BOXERS Presentacion Ingles

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  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    The Boxers as a historical inquiry

    Who tells fact/truth

    Historians or fiction writers?

    Historians may not provide balancedexplanations using foreknowledge ofoutcomes of a historical event. Historians are endowed with wide-angle vision

    and have ability to construct a morecomprehensive story of the past

    Historians, like non-historians, will howevermythologize history for different reasons and

    different purposes.

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    Fiction writers,

    although they aregenerally seen asmyth makers, may

    act as fact-seekinghistorians andprovide at leastsome individuals

    experienced past.

    Three Keys used to

    deal with the issue:


    Experience Myth

    Each possesses its

    legitimacy in its sphere

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    The BoxersA Narrative History

    Questions: the Boxermovement symbolized: Chinese superstitiousnessand backwardness

    Rise of nationalism andantiforeignism

    patriotism and anti-imperialism

    An uprising? A rebellion? Afiasco? A catastrophe?

    How was the movement


  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Formation of the Boxers

    Different martial arts groups

    Church cases

    Dynamic of sprit possession


    Killing of Brooks, von Ketteler, many Christiansand Chinese-Christians

    Foreign invasions

    Qings mobilization of the Boxers War with Allies expeditionary forces

    Massacre lf the Boxers and innocent citizens

    The Boxer Protocol (1901)

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    The Boxers and the Martial Arts

    Question: The Myth of the Boxers

    The true meaning of the word boxers

    Big Swords (Dadao hui)

    The Plum Flower Boxers (Meihua quan)

    The Red Boxing School (Hong quan)

    The Spirit Boxers (Shen quan)

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    The Boxers united

    in Righteousness

    (Yihe quan)

    The Red Lantern

    (Hongdeng zhao) The Eight Trigrams

    (Bagua quan)

    The Militia United in

    Righteousness (Yihe

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Direct Causes of the Movement

    The Experienced Past--Flood and drought Prolonged drought

    Farmers: Natural disaster suggested heavensreaction to official immorality and misconduct

    Widespread and protracted drought caused famine;farmers were out of work and dedicated their timesto practicing martial arts/boxing

    Missionaries accounts show that hungry peoplekilled missionaries and Christian, including Chinese


    The experienced past were depicted morein fiction than in history

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    Boxer Motives


    Anxiety over Drought?

    Boxerswereexecutedby Allies


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    Anxiety over drought has beenignored.

    Weather pattern in late Qing (seechart below) indicates potentialdrought due to high temperature anddry weather

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  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Boxers were executed by Allies Soldiers

    Boxers head was hung anddisplayed

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    Russian Soldiers to execute boxers

    Yiheyuan before its destruction

    by Allies armies

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    Woodcut promoting devil-quelling

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Russian Soldiers to execute boxers

    Yiheyuan before its destruction

    by Allies armies

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Religious Experience of the Boxers

    The spirit possessions of the Boxers Spirit possession, a ritual of popular religion

    predated the Boxers, was seen as a way toenhance physical prowess and attain the bodyinvulnerability to bullets

    The much stressed notion of invulnerabilityeffected by spirit possessions spurred

    Boxer possession into a mass

    phenomenon in the last years of thenineteenth century

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    Possessing gods

    Deified historical figures in the Romance ofthe Three Kingdoms


    Zhang fei Zhao Yun

    Major characters in novels

    Sun Wukong in Journey to the West Jiang Ziya in Enfeoffment of the Gods

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Boxer (spirit)possessionspread rapidly

    Shamanismwas morewidespread inNorth China

    Young peoplein the Northwere

    susceptible tothe spirits andthe possessionritual (?)

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    Boxer magic and Women

    The failure of Boxer magicwas attributed to foreignmagic which they saw asassociated with femalebody or pollution

    The boxers called forfemale deities to help resistforeign magic

    They also limited womensactivities because theyposed danger to theeffective operation of theirmagic

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    Mercenaries hired by the Qing toquell the Boxers in 1900
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    Women Boxers?

    The Red Lanterns were regarded as the firstorganized womens military force in Chinese history

    How much weight should be placed on the RedLanterns remain a moot point

    Was magical power attributed to them because of theirpresexual and prepubescent purity or non-pollution? (theywere 11-12 to 16-17)

    Or because the were perceived to have been empowered

    by female deities such as the Holy Mother of the GoldenSword (Jindao shengmu) and the Venerable Mother of thePear Mountain (Lishan laomu)?

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    Experiencers and Rumors

    The variety of rumors



    Danger, uncertainty, and the proliferation ofrumors

    Generic rumors: anti-foreign and anti-

    Christian lore The well-poisoning scare

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    Violence and Death

    Metaphor for the cruelty of the Boxers or thebrutality of the foreign relief forces

    Death resulted from combat and many forms

    of violent acts find expressions in: Boxer pogroms against Chinese Christians

    Foreigners butchered women and childrenwithout mercy

    Government soldiers fired their guns at theretreating and fleeing Boxers, who werefrightened when their comrades were shot to

    death by foreign guns

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    A restaurant in Beijing in 1900

    Mythologization of

    the Boxers followsthree patterns:


    mythologization Autobiographicalmythologization

    Literary mythologization

    In poetry, drama,fiction, art

    All can be positive and

  • 8/3/2019 BOXERS Presentacion Ingles


    Allies armyItalian soldiers in 1900

    The Boxers asMyth

    alternatepraise andrevilement of

    the Boxers inmodern Chinaindicates thatmany myths

    have beenformed aroundthe Boxers
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    Characteristics of Myth

    Chinese mythologization and demythologizationof the Boxers focus on the following themes:

    The Boxers invulnerability

    The Boxers indiscriminating xenophobia as a barbaricstance

    The Boxers barbaric revolutions

    The Boxers superstitions and irrationalism as

    endemic in Chinese The Boxers symbolize a prime trait of Chinese culture

    in general

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    The Boxers represent nationalism, anti-foreignism,

    and anti-imperialism The Boxers represent a movement of nationalliberation directed against imperialism and shouldbe accorded the highest honor

    The Boxers represent anti-imperialist patriotismand Boxerism the spirit of patriotic resistance tounjust foreign aggression and oppression

    The Red Lanterns symbolizes patriotism andfemale emancipation

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    Western mythologization of the Boxers

    The Boxers is an emblem of barbarism,cruelty, irrational hatred of foreigners,and superstition

    Boxerism characterized Chinesenationalism, which is barbarous,antiforeign, hideous, and amount tomob action