Pt II Fbpec-s C,.e.lle r, [,..,QI'Ivt I

II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

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Page 1: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

H~rbtrl Pt II Fbpec-s ~'3

C,.e.ller, [,..,QI'Ivt I

Page 2: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

(Not printed at GovernltU!nt t xpenu)


!lui Atnatiu u4 P..Ur....t

8PEIXlH .. BON. EMANUEL CEU..ER ....... _

D1 'nm H00811 OP RCPAES!NTATtVI:a

JdJUI4rr JJ, lf.(J

"'· C'El.l.IR. Mr. 8pH.ftr, • • Dtf\1 not wan ror hta:tor7 to do our JUdl1nr. Wo have itood and 11t.and witness to

t:r:lmea ao enormous that we ftnd not IU -In lbe ot<Ny at IIWlklnd. lA> .ww. 1"1 Lbt hJstory ot honor that are \be

N"ll and Puc:tst. rtrimtt, we !tee. how· ~vtr. n tltriOU8 dtnl~r. 13eeauao at.or)' foJJow• ttor'J' o1 ma~~ exeeuuona. or torad labor, ot dtpOI'\aUofts. and In· lft'n~c... or the dt:llbtrate a.nd mtem. .. I tic murd~r or miJUont or mlnorltJ' peo­

ple• Jn occupied and eonQUe~d wrrs­~ OW' min& and hft.rv mutt AerutJ ftcht acafnat becomlfta lnUrtd lO tbta u~ble atrodtlet. R.t'peUUon mun not. dun our at:n!les Into belpre. accept .. an ctt. EAch ~e ot OUll'll.Je ll Just not anolhtr ltOrJ, Eadl OM muu d&od

alOne In vtolent eondm:loatJon ot UMt Pftl)ttratOJ'I, tor example. the numbu ot JewLah vtcum.s deported or pert.shed alnte

lOU 1n Axll--ccmtroUed ~pe now

raebta Lbe ·~ fttute or 2.000..000 while 6.000.000 an In daoaer or txt.e:rmJ .. nation, muer and hll Jeckals tett com­plete destrucuon or l.he Je•• of Europe. HOC. IInce thtl dus ol Otnchll Khan or Autla bat-e.,. wtt:ftelafd JUeh horrors of m._ tonure and murdtr.

In lhe &J•hc. of Ood lnd men leL the auJity be named and brouaht to punlJh· .....

detumine potidft ot thll PNCC'. a.ocl bdon whkb eou-n ahall be bailed otrtndtrl aaa.tna:c. the Slllrtt and word Of

t.reaUN. An tn~rnauona.l pollee force compottd of teniOH of land,lllr, and tta will havt to be Jet U;p to enton:e the pro­oouncunttu.a ot :Na coun and the

decrftl or lbla ovtr·t.ll world council. 111ere m~ have to be lOme aorl or PUcho&ollcaJ dlUrmamtnL ol Nt.IJ Oer. ln&Q7 a.nd ~ lta17 aDd the df'Ydop..

meat ot the moctus openndl Wbtrfb:J the moral f'!'Smtrauon or the.e offtndlrta nattont can be auu•·td..

ThJa mlt:ht in\•Oive IUpents&on and rtPI CCM)IJ'OI ot Uw teed,.tl8 and eur .. rkula or Lhe •C"aJJtd YOibchWe om .. nr~.slum. HoehachuJe or unlver&iUu. Thll mllfht. reQuire t.eaeh1na Lhe new aen­

tratlon or German and naua.n JOUt.h 10

ahun tbt totalttartan and ttnbrace the dtrooerauc ...,. of ute.

SUI. In ketptna with these plan,s tor world reorientation, whit or the ~nonaJ pu,ni&Junmt ol tbNt who are the ...,.. rut l..,._..he Nul r:ulprita who have f1o.. lated the laws of nations ftnd otrended ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt

I &h-e rou a quocauon from a newa· Ptr: ·'The nt.abUaiunmt or • rrand

court ol AlJted ~t.atiYtt. d'lil and mutt&.rJ, for the pUrPOSe of tr)'ln& theMe uiJty tor crlmea durlna ~ war La ad ..

fOC.ated.'" What papu ...., It and what wu t.be dalt? U eouncls lib the Ntw

Yort: R~nlld Ttfbune or nst~rdi.J. Ac· t.uaJiy, It WIJ the London Daily Ex-pre .. or Novtm~r 4, Ulll.

bit~ Wbtch unpuo~ ..,._,.h, caD• I ..,._ ,... 10 ......, t. ""' _._ it--..

-~ Theodore Roosevelt.. the aamc year.

llld: Pvt t.b«a Mhi.Jid t.bt ~ Jftl\ ..... , • • --Wbotn .,.. hut .Cr\lft ~ I'W'Orcl from dM

hind• Of tb• P~ .. n Junltm. u .,. a.re lt bol.lfld ~ 00 In Mllodef•DM. lhall WI J)IUley

wttta \bfta u ctffM\ed C~C~MIL or pt"'OMd CO

pUa.Mb u.. .... lOden 8Cilllllft u.. .... ot OOd Md awa 'P

Wrt.~ tblt. .. QUtatton propounded ln the uouse or RtpresenLaU•ettaat week? Ho. ll ...., CUlled from an artldt called

Pnee Without. AmnMlltt.. from the oe .. tober 1818 ialue of t.he Nineteenth Cm .. tury.

Wht:n UN wn. am•• Hll MaJNc,.. OG4'­

~' .. •w-r-tnec~ to lwtDc .. )UidJca

tbe «<•IDala. ~r lb47 I:UJ lie a.ad

•hatt.,..r 1t.aUon lhf!J ft111 GeeVPJ• To lutb

C'UII M \hel<t, lbt autbON Of Ulof l"lt m

undofr .-hkb •Udl fl'tlnts ·~ OC!a:unl\t.tci mA:J

Wril be Ulot ..... fUIIIJ' 01 aJI

Wtrt: tbtte .. ants JJPOkcn In U1.t Brt'"" J&h P"rllame.nt. yesurctft.,ft No. They were U\e ''orda or Mr. AIQulth in ttl a.

l J\ne delved ln\.0 tbe ftlts of the U·

bra" ol con,n. and ba.-e fom\dllttr• ally hundrecb or artlclc!t •nd edU.orlaJs. aU ur1tna: thelW!IUna up of eouru or tome tOrt. to Lry c.he l:fUM. u U'leyo .,ere lheD C&lkod. ror Wtr butrlariUtot., from lbe EmPtrw WUMhn down. AD tl'lcwt pro-­

nounotmentll •re prKtiC:ally word tor word WILh t.he pr()J)C)Salt we read ln our

-rl. -leolt. and boob of todo7. 'Ibe WUI WU t.btre thm U it. Ia DOW. We fa.lled lhtn ; we cLue ncK f.tl now. The que~Uon rtmahu now whether to belle our corue.Jtnce or to nay the con­~ oflbe N&lil •

l am in WholtbeaJWd IU:COrd Wlt.b

whac. Presldenl RootevtiL has tlattd con ..

oerntna Lbe POll· war world. namely, that the UnJLtd NaUoru m\Qt tel. up Lhe ma~ chlntry to CU..rm and ketp dlarmfd

Otrmaor and c.bole P&1141 or the world w'hlch would brett the Ptt-ee. ··we mU$t pull the !ana or tbe predatory nauons or t.he wori<L ..

• Here 1.1 a bMdUne: .. AtoMm.mt for , AtrodUM .. ; tubbtl.d: -ro,... Lbls OtV

would be to lpore a Yltal tuue ln the war." That hat a familiar rlna. But It appeared at. the bettnntna: of a leu.tr In the Ntw Yort nmt~ ot Janua,.,. 21. JJll. n,. writ.tr drew atett:nUon ~ the lSAI lha~ were PrtJJertd by the Ph:nch ot acta or wan tonne~~, but. the wrtttr addect, '"We hear nolhlna of a dd\.nJ&e nature ... _ ...... tlon .... .,_ .......

I lie &~ted that the thJnes mUte ftPI.t"'·

Uona a nd U•e mu:rde~ra be ea11ect to JUt• tl<e.

Par more bormldotll than iD lobe lilt wa.r nave been the .c:tenune at:oclt.l•ln· dieted by the NUll and P'uc:l•tt upon U'le J>eople or tbe conquered DrovUulel. 11 lhea.,forTft).l~iD ltll•u~

hotr mur:h mort: ~ ahoukl Lhat r:rr be: toda,Jt But that eey tod.,- ahouJd not be In vAin.

J &Ill lD Wbo&e-beanfd accord W'llb

whal V'tce P!w4dmc. WA&.UCI: hAl tLatfd. namtb.lhat the Untted NaUona mu.tl d~ \11M me&ru for pre\ltntlna economic war~ tare Llld mhamfna- ..... be­C.wttn n.t.liOn.J.

'n> the.e end• there mUlL be teL up an

- over .. au tntcmauonal eouncll t.o dttter· m.tne JXIUelel or I*Oe and an over-an t.atnnaUOoat eoun to lnlerprt( and - ...

lA> .... JOim ...,... - ...... ' POttd a.n a trodtl• toUrt to be made

up or dlltlncuJ.shflt Jurtstt: or neutr&a c:ountrlet to lry J)erpetratort or etroet­IJa He added that. U' thll were nQ4. Clone ADd &he ~ dfrtec.ora or c.heae Jnhuman uca a~ to bt 11\'tn MJII.Im In •tt.J CJYll llWd llOUD\f'J',

tbt ., .. , Uolll ·btrorw Ut• Pf'IOt ooa/treaee or '"-taw vp .. IM1r ....... , ... 411PbMUoD to.

.............. tat.rt~Wc~ bp ... -- ,

The VtnalUN 1"r"tla&.7 dtaw~ded tbal WUbdm 24. ot HobtaaolltrD., u:. lof"'DU Oe:rman Em~~tror, be publici, IJ'I'alrned a.nd trtfd tor 1\t. aupreme o fTtMH tal.lnn tnt.ernallonal rnorallt:J &nd tbe tt.nc.Ut;J of trelLis. The Cloftt·runeot 01 abe Net.bft'lan41: wu rtqunt.frd to aw=r.nc:~u bll:n to the tod t.ha&. be mlc'b\ be brouaht

to t-rial. '111rou1h rn.f.ltrt.blt lntrlrue by the J'QJa1 famlliet Of EUJ'OI)I, the OO.em­mmt Of 1bt Nechetli.D<II rtf\IM!d ..,. ,....

Page 3: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

2 .,.._. nw KAWf C'OGU&IiiM t. wood·

chot~Pna Ill cealon.a~Nt flUe " &be "'llii:lrt: ot Doom. Th.ut w• emtM.Rfd oa our ,Joumt'f of appt~U~:ma\l.

A lllL of toO culprtU to bt Lrled ha.d Mtn ~ b)' Ule aaodattct powers. UMiftl Wbolo Wfff \be K.aiMr. \b8 Cfvwo-o Prt.oet. PM:ld .........,.. Uiodote..,.. aftd LUclftMiorG'. eownt ~. and M· mlral ¥On 1'\rpiA. Tht7 w-tt• acc:t.IMd b7 lhe 110-nlled CommWJon or PUt.em or the PMCt eonf uconce of \be fol IO*In IC :


... ...,_ arloll _,... *'Iii,.. UJM:IG. ,.... ., ..,._,. ........_ u..n.uo. or .._,. .... .. ... ~ ............ . ...,. - ................ uw .......... ., •Pt1 .... ~ N _.,.._ •u

1'hls Commb.Mon or Pitt«-n r«om· Mended Lhe 'lf\lina up or an Intern•· UonaJ Judki~ ll'lb~ eomPQII('d of 1J\I'fle ~ appolnt.cd b7 tKh of UN ft.._ c:tUd AlUfd I'Oftt'IUHC'~ and OM b7 Mt.h of the •~rn~u of \he lc:Mtr pOW~Q. Thl.l COUll WU L0 tr)' Lh.ete toO, n wu to dtlt"trl'llne tu own proe«tuNO, 11~ reoommr-ndaUon• of the rommi'· Non. ho .. ever. • 't"te oo&. followed Sll­ntllutiUy, UM A111nkaft ~w.uves •t-rt lht ftru to lft&U flWI"n\._.. 'nw:7 rtf\lltd COOM'ftl \0 lhe unpr-e«dmtfCS. u t.htt pul It, propoe.alJ or ereaUn1 an In· t4'rnaUonal criminal lr1tlunal, The Jap­anettoe &bo 1\t.d rt'Rn'&UORL Ot:balt, conn.lvt;DC:e, and lnlrtaue lhf"n remltf'd In lht eoadUIIoD lhal Uw German GoY• tn\mtnl WU \o hand OVf't \he a«UUCd for lritd betor• mllltarr trlbunab Of the 1>0wer• a.caln11t *hOM nallonall the ._,. l"Ct-d erlmea wf!N~ commiued.

J.n ~oolht.r wordl, lhe Crlal COI.UU wtre to be naUonal INtfad ol lntf!ml,lJonal Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l' Rekb of JS4 PtNGnS KC\IM'CL lki\· aln dcrnatLdtcl 100 Bda:lutn demanded 26&, and ao on Oermany Uten had lhe f'trronLtry t.o aLil4! thCt1""l'liIUeal a.nd

leconomte rtvo~wouJd rt:nd OumanY and lOPP]e ~ peace au\ltetUte It ,,_ ~or atndiUoo wtre

l crantt!f. B:llitJT ot cOmPtOmlae 11. lUI· ntted~t ai!1:Jen0ns ~ Of war

lc:rlmt'JI ~ tr1&Tl:i1 lhc SUpreml!: Coun ot Lhe ~ at Letpaia. ll tonll.illed of it'Vf:n Hun Judi& The alllt'l cowardlJ 2i I IJMIIM lbEtit c:nmtnab betnl ' b1 t.betr own countr)"uu«ft n wou.d be Ute tbe tltUtr Jacbll of t.cdQ bdnt utcd bY mem ben ot \.btlr own CJtttapo. In lhe mean'fo'hllc lhe 900 n11mea had dwllld.ltd tO u . It 1.1 a .u.d cornmentaJY that t.o th.ll: l&ll lb& Bttu.tn «""nlributtct

oniJ trftn na.mea and ttt tont.ttb~Jted ~ Tbe OtrwnAns coaunUI"d to can au manntt' ot aubetrrv.e a.nd tlCU5tt. Tbe

Oberrtlch."'anwal\o-pubJJo proatcutor- ln Le!PIII compllcaU!d maue,. by ltllllll.&tJc J)etWoca:lna. Two and one-halt .Yt'&B of Wd:CI1nl. tchtmJna. and daptn.p en· fWd Weanwbltt the Bntlah mtla'ed the n~ ot rttmd 1\d!l;J' trom 1 co f.

AI a UJlleal UIUIC.ratloo ot lhb IIIIPnUc fard the Ot-rmana nont:halant.l1 aa.ld thoy ® uld not brlna U·borll. eommander Pa\111 t.o uta I bfcause M had 1.0 dtllvu an ftddrtsl m Dan&!~.

8lidlrcr: to~. that at \be wbole num· ber. 12 wtn actually tried and Of tbete. 1 wen acqulued. Two nanl l~tena:nta rtC~elvtd 4-yel'.r 111nttnctt llftd the other tour received stnt.e•'ces of e monlha In __ ..

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Jail Tbct .. n.sYal\~t.a."'bl_.,.. I ~ \0 ...... <4 ,_,.. )ad. ClOD• I

ut•td ~ tiC*IN 1'bt..,. and IUIIIRand

or lh• atkmJK at ln~uonaJ .tuatxe J was 1 monthl In JaU tor four cuJpri\1.. Ttut.~ ln4clrd IJ tn.- qutn\fatn(t: ol ab· IIU'\ll\1_. fiM't"e h:tt.tnloaUftnal •tnk ol ..... en.. " •• pt.\.btUC '*'-'"" lDdefd

w. due DOl ,.,.., lhU .odictf'7. lkn.

\he l&lnC bOla-UOnlt.t and ~ rorualhaL batktd WU.aon and u.UM<I ua ~ •hJr1t our rt•po•u:lbtUUet are qain afOCH.. n,., •outd ap.tn hold thtir etuu uound Lhfta u ll &ui'OPI wrrc a carrtoL Thf)t a"' ...U... u Lbe firM· dent Mid.. Mttinc to climb tnto an Alttltr• lean hote and pull the hole 1 n af W"r Ulftn-.

They tall tO rtaUac uu.c. Lh-rr-e are no I k>nltr any MaclnoL IJnC!J. M th~7 In th.c lonu o.l ehalna af fat't.n!!IIN or OtHna. Mf'itb« Ume nor~ prot«'- u. trom lbt f~ of ...,. Ocl7 In mut-.1 .,. nncemm\JI wnh Ol.htr na&lOC\a. wbo .­.,. to eye with WI. Hn we accord future lt.'nt'fllt.loiU an)' PtOtecUon. And In thaL unity, ...-e may h.a\'e to awaUow. aome-· •haL. our prtde and to live up aomt'tblnt or our IIO'""Crftfnty l.n orekr to en In rf'-o

tum ln\.U'ft&Uonal pnu and comfon for

I &tw nan to com•

Bu\. that &r(Ord or eomuy w-U.h cxher naUOfiS muat b(! tmple.m~nt~d by Pto•nb.'h­ment. of the war 1\lllt)', rn C.hat rrta.rd, we Clafto no' f.U a M!'COnd Umt We beat. the Naab GMt, w-e wW beAt lN N:I.Da

I &pin. but we ma.r no& be able kt be-at them a 'hlrd LIMf. 1'brir puntsh.mmt anua&. be lhorouah.Jolnl a.nd «~mp~\e. OthtntlJfo. theJ' 1hall rlllt •••In to a:nut.e

1 ...

Rlollli.a hu no Qualm.J on that. wb,klct.. Sht•~u'la '~lD.herllft1>-ant.Uons kt punbb the cv.Utt. ~ bu •ppol.oted an Bat raordinarJ" 8..ate COm· miMh>n WhOle VUJ1)01f' It tO IO\'t-Sll•

nte now. nO\ ftflc:r Ylc:tor)' 11 oa·on. the k>u of life and the d.a.ma.ae kt prop­tr\J caUHd bJ' lhe Nub.. and to Af1'1~ now lbese lferftftYOlt ~nurdtftn. To tndka\1! htr ttrklw:naa of puf'POCM'. a 8ov1e' trade• u.nton ftder ll r.hairman Arnone lt."' mem~ra are a brAin •uraeon. 11 hl.!t.or,an, a dlatln,ut•hed wrltr.r. a~ld a wom.a.n pilot. Tht>)' have a.lrtady J.t.art.fd l.hnr w'(N1t: a.nd ••mtred a.M J.ULed m.ut:h n;csenc. and arr 1000 to C'&ll aomr ot the ractnc ft"'nclil to LM ~r ol Jmt~« H 11 lnkri!!I-Unl w note th.at no tO•ealltd diplomats arto on the r~tcor o( 'h('$(' Judft'L

Why abould •·• DOt t.m.Mtchattl)' foUow lUi& a.nd ._.. up MW a C'.CIDUJIJIUOft to U7 ,,_ aecunrd acounclrtla and &o marll: dOwn their- bru\IIIUes.. to Knttnee tbnn. I!:Ytn In abstntia? 1f the 0111 or Rl&ht& I rtQ\IIret. trlftl by Jury and confrontatJon ot wiLn~ and lhUJ pree1Udtl dvll trial,

chtn Itt USilt'L up mWW"J t.nbunllll uodtr lhr AIUcat. ol Wa.r -.btrt the Bill ot Rilh'-1 b not ap.,ucabae. We4h0Uid lm­mecL!atdJ' &.rJ' and marli: GUt for rttrtbU• uon evert known &aulelter. 'A'thrmacht. Junker. every mt mbu of l.he 8 8 . rtal· mtntt. me OellaPo. lht wantt~ s. a &chutae.atfel, tht Slid. 8hlr&a. Hl1nb a.a.rc11. au CDtQ»bcrs Of lbe Brown SblrU. Lbe U~frful puniU'ft tOUN-and

aU who dJrtc.L17 or lnd1rtctl1 art con· ntctt'd WUh t h 41 NA.J and I'ILIIC-18\. PutieA.

Ow ,._, Pt"..oMt baa M&'-1: .... ...,.,.,. 11M .................... u. ...

,..._.,uwoew ,.,-.v...,. .... 10 .... ~ .. -- .......... -.u .. ....oe.........-io~ .. t._..,. .. ,II UIIMII Of 'be IOYadoert., Ia £\U'oiNI aiWI Ia ..._ 1t ..,. .. CIIIIJ' la lt ,..,., li:Mf lb4N:Li .... UUI ....,. ..... UW!t U. "-- .ut oc-. ..... ......., ................. _... .......... ..., ..... \rl!M ....... ...., ...... ..,...... ... ....._..., ...... """'

8rno. Mr . Prtaidc'nt, biM. With ~ correcuon. Why ahould we havt: t o walt unUJ "k1..0rt hu been aC'htew!d? It .. lm_pera:Uve to art now Wt caa Pf+o

....,.. ~" now Wt "'"* U7 m.e bru* now. Hl~. 00trtn1. Jttb.. btftLrOp. anct OOtbbd• bavt ma0t ol ~rope a chlr~l bouae. ll!lnmlf'r baa

eonvtrt.ed mOM 01 czechoatoval la Into a ea,..v•n Of dt&t.b Ror't.h7 In Jll.lnl&tJ'. Anl.OntltU tn ltumani&, Anton Adrian Wi•nt 10 Jtl\b&Dd. QWallnl In Hcnt"Q. lhe JtOOI8 ., lhUe!", M,,-. tnft.kkdi tn• dftcrlbable •trodlltl l,lpo.n the lnnottnt

Karl Rudolf Wrme-r 'Bfet... t.t\lcl' jl.n1tt of the outapo, wrltn:

H....,. ~ tbal aanlhUaUOO ot •-" .a.. ~ ..... _.,...,. to UN la- Clf

Ill• ~ ..... _....a..u. .......... Poland il the PI'O"fiftl' 1round o:f that

piAn of annlbUaUor JeWJ b)' Ul4 thOu~ •ncb are htrdtd Into cattle can onb' to die ot .uft'otauon. EI«U'Itii.J', ma.thln.t cuna. tl.arftUon, klbaJ laaet are UN! WftpGq; ot HU tdtGUftc: ~ EKh Jn.ah (IOit'pW. for n.am.pte, bu a '"'Uty vt.l~ or eo rttthwnarU Tha bodiN are Uleel to auppJy fit and the bone. are used for f erLilJr.er. Why ahould not. LbNe NW h.)'mu be brOulht to lht t.r 01 JUJlllee nowt What reuon ta l.brrt 'o 1o1rn~u. thftr bttnc liY'tn tbdr own branc? of punlahmtnn

The New Yor1t nmH rMtnl.l7 com· me:nte:ct edll<II'IAII)' a.t LO the Nul war ot C'Xlf!nnlnaUon

'hw a«ccn''Pll.a..oca f.CC. W'bldl lM ,. .. ....,. .. a.:&.-.,.~ a-.c.t.~ bf u.. t.,.,.ot "*""'" .......-nu ta ..-.. tbat UW .,_,..._. tb 'f l'tPfWOIIII f .. l!;d.ft..._•

uon CM' puma.wnl C"ril)S)IJJII unl.,. ua.y ..,. obWn atd lhll ,.., J-tundff'CII flf tb~udt ell .. ,.,,, t~atlon.UUI• Mv• ahtad)' been Of•

tlbt>l1lt«olJ ai.IIIJI.blf:'" bJ th• t*tapo. IIlli •

.... ba"' ...... f..-ti:M ... "'"'\.IOdl, • ._,. uw ...--~ ., - ..-~ .... aauoa. ••• ,.... ~ ~ tr1lfttlpMtaU., twuuJiad

DJ *""' or ••rrot.._ or--- • ,.rtk'llt.r!J C"'lntlltlf meull'• pltkd aplnal one •"· o\Mr In tntl'nll'tln• 1t.rtfe.

A dbpat.e:h 1 rom 8v.'f!dt:n, "nder date of Janua.17 11. 11- u foJJowr;:

..... ~ ...... -.no ..... tortW 10 ~ tM llln'Ykft et QulldtftC dlrrl:f. wbo do -'

abJ a\ U.l:lrlf ltodllft fi'Oft!l UI)CIHtal-f'rt W1t.ll

poiJ~ 11-ICI lO PfffOrm Ml'ltw or"er" h1Mfloll,

and bow tl~ Qui•I.ICII polk• forC:lbiJ dt"' chllCIR'n from ll:'lllr parenttl lor tt1• 110-UI'd JOII\b tront .,. rer~ In UN .,.... 1'!' .. • ....,... of u..t Ia~ QUft• C:.O..odl.

Wha' abou.\ Uw Bmtdkl ArnoN broadcutert7

Thtre em•na1e nightly from Otrman, ftnd Jla ly ahort wave broadc.uta by Nul and Pa.IM:ilt radio broadc.uUrJ wbo un­fortunaW:I7 an ~ 'I'Mle tra.l• ton are CON&al'l« Drud Ptfd Kaltm· bKb. DouciN Chaodkr. Jane Anctenon. l:l:r• Pound and Robe.rL H B~t.. ~­lu Chan41er brRdC:Mt$ undl'"r thl! pst'\1·

Page 4: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

donfln of Paul Revtre. Pred IC&It•n· btth bfo.dc .. tt UDder U\t .alutauoo or Ot&t lUn'J, Conltanct Drtul m· tiUN her \nJ~ U\~ "'NtWI rrom Otrmanr.• Robert H. Belt ....,.. U. &tla.J Ow. Who. Bt lliit u ..... A.IDtf'ksot '-0 wrtw: '-0 lhett Cone...-. w. l.,..h ~ Ja.ne ~ ~tl7 ~ rr.. lt.&J7 &611 Ia IA\I'Odueed .....Ut U a ,...._ on.c.or .... ~ opml b:U damn&W. &&a wt\b • *' of ,.,., P'altla IIJUl4> n.. eoo.tt\Udoa. w Utk:&t nt. eec· '*' •. .,. \hat ll"tUUOl. l.lftOnl otMr

lhlnp., COMUQ tn adhtrl.nl \0 eur tMmln a.nd J1¥1ftl tbtrn aid a.nd com­fort. Bf)'Ond 4oubt.t.hele modem radiO IH:ntdJd. ArnOkll are datlr ttvlnl atd and comfort to our entml~ br anempt.• tnt t.o !fll('_fl our eonndenee tn our Oow• trnment and In the cause for whlth Wt ftthl. Tber bOl.l.ltr our t:nt-m"- and trJ to eonvtt1. their lil~ntrs to rewre UJ\· ter and bll o.t.apo. 11 Dutt and ht. Bll.rt ShiN.

It IDIJ' be that lM7 CILO t* bt 'rou&ht to boot. '*Pt'CIIJI11n ableftUa. bt' Ju.rr ltlaJ beea.-e the Sinh ~~ &o lhe ConlbtuUOn PtOt"'des that t.n aU cr11atnaJ pro~~eCUUCins Ute arc:\)llf'(f WD tGJor ow rllht to a .,_., lrlaa br an lmpartlal JW7 aM Jball be conrrorufd with wU.ntstet. Such conlrO'ntatlon tn· c.ludea the ritbl to trOll taamtnt. Thu... trtal by Jury msr be. tmpo~~~.tble and. tl\ertfor•. dYU proeec.uuon mar be bured.

Shall we atand ldl.)' 'b)' ftnct do noLh­lnlf A11Ur«ll1 t.he.e people mu.t be puntahf'd aummariJJ, Thtlr trt.al now. 4!\'tn In t.hrlr abatnce. mlcht. have the t ft e!el of Ckt.errlna Lhtm nr moden Unt thtlr trtuon.able ouera.nou. 'nM! db­tift ta t.bttr due.

I. l..htnfOrt. haft aftrrtd a «ttOvUoo c.o Pf"O'ICit t« ammct~ne: Ardde • or the Artkkt of war·~ \he Pnli• dtnt. wt11 be empolrfrtd to Itt up mtu­&.at7 t.rlbl.an.al.t. or oomml.ukma. to ,,. thMe curprtc.a. e'l'm tn aliMnLI&. The 8111 ot RltbU, whJeh rtQtdres t.rtal by JUrJ, 11 not appUn.bJe to the Art.k ltl of w-.r. U ConiR!H 10 p.rovldta, peraona ltled bl!fore a military tribunAl ttnno~ de• mAnd t.rtaJ by jul')' 01' ronrronttUon of wtlneNQ. The ArOelet of War, b)' arUelct :ta, may (!\'tn now 1tve t.he rltht. to lhcl Pru.lele:nl lO at\ UJ) LhtM mllltat)' eommlllkml. but I btllt\'e IL II proPtr 1 or COn.CrtSII to lfn l.bem tht aPtC"Uk POWft' .0 U to rtn\0\'C an1 doUbt-

Tbua tar In Qd$ wu, the. ala knaYet art' the onlY knP'n C&lft ot Amtl1c:an ---

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD tral*" on tortilla lOll. WhUe lrt&ll tn abltnua are a btl flrll\le ~ ua. U\tJ are of -'til' day oceurr.not In conUnental WU.rope. 1 am bold •noulh ~ MllleK •ueb a p,ooeduN onlr beeau. wll.hout it.. Wt woul4 be httpha It WMi..S be ttd.lal• kMa c.o kt. lbele c:un " unwhJPPf'd ol Jt•'cc now.

'1'be rtiiONUoo b u followl ........... .,... ... u.. ............ ,

, .... u. or .. u • c.. nta. ,._.,...,.. .. ......,. ................ ,....., .,.. ........._, ... , . .., ............ ~ ... _, .od1f) n- '*- '* ..... ,.,... .. u.. Jlf"X"M""· ....,..... ..... or ,...... ... .... •or. IIIIUIW-11Mrtl41, IOIIt1e ot .... qulrJ, aW\arf _. ... .._... UIJ •tMt .all• ..., U'I'OUD&I&. which r .. ui•UOM 1MU, 1 ...... tu u be lihllll ..._ PrNtleaDI•. l.wlJ U.. Nl• of IYkM.~ pntt11IJ t.ootnlllftl Ill till UMI « er1m1U&J ~ IQ U11 il~tltU

oouru. et Lh4 Vnlttcl 1&.._• l'relft..,.., nut nolhll\jl -ll•l')' 1.0 Of UIOOIIII~itlttl\ Wl\b ttwlle .,. .. , .. -"Ill be • pr.M ... : ,.,.._ ._...,. fw.rtltn, 'l'tt.al all NMI ...... ta pur· I'IIII.C. .., \lila. artlde lhal\ - la141 INfOfl lM ~ .... -.u, .. , .......... «* m , .....,P. n. - 1 u ... , 1M •

1bt 110\ MCUoft " nt'W; -.,; t.,.. ..,....., • _...., au..._. .. U.W: ...,._,. ... u. .,... ...,. ~·' ., .. '* .... uw v .. -.. Btasa. W110r. - torftp IOU . .... •"' .. ew ....... Qft'm~Af, IW'J, Uif ..... D ......... eotm*- et 1M Vblled llltal.lll, M ramo ,.,.,.. aplld;IILI. T'bl PrtM!krl' .. , "' ,..ul•· uon~ pr.ertbe ~ ~unt ror u-. ODftdue\ ot autb trl•ls belen .uc.b •ntwJ com.m•­•too•. llueb U1AI btfor9 •uda tnlll\lrJ eom• ll'llaaiOM oeofd no\ ft(!\llrt 101 MlU•I pm~

e.nc. 0( ~blloCC!URd.

Le\ UJ beware lelt the dtla)lt and lm­Ptdlmtnt.a Lhal. obtatned In lht laJ.t. peace eonfermce a.ca.ln come to Lhe fofl!. Lott us oot. repeat. the "'eomedy af tnol"'• of Lbe las\ eon-:~ 0\btrw'l.M \be mowu.aln labon lO bt1111 t ort.h a mou.se.

lo Ole \.him 1M ft\nbu.Uon wdllll1cbl •• QUOte from tbt ,...... of Oa'l1d. PalmS~:

n.. ftCt!~ tbiU ntJOlft wMo 1111 ....u. u.. w~: He ...,n ..,.. blil t"' to me tiiCIOd o£ \1M Wll:kftl

And • •eU mJcht we thant. wl\h the RewlaUoo. eh.f,pctr U :

ue tha\ ~11<141\b l.nUI enpt1•1t1 lhallto IIIlO CllpU•nr: be th•t klllt lh Wllb lhl aWGfd mut' be llillt'd wtlh tbt .-word,

AJ a uerman hlm~~tlf had aal<l-811-matdr:, In J8'U:

I b&W a low:ty ldN In t'OI\MC\*t WUA Ule CIOnd'*OD 01 ~ h 11 LD appo&at -hU ..... lkiD&l COCI ltJr \M liW ot .U lboM _._ IMft IUUp.Wd 1M 'W.II aw a 5 pn

wrtwn,. d«pUUN, ........... ··~


t utt• \hal Ptttldtnl ~tit.. lft addiUon ~ lUI condfmnaUon •n.d pro. *' N&lnallhe carn~o~e of Jewa. adelreu abort-wave IIWllllal• ~ t.ht Otnnaa Pf!Opl• &C"Uir.tt Lhfftl o·r the (rlm• of lhftr tea<ltn and utJne t.twt:. lO u~ a.nd ckmotu\raU \Mtr rt¥\IWO... If \.btY rd'ute \0 d..,.. oppoell.kMt &ad \.btft'b7 ~ u.... tbt)o .a.u ... ctfftDH. .,..,., .. ....,....., .,_-.......... ... ld ..... Itt .,. 8}\nt ·~ Ia. l'f'PI'Ual's Lhe an..n C!OUA\17816t Jball ......... -Ucolly ..... O<rman dOe&. one br oew. ah&ll be blodl IJoal'otd and pu.lvtriaecL tu k aa.ul ata.tect 1ft Romans. c.hapt.U ll, .........

'l'be ru~r or m.,lltrt't&-._ Ul• mJnbllf o1 Ood 1.0 UIH ror JOOd But u U*l 40 tM\ whldl .. f'tll, .,. •rnud; ror ll4i bHJith riO\ Ul4 IWOrQ In Vl.ld: fot bt II

tbt .. ~, ., Ood •• ""'"' ... to tUeUt• wraua UpoA hW \bal 4MUI ..U

&dia H1Utr knowt no law bu.\. \be law ct tCIIft. OnJr a,. and .worcs wW 111bdue tum sad bll bendunm OnJr lr1p1e re­prt,ab DOW wlb Pf'IYtD\ hll C'lai1"1Utc OU\

u.. ..... _.,Dr.Alt ... -· beta and Olber" bnl*-40 mab lbe world .Jtadmttf.:D. ~ t.rtple Ml'lbutlon now w1ll prnmt Poland rrom beCOmlnc a O&r&antuan Jewll.h ,,..._ Wbr wail Ulllbe war IS owr btfort 'tl.t.IUnt ,.oteolt uPOn a c:u1prl~ naUonf Wt 1nua.t act now. Walt.. •nd then all Europe will 'be Jud.tn)OCI. Why wall unLI1 Nul VttnlC· c uncacolomtn-4'1X tC!nnlnatlon ooluJnns and. det1rucuon IQUAdJ-COJnmanded by lhe hlahesr. N&l:l authoriU8 ln Berlin aha.ll ha\'e ftnltht!d thdr l'l.llhlNI work. 1\. man thtn be too late.

't1:U Jewiah probltm ll reall1 • Clu'a-­tlu pr"'b&em tor It ia ODlr lD tbe Landa of flJrope &bat are talttd CbttiU&.n &hal Ul's and ..$nn.IU.. eoaM11 e.o IUCb fUll ftood.. A.rehb6sbop ct Yort rt'OtftU, cba.nCttr­bed u,. bt$Ual cruet., pradk'fd oa liM J ........ .... .,...tetlm-lnh .. *f . •• • '1'6-.

pMp~e tta.--*'tfd no m• 'l'b•W ClaJJ o«ta-t .. tbat \MJ beiOftl 1.0 UM rMII of which ou.t Lon! •Dd hla Apotl ... 'ftl'e Cl'lotll'l­.....

Or. AUtlruon. aeneral aeere~r)' of tb• Cburth Peaoe UnJon, ltaia:

lt 11 liiiJI"'Iltl" t.bll tbe c::tui.tUaa c:bureba,. Pl'o*ta.n\ •M Ot.UICilloO ll.UU, IM'Ip Ul .wt4 th• wtnnlnl vf th• bU\Ie ICt.IMl Jf.'Wt.b perllfle\IUIIO 1nd liM oUM'r manlfat.a.. tloftl or a.au..,..u-. u.. .........,. « • ... ...e:ort .. ~-'- .............. ...,.anu.Ubft1y lor 1111,...... ;;w;atlfte.

Page 5: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

Ron . Emanuel Cellar, House of Rapreaentat1 vea, 'lfaah1 ngton , D. c.

My dear C~ngressman a

February 27 , 1945

I hav e jua t b een rea6ing over your speech

of January ~let , which ia very int eresting, although

hardl~ e ncou rag ing . We have a hoavy figh t t o make.

a nd I hope we will be abl e to get away wi th it.

I t ia a melancholy thougbt that ao many Americana s eem ready to pr efer to let thei r chi ldren

anu themaelvea suffer h1deoualy in twenty yeara be­

oauae their imagination s ar~ too dolioate t o f ace

f acts today. This 1e .a good enough positi on to take

i f you have no childr en or anyon" <>ls~ in whom you. are

in,t l!reated and are qUite certain that you yourself

~111 be under the ground by then; but " p11raon t aking

it muat Qlwaya r emember the hi de ous poe ej bility t hat

the advAnce of soienoe may discover a remedy for what

he has so c onfidently believed to ba an incurable dla­

enAe And t hat attAr having trusted 1n a peacef ul de ath

he w1!1 f ind h1maelr still aroi.U'ld t"'ent y year s from

t oday .

Looking fo l"Ward t o seeing you , I am

Yours moat sincerely ,

Herbert Pell

Page 6: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

O.....Clfti:IIW:S .,. .. ...._ --c-c:.:::.=-.. ~ ................ =·~~

WESTERN ··· U ION ( 25 )

~·---· -- -,.. • - ·· -..._... .... -----... ~ .... - ............... 11



'>:IOU LD YOU CARE TO JOIII l7 1Tif :.'E 01! TilE AI~ERIC~iJ FORur.:






LAC!!I\f,fll,NA 4 9700= <COilGRESS!JAII EI:.M!UE L CELLER .

Page 7: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l


.-l:::":JEt:T C PELL= ~;· I c;;c;r;':;OC:;Er. CLU;; ::! (j,:JT 6:.. OT=

ilC: 11", 1i.G liAS :.,;:E!: SL: T Oi. ,,",'( HECOLUT I OI: II

··• ::I -

cc::cr:r.~: 1 ::G .

r:.~ ;:ot:c:

17 ·:vL' Ai~i:: ·,: ILLI i.G --,.., ;.cc::rT

-~ "i::lt. ·=

1-\ •• • t

Page 8: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

London, Janut•l' Y 2• , 1944

• .:J uaar .;onures.l<<Uin :

1 ::uvu ju~t •·~oei < ej ; ou:r lotte!' of Gcenbcl" 8 t h, in rof ol"once t o tho ct<s o of ;1r 03m<ld ··oaley .

It. ..!pp .. ura to t e u," d~sir·e of a l l the .. ovuY'llflOO tS conc erned in tho itw<>s 1.1,,.111.1on o: 'ro:t' ct•imes t hat criMea cotl­... 1 ttod by their o1·m n£-Uonuls ahould be tri a d 1n nat iona l courts . <,.uislin.,, :or exru;>p le , ll'Ould be tl"i od 1n •. ol"'"tay . ,;,s ~"'"" t..1in~ ·"o l d apply to c i tizens o f ll!'lY country vt!:o hav o a ssist.Gd •ue en.Jey in uny ·10.y .

J.h\:ll'IJ rn::...; boe,l u v!'bt.t ~eal or PI'O t9S 1.. !ter e cuuoed by thJ :•o l oaao o1 .)1:-> ust'lllld osley , very r.:uoh alon~ tho line of your latter. .osloy 1s un 'n~lis bl.:nn . ..11 or his uctivi-t 1es !JUve been in n._.lund , .• u.: ! Jo ao t <~ee how t.n 1uter.1ational body coulu ,_,:o t:p :t.l.J cu.:~ a ·.11 t ::ou. tu~ill._. up . :1oJc ·1. t.ho t !>ou.J::tnds o_· quillllnJ) ... 11 o·;.,p ~~o .;ou Li a .,:l t ol' Ul'<>PO , , ,;J.ch ~t 10 v~toiou.J t1~t.!.ouo 1nai.l t .>. ocmnl1'"" ... 'll .t.;. J.!1del ~nJe:n~ly .

•he oli.aoi'J o , tl!$ O.J ley C:l30 •·fi 1 1 \)O OllO 0" tho "·you. t jua f.oi ~ ic ... L t.ions 1 Ol' 11'1..:.13 · :t \ P lH .c..:,.n.~ 'tlont... l au : .. o:•i ty • .. :o L..,te U!J ~. .. J..J c ..... so ,Juu.lJ , J~o·;/GY wr , bt) ... ·~· Uuyond t.lta po\"rers ot tho co_ ... i.:J;1on uilu nny ,,ut:.orizc. Lto11 ~l'Jl t r :..nve .

_ u in cere 1.y trus t. ~1 ..... ~ ~ro.i t or3 1 u all c!Olt.J t.l'"ies •.7ho laO.VQ C:>Op ... t'-tv<.l ~11..1 v!·.o C~.Cl:j' -lll ~ ii.Jl1., ., l"iOl~~ lJ ·lqa lt ':lith , bu t t..1e 1~ct. l'U••<~ ins L. L L t .. ~j :rill .. .lv. to bo tr>iod by thoir ovm ~OV6I'IU.~Ollt .

·ow •s very a1uc3l'&ly ,

'Tho ::onOl'able ~~nuol .;uller

.;on._.r&SS Of t he t:ni tBJ .itu toO, :touse of ::lopresentat1vos ,

/ustli nc,ton, J • C.

Page 9: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

EMANUieL CELL£R H«W YOitK 0,.,.1CID l tto......,_,.., Nftl' VOIIJ( Cn"r

ION Dln1111C"f' New V-..c

Moterl't 01' COfWI M rna (ltj THC .IU DJCJAIIIY ((ongnss of tbe 'ltniteb &tates

•ou•t of 1\epre.-mtatibt• llufjlngtan, Jl, C.


WMHIHOTOH w .. ~~ .lt:Ciu:TNUU<

Mb!C if" ... AT ~n'~·

Nev· York, Dec . 8 , 194~

Hon . herbert J . Pell United Nations t;ommi ss1on for t ile lnvest1gati o:c~ of 1 •• a r .;rimes London, t::ngl and

... y a ear ld r . Pel l:

uome tiecretary i:lerbert •Orrison a rranged th <> r elease of Si r Oswal d J,\o sl cy , tue no ted Fascist ano anti-Semi.te . 'l'•lls action has f i ven r·tse t o cor1sl deratle adverse cri t:i. ­cism in En gland anu the United t-tates . It is believP.d that J.tosley at liberty i s a menace to tne v·ar <>ffort of the Oni t ed ,lati ons .

I n my humble esti mati on , he is a v;ar c riminal and comes under· the broad aefini tion announced i n the l.\oscow ?act . The crimes he has co'"lf.li tted agai nst common bwnani ty a,la agai.>s t the war effor t , her e and in England, our ally , a r c i ncalculable . ne is deservi n€ of condign pun b '"m o?n t .

You a r c nresPn tly enfat.;ed ,Js a memte r o f the United .~al.ions ..:o=i ssi on fo r the Investigation of l'.'ar 0 ri.,es in ton sel ection of Axis crt mi nals l~ho shall bt> tried for their atrocitie s . You are aiuing i n setting f orth the t ype of evidence necessar~ to convict, the kino of tribunal wnich will tr; t hese cul prl ts, as .vell as the mode cmd manner of tri al . I t was encour aging to l ear n that you hac expr essed hi.,.'l ho;>es that the Uni ted 1la tions would no t wait u.Hil after the \Var and until oeace shall have been ueclarec be for ~ i'lsl stinr upon thr> surrender and t rial of l'lar crimbal s .

Tnis is not a local 'Eng lisb nstter . inter es ts are invol ved .


Page 10: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l


............. COJootMf1"T''ItOW 1"HC JUotctAitY ~ongress of tf)e 1Alniteb j;tates

Jlouse of 1\epresentatibes lllufJiniJI,on, Jl. C:.

1W NeW H()UI;C Of'I'ICC .Uit..OINO


w .. .......,... Slat.ITNI;tl••

..... C:~'I' ~.,.~.

Bon . Herbert ~ . Pell - 7 - Dec . 8 , 194?>

Yours i s no mean task, involving as it does methodi­cal. i n<!• liry and a ccumul ation or evidence, but I knov· you •t.ill brtng to bear upon your v;or k a r a re lnt e l l i ;:ence and ~ndoubtea courage.

~:>ir Oswald Mosley ana Lady Guinness, nis v.1fe , have been guilty of f oul ofl'enses , the r epi.'rcus si•)n s of 1\hich nave teen i'elt in Amer ica and in otner of the> onited ll ation :~ . His camp'li gn of vl ol ent anti-Lemi tism, nis bludgeoning of the i nnocent , gave gres t i JJpetus t o latent fascism, particular! ;- in tbe United ::;tates .

fo tne ordinar y mor tal , ~osley i s as much a Fa scist as Hi tle•· and as gred t a n enemy . Tho excuse for the ulcase (faili ng heal tb) given by the Home Sccret~l'Y wilt not v.ash . fkll~re is more than "'eets the eye in this s i tu;1t1on . His ll'i fe is not ill . i:>he l s j ust as guil t y as lle . \~by is sne r eleased? r'urthf' r mo re, several other i mpri soned Fascists have also becm r Pleased. They were not 111 . The o bvi ous r eason for the release of this culpri t anti his wife is so- called r espect for upper class orivilege . 1'he •·ife is a me:nter o f a hi (!'hly impor-t:lrl t r ulin,q famil:r ln E;ngland .

• 1s a :nember of the United rlations O::om•nis!'<ion, you have a voice i t tnis matter . I hutibly i urpor tune that you r e - examine the case of :>~ osley and i1is •:1fe for oossil::le inaictrnent , tri a l anu conviction before your honor able body . 1 say all this no t1'1 thstandinf t.he vote of con­fidence gi vea the Home ::, ecretary b·: the l:ri ti sh Parlia-ment . P'inally, if :.Iasl ey was danperous b!'for e his a rrest ne i s j ust as aangerous no•· .

Vel'\• r esp<>ctfully yours ,


Page 11: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

February 4, 1946

lion , J!.manuel Ce ller House of Repr e s ent atives '~:ash1 ngt.on., o. c •

Dear l!e;;ny :

I s hould 'Je very =ob obli~ed 11' you v~ld let CJa kno''' wha:t r;,u nP.:xt c a ne to lie·:: ·rc.rlc .

I see lu tJJE· 11• . .-~t·s t.hut :~.r . t:reen l!ac~·,.orth hos .) u ~'J bean su•·p;N:ted :<9 t ;,,. . ll!w:•1.ca.n Jud <;e on t he l'lorld Court . Thi:; ap:;>ol. n tlutHlt ,J:>ul cj 1le v ~r:; r.a:.nful to tho count ry tl nd , l believe t o tho ptlrt:• •

• 'UJ ~'ou.~ .. ·:.rto',f, O!l the ~9th of k'1Y , 191~, t h£- 'rlar c::.~.:i.mna t,;o. Wli:Jsion recort.':leaV,...,i t iu.~t c ,· in~s co:.ltit.l.~d. in il<'ln any bcc.,u:;( o:· r uce t.•:d ralir;il'ln sho•tl<l. ho t r 'lnted :1 3 :·:nr crimes . riJl3 l"OC.} f..!Oa\l_ tlof.l './( ,J.t t ~ t 't t~o .J ~·• 'tf-1 !Jn~.tl't.: i""llt :1.ru\ '.IUC r e ­?Gi Ved :,· .: . !lno!:t·Jorth, who •.tL-:s irt ciHtrP'A of t l'lt" r.rur C,ri..rn.es '.l.0 :3k l n ·::uo!1ittrTto.l . I l:n"'r·J •hut fo'~' ni :lt .l~n~h:; , !.l.Hd I 1Je l 1eve ~ver o i noe , ito lL .. aa t1 1n"J no"t "li tl"; ,.,hnt:;oevr.tr t'J ouppol' t this ;>oi n:; o .:.."' vtnw . His l .. "0SO.:l3 u1·u --:l.t. -l.· , o~lf·· . l!lti - :;e.-llitiwn, Ol' two , a t imid l ogll:!.ist i e nt,;ttud6--: rob•.!ll y " co:nbinution o .ko vct.r.t .

l :::nO\'i '\ 3 •:~~ 1l O!.i h~ rlo ~·; thut. ..)l'ili •tari l y in 1nte nnti onel l ew, as unc er s t ootl up t o t he pr esent titl e , t ha t •.::lllt ..1 a.c.c:. on duea to ::.t;s out cit i.:~ enJ i ~l no!; a a uil_joct f>r i nternational consi uer at i on and is t l!e hust nesa or no other cowttry . Ti1e uuroe thine; i s t rue of i tn !'oru ;>:' JO'Jilr ILlen t u:td its o t her r egul at i ons . Thia i s t he ~ra!lit i.i);btl ntt!. tude, but ,.,e muoJ t recoenlze thu t o~.rot lf3.s t . ...ncPra j.uva c ii-tn,~ed . I imagi ne there woul d be more t han a qua r tlilt lne of the Port or Buns;c:ok l f >1= ullowed itself to bao.:>.o n :>it of leprosy or bubonic pl ague . J< hWldred yearn ugo pl ague i n .3ioLl woul d have ll.td no mo::o lntern~>eio> ttl import ... nc e t lla:. •~usles i n the moon , but t he '-.orld i s oha ng.l.ng . ·.ha t ea ch country does toda y has ::1 'llU.;h m;Jre <lireot a trdot on t ha other s t hM itl t he old days .

Court t o !lot only Century, t~ ••

It will h e t hn <tut:r of t :1o J'llltge of t ho .lo:-ld recogni ze t iUs ohanged c ond ition and to talce his part i n int er preting what Pui'feodort wrote i n t he Ei ghteent h but in aaldll6 new laws and new preoedenta t or 110dern

Page 12: II ~'3 C,.e.lle r, I - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ualnl( tht! cannon• or hutnAnJLyt I &h-e rou a quocauon from newa· Ptr ... Jll'rarJclr dem&t.ldtd lbm Lbt tu~ Q U'l

:.!anitestly we do not want a very l imp ant i - :Jomi te on the 1'/orld Court , nor do we 11a:1t a 11)[7,0 liat who BO'lB nothing i n the Job except a salary oad reoogn1z~a no duties other t han t he interpretation or the extremel y wenk structure or present internat i onal l aw,

Ir you wnnt to take up n fight on t his c ase , I s houlcl bo Vi•t'J p, l od inr<e"d to l.cl p j'nu, If not , l ot oe know, and I .J'nll 1'\:''<e i t els e·.·:hore s ooe other lltl'J .

Your s ll 081. alnceroly ,

Her bert Poll