Critica Del Cine -DeBER

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  • 8/6/2019 Critica Del Cine -DeBER


    X-Men: Primera Generacin (2) crtica

    Inteligente. Esa es la primera palabra que me viene a

    la mente a la hora de calificar la cuarta adaptacin

    del grupo de mutantes ms exitoso de la editorial

    Marvel. Una magnfica pelcula que probablemente

    dejar satisfechos a casi todos.

    6 de junio de 2011 / Javier LacombaTamarit

    Desde siempre, la quimera que se ha venido persiguiendo a la hora de convertir en celuloide

    las vietas, y concretamente el gnero de superhroes es la llamada "fidelidad". "Fidelidad alcmic", "Fidelidad a los personajes", "Fidelidad al espritu". Nos hemos cansado una y otra

    vez de or esas expresiones en contraposicin a la temida "traicin" ante los que losaficionados estn (estamos) siempre vigilantes y en guardia.

    Pues bien, "X Men: Primera Generacin" es una de las adaptaciones ms fieles jams


    Y eso no quiere decir que sea igual, siquiera parecida, a los acontecimientos originales del

    cmic, sino que utiliza las mismas armas y los mismos recursos que hicieron a la Patrulla X

    una de las joyas del cmic norteamericano contemporneo.

    El temor del mutante al rechazo, muy bien engarzado en el libreto a la paranoianorteamericana durante la Guerra Fra; la buena construccin de los personajes, con grancuidado en la creacin de una coherencia interna de los mismos, an en sus contradicciones;

    y, sobre todo, algo que ya saban los clsicos, algo que es imprescindible, y una receta para

    el xito de la historia.

    Un gran villano, y un gran actor que lo interprete.

    El villano se llama Magneto, y es un personaje complejo, el autntico protagonista de lapelcula, como DarthVader lo es de la saga "StarWars". Un personaje que huye del mero

    estereotipo, para tener una solidez envidiable, especialmente en su relacin de amistad con elque luego ser su antagonista, el profesor Xavier. Un personaje con motivaciones humanas,aunque sean condenables sus acciones desde el punto de vista del bien; con sus ideales y sus

    emociones, con su viaje personal movido por la ira.

  • 8/6/2019 Critica Del Cine -DeBER


    Un gran personaje, llenado por un gran intrprete, Michael Fassbender, que otorga el porte,

    majestuosidad y rabia contenida que requiere el futuro villano. El actor llena absolutamente

    la pantalla, y eclipsa a su compaero de reparto James McAvoy, que realiza una correctalabor, e incluso roba los planos de un siempre eficaz y dotado aparentemente de la eterna

    juventud Kevin Bacon.

    Una vez ms, hay que destacar los aciertos de Casting en la mayora de secundarios, ascomo en el aspecto, en el diseo de produccin de la pelcula. Vistosa a ms no poder,

    fluida, con magnficos efectos especiales y de sonido, la pelcula va acumulando mritossegn pasan los minutos, con un aspecto en ocasiones "retro" que se subraya hbilmente porMatthew Vaughn con detalles como la pantalla partida, o incluso el vestuario de la bella pero

    algo anodina January Jones, que nos harn rememorar al mismsimo Bond de Sean Connery

    en ciertos momentos.

    Ingredientes realistas, histricos, clsicos, cotidianos, humanos, para conformar y hacer an

    ms grande una brillante fantasa.

    Eso es inteligencia a la hora de afrontar una adaptacin, que adems conecta con lo ya

    contado en las tres pelculas precedentes de una manera que dejar boquiabierto alaficionado y que (por supuesto) no voy a revelar.

    Y no olvidemos al que hizo los mimbres de papel para tan magnfica cesta, alguien al que

    esta adaptacin le debe muchsimo.

    Alguienllamado Chris Claremont.


    X-Men: The First Generation (2) critical

    Intelligent. This it is the first word that me comes to the mind at the moment of qualifying the

    fourth adjustment of the most successful group of mutants of the publishing house Marvel. A

    magnificent movie that probably will make all satisfied to almost.

    From always, the chimera that one has come chasing at the moment of turning into celluloid the

    emblems, and concretely the superheroes' kind is the so called "loyalty". " Loyalty to the cmic ", "

    Loyalty to the prominent figures ", " Loyalty to the spirit ". We have got tired again and again of

  • 8/6/2019 Critica Del Cine -DeBER


    hearing these expressions in contraposition to the been afraid "perfidy" before that the fans are

    (are) always vigilant and in police officer.

    Well then, " X Men: The First Generation " is never one of the most faithful realized adjustments.

    And it it does not want to say that it should be equal, at least seemed, to the original events of the

    cmic, but it uses the same weapon and the same resources that did one of the jewels to the

    Patrol X of the North American contemporary cmic.

    The fear of the mutant of the rejection very well connected in the libretto to the North American

    paranoia during the Cold War; the good construction of the prominent figures, with great care in

    the creation of an internal coherence of the same ones, still in his contradictions; and, especially,

    something that already the classic ones knew, something that is indispensable, and a recipe for the

    success of the history.

    A great villain, and a great actor who interprets it.

    The villain is called A Magneto, and is a complex personage, the authentic protagonist of the

    movie, since Darth Vader it is of the saga "Star Wars". A personage who flees of the mere

    stereotype, to have an enviable solidity, specially in his relation of friendship with the one that

    then will be his antagonist, the teacher Xavier. A personage with human motivations, though his

    actions are condemnable from the point of view of the good; with his ideal ones and his emotions,

    with his personal trip moved by the ire.

    A great personage filled by a great interpreter, Michael Fassbender, who grants the freightage,

    majesty and contained anger that the future villain needs. The actor fills absolutely the screen, and

    eclipses his companion of distribution James McAvoy, who realizes a correct labor, and even Kevin

    steals the planes of one always effective and endowed seemingly of the eternal youth

    Once again, it is necessary to emphasize the successes of Casting in the majority of secondary, as

    well as in the aspect, in the design of production of the movie. Showy to any more not being able,

    fluid, with magnificent special effects and of sound, the movie is accumulating merits as the

    minutes spend, with an aspect in occasions "retro" that is underlined skilfully by Matthew Vaughn

    by details as the divided screen, or even the wardrobe of the beautiful one but slightly bland

    January Jones, which they will make us recall to Sean Connery's very same Bond in certain


    Realistic, historical, classic, daily, human ingredients, to agree and to make furthermore a brilliant

    fantasy big

    It is an intelligence at the moment of confronts an adjustment, which in addition connects with

    the already counted in three previous movies in such a way that it will make the fan open-

    mouthed and that (certainly) I am not going to reveal.

  • 8/6/2019 Critica Del Cine -DeBER


    And let's not forget the one that did the wickers of paper for so magnificent basket, anybody

    whom this adjustment owes very much.

    Someone so called Chris Claremont.