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  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    Salmn ahumado sobre blini




    levadura 10grleche 20ccharina 000 50gr

    agregar:harina 000 60grleche 10ccyemas 4un

    agregar:claras a nieve 4 uncrema 10ccsal 2gr

    crema de lima:queso crema 20grlima 1uncrema 50ccsal 1gr

    pimienta negra 1gr

  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    salmn ahumado 200gr

    brotes de cressonette 20gr

    huevo 4unidades

    caviar negro 15gr

    Procedimiento:Hacer la masa de blini:eali!ar una esponja con levadura desgranada" leche tibia" #harina y dejar $ermentar#%gregar la harina restante" la leche y las yemas a la preparacin anterior" unir la me!clacon batidor de mano# &or 'ltimo" incorporar la crema y las claras a nieve # (ejardescansar la masa por )0 minutos#

    *obre una sart+n caliente" con un poco de manteca" verter un cucharn de me!cla demasa y cocinar por 2 minutos cada blini" de cada lado#

    ,n un bol a aparte" me!clar el queso crema " la ralladura y jugo de lima" condimentarcon sal y pimienta# reservar#-ortar el salmn ahumado en $etas#.rotes de cressonette limpios#/acer un huevo mollet 5min de coccin en agua a punto de ebullicin#/uevas de lumpoo negras#

    Montado del plato:*obre un plato colocar el blini tibio" untar con el queso crema" ubicar 2 $etas de salmnahumado y en el centro colocar el huevo mollet#&or encima de todo" terminar con brotes de cressonette" una cucharadita de huevas delumpo y rociar con aceite de oliva etra virgen#

  • 7/24/2019 Blini



    3 (, ,** &*,* -3(,, 73," *I &,(, ,8,9%-I%" 93*% % (

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  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    hasta que tenga una densidad media# eservar e incorporarle los gajos a vivo de naranja#

    )% Montado del plato

    *ervir el moelleu caliente" acompaCar con una bocha de helado" salsear el plato"decorar con hojas de menta y a!'car impalpable#


    Los blin* son &no de los platos m+s antig&os de la cocina r&sa% $on &na se,al

    del -inal del in.ierno% Los blinis calientes / redondos son &n s*mbolo del sol%

    Para preparar los blinis se &tili0a 1arina de trigo2 trigo sarraceno2 centeno ome0cla de trigo / trigo sarraceno% $e comen con mante3&illa2 nata agria2

    en.ol.iendo en ellos &n relleno de ca.iar2 con pescado salado%%% M+s raramente

    se comen con relleno caliente%

    Los blini deben ser ligeros2 -inos2 semitransl4cidos%

    La sart5n para los blini no se debe -regar% Ha/ 3&e calentarlala con aceite

    caliente / sal / desp&5s -rotar c&idadosamente% La masa para los blini se ec1a

    en la sart5n &ntada en aceite en &na capa m&/ -ina / se t&esta por ambos


    6lini de trigo600 gramos de harina de trigo20 gramos de a!'car25 gramos de mantequilla1 huevo25 gramos de levadura10 gramos de salG50 gramos de agua o leche40 gramos de aceite

    %proimadamente H de la leche se calientan a )0)5J-# (isolver la levadura" aCadira!'car" sal" huevo" mantequilla y me!clar bien# (espu+s aCadir poco a poco harina de

  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    trigo y revolver rBpido# apar el recipiente de la masa con una tela y colocarlo en unsitio templado# -uando la masa haya subido" aplastarla y aCadir el resto de la lechecaliente# (espu+s de 11"5 horas despu+s de que la masa haya subido por segunda ve!hacer los blini en la sart+n#*ervir los blini con mantequilla" nata agria" caviar" arenque#

    blin* de trigo sarraceno

    &ara la pasta:)00 gramos de harina de trigo sarraceno10 gramos de a!'car)5 gramos de levadura)00 gramos de leche2 huevos

    &ara la masa:)00 gramos de harina de trigo sarraceno20 gramos de a!'car12 gramos de sal500 gramos de leche

    5 6 horas antes de hacer los blinD" preparar la masa: disolver la levadura y el a!'car enagua o leche caliente 2@) del total de la usada para la receta" aCadir mantequillacalentada" las claras de huevo" me!clar bien y batir $uerte# ,char la harina y batir denuevo#&oner la masa en un sitio templado y cuando suba" echar sal y el resto de la leche oagua" batir bien y dejas que suba de nuevo# %ntes de batir por segunda ve!" se puedenaCadir las claras bien batidas# *ervir con mantequilla o nata agria#

  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    me!clan con leche Bcida" y la soda se disuelve en un vaso de agua" que se echa en lamasa antes de hacer los blinDs#

  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    (/& cup luewarm mil1 tablespoon butter for saut)ing

    To serve:

    *r+me friche or sour creammall pots of caviar and/or salmon etaerbs, such as snipped chives and dill sprigsbout & pieces smoed salmon, finely sliced

    0i the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl and mae a well in the centre. Beat the egg yolwith the sugar and (/& cup warm water and add to well. 0i well, then cover with adamp cloth and let rise at room temperature until doubled in si'e, about 2 hours.

    Beat in the mil to mae a thic, creamy batter. *over again and leave for 1 hour untilsmall bubbles appear on the surface.

    Beat the egg white to soft pea stage, then fold it into the batter.

    eat a heavy-bottom sillet or crpe pan and brush with butter. 3rop in about 1teaspoon of batter to mae a pancae about 1 inch indiameter. *oo until the surfacebubbles, about 2-( minutes, then flip the blini over with a spatula and coo the secondside for 2 minutes.

    4ut a plate in the oven to eep warm while you coo the remaining blini. 3on"t put theblini on top of each other. erve them warm.

    To serve, top with a spoonful of cr+me friche or sour cream, some snipped chives ordill sprigs, and a small pile of caviar or eta or a curl of smoed salmon.

    tore in an airtight container for up to ( days.

    Reheat in the oven at &55 degrees for about 6 minutes.

    Buy the Boo#
  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    Blini With Three Caviars Ingredients:

    2 1/2 tb Sugar

    2 c Milk

    2 tb Unsalted butter, melted,

    Plus additional for brushing

    the griddle

    1 c Buckwheat flour (available

    at natural foods stores and

    Secialt! foods shos"

    1 c #ll$urose flour

    1 ts Salt

    2 lg %ggs, searated

    &/' c ell$chilled heav! cream

    Blini With Three Caviars Instructions:

    (Buckwheat )east Pancakes ith *hree +aviars" from 1- a 1/'$ounce ackage (2 1/2teasoons"active dr! !east about 2 cus sour cream as an accomaniment about ' ounceseach black caviar, golden caviar, and salmon roe .n a large bowl roof the !east with 1/2tablesoon of the sugar in 1/& cu lukewarm water for 1 minutes, or until it is foam!0Stir in 1 cu of the milk, heated to lukewarm, the remaining 2 tablesoons sugar, 2 tablesoonsof the butter, and the buckwheat flour, beat the batter for 1 minute, and let it rise, covered withlastic wra, in a warm lace for 2 hours or chill it, covered tightl!, overnight0(+hilling overnight roduces a tangier flavor0et the batter come to room temerature before continuing with the recie0" Stir in the remaining 1 cu milk, heated to lukewarm, the all$urose flour, the salt, and the!olks, beat the miture for 1 minute, and let it rise, covered with the lastic wra, in a warmlace for 1 hour, or until it is double in bulk and bubbl!0

    .n a bowl beat the cream until it holds soft eaks and fold it into the batter0

    .n a metal bowl beat the egg whites until the! 3ust hold stiff eaks and fold them into the battergentl! but thoroughl!04eat a griddle or large skilletover moderate heat until it is hot, brush it lightl! with the additionalmelted butter, and soon tablesoons of the batter onto the griddle, sreading them to form &$inch rounds0+ook the blini for 1 minute on each side, or until the undersides are golden0*ransfer the blini as the! are cooked to a latter and kee them warm, covered with a kitchentowel0Make blini with the remaining batter in the same manner, brushing the griddle lightl! with thebutter as necessar!0*he blini ma! be made 2 da!s in advance and ket covered and chilled05eheat the blini, covered with foil, in a &67 80

    oven for 1 to 16 minutes, or until the! are warm, or microwave them on a microwave$safelatter, covered with microwave$safe lastic wra, at high ower (19" for 2 minutes, or untilthe! are warm0#rrange & or ' blini on each of 1- small lates, to them with some of the sour cream, andarrange some of the caviar decorativel! on the sour cream0Serves 1- with blini to sare0
  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    Comensales: 6 Pas: 5usia Tiempo de preparacin: 2 hours ' mins Tiempo de coccin: 2 mins Tiempo total: 2 hours '2 mins


    %n un reciiente disolver la levadura con el agua0.ncororar la leche ! de3ar reosar durante 6 minutos0

    +ombinar las dos harinas con sal a gusto0 .rincororando de a oco a la leche, me;clando mu!bien ara

  • 7/24/2019 Blini


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    Recetas de Cocina:


    1 cdta0 de levadura seca2 cdas0 de agua tibia2F6 ml0 de leche descremada tibia126 gr0 de harina de maA; o integral finas126 gr0 de harina comGn&/' cdta0 de sal126 ml0 de !ogur natural2 huevos grandes2 cdas0 de mate

  • 7/24/2019 Blini



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    /omemade ussianstyle ladie commonly mistaLen $or blini Aith sour cream" roeand chopped onion#

    >ro!en prepacLaged blint!es may be $ried#

    % blint0" blint0eor blinplural: blint!es" 8ithuanian: .lynai" blynaiMussian: NOPQ

    blin" NOPQR pl# &olish: blinyM 3Lrainian: SOPQTU" mlyntsiM Viddish: WXYZ[\ blintze is athinpancaLesimilar to a cr]pe#

    [edit] Etymology, origins, culture

    he ,nglish Aord blint! comes $rom the ViddishWXYZ[\ ^blint!e^" Ahich in turn comes$rom blin# ^.lin^ comes $romld *lavicmlin" that means ^to mill^ compare the3LrainianAord $or blin SOPQ_T`" mlynets#

    .lins had a someAhat ritual signi$icance $or early *lavic peoples in pre-hristiantimessince they Aere a symbol o$ the sun" due to their round $orm# hey Aere traditionally

    prepared at the end o$ the Ainter to honor the rebirth o$ the neA sun &ancaLe AeeL" oraslenitsa# his tradition Aas adopted by the rthodo churchand is carried on to the
  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    present day# .liny Aere once also served at AaLes"to commemorate the recentlydeceased#

    raditional ussian bliny are made Aith yeasted batter" Ahich is le$t to rise and thendiluted Aith cold or boiling !avarnye bliny Aater or milL just be$ore baLing them in

    the traditional ussian oven to this day the process o$ cooLing bliny is re$erred to asbaLing in ussian" even though these days they are almost universally pan$ried" liLepancaLes# .y ussian tradition the $irst blin is alAays destroyed Ahile $rying# .lint!esblinchiLi in ussian" considered to be a borroAed dish are made $rom unyeasted batterusually made o$ $lour" milL and eggs and are nearly identical to >rench cr]pes# %llLinds o$ $lour may be used $or maLing bliny: $rom AheatandbucLAheatto oatmealandmillet" although Aheat is currently by $ar the most popular#

    /omemade thin blint!es

    .lint!es Aere populari!ed in the 3nited *tatesby KeAish immigrants Aho used them inKeAish cuisine# hile not part o$ any speci$ic religious rite in Kudaism" blint!es that are

    stu$$ed Aith a cheese $illing and then $ried in oil are served on holidays such as-hanuLahas oil played a pivotal role in the miracle o$ the -hanuLah story and*havuotAhen dairy dishes are traditionally served#

    .lins may be prepared and served in three basic Aays#

    hey may be eaten ^as is^# In this case thebattermay contain various addins"$rom gratedpotatoor appleto raisins# hese bliniare quite common in,astern,uropeand are more solidly$illed than the spongy pancaLes usually eaten in

    orth %merica# hey may be smeared Aithbutter"bacon$at"sour cream"jam"honeyor caviar

    and possibly $olded or rolled into a tube# In that $orm they are similar to >renchcr]pes# he caviar$illing is popular during ussianstylecocLtail parties# he term ^blint!^ is mostly applicable to this version: % $illing such as jam"

    $ruit" potato" cottage cheeseor other cheese" cooLed groundmeat" cooLedchicLenand even chopped mushrooms" bean sprouts" cabbage and onions $or a-hinese eggrolltype blint! is rolled or enveloped into a pre$ried blint! andthen the blint! is lightly re$ried" saut+edor baLed# *uch a blint! is also callednalysnykyin that $orm 3Lrainian: or blinchikiussian: #

    6&c781eat blin/are part o$ traditional ussian cuisine" almost $orgotten during thetimes o$ the *oviet 3nion# hey are still Aidespread in 3LraineAhere they are LnoAn

    as hrechanyky3Lrainian: " and 8ithuanias(!Lijaregion" the only region
  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    in the country Ahere bucLAheat is groAn# It is traditionally called 8ithuanian: Grikiblynai#


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    -ooLbooLecipes .read -uisine o$ ussia

    blinisingular blinM in ussian" NOPQRf are small ussianpancaLes" typically toppedAith sour cream"jamor caviar#

    he $olloAing recipe maLes 2025 blini#

    [edit] Ingredients

    1#)pounds5 cups o$ Aheat $lour 1 tablespoono$ sugar 1 tablespoon o$ salt 5 teaspoonso$butter 1 ounceo$ yeast 1 egg 4 cupso$ milL 5 teaspoons o$ olive oil

    [edit] Procedure

    1# (issolve the yeast in ) cups o$ Aarm ?0G5 degrees >ahrenheit milL# %dd hal$a tablespoon o$ sugar" tablespoon o$ salt" egg yolL and molten butter#

    2# *tir" then add hal$ the $lour and Lnead the dough#)# -over the pan Aith the dough Aith cloth or toAel and leave it in a Aarm place

    $or 1#52 hours" or until the volume o$ the dough is doubled#4# i in the rest o$ the milL" Ahich must be heated to 122 degrees >ahrenheit"

    then add the rest o$ $lour and sugar# &our in AellAhipped egg Ahite#5# nead the dough again and leave it until it raises#6# /eat an oiled $rying pan# ith a large ladle pour the dough it should be liquid

    in the center so it maLes a circle## hen the bottom o$ the blin is ready turn it over#?# %$ter it is ready" put the blin on a large plate and start maLing the net one#

    etrieved $rom ^http:@@en#AiLibooLs#org@AiLi@-ooLbooL:.liny
  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    Blinis con Salmn Ahumado

    Rendimiento: 6 porciones

    Tiempo de preparacin: 30 minutosTiempo de coccin: 25 minutos aprox.

    Tiempo adicional: 3 horas, 5 minutos (de leudado)

    Hierta el agua en el bol e

  • 7/24/2019 Blini


    Una !ci"n #e menr cst$ !er i%&almente sabrsa en cn r'ban ralla#$ !e!in

    a%ri#&lce !ica#$ cebllas #e (er#e$ alca!arras y )&es crema*