Gestión de la inocuidad Capacity Building Program Dr. Miguel Gortari BRC Américas [email protected]

BRC IAlimentos - Eduardo Gortari

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estrategia de mercado y calidad

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Page 1: BRC IAlimentos - Eduardo Gortari

Gestión de la inocuidad Capacity Building Program

Dr. Miguel GortariBRC Américas

[email protected]

Page 2: BRC IAlimentos - Eduardo Gortari

Resumen de exposición• Los negocios y la confianza• Los riesgos y el impacto en la Marca• La Madurez y Liderazgo de los Estándares BRC• La Movilidad de las Marcas y el mercado

Regional• Estrategia de soporte de BRC Global Standards• El Programa pre certificación ENROLMENT

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A la velocidad de la confianza

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Fragilidades y Vulnerabilidades

Food Defense /

Food Fraud

Food Safety

Food Security

Food Quality

Prevención de adulteración no intencional / accidental de la cadena de suministro de alimentos •Basado en la ciencia•Enfermedades causadas por alimentos

Garantía de un continuo suministro de alimentos inocuos, costeables y nutritivos

Prevención de adulteración intencional de la cadena de suministro alimentario •Motivada por comportamiento o ideologías•Motivada económicamente

Mantenimiento de la calidad del alimento•Aceptable para los consumidores•Estándares legales


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MARCA ® Confianza






+ Envase


Consumidor FINAL Necesidad



Proveedores de BienesMaterias primas+ Ingredientes+ Envase+ Insumos

Proveedores de ServiciosClavesLaboratorios+ Agua+ Transporte+ Seguridad+ informática+ Otros

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Gestionamos Riesgos & Desafíos

• Inocuidad de los alimentos• Defensa de los alimentos• Fraude en los alimentos

• Mayor practicidad• Diseños novedosos• Más vida de estantería

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• No existe una súper herramienta

• Minimizamos los riesgos

• Sinergias de actividades

• Co Responsabilidad de todos

Base piramidal del Programa de Inocuidad





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Plan anti Fraude



Cantidad Peso

Sub estándar











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Plan anti Sabotaje













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Percepción del Consumidor



Control de Riesgos

Lealtad del Consumidor

Satisfaccióndel Consumidor

Confianzadel Consumidor



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Estándar Global BRChttp://www.brcglobalstandards.com/

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Resultado del proceso de certificaciónen Centro & Sud América

20.000 Plantas certificadas en el Mundo

577 Plantas certificadas en C&S. América

5500 Plantas certificadas

en el Mundo

120 Plantas certificadas

en S. América

15.000Plantas certificadas

en el Mundo


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Distribución por Categorías de productos

Category Sites A% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Total 577 83.2 63 38 48 54 168 64 15 41 9 3 66 6 28 23 69 28 15 13CHILE 176 79.0 3 5 4 16 86 19 3 11 4 10 3 23 1 15 1 3BRAZIL 88 87.5 26 27 28 3 3 1 15 3 7 3 16 5 2PERU 79 84.8 16 30 18 1 23 6 1 3ARGENTINA 68 83.8 12 3 6 1 19 10 5 5 5 3 5 3 6 5 1 2MEXICO 71 85.9 5 3 2 2 6 7 2 2 3 5 14 17 10 10 3URUGUAY 27 96.3 17 7 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 1ECUADOR 24 79.2 16 1 2 2 10 1COSTA RICA 10 80.0 5 2 2 2 2 1COLOMBIA 9 88.9 1 1 2 3 3GUATEMALA 7 71.4 4 2 1 1HONDURAS 6 50.0 1 2 3NICARAGUA 4 100.0 4BOLIVIA 1 100.0 1 1 1EL SALVADOR 1 100.0 1 1PANAMA 2 100.0 1 1PARAGUAY 2 50.0 2PUERTO RICO 1 100.0 1SURINAME 1 0.0 1




Peces y Crs

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Movilidad de las Marcas propias

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Site DetailsConservas Isabel Ecuatoriana S.A. - Manta

BRC site code : 1512679Contact :

Email: [email protected]


Fax:Address : Zona Industrial Los EsterosCity : MantaZip Code : P.O. BOX 4863Region / State :Country : ECUADORGPS coordinates : 38.21202000000000000;23.88272000000000000Telephone : (593-5) 621120Fax : (593-5) 625651Email : [email protected] site :

Certification details :

Standard : FoodAenorGrade : A

11 – Low/high acid in cans/glass

Scope : The production, pre-cooking and sterilizing of canned tuna. The prodution and sterilizing of canned raw pack tuna. The production, pre-cooking and packing of frozen tuna loins in vacuum plastic formatExclusion : Sardine and tuna pate.Issue Date : 11/07/2013Expiry Date : 10/07/2014

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Desarrollando Capacidades de Suplidores Locales Globlal Market Programme

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ENROLMENTProceso simple y rápido

CURSO Recolección de datos

Auto Evaluación

Ajustes y reporte

Auditoría CB Plan de


Score Card Reporte

12 hs.

INTERNO (máx. 6 meses)28


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Enrolment Checklist de Auto evaluación

A flow diagram shall be prepared to cover each product, product category or process. This shall set out all aspects of the food process operation within the HACCP scope, from raw material receipt through to processing, storage and distribution. As a guide, this should include the following, although this is not an exhaustive list:  plan of premises and equipment layout raw materials including introduction of utilities and other contact materials, e.g. water, packaging sequence and interaction of all process steps outsourced processes and subcontracted work process parameters potential for process delay rework and recycling low/high-care/high-risk area segregation finished products, intermediate/semi-processed products, by-products and waste.



Verify flow diagram – Codex Alimentarius Step 5

The HACCP food safety team shall verify the accuracy of the flow diagrams by on-site audit and challenge at least annually. Daily and seasonal variations shall be considered and evaluated. Records of verified flow diagrams shall be maintained.  


List all potential hazards associated with each process step, conduct a hazard analysis and consider any measures to control identified hazards – Codex Alimentarius Step 6, Principle 1

The HACCP food safety team shall identify and record all the potential hazards that are reasonably expected to occur at each step in relation to product, process and facilities. This shall include hazards present in raw materials, those introduced during the process or surviving the process steps, and allergen risks (refer to clause 5.2). It shall also take account of the preceding and following steps in the process chain.  


The HACCP food safety team shall conduct a hazard analysis to identify hazards which need to be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels. Consideration shall be given to the following: likely occurrence of hazard severity of the effects on consumer safety vulnerability of those exposed survival and multiplication of micro-organisms of specific concern to the product presence or production of toxins, chemicals or foreign bodies contamination of raw materials, intermediate/semi-processed product, or finished product. Where elimination of the hazard is not practical, justification for acceptable levels of the hazard in the finished product shall be determined and documented.



  Basic Level Requirement

  Intermediate Level Requirement

Full Certification Level Requirement

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Audit Score Card

Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 6

Site Name BRC Site Code Date of Audit

Basic Intermediate FullTota

lCritical 0

Major Against SoI 0 0 0 0Major 0 0 0 0Minor 0 0 0 0

Section Score

Overall 100%

1Senior Management Commitment 100%

2The Food Safety Plan - HACCP 100%


Food Safety and Quality Management System 100%

4 Site Standards 100%5 Product Control 100%6 Process Control 100%7 Personnel 100%

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Enrolment Audit Report Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 6: July 2011 1.Audit Summary Company name The Bakers Oven BRC Site Code 1768780 Site name The Bakers Oven Scope of audit The production of fully baked fresh sliced bread and bread rolls (white, wholemeal and granary varieties). Exclusions from scope None Audit Finish Date 2012-07-07

2. Results Audit result Enrolment Audit score 69% Audit type Announced Audit frequency 12months Re-audit due date 2013-07-07 Previous audit score 0 % Previous audit date Select a date Standard Section Section Score 1 Senior Management Commitment 71% 2 HACCP 63% 3 Food Safety Quality Systems 55% 4 Site Standards 73% 5 Product Control 67% 6 Process Control 89% 7 Personnel 70%

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Resumen de BeneficiosEnrolment

• Demostración de fortalezas y compromisos• Inserción comercial: 1 Evaluación sirve para

varios canales de venta.• Planificación de prioridades y Tiempos sin

límite.• Evaluación de conformidad y avances anuales• Desarrollo paulatino de Cultura organizacional

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BRC es más que un Estándar• BRC está invirtiendo en dar soporte a la industria con información,

datos y experiencia

• Permanente actualización de los Estándares, de los Auditores, Tutores y la mejora de la performance de los Organismos de Certificación aprobados.

• BRC continúa siendo la principal opción como Estándar de INOCUIDAD Y CALIDAD para plantas elaboradoras de alimentos.

• El Directorio de BRC es la base de datos de información para facilitar los contactos entre Compradores y Elaboradores

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Muchas gracias

Dr. Miguel GortariBRC Américas

[email protected]