Identificación del material AICLE - Junta de Andalucía · Archivo de Powerpoint para la evaluación. 6º de ... Incidiremos en la diferencia de que en algunas manifestaciones del

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3Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Identificación del material AICLE

CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓNDirección General de Participación e Innovación Educativa













A1.3 / A2.1 según las destrezas


Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural

Materia y energía

Material didáctico fotocopiable en PDF. Grabación de audio de los textos. Archivo de Powerpoint para la evaluación.

6º de Educación Primaria

Ramón Martín Mascareñas.

8/10 sesiones

Se trata de una secuencia de conocimiento del medio en la que el alumno estudiará la materia así como características y propiedades de los materiales; trabajaremos en esta secuencia la observación y la experimentación.

Competencia lingüística:Al tratarse se una secuencia Aicle el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística se trabaja conjuntamente con la consecución de los objetivos de área; en el apartado de contenidos abordamos más exhaustivamente el desarrollo de esta competencia.

Competencia en conocimiento del medio e interacción con el mundo físico:En esta unidad el alumnado desarrollarÁ la capacidad de conocer algo mejor el entorno que le rodea y las transformaciones que se producen en el mismo. Observará los materiales de objetos cotidianos que tiene a su alrededor y analizará sus características y propiedades diferenciando unos de otros.

Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital:En la presente secuencia didáctica se utilizará el recurso de internet como fuente de informacióny de realización de actividades online así como el visionado de vídeos interactivos.

Competencia social y ciudadana:En esta unidad enlazaremos los contenidos relativos a los materiales para inculcar la necesidad de reciclaje como cuidado del medio ambiente

Competencia artística:Trabajaremos en esta unidad los materiales como elemento esencial de la creación artísticay elemento fundamental de la mayoría de las disciplinas artísticas: escultura, pintura, arquitectura; Incidiremos en la diferencia de que en algunas manifestaciones del arte no es necesaria la materia para llevarla a cabo (música).

Competencia aprender a aprender;En esta secuencia didáctica desarrollaremos varias pre-tareas y tareas que inicien al alumnado en la investigación científica en métodos de observación y experimentación deduciendo consecuencias a partir de ellos.

Autonomía e iniciativa personal:Dejaremos lugar a que el alumnado tome sus propias decisiones en el planteamientoy desarrollo de la exposición de la tarea final, así como en el desarrollo de las tareas.

4 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter








Tabla de programación AICLE1. Identificar los principales elementos del entorno natural, social y cultural, analizando su organización, características e interacciones y progresando en el dominio de ámbitos especiales cada vez más complejos. 2. Analizar algunas manifestaciones de la intervención humana en el medio, valorándola críticamente y adoptando un comportamiento en la vida cotidiana de defensa y recuperación del equilibrio ecológico y de conservación del patrimonio cultural. 3. Predicción en el cambio de estado de los cuerpos por efecto de fuerzas o aportaciones de energía.

- Estudio y clasificación de materiales por sus propiedades- Estudios de los estados de la materia y sus cambios- Utilización de diferentes procedimientos para la medida de la masa y el volumen de un cuerpo- Planificación y realización de experiencias diversas para estudiar las propiedades de los materiales de uso común y su comportamiento ante la luz , el sonido, el calor, la humedady la electricidad. Comunicación oral y escrita del proceso y del resultado.

-La materia: definición e identificación- Estados de la materia- La atmósfera, gases esenciales para la vida- Los materiales, distintos tipos de materiales y propiedades- Usos comunes dependiendo de sus características

- Diferenciar materia de lo que no lo es- Definir la materia- Analizar las propiedades de distintos materiales- Explicar en qué consisten estas propiedades- Explicar el proceso de los cambios de estado- Comparar y diferenciar las distintas propiedades de los materiales y deducir su utilidad- Solicitar información sobre la materia- Solicitar información sobre materiales- Dar información sobre la materia- Explicar el uso de distintos materiales dependiendo de sus propiedades

- Completar tablas de observación- Discusión sobre datos obtenidos- Visionado de vídeos sobre el tema- Realización de esquemas y gráficos- Audición junto con actividad de comprensión auditiva de los textos de la unidad

- Realización de una caza del tesoro

Tarea final: realización de exposición oral a la clase sobre la materia con la ayuda de un esquema


- Predecir usando imágenes- Describir distintos materiales utilizando diferentes características- Definir- Describir fases en un proceso- Reformular frases- Expresar consecuencias- Pedir información- Solicitar información- Expresar opiniones


- Connectors:First, then, so, after that, finally.Superlative: the bounciest,the smallest.- Verbs:To occupy, to take up.To weigh, to heat.To cool down.To bounce.To flow.To spread out.


Matter, substances, property density, volumeAdjectives to describe properties:Absorbent, elastic, electrical conductor, flexible, magnetic, hard, transparent, strong.Waterproof, plastic ( as opposite of elastic) rigid, non magnetic, soft, opaque, weak.

- Sabe diferenciar materia de lo que no lo es- Reconoce los tres estados de la materia- Sabe explicar cómo se producen los cambios de estado- Diferencia características de los materiales y su utilidad en la vida cotidiana

5Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter




6 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

1) Complete the following chart:

Let’s try this one:

1. Does this matter? It does matter!

Things that I can see right now

Things that I can touch right now

Things that I can taste

What are they made of?

Things that I can hear

Things that I can smell

Thing that I can feel

What are they made of?

Pre tasks:

The last column of this table is probably empty, do you know why?





7Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

2) Talk with your partner:

3) Let’s investigate

You can use these expressions:- Why do you think you couldn’t complete the last column?- I think that the last column is empty because all things I wrote…..- In my opinion there is nothing in the last column because…..- It was easier to complete the first table because……

Balls made up of different materials.

Which is the bounciest ball? Look at balls made from a variety of materials and discuss the different uses and properties, including sizes. You can choose which one you want to test.

What do you think ‘bounciest’ means? The one that bounces the highest or the one that bounces for the longest time?

The possibilities and variables are numerous, so we need to make them more specific. This is where we will learn to plan. We will also make a bar graph with our results.



8 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Choose balls that are the same size. How highdid they bounce?

This graph shows how high balls made of different materials bounced when they were dropped from 1 meter.



















heigh  of  bounce  in  cm

rubber plastic sponge corck wood

Material  from  which  the  balls  are  made

bouncing  property  

bouncing property

height ofbounce in cm









9Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Collect objects made from different materials.(a ball, cup, glass, rubber glove, sea shell, wooden spoon, metal fork, plastic ruler, wool etc).

Pick them up and feel them.

Can you think of words to describe them?

Organize the objects into different groups depending on how you described them.

Now think of two more groups.

List all of your objects. Tick the words that best describe them. Can you think of some words that are the opposite of what you put?

   4) Let’s observe

Characteristics Absorbent Elastic Electricalconductor Flexible Magnetic Hard Transparent Strong Thermal


1 rubber glove X X X






opposite Waterproof

10 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Think of one of the objects you have collected and describe it to a partner. He or she must try to guess that object that are you thinking of:

It’s solid, very heavy, grey, a good electrical conductor, rigid...Is it a block of iron?

- Absorbent: Does the material change when dipped in water?- Elastic: Does the material stretch and then return to shape?- Electrical Conductor: Does electricity flow through when the material is used to complete a circuit?- Thermal conductor: Does the material allow heat to go through it?- Flexible: Does the material bend without breaking?- Magnetic: Is metal attracted to the material?- Hard: Can you scratch the surface of the material?- Transparent: Can you see through the material?- Strong: Can you break the material?

If the answer is ‘yes,’ it has that property; if the answer is ‘no,’ it has the opposite property

- Waterproof: it doesn’t change when it comes into contact with water.- Plastic: it does not return to shape- Insulator: electricity doesn’t flow through it- Thermal insulator: it doesn’t allow heat or cold to go through it- Rigid: it breaks when you bend it- Non- Magnetic: metal is not attracted to the material- Soft: you can easily scratch the surface- Opaque: you cannot see through the material- Weak: it’s easy to break.

5) Let’s talk:

6) Material properties: How to know if the material is……


11Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

- Weak- Waterproof- Plastic (does not return to shape)- Opaque- Insulator- Thermal insulator- Rigid- Non- Magnetic- Soft

7) Write the opposite:

8) Would you make...?



Object Yes / No It must be Good material

a chair out of string? Rigid …,…, Wood, plastic , metal

a knife out of plasticine? Hard..,… metal

a bucket out of paper? Waterproof, …, Plastic,…..,…

a magnet out of plastic?

a coat out of metal?

a ball out of glass?

12 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Would you make a …. from..…?

MATTER is anything that has weight and takesMatter is everything that we can see, touch, taste and smell in our daily lives. You see matter everywhere you look. The clouds are made up of matter (mostly water!), the Earth is made up of matter, your notebook is made up of matter and so are you!

Matter can be broken into very little pieces. The smallest pieces of matter are called molecules.

Matter has properties

Property is a characteristic that describes matter. Volume and density are properties of matter.

Color, flexibility and shape are other characteristics of matter.

Volume is the amount of space that matter takes up.

9) Invent a new and strange object made out of odd materials. Talk about it with your partner.

10) Listen and read out loud








13Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Density is the property that describes how much matter is in a given space, or volume.

Properties describe matter. A block of wood, a rubber glove, milk and air all have properties.

All of the matter on Earth is in one of three states: solid, liquid or gas.

A wood block is______. A solid has a certain ______ and ______. Solids are ______. Wood blocks do not change size or shape. Other examples of solids arethe computers, desks and the floor. Water can be ______ too. You know that when we freeze water it becomes ______ which is solid.Can water be a ______ too? What should we do to transform liquid water into gas?

- Solids stay in one place and can be held.- Solids keep their ______. They do not flow like ______.- Solids always take up the ______ amount of space. They do not spread out like gases.- Solids can be cut or shaped.- Even though they can be poured, sugar, salt and flour are all solids. Each particle of salt, for example, keeps the same shape and ______.- Heating certain ______ will cause them to turn into liquids.- Cooling certain ______ will cause them to turn into solids.

Examples of solids

11) Listen and fill the blanks  



14 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Milk is a liquid. It has size, or volume. Volume means it takes up space.But milk doesn’t have a definite shape. It takes the shape of its container.

- Liquids can flow or be poured easily. They are not easy to hold.- Liquids change their shape depending on the container they are in.- Even when liquids change their shape, they always take up the same amount of space. Their volume stays the same.- Heating liquids will cause them to turn into a gas.- Cooling liquids will cause them to turn into a solid.- Heating solids will cause them to turn into a liquid.- Cooling gases will cause them to turn into a liquid.

Examples of liquids:

Look and answer:

What shape does milk have when it’s in a glass? What shape does it have when it’s in a bottle? in a brick?

12) Listen and complete the chart:  


Liquids Yes NoFlow

Can be poured

Change shape

Change volume

Heating them will cause them to turn into a solid

Cooling them will cause them to turn into a gas


15Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

13) Listen to the text and read it out loud  

If you run very fast for one minute you will notice how hard you’re breathing.What you’re breathing is air that contains oxygen. You need oxygen to live. That’s why you can only hold your breath for a certain amount of time.

You can’t see oxygen. It’s invisible. It’s a gas. A gas is matter that has no shape or size of its own. Gases have no color.

Gases are all around you. You can feel gas when the wind blows. The wind is moving air.Air is many gases mixed together. Gas spreads very easily and quickly.

- Gases are often invisible.

- Gases do not keep their shape or always take up the same amount of space. They spread out and change their shape and volume in order to fill up whatever container they are in.

- Gases can be squashed.

- Heating liquids will cause them to turn into a gas.

- Cooling gasses will cause them to turn into a liquid.

Examples of gases




16 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

The atmosphere surrounds the Earth and protects us by blocking out dangerous rays from the Sun. The atmosphere is a mixture of gases that becomes thinner until it gradually reaches space. It is composed of Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), and other gases (1%).

Oxygen is essential to ________ because it allows us to breathe. Some of the oxygen has changed over time and is now in the ozone. The ________ ________ filters out the Sun’s harmful rays. Recently, there have been many studies on how humans have caused a hole in the ozone layer.

Humans are also affecting Earth’s atmosphere through the greenhouse effect. Due to increases in gases, like carbon dioxide, that trap heat from being radiated from the Earth, scientists believe that the atmosphere is having trouble staying in balance, creating the _______________ ________ .

The atmosphere is divided into five ________ depending on temperature and height. Most of the ________ formations and ________ are found in the first layer.

14) Listen and complete the text:  


17Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

15) Think, write and decide:

If you answer YES for at least 3 questions, it means that it is made out of matter.


Can you touch or feel it? Can you see it? Does it have

weight?Does it take

up space?Number of YES/NO

A rubber


X ray

A cloud


Orange juice



Radio waves









18 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

16) Density, volume and weight experiment:    

You need:- A precession scale- A sponge, a piece of iron rubber and a styrofoam ball- An empty balloon and an inflated balloon- A bottle of water and a bottle of oil

We are going to cut the same sized pieces of all these solids,and then we are going to weigh them.

After that we will weigh the liquids.

Take notes:

- Which of the solid objects is the heaviest?- Which is the lightest?- Which balloon is heavier: the empty one or the inflated one?- Do you know why?- Which is heavier: a liter of oil or a liter of water?- So, what will happen if you mix oil and water? Why?

Objects Weight

A spongePiece of rubber

Piece of ironStyrofoam

An empty balloonAn inflated balloon

A liter of waterA liter of oil

19Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

17) Say if it’s true or false?  

- Oxygen is invisible.

- Air is not matter.

- Liquids are easy to hold.

- Heating a liquid turns it into a solid.

- Gases always keep their shapes.

- Liquids take the shape of their containers.

- Solids spread easily and quickly.

- Gases have different colours.

- Liquids are heavier than gasses

- Solids flow.











20 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

18) Let’s answer some questions to check what we have learned:  

- What are the smallest pieces in which you can divide the matter called?

- How many states of the matter do you remember?

- What is a molecule?

- Name four properties of matter.

- Can matter change states?

- Which is heavier: a liter of water or a liter of oil?

- What gases are the main components of atmosphere?

- What do you think has more volumen: a kg of sponge or a kg of iron?

- Name three characteristics of solids.

- Name three characteristics of liquids.

- Name three characteristics of gases.

21Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

19) Think of some more questions about the text. Ask and answer with your partner:

19) Let’s go on a treasure hunt, you can use the information in this unit or you can use the internet.



1.What are the 3 states of matter?

2.What is happening to this ice cube?

3. Liquid ---> solidwhat is this change called?

4. What state(s) of matter can you see here?

5. In what state of matter is petrol? 6.What makes an ice cube melt?

7. What is the freezing point of water?

8. What does this symbol mean?

 9. Liquid ---> gas

what is this change called?

10. Scientifically, what does melting mean?

11. In what state of matter is the silverware?

12. What do we call the moisture on this window?

13. What is the solid state of water called?

14. Scientifically, what does evaporation mean?

15. What is happening to the water?

22 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

16. Solid ---> liquid what is this change called?

17. How would you change waterinto ice? 18. In what state of matter is rain?

19. What is the gas state of water called?

20. What will appear in the bag?

21. In what state of matter is water at -15 oC (minus 15 oC)

22. If a beaker of water is left for a few days, what happens?

23. Scientifically, what does freezing mean?

24. What is coming out of the kettle?

25. Scientifically, what does condensing mean?

26. What are the tiny parts of material matter called?

27. What is the boiling point of water?

28. What process ishappening here?

29. Gas --> liquid;What is this change called?

30. What process is happening here?

23Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

TREASURE HUNT (Year 6): Changing states

Name: ______________________ Date: __________________

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21

22 23 24

25 26 27

28 29 30

24 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

TREASURE HUNT (year 6): Changing states.

Name: ______________________ Date: __________________

1 solid, liquid and gas 2 the ice cube is melting 3 freezing or solidifying

4 solid glass, liquid milk and gas in air space

5 liquid 6 some form of heat

7 0 oC 8 reversible (reaction) 9 evaporation or boiling

10 changing from a solid to a liquid

11 solid 12 condensation

13 ice 14 changing from a liquid to a gas

15 the water is boiling/evaporating/changing to steam

16 melting 17 freeze it or cool it 18 liquid

19 steam or water vapour 20 condensation /water droplets

21 solid

22 the water level goes down / it evaporates

23 changing from a liquid to a solid

24 steam

25 changing from a gas to a liquid

26 particles (atoms or molecules)

27 100 oC

28 evaporation 29 condensation 30 melting

25Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

20) Use one of these words to complete each statement:  

Liquids, heat, shape, temperatures, cool, melts, volume, particles, solid, freezing

1. To turn a liquid into a solid, you need to ……………….

2. To turn a solid into a liquid, you need to ……………………… it.

3. When a solid ……………………… it turns into a liquid.

4. Pouring a liquid from one container to another does not change its


5. Liquids always take the ………….. of their container.

6. If you freeze water, it will become a ………………….

7. Different solids melt at different ………………………….

8. To stop ice from melting, you need to keep it below ……………………………………… point.

9. You can pour …………………… but not solids.

26 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Self evaluation sheet

Name: ________________________________________Date: ________________

After working on this unit: (circle the right smiley)

- I know some characteristics of materials and their uses.

- I know what mater is , the three different states it has and their characteristics

- I can explain how matter states change

- I can talk about atmosphere and its components

My work on this unit:

- Was excellent

- Was good

- Not bad

- I have to work more

The Unit was:

Nice/cool ok a bit boring













27Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Assessment on line:


Glosario de la Unidad:

- Density: (n) The amount of mater in a unit of volume.

- Flow: (v) The movement of a liquid.

- Harmful: (a) Causing or capable of causing harm.

- Height: (n) The distance from the base to the top.

- Hold (held): (v) to support with your hand.

- Layer: (n) Thickness of matter spread over a surface amount.

- Moisture: (n) wetness caused by water.

- Spread: (v) Act of extending over a wide space or time

- Squash: (v) To crush, to squeeze.

- Trap: (v) To catch, to block, to obstruct.

- Volume: (n) the space occupied by an object.

- Weight: (n) how heavy or light something is.

28 Material AICLE: 6º de Primaria: Matter

Self assessment. Tick your progress in this unit.

I can recognize words and expressions related to the content of the lesson.

I can understand the most important informa-tion in the texts in the lesson

I can speak about different themes in the lesson.

I can talk to my classmates about the lesson topics.

 I can write short texts about the lesson topics.