Clipping MRE sobre a Cúpula BRIC e IBAS – abril 2010 15/04/2010 - Argentina – Clarín: Lula fortalece su alianza con China, India y Rusia....................................................... 15 Desde la economia internacional hasta la crisis nuclear con Irán, la agenda del cuarteto presidencial del BRIC que se reúne a partir de hoy en la capital brasileña tendrá un cariz netamente geopolítico. La cita incluye temas tan disímiles como la falta de control del sistema financiero internacional, las reformas del Fondo Monetario y el Banco Mundial, la reestructuración de la ONU en especial de su Consejo de Seguridad y las sanciones impulsadas por Estados Unidos contra el país persa.................................................................................................. 15 Data: 16/04/2010 - Argentina - La Nación Título: Las potencias emergentes exigen un "nuevo orden...................................16 BRASILIA.- Las principales potencias emergentes destacaron ayer la necesidad de construir un "nuevo orden mundial" y acordaron fortalecer su asociación estratégica, durante una cumbre del grupo BRIC, conformado por Brasil, Rusia, la India y China.................................................................................................................................. 16 El presidente brasileño y anfitrión, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, afirmó que las cumbres que se realizaron en Brasilia entre los cuatro países "revelan que ha nacido una nueva geografía económica mundial"..................... 16 Data: 18/04/2010 Argentina - Página 12 - Título: La apuesta de Lula por el eje Sur-Sur.................................................. 17 La travesía internacional de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva lleva hacia el aislamiento de la “comunidad internacional”, advierten con tono catastrófico segmentos de las elites económica, militar y mediática brasileñas. Esos grupos censuran al gobierno por haberse aproximado a Irán y tachan de “ideológica” su adhesión al BRIC, la coalición de potencias emergentes de la que también hacen parte China, Rusia e India, cuya segunda cumbre fue celebrada el jueves en Brasilia. Desde diversas tribunas del espectro conservador se alega que esta política externa, vertebrada en el eje Sur-Sur, carece de pragmatismo y no alcanza resultados concretos....................... 17 Data: 16/04/2010 - EUA - The New York Times Título: 1 Brazil: 'Affinity' on Iran With China, India................................19 Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with Chinese and Indian leaders on the sidelines of a summit of the so-called BRIC nations, which also includes Russia............................. 19 Data: 14/04/2010 EUA - The Wall Street Journal Título: Building a Future With Sturdy BRICs............................................ 20 Goldman Sachs's Jim O'Neil takes the credit for labeling the emerging-markets giants as the BRICs, and he continues to espouse this cause. Amid the gloom enveloping so much analysis, he finds reasons for constant optimism........................................................................................................................................................................... 21 http://www.cdes.gov.br/ 1

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Las BRIC y su impacto económico

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Clipping MRE sobre a Cúpula BRIC e IBAS – abril 2010

15/04/2010 - Argentina – Clarín: Lula fortalece su alianza con China, India y Rusia.................15Desde la economia internacional hasta la crisis nuclear con Irán, la agenda del cuarteto presidencial del BRIC que se reúne a partir de hoy en la capital brasileña tendrá un cariz netamente geopolítico. La cita incluye temas tan disímiles como la falta de control del sistema financiero internacional, las reformas del Fondo Monetario y el Banco Mundial, la reestructuración de la ONU en especial de su Consejo de Seguridad y las sanciones impulsadas por Estados Unidos contra el país persa...........................................................................................15

Data: 16/04/2010 - Argentina - La Nación Título: Las potencias emergentes exigen un "nuevo orden............................................................................................................................16

BRASILIA.- Las principales potencias emergentes destacaron ayer la necesidad de construir un "nuevo orden mundial" y acordaron fortalecer su asociación estratégica, durante una cumbre del grupo BRIC, conformado por Brasil, Rusia, la India y China............................................................................................................................... 16El presidente brasileño y anfitrión, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, afirmó que las cumbres que se realizaron en Brasilia entre los cuatro países "revelan que ha nacido una nueva geografía económica mundial"....................16

Data: 18/04/2010 Argentina - Página 12 - Título: La apuesta de Lula por el eje Sur-Sur....17La travesía internacional de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva lleva hacia el aislamiento de la “comunidad internacional”, advierten con tono catastrófico segmentos de las elites económica, militar y mediática brasileñas. Esos grupos censuran al gobierno por haberse aproximado a Irán y tachan de “ideológica” su adhesión al BRIC, la coalición de potencias emergentes de la que también hacen parte China, Rusia e India, cuya segunda cumbre fue celebrada el jueves en Brasilia. Desde diversas tribunas del espectro conservador se alega que esta política externa, vertebrada en el eje Sur-Sur, carece de pragmatismo y no alcanza resultados concretos....................17

Data: 16/04/2010 - EUA - The New York Times Título: 1 Brazil: 'Affinity' on Iran With China, India...............................................................................................................................19

Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with Chinese and Indian leaders on the sidelines of a summit of the so-called BRIC nations, which also includes Russia........................19

Data: 14/04/2010 EUA - The Wall Street Journal Título: Building a Future With Sturdy BRICs.........................................................................................................................................20

Goldman Sachs's Jim O'Neil takes the credit for labeling the emerging-markets giants as the BRICs, and he continues to espouse this cause. Amid the gloom enveloping so much analysis, he finds reasons for constant optimism............................................................................................................................................................... 21

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Les Echos Título: Le deuxième sommet des quatre grands émergents écourté....................................................................................................................22

Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement du Brésil, de la Russie, de l’Inde et de la Chine (BRIC) se sont réunis, hier à Brasilia, pour accorder leurs violons avant la tenue du sommet du G20 de Toronto, en juin. Un sommet écourté à deux heures de discussions. En raison d’un séisme dans son pays, le président chinois a annulé sa tournée en Amérique latine.................................................................................................................................. 23

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Les Echos Título: Les BRIC réclament un nouvel ordre mondial plus juste...................................................................................................................................24

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Le brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, le chinois Hu Jintao, le russe Dmitri Medvedev et l'indien Manmohan Singh ont participé à un sommet des BRIC avancé de vendredi à jeudi après la décision de Hu d'écourter sa visite pour regagner la Chine frappée par un violent séisme................................................................................24A l'issue de leur réunion de deux heures, le Premier ministre indien a déclaré que le principal objectif du groupe était la création "d'un nouvel ordre mondial plus démocratique, juste et multipolaire"..........................................24

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Le Figaro Título: Les Bric peinent à définir un front commun..24COMMERCE La grand-messe n’aura finalement pas eu lieu. Le deuxième sommet des Bric, acronyme désignant le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde et la Chine, qui devait se tenir aujourd’hui à Brasilia, a capoté avec le départ précipité, hier soir, du président chinois Hu Jintao, obligé de rentrer en raison du tremblement de terre au Qinghai. Une péripétie de plus pour un rendez-vous qui se veut désormais régulier mais qui tarde encore à trouver ses marques............................................................................................................................................. 24

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Le Monde Título: Les grands pays émergents se retrouvent à Brasilia.......................................................................................................................................25

Troisième partenaire de l'Amérique latine, la Chine est accusée par le Brésil d'entretenir une attitude " néocoloniale "....................................................................................................................................................... 25

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Flash Interview: BRIC....................................27L'idée de Bric, associant l'Inde, le Brésil, la Chine et la Russie, vous paraît-elle pertinente?...............................27Les Bric sont à géométrie variable : quand on se trouve à Pékin ou Shanghai, on entend rarement parler de la Russie. En revanche, l'Indonésie est clairement dans le radar des investisseurs chinois : plutôt que de Bric, il vaudrait mieux parler de Cibi!............................................................................................................................... 27

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Les pays émergents font affaire entre eux..28Les nouveaux géants économiques sortent renforcés de la crise. Face à l'atonie des marchés développés, ils comptent se renforcer, à l'occasion du deuxième Forum des Bric qui s'ouvre à Brasilia......................................28

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Moscou tourne son attention vers l'Inde et la Chine..........................................................................................................................................29

Dmitri Medvedev a renouvelé mardi son appel pour resserrer les rangs des pays Bric. La Russie veut rééquilibrer ses échanges.................................................................................................................................... 29Le Kremlin ne veut plus entendre les économistes dire que la Russie est le canard boiteux du club des Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine).............................................................................................................................. 29

Data: 14/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Les pays émergents se mobilisent contre les attaques spéculatives..............................................................................................................30

La Russie plaide pour des mesures concertées avec le Brésil, l'Inde et la Chine en vue de gérer les risques spéculatifs sur leurs marchés financiers...............................................................................................................30

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: 1 Early BRIC summit wraps up31BRASILIA (AFP) – Brazil, Russia, India and China wrapped up their second-ever BRIC summit here after sharpening their call for reforms of international institutions and discussing a push to impose more UN sanctions on Iran.................................................................................................................................................................. 31Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: Brasil, Sudáfrica, China, India y Rusia, el nuevo eje de poder.................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: El Grupo IBAS puede ayudar al proceso de paz en Medio Oriente (Amorim)...........................................................................34

Brasil, Sudáfrica e India, que forman el grupo IBAS, pueden auxiliar al Cuarteto para Medio Oriente (EEUU, UE, ONU y Rusia) para hacer avanzar el proceso de paz entre israelíes y palestinos, dijo este jueves el ministro brasileño de Relaciones Exteriores, Celso Amorim..............................................................................................34

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Data: 16/04/2010França - Agência France Presse- Título: Programa nuclear iraní domina diálogo de potencias emergentes en Brasil...........................................................................35

BRASILIA (AFP) - Los líderes de las cinco grandes economías emergentes -China, Rusia, India, Brasil y Sudáfrica- iniciaron este jueves en Brasilia una serie de reuniones para discutir el nuevo escenario de gobernanza global y analizar caminos en busca de una solución a la controversia sobre el programa nuclear iraní...................................................................................................................................................................... 35

Data: 15/04/2010França - Agência France Presse- Hu Jintao adelanta retorno a China y Cumbre BRIC será este jueves en Brasil................................................................................36

BRASILIA (AFP) - El presidente chino Hu Jintao decidió adelantar su retorno a su país y por ello la Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno del grupo BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), prevista para este viernes, será realizada la noche del jueves, informó la cancillería brasileña.............................................................................37

Data: 15/04/2010França - Agência France Presse -Los grandes países emergentes del BRIC se reúnen buscando ampliar su influencia..................................................................37

BRASILIA - Los líderes de las naciones del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) se darán cita el viernes en Brasilia, en la II Cumbre de este grupo aglutinado por el fenomenal crecimiento de sus gigantescas economías, para tratar de consolidar su influencia mundial....................................................................................................37

Data: 16/04/2010Alemanha - Deutsche Welle- Bric conclui cúpula pedindo nova ordem mundial e condenando terrorismo..........................................................................................38

Brasília, 15 - Brasil, China, Índia e Rússia, membros do grupo Bric, pediram hoje uma nova ordem mundial, mais "justa" e "democrática", e condenaram de forma taxativa o terrorismo em todas as formas, na conclusão de sua segunda cúpula, realizada em Brasília.....................................................................................................38

Data: 16/04/2010Alemanha - Deutsche Welle- Ibas reconhece direito iraniano a plano nuclear pacífico........................................................................................................................39

Brasília.- Os Governos do Brasil, Índia e África do Sul defenderam hoje, no Fórum de Diálogo Índia-Brasil-África do Sul (Ibas), em Brasília, o direito do Irã a um desenvolvimento nuclear com fins pacíficos e de acordo com as normas internacionais de segurança.................................................................................................................... 40

Data: 15/04/2010Rússia - ITAR-TASS- Business people, bankers meet ahead of BRIC summit.......................................................................................................................................40

BRASILIA (Itar-Tass) - Business executives and bankers from Brazil, Russia, India and China met on Thursday in the capital of Brazil ahead of a summit of the BRIC group of countries............................................................40

Data: 16/04/2010-Portugal - Diário Econômico- Tragéda chinesa acelera cimeira dos BRIC...........................................................................................................................................41

A cimeira do grupo dos BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China), que teve ontem lugar na capital brasileira, terminou de maneira abrupta.............................................................................................................................................. 41

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Financial Times- Bric countries call for greater clout......41BRASILIA, April 15 – Leading emerging powers called on Thursday for swift reform of international financial institutions to give developing countries a greater voice, saying their group was vital to achieving a new world order..................................................................................................................................................................... 42

Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Financial Times- Brics balance shared interests with rivalries......................................................................................................................................43

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Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - The Economist- Editorial: The new masters of management..............................................................................................................................44

Thirty years ago the bosses of America's car industry were shocked to learn that Japan had overtaken America to become the world's leading car producer. They were even more shocked when they visited Japan to find out what was going on. They found that the secret of Japan's success did not lie in cheap labour or government subsidies (their preferred explanations) but in what was rapidly dubbed "lean manufacturing". While Detroit slept, Japan had transformed itself from a low-wage economy into a hotbed of business innovation. Soon every factory around the world was lean—or a ruin................................................................................................................... 45

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - The Economist- The trillion-dollar club.............................46In any global gathering, the American president is usually seen, at a minimum, as primus inter pares: the one who can make or break the final bargain and select his favoured interlocutors. So in Copenhagen last December, as negotiations for a new climate-change treaty were entering their final hours, a hastily convened meeting between Barack Obama and China's prime minister, Wen Jiabao, looked as if it would be the critical moment when a deal might be struck. But when the president turned up, he found not only Mr Wen but the heads of government of Brazil, South Africa and India. This was unexpected. The Americans even thought the Indians had already left the summit. What was conceived as a bilateral talk turned instead into a negotiation with an emerging-market block. As an additional sign that things were changing in the world, the president got a finger-wagging from one of Mr Wen's hangers-on. But at least Mr Obama was in the room; Europeans were shut out while the emerging powers and America put the final touches to their deal...................................................46

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - BRICs querem reforma do FMI até novembro..................................................................................................................................52

Os países que formam o BRIC – Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China – deixaram claro nesta quinta-feira que vão trabalhar por uma reforma do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e do Banco Mundial ainda este ano...........52

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - BRICs são incapazes de promover mudanças significativas, diz 'Economist'..............................................................................53

O grupo dos BRICs, formado por Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China, é incapaz de promover mudanças significativas no cenário mundial, afirma uma reportagem publicada na edição desta sexta-feira da revista britânica The Economist............................................................................................................................................................. 53

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - Para analistas, pressão por reformas é ambição que une Brics............................................................................................................54

Apesar de posições divergentes em vários temas, os quatro países que formam o grupo chamado Bric (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China) se reúnem pela segunda vez nesta quinta-feira, em Brasília, com um objetivo em comum: a pressão por reformas no sistema financeiro internacional...................................................................54

Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - Brasil quer empenho de Brics por reforma do sistema financeiro...............................................................................................................55

O governo brasileiro quer que os quatro maiores países emergentes da atualidade – Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China – atuem com “mais empenho e união” em prol de uma reforma do sistema financeiro internacional........55

Data: 17/04/2010-Espanha - El País-1 Editorial: Emergentes en Brasil...............................58Las cuatro potencias emergentes que componen el grupo de los BRIC -Brasil, Rusia, India y China- han celebrado su segunda cumbre, en la que ha ejercido de anfitrión el presidente brasileño Lula da Silva. El formato de la cita ha sido similar al de la que tuvo lugar el pasado año en Ekaterimburgo: se trata de encuentros informales al más alto nivel en los que estos cuatros países tratan de ir perfilando la agenda internacional que más conviene a sus intereses. En esta ocasión han reiterado la necesidad de una nueva arquitectura multilateral que refleje mejor la realidad que representan los BRIC y también su voluntad de buscar una

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alternativa al dólar como moneda de referencia. Pero un nuevo asunto ha tenido entrada en las discusiones: la seguridad nuclear................................................................................................................................................. 58

Data: 18/04/2010-Espanha - El País- Opinión: Ladrillo a ladrillo..........................................58Puede que la cumbre de los BRIC (iniciales de Brasil, Rusia, India y China) haya recortado gastos, pero su importancia no ha disminuido. El presidente chino, Hu Jintao, tuvo que irse antes de tiempo por el terremoto en su país y dejar en Brasilia a sus homólogos. Reducir el programa de dos días a sólo uno puede haber llevado a pensar que los líderes de los nuevos mercados tenían pocas cosas importantes de que hablar. Pero el extraordinario crecimiento interanual del 11,9% de China en el primer trimestre pone de relieve el poderío económico y la creciente importancia mundial de las cuatro naciones. Esto hace necesario que el BRIC celebre cumbres periódicas, dado que los miembros del grupo constituyen un posible contrapeso frente al rico Occidente............................................................................................................................................................. 58

Data: 16/04/2010Espanha - El País- Las potencias emergentes piden un nuevo orden....59La Segunda Cumbre de los BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, China e India) se celebró ayer en Brasilia, acogida por el presidente Lula da Silva, uno de los impulsores de este grupo. La agenda se comprimió en un solo día, en lugar de los dos previstos, ya que el terremoto que sacudió China obligó al presidente Hu Jintao a adelantar su regreso................................................................................................................................................................. 59

Data: 16/04/2010-Espanha - El País- Un grupo que ha doblado su peso en 10 años.........61Jim O'Neill, economista de Goldman Sachs, acuñó el acrónimo BRIC en noviembre de 2001 en un estudio con el que apostó por Brasil, Rusia, India y China como principales motores del futuro crecimiento de la economía mundial. Entonces, los cuatro países representaban un 8% del PIB global. Menos de una década después, los BRIC ya superan el 15%. Pero hay más: la mitad del crecimiento de la economía mundial depende de ellos, el grupo adelantará al G-7 en 2032 y China a EE UU en 2027. Todo ello, muchos años antes de lo inicialmente previsto por Goldman Sachs................................................................................................................................ 61

Data: 16/04/2010-Equador - El Comercio- Brasilia. Potencias emergentes por más protagonismo............................................................................................................................62

Los líderes de India, Brasil, Sudáfrica, China y Rusia, grandes potencias emergentes, celebraron ayer dos cumbres en Brasilia, en las que reclamaron más protagonismo en organismos diplomáticos y financieros internacionales. La cumbre del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), prevista para hoy, fue adelantada, porque el presidente chino,Hu Jintao, tuvo que regresar ayer a su país debido al sismo ocurrido allí el miércoles. AFP. . .62

Data: 15/04/2010-Equador - El Comercio-4 países emergentes buscan ser contrapeso de los ricos.....................................................................................................................................63

Los líderes del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) se darán cita este viernes en Brasilia en la II Cumbre de este grupo, aglutinado por el fenomenal crecimiento de sus gigantescas economías, para consolidar su influencia mundial................................................................................................................................................................. 63

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai - El Observador- Liderazgo ladrillo a ladrillo..............................64Brasil, Rusia, China e India se reunieron en una nueva cumbre del Grupo BRIC. Pidieron más peso en las decisiones de la economía y la política internacional...........................................................................................64

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai - La República-'Respuestas progresistas a la globalización asimétrica'.................................................................................................................................66

El presidente brasileño, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, estimó ayer jueves que las dos grandes cumbres de naciones emergentes que su país acoge muestran una nueva geografía política y económica del mundo y la búsqueda de "respuestas progresistas a la globalización asimétrica".......................................................................................66

Data: 16/04/2010-Bolívia - El Deber- Potencias emergentes piden en Brasil un orden mundial más justo....................................................................................................................66

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Los líderes de cuatro potencias emergentes -China, Rusia, India, Brasil- a los que se sumó Sudáfrica, pidieron ayer en Brasilia un nuevo orden mundial que reconozca su peso económico e influencia, y abordaron opciones para una solución a la controversia sobre el programa nuclear iraní...................................................................67

Data: 15/04/2010Índia - The Times of India- Prime Minister arrives in Brazil for IBSA, BRIC summits.....................................................................................................................................67

BRASILIA: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived here today on a two-day visit during which he will attend the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) and India-Brazil- South Africa (IBSA) Summits and hold bilateral meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev..............................................................67

Data: 15/04/2010-México – Reforma- Recibe Brasil a líderes de emergentes.....................69Los países BRIC buscarán definir una postura común para aumentar su representatividad en los organismos internacionales..................................................................................................................................................... 69

Data: 14/04/2010-Espanha - Agência EFE- Empresários do Bric discutem oportunidades de negócios conjuntos pela 1ª vez.........................................................................................70

Rio de Janeiro - Empresários dos países do Bric, sigla usada para se referir ao Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China, os quatro grandes mercados emergentes do mundo, se reunirão amanhã no Rio de Janeiro pela primeira vez para discutir possibilidades de negócios de forma conjunta.........................................................................................71

Data: 18/04/2010-México - La Jornada-¿Solución diplomática "BRIC" y/o turco-brasileña para Irán?.................................................................................................................................. 72

Sin contar la devastación ambiental que provocó en sus múltiples guerras en los Balcanes e Irak, gracias a su generosa diseminación de uranio empobrecido –tema que anómalamente no formó parte de la Cumbre de Seguridad (sic) Nuclear de Obama–, Estados Unidos (EU), único en la historia que ha lanzado dos bombas nucleares sobre las poblaciones civiles de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, hoy principal vendedor de armas de todo tipo en el mundo (reporte SIPRI 2010) y poseedor, con Rusia, de 95 por ciento de las armas nucleares del planeta, ha creado inconmensurables problemas atómicos al género humano desde que "el genio nuclear" se salió de la botella, como vaticinó el físico arrepentido Robert Oppenheimer, encargado del Proyecto Manhattan, hace 71 años...................................................................................................................................................................... 72

Data: 17/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- BRICs take baby steps toward greater global clout................................................................................................................................74

BRASILIA, April 16 - The world's leading emerging powers found little new to agree on in their summit in Brazil, but their assertive tone in demanding more clout in global financial institutions and setting of a deadline for the reforms shows they are slowly becoming a more potent group............................................................................74

Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- BRICs divided on global agenda, look to mutual trade..........................................................................................................................76

BRASILIA, April 14 - The leaders of the world's top four emerging markets will renew calls for a greater say in the global economic order when they meet in Brazil's capital this week but they may struggle to come up with clear proposals to advance a common agenda....................................................................................................76

Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- Título: BRICs should not pressure China on yuan - O'Neill.............................................................................................................78

BRASILIA, April 14 - There is no advantage for Brazil, Russia and India in putting pressure on China to let its currency strengthen since Beijing is already heading in that direction, Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill said on Wednesday................................................................................................................................... 78

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Data: 14/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- Bric quer integração maior para forçar reforma financeira global.........................................................................................................79

BRASÍLIA, 14 de abril - Os quatro países que integram o Bric buscam por maior integração e podem incrementar sua coordenação interna como fator de pressão nos fóruns internacionais, avaliou nesta quarta-feira o embaixador Antônio Patriota, o número 2 do Itamaraty............................................................................79

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - The Economic Times- BRIC can recast world order: Manmohan80BRASILIA: The BRIC grouping of the world´s top emerging economies, accounting for 20 per cent of global GDP, have a key role in recasting the global architecture of governance and in setting the pace of global economic recovery, said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh..................................................................................80

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - The Economic Times- Include India, Brazil in UN security council: BRIC nations.............................................................................................................................81

BRASILIA: Calling for reform of the UN and the global financial architecture, BRIC countries have underlined the centrality of G20 as the premier economic forum and pitched for including India and Brazil in an expanded UN Security Council.................................................................................................................................................... 82

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia - The Economic Times- Singh in Brazil to attend BRIC and IBSA Summits.....................................................................................................................................83

BRASILIA: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived here today on a two-day visit during which he will attend the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) and India-Brazil- South Africa (IBSA) Summits and hold bilateral meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev..............................................................83

Data: 16/04/2010-Rússia - Ria-Novosti- Líderes del BRIC destacan el papel clave de G-20 en la lucha contra la crisis mundial........................................................................................85

Brasilia, 16 de abril, RIA Novosti. Los países del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) destacan el papel central del Grupo de los Veinte en la lucha contra las consecuencias negativas de la crisis mundial debido al alto grado de eficacia de este foro internacional, dice una declaración conjunta de los cuatro líderes.................................85

Data: 16/04/2010-Rússia - Ria-Novosti- Rusia estudia proyecto para fabricar aviones de Brasil en su territorio...............................................................................................................86

Brasilia, 16 de abril, RIA Novosti. El banco ruso Vnesheconombank (VEB) y el Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Brasil (BNDES) analizan la viabilidad de un proyecto para la producción de aviones brasileños en el territorio de Rusia, informó hoy el presidente del VEB, Vladímir Dmitriev..................................86

Data: 15/04/2010-Rússia - Ria-Novosti- Opinion: BRIC: the world from different perspective................................................................................................................................86

By Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of the Moscow-based magazine Russia in Global Affairs, for the Valdai Discussion Club.................................................................................................................................................... 86

Data: 15/04/2010Índia - The Hindustan Times- Chinese President arrives in Brazil for BRIC summit.............................................................................................................................87

Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Brazil late Wednesday to participate in bilateral meetings with the leaders of other emerging economies and a BRIC summit on Friday...............................................................................87

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia - The Hindustan Times- Manmohan to cement India's global role at IBSA, BRIC summits.................................................................................................................88

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It is set to be a week of hectic multilateral diplomacy for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who arrived in Brasilia on Wednesday evening on a three-day visit to participate in two back-to-back summits of IBSA and BRIC countries..................................................................................................................................................... 88

Data: 16/04/2010-EUA - Revista Business Week- Shortened BRIC Summit Pledges to Boost Trade in Local Currency................................................................................................89

By Andre Soliani and Robert Delaney April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, Russia, India and China pledged to study ways to use their currencies, instead of the U.S. dollar, in local trade at a heads-of-state summit of the four biggest emerging economies................................................................................................................................ 89

Data: 16/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- BRIC nations call for financial system reform........................................................................................................................................ 91

Chinese President Hu Jintao (2nd R), Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2nd L), Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (1st L) and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (1st R) shake hands during a group photo session at the second summit meeting of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) leaders in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, April 15, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing).........................................................................................................91

Data: 16/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online -BRIC summit in Brasilia "very fruitful": Russian president.....................................................................................................................92

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that the summit meeting of four major emerging economies in Brasilia was "very fruitful" and "productive"....................................................................................92

Data: 16/04/2010China - People's Daily Online- President Hu dwells on China's peaceful development at BRIC summit..................................................................................................93

Chinese President Hu Jintao attends a joint press conference held together with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during the second summit meeting of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) leaders in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, April 15, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing).................................................................................................................................. 93

Data: 16/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- President Hu's visit to U.S., Brazil boosts co-op: FM...................................................................................................................................94

Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States and Brazil on April 12-15 was "quite successful," Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said on Thursday.................................................................................................................94

Data: 15/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- Título: BRIC countries need new strategies for growth in post-crisis world: expert.................................................................96

The international financial crisis has provoked changes in the world's organization, so the BRIC countries need to develop new strategies to continue growing in the post-crisis world, said Jos Gilberto Scandiucci, from the Division of Financial Policy of Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Wednesday...............................................96

Data: 15/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- BRIC countries' think tanks to strengthen cooperation...............................................................................................................................97

Major research institutions from the BRIC countries -- Brazil, Russia, India and China -- intend to tighten their cooperation to achieve joint views on issues of common interest and help the work of the BRIC governments, it was announced on Wednesday........................................................................................................................... 97

Data: 15/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- BRIC experts discuss disparities in trade....................................................................................................................................................98

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The representatives of Brazil, Russia, India and China, who gathered at the BRIC-Think Tank Summit in the Brazilian capital Brasilia, discussed on Wednesday the different aspects of trade involving their countries........98

Data: 15/04/2010-EUA - Bloomberg.com- China Beats Brazil in Own Backyard as BRIC Summit Seeks Unity.................................................................................................................98

When Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hosts his Chinese counterpart today, he will welcome a leader whose economy is growing faster than his own -- and whose exporters are outstripping Brazil in its own backyard............................................................................................................................................................... 99

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - Rediff News- BRIC aims to develop, provide clean energy........101Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) on Thursday said that they recognised that energy is an essential resource for improving the standard of living of our peoples and that access to it is of paramount importance to economic growth with equity and social inclusion........................................................................101

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia - Rediff News- What Prime Minister Singh will do in Brazil..........102Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived in Brazil on Thursday on a two-day visit during which he will attend the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) and India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Summits and hold bilateral meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev............................................................102

Data: 15/04/2010-Colômbia - La Republica- La cumbre de los Bric en Brasilia................104Hoy se reúnen en Brasilia los presidentes de Rusia, China, Brasil y el primer ministro de India, para llevar a cabo la segunda cumbre del Bric,...................................................................................................................... 104un grupo conformado por los cuatro países que tienen 42 por ciento de la población mundial y que contribuyeron con más de 50 por ciento al crecimiento económico global en los últimos años, todo con el trasfondo de que ellos favorecerán inexorablemente durante la "postcrisis"......................................................104

Data: 14/04/2010-Colômbia - La Republica- Las economías Bric se mueven en otra dirección..................................................................................................................................105

Sao Paulo. Los operadores de opciones cambiarias están demostrando que las economías emergentes se han vuelto más seguras en relación con los países desarrollados que en ningún otro momento en casi dos años. 105

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - New Kerala- Reform UN to make it more representative, says BRIC.........................................................................................................................................106

Brasilia, Apr 16 : Leaders of BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China, have signed a joint declaration, calling for the need to reform the United Nations to make the institution more efficient and representative, in order to better address global challenges...........................................................................................................106

Data: 17/04/2010-EUA - Associated Press- Emergentes en Brasil fortalecen postura ante reforma financiera..................................................................................................................108

La recién concluida cumbre de Brasil, Rusia, India y China, integrante del grupo BRIC, permitió a estos grandes países emergentes afinar su postura frente a la reforma del sistema financiero internacional actualmente en negociación, dijo el viernes una autoridad brasileña..........................................................................................108

Data: 17/04/2010-EUA - Associated Press- Sistema financiero, en la mira del BRIC.......109Brasil, Rusia, India y China buscan que las organizaciones internacionales sean más representativas; el grupo considera que el poder de voto debe corresponder a la dimensión económica del participante........................109

Data: 16/04/2010-EUA - Associated Press -Países emergentes piden fin de Ronda Doha..................................................................................................................................................110

BRASILIA - Los gobernantes de Brasil, China, ndia, Rusia y Sudáfrica instaron el jueves a la conclusión de la Ronda Doha para la liberalización comercial y exhortaron a los países a evitar toda forma de proteccionismo.

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........................................................................................................................................................................... 110

Data: 16/04/2010Alemanha - Handelsblatt - Os Presidentes dos países BRIC agora pretendem transformar a sua força econômica em poder político....................................111

O Brasil, a Rússia, a Índia e a China em pouco tempo não apenas realizaram uma integração econômica mais estreita do que esperado – também pretendem perseguir alvos políticos comuns. “Os BRICs perceberam que em conjunto podem exercer maior peso político no cenário internacional” disse Douglas Smith, economista-chefe para a América Latina no Standard Chartered Bank................................................................................112

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia – Sify- A day in the life of summit-hopping Manmohan (Brasilia Diary)........................................................................................................................................113

Two summits and three bilateral meetings, all packed in one day. Trust Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to manage a killing schedule of back-to-back meetings and still look fresh and energetic!................................113

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia – Sify- We want India, Brazil in UN security council: BRIC nations..................................................................................................................................................114

Challenging the existing global power structure, BRIC nations called for urgent reforms of the UN, wanted international financial institutions to accommodate aspirations of rising powers and pitched for including India and Brazil in an expanded UN Security Council.................................................................................................114

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia – Sify- Manmohan to cement India's global role at IBSA, BRIC summits...................................................................................................................................116

It is set to be a week of hectic multilateral diplomacy for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who arrived here Wednesday evening on a three-day visit to participate in two back-to-back summits of IBSA and BRIC countries............................................................................................................................................................. 116

Data: 14/04/2010-EUA - Univision.com- Grandes países emergentes del BRIC se reúnen buscando ampliar su influencia............................................................................................117

Los líderes de las grandes naciones del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) se darán cita el viernes en Brasilia en la II Cumbre de este grupo, aglutinado por el fenomenal crecimiento de sus gigantescas economías, para tratar de consolidar su influencia mundial..........................................................................................................117

Data: 16/04/2010-Hong Kong - Asia Times- The BRIC post-Washington consensus.......119The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) got together in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, on Thursday with a bang. After meeting Chinese President Hu Jintao, and once again condemning an "asymmetric, dysfunctional globalization", Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was at his ebullient best: "A new global economic geography has been born." Well, not quite. Not yet...........................................................................119

Data: 18/04/2010-França - Radio France International (RFI)- Sommet du BRIC à Brasilia : des émergents unis pour entrer dans la cour des grands..................................................121

Lors du second sommet du BRIC qui s’est tenu à Brasilia, jeudi 16 avril, les dirigeants des quatre grands pays qui composent le BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont revendiqué une meilleure représentativité dans les instances internationales. Une demande au nom de leurs dynamiques économies « émergentes ».................121

Data: 14/04/2010-França - Radio France International (RFI)- Moscou et Pékin réaffirment leur présence en Amérique du Sud.......................................................................................123

Dans une région longtemps considérée comme l'arrière-cour des Etats-Unis, la Chine et la Russie reprennent pied en Amérique latine. Les présidents chinois et russe se rendent en Amérique latine cette semaine avec des étapes au Venezuela, au Chili, et au Brésil.Le Brésil, qui accueille le deuxième sommet des grands pays émergents (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine - BRIC) les 15 et 16 avril......................................................................123

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Data: 19/04/2010-França - Le Devoir- Perspectives - BRIC molle.......................................123Les pays du BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont tenu leur deuxième rencontre au sommet, la semaine dernière, à Brasília. Il reste encore à voir s'ils réussiront jamais à constituer un groupe cohérent et agissant. Mais leur influence, ne serait-ce qu'individuelle, ne peut que continuer à grandir..............................................123

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - Express News- BRIC must create a new world order: Lula.......125Brasilia The BRIC group of the world's four biggest emerging powers has a fundamental role in creating a new world order, Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Thursday........................................................125

Data: 15/04/2010-Argentina - Rosario Net- Lula busca crear un nuevo eje de poder.......127Cuando faltan sólo ocho meses para el fin de su mandato, el presidente brasileño, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, redobla sus esfuerzos por crear un nuevo polo de poder mundial conformado por países emergentes, que hoy y mañana se reunirán en Brasilia para exigir un mayor peso en las instituciones financieras internacionales y discutir acciones de cooperación para el desarrollo...........................................................................................127

Data: 16/04/2010-França - L’Expansion- Les BRIC réclament un ordre mondial "plus juste"........................................................................................................................................129

Les dirigeants des quatre grands pays émergents du BRIC se sont réunis jeudi soir à Brasilia. Le Premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh a déclaré que leur principal objectif était la création "d'un nouvel ordre mondial plus démocratique, juste et multipolaire."...........................................................................................................129

Data: 16/04/2010-Argentina - Agencia Telam- Medio oriente en el eje de la agenda de paises emergentes.................................................................................................................130

Brasilia, 15 de abril - Los tres principales países emergentes, Brasil, China e India, coincidieron en una solución negociada para Medio Oriente, tanto en el conflicto palestino-israelí como en el problema nuclear con Irán, durante dos cumbres realizadas entre ayer y hoy en Brasilia............................................................................130

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai - La Diária- Cuestión de orden...................................................131Dos cumbres de las principales economías emergentes se están llevando a cabo desde ayer en Brasilia, la del Foro IBSA, que forman Brasil, India y Sudáfrica, y la del grupo de países BRIC -Brasil, Rusia, India y China-, que se abrió con la reunión entre el presidente anfitrión, Lula da Silva, y su par chino, Hu Jintao. Jintao ya regresó a su país, antes de lo previsto, por el terremoto del miércoles, que, según los datos oficiales actualizados ayer, dejó 617 víctimas fatales y 15.000 casas destruidas, con miles de personas que duermen a la intemperie....................................................................................................................................................... 131

Data: 16/04/2010-EUA - Fox News- BRIC Leaders Call For Change In Global Pecking Order........................................................................................................................................131

BRASILIA -(Dow Jones)- The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China late Thursday called for deep reform of the global financial system and multilateral institutions to better reflect the growing importance of emerging nations................................................................................................................................................................ 131

Data: 14/04/2010- México – Notimex- Consecuencias de crisis y reforma global en la agenda de los BRIC................................................................................................................133

Moscú, 14 Abr (Notimex).- La segunda cumbre del grupo BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) buscará este jueves y viernes revertir las consecuencias de la actual crisis y promover la reforma de las instituciones globales, dijo hoy La Voz de Rusia..................................................................................................................... 133

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai – Brecha- El “dream team” de los países emergentes............134Si la primera sigla mostraba la voluntad de las potencias emergentes de coordinar su voz en el panorama internacional, la segunda tiene un peso decisivo a la hora de formular un nuevo orden multilateral. Primero

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Brasil impulsó el Ibsa, que suma India más Brasil más Sudáfrica, y ahora, desde 2009, se le añade el bric, donde la principal potencia regional latinoamericana se las entiende con Rusia, India y China........................134

Data: 16/04/2010-França - France24- Le Bric préconise une réforme rapide des institutions financières internationales................................................................................135

A l'issue du sommet de Brasilia, les dirigeants des pays du Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont lancé un appel pour l'établissement d'un nouvel ordre mondial et pour une réforme rapide des institutions financières internationales.................................................................................................................................................... 135

Data: 18/04/2010-Índia - Calcutta News- BRIC, IBSA boost India's drive for UN seat......136The stalled drive for expansion of the UN Security Council has gathered momentum with the IBSA and BRIC summits and South Africa backing the G4 initiative, say Indian officials who feel that it will be 'a matter of time before it's taken to its logical conclusion'............................................................................................................136

Data: 16/04/2010-Rússia - Russia Today- BRIC countries have an “interesting and productive” dialogue - Medvedev.........................................................................................137

The largest emerging economies - known as the BRIC - wrap up a series of meetings in Brasilia. Brazil, Russia, India and China put their heads together to figure out how to withstand the aftermath of the global crisis.........137

Data: 16/04/2010-Austrália - Business Spectators- BRIC group urges swift financial reform......................................................................................................................................139

BRASILIA - Leading emerging powers have urged swift reform of international financial institutions to give developing countries a greater voice, saying their group was vital to achieving a new world order...................139

Data: 16/04/2010-Alemanha - Der Tagesspiegel- Superpotências do futuro conversam sobre a substituição do dólar................................................................................................141

Uma nova moeda padrão é o assunto de destaque no encontro da China, da Rússia, da Índia e do Brasil.... .141

Data: 16/04/2010-França - Rue 89- Les "Bric" peuvent-ils changer la façon dont tourne le monde ?...................................................................................................................................142

Ils représentent 40% de la population du monde, 15% de son produit intérieur brut, mais surtout 50% de la croissance économique actuelle. Ce sont les Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine), qui se sont réunis jeudi en sommet à Brasilia et qui sont unis sur au moins un objectif : casser le monopole occidental sur la gestion des affaires planétaires............................................................................................................................................. 142

Data: 16/04/2010-França - Le Temps- Sommet au Brésil - Appel à un ordre mondial "plus juste"........................................................................................................................................144

Brasilia Les dirigeants des quatre grands pays émergents du BRIC se sont réunis jeudi soir à Brasilia. Ce mini-sommet de deux heures s'est conclu par un appel à créer un ordre mondial "plus juste"..................................144

Data: 15/04/2010-Malásia - Malaysian Mirror- Leaders of top emerging economies meet in Brazil........................................................................................................................................145

BRASILIA -The leaders of China, India and South Africa have flown into Brazil for two days of talks among the world's top emerging economies........................................................................................................................ 145

Data: 17/04/2010-Cingapura - Asia One- Early BRIC summit wraps up.............................146BRASILIA - Brazil, Russia, India and China wrapped up their second-ever BRIC summit here after sharpening their call for reforms of international institutions and discussing a push to impose more UN sanctions on Iran. 146

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Data: 16/04/2010-Suíça - Schweizerische Depeschenagentur- Schwellenländer fordern rasche Reform der Finanzinstitutionen................................................................................147

Die vier grossen Schwellenländer Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China dringen auf eine rasche Reform der internationalen Finanzinstitutionen, um den unterentwickelten Staaten grösseres Gewicht zu verleihen..........147

Data: 15/04/2010-China - Beijing Information- Hu Jintao arrive à Brasilia pour le sommet du BRIC et une visite d'Etat...................................................................................................148

Le président chinois Hu Jintao est arrivé mercredi à Brasilia, capitale du Brésil, pour participer à un sommet des pays du BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ainsi qu'une visite d'Etat au Brésil...............................................148

Data: 14/04/2010-México - Rádio Fórmula- Emprende presidente chino gira por Latinoamérica para afianzar lazos........................................................................................149

Pekín.- El presidente chino Hu Jintao inicia hoy en Brasil su gira por América Latina, una región clave para la expansión china y con la cual Pekín ha trabajado los últimos años para afianzar estrechas alianzas políticas y comerciales........................................................................................................................................................ 149

Data: 18/04/2010-Suíça - Tages Anzeiger-1 Russland markiert Terrain in Lateinamerika151Präsident Medwedew hat jenseits des Atlantiks neue Beziehungen geknüpft. Höhepunkt der Reise war der Bric-Gipfel in Brasilia. Gemeinsam mit Brasilien, Indien und China fordert Russland eine neue, gerechtere Weltordnung....................................................................................................................................................... 151

15/04/2010 - Argentina – Clarín: Lula fortalece su alianza con China, India y Rusia............3Desde la economia internacional hasta la crisis nuclear con Irán, la agenda del cuarteto presidencial del BRIC que se reúne a partir de hoy en la capital brasileña tendrá un cariz netamente geopolítico. La cita incluye temas tan disímiles como la falta de control del sistema financiero internacional, las reformas del Fondo Monetario y el Banco Mundial, la reestructuración de la ONU en especial de su Consejo de Seguridad y las sanciones impulsadas por Estados Unidos contra el país persa.............................................................................................3

Data: 16/04/2010 - Argentina - La Nación Título: Las potencias emergentes exigen un "nuevo orden.............................................................................................................................. 4

BRASILIA.- Las principales potencias emergentes destacaron ayer la necesidad de construir un "nuevo orden mundial" y acordaron fortalecer su asociación estratégica, durante una cumbre del grupo BRIC, conformado por Brasil, Rusia, la India y China................................................................................................................................. 4El presidente brasileño y anfitrión, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, afirmó que las cumbres que se realizaron en Brasilia entre los cuatro países "revelan que ha nacido una nueva geografía económica mundial"......................4

Data: 18/04/2010 Argentina - Página 12 - Título: La apuesta de Lula por el eje Sur-Sur......5La travesía internacional de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva lleva hacia el aislamiento de la “comunidad internacional”, advierten con tono catastrófico segmentos de las elites económica, militar y mediática brasileñas. Esos grupos censuran al gobierno por haberse aproximado a Irán y tachan de “ideológica” su adhesión al BRIC, la coalición de potencias emergentes de la que también hacen parte China, Rusia e India, cuya segunda cumbre fue celebrada el jueves en Brasilia. Desde diversas tribunas del espectro conservador se alega que esta política externa, vertebrada en el eje Sur-Sur, carece de pragmatismo y no alcanza resultados concretos......................5

Data: 16/04/2010 - EUA - The New York Times Título: 1 Brazil: 'Affinity' on Iran With China, India................................................................................................................................. 7

Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with Chinese and Indian leaders on the sidelines of a summit of the so-called BRIC nations, which also includes Russia..........................7

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Data: 14/04/2010 EUA - The Wall Street Journal Título: Building a Future With Sturdy BRICs...........................................................................................................................................8

Goldman Sachs's Jim O'Neil takes the credit for labeling the emerging-markets giants as the BRICs, and he continues to espouse this cause. Amid the gloom enveloping so much analysis, he finds reasons for constant optimism................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Les Echos Título: Le deuxième sommet des quatre grands émergents écourté....................................................................................................................10

Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement du Brésil, de la Russie, de l’Inde et de la Chine (BRIC) se sont réunis, hier à Brasilia, pour accorder leurs violons avant la tenue du sommet du G20 de Toronto, en juin. Un sommet écourté à deux heures de discussions. En raison d’un séisme dans son pays, le président chinois a annulé sa tournée en Amérique latine.................................................................................................................................. 10

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Les Echos Título: Les BRIC réclament un nouvel ordre mondial plus juste...................................................................................................................................11

Le brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, le chinois Hu Jintao, le russe Dmitri Medvedev et l'indien Manmohan Singh ont participé à un sommet des BRIC avancé de vendredi à jeudi après la décision de Hu d'écourter sa visite pour regagner la Chine frappée par un violent séisme................................................................................12A l'issue de leur réunion de deux heures, le Premier ministre indien a déclaré que le principal objectif du groupe était la création "d'un nouvel ordre mondial plus démocratique, juste et multipolaire"..........................................12

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Le Figaro Título: Les Bric peinent à définir un front commun..12COMMERCE La grand-messe n’aura finalement pas eu lieu. Le deuxième sommet des Bric, acronyme désignant le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde et la Chine, qui devait se tenir aujourd’hui à Brasilia, a capoté avec le départ précipité, hier soir, du président chinois Hu Jintao, obligé de rentrer en raison du tremblement de terre au Qinghai. Une péripétie de plus pour un rendez-vous qui se veut désormais régulier mais qui tarde encore à trouver ses marques............................................................................................................................................. 12

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Le Monde Título: Les grands pays émergents se retrouvent à Brasilia.......................................................................................................................................13

Troisième partenaire de l'Amérique latine, la Chine est accusée par le Brésil d'entretenir une attitude " néocoloniale "....................................................................................................................................................... 13

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Flash Interview: BRIC....................................15L'idée de Bric, associant l'Inde, le Brésil, la Chine et la Russie, vous paraît-elle pertinente?...............................15Les Bric sont à géométrie variable : quand on se trouve à Pékin ou Shanghai, on entend rarement parler de la Russie. En revanche, l'Indonésie est clairement dans le radar des investisseurs chinois : plutôt que de Bric, il vaudrait mieux parler de Cibi!............................................................................................................................... 15

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Les pays émergents font affaire entre eux..16Les nouveaux géants économiques sortent renforcés de la crise. Face à l'atonie des marchés développés, ils comptent se renforcer, à l'occasion du deuxième Forum des Bric qui s'ouvre à Brasilia......................................16

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Moscou tourne son attention vers l'Inde et la Chine..........................................................................................................................................17

Dmitri Medvedev a renouvelé mardi son appel pour resserrer les rangs des pays Bric. La Russie veut rééquilibrer ses échanges.................................................................................................................................... 17Le Kremlin ne veut plus entendre les économistes dire que la Russie est le canard boiteux du club des Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine).............................................................................................................................. 17

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Data: 14/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Les pays émergents se mobilisent contre les attaques spéculatives..............................................................................................................18

La Russie plaide pour des mesures concertées avec le Brésil, l'Inde et la Chine en vue de gérer les risques spéculatifs sur leurs marchés financiers...............................................................................................................18

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: 1 Early BRIC summit wraps up19BRASILIA (AFP) – Brazil, Russia, India and China wrapped up their second-ever BRIC summit here after sharpening their call for reforms of international institutions and discussing a push to impose more UN sanctions on Iran.................................................................................................................................................................. 19Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: Brasil, Sudáfrica, China, India y Rusia, el nuevo eje de poder.................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: El Grupo IBAS puede ayudar al proceso de paz en Medio Oriente (Amorim)...........................................................................22

Brasil, Sudáfrica e India, que forman el grupo IBAS, pueden auxiliar al Cuarteto para Medio Oriente (EEUU, UE, ONU y Rusia) para hacer avanzar el proceso de paz entre israelíes y palestinos, dijo este jueves el ministro brasileño de Relaciones Exteriores, Celso Amorim..............................................................................................22

15/04/2010 - Argentina – Clarín: Lula fortalece su alianza con China, India y Rusia

Por: Eleonora Gosman

Desde la economia internacional hasta la crisis nuclear con Irán, la agenda del cuarteto presidencial del BRIC que se reúne a partir de hoy en la capital brasileña tendrá un cariz netamente geopolítico. La cita incluye temas tan disímiles como la falta de control del sistema financiero internacional, las reformas del Fondo Monetario y el Banco Mundial, la reestructuración de la ONU en especial de su Consejo de Seguridad y las sanciones impulsadas por Estados Unidos contra el país persa.

El presidente Lula da Silva, anfitrión de sus colegas de Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica, se las ingenió para introducir un eje adicional: la discusión sobre el proceso de paz en Cercano Oriente. Fue invitado con ese objetivo el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina, Radi Maliki. Este se encontrará con Lula, el premier indio Manmohan Singh y el sudafricano Jacob Zuma. Tal como informó el diplomático Roberto Jaguaribe, coordinador de la cumbre denominada IBAS (India, Brasil y Sudáfrica), este G3 "puede tener un papel importante, con imparcialidad y equilibrio en la búsqueda de un entendimiento" entre Israel y Palestina.

Pero si la postura frente a ese conflicto puede ser coincidente entre estos tres países, es menos probable que salga una posición única frente a la cuestión iraní que será objeto de debate entre Rusia, India, China y Brasil. Los tres primeros países tienen intereses específicos en Asia Central e, históricamente, sus intereses fueron contradictorios. Sobran ejemplos de esos antagonismos, en el pasado no tan lejano como lo fueron los conflictos limítrofes entre China e India, o las enemistades entre rusos y chinos. De cualquier manera la nueva cita del

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BRIC ha provocado escozor en Occidente. Se teme que salga de ese foro una actitud contraria a la impulsada por EE.UU. y las grandes potencias occidentales de redoblar las sanciones contra Teherán.

China e India han defendido una posición menos radical que la norteamericana y más próxima en ese sentido a la de Brasil, que propugna un nuevo esfuerzo de negociación. Rusia es, probablemente, el actor de mayor relieve en Asia Central si se tiene en cuenta sus viejas pretensiones sobre Afganistán, que incluso chocaron en el pasado con la política iraní para la misma región. Es por eso que los analistas de política internacional ponen signos de interrogación a los resultados que pueda tener en ese terreno la cumbre del BRIC.

Donde habrá una mayor confluencia es en exigir a las potencias occidentales que sean efectivas en el control del sistema financiero, una promesa que salió de las sucesivas reuniones del G20 financiero, pero que hasta el momento tuvieron escaso resultado. En ese contexto el cuarteto de potencias emergentes podrá promover medidas para la reforma del FMI y del Banco Mundial, que hasta ahora siguen en una nebulosa.

Data: 16/04/2010 - Argentina - La Nación Título: Las potencias emergentes exigen un "nuevo orden

Los países BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, la India y China) acordaron fortalecer su asociación estratégica

BRASILIA.- Las principales potencias emergentes destacaron ayer la necesidad de construir un "nuevo orden mundial" y acordaron fortalecer su asociación estratégica, durante una cumbre del grupo BRIC, conformado por Brasil, Rusia, la India y China.

El presidente brasileño y anfitrión, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, afirmó que las cumbres que se realizaron en Brasilia entre los cuatro países "revelan que ha nacido una nueva geografía económica mundial".

Lula dijo que Brasil, la India, Rusia, China y Sudáfrica "tienen vocación universal" y pretenden un orden internacional "más justo, equitativo, equilibrado e inclusivo, en un renovado multilateralismo", al tiempo que señaló que el actual orden es "desigual", "injusto" e "incapaz de resolver antiguos problemas, como la pobreza extrema y el hambre de millones de personas".

Además, el mandatario brasileño enfatizó su demanda de reforma de las Naciones Unidas y de ampliación del Consejo de Seguridad, para reforzar la presencia de las naciones en desarrollo en los principales centros de decisión de los problemas internacionales.

"Los países en desarrollo no lograrán consolidar una voz más activa sin que haya una reforma de la ONU y la ampliación del Consejo de Seguridad", expresó.

Con un nuevo gesto que revela su postura crítica con respecto a la Casa Blanca, Lula volvió a rechazar la aplicación de sanciones contra Irán por su programa nuclear.

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El canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim, dijo que Lula encontró afinidades de posiciones en sus conversaciones con el presidente chino, Hu Jintao, y el primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh. "La eficacia de las sanciones es muy discutible, ya que las sanciones afectan a las personas más vulnerables, no a los dirigentes´´, expresó Amorim.

Lula mantuvo una reunión bilateral con su par chino, en la cual trazaron las líneas para un plan de cooperación entre los años 2010 y 2014, que dotará a los proyectos conjuntos de una "mayor armonía y coordinación".

El presidente chino decidió regresar anticipadamente a su país para coordinar las tareas de emergencia en la zona castigada por el terremoto de anteayer. Por eso, las reuniones del BRIC y del IBSA (compuesto por la India, Brasil y Sudáfrica) debieron realizarse todas ayer, cuando el programa original preveía que finalizaran hoy.

"El gobierno chino está organizando una emergencia para enfrentar la calamidad. Por eso decidí anticipar mi regreso a China al finalizar el día [de ayer]´´, explicó Hu.

La nueva agenda incluyó reuniones de presidentes y ministros de ambos bloques, y comenzó con el foro IBSA en la mañana de ayer, y la cumbre de los BRIC en horas de la noche. Al cabo de la reunión bilateral, Lula destacó que China ha desplazado este año a Estados Unidos como el principal socio comercial de Brasil y que el intercambio entre los dos países llegó en 2009 a 36.000 millones de dólares.

Lula se reunió también con el presidente sudafricano, Jacob Zuma, y vaticinó, en broma, que Brasil y Sudáfrica estarán en la final del próximo Mundial. "Para quienes no saben, esta foto retrata lo que será la final de la Copa del Mundo", bromeó Lula, al posar junto a Zuma para decenas de reporteros gráficos.

Agencias AP, AFP, EFE y DPA

Data: 18/04/2010 Argentina - Página 12 - Título: La apuesta de Lula por el eje Sur-Sur

La estadía en Brasilia de Hu Jintao, Dmitri Medvedev y Manmohan Singh, líderes de tres potencias nucleares, indica la voluntad política de afianzar un ámbito, como es el grupo BRIC, con potencialidad para plantarse ante Washington.

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La travesía internacional de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva lleva hacia el aislamiento de la “comunidad internacional”, advierten con tono catastrófico segmentos de las elites económica, militar y mediática brasileñas. Esos grupos censuran al gobierno por haberse aproximado a Irán y tachan de “ideológica” su adhesión al BRIC, la coalición de potencias emergentes de la que también hacen parte China, Rusia e India, cuya segunda cumbre fue celebrada el jueves en Brasilia. Desde diversas tribunas del espectro conservador se alega que esta política externa, vertebrada en el eje Sur-Sur, carece de pragmatismo y no alcanza resultados concretos.

Si bien es un discurso pretendidamente realista, algunos de sus postulados no pasan de proclamas ideológicas, como el que considera que la “comunidad internacional” se reduce a las potencias occidentales, las que en rigor son una pequeña porción del planeta en términos poblacionales y geográficos, aunque sea relevante si se considera su porte económico y poderío bélico.

Aciertan, en cambio, los detractores de Lula cuando afirman que éste no logró el resultado buscado en el encuentro con sus colegas de China, Rusia e India. En sus discursos Hu Jintao, Dimitri Medvedev y Manmohan Singh esquivaron la crisis iraní, lo cual privó a Brasilia de un triunfo diplomático robusto a pocas semanas del viaje de Lula a Teherán, donde defenderá una salida negociada para la crisis y cuestionará el parecer de Barack Obama, para quien no hay dudas de que los ayatolas van por la bomba.

Aun así, sería tosco concluir que esos silencios, especialmente el chino, equivalen a un desacuerdo inequívoco con el alegato brasileño. Hu Jintao, dueño de una baraja preciosa, como es el poder de veto en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que le permitiría abortar las sanciones exigidas por la Casa Blanca, fue tan sigiloso en Brasilia como dos días antes lo había sido en Washington, donde conversó con Obama.

El canciller brasileño Celso Amorim aseguró que pese al mutismo de Hu Jintao en sus contactos con la prensa, durante la cita con Lula mostró “afinidades” con la línea dialoguista y los riesgos de permitir que contencioso norteamericano-iraní se agudice.

Es cierto también que la estancia en Brasilia de Hu Jintao, Medvedev y Singh, líderes de tres potencias nucleares, indica la voluntad política de afianzar un ámbito, como es el BRIC, con potencialidad para plantarse ante Washington, sea sobre Irán, las reformas en el FMI o el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.

El cónclave del jueves enseñó que Brasil logró un estatus global plausible pero avanza por un desfiladero angosto, plagado de riesgos. La cercanía de Brasilia y Teherán es coherente con el perfil neo-tercermundista de Lula y su afán de expandir el radio de influencia de su país, pero no debe confundirse con afinidades ideológicas con Mahmud Ahmadinejad y, menos aún, con los principios de la República Islámica.

Lula tampoco se fía ciegamente de las promesas iraníes de que el uranio enriquecido jamás será utilizado con fines bélicos, como se aseguró ayer en la cumbre celebrada en Teherán, convocada bajo el lema “armas nucleares para nadie, energía nuclear para todos”. Así lo reconoció el canciller Celso Amorim cuando dijo que “nunca podremos” saber a ciencia cierta el destino dado al mineral enriquecido.

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Si algún día Irán fabrica la bomba, la credibilidad de Lula se desplomará, y ése es un riesgo al que Brasil se expone deliberadamente. Pero al contrario de lo que sostienen sus detractores el líder brasileño no razona como un utópico radical que camina hacia el abismo. Para desmontar la lógica de su política externa hay que observar las tesis formuladas en el Instituto de Pesquisa Económica Aplicada (IPEA), uno de los principales tanques de ideas del gobierno.

En un encuentro con intelectuales chinos, rusos e indios, el miércoles, Marcio Pochman, titular del IPEA, afirmó que la crisis del 2009 se asemeja a la que acabó con la hegemonía británica en la década de 1870, preanuncia el deterioro de la supremacía norteamericana y pavimenta el camino para que las potencias hasta hoy periféricas, se agrupen y disputen palmo a palmo el centro de la arena mundial.

A Pochman lo secundó el vicecanciller Antonio Patriota, para quien los BRIC estarán entre las mayores potencias del mundo en 2035, y no en 2050, como presagió el Jim O’Neill, del Banco Goldman Sachs, cuando creó ese grupo de naciones, como una tipología sólo econométrica, en 2001.

En suma, no atribuyamos a Lula ser un estadista preclaro que a la manera de un gran timonel guía los pasos de las potencias emergentes hacia un nuevo orden mundial.

Antes bien es un político pragmático, defensor del multipolarismo, cuya formación de izquierda está trufada con el legado nacionalista de los ex mandatarios Getulio Vargas y João Goulart, el mismo que poco antes de asumir el gobierno visitó China, en 1961. Uno de los primeros actos de la dictadura que derrocó a Goulart en 1964 fue romper relaciones con Pekín.

Data: 16/04/2010 - EUA - The New York Times Título: 1 Brazil: 'Affinity' on Iran With China, India


BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) -- There is an ''affinity'' between Brazil's opposition to new sanctions on Iran and the positions of China and India, the Brazilian foreign minister said as leaders of those nations met Thursday.

Brazil has increased its political and economic ties to Iran in the past year while frequently criticizing efforts to impose sanctions over its nuclear program.

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Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with Chinese and Indian leaders on the sidelines of a summit of the so-called BRIC nations, which also includes Russia.

''We saw a great affinity of views from both,'' Amorim said. ''There was an exchange of ideas on how to start the process, what is the best way to find a peaceful solution'' to international concern about Iran's development of nuclear energy.

The U.S. and its allies accuse Iran of seeking to build a nuclear weapon, a claim Iran denies.

China and Russia, as part of the U.N. Security Council, have the most clout among BRIC nations in shaping a global response to Iran.

On Thursday at the United Nations, leading powers met to discuss possible new sanctions against Iran. Chinese diplomats said their position was to focus on diplomacy.

Chinese president Hu Jintao made no statements in Brasilia about Iran. But Amorim said after Silva met with Hu and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that the Brazil delegation was optimistic.

''Our belief is that there is still the possibility'' for a negotiated agreement, he said, adding that China and India seem to believe that ''the effectiveness of the sanctions is questionable and that sanctions affect only the most vulnerable people and not the leaders.''

The summit was cut short because China's Hu said he would return home early due to earthquakes that killed at least 600 people. That meant he was canceling visits to Venezuela and Chile.

At the summit's close, leaders of the four nations announced they had signed an agreement to deepen cooperation among their countries' development banks. They said China would host the next BRIC summit next year.

The BRIC nations are looking to deepen their trade ties and are calling for a bigger role in major global financial decisions, primarily within institutions such as the International Monetary Fund.

Following a bilateral meeting with Hu, Silva said that because of the economic advances of Brazil and China, ''We have the means -- and obligation, really -- of fighting for a different financial order.''

Also on Thursday, the fledgling political club known as IBSA, which comprises Brazil, India and South Africa, convened its fourth annual meeting.

Leaders from the three nations met with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki and called for the resumption of peace talks with Israel that would ''lead to a two-state solution'' with East Jerusalem as the shared capital.


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Associated Press writers Marco Sibaja and Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.

Data: 14/04/2010 EUA - The Wall Street Journal Título: Building a Future With Sturdy BRICs

Goldman Sachs's Jim O'Neil takes the credit for labeling the emerging-markets giants as the BRICs, and he continues to espouse this cause. Amid the gloom enveloping so much analysis, he finds reasons for constant optimism.

His latest good cheer comes in the shape of China's March trade figures. The first monthly deficit in six years may be an aberration, for the country hasn't put the brakes on exporting, but, points out Mr. O'Neill, just look at the scale of the imports.

For that single month, imports, at $119.4 billion, were up $47.5 billion compared with a year earlier. During the first quarter as a whole, imports at $301.7 billion had leapt by $118.4 billion from the previous year.

While politicians get vexed about the strength of the yuan and try to goad China into letting its currency appreciate, Mr. O'Neill prefers to concentrate on the good news: If Chinese imports continue to grow at this rate for the entire year, the effect will be as significant as if another Indonesia, Sweden or Turkey had burst onto the trading scene.

Optimists such as Mr. O'Neill see China and the other BRICs— Brazil, Russia and India—as the force that could help pull the West out of its doldrums. But, while that could be a welcome spin off of the growing strength of that country, China's ambitions lack any element of altruism.

As if to underline that message, this week has seen China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. paying $4.65 billion for a stake in the Syncrude Canada oil-sands project. A month earlier, Chinese oil-exploration company Cnooc paid more than $3 billion for a stake in a major Argentinian oil-exploration company. China is now amassing energy assets at a phenomenal rate, in Africa as well as the Americas, where it no longer seems to be coming up against the protectionist objections that prevented its planned takeover of Unocal Corp. back in 2005.

Despite the posturing over tariffs that continues between the U.S. and China, perhaps there is a tacit acceptance in Washington of the importance of retaining China as a welcoming market for U.S. imports.

This week, U.S. President Barack Obama has been welcoming BRIC leaders, along with more than 40 others, to his nuclear summit. Russia's president, Dmitry Medvedev, took the opportunity to call on the BRICs to work together, not merely to use their influence in security matters but more widely, for instance, in financial matters.

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That will now be on the agenda for the BRIC summit to be held shortly in Brasilia. Tensions between the four countries are many, but their growing strength represents a massive change in the balance of power in the world.

The contrast between the BRICs and the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) is a painful one for Europe to confront.

Yet given the recent happenings in Greece and the potential for similar—if not so extreme—events in other European countries, there is no escaping the fact that the map of global influence now looks very different.

Western politicians are understandably reluctant to confront this fact. It is one thing to point to the economic challenge posed by the merging markets, and cite it as a reason why investment in education and science has to be improved if the West is to compete. It is an entirely different matter to admit to a shrinking presence in the world's power league.

It is certainly not something that is likely to be given much of an airing during the U.K.'s election campaign.

In fact, any discussion of foreign policy during the run up to May 6 might well sound, to that legendary Martian who just happened to drop in on the conversation, as if Britain was still running an empire. And yet one of the most interesting exchanges that might take place would be to draw out the three main parties in the coming weeks on how they see Britain's role on the international stage.

Tomorrow sees the first of three televised debates between the leaders of the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties. This import from the U.S. is a novel feature of the 2010 general election, and no one knows how influential it will turn out to be in determining the outcome.

The main thrust is likely to be on how to deal with the massive deficit in the national finances, but the truth is nothing that has been heard from the three parties so far goes anywhere near addressing the real scale of the pain that will have to be taken if a debt that is on course to reach £1.4 trillion is to be brought under control.

The specter of Greece, now in what looks to be only a temporary respite from default, should be enough to persuade responsible leaders that saving a few billion pounds here or there is simply not enough. But to talk about drastic moves such as slashing the defence budget to something commensurate with the status of a country that is no longer a world power may be judged a recipe for vote losing.

Equally, talk of slashing public-sector pay and pensions, now a burden the country can simply no longer afford, isn't going to persuade the swathes of electors who work in the public sector to give their support.

And the five million people in Britain who subsist on benefits, virtually the same number that did so when Labour came to power, aren't likely to vote for the party that promises to force them into work, even though some two-thirds are estimated to be capable of earning.

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Once the election is over, though, such tough choices will have to be on the agenda whichever party wins.

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Les Echos Título: Le deuxième sommet des quatre grands émergents écourté

Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement du Brésil, de la Russie, de l’Inde et de la Chine (BRIC) se sont réunis, hier à Brasilia, pour accorder leurs violons avant la tenue du sommet du G20 de Toronto, en juin. Un sommet écourté à deux heures de discussions. En raison d’un séisme dans son pays, le président chinois a annulé sa tournée en Amérique latine.


BRIC, acte II. Loin d’apparaître comme un mouvement de mode lancé à la faveur de la crise mondiale, les BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine) veulent gagner de la consistance. Réunis à Brasilia, le Brésilien Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, le Chinois Hu Jintao, le Russe Dimitri Medvedev et le premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh devaient montrer que les déséquilibres de l’économie mondiale ne peuvent être corrigés sans leur participation active.

Reste que le sommet a été écourté à deux heures de discussions. Le président chinois, Hu Jintao, en raison du séisme qui a frappé son pays, devait repartir du Brésil hier. Sa tournée en Amérique latine a été annulée. Pour avancer sur la voie de la réforme de la gouvernance mondiale, les membres du BRIC devaient accorder leurs violons avant le prochain sommet du G20 à Toronto, discuter de la dynamique commerciale Sud-Sud et des projets monétaires en coulisse.

Coopération financièreLes BRIC estiment qu’une seule monnaie nationale ne peut servir de référence internationale. Dimitri Medvedev se montre particulièrement intéressé par des« accords de commerce réciproques en monnaies locales », dans un article publié par le Kremlin. Mais, côté chinois, on reste prudent.« Nous ne croyons pas en des changements significatifs dès maintenant», affirme Li Yang, vice-président de l’Académie des sciences chinoise.« On ne doit pas s’attendre à une proposition révolutionnaire dans le domaine monétaire », a souligné Roberto Jaguaribe, sous-secrétaire aux Affaires politiques du ministère brésilien des Relations extérieures.

La question de la valorisation du yuan ne fait pas partie de l’ordre du jour officiel, mais n’est pas pour autant exclue, a-t-il ajouté.Dimitri Medvedev se montre particulièrement intéressé par un resserrement de la coopération financière. Ce rapprochement permettrait en outre« un échange d’informations à propos d’éventuelles attaques spéculatives sur le marché des changes et les Bourses des BRIC ». Selon le président russe, cela pourrait déboucher sur une plus ample« coopération dans les domaines du nucléaire, de l’aéronautique, de l’aérospatiale et des nanotechnologies ».

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En définitive, en dépit de tout ce qui sépare encore les quatre membres des BRIC, le sommet de Brasilia devait servir à tracer de nouvelles voies pour la coopération entre grands pays en développement, souligne Rathin Roy, directeur du Centre international de politique du PNUD. Avec un enjeu politique central, selon lui :« Ces pays réussiront-ils à profiter de l’occasion pour consolider un nouveau paradigme de coopération pour un développement plus inclusif, qui garantisse que les fruits de la croissance parviennent à tous?»

Thierry Ogier

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Les Echos Título: Les BRIC réclament un nouvel ordre mondial plus juste

Les dirigeants des pays du BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont réclamé jeudi un nouvel ordre mondial plus juste et plus démocratique lors de leur IIe sommet à Brasilia.

Le brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, le chinois Hu Jintao, le russe Dmitri Medvedev et l'indien Manmohan Singh ont participé à un sommet des BRIC avancé de vendredi à jeudi après la décision de Hu d'écourter sa visite pour regagner la Chine frappée par un violent séisme.

A l'issue de leur réunion de deux heures, le Premier ministre indien a déclaré que le principal objectif du groupe était la création "d'un nouvel ordre mondial plus démocratique, juste et multipolaire".

La question du programme nucléaire iranien a dominé les rencontres bilatérales entres les dirigeants.

En raison de leur agenda serré et des discussions déjà menées dans les bilatérales, "les présidents ont décidé de ne pas aborder le thème en séance plénière et de se concentrer sur les thèmes relatifs à la gouvernance mondiale", a dit le principal conseiller de Lula pour les affaires internationales, Marco Aurelio Garcia.

Par ailleurs, dans une déclaration diffusée à l'issue du sommet, les BRIC "pressent les Etats de résister à toute forme de protectionnisme" et soulignent la nécessité de conclure le cycle de Doha sur la libéralisation du commerce mondial.

Sur la question controversée d'une monnaie alternative au dollar pour le commerce entre leurs pays, ils se sont contentés de recommander à leurs ministres des finances et gouverneurs de banque centrale "d'étudier la faisabilité d'une coopération monétaire", y compris pour conclure des accords afin de faire du commerce en monnaie locale.

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Data: 16/04/2010 França - Le Figaro Título: Les Bric peinent à définir un front commun


Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine, ces pays représentent à eux seuls 16 % du PIB mondial.

COMMERCE La grand-messe n’aura finalement pas eu lieu. Le deuxième sommet des Bric, acronyme désignant le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde et la Chine, qui devait se tenir aujourd’hui à Brasilia, a capoté avec le départ précipité, hier soir, du président chinois Hu Jintao, obligé de rentrer en raison du tremblement de terre au Qinghai. Une péripétie de plus pour un rendez-vous qui se veut désormais régulier mais qui tarde encore à trouver ses marques.

Ces quatre pays représentent plus de 40 % de la population mondiale et 16 % du PIB (produit intérieur brut) de la planète. Avec une croissance évaluée entre 3,6 % pour la Russie et 10 % pour la Chine cette année, ils sont les locomotives de la reprise. C’est pourquoi ils veulent tout à la fois renforcer leur coopération économique et financière et mieux se faire entendre des pays riches et des instances internationales telles que le FMI (Fonds monétaire international) et la Banque mondiale.

En juin dernier, lors de leur première réunion en Russie, ils avaient mis l’accent sur les moyens de moins dépendre du dollar. Aujourd’hui ils se montrent beaucoup plus prudents sur l’éventuelle adoption d’une devise alternative au billet vert pour le commerce international. Et ils se gardent bien de poser la question du yuan, sousévalué volontairement aux yeux des Américains. « Personne n’a intérêt, au sein des Bric, à secouer le bateau trop fort », résumait récemment un diplomate brésilien.

Cycle de Doha Mais ni les échanges commerciaux ni la monnaie ne suffisent à faire d’eux un groupe homogène. On le voit très clairement lors des négociations du cycle de Doha sur la libération des échanges internationaux. Exportations de matières premières pour le Brésil, focalisation de la Russie sur le pétrole et sur le gaz, services et technologies de l’information pour l’Inde, industrie lourde et finances pour la Chine, chaque pays a un modèle totalement différent pour aborder la mondialisation.

Ensemble, les Bric représentent par exemple un tiers des terres cultivables dans le monde. Ils produisent 40 % du blé disponible sur terre. Mais ils se déchirent dès qu’il s’agit de définir une position commune en matière d’exportations. Aujourd’hui encore, ils sont plus réunis par ce qui les oppose que par ce qui les rassemble. Du coup, ils ne peuvent pas imposer leur opinion. Tout au plus peuvent-ils suggérer des changements.

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Le Monde Título: Les grands pays émergents se retrouvent à Brasilia

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Brasilia Envoyé spécial

Troisième partenaire de l'Amérique latine, la Chine est accusée par le Brésil d'entretenir une attitude " néocoloniale "

La Chine est devenue un acteur économique majeur en Amérique latine. Troisième partenaire commercial du sous-continent, elle pourrait, à l'horizon 2014-2015, ravir la deuxième place à l'Union européenne, selon un rapport publié cette semaine par la Commission économique pour l'Amérique latine (Cepal). Fort de la montée en puissance de son pays dans le monde " latino ", le président chinois, Hu Jintao, sera la vedette du 2e sommet des BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine), le groupe des quatre grands pays émergents, vendredi 16 avril, à Brasilia.

Le président russe, Dmitri Medvedev, et le premier ministre indien, Manmohan Singh, participeront à ce rendez-vous, aux côtés de leur hôte brésilien, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Hu Jintao fera à cette occasion une visite officielle au Brésil. Ce sera sa dixième rencontre avec le président Lula, et sa deuxième au Brésil.L'essor des échanges entre le géant d'Asie et les pays de la région résulte de la complémentarité entre leurs économies. D'un côté, une Chine avide de matières premières, d'énergie et de denrées agricoles ; de l'autre, une Amérique latine qui en est riche.

Cette relation commerciale florissante témoigne pourtant d'une forte asymétrie : l'Amérique latine fournit presque exclusivement à la Chine des produits de base, alors que cette dernière lui vend des biens manufacturés à forte valeur ajoutée. Le pétrole représente 94 % des ventes de l'Equateur à la Chine, le soja et ses produits dérivés 80 % de celles de l'Argentine.

Leader économique et politique régional, le Brésil demande à la Chine de corriger cette relation de type " néocolonial " qu'il subit lui aussi. En 2009, la Chine est devenue son premier partenaire commercial, détrônant les Etats-Unis. Les exportations du Brésil vers la Chine ont, en valeur, été multipliées par quinze depuis 2000. Mais en 2009, 73 % d'entre elles correspondaient seulement à trois produits : le minerai de fer, le pétrole et le soja.

Le Brésil subit, comme tout le monde, les effets de la sous-évaluation de la monnaie chinoise, le yuan, conjuguée, dans son cas, à une surévaluation de sa propre monnaie, le real. Cette affaire le préoccupe, mais il ne veut pas en faire pour l'heure un cheval de bataille antichinois car, souligne le président de la Banque centrale, Henrique Meirelles, " notre croissance reste surtout tirée par la demande intérieure ".Le Brésil se soucie davantage des exportations que la Chine lui enlève dans son aire commerciale naturelle, l'Amérique du Sud. " Cela se passe sous notre barbe ", pestait récemment le président Lula devant ses ministres. Le Brésil perd des parts de marché en Argentine au profit de la Chine, et vice-versa. Les deux voisins, qui entretiennent une relation commerciale tumultueuse, le premier reprochant au second son " protectionnisme " tarifaire, ont pourtant décidé, fin mars, de réagir ensemble en promouvant des missions conjointes en Chine.

A cela s'ajoute depuis peu la " guerre du fer ", où la Chine et le Brésil s'affrontent par entreprises interposées. Premier fabricant d'acier de la planète, la Chine accuse les trois grands groupes miniers, les anglo-australiens Rio Tinto et BHP Billiton et le brésilien Vale, numéro un

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actuel avec 33 % de la production mondiale, de se comporter comme un " cartel " qui aurait abusé de sa " position dominante " en doublant quasiment le prix du minerai.

Le Brésil fait enfin grief à la Chine de ne pas investir chez lui alors qu'il aura besoin de capital étranger, notamment pour organiser la Coupe du monde de football (2014) et les Jeux olympiques (2016). Lors de sa première visite, en 2004, M. Hu avait promis de consacrer 70 milliards de dollars (51 milliards d'euros) à l'Argentine et au Brésil. Il n'en a rien été. La Chine a investi au Brésil, entre 2007 et 2009, 1 % de ce que les Pays-Bas ont eux-mêmes investi.

Mais les choses commencent à changer. Les dirigeants de 65 entreprises chinoises participent cette semaine à des séminaires à Rio de Janeiro et à Sao Paulo. Ils affirment vouloir investir et produire au Brésil. La compagnie chinoise Sinopec va se lancer dans l'exploration pétrolière. M. Hu visitera le port qui abritera le terminal d'exportation du fer vers la Chine. En échange d'une participation à son financement, Pékin aura une garantie de livraison pendant vingt ans.

" Nous n'avons aucune illusion romantique sur nos relations avec la Chine ", disait il y a peu un ancien ambassadeur brésilien à Pékin. Le Brésil a bien pris conscience de l'agressivité commerciale de la Chine et de ses atouts en matière de compétitivité. Exemple : la Chine participera en bonne place à l'appel d'offres pour la construction de la ligne TGV qui reliera Sao-Paulo à Rio.

" Il y a, bien sûr, des contradictions, voire des conflits entre les BRIC, notamment avec la Chine, déclare au Monde, l'ambassadeur Roberto Jaguaribe, le coordinateur du sommet de Brasilia. Mais pour l'instant, l'émergence politique et économique de la Chine est un événement positif. Nos quatre pays ne prétendent pas, cette semaine, prendre des décisions. Nous voulons surtout renforcer notre concertation pour promouvoir des idées communes, comme la réforme de la gouvernance mondiale. "

La réunion des BRIC était précédée, jeudi, d'un sommet Brésil, Inde et Afrique du Sud, représentée par le président Jacob Zuma.

Jean-Pierre Langellier

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Flash Interview: BRIC

Marc Lamure

L'idée de Bric, associant l'Inde, le Brésil, la Chine et la Russie, vous paraît-elle pertinente?

Les Bric sont à géométrie variable : quand on se trouve à Pékin ou Shanghai, on entend rarement parler de la Russie. En revanche, l'Indonésie est clairement dans le radar des investisseurs chinois : plutôt que de Bric, il vaudrait mieux parler de Cibi!

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Le sommet de Brasilia qui s'ouvre ce vendredi a pour objectif de favoriser la coopération entre les économies émergentes. Pour un patron européen ou américain, est-ce que cela a un sens de vouloir associer les deux mastodontes asiatiques, la Chine et l'Inde ?

Pour les entreprises, il ne s'agit pas d'opposer l'Inde et la Chine, car les problématiques de développement entre ces deux pays n'ont pas grand-chose à voir. Quand on compare le PIB par tête, l'Inde, avec environ 1.000 dollars par an et par habitant, se situe encore dix ou quinze ans derrière la Chine, où le revenu atteint 2.600 dollars par personne. Pour le moment, les investisseurs étrangers ont donc tout intérêt à profiter de la forte croissance chinoise, avant que le marché ne devienne trop concurrentiel, les acteurs chinois prenant naturellement le relais.

Les entreprises multinationales pourront alors compter sur l'Inde, qui commencera à décoller. Prenez par exemple le développement des réseaux électriques : le cycle d'investissement chinois dans ce secteur a débuté il y une dizaine d'années et il devrait s'achever vers 2020. À ce moment-là, les besoins indiens dans le secteur seront très importants. C'est une stratégie à double détente!

Propos recueillis par Éric Chol

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Les pays émergents font affaire entre eux

Les nouveaux géants économiques sortent renforcés de la crise. Face à l'atonie des marchés développés, ils comptent se renforcer, à l'occasion du deuxième Forum des Bric qui s'ouvre à Brasilia.

L'ouverture à partir de ce jeudi du deuxième sommet des Bric (Brésil-Russie-Inde-Chine) tombe à un moment propice. « L'activité économique des pays émergents retrouve ses meilleurs niveaux », constate Stephen King, le chef économiste de HSBC. La publication, prévue ce jeudi, du PIB chinois au premier trimestre - on attend une progression de 11,9 % sur un an - devrait conforter cet optimisme.

Avec des taux de croissance dynamiques attendus en 2010 - Chine (+ 9,7%), Inde (+ 7,7 %), Brésil (+ 5%), Russie (+ 8,3 %), selon Renaissance Capital -, ces pays sont de plus en plus tentés d'établir des relations privilégiées et de s'émanciper des économies avancées. « Notre objectif est d'établir une coopération fondée sur nos expériences réussies pour favoriser nos croissances. J'espère que ce type d'événement aura un impact important sur la coopération Sud-Sud », indique Rathin Roy, directeur d'un centre politique, IPC-IG, l'un des organisateurs du sommet de Brasilia.

Cette nouvelle configuration répond à deux besoins. Le premier répond à la situation du monde développé. « Des années d'austérité attendent l'Amérique du Nord et l'Europe pour tenter d'obtenir de nouveau le contrôle de leur situation budgétaire fragilisée », souligne Stephen King.

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Autrement dit, les futurs géants du Sud doivent trouver de nouveaux débouchés pour leurs biens manufacturés, qui se trouvent être d'autres émergents. Déjà, les exportations de la Chine à destination de l'Amérique latine ont bondi de 27 % depuis 2000, selon la Commission économique pour l'Amérique latine des Nations unies (Cepal). À l'inverse, les importations ont augmenté de 26 %. Pour le continent sud-américain, la Chine pourrait supplanter l'Union européenne comme deuxième partenaire commercial dès 2014.

course à la croissanceL'Asie et l'Amérique latine ont des intérêts communs quasi naturels, qui sont loin d'être comblés, comme l'atteste l'absence de ligne aérienne directe entre les deux continents. L'Extrême-Orient a un besoin vital de matières premières dont le sol sud-américain recèle. En retour, cette manne des produits de base permet aux pays de l'Amérique latine de se développer. Le continent, avec ses 500 millions d'habitants, représente en effet un débouché prometteur pour les Asiatiques et une opportunité d'investissement. En témoigne l'annonce faite ce mercredi par le pétrolier chinois Sinopec d'une prochaine prise de participation dans deux puits offshore brésiliens appartenant à Petrobras.

Le deuxième besoin est celui de la course à la croissance, indispensable pour lutter contre la pauvreté. « C'est une nécessité et non un luxe », souligne le politologue Rathin Roy. Les forts taux de croissance affichés par les Bric cachent mal en effet le maintien de disparités sociales, susceptibles de remettre en cause leur modèle de développement.

par Robert Jules

Data: 15/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Moscou tourne son attention vers l'Inde et la Chine

Dmitri Medvedev a renouvelé mardi son appel pour resserrer les rangs des pays Bric. La Russie veut rééquilibrer ses échanges.

Le Kremlin ne veut plus entendre les économistes dire que la Russie est le canard boiteux du club des Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine).

L'économie russe s'est certes effondrée de 8 % en 2009, mais elle reprend confiance alors que la banque d'investissement Renaissance Capital prévoit une croissance de 8,3 % cette année. Moscou apparaît résolu à mener de profondes réformes pour ne plus dépendre uniquement des exportations de matières premières comme ce fut le cas ces quinze dernières années.

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À l'heure actuelle, le premier partenaire économique de la Russie est de très loin l'Europe, et cette dépendance écrasante ne sied pas à Moscou. L'Europe représente 80 % des exportations de gaz russe et à peu près autant pour les exportations de pétrole.

Les autres ventes de produits russes, essentiellement des métaux (nickel, aluminium, acier) sont principalement orientées vers l'Europe.

Résultat, l'Allemagne, l'Italie et les Pays-Bas se classent en tête des clients de Moscou, la Chine n'arrivant qu'en 7e position. En revanche, la Chine s'est rapidement hissée au 2e rang des fournisseurs de la Russie et talonne déjà l'Allemagne.

Moscou ne ménage pas ses efforts pour modifier cette structure. La Russie construit un long et coûteux oléoduc à travers la Sibérie pour fournir 80 millions de tonnes de brut par an à la Chine. Deux gazoducs sont également prévus mais les deux pays ne parviennent pas à s'entendre sur les tarifs du gaz. Groupes pétroliers russes et indiens explorent ensemble des projets en Sibérie et à Sakhaline.

Les groupes miniers (Evraz et Rusal) considèrent la Chine comme leur principal objectif stratégique. En dehors des matières premières, les échanges s'intensifient rapidement. Moscou exporte ses centrales en Inde et en Chine, deux pays qui sont également ses principaux acheteurs d'armes. Une chose est certaine, les échanges de la Russie avec la Chine et l'Inde croissent à un rythme beaucoup plus soutenu qu'avec les pays européens.

Emmanuel Grynszpan, à Moscou

Data: 14/04/2010 França - La Tribune Título: Les pays émergents se mobilisent contre les attaques spéculatives

La Russie plaide pour des mesures concertées avec le Brésil, l'Inde et la Chine en vue de gérer les risques spéculatifs sur leurs marchés financiers.

Les pays émergents veulent avoir voix au chapitre sur les questions monétaires internationales. L'idée n'est pas nouvelle. Elle devrait revenir sur le devant de la scène à l'occasion du deuxième sommet des Bric (l'acronyme de Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) qui s'ouvre demain jeudi à Brasilia. A ce sujet, le président russe a déjà donné quelques pistes de réflexion. Selon lui, « le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde et la Chine vont devoir s'attacher à réformer le système de Bretton Woods ».

Et pour ce faire, « ces pays devraient déjà commencer par accroître leurs relations commerciales en faisant usage de leur devise respective ». Une proposition qui ne fait que conforter l'idée mise en avant par les Russes, à savoir la nécessité de refonder l'architecture financière mondiale, et de faire jouer aux devises émergentes les plus attrayantes, au rouble notamment, le rôle de monnaies de réserve internationale. Plus nouveau en revanche, le

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président russe met l'accent sur la nécessité d'une gestion des risques plus concertée entre ces pays.

taxe brésilienne« Il est important, insiste-t-il, que les pays émergents prennent des décisions communes, notamment qu'ils échangent des informations sur les possibles attaques spéculatives, dont peuvent faire les frais leurs devises respectives, leurs marchés d'actions et de matières premières, qui menacent leur stabilité économique ». Sur ce chapître, la Russie sait de quoi elle parle, puisqu'en 2008, elle a payé très cher la sortie brutale de ses investisseurs non résidents. Toutefois, elle n'est pas la seule à redouter les mouvements de capitaux excessifs susceptibles de créer des bulles sur certains actifs. Le Brésil a d'ailleurs fait voter une taxe l'an dernier en vue de stabiliser les flux de capitaux étrangers qui déferlaient sur sa Bourse.

L'Indonésie a évoqué la possibilité de le faire la semaine dernière. Ces pays préfèrent user de mesures plus - market friendly-, comme le renforcement des ratios prudentiels des banques », confirme Agnès Belaisch, stratège chez Threadneedle. En outre, précise-t-elle, à l'exception de la Chine, les flux de capitaux vers ces pays sont massifs (20 milliards de dollars depuis le début d'année) mais pas spéculatifs. « Ces capitaux ne parient pas sur une anomalie de marché, mais sur une réévaluation à la baisse du risque des places émergentes avec des rendements plus intéressants que ceux du G7. Ceci est donc un critère structurel. »

Marjorie Bertouille

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: 1 Early BRIC summit wraps up

by Marc Burleigh

BRASILIA (AFP) – Brazil, Russia, India and China wrapped up their second-ever BRIC summit here after sharpening their call for reforms of international institutions and discussing a push to impose more UN sanctions on Iran.

The gathering of the world's top emerging economies Thursday was truncated and brought forward one day to ensure the participation of Chinese President Hu Jintao, who announced he had to race home to oversee the response to the quake.

"Brazil, Russia, India and China have a fundamental role in the construction of a fairer international order," the summit's host, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, told a closing media conference.

Lula, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh all extended their sympathies to Hu and the Chinese people after an earthquake struck northwestern China Wednesday, killing 760 people.

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The Chinese president, who flew back to Beijing after the summit to handle what he called "a huge calamity," thanked the leaders for their "solidarity and sympathy."

Singh called the summit "very successful" and described the BRIC grouping as key to "contributing to world economic growth and prosperity."

Medvedev said the meeting showed that the BRIC format is maturing "and allows us to not only coordinate our efforts but to also make concrete decisions."

A joint statement emphasized the group's intent to see a "multipolar, equitable and democratic world order" that would result from a shake-up of the United Nations and global financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to better reflect the aspirations of their emerging economies.

It also spoke of "the importance of maintaining relative stability of major reserve currencies and sustainability of fiscal policies in order to achieve a strong, long-term balanced economic growth."

That vague clause appeared to refer to China's reluctance to unlink its yuan from the US dollar -- a policy that has boosted China's exports but raised cries of unfair currency manipulation by countries including the United States.

Missing from the statement was any mention of Iran, even though a push by Western nations to obtain more UN sanctions against the Islamic republic figured strongly in several meetings on the sidelines of the BRIC meeting.

A trilateral summit between Brazil, India and South Africa held just before the BRIC summit agreed that more diplomacy was required in the international standoff with Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

Lula, Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma "recognized the right of Iran to develop nuclear programs for peaceful purposes," and underlined "the need for a peaceful and diplomatic solution of the issue."

That language, however, was noticeably missing from the BRIC statement.

The leaders decided to not discuss Iran in their plenary session "but rather concentrate on issues relating to global governance," said Brazil's presidential adviser on international affairs, Marco Aurelio Garcia.

Russia and to a lesser extent China -- both veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council -- have reduced their resistance to the sanctions push in recent weeks.

But Brazil, a non-permanent member of the Security Council, has resolutely defended Iran.

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"Our impression... is that the effectiveness of sanctions is debatable," Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim told reporters, adding that Lula had set out that position in talks with the leaders of China and India.

"President Lula gave an explanation, to provide better transparency, on what we've done in relation with Iran. And we see great affinity with the points of view of each country," Amorim said.

Lula also discussed the issue with Medvedev, Brazilian officials told AFP.

The United States, Britain, France and Germany have been urging the BRIC nations to support sanctions against Iran.

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: Brasil, Sudáfrica, China, India y Rusia, el nuevo eje de poder

Las 5 potencias emergentes están reunidas en Brasilia. Las deliberaciones - por el sismo - se adelantaron a pedido de Hu Jintao. Las presiones sobre Irán dominaron el diálogo.

Los líderes de las cinco grandes economías emergentes -China, Rusia, India, Brasil y Sudáfrica- iniciaron ayer en Brasilia una serie de reuniones para discutir el nuevo escenario de gobernanza global y analizar caminos en busca de una solución a la controversia sobre el programa nuclear iraní.

La IV reunión del Grupo IBSA (Brasil, India y Sudáfrica por su sigla en inglés) abrió los encuentros para dar lugar seguidamente a la II Cumbre del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), que fue adelantada para permitir la partida en la noche del presidente chino, Hu Jintao, a causa del terremoto que causó 760 muertos en su país.

La creciente presión internacional por sanciones a Irán ante las dudas generadas por el real alcance de su programa nuclear terminó convirtiéndose en el asunto central de las conversaciones, junto a la necesidad de ampliar la participación de los emergentes en las grandes decisiones globales.

El Grupo IBSA emitió una Declaración en la que Brasil, India y Sudáfrica "reiteraron la necesidad de una solución pacífica y diplomática a la cuestión" de Irán.

El tema fue dominante también en las reuniones bilaterales que el presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, mantuvo este jueves con el líder chino Hu Jintao, con el primer ministro de India, Manmohan Singh, y con el mandatario sudafricano, Jacob Zuma.

De acuerdo con el canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim, en esas reuniones fueron identificadas "grandes afinidades" en los puntos de vista, en particular en la necesidad de mantener las negociaciones conducidas por la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica (AIEA).

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"Nuestra impresión, en la que ambos coinciden, es que la eficacia de las sanciones es discutible. Esto fue discutido en más profundidad con el ministro Singh, pero pensamos que las sanciones afectan más a los débiles y los vulnerables que al gobierno" de Irán, dijo Amorim.

Las sanciones, añadió el canciller brasileño, "pueden incluso ser contraproducentes para el objetivo" que se busca.

A su vez, el diplomático brasileño Piragibe Tarragó dijo a la prensa que "en la reunión que el presidente Lula mantuvo con Jacob Zuma los dos mandatarios estuvieron de acuerdo en la conveniencia de agotar las oportunidades de diálogo antes de analizar otras opciones".

China, un gigante con plaza permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, ya expresó su apoyo a la continuidad de las negociaciones entre la AIEA e Irán, al tiempo que Brasil, un miembro temporario de ese organismo, es abiertamente contrario a la adopción de sanciones contra Teherán.

Del BRIC, Rusia es la que parece más decidida a sostener las presiones en favor de las sanciones. Hace apenas una semana, Medvedev y el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, mantuvieron una histórica reunión en Praga para firmar un acuerdo de desarme nuclear, y el líder ruso expresó su frustración ante la falta de "propuestas constructivas" por parte de la República Islámica.

"No puedo excluir que el Consejo de Seguridad tenga que atender ese asunto", agregó Medvedev en esa oportunidad.

Amorim, sin embargo, matizó la posición brasileña al añadir que en todas las reuniones bilaterales Lula admitió que la continuidad de las negociaciones "requiere flexibilidad del gobierno iraní".

Las gigantes emergentes también se proponen discutir el escenario mundial posterior a la crisis financiera internacional y analizar mecanismos para consolidar su influencia con una voz más activa en las decisiones globales.

Data: 16/04/2010 França - Agência France Presse Título: El Grupo IBAS puede ayudar al proceso de paz en Medio Oriente (Amorim)

Brasil, Sudáfrica e India, que forman el grupo IBAS, pueden auxiliar al Cuarteto para Medio Oriente (EEUU, UE, ONU y Rusia) para hacer avanzar el proceso de paz entre israelíes y palestinos, dijo este jueves el ministro brasileño de Relaciones Exteriores, Celso Amorim.

"Los países del grupo IBAS pueden ayudar al Cuarteto a salir del círculo de tiza donde parece estar encerrado", dijo Amorim a la prensa luego de una reunión con el canciller palestino, Riak Malik, el ministro indio de Comercio, Anand Sharma, y la ministra sudafricana de Ciencia, Naledi Pandor.

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Los gobiernos de Brasil, Sudáfrica e India invitaron a Malik a participar de una reunión (antes de la Cumbre presidencial de IBAS que se realizará este jueves), "para ver cómo podemos ayudar al proceso de paz", dijo Amorim.

Entre esos problemas, el canciller brasileño mencionó la reciente decisión israelí de ampliar asentamientos judíos en Jerusalén oriental, "y la reedición de una orden militar israelí que, según el ministro Malik, torna todavía más difícil la vida cotidiana de los palestinos".

Los tres países del grupo IBAS, dijo Amorim, "mantienen buenas relaciones con Israel pero defendemos la existencia de un Estado palestino viable, en un ambiente de paz y con las fronteras definidas en 1967".

Por su parte, Malik dijo que informó a sus pares "sobre la situación en los territorios palestinos, el impasse en el proceso de paz y la negativa de Israel de congelar (la ampliación de) los asentamientos como una precondición para continuar negociaciones".

Brasil buscó en los últimos meses proyectarse como un interlocutor nuevo en el diálogo de paz, defendiendo la inclusión de Irán y de grupos como Hamas y hasta Hezbolá en las conversaciones. El presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva defendió esas ideas en un viaje a Israel y los territorios palestinos a mediados de marzo.

El presidente de uno de los países del Cuarteto, el ruso Dmitry Medvedev, llegará este jueves a Brasilia para participar de la Cumbre de los BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China).

Data: 16/04/2010França - Agência France Presse- Título: Programa nuclear iraní domina diálogo de potencias emergentes en Brasil

BRASILIA (AFP) - Los líderes de las cinco grandes economías emergentes -China, Rusia, India, Brasil y Sudáfrica- iniciaron este jueves en Brasilia una serie de reuniones para discutir el nuevo escenario de gobernanza global y analizar caminos en busca de una solución a la controversia sobre el programa nuclear iraní.

La IV reunión del Grupo IBSA (Brasil, India y Sudáfrica por su sigla en inglés) abrió los encuentros para dar lugar seguidamente a la II Cumbre del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), que fue adelantada para permitir la partida en la noche del presidente chino, Hu Jintao, a causa del terremoto que causó 760 muertos en su país.

La creciente presión internacional por sanciones a Irán ante las dudas generadas por el real alcance de su programa nuclear terminó convirtiéndose en el asunto central de las conversaciones, junto a la necesidad de ampliar la participación de los emergentes en las grandes decisiones globales.

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El Grupo IBSA emitió una Declaración en la que Brasil, India y Sudáfrica "reiteraron la necesidad de una solución pacífica y diplomática a la cuestión" de Irán.

El tema fue dominante también en las reuniones bilaterales que el presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, mantuvo este juves con el líder chino Hu Jintao, con el primer ministro de India, Manmohan Singh, y con el mandatario sudafricano, Jacob Zuma.

De acuerdo con el canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim, en esas reuniones fueron identificadas "grandes afinidades" en los puntos de vista, en particular en la necesidad de mantener las negociaciones conducidas por la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica (AIEA).

"Nuestra impresión, en la que ambos coinciden, es que la eficacia de las sanciones es discutible. Esto fue discutido en más profundidad con el ministro Singh, pero pensamos que las sanciones afectan más a los débiles y los vulnerables que al gobierno" de Irán, dijo Amorim.

Las sanciones, añadió el canciller brasileño, "pueden incluso ser contraproducentes para el objetivo" que se busca.

A su vez, el diplomático brasileño Piragibe Tarragó dijo a la prensa que "en la reunión que el presidente Lula mantuvo con Jacob Zuma los dos mandatarios estuvieron de acuerdo en la conveniencia de agotar las oportunidades de diálogo antes de analizar otras opciones".

China, un gigante con plaza permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, ya expresó su apoyo a la continuidad de las negociaciones entre la AIEA e Irán, al tiempo que Brasil, un miembro temporario de ese organismo, es abiertamente contrario a la adopción de sanciones contra Teherán.

Del BRIC, Rusia es la que parece más decidida a sostener las presiones en favor de las sanciones.

Hace apenas una semana, Medvedev y el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, mantuvieron una histórica reunión en Praga para firmar un acuerdo de desarme nuclear, y el líder ruso expresó su frustración ante la falta de "propuestas constructivas" por parte de la República Islámica.

"No puedo excluir que el Consejo de Seguridad tenga que atender ese asunto", agregó Medvedev en esa oportunidad.

Amorim, sin embargo, matizó la posición brasileña al añadir que en todas las reuniones bilaterales Lula admitió que la continuidad de las negociaciones "requiere flexibilidad del gobierno iraní".

Las gigantes emergentes también se proponen discutir el escenario mundial posterior a la crisis financiera internacional y analizar mecanismos para consolidar su influencia con una voz más activa en las decisiones globales.

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Ya en la I Cumbre del BRIC, el año pasado, los cuatro reclamaron "un sistema de divisas estable, predecible y más diversificado", abriendo la puerta a discusiones de alto nivel sobre la posibilidad de encontrar alternativas al dólar estadounidense como moneda de referencia.

Data: 15/04/2010França - Agência France Presse- Hu Jintao adelanta retorno a China y Cumbre BRIC será este jueves en Brasil

BRASILIA (AFP) - El presidente chino Hu Jintao decidió adelantar su retorno a su país y por ello la Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno del grupo BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), prevista para este viernes, será realizada la noche del jueves, informó la cancillería brasileña.

Hu tenía previsto reuniones bilaterales para este jueves, encontrándose con el líder ruso Dmitry Medvedev, el primer ministro indio Manmohan Singh y el presidente de Sudáfrica, Jacob Zuma y el viernes, además de participar del BRIC, realizaría una visita oficial a Brasil, pero la agenda fue drásticamente modificada.

De acuerdo con el nuevo programa divulgado este viernes por la cancillería, Hu se encontrará con el anfitrión Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva la mañana del jueves, y la Cumbre de BRIC será esta noche local. Poco antes de la medianoche local, Hu retornará a China, donde se registró un fuerte terremoto.

Lula, Singh y Zuma realizarán este jueves una reunión Cumbre del Grupo IBAS (India, Brasil y Sudáfrica), y posteriormente lo hará el grupo de BRIC, considerado como el de las más importantes economías emergentes del mundo.

Data: 15/04/2010França - Agência France Presse -Los grandes países emergentes del BRIC se reúnen buscando ampliar su influencia

BRASILIA - Los líderes de las naciones del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) se darán cita el viernes en Brasilia, en la II Cumbre de este grupo aglutinado por el fenomenal crecimiento de sus gigantescas economías, para tratar de consolidar su influencia mundial.

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La reunión ocurre tras la cumbre sobre seguridad nuclear en Washington, en un momento de fuertes presiones para la adopción de sanciones contra Irán, a las que China fue reticente y que son rechazadas por Brasil, miembro no permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.

El tema puede ser abordado en las reuniones "para conocer la posición (actual) de cada uno", explicó el coordinador del evento, el alto funcionario del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores brasileño Roberto Jaguaribe.

La cumbre de los BRIC reunirá a los presidentes Hu Jintao (China), Dimitri Medvedev (Rusia), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brasil) y el primer ministro Manmohan Singh (India), que oficialmente abordarán una agenda económica destinada a arrancar de los países ricos una reforma del sistema financiero y más peso en los organismos multilaterales (FMI y Banco Mundial).

"El gran factor que aglutina (el BRIC) es la necesidad de cambiar la gobernanza internacional" tradicionalmente controlada por las naciones industrializadas, resumió Jaguaribe. "¿Dónde están la riqueza generada en el mundo y las reservas? Están en los países en desarrollo; por tanto, no se puede contemplar más la posibilidad de que un grupo de países ricos diga cómo se harán las cosas", enfatizó.

Un tema caliente del BRIC es su defensa de una moneda alternativa al dólar para el comercio internacional, pero Brasil asegura que la cumbre no cerrará con ninguna propuesta que sacuda el frágil equilibrio financiero postcrisis.

La sigla BRIC fue creada en 2001 por el banco estadounidense Goldman Sachs para referirse a las economías de más rápido crecimiento del planeta. Su materialización en una cumbre política ocurrió por primera vez en 2009 en Rusia y coincide con la incorporación de los grandes países en desarrollo a los más importantes foros de discusión internacional.

Los cuatro miembros del BRIC representaron entre 2000 y 2008 cerca del 50% del crecimiento económico mundial y debe aumentar al 61% para 2014, según el FMI. Juntos, suman más del 40% de la población y del 16% del PIB mundial. Con la salvedad de Rusia y destaque de China, el BRIC salió bien de la crisis en 2009 y vuelve a ser motor del crecimiento mundial.

Pero el BRIC no es un grupo homogéneo ni sus miembros defienden los mismos intereses, afirmó a la AFP Christian Lohbauer, del grupo de Conyuntura Internacional de la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP): "Lo que los aproxima es que son la frontera del capitalismo, pero es evidente que no tienen una agenda común, sus intereses son divergentes y muchas veces enfrentados".

"Más retórica que hechos" resumieron algunos medios y analistas cuando se celebró la primera cumbre del BRIC.

Esta II Cumbre se iniciará con una reunión privada de los líderes el viernes por la mañana y se cerrará tras una plenaria hacia el mediodía.

El primer ministro indio y el presidente chino aprovecharán para realizar una visita oficial a Brasil, el jueves y el viernes, respectivamente. El jueves, además, Brasilia acogerá una cumbre

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del foro emergente IBSA, formado por India, Brasil y Sudáfrica. Los mandatarios del IBSA y del BRIC cenarán juntos el jueves.

Data: 16/04/2010Alemanha - Deutsche Welle- Bric conclui cúpula pedindo nova ordem mundial e condenando terrorismo

Brasília, 15 - Brasil, China, Índia e Rússia, membros do grupo Bric, pediram hoje uma nova ordem mundial, mais "justa" e "democrática", e condenaram de forma taxativa o terrorismo em todas as formas, na conclusão de sua segunda cúpula, realizada em Brasília.

O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva declarou que, na reunião realizada hoje, "foi dado um passo fundamental para consolidar a sociedade" nascida entre as quatro economias emergentes mais importantes do planeta.

"O Bric tem um papel fundamental na construção de uma nova ordem internacional mais justa, democrática e segura", afirmou Lula junto aos líderes da China, Hu Jintao; Rússia, Dmitri Medvedev; e o primeiro-ministro da Índia, Manmohan Singh.

Segundo Hu Jintao, o Bric se propôs a "intensificar o comércio" entre seus membros, que no ano passado chegou a US$ 51,7 bilhões, e "promover uma firme retomada do crescimento da economia mundial".

Singh considerou que o aumento da cooperação e o comércio entre Brasil, Índia, China e Rússia "foi e será melhor para todo o mundo", pois permitirá impulsionar a recuperação da economia mundial após a crise que explodiu em 2008.

"O Bric não nasceu de uma crise, mas as crises deram uma nova relevância" ao grupo, sustentou o primeiro-ministro da Índia, que lembrou que os quatro membros deste fórum também fazem parte do Grupo dos Vinte (G20) financeiro.

Os quatro países do Bric representam 42% da população mundial e 26% do território, e somaram no ano passado 23,4% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do planeta, segundo dados do próprio grupo.

Medvedev afirmou que durante a reunião realizada nesta quinta-feira em Brasília também foi discutida a necessidade de abordar no Bric outros assuntos da agenda global, como "o terrorismo, o crime organizado e o tráfico de drogas".

Nesse sentido, Lula assegurou que Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China estão "irmanados" na condenação ao terrorismo em todas suas formas, assim como no combate à violência política.

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A cúpula do grupo Bric, que coincidiu com a do Fórum de Diálogo Ibas (Brasil, Índia e África do Sul), devia acontecer na sexta, mas foi adiantada, pois Hu Jintao decidiu antecipar seu retorno à China devido ao terremoto que atingiu a região de Qinghai e causou mais de 600 mortes.

Os líderes dos países do Bric expressaram sua solidariedade a Hu Jintao, que se referiu ao terremoto como uma "grande calamidade que causou grandes perdas"

Data: 16/04/2010Alemanha - Deutsche Welle- Ibas reconhece direito iraniano a plano nuclear pacífico

Brasília.- Os Governos do Brasil, Índia e África do Sul defenderam hoje, no Fórum de Diálogo Índia-Brasil-África do Sul (Ibas), em Brasília, o direito do Irã a um desenvolvimento nuclear com fins pacíficos e de acordo com as normas internacionais de segurança.

Os presidentes, no entanto, insistiram com o Governo de Teerã para que coopere com a Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA) e cumpra as resoluções do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas, além de reiterarem "a necessidade de alcançar uma solução pacífica e diplomática" para a crise atual.

A menção ao Irã aparece no ponto 31 da Declaração de Brasília, que tem outros 45 e foi assinada pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, por seu colega da África do Sul, Jacob Zuma, e pelo primeiro-ministro da Índia, Manmohan Singh. Os países-membros do Ibas também conversaram sobre o conflito no Oriente Médio e exigiram, por meio de seus ministros das Relações Exteriores, que Israel congele os assentamentos nos territórios palestinos ocupados.

"Preocupados pela contínua deterioração da situação humana em Gaza, convocamos Israel a aliviar as restrições à circulação de pessoas e bens, tanto em Gaza como na Cisjordânia", sustentou um comunicado assinado pelos líderes do Brasil, Índia e África do Sul, que hoje se reuniram com seu colega da Autoridade Nacional Palestina (ANP), Riad Maliki.

Os três representantes do Ibas também reivindicaram que sejam retomadas de forma "urgente" as negociações para a criação de um Estado palestino soberano, seguindo as fronteiras de 1967.

Além disso, se comprometeram a adotar um "papel mais ativo" em busca do diálogo e da paz e entraram em acordo para prosseguirem com as conversas sobre este assunto nas próximas reuniões.

Após o Fórum de Diálogo, Lula e Singh se unirão aos presidentes da China, Hu Jintao, e Rússia, Dmitri Medvedev, para a reunião anual do grupo Bric, formado por Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China.

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Data: 15/04/2010Rússia - ITAR-TASS- Business people, bankers meet ahead of BRIC summit

BRASILIA (Itar-Tass) - Business executives and bankers from Brazil, Russia, India and China met on Thursday in the capital of Brazil ahead of a summit of the BRIC group of countries.

This is a fundamentally new event in the practice of cooperation of four BRIC countries. About 400 representatives of business circles from four countries got together on Wednesday at Copacabana Palace Hotel.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Selso Luiz Nunes Amorim addressed the forum, and said his country intends to bring aggregate trade turnover with BRIC partners to 60 billion dollars already this year.

“We have established a lot of businesses contacts, and solved the task of presenting our possibilities,” the head of the Russian delegation, deputy chairman of the Vnesheconombank (VEB) Sergei Vasilyev, told Tass by telephone.

“Infrastructure projects are of big interest from the point of view of exchange of experience and investments, as all BRIC states have vast territories and there is a lag in the development of infrastructure,” he said. Russian business people also see as “important and promising” the development of ties in agriculture. Power engineering, telecommunications and high technologies are traditionally priority issues on the business agenda of the BRIC states.

“I am sure that the practice of such meetings within the BRIC framework will be continued,” Vasilyev said.

Data: 16/04/2010-Portugal - Diário Econômico- Tragéda chinesa acelera cimeira dos BRIC

A cimeira do grupo dos BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China), que teve ontem lugar na capital brasileira, terminou de maneira abrupta.

O encontro estava previsto para ter lugar entre ontem e hoje, mas o forte sismo que matou mais de 600 pessoas na China levou o presidente chinês Hu Jintao a acelerar a data de regresso ao seu país, deixando as autoridades brasileiras sem escolha a não ser o de antecipar o encontro em 24 horas.

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"O dia foi especialmente complicado. Devido ao terramoto na China, o presidente Hu Jintao tomou a decisão muito generosa de vir ao Brasil de qualquer madeira, mas tem que partir ainda hoje. Então, comprimimos em apenas um o programa de dois dias", afirmou ontem o ministro brasileiro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Celso Amorim.

Devido a esta alteração, o encontro dos BRIC acabou por ter lugar na mesma altura da reunião do IBAS, fórum que reúne os países democráticos: Índia, o Brasil e a África do Sul.

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Financial Times- Bric countries call for greater clout

BRASILIA, April 15 – Leading emerging powers called on Thursday for swift reform of international financial institutions to give developing countries a greater voice, saying their group was vital to achieving a new world order.

The call from the increasingly influential Bric countries for more say in global financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund came ahead of this month’s G20 finance ministers’ and IMF meetings in Washington.

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China said that voting share reforms at the World Bank to give developing countries more clout should be approved at the IMF meetings.

Setting a specific deadline, the group also said those reforms should be completed by a G20 summit in November.

“Brazil, Russia, India and China have a fundamental role in creating a new international order that is more just, representative and safe,” Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said after holding talks with his counterparts.

The group has been pushing for reforms since the global financial crisis of 2008, arguing the current system is unfairly dominated by advanced economies such as the United States, Japan and Europe.

The statement said the group would resist all trade protectionism and look into increasing commerce with one another in local currencies, bypassing the US dollar.

But the group, which has rowed back from talk last year of setting up a new reserve currency, stressed the importance of maintaining the stability of major reserve currencies. As the largest holder of US Treasury bonds, China is not keen to see the value of its investments diminish.

In spite of their economic clout and 40 per cent share of the world’s population, differences among the four countries have become more evident since their first summit in Russia last year, exposing the limitations of the group’s ambitions.

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“We support a multipolar, equitable, democratic and just world order with the [United Nations] playing a central role in tackling global challenges,” said Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The Bric summit, held in Brasilia, was scaled back when Chinese President Hu Jintao decided to go home early to deal with a major earthquake in a remote western region of China.

In one of their few concrete steps toward cooperation, the countries’ national development banks signed an accord enabling them to fund projects in one another’s countries, the Brazilian national development bank’s president said. Luciano Coutinho, the head of the BNDES, said the agreement covered the infrastructure, energy, sustainability and technology sectors.

China and Brazil, the largest economies in Asia and Latin America, used the summit to bolster growing ties with trade and investment agreements.

Mr Hu and Mr Lula signed a five-year “action plan” aimed at boosting trade and energy cooperation. The two nations have grown closer in recent years amid a surge in commerce – in 2009, China became Brazil’s top trade partner.

The projects agreed upon included a $5bn steel mill at the Acu port in Rio de Janeiro state that would be China’s biggest investment in Latin America’s largest country, home to some of the world’s largest iron ore deposits.

China’s Wuhan Iron and Steel and Brazilian logistics firm LLX Logistica, controlled by billionaire Eike Batista, will build the plant.

China’s Sinopec and the country’s development bank signed a strategic development agreement with Brazil’s state-run oil giant Petrobras, said Su Shulin, Sinopec chairman, to Reuters. Mr Su said the deal would cover the development of Brazilian oil resources and trade with China.

Brazil’s recent discovery of vast offshore oil reserves has opened a new area of potential cooperation with resource-hungry China, which agreed last year to lend $10bn to Petrobras in return for guaranteed oil supply over the next decade.

A Brazilian government source said Mr Lula asked Mr Hu to maintain a dialogue with Iran over its nuclear energy program before the Brazilian leader’s planned visit to Tehran next month. Mr Lula has opposed fresh UN sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program, arguing they will not work.

China, a permanent member of the UN security council, has also been reluctant to join western powers in authorizing new sanctions against Iran.

Mr Hu and Mr Lula did not discuss China’s currency policy, two Brazilian government sources said.

Brazil and the other Brics were not expected to risk fraying ties with China by pressuring it to allow the yuan to strengthen, despite concerns about the effect of cheap Chinese exports on their economies.

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Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Financial Times- Brics balance shared interests with rivalries

By John Paul Rathbone, Latin America editor

When China's Hu Jintao, Russia's Dmitry Medvedev and India's Manmohan Singh meet in Brazil with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva this week for the second "Bric summit", there will be three things the visiting leaders recognise in their host's economy.

There is Brazil's size. There is inflation - rising in Brazil, China and India, and near double-digits in Russia. And there are their strengthening currencies.

Last year, when the Bric leaders met in Yekaterinburg, there was talk of a need for "fairer global economic order" and the group aired its frustrations at the US dollar's role as the world's reserve currency.

Mr Medvedev has reprised such themes ahead of this summit. Yesterday, he said Bric countries could share "information about possible speculative attacks" on their currencies.

But, one year on, the suggestion is ironic. Brazil, with arguably the best monetary policy of all the Brics, last year enacted a tax on capital inflows to slow currency appreciation. Russia has suggested it might introduce softer measures to slow rouble strengthening, although that has also helped curb domestic inflation. China, meanwhile, is being pressed to allow the renminbi to appreciate. Even India's trade-weighted exchange rate has appreciated over the past six months. If anything, the Bric countries are suffering from speculative inflows rather than attacks.

That illustrates, again, the definitional problem of the Bric acronym. There is no Bric secretariat, for example, unlike the selfcreated India-South Africa-Brazil group which also meets this week in Brazil.

Bric members also more often compete than share common interests.

Indeed, bilateral meetings this week in the region may well prove more fruitful than the Bric summit itself.

India has the lowest Bric profile in Latin America. Trade flows remain modest, although Indian companies have made some important investments in software, Brazilian pharmaceuticals and natural resources.

Russia is a bigger actor, and not just in Venezuelan oil. Argentina, recalling Russia's support at the United Nations for its claim over the Falkland Islands, is backing Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organisation. Mr Medvedev and the Argentine president, Cristina Fernández, will hold talks.

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Then there is China. The state-controlled oil company CNOOC has paid $3.1bn (€2.3bn, £2bn) for a 50 per cent stake in Argentina's Bridas Corp. After Brazil, Mr Hu goes to Venezuela to sign an oil deal. Most important, Chinese trade has boomed, rising tenfold to $100bn in 2008 from $10bn in 2000. That helped Latin America survive the global crisis - albeit with caveats.

Much of the trade was dependent on commodities. That can leave countries vulnerable - as shown by China's recent import ban on Argentine soya oil and, last year when Chinese steelmakers refused to buy iron ore contracted from Brazil's Vale.

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - The Economist- Editorial: The new masters of management

Thirty years ago the bosses of America's car industry were shocked to learn that Japan had overtaken America to become the world's leading car producer. They were even more shocked when they visited Japan to find out what was going on. They found that the secret of Japan's success did not lie in cheap labour or government subsidies (their preferred explanations) but in what was rapidly dubbed "lean manufacturing". While Detroit slept, Japan had transformed itself from a low-wage economy into a hotbed of business innovation. Soon every factory around the world was lean—or a ruin.

Management gurus are always glibly proclaiming revolutions. What happened in Japan qualified, as did the advent of mass production in America a century ago. Now something comparable is taking place in the developing world.

It is hardly news that the world's centre of economic gravity is shifting towards emerging markets. Buy a mobile phone and it will almost certainly have been made in China. Use it to phone a customer helpline and your call may well be answered by an Indian. Over the past five years China's annual growth rate has been more than 10%, and India's more than 8%. Yet even these figures understate the change that is taking place. Emerging countries are no longer content to be sources of cheap hands and low-cost brains. Instead they too are becoming hotbeds of innovation, producing breakthroughs in everything from telecoms to carmaking to health care. They are redesigning products to reduce costs not just by 10%, but by up to 90%. They are redesigning entire business processes to do things better and faster than their rivals in the West. Forget about flat—the world of business is turning upside down.

Competing for the future

As our special report argues, the rich world is losing its leadership in the sort of breakthrough ideas that transform industries. This is partly because rich-world companies are doing more research and development in emerging markets. Fortune 500 companies now have 98 R&D facilities in China and 63 in India. IBM employs more people in developing countries than in America. But it is also because emerging-market firms and consumers are both moving upmarket. Huawei, a Chinese telecoms giant, applied for more international patents than any

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other firm did in 2008. Chinese 20-somethings spend even more time on the internet than do their American peers.

Even more striking is the emerging world's growing ability to make established products for dramatically lower costs: no-frills $3,000 cars and $300 laptops may not seem as exciting as a new iPad but they promise to change far more people's lives. This sort of advance—dubbed "frugal innovation" by some—is not just a matter of exploiting cheap labour (though cheap labour helps). It is a matter of redesigning products and processes to cut out unnecessary costs. In India Tata created the world's cheapest car, the Nano, by combining dozens of cost-saving tricks. Bharti Airtel has slashed the cost of providing mobile-phone services by radically rethinking its relationship with its competitors and suppliers. It shares radio towers with rivals and contracts out network construction, operations and support to specialists such as Ericsson and IBM.

Just as Henry Ford and Toyota both helped change other industries, entrepreneurs in the developing world are applying the classic principles of division of labour and economies of scale to surprising areas such as heart operations and cataract surgery, reducing costs without sacrificing quality. They are using new technologies such as mobile phones to bring sophisticated services, in everything from health care to banking, to rural communities. And they are combining technological and business-model innovation to produce entirely new categories of services: Kenya leads the world in money-transfer by mobile phone, for example.

Hope versus fear

All this is obviously good news for the billions of people who live in the BRICS (see article) and other developing countries. More consumers will have access to goods and services that were once confined to the elite. More than 90% of Indians and Chinese tell pollsters that they are optimistic about the future. Anand Mahindra, an Indian business leader, has described his dreams about the future as "not just colourful, but steroidal".

What about the slow-growth rich world? Emerging firms are advancing on a greater number of fronts than the Japanese did 30 years ago and also advancing much faster, gobbling up Western rivals. Their charge will upset many established Western firms, which will face increasingly savage price competition, and also overturn many assumptions about the rich world's competitive advantage. Many of globalisation's most vocal supporters have justified the loss of manufacturing jobs in the West on the ground that the rich world will maintain an edge in innovation; the clever jobs will stay at home. Emerging economies are not merely challenging that lead in innovation. They are unleashing a wave of low-cost, disruptive innovations that will, as they spread to the rich world, shake many industries to their foundations. All sorts of chief executives will scream for protection.

Change will indeed be painful for incumbents, as disruptive innovation always is. But cheaper goods and services will be a blessing for Western consumers, who are likely to face years of slow income growth. It could also be good news for rich-world governments, which are plagued with deficits even before the baby-boomers begin to retire. Frugal innovation may well prevent America's health-care system (which already consumes 17% of its GDP) from swamping the rest of the economy. Clever ways of applying economies of scale and scope in new ways could boost public-sector productivity.

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Moreover, it is in the nature of innovation to feed upon itself. Innovation in the emerging world will encourage, rather than undermine, innovation in the rich world. Western carmakers learned the techniques of lean production from their Japanese rivals, just as the Japanese had earlier learned the techniques of mass production from the Americans. This great insurrection, like its predecessors, will make us all richer.

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - The Economist- The trillion-dollar club

In any global gathering, the American president is usually seen, at a minimum, as primus inter pares: the one who can make or break the final bargain and select his favoured interlocutors. So in Copenhagen last December, as negotiations for a new climate-change treaty were entering their final hours, a hastily convened meeting between Barack Obama and China's prime minister, Wen Jiabao, looked as if it would be the critical moment when a deal might be struck. But when the president turned up, he found not only Mr Wen but the heads of government of Brazil, South Africa and India. This was unexpected. The Americans even thought the Indians had already left the summit. What was conceived as a bilateral talk turned instead into a negotiation with an emerging-market block. As an additional sign that things were changing in the world, the president got a finger-wagging from one of Mr Wen's hangers-on. But at least Mr Obama was in the room; Europeans were shut out while the emerging powers and America put the final touches to their deal.

This week the same developing countries are meeting again, in Brasília. On April 15th Brazil, India and South Africa—rising powers that are also democracies—put their heads together. The next day South Africa will drop out and Russia and China will join the party, to create a meeting of the so-called BRICs.

For this group, it is a second summit; last June their leaders met in Yekaterinburg, in Russia. That inaugural summit, which produced almost nothing concrete, appeared to be a one-off event and could be ignored. But the foursome is starting to establish a record. BRIC foreign ministers have met annually since 2006. Finance ministers and central bank heads meet frequently. This week, in addition to the leaders' summit, there are gatherings in Brazil of BRIC commercial banks, BRIC development banks, and even BRIC think-tanks.

The term itself was coined by Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street bank, and is sometimes written off as just a gimmick aimed at tempting punters. But is it now the case that life, in a serious way, is imitating investment analysis? Are the BRICs developing a momentum of their own? If so, what difference might that make to the rest of the world?

Life imitates Goldman Sachs

The BRICs matter because of their economic weight. They are the four largest economies outside the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the rich man's club). They are the only developing economies with annual GDPs of over $1 trillion (Indonesia's is only half that). With the exception of Russia, they sustained better growth than most during

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the great recession and, but for them, world output would have fallen by even more than it did. China also became, by a fraction, the world's largest exporter. Meanwhile, the BRICs are also increasing their trade with one another: Chinese-Indian trade has soared and is likely to reach $60 billion this year. China has also become the largest market for the fast-industrialising countries of East Asia. Less happily, China has become the largest spewer-forth of carbon dioxide, emitting 6.5 billion tonnes of CO2 in 2008, or 22% of the world's total. Russia is third and India fourth on this particular roll of shame.

The most striking sign of the BRICs' significance to the world economy, though, is probably their share of foreign-exchange reserves. All four are among the ten largest accumulators of reserves, accounting for 40% of the world's total. China is easily the largest, with a staggering $2.4 trillion, enough to buy two-thirds of all the NASDAQ-quoted companies. It is the world's second-largest net creditor after Japan (the net credit position takes account of equities as well as debt). Russia's foreign-exchange reserves were virtually zero when it began market reform in 1992; now they stand at $420 billion. If the BRICs were to set aside one-sixth of their reserves, they could create a fund the size of the IMF.

Foreign assets provided cushions against the great recession and helped turn the BRICs into financial powers as well as economic ones. Even as most Western countries struggle to rein in record budget deficits and soaring debts, the BRICs' public-debt levels are mostly modest and stable (India is a partial exception). Most investment banks offer BRIC funds. The world's top two banks are Chinese.

This macro performance is being translated into different sorts of influence. Perhaps the most important is an intangible one: that of reputation. In some respects, the BRICs share a distinctive view of the world. They have large domestic markets with substantial numbers of poor people, so growth and anti-poverty programmes are higher up their list of concerns than in Western countries (this is even true in Russia, though to a lesser extent). They are trying to diversify their economies. They are innovating (though Russia is much better at producing guns than civilian goods) and challenging received notions about globalisation (see our special report). All have become far more entwined with the world economy. But the BRICs have opened up without the full market liberalisation championed by the "Washington consensus". In the aftermath of the great recession, this mongrel position commands respect in other developing countries, which want to know how the BRICs did it."The BRICs aren't exactly an alternative to the Washington consensus," says Mathias Spektor of the Getúlio Vargas foundation in Brazil, "but they provide other models to emulate and are effective at expressing something distinctive in economic affairs."

An acronym in search of a role

Wealth may produce market power and even soft power. But it does not necessarily generate geopolitical heft. Rich Japan and Germany deliberately adopted a "big Switzerland" policy of hiding their light under a bushel for decades. Even now, they throw their weight about reluctantly.

But there are several reasons for thinking that the BRICs might be different. Germany and Japan had a golf-sized American security umbrella for shelter. But international institutions are now in flux. Robert Hormats, America's under-secretary of state for economic affairs, compares

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the 2010s to the late 1940s: "The post-war period was so different from the pre-war one that it needed new institutions. The turn of the 21st century is similar, especially after the financial crisis." He argues that "you can't go back to having the system run by a few rich economies. Our big challenge is to work out how large emerging economies integral to the financial and trading system take some responsibility for maintaining it."

One reason the BRICs matter is that the world's most important country thinks they do, and is willing to rope them into decision-making. America's means of doing this is the G20. It pushed for the group's expansion to include the BRICs and declared the club the chief forum for dealing with international economic issues. The BRICs and the original group of seven rich countries (G7) form natural blocks within the G20. So far, the clearest expression of a coherent BRIC agenda—for reform of the international financial system and more domestic stimulus programmes—came on the eve of a G20 meeting in 2008.

A second reason why the BRICs matter is that all four giants have reasons for creating a new club of their own. China's leaders know their time has come. They want to enhance their own influence and reduce America's. But at the same time their leaders hew to Deng Xiaoping's dictum that "China should adopt a low profile and never take the lead."

The BRICs, which the Chinese calls jinzhuan siguo, or four golden brick nations, are a way to square that circle. By teaming up with others (which are anyway attractive as raw-materials suppliers), China can hide its national demands behind a multilateral façade. And a meeting of the BRICs looks slightly more like a collection of equals than do most gatherings involving China (though China's economy is still larger than those of the other three combined). China sees climate-change diplomacy as a way of boosting its soft power, and as part of its bilateral relationship with America (its stubborn behaviour in Copenhagen notwithstanding). But it does not want to break with the rest of the developing world on climate issues. Co-ordination with other "emerging" polluters helps it to succeed on all these fronts.

This balancing act applies to the other BRICs. All want to soften the impact of China's rise. The BRIC forum is an alternative to what they all (perhaps even China itself) regard as a nightmare: a G2 of America and China. They all also want, in the words of Brazil's foreign minister, "to increase, if only at the margin, the degree of multipolarity in the world".

India has been profoundly disappointed by traditional multilateral diplomacy. Years of pushing for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council have got it nowhere. The BRICs can hardly be worse. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been trying to expand Brazil's diplomatic influence beyond Latin America. The BRICs help him fulfil these geopolitical ambitions. (Whether Lula's successors will share his taste for the world stage is an open question: at the moment, both likely successors seem more concerned about domestic matters.) As for Russia, association with some of the most dynamic economies in the world may perhaps divert some attention away from its own decline. More important for Russia, as for all the others, the BRICs are a way of telling America that the largest developing countries have their own options and that not all roads lead to Washington.

Because of this, some members of America's Congress look on the BRICs with trepidation. The main focus of their concern is China's currency. But there are other reasons why the BRICs might damage the global economic system, rather than buttress it. They might, for example,

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undermine the role of the IMF and World Bank, abandon attempts to expand free trade or even just ride roughshod over aid conditions in poor countries. But Mr Hormats thinks they will not. "They understand," he argues, "that the openness and smooth functioning of the system is vital to them and so far there has been very little evidence that they want to change it dramatically." When world output was plummeting last year, the BRICs' economic stimulus programmes did a lot to stabilise it. And on the question of reforming the international financial institutions, America and the BRICs find themselves on the same side.

Without straw

A more compelling reason for doubting the BRICs' chances of changing anything fundamental is that they are not capable of it. They lack coherence. They compete as much among themselves as they do with America or Europe—and hence the BRICs as a club seem unlikely to match the force of their individual ambitions.

Two are authoritarian; two are noisy democracies. Three are nuclear powers. Brazil is not, though it had a nuclear-weapons programme which it abandoned in the 1980s; in 2009 the vice-president said he personally thought Brazil should build its own bomb and the country plans a nuclear-powered submarine to patrol offshore oilfields. Two have permanent seats on the UN Security Council; two (to their immense frustration) do not.

When Mr O'Neill first coined his term, people wondered why Brazil was in the group but not Mexico. Now Russia looks like the odd man out. Its population is falling. Its fertility rate is catastrophically low, at around 1.35, compared with 1.8-2.8 for the others (the fertility rate measures the number of children an average woman can expect to have during her lifetime). The working-age populations of India, China and Brazil will all rise between now and 2030 (enormously in India and Brazil, marginally in China). Russia's working-age population will fall by 17m. In general, uncertainty about who belongs in the group casts doubt on its coherence. Should South Africa join? Mexico? Indonesia? If they did, what would happen to the group?

A more important obstacle to coherence is strategic rivalry. True, BRIC countries co-operate on a bilateral basis. There have been joint military exercises between Russia and China, Russia and India, and China and India in recent years. Russia and China also have a mutual-security body, called the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, which includes Central Asian countries. The big problem, though, is India's rivalry with China.

China and India fought a war in 1962. China has taken control of a slice of Kashmir which India says was ceded illegally by Pakistan. China also disputes India's title to the state of Arunachal Pradesh. In 2009 it tried to stop the Asian Development Bank from lending money to India because the loans would have financed a flood-control project there. India has been trying to limit the numbers of skilled Chinese workers. Some Indians fear that China wants to strangle their country with a "string of pearls": the imagined necklace consists of Pakistan, India's longtime rival; Nepal, where China backs the Maoist opposition; and Sri Lanka, where it is financing the country's big post-civil-war reconstruction projects.

The BRICs have also stepped up competition between one another in third countries. Although the flow of aid and investment from rich countries to poor has been faltering, China promised $10 billion of cheap credit to Africa in 2009-12 and Brazil has invested $10 billion in the

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continent since 2003. The BRICs have also dramatically increased their purchases of exports from poor countries. Rather as America and the Soviet Union vied for influence through economic and military aid, the BRICs do now (though their competition is less fierce than the cold-war version).

Even where BRIC countries agree in general, they often disagree in detail. Climate change is a good example. The emerging giants all argue that Western industrialised nations should take the largest share of the burden of cutting greenhouse-gas emissions. They criticise absolute emission caps for developing countries and argue for limits based on population or intensity of use. They all want to keep questions of trade and climate change separate, opposing things like carbon duties.

However, for the purposes of climate change, the BRICs are actually BASICs (Brazil, South Africa, India, China): Russia is an industrialised country under the Kyoto accords, with obligations the others do not have. Even on a specific matter such as forestry, their records differ. Brazil is the world's biggest deforester, albeit one committed to slowing the pace; China is the world's biggest afforester (now planting 4m hectares of forest a year)—though some complain that its trading partners' trees are being felled to stoke its economic growth.

Lastly, the BRICs differ economically. Obviously, their incomes range widely, from Russia's $15,000 per head per year to India's $3,000 (these are IMF figures using purchasing-power parities). Brazil and India define themselves as non-aligned developing economies. Russia does not. China sometimes does, and sometimes thinks of itself as sui generis. China and Russia have more open economies, with exports accounting for around a third of GDP. India and Brazil are more closed, with exports less than a fifth of GDP. Perhaps most important, China and Russia are both running huge current-account surpluses; Brazil and India, small current-account deficits. That reflects fundamentally different approaches to economic management. China is suppressing domestic demand and encouraging jobs in export industries. India and Brazil look askance at this form of mercantilism and suffer from China's resulting currency undervaluation.

Marriages of inconvenience

The BRICs' divisions do not paralyse the group. The countries got together to propose reforming the IMF, for instance. But they do limit the block's effectiveness. There is no sign of military co-operation within the organisation, and nothing much on trade. As Mr Spektor puts it, the BRICs merely have to be something, not do anything.

Paradoxically, this makes it easier for the group to flourish since co-operation within the BRICs is in essence free: no one need sacrifice anything, so, however tiny the potential gains, they are worth pursuing. Emerging giants are able to criticise the management of the world economy without having to do anything about it (for example, deploring the failure to complete the Doha round of world trade talks without offering to break the logjam). As Agata Antkiewicz of the Centre for International Governance Innovation puts it, "even though the BRICs group has always been incoherent, the tag seems to have permeated the public domain and become synonymous with change, emerging markets and growth." But this could end if ever BRIC membership required trade-offs.

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Meanwhile, the BRICs face rivals. East Asian countries are cobbling together something that might one day become a coherent emerging-market group. In January a free-trade agreement linking China and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) came into force. In March ASEAN nations, China, Japan and South Korea set up a pool of foreign-exchange reserves giving them a small element of monetary-policy co-ordination. Such a group leaves out Brazil, Russia and India. But Fred Bergsten of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think-tank in Washington, DC, reckons the West ought to be thinking about how to respond to this regional group, rather than the global club of BRICs.

Eswar Prasad of Cornell University points out that as an organisation (as opposed to a clever acronym), the BRICs are a product of the great recession. They are noticed because of the recessionary debate about rebalancing the world economy. As that debate evolves, so will ideas about the BRICs. But that is no reason for writing them off. There have also been endless numbers of Gs: starting in the 1960s with a G10, then G5, G6, G7, G8—and now G20.

The BRICs cannot claim legal, historical or geographical coherence, in the way the European Union can. They are not facing a common security threat, as NATO originally did. But events in Copenhagen, messy as they were, are surely proof that new and improbable combinations of large, emerging countries can play a role on the world stage. The BRICs' begetter, Mr O'Neill, does not regret his creation: his "overriding conclusion is that [they] are a good mechanism for pressing rich countries to change their role in managing the global economy more radically."

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - BRICs querem reforma do FMI até novembro

Fabrícia Peixoto

Os países que formam o BRIC – Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China – deixaram claro nesta quinta-feira que vão trabalhar por uma reforma do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e do Banco Mundial ainda este ano.

A declaração conjunta dos quatro países, divulgada logo após a 2ª cúpula do grupo, em Brasília, sugere que um novo sistema de votação no Banco Mundial seja aprovado já na reunião de primavera, na próxima semana, em Washington.

Já a reforma do FMI deverá, na avaliação dos países do BRIC, ser implementada até novembro, mês da próxima reunião do G20 financeiro, no Canadá.

“Esperamos que a reforma do sistema de cotas do FMI seja concluído até novembro deste ano”, diz o documento.

Desde a criação do grupo, no ano passado, os BRICs vêm defendendo um sistema financeiro internacional “mais igualitário” e que reflita o “peso” dos emergentes na economia mundial.

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Na última reunião do G20, realizada em Londres em abril do ano passado, os BRICs conseguiram um compromisso dos líderes mundiais para antecipar a reforma de cotas do FMI de 2013 para janeiro de 2011.

Em janeiro deste ano, o Brasil entrou formalmente para o grupo de países credores do FMI, ao colocar à disposição do fundo um montante de US$ 10 bilhões.


Líderes de Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China também assinaram nesta quinta-feira um acordo de cooperação que deverá facilitar o financiamento de obras e projetos entre essas nações. A iniciativa deve priorizar as áreas de energia e infraestrutura.

Os bancos de desenvolvimento dos quatro países se comprometeram em analisar “conjuntamente” formas de incentivar a concessão de crédito entre os BRICs.

Uma das possibilidades é de que, no futuro, o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) possa financiar projetos ao lado dos respectivos bancos de China, Índia e Rússia.

Mais cedo, os países que formam o Ibas (Índia, Brasil e África do Sul) também divulgaram um comunicado conjunto da 4ª cúpula do grupo, em Brasília.

Sem grandes novidades, o documento reitera uma série de compromissos já firmados entre os três países em encontros anteriores, como a “cooperação” pela reforma do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas.

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - BRICs são incapazes de promover mudanças significativas, diz 'Economist'

O grupo dos BRICs, formado por Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China, é incapaz de promover mudanças significativas no cenário mundial, afirma uma reportagem publicada na edição desta sexta-feira da revista britânica The Economist.

O texto, intitulado “O Clube dos Trilhões de Dólares”, em referência ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) dos países, que ultrapassa os US$ 1 trilhão, afirma que a falta de coerência e a rivalidade entre as nações que compõem o bloco seriam um “obstáculo” para a eficácia do grupo, reunido em Brasília nesta semana.

A revista cita como exemplo dessa falta de coerência o fato de dois países do bloco serem autoritários e dois democráticos, e a ausência de um programa nuclear no Brasil – o único país do grupo que não é uma potência nuclear.

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Mas, acima dessas características, a Economist afirma que o maior obstáculo para a coerência do BRIC seria “a rivalidade estratégica”. Segundo a revista, os países cooperam apenas de maneira bilateral e a rivalidade entre Índia e China prejudica a coesão do bloco.

O texto destaca ainda a competição entre os integrantes em mercados de terceiros países e o aumento da compra de produtos exportados de países pobres, criando uma corrida que a revista compara à dos EUA e a União Soviética na Guerra Fria.

De acordo com a reportagem, “mesmo onde os BRICs concordam de maneira geral, os integrantes frequentemente discordam nos detalhes”.

Nesse sentido, estariam, por exemplo, a questão das mudanças climáticas, já que a Rússia faria parte das nações industrializadas pelo Protocolo de Kyoto, com obrigações que os outros membros não possuem.


Outra grande disparidade mencionada pela revista é a natureza dos modelos econômicos dos países, sendo as de China e Rússia consideradas mais “abertas” e as de Índia e Brasil, mais fechadas.

“As divisões dos BRICs não paralisam o grupo. Os países se uniram para propor a reforma do FMI, por exemplo. Mas elas limitam a eficácia do bloco”, conclui a revista.

Apesar de destacar a importância do bloco, especialmente econômica, e também o apoio dos EUA ao grupo, a Economist afirma que “os BRICs não podem reivindicar coerência legal, histórica ou geográfica, da forma como a União Europeia pode”.

Mas, o texto termina com a conclusão do criador da sigla, o economista Jim O’Neill, afirmando que o bloco é “um bom mecanismo para pressionar os países ricos a mudarem seu papel na administração da economia global mais radicalmente”.

Data: 16/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - Para analistas, pressão por reformas é ambição que une Brics

Alessandra Corrêa

Apesar de posições divergentes em vários temas, os quatro países que formam o grupo chamado Bric (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China) se reúnem pela segunda vez nesta quinta-feira, em Brasília, com um objetivo em comum: a pressão por reformas no sistema financeiro internacional.

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Com posições por vezes conflitantes em temas como comércio mundial ou aquecimento global, os Brics vêm unindo forças para obter mais voz em instituições como o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) ou o Banco Mundial.

"Esses países têm divergências, mas compartilham um grande interesse, que é o de ter um papel mais relevante nas discussões sobre a economia global. Querem ser atores relevantes nesse cenário", diz Kenneth Lieberthal, especialista em China do Instituto Brookings, em Washington.

O diretor do programa de estudos da América Latina da Universidade Johns Hopkins, Riordan Roett, faz uma avaliação semelhante.

"Os diferentes interesses nacionais dos países do Bric não impedem que atuem com força na pressão para que os países industriais reconheçam sua importância", diz Roett, que acaba de escrever um livro sobre como o Brasil se transformou em um dos Bric, com lançamento previsto para agosto.


A pressão dos Brics por um papel mais relevante no cenário internacional ganhou força com a crise econômica mundial.

Os quatro países sofreram bem menos do que as economias da Europa ou dos Estados Unidos, e também se recuperaram mais rapidamente.

Calcula-se que os quatro países do grupo serão responsáveis por mais de 60% do crescimento econômico mundial de 2008 a 2014.

"Há um movimento iniciado na reunião do G20 em Washington, no fim de 2008, que prosseguiu nas reuniões posteriores. Os Brics deixaram claro que esperam que as antigas potências industriais aumentem as cotas desses países no FMI e sua representação em outras instituições internacionais", diz Roett.

Divisão de poder

A visão dos Brics é a de que a divisão de poder em instituições como o FMI e o Banco Mundial está ultrapassada e não reflete o cenário atual nem a importância dessas quatro economias.

"Os Brics têm grande importância no comércio mundial, são economias em crescimento. As antigas potências industriais do G7 não terão outra alternativa senão aceitar essa nova realidade", afirma Roett.

O analista da Universidade Johns Hopkins faz uma projeção otimista sobre as chances dos Brics de conquistarem o desejado papel de maior relevância no cenário mundial.

"Vai acontecer. Acredito que o próximo diretor-geral do FMI não será europeu, e o próximo presidente do Banco Mundial não será americano", diz.

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Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência BBC - Brasil quer empenho de Brics por reforma do sistema financeiro

Fabrícia Peixoto

O governo brasileiro quer que os quatro maiores países emergentes da atualidade – Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China – atuem com “mais empenho e união” em prol de uma reforma do sistema financeiro internacional.

Segundo um representante do Itamaraty, esta deve ser a principal mensagem do Brasil durante a 2ª cúpula de chefes de Estado dos Brics, nesta sexta-feira, em Brasília.

“O pior da crise econômica já passou, mas não podemos perder o momento para avançar nesse debate”, diz a fonte.

A avaliação é de que Brasil, Índia, Rússia e China têm peso econômico suficiente para “forçar” uma reforma em instituições como o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e o Banco Mundial, mas que, para isso, precisam de “coordenação, de empenho”.

O subsecretário de Assuntos Políticos do Itamaraty, embaixador Roberto Jaguaribe, disse que existe uma “pressão crescente” na esfera internacional de que a reforma do sistema “não seja necessária”.

“Temos uma preocupação em levar adiante as reformas necessárias para evitar que a crise se repita. Precisamos consolidar esse processo, porque alguns países já estão achando que (as reformas) não sejam importantes”, disse o embaixador.

Citando estimativa do Fundo Monetário Internacional, Jaguaribe disse que os Brics serão responsável por 61% do crescimento econômico mundial, no período de 2008 a 2014.

A sigla Bric foi criada em 2001 pelo banco de investimentos Goldman Sachs, em um artigo sobre as potências econômicas do futuro, e acabou sendo abraçada pela diplomacia dos quatro países.

MoedaSobre a discussão quanto a uma moeda que sirva de alternativa ao dólar, Jaguaribe disse que o assunto continua sendo analisado pelos quatro países, mas “ainda em nível técnico”.

O tema dominou a 1ª cúpula dos Brics, em junho passado, depois que o governo chinês apontou a “primazia” do dólar americano como um dos responsáveis pela disseminação da crise.

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De acordo com Jaguaribe, os quatro emergentes têm “fortíssimo interesse” na manutenção do equilíbrio na área financeira, mas que a discussão sobre uma nova moeda será feita “sem pressa”.

Segundo o embaixador, os representantes dos Brics estão preocupados em promover uma substituição do dólar que seja “imperceptível” e “sem especulação”.

“Inventar jogadas que vão gerar marolas não faz parte dos planos de nenhum dos países envolvidos”, disse Jaguaribe. “Não estamos pensando em uma mudança rápida”, acrescentou.

O assunto, segundo ele, não será incluído na pauta formal de debate dos chefes de Estado, estando restrito a um seminário, promovido pelo Banco Central do Brasil, com técnicos das instituições dos quatro países.

‘Ponto forte’

Segundo o Itamaraty, o “ponto forte” da coordenação entre os Brics têm sido as áreas financeiras e econômica, com conversas “frequentes” entre Bancos Centrais e Ministérios da Fazenda dos quatro emergentes. “E a expectativa é de que o foco siga sendo esse”, disse uma fonte do Ministério.

Por sugestão do Brasil, a reunião de chefes de Estado será precedida por uma série de eventos paralelos. Além de empresários dos quatros países, também vão se encontrar representantes dos respectivos bancos de desenvolvimento e de bancos comerciais.

Uma fonte do Ministério da Fazenda disse à BBC Brasil diz que o governo brasileiro, principalmente, sente-se “incomodado” com a “ausência” de bandeiras de bancos brasileiros em outros países em desenvolvimento.

“Estamos discutindo com nossos pares nos outros três países uma forma de estimular a presença dessas instituições nesses países, o que facilitaria em muito o comércio”, diz o representante da área econômica.

A avaliação do governo brasileiro é de que as instituições brasileiras, apesar de fortes no mercado nacional, não estão acompanhando a “nova dinâmica das relações comerciais entre os países do Sul”.

PolíticaSe no campo econômico a discurso do governo brasileiro é de que os Brics “já mostram avanços”, quando o assunto é a atuação política, a avaliação é de que o grupo deixa a desejar.

Assuntos como a reforma do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas, a política nuclear internacional e as mudanças climáticas ainda não são tratados com frequência entre os quatro emergentes.

Na avaliação de Jaguaribe, os Brics se destacam pelos trabalhos na área econômico-financeira, mas “sem uma mudança equivalente no âmbito político-estratégico”.

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“Existe aí um espaço, onde nós batalhamos para que haja uma evolução compatível com as demandas e a expansão dos atores relevantes do mundo”, diz o embaixador.

Temas como o programa nuclear iraniano e um possível acordo climático serão discutidos em encontros “privados” entre os chefes de Estado, ou seja, não fazem parte da pauta formal da cúpula.

IBASNesta quinta-feira, o Brasil sedia uma outra cúpula de chefes de Estado, no âmbito do IBAS – grupo formado por Índia, Brasil e África do Sul.

Esse é o quarto encontro desde que o grupo foi criado, em 2003, com o objetivo de unir os países do Sul em contraposição aos países ricos do Ocidente, representados principalmente pelo G8.

Entre os destaques da cúpula está um encontro com o chanceler palestino, Riad Malik, que será recebido em Brasília para discutir o processo de paz no Oriente Médio.

Segundo Jaguaribe, o encontro foi pedido pelos próprios palestinos, que segundo o embaixador, veem no IBAS uma instância “imparcial”, capaz de contribuir nas conversas com Israel.

Data: 17/04/2010-Espanha - El País-1 Editorial: Emergentes en Brasil

Las cuatro potencias emergentes que componen el grupo de los BRIC -Brasil, Rusia, India y China- han celebrado su segunda cumbre, en la que ha ejercido de anfitrión el presidente brasileño Lula da Silva. El formato de la cita ha sido similar al de la que tuvo lugar el pasado año en Ekaterimburgo: se trata de encuentros informales al más alto nivel en los que estos cuatros países tratan de ir perfilando la agenda internacional que más conviene a sus intereses. En esta ocasión han reiterado la necesidad de una nueva arquitectura multilateral que refleje mejor la realidad que representan los BRIC y también su voluntad de buscar una alternativa al dólar como moneda de referencia. Pero un nuevo asunto ha tenido entrada en las discusiones: la seguridad nuclear.

En las actuales circunstancias, este último punto no puede disociarse de las discusiones sobre el programa nuclear iraní. Y aquí afloran divergencias que, previsiblemente, dificultarán la adopción de una posición común de los BRIC antes de que Naciones Unidas se enfrente a la adopción de un paquete reforzado de sanciones. Rusia está demasiado comprometida con Estados Unidos en el dossier iraní como para dar marcha atrás sin perjudicar sus intereses. Y, a juzgar por la cumbre celebrada en Washington, China no estaría lejos de alcanzar un acuerdo en el mismo sentido que Rusia. Brasil, por su parte, defiende prolongar el diálogo con Irán, más por abrir un espacio que acoja sus propias ambiciones de enriquecer uranio que por condescendencia hacia el régimen de Teherán.

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Puede que la concertación informal de los BRIC se encuentre en algún momento con un límite insalvable, debido a las diferencias de toda índole entre los miembros de este grupo. De momento, sin embargo, han encontrado la fórmula para seguir avanzando en la concertación de sus intereses. Y el próximo año volverán a encontrarse, esta vez en China.

Data: 18/04/2010-Espanha - El País- Opinión: Ladrillo a ladrillo

Pese a sus disparidades, las economías BRIC tienen cada vez mayor peso


Puede que la cumbre de los BRIC (iniciales de Brasil, Rusia, India y China) haya recortado gastos, pero su importancia no ha disminuido. El presidente chino, Hu Jintao, tuvo que irse antes de tiempo por el terremoto en su país y dejar en Brasilia a sus homólogos. Reducir el programa de dos días a sólo uno puede haber llevado a pensar que los líderes de los nuevos mercados tenían pocas cosas importantes de que hablar. Pero el extraordinario crecimiento interanual del 11,9% de China en el primer trimestre pone de relieve el poderío económico y la creciente importancia mundial de las cuatro naciones. Esto hace necesario que el BRIC celebre cumbres periódicas, dado que los miembros del grupo constituyen un posible contrapeso frente al rico Occidente.

El grupo surgió en 2001 de un acrónimo de Goldman Sachs y no tienen mucho en común económicamente. Brasil y Rusia dependen principalmente de los recursos naturales y en la última década se han beneficiado del alza de los precios. Por su parte, China e India tienen poblaciones gigantescas que les dan relevancia mundial como productores de bienes y consumidores de recursos, siempre y cuando sus economías sigan creciendo rápidamente. Los cuatro países son actualmente los más importantes de los mercados emergentes, pero puede que este dominio no dure para siempre. Es muy posible que un quinto país, Indonesia, les iguale en importancia en la próxima década.

Su asociación artificial significa que a veces puede haber poco en común. Pero la crisis de 2008 y la recesión pusieron de manifiesto que sus intereses como colectivo a veces difieren considerablemente de los de los países desarrollados occidentales que dominan actualmente la producción mundial. Las economías de los BRIC se vieron muy afectadas por la crisis financiera cuando disminuyeron los créditos comerciales. Sin embargo, su recuperación ha sido más sólida que la de la mayoría y ha causado un rápido aumento de los precios mundiales de los productos básicos y la energía. Por tanto, los líderes de los BRIC probablemente querrán seguir reuniéndose con regularidad. Puede que en las crisis les convenga más tomar decisiones juntos, por su bien y por el de los mercados emergentes en general, para proteger sus intereses en lo que a menudo puede ser un mundo económico sin ganadores ni perdedores. Por poco convencional que fuera la forma en que surgió el bloque BRIC, los países occidentales tendrán que acostumbrase a su creciente poder e influencia.

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Data: 16/04/2010Espanha - El País- Las potencias emergentes piden un nuevo orden

Brasil, Rusia, China e India buscan más peso en las organizaciones mundiales


La Segunda Cumbre de los BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, China e India) se celebró ayer en Brasilia, acogida por el presidente Lula da Silva, uno de los impulsores de este grupo. La agenda se comprimió en un solo día, en lugar de los dos previstos, ya que el terremoto que sacudió China obligó al presidente Hu Jintao a adelantar su regreso.

La Segunda Cumbre de los BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, China e India) se celebró ayer en Brasilia, acogida por el presidente Lula da Silva, uno de los impulsores de este grupo. La agenda se comprimió en un solo día, en lugar de los dos previstos, ya que el terremoto que sacudió China obligó al presidente Hu Jintao a adelantar su regreso. Estuvieron también presentes el ruso Dimitri Medvedev, y el primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh.

Las cumbres de los BRIC suelen ser acontecimientos peculiares en los que no se toman decisiones. Y sin embargo, todo el mundo las observa con expectación, porque suponen el intercambio de ideas y análisis entre los máximos dirigentes de las cuatro grandes potencias emergentes (más de la mitad de la población mundial) y la existencia de un foro original, ajeno a los mecanismos internacionales tradicionales. La primera reunión se celebró en 2009 en Ekaterimburgo (Rusia) y la próxima tendrá lugar en China.

Las diferencias entre los cuatro países son poderosas y algunos se preguntan si no terminarán por debilitar este foro, que no tiene secretariado permanente. Otros anuncian, por el contrario, su pronta institucionalización. "Es cierto que son países diferentes: dos (Brasil e India) son democracias y otros, (Rusia y China), no. Tres tienen armamento nuclear y uno (Brasil), no. Unos son más audaces (Brasil y Rusia) y otros (India y China), más cautelosos. Dos quieren una mayor liberación del comercio agrícola (Brasil y Rusia) y dos (China e India) quieren proteger su agricultura familiar", dice, desde su cátedra en Harvard, Roberto Mangabeira, que fue ministro de Lula y participó en la preparación de la primera cumbre. "Pero sería erróneo ocultar la importancia que tienen a la hora de debatir la construcción de un nuevo orden mundial".

"Rusia, India y China tienen ambiciones bien definidas para ocupar espacios crecientes en la economía y en la política internacional. Son proyectos nacionales que no se subordinan a fantasías tercermundistas", criticaba sin embargo, el influyente diario O Estado de São Paulo. "El proyecto chino incluye la conquista de los mercados de África y América Latina, desplazando también a Brasil".

Según un informe de la CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina y Caribe), hecho público el martes, China desplazará a la UE y pisará los talones a EE UU como mercado de destino de las exportaciones latinoamericanas a mediados de la próxima década. La CEPAL prevé un comportamiento similar para las importaciones de la región: en el 2020, China puede superar a Estados Unidos y a la UE como proveedor de América Latina.

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El poder que está adquiriendo China en América Latina quedó de relieve esta semana en el enfrentamiento protagonizado con Argentina. El Gobierno argentino, que había decidido limitar algunas importaciones de productos chinos, se encontró con la durísima reacción de Pekín, que bloqueó las importaciones de aceite de soja con un pretexto sanitario. Buenos Aires lleva días intentado solucionar el problema.

Al margen de las diferencias y del recelo que provocan los BRIC (y muy especialmente el papel de China), lo cierto es que el grupo ha seguido hablando de cuestiones fundamentales, como la posición del dólar como moneda internacional, la reforma de la ONU como sistema de seguridad mundial y sobre nuevas maneras de enfocar el comercio mundial. En Brasilia parece haberse incorporado un nuevo elemento de debate: el tema nuclear.

India, que apoyó el primer paquete de sanciones contra Irán, concede gran importancia a la posición que adopten sus colegas del BRIC. Brasil, en particular, exige más conversaciones con el régimen de Ahmadineyad. El segundo tema de importancia de la cumbre, según fuentes brasileñas, ha seguido siendo el orden monetario internacional. Los cuatro países han superado bien la crisis internacional (Rusia ha sido quizás el más afectado) y continúan defendiendo, a largo plazo, la sustitución del dólar como moneda de referencia mundial. Nadie espera decisiones relevantes, pero los cuatro países están discutiendo acuerdos bilaterales para permitirse compensaciones comerciales sin pasar por el dólar.

Data: 16/04/2010-Espanha - El País- Un grupo que ha doblado su peso en 10 años


Jim O'Neill, economista de Goldman Sachs, acuñó el acrónimo BRIC en noviembre de 2001 en un estudio con el que apostó por Brasil, Rusia, India y China como principales motores del futuro crecimiento de la economía mundial. Entonces, los cuatro países representaban un 8% del PIB global. Menos de una década después, los BRIC ya superan el 15%. Pero hay más: la mitad del crecimiento de la economía mundial depende de ellos, el grupo adelantará al G-7 en 2032 y China a EE UU en 2027. Todo ello, muchos años antes de lo inicialmente previsto por Goldman Sachs.

El ascenso económico de los BRIC es tan poderoso que parece inconcebible que no continúe así durante décadas y que su peso político no crezca al mismo ritmo. Más allá de la incertidumbre sobre si países con intereses tan diversos lograrán forjar alianzas políticas, aunque sea puntuales, ¿existen amenazas capaces de hacer descarrilar a alguno de ellos de la senda de un crecimiento poderoso? El mismo O'Neill, director del Departamento de Investigación Económica Global de Goldman Sachs, esboza en una conversación telefónica su visión sobre el futuro de los cuatro.

- China. El gigante asiático permanece naturalmente bajo constante observación de Gobiernos extranjeros y analistas por los riesgos de desestabilización, vinculados a la opresión que el

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régimen autoritario ejerce sobre la sociedad china. Impulsos separatistas o el simple deseo de libertad y democracia podrían sacudir violentamente el país y hacer descarrilar el tren chino de su vía de expansión económica.

Pero más allá de estos escenarios especulativos, hay una amenaza inevitable que se ciñe sobre China: el enorme problema demográfico que pronto estallará a causa de la estricta política de control de la natalidad. Esta ha impedido que se desborde el crecimiento de la población, pero va a conducir a una pirámide poblacional hipercargada en la parte de arriba, con una enorme cantidad de ancianos, y una reducida disponibilidad de personas en edad de trabajo -las generaciones de hijos únicos, actualmente jóvenes, tendrán que sustentar a las mucho más abultadas generaciones anteriores-.

"Es un problema grave, habrá una contracción de la fuerza de trabajo, y nosotros calculamos que el crecimiento chino se ralentizará por ello", dice O'Neill. "Sin embargo, esto no será ni mucho menos suficiente para impedir que China se convierta pronto en la primera economía mundial".

- India. El otro gigante asiático, una democracia consolidada sin problemas de envejecimiento, se enfrenta a problemas de distinto orden. Uno de los más graves es la deficiencia del sistema educativo. "India tiene un problema enorme con la educación, centenares de millones de ciudadanos son analfabetos", señala O'Neill.

Otro serio peligro es la fragmentación constante de la estructura administrativa del país. En 1971, India estaba conformada por 16 Estados. Hoy son 28, y no faltan las reivindicaciones para nuevas separaciones. La descentralización puede ser virtuosa, pero aquí se trata de una pulverización que puede complicar la gestión del cuadro macroeconómico que, según O'Neill, es una de las debilidades del país. "India es el país menos creíble de los cuatro en tema de control del cuadro macroeconómico", advierte. Su deuda supera el 80% del PIB.

- Rusia. Es el país que con más frecuencia se señala como el eslabón débil de la cadena. "Sin duda es el que se enfrenta a los más graves problemas, pero considero una locura sacarlo del grupo. Pese a haber sufrido la crisis más que los otros, Rusia había crecido más de lo previsto en los años anteriores", comenta O'Neill.

Sus principales problemas son claros: el declive demográfico -un descenso de 149 a 142 millones de habitantes entre 1991 y 2010- y la falta de diversificación de una economía centrada en los recursos energéticos. "En este apartado, hay que subrayar que después de la crisis, tanto Medvédev como Putin están abogando con insistencia por una diversificación productiva. Parecen conscientes del problema, y esa es, aunque modesta, una señal de esperanza", dice O'Neill. En todo caso, materias primas, fuerza militar, y un asiento permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU garantizan a Rusia un papel prominente en el mundo del siglo XXI.

- Brasil. La consolidación democrática y el ascenso económico brasileño han reforzado el estatus global del país latinoamericano. Su crecimiento económico, sin embargo, ha sido inferior al de los otros BRIC. O'Neill destaca "la dependencia de materias primas y productos básicos" y la "escasa presencia en el comercio global" como elementos problemáticos para el futuro de Brasil.

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Data: 16/04/2010-Equador - El Comercio- Brasilia. Potencias emergentes por más protagonismo

Los líderes de India, Brasil, Sudáfrica, China y Rusia, grandes potencias emergentes, celebraron ayer dos cumbres en Brasilia, en las que reclamaron más protagonismo en organismos diplomáticos y financieros internacionales. La cumbre del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), prevista para hoy, fue adelantada, porque el presidente chino,Hu Jintao, tuvo que regresar ayer a su país debido al sismo ocurrido allí el miércoles. AFP

EE.UU. Michelle Obama apoya la reforma migratoria

Michelle Obama finalizó ayer su primer viaje sola al extranjero como primera dama de Estados Unidos en México. Mantuvo contacto con la juventud y declaró que prefiere una visión integral de la lucha antidrogas y que apoya una reforma migratoria. AFP

España. Garzón niega haber recibido dinero

El juez español Baltasar Garzón negó ayer ante el Tribunal Supremo haber recibido cantidad alguna del banco Santander para la organización de unos cursos en la Universidad de Nueva York, donde estuvo como “profesor investigador” entre 2005 y 2006. AFP

Europa. Polonia prepara el funeral de Kaczynski

Polonia preparaba ayer los funerales del presidente Lech Kaczynski, fallecido en un accidente aéreo el sábado pasado, que, según las primeras investigaciones, se debió a un error de pilotaje. Además, el país está sumido en una controversia sobre la decisión de sepultarlo en el panteón de los reyes y los héroes nacionales en Cracovia. AFP

Estados Unidos. Los beneficios para desempleados vuelven

El Congreso decidió ayer restaurar los beneficios a cientos de miles de desempleados, quienes los habían perdido debido a una disputa partidista en el Senado. La Cámara de Diputados aprobó el proyecto y lo envió al presidente Barack Obama para que lo firme y lo convierta en ley. El Senado aprobó la medida anteriormente en el día. Reuters

Data: 15/04/2010-Equador - El Comercio-4 países emergentes buscan ser contrapeso de los ricos

Brasilia. AFP, DPAhttp://www.cdes.gov.br/ 63

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Los líderes del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) se darán cita este viernes en Brasilia en la II Cumbre de este grupo, aglutinado por el fenomenal crecimiento de sus gigantescas economías, para consolidar su influencia mundial.

La reunión tendrá lugar días después de que el presidente brasileño Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva escribiera en Washington, en el marco de la cumbre sobre seguridad nuclear, un nuevo capítulo de la creciente lista de fricciones con su par de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama. Lula insistió en la necesidad de seguir negociando con Irán antes de dictar sanciones por su polémico programa nuclear.

El tema puede ser abordado en las reuniones “para conocer la posición de cada uno”, dijo el coordinador del evento, Roberto Jaguaribe, alto funcionario de la Cancillería brasileña.

La cumbre de los BRIC reunirá a los presidentes Hu Jintao (China), Dimitri Medvedev (Rusia), Lula da Silva (Brasil) y el primer ministro Manmohan Singh (India). Ellos oficialmente abordarán una agenda económica destinada a arrancar de los países ricos una reforma del sistema financiero y más peso en los organismos multilaterales (FMI y Banco Mundial).

“El gran factor que aglutina (el BRIC) es la necesidad de cambiar la gobernabilidad internacional” tradicionalmente controlada por las naciones industrializadas, resumió Jaguaribe.

“¿Dónde están la riqueza generada en el mundo y las reservas? Están en los países en desarrollo; por tanto, no se puede contemplar más la posibilidad de que un grupo de países ricos diga cómo se harán las cosas”, enfatizó.

Los cuatro miembros del BRIC representaron entre el 2000 y el 2008 el 50% del crecimiento económico mundial y debe aumentar a 61% para el 2014, según el FMI. Juntos suman más del 40% de la población y 16% del PIB mundial. Con la salvedad de Rusia y destaque de China, el BRIC salió bien de la crisis en el 2009 y vuelve a ser motor del crecimiento mundial.

Además, Brasilia acoge hoy una cumbre del foro emergente IBSA (India, Brasil y Sudáfrica).

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai - El Observador- Liderazgo ladrillo a ladrillo


Brasil, Rusia, China e India se reunieron en una nueva cumbre del Grupo BRIC. Pidieron más peso en las decisiones de la economía y la política internacional

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Brick significa ladrillo en inglés. Y aunque ni Brasil, ni Rusia, ni China ni India tengan al idioma de Shakespeare como su lengua oficial, aunque todos representen un cierto recelo hacia Washington, han encontrado a esa palabra (sin la k) como la mejor para definirlos. La fuerza del ladrillo es lo que simboliza la robustez de los cuatro países que significaron el 50% del crecimiento de la economía mundial entre 2000 y 2008, que son el 16% del PBI planetario y el 40% de la población.Brasil, ese jugador multifacético y que cada vez cubre una porción mayor de la cancha de la política mundial, es quien ayer recibió en Brasilia, durante la segunda cumbre del BRIC, a los líderes de Rusia, Dimitri Medvedev, de China, Ju Hintao, y de India, Manmohan Singh, para discutir una agenda tan abierta que incluye desde el escenario posterior a la crisis financiera internacional, hasta los desafíos planteados por el programa nuclear iraní. También la paz en Medio Oriente, y los mecanismos para consolidar su influencia con una voz más activa en las decisiones globales. En definitiva, una agenda de estado propia de grandes potencias, que se niegan a seguir la de Washington basados en su propio peso específico.

La cumbre se llevó a cabo en paralelo a la reunión del Grupo IBSA, que une a Brasil, India y Sudáfrica.

En la apertura, el presidente Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva ratificó el papel fuerte que quiere jugar el grupo en el mundo. Dijo que la presencia de los líderes de Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica es "extremamente reveladora de la nueva geografía política y económica que el mundo está viviendo en este inicio del siglo XXI". "Buscamos respuestas progresistas para esta globalización asimétrica y disfuncional que vive la humanidad", insistió el presidente.

Comercio. La discusión entre Lula, Singh, Hu y Medvedev se centró en la reforma del sistema financiero y la mayor participación de las principales economías emergentes en el diseño del nuevo escenario económico, en particular en organismos como FMI y Banco Mundial.

Ya en la primera cumbre del BRIC, en 2009, los cuatro gigantes reclamaron "un sistema de divisas estable, predecible y más diversificado", abriendo la puerta a discusiones de alto nivel sobre la posibilidad de encontrar alternativas al dólar estadounidense como moneda de referencia. Sin embargo, antes de la cumbre Brasil aseguró que la misma no llegaría a ninguna propuesta que sacuda el frágil equilibrio financiero poscrisis.

"El gran factor que aglutina el BRIC es la necesidad de cambiar la gobernanza internacional" controlada por las naciones industrializadas, resumió el coordinador del evento, el alto funcionario de la cancillería brasileña Roberto Jaguaribe. "¿Dónde están la riqueza generada en el mundo y las reservas? Están en los países en desarrollo; por tanto, no se puede contemplar más la posibilidad de que un grupo de países ricos diga cómo se harán las cosas", enfatizó.

Nuclear. Todos vienen de Washington, donde el presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, organizó una cumbre con el objetivo de promover el desarme nuclear, a la vez que advertir sobre el peligro de Irán y su programa atómico. Y precisamente algunas de las voces más críticas de la política de sanciones hacia Teherán vienen del BRIC. China posee una plaza permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, y Brasil es miembro temporario. Ambos se han mostrado en contra de las sanciones, y defienden la negociación. Rusia, por su parte, es el que más ha variado su posición, y hoy apoya las sanciones.

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Lula discutió con el líder chino y con el primer ministro indio la creciente presión internacional para sancionar a Irán. "En esos encuentros, el presidente Lula dio una explicación, para mayor transparencia, de lo que hemos hecho con relación a Irán. Y percibimos grandes afinidades con uno y otro país", dijo a la prensa el canciller Celso Amorim.

Para seguir acumulando temas de relevancia, la reunión del Grupo IBSA tuvo como uno de los puntos fundamentales el tema Oriente Medio. Los ministros de Brasil, Sudáfrica e India se reunieron con el canciller de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina, Riak Maliki, para discutir la contribución del grupo a las negociaciones de paz en Medio Oriente. (El Observador y agencias)

El bric en cifras

16% del PBI mundial representaron los países del BRIC en 2009 (US$ 9,4 billones).

40% representan de la población mundial (2.800 millones de personas).

8,7% fue el crecimiento en 2009 de China. El de india fue 5,6%.

-7,9% fue el caída de Rusia en el período, mientras que Brasil estuvo cercano al cero.

50% del crecimiento de la economía representaron en 2000-2008. Para 2014 se estima que será el 60%.

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai - La República-'Respuestas progresistas a la globalización asimétrica'

Brasil. Lula recibe a presidentes de potencias emergentes

El presidente brasileño critica las relaciones disfuncionales entre países.


El presidente brasileño, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, estimó ayer jueves que las dos grandes cumbres de naciones emergentes que su país acoge muestran una nueva geografía política y económica del mundo y la búsqueda de "respuestas progresistas a la globalización asimétrica".

La presencia en Brasil de los líderes de Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica es "extremamente reveladora de la nueva geografía política y económica que el mundo está viviendo en este inicio del siglo XXI", dijo Lula al lado del presidente chino, Hu Jintao, con el que acababa de reunirse.

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"En todas las organizaciones multilaterales, buscamos respuestas progresistas para esta globalización asimétrica y disfuncional que vive la humanidad", insistió el presidente.

Lula es el anfitrión en Brasilia de dos grandes cumbres de líderes de naciones emergentes, una especie de G7 del Sur: el IBSA, que reúne a India, Brasil y Sudáfrica, y el BRIC, que juntará en la mesa a los presidentes brasileño, el ruso Dimitri Medvedev, el chino Hu Jintao y el primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh.

Data: 16/04/2010-Bolívia - El Deber- Potencias emergentes piden en Brasil un orden mundial más justo

AFP. Brasilia

Los líderes de cuatro potencias emergentes -China, Rusia, India, Brasil- a los que se sumó Sudáfrica, pidieron ayer en Brasilia un nuevo orden mundial que reconozca su peso económico e influencia, y abordaron opciones para una solución a la controversia sobre el programa nuclear iraní.

En una jornada que se vio transtornada por la decisión del presidente chino, Hu Jintao, de adelantar en un día el retorno a su país por causa de un terremoto que mató a 760 personas, los jefes de Estado realizaron la IV Cumbre del Grupo IBSA (India, Brasil y Sudáfrica por su sigla en inglés) y la II Cumbre de BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), además de una maratón de encuentros bilaterales.

Después de dedicarse en reuniones bilaterales a discutir eventuales salidas a las crecientes presiones internacionales por sanciones a Irán, los cuatro gigantes se concentraron en su pedido de construir una nueva arquitectura política y financiera global.

Al fin de la II Cumbre de BRIC, el primer ministro de la India, Manmohan Singh, apuntó que el objetivo principal del grupo es contribuir a la construcción "de un nuevo orden mundial más democrático, justo y multipolar".

En su declaración final apuntaron que "el mundo precisa de una arquitectura financiera reformada y más estable, que torne a la economía global más resistente a futuras crisis".

El brasileño Lula, el chino Hu, el ruso Medvedev y el indio Singh se reunieron durante poco más de dos horas en la sede de la Cancillería.

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Data: 15/04/2010Índia - The Times of India- Prime Minister arrives in Brazil for IBSA, BRIC summits

BRASILIA: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived here today on a two-day visit during which he will attend the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) and India-Brazil- South Africa (IBSA) Summits and hold bilateral meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Singh, accompanied by his wife Gursharan Kaur, was accorded a red-carpet welcome at the Brazilian Air Force Base with the presentation of ceremonial Guard of Honour and 21-gun salute.

He was received warmly by Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobin as the military band played national anthems of the host country and India, one by one.

The Prime Minister reached here from Washington on the second leg of his eight-nation tour.

The two Summits will discuss global economic crisis besides ways to enhance cooperation among the member countries of the two groupings.

At the 2nd BRIC Summit, Iran's nuclear issue and the controversy surrounding it will also be discussed under the grouping's format by Singh, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Brazilian President Lula da Silva. This will be the first time that Iran will be part of focussed agenda of the grouping.

BRIC is a significant grouping comprising two of the world's leading energy producers - Russia and China and top energy consumers - India and China, which officials say forms the basis for natural synergy.

In the BRIC format, Foreign Ministers of the four countries have been meeting regularly on the sidelines of international conferences, including the UN General Assembly.

The BRIC countries, representing 40 per cent of the global population, are among the largest and fastest growing economies with rich human and material resources. They represent the future of the global economic landscape.

With a similarity of views on several issues like climate change and reform of global institutions, including the UN, the four countries have been fine-tuning their collective approaches to these issues.

In the IBSA format too, India, Brazil and South Africa, the three fastest growing economies of three continents, have been evolving common and coordinated approaches to the challenges like global economic crisis and climate change besides pushing efforts to enhance cooperation among themselves.

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After the IBSA Summit on Friday, India, Brazil and South Africa are expected to sign two trilateral MoUs. These are in the areas of solar energy and science and technology.

An MoU in the field of sport is also likely to be inked. "These groupings reflect the growing role of emerging economies in shaping the global economic order," the Prime Minister had said in a statement before leaving on his two-nation tour.

He said the IBSA process has come of age as it today encompasses a wide range of activities which supplement the excellent bilateral relations that India enjoys with each of these countries.

"Our coordination on important international issues has expanded, and our trilateral cooperation is beginning to bear fruit in many sectors," the Prime Minister had said.

"We have a high stake in the revival of the global economy, an open trading system, energy security, combating climate change and addressing non-traditional threats to international security," he said.

Singh will hold bilateral meetings with the Chinese President and Russian President during his stay here.

Ahead of his meeting with Hu, Singh said in Washington that India and China were working very hard to find a "practical" and "pragmatic" solution to the boundary question and it would "take time" to get resolved.

"Well we have the border problem and that problem has to be resolved. We are working very hard to find to have a practical, pragmatic solution to that problem," he said at a press conference when asked about relations between India and China.

Noting that both countries "recognise that it would take time", he said both the nations have agreed that pending the resolution of the border issues, peace and tranquility should be maintained along the Line of Actual Control and by and large that situation prevails on the ground.

On the overall Sino-India relations, he said the economic content of the relationship has increased significantly, with China today being India's largest trading partner.

There are large Chinese investments in our country and there are large Indian investments in China. "On the economic front the relationship is moving in the right direction," he said.

On multilateral issues, he said, there was a recognition in China that there was a similarity of approach between the two countries and they can gain by working together.

In this context, he referred to the Copenhagen conference on climate change last December during which India and China worked closely to block developed nations from imposing their agenda.

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Data: 15/04/2010-México – Reforma- Recibe Brasil a líderes de emergentes

Los países BRIC buscarán definir una postura común para aumentar su representatividad en los organismos internacionales


Brasilia, Brasil (14 abril 2010).- El Presidente de China, Hu Jintao, y el Primer Ministro de India, Manmohan Singh, arribaron este miércoles a Brasil, donde participarán el viernes en una cumbre de potencias emergentes.

El viernes se realizará la segunda cumbre del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), en la que también participarán los Presidentes brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, y el ruso, Dimitri Medvedev, quien llegará el jueves al país sudamericano.

Los países BRIC buscarán definir una postura común para aumentar su representatividad en los organismos internacionales, como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial, mientras impulsan la Ronda Doha para la liberalización del comercio mundial.

El diplomático brasileño Roberto Jaguaribe dijo que la segunda cumbre de BRIC intentará definir una reglamentación del sistema financiero internacional para evitar que se repitan situaciones como la quiebra de bancos estadounidenses que desataron la crisis global en 2008.

Los cuatro países pretenden tener una posición común sobre ese tema de cara a la próxima cumbre de G-20 en junio, en Canadá.

Además, el jueves será la reunión del grupo India, Brasil, Sudáfrica (Ibsa), un foro de naturaleza política y diplomática; en este caso las discusiones se centrarán en la cooperación para el desarrollo y la ayuda para regiones necesitadas del mundo, como Haití y los territorios palestinos.

El presidente del Instituto de Pesquisas Económicas Aplicadas de Brasil, Mauricio Pochman, recordó que tanto India como Brasil y Sudáfrica, han tenido éxito en reducir la pobreza y la promoción del bienestar de sus pobladores.

Tras la cumbre de los BRIC, Hu realizará durante viernes una visita oficial a Brasil, en la que se firmará un programa de acción conjunto, que coordina las reuniones de alto nivel entre ambos países.

El jueves, el Presidente chino mantendrá encuentros bilaterales con sus pares de Rusia, Sudáfrica y el Premier indio, informó la Embajada china en Brasilia.

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China se convirtió en 2009 en el primer socio comercial de Brasil, sobrepasando a Estados Unidos, con un comercio bilateral de 36 mil 102 millones de dólares. Las exportaciones brasileñas sumaron 20 mil 190 millones de dólares.

Tras Brasil, el Presidente chino proseguirá su gira con una visita oficial a Venezuela, del 17 al 18 de abril y una visita de trabajo el 18 de abril a Chile. Al inicio de la semana Hu Jintao participó de la Cumbre sobre Seguridad Nuclear en Washington.

Con información de AFP y AP

Data: 14/04/2010-Espanha - Agência EFE- Empresários do Bric discutem oportunidades de negócios conjuntos pela 1ª vez

Rio de Janeiro - Empresários dos países do Bric, sigla usada para se referir ao Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China, os quatro grandes mercados emergentes do mundo, se reunirão amanhã no Rio de Janeiro pela primeira vez para discutir possibilidades de negócios de forma conjunta.

A reunião também contará com a participação de empresários da África do Sul, convidado especial na qualidade de país membro do Fórum do Diálogo Índia-Brasil-África do Sul (IAS).

O chamado Fórum Empresarial Bric-IAS será um dos eventos paralelos à Segunda Cúpula de Chefes de Estado e de Governo do Bric e à Quarta Cúpula de chefes de Estado e de Governo do IAS realizadas nesta quinta e sexta-feira em Brasília.

"É a primeira vez que os empresários do Bric se reúnem para analisar possibilidades de negócios", afirmou o diretor do Departamento de Promoção Comercial da Chancelaria brasileira, Norton Rapesta.

Entre os empresários confirmados estão 212 brasileiros, 70 chineses, 30 indianos, 25 sul-africanos e 20 russos.

Na reunião participarão o ministro das Relações Exteriores do Celso Amorim, os ministros de Indústria e Comércio da Índia, Anand Sharma, e da África do Sul, Rob Davies; e representantes de importantes empresas estatais de cinco países.

O vice-presidente do Conselho de Promoção do Comércio Internacional da China, John Zhang Wei; o vice-presidente da União de Empresários da África do Sul, Mthunzi Mdwaba; o presidente da Federação de Câmaras de Comércio e Indústria de Índia, Rajan Bharti Mittal, e o diretor do Departamento de Cooperação Internacional da Câmara de Indústria de Rússia, Serguei Vasilyev também devem participar.

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Rapesta destacou que os negócios entre os grandes emergentes têm grande potencial devido a que, pelo menos os quatro membros do Bric, representam 40% da população mundial e 15% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de todo o mundo.

Apesar dos quatro membros do Bric não integrarem um bloco político específico nem uma iniciativa de livre-comércio e quase não terem se reunido formalmente ano passado, eles têm alianças entre si e acordos comerciais para catapultar suas relações.

"O objetivo da reunião não é assinar acordos de negócios. Trata-se apenas de uma primeira aproximação para permitir o conhecimento entre as comunidades empresariais dos cinco países e a identificação de possibilidades e nichos", afirmou Rapesta.

Os empresários participarão de quatro painéis diferentes para discutir oportunidades de negócios em energia, tecnologia da informação, infraestrutura e agronegócios.

"Selecionamos setores em que existem sinergias potenciais entre os cinco países tanto para aumentar o comércio como para promover investimentos", sustentou o diplomata.

As conclusões do encontro serão resumidas em um relatório que será apresentado na quinta-feira perante os chefes de Estado dos cinco países em Brasília.

Rapesta esclareceu que, pelo menos Brasil, não se espera que o encontro de amanhã dê origem a um fórum de negócios ou a alguma outra iniciativa mais formal. Ao menos por enquanto.

Data: 18/04/2010-México - La Jornada-¿Solución diplomática "BRIC" y/o turco-brasileña para Irán?

Sin contar la devastación ambiental que provocó en sus múltiples guerras en los Balcanes e Irak, gracias a su generosa diseminación de uranio empobrecido –tema que anómalamente no formó parte de la Cumbre de Seguridad (sic) Nuclear de Obama–, Estados Unidos (EU), único en la historia que ha lanzado dos bombas nucleares sobre las poblaciones civiles de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, hoy principal vendedor de armas de todo tipo en el mundo (reporte SIPRI 2010) y poseedor, con Rusia, de 95 por ciento de las armas nucleares del planeta, ha creado inconmensurables problemas atómicos al género humano desde que "el genio nuclear" se salió de la botella, como vaticinó el físico arrepentido Robert Oppenheimer, encargado del Proyecto Manhattan, hace 71 años.

Fue EU el que empezó el programa nuclear de Irán en la nefaria etapa del sha para contener entonces a la URSS en el Mar Caspio y, todavía, en forma homicida, tiene alojadas pletóricas bombas nucleares en por lo menos otros siete países en el mundo, entre los que destacan Alemania y Japón, que han suplicado vanamente su inconfortable desalojo.

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EU, el país menos indicado para propinar lecciones de axiología antiproliferativa, exige ahora resolver en forma unilateral su lúgubre legado nuclear, como es el caso de Irán, el que desea aplicar sanciones asfixiantes en caso de no sucumbir a sus pretensiones asimétricas.

El semanario estadunidense Defense News (14/4/10) reveló que Turquía y Brasil, "dos miembros no permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) que se oponen a nuevas sanciones contra Irán debido a su controvertido programa nuclear, trabajan una solución diplomática que evitaría las sanciones".

De Defensa (15/4/10), portal estratégico-militar europeo, coloca en relieve la reunión en Brasilia del muy solvente canciller turco, Ahmet Davutoglu (padre del neo-otomanismo que reposicionó a su país en el gran Medio Oriente), con el presidente Lula y su muy capaz canciller Celso Amorim, "al margen" (sic) de la segunda cumbre del BRIC (acrónimo de Brasil, Rusia, India y China), por cierto, escamoteada por los multimedia israelí-anglosajones: "en forma simbólica y muy significativa desde el punto de vista político", la reunión turco-brasileña se escenificó "al margen (sic) de la cumbre BRIC, en la misma capital Brasilia".

El primer ministro turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, se había reunido con Lula en Washington, también "al margen" de la Cumbre de Seguridad Nuclear de 47 países, convocada por Obama.

¿Habrán notificado Erdogan y Lula a Obama sobre la solución diplomática al contencioso iraní que debe pasar por la firma obligada y sin condiciones de Israel al TNP (Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear), del que Irán es signatario?

De Defensa infiere que Lula es el "delegado del BRIC" para dialogar con el ministro turco. Entonces, ¿de quién es "delegado" el canciller Davutoglu? ¿Del alto mando militar de EU con quien Turquía mantiene todavía óptimas relaciones?

Turquía es el único país islámico miembro de la Organizacion del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN), pero en fechas recientes se ha alejado dramáticamente de Israel, su anterior socio militar estratégico, debido al infanticidio palestino en Gaza, mientras se ha acercado asombrosamente a Rusia, Irán y Siria.

Del BRIC, en general, y de Brasil, en particular, nos hemos explayado suficientemente, pero no así de Turquía, al que habíamos ya detectado como una nueva fuerza emergente en el "gran Medio Oriente".

Baste sintetizar que Turquía forma parte, sin mucho ruido, del G-20, el nuevo andamiaje de "gobernación global" que sustituyó al G-7/G-8 que controlaba la unipolaridad estadunidense.

Pittsburg Post-Gazette (19/9/09) expone que Turquía es un "poder mediano" en más de un sentido: "puente geográfico, económico y cultural entre Europa y Asia, y país islámico (sunnita) de orientación laica (sic) y occidental", al que "el G-20 reconoce como un jugador (sic) de significado global con su papel líder en la seguridad energética y la paz en Medio-Oriente".

A juicio de De Defensa, Lula parece haber sido ungido del "apoyo implícito del BRIC y, sin duda alguna, de Rusia y China", que han exhibido fuertes reticencias contra las "sanciones asfixiantes" que exige el belicoso primer ministro israelí Bibi Netanyahu.

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El portal europeo conjetura sobre el acercamiento de Turquía al BRIC, agrupación de la que "debiera formar parte en algún momento"–por cierto, como debiera ser el caso del mismo Irán y de Argentina, adonde acudió en forma espectacular el presidente Medvedev, en vísperas de la cumbre de Brasilia, lo cual pone en jaque a EU en su "otrora patio trasero" entre la Antártida y las Malvinas y, además, para que James Monroe se revuelque más en su tumba con todo y su unilateral tratado de excluyente enajenación (en el sentido catastral y siquiátrico).

Honor a quien honor merece: De Defensa exalta a Lula, quien "se afirmó en fechas recientes con la mayor firmeza como adversario de las sanciones y presiones agresivas contra Irán".

Horror a quien horror merece: el premier turco Erdogan fustigó al gobierno del primer ministro Netanyahu de ser "la principal amenaza a la paz en Medio Oriente" (MENAFN, 8/4/10) debido a su dotación clandestina, que va desde 200 hasta 600 ojivas nucleares.

Lo peor: Netanyahu –a quien la misma ex canciller israelí Tzipi Livni acusó de haber convertido a Israel en un "Estado paria" – todavía en forma hipócrita se da el lujo de pontificar al mundo entero cuando Israel ni siquiera es signatario del TNP, lo cual pone en la picota la loable (en teoría) desnuclearización de Obama, que peca (en la práctica) de dos pesas y mil medidas.

De Defensa juzga que "Turquía no ha cesado de afirmar y profundizar una postura de acomodamiento con Irán", más que nunca necesaria "a la luz del grotesco desequilibrio" en el que EU y sus aliados europeos se han convertido en los voceros de la "política pregonada por el país más agresivo de la región, Israel, además, sobrecargado ilegalmente de bombas nucleares".

La solución diplomática turco-brasileña, a juicio de De Defensa, "es de considerable peso específico" y, de paso, desmonta la asimetría de desnuclearización de Obama en la cumbre de Washington donde "evocó en forma tímida la posibilidad implícita de que Israel pueda firmar el TNP".

El portal europeo ironiza que sea probable que "el presidente de EU esté efectivamente informado de que Israel dispone de alrededor de 200 bombas nuclea- res". En flagrante contraste, Obama "evocó sin timidez el peligro iraní", cuando no existe evidencia alguna de que posea una sola bomba nuclear.

La prueba de fuego del incipiente nuevo orden multipolar, que tanto reclamó la segunda cumbre del BRIC, pasa por la fractura tectónica de la geopolítica del siglo XXI: Irán.

¿Podrá evitar la laudable solución diplomática turco-brasileña la enésima guerra de Israel en la región, esta vez, contra Irán?

¿Podrá Obama detener y serenar a Netanyahu?

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Data: 17/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- BRICs take baby steps toward greater global clout

By Stuart Grudgings

BRASILIA, April 16 - The world's leading emerging powers found little new to agree on in their summit in Brazil, but their assertive tone in demanding more clout in global financial institutions and setting of a deadline for the reforms shows they are slowly becoming a more potent group.

In a joint statement at the end of their second summit, the so-called BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China called for swift reforms of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to give a greater say to developing nations.

The call itself was not new from a group that was born out of the global financial crisis with a shared goal of shifting the balance of decision making from advanced economies.

But the timing of the united front before this month's G20 finance ministers and IMF meetings in Washington and a November deadline for the reforms to be completed showed a growing confidence and cohesiveness, analysts and diplomats said.

"Naming times and dates are a way to put on greater pressure and also a possible way for the BRICs to declare a victory by saying that because of this pressure we were able to get things done," said Michael Glosny, a China scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who follows the BRICs.

Huge differences in national goals and tensions in security and economic policy have prevented the BRICs, which account for about 20 percent of global economic output, from agreeing concrete cooperation in most areas.

They have rowed back from talk last year of setting up a new reserve currency to rival the U.S. dollar and have made no headway on forming joint institutions.

Vague statements from leaders on the group's goals have reinforced a view that the BRICS, dominated by China in terms of its economic size and influence, have little in common beyond being large and developing.

REFORM PRESSURE Yet the group does have shared interests in dealing with economic inequality, food and energy security.

On their central goal of gaining more say in how the global economy is run, they have achieved a more united front that is putting pressure on advanced countries to concede more voting power, more quickly in the IMF and World Bank.

"I think the feeling is that this is a much more aggressive statement of what has come before," said a Western diplomat in Brasilia, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

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Brazil, which had appeared to be satisfied with a 5 percent voting shift to developing countries, now looks poised to hold out with the other BRICs for a bigger change.

"We're not satisfied with the pace of reforms," Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim told Reuters.

The G20 group of major advanced and developing economies has agreed to support a quota shift of at least 5 percent toward developing countries, but other emerging economy groups are pushing for 7 percent.

"The IMF and the World Bank urgently need to address their legitimacy deficits," said the BRICs' joint statement, calling for quota reforms to be completed by the November G20 summit in South Korea.

The lack of bold new agreements in other areas does not necessarily mean the young group is not making progress in strengthening ties and building mutual confidence behind the scenes, said Anthony Spanakos, a Brazil scholar at New Jersey's Montclair State University.

"Much of what is happening is consultation and norm-building, but the symbolism of joint action and leadership that is independent of the U.S. and Europe is important as well," he said.

The BRICs called on the G20 to be more active in coming up with a strategy for the post-crisis world and said it wanted to play a role in the process.

Beyond that, however, there was little detail given on the BRICs' vision for the new global financial order.

"Playing a larger role and having greater influence is more than just increasing representation and voting shares," said Glosny.

"From the statement ... it's not clear what they want that role to be or how they would want to wield that influence."

Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- BRICs divided on global agenda, look to mutual trade

By Raymond Colitt

BRASILIA, April 14 - The leaders of the world's top four emerging markets will renew calls for a greater say in the global economic order when they meet in Brazil's capital this week but they may struggle to come up with clear proposals to advance a common agenda.

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At their first summit last year in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, the so-called BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China were at the forefront of a push to overhaul global financial regulations and move toward a new international reserve currency.

But with the worst of the global economic crisis now over, differences between the four countries have become more evident, exposing the limitations of the group's ambitions.

"Don't expect the BRICs to make bombastic or revolutionary proposals because it's not going to happen," said Roberto Jaguaribe, undersecretary of political affairs at Brazil's foreign ministry.

Finding alternatives to the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency and using local currencies for trade are not on the official agenda of the leaders' two-day meeting in Brasilia that begins on Thursday, although they will be discussed.

The BRICs, a term coined by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill in 2001 to describe the growing influence of big emerging economies, represent 40 percent of the world population and around 20 percent of global economic output.

BRICs and other developing countries be given more say in global financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

While the BRICs share concerns on global governance issues, they have little in common besides being large, fast-growing economies with massive domestic markets.

China's relations with Russia and India are complicated by security tensions, and Beijing and Moscow are not enthusiastic about Brazil and India's push to broaden the United Nations Security Council. Differences abound on climate, trade and currency issues.

"On trade and climate, it's difficult to see more than a generic statement to advance global talks," said Andre Nassar of the Institute for International Trade Negotiations, a research group based in Sao Paulo.

As a major food exporter, Brazil wants to cut trade barriers on agriculture, something that India has been reluctant to do. Russia, a major oil producer, is unlikely to embrace any ambitious emissions reductions.

China's undervalued currency, the yuan, is also a point of tension since it erodes the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers in other BRIC countries. Last week, Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega backed calls for China to revalue the yuan, saying it would be good for the global economy.

Still, few expect the BRICs as a group to pressure Beijing on the issue.

"I think they'll leave that one to the United States to deal with," said Roberto Abdenur, a former Brazilian ambassador to China and the United States.


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In the absence of a far-reaching external agenda, the BRICs will focus on strengthening trade and investment ties with delegations of business leaders, bankers, cooperatives, and state development banks exploring business opportunities.

"Greater intra-BRIC cooperation would help members, as this could in itself emerge as a strong counterweight to established powerhouses in economic and political terms," said a senior official at India's finance ministry, who requested anonymity.

China and Brazil will use the summit to sign a five-year strategic plan to further expand their fast-growing trade relationship. And Chinese companies are expected to unveil some investments in Brazil, one of China's main suppliers of commodities such as iron ore and soybeans.

For Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the BRIC summit is one of the last big events he will host before leaving office at the end of the year. He is expected to use the occasion to reiterate Brazil's push for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council.

Beijing sees the BRICs as a forum allowing it to bolster links with other major emerging economies, strengthening the perception that it is helping other developing countries as it is often urged to do.

But China is keen for the BRICs not to been seen as a challenge to Washington.

"We come together seeking mutual benefit ... rather than confrontation with other third parties," said China's vice foreign minister, Cui Tiankai.

Still, there are concerns that China's economic and diplomatic might may end up undermining the BRIC as a coherent group, since it doesn't need others to effectively push its agenda. The sheer size of its economy also means that policy coordination with its BRIC peers will be difficult.

"China's power will likely provide a challenge to BRIC cooperation and the BRICs as a grouping," said Michael Glosny, China expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Data: 15/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- Título: BRICs should not pressure China on yuan - O'Neill

By Ana Nicolaci da Costa

BRASILIA, April 14 - There is no advantage for Brazil, Russia and India in putting pressure on China to let its currency strengthen since Beijing is already heading in that direction, Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill said on Wednesday.

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O'Neill, who in 2001 coined the term BRIC to describe the world's four biggest emerging economies, made the remarks on the eve of the second presidential summit of the four-country group in Brasilia, Brazil's capital.

China has been under pressure from the United States and other countries to let its currency strengthen. Brazil joined the chorus last week when Finance Minister Guido Mantega said a flexible currency policy in China "would be very good" for the global economy. A weak yuan makes Chinese exports more competitive against their global counterparts.

"The Chinese don't tell the Brazilians what they should do, and so why should the Brazilians tell the Chinese what they should do," O'Neill told Reuters in a telephone interview from London.

He agreed with Mantega that a flexible yuan would be better for the global economy but said this was already on its way. Speculation Beijing might soon unveil a long-awaited shift in its exchange-rate regime has intensified recently, helping to push the yuan higher.

"One of the ironies of this situation is the Chinese have already basically decided to do that. I think that's what Washington has realized," O'Neill added.

President Barack Obama was less sanguine on Tuesday, saying China had yet to set a timetable for reforming the yuan despite "frank" conversations with President Hu Jintao.

The undervalued yuan is a point of tension in the BRIC group since it erodes the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers.

The issue could be discussed on the sidelines of the Group of 20 finance ministers meeting in Washington later this month, a Brazilian government source told Reuters on Friday, although it is unlikely feature formally on the agenda.

LOCAL CURRENCY TRADE A flexible yuan would be necessary for the BRIC countries to make progress in plans for local currency trade, O'Neill said.

Last year, the Chinese and Brazilian central banks said their countries were working on an arrangement to allow exporters and importers to settle deals in local currency, bypassing the U.S. dollar.

"They have made some steps in that direction already with swap agreements but obviously to apply it to all trade between the countries they have got to allow more use of each of their currencies," O'Neill said.

"The only way that becomes material is if China loosens the controls on the use of the renminbi."

The issue could be discussed at this week's summit, although the countries are playing down any push to move toward a new global reserve currency.

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The BRICs represent 40 percent of the world population and around 20 percent of the global economy.

Their summit ahead of the G20 meeting in Washington is a way to pressure developed countries about the need to change international organizations to better reflect the importance of the emerging giants in the world economy, O'Neill said.

Brazil and other developing countries have been pushing rich nations to accept a shift in voting power at the International Monetary Fund that would benefit emerging nations.

"I think the fact the BRIC countries are meeting ahead of the G20 is very beneficial. It's kind of ridiculous that the IMF has more voting rights for the likes of Belgium than the BRIC countries," he added.

Data: 14/04/2010-Reino Unido - Agência Reuters- Bric quer integração maior para forçar reforma financeira global

BRASÍLIA, 14 de abril - Os quatro países que integram o Bric buscam por maior integração e podem incrementar sua coordenação interna como fator de pressão nos fóruns internacionais, avaliou nesta quarta-feira o embaixador Antônio Patriota, o número 2 do Itamaraty.

Segundo o diplomata, secretário-executivo do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, tudo indica que Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China intensificarão suas relações em 2011, já que devem ocupar, simultaneamente, assentos no Conselho de Segurança da Organização das Nações Unidas.

"Os quatro países poderão se coordenar e desenvolver um diálogo mais intenso", afirmou ele ao abrir um evento do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) com entidades similares das outras três nações emergentes.

Afetados em menor escala, em geral, na recente crise global, os líderes dessas economias evocarão na cúpula de sexta-feira --a segunda entre os chefes de Estado-- por uma reforma no sistema financeiro internacional e maior voz na ONU, Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e Banco Mundial.

"Apesar da relevância dos Bric,...ainda existe uma insuficiente participação nos organismos de governança (internacional)", defendeu Patriota. "Está claro que precisamos ter maior participação nesses organismos."

Li Yang, vice-presidente da Academina Chinesa de Ciências Sociais, reforçou que a China está preocupada com os poucos avanços no sentido de uma reforma sistema financeiro internacional e defendeu trocas comerciais em moeda local.

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"Devemos defender o uso de nossas próprias moedas entre os países do Bric", disse. "Temos discutido com Brasil, Índia e Rússia a possibilidade de desenvolver acordos comerciais que utilizem nossas próprias moedas."

Para Vladimir Davydov, diretor do Instituto Latino-Americano, Academia Russa de Ciências, há poucas chances dessas discussões vingarem no médio prazo.

"Não existe viabilidade política e condições técnicas de se avançar em uma mudança brusca."

Cerca de 42 por cento da população mundial vive nos países do Bric. Segundo dados do Itamaraty, as quatro nações correspondiam em 2008 a 15 por cento do PIB mundial, contra 9 por cento em 2003.

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - The Economic Times- BRIC can recast world order: Manmohan

BRASILIA: The BRIC grouping of the world´s top emerging economies, accounting for 20 per cent of global GDP, have a key role in recasting the global architecture of governance and in setting the pace of global economic recovery, said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Manmohan Singh made a vigorous case for a "multipolar, equitable, democratic and just world order" at the daylong BRIC summit, which was advanced to Thursday night as Chinese President Hu Jintao had to cut short his trip due a massive earthquake in China.

"BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries are uniquely placed to contribute to reforming the architecture of global governance," Manmohan Singh said at the plenary session of the BRIC summit, attended by Hu, Brazilian President Lula da Silva and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

"A genuine reform of the Security Council by expansion in its permanent membership as well as non-permanent membership and improvement in its working methods is essential to make the UN reflective of contemporary realities," said Manmohan Singh.

Putting his pet concerns on top of the BRIC agenda, Manmohan Singh, an economist by training, espoused inclusive growth and called for sharing experiences among the four countries in promoting sustainable development and in areas of food and energy security.

"The people of our countries expect us to work together so as to bring the benefits of inclusive social and economic development to them," he said while lauding Lula for his experiments in social inclusion in this country.

Ahead of the G8 and G20 summits later this year, Manmohan Singh underlined that BRIC countries have "an important role to play in shaping the pace, direction and sustainability of global economic growth".

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"Sustainable recovery will also depend on several factors such as enhanced investment for infrastructure development, stable capital flows to the developing markets, appropriate macroeconomic adjustments, and avoiding complacency in the area of financial sector reforms," he said.

Calling for adoption of clean technologies, Manmohan Singh underlined the critical role of BRIC countries in setting the discourse on climate change negotiations.

"Our approach to the Cancun Conference (in November) should be anchored within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Roadmap," he said.

"If we pool our best scientific and technological resources, BRIC nations can set a fine example in promoting collaborative development, deployment and dissemination of clean energy and renewable technologies," Manmohan Singh said.

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - The Economic Times- Include India, Brazil in UN security council: BRIC nations

BRASILIA: Calling for reform of the UN and the global financial architecture, BRIC countries have underlined the centrality of G20 as the premier economic forum and pitched for including India and Brazil in an expanded UN Security Council.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Brazilian President Lula da Silva, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev held wide-ranging talks as they pledged to work together for a multi-polar world, an assertion that is set to worry the US as it views groupings like BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) with suspicion.

"We welcome the fact that the G-20 was confirmed as the premier forum for international economic coordination and cooperation of all its member states," said a joint declaration at the end of the second BRIC summit.

"Compared to previous arrangements, the G-20 is broader, more inclusive, diverse, representative and effective," the BRIC leaders said.

"We advocate the need for the G-20 to be proactive and formulate a coherent strategy for the post-crisis period," the BRIC leaders added, while seeking reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, the IMF and the World Bank.

Putting the collective weight of the three trillion dollar economies behind the BRIC initiative, the leaders made a vigorous pitch for the long-overdue reform of the UN and backed a "greater role" for India and Brazil for seat in the UN Security Council.

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"In this respect, we reaffirm the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, with a view to making it more effective, efficient and representative, so that it can deal with today's global challenges more effectively," said the joint declaration.

Russia hosted the first BRIC summit in Yekaterinburg in June last year.

Referring to the recent resumption of economic growth in emerging markets, the four leaders said that "the foundation of world economic recovery is not yet solid, with uncertainties remaining".

"We call upon all states to strengthen macroeconomic cooperation, jointly secure world economic recovery and achieve a strong, sustainable and balanced growth."

They also decided to scale up economic cooperation and underlined the importance of maintaining relative stability of major reserve currencies and sustainability of fiscal policies in order to achieve a strong, long-term balanced economic growth.

The four leaders of top emerging economies, projected by Goldman Sachs to be the world´s largest economies by 2050, also pushed hard for an early conclusion of an international convention to combat terrorism and cooperate closely on issues relating to the global financial crisis.

The BRIC countries account for 20 per cent of global GDP and includes two of the largest energy producers and two of the largest consumers in the world.

"BRIC countries have an important role to play in the shaping the pace, direction and sustainability of global economic growth," said the four leaders at the end of the day-long BRIC summit. China will host the next edition of BRIC summit.

Putting developmental aspirations of common people at the heart of BRIC engagement, the leaders of world´s top performing democracies also wanted scaling up of cooperation in areas ranging from science and technology, trade and investment, pharmaceuticals and infrastructure.

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia - The Economic Times- Singh in Brazil to attend BRIC and IBSA Summits

BRASILIA: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived here today on a two-day visit during which he will attend the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) and India-Brazil- South Africa (IBSA) Summits and hold bilateral meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Singh, accompanied by his wife Gursharan Kaur, was accorded a red-carpet welcome at the Brazilian Air Force Base with the presentation of ceremonial Guard of Honour and 21-gun salute.

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He was received warmly by Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobin as the military band played national anthems of the host country and India, one by one.

The Prime Minister reached here from Washington on the second leg of his eight-nation tour.

The two Summits will discuss global economic crisis besides ways to enhance cooperation among the member countries of the two groupings.

At the 2nd BRIC Summit, Iran's nuclear issue and the controversy surrounding it will also be discussed under the grouping's format by Singh, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Brazilian President Lula da Silva. This will be the first time that Iran will be part of focussed agenda of the grouping.

BRIC is a significant grouping comprising two of the world's leading energy producers -- Russia and China and top energy consumers -- India and China, which officials say forms the basis for natural synergy.

In the BRIC format, Foreign Ministers of the four countries have been meeting regularly on the sidelines of international conferences, including the UN General Assembly.

The BRIC countries, representing 40 per cent of the global population, are among the largest and fastest growing economies with rich human and material resources. They represent the future of the global economic landscape.

With a similarity of views on several issues like climate change and reform of global institutions, including the UN, the four countries have been fine-tuning their collective approaches to these issues.

In the IBSA format too, India, Brazil and South Africa, the three fastest growing economies of three continents, have been evolving common and coordinated approaches to the challenges like global economic crisis and climate change besides pushing efforts to enhance cooperation among themselves.

After the IBSA Summit on Friday, India, Brazil and South Africa are expected to sign two trilateral MoUs. These are in the areas of solar energy and science and technology.

An MoU in the field of sport is also likely to be inked. "These groupings reflect the growing role of emerging economies in shaping the global economic order," the Prime Minister had said in a statement before leaving on his two-nation tour.

He said the IBSA process has come of age as it today encompasses a wide range of activities which supplement the excellent bilateral relations that India enjoys with each of these countries.

"Our coordination on important international issues has expanded, and our trilateral cooperation is beginning to bear fruit in many sectors," the Prime Minister had said.

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"We have a high stake in the revival of the global economy, an open trading system, energy security, combating climate change and addressing non-traditional threats to international security," he said.

Singh will hold bilateral meetings with the Chinese President and Russian President during his stay here.

Ahead of his meeting with Hu, Singh said in Washington that India and China were working very hard to find a "practical" and "pragmatic" solution to the boundary question and it would "take time" to get resolved.

"Well we have the border problem and that problem has to be resolved. We are working very hard to find to have a practical, pragmatic solution to that problem," he said at a press conference when asked about relations between India and China.

Noting that both countries "recognise that it would take time", he said both the nations have agreed that pending the resolution of the border issues, peace and tranquility should be maintained along the Line of Actual Control and by and large that situation prevails on the ground.

On the overall Sino-India relations, he said the economic content of the relationship has increased significantly, with China today being India's largest trading partner.

There are large Chinese investments in our country and there are large Indian investments in China. "On the economic front the relationship is moving in the right direction," he said.

On multilateral issues, he said, there was a recognition in China that there was a similarity of approach between the two countries and they can gain by working together.

In this context, he referred to the Copenhagen conference on climate change last December during which India and China worked closely to block developed nations from imposing their agenda.

Data: 16/04/2010-Rússia - Ria-Novosti- Líderes del BRIC destacan el papel clave de G-20 en la lucha contra la crisis mundial

Brasilia, 16 de abril, RIA Novosti. Los países del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) destacan el papel central del Grupo de los Veinte en la lucha contra las consecuencias negativas de la crisis mundial debido al alto grado de eficacia de este foro internacional, dice una declaración conjunta de los cuatro líderes.

"En comparación con los foros anteriores, el G-20 es un grupo más amplio, universal, variado, representativo y eficaz", dice el documento final suscrito por los líderes de la II Cumbre del BRIC que se celebró ayer en Brasil.

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Asimismo, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brasil), Dmitri Medvédev (Rusia), Hu Jintao (China) y el primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh exhortaron a los países miembros del G-20 a "emprender las acciones necesarias para plasmar en hechos conjuntamente las decisiones aprobadas en las tres cumbres del Grupo de los Veinte".

En la declaración final de la reunión, Brasil, Rusia, India y China acordaron estrechar la cooperación en el ámbito financiero.

"Para optimizar el comercio y las inversiones, se estudiarán las posibilidades de impulsar la cooperación en asuntos de política monetaria, incluido el uso de las divisas locales en las operaciones comerciales", precisa la declaración.

Además, el documento destaca la importancia de la Organización Mundial del Comercio en el desarrollo del comercio global y expresa el firme apoyo a los planes de Rusia para ingresar en ese organismo.

La declaración conjunta de los líderes del BRIC abarca también temas relacionados con la energía, el cambio climático y la lucha contra el terrorismo.

Los países acordaron a celebrar una nueva Cumbre del BRIC en China, en 2011.

Data: 16/04/2010-Rússia - Ria-Novosti- Rusia estudia proyecto para fabricar aviones de Brasil en su territorio

Brasilia, 16 de abril, RIA Novosti. El banco ruso Vnesheconombank (VEB) y el Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Brasil (BNDES) analizan la viabilidad de un proyecto para la producción de aviones brasileños en el territorio de Rusia, informó hoy el presidente del VEB, Vladímir Dmitriev.

"Estudiamos la posibilidad de comenzar la fabricación de aviones (brasileños) de 50 plazas en el territorio de Rusia", dijo Dmitriev a la prensa.

Según el jefe del banco ruso, ese proyecto puede convertirse en uno de los primeros en el marco del convenio sobre la cooperación de instituciones estatales financieras y de exportación de los países del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India, China), suscrito ayer en Brasil.

"Ese convenio es un documento de intenciones, que establece la base institucional para la cooperación. Pero en el marco del convenio, nosotros emprenderemos pasos concretos", afirmó el presidente de Vnesheconombank.

En cuanto a las inversiones en el proyecto, la cifra puede ascender a "cientos de millones de dólares", aseguró el ejecutivo.

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Al mismo tiempo, Dmitriev subrayó que BRIC por el momento no mantiene negociaciones al respecto con el fabricante brasileño de aviones Embraer.

El jefe del VEB concluyó que el Gobierno de la república rusa de Tatarstán mostró su interés en el proyecto, para el que ofrece las instalaciones de la fábrica de aviones Gorbunov.

Data: 15/04/2010-Rússia - Ria-Novosti- Opinion: BRIC: the world from different perspective

By Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of the Moscow-based magazine Russia in Global Affairs, for the Valdai Discussion Club

The notion of BRIC, an acronym introduced in political usage a few years ago to refer to the related economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, has evolved significantly over the time. It was first used by an economist with U.S. investment company Goldman Sachs in a 2003 review which described the four fast growing economies as potential 21st century economic leaders. The global economy has gone through a boom which showed that the four BRIC economies had more differences than similarities and that their prospects also differed dramatically, at least for the midterm.

Nevertheless, the U.S. bankers’ concept survived and evolved as the four countries unexpectedly brought together in this context, began political interaction. Initially a purely economic notion, the BRIC group has grown into evidence of the modern world’s multi-polarity. This structure is forming naturally, and it is therefore not surprising that the four nations were so eager to grab at this similarly artificial idea of unity.

The paradox is that the four entities joined in the BRIC acronym have virtually nothing in common. This is exactly the global world in miniature, because firstly, there is representation of the largest cultural and religious groups – two branches of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam (as India has the world’s second largest Muslim community) and Confucianism. Secondly, the group includes a range of political models from various kinds of democracy to a totalitarian system. Thirdly, their economies are different, as there are commodity, products and services exporters as well as importers. Finally, each of the countries faces at least one, and in some cases all, of the current challenges, such as terrorism, separatism, religious extremism, climate change, drugs and others.

In other words, no other supranational group or association has such a representative format or could serve as a platform to develop truly global approaches to international problems.

The four BRIC countries are united by a shared ambition to be a strong and independent center in the changing world order, in which globalization begins at regional levels. This does not mean they are likely to find common ground easily or are keen to formalize or institutionalize their contacts.

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Moreover, the countries included in this informal group have enough tensions and sticking points, such as between China and India or between Russia and China. Common interests in global issues do not compensate for regional conflicts, but could ease the tensions or at least add some positive trends to a generally negative agenda of relations.

Countries should use creative approaches to choosing institutions and formats of coordinating interests in a world where conventional international institutions are in crisis and failing to adjust to the changes. BRIC is an interesting attempt at crossing conventional borders and looking at global development from a different perspective, which is more in line with the 21st century realities.

Data: 15/04/2010Índia - The Hindustan Times- Chinese President arrives in Brazil for BRIC summit

Agence France-Presse

Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Brazil late Wednesday to participate in bilateral meetings with the leaders of other emerging economies and a BRIC summit on Friday.

He was to attend the two days of meetings in Brasilia as China struggles with the aftermath of an earthquake in its northwest that killed nearly 600 people earlier Wednesday.

Hu flew in from Washington, where he had taken part in a summit on international nuclear security. A Brazilian airport official confirmed his arrival.

The Chinese leader was to hold bilateral meetings with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, South African President Jacob Zuma and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on Thursday, according to the Chinese embassy.

On Friday, Jintao, Medvedev, Singh and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva were to hold the second-ever summit of the BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China.

After the summit, Hu was to hold a brief official visit to Brazil, with which China has trade ties worth $36 billion.

On Saturday, he was to fly on to Venezuela for a meeting with President Hugo Chavez, and on Sunday he visits China.

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia - The Hindustan Times- Manmohan to cement India's global role at IBSA, BRIC summits

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Indo-Asian News Service

It is set to be a week of hectic multilateral diplomacy for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who arrived in Brasilia on Wednesday evening on a three-day visit to participate in two back-to-back summits of IBSA and BRIC countries.

The IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) summits, which are held in different formats, aim at securing a bigger say for top emerging economies in world affairs.

Besides multilateral diplomacy, Manmohan Singh, who arrived here from the US, will also hold bilateral talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Three multilateral summits in a week underline India's growing global stature, said a senior official.

Manmohan Singh, accompanied by his wife Gursharan Kaur, arrived on the second leg of his eight-day overseas tour from Washington where he participated in the 47-nation Nuclear Security Summit.

He was accorded a red-carpet welcome at the Brazilian Air Force Base with the presentation of ceremonial Guard of Honour and 21-gun salute.

Manmohan Singh was received warmly by Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobim with the military band playing national anthems of the host country and India.

Manmohan Singh will hold wide-ranging talks with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the host of the twin summits, and South African President Jacob Zuma in the trilateral format of IBSA.

The fourth IBSA summit, comprising three top economic powerhouses straddling three continents, will culminate on Thursday evening with a joint communique reflecting their shared positions on a host of global issues, including the international financial crisis and reform of global decision-making bodies.

All three IBSA countries are aspiring for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

The three countries are expected to sign two trilateral MoUs in areas of solar energy and science and technology.

The second BRIC summit, projected by Goldman Sachs to be the world?s largest economies by 2050, Friday will also push for the democratisation of international bodies.

The leaders of four countries will also hold intensive discussions on several issues, including the US drive to impose fresh sanctions against Iran for its suspect nuclear programme, the international financial crisis, climate change and counter-terror cooperation.

Iran will be part of "focused agenda" of the BRIC summit for the first time, said Parbati Sen Vyas, secretary (economic relations) in the ministry of external affairs.

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The issue will also be discussed in the IBSA format by Manmohan Singh, Brazil president and the South African president, said Vivek Katju, secretary (West) in the external affairs ministry, who is in the Brazilian capital for the summit.

Data: 16/04/2010-EUA - Revista Business Week- Shortened BRIC Summit Pledges to Boost Trade in Local Currency

By Andre Soliani and Robert Delaney April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, Russia, India and China pledged to study ways to use their currencies, instead of the U.S. dollar, in local trade at a heads-of-state summit of the four biggest emerging economies.

The so-called BRIC summit taking place in Brasilia ended a day earlier than scheduled after Chinese President Hu Jintao decided to return home early because of an earthquake in the western province of Qinghai that killed at least 760 people and displaced another 100,000.

The leaders, who oversee economies estimated to fuel 60 percent of worldwide growth through 2014, said in a statement yesterday they would make efforts to sustain their domestic expansion to aid a global recovery that’s “not yet solid.”

Even while vowing to promote cross-border trade and investment, the leaders made no mention of China’s controlled exchange rate, which economists say is a barrier to closer commercial ties. The yuan was not discussed during the meetings, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu told reporters.

“It doesn’t surprise me they didn’t touch the yuan, and it’s disappointing,” John Williamson, senior fellow at the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics, said in a phone interview. “Part of the problem is that this is regarded as a bilateral affair between China and the U.S., and it really isn’t.”

International pressure has been building on China to scrap the currency peg that has valued the yuan at about 6.83 to the dollar since July 2008. Last month 130 U.S. lawmakers sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner demanding the administration take actions including higher tariffs on Chinese- made imports.

Yuan Forwards

Yuan forwards, after rising two straight days on speculation Chinese policy makers will allow appreciation to resume soon, declined in trading today.

Twelve-month non-deliverable forwards fell 0.1 percent to 6.6225 per dollar as of 11:16 a.m. in Hong Kong, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The rate reflected bets the currency will strengthen 3 percent from the spot rate of 6.8263.

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A government report yesterday showed China’s economy expanded 11.9 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, the fastest pace in almost three years.

Instead of confrontation, China and Brazil agreed to cooperate in oil exploration and to build infrastructure needed to ship Brazilian iron, coal and other minerals to China, Hu and host President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said in a statement.

IMF Reform

Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista, controlling shareholder of EBX Investimento Ltda., reaffirmed a $5 billion steel project between EBX and Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Co. in Rio de Janeiro state will go forward.

As during their first summit almost a year ago in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg, Russia, the four leaders called for a bigger voice for emerging economies in management of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. They also pledged to “resist all forms of protectionism” and help conclude the Doha round of global trade talks.

“The world needs today a reformed and more stable financial architecture that will make the global economy less prone and more resilient to future crises,” the statement said. “There is a greater need for a more stable, predictable and diversified international monetary system.”

The leaders of the economies, who Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says will collectively match the size of the U.S. by 2020, will meet again next year in China.

Jim O’Neill, the Goldman Sachs chief global economist who coined the BRIC term in 2001, said April 14 that until China abandons its controlled exchange rate commercial integration among the countries “won’t work.”

Brazil’s real has gained 34 percent against the dollar since China last revalued its currency by 2.1 percent in July 2005, more than any major currency tracked by Bloomberg.

--With assistance by Lyubov Pronina, Robert Delaney, Iuri Dantas, Maria Luiza Rabello and Arnaldo Galvao in Brasilia. Editors: Joshua Goodman, Michael Dwyer

To contact the reporters on this story: Andre Soliani in Brasilia at [email protected]; Robert Delaney in Brasilia at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Joshua Goodman at [email protected]

Data: 16/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- BRIC nations call for financial system reform

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Chinese President Hu Jintao (2nd R), Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2nd L), Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (1st L) and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (1st R) shake hands during a group photo session at the second summit meeting of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) leaders in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, April 15, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing)

Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China concluded a summit here Thursday with calls for an urgent reform of the world financial system, including a quick readjustment of the voting power in the World Bank.

"We call for the voting power reform of the World Bank to be fulfilled in the upcoming spring meetings," leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China, collectively known as "BRIC," said in a communique released at the end of the day-long summit.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank urgently need to "address their legitimacy deficits," the communique said.

Reforming these institutions' governance structures requires a substantial shift in voting power in favor of emerging market economies and developing countries -- a shift to adjust their participation in decision making to their relative weight in the world economy, it added.

BRIC countries expect the quota reform of the IMF to be concluded by the G20 Summit in November this year.

The four countries also stressed the need for an open and merit-based selection method, irrespective of nationality, for top positions in the IMF and the World Bank.

Emerging market economies and developing countries have the potential to play an even larger and active role as engines of economic growth and prosperity, while at the same time commit to work together with other countries towards reducing imbalances in global economic development and fostering social inclusion, the leaders said.


Data: 16/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online -BRIC summit in Brasilia "very fruitful": Russian president

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that the summit meeting of four major emerging economies in Brasilia was "very fruitful" and "productive".

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In a brief speech made at the end of the day-long summit, Medvedev stressed the role of the participating countries -- Brazil, Russia, India and China -- in the development of emerging economies, despite the effects of the international financial crisis.

"We reflected on several problems whose solutions are more complete with BRIC (acronym for the four nations)," he said.

Medvedev said that the BRICs are developing their relations in several directions, and reaffirmed that the leaders of the four countries are commited to strenghtening those relations even more. According to him, the BRICs intend to intensify the dialogue not only among heads of state, but among ministers as well.

He stressed the importance of continuing cooperation to overcome the effects of the international financial crisis and build more equal financial institutions.

He added that the BRICs will also work to develop mechanisms to fight terrorism, drug traffic and organized crime.

Also attending the summit were Chinese President Hu Jintao, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Top on the agenda were the international financial crisis and its causes, the reform of the international financial organizations, climate change and other issues of common concern.

At the start of the meeting, Lula hailed the Brasilia gathering as a major step in deepening relations among the four participating countries.


Data: 16/04/2010China - People's Daily Online- President Hu dwells on China's peaceful development at BRIC summit

Chinese President Hu Jintao attends a joint press conference held together with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during the second summit meeting of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) leaders in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, April 15, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing)

China's development is a strenuous, peaceful, inclusive, commonly beneficial and responsible process, Chinese President Hu Jintao said here Thursday at a summit of the BRIC nations -- Brazil, Russia, India and China.

China is the world's largest developing country, and its development is a long and arduous task, Hu said.

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"Our per capita GDP has just exceeded 3,000 U.S. dollars, trailing behind more than 100 countries ... It is truly a heavy task to grow the economy and improve people's livelihood in China," the president said.

"The scale and complexity of the challenges that we face in the course of development are unmatched anywhere else in the world and have been rarely seen in human history," Hu said. "We must make persistent efforts for a long time to come."

Hu stressed that peaceful development is China's only and logical choice, saying it is Chinese people's long-cherished tradition to foster harmony and build amicable ties with neighbors.

"The Chinese people suffered so much in modern history, and we therefore value peace, stability, harmony and freedom more than anything else," he said.

"A prosperous and growing China dedicated to peace and cooperation is willing and able to make new and even greater contribution to mankind's pursuit of peace and development," he added.


Data: 16/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- President Hu's visit to U.S., Brazil boosts co-op: FM

Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States and Brazil on April 12-15 was "quite successful," Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said on Thursday.

Yang said Hu's visit fulfilled the goal of broadening consensus, strengthening cooperation and friendship, and seeking common development.

During his four-day visit, President Hu attended the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington and a summit of the BRIC nations -- Brazil, Russia, India and China, in Brasilia, Brazil's capital.

The visit boosted international cooperation on nuclear security, strengthened dialogue and cooperation among the world's emerging markets, and consolidated the friendly ties between China and Latin American countries, said the foreign minister.

President Hu on Tuesday delivered a speech at the Nuclear Security Summit, calling for concerted actions by all countries to enhance nuclear security while stressing the need to properly address the challenge.

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He put forward five proposals on ways to strengthen nuclear security in the world, urging all countries to honor their commitments and take due responsibilities by adopting effective measures to secure nuclear materials and facilities, Yang said.

The Chinese top leader called on countries worldwide to consolidate the existing international legal framework on nuclear security, strengthen international cooperation by sharing experience, exchanging information and cooperating on law enforcement, and properly handle the relationship between nuclear security and the peaceful use of nuclear energy, said the minister.

He also stressed the need to help developing countries enhance their capacity to safeguard nuclear security, the minister added.

Yang said that during the BRIC summit, leaders of the four countries exchanged views on major global issues, such as the world economic and financial situation, the reform of the international financial system, climate change and cooperation among the four countries.

During the summit, the Chinese leader urged all parties to address imbalances in the global economic governance structure, continue to promote trade liberalization and facilitation, properly handle trade disputes and reject protectionism, Yang said.

He also called on them to improve the international financial supervisory and regulatory regime, and work for balanced global development.

Yang said that in recent years, mutual political trust between China and Latin America has been growing steadily, and mutually beneficial cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two sides have also expanded.

The two sides have maintained close communication and coordination on international affairs. The China-Latin America relations have shown a sound momentum for growth, said the minister.

During Hu's visit to Brazil, the Chinese president and his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reached broad consensus on further promoting the China-Brazil strategic partnership, Yang said.

Hu put forward a three-point proposal on advancing the bilateral ties in a sound and rapid manner, including enhancing political mutual trust, promoting the construction of the cooperation mechanism and upgrading strategic cooperation on international affairs.

The two sides also signed the 2010-2014 Joint Action Plan and a number of cooperation documents.

During his four-day visit, President Hu engaged in many bilateral meetings, said the Chinese minister.

Hu and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama met Monday on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit.

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During the meeting, Hu put forward a five-point proposal on improving China-U.S. relations, saying the two sides should persistently make sure bilateral ties develop in the right direction, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, maintain exchanges at different levels, deepen practical cooperation and strengthen communication and coordination on major international and regional issues.

Obama reiterated Washington's willingness to stick to the one-China policy, respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and its core interests, and address sensitive issues with due care.

The United States also wished to strengthen cooperation with China to seek solutions to global issues such as climate change, counter-terrorism and nuclear non-proliferation, Obama said.

Both sides believe a good China-U.S. relationship serves the common interests of the two countries and contributes to world peace, stability and prosperity, Yang said.

President Hu also met with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit.

He met with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, South African President Jacob Zuma,and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on the sidelines of the BRIC summit.

Hu cut short his Latin American trip due to a devastating earthquake that hit northwest China's Qinghai Province, killing at least 760 people.

He also postponed visits to Venezuela and Chile after his state visit to Brazil, Yang said.

Hu said the Chinese government is emergently mobilizing quake relief efforts. "At this difficult time, I need to return home as soon as possible to be together with my people and participate in the relief work," he said.

The leaders of Venezuela and Chile said they fully undersood and supported Hu's decision to return home earlier, and expressed condolences and sympathy for the heavy casualties China suffered in the quake, Yang said.

Source: Xinhua

Data: 15/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- Título: BRIC countries need new strategies for growth in post-crisis world: expert

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The international financial crisis has provoked changes in the world's organization, so the BRIC countries need to develop new strategies to continue growing in the post-crisis world, said Jos Gilberto Scandiucci, from the Division of Financial Policy of Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Wednesday.

Scandiucci and other researchers from Russia, India and China are gathering in Brasilia for a two-day Think Tank Summit to discuss "The Role of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) in the Post-Crisis Global Transformation."

The crisis represented a suspension of the BRICs' ascension, which is regaining force now. But the return to this trajectory happens in a new world, and rich countries above all have changed, said Scandiucci. As Brazil's Foreign Ministry representative, he noted that BRIC countries should focus on developing mechanisms to reinforce relations between them.

"Since this new world is a world in which rich countries will face difficulties in coming years, we (the BRIC countries) cannot depend on exports to them," he exemplified.

Scandiucci emphasized the importance of this kind of meeting to promote the approach of BRIC countries and expects that they keep on being held from now on.

Vladimir Davydov, from the Russian Academy of Sciences; Li Xiangyang, from the Chinese Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies; Ritwik Banerjee, from Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) and Marcos Cintra, from Brazil's Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) have also participated in this discussion.


Data: 15/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- BRIC countries' think tanks to strengthen cooperation

Major research institutions from the BRIC countries -- Brazil, Russia, India and China -- intend to tighten their cooperation to achieve joint views on issues of common interest and help the work of the BRIC governments, it was announced on Wednesday.

A two-day seminar gathering think tanks of the BRIC countries to examine the global economic situation and the role of those countries in the post-crisis global transformation, was opened in Brasilia on Wednesday morning, preceding the second BRICs summit scheduled for Friday in the Brazilian capital.

The most important aspects of the current relations between the four countries was presented in a press conference by Marcio Pochmann, from Brazil's Institute of Applied Economic Research ( IPEA), Li Yang, vice-president of China Academy of Social Sciences, Indian Rathin Roy, from

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the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP), and Vladimir Davydov, from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The objective of the seminar is to establish a working agenda between BRIC research institutions, and even play the role of being a supplement to the second summit, to define common tasks beyond the immediate interest of the heads of state, Pochmann said.

He stressed that these institutions could provide joint responses to errors in assessment, which happens frequently in international institutions, for example on the evolution of poverty rate in developing countries, because there is "no dialogue with researchers from the countries (themselves)."

Li Yang noted that China's intellectuals are a very important source for the government, which should be extended to the relationship between countries. "I think that an active and dynamic interaction between us would promote the formation of consensus among the heads of state. It is very important for us to have made contact with several research institutes in Brazil," he said.

Roy said that there is a long tradition of exchange between institutions of the four countries, while Davydov stressed the importance that policy is linked to the academic world to better adapt to the new historical realities.

Pochmann anticipated that the BRIC research institutions will organize this year a seminar on water resource management and environmental quality.


Data: 15/04/2010-China - People's Daily Online- BRIC experts discuss disparities in trade

The representatives of Brazil, Russia, India and China, who gathered at the BRIC-Think Tank Summit in the Brazilian capital Brasilia, discussed on Wednesday the different aspects of trade involving their countries.

In the second session of the summit, following a first one focused on the BRIC's role amid the international financial crisis, the representatives analyzed the weight of the BRIC countries in global trade, as well as trade between the members of the group.

According to Renato Baumann with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the participation of the BRIC countries in the global trade increased considerably in the past few years, so did the trade between the four countries. Brazil's trade with China, for example, has increased significantly since the beginning of this decade.

Zhang Yuyang with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said that the BRIC countries should discuss their current trade situation so as to find better ways to boost trade.

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Vladimir Davydov, an expert with the Russian Academy of Sciences' Latin American Institute, said that the BRIC countries must engage in joint projects in order to boost trade and promote development. Those projects, he said, could be in such fields as space technology and alternative energy.

The experts agreed that although progress has been made, there are still many challenges ahead for the four countries in terms of trade.

The BRIC-Think Tank Summit will last until Thursday, and the participants will also discuss topics like foreign direct investment and technological innovation.


Data: 15/04/2010-EUA - Bloomberg.com- China Beats Brazil in Own Backyard as BRIC Summit Seeks Unity

By Andre Soliani and Joshua Goodman

When Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hosts his Chinese counterpart today, he will welcome a leader whose economy is growing faster than his own -- and whose exporters are outstripping Brazil in its own backyard.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, 67, arrived last night to Brasilia to attend the second heads-of-state summit of the largest emerging economies, or so-called BRIC nations, along with the leaders of Russia and India.

China boosted exports to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, members of the Brazil-led Mercosur trade bloc, by 7.3 percent to $4.8 billion in the first eight months of 2009 from two years earlier, while Brazilian sales to its neighbors fell 18 percent to $9.6 billion during the same period. Chinese-made products such as tires and stereo speakers are the target of 26 Brazilian anti-dumping measures, more than any other country and nearly half of all 68 in place, according to Brazil’s Trade Ministry.

“We’re sleeping with the enemy,” said Christian Lohbauer, a trade specialist and head of Sao Paulo-based Orange Juice Exporters Association. “How can you call it a strategic alliance if we can’t export value added products?”

China’s global hunt for raw materials and markets to sell manufacturing goods has allowed it to make inroads across the region. Exports to Latin America and the Caribbean jumped 26 percent since 2005, more than with any other region and double the average pace of growth with the rest of the world, according to an April 13 report by the United Nations.

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That’s made it harder for Lula, 64, to reach his goal of transforming Brazil into a global supplier of airplanes, software and oil platforms -- beginning in Latin America, where its $1.6 trillion economy is the biggest. Since 2003, foreign investment by Brazilian companies has surged to over $20 billion a year from $2.5 billion, the bulk in the region, according to the UN.

‘Biggest Threat’

“China is Brazil’s main competitor and the biggest threat to its industrial expansion strategy” because the two produce similar goods, said Mauricio Mesquita Moreira, the Inter- American Development Bank’s top trade economist.

The four-day state visit to Brazil is Hu’s second to the country. On April 17 he travels to Venezuela followed by a visit to Chile, one of three Latin American countries with whom China has a free-trade agreement. Peru and Costa Rica are the others.

“We have problems to solve” including exchange rate distortions,” Welber Barral, Brazil’s trade secretary, said in an interview. “The increase in trade and investments may help us overcome these hurdles.”

China’s policy of pegging the yuan to the dollar, lower wages than those paid in Brazil and subsidies to manufacturers have allowed the country to gain market share in the region, said Moreira.

China’s Commerce Ministry didn’t immediately respond to a phone call and fax requesting comment.

Surpassing the U.S.

While China surpassed the U.S. as the biggest buyer of Brazil’s exports last year, after the global recession reduced sales to the U.S. by 43 percent to $15.6 billion, most of its purchases are raw materials. Soy and iron ore accounted for 66 percent of $20 billion in Brazilian sales to China last year.

“This is the same pattern of trade Brazil had in the 17th and 18th century,” Moreira said in a phone interview from Washington.

Exports to Venezuela from China surpassed those from Brazil in 2008, according to the state-run, Caracas-based export bank known as Bancoex. While Brazilian sales to Mexico, Latin America’s second biggest economy, increased three-fold since 1998, those from China surged 20 times to $32.5 billion last year, according to Mexico’s Economy Ministry.

China’s push into Latin America also is helping Brazil as investments in industries from energy to metals production creates jobs and improves infrastructure.

Chinese Investments

Wuhan Iron & Steel Group, China’s third-largest steelmaker, paid $400 million in November for almost 22 percent of Rio de Janeiro-based MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA, an iron-ore

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company belonging to billionaire Eike Batista. The companies said they may jointly build a $5-billion steel mill at his LLX Logistica SA’s port project, Porto Acu, in northern Rio de Janeiro state.

In the first two months of the year, China’s direct investment in Brazil surged to $354 million, more than four times the $83 million it invested all of last year.

‘Natural Symbiosis’

“The world is China’s backyard and Brazilians shouldn’t be so hyped up about it,” Jim O’Neill, London-based chief global economist for Goldman Sachs Group Inc, said in an interview. “There’s a natural symbiosis in trade between the two countries despite Brazil’s legitimate desire to be a manufacturing powerhouse.”

O’Neill coined the term BRIC in 2001 to describe the four nations that he estimates will collectively equal the U.S. in economic size by 2020.

At their first summit in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg, Russia last June, the BRIC heads of state called for emerging economies to have a greater voice in international financial institutions and for a more diversified global monetary system.

That agenda will be joined in Brasilia by a discussion of ways to deepen trade in local currencies.

Hu told President Barack Obama in Washington April 13 that China won’t bow to pressure after the U.S. leader urged the Asian country to adopt a “more market-oriented exchange rate.”

Twelve-month non-deliverable yuan forwards rose 0.02 percent to 6.6178 per dollar yesterday, according to Bloomberg data, reflecting bets the currency will strengthen 3 percent from the current peg of about 6.83 against the dollar.

Brazil’s real has gained 34 percent against the dollar since China last revalued its currency by 2.1 percent in July 2005, more than any major currency tracked by Bloomberg.

Russia Favored

O’Neill said Russia’s Micex Index, which has jumped 11.4 percent this year, is poised to be the best-performing among the BRIC equity markets this year because of stronger oil prices. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 3.5 percent this year while Indian stocks have gained 2 percent. Brazilian equities are up 3.6 percent.

Brazil’s Central Bank President Henrique Meirelles said in an interview that Brazil faces fewer problems than other countries from an undervalued Chinese currency.

“Brazilian companies are strong,” Meirelles, 64, said when asked whether he expects China step up acquisitions in the country. The Chinese “are looking at some opportunities, but I don’t see that as a large scale move or something extremely relevant.”

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Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - Rediff News- BRIC aims to develop, provide clean energy

Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) on Thursday said that they recognised that energy is an essential resource for improving the standard of living of our peoples and that access to it is of paramount importance to economic growth with equity and social inclusion.

In this regard, they said: "We will aim to develop cleaner, more affordable and sustainable energy systems, to promote access to energy and energy efficient technologies and practices in all sectors."

"We will aim to diversify our energy mix by increasing, where appropriate, the contribution of renewable energy sources, and will encourage the cleaner, more efficient use of fossil fuels and other fuels. In this regard, we reiterate our support to the international cooperation in the field of energy efficiency," they added after deliberating on various issues at the BRIC Summit in Brazil.

"We recognize the potential of new, emerging, and environmentally friendly technologies for diversifying energy mix and the creation of jobs. In this regard we will encourage, as appropriate, the sustainable development, production and use of biofuels," they said in a joint statement.

"In accordance with national priorities, we will work together to facilitate the use of renewable energy, through international cooperation and the sharing of experiences on renewable energy, including biofuels technologies and policies. We believe that BRIC member countries can cooperate in training, R&D, Consultancy services and technology transfer, in the energy sector," they concluded.

Data: 15/04/2010-Índia - Rediff News- What Prime Minister Singh will do in Brazil

Ajay Kaul in Brasilia

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived in Brazil on Thursday on a two-day visit during which he will attend the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) and India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Summits and hold bilateral meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Singh, accompanied by his wife Gursharan Kaur, was accorded a red-carpet welcome at the Brazilian Air Force Base with the presentation of ceremonial Guard of Honour and 21-gun salute.

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He was received warmly by Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobin as the military band played national anthems of the host country and India, one by one.

The prime minister reached Brasilia from Washington on the second leg of his eight-nation tour.

The two summits will discuss global economic crisis besides ways to enhance cooperation among the member countries of the two groupings.

At the 2nd BRIC Summit, Iran's nuclear issue and the controversy surrounding it will also be discussed under the grouping's format by Singh, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Brazilian President Lula da Silva. This will be the first time that Iran will be part of focussed agenda of the grouping.

BRIC is a significant grouping comprising two of the world's leading energy producers -- Russia and China and top energy consumers -- India and China, which officials say forms the basis for natural synergy.

In the BRIC format, foreign ministers of the four countries have been meeting regularly on the sidelines of international conferences, including the UN General Assembly.

The BRIC countries, representing 40 per cent of the global population, are among the largest and fastest growing economies with rich human and material resources. They represent the future of the global economic landscape.

With a similarity of views on several issues like climate change and reform of global institutions, including the UN, the four countries have been fine-tuning their collective approaches to these issues.

In the IBSA format too, India, Brazil and South Africa, the three fastest growing economies of three continents, have been evolving common and coordinated approaches to the challenges like global economic crisis and climate change besides pushing efforts to enhance cooperation among themselves.

After the IBSA Summit on Friday, India, Brazil and South Africa are expected to sign two trilateral MoUs. These are in the areas of solar energy and science and technology.

An MoU in the field of sport is also likely to be inked. "These groupings reflect the growing role of emerging economies in shaping the global economic order," the prime minister had said in a statement before leaving on his two-nation tour.

He said the IBSA process has come of age as it today encompasses a wide range of activities which supplement the excellent bilateral relations that India enjoys with each of these countries.

"Our coordination on important international issues has expanded, and our trilateral cooperation is beginning to bear fruit in many sectors," the prime minister had said.

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"We have a high stake in the revival of the global economy, an open trading system, energy security, combating climate change and addressing non-traditional threats to international security," he said.

Singh will hold bilateral meetings with the Chinese president and the Russian president during his stay in Brasilia.

Ahead of his meeting with Hu, Singh said in Washington that India and China were working very hard to find a 'practical' and 'pragmatic' solution to the boundary question and it would 'take time' to get resolved.

"Well we have the border problem and that problem has to be resolved. We are working very hard to find to have a practical, pragmatic solution to that problem," he said at a press conference when asked about relations between India and China.

Noting that both countries "recognise that it would take time", he said both the nations have agreed that pending the resolution of the border issues, peace and tranquility should be maintained along the Line of Actual Control and by and large that situation prevails on the ground.

On the overall Sino-India relations, he said the economic content of the relationship has increased significantly, with China today being India's largest trading partner.

There are large Chinese investments in our country and there are large Indian investments in China. "On the economic front the relationship is moving in the right direction," he said.

On multilateral issues, he said, there was a recognition in China that there was a similarity of approach between the two countries and they can gain by working together.

In this context, he referred to the Copenhagen conference on climate change last December during which India and China worked closely to block developed nations from imposing their agenda.

Data: 15/04/2010-Colômbia - La Republica- La cumbre de los Bric en Brasilia

Hoy se reúnen en Brasilia los presidentes de Rusia, China, Brasil y el primer ministro de India, para llevar a cabo la segunda cumbre del Bric,

un grupo conformado por los cuatro países que tienen 42 por ciento de la población mundial y que contribuyeron con más de 50 por ciento al crecimiento económico global en los últimos años, todo con el trasfondo de que ellos favorecerán inexorablemente durante la "postcrisis".

La cumbre es de gran importancia para el mundo económico, pues quien predijo la crisis financiera de los dos últimos años, Nouriel Roubini, ya vaticinó que Brasil, India, China y otros

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mercados emergentes cosecharán los beneficios de un cambio histórico del poder económico mundial si "lo hacen todo correctamente, el tamaño de los mercados emergentes va a ser más y más grande y va a ser mayor que el PIB de los Estados Unidos".

Es la segunda vez en la historia que estos países se reúnen en torno a su papel en la economía mundial, la primera se había realizado en Yekaterinburgo, Rusia. Ahora la cita es en Brasilia en donde los presidentes de Rusia, Dmitri Medvedev; de China, Hu Jintao, y el primer ministro indio, Mahmohan Singh, además del anfitrión y mandatario brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, revisarán sus posturas internacionales.

Según el Fondo Monetario Internacional, los Bric generaron en 2007 46,3 por ciento del PIB mundial. Y se espera que para el periodo 2008 - 2014 sean los países responsables de 61,3 por ciento del PIB global.

Entre los temas de la agenda -que se llevará a cabo desde hoy y hasta mañana- se destacan su papel como estados poderosos en la crisis económica mundial, la normalización del sistema financiero con reglas más transparentes, los cambios en las instituciones financieras internacionales, la reforma del sistema mundial de divisas y otras cuestiones políticas de implicaciones claras en las economías emergentes.

Pero el principal objetivo de la Cumbre, y el más concreto de cara al mundo, es revertir las consecuencias de la actual crisis económica y promover la reforma de las instituciones globales. Se espera que salgan puntos concretos sobre la producción de energía en sus países y una posición unificada sobre el espinoso tema del calentamiento global.

A la reunión hay que seguirle la pista, no sólo porque durante el primer decenio del siglo XXI, el Producto Interno Bruto de los Bric creció más que el de otras economías mundiales -aunque siguen debajo del nivel de las economías desarrolladas- sino porque todas esas naciones están estrechando lazos comerciales y políticos con Colombia. Brasil, Rusia, India y China tienen objetivos con nuestra economía y es un deber estratégico estar atentos, desde la sombra, sobre lo que acontece en Brasilia.

Data: 14/04/2010-Colômbia - La Republica- Las economías Bric se mueven en otra dirección

Sao Paulo. Los operadores de opciones cambiarias están demostrando que las economías emergentes se han vuelto más seguras en relación con los países desarrollados que en ningún otro momento en casi dos años.

La volatilidad implícita de las monedas de los siete mayores países en desarrollo bajó a 10 por ciento en marzo en comparación con 11,4 por ciento la de los países industrializados, según índices de JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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Hace treinta años, las monedas de los mercados emergentes eran las que más fluctuaban por las crisis de deuda y la hiperinflación. Ahora, la volatilidad está bajando en los mercados en desarrollo al tiempo que países como China y Brasil encabezan la recuperación mundial.

Los países emergentes están moviéndose en otra dirección. El déficit de presupuesto de los países en vías de desarrollo bajará a 2,8 por ciento de sus economías este año, en comparación con el 4 por ciento en 2009, según un informe del FMI.

El presidente ruso Dmitry Medvedev dijo que Brasil, Rusia, India y China deberían completar las reformas necesarias desde hace tiempo del sistema de Breton Woods.

Los cuatro países, que tienen el 42 por ciento de la población mundial y contribuyeron con más del 50 por ciento al crecimiento económico global en los años recientes, también podrían hacer una contribución conjunta hacia un programa "postcrisis" del G-20, señaló.

El presidente ruso, Dmitry Medvedev indicó que es "importante" tomar medidas comunes, como intercambiar información sobre posibles "ataques especulativos" contra la moneda y mercados de deuda y materias primas de cada uno para garantizar la seguridad económica.

El economista que predijo la crisis financiera, Nouriel Roubini, señaló que India, China y otros mercados emergentes cosecharán los beneficios de un cambio histórico del poder económico mundial si "lo hacen todo correctamente". "El tamaño de los mercados emergentes va a ser más y más grande, y va a ser mayor que el PIB de los Estados Unidos", indicó Roubini.

Los Bric consideran que su tamaño, las perspectivas de crecimiento económico y la importancia geopolítica que tienen les da derecho a una mayor voz en la gobernabilidad global.

La especulación en torno a la posibilidad de que China revalúe pronto su moneda y decida un esperado cambio en su régimen de tipo de cambio se ha intensificado en los últimos días, ayudando a elevar el precio del yuan frente al dólar.

El ministro de Hacienda brasileño, Guido Mantega, dijo que na política cambiaria flexible en China "sería muy buena" para la economía global.

Por su parte, el presidente del banco central de Brasil, Henrique Meirelles. dijo que China podría permitir que el yuan avance "un poco más" en el término de 12 meses conforme la tercera economía del mundo se aparta de una política monetaria que crea distorsiones.

La cumbre de los países del grupo Bric que comenzará mañana jueves, juntará al presidente chino, Hu Jintao, su par brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, y los líderes de Rusia e India.

Entre los temas de la agenda se destacan la crisis económica mundial, la normalización del sistema financiero con reglas más transparentes y cambios en las instituciones financieras internacionales y el combate al calentamiento global y otras cuestiones políticas.

Desempeño en el índice MsciLas acciones en los países Bric (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) deberían subir hasta 25 por ciento en 2010, ampliando sus ganancias de 80 por ciento de este año y superando a los títulos de

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otras economías emergentes. El índice Msci para acciones Bric subió 87 por ciento en 2009, con un mejor desempeño en los índices Msci de Rusia y Brasil, con ganancias por sobre el 100 por ciento, mientras que los indicadores para India y China han avanzado 85 y 60 por ciento, respectivamente. Las acciones rusas avanzarán 22 por ciento y la bolsa de valores china Hang Seng trepará 24 por ciento.

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - New Kerala- Reform UN to make it more representative, says BRIC

Brasilia, Apr 16 : Leaders of BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China, have signed a joint declaration, calling for the need to reform the United Nations to make the institution more efficient and representative, in order to better address global challenges.

The leaders--Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Brazil President Lula da Silva, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese President Hu Jintao in the agreement, stressed the need for joint economic efforts and adoption of sustainable fiscal policies to ensure a full recovery from the global financial crisis and long-term economic growth.

After a joint statement, the leaders singed the joint agreement at the end of the second annual BRIC summit, which drew to a close late last night.

During the event, Brazilian National Development Bank President Luciano Coutinho signed a memorandum of cooperation with his BRIC counterparts that seeks to establish mechanisms to enhance trade and economic relations between the BRIC countries.

This agreement includes the possibility of co-financing projects of common interest in areas such as infrastructure, energy, industry, high technology and export.

Dr Singh reaffirmed the need for continued cooperation, reiterating that the four countries can make considerable contributions to global prosperity. ''The global financial crisis has given new relevance to the BRIC countries,'' he added.

''We are confident that the unity we achieved here will contribute to the construction of a space for dialogue and consultation. Brazil, Russia, India and China have a key role to play in the establishment of a new international order that is more representative, fairer and safer,'' the Brazilian President said.

The Chinese President said the meeting was fruitful.

The debate not only reflected the collective interests of the group, but of all countries in the world.

China will host the third BRIC summit at a date yet to be fixed.

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Russia intends to deepen the dialogue on tackling global challenges such as terrorism and organised crime. ''The BRIC format allows us complete action,'' said Mr Medvedev.

In the period from 2003 to 2007, the BRIC countries accounted for 65 per cent of the world's GDP growth. In 2009, the BRIC countries GDP (by purchasing power parity) reached 16.3 trillion dollars, corresponding to 23.4 per cent of the global economy.

In the period 2003-2008, there was an increase of 382 per cent in the volume of trade between Brazil and the other BRIC countries from 10.7 billion dollars in 2003 to 51.7 billion dollars in 2008.

The summit was originally scheduled for Friday, April 16, but was advanced by one day in order to accommodate the Chinese President's decision to shorten his trip following the earthquake that hit China this week.


Data: 17/04/2010-EUA - Associated Press- Emergentes en Brasil fortalecen postura ante reforma financiera

Marco Sibaja

La recién concluida cumbre de Brasil, Rusia, India y China, integrante del grupo BRIC, permitió a estos grandes países emergentes afinar su postura frente a la reforma del sistema financiero internacional actualmente en negociación, dijo el viernes una autoridad brasileña.

Los gobernantes de esas cuatro naciones, responsables por casi 50% del crecimiento mundial, se reunieron el jueves en Brasilia en su segunda cumbre, donde insistieron en la necesidad de transformar las organizaciones financieras internacionales para hacerlas más representativas.

El ministro brasileño de Asuntos Estratégicos, Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes, destacó que los cuatro integrantes del BRIC también conforman el G-20, en el que participan las 20 grandes economías del mundo, que está negociando las reglas de una nueva arquitectura financiera mundial.

"Está en juego la administración de los organismos financieros", dijo Guimaraes a periodistas. "El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) siempre es gobernado por un europeo, el Banco Mundial siempre es dirigido por un estadounidense, y los BRIC quieren que esos cargos se definan por competencia técnica, no por nacionalidad", agregó.

El bloque también defiende que el poder de voto dentro de esas entidades debe ser modificado porque en la actualidad no corresponde a la dimensión económica de los países participantes.

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Recordó que la actual arquitectura fue diseñada posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y no refleja el mundo actual, donde países emergentes como los BRIC han ganado mayor peso en la economía global.

La declaración final de la cumbre de los cuatro países destacó que "el mundo necesita una arquitectura financiera reformada y más estable que haga que la economía global sea menos vulnerable y más resistente a futuras crisis".

Los gobernantes señalaron que "el FMI y el Banco Mundial deben enfrentar con urgencia sus carencias de legitimidad. Reformar las estructuras de mando de estas instituciones requiere prioritariamente un cambio sustancial en el poder de voto en favor de los mercados emergentes y países en desarrollo".

La postura de los BRIC será discutida en la próxima cumbre del G-20, programada para noviembre en Canadá.

En la cita de Brasilia participaron los gobernantes de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; Rusia, Dimitri Medvedev; India, Manmohan Singh, y China, Hu Jintao.

El encuentro estaba programado para el viernes pero se adelantó al jueves por un pedido del presidente chino Hu, quien debía volver a su país para coordinar los trabajos de emergencia por el violento terremoto del miércoles en la provincia tibetana de Qinghai.

La primera cumbre de los BRIC se celebró el año pasado en la ciudad rusa de Ecaterimburgo y la siguiente está programada para 2011 en China.

Data: 17/04/2010-EUA - Associated Press- Sistema financiero, en la mira del BRIC

Brasil, Rusia, India y China buscan que las organizaciones internacionales sean más representativas; el grupo considera que el poder de voto debe corresponder a la dimensión económica del participante.

BRASILIA (AP) — La recién concluida cumbre de Brasil, Rusia, India y China, integrante del grupo BRIC, permitió a estos grandes países emergentes afinar su postura frente a la reforma del sistema financiero internacional actualmente en negociación, dijo este viernes una autoridad brasileña.

Los gobernantes de esas cuatro naciones, responsables por casi 50% del crecimiento mundial, se reunieron el jueves en Brasilia en su segunda cumbre, donde insistieron en la necesidad de transformar las organizaciones financieras internacionales para hacerlas más representativas.

El ministro brasileño de Asuntos Estratégicos, Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes, destacó que los cuatro integrantes del BRIC también conforman el G20, en el que participan las 20 grandes

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economías del mundo, que está negociando las reglas de una nueva arquitectura financiera mundial.

"Está en juego la administración de los organismos financieros", dijo Guimaraes a periodistas.

"El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) siempre es gobernado por un europeo, el Banco Mundial siempre es dirigido por un estadounidense, y los BRIC quieren que esos cargos se definan por competencia técnica, no por nacionalidad", agregó.

El bloque también defiende que el poder de voto dentro de esas entidades debe ser modificado porque en la actualidad no corresponde a la dimensión económica de los países participantes.

Recordó que la actual arquitectura fue diseñada posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y no refleja el mundo actual, donde países emergentes como los BRIC han ganado mayor peso en la economía global.

La declaración final de la cumbre de los cuatro países destacó que "el mundo necesita una arquitectura financiera reformada y más estable que haga que la economía global sea menos vulnerable y más resistente a futuras crisis".

Los gobernantes señalaron que "el FMI y el Banco Mundial deben enfrentar con urgencia sus carencias de legitimidad. Reformar las estructuras de mando de estas instituciones requiere prioritariamente un cambio sustancial en el poder de voto en favor de los mercados emergentes y países en desarrollo".

La postura de los BRIC será discutida en la próxima cumbre del G20, programada para noviembre en Canadá.

En la cita de Brasilia participaron los gobernantes de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; Rusia, Dimitri Medvedev; India, Manmohan Singh, y China, Hu Jintao.

El encuentro estaba programado para el viernes pero se adelantó al jueves por un pedido del presidente chino Hu, quien debía volver a su país para coordinar los trabajos de emergencia por el violento terremoto del miércoles en la provincia tibetana de Qinghai.

La primera cumbre de los BRIC se celebró el año pasado en la ciudad rusa de Ecaterimburgo y la siguiente está programada para 2011 en China.

Data: 16/04/2010-EUA - Associated Press -Países emergentes piden fin de Ronda Doha

por MARCO SIBAJA - 04/16/2010The Associated Press

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BRASILIA - Los gobernantes de Brasil, China, ndia, Rusia y Sudáfrica instaron el jueves a la conclusión de la Ronda Doha para la liberalización comercial y exhortaron a los países a evitar toda forma de proteccionismo.

El tema fue planteado al cierre de dos foros de países emergentes celebrados en Brasilia: el grupo IBSA (India, Brasil y Sudáfrica) y el BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China).

"Concordamos en que la conclusión de la Ronda Doha es una tarea inaplazable, pues nos ayudará a corregir las anomalías que aún afectan el comercio internacional", declaró el anfitrión de las citas, el presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Al cerrar su cuarta cumbre, el primer ministro Manmohan Singh de India y los presidentes Lula y Jacob Zuma de Sudáfrica, integrantes del foro IBSA, anunciaron el desarrollo de dos satélites, uno de ellos para estudios climáticos y otro para la observación de la tierra.

Horas después concluyó el encuentro del grupo BRIC, conformado por los presidentes de Brasil, Rusia (Dimitri Medvedev), China (Hu Jintao) y el primer ministro indio.

El gobernante chino indicó que los líderes del BRIC respaldaron la reforma de Naciones Unidas y del sistema financiero internacional para hacerlos más representativos, al tiempo que apoyaron las pretensiones de Brasil e India de ocupar un asiento permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. Hu dijo que recibió el respaldo de los otros tres países para que China organice el próximo año la tercera cumbre del BRIC. La primera se realizó en 2009 en Ecaterimburgo, Rusia.En su comunicado final, los BRIC se comprometieron ellos mismos y convocaron "a todos los estados a resistir todas las formas de proteccionismo comercial y a combatir restricciones al intercambio".Según la agenda original, el foro IBSA se iba a reunir jueves mientras los BRIC lo harían viernes, pero el programa se abrevió para realizar ambos encuentros el mismo día debido a que el líder chino Hu Jintao pidió regresar anticipadamente a su país a causa del terremoto que el miércoles devastó la provincia tibetana de Qinghai.La Ronda Doha, que se negocia desde 2001, se estancó por discrepancias entre países industrializados y en desarrollo, en las que Brasil e India tuvieron un papel central."Los gobernantes (de IBSA) afirmaron que un desenlace positivo de la Ronda Doha será crucial para la recuperación económica, especialmente en materia de creación de empleos, en momentos que el comercio mundial sufre su peor declive en muchas décadas", señalaron los líderes en su declaración final.Entre tanto, cuatro activistas de la organización ambientalista Greenpeace realizaron una protesta frente al ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, sede del encuentro, para pedir a los líderes del BRIC adoptar una postura firme contra el cambio climático. Fueron detenidos por la policía al llegar, uno de ellos disfrazado de barril de petróleo y dos de ellos vestidos de árbol.Joao Talocchi, coordinador de la campaña de Greenpeace sobre clima, dijo a periodistas que el BRIC, que representa un cuarto de la economía mundial, puede hacer buena inversión en fuentes alternativas de energía, como la solar, eólica y biomasa, que mitigarían el cambio climático y generarían hasta ocho millones de empleos.En el inicio de las actividades, ministros del grupo IBSA se reunieron con el ministro palestino de Relaciones Exteriores, Riad al-Maliki, quien les informó del estancamiento en el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio y pidió ayuda para presionar a Israel.

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Acusó a Israel de negarse a congelar los asentamientos en Cisjordania y de expulsar a los palestinos en la parte árabe de Jerusalén para sustituirlos por colonos, además de reeditar una orden militar que dificulta la vida de los árabes en Cisjordania."Israel anunció una nueva orden militar que califica a todos los palestinos en Cisjordania como infiltrados a menos que lleven un permiso emitido por un comandante militar, que nadie tiene", dijo Maliki. "Todos los 2,5 millones de palestinos en Cisjordania son susceptibles de ser expulsados y sustituidos por colonos".El canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim, dijo que los países del grupo IBSA pretenden involucrarse en el proceso de paz con iniciativas para impulsar las estancadas negociaciones entre israelíes y palestinos.

Data: 16/04/2010Alemanha - Handelsblatt - Os Presidentes dos países BRIC agora pretendem transformar a sua força econômica em poder político.

Por Alexander Busch em São Paulo

O Brasil, a Rússia, a Índia e a China em pouco tempo não apenas realizaram uma integração econômica mais estreita do que esperado – também pretendem perseguir alvos políticos comuns. “Os BRICs perceberam que em conjunto podem exercer maior peso político no cenário internacional” disse Douglas Smith, economista-chefe para a América Latina no Standard Chartered Bank.

Já é a segunda vez que os quatro Presidentes se reúnem para uma cúpula política em Brasília. Principalmente a China, o maior dos países BRIC, que antigamente demonstrou certa reserva, hoje defende uma cooperação mais estreita. “Junto com os três parceiros, a China consegue impor melhor os seus interesses no G-20” diz Jiang Shixue da Academia Chinesa de Ciências Sociais, que considera a cúpula de Brasília como preparativo para o encontro do G-20 em junho no Canadá.

Fortalecidos pela crise global.

Com a exceção da Rússia, os Brics saíram quase ilesos da crise e aumentaram ainda mais o seu peso na economia global. Para a China, o fórum dos Brics também representa uma chance para desviar das exigências dos Estados Unidos de assumir maior responsabilidade na política e economia internacionais. “Apesar do nosso crescimento econômico forte, continuamos sendo um país em desenvolvimento e isto se expressa inclusive na nossa política exterior” disse Qui Xiaoqi, Embaixador da China na Rússia.

“O fato de que os quatro estados se encontrarem demonstra que no FMI, no Banco Mundial e nas Nações Unidos ainda não temos uma Governança Global ótima”, diz Jim O`Neill. O economista chefe do Banco de Investimentos Goldmann Sachs em 2003 resumiu na sigla BRIC os futuros pólos de crescimentos mais fortes da economia global. “Mesmo que o seu

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potencial político seja limitado em função de interesses divergentes, hoje são tão importantes ou até mais importantes do que o G-7.

Do encontro em Brasília, analistas esperam que os Chefes de Estado e de Governo dos países Bric exijam mais direitos de participação nas grandes instituições financeiras internacionais como o FMI. Para não isolar os países Bric de outros grandes emergentes, o Presidente do Brasil Luis Inácio Lula da Silva organizou ontem, antes do encontro, uma cúpula especial com os colegas Jacob Zuma (África do Sul) e Manmohan Singh (Índia).

No entanto, os Presidentes dos Brics não vão conseguir chegar a um acordo sobre outras exigências como a participação do Brasil e da Índia do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas. A Rússia e a China não têm interesse em uma ampliação do Conselho de Segurança. As bases da crescente influência política do grupo são o sucesso econômico e a crescente integração dos Estados. Em apenas 10 anos conseguiram duplicar a sua participação no comércio mundial para 25% hoje. Respondem por mais de 40% da população mundial e 14% do PIB do mundo. Nos últimos anos, foram responsáveis por mais da metade do crescimento do PIB mundial.

A novidade é a crescente integração dos Estados entre si. Conforme um recente estudo da ONU, a China, já em um prazo de 4 anos, vai substituir a Europa como segundo maior parceiro comercial da América Latina depois dos EUA. O Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil espera, para ano corrente, um crescimento do comércio só com os estados Bric de 20%.

Atualmente a China já domina as relações econômicas exteriores. A China cada vez mais assegura fontes de matérias primas e energia do continente para o seu desenvolvimento econômico. Somente no Brasil, companhias chinesas investiram, desde o início do ano, dois bilhões de dólares em empresas siderúrgicas e petrolíferas. Companhias indianas até agora investem em primeira linha na indústria sul-americana (aço e automóveis) e informática. A Rússia amplia, apesar de investimentos em petróleo e gás natural, principalmente a sua indústria de defesa. Estatais russas pretendem produzir veículos militares no Brasil.

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia – Sify- A day in the life of summit-hopping Manmohan (Brasilia Diary)

Two summits and three bilateral meetings, all packed in one day. Trust Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to manage a killing schedule of back-to-back meetings and still look fresh and energetic!

The prime minister started his day one in Brasilia with a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao and followed it with another round of bilateral talks with Brazilian President Lula da Silva. He then headed to Itamaraty Place for India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) summit where he made a vigorous pitch for reform of the UN and international decision-making bodies. He topped up a hectic day with Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) summit where he again exhorted the world

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powers to wake up to the 21st century realities and accommodate surging aspirations of developing countries in the UN and other global bodies. He heads to India Friday morning for a long flight home after wrapping up an eight-day visit to the US and Brazil. Total score: three multilateral summits and nine bilateral meetings.

Lula's big moment

It is clearly the big moment for maverick Brazilian President Lula da Silva, known for his flamboyant gestures and stirring speeches. After all, it's not every day Brazil, Latin America's power economy, gets to host twin summits. Lula looked hugely gratified at a joint press conference, first with the leaders of India and Russia after IBSA summit and then at BRIC summit where he was joined by Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. If IBSA has taken off, it has much to do with the 'pioneering zeal' of Lula, as Manmohan Singh complimented him at the summit. The two summits have given a big boost to the Brazilian economy with nearly 28,000 hotel rooms boasting full occupancy. Lula is a happy man, what with elections scheduled for October!

Do not molest

Brazil is a fanatically monolingual country. If you don't know Portuguese, you are virtually lost. Better take a pretty translator along if you are out shopping or otherwise. Officials and journalists accompanying the prime minister were intrigued when they checked into their hotel rooms. The 'Do not disturb' card read 'Do not molest'. Didn't know there are so many molesters around in Brazil, quipped a sleep-starved hack.

Brasilia turns 50

Leafy and spacious Brasilia, once a dream in the eyes of the young Oscar Niemeyer, a Brazilian architect, is bracing for the golden jubilee celebrations with a lot of flair and razzmatazz. The big founding day party is April 21, but Brazilians are already rocking in anticipation. Samba dances will consort with Disney World characters at the anniversary party. Brazilian President Lula da Silva announced the 50th anniversary celebrations of Brasilia with a lot of panache and presented a commemorative seal to India's Manmohan Singh and South Africa's Jacob Zuma. The big star of the show will be Oscar Niemeyer, who is still alive and kicking at age 102.

Democracies club, no dictators please

He did't mean it in that sense, but Manmohan Singh got the message across. When asked whether there was any plan to merge IBSA and BRIC, the prime minister replied casually: 'IBSA is about three major democracies of the world.' The message was not lost on discerning journalists who had gathered around him for a casual chat after the IBSA summit. And no prize for guessing who were the others - Russia and China - the prime minister was referring to.

Data: 16/04/2010-Índia – Sify- We want India, Brazil in UN security council: BRIC nations

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Challenging the existing global power structure, BRIC nations called for urgent reforms of the UN, wanted international financial institutions to accommodate aspirations of rising powers and pitched for including India and Brazil in an expanded UN Security Council.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Brazilian President Lula da Silva, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev held wide-ranging talks at Itamaraty Palace in the Brazilian capital soon after the IBSA summit of India, Brazil and South Africa.

The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) summit, scheduled to be held Friday, was advanced by a day as Hu had to cut short his trip due a massive earthquake in China.

A joint statement at the end of the day-long summit stressed the group's intent to see a 'multipolar, equitable and democratic world order', a formulation that is set to worry the US as it views groupings like BRIC with suspicion.

Putting their collective economic weight behind the BRIC initiative, the four leaders made a vigorous pitch for the long-overdue reform of the UN and backed a greater role for India and Brazil in having a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

China and Russia are already permanent members of the Security Council along with the United State, France and Britain.

'In this respect, we reaffirm the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, with a view to making it more effective, efficient and representative, so that it can deal with today's global challenges more effectively,' said the joint declaration at the end of the summit Thursday night.

'We reiterate the importance we attach to the status of India and Brazil in international affairs, and understand and support their aspirations to play a greater role in the United Nations.'

Russia hosted the first BRIC summit in Yekaterinburg in June last year.

The leaders of BRIC countries, which account for 20 percent of global GDP, focused a large part of their discussions on setting the pace and direction of global economic recovery.

Manmohan Singh, on his part, cautioned the world against complacency and pitched for closer collaboration in interests of long-term recovery. India's position was reflected in the joint declaration.

'We welcome the fact that the G-20 was confirmed as the premier forum for international economic coordination and cooperation of all its member states,' said the joint declaration.

'Compared to previous arrangements, the G-20 is broader, more inclusive, diverse, representative and effective,' they said.

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'We advocate the need for the G-20 to be proactive and formulate a coherent strategy for the post-crisis period,' the BRIC leaders said, while underlining the need for reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, the IMF and the World Bank.

Referring to the recent resumption of economic growth in emerging markets, the four leaders said that 'the foundation of world economic recovery is not yet solid, with uncertainties remaining'.

'We call upon all states to strengthen macroeconomic cooperation, jointly secure world economic recovery and achieve a strong, sustainable and balanced growth,' said the joint BRIC declaration.

The focus of the summit was on recasting the international political and economic order by the four countries whose economies are going to be the world's biggest by 2050.

'BRIC countries have a fundamental role in the construction of a fairer international order,' the summit's host, Lula da Silva, said at a press conference.

Manmohan Singh called the summit 'very successful' and stressed that the BRIC grouping was uniquely placed to recast global order and to contribute to world economic growth and prosperity.

Medvedev added that the meeting showed 'the BRIC format is becoming full-fledged and allows us to not only coordinate our efforts but to also make concrete decisions'.

They also decided to scale up economic cooperation and underlined the importance of maintaining relative stability of major reserve currencies and sustainability of fiscal policies in order to achieve a strong, long-term balanced economic growth.

The four leaders of top emerging economies also pushed hard for an early conclusion for an international convention to combat terrorism and wrapping up of the Doha round of international trade negotiations.

The BRIC countries include two of the largest energy producers and two of the largest consumers in the world.

'BRIC countries have an important role to play in the shaping the pace, direction and sustainability of global economic growth,' said the four leaders at the end of the day-long summit.

China will host the next edition of the BRIC summit.

Putting developmental aspirations of common people at the heart of the BRIC engagement, the four leaders of world's top performing democracies also decided to scale up cooperation in areas ranging from science and technology, trade and investment, pharmaceuticals and infrastructure.

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Data: 15/04/2010-Índia – Sify- Manmohan to cement India's global role at IBSA, BRIC summits

It is set to be a week of hectic multilateral diplomacy for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who arrived here Wednesday evening on a three-day visit to participate in two back-to-back summits of IBSA and BRIC countries.

The IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) summits, which are held in different formats, aim at securing a bigger say for top emerging economies in world affairs.

Besides multilateral diplomacy, Manmohan Singh, who arrived here from the US, will also hold bilateral talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Three multilateral summits in a week underline India�s growing global stature, said a senior official.

Manmohan Singh, accompanied by his wife Gursharan Kaur, arrived here Wednesday evening (2.30 a.m., Thursday IST) on the second leg of his eight-day overseas tour from Washington where he participated in the 47-nation Nuclear Security Summit.

He was accorded a red-carpet welcome at the Brazilian Air Force Base with the presentation of ceremonial Guard of Honour and 21-gun salute.

Manmohan Singh was received warmly by Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobim with the military band playing national anthems of the host country and India.

Manmohan Singh will hold wide-ranging talks with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the host of the twin summits, and South African President Jacob Zuma in the trilateral format of IBSA.

The fourth IBSA summit, comprising three top economic powerhouses straddling three continents, will culminate Thursday evening with a joint communique reflecting their shared positions on a host of global issues, including the international financial crisis and reform of global decision-making bodies.

All three IBSA countries are aspiring for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

The three countries are expected to sign two trilateral MoUs in areas of solar energy and science and technology.

The second BRIC summit, projected by Goldman Sachs to be the world´s largest economies by 2050, Friday will also push for the democratisation of international bodies.

The leaders of four countries will also hold intensive discussions on several issues, including the US drive to impose fresh sanctions against Iran for its suspect nuclear programme, the international financial crisis, climate change and counter-terror cooperation.

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Iran will be part of 'focused agenda' of the BRIC summit for the first time, said Parbati Sen Vyas, secretary (economic relations) in the ministry of external affairs.

The issue will also be discussed in the IBSA format by Manmohan Singh, Brazil president and the South African president, said Vivek Katju, secretary (West) in the external affairs ministry, who is in the Brazilian capital for the summit.

Data: 14/04/2010-EUA - Univision.com- Grandes países emergentes del BRIC se reúnen buscando ampliar su influencia

Los líderes de las grandes naciones del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) se darán cita el viernes en Brasilia en la II Cumbre de este grupo, aglutinado por el fenomenal crecimiento de sus gigantescas economías, para tratar de consolidar su influencia mundial.

Los presidentes Hu Jintao (China), Dimitri Medvedev (Rusia), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brasil) y el primer ministro Mamohan Singh (India) abordarán una agenda destinada a arrancar de los países ricos una reforma del sistema financiero internacional y lograr más peso en los organismos multilaterales (FMI y Banco Mundial), explicó el coordinador del evento, Roberto Jaguaribe.

"El gran factor de aglutinación (del BRIC) es la necesidad de cambio en la gobernanza internacional" tradicionalmente controlada por las naciones industrializadas, resumió el alto funcionario de la cancillería brasileña.

"¿Dónde están la riqueza generada en el mundo y las reservas? Están en los países en desarrollo; por tanto, no se puede contemplar más la posibilidad de que un grupo de países ricos diga cómo se harán las cosas", enfatizó.

Un tema caliente del BRIC es su defensa de una moneda alternativa al dólar para el comercio internacional, pero Brasil asegura que la cumbre no cerrará con ninguna propuesta que sacuda el frágil equilibrio financiero poscrisis.

En el ámbito político, se prevé que los dirigentes aborden un polémico tema internacional: la cuestión nuclear iraní, ya que Brasil ocupa un puesto no permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y se opone a las sanciones a Irán, favoreciendo el camino del diálogo con los iraníes.

El grupo BRIC representó entre 2000 y 2008 casi el 50% del crecimiento económico mundial y deben aumentar a 61% hasta 2014, según el FMI. Juntos, suman más del 40% de la población y 16% del PIB mundial. Con la salvedad de Rusia y destaque de China, el BRIC salió bien de la crisis en 2009 y vuelve a ser motor del crecimiento mundial.

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La sigla BRIC fue creada en 2001 por el banco estadounidense Goldman Sachs para referirse a las economías de más rápido crecimiento del planeta. Su materialización en una cumbre política ocurrió en 2009 en Rusia y coincide con la incorporación de los grandes países en desarrollo en los grandes foros de discusión internacional.

A pesar de haber creado estos foros de discusión, el BRIC no es un grupo homogéneo, afirma a la AFP Christian Lohbauer, del grupo de Conyuntura Internacional de la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP): "Lo que los aproxima es que son la frontera del capitalismo, pero es evidente que no tienen una agenda común y sus intereses son divergentes y muchas veces enfrentados", señaló.

"Más retórica que hechos" resumieron algunos medios y analistas cuando se celebró la primera cumbre del BRIC.

Esta II Cumbre se iniciará con una reunión privada de los líderes el viernes en la mañana y se cerrará tras una plenaria hacia el mediodía local en Brasilia.

Aspectos más prácticos de la relación económica entre el BRIC, como la facilitación del comercio y las inversiones entre los emergentes reduciendo la dependencia de las estructuras de los países desarrollados, serán abordados en reuniones paralelas de bancos privados, empresarios, bancos públicos de fomento y técnicos de sus bancos centrales.

Brasilia acogerá el jueves a los líderes de otro foro emergente, el IBSA: India, Brasil y Sudáfrica.

Data: 16/04/2010-Hong Kong - Asia Times- The BRIC post-Washington consensus

By Pepe Escobar

The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) got together in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, on Thursday with a bang. After meeting Chinese President Hu Jintao, and once again condemning an "asymmetric, dysfunctional globalization", Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was at his ebullient best: "A new global economic geography has been born." Well, not quite. Not yet.

Anyone across the world fed up with Somali pirates in Zegna suits disrupting global trade is interested in what the BRICs are (potentially) up to. The world's largest developing countries, bound to be the engine of the global economy for the next four decades, are essentially up to what then Russian president Vladimir Putin outlined in his famous speech in Munich in 2007; forming a new global consensus. Call it the rise of the periphery (the "Second" and "Third" worlds). Call it the dawn of the post-Washington consensus.

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It's nothing short of ironic that major players in the current global financial architecture are being forced to acknowledge that the global "economic and political tectonic plates are shifting". No, that was not Lula, but the George W Bush-appointed head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick. Zoellick even felt compelled to deliver the coup de grace to the patronizing concept of "Third World".

Is the World Bank finally waking up to the real world(s)? The BRICs met in Brazil roughly one week before the World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual love fest in Washington. The old order may resent it, but the BRIC voice is and will continue to be ever more insistent. No wonder; they are shelling more funds to the IMF, thus they should have more say on where the money is going. They want an antithesis of Wall Street: transparency. The 2008 financial crisis - which by no means is over - was unleashed by a Wall Street-biased financial casino.

Strategic and transparentThe BRICs officially met for the first time in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in June 2009. At the time they delved deep into discussing the global financial crisis and advanced the possibility of dumping the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Now their common strategy is much more subtle. The leaders in these four countries know it's still too early to think about a common currency; first they need a potent unifying ideal. The inevitable outcome will be a common market, and then a common currency. The euro took 50 years to be born.

So no wonder, at the moment, as China's Foreign Ministry would put it, the mood is still kind of mellow, with plenty of rhetoric about "South-South cooperation", "strategic partnerships", "common development" and "common understanding". But the call for "more transparency" is very substantial; it will be hammered over and over again at the Americans and Europeans during the next Group of 20 (G-20) meeting in Canada in June.

Unlike the US, the BRICs' health is sound; no lingering financial crisis, decent growth rates. All of these countries are regional leaders. Unlike the US - and the rest of the world has noticed it - they have all preserved a very privileged role for public investment in their development model.

The BRICs may represent 42% of the world's population, roughly 15% of the world's gross domestic product, and almost 30% of world trade. But they're not even constituted as a commercial bloc such as the European Union or Mercosur trade blocs. At least not yet.

So the road will be long. BRICs are starting by getting their commercial act together - like setting up closer cooperation between development banks in Brazil, India and China for an array of partnership projects.

In Brasilia, experts for example discussed the Brazil-Argentina experience of trading in local currencies, the real and the peso - and not in US dollars. The next stage, as Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has enthusiastically pointed out, includes multiple cooperation deals on agricultural technology, nuclear energy, aircraft engineering, space exploration and nanotechnology.

The new world order

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BRIC is rife in internal contradictions. China and India are on a collision course in terms of Asian preeminence. China is not exactly fond of India trying to get a seat at the UN Security Council. China and India fiercely compete to get as much oil and gas from Central Asia as possible. Russia is acutely aware of Chinese expansion in Siberia. India is not exactly fond of Brazil - one of the world's top food exporters - wanting to slash tariffs on agricultural products. Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega sounds like a US Treasury official when he calls for the yuan to be revalued; cheap imports are killing Brazilian manufacturers as much as it killed America's.

But these internal contradictions pale compared to the BRICs' common agenda of being very careful not to antagonize Washington. As much as they know that the new multipolar world cannot have a center - which at the moment is in a Washington that, with the exception of military hegemony, is largely impotent - China, for instance, has built an economy battling with Japan to become the world's second-largest economy by profiting from the current US-centered system.

The BRICs may complement each other in many aspects (Brazil and China are the best example; China has toppled the US as Brazil's largest trading partner). But a key problem is that they cannot speak for the rest of the developing and undeveloped world - as much as China will keep successfully exporting its "model" of soft power, belief in multi-polarity, non-political interference, integrated development and technology transfer.

The world anyway will never become "flat" - this is a silly neo-liberal, simplistic fantasy. A new global political consensus would have to be formulated by the United Nations - but not a UN dominated by the US; ideally this should be under a reformed UN, with an expanded and fully representative UN Security Council. One thing is certain; entrenched elites in both the US and Europe (which for all practical purposes is now a midget in the global arena) will fight the dilution of their power tooth and nail.

BRICs anyway will keep insisting on remaking the global financial architecture - and that starts with profound reforms at the Bretton Woods institutions. They will be increasingly more powerful inside the G-20 - and that has already reduced the Group of Eight to irrelevancy. It's very enlightening to see how they have evolved their common position on burning issues such as the Iranian nuclear dossier: once again they have stressed in Brasilia they want dialogue, not confrontation, sanctions and threats.

So the BRIC name of the game may be evolution - not revolution. But the game itself is clear; full speed ahead towards the post-Washington consensus.

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. His new book, just out, is Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).

Data: 18/04/2010-França - Radio France International (RFI)- Sommet du BRIC à Brasilia : des émergents unis pour entrer dans la cour des grands

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Par Annie Gasnier

Lors du second sommet du BRIC qui s’est tenu à Brasilia, jeudi 16 avril, les dirigeants des quatre grands pays qui composent le BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont revendiqué une meilleure représentativité dans les instances internationales. Une demande au nom de leurs dynamiques économies « émergentes ».

Le premier sommet des nations regroupées sous le sigle BRIC, organisé en juin 2009 en Russie, avait suscité peu de résultat concret, et peu d´intérêt. Mais la réunion de Brasilia entre Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine était plus ambitieuse. « Le BRIC n´est plus de la rhétorique, il existe une concertation permanente dans les principaux forums internationaux », a affirmé un diplomate brésilien.

Les déclarations entendues à Brasilia attirent l´attention, et génèrent des interrogations : que peuvent apporter ces quatre pays ? Peuvent-ils gêner les plus riches, et provoquer une dynamique mondiale différente ?

En dépit de disparités historiques, culturelles et politiques, le gigantisme géographique des BRIC sur leur continent respectif les a naturellement propulsés vers le groupe des principales puissances. Ils représentent 42% de la population de la planète, et 15% du PIB global. Et leur dynamisme économique les rend aujourd´hui indispensables à la croissance mondiale.

Ils ont à peine senti la crise financière de septembre 2008, devenant les moteurs du capitalisme du XXIe siècle. Entre 2008 et 2011, ils engendreront 61,3% des richesses mondiales, selon le Fonds monétaire international (FMI), grâce à leur force commerciale.

Le défi lancé aux Etats-Unis est public

Leurs réserves internationales accumulées dans les banques centrales, 3 350 milliards de dollars, leur ont permis d´éviter la crise et d´envisager à moyen terme des échanges dans leur monnaie locale, en évitant le dollar. Le marché décidera, mais le défi lancé aux Etats-Unis est public.

Parmi les accords de coopération signés : une union des banques de développement des BRIC est en projet pour développer les infrastructures, sans dépendre des organismes traditionnellement sollicités.

Le BRIC est dominé par le tandem Brésil-Chine. Brasilia et Pékin viennent de renforcer leurs liens par le pacte d´action conjointe, alors que les Chinois sont devenus les principaux partenaires commerciaux des Brésiliens, premiers acquéreurs des exportations, surtout de minerai de fer, pétrole et soja. Les échanges bilatéraux ont augmenté de 780% depuis 2003, pour atteindre l´an dernier 36 milliards de dollars.

« Pour que les promesses d´un échange Sud-Sud soient une réalité, le Brésil doit ajouter de la valeur ajoutée à ses produits », a réclamé le président brésilien Lula. Un énorme contrat a ponctué ses dires : le plus gros investissement chinois à l´étranger, cinq milliards de dollars pour la construction en trois ans d´une « méga-usine sidérurgique », dans le futur port privé d

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´Açu, au nord de Rio de Janeiro. Contrat qui unit la société LLX, du milliardaire brésilien Eike Batista, et l´entreprise nationale chinoise Wisco. Mais rien ne semble avoir été dit sur la faiblesse du yuan, la monnaie chinoise, qui gêne pourtant certains partenaires comme le Brésil.

Une réorganisation de la gouvernance mondiale

Forts de leur poids économique, les membres du BRIC ont profité du sommet de Brasilia pour revendiquer, une fois encore, une réorganisation de la gouvernance globale. Ils osent même, dans leur déclaration finale, fixer des termes à ces revendications : la prochaine réunion pour la Banque mondiale, novembre 2010 pour le FMI, lors du G-20. Ils évoquent aussi, plus rapidement, la réforme des Nations unies, où Brésil et Inde réclament un siège au Conseil de sécurité.

« Après la crise, il est nécessaire de renforcer le système financier international », a rappelé le président russe Medvedev, en songeant au prochain G-20.

Faisant fi de leurs divergences d´intérêts, les quatre pays se sont aussi penchés sur la politique étrangère, comme la question de l´Iran. Selon les diplomates brésiliens, il existerait une « grande affinité » de vue. Le BRIC déclarant sa préférence pour la poursuite de pourparlers et ses doutes sur l´efficacité de sanctions décidées à l´ONU, sans révéler toutefois la teneur d´un dialogue avec les Iraniens.

Data: 14/04/2010-França - Radio France International (RFI)- Moscou et Pékin réaffirment leur présence en Amérique du Sud

Dans une région longtemps considérée comme l'arrière-cour des Etats-Unis, la Chine et la Russie reprennent pied en Amérique latine. Les présidents chinois et russe se rendent en Amérique latine cette semaine avec des étapes au Venezuela, au Chili, et au Brésil.Le Brésil, qui accueille le deuxième sommet des grands pays émergents (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine - BRIC) les 15 et 16 avril.

Hu Jintao est un habitué de la région. Depuis 2004, le président chinois se rend tous les ans en Amérique du Sud où Pékin s'installe par le biais des échanges économiques. Premier importateur de produits brésiliens et chiliens, aujourd'hui, la Chine est le deuxième partenaire commercial de l'Amérique du Sud. Comme pour l’Afrique, la région a été prospectée avec méthode et efficacité par Pékin.

Les Russes de leur côté mettent à profit les tensions entre les Etats-Unis et les pays, les plus à gauche du continent, pour placer leurs pions. Moscou veut pour sa part réaffirmer son statut de puissance mondiale : principal fournisseur d'armes du Venezuela par exemple. Après la visite de Vladimir Poutine à Caracas, il y a quelques jours, Dmitri Medvedev s’est rendu en Argentine et au Brésil.

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Chacun à sa manière, Russes et Chinois parient sur le continent latino-américain. Rien à voir avec le Mouvement des non-alignés d'hier. Les liens économiques sont forts. Ils s’accompagnent de convergence de vues sur le plan politique et parfois militaire.

Moscou et Pékin partagent aussi une volonté diplomatique : celle de faire bouger les lignes aux Nations unies ou encore devant l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. Sur le dossier iranien par exemple, le Brésil et la Chine sont d'accord pour privilégier le dialogue; un bâton de pèlerin que les Américains et les Européens n'ont pas pris depuis longtemps.

Data: 19/04/2010-França - Le Devoir- Perspectives - BRIC molle

Les pays du BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont tenu leur deuxième rencontre au sommet, la semaine dernière, à Brasília. Il reste encore à voir s'ils réussiront jamais à constituer un groupe cohérent et agissant. Mais leur influence, ne serait-ce qu'individuelle, ne peut que continuer à grandir.

Les dirigeants des quatre économies émergentes ont tenu leur réunion au pas de course, jeudi soir, afin de permettre au président chinois, Hu Jintao, de retourner au plus vite au chevet de son pays frappé par un terrible séisme plus tôt dans la semaine. Rien n'étant jamais laissé au hasard dans ce genre d'événement, une belle déclaration commune en 11 points était déjà prête et a quand même été signée.

De l'eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis que l'économiste de Goldman Sachs Jim O'Neil a employé pour la première fois l'acronyme «BRIC» en 2001 pour désigner les économies émergentes qui, selon lui, allaient s'imposer dans les années à venir. Certains s'étaient demandé à l'époque pourquoi il avait choisi ces quatre-là. Comment pouvait-il y avoir le Brésil, et pas le Mexique? Et pourquoi pas aussi l'Afrique du Sud?

On doit admettre aujourd'hui que l'économiste américain ne s'était pas beaucoup trompé, à part peut-être sur la Russie, dont le parcours a été plus cahoteux. Les pays du BRIC sont aujourd'hui les quatre plus grandes économies en dehors de l'OCDE. Ils comptent pour presque 15 % de l'économie mondiale et pour plus de 50 % de sa croissance actuelle. On y trouve par exemple le quart de la surface de la planète, le tiers des terres agricoles, 40 % de la population et 40 % des réserves de devises. À en croire le FMI, la Chine aura cette année une croissance d'au moins 10 % en Chine, l'Inde de 7,7 %, le Brésil de 4,7 % et la Russie de 3,1 %.

Mais c'est une chose d'être quatre grandes économies en croissance rapide, et c'en est une autre de former un groupe cohérent. Le PIB chinois (5300 milliards) dépasse amplement celui des trois autres pris ensemble (4200 milliards). Les économies chinoise et russe reposent lourdement sur le commerce alors que les deux autres sont largement autocentrées. La Chine dépend principalement de ses industries manufacturières, l'Inde du secteur des services et de l'informatique, le Brésil de l'industrie agroalimentaire et des ressources naturelles, et la Russie de l'exportation de pétrole et de gaz. La Chine et l'Inde ont plus d'un milliard d'habitants alors

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que le Brésil et la Russie ne passent pas le cap des 200 millions. L'Inde et le Brésil sont des démocraties alors que la Russie fait dans le régime autoritaire et que la Chine est carrément une dictature.

Pas étonnant que ces pays aient au moins autant de sujets de discorde que d'entente. Le contentieux entre la Chine et l'Inde est suffisamment lourd et connu pour que l'on n'ait pas besoin d'y revenir, sinon pour noter qu'il a aussi pris depuis quelques années la forme d'une guerre d'influence économique auprès des autres pays asiatiques. La Russie n'a de cesse de se plaindre du protectionnisme chinois. Le Brésil a dénoncé plus d'une fois la concurrence déloyale que lui livre la Chine avec sa monnaie artificiellement dévaluée et a qualifié leur relation commerciale de «néocoloniale» parce qu'elle repose presque uniquement sur l'achat massif de ses ressources en minerai de fer, en pétrole et en soja. Le Brésil en a aussi contre l'Inde pour son opposition à la libéralisation du commerce des produits agricoles, mais l'Inde le lui rend bien parce qu'elle ne digère pas, elle non plus, l'entêtement du Brésil à faire obstacle au commerce des services.

Unis par leurs dissensions

«Ce qui les unit, c'est qu'ils sont à la frontière du capitalisme», disait la semaine dernière du BRIC un expert brésilien cité par la BBC. Leur coopération est facilitée par le fait qu'elle ne leur coûte rien, estimait pour sa part The Economist. Ces nouveaux géants se permettent de critiquer la gestion de l'économie mondiale sans faire le moindre effort pour l'améliorer, disait la revue britannique.

«Il y a, bien sûr, des contradictions, voire des conflits entre les BRIC», admettait dans le quotidien français Le Monde le coordonnateur du sommet de Brasília, Roberto Jaguaribe. Nos quatre pays ne prétendent pas, cette semaine, prendre des décisions. Nous voulons surtout renforcer notre concertation pour promouvoir des idées communes».

Leur déclaration, en fin de réunion, reflétait bien à la fois ces ambitions et ces contradictions. On y revenait avec cette idée réclamée par plusieurs d'élargir les forums décisionnels internationaux du FMI, de la Banque mondiale et du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU pour y faire une meilleure place aux économies émergentes et autres pays en voie de développement. On saluait d'ailleurs la décision des pays riches de remplacer leur G7 par un G20.

On y parlait aussi d'un nouvel ordre mondial multipolaire, de resserrer les liens politiques et commerciaux entre les pays du Sud et d'encourager l'utilisation d'autres devises que seulement le dollar américain.

Mais il y avait aussi des phrases qui sonnaient faux, comme ces promesses de promouvoir la démocratie et d'adopter des politiques monétaires responsables. On n'avait, en revanche, rien à dire sur la lutte contre les changements climatiques et le prochain sommet qui se tiendra sur la question à Cancún, ce qui n'a rien de rassurant lorsque l'on sait que la Chine est désormais le premier pays émetteur de gaz à effet de serre au monde, la Russie le troisième et l'Inde le quatrième.

Mais bon! Le BRIC ne serait pas le premier forum international à avoir ses contradictions, ses promesses creuses et ses graves oublis.

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Data: 16/04/2010-Índia - Express News- BRIC must create a new world order: Lula

Brasilia The BRIC group of the world's four biggest emerging powers has a fundamental role in creating a new world order, Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Thursday.

Lula was speaking at the end of a summit in Brasilia with the leaders of China, India and Russia. The countries reiterated their call for developing nations to have a bigger role in global economic and financial decision-making.

PM pitches for close cooperation among BRIC nations

Noting that India, Russia, China and Brazil are resource-rich, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday pitched for close cooperation among them in the fields of energy and food security besides tapping potential in other sectors like trade and investment, science and technology and infrastructure.

Addressing the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) Summit here, he said the four countries can benefit by sharing their experiences in the field of inclusive growth.

"We are four large countries with abundant resources, large populations and diverse societies... We aspire for rapid growth for ourselves and for an external environment that is conducive to our development goals," Singh told the second Summit of the four-nation grouping here in the Brazilian capital.

Contending that the people of the four countries "expect us to work together so as to bring the benefits of inclusive social and economic development to them", he identified energy and food security as two specific areas where they can work together.

"Our grouping includes two of the largest energy producers and two of the largest consumers in the world. We can cooperate in both upstream and downstream areas, and in the development of new fuels and clean energy technologies," he said.

Similarly, BRIC countries are both large producers and consumers of agricultural products, he said, proposing that the four nations should consider putting in place an architecture of food security that focusses on increasing agricultural productivity, better land use, sustainable farming practices and agro-processing.

Besides this, there is vast potential for cooperation in areas such as science and technology, trade and investment, pharmaceuticals and infrastructure, Singh said. "Investments in human capital will create new sources of growth."

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The Prime Minister said BRIC countries have an important role to play in the shaping the pace, direction and sustainability of global economic growth. Recalling that the four countries had at the last Summit decided to commission a BRIC Study on which way the world economy will move in the period ahead, Singh said India has circulated the draft terms of reference for the study and "we would be happy to carry this idea forward."

On the global economic and financial crisis, he said while it appears that that it is "behind us, it is still early to say that we are on the path of long term recovery." Singh said a lot would depend on how the developed economies fare.

"Sustainable recovery will also depend on several factors such as enhanced investment for infrastructure development, stable capital flows to the developing markets, appropriate macroeconomic adjustments, and avoiding complacency in the area of financial sector reforms," Singh said, adding financial inclusion will be a major determinant of success.

Singh asked the leaders of other three BRIC countries that the grouping should prepare for the forthcoming G-20 Summits in Toronto and Seoul.

"Their outcomes need to be supportive of the post crisis-phase of the recovery process. This requires the avoidance of protectionism in all its forms, commitment to a fair and rule-based trading system, reform of international financial institutions and better regulation and supervision," he said.

Singh said capital adequacy of international institutions should be ensured to fund development needs and for this, Finance Ministers of the four countries should be in regular touch with each other.

Noting that BRIC nations represent an important voice in the global climate discourse, Singh said, "despite its shortcomings", the Copenhagen Conference did generate a broad understanding on several contentious issues.

Referring to the next summit on climate change in Mexico in 2011, he said the BRIC approach to the Cancun Conference should be anchored within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Roadmap.

"Technology will be a key element in our strategy to meet the challenge of climate change. Each of us has our own strengths in climate-friendly technologies. If we pool our best scientific and technological resources, BRIC nations can set a fine example in promoting collaborative development, deployment and dissemination of clean energy and renewable technologies," Singh said.

He said BRIC countries are also uniquely placed to contribute to reforming the architecture of global governance. "A genuine reform of the Security Council by expansion in its permanent membership as well as non-permanent membership and improvement in its working methods is essential to make the United Nations reflective of contemporary realities," Singh emphasised.

On terrorism, he said it poses a "special challenge to our development efforts" and all the four countries should unite in efforts to combat this scourge.

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The BRIC countries should also step up cooperation in addressing other non-traditional threats to security, the Prime Minister said.

Data: 15/04/2010-Argentina - Rosario Net- Lula busca crear un nuevo eje de poder

Cuando faltan sólo ocho meses para el fin de su mandato, el presidente brasileño, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, redobla sus esfuerzos por crear un nuevo polo de poder mundial conformado por países emergentes, que hoy y mañana se reunirán en Brasilia para exigir un mayor peso en las instituciones financieras internacionales y discutir acciones de cooperación para el desarrollo.

Lula será el anfitrión hoy de una cumbre de jefes de gobierno y de Estado del grupo IBSA (compuesto por Brasil, la India y Sudáfrica) y mañana de una del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, la India y China), en la que más allá de los temas de cooperación dentro de cada bloque, habrá también una intensa agenda política centrada en Medio Oriente y el controvertido programa nuclear de Irán, entre otros puntos.

Según evalúan los analistas diplomáticos, el objetivo de la política exterior impulsada por Lula desde 2003 es el de "marcar diferencias" con Washington y convertir a Brasil en un interlocutor importante en el escenario internacional, con derecho a un asiento permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, en caso de que sea ampliado.

En la reunión del grupo IBSA -de la que participarán Lula; el premier indio, Manmohan Singh, y el presidente sudafricano, Jacob Zuma- se debatirán asuntos de cooperación en ciencia y teconología, así como el envío de ayuda para la reconstrucción de Haití. El gobierno brasileño informó que en esta cumbre será abordado también el conflicto entre palestinos e israelíes, para lo cual ha sido invitado el canciller de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP), Riad Malki.

Mañana, los miembros del grupo BRIC tratarán una agenda aún más amplia, centrada en la reforma de las instituciones financieras multilaterales y el G-20. La cumbre de los BRIC reunirá a Lula, a Singh y a los presidentes Hu Jintao (China) y Dimitri Medvedev (Rusia), que llegará procedente de la Argentina (ver Pág. 9).

En sintonía con sus últimos reclamos, los países BRIC buscarán fortalecer su postura para exigir mayor representatividad en los organismos internacionales, como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial, y retomarán las discusiones para la creación de una nueva arquitectura financiera en el marco del Grupo de los 20 (G-20 ).

Un tema caliente del BRIC es su defensa de una moneda alternativa al dólar para el comercio internacional. Brasil propondrá adoptar dentro del grupo un mecanismo similar al que implementó con la Argentina hace dos años, para sustituir al dólar por monedas locales.

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"El gran factor que convoca es la necesidad de cambiar el gobierno internacional [tradicionalmente controlado por las naciones industrializadas]", explicó el coordinador del evento, el alto funcionario de la cancillería Roberto Jaguaribe.

"¿Dónde están la riqueza generada en el mundo y las reservas? Están en los países en desarrollo. Por lo tanto, ya no se puede contemplar la posibilidad de que un grupo de países ricos diga cómo se harán las cosas", enfatizó. Los países del BRIC representan el 42 por ciento de la población mundial -más de 1400 millones de personas-, cubren el 26 por ciento del territorio del planeta, y sumaron el año pasado el 23,4 por ciento del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) global, según el gobierno brasileño.

El intercambio comercial en ambos grupos crece sin pausa y, en el caso del IBSA, subió de 2600 millones de dólares en 2003, cuando fue creado el foro, a casi 12.000 millones en 2009. En relación al BRIC, que celebró su primera cumbre en 2009, el comercio dentro del grupo pasó de 10.700 millones de dólares en 2003 a 51.700 millones de dólares el año pasado.

Para los propósitos brasileños de ampliar su influencia mundial, la crisis global de fines de 2008 significó un renovado interés internacional por las economías emergentes. En ese sentido, el embajador indio en Brasil, B.S. Prakash, afirmó ayer: "Nuestros países salieron relativamente bien de la crisis" y deben exigir un papel más protagónico en las discusiones globales.

En el marco de encuentros previos a las dos cumbres, 200 empresarios brasileños, 70 chinos, 35 indios, 35 sudafricanos y 30 rusos se reunieron ayer y anteayer en Río de Janeiro.

Data: 16/04/2010-França - L’Expansion- Les BRIC réclament un ordre mondial "plus juste"

Les dirigeants des quatre grands pays émergents du BRIC se sont réunis jeudi soir à Brasilia. Le Premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh a déclaré que leur principal objectif était la création "d'un nouvel ordre mondial plus démocratique, juste et multipolaire."

Les dirigeants des quatre grands pays émergents du BRIC se sont réunis jeudi soir à Brasilia pour un mini-sommet de deux heures conclu par un appel à créer un ordre mondial "plus juste". Ce sommet, qui réunit le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde et la Chine, a été dominé par la réforme de la gouvernance mondiale et, dans des discussions informelles, par la question nucléaire iranienne.

Il a été écourté par le départ précipité du président chinois Hu Jintao pour son pays frappé par un puissant séisme. Qualifiant le tremblement de terre de mercredi d'"énorme désastre", Hu a confirmé qu'il rentrait en Chine dès la fin du sommet, coupant court à une tournée en Amérique latine qui devait le conduire, après le Brésil, au Venezuela et au Chili. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 a frappé une province reculée du nord-ouest de la Chine, faisant 760 morts et 100.000 sans-abri.

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Autour de leur hôte Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brésil), les présidents Hu Jintao et Dmitri Medvedev (Russie) ainsi que le Premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh se sont retrouvés pour une séance plénière suivie d'un dîner au ministère des Affaires étrangères, un bâtiment futuriste dessiné il y a cinquante ans par l'architecte Oscar Niemeyer. Ensemble, les BRIC représentent plus de 40% de la population mondiale et 16% du PIB de la planète et sont la locomotive de la croissance mondiale.Réformer le FMI

A l'issue de ce deuxième sommet - le premier a eu lieu en juin 2009 en Russie -, Manmohan Singh a déclaré que le principal objectif du groupe était la création "d'un nouvel ordre mondial plus démocratique, juste et multipolaire". Dans leur déclaration finale, les dirigeants du BRIC soulignent la nécessité de réformer le Fonds monétaire international et la Banque mondiale, ainsi que le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU afin que ces institutions internationales reflètent mieux le poids grandissant des pays émergents.

Ils ont aussi réaffirmé "l'importance de maintenir une relative stabilité des principales monnaies de réserve" pour une croissance équilibrée à long-terme, dans ce qui apparait comme une allusion à la sous-évaluation du yuan chinois par rapport au dollar.

En revanche, les dirigeants du BRIC ne soufflent mot dans leur déclaration de l'Iran, un sujet qu'ils ont largement abordé dans des rencontres bilatérales au moment où les Occidentaux accentuent leurs pressions pour renforcer les sanctions contre Téhéran qu'ils accusent de chercher à acquérir la bombe atomique sous couvert d'un programme civil. Le président brésilien, hostile aux sanctions et qui prône le dialogue, a indiqué avoir perçu de "grandes affinités" avec les dirigeants chinois et indien sur l'inefficacité des sanctions. "Notre impression, sur laquelle tous deux sont d'accord, est que l'efficacité des sanctions est très discutable", a souligné le ministre brésilien des Affaires étrangères Celso Amorim. Lula, qui a reçu le président iranien Mahmud Ahmadinejab en novembre 2009, doit se rendre en Iran en mai prochain.

Avant ce sommet, Lula et Manmohan Singh avaient accueilli le président sud-africain Jacob Zuma, dans le cadre d'un forum tripartite créé en 2003 et destiné à faire avancer la coopération sud-sud. Le prochain sommet des BRIC aura lieu l'an prochain en Chine.

Data: 16/04/2010-Argentina - Agencia Telam- Medio oriente en el eje de la agenda de paises emergentes

Brasilia, 15 de abril - Los tres principales países emergentes, Brasil, China e India, coincidieron en una solución negociada para Medio Oriente, tanto en el conflicto palestino-israelí como en el problema nuclear con Irán, durante dos cumbres realizadas entre ayer y hoy en Brasilia.

Durante el encuentro, además, se trataron la coyuntura economica mundial, la reforma de las instituciones financieras internacionales, la cooperación y el gobierno global.

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El programa nuclear de Irán fue uno de los temas discutidos hoy por el presidente brasileño, Luiz Lula da Silva con su colega chino, Hu Jintao, y con el primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh.

Ambos mandatarios se reunieron por separado con el presidente brasileño, como parte de los encuentros previos a la cumbre del grupo BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India, China), que los tres celebrarán esta noche junto al dignatario ruso, Dimitri Medvedev.

Según el relato del canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim, que participó en los encuentros, Lula expuso la posición de su gobierno de buscar una solución pacífica y negociada para la cuestión nuclear iraní y cuestionó la eficacia de las sanciones contra Irán que pretende imponer Estados Unidos.

De acuerdo con Amorim, citado por la agencia estatal de noticias Brasil, la impresión es que tanto Hu Jintao como Manmohan Singh, comparten la visión brasileña.

"En estos encuentros, el presidente Lula dio luna explicación sobre lo que hemos hecho en el caso de Irán, y en los comentarios percibimos una gran afinidad de puntos de vista, tanto con uno como con otro", precisó el canciller.

Amorim indicó que el presidente brasileño reiteró la relevancia de que el gobierno iraní tenga flexibilidad en la negociación porque "Irán tiene derecho a su programa nuclear para fines pacíficos, pero es importante también que la comunidad internacional se sienta cómoda de que ese programa no está siendo usado para fines militares", explicó.

La situación de Medio Oriente también fue tratada por los tres países del IBAS (India, Brasil y Africa del Sur) en otra cumbre previa a la del BRIC, pero esta vez con el acento puesto en el conflicto palestino-israelí.

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai - La Diária- Cuestión de orden

Dos cumbres de las principales economías emergentes se están llevando a cabo desde ayer en Brasilia, la del Foro IBSA, que forman Brasil, India y Sudáfrica, y la del grupo de países BRIC -Brasil, Rusia, India y China-, que se abrió con la reunión entre el presidente anfitrión, Lula da Silva, y su par chino, Hu Jintao. Jintao ya regresó a su país, antes de lo previsto, por el terremoto del miércoles, que, según los datos oficiales actualizados ayer, dejó 617 víctimas fatales y 15.000 casas destruidas, con miles de personas que duermen a la intemperie.

Luego de la reunión con Jintao, Lula afirmó que la cumbre de los países BRIC revela una "nueva geografía económica mundial" y aseguró que el grupo "tiene vocación universal", además de valores y preocupaciones comunes.

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El mandatario aseguró que los países presentes buscan "respuestas progresistas para esta globalización asimétrica y disfuncional que vive la humanidad" para lograr un necesario "nuevo orden mundial".

Data: 16/04/2010-EUA - Fox News- BRIC Leaders Call For Change In Global Pecking Order

By Alastair StewartDow Jones Newswires

BRASILIA -(Dow Jones)- The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China late Thursday called for deep reform of the global financial system and multilateral institutions to better reflect the growing importance of emerging nations.

In a joint communique following a meeting of the BRIC group of emerging market giants, the heads of state said the Group of 20 nations would be central to the new economic order and that they would strive for 'an ambitious conclusion' to the 'long overdue' reform of Bretton Wood institutions.

"The BRICs have a vital contribution to make to the creation of a new fairer, multi-polar world order," said Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva during a joint press conference.

While the communique was heavy on demands, it contained few concrete proposals for reform.

The summit was brought forward from Friday at the last minute, after Chinese President Hu Jintao decided to rush back to China following a massive earthquake in Qinghai province early Wednesday.

As expected, the leaders did not discuss the creation of a multinational currency that could replace the dollar in international transactions or complaints about the strength of the Chinese Yuan.

However, they did propose that their respective Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors look at creating 'monetary arrangements' between the countries.

In a six-page statement, the countries called for World Bank voting power reform at the upcoming Spring Meetings and said it expects IMF quota reform later this year.

The BRICs also requested an overhaul of the United Nations, but the leaders did not back Brazil's quest for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, on which China and Russia already sit.

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The term BRIC was created by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill in 2001 to describe this group of populous emerging markets, which promised to become more important economically in coming years.

The heads of state of these countries met for the first time in Russia last year, and Chinese President Hu Jintao confirmed that he would host the next meeting in 2011.

While the BRIC summit yielded nebulous agreements on future goals, there was also business closed in Brasilia Thursday.

A number of Brazilian and Chinese companies signed agreements for oil, telecommunications and steel projects.

Brazil's government-run oil company, Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR: 43.44, 0, 0%), signed agreements with China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (SNP: 86.25, 0, 0%), or Sinopec, and the China Development Bank.

Brazilian telephone company Telemar Norte Leste (TMAR5.BR), also known as Oi, signed a supply deal with China's Huawei Technologies Co., while rival operator Vivo Participacoes (VIV, VIVO4.BR) inked a deal with ZTE Corp. (0763.HK).

Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista and China's Wuhan Iron & Steel Co. (600005.SH) signed an agreement to build a steel mill at the Acu port complex. The deal continues EBX Investimento Ltda.'s strengthening ties with China, after Batista sought investors for his growing portfolio of projects in logistics and iron-ore mining.

Batista's EBX will hold a 30% stake in the steel mill, while Wisco, as the Chinese steelmaker also is known, will retain a 70% share. The plant is expected to have installed annual production capacity of 5 million metric tons of steel products.

Construction of the plant is subject to conclusion of a feasibility study.

(Liu Li contributed to this article.)

Data: 14/04/2010- México – Notimex- Consecuencias de crisis y reforma global en la agenda de los BRIC

Moscú, 14 Abr (Notimex).- La segunda cumbre del grupo BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) buscará este jueves y viernes revertir las consecuencias de la actual crisis y promover la reforma de las instituciones globales, dijo hoy La Voz de Rusia.

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En particular se espera que empuje la reforma del sistema mundial de divisas y de la producción de energía, señaló el comentario puesto en el sitio electrónico de la más antigua radiodifusora rusa.

La cita, en Brasilia, ciudad rusa de los Urales, en junio de 2009.

En la capital brasileña coincidirán los presidentes de Rusia, Dmitri Medvedev, de China, Hu Jintao y el primer ministro indio Mahmohan Singh, además del anfitrión y mandatario brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

El asesor presidencial ruso Arcady Dvorkovich recordó que en el primer decenio del siglo XXI, el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) de los BRIC creció más que el de otras economías mundiales, aunque debajo del nivel de las economías desarrolladas.

Lo anterior significa que Brasil, Rusia, India y China tienen objetivos y prioridades similares, como el desarrollo económico, la actualización tecnológica y el desarrollo de sus sistemas sociales.

Sus prioridades semejantes es lo que determina su potencial de interacción, ya que a través de la cooperación se puede lograr más y en menor tiempo que en forma individual, agregó.

Este martes el coordinador de la cumbre, el embajador brasileño Roberto Jaguaribe, recordó que según datos del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) los BRIC generaron en 2007 el 46.3 por ciento del PIB mundial.

Además, para el periodo 2008-2014 se espera que sean responsables del 61.3 por ciento del PIB global.

En tanto, este miércoles The Times of India publica una colaboración del presidente ruso en la cual subrayó que la cooperación de las cuatro naciones contribuye a ensanchar la seguridad internacional.

Medvedev agregó que los BRIC comparten la perspectiva de que la comunidad internacional debe de resolver sus conflictos a través de medios legales, diplomáticos y políticos más que por el uso de la fuerza.

Desde nuestra perspectiva, subrayó, esa visión es necesaria para ensanchar los principios de las relaciones internacionales y establecer un orden mundial justo y democrático.

Data: 16/04/2010-Uruguai – Brecha- El “dream team” de los países emergentes

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Si la primera sigla mostraba la voluntad de las potencias emergentes de coordinar su voz en el panorama internacional, la segunda tiene un peso decisivo a la hora de formular un nuevo orden multilateral. Primero Brasil impulsó el Ibsa, que suma India más Brasil más Sudáfrica, y ahora, desde 2009, se le añade el bric, donde la principal potencia regional latinoamericana se las entiende con Rusia, India y China.

Ambos grupos de países iniciaron sus reuniones cumbre en Brasilia este jueves 15, respondiendo a la voluntad expresa de buscar “respuestas progresistas para esta globalización asimétrica y disfuncional que vive la humanidad”, según dijo el presidente Lula a la prensa. El mandatario ruso Dimitri Medvedev llegó a la reunión del bric con una intención similar: “la cumbre permitirá a los líderes acordar las vías para intensificar los vínculos en el ámbito internacional, enfocados a fomentar bases comunes en política mundial; reafirmar la posición de Rusia, Brasil, India y China en los diálogos multilaterales sobre la reforma de los institutos de la administración global al formar un sistema internacional justo y democrático”, anunció a la agencia Ria Novosti el asesor de Medvedev, Serguei Prijodko.

En un análisis sobre la incidencia global del grupo, Ria Novosti recordó que a los cuatro países que lo integran les corresponde el 26 por ciento del territorio mundial, el 42 por ciento de la población y el 14,6 por ciento del pbi del mundo. Los últimos años el aporte del bric al crecimiento de la economía mundial superó el 50 por ciento.

Del lado brasileño, el canciller Celso Amorim dijo a la Agencia Brasil que “esas nuevas organizaciones, tanto el bric como el Ibsa, están ayudando a transformar el mundo, pero no de un modo en que ellas se tornen una nueva aristocracia. No queremos ser una elite de los países emergentes ni queremos cambiar la vieja aristocracia del G 8 por otra nueva. Lo que queremos es contribuir a crear un mundo más democrático, un mundo en el que la voz de todos sea escuchada. Ese es el gran papel que el bric y el Ibsa pueden realizar”.

No son palabras en abstracto. Además de las prácticas conjuntas, Brasil ha ido afinando acciones bilaterales con cada uno de los socios. Con China, por ejemplo, hoy viernes 16 Lula y el jefe de gobierno asiático Hu Jintao firmarán en Brasilia un acuerdo con mecanismos permanentes de consulta y coordinación para el próximo quinquenio.

Para el sinólogo Xulio Ríos, colaborador habitual de Brecha, el potencial internacional del bric, tanto en el campo económico-comercial o financiero como en el político y estratégico, alienta un claro reposicionamento del panorama global, militando a favor de un nuevo orden político y económico mundial, menos dependiente, a todos los niveles, de Estados Unidos.

Los países en vías de desarrollo se muestran dispuestos, en primer lugar, a no pagar los platos rotos por la falta de supervisión y control de los capitales financieros, un hecho que pone en serio peligro su proceso de emergencia. La coordinación de estos países les permitirá un considerable impulso político, elevando sus objetivos a una escala mayor para lograr la reforma de la estructura económica global, sin duda la primera de sus aspiraciones.

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Data: 16/04/2010-França - France24- Le Bric préconise une réforme rapide des institutions financières internationales

A l'issue du sommet de Brasilia, les dirigeants des pays du Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ont lancé un appel pour l'établissement d'un nouvel ordre mondial et pour une réforme rapide des institutions financières internationales.

REUTERS - Les dirigeants des quatre grands pays émergents regroupés au sein du groupe Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine), réunis au sommet à Brasilia, ont préconisé jeudi une réforme rapide des institutions financières internationales afin de donner aux pays en développement davantage voix au chapitre.

"Malgré des signes positifs prometteurs, il reste beaucoup à faire. Nous estimons que le monde a besoin aujourd'hui d'une architecture financière réformée et plus stable, qui rendra l'économie mondiale moins sujettes à de futures crises et lui permettra de mieux rebondir."

"Nous pensons qu'il y a grand besoin d'avoir un système monétaire international plus stable, plus prévisible et diversifié", lit-on dans le communiqué finale du sommet.

Selon ce communiqué, les dirigeants demandent au G20 - qui regroupe les pays industrialisés et les grands pays émergents - de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans les prises de décision au niveau mondial.

Les dirigeants du groupe Bric ont tenu leur sommet jeudi soir, un peu plus tôt que prévu car le numéro un chinois, Hu Jintao, a prévu de rentrer prématurément dans son pays, touché mercredi par un violent séisme sur le plateau tibétain, qui a fait 760 morts et 10.000 blessés.

Hu a eu un entretien avec son homologue brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva et les deux hommes ont signé un "plan d'action" sur cinq ans visant à renforcer la coopération énergétique et commerciale entre Pékin et Brasilia.

A l'issue du sommet du Bric, Lula a déclaré que les puissances émergentes avaient un "rôle fondamental" à jouer pour créer un nouvel ordre mondial.

Data: 18/04/2010-Índia - Calcutta News- BRIC, IBSA boost India's drive for UN seat

The stalled drive for expansion of the UN Security Council has gathered momentum with the IBSA and BRIC summits and South Africa backing the G4 initiative, say Indian officials who feel that it will be 'a matter of time before it's taken to its logical conclusion'.

'The initiative to expand the Security Council in both permanent and non-permanent categories has gathered momentum. It's a matter of time before it's taken to its logical conclusion,' said

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senior officials at the end of the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) and Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) summits held in Brasilia Thursday.

Officials cited the endorsement of South Africa for a non-permanent seat for 2011-2012 in the UN Security Council by the 53-nation African Union at its February summit in Addis Ababa as a major step forward in the evolution of the AU consensus on UN reforms.

They also cited South Africa's support to a letter to the UN chair for inter-governmental negotiations for expanding the Security Council, backed by 140 nations, as an indication that the long-stalled drive for the UN reforms is finally moving.

There is no conflict between the AU and G4 nations - of India, Brazil, Germany and Japan - on UN reforms, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma told journalists aboard the prime minister's special aircraft Saturday while returning from Brasilia.

The G4 has now been joined by South Africa, albeit not formally as a group, said Sharma.

According to India's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Hardeep Singh Puri, 'there is clear and discernible momentum but it has to be progressed.'

'Things are likely to come to fruition in 2011-2012,' he said.

Five years ago, the G4 drive for the expansion of the council petered out after the AU failed to evolve a consensus on nominating its candidates for the UN seat from Africa. There were also some differences over the quantum of new additions to the UN Security Council in both permanent and non-permanent categories. 'That's why South Africa's backing is so significant,' an official said.

Putting their collective economic weight behind the BRIC initiative, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev joined in at the BRIC summit to back a greater role for India and Brazil in having a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

'We reiterate the importance we attach to the status of India and Brazil in international affairs, and understand and support their aspirations to play a greater role in the United Nations,' said the joint statement.

Similarly, the IBSA summit held on the same day in Brasilia backed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's call for democratization of international decision-making bodies, including the UN. 'There is an urgent need for reform of the UN, including the Security Council, by making it more democratic and representative,' Manmohan Singh had told Brazilian President Lula da Silva and South African President Jacob Zuma.

During bilateral talks with Manmohan Singh, President Lula reiterated the support of Brazil to India's candidature for a non-permanent seat of the UNSC for 2011-12.

Manmohan Singh underlined this new mood of optimism about expansion of the Security Council and India's place in a restructured world order when he told journalists at the end of his

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eight-day trip to the US and Brazil that 'the world has taken a benign view of India and wants it to succeed.

Data: 16/04/2010-Rússia - Russia Today- BRIC countries have an “interesting and productive” dialogue - Medvedev

The largest emerging economies - known as the BRIC - wrap up a series of meetings in Brasilia. Brazil, Russia, India and China put their heads together to figure out how to withstand the aftermath of the global crisis.

Other topics on the agenda of the discussions included global challenges like creation of a more fair and democratic world system, as well as fighting terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking.

“Our main goal today was bolstering our cooperation in tackling the aftermath of the economic crisis, supporting the international financial institutions and creating a more democratic and fair international system in general,” Medvedev told his BRIC counterparts.

Summing up the meeting, Medvedev described it as “very interesting and productive.”

The summit, initially planned for Friday, was moved forward due to a strong earthquake that hit China and killed at least 700 people and left about 100,000 homeless. As a result, the country’s president, Hu Jintao, had to return to Beijing, while the other three leaders expressed their condolences.

In spite of Jintao’s unfortunate departure, the heads of the world’s top four emerging markets had managed to do quite a lot during their one-day meeting, including bilateral talks that were held on the sidelines of the summit. Overall, the meeting has been deemed a success.

Following the second BRIC summit the leaders issued a communiqué. Among other things, they stressed “the central role played by the G20 in combating the crisis through unprecedented levels of coordinated action,” the document published by Reuters reads.

Also, they expressed “strong commitment to multilateral diplomacy with the United Nations playing the central role in dealing with global challenges and threats”. The leaders have once again called for a reform of the organization in order to make it more “effective, efficient and representative.”

In addition, the leaders reiterated the position voiced on a number of occasions earlier saying that India and Brazil – as important players on the international arena – should “play a greater role” in the UN.

The leaders also urged the necessity for a “reformed and more stable financial architecture that will make the global economy less prone and more resilient to future crises.”

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According to the leaders, “deepened and broadened dialogue and cooperation of the BRIC countries is conducive not only to serving the common interests of emerging market economies and developing countries, but also to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.”

The four leaders have also agreed that China will host the third BRIC summit.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the summit, Russia’s Vnesheconombank, the China Development Bank, Brazil’s National Bank of Social and Economic Development, and the Export-Import Bank of India signed a memorandum that envisages the creation of a common Interbank System.

Its main aim will be financing high-tech, innovation and energy-saving projects.

Business consultant Philip de Leon says that, first and foremost, it is economic interests that bring the four BRIC nations together.

“They are just getting together to do business and if you look at what they have achieved today – it’s not any political declaration or anything; they have just signed contracts. The Chinese signed a major contract with Brazil to build a steel plant. It will be the biggest Chinese investment in Latin America. They also signed an oil partnership agreement. And then everybody else is coming, and since they are around, they are doing business,” he said. “It’s definitely a shift in bilateral relation with a greater focus and diversification, like President Medvedev was in Argentina for the first time ever as a head of state of Russia.”

Data: 16/04/2010-Austrália - Business Spectators- BRIC group urges swift financial reform


BRASILIA - Leading emerging powers have urged swift reform of international financial institutions to give developing countries a greater voice, saying their group was vital to achieving a new world order.

The call from the increasingly influential BRIC countries for more say in global financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came ahead of this month's G20 finance ministers' and IMF meetings in Washington.

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China said that voting share reforms at the World Bank to give developing countries more clout should be approved at the IMF meetings.

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Setting a specific deadline, the group also said those reforms should be completed by a G20 summit in November.

"Brazil, Russia, India and China have a fundamental role in creating a new international order that is more just, representative and safe," Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said after holding talks with his counterparts.

The group has been pushing for reforms since the global financial crisis of 2008, arguing the current system is unfairly dominated by advanced economies such as the United States, Japan and Europe.

The statement said the group would resist all trade protectionism and look into increasing commerce with one another in local currencies, bypassing the US dollar.

But the group, which has rowed back from talk last year of setting up a new reserve currency, stressed the importance of maintaining the stability of major reserve currencies. As the largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds, China is not keen to see the value of its investments diminish.

Despite their economic clout and 40 per cent share of the world's population, differences among the four countries have become more evident since their first summit in Russia last year, exposing the limitations of the group's ambitions.

"We support a multipolar, equitable, democratic and just world order with the (United Nations) playing a central role in tackling global challenges," said Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The BRIC summit, held in Brasilia, was scaled back when Chinese President Hu Jintao decided to go home early to deal with a major earthquake in a remote western region of China.

In one of their few concrete steps toward cooperation, the countries' national development banks signed an accord enabling them to fund projects in one another's countries, the Brazilian national development bank's president said. Luciano Coutinho, the head of the BNDES, said the agreement covered the infrastructure, energy, sustainability and technology sectors.

China, Brazil sign deals

China and Brazil, the largest economies in Asia and Latin America, used the summit to bolster growing ties with trade and investment agreements.

Mr Hu and Mr Lula signed a five-year "action plan" aimed at boosting trade and energy cooperation. The two nations have grown closer in recent years amid a surge in commerce -- in 2009, China became Brazil's top trade partner.

The projects agreed upon included a $US5 billion steel mill at the Acu port in Rio de Janeiro state that would be China's biggest investment in Latin America's largest country, home to some of the world's largest iron ore deposits.

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China's Wuhan Iron and Steel and Brazilian logistics firm LLX Logistica, controlled by billionaire Eike Batista, will build the plant.

China's Sinopec and the country's development bank signed a strategic development agreement with Brazil's state-run oil giant Petrobras, Sinopec chairman Su Shulin told Reuters. Mr Su said the deal would cover the development of Brazilian oil resources and trade with China.

Brazil's recent discovery of vast offshore oil reserves has opened a new area of potential cooperation with resource-hungry China, which agreed last year to lend $10 billion to Petrobras in return for guaranteed oil supply over the next decade.

A Brazilian government source said Lula asked Hu to maintain a dialogue with Iran over its nuclear energy program before the Brazilian leader's planned visit to Tehran next month. Lula has opposed fresh UN sanctions over Iran's nuclear program, arguing they will not work.

China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has also been reluctant to join Western powers in authorising new sanctions against Iran.

Mr Hu and Mr Lula did not discuss China's currency policy, two Brazilian government sources said.

Brazil and the other BRICs were not expected to risk fraying ties with China by pressuring it to allow the yuan to strengthen, despite concerns about the effect of cheap Chinese exports on their economies.

Data: 16/04/2010-Alemanha - Der Tagesspiegel- Superpotências do futuro conversam sobre a substituição do dólar

Uma nova moeda padrão é o assunto de destaque no encontro da China, da Rússia, da Índia e do Brasil.

O Ministro Presidente da Rússia Vladimir Putin acabou de visitar, e agora o Presidente do país, Dimitri Medevedev, viaja pela América Latina. Depois de passar pela Argentina, ele visitará o Brasil onde encontrará ninguém menos que o Chefe de Estado da China Hu Jintao, que por sua vez tem bastante intimidade com a América Latina. Anfitrião dos dois é o Presidente Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, que também convidou o Primeiro-Ministro da Índia, Manmoham Singh.

Juntos, eles formam os estados BRIC, uma sigla composta das iniciais dos países que cientistas políticos consideram as superpotências do século XXI. Quer dizer, aqueles que em breve determinarão a agenda mundial. Conforme avaliação do banco de investimentos Goldman Sachs, os quatro países, que dispõem de 40% da população mundial, um quarto da

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superfície do mundo e um produto interno bruto de quase 35 trilhões, devem tornar-se as potências econômicas dominantes até 2050.

Sob este fundo, a superpotência do século XX. acompanha o encontro com muito interesse. Na última década, os EUA ficaram para trás no seu continente. A negligência política durante o governo de George W. Bush foi acompanhada de uma guinada para a esquerda e a conseqüente reorganização das relações exteriores de Estados como o Brasil, a Argentina, a Venezuela, o Equador e a Bolívia. O Brasil consta entre os críticos mais acentuados da diplomacia comercial de Washington que, conforme a opinião de Lula, consiste em proteger o mercado americano com subsídios ilegítimos e barreiras comerciais e em forçar outros países a abrirem seus próprios mercados.

Este debate inclusive elevou a aliança dos países emergentes ao palco internacional. Em conjunto com a a Índia e a China e com o apóio de muitos outros países emergentes, o Brasil, em 2003, causou o fracasso da cúpula da OMC em Cancun. O conflito com os países industrializados sobre os subsídios agrários até hoje bloqueia outros acordos de liberalização. Outro assunto, não menos controverso, que consta no topo da agenda da cúpula dos países Bric e é um alvo especial de Lula é a substituição do dólar como moeda padrão no comércio entre estes países.

Como as relações econômicas ficaram mais intensas, o assunto não é nada insignificante. Pequim aproveitou com destreza o vácuo que o desinteresse dos norte-americanos e europeus causou. Enquanto nem as negociações entre os EUA e os latino-americanos sobre a zona de livre comércio (Alca) nem as consultas entre a UE e Mercosul avançaram, a China fechou dezenas de acordos comerciais, concedeu créditos, abriu bancos e agências de notícias. Minérios, telecomunicações, transportes, serviços, agricultura e silvicultura são de interesse especial para Pequim. Neste contexto, trata-se também de tecnologias complexas e sensíveis. O volume comercial ente a China e a América Latina chegou, no ano de 2009, a 120 bilhões de dólares. Um terço dos investimentos estrangeiros da China encontra-se na América Latina. A Rússia, por sua vez, está interessada em joint-ventures na produção de petróleo e gás natural.

No entanto, considera-se que ainda falta muito para uma parceria estratégica entre a América Latina e países como a Rússia e a China. O Ex-Primeiro-Ministro da Espanha, Felipe Gonzalez, lembrou há pouco tempo numa discussão pública que o mercado dos EUA ainda é com folga o mais importante mercado para as exportações latino-americanas. A grande influência dos migrantes latino-americanos cria fortes laços entre os Estados Unidos e o resto do continente.

Data: 16/04/2010-França - Rue 89- Les "Bric" peuvent-ils changer la façon dont tourne le monde ?

By Pierre Haski

Un petit globe terrestre sur un porte-clef

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Ils représentent 40% de la population du monde, 15% de son produit intérieur brut, mais surtout 50% de la croissance économique actuelle. Ce sont les Bric (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine), qui se sont réunis jeudi en sommet à Brasilia et qui sont unis sur au moins un objectif : casser le monopole occidental sur la gestion des affaires planétaires.

De fait, le premier à avoir pensé à réunir ces quatre pays n'est pas un stratège altermondialiste, mais une banque d'affaires, Goldman Sachs, qui, en 2003, conçoit l'acronyme et le concept de ces quatre économies émergentes qui méritaient que les investisseurs s'y intéressent.

Le concept a fait son chemin, au point que les quatre pays en question ont progressivement formalisé leur relation pour un faire un vrai club, passant de réunions régulières de ministres des Affaires étrangères à des sommets, le premier l'an dernier à Iekatrinenbourg, en Russie, et le deuxième cette semaine au Brésil.

Les BRICBrésil : 191 millions d'habitants /8,5 millions de km2 /PIB : 1 500 milliards de dollars

Chine : 1,350 milliard d'habitants /9,6 millions de km2 /PIB : 4 758 milliards de dollars

Inde : 1,156 milliard d'habitants /3,2 millions de km2 /PIB : 1209 milliards de dollars

Russie : 141 millions d'habitants /17 millions de km2 /PIB : 1 254 milliards de dollars

Qu'est-ce qui les rassemble?

Ces quatre pays ont un point commun : fortement peuplés (Voir encadré), leurs économies connaissent une croissance robuste depuis au moins une décennie, plus forte que celle des pays industriels, et leur part de l'économie mondiale ne cesse de croître.

Leur caractéristique, c'est aussi d'avoir développé les relations commerciales entre eux, d'avoir fait décoller un commerce « Sud-Sud » jusque-là inexistant.

Ainsi, la Chine a supplanté les Etats-Unis comme premier partenaire commercial du Brésil, et est même en passe de devenir le deuxième partenaire de l'Amérique latine, devant l'Union européenne.

Mais ce qui les rassemble, surtout, c'est une volonté commune de casser l'hégémonie occidentale sur les leviers du monde. Ils ont déjà remporté un premier succès avec la création du G20 qui les a admis à la « table des grands », supplantant le G8 qui ne réunissait que les pays les plus industrialisés (plus la Russie, héritière de l'URSS).

Leurs discussions portent ainsi sur l'idée de faire émerger une monnaie de substitution au dollar ou au moins la possibilité de facturer leurs échanges bilatéraux en monnaie locale, sans passer par la devise de l'Oncle Sam. On en est encore loin, même si le yuan chinois s'impose progressivement dans la zone d'influence chinoise en Asie et pourrait en sortir.

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Pour la première fois, ces pays « émergents » sont en mesure de prendre toute leur part dans la définition des règles du jeu international, au lieu de subir celles que décideraient les Occidentaux. Cette volonté apparaît, par exemple, dans le communiqué final de Brasilia, dans l'allusion du « processus de Doha », c'est-à-dire les négociations au sein de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC).

Avec la réunion de Brasilia, ils ont fait un pas supplémentaire en discutant du dossier nucléaire iranien, une manière de montrer qu'aucun sujet ne leur est tabou, même si leur capacité de médiation dans une affaire aussi délicate reste à prouver.

Qu'est-ce qui les divise ?

A la veille du sommet, un site russe, RIA-Novosti, s'est risqué, dans son édition française, à un jeu de mot : « Brasilia, un sommet de Bric et de broc » [1] (comment dit-on en russe ? ). Pas étonnant que ce soit de Russie que soit venue cette touche d'ironie pour mettre en avant le manque de cohérence de ce nouveau club.

La Russie est en effet une ex-superpuissance qui se vivait autrefois à égalité avec les Etats-Unis, et vient de revivre un peu de ce statut de « Grand » lors de la signature du nouveau traité Start (réduction des armes stratégiques) avec Barack Obama.

Seuls les Etats-Unis et la Russie ont (encore) le potentiel de destruction nucléaire de la planète. Pour Moscou, les Bric sont un pis aller, un marche pied pour reconquérir une influence disparue avec l'URSS. Une ambiguité accentuée par le fait que la Russie a hérité du strapontin de l'URSS au G7 devenu G8.

De fait, les contradictions ne manquent pas au sein de ce quatuor, à commencer par leurs systèmes politiques : régime autoritaire de tradition communiste pour la Chine et post-communisme musclé en Russie, tandis que le Brésil et l'Inde ont des présidents élus dans des scrutins pluralistes et disputés, des sociétés civiles fortes et une liberté d'expression totale.

Leur vision du monde n'est pas nécessairement la même et les grincements de dents entre eux sont légion. L'Inde continue de voir la Chine comme un ennemi potentiel et révise sa doctrine militaire pour pouvoir mener « deux conflits à la fois » (Pakistan ET Chine), tandis que les Brésiliens vivent mal la nature très « Nord-Sud » de leurs échanges avec la Chine (matières premières et produits agricoles contre biens manufacturés).

Les Bric ont néanmoins la capacité de susciter des coalitions ponctuelles, entre eux et élargies (la Turquie a ainsi été associée aux discussions de Brasilia sur l'Iran, l'Afrique du Sud en est l'extension africaine sur les questions économiques) sur des dossiers précis.La fin du monopole occidental

De ce fait, les Bric ont d'ores-et-déjà changé la règle du jeu international en privant les Occidentaux, et singulièrement les Etats-Unis, de leur leadership exclusif sur la marche du monde. Mais cela ne suffit pas à changer le monde.

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Il reste à prouver qu'au-delà de l'influence individuelle indéniable que chacun de ces Etats est en passe d'acquérir à mesure que son poids économique augmente, ils parviendront à forger une cohérence et une influence collective.

Et plus généralement, la question reste ouverte de savoir quel poids ils auront sur la marche du monde : leur ambition est-elle simplement d'être à la table du festin sans en changer la règle du jeu, ou sont-ils porteurs d'autres valeurs ? Ceux qui espéraient que l'affaiblissement américain cède la place à un « autre monde » risquent fort d'être déçus.

Data: 16/04/2010-França - Le Temps- Sommet au Brésil - Appel à un ordre mondial "plus juste"

Brasilia Les dirigeants des quatre grands pays émergents du BRIC se sont réunis jeudi soir à Brasilia. Ce mini-sommet de deux heures s'est conclu par un appel à créer un ordre mondial "plus juste".

Ce sommet, qui réunissait le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde et la Chine, a été dominé par la réforme de la gouvernance mondiale et, dans des discussions informelles, par la question nucléaire iranienne.

Ensemble, les BRIC représentent plus de 40% de la population mondiale et 16% du PIB de la planète et sont la locomotive de la croissance mondiale.

Le sommet a été écourté par le départ précipité du président chinois Hu Jintao pour son pays frappé par un puissant séisme. Qualifiant le tremblement de terre de mercredi d'"énorme désastre", Hu a confirmé qu'il rentrait en Chine dès la fin du sommet, coupant court à une tournée en Amérique latine qui devait le conduire, après le Brésil, au Venezuela et au Chili.

Data: 15/04/2010-Malásia - Malaysian Mirror- Leaders of top emerging economies meet in Brazil

BRASILIA -The leaders of China, India and South Africa have flown into Brazil for two days of talks among the world's top emerging economies.

The main event is a BRIC summit on Friday that brings together the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Chinese President Hu Jintao and South African President Jacob Zuma arrived one after the other in Brasilia late Wednesday, Brazilian officials confirmed.

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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was to arrive Thursday.

India, Brazil and South Africa will hold their own three-way summit on Thursday, while China's Hu and Russia's Medvedev hold a number of bilateral talks.

Hu's presence in Brasilia comes as his country struggles with the aftermath of a quake that killed nearly 600 people in northwestern China.

Singh, Lula, Zuma and visiting Palestinian foreign minister Riad al-Malki will hold talks on Thursday, followed by a meeting between Singh and Lula, then a full gathering of Singh, Lula and Zuma.

Hu, meanwhile, was to hold bilateral meetings with Singh, Zuma and Medvedev on Thursday, according to the Chinese embassy.

After the BRIC summit on Friday, Hu was to hold a brief official visit to Brazil, with which China has trade ties worth 36 billion dollars.

On Saturday, the Chinese president was to fly on to Venezuela for a meeting with President Hugo Chavez, and on Sunday he visits Chile.


Data: 17/04/2010-Cingapura - Asia One- Early BRIC summit wraps up

BRASILIA - Brazil, Russia, India and China wrapped up their second-ever BRIC summit here after sharpening their call for reforms of international institutions and discussing a push to impose more UN sanctions on Iran.

The gathering of the world's top emerging economies Thursday was truncated and brought forward one day to ensure the participation of Chinese President Hu Jintao, who announced he had to race home to oversee the response to the quake.

"Brazil, Russia, India and China have a fundamental role in the construction of a fairer international order," the summit's host, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, told a closing media conference.

Lula, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh all extended their sympathies to Hu and the Chinese people after an earthquake struck northwestern China Wednesday, killing 760 people.

The Chinese president, who flew back to Beijing after the summit to handle what he called "a huge calamity," thanked the leaders for their "solidarity and sympathy."

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Singh called the summit "very successful" and described the BRIC grouping as key to "contributing to world economic growth and prosperity."

Medvedev said the meeting showed that the BRIC format is maturing "and allows us to not only coordinate our efforts but to also make concrete decisions."

A joint statement emphasized the group's intent to see a "multipolar, equitable and democratic world order" that would result from a shake-up of the United Nations and global financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to better reflect the aspirations of their emerging economies.

It also spoke of "the importance of maintaining relative stability of major reserve currencies and sustainability of fiscal policies in order to achieve a strong, long-term balanced economic growth."

That vague clause appeared to refer to China's reluctance to unlink its yuan from the US dollar -- a policy that has boosted China's exports but raised cries of unfair currency manipulation by countries including the United States.

Missing from the statement was any mention of Iran, even though a push by Western nations to obtain more UN sanctions against the Islamic republic figured strongly in several meetings on the sidelines of the BRIC meeting.

A trilateral summit between Brazil, India and South Africa held just before the BRIC summit agreed that more diplomacy was required in the international standoff with Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

Lula, Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma "recognized the right of Iran to develop nuclear programs for peaceful purposes," and underlined "the need for a peaceful and diplomatic solution of the issue."

That language, however, was noticeably missing from the BRIC statement.

The leaders decided to not discuss Iran in their plenary session "but rather concentrate on issues relating to global governance," said Brazil's presidential adviser on international affairs, Marco Aurelio Garcia.

Russia and to a lesser extent China -- both veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council -- have reduced their resistance to the sanctions push in recent weeks.

But Brazil, a non-permanent member of the Security Council, has resolutely defended Iran.

"Our impression... is that the effectiveness of sanctions is debatable," Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim told reporters, adding that Lula had set out that position in talks with the leaders of China and India.

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"President Lula gave an explanation, to provide better transparency, on what we've done in relation with Iran. And we see great affinity with the points of view of each country," Amorim said.

Lula also discussed the issue with Medvedev, Brazilian officials told AFP.

The United States, Britain, France and Germany have been urging the BRIC nations to support sanctions against Iran.

Data: 16/04/2010-Suíça - Schweizerische Depeschenagentur- Schwellenländer fordern rasche Reform der Finanzinstitutionen

Die vier grossen Schwellenländer Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China dringen auf eine rasche Reform der internationalen Finanzinstitutionen, um den unterentwickelten Staaten grösseres Gewicht zu verleihen.

Die sogenannten BRIC-Staaten forderten den Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) am Donnerstag auf, noch in diesem Monat über die Veränderung der Stimmgewichte in der Weltbank zugunsten der ärmeren Länder zu entscheiden. Die Reformen sollten bis zum Gipfel der 20 führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer im November abgeschlossen werden.

"Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China" streben eine neue Weltordnung an, die gerechter, repräsentativer und sicherer ist", sagte der brasilianische Präsident Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva nach einem Treffen mit seinen drei Amtskollegen.

Die Gruppe dringt seit der Weltfinanzkrise von 2008 auf Reformen. Nach ihrer Ansicht sind die Gewichte in Weltbank und IWF unfair zugunsten der USA, Europas und Japans verteilt. So ist der Chef der Weltbank grundsätzlich ein Amerikaner, während ein Europäer an der Spitze des IWF steht.

Gipfel wegen Erdbeben vorverlegt

Das BRIC-Gipfeltreffen war vom Freitag auf Donnerstag vorverlegt und verkürzt worden, weil Chinas Präsident Hu Jintao nach dem schweren Erdbeben in seiner Heimat schnell nach Peking zurückkehren will. Nach einer Plenarsitzung fanden sich die Präsidenten der vier Länder zu einem Abendessen im Aussenministerium ein.

Bei Gesprächen über das umstrittene iranische Atomprogramm waren sich China, Indien und Brasilien nach Angaben des brasilianischen Aussenministers Celso Amorim "einig, dass die Wirksamkeit von Sanktionen sehr fraglich ist".Die USA haben einen UNO-Resolutionsentwurf für ein viertes Sanktionspaket gegen den Iran vorgelegt, über den die fünf Vetomächte des UNO-Sicherheitsrates und Deutschland derzeit in New York beraten.

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Brasiliens Präsident Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, der Irans Staatschef Mahmud Ahmadinedschad im November empfangen hatte, reist selbst im Mai an den Golf. Chinas Präsident Hu sagte seine ursprünglich geplanten Besuche in Venezuela und Chile wegen des Erdbebens ab.

Data: 15/04/2010-China - Beijing Information- Hu Jintao arrive à Brasilia pour le sommet du BRIC et une visite d'Etat

Le président chinois Hu Jintao est arrivé mercredi à Brasilia, capitale du Brésil, pour participer à un sommet des pays du BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine) ainsi qu'une visite d'Etat au Brésil.

Les dirigeants des quatre pays vont discuter de l'économie mondile, de la situation financière, de la réforme du système financier international, le changement climatique et la coopé ration entre les quatre pays, a-t-on appris de sources dioplomatiques.

D'autres activités sont prévues en marge du sommet, y compris un forum d'entrepreneurs, une réunion des banques de développement, une réunion des coopératives et un séminaire des groupes de ré flexion, selon les mêmes sources.

Le porte-parole du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères, Qin Gang, avait indiqué plus tôt ce mois que la Chine souhaite que le sommet examinerait les problèmes mondiaux dans l'esprit de béné fice mutelle, afin de faciliter le redressement de l'économie mondiale, de sauvegarder les intérêts communs des quatre pays et de promouvoir leur coopération.

Les pays du BRIC, considérés comme économies émergeantes, repré sentent 42% de la population mondiale, 14,6% du PIB mondial et 12, 8% du commerce mondial et deviennent une force importante dans la communauté internationale.

Après le sommet du BRIC, le président chinois effectuera une visite d'Etat au Brésil, six ans après son dernier déplacement dans ce pays latino-américain.

Hu Jintao est arrivé à Brasilia en provenance de Washington où il vient d'assister au sommet sur la sécurité nucléaire.

Après le Brésil, le président Hu se rendra au Venezuela et au Chili.

Data: 14/04/2010-México - Rádio Fórmula- Emprende presidente chino gira por Latinoamérica para afianzar lazos

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Pekín.- El presidente chino Hu Jintao inicia hoy en Brasil su gira por América Latina, una región clave para la expansión china y con la cual Pekín ha trabajado los últimos años para afianzar estrechas alianzas políticas y comerciales.

Tras asistir a la cumbre sobre seguridad nuclear en Washington y reunirse con su homólogo estadunidense Barack Obama, Hu Jinato inicia en Brasilia una gira por América Latina con el objetivo de afianzar los lazos con tres países claves en la estrategia china regional: Brasil, Venezuela y Chile.

“La visita de Hu a América Latina, como las anteriores, permitirá una nueva oleada de proyectos económicos entre China y la región”, comentó en la prensa china el exembajador chino en México y Chile, Huang Shikang.

Además de por sus ingentes reservas de materias primas, petróleo y minerales –fundamentales para el crecimiento chino-, América Latina interesa a China para llevar a cabo su estrategia de multilateralismo, que contrarreste a la superpotencia estadunidense, y asegurar el suministro alimenticio de su población.

Brasil, potencia regional que los últimos años estrechó lazos con China, será la primera etapa de la gira de Hu por Latinoamérica, donde tiene previsto reunirse con su homólogo brasileño Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, para suscribir varios convenios de cooperación en diversas áreas (tecnología, energía).

Será en Brasil donde Hu participe además en la segunda cumbre de jefes de Estado del llamado grupo de los BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China), que agrupa a los países donde residen más del 40 por ciento de la población del planeta.

Brasil se ha convertido en un socio de peso creciente para la diplomacia china, después de que China superará el año pasado a Estados Unidos como primer socio comercial del gigante brasileño, con una balanza comercial de 36 mil millones de dólares.

Además, los dos países comparten posturas en cuestiones como el caso nuclear iraní, donde se niegan a la aplicación de sanciones contra Teherán, y en el proyecto de crear una moneda supranacional que desbanque al dólar como divisa internacional por excelencia.

Tras Brasil, Hu tiene previsto visitar Venezuela por primera vez desde que llegó a la presidencia china en 2004, en un gesto que demuestra la importancia que Caracas tiene para Pekín.

“Venezuela es un país amigo importante. El presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez ha visitado China en seis ocasiones. Es el visitante más frecuente a China de todos los líderes latinoamericanos”, indicó a Notimex Xu Shicheng, experto en relaciones entre China y América Latina en la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales (CASS), uno de los think tanks más influyentes del país.

Este acercamiento entre Caracas y Pekín se explica por las reservas petroleras del país latinoamericano, que vende diario 460 mil barriles de petróleo al gigante asiático y pretende aumentar esta cifra a un millón de barriles diarios antes de finales de 2010.

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Aunque China se ha mantenido alejada de la retórica anti-imperialista del presidente Chávez, sí ha estrechado los vínculos políticos con la nación bolivariana, país con el que estableció un fondo común de 12 mil millones de dólares para “promover la cooperación entre los dos países”.

“China está ayudando a Venezuela a construir carreteras, desarrollar la agricultura y la tecnología, en especial en materia de satélites”, indicó Xu, quien escribió una biografía de Chávez en mandarín.

Antes de regresar a Pekín el día 18, Hu tiene previsto visitar Chile, donde China es también el primer socio comercial y los intercambios crecieron considerablemente los últimos años tras la firma de un Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) que ha servido de plataforma para las exportaciones chilenas de cobre y otras materias primas.

Será también la ocasión de que Hu se reúna con el presidente Sebastian Piñera.

La prensa china ha destacado la importancia de la gira de Hu por la región para promover los lazos económicos y políticos, aunque sin hacer mención a las críticas expresadas por algunos países, por la excesiva dependencia de las materias primas en el comercio con China y las inversiones chinas que nunca llegan.

“América Latina es un proveedor masivo de materias primas a China y un importador de manufactura china que cada vez tiene más valor agregado”, resumió en Pekín el experto mexicano Enrique Dussel.

Esto tiene un doble impacto: por una parte, positivo, ya que la creciente demanda china ha dejado entre 23 y 45 mil millones de dólares en la región, pero al no tratarse de manufacturas con valor añadido, ha hecho perder competitividad y empleos a la región.

Algunos expertos y organizaciones han pedido la coordinación de las políticas regionales de América Latina a la hora de abordar la relación con China, con el objetivo de ganar peso en las negociaciones con el gigante asiático.

Data: 18/04/2010-Suíça - Tages Anzeiger-1 Russland markiert Terrain in Lateinamerika

Präsident Medwedew hat jenseits des Atlantiks neue Beziehungen geknüpft. Höhepunkt der Reise war der Bric-Gipfel in Brasilia. Gemeinsam mit Brasilien, Indien und China fordert Russland eine neue, gerechtere Weltordnung.

Russlands Präsident Dmitri Medwedew ist durch Lateinamerika gereist, um alte Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu stärken und neue aufzunehmen. In Argentinien, das er am Mittwoch als erstes russisches Staatsoberhaupt überhaupt besuchte, traf er mit einem Flugzeug voller Unternehmer und Ökonomen ein. Nach einem Treffen mit der argentinischen Präsidentin

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Cristina Fernández de Kirchner unterzeichnete erein Dutzend Abkommen von Raumfahrttechnologie über Atomenergie bis zu Ölgewinnung.

Vor allem bei der Energiegewinnung sehen beide Länder noch Potenzial. Ein Fünftel der argentinischen Energie - Öl, Gas, Wasserkraft - wird nach Medienberichten mithilfe russischer Technik und Ausrüstung verarbeitet. Dieser Anteil soll noch steigen. Russische Kernkraftfirmen bemühen sich um den Bau von zwei Atomkraftwerken in Argentinien. «Wir halten diesen Markt für sehr vielversprechend», zitiert die russische Zeitung «Kommersant» ein Mitglied der Delegation aus Moskau.

Skepsis in den USAIn den vergangenen Jahren hat Russland seine Präsenz jenseits des Atlantiks zusehends ausgebaut, vor allem mit dem venezolanischen Präsidenten und Amerika-Schreck Hugo Chávez, Russlands grösstem Abnehmer für Waffen und Militärgüter in der Region.

Auf die Frage, ob Washington das neue russische Auftreten in der Region nicht mit Skepsis sehe, antwortet Dmitri Medwedew in Argentinien lakonisch, seine amerikanischen Kollegen seien ja schon hier gewesen, nun sei er eben an der Reihe: «Ich hoffe, dass das niemanden stört.» Ansonsten kümmere ihn das nicht weiter.

Die Krönung der Reise durch den Kontinent aber war das Treffen der Bric-Staaten in Brasilien von Donnerstag und Freitag. Zum zweiten Mal kamen die Regierungschefs von Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China zusammen. Sie wollten vor dem G-20-Gipfel am 26./27. Juni im kanadischen Toronto Einigkeit demonstrieren.

Dabei ging es unter anderem um den chinesischen Yuan, den Peking zum Ärger Washingtons künstlich niedrig hält, weil dies Chinas Exportwirtschaft einen Vorteil verschafft. Allerdings hält Moskau diese Frage für eine «innere Angelegenheit Chinas», sagte der Präsidentenberater Arkadi Dworkowitsch gegenüber der Agentur Interfax.

Die vier grossen Schwellenländer drängen auf eine rasche Reform der internationalen Finanzinstitutionen, um den unterentwickelten Staaten grösseres Gewicht zu verleihen. «Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China streben eine neue Weltordnung an, die gerechter, repräsentativer und sicherer ist», sagte der brasilianische Präsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva nach dem Gipfeltreffen mit seinen drei Amtskollegen in Brasilia. Die Bric-Staaten vertreten 40 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung und 50 Prozent des globalen Wirtschaftswachstums.

Seit der Weltfinanzkrise von 2008 drängt die Bric-Gruppe auf Reformen. Nach ihrer Ansicht sind die Gewichte in Weltbank und Internationalem Währungsfonds (IWF) unfair zugunsten der USA, Europas und Japans verteilt. So ist der Chef der Weltbank grundsätzlich ein Amerikaner, während ein Europäer an der Spitze des IWF steht. Die Reformen sollten bis zum Gipfel der 20 führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer abgeschlossen werden.

Bei Gesprächen über das umstrittene iranische Atomprogramm waren sich China, Indien und Brasilien nach Angaben des brasilianischen Aussenministers Celso Amorim «einig, dass die Wirksamkeit von Sanktionen sehr fraglich ist». Russland hingegen lehnt neue Sanktionen nicht grundsätzlich ab. Die USA haben einen UNO-Resolutionsentwurf für ein viertes Sanktionspaket gegen den Iran vorgelegt, über den die fünf Vetomächte des Sicherheitsrates und Deutschland

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derzeit in New York beraten. Brasiliens Präsident Lula da Silva, der den iranischen Präsidenten Mahmoud Ahmadinejad im November empfangen hatte, reist im Mai in den Golfstaat.

Bric-Gipfel vorzeitig beendetChinas Präsident Hu sagte seine ursprünglich geplanten Besuche in Venezuela und Chile wegen des Erdbebens ab. Das Bric-Gipfeltreffen war verkürzt worden, weil Chinas Präsident Hu Jintao nach dem schweren Erdbeben in seiner Heimat schnell nach Peking zurückkehren wollte.

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