19. We will share knowledge on concrete measures to address threats from returning foreign terrorist fighters and home-grown radicalised individuals. We will also share best practices on deradicalisation and reintegration programmes including with respect to prisoners.

20. We will work with the private sector, in particular communication service providers and administrators of relevant applications, to fight exploitation of the internet and social me-dia for terrorist purposes such as propaganda, funding and planning of terrorist acts, incit-ing terrorism, radicalizing and recruiting to commit acts of terrorism, while fully respect-ing human rights. Appropriate filtering, detecting and removing of content that incites terrorist acts is crucial in this respect. We encourage industry to continue investing in technology and human capital to aid in the detection as well as swift and permanent re-moval of terrorist content. In line with the expectations of our peoples we also encourage collaboration with industry to provide lawful and non-arbitrary access to available infor-mation where access is necessary for the protection of national security against terrorist threats. We affirm that the rule of law applies online as well as it does offline.

21. We also stress the important role of the media, civil society, religious groups, the business community and educational institutions in fostering an environment which is conducive to the prevention of radicalisation and terrorism.

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08 July 2017

G20 Hamburg Action Plan

1. Overview and Economic Context The Hamburg Action Plan sets out the G20’s strategy for achieving strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. We believe that closer partnership and action by G20 members will boost confidence and contribute to shared prosperity. Our actions laid out here aim to contribute to meeting the aspirations of our citizens for a better quality of life for their families, communities and future generations. We have developed this Action Plan against a backdrop of improving growth and job prospects. The global economic recovery is progressing and gaining momentum. Investment has picked up, and trade and manufacturing are showing signs of recovery. However, the pace of this growth is still weaker than desirable, and downside risks remain. Weak productivity growth, income inequality and ageing populations represent challenges to growth in the longer term. We remain strongly committed to full implementation of our policy actions. At the same time, evolving global economic and policy conditions warrant new responses. Building on our past initiatives in our growth strategies, the Hamburg Action Plan includes new policy actions to tackle challenges in our economies, focusing on initiatives that foster inclusive growth, enhance resilience and further our efforts to implement structural reforms (see section 2.B)b) below). In addition to the specific national measures outlined below, we reiterate that we will continue to use all policy tools – monetary, fiscal and structural – individually and collectively to achieve our goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth, while enhancing economic and financial resilience. Monetary policy will continue to support economic activity and ensure price stability, consistent with central banks' mandates. But monetary policy alone cannot lead to balanced growth. Fiscal policy will be used flexibly and be growth-friendly, prioritise high-quality investment, and support reforms that would provide opportunities and promote inclusiveness, while ensuring debt as a share of GDP is on a sustainable path. We reinforce our commitment to structural reform. We emphasise that our structural reform and fiscal strategies are mutually reinforcing to support our common growth objectives and will continue to explore policy options tailored to country circumstances in line with the Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda.

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We reiterate that excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates can have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. We will consult closely on exchange markets. We reaffirm our previous exchange rate commitments, including that we will refrain from competitive devaluations and we will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes. We will carefully calibrate and clearly communicate our macroeconomic policy actions and structural reforms to reduce policy uncertainty, minimise negative spillovers and promote transparency. We will strive to reduce excessive global imbalances in a way that supports global growth. We will promote greater inclusiveness, fairness and equality in our pursuit of economic growth and job creation. The Hamburg Action Plan also includes new measures we are taking to strengthen the international financial architecture, improve financial sector regulation and development, and promote collaboration on international taxation issues (see sections 3, 4 and 5 below). It also outlines our new actions to tackle the issues of beneficial ownership, correspondent banking and remittances, anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism, fossil fuel subsidies and data gaps (see section 6 below). Each of these measures, whether made separately or jointly, contributes to our shared goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.

2. Framework for Strong, Sustainable, Balanced and Inclusive Growth A) Implementation of Past Growth Strategy Commitments

Our growth strategies are the instruments for facilitating an integrated approach that makes use of all policy tools – monetary, fiscal and structural – individually and collectively to boost global growth. In 2014, Leaders put forward significant actions which, if implemented in a full and timely fashion, would increase G20 collective GDP by an additional 2 per cent by 2018 (collective growth ambition). These growth strategies were enhanced in 2015 and 2016 with new policy initiatives aimed at raising the effectiveness of our original actions and further boosting growth. We will increase our efforts and use the window of opportunity provided by the strengthening recovery to implement the policy actions we have put forward in our growth strategies. We have in place a comprehensive framework for monitoring implementation, which includes a member-led member-owned peer review mechanism supported by the use of indicators developed under the Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda, an assessment by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the OECD and the World Bank Group (WBG). We note that G20 members have continued to make progress on the implementation of their Brisbane, Antalya and Hangzhou commitments. These efforts have so far led us to achieve more than half of our collective growth ambition. Slower-than-expected implementation means it is likely that our collective growth ambition will be achieved later than originally anticipated. Importantly, however, the longer-term impact on G20 collective GDP of measures members will have implemented as part of the growth strategy exercise will exceed 2 per cent. The 2017 Accountability Assessment provides further details on our progress with implementation of past growth strategy commitments. B) New Growth Strategy Policy Actions

a) Supporting the Global Economy in the Short Term

Demand-side measures are important for supporting confidence and strengthening growth over the short term, and can complement structural reforms designed to yield results in the longer term. Improving the efficiency of fiscal policy such as by prioritising growth- and equity-friendly expenditure is also important in the short- and long-term. In this context, we are implementing a number of monetary and fiscal policy measures to further foster confidence and boost growth and stability.

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Monetary Policy: o The policy stance continues to remain accommodative in Australia, Canada, the euro area,

Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States o The Bank of Japan introduced Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing (QQE) with

Yield Curve Control as a means of strengthening the previous frameworks for monetary easing, with a view to achieving the price stability target of 2% at the earliest possible time

o Brazil‘s monetary policy stance has become less restrictive, the policy interest rate having fallen 400 basis points since the start of the monetary easing cycle in August 2016

Fiscal Policy: o China will further ease the tax burden on businesses by around 380 billion yuan and cut

business related fees by around 720 billion yuan o Turkey is extending its minimum wage subsidy and waiving personal income tax and stamp

duty liabilities for every worker participating in the labour force till the end of 2017, and cutting indirect taxes on consumer durables and housing

b) Supporting the Global Economy in the Medium and Long Term

i. Enhancing Resilience

Economic crises can have severe and long-lasting consequences. The lingering impact of the global financial crisis is a case in point and underscores the need to enhance resilience of our economies. In March 2017 our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors agreed a “Note on Resilience Principles in G20 Economies”. These Principles may be used as an indicative guide by G20 members to highlight policy actions they are undertaking which can contribute to enhancing the resilience of their economies. Our actions to build resilience will help strengthen the durability of economic growth, reduce the negative impact of shocks, and set off a virtuous cycle of high resilience and strong economic growth. Increased economic resilience will make for more robust growth, which can, in turn, further contribute to our resilience. In this context, we are putting forward a number of measures that will build our respective capacities to: (1) achieve sustainable growth in the face of risks and pressures related to structural challenges; (2) avoid excessive build-up of risks, imbalances and vulnerabilities in the face of shocks; and (3) absorb and overcome severe shocks and return quickly to a sustainable economic growth path. This year, G20 members are putting forward the following actions to enhance the resilience of their economies:

Argentina, Brazil and Mexico are implementing multi-year fiscal consolidation plans to secure

fiscal sustainability and preserve macroeconomic stability and Germany envisages that the general government debt-to-GDP ratio will fall below 60 % in 2020

Australia will provide AUD 1.5 billion over four years from financial year 2017-18 to establish a permanent Skilling Australians Fund to support the skilling of Australian workers

Canada is making a broad range of infrastructure investments to build modern, resilient neighbourhoods and communities

China is improving its business environment and utilising foreign investment actively The European Union is fostering investment with a proposal to extend the European Investment

Plan and increasing the overall flexibility of the EU budget to support job creation, investment and economic growth

France has enhanced its already effective anti-corruption framework to align it with the best international standards and taken steps to increase transparency and modernise the economy, which should support productivity and attractiveness

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In the financial sector India is popularising a number of derivatives instruments in exchanges or electronic trading platforms. Turkey is introducing capital market reforms and policies for a sustainable investment ecosystem

Indonesia is enhancing transparency and efficiency in tax administration by providing automatic access of financial data to tax authority in order to boost tax collection (tax to GDP ratio).

Italy is strengthening its fight against tax evasion to ensure a level playing field for all firms and citizens and a fairer and growth-friendly tax system

Japan continues to promote competition in energy, healthcare and agriculture sectors (e.g. full liberalisation of entry into gas retail business)

Korea is developing the roadmap to add more jobs in the public sector, particularly in essential public services aimed at enhancing economic resilience

Russia is taking measures to discourage malpractice in financial markets (including by enhancing regulation of usage of insider information) and is continuing to develop its bonds market (e.g. through simplification of issuance); and South Africa is finalising a public procurement bill as part of the government’s continuing attempts to modernise government procurement and improve government expenditure efficiency

Saudi Arabia is establishing a fund that provides attractive investment capital to support the private sector by raising its efficiency and competitiveness

Spain is making progress towards more sustainable growth through the reinforcement of the Research, Development and Innovation framework, internal reforms to comply with its international commitments on climate, and new measures to foster energy efficiency

The United Kingdom is providing GBP 4.7 billion by 2020-21 in research and development funding to enhance its position as a world leader in science and innovation

ii. Promoting Inclusive Growth

Over the past several decades, G20 economies have become increasingly integrated as they have opened up to trade and foreign investment as a result of a broader trend of globalisation and in the search for stronger economic growth and prosperity. Increased integration has coincided with substantial technological progress. These developments have produced large economic benefits, including by helping to lift millions of people around the world out of extreme poverty and thereby decreasing inequality between countries. At the same time, inequality within many countries had increased until the mid-2000s, with a less clear trend afterwards. Too many people still live in extreme poverty. It is critical that the G20 continue to take actions to ensure that the benefits of this growth and prosperity are shared broadly and reach the poor and more vulnerable segments of society. Against this backdrop we are introducing further measures this year to promote inclusive growth and raise the living standards of all our citizens. In this context, the work of the IMF as well as the OECD/WBG’s “Framework to Help Guide the G20 in its Development of Policy Options to Foster More Inclusive Growth” inform our policy choices. Argentina is introducing a national program for historical reparation to retirees and pensioners in

order to adjust pension benefits and cancel debts due to back payments Australia is implementing a new needs-based funding model for primary and secondary

education throughout the country Brazil is updating its labour legislation, making it more flexible and predictable Canada is introducing a number of labour market reforms, including expanding employment

insurance, skills training and employment support, and providing more child care spaces to help grow its middle class

The European Union is promoting a European pillar of social rights, which sets out 20 key principles to support fair and well-functioning labour markets and welfare systems and is also

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investing in Europe’s youth by helping young people to seize opportunities, integrate well into society, become active citizens and pursue successful professional careers

China is waiving tuition and miscellaneous fees at public senior high schools and providing subsidies at private senior high schools for students from registered poor families

France is easing the tax burden for low-income households in order to increase their purchasing power and the incentive to take up jobs

On access to the labour market, Germany is promoting the integration of refugees whilst India is introducing labour market reforms to provide security to workers, increase female participation in the workforce and make doing business easier.

Indonesia is promoting Ultra Micro Credit Program to increase access of financing for marginal society, especially for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that are ‘non bankable but feasible’ by enabling non-bank financial institutions to involve in the program

Italy is adopting a comprehensive strategy to spur inclusive growth, especially among the most vulnerable groups including women and youth and notably through the introduction of the minimum income scheme and the monitoring of sustainable well-being (BES) indicators in the planning documents, and South Africa is introducing a national minimum wage in 2018 to protect workers and increase the living wage of the poorest working citizens

Japan is promoting “work-style reform,” including through realising equal pay for equal work, and correcting long working hours

Korea is building a fair economic ecosystem by means of supporting micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises, ventures and start-ups, improving the quality of jobs and establishing a fair order in the market economy

Mexico is creating special economic zones to increase productivity, boost employment and create wealth in less developed regions

Russia is improving financial inclusion for households and SMEs by developing remote identification of individuals (including remote opening of bank accounts) and supporting individual entrepreneurship (through promoting credit to entrepreneurs and its securitisation; expanding guarantees; elaborating the “single window” mechanism for state support programs)

Saudi Arabia is developing a national household allowance to provide social safety net protection to low-income groups

Spain is undertaking reforms that promote access of citizens to the labour market, with particular emphasis on active employment policies and adequacy of human capital

South Africa is introducing programs such as youth employment schemes to provide opportunities for young people to gain work experience

Turkey is increasing employment of groups requiring special policies through a number of entrepreneurship programs and on the job training programs in order to encourage labour force participation among the most vulnerable groups

The United Kingdom is providing funding to increase the supply of new homes, including the construction of additional affordable housing

iii. Maintaining the Momentum on Structural Reform and Sustainable Growth

Structural reform is an important driver of growth over the long term, and can support confidence, demand and growth in the short term especially when used in conjunction with appropriate macroeconomic policies. In 2016, we developed our Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda to strengthen our structural reform efforts and ensure that these efforts are ambitious, relevant, focused and effective. Consistent with this agenda, we are undertaking additional structural reform this year to complement our existing efforts in boosting potential growth.

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Our policy package also includes the following initiatives to lift medium term growth:

Argentina is planning USD 33 billion of investment in maritime, aero and rail infrastructure Australia is committing over AUD 70 billion from 2013-14 to 2020-21 for transport

infrastructure across Australia including a national Rail Program for urban and regional rail investment and a second airport in Sydney, along with AUD 770 million over 4 years from 2017-18 for regional infrastructure projects

For new businesses, Brazil is designing and implementing an adequate, simplified and specific regulatory framework for microentrepreneurships and individual microentrepreneurs. Germany is supporting the provision of acquisition grants to private investors investing in young, innovative companies, whilst India is facilitating external commercial borrowing by start-ups in order to encourage innovation and promote the ease of doing business. Turkey is increasing the efficiency of its publicly supported credit guarantee system.

Canada is introducing an Innovation and Skills Plan to make Canada a world-leading centre for innovation and help create jobs and grow its middle class

China is simplifying the structure of VAT rates and further reduces tax burden for small business The EU is determined to deepen its Single Market by inclusion of new priority initiatives, which

aim to further strengthen the Capital Markets Union strategy and completing the digital single market

France will go further with the flexibilisation of the labour market by, among others, further rationalising its Labour Code and investing more in the training of unemployed and low-qualified workers

Indonesia is developing a national logistics system to ensure effective and efficient flow of goods as well as to improve competitiveness

Italy is implementing the Industry 4.0 Plan, which aims at boosting the productivity and competitiveness of Italian firms, by promoting innovative investment and skills

Japan is implementing the Growth Strategies 2017, which accelerates realisation of “Society 5.0”, including through greater use of AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), robotics, and FinTech

Korea is devising a comprehensive plan for creating an ecosystem for innovative start-ups and carrying out diverse policies to strengthen innovation

Mexico strengthened its legal framework through the creation of the National Anti-Corruption System to improve the rule of law and lift potential growth

Russia is increasing the capital of the Industry Development Fund to expand its loan support for newly created industrial enterprises

Spain is fostering entrepreneurship and business investment by enhancing its public administration´s efficiency through better procurement procedures and state regulations

The United Kingdom is creating ‘T-Levels’, introducing a new framework of fifteen routes to skilled employment, with a high quality industry work placement during the programme

The United States plans as part of its stimulus plan to implement a major reform of its tax system to encourage investment and growth

The United States also intends to reform regulations across broad sectors of its economy to reduce regulatory overlap and unnecessary compliance costs

3. International Financial Architecture Improving the Global Financial Architecture

We remain committed to further strengthening the international financial architecture and the global financial safety net with a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at its centre. We support

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the efforts by the IMF to further enhance the effectiveness of its lending toolkit in line with its mandate, including considerations on a new short-term liquidity instrument and a new non-financial policy cooperation instrument. We look forward to the completion of the 15th General Review of Quotas, including a new quota formula as a basis for a realignment of quota shares to result in increased shares for dynamic economies in line with their relative positions in the world economy, and hence likely in the share of emerging market and developing countries as a whole, while protecting the voice and representation of the poorest members, by the Spring Meetings 2019 and no later than the Annual Meetings 2019. We continue with our efforts to achieve a more effective cooperation between the IMF and Regional Financing Arrangements, respecting their mandates, including holding a regular high-level dialogue to share information and experience, and welcome the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization/IMF joint test run. To contain the build-up of sovereign debt in low-income countries while allowing adequate access to foreign financing, we emphasise the need to promote sound and sustainable financing practices. With a view to ensuring debt sustainability, we welcome the Operational Guidelines for Sustainable Financing reflecting responsibilities of borrowers and lenders and look forward to regular updates. We also support the completion of the review of the joint IMF-WBG Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries and encourage the IMF and WBG to provide further technical assistance to support implementation. We welcome the IMF work on Financing for Development to enhance the safety net for developing countries. The Compass for GDP-linked Bonds provides an overview of important aspects of this instrument and serves as a good starting point for further work on state-contingent debt instruments by interested sovereigns. We will continue to promote the incorporation of enhanced collective action and pari passu clauses in new issuances of sovereign bonds and explore options for incorporation into existing stock where feasible. We are committed to increasing the development impact of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). Given scarce public resources and the key role of the private sector in sustainable economic development, we welcome the work by MDBs on mobilising and catalysing private capital, optimising balance sheets and boosting investment in infrastructure. We endorse the Hamburg Principles and Ambitions on crowding-in private finance, which provide a common framework among MDBs and quantify MDBs ability to crowd-in private funds, including by setting a target of a 25-35 per cent increase in mobilisation over the next 3 years, and encourage further work to better assess and foster additionality. We welcome the second MDB report on the G20 Action Plan to Optimize Balance Sheets and encourage MDBs to make further progress in this area, making use of the whole menu of available measures. We also support the MDBs work to promote high quality infrastructure investment and welcome the report on the state of implementation of the 2016 MDBs Joint Declaration of Aspirations on Actions to Support Infrastructure Investment (JDA). We acknowledge the operational implementation of the Global Infrastructure Connectivity Alliance (GICA) work programme. To better streamline and coordinate ongoing initiatives, we call for an integrated MDBs implementation report by the G20 Leaders Summit in 2018 and annual reporting on crowding-in as specified in the Hamburg Principles and Ambitions. We welcome the Principles for Effective Coordination between the IMF and MDBs in case of Countries requesting Financing while facing Macroeconomic Vulnerabilities and call for periodic updates on efforts to further enhance coordination. We welcome the International Development Association (IDA18) replenishment that, among other goals, will double support to fragile states and emphasise private sector development.

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We reaffirm the importance of the development of local currency bond and capital markets, along with the monitoring of associated risks and appropriate supervision, to improve the resilience of the domestic economy and financial system. We look forward to further annual updates to this issue by the WBG and IMF, working with Regional Development Banks, OECD and other International Organisations (IOs) as appropriate. We support the ongoing examination of the broader use of the SDR and look forward to the IMF report on this issue.

Capital Flows

We recognise the importance and benefits of open capital markets and of improving the system underpinning international capital flows while continuing to enhance the monitoring of capital flows and management of risks stemming from excessive capital flow volatility. To support this goal, we look forward to the IMF and other IOs further work in this area. We reassert the importance of enhancing data collection and strongly support the second phase of the Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2) including its timely implementation. We look forward to complementing the existing IMF/Financial Stability Board (FSB) Early Warning Exercises and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Global Liquidity and Early Warning Indicators by continuing to have regular discussions on emerging risks related to capital flows. We welcome the IMF recent review of experience with the Institutional View on the Liberalisation and Management of Capital Flows and its work on the role of macroprudential policies in increasing resilience to large and volatile capital flows. We welcome the ongoing review of the OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements, including work on appropriate flexibility, while maintaining the Code’s current strength and broad scope. Several non-OECD G20 members have started the process of adherence to the Code this year and those G20 countries that have not yet adhered to the Code are encouraged to participate voluntarily in the current review and to consider adhering to the Code, taking into consideration country-specific circumstances. We underline the importance of coherent policy advice while respecting the scope, membership and objectives of the different institutional approaches. We call for continued information sharing among the IMF, FSB and BIS of their work on the role of macroprudential measures.

4. Financial Sector Regulation and Development Implementing and Developing the FSB Agenda

We reiterate our commitment to support the timely, full and consistent implementation and finalisation of the agreed G20 financial sector reform agenda. Consistent observation of international standards provides a sound basis for an open and resilient financial system, which is crucial to supporting sustainable growth and development. We confirm our support for the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (BCBS) work to finalise the Basel III framework without further significantly increasing overall capital requirements across the banking sector, while promoting a level playing field. In order to reap the full benefits of the financial system, we must continue to closely monitor, and, if necessary, address emerging risks and vulnerabilities, in particular those that are systemic, and including those associated with shadow banking or other market-based finance activities. In this respect, we welcome the FSB assessment of the adequacy of the monitoring and policy tools available to address financial stability risks from shadow banking, and we commit to further fully participate in the FSB annual shadow banking monitoring exercise. We also welcome the FSB policy recommendations to address structural vulnerabilities from asset management activities and the work of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) to develop concrete measures for the timely operationalisation of these recommendations and we ask the FSB to report again on the progress of this operationalisation by the G20 Leaders Summit in 2018.

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We welcome the FSB comprehensive review of the implementation and effects of the reforms to over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets and call on G20 members to complete the full, timely and consistent implementation of the OTC derivatives reforms where they have not already done so, including by meeting their commitment to remove legal barriers to reporting and accessing trade repository data by mid-2018. We welcome the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), IOSCO and FSB guidance to enhance the resilience, recovery and resolvability of Central Counterparties (CCPs) and endorse their plans for follow-on work. We welcome the FSB’s internal Total Loss Absorbing Capacity guidance. We will continue implementing agreed resolution standards and working on the full and timely removal of remaining barriers to cross-border resolution. We support the FSB Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Banking Sector and its related work to assess resolution systems for banks and other systemically important financial institutions. We call on the IMF and WBG to promptly approve its use, and will request a baseline review of banking resolution regimes as part of our next Financial Sector Assessment Programs. We reiterate the importance of progress under the work plan to address misconduct risks in the financial sector and welcome the report from the FSB. We welcome the FSB third annual report on the implementation and effects of reforms. We welcome the FSB structured framework for the post-implementation evaluation of the effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms and we look forward to its effective application. We will continue to enhance our monitoring of implementation and effects of reforms to ensure their consistency with our overall objectives, including by addressing any material unintended consequences. We welcome the OECD Methodology for assessing the implementation of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and fully support its use, and we also welcome the publication of the FSB Thematic Peer Review on Corporate Governance. The G20 Green Finance Study Group has completed work on environmental risk analysis in the financial sector. The Group’s 2017 Synthesis Report includes voluntary options for encouraging environmental risk analysis and for improving the availability and relevance of publicly available environmental data for financial analysis, taking into account country circumstances. The industry-led Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures has also completed work which includes recommendations on voluntary disclosures of climate-related financial risks by corporates, reflecting the principle of materiality. Digital Finance

To ensure that we will reap the benefits and opportunities that digital innovation offers, while potential risks are appropriately managed, we encourage all countries to closely monitor developments in digital finance, including taking into consideration cross-border issues, both in their own jurisdictions and in cooperation with the FSB and other IOs and standard setting bodies. Such monitoring activity is key in order to assess whether, when and how to intervene in order to adapt our regulatory frameworks in order to facilitate innovation and guard against possible material risks. We welcome the FSB report on financial stability implications from technology-enabled financial innovation (FinTech) and agree with the supervisory and regulatory issues identified therein that merit authorities’ attention. We also welcome FSB continued monitoring of the evolving financial stability implications of FinTech developments going forward. We encourage national authorities to increase their awareness of FinTech issues in the areas identified when undertaking regular risk assessment and the development of micro-and macroprudential regulatory frameworks.

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Cyber Security

The malicious use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could disrupt financial services crucial to both national and international financial systems, undermine security and confidence and endanger financial stability. We will promote the resilience of financial services and institutions in G20 jurisdictions against the malicious use of ICT, including from countries outside the G20. With the aim of enhancing our cross-border cooperation, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors have asked the FSB, as a first step, to perform a stock-taking of existing relevant released regulations and supervisory practices in our jurisdictions, as well as of existing international guidance, including to identify effective practices. We welcome the information by the FSB on the progress of this work and ask the FSB to deliver a stock-take report by the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in October 2017. Financial Inclusion and Literacy

We welcome the updated G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) and remain committed to support current and future work of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) to advance financial inclusion and literacy, and in particular of SMEs as well as vulnerable and underserved groups. We note the outcomes of the G20 workshop Helping SMEs Go Global – Moving Forward in SME Finance in Frankfurt in February 2017 on how to improve SMEs access to finance, in particular in sustainable global value chains, through development banks and FinTech companies, and in Africa. We look forward to the GPFI Report on Leveraging Financial Services for SME in Sustainable Global Value Chains and acknowledge the GPFI Policy Paper: Climate Smart Financing for Rural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. We have conducted a first self-assessment of our framework conditions for SME financing in line with the G20 Action Plan on SME Financing that shall be updated bi-annually and remain committed to further significant progress in improving the environment for SME financing. We encourage G20 countries to implement reforms in their identified areas for improvement and invite non-G20 countries to participate in their own baseline assessments and improvement plans. We welcome the GPFI report on Alternative Data Transforming SME Finance and ask the International Committee on Credit Reporting (ICCR) to build on those findings and provide new guidelines for the responsible growth and regulation of innovative data systems and services. We support the work of the GPFI to advance financial inclusion for particularly underserved and vulnerable segments of society, including women, youth and forcibly displaced persons. We look forward to the GPFI Policy Paper to be finalised in 2017 and ask the GPFI to develop a roadmap for sustainable and responsible financial inclusion of forcibly displaced persons by 2018. We encourage G20 and non-G20 countries to continue promoting digital financial services under the guidance of the G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion. We support the efforts to develop enabling and responsible legal and regulatory environments for financial services that foster financial inclusion and encourage countries to share their experiences in regulating FinTech. We emphasise the importance of enhancing financial literacy and consumer protection given the sophistication of financial markets and increased access to financial products in a digital world. We note the outcomes of the 8th Responsible Finance Forum in April 2017 and the G20 conference on digitising finance, financial inclusion and financial literacy in Wiesbaden in January 2017, which aimed at gaining a better understanding on the topic’s multifaceted issue. We welcome the OECD/International Network on Financial Education (INFE) report on Ensuring Financial Education and Consumer Protection for All in the Digital Age, the GPFI report on Digital Financial Inclusion: Emerging Policy Approaches, prepared by the WBG and other implementing partners, and the GPFI Guidance Note on Building Inclusive Digital Payments Ecosystems. Furthermore, we welcome the G20/OECD/INFE report on adult financial

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literacy in G20 countries based on surveys that have been conducted to measure financial literacy and inclusion as a starting point to better compare the levels of financial literacy and evaluate impacts of national education programmes.

5. International Taxation We will continue our work for a globally fair and modern international tax system and welcome international cooperation on pro-growth tax policies. We remain committed to a timely, consistent and widespread implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) package, welcome the growing membership of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS and encourage all relevant and interested countries and jurisdictions to join. We ask the OECD to continue annual reporting to the G20 Leaders on the progress of BEPS implementation. We call on all countries and jurisdictions to implement the four minimum standards, including on the automatic exchange of Country-by-Country reporting, such as through the signing of the multilateral competent authority agreement. We welcome the first signing round on 7 June 2017 of the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS and invite all relevant and interested countries and jurisdictions to join. We look forward to the first automatic exchange of financial account information under the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in September 2017. We call on all jurisdictions to sign and ratify the multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and urge all relevant jurisdictions including financial centres which have not yet done so to commit without delay to implementing the CRS and to take all necessary actions, including putting in place domestic legislation, in order to begin exchanges under the CRS by September 2018 at the latest. We commend the recent progress made by jurisdictions to meet a satisfactory level of implementation of the agreed international standards on tax transparency, as identified in the OECD report. We look forward to an updated list by the OECD by our next Summit reflecting further progress made towards the implementation of the standards. Defensive measures will be considered against listed jurisdictions. We continue to support assistance to developing countries in building their tax capacity in order to strengthen domestic resource mobilisation and enhance international cooperation on tax, including through the participation of developing countries on an equal footing in the BEPS Inclusive Framework. We continue to support the principles of the Addis Tax Initiative and the ongoing work of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax. We look forward to the completion of the Platform’s toolkits for developing countries by the end of 2018. We welcome the planned establishment of the Africa Academy for Tax and Financial Crime Investigation. We welcome the work on tax certainty conducted by the OECD and the IMF. We encourage jurisdictions to consider voluntarily the practical tools for enhanced tax certainty as proposed in the report by the OECD and the IMF of March 2017, including with respect to dispute prevention and dispute resolution to be implemented within domestic legal frameworks and international tax treaties. This will be complemented by a consultative workshop on tax certainty with African countries planned to take place in the region later in 2017. We look forward to the assessment of progress in enhancing tax certainty by the OECD and the IMF in 2018. As part of the BEPS project, we recognise the importance of monitoring and evaluating the developments related to the digitalisation of the economy, and, depending on conclusions of the work by the OECD Task Force on Digital Economy, developing policy options, as appropriate, to address the related tax challenges with a consistent approach. We will further work on this issue through the Task Force and look forward to an interim report by the IMF and WBG Spring Meetings 2018.

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6. Other Finance Issues

Transparency – Beneficial Ownership

As an important tool in our fight against corruption, tax evasion, terrorist financing and money laundering, we will advance the effective implementation of the international standards on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements, including the availability of information in the domestic and cross-border context. In this regard, we welcome the work by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. We welcome the OECD’s progress report on its work in complementary tax areas relating to beneficial ownership. We ask the FATF and the OECD to report back to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on further progress by early 2018. Correspondent Banking and Remittances

We welcome the latest progress report of the FSB and the work plan under the FSB-coordinated action plan to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking relationships, so as to secure a well-functioning global payment system and thus support remittances, financial inclusion, trade and openness. We welcome the publication of Guidance on Correspondent Banking Services by the FATF and the revised guidance on combating money laundering and terrorist financing in correspondent banking by BCBS. As the decline in the number of correspondent banking relationships is continuing, we look forward to the monitoring by the FATF and BCBS of their guidance and further work towards clarifying regulatory expectations, as appropriate. In relation to remittance providers’ access to banking services, based on the Baden-Baden agreements and the dialogues with the private sector in Vienna in March, the FSB is coordinating further work, together with the FATF and the GPFI. We welcome the latest FSB work plan, under which the FSB Correspondent Banking Coordination Group will take stock of past and ongoing initiatives, including through consultations with the private sector, and explore the remaining issues relating to remittance providers’ access to banking services. We look forward to the FSB convening a high-level roundtable in October 2017 to establish whether there are unwarranted barriers preventing remittance providers from accessing banking services that should be addressed by financial authorities. We also look forward to an update by the meeting of our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in October 2017 and to the report of the stock-take and findings. If needed, we will develop actions to address the unwarranted barriers identified by the stocktaking in early 2018 and proceed with their implementation thereafter. To further improve the environment for remittances, we also support progress made by the GPFI with regard to facilitating remittances, including by promoting actions and policies that could lower their costs, while ensuring the quality of remittance services and their impact on local economic development. We welcome the GPFI 2017 Update to Leaders on Progress Towards the G20 Remittance Target and look forward to the revised monitoring template for G20 National Remittances Plans by the end of 2017. We also ask all relevant stakeholders, including IOs, to intensify their support to countries in building domestic capacity to improve the supervisory environment for remittances and correspondent banking, notably through technical assistance. Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)

We reaffirm our commitment to tackle all sources, techniques and channels of terrorist financing, including extortion, taxation, exploitation of natural resources and antiquities, drug trafficking, bank looting, looting of civilians and cultural property, external donation, and kidnapping for ransom. We call for swift and effective implementation of the FATF standards worldwide.

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We welcome the reforms agreed by the FATF Plenary in June to strengthen the governance of the FATF. We also welcome the FATF intention to further explore its transformation into a legal person, which recognises that the FATF has evolved from a temporary forum to a sustained public and political commitment to tackle AML/CFT threats. We ask the FATF to provide an update by the first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in 2018. We appreciate the strengthening of the president’s role when engaging with member countries, other stakeholders and the general public. We also appreciate the decision taken by the FATF to open the membership process for Indonesia, that will broaden the geographic representation and global engagement. We underline the importance of strengthening FATF’s traction capacity and enhancing effectiveness of the network of FATF and FATF-style regional bodies. We call on all member states to ensure that the FATF has the necessary resources and support to effectively fulfil its mandate. We call on the IMF, the WBG and other relevant actors to continue capacity building in the area of AML/CFT. Fossil Fuel Subsidies

We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase out, over the medium term, inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, recognising the need to support the poor. Furthermore, we encourage all G20 countries which have not yet done so, to initiate as soon as feasible a peer review of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption. Promoting Data Sharing

We welcome the recommendations of the Inter Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG) for sharing and accessibility of granular data. We look forward to the joint report of the FSB and IMF on the overall progress of the Data Gaps Initiative by the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting at the October 2017 G20 Meeting. We also welcome the work of the IMF in consultation with the FSB and the BIS to promote information sharing by compiling a country-reported, publicly available macroprudential policy database, building on the IMF’s existing infrastructure.

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G20 Hamburg Climate and Energy Action Plan for


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A. Preamble1

Economic growth, sustainable development and prosperity are at the heart of G20 cooperation.

They rely on universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable energy sources and clean

technologies. The leaders of G20 members will continually develop their economies and energy

systems to better reflect the evolution of the global energy and environmental landscape. To

facilitate the implementation of UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement2 and the 2030 Agenda for

Sustainable Development, we will strive to move forward in a coherent and mutually supportive

manner that will provide us with significant opportunities for modernising our economies,

enhancing competitiveness, stimulating employment and growth and ensuring socio-economic

benefits of increased energy access. In addition, and in view of the increasing impacts of climate

change, we will strive to increase the resilience of our communities and economies.

Our action will be guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement’s

aim to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, in the context of sustainable

development and efforts to eradicate poverty, including by holding the increase in the global

average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the

temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; by increasing the ability to adapt to the

adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience; and by making finance flows

consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilient

development. Our actions pursuant to the implementation of the Paris Agreement will reflect

equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities,

in the light of different national circumstances.

We emphasise the urgency and priority of accelerating the implementation of pre-2020

commitments and actions, in particular, for parties to the Kyoto Protocol, the ratification of the

Doha Amendment.

We share the common understanding of the energy system as the backbone of our economies.

Diverse energy systems rely on affordable, secure and sustainable energy sources and clean

technologies such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, natural gas and nuclear power for those

countries that opt to use it, and advanced and cleaner fossil fuel technologies, employed in a

sustainable manner. Such energy systems can contribute greatly to achieving energy services for all

at affordable prices and prosperity for future generations. We recognise that our actions contribute

1 The United States is currently in the process of reviewing many of its policies related to climate change and continues to reserve its position on this document and its contents. 2 Still subject to ratification for some G20 members.

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substantially to global greenhouse gas emission reductions, global energy developments and global

prosperity, leaving no one behind.

In facilitating well-balanced and economically viable long-term strategies and signals for

investments in order to continually transform and enhance our economies and energy systems,

G20 members will collaborate closely and balance a number of important factors, including inter

alia energy security, energy access, infrastructure, environmental protection, poverty reduction,

good health, quality education and quality job creation.

Welcoming the progress made under prior G20 Presidencies, in particular our Leaders’ commitment

from Hangzhou to identify new and sustainable drivers of growth, we take note of the OECD’s

report “Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth”, the IEA/IRENA report “Perspectives for the

Energy Transition: Investment Needs for a Low Carbon Energy System”, as well as the World Bank

report “Sovereign Climate and Disaster Risk Pooling – Joining Forces to Manage Climate and

Disaster Risks”.

We intend to collaborate closely on climate and energy issues to successfully address the challenges

of energy security and productivity, environmental protection, and to fully harvest the

opportunities for innovation and economic growth.

We join our efforts in implementing this G20 Action Plan on Climate and Energy for Growth, whilst

not duplicating other processes.

B. Nationally Determined Contributions

While the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) will be different for every

country, there is value in sharing experiences and good practices and providing for mutual learning.

Acknowledging that the sum of our actions will make a difference at global scale, our actions will

be guided by our commitments under the Paris Agreement. NDC preparation and implementation

will be more effective if embedded in broader national growth and development strategies.

G20 Actions

- We move forward to implementing our current and future Nationally Determined

Contributions (NDCs) in line with the Paris Agreement. We will increase cooperation among

ourselves and with non-G20 countries to facilitate mutual learning, good practice sharing and

capacity-building, including through existing fora, inter alia, such as the NDC Partnership.

- Those G20 countries who provide development assistance will strengthen their efforts to

support partner countries in NDC implementation. They will further align their development

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cooperation activities with partner countries’ NDCs as well as the goals of the Paris Agreement,

without compromising support for other sustainable development goals.

C. Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategies

Despite our different national circumstances, we consider long-term low greenhouse gas emission

development strategies to be a unique opportunity for national, country-specific approaches,

guiding short(er) term planning and policy making in relevant sectors, mainstreaming climate action

with efforts to promote inclusive economic growth and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

They can incentivise respective investment flows and technological innovation. They will be living

documents; there will be no one-size-fits-all solution.

G20 Actions

- Recognising different national circumstances and domestic procedures, capacities, needs,

challenges and starting points, we recall the invitation to communicate, by 2020, mid-century,

long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies.

- We welcome the submission of long-term strategies by some G20 countries and on-going

efforts by others. We will engage in good-practice sharing and cooperation, which would also

benefit non-G20 countries, including through existing fora, inter alia, such as the 2050 Pathways


- We recognise that long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies may inform

our investments, inter alia in infrastructure.

D. A Reliable and Secure Framework for the Energy Sector Transition

Energy security, access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all, and environmentally-

friendly energy systems support sustainable, inclusive economic growth and job creation. The G20

members should lead the transition to sustainable and low greenhouse gas emission energy

systems, taking into account different national circumstances, needs, challenges and priorities, such

as domestic energy resources, economic development, energy access and energy demand

dynamics. We envisage a transition to sustainable and low greenhouse gas emission energy systems

that is technically feasible and economically viable and will jointly tackle the challenges related to

its implementation.

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Robust, long-term energy sector development strategies and their timely implementation will

increase investor certainty, attract necessary investments and help minimise the unexpected

devaluation of assets in the energy sector. We stress the importance of increased investment in

sustainable and clean energy technologies, energy efficiency, energy infrastructure and energy


Energy transitions rely on a diversification of sustainable and clean energy technologies, but in

particular energy efficiency will play an important role in all our future energy systems.

Recalling the G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration, we regard energy security as a guiding

principle for the transformation of our energy systems, and we will continue to work on open,

flexible and transparent markets for energy commodities and technologies as critical prerequisites

for increased energy investments.

Innovation in sustainable and clean energy technologies is a top priority for G20 members. We seek

to jointly strengthen G20 collaboration on research, development and demonstration (RD+D) for

technological innovation, such as Mission Innovation and other initiatives, to accelerate

development and deployment of sustainable and clean energy technologies.

Scientific analysis, optional regular monitoring and policy adjustment, as well as voluntary

collaboration and best practice exchange within the G20, among international and national

research institutes, and the private sector, can provide significant support to energy transition


G20 Actions

- We jointly work to transform our energy systems into affordable, reliable, sustainable and low

greenhouse gas emission energy systems as soon as feasible and consistent with the Paris

Agreement, while taking into account national circumstances, needs, priorities and challenges

as outlined in the NDCs.

- We encourage the exchange of best practices on national long-term low greenhouse gas

emission energy sector strategies in the G20, including among national and international

research institutes.

- We invite international organisations, such as IEA, IRENA and others where appropriate, to

support our efforts in providing a regular update report with relation to the global

transformation of the energy sector and further investment needs.

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D.1. Promote Energy Efficiency

Energy savings and a strong increase of the energy productivity of our economies will be key for a

successful transformation of our energy systems. Recognising SDG 7, which includes doubling the

improvement rate of energy efficiency globally, we acknowledge cost-effective energy efficiency

as one of the key options in reducing emissions, enhancing energy security, promoting economic

growth and job creation, and strengthening industrial competitiveness. We highlight the

importance of frameworks to encourage necessary additional investments in technological

innovation in energy efficiency as a driver for economic growth.

We acknowledge the G20 Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit, a set of voluntary options for

participating countries to upscale energy efficiency in G20 economies, as an integrated approach

to enhancing capital flows towards energy efficiency.

We stress the importance of strengthening and coordinating international collaboration in the field

of energy efficiency and developing frameworks for new business models and policy options to

ensure the necessary investments in energy efficiency measures in all sectors. We acknowledge the

potential of all sectors, in particular the buildings sector, to significantly improve energy efficiency

and take note of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC) as a voluntary initiative

that has provided policy recommendations for all actors along the value chain for the development

of national building strategies.

G20 Actions

- We seek to strengthen international collaboration on energy efficiency, avoid duplication of

work streams among international organisations working on energy efficiency, and create

opportunities for more efficient use of resources with greater impact of the collaboration. To

accomplish this, we will explore how to create an Energy Efficiency Hub. A task force under the

leadership of the G20 Presidency with participation of G20 members will be set up to consider

next steps and to develop the Hub’s terms of reference and to report back to the G20 ESWG

under the Argentinean Presidency. The concept note developed by the German Presidency will

serve as an input for the work of the task force.

- We will continue the implementation of the G20 Energy Efficiency Leading Programme (EELP)

and encourage international organisations to share sectoral policy options, continue exchange

on best practices, and call on other countries to join our efforts.

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D.2. Scaling up Renewable Energy and other Sustainable Energy Sources

Renewable and other clean energy technologies play a significant role in the transition to

sustainable and low greenhouse gas emission energy systems in G20 economies, providing

numerous co-benefits such as job creation, reduced air pollution and enhanced energy security.

While costs for renewable energy technologies have decreased significantly in recent years, we

need to continue to mobilise private sector investments and tackle the challenge of integrating

rising shares of variable renewable energy into our energy systems while effectively enhancing

energy security and ensuring a cost-efficient energy sector transition. Flexibility options such as

interconnection and transmission capacities, smart grid technology, energy storage, flexible power

plants, demand side management, and regional cross-border cooperation are important elements

of delivering reliable, affordable and resilient energy. Depending on national circumstances and

preferences, baseload generation remains an important element of energy security.

The energy transition needs to span the power generation and the end-use sectors alike, including

enhanced renewables deployment in the heating and cooling, transport, and industry sectors. This

includes all renewable energy sources, such as bioenergy, including second generation and other

advanced biofuels, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and ocean.

We recognise that, depending on national circumstances, natural gas can play an important role in

the energy transition, moving towards a low greenhouse gas emission energy future, including for

providing increased flexibility for the integration of variable renewable energy. A secure supply of

natural gas depends on timely investments, diversification of sources, suppliers, and routes. G20

economies will endeavour to improve the functioning, transparency and competitiveness of gas

markets, with a strategic view of the gas supply chain, including LNG at the global level. Gas storage

can also provide a contribution to energy security.

In those countries that opt to use nuclear energy, it contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas

emissions and to baseload. We call upon those countries to uphold the highest standards of nuclear

safety, security and non-proliferation.

We affirm the importance of using the best available technologies and practices in order to address

the environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions, of the production, transport and

consumption of fossil fuels. We encourage countries that opt to use carbon capture, use and

storage (CCUS) to continue to undertake RD&D and to collaborate on large-scale demonstration




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G20 Actions

- We welcome the progress achieved with the Voluntary Action Plan on Renewable Energy

adopted under the Chinese Presidency and the G20 Toolkit of Voluntary Options on Renewable

Energy Deployment adopted under the Turkish Presidency, and we will continue implementing

both, including risk mitigation instruments, in order to mobilise private sector investments.

D.3. Realising Access to Modern and Sustainable Energy Services for All

We reaffirm that access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy is a key enabler of

the Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty eradication, productive economic activity,

environmental protection, socio-economic benefits, health, education, and gender empowerment.

With this in mind, we recognise the ambition of Sustainable Development Goal 7 and the role of

Sustainable Energy for All to provide data on the implementation.

G20 Actions

- We will encourage accelerating access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy

in Africa and the Asia Pacific and other regions to address energy poverty through national,

bilateral and multilateral actions and initiatives. We will work to mobilise financial resources

from private investors, development finance institutions, and multilateral development banks

and hence improving investments in energy for productive use, transport, clean cooking, and

heating and cooling.

- We will continue the implementation of the energy access action plans for Sub-Sahara Africa

and the Asia-Pacific region, including reporting on progress at the Energy Sustainability Working

Group Meeting, while exploring the potential to expand the geographic scope to other regions

such as Latin America.

- We recognise the opportunity for voluntary support for the objectives of the African-led

Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI), which aims at accelerating access to renewable energy in

Africa and reducing energy poverty to enable an energy sector transition.

E. Enhancing Climate Resilience and Adaptation Efforts

The G20 will promote adaptation efforts and cooperation on climate resilience within the G20 and

beyond. The impacts of climate change such as changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level rise

and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are already noticeably impacting global



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ecosystems, economies, and societies. This puts at risk past and future progress towards the 2030

Agenda, including the goals of ending poverty and hunger. Whilst these impacts will be felt by all

countries, poor and vulnerable people will be disproportionately affected. Faster and more

effective responses for affected poor and vulnerable people, in particular women and children, are

required. Therefore, taking appropriate steps to enhance adaptive capacity, including through

support to adaptation planning, is becoming increasingly pressing.

The G20 can build on important work and initiatives, such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster

Risk Reduction, to enhance adaptation efforts and scale up the resilience of people, sectors and

regions. Appropriate risk finance and insurance solutions such as regional sovereign disaster risk

pools, including the African Risk Capacity (ARC), the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility

(CCRIF) and the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRAFI), need to be integrated into

broader financial protection and comprehensive risk management strategies. Despite these efforts,

significant protection gaps remain, particularly in Asia, Africa and other vulnerable regions.

G20 Actions

We stress our support for national adaptation action and recognise efforts promoted by

the National Adaptation Plan Global Network, the Global Centre of Excellence on Climate

Adaptation, and the Adaptation Fund, among others. We encourage multilateral

institutions to scale up financing for adaptation efforts of, and to improve access to

adaptation finance for developing countries. We welcome the arrangements developed by

the Green Climate Fund to aim for a balance between mitigation and adaptation action

over time.

Aiming to close the protection gap, we welcome the creation of a “Global Partnership for

Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions”, inviting relevant partners from

G20 and other countries, international organisations and, as appropriate, civil society and

private sector to engage according to their respective capacities. The Global Partnership

builds on the work of existing platforms, such as InsuResilience, and voluntary engagement

of its partners, taking into account the key lessons of ongoing work by the World Bank on

“Sovereign Climate and Disaster Risk Pooling”. The Global Partnership will develop

synergies with other related initiatives, such as Climate Risks Early Warning Systems and

the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. We encourage multilateral

institutions to develop options for innovative climate and disaster risk finance solutions.

We will develop, starting in 2017, a Work Program with the aim of sharing best-practices

and of promoting enhanced efforts for adaptation and resilience-building at home and in

our cooperation with partner countries. For this purpose, the G20 invites the World Bank,

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MDBs, and other international organisations to assist in identifying potential areas of

further cooperation in 2018.

F. Aligning Finance Flows

Significant investments will be required in the upcoming 15 years for establishing and modernising

infrastructure. In light of different national circumstances, this can constitute significant

opportunities for stimulating employment, poverty eradication and growth through the

transformation towards sustainable, low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient

infrastructure. We recall the objective to align finance flows with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Mobilising climate finance from private sources will be key to addressing significant investment

needs for both adaptation and mitigation. Public finance will continue to play a significant role. We

have different roles and responsibilities in this regard.

G20 Actions

- As spurring investments in low-emission and climate resilient development is key, we as G20

governments will strive to create an enabling environment that is conducive to making public

and private investments consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement as well as with the

national sustainable development priorities and economic growth. We recognise those private

actors that have already started to better align their portfolios with the Paris Agreement as well

as related Sustainable Development Goals and encourage similar initiatives.

- We reemphasise the commitment by developed countries to the goal of mobilising jointly USD

100 billion per year by 2020, and their intention to continue this through 2025, in the context

of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, from public and private

sources, for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries, taking into account their needs

and priorities. We recognise multilateral climate finance institutions such as the Green Climate

Fund and the Global Environment Facility as important in supporting the global response to

climate change.

- We invite the OECD, UNEP and the World Bank to compile ongoing public and private activities

within the G20 for making finance flows consistent with the Paris goals and, building on this, to

analyse potential opportunities for strengthening these efforts and present this analysis in


- The G20 Green Finance Study Group has completed environmental risk analysis in the financial

sector. The Group’ 2017 Synthesis Report includes voluntary options for encouraging

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environmental risk analysis and for improving the availability and relevance of publicly available

environmental data for financial analysis, taking into account country circumstances.

- The industry-led Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures has also completed work,

which includes recommendations on voluntary disclosures of climate-related financial risks by

corporates, reflecting the principle of materiality.

- We recognise that domestic mitigation and adaptation policies, including domestic economic

and market-based instruments - if carefully designed and preserving environmental integrity -,

can promote innovation and stimulate investments. Recognising different national preferences

and circumstances, we encourage to initiate sharing good practices and experiences on

domestic mitigation and adaptation policies, including domestic economic and market-based

instruments as well as emission to value approaches.

F.1. Role of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)

We take note of the mobilisation of climate finance by MDBs and recognise their efforts to

support climate action, including the joint statement by MDBs at COP21. 3 MDBs' ability to

provide large-scale financing, their potential to leverage private climate finance, and their

presence around the globe place them in a good position to contribute to the transition to

an increased adaptive capacity and a low greenhouse gas emission and climate-resilient

development, including the achievement of related SDGs. Enhanced MDB climate actions will

facilitate an effective response to client countries’ demands, including by cooperating with national

and regional institutions and fostering the mainstreaming of climate dimensions into development.

G20 Actions

- We call on all MDBs to identify opportunities for cooperation and enhanced action to address,

inter alia, ambitious adaptation and mitigation finance, including coordinated support for

country driven long-term strategies for low greenhouse gas emissions and respective

technologies for climate-resilient development, as well as client countries’ efforts for NDC

3 African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank Group (2015). Joint Statement by the Multilateral Development Banks at Paris COP21 - Delivering Climate-Change Action at Scale: Our Commitment to Implementation.

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implementation and enabling environments, the development of risk-pooling and the

enhancement of harmonised reporting of all MDBs’ climate finance.

- Building on the Principles and Ambitions for crowding in private finance elaborated in the G20

International Financial Architecture Working Group, we call on MDBs to illustrate how private

sector finance can be further mobilised to meet the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris


F.2. Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies that Encourage Wasteful Consumption

Inefficient fossil fuel subsidies (IFFS) that encourage wasteful consumption distort energy markets,

impede investment in clean energy sources, place a strain on public budgets, and incentivise

unsustainable infrastructure investments. Providing those in need with essential energy services,

including the use of targeted cash transfers and other appropriate mechanisms, however, is still

important. The US-Chinese peer review on IFFS was concluded, the German-Mexican peer review

is ongoing and Indonesia and Italy have announced the continuation of their respective voluntary


G20 Actions

- We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase out, over the medium-term, inefficient

fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, recognising the need to support the

poor and we will endeavour to make further progress in moving forward this commitment.

- We encourage all G20 members that have not yet done so to initiate a peer review of inefficient

fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption as soon as feasible.

- We take note the OECD/IEA progress report and its options on how to further develop and

improve the G20 peer review process based on recent experience and how to facilitate the

phase out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption.

G. Global Action and Transformation in Other Fora and Processes

Striving to keep up the political momentum for global climate action, while respecting countries’

different levels of engagement and national procedures, and without any intention to duplicate

processes, we recognise the potential to generate synergies through countries’ engagement in

various other fora.

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G20 Actions

- We welcome the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and encourage the further

engagement of cities, regions, companies, investors and a multitude of non-state actors to

support parties in implementing the Paris Agreement. We further encourage these actors to

register their actions through the UNFCCC NAZCA platform.

- We encourage G20 members to proceed with their respective domestic procedures for joining

the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol to phase down hydrofluorocarbons.

H. Way Forward

The G20 Sustainability Working Group presents this G20 Action Plan on Climate and Energy for

Growth to the Sherpas.

Welcoming the contributions by the G20 Engagement Groups to the German G20 Presidency, we

look forward to continuing dialogue with civil society stakeholders from the public and business

sectors, NGOs, academia and think tanks.

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D.2. Scaling up Renewable Energy and other Sustainable Energy Sources

Renewable and other clean energy technologies play a significant role in the transition to

sustainable and low greenhouse gas emission energy systems in G20 economies, providing

numerous co-benefits such as job creation, reduced air pollution and enhanced energy security.

While costs for renewable energy technologies have decreased significantly in recent years, we

need to continue to mobilise private sector investments and tackle the challenge of integrating

rising shares of variable renewable energy into our energy systems while effectively enhancing

energy security and ensuring a cost-efficient energy sector transition. Flexibility options such as

interconnection and transmission capacities, smart grid technology, energy storage, flexible power

plants, demand side management, and regional cross-border cooperation are important elements

of delivering reliable, affordable and resilient energy. Depending on national circumstances and

preferences, baseload generation remains an important element of energy security.

The energy transition needs to span the power generation and the end-use sectors alike, including

enhanced renewables deployment in the heating and cooling, transport, and industry sectors. This

includes all renewable energy sources, such as bioenergy, including second generation and other

advanced biofuels, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and ocean.

We recognise that, depending on national circumstances, natural gas can play an important role in

the energy transition, moving towards a low greenhouse gas emission energy future, including for

providing increased flexibility for the integration of variable renewable energy. A secure supply of

natural gas depends on timely investments, diversification of sources, suppliers, and routes. G20

economies will endeavour to improve the functioning, transparency and competitiveness of gas

markets, with a strategic view of the gas supply chain, including LNG at the global level. Gas storage

can also provide a contribution to energy security.

In those countries that opt to use nuclear energy, it contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas

emissions and to baseload. We call upon those countries to uphold the highest standards of nuclear

safety, security and non-proliferation.

We affirm the importance of using the best available technologies and practices in order to address

the environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions, of the production, transport and

consumption of fossil fuels. We encourage countries that opt to use carbon capture, use and

storage (CCUS) to continue to undertake RD&D and to collaborate on large-scale demonstration


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G20 Actions

- We welcome the progress achieved with the Voluntary Action Plan on Renewable Energy

adopted under the Chinese Presidency and the G20 Toolkit of Voluntary Options on Renewable

Energy Deployment adopted under the Turkish Presidency, and we will continue implementing

both, including risk mitigation instruments, in order to mobilise private sector investments.

D.3. Realising Access to Modern and Sustainable Energy Services for All

We reaffirm that access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy is a key enabler of

the Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty eradication, productive economic activity,

environmental protection, socio-economic benefits, health, education, and gender empowerment.

With this in mind, we recognise the ambition of Sustainable Development Goal 7 and the role of

Sustainable Energy for All to provide data on the implementation.

G20 Actions

- We will encourage accelerating access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy

in Africa and the Asia Pacific and other regions to address energy poverty through national,

bilateral and multilateral actions and initiatives. We will work to mobilise financial resources

from private investors, development finance institutions, and multilateral development banks

and hence improving investments in energy for productive use, transport, clean cooking, and

heating and cooling.

- We will continue the implementation of the energy access action plans for Sub-Sahara Africa

and the Asia-Pacific region, including reporting on progress at the Energy Sustainability Working

Group Meeting, while exploring the potential to expand the geographic scope to other regions

such as Latin America.

- We recognise the opportunity for voluntary support for the objectives of the African-led

Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI), which aims at accelerating access to renewable energy in

Africa and reducing energy poverty to enable an energy sector transition.

E. Enhancing Climate Resilience and Adaptation Efforts

The G20 will promote adaptation efforts and cooperation on climate resilience within the G20 and

beyond. The impacts of climate change such as changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level rise

and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are already noticeably impacting global



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Buenos Aires, 1 de diciembre de 2017

En nombre del pueblo argentino, es un honor darles la bienvenida a la presidencia argentina del G20. Estamos orgullosos de tener esta oportunidad de demostrar nuestro compromiso con la cooperación internacional, el multilateralismo y la gobernanza global. Durante nuestra presidencia lideraremos los esfuerzos del G20 con el espíritu de un mediador de buena fe.Cuando nos reunamos en Buenos Aires en 2018, habrán pasado 10 años de la Cumbre de Líderes de Washington DC. Este décimo aniversario nos plantea el desafío de reflexionar sobre todo lo que el G20 ha logrado y sobre cómo mantener su efectividad como un foro clave para la coordinación y la gobernanza macroeconómica global. Para resolver los desafíos de hoy y de mañana debemos actuar con el mismo sentido de urgencia que nos convocó a unirnos en 2008.

Con una visión centrada en las personas, Argentina pondrá al desarrollo, la equidad y la sostenibilidad al frente de la agenda del G20. Dedicaremos nuestros mejores esfuerzos para cumplir con la tarea que nuestros socios nos encomendaron, conduciendo al G20 bajo el lema “Construyendo consenso para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible”. El mundo ha cambiado de manera fundamental. La globalización ha transformado nuestras economías, sociedades y prácticas de trabajo. Ha sido una piedra angular del crecimiento y el desarrollo, pero sus beneficios no han sido compartidos equitativamente. Este es el momento en que debemos renovar nuestros compromisos con la meta más amplia de no dejar a nadie atrás. Este es el momento de construir nuevos puentes alrededor del mundo.

Espero recibir a todos los Líderes en Buenos Aires el 30 de Noviembre y el 1 de Diciembre de 2018 y trabajar juntos para contribuir a dar forma a nuestro futuro común.

Mauricio MacriPresidente de Argentina

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Tanto durante como luego de la crisis financiera, el G20 demostró ser un foro efectivo. Durante los últimos 10 años, tuvo éxito en impedir una depresión global, fortalecer la arquitectura financiera internacional, reformar el sistema financiero y hacer más equitativa la tributación internacional. El G20 ha brindado un ámbito para que los Líderes entablen un diálogo permanente y constructivo sobre las cuestiones globales más apremiantes del siglo XXI.Hoy, a diferencia de 2008, el crecimiento global es firme. Sin embargo, debemos tener un optimismo cauteloso debido a la persistencia de algunos riesgos. Errores en las políticas, la materialización de riesgos geopolíticos, o correcciones súbitas en los mercados financieros pueden alterar rápidamente la calma actual.El crecimiento no ha beneficiado a todos y esto ha socavado la confianza de la gente en la globalización. Las constantes preocupaciones acerca de la desigualdad son un recordatorio poderoso y cotidiano de que necesitamos hacer más para asegurarnos que el crecimiento sea compartido equitativamente.En Hamburgo, los Líderes del G20 acordaron “promover una mayor inclusión, justicia e igualdad en nuestra lucha por alcanzar el crecimiento económico y la generación de empleo”. Si bien hubo un consenso inequívoco sobre estos objetivos fundamentales, también hubo diferentes posturas acerca de los caminos que deberíamos tomar, tanto individual como colectivamente, para alcanzarlos. Pero dirigimos nuestros esfuerzos comunes hacia un acuerdo y prevaleció la voluntad de compromiso. Aquí es donde radica un importante valor del G20: el de proveer un mecanismo para procurar consensos, y esforzarnos colectivamente en la búsqueda de nuestros objetivos compartidos.Nuestra presidencia construirá sobre la base de estos acuerdos alcanzados tan arduamente. Abordaremos los temas de la agenda actual del G20 de una manera que enfatizará la continuidad del diálogo y la búsqueda de puntos en común. Estamos proponiendo prioridades sobre las que creemos que existe un interés común y con el apoyo de nuestros socios, intentaremos que el consenso sea un pilar central de nuestra presidencia.


Quiénes somos, dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos darán forma a la visión de nuestra presidencia. Argentina es un país en desarrollo multicultural en el que personas de diferentes orígenes, creencias y religiones coexisten en forma pacífica en una identidad plural. Somos un país extenso y diverso en el sur de las Américas. Estamos viviendo un cambio trascendental. Creemos firmemente que un futuro promisorio reside en una creciente integración con el mundo.

Nuestra presidencia intentará plasmar la expresión no sólo de un país sino la de una región. América Latina y el Caribe tiene mucho para ofrecer al orden mundial, a través de su gente talentosa, sus abundantes recursos naturales, y como una región de paz y cooperación. Llevaremos al centro del G20 las aspiraciones y las preocupaciones de esta parte del mundo en desarrollo que, al igual que Asia y África, tiene una población diversa y vibrante, deseosa de nuevas oportunidades.

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¿Qué es diálogo sin consenso? ¿Qué es poder sin equidad? ¿Qué es desarrollo sin sostenibilidad? Estas son tres preguntas que merecen ser formuladas. Nuestro tema, “CONSTRUYENDO CONSENSO PARA UN DESARROLLO EQUITATIVO Y SOSTENIBLE”, aspira a generar una conversación global acerca de cómo lograr este objetivo.

La coordinación internacional de políticas es una ardua tarea. Y sin embargo, creemos que un enfoque consensuado de las negociaciones es fundamental para potenciar el progreso internacional. Una red articulada de grupos de trabajo y reuniones periódicas forma la base de la construcción de consenso del G20. Este consenso sólo puede alcanzarse si es perseguido con un sentido de equidad, igualdad y verdadera asociación.

La equidad es una demanda de la gente alrededor del mundo. Resulta particularmente crucial en un entorno que cambia rápidamente y en el que es necesario incorporar a todos. Además, las consideraciones de equidad juegan un rol fundamental en el diseño y la implementación de reglas globales en una amplia variedad de temas. Una lección fundamental aprendida durante las últimas dos décadas es que los acuerdos globales que son percibidos como injustos difícilmente serán duraderos. El G20 debe buscar resultados que todos sus miembros perciben como equitativos.

La sostenibilidad es un valor central que debería servir como un enfoque unificador para el logro de objetivos ambientales, económicos y sociales. Velar por el cuidado de nuestra “casa común” es interés de todos porque todos compartimos la responsabilidad con nuestras futuras generaciones. Ahora es el momento de actuar.Un crecimiento que es a la vez equitativo y sostenible es el pilar del desarrollo. Esta es la visión central de nuestras prioridades para 2018.


Nuestra presidencia se enfocará en tres cuestiones clave: el futuro del trabajo, la infraestructura para el desarrollo, y un futuro alimentario sostenible.

El futuro del trabajo: Liberando el potencial de las personas

El cambio tecnológico es extraordinario en su magnitud y en su velocidad. El surgimiento de nuevas tecnologías ha dado lugar al desarrollo de nuevas formas de trabajo que están cambiando rápidamente los procesos de producción en todo el mundo. Esto ofrece enormes oportunidades para alcanzar un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible, pero también presenta desafíos que están ejerciendo presión sobre la agenda del empleo, la protección social y la educación.Las respuestas de política deben asegurar que la adopción de los cambios tecnológicos no genere exclusión, desintegración social o reacciones adversas. Proveer estas respuestas en forma coordinada también contribuirá a prevenir brechas excesivas en la adopción de tecnología entre países y una creciente desigualdad entre ellos.

Es necesario crear las condiciones para más y mejores empleos. Debemos proveer las herramientas y las habilidades para quienes están buscando un empleo, o para aquellos cuyos empleos están en riesgo de ser reemplazados por la automatización. Deberíamos explorar iniciativas globales que aseguren que todos tienen la oportunidad de desarrollar todo su potencial para beneficiarse de la nueva era tecnológica.

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Intentaremos precisar los impactos que el cambio tecnológico está teniendo en la productividad, el crecimiento, el empleo y la desigualdad. Luego de una fase de diagnóstico, exploraremos las políticas necesarias para aprovechar las oportunidades y enfrentar los desafíos que presenta la tecnología.La educación está en el centro de este debate. La educación empodera a las personas para forjar su propio futuro. Permite que puedan crear sus propias iniciativas y formar parte de una ciudadanía activa capaz de contribuir al desarrollo de un mundo que sea a la vez más equitativo y más sostenible.Hacer que la nueva ola de avances tecnológicos sea lo más inclusiva posible requerirá una considerable inversión en capacitación y actualización de habilidades para la vida y el trabajo. También podrá requerir una adaptación en nuestras políticas fiscales o reformas estructurales. Este es el momento para forjar las oportunidades y las habilidades que prepararán a nuestros ciudadanos para el cambio.

Infraestructura para el desarrollo: Movilizando los recursos para reducir el déficit de infraestructura

La infraestructura es crucial para el desarrollo. La inversión en infraestructura impulsa el crecimiento y la productividad. Además, la infraestructura provee el acceso físico y digital necesario para que nuestros ciudadanos aprovechen las oportunidades de la economía del futuro.A pesar de su importancia, la inversión en infraestructura es mucho menor de la que resulta necesaria para sostener un crecimiento vigoroso y hacerlo verdaderamente inclusivo. Según algunas estimaciones, la brecha global de infraestructura proyectada desde ahora hasta el año 2035 asciende a USD 5,5 billones. Al mismo tiempo, bancos e inversores alrededor del mundo disponen de 80 billones en activos, generalmente con bajos rendimientos.

Movilizar la inversión privada resulta fundamental para cerrar la brecha global de infraestructura. También puede asegurar mejores rendimientos para aquellos que hoy ahorran e invierten. Este objetivo doblemente beneficioso requiere cooperación internacional.

Intentaremos desarrollar la infraestructura como una nueva clase de activos mejorando la preparación de los proyectos, abordando las brechas en los datos sobre su rendimiento financiero, mejorando los instrumentos diseñados para financiar proyectos de infraestructura y procurando una mayor homogeneidad entre ellos.Desarrollar la infraestructura como una nueva clase de activos se muestra muy promisorio para canalizar los ahorros de hoy hacia la infraestructura pública, los servicios eficientes de transporte, los servicios sanitarios básicos, los flujos de energía y la conectividad digital que harán de cada persona del presente un ciudadano global y trabajador del futuro.

Un futuro alimentario sostenible: Mejorando los suelos y aumentando la productividad

La seguridad alimentaria es un eslabón importante para lograr estabilidad y paz. En ningún otro caso la seguridad y el desarrollo están tan evidentemente interconectados y se refuerzan mutuamente como en los alimentos. Satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales de las poblaciones futuras requiere una manera sostenible de aumentar la productividad agrícola.

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Los países del G20 somos actores clave en el sistema alimentario global. Nuestros territorios representan el 60% de las tierras agrícolas totales y son responsables de casi el 80% del comercio mundial de alimentos y productos agrícolas.

Los suelos son un componente clave del medio natural en el que se produce la mayor parte de los alimentos consumidos por la humanidad. Como un recurso limitado y no renovable, es necesario prestarles la mayor atención. Suelos sanos, fértiles y productivos son necesarios para la seguridad alimentaria y la salud humana, y su preservación resulta crucial para el desarrollo sostenible y para la vida en nuestro planeta.

Aproximadamente 10 millones de hectáreas de cultivos se pierden anualmente debido a la erosión del suelo. La reducción de la superficie disponible para la producción de alimentos causa una degradación irreversible que se vuelve dramática en países en desarrollo o regiones con alta inseguridad alimentaria.

Estamos frente a una valiosa oportunidad para promover un amplio debate acerca de la importancia del manejo sustentable de los suelos. El trabajo en esta cuestión estará orientado a explorar cómo el G20 puede proporcionar la coordinación internacional necesaria para fomentar la colaboración público-privada entre industrias, gobiernos, agencias internacionales, asociaciones de productores agropecuarios y la sociedad civil.


Argentina se apoyará en el valioso legado de las presidencias pasadas en una amplia gama de temas.

Empoderando a las mujeres

Como resultado de la desigualdad estructural, la aplicación de políticas tiene distintos impacto para las mujeres y los hombres. Es por eso que resulta imprescindible para nuestra presidencia promover una estrategia de transversalización de la perspectiva de género en toda la agenda del G20. Sabemos que la única manera de alcanzar un verdadero desarrollo equitativo y sostenible es asegurando que tanto las mujeres como los hombres se beneficiarán del mismo por igual. Impulsaremos el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la eliminación de disparidades de género en el empleo, la ciencia, la tecnología y la educación, y la protección contra todas las formas de violencia basadas en género.

Combatiendo la corrupción

La corrupción erosiona la confianza e inhibe la voluntad de cooperar. Combatir la corrupción y lograr la transparencia resultan centrales para la equidad. Cuando se produce una conducta corrupta, recursos valiosos se desvían de su uso para el bien común, afectando particularmente a los más vulnerables. Altos niveles de corrupción están asociados con menores niveles de inversión y crecimiento, igualmente afectando a la productividad. Continuaremos la plena implementación del Plan Anti-Corrupción 2017-2018, enfocándonos en dos prioridades básicas: conflictos de intereses y corrupción y empresas del Estado.

Fortaleciendo nuestra gobernanza financiera

Los flujos de capitales pueden reportar beneficios significativos a los países. En Hamburgo acordamos continuar mejorando el sistema que subyace a los flujos

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internacionales de capitales. Continuaremos monitoreando los riesgos asociados a la volatilidad y analizaremos la experiencia de los países con las medidas macroprudenciales y las herramientas de gestión de flujos de capitales. Además, seguiremos fortaleciendo la red de seguridad financiera mundial, que es crucial para prevenir y mitigar los efectos de una crisis económica y financiera. También procuraremos generar consenso sobre la conclusión, en 2019, de la Decimoquinta Revisión de Cuotas del FMI, incluyendo una nueva fórmula para el cálculo de las cuotas.

Continuando el trabajo hacia un sistema financiero fuerte y sostenible

El programa del G20 de reformas del sector financiero ha logrado un sistema financiero resiliente. Se ha realizado un progreso sustancial para aumentar la resiliencia de las instituciones financieras, terminar con el problema de las instituciones “demasiado grandes para quebrar”, transformar la banca paralela en financiación de mercado más sólida y hacer más seguros los mercados de derivados. Trabajaremos con vistas a la plena realización del paquete de reforma financiera y su implementación, evaluaremos sus efectos iniciales en la economía, particularmente en infraestructura, y continuaremos monitoreando cualquier riesgo a la estabilidad financiera.

Mejorando la equidad del sistema impositivo global

La agenda impositiva internacional está siendo influida por las oportunidades y los desafíos del cambio tecnológico, particularmente la digitalización. Combatir el fraude y la evasión fiscal es clave. Trabajaremos por la implementación oportuna de los compromisos de transparencia, así como de nuestras acciones para evitar la erosión de la base imponible y el traslado de beneficios. También abordaremos las preguntas fundamentales relativas a cómo la economía digital genera valor, dónde el valor es creado y cómo los impuestos pueden ser reportados y recaudados de manera equitativa, eficiente y efectiva sin generar barreras a la innovación.

Cooperando en comercio e inversiones

El comercio es un motor del crecimiento, pero el comercio justo es un motor del desarrollo, que requiere instituciones globales equitativas y reglas claras. Necesitamos un sistema basado en reglas que sean fuerte y consistente con la OMC a nivel multilateral, regional, bilateral y nacional. Repensar un sistema efectivo para estrechar los vínculos de comercio e inversiones es una tarea crucial para reactivar el crecimiento inclusivo, la creación de empleo y la participación de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en las cadenas globales de valor. Estos serán los principios que orientarán la presidencia de Argentina en la agenda de comercio.

Asumiendo la responsabilidad en la acción por el clima

El cambio climático nos exige una acción urgente y colectiva. En Hamburgo reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Agenda de Acción de Addis Abeba sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo. Además, en la Actualización de Hamburgo enumeramos nuestras acciones concretas y colectivas. Siguiendo estos lineamientos, las prioridades de nuestra presidencia giraran en torno a promover la adaptación al cambio climático y a los eventos climáticos extremos con foco en infraestructura, educación, construcción de capacidades y creación de empleo, así como desarrollar trayectorias de largo plazo de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

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Avanzando en la transición hacia sistemas de energía más flexibles y limpios

El G20 puede realizar una fuerte contribución a las transición energética dando forma a sistemas energéticos más flexibles, transparentes y limpios. Construiremos sobre la base del Programa Rector de Eficiencia Energética acordado en China en 2016 y el Conjunto de Herramientas de Energías Renovables creado bajo la presidencia de Turquía en 2015, los cuales proveen un enfoque orientado a la acción de las cuestiones más importantes de la agenda energética global. En línea con lo realizado con África Subsahariana y el Asia Pacífico en las presidencias turca y china respectivamente, estudiaremos la accesibilidad y asequibilidad de la energía en América Latina y el Caribe. Argentina también impulsará otras cuestiones relevantes de la agenda de energía tales como combustibles fósiles ineficientes que fomentan el consumo excesivo, y la transparencia de los datos energéticos.


Argentina ha invitado a España, Chile y los Países Bajos a participar en las reuniones del G20. También hemos invitado a los presidentes de la Comunidad del Caribe (Jamaica), ASEAN (Singapur), Unión Africana (Ruanda) y NEPAD (Senegal). Dado el fuerte énfasis de nuestra presidencia en la inversión en infraestructura, hemos invitado al Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y al CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina. También esperamos la continua contribución de los organismos internacionales, incluyendo las Naciones Unidas, el FMI, el Banco Mundial, la OMC, la OCDE, el Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera (FSB) y la OIT.Las soluciones globales requieren una participación más fuerte y más amplia. Construir consensos para un desarrollo equitativo y sostenible requiere el compromiso no sólo de los gobiernos sino de todos los sectores de la sociedad. Promoveremos un diálogo integral y plural con Business20, Women20, Labour20, Think20, Civil20, Science20 y Youth20.

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Page 456: 6.-SRE-SSRE-MD-G20 C 1 - gob.mx€¦ · Cumbre de San Petersburgo ..... 28 7.2. Presidencia australiana, 2014 ... Diez años después de la primera Cumbre, el G20 se ha consolidado


food loss and waste