Ej Compl

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  • 7/29/2019 Ej Compl


    Technical English Lab


    Estimado alumno:

    Para que la realizacin de estos ejercicios y los subsiguientes en las otraslecciones de esta y otras Unidades te rinda beneficios ptimos debes hacerlosen un cuaderno aparte, de modo que puedas copiarlos y resolverlosadecuadamente. El copiarlos aparte con tu puo y letra, de ser posible

    pronunciando cada una de las palabras o trminos incluidos, te permitir poneren funcionamiento ciertas reas del cerebro que coadyuvarn a que memoriceso recuerdes ms efectivamente el vocabulario ingls utilizado y sus posiblessignificados. En tal sentido asegrate de que los copies sin errores deortografa ya que cualquier equivocacin pudiera hacer que confundas unapalabra con otra, lo cual dificulta el proceso de memorizacin.

    I Unidad: Factores Lexicogrficos

    Leccin 1

    1.- Investigue en su diccionario los significados mas frecuentes (hasta tres) deestos tres tipos de vocablos:


    end set leak watch flash coppercoil slope turn plug mean matchiron start cut back crack closefix look thread break band starchstock yard dash find goods leak


    man top watch drain short setturn mean start break bend bandfind look leak crack slide backenable bill uncork gear hinder ink


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    dead close set mean short bent end meanfixed shut rough soft hard weak blunt alonedull fair wrong wide mushy bluish large awkward

    2.- Determine el significado de los trminos compuestos de acuerdo al campoespecializado entre parntesis: (investigue en un diccionario de ciencia ytecnologa).

    - steel shape ( Metalurgia) - trip hammer (Mecnica)

    - unity coupling (Electricidad) - white iron (Metalurgia)- end point (Qumica) - bat head(Radiotecnologa)- ladder fire (Artilleria - main bang(Radares)-peak chopper(Electricidad) -noise field(Acstica)

    -light air(Metereologa) -quill drive (Mecnica)-loop range (Radio) -rabbit plane (Herrera)-try cock(Calderas) -saddle key(Mecnica)-etching medium (Qumica) -use lockout(Computacin)-track diagram (Ferrocarriles) -rain shadow(Metereologa

    - lone pair (Qumica) - peak hour (Electricidad)- space hat (Radiotecnica.) - clean tone (Acstica)- branch circuit (Electricidad) -air plot (Aeronautica)- thrust bearing (Telegrafa.) - through joint (Electricidad)- wild track (Fotografa.) - sand hog (Ingeniera)

    - vault original(Discos) - scotch black(Ferrocarriles)- scene dock(T.V) - delay working(Telefona)- live end (Cinematografa) - order wire (Telecomunicaciones)-peg count(Telefona) - usage cord(Informtica)

    -paper work(Administracin) - water table (Arquitectura)-feed blanket(Nucleos) -catwalk (Cine)-flux gate (Magnetos) -marker beacon (Radio)-pay station (Telfona) -safety outlet(Electricidad)-scale dial(Tecnologa) -thread chaser(Herrera)-window corridor(Radares)

    3.- Subraye los sustantivos y coloque los verbos entre parntesis en lasexpresiones hipotticas siguientes:


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    - The main set was divided by the secondary set and then the numbers were

    set in a set order.

    .- Their moves will be carefully watched although they move quickly aroundthe virtual watch .

    - Lets clock these groups while they inch ahead slowly and then group theclocks to check them by the inch.

    - We held those checks during our morning rest and then we started to checktheir moves for the rest of the day.

    - It could end early but it will not be a fast end.

    4.- Investigue el significado ms comn y por lo menos uno especializado delos verbosingleses siguientes, de acuerdo con el campo de especializacinsealado:

    brush (Minas) copy(Radio) execute (Documentos)gate (Electricidad) idle (Maquinas) key(Carpintera)beat(Osciladores) chip (Fundicin) deliver(Ventilacin)fan (datos) head(Minera) jam (Radio)lay(Marina) bed(Carreteras) cast(Minas)

    age (Electrnica) roll(Metalurgia) man (Transporte)trip (Mecnica) work(Minera) rate (Maquinaria)ground(Electricidad) flute (Qumica) plug(Motores)stress (Metalurgia) bug(Electrnica) bull(Construccin)scale (Arquitectura) settle(Qumica) assay(Qumica)

    file (Telegrafa) lean (Matemticas) measure (Qumica)

    quench (Electricidad) scale (Instrumentos) upset(Mecnica)

    drill(Ferrocarriles) jump (Electricidad) mark(Aeronutica)peak(Aparatos) race (Motor) throw(Conmutadores)

    extend(Matemticas) ground(Marina) inset(Mapas)map (Grficos) bend(ptica) develop (Fotografa)feed(Amplificadores) home (Rels) joint(Sierras)lead(Electricidad) overlay(Imprenta) bias (Electricidad)

    wipe (Plomera)


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    5.-Determine el significado ms comn y por lo menos uno especializado de los

    sustantivos ingleses dados a continuacin, de acuerdo con el campoespecializado indicado:

    apron (Muelles) bank(Msica) cap (Lentes)chain (Electricidad) grass (Radares) hitch (Mecnica)knurl(Herrera) pass (Poleas) roll (Motores)quill(Electricidad) range (Mquinas) saddle (Metalurgia)thimble (Electricidad) web (Ferrocarriles) beam (Balanzas)

    bug(Informtica) valley(Electricidad) bias (Electrnica)nibbles (Electrnica) house (Mecnica) main (Electricidad)billet(Metalurga) bed(Mecnica) belt(Geografa)tumbler(Qumica) feed(Herrera) face (Mecnica)pig(Metalurgia) wad(Qumica) figure (Matemtica)

    brake (Herrera) head(Hidrulica) scrap (Metalurga)eartht(Electricidad) stamp (Mecnica) monkey(Minera)play(Mecnica) snack(Elecricidad) shoe (Automecnica)noise (Informtica) nest(Geologa) nose (Mecnica)babble (Electrnica) strike (Cerrajera) dog(Carpintera)

    clutter(Radares) bias (Estadistica) bloc(Metalurgia)bypass (Radio) elbow (Geologa) counter(Minera)phase (Topografa) spider(Herrera) hoghorn (Ondas)boss (Arquitectura) burr(Metalurgia) check(Metalurgia)ledger(filones) crawl(T.V) point(Motores)


    6. Explique cmo podra deducirse el significado de las palabras subrayadas(suponiendo que uno no lo supiera) en las expresiones siguientes, sin recurrir

    al diccionario.

    - John could be called a maverick; independent, questioning, open minded.

    - Their theory was very eclectic; they took from different theories.

    - He was a scholar; he studied all the time, read many books.

    - Electrons are jumpy; they go nervously up and down.


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    - Although our students usually didnt ask many questions, in the lab they werevery inquisitive; they wanted to know everything.

    - It could be called a kick-sorter; that is, a pulse-height analizer.- Since it rained all week, the field was totally flooded.

    - More experimentation will no doubt convert it in an irrefutable fact,----exact,easily observed and unquestionable.

    - I am a true skeptic, I believe what I see or what is proven.

    7.- De la lista dada coloque el vocablo determinador correcto en el espacio enblanco de cada una de las expresiones siguientes:

    This every a their both enoughsome two those a lot that

    - That was not_to fill the poll.

    - _ of _ books were difficult to find.

    - They will do that _ time.

    - Those__ reactions did not develop well.

    -They had _ of time to do that.

    - First_book and then __book.

    - the technicians had_work was evaluated.

    -That was_good reaction.

    -The alloy and the element were_ combinet.


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    8.- Determine la funcin gramatical de cada uno de los vocablos subrayados enlos contextos siguientes:

    Those liquid bleaches are good for that

    My express bus leaves at night.

    There was no display before noon.

    All the air ducts were very wide.

    Which were the mean numbers ?

    That liquid bleaches very slowly

    He did not want to air the news.

    Lets display the best models.

    He did not elbow the ducts

    That was very mean and very unpolite.

    9.-Investigue el significado de los grupos de trminos siguientes:

    whether dye assay weather die essay

    lather lye sigh leather lie sight

    thought dairy bite though diary bait

    through brought quit thorough bought quite

    corps co-op corpse coop device rang

    devise range vise rank vice


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    Leccin 2

    1.- Determine el singular de los sustantivos siguientes:

    fusses doses cacti batches axels teethlarvas vacua axes hills hives quantanews crosses zeroes synopses boxes cocciscissors calves shelves dizzles vortex mechanics

    2.-Determine el infinitivo de las formas verbales siguientes:

    fused dogged presses matched marks biddingbilled wrecked halves leaves skied marriedrallied dried spotted dyeing washed sidesstalled dicing broadens toted blued flexed

    3.-Deduzca la forma bsica de los vocablos de las expresiones siguientes:

    largest frailer greener glassier coarser clevererdrier freest cooler brightest shiniest crassestgreasier bitterer firmer grimmest slier funnier

    4.-Complete la traduccin de las expresiones siguientes

    The thicker liquid becomes lighter in the inner pipesEl lquido _se hace _en las tuberias _ .

    A wider, faster approach is the shortest way.Un enfoque __es la va __ .

    The hotter and drier climate is at the westernmost shore.El clima __ y __esta en la costa__.

    These alloys are sturdier, larger that those.Estas aleaciones son __ ,__que aquellas.

    The hardest, most trying times, were also the saddest.Los tiempos __, __fueron tambin los __


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    -Cuntas declinaciones tienen los verbos regulares espaoles?

    -Cuntos verbos irregulares hay en ingls? Por qu son irregulares?

    -Cmo forman el comparativo y superlativo los adjetivos y los adverbiosingleses de dos a ms slabas?

    6.-Investigue los significados ms comunes de los siguientes verbos ingleses:

    come send say take give let seem do

    get keep put be go make have see

    ask bend cool drop fly glue ice jam

    key lie lay meet obey name ply roast

    seek trip vow upend wrap grow yield zip

    Leccin 3

    1.- Determine el posible significado de los siguientes verbos hipotticosingleses:

    door for frog snout antler hat x

    pencil smog if brain fin rabbit salsa

    2. - Complete la traduccin:

    The technicians trunked the system last week.Los tcnicos __la semana pasada.

    These designers will triangle the controls.Estos diseadores __ los controles.

    The technicians treed the system once againLos tcnicos __ de nuevo.


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    The engineers snouted and frogged the robots.

    Los ingenieros _ los robots.

    It was an octopus-like machine, very huge.Era una mquina __, enorme.

    They had antlered the controls for better reception.Ellos haban __ para major recepcin.

    3.- Investigue el significado en castellano de los acrminos siguientes y luegoadjudqueles un posible significado como verbo:



    Leccin 4

    1.- Complete la traduccin de las expresiones siguientes:

    The raspiness of the surface was due to friction.___ de la superficie se deba a la friccin.

    Sightlessness was a trait of that genotype.___ era un rasgo de ese genotipo.

    The untruthfulness of the statement could not be deniet.La ___ del enunciado no poda ser negada

    The tissue had a moldy whitishness at the core.El tejido tena una mohosa ___ en su centro.

    It was slimy, sooty, greasy and quite blackish.Era ___ y muy ___.

    There was a planeful of fasteners, clippers, holders and grippers.Haba un __ de ___ y ___.


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    2.- Determine el significado exacto de las palabras siguientes:

    countermotion feetless handful hardshipunfriendliness unripeness undress unhealthiness

    (to) carbonate abohm outbook strychnineinnage hexad outreach greenish

    underfill gluish overpass hammererfeetless lightness nonferrous unknowinglyiodine hollowness reactance walkie-lookiesulphide seepage fluorate admittance

    3.- Agregue el sufijoera los verbos siguientes y determine el significadolgico para cada uno de los sustantivos fomados.

    cast hammer belt tile harden add sift thinspin roof bill clean trap jam pull yieldwring dress change hem file pen keep dealnet weld load oil grease feed fly dry

    4.-Agregue el sufijoen a los adjetivos siguientes y determine el infinitivo de losnuevos verbos as formados:

    soft height light short bright sad dark gladfat wide short straight sod dead glad deepwide black thick broad red white thick length

    5.- Elimine los afijos y determine la palabra bsica de la cual se han formadolos vocablos siguientes:

    roomy wordiness unhinger undervaluedovercoders showiness saddened unknowabledipper saggishness readiness enthinnersoverseepers roughenner rootlessness raspishnessunwidener nothingness meaningful truelessness


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    Leccin 5

    1.-Subraye los nombres propios en las expresiones dadas a continuacin:

    - It was stated by Thorton years ago.

    - Smith and Wetson is a gun factory in the USA.

    - Both Ferraras and Warts methods were good

    - The Olympic Games were once held in Atlanta, Georgia.

    - Sample could be wrong next Tuesday.

    - The Pulsamatic converter is expensive

    - Maxwell discovered it before Einstein

    - Those Deere pilers are very effective

    - Stones and Wells did research on that.

    - This reference included Charter, Benson, Lewis et al.

    - Thus, Mare was right, but so was Mller.

    - Its Raineer line of products was in the market.

    - That especial Cruis-o-lite feature is interesanting.

    - Caterpillar tractors are soldwith Diesel engines.

    - We saw him last May at the Ericcson Open in Miami.

    2.- Elabore una lista de diez sustantivos comunes ingleses que no seanmedidas de algn tipo (watt, ampere, etc) derivados de otros tantos nombrespropios. Ejemplo : diesel, pasteurization, etc.

    3.- Liste 30 vocablos ingleses que se escriban igual que en espaol y quetambin signifiquen lo mismo, es decir que sean cognados exactos (rotor,motor, hotel, etc.)


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    4.- Investigue el significado de los vocablos siguientes:

    chemical reclamation ante red can support

    dispense application fabric dale large late

    lecturer facilities presume cruces don fresh

    pan occurrence male sale grave par

    cent relatives fine mete actual lame

    exit impaired nomina plateau target fluid

    file commodity figure sin lecture parent

    library sentence range realize date reclaim

    dice luces grocery brave mile as

    brass elaborate fund dotted quite data

    extent minority rote proper utilities pest

    5.-Determine el significado mas probable de los vocablos subrayados en loscontextos siguientes:

    - Utilities such as water and electricity were not paid.

    - The power was not impaired.

    - My European relatives visited last year.

    - We bought the more profitable commodities.

    - The project did target lower prices and higher results.

    - Those chemicals are expensive

    - They are minor problems really.

    - He was of a different fabric.

    - He figures that we are wrong.

    - The lecture was in French.

    - I realized the real problem was rather large.

    - He took the groceries to the house.

    - The missile has a good range.

    - Our relatives came yesterday.


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    - We landed on the plateau not far from the river.

    - The project has no more funds.

    - Write the name on the dotted line.

    - We sent the application forms.

    6.- Determine por lo menos dos significados para los vocablos siguientes:

    baffle beacon bore bulk cock cope cant desert

    drill dock fine flake flue flag grave gill

    heel hide drill hock inch jar keel lag

    leech list lime last meter mole ooze peel

    pike poke prop quarry rack rail rig root

    sack scale shore steer trap truck van vent

    ware wind gun neck tip creep spin grip

    Leccin 6

    1.- Subraye los verbos frasales, si los hubiere, en las oraciones siguientes:

    - The are forcing in older people.

    - We took the toys to the shop.

    - The boys brought the books down the stairs.

    - He sent his boys down the corridor.

    - The vehicle slid down the slope.

    - She had carried the bestsellers to the front.

    - I threw the garbage down into the duct.

    - I carry the boxes up every hour.

    - They are bringing in the chairs to the house.

    - We will carry the books up to the top shelf.

    - Nobody moved the furniture up the stairs.


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    2.-Complete la forma verbal correcta en los espacios en blanco.Ejemplo: He climbed down the mountain yesterday (climb down).

    - The commission had __the information.(look up)

    - Mario was ___ last year.(pass by)

    - The offer was ___. (turn down)

    - I cannot ___ with her.(put up)

    - The maid __ the toys every night.(pick up)

    - Those acids will __ the surface.(eat away)

    - Dont __the yellow pages.(tear out)

    - They had ___ to see.(go in)

    - We have ___ for our rights.(speak up)

    - We are ___ to the third floor now.(go up)

    3.- Escriba todas las declinaciones de los verbos irregulares que se listan acontinuacin.

    get do keep go come leave have take make shake

    let set put write weave seek fight bring cut catch

    4.- Escriba el infinitivo del verbo frasal en las oraciones siguientes:

    - The teacher handed the papers out to the students.

    - The clerk gave the money back to the boy.- Lets chop that old tree down tomorrow.

    - We switched our old radio on for an hour.

    - They had to take the tools in for the sale.

    - They called the meeting off.

    - The butcher cut some slices off.

    - Nobody had checked up the books down at the office.


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    - The woman wiped the grease marks out very fast.

    - He had to stick his head out to see.

    5.- Escriba las oraciones dadas en el ejercicio 4 de modo que el verbo frasaleste separado.

    6.- Liste por lo menos 20 verbos frasales conformados por verbos demovimiento , con al menos un significado para cada verbo frasal.

    7.- Liste por lo menos 20 verbos frasales conformados por verbos de

    significado ambiguo (vacios), con al menos un significado para cada verbofrasal.

    8.- Liste por lo menos 20 verbos frasales compuestos por verbos formados apartir de adjetivos monoslabos, con al menos un significado para cada verbofrasal.9.- Aparee los verbos equivalentes en los grupos siguientes:

    adhere rub up traverse come out

    continue quicken up emit tone in

    increase kill off return get off

    accelerate think up remain keep up

    decimate give back consider fuse together

    dismounts keep to harmonize brush up on

    invent mount up support think of

    transcribe get across revise copy down

    decompose keep on emerge give off

    polish break down coalesce shore up

    10.- Determine el significado de las expresiones idiomticas siguientes:

    get sick let free make cold become rich be old

    press home pry open draw lines turn loose catch fire


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    11.- En los contextos siguientes subraye las expresiones idiomticas quefuncionen como verbos:

    - She took notice of the low prices.

    - We should take it easy for a few days.

    - The amount immediately rang a bell.

    - Your brother became sick after that.

    - In the Spring it really gets hot it Arizona.

    - That chilly air made me cold and I left.

    - That is an easy way to become rich.

    - He was really thirsty during the event.

    - These people kept my mother company at night.

    - All the hillside was giving way little by little.
