Ingles Virtual

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Una serie de ejercicios en los que se encontrarán buenas prácticas para inglés avanzado

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INGLES VIRTUAL 5TERCER ARCHIVOTemas a desarrollar:1. Thinking skills2. Reading as such3. Prctical exercises

Instrucciones generales:Lea y siga cuidadosamente el contenido e instrucciones de la gua, usted encontrar explicaciones o definiciones prcticas, en lagunas partes encontrars un link para el cual necesitas conexin a internet.Una vez ledo los contenidos, cada contenido cuenta con ejercicios estos ejercicios debern ser enviados a el correo: [email protected] / [email protected] sus dudas me pueden contactar en el MSN: [email protected]: albeiromonsalvemarinCelular: 3128251524

Este quinto nivel est dedicado a la comprensin lectora, veremos varias maneras de leer y comprender en ingls. La lectura en ingls como lengua extranjera est pensada en trminos de habilidad que nos permite PENSAR, entonces este no es un curso para traducir, es un curso que te ensear varias tcnicas para que puedas LEER PENSAR Y ENTEDER EN INGLS. Espero les sea til:

1. THINKING SKILLS( ir al archivo que se manda en PDF)Este les ayudar a pensar en ingls son ejercicios prcticos y no hay necesidad de mandarlos al tutor, son para su prctica personal y con seguridad les ayudar para los siguientes ejercicios que vienen a continuacin)

2. Reading and practical activity,Para esta actividad le deben mandar a su tutor el resultado simplemente la ltima tabla que se relaciona como hoja de respuesta.

Reading 1Reading (50 points)Read the textHi, my name's Sandra and I want to tell you about my favorite restaurant.My favorite restaurant is a small English restaurant near my house. It's on the high street between the post office and the supermarket. I like it because the food is delicious and it's not expensive. I always go there on Friday evening with my mother and father.First we order the drinks: water for my parents and juice for me. Then we order the food. I always have the same starter mushroom soup with fantastic fresh bread and my parents have pt and toast. Then I usually have roast lamb, roast potatoes and vegetables a typical English main course. I then sometimes have a dessert ice cream or fruit and my parents often have bread and cheese. My favorite waiter, Jim, is very good-looking! He's got dark, curly hair and big green eyes and he's very funny. I always enjoy my food when he's our waiter!.

Mark the statements T (true) or F(false)

1Sandra's favorite restaurant is opposite her houseF

2The food there is cheap.T

3She goes there with her parents.T

4She drinks water.F

5Her parents always have mushroom soup.F

6She usually has roast lamb.T

7They always have a dessert.F

8Jim is a waiter.T

9He's good-looking and funny.T

10He's always their waiter.F


Read the following article. Then choose the correct answer to the questions that follow.

A few years ago, if a new electronic item broke down, most people took it to a repair shop. Not any more. These days, if a new item brakes, more and more people simply throw it away and buy a new one. Why have we became a throwaway society?The easy answer is price. You can buy a TV for $99, but what if it breaks? If a major part needs to be replaced, it could cost $60 or more. Then when you add labor and shipping, the TV would cost more to repair than to replace.Some repair shops have a minimum charge (sometimes $25 or more) just to look at a crashed computer or jammed keyboard. Are they making millions of dollars? No. A recent survey found that more and more repair shops are closing because they cant afford to stay in business. The evidence is in the telephone book in 1992, more than 20,000 repair shops were listed in the United States; by 2004, there were fewer than 9,000.

But price is not the only factor. According to Ed Hight, a repair shop owner, customer psychology has changed. Its a disposable society people want the newest and the hottest. He says the only way to changed it is to make it expensive to throw things away. He adds, But we wont do that until the mountains of garbage are so high we cant breathe.

1. A suitable title for the article isa. Electronic breakdown raises questions.

2. The article says that electronic repair shops ________ .b. often repair item for more money that the price of a new oney

3. In the last two decades the number of repair shops has _______.b. decreased

4. A disposable society (paragraph 4) is a society in which___________ .b. people throw things away faster than repair them

5. Ed Hight says that things ________________________.a. prices need to be increased

READING 31. READING AND COMPREHENSION ( 10 POINTS) HONG KONG TAILORSThe famous Hong Kong 24-hour suit is a thing of the past, but you can still have clothes custom-made in a few days. Today, prices are no longer as low as they once were, but theyre often about what youd pay for a ready-made garment back home; the difference, of course, is that a tailor-made garment should fit you perfectly. The workmanship and quality of the better established shops rival even those of Londons Savile Row- at less than half the price. A top-quality mens suit will run about HK$7.000 (US $910) or more, including fabric, while a silk shirt can cost HK$600 (US $78).Tailors in Hong Kong will make almost any garment you want-suits, evening gowns, wedding dresses, leather jackets, even monogrammed shirts. Many tailors offer a wide range of cloth from which to choose, from cotton and linen to very fine wools, cashmere, and silk. Hong Kong tailors are excellent at copying fashions. Bring a picture or drawing of what you want.You should allow three to five days to have a garment custom-made, with at least two or three fittings, speak up. Alternations should be included in the original price. If, in the end, you still dont like the finished product, you dont have to accept it. However, you will forfeit the deposit you are required to pay before the tailor begins working, usually about fifty percent of the total cost.Whit more than 2.500 tailoring establishments in Hong Kong it shouldnt be any problem finding one. Some of the most famous are located in hotel shopping arcades and shopping complexes, but the more upscale the location, the higher the prices.Once youve had something custom-made and your tailor has your measurements, you will more than likely be able to order additional clothing later, even after youve retuned home!

READ ITEMS 1-5 and pick the correct answer

1. You used to be able to get _______ in Hong Kong.a. Top-quality clothes custom-made 2. Hong Kong tailors______.a. Are more expensive than they used to be 3. A tailor-made garment should _______.a. Fit you perfectly 4. If you have a garment custom-made in Hong Kong, you should not expect _______.a. To pay extra for alterations 5. According to the article, ________.a. If you want to pay a low-price for a custom-made garment, go to an upscale hotel shopping arcade