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dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

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Page 1: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

Servicio de Atención al Cliente902 11 46 [email protected]

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dharai josep lluscà i

Page 2: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

dharai sillería de oficina i

i office seating ii josep lluscà i

Page 3: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models



i La ergonomía e innovación alcanzan con Dhara su máxima expresión. Esta versátil silla, diseñada por JosepLluscà, presenta modelos ejecutivos, operativos y de visitas para usuarios y requerimientos diferentes. Suestilizado diseño le convierte en una serie ideal para ambientes en los que además del confort se valora laimagen que transmite el espacio de trabajo.

i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by JosepLluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models for different users and requirements. Its stylish design makesit an ideal series for atmospheres where, in addition to comfort, the image transmitted by the workplace isvalued.

Page 4: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i La silla ejecutiva, como las operativas, presentavarias opciones facilitando siempre el máximoconfort del usuario: dos tipos de asientos, largoy corto; dos de brazos, fijos y regulables; dos derespaldo, tapizado y en malla; y dos tipos de base,poliamida negra y aluminio pulido

i The executive chair, like the task chairs, presentsa number of options, always offering maximumcomfort for the user: two types of seats, longand short; two armrests, fixed and adjustable;two backrests, upholstered and mesh; and twotypes of base, black polyamide and polishedaluminium

i silla ejecutiva con cabeceroi executive chair with headrest

i mesh backresti respaldo de malla

i fixed i adjustable armresti brazo fijo i brazo regulable

Page 5: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i silla ejecutiva con cabeceroi executive chair with headrest

i upholstered backresti respaldo tapizado

i adjustable i fixed armresti brazo regulable i brazo fijo

i Diseño para los que buscan un toque diferencia-dor y no cuestionan la importancia de la ergono-mía. Para el máximo confort del usuario, lassillas disponen de todas las posibilidades deregulación exigibles, más allá de la normativa,en todos los modelos ejecutivos y operativos

i Designed for those who look for a distinctivetouch and who do not question the importanceof ergonomics. For the maximum comfort of theuser, the chairs have all the desirable adjustmentpossibilities, beyond standard regulations, in allexecutive and task models

Page 6: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i mesh backresti respaldo de malla

i silla operativai task chair

i Gracias a sus prestaciones y regulaciones,Dhara contribuye a incrementar la calidadde vida del usuario y a que las personastrabajen en un entorno optimizado

i Thanks to its features and adjustments,Dhara enhances the user’s quality of lifeby contributing to an optimised workenvironment

Page 7: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i Modelo operativo con asiento largo (F-48), deproporciones generosas. Respaldo en malla

i Task model with long seat (F-48), of generousproportions. Mesh backrest

i Dhara offers comfortablesolutions for all users,regardless of their bodydimensions. Because not allof us are the same, Dharapresents chairs with longseats (F-48), and short seats(F-42). Ergonomics thusr e a c h t h e i r h i g h e s texpression. In the image, amodel with a short seat

i Aporta soluciones confor-tables para todos los usua-rios, independientemente desus dimensiones corporales.Porque no todas las perso-nas somos iguales, Dharapresenta sillería con asientolargo (F-48), y asiento corto(F-42) La ergonomía alcanzaasí su máxima expresión. Enla imagen, modelo con asien-to corto

i silla operativai task chair

i F-42 seat i F-48 seati asiento F-42 i asiento F-48

i mesh backresti respaldo de malla

Page 8: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i Version with upholstered backrest andshort seat (F-42). Like the model shownhere, Dhara's entire range is available withgraphite grey or black backrests andarmrests

i Versión de respaldo tapizado y asientocorto (F-42). Como el modelo aquí mostra-do, toda la gama de Dhara está disponiblecon respaldo y brazos tanto en gris grafitocomo en negro

i silla operativai task chair

i F-48 seat i F-42 seati asiento F-48 i asiento F-42

i upholstered backresti respaldo tapizado

i Modelo de silla operativa giratoria de asientolargo (F-48), respaldo tapizado y brazos regula-bles, para mayor comodidad del usuario. El asientointegra de serie la regulación de profundidad

i Swivel task model chair with long seat (F-48),upholstered backrest and adjustable armreststo ensure greater comfort for the user. The chairintegrates depth adjustment as standard

Page 9: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

i silla antiestáticai antistatic chair

i with i without armrestsi con brazos i sin brazos

i Silla antiestáticaLa silla Dhara en versión antiestáticapermite que el usuario pueda liberarsede la electricidad estática de su puestode trabajo

i Antistatic chairDhara's antistatic chair allows theuser to reduce static electricity in hisplace of work


i Está certificada bajo la marca de calidadCIDEMCO-Mobiliario de oficina antiestá-tico. Esta certificación garantiza que lasilla conduce la electricidad dentro delrango óptimo

i Dhara is certified under the CIDEMCO-Antistatic office furniture quality seal.This certification guarantees that thechair conducts electricity within theoptimum range

Page 10: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i 4-leggedi 4 apoyos

i silla de visitasi visitor chair

Page 11: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i ApilableSillas fácilmente apilables para ahorrarespacio. El modelo de silla de 4 apoyos ysin brazos consigue la máxima funcionali-dad y optimiza la capacidad de almacena-miento

i StackableEasily stackable chairs to save space. Thearmless 4-legged models achieve maximumfunctionality and optimise storage capacity

i La serie Dhara cuenta con una amplia va-riedad de sillas de visitas. Con las distintasversiones de tapizado y opciones de acabadoes posible elegir la combinación ideal paracada ambiente

i The Dhara series has a wide range of visitorchairs. With the different upholsteryversions and finish options it is possibleto choose the ideal combination for eachatmosphere

i silla de visitas 4 apoyosi 4-legged visitor chair

i without armrestsi sin brazos

Page 12: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

i silla confidente 4 apoyosi 4-legged models achieve

i with armrestsi con brazos


i El diseño depurado de la serietambién se aprecia en los modeloscon brazos

i The refined design of this seriesis also appreciable in the modelswith armrests

Page 13: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i cantilever basei patín

i silla de visitasi visitor chair

Page 14: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

i silla de visitas patíni cantilever base visitor chair

i with i without armrestsi con brazos i sin brazos


i La versión de visitas de patín, con o sinbrazos, amplía la serie y sus usos

i The cantilever base visitor chair, withor without armrests, broadens the seriesand its uses

Page 15: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i Diferentes opciones del modelo Dharagiratoria de visitas. Una misma silla condiferentes tipos de base, brazo y respaldo.El mismo confort con líneas estéticasdiferentes

i Different options of the Dhara swivelvisitor model. The same chair with differenttypes of bases, armrests and backrests. Thesame comfort with different aesthetic lines

i silla de visitas giratoriai swivel visitor chair

i fixed i adjustable armresti brazo fijo i brazo regulable

Page 16: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

prestaciones i features

i mecanismo sincrosynchro mechanism

i a highlight of the dhara series is its latest generationsynchro mechanism which provides sliding movement aswell as varying the angle between the seat and back.this combination of turning action and sliding movementproduces a perfect synchronisation between the seat andthe back, in such a way that the user does not perceive anyfriction on his back.

i en la serie dhara destaca su mecanismo sincro de últimageneración que proporciona un movimiento de translacióna la vez que varía el ángulo entre el asiento y respaldo.este movimiento combinado de giro y desplazamientoproduce una sincronización perfecta entre asiento yrespaldo, y consigue de este modo que el usuario noperciba ninguna fricción en la espalda.

i las sillas disponen de todas las posibilidades deregulación exigibles, como la regulación de alturade respaldo adaptándose a las dimensionescorporales del usuario.

i the chairs can be adjusted to suit everyrequirement, such as the height of the back, whichadapts to the dimensions of the user's body.

i regulación de altura de respaldoadjustment of the height of the backrest

i retapizadoreupholstery

i tapizados, en asiento y respaldo, fácilmente sustituiblesen el puesto de trabajo.

i upholstered seat and back, easily replaceable in theworkstation.


i brazos regulablesarmrests adjustment

i two kinds of armrests:-


fixed: these can be adjusted in height together with theback.adjustable: in height, angle, depth and width.

i dos tipos de brazos:--

fijos, que se regulan en altura junto con el respaldo.regulables: en altura, anchura, ángulo y profundidad.

a.- rodadura dura i hard-wheel casters

b.- rodadura blanda i soft-wheel casters

c.- tope i glide

i ruedas y topescasters and glide

a b c

i el marco de sostenibilidad de ofitaOfita vincula su actividad empresarial al compromisocon el desarrollo sostenible.El motor de su sistema de gestión es el modelo deexcelencia EFQM (European Foundation for QualityManagement), y da respuesta a los certificados másexigentes en materia de Calidad, Seguridad ySalud en el Trabajo y Medio Ambiente.

i ofita's sustainability frameworkOfita links its business activity with sustainabledevelopment.The driving force for its management system is theEFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management)model and it complies with the most demandingcertificates in terms of Quality, the Environment andOccupational Health and Safety.

Certificando el origen de la maderaPEFC/FSC

Certifying the source of wood, PEFC/FSC

Manufacturing qualityOngoing improvement of processes

Environmentally friendlyproduct designWater based varnish

Management Excellence. EFQM model

Clean productionEnvironmental protection

People satisfactionOccupational Health and Safety

Calidad de fabricaciónMejora continua de procesos

iso 9001

Mejora medioambientalde productos. EcodiseñoMaderas con barniz al agua

iso 14006

Excelencia en la Gestión


Satisfacción de personasSeguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

ohsas 18001

Producción limpiaProtección del Medio Ambiente

iso 14001

Page 17: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models

i sil las ejecutivas iexecutive chairs


i brazos f i jos if ixed armrests

i brazos regulables iadjustable armrests

La serie dhara ha sido diseñada reduciendo al máximo el impacto ambiental del producto en sus fases de producción, uso y desecho.

Como resultado del compromiso de mejora continua de los productos OFITA, lasespecificaciones técnicas, equipamientos y fotografías de los productos, así comocualquier otra información aquí recogida en el catálogo, puede variar sin previo aviso.

As a result of OFITA´s commitment to the concept of continuous improvement, technicalspecifications, equipment and photographs of products, as well as other informationincluded in the catalogue, may vary without prior warning.

The dhara series has been designed to minimise the environmental impact of the product during production, use and disposal.

























dimensiones i dimensionscaracterísticas i characteristics

sillas giratorias i swivel chairs


tipo asiento i seat type











sillas de visitasvisitor chairs





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sillas de trabajowork chairs


tipos respaldo i type of backtapizado i upholsteredmalla i mesh

tipos brazo i type of armssin brazos i without armsbrazo fijo i fixed armbrazo regulable en altura, anchura,ángulo y profundidad tapaarm adjustable in height, width,angle and depth





elevación a gas i gas liftmecanismo sincro con regulación lateral de la tensiónsynchro mechanism with side tension adjustmentregulación altura respaldo con parada multiposicional y anti-retornoback height adjustment with multiple-positioning stop and anti-returnregulación profundidad de asientoseat depth adjustment

regulaciones i adjustments


tipo respaldotype of back

tipo asientoseat type



sillas fijas i fixed leg chairs


tipo tapizadoupholstery type


4 apoyos4-legged






patíncantilever base






tipos brazo i type of armssin brazos i without armscon brazos i with armrests


tipos tapizado i upholstery typesin tapizar i unupholsteredtapizado asiento i upholstered seattapizado asiento y respaldoupholstered seat and back



Page 18: dhara - Ofita · i Ergonomics and innovation reach their highest expression with Dhara. This versatile chair, designed by Josep Lluscà, comes in executive, task and visitor models


i sil las de visitas ivisi tor chairs

i 4 apoyos i4-legged

i patín icanti lever base

i giratorias iswivel

















i brazos f i jos if ixed armrests

i brazos regulables iadjustable armrests

i sin brazos iwithout armrests




i sil las 0perativas isi l las operat ivas





















