COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE ... - … English2_FPTS4s.pdf · internacional) e influir en él, contar con herramientas básicas para continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la

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COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE SONORACOLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE SONORACOLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE SONORACOLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE SONORA Director General Mtro. Jorge Luis Ibarra Mendívil Director Académico Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero Director de Administración y Finanzas C.P. Jesús Urbano Limón Tapia Director de Planeación Mtro. Pedro Hernández Peña WRITTEN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 2WRITTEN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 2WRITTEN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 2WRITTEN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 2 Carta Descriptiva. Copyright ©, 2010 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora todos los derechos reservados. Primera edición 2011. Impreso en México. DIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur Hermosillo, Sonora. México. C.P. 83280 Registro ISBN, en trámite.

COMISIÓN ELABORADORA: Elaborador: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Revisión Disciplinaria: Viridiana Vidal Trasviña Corrección de Estilo: Diana Patricia Lugo Peñúñuri Apoyo Metodológico: Jesús Moisés Galaz Duarte Supervisión Académica: Luz María Grijalva Díaz Equipo Técnico RIEMS Diseño: Joaquín Rivas Samaniego María Jesús Jiménez Duarte Grupo Editorial: Cynthia Deyanira Meneses Avalos Coordinación Técnica: Claudia Yolanda Lugo Peñúñuri Diana Irene Valenzuela López Coordinación General: Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero

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Semestre: Cuarto Tiempo asignado: Horas Créditos: En este programa encontrará: Las competencias genéricas y competencias disciplinares relativas a WRITTEN ENGLISH COMMUNICACTION 2 integradas en bloques de aprendizaje, que buscan desarrollar unidades de competencias específicas.

Campo de conocimiento: Componente:

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Las competencias genéricas son aquellas que todos los bachilleres deben estar en la capacidad de desarrollar al permitirle a los estudiantes comprender su entorno (local, regional, nacional o internacional) e influir en él, contar con herramientas básicas para continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida, y practicar una convivencia adecuada en sus ámbitos social, profesional, familiar, etc.; en razón de lo anterior estas competencias construyen el Perfil del Egresado del Sistema Nacional de Bachillerato. A continuación se enlistan las competencias genéricas: 1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que persigue. 2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones en distintos géneros. 3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables. 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados. 5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos. 6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva. 7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida. 8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. 9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región, México y el mundo. 10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales. 11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables.

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1. Organiza su formación continua a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional.1. Organiza su formación continua a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional.1. Organiza su formación continua a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional.1. Organiza su formación continua a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional. Atributos: • Reflexiona e investiga sobre la enseñanza y sus propios procesos de construcción del conocimiento. • Incorpora nuevos conocimientos y experiencias al acervo con el que cuenta y los traduce en estrategias de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. • Se evalúa para mejorar su proceso de construcción del conocimiento y adquisición de competencias, y cuenta con una disposición favorable para la evaluación docente y de pares. • Aprende de las experiencias de otros docentes y participa en la conformación y mejoramiento de su comunidad académica. • Se mantiene actualizado en el uso de la tecnología de la información y la comunicación. • Se actualiza en el uso de una segunda lengua. 2. Domina y estructura los saberes para facilitar experiencias de aprendizaje significativo.2. Domina y estructura los saberes para facilitar experiencias de aprendizaje significativo.2. Domina y estructura los saberes para facilitar experiencias de aprendizaje significativo.2. Domina y estructura los saberes para facilitar experiencias de aprendizaje significativo. Atributos: • Argumenta la naturaleza, los métodos y la consistencia lógica de los saberes que imparte. • Explicita la relación de distintos saberes disciplinares con su práctica docente y los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. • Valora y explicita los vínculos entre los conocimientos previamente adquiridos por los estudiantes, los que se desarrollan en su curso y aquellos otros que conforman un plan de estudios. 3. Planifica los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje atendiendo al enfoque por competencias, y los ubica en contextos disc3. Planifica los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje atendiendo al enfoque por competencias, y los ubica en contextos disc3. Planifica los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje atendiendo al enfoque por competencias, y los ubica en contextos disc3. Planifica los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje atendiendo al enfoque por competencias, y los ubica en contextos disciplinares, curriculares y sociales amplios.iplinares, curriculares y sociales amplios.iplinares, curriculares y sociales amplios.iplinares, curriculares y sociales amplios. Atributos: • Identifica los conocimientos previos y necesidades de formación de los estudiantes, y desarrolla estrategias para avanzar a partir de ellas. • Diseña planes de trabajo basados en proyectos e investigaciones disciplinarios e interdisciplinarios orientados al desarrollo de competencias. • Diseña y utiliza en el salón de clases materiales apropiados para el desarrollo de competencias. • Contextualiza los contenidos de un plan de estudios en la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes y la realidad social de la comunidad a la que pertenecen. 4. Llev4. Llev4. Llev4. Lleva a la práctica procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de manera efectiva, creativa e innovadora a su contexto institucional.a a la práctica procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de manera efectiva, creativa e innovadora a su contexto institucional.a a la práctica procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de manera efectiva, creativa e innovadora a su contexto institucional.a a la práctica procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de manera efectiva, creativa e innovadora a su contexto institucional. Atributos: • Comunica ideas y conceptos con claridad en los diferentes ambientes de aprendizaje y ofrece ejemplos pertinentes a la vida de los estudiantes. • Aplica estrategias de aprendizaje y soluciones creativas ante contingencias, teniendo en cuenta las características de su contexto institucional, y utilizando los recursos y materiales disponibles de manera adecuada.

• Promueve el desarrollo de los estudiantes mediante el aprendizaje, en el marco de sus aspiraciones, necesidades y posibilidades como individuos, y en relación a sus circunstancias socioculturales. • Provee de bibliografía relevante y orienta a los estudiantes en la consulta de fuentes para la investigación. • Utiliza la tecnología de la información y la comunicación con una aplicación didáctica y estratégica en distintos ambientes de aprendizaje.

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5. Evalúa los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje con un 5. Evalúa los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje con un 5. Evalúa los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje con un 5. Evalúa los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje con un enfoque formativo.enfoque formativo.enfoque formativo.enfoque formativo. Atributos: • Establece criterios y métodos de evaluación del aprendizaje con base en el enfoque de competencias, y los comunica de manera clara a los estudiantes. • Da seguimiento al proceso de aprendizaje y al desarrollo académico de los estudiantes. • Comunica sus observaciones a los estudiantes de manera constructiva y consistente, y sugiere alternativas para su superación. • Fomenta la autoevaluación y coevaluación entre pares académicos y entre los estudiantes para afianzar los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. 6. Construye ambientes para el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo.6. Construye ambientes para el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo.6. Construye ambientes para el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo.6. Construye ambientes para el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo. Atributos: • Favorece entre los estudiantes el autoconocimiento y la valoración de sí mismos. • Favorece entre los estudiantes el deseo de aprender y les proporciona oportunidades y herramientas para avanzar en sus procesos de construcción del conocimiento. • Promueve el pensamiento crítico, reflexivo y creativo, a partir de los contenidos educativos establecidos, situaciones de actualidad e inquietudes de los estudiantes. • Motiva a los estudiantes en lo individual y en grupo, y produce expectativas de superación y desarrollo. • Fomenta el gusto por la lectura y por la expresión oral, escrita o artística. • Propicia la utilización de la tecnología de la información y la comunicación por parte de los estudiantes para obtener, procesar e interpretar información, así como para expresar ideas. 7. Contribuye a la generación de un ambiente que facilite el desarrollo sano e integral de los estudiantes.7. Contribuye a la generación de un ambiente que facilite el desarrollo sano e integral de los estudiantes.7. Contribuye a la generación de un ambiente que facilite el desarrollo sano e integral de los estudiantes.7. Contribuye a la generación de un ambiente que facilite el desarrollo sano e integral de los estudiantes. Atributos: • Practica y promueve el respeto a la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales entre sus colegas y entre los estudiantes. • Favorece el diálogo como mecanismo para la resolución de conflictos personales e interpersonales entre los estudiantes y, en su caso, los canaliza para que reciban una atención adecuada. • Estimula la participación de los estudiantes en la definición de normas de trabajo y convivencia, y las hace cumplir. • Promueve el interés y la participación de los estudiantes con una conciencia cívica, ética y ecológica en la vida de su escuela, comunidad, región, México y el mundo. • Alienta que los estudiantes expresen opiniones personales, en un marco de respeto, y las toma en cuenta. • Contribuye a que la escuela reúna y preserve condiciones físicas e higiénicas satisfactorias. • Fomenta estilos de vida saludables y opciones para el desarrollo humano, como el deporte, el arte y diversas actividades complementarias entre los estudiantes. • Facilita la integración armónica de los estudiantes al entorno escolar y favorece el desarrollo de un sentido de pertenencia. 8. Participa en los proyectos de mejora continua de su escuela y apoya la gestión institucional.8. Participa en los proyectos de mejora continua de su escuela y apoya la gestión institucional.8. Participa en los proyectos de mejora continua de su escuela y apoya la gestión institucional.8. Participa en los proyectos de mejora continua de su escuela y apoya la gestión institucional. Atributos:

• Colabora en la construcción de un proyecto de formación integral dirigido a los estudiantes en forma colegiada con otros docentes y los directivos de la escuela, así como con el personal de apoyo técnico pedagógico.

• Detecta y contribuye a la solución de los problemas de la escuela mediante el esfuerzo común con otros docentes, directivos y miembros de la comunidad. • Promueve y colabora con su comunidad educativa en proyectos de participación social. • Crea y participa en comunidades de aprendizaje para mejorar su práctica educativa.

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A) A) A) A) PRESENTACIÓN DEL MÓDULO:PRESENTACIÓN DEL MÓDULO:PRESENTACIÓN DEL MÓDULO:PRESENTACIÓN DEL MÓDULO: "La enseñanza basada en la instrucción implica que la tarea a realizar, consiste en que el profesor transmita a sus alumnos conocimientos o destrezas que él domina. En la enseñanza basada en el descubrimiento, el profesor introduce a sus alumnos en situaciones seleccionadas o diseñadas de modo tal que presenten, en forma implícita u oculta, los principios de conocimiento que desea enseñarles" (STENHOUSE, L.; 1987). El módulo se encuentra integrado por bloques, los cuales a la vez están constituidos por secuencias didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica secuencia didáctica secuencia didáctica secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de actividades organizadas en tres momentos: a) Inicio, b) Desarrollo, c) Cierre. Las actividades de inicio actividades de inicio actividades de inicio actividades de inicio son aquellas, a partir de las cuales es posible identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los saberes, las preconcepciones y los conocimientos previos de los alumnos. A partir de tal identificación y recuperación, se realizan las actividades de desarrollo actividades de desarrollo actividades de desarrollo actividades de desarrollo mediante las cuales se introducen nuevos conocimientos científico–técnicos para relacionarlos con los identificados y recuperados en las actividades de apertura. Las actividades de cierre actividades de cierre actividades de cierre actividades de cierre son aquellas que permiten al educando hacer una síntesis de las actividades de apertura y de desarrollo, síntesis entendida como aquella que incluye los conceptos conceptos conceptos conceptos fundamentales y subsidiarios, fundamentales y subsidiarios, fundamentales y subsidiarios, fundamentales y subsidiarios, construidos durante estas actividades. Entonces, al realizar una secuencia didáctica se desarrolla la dimensión fáctica o de conocimiento dimensión fáctica o de conocimiento dimensión fáctica o de conocimiento dimensión fáctica o de conocimiento para introducir al educando al mundo científicomundo científicomundo científicomundo científico––––técnico.técnico.técnico.técnico. Introducir al educando a este mundo es fundamental, pero insuficiente. Es absolutamente necesario abrirle las puertas del mundo de los procedimientos mundo de los procedimientos mundo de los procedimientos mundo de los procedimientos de tal manera que sea posible desarrollar la dimdimdimdimensión procedimental o metodológica. ensión procedimental o metodológica. ensión procedimental o metodológica. ensión procedimental o metodológica. Por lo tanto, durante la realización de cada actividad de una secuencia didáctica es primordial que, además se recuperen e identifiquen los procedimientos que utilizan o conocen los educandos para, en las actividades de desarrollo, introducirlos a nuevos conocimientos procedimentales o metodológicos. En las actividades de cierre, la síntesis consiste en dar cuenta no sólo de los contenidos fácticos, sino también de los procedimentales. Abrir a los educandos el mundo científico–técnico y el de los procedimientos, también es primordial, pero igualmente insuficiente. Es forzoso abrirles las puertas del mundo de lo axiológico, mundo de lo axiológico, mundo de lo axiológico, mundo de lo axiológico, a fin de desarrollar ellos la dimensión valoral o actitudinal. dimensión valoral o actitudinal. dimensión valoral o actitudinal. dimensión valoral o actitudinal. Como consecuencia, durante el desarrollo de cada actividad de una secuencia didáctica es primordial, además de desarrollar los contenidos fácticos y procedimentales, que en cada una de las actividades se desarrollen actitudes, que les permitan lograr un aprendizaje integral. Las secuencias didácticas son integradoras, es decir:

� Responden a los intereses de los educandos. � Permiten relacionar tales intereses con las exigencias y los retos comunitarios, estatales, regionales, nacionales y mundiales.

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� Se relacionan con la vida cotidiana de los educandos. � Permite relacionar la vida cotidiana con el conocimiento científico–técnico. � Es posible relacionar, en torno al aprendizaje, más de un contenido fáctico de una misma asignatura. � Permiten relacionar contenidos fácticos o conceptuales de más de una asignatura. � Desarrollan contenidos procedimentales. � Se promueve el desarrollo de valores en el educando.

Se seleccionaron actividades de aprendizaje que promueven:

� La realización en forma integrada de operaciones intelectuales, actividades físicas y afectivas. � La participación activa de los educandos en la construcción de sus procesos de aprendizaje. � El trabajo grupal, la confrontación y la construcción conjunta. � La relación teoría–práctica. � El desarrollo de competencias en resolución de problemas, en las cuales no sólo opera la racionalidad técnica sino también la comprensión del sentido de la situación, la improvisación. � El trabajo sobre los aspectos actitudinales del aprendizaje, vinculados con los conceptos y procedimientos como parte de un todo.

� El aporte integrado de las distintas disciplinas en la construcción de las capacidades propuestas a partir de la idea de que las capacidades traducen, de hecho, saberes interdisciplinarios. � La flexibilidad y la creatividad en relación con tiempos variados, espacios diversificados y condiciones contextuales cambiantes.

El uso combinado de estrategias dará lugar a que en el desarrollo del módulo se realicen distintos tipos de actividades. Algunas de ellas son:

� Exposición por parte de los/las docentes. � Exposición por parte de los/las alumnos. � Producción de informes. � Investigaciones. � Utilización de la metodología de taller, que vincula procesos de producción con reflexión. � Trabajos en colaboración. � Trabajos individuales. � Discusiones y debates grupales. � Análisis de casos. � Dramatizaciones. � Demostraciones.

B) B) B) B) EVALUACIÓN POR COMPETENCIASEVALUACIÓN POR COMPETENCIASEVALUACIÓN POR COMPETENCIASEVALUACIÓN POR COMPETENCIAS Definido por la Real Academia como “señalar el valor de una cosa” la evaluación, en el proceso educativo es un instrumento que forma parte del proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje, imprescindible para apreciar el aprovechamiento del estudiante, verificar en qué medida ha logrado las competencias previstas y para que el docente mida su propia intervención educativa, reajustar así sus actividades subsiguientes.

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La evaluación se convierte en un proceso más de la enseñanza – aprendizaje y presenta las siguientes características: � Formativa y formadoraFormativa y formadoraFormativa y formadoraFormativa y formadora: ayuda al proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje, no tiene carácter de selección, en el sentido de ser un juicio que consagra a unos y condena a otros. � ContinuaContinuaContinuaContinua: permanente durante todo el proceso y no se limita sólo al momento del examen. � IntegralIntegralIntegralIntegral: integra los contenidos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales. � SistemáticaSistemáticaSistemáticaSistemática: se realiza de acuerdo a un plan y criterios preestablecidos. � OrientadoraOrientadoraOrientadoraOrientadora: tanto del estudiante en su proceso de aprendizaje, como al docente en su capacidad de enseñar. � CooperativaCooperativaCooperativaCooperativa: procura que en el proceso de evaluación se integren todas las personas involucradas en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje. � FlexibleFlexibleFlexibleFlexible: depende de la situación contextual en que se desarrollan los estudiantes y en los acontecimientos inesperados que se puedan presentar.

La evaluación por competencias difiere del método de evaluación tradicional, evita que el docente se transforme en un juez más que en un maestro y que el estudiante aparezca como un interrogado, donde hay que encontrar específicamente lo que no sabe, hace que el estudiante se sienta más un acusado que un discípulo y que los períodos de exámenes se conviertan en un tiempo de tensiones, nerviosismo o fobias, transformándose en una especie de tortura psicopedagógica que llega a producir insomnio, pérdida de apetito, depresión y ansiedad. En la evaluación por competencias es importante definir qué es lo que se va a evaluar (objetivo de la evaluación) se plantea evaluar la capacidad de los estudiantes, de interrelacionar lo aprendido y la manera creativa de resolver los problemas (evaluación conceptual). Otro aspecto importante es la evaluación del manejo de métodos, técnicas, destrezas y habilidades específicas (evaluación procedimental), finalmente se evalúan los aspectos que tienen que ver con la personalidad, el modo de ser y hacer del estudiante (evaluación actitudinal). La evaluación debe ser continua y permanente, sin embargo existen tres momentos claves para ello:

� Evaluación inicial, diagnósticaEvaluación inicial, diagnósticaEvaluación inicial, diagnósticaEvaluación inicial, diagnóstica:::: proporciona al docente la información de las competencias previas adquiridas en los niveles anteriores, establece el nivel de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes, valores, etc., que los estudiantes tienen al inicio de la tarea docente.

� Evaluación formativaEvaluación formativaEvaluación formativaEvaluación formativa: o evaluación de proceso, se realiza durante el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje, es el seguimiento que se da a lo largo del proceso e informa de los progresos del estudiante y las dificultades que va encontrando, proporciona, elementos de juicio que sirven para reajustar los métodos y estrategias pedagógicas.

� Evaluación sumativa o de productoEvaluación sumativa o de productoEvaluación sumativa o de productoEvaluación sumativa o de producto: se realiza al final del proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, es el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en cuanto al aprendizaje de los estudiantes, certifica y legitima en el sistema educativo, la promoción del estudiante a un nivel superior.

Desde una perspectiva constructiva la evalla evalla evalla evaluación es un proceso dinámico, uación es un proceso dinámico, uación es un proceso dinámico, uación es un proceso dinámico, es decir, la evaluación no son momentos de asignación de calificaciones “objetivas” y fragmentadas del proceso de aprendizaje, marcados por la aplicación de dos, tres... exámenes parciales. Tampoco es el final del proceso educativo. La evaluación constructiva es un proceso continuo que se realiza a lo largo de las secuencias didácticas, por tanto, la evaluación diagnóstica, formativa y sumativa se convierten, también, en un proceso continuo, dinámico e interrelacionado. Esto significa que al realizar las actividades de apertura, desarrollo y cierre es posible diagnosticar, a la vez que identificar los aprendizajes significativos producidos por los educandos. El criterio para la asignación de porcentajes es: examen hasta 40 %, actividades mínimo 60 %.El criterio para la asignación de porcentajes es: examen hasta 40 %, actividades mínimo 60 %.El criterio para la asignación de porcentajes es: examen hasta 40 %, actividades mínimo 60 %.El criterio para la asignación de porcentajes es: examen hasta 40 %, actividades mínimo 60 %. Todo ello fortalece la siguiente competencia docente y sus atributos.

5. Evalúa los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje con un enfoque formativo.

Atributos: � Establece criterios y métodos de evaluación del aprendizaje con base en el enfoque de competencias, y los comunica de manera clara a los estudiantes. � Da seguimiento al proceso de aprendizaje y al desarrollo académico de los estudiantes.

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� Comunica sus observaciones a los estudiantes de manera constructiva y consistente, y sugiere alternativas para su superación. � Fomenta la autoevaluación y coevaluación entre pares académicos y entre los estudiantes para afianzar los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje.

CUADROS DE EVALUACIÓNCUADROS DE EVALUACIÓNCUADROS DE EVALUACIÓNCUADROS DE EVALUACIÓN Después de cada una de las actividades establecidas en el módulo de aprendizaje se encuentra un cuadro, el cual tiene como finalidad:

� Hacer del conocimiento del alumno los aspectos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales que serán tomados en cuenta en el proceso continuo de evaluación. � Que el docente solicite al alumno escriba el puntaje asignado a la actividad, así como que registre la evaluación otorgada de acuerdo a los saberes alcanzados. � Promover en el estudiante la autoevaluación y la coevaluación, es decir al término de cada actividad de forma individual y en base a los saberes requeridos, realizará el ejercicio de

autoevaluación tomando en cuenta la escala de evaluación y asignándose la que le corresponda. (No Competente NC, Medianamente Competente MC, ó Competente C). � Cuando la actividad se realice en forma colaborativa se llevará a cabo la coevaluación, es decir al término de cada actividad de forma grupal y en base a los saberes requeridos, realizarán el

ejercicio de co–evaluación tomando en cuenta la escala de evaluación y asignándose la que le corresponda. (No Competente NC, Medianamente Competente MC, ó Competente C). EvaluaciónEvaluaciónEvaluaciónEvaluación

Actividad: Producto: Puntaje: SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes

Conceptual Procedimental Actitudinal

Autoevaluación C MC NC Calificación

otorgada por el docente

CCCC)))) ACTIVIDADES DENTRO DE LAS ACADEMIAS PARA EL ABORDAJE DE LA CARTA DESCRIPTIVA Y LOS MÓDULOS DE APRENDIZAJE.ACTIVIDADES DENTRO DE LAS ACADEMIAS PARA EL ABORDAJE DE LA CARTA DESCRIPTIVA Y LOS MÓDULOS DE APRENDIZAJE.ACTIVIDADES DENTRO DE LAS ACADEMIAS PARA EL ABORDAJE DE LA CARTA DESCRIPTIVA Y LOS MÓDULOS DE APRENDIZAJE.ACTIVIDADES DENTRO DE LAS ACADEMIAS PARA EL ABORDAJE DE LA CARTA DESCRIPTIVA Y LOS MÓDULOS DE APRENDIZAJE. Una de las características de los planes y programas de estudio reside en la flexibilidad, misma que es considerada como las adecuaciones que el docente realiza de los saberes requeridos así como de las estrategias didácticas y actividades de aprendizaje con el fin de ubicarlas al contexto, es decir a las necesidades y características del alumno, de las condiciones culturales y materiales del lugar donde se lleva a cabo el proceso enseñanza–aprendizaje. En el diseño y elaboración de los módulos de aprendizaje se tomó en cuenta la pertinencia de las actividades con el fin de que se integraran cada uno de los saberes, de tal manera que la evaluación sea parte del proceso y se lleve a cabo de forma continua y holística; así también que las mismas sean aplicables en cada una de las comunidades educativas. Sin embargo es necesario mencionar que en forma colegiada cada una de las asignaturas tiene la libertad para valorar la pertinencia de las actividades; y en caso de no considerarla adecuada, será necesario diseñar una que sustituya la del módulo; cabe aclarar que no es recomendable eliminar actividades sin sustitución, porque se caería de nueva cuenta en el aprendizaje memorístico. Los Los Los Los contenidos y el orden de los mismos no pueden modificarse, responden a los planes y programas diseñados por la Direcccontenidos y el orden de los mismos no pueden modificarse, responden a los planes y programas diseñados por la Direcccontenidos y el orden de los mismos no pueden modificarse, responden a los planes y programas diseñados por la Direcccontenidos y el orden de los mismos no pueden modificarse, responden a los planes y programas diseñados por la Dirección General de Bachillerato.ión General de Bachillerato.ión General de Bachillerato.ión General de Bachillerato. Asumiendo la misma dinámica que la anterior, los docentes de las asignaturas decidirán de forma conjunta el tiempo que le darán a cada una de las secuencias didácticas, qué actividades se realizarán dentro y fuera del aula, así como el puntaje que se le otorgará a cada una. Con la finalidad de desarrollar las siguientes competencias docentes, es necesario que se justifique en caso dado el porqué de la sustitución de las actividades así como que se asiente en acta de academia la calendarización de las secuencias didácticas. 1. Organiza su formación continua a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional.

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� Aprende de las experiencias de otros docentes y participa en la conformación y mejoramiento de su comunidad académica. 3. Planifica los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje atendiendo al enfoque por competencias, y los ubica en contextos disciplinares, curriculares y sociales amplios. Atributos:

� Identifica los conocimientos previos y necesidades de formación de los estudiantes, y desarrolla estrategias para avanzar a partir de ellas. � Diseña planes de trabajo basados en proyectos e investigaciones disciplinarias e interdisciplinarias orientados al desarrollo de competencias. � Diseña y utiliza en el salón de clases materiales apropiados para el desarrollo de competencias. � Contextualiza los contenidos de un plan de estudios en la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes y la realidad social de la comunidad a la que pertenecen.

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Capacitación: Capacitación: Capacitación: Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignatura: Written English CommunicationNombre de la asignatura: Written English CommunicationNombre de la asignatura: Written English CommunicationNombre de la asignatura: Written English Communication 2 2 2 2

Bloque 1 : Bloque 1 : Bloque 1 : Bloque 1 : The world we live inThe world we live inThe world we live inThe world we live in

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica 1: Everything about foodSecuencia didáctica 1: Everything about foodSecuencia didáctica 1: Everything about foodSecuencia didáctica 1: Everything about food

• Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Solicita y da información referente a actividades vacacionales, lugares y alimentos; identifica problemas ecológicos y propone soluciones.

Temas: Temas: Temas: Temas: o Going to a Restaurant o Recipes


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes Estrategias enseñanza aprendizajeEstrategias enseñanza aprendizajeEstrategias enseñanza aprendizajeEstrategias enseñanza aprendizaje

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno


Identifies vocabulary, spelling, and facts about previous knowledge.

Practices vocabulary, spelling and facts about food.

Shows independence when practicing previous knowledge.

-Introduces the theme of the unit, asks the students some general questions about their eating habits and food preferences, example: What’s your favorite food

or dish?

-Helps students to answer the two first words in the crossword puzzle. Example: 1donwn=bar 2 across= cook. -Get students to use a dictionary and teaches

-Answer the teacher’s questions about eating habits and food preferences. -Starts answering the crossword puzzle. -Compares responses in with partners.

Crossword Puzzle as Ice breaker.

Module. Dictionary.

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them independence in learning when letting them work individually. -Elicits and check the puzzle around the class after students have already compare responses.


Identifies vocabulary, spelling, and facts about previous knowledge.

Applies vocabulary, spelling, and previous knowledge about foods.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

-Tells students to identify pictures and answer questions and points out that the results will detect their previous knowledge. -Find out if there any words that students don’t know and gives hints in activity 2a. -Checks the student’s activities and gives feedback.

-Identifies different kinds of food and write the name under the pictures. -Answers the questions and listens to the teacher’s hints.

Diagnosis Exam. Module.

3333 Introduces the theme of food using ethnic dishes.

Recognizes ethnic dishes and writes about dishes in her/his community.

Shows initiative and interest when acknowledging about ethnic dishes.

-Asks questions about ethnic food like: What is your favorite Mexican dish? What’s it made of? Etc. -Helps students find out the ingredients of each ethnic dish in activity 3a, Answer Key:Answer Key:Answer Key:Answer Key: 1= Mexican dish 2= Lebanese dish 3= American 4=Brazilian 5= Thai dish

-Looks at the dishes, identify them using the dictionary, listens to teacher’s explanation. - Matches the ingredients needed to cook the ethnic dishes. Writes the name of the dish below the corresponding ingredients. -Compares responses in pairs and listen to the teacher’s answers given

Written report. Module. Dictionary.

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6= African dish 3b. Divides the class into teams of 3, lets students practice the conversation. Walks around the class to give helpful feedback in their performance.

as feedback. -Practices the conversation with partners.


Verifies knowledge of the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups in order to plan nutritious meals.

Applies information of the food guide pyramid and its groups to classify them in categories.

Shows initiative and interest when acknowledging about food guide pyramid and the basic food groups.

-Explain to students each part of the food guide pyramid. Discuss the number of servings of each food group that should be consumed daily in order to receive the nutrients that are part of a healthful diet.

-Listens to the teacher’s explanation and writes the food group that each picture belongs to and what they provide. -Fills in the table in activity 4a choosing ingredients from exercise 3a and 3c in the corresponding food group. Completes the table with other ingredients.

Vocabulary list.


Classifies and selects information about the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups.

Reads information of the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups to answer questions.

Appreciates information acquired about the food guide pyramid.

-Uses pre-reading questions, asks students to write a pyramid on the board and each student pass to explain it to the class. -Asks students to read the article and help with unfamiliar words. Asks students to answer questions and has them compare answers with partners.

-Volunteers to pass to the board to participate in the pre-reading activity. -Reads the article and circle or highlight any unfamiliar word and ask it to the teacher.

Reading Comprehension.

Module. Dictionary. Board. Markers.


Selects information and uses dictionary to look for new words.

Applies information about the food guide pyramid and searches for new

Shows interest when acknowledging new information

-Tells students to write their guess and has them discuss with partner then students look in the

-Answer the true or false activity and then write the correct statements to replace

Dictionary word list. Module. Dictionary.

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words in the dictionary.

and words. dictionary for the meaning. -Tells students to do the true-false task. Reminds them to write the correct information for each false statement.

the false statements.


Organizes questions and then integrates the results in the graph.

Practices making questionnaire’s questions; discusses results with other teams, and reports results.

Shows interest when keeping track of what he/she eats in a day and to share information with classmates.

-Explains to keep track of everything they eat in a day and give example of goal, example: I’m going to have oats for breakfast. -Promotes a discussion by making students compare the table. -Organizes students in teams of 3, tells them to ask questions each other.

-Keeps truck of everything he/she eats and fill out the table with all the information. - Compare the table with partners’ table by presenting it in class. -Asks questions between the partners and write the answers in the chart. -Discuss the answers with other teams. Counts the students that had more of each group. Makes a graph and then present it in class, on the board, or on a cardboard.

Report and Chart.

Module. Board. Markers. Cardboard.

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Classifies information to complete charts with his/her own information.

Reports information from his/her own experience.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

-Goes back to activity 4 and reads information so that the students can complete charts. -Starts asking questions about experience in eating different kinds of food and as a basis for a discussion.

-Complete charts with information taken from the pyramid in activity 4, 4a, and 4b. -Discusses with partners about own experience in eating habits. -Writes paragraphs about own experience in eating habits.

Paragraphs Module.


Orders a collage clarifying and visualizing ideas about food groups.

Creates a collage to visualize and clarify ideas about food groups.

Shows initiative when working in satisfying exercises of collage’s creativity.

-Asks the Ss to bring packages or boxes of assorted food products, then divides the class into groups and tells them to divide the assorted food products; the groups will then divide the products into the correct categories and list them on a separate sheet of paper.

-Brings packages and boxes of assorted food products. -Divides the assorted food products and then divide them into correct categories, list them on separate paper. -Presents the Collage to the class.


Module. Packages and boxes. Glue. Scissors.


Identifies the new theme: At a restaurant, uses information to make and answer questions.

Applies information to write a paragraph, forms and answer questions.

Collaborates with his/her partner on the activities developed by pairs.

-Gives information so that the students can ask questions from the chart and to write a paragraph. -Gives Role play instructions where student A is the customer and student B is the waiter/waitress. Sets limits for the role play. -Walks around the room and listen students

-Asks and answer questions from the chart. -Writes a paragraph stating the difference between he/she and the partner. -Reads the conversation and answer the questions. In a team of three acts out the dialogue, change roles.

“In restaurant” oral practice


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exchanges: gives help if requested or needed


Verifies and identifies vocabulary meaning and grammar point with resource materials.

Applies word analysis skills to recognize restaurant vocabulary and use of imperatives.

Collaborates with his/her partner on the activities developed by pairs.

-Organizes the students by pairs and tells them to match columns. -Gives students time to practice the “waiter-guest” –“Guest-waiter” activity.

-Discusses the vocabulary for restaurant and match columns. -Writes the statements from the match activity on exercise 11a. -Practices the answer -questions from the activity with partner.

Restaurant vocabulary list and oral practice.



Integrates vocabulary introduced in the block in a follow-up activity.

Practices a communicative activity of food and restaurant vocabulary by writing a dialogue using his/her own information.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

-Tells students to go back to previous activities and review vocabulary and structures so that they can write a dialogue. Walks around the classroom to give help if needed.

-Writes a dialogue in a restaurant, checking and using the previous vocabulary. -Asks teacher for help.

Written dialogue Module. Dictionary.


Identifies vocabulary and grammar point to be used in the construction of dialogues and forms.

Practices a communicative activity of food and restaurant vocabulary introduced in the block by writing dialogues, menus, and bills.

Collaborates with his/her partner on the activities developed by pairs.

-Walks around the class and gives help; explain any word or expressions used in a restaurant. -Checks dialogue before pairs practice together. Asks for volunteers to act out the conversation in

-Write a conversation in a restaurant ordering food from the menu presented. -Fill in the check taking information from the conversation. -Acts out the

Representation in a restaurant.

Module. Dictionary.

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front of the class. conversation with partner changing roles.


Comprehends unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge.

Uses new vocabulary to label with pictures and answer the questions.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

-Explains about problems that could be encounter in a restaurant. -Elicits the answers walking around the class so that the students can correct errors.

-Chooses word from the box to answer questions below each picture. -Writes experiences and problems that have had in a restaurant and present it to the teacher.

Report. Module.


Identifies sequence adverbs and ingredients vocabulary as well as the directions to follow when writing a recipe.

Applies sequence adverbs, ingredients and directions vocabulary to match and answer questions.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

-Gives instructions to do the activity and reads aloud the words in column A. Asks students look at the pictures and elicit which cooking method is being used. Answer keyAnswer keyAnswer keyAnswer key for activity 15: 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 14, 13, 12, 11, 7, 8, 10, 9,6 -Explains that “Sequence Adverbs” are connection words that show the order of events in a process.

Does the match while listening to the teacher. -Writes the name of the verb used for each utensil. -Writes the dialogue and answer questions using “sequence adverbs”. -Reads the conversation and answer the question identifying the sequence adverbs.

Instructions. Vocabulary list.



Identifies ingredients vocabulary as well as the directions to follow when writing a recipe.

Writes out a recipe based on the models he/she sees in class through vocabulary and language functions on instructions.

Shows initiative when working in basic creative exercises.

-Tells students to take a look at the mix-up sentences in the list and order them by number. -Asks students to explain each step of the recipe.

Orders the mix-up sentences to make up the recipe. -Students take turns explaining each step to their partners in the class.

Recipe Module. Recipe book. Organizer.

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Creates his/her own recipe; writes ideas on the organizer to help plan the procedure.

17171717 Understands the …..

Applies knowledge acquired to answer questionnaire.

Shows responsibility with classmate in activities performed in pairs.

-Organizes the students and read questions to answer the questionnaire. -Elicits questions and tells students to use the rubric.

-Answers the questions, exchanges books and with the help of the teacher evaluates his/her partner using a rubric.

Questionnaire. Module.


Verifies knowledge of the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups.

Applies knowledge of the food guide pyramid in order to answer questions.

Shows initiative when working in basic creative exercises.

-Assigns the activity as a homework. -Checks the answers and gives feedback.

-Writes the name of the food groups and draws a different figure based on the pyramid and the rainbow figure. -Answers the questions about food groups.

Food Group figure. Module. Paper and pencil. Colors....


Organizes information and vocabulary introduced in the block to write a report.

Writes a report based on the models he/she sees in class through vocabulary and language functions.

Shows initiative when working in satisfying exercises of creativity.

Walks around the classroom and gives help. Tells students to finish and read their draft to a partner to check if the grammar sounds good and to make sure they didn’t leave out any important ingredients or directions.

-Writes about his/her favorite food or dish, describes everything about it using the studied vocabulary and language functions. iiii

Report Module. Paper and pencil. Colors.


Understands how will a guests respond to questions in a restaurant.

Applies word analysis skills to recognize restaurant vocabulary.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Give hints so the students can choose the correct word. Motivate students to pass to the board and write the statements. Gives feedback.

-Chooses words from the box to fill in the sentences. -Passes to the board to write the statements. -Listen to the teacher

Fill in exercise. Module.

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ANSWER KEYANSWER KEYANSWER KEYANSWER KEY: Pitcher, order, special board, split, medium rare, sauce, delicious, bite, menu, bill

and check the activity.


Recognizes vocabulary, nutrition information, categories of vegetables, fruits, and other foods.

Demonstrates his/her knowledge of vegetables, fruits, and other foods.

Shows initiative when answering questionnaires.

Asks students to take a minute to think about what they know about foods. Tell students they are going to take a quiz to check their knowledge of food. ANSWER KEYANSWER KEYANSWER KEYANSWER KEY: 1. True, 2. False, 3. True, 4. True, 5. False, 6. True, 7. True, 8. False, 9. False, 10. True.

Chooses true or false for the questionnaire. Asks the teacher for any unfamiliar word. -Listen to the teacher elicit the answers and check his/her questionnaire.

Questionnaire. Module.

ExtraExtraExtraExtra ActivityActivityActivityActivity

Recognizes the amount of water when keeping track in a format.

Practices answering questionnaires, discusses results with other classmates, and reports results.

Shows interest when keeping track of the amount of water he/she drinks and when sharing information with classmates.

Motivates students to keep a record of their water intake. Asks them to use the note section to write what they feel and their experience. Gives points if desired.


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Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignatura Written English Communication 2Nombre de la asignatura Written English Communication 2Nombre de la asignatura Written English Communication 2Nombre de la asignatura Written English Communication 2

Bloque 1: Bloque 1: Bloque 1: Bloque 1: The World we live inThe World we live inThe World we live inThe World we live in

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica 2 : My VacationSecuencia didáctica 2 : My VacationSecuencia didáctica 2 : My VacationSecuencia didáctica 2 : My Vacation

• Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Solicita y da información referente a actividades vacacionales, lugares y alimentos; identifica problemas ecológicos y propone soluciones.

Temas:Temas:Temas:Temas: o Asking and giving information o Describing countries o Planning vacations o Buying tickets


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes EsEsEsEstrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizaje

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno


Identifies vocabulary, spelling, and facts about previous knowledge.

Practices vocabulary, spelling and facts about different types of activities.

Collaborates with classmates when working in teams.

Forms teams of four. Forms pairs, asks students to work with their partners and write down what they like to do on vacation. Walks around the room, listens to discussion, encourage and give direction to the students. Then draw the diagram on the board and ask students to pass and write an activity.

Divides into groups of four to complete the diagram about how people spend their vacation time.

A Diagram Module. Board. Markers.


Identifies adverbs of quantity to talk about problems in a city.

Read a dialogue to determine answers to the problems in the city.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Helps students in the pronunciation of new words. Motivate the students to role play de dialogue in front of the class.

Gets in pairs to role play the dialogue and to answer questions.

Dialogue practice Module.


Identifies transportation and other public services vocabulary, as well as

Practices transportation and other public services vocabulary and

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Presents the adverbs of quantity and clarifies which adverbs of quantity go with countable and

Practice and learns adverbs of quantity to be applied in statements about transportation

Adverbs of quantity practice.


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adverbs of quantity. applies adverbs of quantity in statements about transportation problems in his/her city or state.

uncountable nouns. Explains the task and model how to complete one of the sentences. Let students elicit the answers.

problems in Sonora. Volunteers to elicit answers.

4444 Identifies transportation problems in a city.

Suggests possible solutions to his/her city’s transportation problems.

Values the opportunity given to suggest solutions to a city’s transportation problem.

Gives instructions Elicits additional examples around the class and writes them on the board. Reads the helpful phrases and gives examples. Takes a quick class poll (through a show of hands) to find out which suggestions are considered the best.

Brings a newspaper article about transportation problems in the city, posts on the book and write possible solution. Takes turns sharing suggestions and ideas with the rest of the class. Then write a report about it.


Module. Board. Markers. Newspapers. Glue.

5555 Identifies means of transportation vocabulary.

Recognizes means of transportation and applies vocabulary to his/her real context.

Shows respect when working with classmate.

Does a little brainstorming with the class on various types of transportation available in cities around the world. Writes the topic on the board. Elicits students’ ideas and add them to the board. Uses questions to promote discussion in pairs. .

Works in pairs to written the names of means of transportation and discuss the questions before answering.

Vocabulary practice.

Module. Board. Markers.


Organizes a graph presentation asking and answering questions and then integrating the results in the graph.

Practices means of transportation vocabulary, discusses results with other teams, and reports results.

Collaborates with classmates when working in teams.

Divides the students in teams of four. Starts making the questions on the chart and motivates them to make the questions between members of the team. Organizes the results presentation.

Make questions to his/her partners, makes up question #5. Reports the results to the class.

Presentation. Module. Flip paper.

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7777 Identifies indirect questions when reading a dialogue.

Practices dialogue, answer the questions and forms the “Indirect questions”.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Choose students to practice the dialogue in front of the class. Points out those indirect questions are often considered more polite and gives additional examples. Asks students to do the task individually then have them compare answers, checks answers around the class.

Reads the dialogue, answer the questions and underline the “Indirect questions.” checks with partners. Then role play the dialogue with a partner, volunteers to present it in front of the class.

Dialogue practice. Module.

8888 Identifies places and writes indirect questions.

Recognizes places to visit and forms “Indirect questions”.

Collaborates with classmates when working in teams.

Forms teams. Describes different places to motivate students to describe the pictures to classmates.

Looks at the pictures, make up and write a sentence describing each one of them. Have his/her classmates guess which picture is describing. Makes indirect questions using the words in the chart from the previous page.

Pictures description.



Identifies the use of “will” and “be going to” for making vacation plans.

Applies “be going to” and the modal” will” to express future vacations and travel plans in a written way and orally.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Gives Role play instructions. Sets limits for the role play. Walks around the room and listen students exchanges, gives help if requested or needed. Reads the initial question in activity 9a, calls on several volunteers to answer the questions.

Practices the conversation in pairs, paying attention to teacher’s instructions. Forms pairs to do a comparison task in activity 9a.

Rlole Play. Module


Identifies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions.

Applies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions for traveling and taking vacations.

Integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge and shares it with partner.

Introduces “be going to” and “will” to talk about future plans. Explains the contrast between be going to and will to talk about future plans, writes examples on the board.

Practices items for vacation vocabulary. Does the task individually. Follows teacher’s instructions to form pairs and compare answers.

Vocabulary Practice.


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Identifies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions.

Applies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions for traveling and taking vacations.

Collaborates with classmates when working reading and writing a report.

Divides the students in teams so they can read the passage and answer questions. Starts making the questions, motivates them to make the questions between members of the team. Organizes the teams so they can write a report and present it in class.

Team work. Get in read the passage and answer the questions, discusses with her/his partner, write a report and present it to the teacher.

A Report. Module.


Identifies questions to be made when buying tickets to travel.

Reads and discuss questions to Apply them to the answers given.

Values new structures used in real situations and integrates them to her/his knowledge.

Discusses with students the questions for buying tickets, then tells them to match them with the answers. Walks around the class giving a feedback.

Discusses the questions with the teacher, matches the questions with the answers given. Takes turns to elicit question with answers.

Question –answer match.



Integrates and reinforces grammar and vocabulary by writing a report.

Applies and reinforces grammar and vocabulary studied by writing a report as well as searches for information on the web.

Values new structures used in real situations and integrates them to her/his knowledge.

Explains the students to make a draft as a first step for making a report. Helps students by reading the questions and giving them hints.

Works with partner taking notes about a dream vacation and by answering questions. Then writes a report.

A draft and a Report.



Relates questions to answers from a dialogue booking a hotel room.

Applies previous knowledge to match questions and answers. Writes indirect questions.

Collaborates with responsibility when working in basic exercises.

Helps students to match questions with answers and to write the dialogue. Tells students to go back to activity 7 to review “How to form indirect questions” and change the direct questions to indirect ones.

Matches questions with answers to write a dialogue. Review how to change direct questions to indirect ones in activity 7 to finish these activities.

Indirect Questions.



Identifies means of transportation vocabulary and searches information.

Applies vocabulary studied and searches for information on the

Shows creativity by writing a report and openness by using technology to search

Assigns the task as homework. Recommends the web page to students so that they can make a

Searches for the recommended web page in the internet and read the passage to

A Report. Module....

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web. for information. report about means of transportation. Tells students to base their report on: why, when and how questions, example: When was the train used to travel in Mexico?

write a report about transportation.


Identifies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions.

Applies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions for traveling and taking vacations.

Demonstrate understanding of basic instructions and ask for clarification to his/her teacher.

Helps students use the appropriate modal to complete sentences, helps them distinguish between modals for necessity and suggestions or tell them to review activity 10b. Discusses with students the advices to visit their city.

Complete the sentences with modals for necessity or suggestion, reviews activity 10b. Discusses with partners the advice that they would give to a tourist in their city.

Advice Report. Module.


Integrates and reinforces grammar and vocabulary by writing a report.

Applies and reinforces grammar and vocabulary studied by writing a report.

Shows creativity by writing a report and appreciates the use of structures to be used in a real context.

Assigns the task as a homework, tells students to write a report and gives them a quick review of the structures and vocabulary that has been studied on the block.

Writes a report giving advice to visit her/his country using the structures and vocabulary studied through the block.

Report with pictures.


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Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignatura: Written English Nombre de la asignatura: Written English Nombre de la asignatura: Written English Nombre de la asignatura: Written English Communication 2 Communication 2 Communication 2 Communication 2

Bloque 1 : Bloque 1 : Bloque 1 : Bloque 1 : The world we live inThe world we live inThe world we live inThe world we live in

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica 3: Our EnvironmentSecuencia didáctica 3: Our EnvironmentSecuencia didáctica 3: Our EnvironmentSecuencia didáctica 3: Our Environment

• Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia:

Temas: Temas: Temas: Temas: o Making suggestions o Conditional Sentences


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes Estrategias Estrategias Estrategias Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.enseñanza aprendizaje.enseñanza aprendizaje.enseñanza aprendizaje.

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno

1111 Identifies facts about previous knowledge.

Applies previous knowledge about “Environmental Problems”..

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

• Introduces the theme by asking questions like: What environmental problem have you heard lately?

• Asks students to answer the questionnaire.

Answer KeyAnswer KeyAnswer KeyAnswer Key 1. Acid rain 2. Biodegradable 3. Conservation 4. Habitat 5 Oil leak 6. Recycling 7. Greenhouse effect

Answer the questionnaire applying previous knowledge about environment. Receives the Feedback from the teacher.

Diagnosis questionnaire.

Module. Pen.

Página 28

8. Pollutant9. Thermal Pollution 10. Ozonosphere • Divides the class into

pairs, writes the answers on the board and lets students check each other answer.

• Walks around the class to give helpful feedback.

2222 Recognizes vocabulary related to ecological problems.

Applies vocabulary and his/her knowledge about ecological problems.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

• Takes a quick class poll (through a show of hands) to ask the meanings of the vocabulary.

• Discusses the pre-reading vocabulary.

• Reviews the part of grammar of every word from the vocabulary: Adjectives, verbs, etc.

• Volunteers to guess the meanings of the vocabulary.

• Go by the vocabulary to answer questions.

Vocabulary Table. Module.


Classifies and selects information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to answer questions.

Appreciates interesting information acquired about environmental problems.

• Organizes teams so that the students take turns to read while explaining between paragraphs.

• Motivates students to have a discussion at the same time that feedback is given.

• Takes turns to read • Answer the question

and have a group discussion.

Reading Comprehension.



Classifies and selects information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to match words and complete statements. Writes about his/her own experience of

Shows initiative and interest by writing about ecological problem in actual time.

• Motivates student’s interest about ecological problems and help students to write their own experience.

• Writes about his experience of ecological problems using vocabulary used in the previous match and reading comprehension.

Small report. Module.

Página 29

ecological problems.


Identifies and selects information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to match words and complete statements.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

• Learns suggestions for ecological problems by using conditional sentences.

Suggestion report. Module.


Identifies and reads information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems and learns ways to give suggestions.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Suggestions Table.



Identifies and reads information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to give his/her own suggestions.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Report. Module.


Identifies ecological problems to and recognizes how man has affected the environment.

Recognizes the ecological problems caused by man to answer questions.

Appreciates the importance of taking good care of our environment recognizing how the natural world sustains us.

Reading Comprehension.



Identifies ecological problems to promote a school ecological project.

Applies knowledge to preserve and protect his/her school environment.

Appreciates how the natural world sustains us and promotes the environment and social well-being of his/her school community.

Project Report. Module.

Página 30

Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignaturaNombre de la asignaturaNombre de la asignaturaNombre de la asignatura:::: Written English Communication 2Written English Communication 2Written English Communication 2Written English Communication 2

BloqueBloqueBloqueBloque 2222:::: Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica 1: Long time no see!1: Long time no see!1: Long time no see!1: Long time no see!

Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Solicita e intercambia información referente al pasado de una persona; describe emociones y da su opinión acerca de hechos, libros y películas de manera escrita en situaciones sencillas de socialización recreación o laboral.

Temas:Temas:Temas:Temas: o Asking about someone’s past o Biographies o Auto---biographies


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes EsEsEsEstrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizaje

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno


Writes information about famous people and identifies the simple past and past continuous tense.

Applies information about famous people using simple past and past continuous.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

-Introduces the theme by asking students to think of famous people of different fields considered successful worldwide. -Tells them to fill out the table. -Tells students to share information with the rest of the class. -Has students to look at the pictures, go over the questions and have them discuss the answers. -After a few minutes, elicits students’ answers around the class or writes

-Thinks and writes information about favorite famous characters. -Shares information with classmates. -Answers and discuss the answers. -Receives feedback.

Famous Characters Table.

Module. Board. Markers.

Página 31

them on the board.

2222 Identifies the simple past and past continuous tense.

Applies the past continuous tense in his/her personal experience.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

-Gives a brief explanation of the “Past Continuous” -Points out that when and while are often interchangeable when referring to a point or period of time. -Encourages students to write interesting information about themselves. -Goes around the class and takes notes of any problem, goes over the problem and gives solutions to the whole class.

- Reads and discusses in class the use of the “Past Continuous”. Then completes the sentences with information about themselves. -Receives feedback.

Grammar discussion.

Module. Board. Markers.

3333 Identifies the simple past and past continuous tense.

Applies the past continuous tense in his/her personal experience.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

-Goes around the class clarifying doubts about the match sentences in activity 3 and checks with students the activity 3a. -Asks student to take turns to pass to the boar and write sentences from activity 3b. -Tells students to look at the pictures and write what the people were doing when the rainstorm happened.

-Do the match and compare with classmates. -Volunteers to pass to the board and write sentences. -Looks at the pictures and write sentences using “past continuous”.

Description activity.

Module. Board. Markers.

Página 32

4444 Identifies vocabulary, the work and life of important people.

Recognizes and realizes that work and other’s life and personal information is important.

Appreciates the characteristics and merits of work and life of important people.

-Explains any new words by giving definitions or examples, go over the vocabulary -Takes a quick class poll (through a show of hands) to find out which suggestions are considered the best.

Read the biography and answer the questions. -Compares answer with the best suggestion given by classmates.

Reading Comprehension activity.


5555 Identifies vocabulary, work and life of important people.

Recognizes and realizes work and other’s life and practices chronological order.

Appreciates the characteristics and merits of work and life of important figures.

-Goes around the class helping the student to fill in the framework. Answer key,Answer key,Answer key,Answer key, from Activity 5a Paragraph 1-2

1. Campaigner, 2 made better, 3. paying tribute, 4. difficult, 5. Hardship, 6 encouraging

Paragraph 3-4 12. triumph, 13. Great, 14. Fight, 15. Urged, 16. awareness, 17. reason

-Organize the students in pairs for activity 5b. -Gives feedback by asking students the order of the biography.

-Fill in the framework with information read in the biography, goes by the biography again if needed. -Uses the dictionary to match synonyms in activity 5a. Numbers the line in the correct order.

Biography framework-

Module. Board. Markers.

6666 Classifies information, vocabulary and

Writes about an imaginary event

Appreciates the characteristics and

-Assigns these activity as homework , ask students

-Searches for information on the web

A Report. Module. Internet.

Página 33

grammar for writing an imaginary event.

using the grammar structure: past continuous tense.

merits of work and life of important figures.

to search on the web for more information about “Arizona Law SB 1070” so they can write a report.

about Arizona’s law and write a report imagining what Cesar Chaves would have been doing.

Paper. Pen.

7777 Recognizes the past continuous to write about his/her life.

Writes about his/her life and outlooks for the future using the grammar structure: past continuous tense.

Integrates vocabulary and grammar structure to write about the characteristics and merits of her/his own.

-Asks students to write an auto-biography, elicit some topics that they may include in their own composition. -Asks students to take as model biographies on activity 4 and 8.

-Re-reads the previous biographies and writes his/her own.

Auto biography. Module. Pen. Picture.

8888 Writes questions and answers in a meeting friend’s dialogue.

Reads a biography and recognizes the theme of meeting old friend and catching up on what they have been doing.

Enjoys learning about interesting humanitarian work of an important figure.

-Asks students to take turns to read the biography out loud to the class. - Gives helpful vocabulary find in the biography. -Go over the instructions in activity 8a, model how to do the first one. -Gives feedback.

-Read the biography carefully to answer the questions. -Put the words in the correct order, then compares the statements with classmates.

Reading Comprehension and Dialogue.

9999 Identifies the “Present Perfect Continuous“ for the first time.

Applies the “Present Perfect Continuous” when talking on what people have been doing.

Integrates new grammar structures to his/her knowledge.

-Goes by the table with students and points out that the “Present perfect continuous” is formed with have or has + been + verb + ing.

Goes by the table with the teacher and complete the small conversations with the “Present perfect continuous”.

Grammar Review and Small talk Conversation


10101010 Identifies the “Present Perfect Continuous”.

Uses the “Present Perfect Continuous” while discovering more information about their classmates.

Collaborates with her/his partner when working in pairs.

-Does first statement with students. -Organize student in pair, and presents the questions in activity 10a, by modeling the correct

-Repeats the questions that the teacher is modeling. -Asks partner the questions.

Written and oral practice.

Module. Board. Markers.

Página 34

pronunciation, intonation, and stress. -Elicits suggestions for additional questions that the student may ask. Writes suggested questions on the board.

-Answer the questions made by the partner.


Identifies and practices the “Present Perfect Continuous “.

Uses the “Present Perfect Continuous” when talking on what people have been doing.

Integrates new grammar when practicing new structures to his/her knowledge.

Identifies “Tag questions” and uses them to complete statements.

Uses “Tag questions” to complete statements and chooses them to finish sentences.

Integrates a grammar structure to his/her knowledge.


12121212 Identifies what others were doing at a certain time.

Applies the past continuous in a written report and writes a “ghost story”.

Demonstrates appropriate treatment, politeness and respects when asking questions to classmates.

-Organizes the students in teams of 6. (The teams must be made up of 6 students). -Tells each team to ask: What were you doing last night? Tells students to write the activity giving each member a number (student 1, student 2, etc.) Asks students to pass to the front and read the story.

-Organizes in teams of 6. -Ask each other the questions given and write it down giving a number to each member of the 6. -Writes the name and activity of the classmate on the corresponding space in activity 12a. -Volunteers to read the story in front of the class.

A Ghost Story. Module.


Identifies the present perfect continuous to talk about other people’s life.

Applies the present perfect continuous to talk about other people’s life and what they have been doing at a certain period of time.

Enjoys learning about interesting lives of important figures.

-Helps students to make questions in activity 13a. Models the first one. -Assigns activity 13b as homework about a biography of the students’ favorite celebrity.

Makes questions in activity 13a. Checks with classmates. -Does activity 13b as homework. Fill in the framework taking as an example the one on activity 5.

Biography and Framework.


Página 35

Capacitación: Capacitación: Capacitación: Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignaturNombre de la asignaturNombre de la asignaturNombre de la asignatura: a: a: a: Written English Communication 2 Written English Communication 2 Written English Communication 2 Written English Communication 2

Bloque Bloque Bloque Bloque 2222 :::: Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica 2222:::: What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?

Unidad de competencia:Unidad de competencia:Unidad de competencia:Unidad de competencia:

• Solicita e intercambia información referente al pasado de una persona; describe emociones y da su opinión acerca de hechos, libros y películas de manera escrita en situaciones sencillas de socialización recreación o laboral.

Temas: Temas: Temas: Temas:

• Describing emotions. • Emotion adjectives. • Describing movies.

Tiempo: Tiempo: Tiempo: Tiempo:

ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes EstrateEstrateEstrateEstrategias enseñanza aprendizajegias enseñanza aprendizajegias enseñanza aprendizajegias enseñanza aprendizaje

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno

1111 Identifies new vocabulary to be used in a new topic.

Searches for vocabulary in a “word search” to be used in the topic concerning movies.

Shows interest when acknowledging new vocabulary and appreciates its use.

-Motivates the students to do the word search and to do a small survey in teams of 5. Answer Answer Answer Answer key: key: key: key: (Over,Down,Direction) amazing(13,10,n) amused(10,7,n) annoying(15,11,n) challenging(13,11,w) confused(1,1,e) confusing(14,12,n) disappointed(8,1,s) embarrassed(1,3,e) frightened(3,14,n) frightening(3,14,e) insulting(12,2,s) interesting(5,14,ne)

-Searches for words. -Gets in teams of 5 to do a small survey, shares results and write them on the board.

A Word Search and small survey

Module. Board. Markers.

Página 36

rewarding(4,4,s) satisfied(5,5,s) shocked(14,1,w) surprised(11,5,w) tired(6,8,w)

2222 Identifies present and past participles used as adjectives.

Applies present and past participle used as adjectives and searches and practices the grammar structure on the internet.

Demonstrate interest when practicing the grammar structure on the internet.

-Presents and clarifies the difference between the use of present (-ing) participles and past (-ed) participle used as adjectives. -Goes over activity 2b and 2c and models how to do the first one. Answer Key: Answer Key: Answer Key: Answer Key: (for 2c) 1. Annoying 6.

Exhausting 2. Bored 7.

Fascinated 3. Confused 8.

Frightened 4. Depressing 9.

Satisfying 5. Excited 10.


-Does the task individually based on the example given by the teacher. -Searches for the given web page and does the exercise to bring as homework.

An internet search. Module. Pen. Internet.


Identifies the topic of movies and the use of the present and past participles used as adjectives

Practices describing movies using participles used as adjectives.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

-Goes over the “Adjectives for art” with the students, ask to what movie the pictures belong to. -Motivates students to small start talks about movies on the chart. -Recommends the use of the dictionary to complete the chart.

-Completes the synonyms chart (uses a dictionary if needed). -Comments about the movies on the chart, example: I have seen Jurassic Park many times. -Chooses adjectives to complete the statements.

Recognition of adjectives.

Module. Dictionary.

Página 37

-Helps students to choose adjectives according to the content of the statement.


Identifies the topic of movies and the use of the present and past participles used as adjectives.

Practices discussing topics such as movies and applies the present and past participles used as adjectives.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

-Invites students to past to the board and role play the dialogue

-Role plays the dialogue with a partner. -Identifies movie genres.

Role play practice


Identifies relative clauses and vocabulary to be used in movie genres.

Practices relative clauses with relative pronouns to describe different movie genres.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

-Gives information about movie genres and sub-genres at the same time that walks around the class to check and help students. -Gives information about the use of relative clauses and tells the student that the relative clause joins two sentences together and gives information about something in the main clause.

-Completes the table with an example of a movie of the corresponding category and writes a small comment. -Applies the relative clauses to complete sentences. -Writes a report about his/her favorite movie genre.

Movie Genre Description report.



Identifies relative clauses and vocabulary used when talking about movie genres.

Practices relative clauses with relative pronouns to describe different movie genres and to answer a questionnaire.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

-Asks students the questions. -Motivates students to have small discussion about the questions in the questionnaire.

-Describes movie genres using relative clauses. -Answers a questionnaire and discuss with classmates.

Questionnaire about movies.



Classifies information when reading a dialogue to make up his/her own.

Reads and applies basic language used to describe movies when writing a dialogue.

Creates a dialogue using studied structures and new vocabulary.

-Organize the students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue. -Helps students create their own dialogue according to the latest

-Practice the dialogue with a partner. Then fill in the next dialogue with information of your own

A dialogue creation.


Página 38

movie playing in the theater of the city.

8888 Classifies information and writes results to be used in a report.

Uses grammar structures and vocabulary studied in the sequence to write about a “Survey movie report”.

Collaborates with partner when working in pairs.

-Organize the students in pairs to make and answer questions, walks around the class to help in the filling of the questionnaire and to write a report.

-Answers the questionnaire, asks questions to his/her partner and writes the results. -Write a final report and hand it to the teacher.

A Report. Module.

Página 39

Capacitación:Capacitación:Capacitación:Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignaturaNombre de la asignaturaNombre de la asignaturaNombre de la asignatura: Written English Communication II : Written English Communication II : Written English Communication II : Written English Communication II

Bloque 2:Bloque 2:Bloque 2:Bloque 2: Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.Feelings and emotions.

Competencias profesionales: Competencias profesionales: Competencias profesionales: Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica 3: A visit to….Secuencia didáctica 3: A visit to….Secuencia didáctica 3: A visit to….Secuencia didáctica 3: A visit to….

Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Solicita e intercambia información referente al pasado de una persona; describe emociones y da su opinión a cerca de hechos, libros y películas de manera escrita en situaciones sencillas de socialización recreación o laboral.

Temas:Temas:Temas:Temas: Tag question Treatments for illnesses Idioms


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes EsEsEsEstrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizajetrategias enseñanza aprendizaje

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno

1111 Identifies new vocabulary to be used in a new topic.

Recognizes vocabulary needed when visiting the doctor.

Shows interest when acknowledging new vocabulary and appreciates its use.

-Takes a quick class poll (through a show of hands) to find out which suggestions are considered the best. -Gives feedback, Answer Answer Answer Answer KeyKeyKeyKey: 1 h, 2 g, 3 e, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 d, 8 f, 9 i

- Write the corresponding letter in the parenthesis. -Volunteers to give the answers. -Check the answers with teacher.

Vocabulary Identification.



Identifies expressions he/she might hear or need when visiting the doctor.

Practices expressions and vocabulary needed when visiting the doctor.

Integrates new vocabulary to make dialogues.

-Organize the students in pairs and presents the dialogue. -Goes over any new vocabulary in the dialogue to let students practice in role play.

-Read the dialogue and write similar one using information from the box on the right. Acts out the first dialogue. -Fills in the table with information from the previous dialogues.

Written dialogues and Role play.


Página 40


Identifies vocabulary and expressions he/she might hear or need when visiting the doctor.

Practices expressions for hypothesizing, making logical assumption and vocabulary needed when visiting the doctor.

Integrates expressions and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

-Gives information about the use of MODALS or ADVERBS for hypothesizing or assumption. - Discusses with students the vocabulary to be matched with the ailment or illnesses pictures. -Motivates students to pass to the board to write the matched sentences.

-Read and choose advice statements for each person. -Volunteers to write the number of the speaker and the advice on the board.

Written dialogue. Module. Board. Markers.


Uses acquire vocabulary to be practiced in a dialogue.

Practices vocabulary in a dialogue and recognizes new grammar structures.

-Integrates vocabulary to his/her knowledge to be used in an oral practice.

-Organize the students in pairs to answer questions and act out the dialogue. -Asks students to pass to the front t role play the dialogue.

- Answers the questions, then practice the dialogue with the partner. -Acts out the dialogue in front of the class.

Dialogue practice Module


Identifies “Tag questions” and uses them to complete statements.

Uses “Tag questions” to complete statements and chooses them to finish sentences.

Integrates a grammar structure to his/her knowledge.

-Points out information about “Tag questions”. -Elicits examples of sentences using emphatic stress and higher pitch in the tag question. -Tells students to go back to dialogue in activity 4, read it, and to look for “Tag questions” to write them down. -Practices intonation of statements with tag questions with the students.

-Goes back and read dialogue in activity 4 and write a tag question to the sentences. -Writes a tag questions to each of the statements in activity 5c. -Practices the statements using stress and pitch, waits for his/her turn to tell them to the class.

Tag question Practice.


Página 41

-Asks students to participate telling the statements to the class.

6666 Interprets the literal counterpart of idioms.

Practices the natural manner of speaking by understanding idioms.

Integrates a natural manner of speaking English through the use of idioms.

-Explains the use of “Idioms” and points out how they are used in daily common English. -Asks students to pas to the board to write the statements from activity 6b.

- Listen to explanation of the use of idioms and choose the best meaning about “Illness Idioms” in the boxes. -Does the match in activity 6 and volunteer to write them on the board. -Goes back to activity 6a and writes statements with idioms related to health problems.

Module. Board. Markers.

7777 Interprets body language, gestures and signs.

Practices communication through body language, by acting and in a written manner.

Creates a way to imitate gestures and body language.

-Organize the students in pairs. - Explains that there are different body language gestures that give out different signs of what a person is feeling and gives a few body language tips that will help students to know a bit more on body language signs. -Helps students to describe emotions so that they can describe these emotions by drawing faces. Asks students to draw the faces on the board.

- Studies the gestures and make six gesture (or mime)to partner to let him/her guess the meaning. Checks the partner using the rubric. -Match the description of a posture, to an attitude or emotion in the box. Uses the dictionary to check the meaning of new words. -Draw faces to describe emotions on the module and on the board.

Body language mime and drawings.

Module. Dictionary. Board. Markers.

Página 42

8888 Identifies and understand main ideas in a reading.

Practices by identifying and understands the topic of body language communication.

Enjoys reading a text to integrate new vocabulary to his/her knowledge and to answer questions.

-Gives the students a turn to read the passage aloud. - Goes by the questions and gives feedback.

-Takes turns to reads the passage “Body Language” aloud and then answers the questions.

Reading Comprehension.

Module. Dictionary.


Organizes questions to write a small report about his/her last illness.

Practices oral and written skills by answering and asking questions about illnesses.

Collaborates with partner when working in pairs.

-Organizes Students in pairs. -Models the pronunciation of the questions to be asked. Helps to describe the meaning of the verbs given.

- Answer and ask partner questions. Then write a report about his/her last cold or illness using the verbs given and change them to past tense.

Illness survey and a report.



Identifies “Tag questions” and uses them to complete statements.

Practices “Tag questions” to complete statements and answer questions about the structure.

Integrates a grammar structure to his/her knowledge.

----Walks around the room asking the questions in activity 10b. -Goes around the class and gives feedback.

-Complete the statements writing the appropriate tag question and compare with partners.

Tag questions practice.



Selects idioms and their meaning by searching on the internet.

Practices the se of idioms and their meaning by searching on the internet.

Shows interest when looking for idioms on the internet.

-Assigns the investigation of idioms in the internet as homework -Forms groups to compare the idioms and walks around to listen to the teams’ exchange.

-Searches for the most common idioms on the internet. Gets in teams and exchanges idioms.

Internet idioms search

Module. Internet.

12121212 Identifies and understand main ideas in a reading.

Practices by reading and writing the topic of eye contact and body language.

Enjoys reading a text to integrate new vocabulary to write answer questions.

-Introduces the idea of “Eye contact”, asks students to think of a situation when they have to maintain eye contact and checks if the students understands unfamiliar vocabulary to

-Reads the passage and ask the teacher for unfamiliar vocabulary. -Elicits and discusses the answers asked by the teacher.

Reading Comprehension....

Module. Board. Markers.

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give help. -Writes the questions on the board and starts asking the students for the answers. -Starts a discussion starting from the answers.

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Capacitación: Capacitación: Capacitación: Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignatura: Written Nombre de la asignatura: Written Nombre de la asignatura: Written Nombre de la asignatura: Written Communication II Communication II Communication II Communication II

Bloque Bloque Bloque Bloque 3: Know how of technology3: Know how of technology3: Know how of technology3: Know how of technology

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica 1:Secuencia didáctica 1:Secuencia didáctica 1:Secuencia didáctica 1: Speculating about...Speculating about...Speculating about...Speculating about...

Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: • Razona e investiga sobre el pasado y futuro de acontecimientos sociales y de los avances en la


• Temas:Temas:Temas:Temas: • Predicaments. • Speculating about past and future.


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocentetDocentetDocentetDocentet AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno

1111 Selects a possible response for an imaginary situation.

Uses a possible response for an imaginary situation.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

-Starts a discussion by making questions. -Asks which choice was the most popular and write it on the board.

-Discusses questions with partner before choosing an answer -Repots to the teacher which choice was most popular for each situation.

Questionnaire. Module. Board. Markers.

2222 Selects information from a dialogue to answer questions.

Recognizes information and imaginary situations from reading a dialogue.

Appreciates the message that the reading sends “moral values must be rewarded”.

-Reads the conversation aloud line by line and ask students to repeat. -Asks volunteers to act out the conversation in front of the class.

-Repeats after the teacher. -Practices the conversation in pairs. -Listen to the volunteers

Reading Comprehension.


Página 45

Elicits students responses to check answers around the classroom.

at the same time that they answer questions. -Listen and check answers.

3333 Relates statements when practicing imaginary situations.

Practices “if clauses” to describe imaginary situations and consequences.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

-Points out that these if if if if clauses describe situations that aren’t real and that there are two types of verb forms used in the statements. -Organize students in pairs. -Walks around and give help. Then elicits students’ responses so they can check answers from activity 3a and 3b.

-Works individually on activity 3a and compare answers in pairs. -Writes their own ifififif sentences in activity 3b and read them aloud in pairs.

Group discussion. Model.


Identifies verbs used in predicaments.

Applies the appropriate verbs for imaginary situations or predicaments.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

-Tells students to think of interesting suggestions for each situation presented. -Explains that after discussing each situation, the group should decide on the best suggestion, to write it down on the module and on the board. -Goes around the class and gives help as needed. -Assigns the table of verbs for homework.

-Writes the best suggestion for the presented predicaments on a separate paper then discusses with partners and summarizes to write on the chart and volunteers to pass to the board. -Looks for the verbs used to describe events in the dictionary.

Verbs table and Suggestion summary.

Module. Board. Markers.

5555 Identifies vocabulary to answer questions and to write a report.

Writes a report based on information read on a passage.

Demonstrate appropriate treatment ,politeness and respect when working in teams.

-Uses pre-reading discussion questions, example: Looking at the pictures what do you think the reading is about?

-Takes turns to read the passage. -Goes over the questions and discusses the answers , shares their responses

A Report. Module. Dictionary.

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-Organizes the students in teams and tell them to take turns to read. -Checks if students have any comprehension or vocabulary questions, if they do explains and goes over the vocabulary given. -Assigns the report on activity 5a as homework.

with the other teams. -Writes a report and draw a mobile or cell phone of the future.


Identifies vocabulary and grammar structures about problematic situations.

Recognizes vocabulary and grammar structures to give advices to problems.

Demonstrate interest when practicing “Second Conditional”.

-Models one example using the if clauses, alternatively elicit several sentences from the class.

-Reviews unreal conditional sentences giving solutions to problems by matching sentences and giving own advice.

Exercises on Recognition of problems.



Identifies the second time conditional to answer an exercise from the web.

Applies vocabulary and the second time conditional to answer exercises. from the web

Shows creativity by answering the exercises from the web page about the Second Conditional.

-Assigns the activity as homework. -Organize the students in pairs to compare answers. Then elicits students’ answers around the class.

-Search for the web page and answer questions. -Compares answers with partner and volunteers to read answers aloud.

Web page exercise.

Module. Dictionary. Internet.

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Capacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (IngCapacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (IngCapacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (IngCapacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) les) les) les)

Nombre de la asignatura: Written CommunicationNombre de la asignatura: Written CommunicationNombre de la asignatura: Written CommunicationNombre de la asignatura: Written Communication II II II II

Bloque Bloque Bloque Bloque #3: Know how of technology#3: Know how of technology#3: Know how of technology#3: Know how of technology

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

6. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 7. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 8. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 9. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 10. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica # 2:Secuencia didáctica # 2:Secuencia didáctica # 2:Secuencia didáctica # 2: She said that….She said that….She said that….She said that….

Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: • Razona e investiga sobre el pasado y futuro de acontecimientos sociales y de los avances en la


• Temas:Temas:Temas:Temas: Reporting what people said Idioms


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno

1111 Writes famous sentences used in a movie or song.

Reports famous sentences used in a movie or song.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

Introduces the theme of famous sentences by reading the famous phrases or sentences .

-Reads and writes the famous sentences from movies or songs that their characters said

Ice breaking activity


2222 Identifies reported speech in a literature passage.

Recognizes direct or reported speech in a literature passage.

Shows interest when reading a passage from a well-known English writer.

-Makes a brief explanation of reported speech and writes examples on the board pointing out that the verbs change to the past in the reported statements. -Asks students to read and reminds them to look for and underline the reported speech sentences -Finds out if students

-Changes direct statements to reported statements. - Reads and decides if the sentences on the passage are direct speech or reported speech and write them in the appropriate box. -Checks if the statements are correct.

Reading Comprehension.

Module. Board. Markers.

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have any questions on the vocabulary and explain as needed. -Elicits students’ answers around the class as feedback.


Identifies different verbs to write reported speech statements.

Uses different verbs to change statements to “Reported Speech.

Demonstrates interest when practicing “Reported Speech Statements”.

-Uses the pictures to help set the scene and to explain the task. -Motivates the students to participate orally reading their statements.

-Watches the pictures and read what the people is saying to report it . Use the underlined verbs as the example given. -Volunteers to read the statements to the class.

Written and oral practice



Identifies different verbs to write reported speech statements.

Uses different verbs to change statements to “Reported Speech.

Demonstrates interest when practicing “Reported Speech Statements”.

-Explains the activity, tells students to make up interesting reported speech statements and models the example given. -Asks students to write statements on the board.

-Reports some of the best statements they write to the class by writing them on the board.

Written practice Module Board Markers

5555 Presents the local night news using reported speech.

Applies the use of “Reported Speech” to write about local night news.

Shows interest when doing a homework activity and writing about local events.

-Assigns the task as homework, explains the activity. -Asks students to read their report in class by taking turns. -Decides if the report is assigned to be recorded and presented in class.

-Watches the night news on TV or listen the radio news and report what you hear and see by writing a report. -Presents the report in class.

News report Module

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Capacitación: CAPACITCapacitación: CAPACITCapacitación: CAPACITCapacitación: CAPACITACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) ACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) ACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles) ACION DE IDIOMAS (Ingles)

Nombre de la asignatura: Nombre de la asignatura: Nombre de la asignatura: Nombre de la asignatura: Written Communication IIWritten Communication IIWritten Communication IIWritten Communication II

Bloque Bloque Bloque Bloque #3: Know how of technology#3: Know how of technology#3: Know how of technology#3: Know how of technology

Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:Competencias profesionales:

11. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 12. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 13. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 14. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 15. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica Secuencia didáctica # 2: # 2: # 2: # 2: Getting into technologyGetting into technologyGetting into technologyGetting into technology

Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: Unidad de competencia: • Razona e investiga sobre el pasado y futuro de acontecimientos sociales y de los avances en la


Temas: Temas: Temas: Temas: Describing technology

Social networks

Comparing time periods

Investigating Internet


ActividadActividadActividadActividad SaberesSaberesSaberesSaberes Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.Estrategias enseñanza aprendizaje.

ProductoProductoProductoProducto MaterialesMaterialesMaterialesMateriales PuntajePuntajePuntajePuntaje ConceptualConceptualConceptualConceptual ProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimentalProcedimental ActitudinalActitudinalActitudinalActitudinal DocenteDocenteDocenteDocente AlumnoAlumnoAlumnoAlumno


Analyzes survey statements to choose the proper response.

Determines the best response about the use of technology in modern life.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

-Helps the class get started by asking the first question. -Goes around and does a quick check to make sure students understand the questions. -Asks the questions so a discussion gets started.

-Reads each of the following statements and indicates responses by checking “I agree” or “I disagree”. Discusses results with his/her team and presents them to the teacher.

Survey Module


Identifies events and inventions in different time periods.

Recognizes events and inventions in different time periods.

Shows interest when recognizing inventions and their time period.

-Clarifies doubts of students if they are not familiar with the information. -Uses the inventions to stimulate a lively brainstorming session. Writes students’ ideas on the board. Then take a class vote to

-Gets started by using the pictures and the dates to do the match. Participates in the brainstorming promoted by the teacher.

Introductory Activity Module

Página 50

find out the correct match.


Identifies events and inventions in different time periods.

Recognizes events and inventions in different time periods.

Shows interest when reading about human advancements.

-Uses pre-reading questions to stimulate a short class discussion on inventions in the history of civilization, example: Which is the most famous invention of this era? -Tells students to read the article and draws a time line on the board. Asks students to pass and write the information.

-Participates in the pre-reading activity. Reads the article and asks the teacher any words they weren’t able to guess. -Completes the chart (time line) on the module and volunteers to pass to the board.

Reading Comprehension

Module Dictionary Board Markers


Identifies events and inventions in different time periods.

Recognizes events and inventions in different time periods to be written in a time line.

Shows interest when recognizing inventions and their time period.

-Gives students turns to read the inventions, points out the dates that will help them write the events in chronological order. -Draws a table on the board and asks students to pass and fill it in with the information read.

-Reads the table of inventors and inventions. -Writes the events in chronological order. -Draws a time line of the most popular inventors and inventions. -Fill in the table with information on the module and on the board of the most popular inventors and inventions from the reading activity.

Inventions time line Module Board Markers


Identifies different time periods to complete a passage.

Recognizes different time periods: present, past, and future to complete a passage.

Shows interest when recognizing inventions and their time period.

--Goes over the time contrast table with the students and explains how to describe different time periods. -Introduces the activity by asking some questions about the past, present, and future, example: How do you think it will be different in the next fifty years? -Goes around the classroom and gives help as needed.

-Completes the chart using information from the time contrast table and compares the statements with partners. -Selects statements according to the tense and write them on the chart.

Tenses Recognition Module

6666 Identifies vocabulary about new and future technology.

Searches on the internet about new and future technology.

Integrates knowledge about futurist and new technology.

-Organizes the students in pairs. -Walks around the class and gives help as needed. -Checks the match activity and gives feedback. Answer Key:Answer Key:Answer Key:Answer Key: 1. Top, 2. Forecast, 3. Inside, 4. Future, 5. Addition, 6. Point out, 7. Specialist, 8. Developer, 9. Speed, 10. Sci-fi. -Assigns activity 6c for homework. -Has students read their report

-Read the article and then discusses with partner to answer questions. -Match the synonyms from the article and check them with your teacher. -Searches in the internet and writes a report about nanobots. Brings the report to the teacher and share what you discovered with your partners in class.

A report Module Dictionary Inernet

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and motivate a discussion on the article’s topic.

7777 Identifies vocabulary used when using the internet.

Applies and searches for vocabulary used when using the internet.

Integrates vocabulary to his/her knowledge and values the use of the internet.

-Organizes the students in pairs. -Asks questions and writes the students’ answers on the board to have them compare and check their own answers. -Checks how much the students know about internet vocabulary by asking them to do the match on activity 7a. - Gives feedback, Answer Key:Answer Key:Answer Key:Answer Key: 1p, 2 m, 3 n, 4 o, 5 l, 6 a, 7b, 8 c, 9 d, 10 e, 11 f, 12 g, 13 h, 14 i, 15 j, 16k

-Read sabout the Internet, ask partner and answer the questions, writes own and partner’s questions on the chart and write them on the board. -Does the match on activity 7a and checks with the teacher.

Internet Vocabulary Table

Module Board Markers

8888 Recognizes the useful application of social networks.

Comments and gives opinion of the pros and cons of the use of “Social Networks”.

Values the use of new technology and social networks when used properly.

-Organizes the students in pairs. -Asks questions and writes the students’ answers on the board to have them compare and check their own answers. -Starts a discussion by asking students their results.

-Reads about “Social networks”, asks partner and answer the questions, writes own and partner’s questions on the module and write them on the board. - Marks with a checkmark if he/she approves or disapproves computers. Then compare with partner and presents the results and differences to the teacher.

Table with opinions Module


Identifies information to give approval or disapproval of the use of computer.

Recognizes the usefulness of computers to approve or disapprove their benefits.

Respects his/her partners opinion when approve or disapprove the use of computers

-Organizes the students in pairs so they can ask if the partner approves or disapproves the use of computers. -Starts a discussion by making questions like: Do you think we can live without a cell phone?

-Marks if he/she approves or disapproves computers. Then compares with partner and presents the results and differences to the teacher. Discusses and stands up for his/her point of view .


Module Dictionary

10 Identifies vocabulary and grammar structures to give his/her opinion about technology.

Applies vocabulary and grammar structures studied to give information about technology used in an invention.

Appreciates what has been learned in the block and gives his’her opinion.

-Gives students help to write about an invention that in his/her opinion has changed humanity. -

-Writes about a popular invention, one that has changed humanity. Then answer the questions.

Report Module