1?J m-,- . tw ' &- - tln'uiHMumnn ifwwiwmmu Eli blMtff fI u i i 9 mi m. ri i wiii ! tt!TTXrnae MmMfmr-ntitir- v Si wy w1 w. " 'iinrii iu n lanfctftrrawiyOi pTiw MWMMtaiwiaw MMtWM I , "W" rt5p2gfc V VugggSffi Sb. A f$vs& s' w j o 4 - M xv 7 ? m PJA.1 Mjijr A ? f& wv 4v &i'??? c &&m ra h Ea a u. a h ?i Hw H a H K a Us i ji I SHMf i J ," J! S i MOTtg m ".?! w. i iwa ji iwiuhwiW w i.iwjjii uuBmugumwa ilj iicoriiicoM3Mtr KxivfM&mtvm nwjMimiO'aMim wa uri ' j JS ' i -- ' AT?C3ygys Vol. XIV. Jno liOUi. HONOLULU, H. I., MOJSDAY 13VJED2TIKO, JULY U, LSflU. CO OENTil auusoniPTiort PER MONTH f) THE DAILY BULLETIN k $f m ;:, X- - Ii printed nnd published at tho oIUco, Queen tjltuul, Honolulu, it. I., cvuiy a'turnooa (Sundays excepted). ' Subscription, 50 cents pet Month Addles till Communications Daily AdvertiaSKiouts, to uinuru lnseltlon, fbtuild bo Lr.iu.lciJ lu licfoiuonu o'olocli r. a. '.'ALTER MIL Editor ant) Proprietor Bulletin Staam Friutiiiff Office. Ctow-tp.tpo- Hiiiitt uud Jol Criming ol ill kind douu on tiiu rau:t favorable tonus. UuU No. 25't 'iu i.ul Tel vjmuut! No. Gt. THE DAILY BULLETIN Wseicly Summary. 't.Yrt later e'titii: nnil compri'licnilvt publica'lon, contains il lolumus ol tUitHiu matter on lnc.il topics, and n comulutcri&uiuuof Honolulu und lnluuti News. It t llio bv.Ml impur tublUi:vl ii. ibo ICiudoin 'o suiid to filwiit. iiiiroiid, JnlRnd : : : $1 00 yeat Foreign : : : H on '' Comuiidaioa Mntcxiunta. S OHN T. W'ArhiitUuUeiii, t Imyortur and Uuaisr In Genera Mercun.)i.,u, vjum-- ii., t'tnnnlulu. 1 WliiDiSR OO., Dtiti'.uii! Id Lambert Pnlnta, 5Ud, SMla, dill, and Uuildms Mulurlal 0. o very Kind, cor. i'ori ami 4uubh sis., tluutilillu. 1 C!ju3 apivCKHB. Wra. U. lrwm. vxr a. ikwin & compaky, , VV rfugir Faolor uud Cuininissiou limiiilulu. 1 S. K. Caatle -- J U. Athcrtou-- U. 1. UatUi. tt OOOK12, C1ASTLE bbipptuit and Conimtsslou Jlcrcbanls. luipurltfb uud Dealers in uuucrui jLcroniiauisu, no. ou ciu oi llononiiu. 1 . Luworit, T. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooku. a UUOtCE, LEW1SW8 to Luwera & Dickson,) liupurturo uud UnaiciB iu Luuibtr uud ul) ttiudb 6t Uuildlug ilulcriala, if'orl eUuul. . Uouoluiu 1 frf HOMOt.ui.0 iron Wowci, tfiJaQolfuiu cugiucs, oujjur uilllh, ooU Lio. wouiurs; iruii, bruia uud lcid oust ing'a; uiuuumery ot every dueunjiiiou tuaUu to oritur, t'urliuulur uiiuutiou puiu to abjp'b bUuk suinUmg. Job work oau-ruto- d it minrt uuurc 1 AXVOlCfJl-i- O &, Jt., u. General CoaimiEslou Ageuta. IIONOT.CLr 0. W. tIAC?ALANE & Co. IMPOHTfiUS -A-- ND CO.MMISaiON MEHCUANT3, Quuun uttcet, Honolulu. II. I 1043 aoNtfALvias & oo., Wholosale Grocers Si Wino MerchanU Beaver Ulosk, Honolulu. BRHWBB 3 COMPANY, 0 . (Limited) 'GjIXKIlAti MUUCAUTILC AND Commission Aqbnts. UBTOFOFPtrEKB: t'. U. Jokks Jr. . . .l'roildout & Mnnagcr J. O. OAUTikit. . . ..Truasujtr ii Secretary DiKKcnous: IIou. 0. H. Hibiiop. 8. C. Allbn, 11. WArivBHOUliK. 9.1M ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St, Upstairs. Tbo undcralanud bo to Inform of tbeae lsliiadb tbut bo U making fcililrttt y Mciwuroniom ! Dlructionu forhclf-mfaaurenici- will be glveu ou upplloatlun. White Shirts, Oyershlrts & Hlght Gownb A Ql guaruntco by iimklni; a esmplt 6bln to every oriler. Island ordor solicited Boll Tolephgno 41b miv . n. rtiiii.i.Bs. H. G. CRAB BE, DEALER IH Wand GRAIN, 81 Kins Htruot, oppoolto tlio Old.Btatlot. . tlouno. Mutual XolepUono No.4. 87 It ProloaBionalB. M. MON3AR11AT, J. Attorney at Law & Notury I'ubllc 119 MrrcliBiil Street. Honolulu. tl JALirSRD RtAQOON, hi Lav, li Notary ittlille 173 A2 Moiclitmt ticot. Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWN, Old Capitol liulldin. Agont to tab Acknowleflgnist to Co- ntracts for Labor In tbc District of Honolulu, l9lnnd ff Onbu. - JbDlm !3avid Day ten 'A 111 prmitico in tbe lnwvr courts of tin Ivlnc'lnm as iittornoy, nttuiid to rollcct nig In nil its brunclieu) rtnting of hntpc. mil any oilier bi'.3incaii cnti to liha Otllcc 91 King Stieel UnstmrV Pub fiJHQ ' W .co3 Wi Picon ifiEsrs. STEAIGAMDYFAGTOSY F. HORN, Prnctical ConfccUoner, Pa-.ti- Cook uud Baker. Tl Hntol St. -- et?r T(ilciiuni-74- . California : Lands JTOLZ. &i.XI Z t& Apply to A. 3H!I5F5 4E8 tf 42 ilcrcbuut at., Honolulu. WEMER & CO. Jlaiiulcturln fuivollors, ISO. 03 XOttT WX-ltXCE- Const mt ly on hitnd i largu nSHurtmen f every ouuerlptii not .Imvulry, Watchcb Gold and Silver Plated Yaro, &c. i)f3 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kuhul Jowclry a Specialty. ltiu Strectf Honolulu, II. I. Nest door to the Hawniiim Tram, way Comp.my'i Ulllco. CS? Particular attention paid to nil hind of ri'pitirH J Husmce & Robertson DttAVMBN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. tx. tended to. Particular attention paid to tbo Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tlio other Island3. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prlccj. Onico, noxt door to Jaa. P. Morgan's auction room. 9aiy Mutual 'IVli'pbono No. 10. JJoppOo., 74 King St. -- Jji King st Importers ot Rattan & Rood Furniture Pianos Sl Furniture Moved with Uaru. Matting and Carpets Laid, COEHICE POLES, Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. opr.103 i. . itox 3si. ta.-f- r itctt Toio. an. is Corner Tort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, 11. 1. COMMISSION HERCHANT3, 'GENERAL AGENTS. xtxcounlimi it follectoin fou Tin: Hawaiian Roil Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department K0R TUK "ftaupepa ECuokoa.M DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive frpixlal atton. ion uud rcunn- - promptly miiile. Itoal Cttatu bought, olii nud U'liswl. Taxes Pala und proput ly unuly inured Houses, Cotlaflcs, Rooms and Olfliet, kaed ind ren'j (I, ami ruiitt (Olleeted. Fire and LiM Insurance ctlccted iu first duss Compunted. Cunvoyancing a J pccialty Reconls seaiebuu .md correct Ab-truc- ts of Title IuiiiHicU Legal Documents and Papers of ovcry letciipiion carulully diarv acd band .omely eii.ynwbcd Copying and Translating in nil languages in ueiieud u-- e in thi-- . tjingdom. Cuslaoi Housa Business liuihincted with tccuruey nud dlefnitob. Loans negotiated ut favorable fates. Gold, i liver nnil Ccrliflcabs buughl und oil. Adverllsemcnls End SubsctlpHans soli find fur puulilirrs. Any Artlclo purchased or Eold on favor able tonus Inter-Islan- d Orders tsill recoivo purll. culur M'ciitiun To Lot, Furniihed and Uniur.-.Uhe- d Cot. lages in desirabiu luoaliticeat reasonable reuiala Several Va'.uablo Prcporilos la and around the rlty now foe Dale and lenso on easy terms. ZQTAll buEinca to our care wilt rieuive prompt and faithful atta: 'tr.n Rt innitHrKte vih.rurn Foli-4-N- l BalilwiBlocoiotiTBS The itndcrsliinrd having been Appointed sole ojjentB for tin- - Hawaiian iBluuds For tlio Celebrated Baldwin - Locomotiyes From the works of Burnham, Party, Williams Sl Co., rnilutluliJlUa, PomiM Are now prepared to give climatci nnd receive orucrs for tbeoO engines, of any size and stjle. The Baldwin Locomotive Wouks ere no mantiiiicnniu u Mylc of Locomo- tive particularly aduptcd For Plantation Pnrposes, A number of which havo recently been received at these Islands, and e will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and nianagerd with puriiuulars ot eame. i The superiority of theae Locomotive over ull ot tier makes is not only known here but it) acknowledged throughout the Uultul 31&U-8- . Wm. G. IltWIN & Co., . Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 4l3 d.124 w.ly HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS ! Cor. luecn A Xminnu Hts, VST Goodb of all descriptions sold on commission. Mumal Telcphono 631. feb8-G- 0 A. H. RASEMANN, Book-bintle- r, Paper-rnlo- r & Blaat-boo- k Manufacturer, No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ont.l.J.ly G. MULLEIt & CO,, PHACTICAL OUII & L00EBMITH3 Bethel Street, "Damon's Block," Corner store. flurg'cal & Musical rnjtriiments nca'ly repair d nt reaaoiublc ials Howlntr Machines and riMiuirlng of all klndit a Kpeciiliy. All kinds ot Sifi-- s & Suuleb repii cu, lioasihold Sowing Mnehliiefi foriia'e. dec M 31) O LUSO HAWAIIANO. ALL persons whu want to commucl with Iho Poitucuese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, ervants or any olhor helps, will tlnd It ihe most profitable way to advertise In iho Luso atvait'atio, the now organ of ihe PortUL'iiestt colony, which 1b pub- lished on Hotel street, and only charges reasonable rates for advuilbemesu. 1811 S Furnish! A Good Acsorttnont I AT- - N. S. Sachs, 104 Fort St., Honolulu. : 0 Men's Underwear of Every Description, Men's Gmigo Undershirt, only 25 cl?, Jlon'a Gossamer Merino Shirts, fair quality, only CO ds, Men's Uitlbrigsrau Umlotsliirts & Druwcrs, 75 els .and upwards, Mun'a Canton Fl.mnel Sltirta & Drawer, only CO uts, Men's Silk, Goiion m& Merino Socks, Men's Unblcuuhcil Cotton Socks; good quality, 2.25 per doz, Men's Unbloiichud British Socks, extr.i quality, 2.75 jilt doz, Men's Unbknicliod or Colored Socks, uilk clockud, 2.C0 per doz, Gent's Neckwear, Gent's Neckwear, L itept Stylo Scarfs, Four-iu-llnn- d t Windsors, Silk Scarf tit 25 cts, 50 eti and upTrarda, Bilk, Linen & Cotton Handkorchiofs, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. EXTRA BARGAINS. Silk llandkeichicfs, colored border hcnimodulitch, only CO cts, L.ors Brand Linen Collars-- . LATEST STYLES. TRY OUR Uniaunciried Shirts, Uniaundried Shirts, Back & Front, only 7C cts cacli, Men's White Shirts, $1 and $1.25 each, Wool and Silk Outing Shirts, Men's Straw Huts, latest styles. Trunks & Valises of nil kinds. AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE. WAIALAE .Pedigrees of BREEDING DEPARTMENT, The following Tine Aulmaln will stand for service at the ranch, Waialac: Woll-brc- d Stalltou "MARIN." Xorman Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." 'Ikoroughbred Stulllou "MIDNIGHT." Two Native Stallions "PiLIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 403-1.- tf PAUL 7UiiUH sa j ns Prices Vary Lov 1 fim ring: Ail Morses Kept SALS DEPARTMENT, fou saee: Stallions of various bleeds. Mares with or without foal, llorsea for auy purposo. BREAKING DEPARTMENT. A Skilful Breaker nnd Trainer is ed ou the ranch. " Satisfaction Is guirantccd in breaUing und traiulug horses. R- - ISEiBERG. IJMrOltt'SBS A1TD DEAIJJRS IN .Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. 0 Nuw Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe, f rcah California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to. tnd Goods delivered to any part of tho city frtu of charge. It land ordurB poll, sited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Ulrica Hot 14G. Telephone No. 03 novA-8- 5 lias. HUSI3G6, Eiiug all 081, o 1 mMHVHUULl&2-J!MZ4ttV- 21 M4ljmyWfl3CTEMPlW -- P. B01 097. HAS JUST RECEIVED per ATISTBALIA," Kits Alaska Sea Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits TongueB und Sounds, Cases Vienna Sausage, Ham Sausago, Salmon in "and 2 lb. tins, Hums, Bucon, Codtlbh, Tins Soused Muckurel, Boiled Mackerel in To- mato Suuco, Toi O'Can Brand Butter, Boned Chicken und Turkey, Twin Brothers' Yeast Cukes, Aunt. Abbey's Rolled Oats! Ccraline Flukes, Gcrmcn, Breakfast Gem, White Oats, Highland Rolled Oats, Dried Apricots, Diicd Peaches, Prunes, Tublo Fruits, Dates, Figs, Ridgo's Fond, Gelatino, Sardines, Wheat, OaU, Bran, Potatoes, Onions, and a General Assortment of Groceries at Popular prices. 0GF"Leavo your ordcia, or ring up No. 119. telephone 3 10.- - il H O. 1 -- tssojgr LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, H. I., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS 1H GROCERIES & PROVISlflHS. ter o n i c 12 a By each steamer of the O. B, b. Co. from California Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Gala, Mts, ITjhIi, Gumo, Vofyotiiblow, Etc., 2Ct;. & complete line of Crosso Sl Blackwell's S J. T. Motton's Canned & Bottled Goods Always on h intl. Alco, just received a fresh line of ertuna Putox & ltttil .llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR, Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon, '. New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam Oat Flakes & Orenm Whoat Flakei, tilcily Lemons & Oala, RIveraido Oransea, Oregon Burhatik Fotatxa, Btc., Etc, Etc. ap-1- 0 tirotion. Griuavaxitoecl. 87 t 5 fijunfrtj BBA sem UiliiUU il Tho Bob! Lunoh in Town, Tea anil Ooffeo at 111 Hours The Finest Binnd of n n ma. - UU Z&&2 Alivaya ou IrJantS. S3. .?. XOS,TB, B'vnprJctnr. gar,poliial,Jfay Meat Company 61 KlSfO STRUrn', G. i. WALLER, - - Manager Wholcoalo & Bstall Hutchcn A.W 3SA.VY CONTRAC1TOIJS. 1717 ly sa&a mm 0 &M& "OT ATVTTY.tn. T.TTTT E3 iJJUilXHU OIU.XIU, Alakca, near tjacen St. k folepliouo A'o. CS. TTALKEJi & EEDWAKD, Contrsiotorw xz IJillclor. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates jjiven. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 Kintr Bctl Tele- phone No. 2 P. O.'Box, 423. ap y GEORGE LUCAS, and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Flanlng Mills, fcopla itadc, Honolulu. Manufacturer all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,, Say hen, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work linlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and l'lsa-la- g, Morticing and Tenanting. OrdeispromptlyatUudedto and work guaranteed. OrdeM fj'oni the other is-- 1 md.s solicited WRIGHT BROS., ' THOMAS & HENRY,' FoH Streoi, noxt Lucas' M1U, 3?, . Carriage Builders, Strip's Blackimllfilnn, Drays, Carls & Wagon BulhiisQ at specially. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a flrpt-cl&- manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t2T. Ordars from tho other Islands solicited. Will be pleased to sec all our old customers as well as new oucs. Mutual l'olephoue No &70. apr-10-8- 9 W.W. Wright & Son, 79 & 81 JBZ&vQ- - Bo" Tele. King SUed2mM.No. 381. (The Roso Premises ) All orders for wheel vehicles of every description tilled with promptness. First-clue- s mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TRASI CADS, 09IN1DUHUEH, Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts, Mado to order, altorcd or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, ETC., BIO., KTC, UTC. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under the management of R. Cay. lord, who will collect and receipts all bills duo that branch of our business. (Signed) : ocURitin W. W. WRIGIIT & SON. VOLCANO STABLES Walanuciitie Street. Carriages at 1 Minnie's Notice, Also, Saddle Horcci, Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts, IAV or XIUIIT. WILSON BROTHERS, Proprietors, Illlo, Hawaii. iQjr Orders reuehed by Telephone "igj. nth VETERINAKY, AR. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets. Bclcnlillo trcatmeul iu all dis- eases of domestic animals. Orders for plantation and ranch stock promptly attonded to. Mutual Toliphone 'Ml, P. O. Box 826. tak4S&) Prussian National. Insurance Comu'Y nBTAni.iwir.D 1M5. Capital 0,000,000 rtclchsmarfcj rPIlF, undcrslcmvl, at;cnt of the above 1. Company for the Unwniliin Islands, la ptopareil to oreept risks, the, on Biiiltllng3, Furniture, Morchnmllce, I'rotlttcc, SugAr Mills, Etc , on the most favoiabla terms. Losses Promplly Adhislod and PayaiU in Hanclulu. jly ST.ly O. ULOXSJCIC. Uiiion, Flro & Murine Insurance Co., L'd, OJt 3.'i-- w ZentunO. Capital - - $10,000,000 Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores, Storehouses and Contents. Al'o, Sugar und Rico Mills, Machinery, Etc, i.tc. 3Xariuo Iiwurnuoo On nulls, Cargoes and Freights. Loss paid hero. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. jin.0-9- 0 CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Tire & Marino insurance Agents 1 AGENTS FOltS Rei3 Englanu Mutual tifo Ins. Co., OP JlObTOH. Etna Fire ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company, I'tro &. Slarlnc. OP 8AK FBAKCIBCO, CALIFOUNIA. Jan 8 It) NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $100,003,600,96 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every ago, on ovcry premium tnblo, and in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Xontino Policies ' of tho Now York Lifo Insurance Co.' have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing, similar policies. gZST For particulars apply to C O. BKKGEI Gcu'l Agent Hawaiian iBlanda. 283 tf FIEE, LIFE, AKD MARINE insurance; Hartford Pire Insurance Co. Assota, JS5.2n8.Q00 Commoroial Insuranco Co. (Flro and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Auglo-Hovad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marino) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Morsoy Marino Ins, Co i (Limited) Assets, $6,124,057 New York Lifo Insuranco Co. Aiuota, $105,053,600 06 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n lslacda 10C3 1y CASTLE & COOKE, IMl'OUTKItM, Hardware, Shipping AMD Commission Merohants. DI2ALKIIS CI General Merchandise 7 Plantation Aejents, Lifo, Firo & Marine Insurance Agents . Jan 3) UONOLULU, H I. 1600 v i 4i

blMtff f I Si wv j , i ji Us · ertuna Putox & ltttil.llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR, Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon, New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam

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Page 1: blMtff f I Si wv j , i ji Us · ertuna Putox & ltttil.llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR, Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon, New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam


m-,- .

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tln'uiHMumnn ifwwiwmmu Eli blMtff f I u i i 9 mi m. ri i wiii !tt!TTXrnae MmMfmr-ntitir- v Si wy w1 w. " 'iinrii iu n lanfctftrrawiyOi pTiw MWMMtaiwiaw MMtWM


, "W"

rt5p2gfc V VugggSffi Sb. A f$vs& s' w j o4 - Mxv7 ?

m PJA.1Mjijr A? f& wv 4v &i'???c &&m ra h Ea a u. a h ?i

Hw H a H K a Usi ji ISHMf i J ," J!


iMOTtg m ".?! w. i iwa ji iwiuhwiW w i.iwjjii uuBmugumwa ilj iicoriiicoM3Mtr KxivfM&mtvm nwjMimiO'aMim wa uri ' j JS ' i -- 'AT?C3ygys

Vol. XIV. Jno liOUi. HONOLULU, H. I., MOJSDAY 13VJED2TIKO, JULY U, LSflU. CO OENTilauusoniPTiort






X- -

Ii printed nnd published at tho oIUco,

Queen tjltuul, Honolulu, it. I., cvuiya'turnooa (Sundays excepted).

'Subscription, 50 cents pet Month

Addles till Communications Daily

AdvertiaSKiouts, to uinuru lnseltlon,fbtuild bo Lr.iu.lciJ lu licfoiuonu o'oloclir. a.'.'ALTER MIL Editor ant) Proprietor

Bulletin Staam Friutiiiff Office.Ctow-tp.tpo- Hiiiitt uud Jol Criming olill kind douu on tiiu rau:t favorabletonus.UuU No. 25't

'iu i.ul Tel vjmuut! No. Gt.


Wseicly Summary.

't.Yrt later e'titii: nnil compri'licnilvtpublica'lon, contains il lolumus ol

tUitHiu matter on lnc.il topics, and n

comulutcri&uiuuof Honolulu und lnluutiNews. It t llio bv.Ml impur tublUi:vlii. ibo ICiudoin 'o suiid to filwiit.iiiiroiid,

JnlRnd : : : $1 00 yeatForeign : : : H on ''

Comuiidaioa Mntcxiunta.

S OHN T. W'ArhiitUuUeiii,t Imyortur and Uuaisr In GeneraMercun.)i.,u, vjum-- ii., t'tnnnlulu. 1

WliiDiSR OO.,Dtiti'.uii! Id Lambert Pnlnta,

5Ud, SMla, dill, and Uuildms Mulurlal0. o very Kind, cor. i'ori ami 4uubh sis.,tluutilillu. 1

C!ju3 apivCKHB. Wra. U. lrwm.vxr a. ikwin & compaky,

, VV rfugir Faolor uud Cuininissioulimiiilulu. 1

S. K. Caatle --J U. Athcrtou-- U. 1. UatUi.

tt OOOK12,C1ASTLE bbipptuit and ConimtsslouJlcrcbanls. luipurltfb uud Dealers inuuucrui jLcroniiauisu, no. ou ciu oillononiiu. 1

. Luworit, T. J. Lowroy 0. M. Cooku.a UUOtCE,LEW1SW8 to Luwera & Dickson,)

liupurturo uud UnaiciB iu Luuibtr uud ul)ttiudb 6t Uuildlug ilulcriala, if'orl eUuul.

. Uouoluiu 1

frf HOMOt.ui.0 iron Wowci,tfiJaQolfuiu cugiucs, oujjur uilllh, ooU

Lio. wouiurs; iruii, bruia uud lcid ousting'a; uiuuumery ot every dueunjiiioutuaUu to oritur, t'urliuulur uiiuutiou puiuto abjp'b bUuk suinUmg. Job work oau-ruto- d

it minrt uuurc 1

AXVOlCfJl-i- O &, Jt.,u.General CoaimiEslou Ageuta.


0. W. tIAC?ALANE & Co.


Quuun uttcet, Honolulu. II. I1043

aoNtfALvias & oo.,

Wholosale Grocers Si Wino MerchanU

Beaver Ulosk, Honolulu.


Commission Aqbnts.


t'. U. Jokks Jr. . . .l'roildout & MnnagcrJ. O. OAUTikit. . . ..Truasujtr ii Secretary


IIou. 0. H. Hibiiop. 8. C. Allbn,11. WArivBHOUliK.

9.1M ly

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St, Upstairs.

Tbo undcralanud bo to Informof tbeae lsliiadb tbut bo U making

fcililrttt y Mciwuroniom !

Dlructionu forhclf-mfaaurenici- willbe glveu ou upplloatlun.

White Shirts, Oyershlrts & Hlght Gownb

A Ql guaruntco by iimklni; a esmplt6bln to every oriler.

Island ordor solicited Boll Tolephgno 41b

miv . n. rtiiii.i.Bs.



81 Kins Htruot, oppoolto tlio Old.Btatlot.. tlouno.

Mutual XolepUono No.4.87 It


M. MON3AR11AT,J. Attorney at Law & Notury I'ubllc119 MrrcliBiil Street. Honolulu. tl

JALirSRD RtAQOON,hi Lav, li Notary ittlille

173 A2 Moiclitmt ticot. Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWN,Old Capitol liulldin.

Agont to tab Acknowleflgnist to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In tbc District of Honolulu, l9lnnd ffOnbu. - JbDlm

!3avid Day ten'A 111 prmitico in tbe lnwvr courts of tinIvlnc'lnm as iittornoy, nttuiid to rollcctnig In nil its brunclieu) rtnting of hntpc.mil any oilier bi'.3incaii cnti to liha

Otllcc 91 King Stieel UnstmrVPub fiJHQ


W .co3 Wi

Picon ifiEsrs.


F. HORN, Prnctical ConfccUoner,Pa-.ti- Cook uud Baker.

Tl Hntol St. --et?r T(ilciiuni-74-.

California : LandsJTOLZ. &i.XI Z

t& Apply to

A. 3H!I5F54E8 tf 42 ilcrcbuut at., Honolulu.

WEMER & CO.Jlaiiulcturln fuivollors,

ISO. 03 XOttT WX-ltXCE-

Const mt ly on hitnd i largu nSHurtmenf every ouuerlptii not .Imvulry, Watchcb

Gold and Silver Plated Yaro, &c.i)f3 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kuhul Jowclry a Specialty.

ltiu Strectf Honolulu, II. I.Nest door to the Hawniiim Tram,

way Comp.my'i Ulllco.

CS? Particular attention paid to nilhind of ri'pitirH J

Husmce & Robertson

DttAVMBN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

tx. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tbo

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tlio other Island3.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prlccj.

Onico, noxt door to Jaa. P. Morgan'sauction room.

9aiy Mutual 'IVli'pbono No. 10.

JJoppOo.,74 King St. --Jji King st

Importers ot

Rattan & Rood Furniture

Pianos Sl FurnitureMoved with Uaru.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


i. . itox 3si. ta.-f- r itctt Toio. an.

isCorner Tort & Merchant Streets,

Honolulu, 11. 1.


'GENERAL AGENTS.xtxcounlimi it follectoin

fou Tin:

Hawaiian Roil Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentK0R TUK

"ftaupepa ECuokoa.M


Collections will receive frpixlal atton.ion uud rcunn- - promptly miiile.

Itoal Cttatu bought, olii nud U'liswl.Taxes Pala und proput ly unuly inuredHouses, Cotlaflcs, Rooms and Olfliet,

kaed ind ren'j (I, ami ruiitt (Olleeted.Fire and LiM Insurance ctlccted iu first

duss Compunted.Cunvoyancing a J pccialty Reconls

seaiebuu .md correct Ab-truc- ts of TitleIuiiiHicU

Legal Documents and Papers of ovcryletciipiion carulully diarv acd band.omely eii.ynwbcd

Copying and Translating in nil languagesin ueiieud u-- e in thi-- . tjingdom.

Cuslaoi Housa Business liuihincted withtccuruey nud dlefnitob.

Loans negotiated ut favorable fates.Gold, i liver nnil Ccrliflcabs buughl und

oil.Adverllsemcnls End SubsctlpHans soli

find fur puulilirrs.Any Artlclo purchased or Eold on favor

able tonusInter-Islan- d Orders tsill recoivo purll.

culur M'ciitiunTo Lot, Furniihed and Uniur.-.Uhe- d Cot.

lages in desirabiu luoaliticeat reasonablereuiala

Several Va'.uablo Prcporilos la andaround the rlty now foe Dale and lensoon easy terms.

ZQTAll buEinca to our carewilt rieuive prompt and faithful atta:'tr.n Rt innitHrKte vih.rurn Foli-4-N- l


The itndcrsliinrd having been Appointedsole ojjentB for tin- - Hawaiian


For tlio Celebrated

Baldwin - Locomotiyes

From the works of

Burnham, Party, Williams Sl Co.,

rnilutluliJlUa, PomiMAre now prepared to give climatci nndreceive orucrs for tbeoO engines, of anysize and stjle.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wouks ereno mantiiiicnniu u Mylc of Locomo-tive particularly aduptcd

For Plantation Pnrposes,

A number of which havo recently beenreceived at these Islands, and e willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents and nianagerd with puriiuularsot eame.


The superiority of theae Locomotiveover ull ot tier makes is not only knownhere but it) acknowledged throughoutthe Uultul 31&U-8- .

Wm. G. IltWIN & Co., .Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

4l3 d.124 w.ly


Cor. luecn A Xminnu Hts,

VST Goodb of all descriptions sold oncommission.

Mumal Telcphono 631. feb8-G- 0

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-bintle- r, Paper-rnlo- r & Blaat-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.ont.l.J.ly


Bethel Street, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

flurg'cal & Musical rnjtriiments nca'lyrepair d nt reaaoiublc ials HowlntrMachines and riMiuirlng of all klndit aKpeciiliy. All kinds ot Sifi-- s & Suulebrepii cu, lioasihold Sowing Mnehliiefiforiia'e. dec M 31)


ALL persons whu want to commuclwith Iho Poitucuese, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,ervants or any olhor helps, will tlnd It

ihe most profitable way to advertise Iniho Luso atvait'atio, the now organ ofihe PortUL'iiestt colony, which 1b pub-lished on Hotel street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advuilbemesu.

1811 S Furnish!A Good Acsorttnont I

AT- -

N. S. Sachs, 104 Fort St., Honolulu.: 0

Men's Underwear of Every Description,Men's Gmigo Undershirt, only 25 cl?,Jlon'a Gossamer Merino Shirts, fair quality, only CO ds,Men's Uitlbrigsrau Umlotsliirts & Druwcrs, 75 els .and upwards,Mun'a Canton Fl.mnel Sltirta & Drawer, only CO uts,

Men's Silk, Goiion m& Merino Socks,Men's Unblcuuhcil Cotton Socks; good quality, 2.25 per doz,Men's Unbloiichud British Socks, extr.i quality, 2.75 jilt doz,Men's Unbknicliod or Colored Socks, uilk clockud, 2.C0 per doz,

Gent's Neckwear, Gent's Neckwear,L itept Stylo Scarfs, Four-iu-llnn- d t Windsors,Silk Scarf tit 25 cts, 50 eti and upTrarda,

Bilk, Linen & Cotton Handkorchiofs,A LARGE ASSORTMENT. EXTRA BARGAINS.

Silk llandkeichicfs, colored border hcnimodulitch, only CO cts,

L.ors Brand Linen Collars-- .LATEST STYLES. TRY OUR

Uniaunciried Shirts, Uniaundried Shirts,Back & Front, only 7C cts cacli,

Men's White Shirts, $1 and $1.25 each,

Wool and Silk Outing Shirts,Men's Straw Huts, latest styles. Trunks & Valises of nil kinds.




.Pedigrees of


The following Tine Aulmaln willstand for service at the ranch, Waialac:

Woll-brc- d Stalltou"MARIN."

Xorman Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL."

'Ikoroughbred Stulllou"MIDNIGHT."

Two Native Stallions"PiLIAOAO" & "FRANK."

A Well-bre- d


403-1.- tf PAUL


sa jnsPrices Vary Lov 1

fim ring:Ail Morses Kept


fou saee:Stallions of various bleeds.Mares with or without foal,llorsea for auy purposo.


A Skilful Breaker nnd Trainer is ed

ou the ranch." Satisfaction Is guirantccd in

breaUing und traiulug horses.



.Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.


Nuw Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe,frcah California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.tnd Goods delivered to any part of tho city frtu of charge. It land ordurB poll,sited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Ulrica Hot 14G. Telephone No. 03 novA-8- 5

lias. HUSI3G6, Eiiug all 081,o


mMHVHUULl&2-J!MZ4ttV- 21 M4ljmyWfl3CTEMPlW

--P. B01 097.


Kits Alaska Sea Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits TongueBund Sounds, Cases Vienna Sausage, Ham Sausago, Salmon in "and 2 lb.tins, Hums, Bucon, Codtlbh, Tins Soused Muckurel, Boiled Mackerel in To-

mato Suuco, Toi O'Can Brand Butter, Boned Chicken und Turkey, TwinBrothers' Yeast Cukes,

Aunt. Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ccraline Flukes, Gcrmcn, Breakfast Gem, White Oats, Highland Rolled Oats,Dried Apricots, Diicd Peaches, Prunes, Tublo Fruits, Dates, Figs, Ridgo'sFond, Gelatino, Sardines, Wheat, OaU, Bran, Potatoes, Onions, and a

General Assortment of Groceries at Popular prices.

0GF"Leavo your ordcia, or ring up No. 119.

telephone 3 10.- -

il H




LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


ter o n i c 12 aBy each steamer of the O. B, b. Co. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Gala, Mts,ITjhIi, Gumo, Vofyotiiblow, Etc., 2Ct;.

& complete line of Crosso Sl Blackwell's SJ. T. Motton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on h intl. Alco, just received a fresh line of

ertuna Putox & ltttil .llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR,Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon,

'. New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam Oat Flakes & Orenm Whoat Flakei,tilcily Lemons & Oala, RIveraido Oransea,

Oregon Burhatik Fotatxa, Btc., Etc, Etc.

ap-1- 0 tirotion. Griuavaxitoecl. 87

t5 fijunfrtjBBA sem UiliiUU il

Tho Bob! Lunoh in Town,

Tea anil Ooffeo at 111 Hours

The Finest Binnd of

n nma. - UU


Alivaya ou IrJantS.S3. .?. XOS,TB, B'vnprJctnr.

gar,poliial,JfayMeat Company

61 KlSfO STRUrn',

G. i. WALLER, - - ManagerWholcoalo & Bstall Hutchcn



sa&a mm0 &M&


Alakca, near tjacen St. kfolepliouo A'o. CS.


Contrsiotorw xz IJillclor.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates jjiven. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 Kintr Bctl Tele-phone No. 2 P. O.'Box, 423. ap y


and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Flanlng Mills, fcoplaitadc, Honolulu.

Manufacturer all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,,

Say hen, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work linlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and l'lsa-la- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.OrdeispromptlyatUudedto and work

guaranteed. OrdeM fj'oni the other is-- 1

md.s solicited


FoH Streoi, noxt Lucas' M1U,


Carriage Builders,Strip's Blackimllfilnn, Drays, Carls &

Wagon BulhiisQ at specially.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a flrpt-cl&-

manner and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t2T. Ordars from tho other Islands

solicited. Will be pleased to sec allour old customers as well as new oucs.Mutual l'olephoue No &70.

apr-10-8- 9

W.W. Wright & Son,79 & 81 JBZ&vQ- - Bo" Tele.

King SUed2mM.No. 381.(The Roso Premises )

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription tilled with promptness.

First-clue- s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TRASI CADS, 09IN1DUHUEH,Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Mado to order, altorcd or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., BIO., KTC, UTC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the management of R. Cay.lord, who will collect and receipts allbills duo that branch of our business.

(Signed) :

ocURitin W. W. WRIGIIT & SON.

VOLCANO STABLESWalanuciitie Street.

Carriages at 1 Minnie's Notice,

Also, Saddle Horcci,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts,


Proprietors, Illlo, Hawaii.iQjr Orders reuehed by Telephone "igj.



AR. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Bclcnlillo trcatmeul iu all dis-eases of domestic animals. Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattonded to. Mutual Toliphone 'Ml,P. O. Box 826. tak4S&)

Prussian National.Insurance Comu'Y

nBTAni.iwir.D 1M5.

Capital 0,000,000 rtclchsmarfcj

rPIlF, undcrslcmvl, at;cnt of the above1. Company for the Unwniliin Islands,

la ptopareil to oreept risks, the,on Biiiltllng3, Furniture, Morchnmllce,I'rotlttcc, SugAr Mills, Etc , on the mostfavoiabla terms.

Losses Promplly Adhislod and PayaiUin Hanclulu.


Uiiion, Flro & Murine

Insurance Co., L'd,OJt 3.'i-- w ZentunO.

Capital - - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses and Contents. Al'o, Sugarund Rico Mills, Machinery, Etc, i.tc.

3Xariuo IiwurnuooOn nulls, Cargoes and Freights. Losspaid hero.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

jin.0-9- 0


Life, Tire & Marino

insurance Agents 1


Rei3 Englanu Mutual tifo Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company,I'tro &. Slarlnc.



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $100,003,600,96

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every ago, on ovcry premiumtnblo, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Xontino Policies 'of tho Now York Lifo Insurance Co.'have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuing,similar policies.

gZST For particulars apply to

C O. BKKGEIGcu'l Agent Hawaiian iBlanda.

283 tf


MARINEinsurance;Hartford Pire Insurance Co.

Assota, JS5.2n8.Q00

Commoroial Insuranco Co.(Flro and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Auglo-Hovad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marino)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

Thames & Morsoy Marino Ins, Co i

(Limited)Assets, $6,124,057

New York Lifo Insuranco Co.

Aiuota, $105,053,600 06


General Agent, Haw'n lslacda

10C3 1y


Hardware, ShippingAMD

Commission Merohants.DI2ALKIIS CI

General Merchandise 7

Plantation Aejents,Lifo, Firo & Marine

Insurance Agents .

Jan 3) UONOLULU, H I. 1600

v i


Page 2: blMtff f I Si wv j , i ji Us · ertuna Putox & ltttil.llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR, Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon, New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam



'&.'- -


Skvw$'TihpNEftrfn? a

WSfc5V.tgj JP--


'Toudcrs will be received at llioOffice of the Minister of the Interioruntil WEDNESDAY, .Inly GO, 18W),

at 12 o'clock nnoii, for Ihe H'luin uf

One Huudud and Fifiv (11,010 or I

less) New Ilehrideni. to the Island?of Sandwich, Mallieoll, Ambrym,and I'nr.m.i, in the- New Hebridesft roup.

Bids must include pioiKionf, spe-

cifications for which may bo obtainedon application to the Secretary of theBoard of Immigration,

Date of sailing to be not later thanAug. 20, 1S0O.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of tho Interior, and Presi-

dent of the Board of Immigration.C02 3t



win fliuTeiit!MONDAY, JULY 1880.


Company, who have now fifteen milesof railway in regular use, from Ho-

nolulu to Hoaeae, purpose extend-

ing operations, provided the Legis-lature grant certain aid asked for ina bill "before the House. Theintention is to run a line in a west-erly direction from the present ter-

minus to Waianac, a distance oftwenty miles. Also to run anotherlino cast of Honolulu, passingaround the island by the wiy of"VVainianalo to Kahuku, a distanceof fifty-fo- ur miles. Or ia the eventof the purchase of right of way atthe Honolulu end going in an east-e- m

dii action costing too much, to1 each Waimanalo by the westeilyroute.

That the carrying out of this in-

tention and tho building of theselines of railway would be of incalcu-lable benefit to the island is about asevident as any such proposition canbe. Many thousands of acres offertile but now unused landB, would,with easy and cheap means of trans-port to Honolulu, be turnedto profitable use, and their va-

lue by the same means begreatly enhanced. The fifteen milesof railroad now open, and con-

necting Hoaeae and the various intermediate districts with Honolulu,furnish evidence on these points.Banana, vegetable, and sutrar cul-

ture have been stimulated, ond prop-erty has been moie than doubled iumarket value. And yet the lino hasnot been long enough in operationto more than commence the develop-ment that will be more apparent ayear or two hence than now. "VVe

can conceive of 110 possible enter-prise so beneficial to the island as a1 ail way connecting all its parts withtho city and port of Honolulu, andtherefore most strongly desire thatthe company way cairy out theirproject. But it is not likely to beaccomplished without Governmentaid.

The question here arises as towhat and how much the Govern-

ment is justified in doing to farthera project of this nature. The Gov-ernment certainly does not exist forthe purpose of enriching corpora-- ,tioua, but all private or quasi-publi- o

corporations, whose object ia a pub-lic benefit, should not, iu the firstplace, be obstructed by the Govern-ment, and in the second place, it isoften wise policy for the Govern-

ment to afford direct assistance.The projected enterprise of theOahu Railway Company is onewhich the Government should en-

courage. The bill before the Houseasks a subsidy of 6500 per mile perannum for five years, and a guaran-tee of five per cent, per annum onthe bonds. The requast seems t

us moderate and reasonable, espe-cially so when compared with whatother Governmenta have done to en-

courage like enterprises.


The Hawaiian Dana will give apublic concert at the Emma bqtiarethis evening at 7:80 o'clock, ren-dering the following programmo:

l'AUT 1.

Overture La Dames Blanche. BoieldleuQuadrille La Jlascotto , AiidrnuMai eh Alnrgarete GounodRcmlulsecnecHof Offenbach... Lamotho

Hooheuo, Ptia Loke, Kokuhl.l'AUT II,

Overture Masnnlello AubcrSelection lkl of Corucvillo.., . .PlaiiiiueltoWalts Les Ilosos Metra'Laucers Madame AuK0t. Leeocci

La Dliirbeilulte,Hawaii l'oool.


BMLWJ. .it a.Ewion IJctLfiTtN

.Mr. Dlllingham'n Idler in youriiiuo of the I'llli July, with parts of

Itttpr to him fiom Lis friend W.II. Bailey, oiiUicsB'jjfclnf subsidiesnnd grants to iiuMiiib in Mexicoami tliu Unit'jd States is of interesthero nt tho present t.me, a3 the Ha-

waiian Legislatute will bo considerlug .shortly bills providing for Hipbuilding of railways on the islandsof Hawaii and Oahu.

Jlr. 1). is rather hard on tins landowners through which tho Euu mil

' losses; lie evidently could notcnthuso thorn on tho subject of rail-

ways and could not convince thunithat the landowners through whichthe line parsed would thereby bemade rich. They made him pay,acc.01 ding to his letter, many time3tlie value of the land. Some ofthem thought no doubt that wouldbe the only ndvantugu they wouldeer get fioin the railwav.

Mr. D. in his letter specificallymentions that he has had not onecent from tho government to en-

courage tho building of this line. Ithas not aided the credit of the com-

pany so much as to guarantee a centof interest; and let me add, Mr.Editor, for which tho taxpayers ofthe couutiy arc very thankful. Wemight infer from the tone of hisletter that the Railway Co. had gotnothing but 11 bare fianchisc, but Ifind that the Railway Co.'s properlyi9 exempt from taxation for 20 years.This I think a very valuable conces-sio- n,

as it seems probable that withour present increase of tho publicdebt there ill bo a doubling up ofour taxeB in a few years.

It is r pity that Mr. Dillinghamshould find it necessary to bring inMexico, and the United States toprove anything ns to what should bethe policy of Hawaii iu regard torailny9. Wc ail know something ofthe grand system of internal com-

merce of the United States, and thatit is chiefly carried on by railways.In this Kingdom the .best wc can doin tho betweenits various parts is by steamship,and railways must always be sec-

ondary. Railways may bo donewithout, but wc must have ships.And if railways', arc only feasiblealong our coasts wc must seriouslyconsider which wc caujdo best with-

out, as there is no belt of landaround any of our islands to feed arailway and our present coastingsteamers besides.

Robt, 11. Hixi.

New Firs Police, Attention.

"UIERE will bo a epeclal meeting ofi this Company held on 1 UWDAYEVENING, at 7:30 i M., July 15, 1890,at the Hall of Mechanic Engine Co. '2.Business of Importance By-law- s, etc.A very full attendance of members isrequested.

IIAKKY ARMITAGK,i'04 It frceietary.


AUDIES' Ivory Pin. Findei willto this olllee. C01 lw

WANTEDWOMAN to do chntnber woik.A . Appl at the Kngle IK use.

C01 It


rpilE annual meeting of thp HawaiiX Commercial Company will be held

at my oll'.ce, No. 15 Knalmmaiiu Htii'et,on MONDAY. July 28, 1800, at 5 o'clockv, m. ENOCH JOHN.SON,GUI Ct .Secretary II. C. Co.


A SUITE of Thice NicelyFurnished Rooms. Ap--

saiS l3 a& o. 0.) I'uncuoowistreet, or to II. F. Hobbiird. 001 if


BY a gentleman a NeatlyFurnished Front Boom

! with Bath, in mivato familv.uuel convenient to street cats. Address"Fiont Room," Bulletin Ofllcc. 001 2t

man test

-- IOIl BAiB BY- -


SlU'WEMK UItT O' TUBIslands. At Chambers,

Iu tho matter of tho Bankruptcy of HenryCannon, Before Mr. Justico Dole.

Order 011 petition of Bankrupt fordischarge from his debts.

Upon reading aiid tiling the petitionof Heury Cannon, of Honolulu, Oahu,alleging that more than mx monthshave elapsed since ho was adjudicateda Bankrupt and praying for dischargefrom all his debts.

It is ordered that WEDNESDAY, tho30th day of July, A. D. 181)0, t 10A. M., of that day at tho Court Room inAlllolanl Hale, Honolulu, bu mid ishereby appointed tho tlmo and placefor heaihig of said petition whon andwhere all creditors who have piovedtholr claims ngalnst said Bankrupt nayappear and show cause, if any theyhave, why tho prayer of said Bankiuptshould not bo granted.

And It Is further ordered that noticebo given by advertisement In the DailyBulletin published in said Honolulu,for two weeks of tho tlmo and plnco ofsuch heiulng and that tho Clink of theSupremo Court mall notices of the ttmoand nlueo of said hearing to all ciedltoiaof Raid Bankrupt who have proved theirdebts, By the Com!.

J. II. HEIST,Deputy Cleik.

Dated Honolulu, July U. 1W0.J01 2w

datly nTnjj&vjna oxoLtxtvn. i.t.Jlgl.1?... WWli..'....llliWl.ri'll..CMnmWl'l.ll.li4Snellen Sales by Jaoos F. HorflaB.


Creiiit Ms Silo !

I urn directed bv Mi:sfiU3. 11. flACK-n;i.- I)

& CO. to soli at Public Auction,at their stote. Queen sticet, cm a liberalcredit to the trade, on


July 15 and 10, 1890,

Coinntn lay et 10 OUcrl A. It. Each Dny,

All ilieli Importation of McichandUuot eeiy disi'iipiloti. Tho tale willcomprise specially ielct'd goods of thelatol st. le-- s too iiumrious 10 .specify.Among the tock will be found fullassoitmcnts of

Stasis mi Mi Soei,New A Fashionable Dry Good,Pilots., Clothing,

lauors Goods,Sydney & Engll-- h :,Paper,


Liquors. Wines,Beers, Champagnes,

GKOOEK K S,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

titsF All G sods oft'eiud will bo posi-tively tolu. and large Invoices will ?je

elosed at any pi Ice on libeiul teiins.

Tftn3iH nt .lifi.

JAS. F. MORGAN,590 ttl Auctioneer.

Executor & Trustee's Sals of



xzto. XZlu

By direction of CECIL BROWN, Ex-ecutor & Trustee of the J.art Will andTebtamunt of Puillp Milton deceased,1 am diiected to sell at Public Auction,

On SATURDAY, August 2nd,AT IO O'CLOCK A. .11

At the Farm Houe in I'alolo Valley,Honolulu. Oahu, all tliu following

dcciibed Propeily, suitablefor Riiiidi purposes:

lt All that land containing nn areaof 450 acicfl and lnivipahulumill Waialac-Ik- i, District of Kona, Oahu,ami ueing tup same premises eonveyeiito the said Philip Milton by theTius-tcc- s

of the Estate of W. C. Lunalilo.2nd All that land containing an aica

of nine acres situate in P.dolo Valley,and being the same picmiscs concycdto the said Philip Milton by UrsoldaSherman. This propeily lias a largolcscrvolr upon it, which supplies .thelower landh with water for lice cultiva-tion, the lcscrvolr ! ISO f.ithoms tcjuareand has n depth of 11 feel, and cost Inthit neighborhood of $ 10,000.

:trd All that land coutaitiiair an aieaof 1C0 acres and situate at Kipaliulu,Oahu. Tho two laigcr tracts Iu Kipa-liulu aud Walulnc-l- kl are fenced withgoodt-ioii- walls and w lie fencing di-

vides them from piopcrty now in pos-session of D. P. Ifceuherg uud d forranching purposes.

Also at tho same time, and place thefollow ill''

I V d ni" c I t 1 m. t.LElASfcHULULease from Trustees of Bishop F.state

of Waaliila, :i0.) acre, vcarly lentul'200, lease cxpiies Augusti 1M)U.Lease from S. Kawal iihd Eekaul of 2

pieces of hind in WhI.immu and Kekio'1 acres, yearly rental 121, lease

August, 1800.The lands of Waahlla 4S0 aeies aio

now bringing a rental under an agree-ment with Poitugueso of C000 a year.

Theie are about 8 acres of tnro'almnHripe which will he sold with tho laudupon which it is growing

'Ihe income fiom Oiangeh, Limes,Coffee, Etc., and Pasturage haveamounted to about 8100 a year.

The propei ty above set forth have alaborer's bouse, slaughter houbc andother outbuildings upon them, and 2bullock pens.

Also at the samo time and place, about

400 Head of Cattle,lucludhig about

00 Milch Cow-ri- , Seven Pair of WorkingOxen, nlbo 5 Horses, C Muics nnd 2Colts, Ox Can, Saddles aud Bi Idles,Yokes, etc , etc.. and other uleiiblls midpropei ty used upon u well appointedRanch.

13 The Propeily caiibe Inspected atany time. For fuithcrp.iiikuhirs applyto

JAS. F. MOltGAN,uctI011eer,

Or, to Ci'.c:it. BnowN,Expputnr A Ti listeo, 500 lm


j Q VOLUMES Encyclopedia Brltan-X- 4

ulca, Moiocco hound, In goodcondition, never used. Apply at filli.solllee, 572 If


WESTERMAYER piano for sain asbought a few

D10IUU9 ago.- - inquire at mo'i'i;MPLE OF FASHION,

COOlw cor. Jtioiei smu a ore uts.




L. J. Lrjvnv, : : I.rfscG.Cmvk 1'iiti.urs, 1 Maxvcimi.HaIiKY BUM, t SrAlinDtHF.CTOtt.W. Di:.tbi, i : Puori'.tnn:s.E. E. Mayucw, : Machinist.

Unbounded Success !

Another Crowded House. Second Week

or am:

W daily GflitTuesday Evening, July iOtti,

Tor the llr-- t tlmo Iu Honolulu, theAineilcaii Skit In 1) Acts,


PFC&'S BAD SOYIntroducing the Latest Operatic Sclcc- -

tlou and popular fads Inspecialities.

rT" Plan for rpseived seats for naynight of thcsiason can bo secured u'ttho oSico of L. J. Lcey, cor. Fort andQueen Sts. C04 !2t


Offer for Kalo to tliu trado

A Fins Assortment

-- or-

&. ". &k'.JfRV B J ' Hvy U

E Specially selected for this inar-00- ,!

let. 1 w

JUST RECEIVEDJj. " V, . IrsTii. "


MEBIUMEEEAB,Soda Cralcrfi,

Etc.. Etc. Ete

rort sai.i: uy

R, W. 8GHHIDT k IMlcoayt

Mliwaiite mn

;ift m,

Mltwaa','9: Piiiensr Expsrt Sc"

Wip: tOAUuU h JjAU U 1 tub

Wwlud's Sta&uiud Eipait Beer,

In Quui'tft JIiita.

FOR SAl.i: 11Y

H.W. BORSIDT & huKo,Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian

00:i Islands. v


Piasters ftLoYers'of Good Stock



.fust anlved on tho -- mohted selioonor"Oljru," 10 Head of Mules aud U HeadGentlo Horsos suitable for Hdles todrive. Also, the tiotting hoiso "Cairo."

Brood Mares, TliowugliDred & Road


1 Norman Stallion,1 Coach Stallion,

Fivo Head of COWS- -a Diiihums withCahes IJ weeks old; 1 Jersey willcalve in (5 weeks 1 Aryshlro Cow,now milking 0 gallons a day.

Also, Four Road Carte,(.'! Petaluma & 1 Fraser;)

1 lrino Top Hook-awo- y.

tSTFor further particulars apply to

R.I.GREEN,002 lw At tho Pantheon Stables.


A DIVIDEND will bo paid 011 thelOth.Tnly, to the creditors of II.

M., at tho ollleo of Alox J. Cm tw right,Merchant stiecr, opposite Bethel sheet.Please call eatly.001 lw PER ORDEK.

Dissolution of PartnershipnpilK fli m heretofore doing aearppn-J- L

teilng nnd house building businessin Honolulu, under tho firm name of"Snilih & Mills," has this day been dis-solved by mutual consent. Tho busi-ness will hereafter be carried on at thosame place by W. II. Smith, of tho lateAnn of Smith & Mill's.

Houolulu, July 10, 1800. C02 3f

jmy 3d, ,i)d. ,

Cask Assets,


RXOEIARD A. ScOURDY, PtvAidcnt.tQr For full particulars apply to

. 3ES.Dcc-!i4-8- i) General Agent for the Hawaiian Lslands.

Km f? ft 'Sk


PlainCoffee Cakes,

88" And will bo DELIVERED rilEE of CHARGE to any


w'Tea, Chccolute & MshV,

Fish, Ham & Eggs,

Bea aea, kk

aid ItLFia ss W 'eJeH

S' JOixnior

T tlEii a B

E 'd b h BfsssMwsa

k iciQ 1 lfeSfGcJO. rX

? a a nH

i m,nu . n gqt B"isirt!BwS waos t P

Solo Proprietors of

97.s orders should bo to

3891mmzxjwri nnKrrjnT7VimFjrxxmaszafin i in ctvwm.-- .

'. ,--

It w W4) tro h.-z.- :


Ttrs "oh c- - X


'i B - ?2i v. 7iU, ' .a- - '1 V


jr. "

- u' ui rii C ri

ii'Oil SALEFuiiilture: Parlor andNEW Sets, Stove, Etc., Etc , lit a

Apply at olllee of HawaiianCnuiago llanuf Jetuilng Co. COl 81


NOTICE ia hcrebv fjlven that TomAh limit have formed

lp under tho Arm iiitinoof Tom Gow & Co., and will cany on adry goods and tailor ng business at No.35 Niiuanu stieet, openlug on Thursday,July 17, 1890 601 .lw


'TMIE annual meeting of tho stock-- Iholders of tho Wiiloliiuu Agricul-

tural & Orazlug Co will bo heldiittheof tho Secretary, at Houolulu, on

WEDNESDAY, the 30ih hist., at 10o'clock a.m. O, P. 1AUKEA,COl 2v Secretaiy W. A. & G. Co.

.KON G WO CHAN,& House,

Alio, Oseral Mercbaodlit,

Ewa riantutlon, 1 Houolulu, Ewa,Tnivclers by train or Government

roud can secure andbo&rd. Charges leusouablo. COS lm

Guaranteed BondsISSUED THE







Buns, Roiie,

from 21:BO..jre. m. tog'i'a :

Jumbles, Crackers,

IJIL.1L. yVYlfcEt

CcfffcQ,Steuks, Chops,









yfilillff? PHHBlISA-iJMV- . JInsiSoi- -

a, ns-s- s

m a u fe9


"Tr" at bu1 i t m u

uriii a,jaa Reja bksJshhEsbySaaaQsBH & cSna u


hb b ess a. S3 HI



..1,1 to more at

theWe ate now to at and of any

of the


&for tho

a inof

?ST A M Per in

5&1 Cm

with 7mill liutli. on Dirt I'm'.nr of Hi'lct'inl 1 nnil I'.nmn- -

cola Hreets. Caia imss theat this C81 tf

AV at I

within twoor 111 1'( (mm

tlio corner of Fr.rr nmlSUitublu for tliron crnntlnmnn fn

."P. O. BoxNo. COO tf


,.r ,on hL tho

by J. Isfor or Forapply to Union Iron

or to659 lm J, N. S.


S t

aa u a



Etc., Etc,


of the city, jgg

Slew?, Soueed Pig'a Feet,

1 bjk.MBBraaotai ryjamjtja mmajBi

Ii B




Price & J


HouBekoepor TTso It !

and tho Very


m an -

,m a HalUsHJ'sIh

Ginger Galine, Wmm, Sarsapnrilla, Mineral Wiiin Etc.


voiitnuinicutions and


-- ,v,, r. WV.,

REMOVAL!Having remoud RCD.V WORKS commodious quarters

(Near Custom House)

pr,-iui- d furnili jdiort notice, prime quality,Mlowing High CIjss Aerated Beverages:

' C35S-- R ALE,Fli, Sweet, Lewii, Strawlssny or Cream Mi

earsaparilla, Sarsaparilla & Iron Water, and CrabApple Cidor.

Using exclusively PURE SYSTEM,


CO.,AWnl llnwaiiun

Without IivalOnethird lho Prioa the

EveryHuviuo! Cent 'Cost




door. Ap-pl- y





TO KENT LEASEdeslrahlo PremisesFo. 8treet

occupied ,. Williams, suitableolllee Btoro, Information

oflico Works, Es-planade,


'tititot&krm '&' 'Z$tiL









ShouldQuality Best


Ale, His Me,

All addressed













$$.. TflE Two-Bto- ry Tli.lf.lr

l Iillildliiir now tif.pil nR&323&B tho olilco of tho HawaiianTramwayn Co., (L'd), on King street,

Apply at tho Hawaiian CommercialSaloaroonig. pgg tf


4 ' PIIE Resldeiiro of Mrs. A.1 Loiirr. In Pminn Vinir.ivm Apply to

DAVID DAYTON, .91 King st., over J, Nott's stoic.571 tf

NOTICE to IIOllSUMEN!rpho Celebrated Run- -

JjAflT- - nandoah"nlngHtalllu''SiIp- -

will staudtills fenson 11 h tliaS U?Znt t-- Woodlawn Dalrv:

terms 880. For furllmr nnrn,.n1nHiapply at tho Dairy. C85 3m








Page 3: blMtff f I Si wv j , i ji Us · ertuna Putox & ltttil.llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR, Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon, New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam








- &



IPc v,


i' 11 m

gjnttg un;finMONiJAY, JULY 14, 19!)0.

MIRiVALS..inly 18

Blllii ilku'i.ili f i oin ICaiuiIltUO U Itivutit, Jacob.eu, 1" day3 fioni

S.iu l'ruuutHoAinb Pot e- -t Q teen ?JolIu, 13 tliijs

lioui Min l'r nelsooHelir ol Wnlilne from Uninnl.uaSehr Kawallaiil fiom Koolsiu

. DEPARTURES..lulv 10 --

Nor l)k Tlior, W E Sto'meit. lor 1'Round

.July 14Stun Waltilcalu for Kil.tuei and llaua- -

lcl ut i p 111

Stun- - J 1 c uiumlns for Kool.m at 0 n inStmr Wnlimimuo lor V alanae iinil Wnl- -

alua ut 9 n mStmr i'o u Uir ilmnakiia tit 4 p m


Btmr Khmu for llllo and way poits at!i p in

Stmr lAkullt-- for Maui at " p inritiiir Mokolll for Molol.nl ut 3 p mSt mi-- Isviiliiui for Lahalua aiiU llutmi- -

kua at 10 a inStmr .1 is MaUce for K paa nt 1 p inbtuir Kuala for Nuwiliwlll aud 11 in.i- -

maulu ati.5 1 mt3tmr AllUah.il.i lor Kim il at 5 p mijubr Kuw.dliiiil for ioo au

PASSbi'GhitS.From Sun tr.uiuls.'o per bU U D Ihy- -

ant, .mi ia-t- iis - .Miuui-- i .

for Ml loiicsli pir o.iilng Stir..July 12 Ati I Al and Mis i u.iuiioii,Kuv T i: JCuiul and w lie, Hcv v Wall.,up, Miss. uoiplu, MitsJ iMotihi! ,Mi-"- i

l'usa Aliss Ivliincy, lti-- Kumuaud wife, and 7 &on h M;.t hlainloid.

i rotn Maul iki-- etuir LUcikc, July 13

A aiidious and wik'. hala-- , ll OAdams, U U Mltihi'U. Mis Xa llm.i,Slu AMwui and 2 i hi dica, Mi4 Kaujl.MUj Kil klu., U K Hat tin , A liiiu-liulbi- u.

J K.ilcwi-ai- . U Kalioopal, ullcnndcliild, Mta.l I) cllva, .Mis A Kulu-lilall- e,

W Von I'fi'oe, Alinio, .1 J I mui-iiion- il,

I) Toomcy. i 1 -- iiiiudar-. MnJA l'almoi , J iiuuliigliain, Jir- - 1 statin.M . Oouiidvo, i Vogei, V v iuik ,iudWifo, ilia3 - CrOOk, .ii:i) A look', "l)i S

luuio. Bio L'lMillc. Bio l'hll.ip.Yil in. n V. Yoik. i. Zu i pair, 1 u

L Noah aiiU w i.e. tils ICihiiiauui.Mid K M sluiiun, Mm L'.oku. Miss mi(liuaon, Mi-H.- J ruinpbiM.K MisHall, CPliauaia, .mm ami .MlssCuip.Mratid Ml3 M.iuti', Mn 1'a. MU- u,

A A i oh mi, A 1'LMuiill, JT.iylor, Mis i lg.ons. .'lie II olc KuvTakiiioil and 2 sui vauts, Ur G no bat,i" W Ihudy, V it JJautu a, G Uaeo.


The races at Kapiolant Paikuftuiuoon, ni'ie intiToaling.

By 4 o'ctoik u goodly tiumlior ofperson had uuived, antl boltingbuoaiiiu ihilv. Tliu ulleriioou uuslair, but windy, mul although suv-or-

ot the laoui uuru ltiiprnuiptii,Bomo close ruiiimig aud lair limeIVlTU in.ttlu.

A few minutes past 4 o'cl ick tliefirst raco, pacing, mile heats, bt si2 in 8, between Prussian lloy andBilly began. Major W. U. Corn-we- )l

drove Prtiasian Boy and It.Davis, Billy; the formur hoisu wasthe favoiile. A good stait wasmade, Piussiaa Boy having thepole. Near the first quarter polePrussian Boy bioke aud nus almoststopped betore he recovered hisfeet. The distance he lost wasalarming, but near the three-quai-te- r

post he bail nearly recovered thoBpaco, when he broke again. Billykt pt his feet handsomely through-out and came in considi-iabl- y ahead,nearly distancing Prubian Boy.Tune 2.54 2-- 5. In the second heatI'msslan Boy broke tliree times audBilly was an easy winner. Time2.50 2-- 5.

Tho second race, one mile dashbetween Major Cornweil's Ilani ockand Hon. W. II. Eiekard's DukeSpencer, was tho most importantevent of the afternoon. Hancockwas the favoiito among mo3t of thopersons on the Jockey Club stand,while in the giand stand the nativessupported Duke Spencer. Hancockwas on the track (list and lookedwell. Considerable delay occurredin bringing out Duke Spencer, andMajor "coinwell complained of it.When Duke Spencer appeared lieseemed to slightly lavor his leg,which was hurt on tho 11th of June,and the Hancock men thought theyhad a sure thing. Hancock had thopole, but n- - slow in Marling.Duke Spencer, finely ridden byllowson took the inside of the trackbefore the tirst quarter was reached.Hancock caught up, however, andit was neck aud neck to the three- -

quarter, when Duke Spencer tooktho lead and kept it to the ilniah.Time 1.40 4--

The next race was a three-quarte- r

milo dash between Ilia Kx. J. A.Cummin's Ivoiy and Major Corn-well- 's

Little Phil. A pretty btaitwas made, Ivory having the pule.They ran neck and netk to beyondthe tree-quart- pole, when LittlePhil took a eligiit lead. As the urreway approached, Ivory, skillfullyhandled by Noble, uiadu aliuiideomu bnuiiil and nuthid nose mudu a dead heat. Time1.20 2--

A half-mil- e dash between JohnnyGray and Traveler was given to thulatter. Time 50 seconds.

The run off between Ivory andLittle Phil, was the wind up of thuspurt, ivory becoming au easy win-

ner. Tune 1.21.

Mi:ssits. II. llnekfeld & Co.'a, piiIo

hyilr. Jan. F. M rgau, begun at 10o'clocl; this morning, 'lhe mlo willbo resumed ut thu sumo hour to-

morrow. i

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN --J. Keiuoiiuiii b, jiuroly loe.tl iiiu Iit

Milled to foreiyu countriuH, (C purtnuuia.

LOCAL & lilillElML HEWS.

A suite of tliroo furnished looms isofT.'ud to let.

A oikctlkm r: w.uita u neatly fin-nis- h

fionl nuin.

Tnn Kamolnnnelms beat tho Star?17 lo 0 on Siitiir.luy.

Hum Ii--

sj1' by J. T.kciuscnu u olleied furWltlOlhollSO.

A MOMAJf In do hnuo woikwanted ut i he Eaulo MmiEO."


Tnn French Admiral KerxntmU dcPr.pniosuil wvM presentrd lo tin; King,ut tlio r.ilai't1, thin afternoon.

A st'M't.Mi mealing oi tho now TiroPolice Company is called for

evening, ut Mechanic EngineIluitse.

Tub annual meeting of Ilia Ha-waii Uomimchtl Company will beheld on the 23th insttrtit, at EnochJohnson's olhcc, Kaaliuiusnit --.Uoul.

Today heiiif; the anniunsuy ofthe fall of tho Batlilo, tho Hawaiianband played u conceit ut tho resi-dence of the riench CotiimUdoiicr.

Tr-CK'-s Bad Boy," to bo played by

tho TiwiH Gaiety Companynight, is a treat in prospect foi

iliojtto-i;ucr- The piece U full offun, and the company luvo beeneaiefully rehearting bo as to makethe last of it.

Tjin'livnli icpratul "Our Strain-uUts- "

nt the Oj.eia lluiuu on S.ilui-dn-

Tliu i luin,: of tho iudiidunlinembei.s and of the rnnipuy aa awin le was i xcellent, decidedly theirbe-- t jet illco ui rival hi'ie. Tlieliuiliihiii's of tho rtidioneo were ly

excited lo tho highest pilch.

To Mortnorr cv?ninj at 7:30 o'clockihoru will be .i niictiiiK of thu nieni-her- n

nud 11 intete-te- d in thu eclllldcoiigti gallon of St. Andiew's

V.-r- y iiupnit.uit m.itteinaffecting tliu welt-bein- g of this

will bo biought up and afull nt'tuddiii--c is


CfallitiU Iti.iniin mul J3!H(.Ttb.o Ait'u;:)iuudaili)itH.

The Rpnoral conventlnii of teachersin the Iiligli-d- i Schoo's of the King-dom assembled nt the Fnrt StreetSchool building at 9 o'clock .Mondaymorning, the JL ispector-licnei- pie-aidin- g.

Thu roil being called, l'JOteaches were reported present.The two looms of the high schooldivision of the building weie impro-vised for the occasion. As thetooius ate seated lor 50 pupils, someicua maybe had of llie jinn thattook place wlnui some 2U0 personstried lo occiqiy Ihem. Fixed seats,loose seals, benches, aides anddoorways were veiy soon packed.It hi came painfully evident beforethe first lesson on the programmewas through Hint something mustbo done to leheve lhe coujestinn.Aicoidingly the Inspector-Genera- l

aunouueed that the conventionwould be diviihd, and the lessonsrepeated hy the instructors. Mr.F. W. Hardy of Makawao was elect-ed t; Mr. II. J. Gallagher, Secretary, and Mrs. R. M.Overend, assistant Secretary.

The Inspector-Gener- al deliveredan opening address outlining thework laid out for the week and com-

menting upon the relative impor-tance of different brunches of study.Printed progiarame3 of the pro-posed exercises were distributed.The first leason culled was nn ex-

hibit of primary reading conductedby Miss Coursen of the Foit StreetSchool with twelve of her pupils ex-

emplifying the results of a lirstyear's emu se of lessons in reading.

Mr. J A. Mooro next took therostrum with 'IIigh Aiithraatic,"tho "high" part of which reachedthe altitude of dividing twelve hysix. The lessons were supposed toelucidate the process of leaching thefirst four rules lo pupils of thefourth year in the authorized coursoof study. The piocesses in theteaching of the first four rules wereillustratt d on the i lackboard. The'explanations" consisted largely ofcomplications dilllcult to understandin the case of English born chililien,but to the average Hawaiian 'ia iki"of the fourth year must he about asaccessible as the Mimmit of thetower of Babel. A toucher seatedon the eduu ot the wall in lhe backlow put in some inter logutlons onthe adaptation of technical instruc-tion on arithmetic lo tho capacity ofHawaiian childieii in purely Hawai-ian communities. After a fdiortdialogue of question and answers,the enquirer was lloored with theconclu-io- n of lhe wholu matter, onthiswise: l,You can tciih this loHawaiiuus; if not, I'll como midleach il for youif you pay me,Bay SuOO ti ui'iiuh."

'Mr. T. II. Gibson followed withthe lesson about thu "goose nud thegulden eggs," as in lhe secondleader. A belies of class questionsuppllcablo to the picluie as we 1 aito the text was presented togetherwith a number of supplementarycxerci-e- s on tho blackboard. Thoclaps qucs ions vveio appioprialuand exhaustive,

The Inspector-Gener- al read asample of work by a third-yea- r boyon the samo lesson.

The lut half hour of tho fore-

noon was taken up by Rev. J. II.Alexander in a practical exemplifi-cation of the tuiiic-col-f- a system oftuiisic, a lesnii in which tho audii uco look a very appreciative-


lA'llyJSULL',TjJJli .M7.KOUJ.ty), ,JUL i., JL'LS U., iijkfr


Moxoay, JulyTho LoiiMaUtro was


opened withpiayi r by Kit'. J. Wtilama i, chaplulu, ut 10 o'clotl:. Mintil'S of lastuteetilig wcie lead by Mr. Chas.Wilcox, and Mr. W.Luther Wlleo::, interpreter.

The President read u ccrtiQeaieby C. L. Hopl;in'3, Mnrdiul of theKinpdom, that C. (. Better hadbeen oleclrd as a Koble for tho

term of is yeais fiomFebruary 0, U!90. After soinu

ii'i to pioccdurc the PieM-de- nt

invited Motile Bergcr to takeIii3 seat, and directed that the cer-tificate! of election be examined bythe judiciuiy committee. NobleBetjirr tool; his seat between NoblesMuller and Pua. The judiciaryconimiltee retiied and reluming

that the credentials of NobloBeiger were in due form. ThePresident appointed Ivep. Bio'in,Nobles Muller and L'rnbbe a com-

mittee to tiiit on any Justice o! theSupiemo Tourt, asking linn to ap-

pear and administer the oatti to thenew Noble. The committee return-ed with Chiif Justice .ludd, whoadministered the oath to NoUe C.0. Bergcr.


Rep. Uice, from Liliue, Kauai,for $500 loi roads in that disliict.Tabled for consideration with

Bill.Hep. Lucas, fiom P.obert Laing,

for refund of 810.25, taxes paidtw ice Keferml to i'luancu Miuia- -

ler.Noble Walbndge, from 22 elect- -'

ors of lluelo, that the btl; be passedto have both tonus of Couit held atWailuku. Tabled for considerationwith the bill.

Hop. White, from Lahalna, withoverUOO name, lhat one term ofCircuit Court continue to be held atLabaina. Tabled for considerationwiih the bill.

Hep. Kamai, from llamakualoa,Maui, that foieign teachers bis paidthe same as native tcaehera. Edu-cation committee. From sameplace, that a sum bo appropriatedtor a road lrom Oopuloa to Kniiuu.Public hinds committee. Frombame place, that a road be openedfrom lluelo lauding to the Govern-ment toad. Public lands commit- -tie.

Noble Parker, three petitionsfrom J. V. Bowler lnt, for rediessin the amount ot 239,275, for illegallieatinent in connection with thebaikKulakv.ua; 2d, for 7000 forwork done on Palace gates andwall; iki, for 82047 for woik doneon Palace electtio light system.Orde ed refeired to a select com-

mittee.Rep. Bush, from liana, that all

the Ministers be native Hawaiians.Judiciary committee. From thesame place, that all Asiatic andother foreign labor immigiation beprohibited. Public lands commit-tee. From same place, that HisMajesty's prerogatives Jje restored.Judiiiury committee.

Rep. Pnelianle, from a committeeof lepers on Molokai, that a com-

mittee ef lhe Legislature visit thesettlement. Select committee ofvisitation already appointed.

Rep. Kamai, from liana, thateveiy peison who does any work onSunday be imprisoned at hard laborone year without the option of afine. Judiciary committee.


Noble Muller repotted from thocommiitee on commerce, recom-mending that the petition that nonebut natives be allowed to work onthe wharves be laid on the tabic.Adopted. From the same commit-tee, recommending that tiie bill torepeal the law for protecting certainfish be indefinitely postponed, com-

miitee believing the law a good one.Rep. Paehaole moved the icport

be hud on the table lor considera-tion with the bill. He thought thecommittee had not given due con-

sideration to the subject.Rep. Walpuihini biipportcd the

motion fur thu samo reason. Thureport was altogether too brief forinfoi iiiatiun of the House.

Noble Widemann wanted to knowif any belter i eason could be giventhan that the committee consideredthe luw sought lo bo abolished wasa good law.

Rep. Puchnolc and Noble Wide-mann further dUcusscd the lepnrt,and Rep. Kalua moved the pieviousquestion which carried.

U he motion to lay the report ontho tablo was lost.

Tho ayes and noes wero calledon motion to adopt the report withthe following result:

Ayes Ministers Cummins, Blownnud I'eterron ; Nobles Widemann,Beiger, Mucfarlauc, Mul'er, Mc-

Carthy, Phillips, Cruhbc, Ivntibanc,J. M. Hoi tier. Hind, Pinker, Mars-de- n,

W. Y. Homer, Cornwell, Wal-hridg- e,

Anderson, Vou Tempsky,G. N. Wile ix, andlenbcrg; Reps.Bkiwii, Lucas, Baker, A. Homer,Aptki, KalitJ, HaUteail, Kuudscu,Rice, and A. S. Will ox. U2.

Noes Noblo Pua; Reps. Cum-miiig- '',

Mainttcs, Rosa, Bush, Ka- -

uhi, Riekaul, K.ihookuun, Walpui-lan- i,

Paehaole, White, Kauealii,andKama!. 111,

Rep. Nuwalii asked to be excusedlrom voting as he was a member ofthu oummitlce.

The report was declared adopted.Noble Muller read the report of

tho committee on commerce, on the

hill to prevent counterfeiting oi foreign postage stamps, lecomtneudingccitQlu changes.

Mln'stcr Brcwn moved thu icportbe adopted.

Rep. Kalua moved the report boInid on the tablu to bu eoiibideiedwith tho bill.

MitiUtoi Brown said lhe bill wasintioducod nt the ioque.it of thePoital Union.

Rep. Kalua thouqlit the propercouifo was that indicated in his mo-

tion, although he believed thu billwas all right.

Minister Brown laid the adoptionof the repoit would not pais thebill to cngiossment; it would comeup in tho remilar way jtut lhe same.

Noble Muller explained Hint thecommitteo locomuiendtd rti ikingout the second section which gavepermission lo local publishers loptitit illushatioin of stamps, thedies orothern pparalus used for lhatpurpose to bo deposited with thePostinastcr-Genoia- l because thocommittee did not consider it advisable to have any bitch dies out orfor the Government lo incur the ex-

pense of their custody.Reps. Paehaole and Bush support-

ed tho motion to lay on the table.Noble Widemann thought it was

ridiculous to sny that the adoptionof the report implied the passage ofthe committee s amendments.

The lepoit wa-- i laid on the tableto bo considercnwith the bill.

Noble Muller, fiom the same com-

miitee, reported on the pitition thatthe pay of wharf laboren be

recommending that il lie.

laid on the table, us the llou&o hadno authoiily to regulate wages.Adopted.

iu:OL!jTioxa.The Pi csidcut named lhe follow-in- n

select committees:On the Moreno claim Reps. R.

W. Wilcox, Bush, Nawahi, NoblesMaisden and Isenberg.

On the Bov.lor claims NoblesMcCarthy, Paiker, Bergcr, Reps.Rosa and Nawahi.

The Sccietaiy was then directedto read a eomtnutiitaUou fioru theWilder btcamslnp Co., tenderingthe use of the steamer Hawaii forthu visit o" the select eonmiiWu toMolokai, to leave tins evening andrciuin cntly Thursday morning.

The Pi evident stated that he hadseen the committee and the company, and, tue committee not noingready to go to night, it was arrang-ed that the visit be ni'idc next trip,on or about lhuisday of next week.

Rep. Paehaole spoke in suppoilof a motion lo accept the offer ofthe company with thanks.

Noble Widemann was opposed toaccepting lhe iiteamcr fiee. lheHouse was not a pauper. Let itpay the company ditect and notthrough a subsidy to the line.

Rep. II. W. Wiico.c agreed withtho hon. Noble, and moved that theSecretary be ordered to convey thethanks of the Houe to the company,hut inform it that the House wouldpay for the use of the steamer.

Rep. Nawahi was in favor of ac-

cepting the offer and thanking thecommute. He thought that talkabout the offer as if it meant a biibcwas a direct insult to the companyHe was surprised that, n- - man bo

in public and private bu-

siness as thu lion. Noble shouldmake such remarks. The late Hon.S. G. Wilder had given steamersfree for the same purpose, and nobody ever accused him of impropermotives.

Noble Widemann promised totake the lecture of his lion, fiiend,a much younger man, to heart andlearn all that there was in it. Thecompany was cntillec to thanks forits generous offer. It was a hugecompany, however, and he doubledif it was right for the managementto make tho offer without consultingthe stockholders. It would cost thocompany a good deal for coal andwages and feeding the crew and thocommitteo, and he did not think thecompany could afford to make theoffer or the House to accept il.

Noble J. M. Homer thoughtthe offer of tho companyshould be accented. If it cost

500 the Houie would have so muchmore to devote to the comfort otthose unfortunates on Molokai.

.Rep. Baker thought the offer hav-

ing been mado freely it ought to beaccepted by the House. When Dan-iel was going to be thrown into theden of lions, tliu Lord baid, "Fearnot, Daniel, ho will not bile thee,"and the House should not be aft aidof this kind offer. When memberstalked so much of economy, theybhould not be afraid of an opportu-nity to save money.

The motion to accept Die compa-ny's offer with thanks eariied.

The Houso took icccas fiom 12 to1 :JJ0 o'clock.


"Cnn't you give ua noma good ad-

vice against wasting tiiuo over noth-ing?" said n Honolulu representa-tive to the reporter on leaving thoHouse at noen. Yes. vvc can givetho ndvico fast enough, hut lhetrouble would bo in lhe taking ofit.

A parly of ladies visited lite As-

sembly this forenoon. Judge Geo.llichardion of Maai was presentduring tlio silling, apparentlyphased i.nlher than otherwise to 6ecthe new furniture silica liewauiu ember.


Band concert at Emma Square,at 7:30.

Harmony Lodgo No. 3 I. 0. of 0.I F. at 7 sao.


Tils ROYAL notjvr.iuUfl.UUI..

.TuM.'co AJinUvinary-.T.JSriir- y Hx.!i risen t ml litiati.

The jubilci nnnivcrsaty of liioRoyal School camo off very success-fufy.la- vt

Saturday, July 12. A

large lanai 80x150 was urecttd on thebchuol grounds, whose inloiior wasaitisUctilly decorated with HawaiianHags. Tho pill 13 were entwined withevergreens. The. lung talil-- s extend-ing nlinojt the entire length of thelanai, and another at thu head forlh j Majesty iiid his Ministers, mem-li- ei

? of lhe Royal family and theDiplomatic coi p"s, were beautifullyoverlaid with fragrant llowets andevergreens. The general aspect' oltiie interior was supeib and mostexqui-it- e. Hawaiian dUhes in greatabundance were placed with taste onthe tables. The banquet was apurely Hawaiian one, and Mis3 K.Puabody and Mrs. C. K. Stiltman,who hail charge of tho ltiau, devotedtheir utmost skill and energy to thepreparation of the lunu, and theycertainly received tiie highest appio-bitio- n

of all present and the sin-ccie- st

commendation of the alumniof the Royal School for making tholuau so successful.

For several months past thevaiious committees were liaid atwork cntrying out their respectiveduties. The iluanco committee wereable lo raise a v eiy haudsomo amountntiionj! the old members of theschool and the principal, the sub-

scription list not being extended tooutsiders. About one hundred andfifty pupils subscribed, and theJubilee Committees are under last-ing obligations to tlio-- pupils whowillingly gave in oidur lo make thecommemoration of the llftielh anni-versa- iy

of their Alma Muter

A little before 1 o'clock the arrivalof His Majesty, who was accom-panied by Mrs. J. V,. Robeitson,was lieialdcd hy the Royal HawaiianBind playing Pomi." AhUs last stiains died away, Rev. Alex.Mackintosh, the Principal, invitedIlis Majesty, and all ladies and gen-

tlemen present to go to the upperend of the school premises. Uuarriving at the spot His Majestyplaced a cocoauut tree in a hole dugtor the purpose, at the frame timesaying iu Hawaiian that he was re-

quested to plant a cocoanut tree incoiuniemoiatioii of the fiitieth anni-versary of the existence of theRoyal School, which he did withgreat piide. When the cereraon.v.was concluded all tcpaired to thelanai vvheie all good things werelavishly prepared.

Among those "Alio sat down at theKing's lable were: Ilia Majesty,Mrs. J. M. Cooke, the Ural teacherof R. S., Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, II.II. Princess Poouiaiktlani, Hon. J.L. Stevens, U. S. Minister, andMisses Stevens, Major J. II. Wode-hous- e,

II. B. M.'s Commissioner, andMrs. Wodcliouse, Chief JusticeJudd, Ilis Ex. J. A. Cummins, Min-

ister Foieign Affairs, Mrs. J. W.Robertson, Roar Admiral GeorgeBrown, and staff, and Capt. Reiney,and oiliceis of U. S. F. S, Charles-ton, Captain McCuiley and officersU. S. S. Nipsic, Mrs. F. S. Pratt, apupil of lirst R. S., Hon. C. R.Bishop, Pie-ide- nt Board Education,Hon. J. S. Walker, Justice S. B.Bole, Mr. II. W. Severance, U. S.Consiil-Gcncra- l, Rev. Alex. Mack-tosh- ,

Principal 11 S., Senhor A. dcS. Cauavarro, Portuguese Commis-sioner, Rev. Dr. E. G. Beckwtth,and Miss Beckwilh, Mrs. J. O.Carter, Mrs. C. N. Spencer. At theother lable were: Mr. A. T. Atkin-son and Mrs. Atkinson, Mr. W. J.Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P. Jones, Rev.W. B. Oleson, Rev. and Mrs. W. C.Merritt, Brothers Francis and Frank,Pi of. and Mrs. M. M. Scott, C.Alee, Ilis Lordship the Bishop ofHonolulu and Mrs. Willis, Mr. J. A.Mooic, Rev. II. II. Gowcn, Mrs. S.G. Wilder, Hon. and Mrs. A. Rosa,Mrs. B. F. Dilliugham, Mr. andMrs. II. Waterhouse, lions. W. D.Alexander and 11. M. Whitney;members of the Consular corps,members of the Legislature, teachersof schools, graduates of the RoyalSchool, and specially invited guests.Over tliree hundred people sat downat the first table.

Appropuate addresses were madoby Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, Mn.j'. M. Cooke, Kev. E. G. Bccksvith,D. D., Hon. C. R. Bishop, ChiefJustice Judd, Mr. A, T. Atkinson,Pio?. M. M. Scott, and Hon. A.Rosa.

Feasting commenced at 1 o'clock,and it vias nearly 4 o'clock in theafternoon before the last guest wasserved. The Royal Hawaiian Band,kindly provided for tho occasion byProf." II. Bergcr, pl.vycd on thelawn all the allernoon, and manypeople sat under the shades ot theohui ticcs listening lo the dulcetstrains of tho band.

Mention mu t be made of thehost of "aweet litllo gills" whoacted a3 wailt esses and attended toall the wants of tho guests. As theguests left the banqueting lanai,many expressed thu. r satisfactionwith tiie efficient aud successfulmanner In which tho luau was con-

ducted. Thu Princiuil and lheComiuitleo of Aiiuiigeiiients mustbe complimented and congratulatedon theii success, and the moro so,because every ono ot the committeewas previously inexperienced.

THE dihl: of tho limes h Unit'sI Delicious leu 1'ie.iiii roda, cool,

icfrcthhig and lnvlKui.itlng. only 15cents a dihik, served at thu Elite IceCieam Pailois. &'J8 lw

I F you wunt a tlue elgsisi. McC'ai thy'a.


' v .J




rty'--- ' ' " ' ' y '-- f v 'L?j !r

SflSfrS 52y L4 a V tu ,1 a

.42 rA. r. K

8 BSSliiSociety of the United States,

Are now acllhitr their Bonds, and upon oasy torma. The additional fee- -

turo of Iasuiancc goes witlt eveiy Bond.

The following arc a few of the many attractive forms offered by thisoriginal end progrsjalvc Compaay :


The Company is equitable, Its payments prompt arid ecrLda, and itspopularity unbounded.

( a JVctc York Hun, April Uh, 1800.)

Tho LarOht BusiiuflR Evr Transnctoil ly a Lifo Assur-ance Company.

The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of NewYork for the first quarter of tho present year 19 reported to exceed Fiftt,.Million Dollars. This is at the rate of tico hundred million) ofasiur-ance- or

(hi year, and i3 unprecedented in the annals of Hie assurance.

JGSTlnforiaation cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or callupon the unuei signed at his office.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHTffGeneral Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurahco Soeicly

of tho U. S. Jcn-l-'J- O

to 0, J.COS 'iw

fr ';,

Hfe Desire to Call Your Attention To


las && f&i w gsa

For Lubiicatii


lit lwWlc3sv'HK..sfc3r&vu5Ta

the Vnlvas and "yliatlera of Steam Engines.

VALVOLINE s an eartli oil specially prepared under tlio highest steamheat and from which all volatile and earthy matter lus been expelled by aprocess which leaves a pure mid heavy oil, which prevents the citing awayof boltB and keeps tho cylinder and piston packing perfectly clean. Thiswas the first Mineral Oil introduced for steam cylinders and has been iu con-stant uto over eighteen yours.

fjr"Vo aho manufacture Superior Machino and Spindlo Oila for allclasses of machinery.

2iC024a3?dL Sc 331 lis,MANUFACTURERS.




Owing to g Change in tho Firm


Will Take Fluce at the

!rg!1iiJJ --05H"-


Saturday, July the I2tS 5s

Sweeping Reductions in Every Department


EHRLI'CH,Corner & Fort Streets.'

E. R. FIuHDnr, President & Malinger.Bkown, Secretary &Tieasurer.


M jjfj-- j a i R w s K 5 5 "

Vicc-PreIde- ut

Cucu. Auditor.


JpiM. SprcktIs' Itunk, : Fort Street, Munulnln.IMPORTEltS and DEALERS IN

Gen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,HaviLind plain and decorated; and Wedgewocd

Vare,Piano, Library & Stund Lamp?, Chandeliers & Elcctoliors",Lamp Fixtuiea of all kinds, A complete assortm't of Drills & Filed,


The "auollo" 3'Whuokd Biding Dow Si Equulizer,Bluebeard Blco Plow, l'l.vuteru' Steel Jc Goojcueckcd Iloee,

CVLIXDEIt, KEUOSENE, LIN3EED,Varnbhcs & Bruabcs, Mauil.i L Sisal Hope,


3rJori4i, IIohc, IICMe,ItUBBER, WIRE-BOUN- of superior quality, & STEAM,

Aguto Iron War-.'- , Silver Pliitcd Ware, Table & rocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot Si Caps, Tho Celebrated ''Club" Machine-loRd- od GcrtridgeB,


nart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Tlpe & Bolt Threading,Uartman's Steel Wire eaci

Gato City Stono Filters,

noT-29-8- 9


GoufiilyJohn Ena,


Qssuluo Chins,


it Steel Wire Mali",Wm. Q. Fihher's Wrought Sttel Ranges

"New rrocewi" Twibt Drill",Neol's Cuirriago TAiuta.



Page 4: blMtff f I Si wv j , i ji Us · ertuna Putox & ltttil.llouts As. Ituttletl Pvexiirved. 1'rultR, Lowla Ji Co.'s Maltcio Brand tiugar Oured 11k in a & Bacon, New BroakfnU Cereals, Oruam




.. '

I - I




Chas.Leading Millinery



No. 2 Patterns uhl.e. Fashionable Urssnuihiii;' up&Uiirs





Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,LADIES' & CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR,

G-ezt?s- s IF'TLiT'.stieijLliig' Goods, fec, 4&ccAll will be bold at JloRHonnblu Pi ices.

&" Our Dh ennAing Department uuder the liinniigcracnt of MISSCLAKIC w ill be about May 12th.


A Choice Line of Dry & Fancy Goods,INCLUDING

Wirt Gloves from C to SO ljUiltonw,

Hobiary, Satises, Scotch Gingbams, latest patterns; WoMen Dress Goods,


Boys', Youths' ft Children's Clotting, Trauks, Bags & Yalises,

JOHN NOTT,vXlnojti ISicclc," IVuki. US fc 07 KiitfcT HtrftM.

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware



J. FSSHEL'S,Houo Corner Fort &. Hotel at.



Cor. Edinburgh & Quoon Bts,

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPS and RUBBER HOSE,


Sheet Iron Work.


Shipping & OommissioR Merchants,


--DEALKBB I!,- -

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

Carpenters', Blackflmitbe', BlachiniBta" &. Plumbers' Tools,


Kitcheu Utemile, Painta, Oils, VaraiaheB, Lamp Gooda and

SIbSb's Steam Pamps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Glbbs, & RomlugtoQ Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines.Juii-3-O-


oCalifornia Hay, Outs, Brnu,

Oil Cake Meal, Linneed Meal,Barley, Kolled Barley,

Middling Ground Barley,Wheat and Cora Flour.

VLOUll mAltn, Goldou Gate & Salinas- - FJLOUJIo

relepUonoB, 176,

' aiSS4- -

7 t s,b iaiYbF.wf iTjR,'15 JP- T


UCl&A' jBULLflCTIR : HONOLtJLUH. I., JiJLY '14,J&n0ijjHCiwmr. m m Mom tm-- tOU9MPWi ASJt'ltlTfVWCMtn S'Jt i5

MaclBry For Sale !

Tiio following Miuhlncry foimlnsjp.tilotthoMiir Mill PI nit 'will bo foldat public niicllon ut .in cm 1 (Into milesdisposed of nolottf1y by pilwtto mlo.Pintles doiiou of pin chasing imy por-tion ot this Mnelilnciy can get pal

mid pi lues Xiom tho uiuVcislgued:

1 26X48 Hill & Ml,Fparo Gear Wheel & Pinion i

1 luXlG Engine, Spate Ooni Wheel Ot

Pinion;oMcOnlo ClftilHcrs whh Fitting, t

complete;1 Juice Heater. 11 ft. long 12 In. dia-

meter;In. W. f. rinnntnir I'.ine. fivl"???. 7?

1 (,k7 Doublo Effect" complete withPump & Stage:

1 Gx20 Galloway Boiler, complete;1 (WIG Tubular Holler, complete!1 Sugar Car In. V. 1.. t.(5.i.:;U;1 Sugar Cooler, 8x0.0x20;1 Sugar Cooler, (5 Gi i!.i'0;? Sugar Cooler, l.5 020;1 Tank H hi. W. 1.. 7.UrJo.:12;1 Steam Pump, 4 dhchaigc;


2 Hl'iKe Pumps, $ discharge;L J.atbu. 20 chuck U ft. long, bed;I Heavy Vice,1 Fall banks Platform Scales, 202S;Mill Buihltnjr, 10ir0K21; and Boiler

Shed, allcov. with Corrugated Iron;Piro lhlck, alio a huge nMoitimmt of

2nd Hand Cocks, VaUes, Piping,Etc., Etc.

JXO. HIND.For Star Mill Co. Koliala, Haw ill.

fiSG Ira

"ISiilip Hiss,"

V OTICE i heicbv given that the fit mIN of the Hawaiian Hotel Stable Co.luii been reorganized. George W. Mnc-failan- e,

E. K. Mile-.- , W. Austin Whit-lu- g,

tuistec and TIkk. S. Kav, h.ne ro-

uted fiuin nld Hi in and all hiteictsarc now ened In D. Paul 15. Iscnbcrg,W. 11. Coinwcll and S. 1. Shaw, whoas under said thin nuncwill c.ury on the business of Hack,Boarding and Limy Stables and lnt-poit-

and Dealei- - In Lie Stock.

Comwcll, lesidont of Walluku, Maul.Shaw A. of liouo- -


Hawaiian Hotel Stables Co.


Honohilu, Juno It, lbllO. 598 2w

New Zealand

Fresh ButterIN HAIiF-FOUN- D PA'jl fl.

lathe Finest Table Butter sold In theCity of Honolulu.

to nn had ov

Henry Davis &z Oo.570 tf

G. J, McCarthyHas just rcceiied n fresh lot of V

Manila & American

oxGhAja :

cor. Give us a call. 2w


Mrs. Eyal. Jolmsoo, Artist,Studio, No. 27 Alalcea Streot.

Formerly of New York, would Informtho public that she is propaicd to 1111

all orders for Pastels, Oil, Water Colorsand India Ink Portraits.

tW Samples of wot It can be soon atStudio and Hamilton House Parlors.

008 3m

TaiWoWingKe 8,Ho. 30 Nuuann St. P. O. Box 267,

Boot and Shoe Store.

Having had 10 years experience Inthe business, I am prepared to manu-facture to order fashlonablo hand-sewe- d

Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots &Shoes. Also, French & American Bootste Shoes received by eveiy steamer.Prices icasonable. I solicit your pat-ronage. 504 Urn

A. G-- . SILVA,05 & 57 Hotel Btioet,


Furniture, Matting & Carpet LaidCornice XoIoh,

Fine Upholstering and Bedding a spe-cialt- y.

June 10-ti- m


M;R3. MONKOK, ladles' nurse, lineremoved 10 no. u, auaui June.

Meeting of Stockholders.is heieby given tliat n spe-

cial meeting of tho stockholdersof tho Oiiliu Hallway & Laud Co. Mill1)0 held nt tho otllco of tho Company onTHURSDAY, July 17lh, 1800, at 3o'clock p. i., for the purpose of accept-ing tho load from the contractor, andumetidlng the e.

By oruor of tho President.W, O. ASHLEY,

530 td JSecretarr,


1 0 l$


i ma; wmfrwww i

I 4 $


5 rttfWW fi$

y oooo(Kewi 1 H3tdr


1sssssssssa sV o

otS wl vW JV- - VWJWWVV oI fttW cf

J l



WWtt 5 ox i Mini i


WOHv o&&& r3

I ' W



r3! 4

i fcSO-0M- $

vtfen liI g

f4JX l 0mmsssa ,

iW0804 i ,a- 8SM9IW-X-

GSJgtQ?4Sie s

l 449 I


i W'$0Ov 5





piB B


Pacific Ilardwo Co,, L'd,

B. Ti tirinnfcia, Trodlcati J, 0. Bpoactr,ICwiaecrlP, L. Wbtsr, Trfiinrtr.


Piano Lamps, Banqnet Lamps,

Hall Lampsj & Chandeliors,Just Received from the Factory.

A Hew Line of Refrigerators,

A Full Lino of tho Pavorito

Eddy's. Refrigerator's and Ice Ghscts,

EltEloa't. 3.ws it Filui IHw Lht3 of Locke,

Shelf-Hardwar- e, Etc.,rianel, Jr., Cultivators.

Pictures Frames & Mouldings.

Pacific Hardware Co., L'd.G.'G tf Foi t ft Merchant Ets.

Meat CattleOn MONDAY, July 21st,Tlu-i- e ulll be sold at Public Auction,

at Kahlkinul, iMnuI,

100 lad Cows k Calves,

MOIU3 or LE33.

C?9 A gcol oppoituulty to procurefhuc stocl;. 579 lm

P THOMAS.Coutractor ,n? i Builder.

E&timt-i- s Givt'.a on Brick, Iron. Stone LWooden Uulltlinys. lobbing

Attended To.


Brick, Limo, Cement, Plaster of Paris,

Marble Dust, WheLatb,

CilLfurola itorth B?acn & Saata Crcz

SANB,Quarry Tiioa 6xC red, uhltc and blue;SI hi ton, Plastic and Encaustic Tiles Invailous patterns, all Linda of DiaitingeWaro.

J5S?" OrriCB Southeast corner Ahi-k- ea

aud Queen sticefs.Mutual "aTELEPHOKCSsi-Bal- l 351



A COMPLETE outfit for imMng anddispensing; carhouated beverages

oil In good order. AddressO. MEINECKE,

631 3m Waiohinu, Hawaii.

NOTICE.account of ill health Dr. J. M.ON Whitney ha3 appointed Dr. E. L.

Hutchlnbon to take chargo of his olficeuntil hid leturn. 547 tf


ATOTIOE Is hereby given that I will1 uot pay dehts contracted in iuyname wiiuoui my wiittcu oruer.

W. C. ACHI.Honolulu, July 7, 1800. Ct'8 lm


I WILL not bo lespousiblc for anybills against tho Steamer 'Aka-

mai" unices iucuircU hy my wiittcuorder. O. P. CASTLE.

Honolulu, June 7, 1800. C7S tf


ffUE Hawaii in Hotel StaWes give1 notice to those owing them old

accounts, that if not Fettled by Augustthey will he put in the hands

of u collector. C01 td


NOTICE is hoieby given that I willno billa contracted by Mis

Hebecci P.meo l'uukti without mywritten older.

J. ALFRED MAGOOy.Honolulu. July n.IS'JO. f.Oalw


THE Hawaiian Construction Co. y illbe responsible lor any bills

contracted hi tliolr name without awiitten order signed either by D. P.Peterson or J. M. Oat.

B. F. DILLINGHAM.Manager Hawaiian Constitution Co.Honolulu, July 11, 1600. 0031m

NOTICE.HPHE undersigned havo sold out the

A dry goods business lieictofore ear-ned on by them at No. 57 & 50 HotelBtrcct, to Mr. A. Q Sllva who will con-duct the buainoBs. on his own accountfiom and after this dnto.

M. A. GONSALVES & CO.Honolulu, May 21, 1 600 585 tf

NOTICE.claims against tbo "Honolulu

Dairy" to Juno 1, 1800, must boleft at tho office of J, A. Magoon within30 days from date. Messrs, llcwett &Jacobseu are authorized to, qollect allbills' due tho Dairy" fromMay 1, 1800.

J. I. DOWSETT, .Tn.,Piopilotor.

Honnlnhi, Juno 14, 1800. 580 ttNOTICE.

AVINa bought out Mr. W. H.PflL'u tn tVin TTnnnlnln fluprlan..

Manufactory," at 128 Fort street, I amprepared to continue the above businessunder tho old name of Honolulu Car.rlago Manufactory, and being an oldexperienced carriago builder I solicittho patronago of my old friends and thepublic in general, and with my thoroughknowledge of the business and with ex.porlenced workmen and tiBlng only thebept material I guarantco genoral satis,faction. Please call and see me beforegoiug elsewhere. '

(Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolulu, Oct, 88, 1889. H tf

StuUEUli !

Ex. Win. II. Dlmoud,

ruano annUiiUiil)



LEW1S?& CO.682 1m



Tlio complete Btory of Stnnlcj'a recent Uitilltnjnlventurc3 and tiio iro ot lili litiaortautUlKorcrlM will appear for tho llrst tlmo la tiiowork w.rlli?a himself, entitled "lu Darkest

'f'..n.Dj. I10.' fcn 1I1 lr any of thoRtanley bool,3"unw llng otforcd ai' To no oao of thrao hasHtantcy contributed tv l!n.

Tliercl no quottion about th!s statement bo'nscnrreetltiCTorypirtlcular. Wcuaranteo It, andmil rIto rwtlculais en arnlleatiou.

la orrlcr.nnt to I m'aleJ, E'--UrtUllUN that tho Uooi Ua-- a tho lm.

CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONSAnd that tho canrosaicj Meat carries a cortlrloataof agency frou us.



General Agento for the Pacific Coast.

J. W. Chamberlin,Solo Ageut for Ilawaiiau Ivlnirdom.

571 tf


Accouatacte, Collectors, 0;mmbslos Agents unciOzetom Eoos Brokor3,

Arc &t all times prepared to cer-for-

r.ny duvciipiinn of i luriCdl WoilihUch iii .ludhl'is Aocritints, 1'os.tlnguiTrades inin'e UooU1, .MaUinp tnwntorh-o- f

Stocls, linqioiHinif Lec.il DocumcntBBlc. Unuipsient iiud lielinblo FrclahCleilu for ilm delivery and tallying olcargoes.

CgOfilce at UcsTAOE&HonEnTBOM'a.Queen street Pus: OHlre tiox t&'J Alutiul Telephoue If; Kill Tclcnnono 414

fi51 tf

flilaliinoiillin a rlcLlJ,

USfOur New Aitotypo HlustratedC ititloguo sent free on application.

118 8CTTJ2R MT,Hnu Jr'rnurlHco, : x California


Powell's Baggage Express.

J AS. POWELL, formerly employedat Union Feed Oo. for several

years, halug gone Into tho baggageexpress huifiieei, solicits patronage.Staud, corner of King ,and Bethelstreets. Oidera can be left at YoungNap's cigar staud. Baggage deliveredwith piomptuess and caio toanypaitof city. juuo 7-- ao

Furnished House To LetT Waikikl, n two story

.House, containing sixrooms nicely furnished, with

kl chun. lanai. bath and servant's rooms.fltihlc, eti , to let for a few months at arotsonablo rate. Or rooms will be letsl'icly with good tabic board.


Valuable Property For SaleN Nuuanu Avonuo. a

newly tarnishedHouse containing 8 rooms.

kitchen, bathroom, closets, carrlatrehouso, stable, hencry, etc, Oroununcontain 2 0 acres, well laid out inlawns, shade and fruit trees, flowers,etc. Will be sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, livestock,and all the nppoinlincuta needed in aflrBt-claa- B icsidoncc, as the owner in.tends leaving these Islands.



fpiiE best remedy forI. wouiuIh, ulcers.

galls, proud tlcsh nndnotes of every descrln- -

?L. Mnn tn rtrtraritlQ nt milmals. Adonted bv leading horse railroad, club and hvcry sublcs, etc., intho United States and elsewheie. Woaro prepared to rove this statement bytestimonials aud references to plantersand liverymen in this Kingdom.Applv to


Island Views.LARGE assortment of PhotographsA and Stereoscopic Views of tho

most attractivo scenery, buildings, oto.,In these islands, for solo at reueouabloprices

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort and Morolwot otreeU.


Oceanic steams! Court.


From San Francisco.

Lcino Duo nt. 1'. Honolulu

Jiariposn July i2G. . . . Aug 2Zealandia Aug 23 Aug HOAlameda Sept 20 Sept 27Mariposn Oct 18 Oct 25Zealandia Nov 15 Nov 22Alameda Dec 13.. . , .Dec 20

For San Franoisoo.

Lcavo Duo atSydney Honolulu

Zealandia July !). ..Juh 20Alameda. . Aug 0. ..Aug 23Mariposa. .Sept '.). ..Sept 20Zealandia. ..Oct 1.. ...Oct 18Alameda. . ..Oct 29. . . Nov 15Mariposa. . .Nov 2G. ...Dec 18Zealandia. ..Dec 4. . . . Jan 10

Intermediate 8. S. Australia.

Leave fl. P. Lenvo Honolulu.Friday . . July 18 Fiidny, Aug 1Friday.. .Aug 15 Fiidny.. Aug 20Friday . . Sept 12 Friday . . Sept 20Friday. ..Oct 10 Fiidny.. . Oct 24:Friday. ..Nov 7 Fiiday.. Nov 21Friday . . . Dec 5 Fnday. . .Deo 18

Aistouim Mini Semes,is;-.

FOR SAN PESAKCISlt'O,The new and One Al alec atiimelil

" ZeaSandJar,''Of the Oceanic auani-hipCi.inpn- will

bo'dueai INmolnlu fioui 'dnVyand Auckland on r abo u

JuSy 28, I39G.And will leave Tor the above pr.rt withmalls and paobengera on or about thatlait.Jmm?1?1'! or P8sagc, having 8U.PEUIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IEWIN & CO., Agent.

For Sydney and Auckiano.

The nev and line Al steel BteMuMiip

kl atyirTta' fUl IMVttOf the Oceanic Steam-hi- p Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

Augf. 2, 1 890.And will have prompt dhpateh withmalls and passengers tor the above poits.nJ??.T. fe'Sht or passage, having J3UPEIUOR ACCOMMODATIONS, app

i7 WSI. G. IRWIN & CO.. Amenta

Gustav A. SchumanCarriage Trimmor.

No. 79 & 81 : : Kinfl stroel.At W. Wilght& Son's.

Having received a full assortment of'arriano Trimming Materials from thoKaat, I am proivired to execute all order3with neatness and despatch at very rca.sonable rates.

G. A. SCHUMAN.ftpr 7.1iQ.ly

Mrs. M. J. RAMQS


At A. L. Smith's, Upstairs,

Where tho Host, tho Neatest and theCheapest .

Photographic Pictures nnd ResidenceViews aio taken. Entire satl-factl-

given, and all ciders promptly attendedQJ-- A respectful invitation is sent outto the ladies to call and see for them-

selves. 530 lm


A NATURAL Mineral Water. Torsale only by

W. S. LUOE,Sole Agent & Importor for tho Ha-

waiian Islands. C28 tf


Manufacturer of Ladief.'and Gentlemen's

French Kid, Calf & KanrjarooBltlN 8IIKOS MADE TO OBUKIt.

lVfftteil or Hewed; nluo, ISaitUlcB.03 Nuuanu St., : : : p. o. box 203.

apl 7.00.1y

GOO KIM & CO.,No. 50 Nuuanu St., Honolulu,

MERCHANT TAILORS,And dealers in all kinds of

CagHlineres aud Furulnliitis Goods,Also, a full Btock of Dry aud Fanoy

Goodh. Good lit guaranteed. 547 3ui


lias removed from Fort rlrcet to Ro.hello Lane, Pair via.

Okficb Hounsi 0 a. . to 12 m. ardp u. to 0 p m.Mutual '475

410 tf :tFOR RALE

FIREWOOD for alo at HawaiianSalearooma, corner of

Quooo and Nuuanu streets. 4t8 Xt






nv f
