NI1 EXAMS-EOI LORCA-EXTENSIÓN MAZARRÓN -As you know the exam will consist of 4 different parts: CE: COMPRENSIÓN ESCRITA (2 tasks: one may be a cloze, the other one may be a true or false, complete the paragraphs with one given phrase, to choose a heading for each paragraph, to look for words in the text..etc.) – Timing: 60’ C0: COMPRENSIÓN ORAL (2 tasks: they may be a gap filling, to complete a grid, a multiple choice, a true or false, a matching activity, etc…)- Timing: 30’ EE: EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA (1 or 2 tasks: see the syllabus to check the text types that you’re supposed to deal with. The requirements of the task (number of words) and the communicative context are given. Both must be done) – Timing: 75’ EO: EXPRESIÓN ORAL (2 parts: one is to prepare a monologue on the topic you’re given and the other one is an interaction with a classmate about a topic you’re also given. It is very important to practice with the timing, with the functional language and with all the aspects we’ve been dealing with in class: fluency, use of intermediate vocab and structures, pronunciation, grammar correctness, use of linking words, cooperation when interacting, how communicative u are…among others)- Timing: 3’ (each monologue)-3-4’ (interaction)-You’ll have some minutes to prepare in advance and OUTLINE JUST WITH SOME KEY WORDS.READING IS NOT ALLOWED I’ll give you more guidelines about this next week DURACIÓN DE LAS PRUEBAS ESCRITAS PRUEBA NB1 NB2 NI1 NI2 NA1 NA2

Duración de las pruebas escritasni1

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-As you know the exam will consist of 4 different parts:

CE: COMPRENSIÓN ESCRITA (2 tasks: one may be a cloze, the other one may be a true or false, complete the paragraphs with one given phrase, to choose a heading for each paragraph, to look for words in the text..etc.) – Timing: 60’

C0: COMPRENSIÓN ORAL (2 tasks: they may be a gap filling, to complete a grid, a multiple choice, a true or false, a matching activity, etc…)- Timing: 30’

EE: EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA (1 or 2 tasks: see the syllabus to check the text types that you’re supposed to deal with. The requirements of the task (number of words) and the communicative context are given. Both must be done) –Timing: 75’

EO: EXPRESIÓN ORAL (2 parts: one is to prepare a monologue on the topic you’re given and the other one is an interaction with a classmate about a topic you’re also given. It is very important to practice with the timing, with the functional language and with all the aspects we’ve been dealing with in class: fluency, use of intermediate vocab and structures, pronunciation, grammar correctness, use of linking words, cooperation when interacting, how communicative u are…among others)- Timing: 3’ (each monologue)-3-4’ (interaction)-You’ll have some minutes to prepare in advance and OUTLINE JUST WITH SOME KEY WORDS.READING IS NOT ALLOWED

I’ll give you more guidelines about this next week


PRUEBA NB1 NB2 NI1 NI2 NA1 NA2CE 45’ 60’ 60’ 75’ 90’ 90’CO 20’ 20’ 30’ 30’ 40’ 40’EE 60’ 60’ 75’ 75’ 90’ 90’TOTAL 125’ 140’ 165’ 185’ 240’ 240’

FEBRUARY EXAM DATES: 18TH February (Readings and listenings) and 20th (Writing)

Week 25th of February: EO (write your name on the list hung on the class door)

*****Check the following links for more info about the syllabus and about evaluation:
