Dossier Selectivitat

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Tips for selectivitat exam in catalonia

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Page 2: Dossier Selectivitat

Estructura de l'examen

L'examen de llengua anglesa consta de les tres parts següents:

Parts de l’examen Duració Valor

Comprensió d’un text oral 30 minuts 20 % de la nota

Comprensió escrita 60 minuts

40 % de la nota

Expressió escrita 40 % de la nota

Les preguntes i instruccions de l'examen són formulades en anglès i hauran de

ser respostes en anglès sense ajut del diccionari ni de cap altre material


Comprensió d'un text oral

La prova utilitza un text de dificultat mitjana autèntic o semi-autèntic (text amb

característiques bàsiques d'un text autèntic, però simplificat a un nivell

d'entrada a la universitat -el que en podríem dir "text de registre pedagògic"-),

sobre un tema de cultura general actual, del tipus corrent en els mitjans de

comunicació. L'examinand haurà de respondre vuit preguntes d'opció múltiple

(a, b, c, d) sobre aquest text, amb un valor de 0,25 cadascuna.

La realització d'aquesta prova s'articula de la següent manera:

a. Una breu introducció per fer que l'oient es familiaritzi amb les veus, el

tema, el ritme i l'acústica de la gravació. El text de la introducció podrà

ser llegit alhora que escoltat.

b. Una pausa inicial per a que l'alumne llegeixi les preguntes de


c. Primera audició del text.

d. Primera pausa per a completar les respostes.

e. Segona audició del text.

f. Segona pausa per a completar les respostes.

Comprensió escrita

Consisteix en una activitat de comprensió d'un text anglès escrit en llenguatge

estàndard, no especialitzat. L'exercici, amb un valor global de fins a quatre

punts, té com objectiu avaluar el nivell de comprensió escrita de l'alumnat.

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Consta de vuit preguntes d'opció múltiple (a, b, c, d) sobre aquest text, amb un

valor de 0.5 cadascuna.

Expressió escrita

Consisteix en la producció d'una redacció personal, sobre un tema relacionat

amb el text utilitzat en l'exercici de comprensió lectora. Aquesta redacció, d'una

extensió no inferior a cent paraules, s'haurà d'ajustar a les indicacions de

l'opció triada. L'exercici serà qualificat amb un total de fins a quatre punts.

Criteris generals d'avaluació

Listening comprehension: 2 points

0.25 points for each correct answer to a multiple choice question (8


wrong answers will be penalized (-1/3 of the question value = -0,08).

Reading comprehension: 4 points

0.5 for each correct answer to a multiple choice question (8 questions).

wrong answers will be penalized (-1/3 of the question value = -0,16).

Composition: 4 points The following aspects will be evaluated separately on a scale of 0 to 10 points.

a. Grammar (25 % of the composition grade)

the correct and appropriate use of morphological and syntactic structures

the range (variety and complexity) of structures used.

b. Vocabulary (25 % of the composition grade)

the range and appropriate use of vocabulary (variety of semantic fields,

richness, phrasal verbs, collocations, idiomatic expressions, linking


the correct spelling of words.

c. Text / Paragraph building (25 % of the composition grade)

The clarity of organization of ideas within the sentence, the paragraph

and the text

The clear and correct use of punctuation and text markers.

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d. Maturity (25 % of the composition grade)

The skillful handling of the topic (clear thinking, good outline, well-

reasoned ideas, creativity, ...)


Wrong format: If a composition does not follow the format (letter,

dialogue, news report, diary, for and against argumentation, description,

narrative, ...) of the chosen option, it will be penalized up to 1 point.

Copying from the text: the use of full sentences or fragments taken from

the text will not be considered as personal writing.

Insufficient length. Compositions under 100 words will be penalized up to

1 point.

Wrong topic: No points will be given to a composition written on a topic

not included in the two given options.

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How do you write... AN INTERVIEW

To welcome the audience* Good morning/afternoon/evening and welcome to today’s program. Welcome to another edition of (name of program) To introduce the interviewee Today we have here with us Mr/Ms... We are very pleased/delighted to have here with us Mr/Ms... Please welcome Mr/Ms... He/She has... He/She is famous for +ing To close the interview* Well, our time is over for today. I’m afraid our time is over. We could talk to Mr/Ms... for hours, but I’m afraid we must put an end to this interview. To thank the interviewee Thank you very much for being here with us today. It was a pleasure having you here today. I hope you can come some other day and tell us more about ... To say goodbye to the audience* Thank you very much for being with us once more. We hope to see you in next week’s edition of (name of program), when we will interview ...

Use contractions if it is an interview for the radio/television. Interviews for a magazine require a different tone. Add comments to the interviewee’s answers, but not opinions. * not in written interviews

Structure The interviewer welcomes the audience - introduces the interviewee (name and why he/she is important). Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer The presenter thanks the interviewee - adds a comment – says goodbye to the audience.

Useful sentences


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How do you write... AN OPINION ESSAY

To express your personal opinion I (personally) think / I don’t think that... Personalment, penso / crec que... I (strongly) believe that... Crec fermament que... I feel /I don’t feel that... Em sembla /no em sembla It seems to me that... Em sembla que... I agree / I don’t agree that... Estic d’acord que / No estic d’acord que... In my opinion / view... Segons el meu parer / punt de vista... As I see it... Tal com jo ho veig... As far as I’m concerned... Pel que fa a mi / Pel que a mi respecta... It’s clear to me that... Em sembla evident que... From my point of view... Segons el meu punt de vista... Expressing facts As a matter of fact / In fact de fet, / en realitat, Actually de fet Adding information Apart from... apart de... Moreover, / furthermore, / in addition, a més a més What’s more, / besides i per acabar-ho d’arrodonir Expressing causes and consequences Because of (that) a causa d’això For this reason,... per aquest motiu / raó That’s why per això / aquesta és la raó per la qual Therefore, / consequently, So, per tant, /en conseqüència, As a result of... com a resultat de Giving reasons Because / since perquè As com que Due to a causa de Specifying At least almenys Above all sobretot Basically fonamentalment Especially especialment To a certain extent fins a cert punt In particular en especial Concluding To sum up, en resum In conclusion, en conclusió

Structure: Paragraph 1 - Introduction. Set the topic and state your opinion. Paragraph 2 – Arguments. One paragraph for each main idea. Explain the consequences of problems and solutions. Give examples.

Paragraph 3 – Conclusion. Give a summary of your opinion.

Useful sentences

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How do you write... AN INFORMAL LETTER

Responding to a person’s news

Thanks for your letter. You asked about... It sounds like... Asking how the person is

So, how are you? How’s it going? What’s new? How are you getting on? It was great to hear from you Answering a question

Thanks for asking about... You wanted to know about... You asked about... I’m writing to tell you that... Adding extra information

What else? Oh, yes... I also wanted to tell you that... Changing the subject

By the way, did I tell you that...? Anyway, Finishing

Keep in touch. Write soon. Looking forward to hearing your news / from you. Anyway, I must stop writing now. Closing

Yours, Love, / XXX (kisses) / XOX (hugs and kisses) Best wishes, Take care, See you, / CU

Writer’s address (not the name!) Street Town


Date in English (e. g. 11th June, 2007)

Dear (name of friend), Opening paragraph: Responding to a person’s news Body: asking a question. Answering a question. Adding extra information. Changing the subject. Final paragraph: finishing Closing Writer’s signature P. S. (optional)

Useful sentences

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How do you write... A FORMAL LETTER


Dear Sir / Madam (if you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to) Dear Mr ... / Ms .... (if you know the name) Explaining your reasons / requests

I am writing to enquire about... I am writing in response to... I am writing in order to explain... With reference to your advertisement, I would like to apply for the post of... I am particularly interested in... I would be grateful if you could... I would appreciate information on... Could you please...? I wonder if you could... It would also be useful to know... Would it be possible for me to...? Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. Thank you for your assistance. Finishing

I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to receiving your news. Closing

Yours faithfully, (if you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to) Yours sincerely, (if you know the name)

Writer’s address (not the name!) Street Town


Date in English (e. g. 11th June, 2007)

Name of company Street Town (Country) Greeting: Dear Sir or Madam, Opening paragraph: explain your reason for writing. Body: explain your requests, points or arguments (one paragraph for each point). Final paragraph: finishing Closing Writer’s signature Name of writer

Useful sentences

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How do you write... A DISCUSSION ESSAY

Introduction In the past, At the moment, / At present, These days, It is a well-known fact that... ... is an important issue in today’s world. There are obviously advantages and disadvantages. There are positive and negative sides to this. Giving both sides of the argument On the one hand, ... /On the other hand, ... Some people would argue that... but others would say that... Although..., it could also be argued that... In reality, however, ... Expressing contrast However, / nevertheless, On the one hand, Although Despite (the fact that) / in spite of (the fact that) Expressing result As a result, For this reason, Consequently, Therefore, For example, / for instance, This means that... Adding ideas Another reason is In addition, Moreover, / What’s more Concluding To sum up, In conclusion, My own opinion is that... because... Personally, I believe that...

Structure Paragraph 1: Introduction. A statement that explains the topic. Explain that there are views for and against this idea; advantages and disadvantages. Paragraph 2: Arguments for / advantages. Paragraph 3: Arguments against / disadvantages. Paragraph 4: Conclusion. Sum up the other side of the argument. Give your own conclusion – your


Useful sentences

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How do you write... A DIALOGUE /


Colloquial language OK, Well, Oh, ... Erm ... How are things? That sounds good /great / bad / OK. What do you think of... That depends. We’ll see. Go on! Come on! Making suggestions How about...? Let’s... We could... Why don’t we / you...? Are you interested in...? Shall we...? Maybe we / you could... Expressing preferences I’d like / love to... That would be great! I can’t wait! I’d prefer to... I don’t really feel like... I’d rather not.

Before you write, think of a similar situation which you have seen or heard.

Think about the situation from the point of view of both characters.

The purpose of the dialogue should be clear in the first few lines.

Decide how the dialogue will end before you start writing.

Use short answers and short sentences.

The language should be natural and colloquial.

You may use short forms and contractions.

Introduction. One line to set the scene. Name 1 text Name 2 text Name 1 text Name 2 text ... ...


Useful sentences


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How do you write... AN EMAIL

Greeting Dear ..., Hi ..., Starting Thanks for your message. I’m glad to hear that... I’m just writing to... Changing the subject Anyway, ... One more thing, ... What about you...? Finishing It would be great to hear from you. Must go now! Keep in touch. Write soon. Saying goodbye All the best. Bye for now. Love / XXX See you / CU

Greeting Paragraph 1: responding to a person’s news. Asking a question. Answering a question. Paragraph 2: giving news. Explaining why you’re writing. Paragraph 3: finishing. Closing. Say goodbye. Signature

To: From: Subject: CC: BCC:


Useful sentences

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Before you write the composition ...

Read the instructions carefully. Make sure you answer everything

they ask in the composition.

Think for a couple of minutes before you start to write. Plan your

composition in your mind.

You may use ideas from the text, but not copy from the text.

Before handing in your exam, re-read it and check that ...

all sentences have a subject

all sentences have a verb

the order of the sentences is correct: subj – verb – CI/D – manner –

place – time

all the adjectives come before the noun

the adjectives are not in the plural

the verbs in the present tense all have a –S in the 3rd person singular

negatives and questions have an auxiliary: DO, DOES, DID...

there are punctuation marks and connectors.

the information is divided into paragraphs, with an introduction and a


the paragraphs are coherent

the composition has a title

your writing is neat (no cross-outs) and legible. There are margins on

all four sides.